> Marks for the Mind > by Ebonyglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Taking A Look > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon sighed to himself, strolling through Ponyville. The day was bright and sunny, with Ponyville’s weather team having finished the month’s scheduled rainstorms a week ago, leaving nothing but clear skies for the next few weeks. Still, even with the wondrous spring air, he couldn’t help but feel irritable. He’d been in this odd world full of abstract equines for a couple of weeks now, and he was still trying to get his bearings. It didn’t take long for him to get a quick rundown of the world of Equestria, thanks to the more than eager ponies around willing to inform him. From what he knew, the land was ruled by Princess Twilight, alongside her friends - the Elements of Harmony is what they were called, apparently. He was told about their massive battles, triumphant victories, and the numerous times they saved the entire world, but that was all years ago. After dealing with some guy named Tirek, a changeling named Chrysalis, and apparently a pegasus foal named Cozy Glow, as odd as it sounds, the world seemed to have calmed, and it remained as such for the past decade or so. Which meant life for Anon had been rather mundane. With peace across the land, there wasn’t much to do. He’d sometimes chat over tea with the older mare that ran the School of Friendship, Starlight Glimmer, and join in on some events around town, but beyond that nothing new happened. The first week here was a blast, meeting the ruler of the land and her friends, getting asked an abundance of questions and more, but after the initial wow factor of his sudden appearance in the magical land, he was following the role of the average pony. Seeing a few ponies eyeing him up from afar, many of which weren’t exactly used to his presence yet, he sighed and fumbled around in his pocket. A warm, rectangular object met his palm, as he gripped down on it and whisked it out of his pocket. Clicking the button on the side of it, it came to life, showing an abundance of applications on its screen. For some reason, the only thing that came with him into this world, besides the clothes on his back, was his trusty old phone. It wasn’t anything special, just a standard smartphone, but since he came here it had been rather…funky. For one thing, it never died, thank his lucky stars, but that was only the start of the oddities that began to deluge the phone’s qualities. Every so often, a new, unknown app would pop up within its gallery of options, and they always had some sort of relation to the world he now lived in. Be it a magic shop app that let him know whenever a stall in town was having a sale - which didn’t make any sense, since said shop owners didn’t even know the concept of internet, or even an app that explained every pony he’d met’s cutie mark. Nobody in this world had access to technology even close to it, but somehow, someway, his trusty device simply manifested these useful apps onto itself. He chalked it up to some weird interaction with the magic in this world, but truthfully he was fairly confident that whatever was doing this was the same force that made him wind up here in the first place. Still, he couldn’t complain, gaining knowledge on ponies and saving his bits was definitely nice, but the charm of the new apps wore off after a day or two. There were only so many sales that could go on, and only so many cutie marks he cared to look at. Shrugging his shoulders, he continued making his way through town. He didn’t have a direct goal, moreso just meandering around hoping for something interesting to waltz into him. With no objective, and time to spare, he opted to take a seat on a nearby bench and watch the bustling town center go about its ways. Numerous ponies trotting around, passing him, chatting with each other, flying above him - everywhere he looked there was a mare or stallion, even the occasional dragon or other foreign species. He still wished he was around all those years ago when the Elements of Harmony themselves hung around here all together all the time, but there was still a bonus to having so much free time to gaze upon the gallery of colorful equines around. He’d eye them up with sole lewd intent. He struggled to understand it, but after the first few days here, he began having an unnatural craving for some pony booty. With no other humans around, the abundance of mares got to him - and it got to him big time. Their thick, plump rumps, the occasional glances at their puffy pussies and delectable ponuts, and even the rare sighting of a hefty pair of crotchtits - it all became something he couldn’t get enough of. They were always naked, and so casually showed off glimpses of their bits to unintentionally taunt him. Though with all the cravings he had within him, the odds of getting a drop of pussy was essentially zero. No matter what, he was going to be seen as this odd alien in their world, and he could tell not a single one of them had any thoughts of bedding him. “Yo, Anon!” a scratchy voice behind him called out. Nearly jumping from his seat, having been distracted ogling over a passing unicorn’s jiggling flanks, Anon nervously squirmed in place. Praying whoever called out to him didn’t take notice of what he was doing, he shifted his attention behind him with a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. Though, as he saw who it was, his worries diminished instantly. Raising a hand, he waved at the orange pegasus that had greeted him. “Oh! Hey, Scoots! What’s up?” She gave a snicker in response, eyeing him up and down and raising a brow. “You uh, good? You freaked out when I called out to ya.” “O-Oh! Yeah, nothing to worry about!” he sheepishly dismissed, waving his hand before him. “Was just thinking to myself.” He watched as she rolled her eyes, trotting over towards him and hopping onto the bench. Sitting beside him, she threw him a smile. He returned it, striking up a conversation with the mare. He had met her only a few days ago, and though he didn’t know her all that well, she seemed rather friendly and nice. She seemed to be popping up more and more often as of late, perhaps because of her determination to help him find his purpose in this land, as that seemed to be what her cutie mark represented. Still, company was always welcome, and though she was new to him, he did consider her a friend. They’d recently been meeting up either by plan or coincidence, and she always allowed for him to have something to do, though it came at a price. She was hot. Almost every time he saw her, he took every chance he had to eye up her curvaceous form. Her ass was juicy as could be, perfectly plump yet somewhat toned, the occasional peeks he had at her tits showed off a relatively modest pair, and the scant few times he caught sight of her nethers he had nearly drooled. She had an average mare’s build in terms of height, and, besides her small, flightless wings, she was around the same size as most grown pegasi. Her face was adorable, her personality was cute as could be, and she was quite the fuckable mare. It all made for quite the tempting pony, yet he knew he’d never have the chance to do much with her. “I’m telling you!” she groaned, rolling her eyes and chuckling. “You and I are going to find a way to get you a cutie mark!” Anon rubbed the bridge of his nose, returning her laugh lightly. “I’ve been told time and time again that only ponies can get cutie marks, what the hell makes you think I’d be any different?” “I dunno,” she bluntly replied, shrugging her shoulders. “I’ve been helping ponies get their cutie marks since I was a filly, and that was years ago. I’ve got over a decade of cutie mark assisting experience in this noggin of mine,” she furthered, tapping the side of her head. “If anypony is gonna figure it out, it’ll be me.” Anon raised a brow. “And why not Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom?” “Pffft,” Scootaloo scoffed, swinging a hoof dismissively in front of her. “Sweetie Belle’s been busy in Canterlot for the past like, month or so helping the fillies up there get their marks.” She tapped her chin, glancing in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. “And Applebloom is busy…uh…harvesting apples or something, probably.” Anon booped her on the nose, tilting his head. “The excuse you made for Sweetie Belle makes sense, but you told me Apple Bloom’s been running the farm since she turned 18.” He leaned forward, eyeing her. “You’re telling me she hasn’t gotten the hang of it after nearly five years?” “I…uh…” Scootaloo stammered, recoiling slightly. “Listen! I said I would be the one to do it, and that’s that!” Throwing his head back and giving a hearty laugh, Anon raised his hands in surrender. “Heh, alright, alright. I’ll let you be the exclusive CMC to help me earn a nonexistent cutie mark.” “Hmmph,” Scootaloo harrumphed, jabbing him in the side with a hoof. “Have some faith in it and me. You never know, maybe you’ll actually get a cutie mark, and it’ll be a talent in being a dick half the time!” “Just means I’m clearly a charmer the other half,” he shot back, nudging her shoulder playfully. Scootaloo rolled her eyes, sliding off the bench and turning away from him. “C’mon, we can go try out some stuff back by the old treehouse.” Watching her begin to trot away, Anon’s eyes darted straight to her ass. Each step she took caused her flanks to shift, showcasing that orange rump of hers stupendously. Her colorful cutie marks looked like tramp stamps on the sides of that perfect flank, and he could catch the slightest bit of jiggle in it when she took a step. His mind filled with lewd thoughts about the pegasus. Intense, passionate lovemaking with the mare was all he could imagine, and he knew, if given the chance, he’d take the opportunity to fuck her senseless no matter what. Pulling himself away from her divine ass, he fixed the tent in his pants and slowly got up to follow her. The treehouse wasn’t all too far away from where they were, so it’d be a short walk. Briskly following behind her, a rumbling sensation in his pocket grabbed his attention. Raising a brow, he fished into his pocket, pulling out his phone as it was already turned on. Pursing his lips, he squinted at the screen, a familiar sense of excitement rushing through him soon after. The notification was one he always was happy to see, telling him that a new app was magically added to his trusty trinket. Doing his best to watch where he was going, getting one last glimpse at Scootaloo’s swaying rump, he focused entirely on his phone to inspect the new application. Swiping through one page of existing games and tools, he caught sight of the new addition. A simple red and pink logo, with a swirl in the middle, it was simply named “InstaSlam.” He tried his best to not groan out loud, immediately knowing the name of an app similar to it back from his home. If it was anywhere near as awful as that one, his new program was going to be of little use to him. Sighing, he tapped the icon, fully expecting some weird non-existent social media site’s U.I. to greet him, but he was firmly perplexed upon seeing what it opened. A quick pop up showed up on the screen, similar to a TOS message he’d see back home, and, curious to what it meant, he read over what it said. Welcome to InstaSlam! The best there is when it comes to hypnotizing and enslaving any creature you want into an eager fucktoy! Please read through the Terms and Conditions of our software, read over the side effects and risks tab, accept them, and then get to claiming some bitches! Anon raised his brow, utterly confused by what he was reading. Surely this was a farce, based upon the horribly unprofessional wording and the concept itself. The apps he had gotten before were horribly boring at best, but this was so far from the previous softwares that he had trouble believing it. Still, curiosity, as well as a growing hint of arousal from the message itself, pushed him forward. Scrolling through the Terms of Service, passing a handful of alerts and important information in the side effects and risks tab, he quickly pressed accept without a second thought. The screen whirled to light, various colors dancing on the screen before fading away. A prompt showed up, asking for “The Master’s Name” to be entered. Entertaining himself, Anon pressed the letters to type out his own name, soon after feeling his body tingle with magic upon pressing accept. Master assigned! Hello, Anon! Here’s to the start of growing your harem! Please take time to go over each tab! Happy enslaving! Nearly stumbling over himself, enthralled in his new product’s possible bounties, he glanced up again, seeing he and Scootaloo nearing the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. Recalling the text the app had and what it was implying, he eyed up Scootaloo’s fat flanks and felt his loins throb in his pants. The app was seeming more and more legit, and if what it was claiming was true… He shook his head, quickly surveying over the tabs the app had. Initial Enslavement Program, Slave Adjustments, Slave List, Enthrallment Status, Slave Details, and Release littered the side of the app, with him being on the initial enslavement program section by default. A small info button reseted in the top right corner, and he was quick to press on it. Initial Enslavement Program Details: Activate the enslavement visuals by clicking the “Brainwash” button. Present the screen to the target. They will be dismissive or resistant at first, but will find themselves unable to look away. Slowly their mind will be conquered, and they will become your obedient thrall. Once the mind control has set in, a jingle will ring out, a confirmation of successful brainwashing will sound out, and your new slave will be added to InstaSlam’s tabs. The brainwashing cannot affect this device’s registered Master. Anon licked his lips, feeling himself getting more and more confident in the software’s legitimacy. If it was all true, then he could possibly make Scootaloo.. “Hey! You ever gonna take your eyes off that weird thing of yours?!” His attention shot up, nearly dropping his phone as he scrambled to catch it mid air. Clutching it tightly in his hand, Anon glanced up to see Scootaloo glaring at him, furrowing her brow in frustration. Looking around, he noticed they had arrived at the treehouse, standing right below it. She groaned, pointing an accusatory hoof at him. “Seriously! We didn’t talk at all during the walk here! It was super awkward!” Anon watched her disproportionate wings buzz at her sides, her frustration clear. “O-oh! Sorry, Scoots.” He paused, thinking to himself for a moment. He clutched his phone tightly, knowing the possible best app he could imagine was open on it, as a plan formed in his head. “I was just looking at my phone. Something important came up.” “I don’t even get what’s so interesting about it, Anon,” Scootaloo replied, deadpanned. “You’ve tried to explain what a ‘phone’ is to me before, and it’s always sounded kinda lame.” “Er, well, that’s the thing!” He raised his hand looking over his phone screen again, focusing on the ‘Brainwash’ button in the Enslavement tab. “I got this new app that might actually help us big time!” Scootaloo perked up at this, leaning forward curiously. “Oh? What is it? C’mon, tell me!” He shifted his focus between her and the app, his nerves beginning to build up as he made his move. “Well, it’s actually an app designed to get me my cutie mark!” “Huh?!” Scootaloo blurted out, eyeing him suspiciously. “No way! A thing like that doesn’t exist! Alien doohickey or not!” Anon waved his ‘alien doohickey’ in his hand, raising a brow at her. “I’m telling you the truth, it showed up on my phone today!” “Tch! Alright, show me!” she scoffed, throwing him a smug look. Anon gulped nervously, crouching down and leveling himself with her. “Fine, fine.” Taking a deep breath, he tapped the ‘Brainwash’ button. “Here, take a look.” He turned the screen towards her, an abundance of swirls dancing on the screen. He anxiously eyed her, watching her look his phone up and down curiously. Her eyes fixated on the screen, as she pouted her lips. “And you’re sure this will get you your cutie m-“ her sentence cut off, as her focus sharpened on the swirls before her, “mark…” Her body tensed up, as her own eyes began to go still, her attention intently on the screen before her. Her mind grew foggy, her thoughts derailing as she stared at the screen. It perplexed her, finding herself unable to look away. “H-hang on…this…looks really…weird…” Her mumbling made Anon’s cock throb in his pants, noticing how something was happening to her. He glanced at her, biting his lip as she moved her head slightly closer to the screen. Mantras played in her head at an intensifying rate, telling her over and over to give in. A part of her told her to look away, to shut her eyes and free herself from this unknown hold on her, but she couldn’t will herself to. She had no control over her body, seeming cemented in place, and as she continued staring at the screen, her mind began to fade. “Need to…submit…” He fought back a surprised gasp, watching as swirls began to form in her eyes as she spoke. Her mouth hung open a portion, drool slipping out of her maw. She felt her body loosen up a portion, her muscles relaxing as she felt a calming wave move through her body. Thinking became impossible, her thoughts devoid of any critical opinions or ideas. She felt compelled to keep watching the screen, it would direct her, guide her. “Mind…blank…” She was unaware of what she had been doing before, only remembering the wonderful swirls before her in her recent memory. She sensed a presence around her, managing to recognize it as Anon. The screen intensified, instructing her of her place. She was a slave. She had no free will, and she’d obey the one who conquered her. “I am…a slave…” And the one to conquer her was Anon. With that final statement, her eyes flashed with color. In the instant after, they glazed over, going empty as he entire body spasmed lightly. Her body shuddered, her tail twitched fervently, and her eyes remained open and focused on the screen before her. She soon stood motionless, emptily staring ahead at the screen. Her expression was emotionless, vacant of any thought or action. “I am a slave,” she repeated, clearer than before. Ba-dum! Anon’s bewildered gaze shifted away from her and towards his phone, hearing a chime ring out. Congratulations, Anon! Brainwashing is successful! The target registered as ‘Scootaloo’ has had her mind wiped, and is now your obedient slave! She has been added to your slave list, and her details are in each appropriate tab! Enjoy her body, mind, and soul to your heart's content! He blinked wildly, the app’s words echoing in his mind. Unsure of what to do or how to react, worried this was all some sick trick being played on him, Anon looked at Scootaloo. She remained still, emptily looking ahead at his phone’s screen, blinking every few moments. Hesitantly, he pulled his phone away, watching as she didn’t budge, staring ahead at nothing as he took it away from her view. Her eyes seemed empty, pupils glazed over as she looked on and drooled lightly. Anon’s arousal began to skyrocket, realizing his app might’ve worked. Remaining optimistically cautious, he hesitantly called out to her. “H-hey, Scoots?” Finally she budged a bit, turning her head towards him, her expression remaining dull. “Yes, Master?” He nearly fainted on the spot. Fighting to keep his legs from giving out, Anon felt his heart begin to race. It worked, it really worked! He had successfully mind controlled her, and with that meant she was his puppet to use and abuse. His cock went rock hard in his pants, the implications of what he could do sending his libido into a frenzy. A tinge of hesitation lurked in the back of his mind, knowing full well taking advantage of her right now would be wrong, but an opportunity like this couldn’t be passed up. She was his friend, yes, but with a body like hers, could he really resist? She was currently his slave, a sexy one at that, and he was going to savor every last moment of it. Finding himself lacking control, he walked around her, circling her as she didn’t follow him with her gaze, but her ears twitched in response to the sound of his steps. Again, she stared off into nothing, having only moved when he called out to her. Coming near her rear, he glanced down at the ass he had spent many nights stroking himself to in his imagination. With how she currently was, it meant he could do something he’d dreamt of for ages. Reaching out, he guided his hand towards her flank, his lust driving his actions. After what felt like a small eternity, having hesitated the entire time, he reached the area where her cutie mark laid and gave a firm squeeze. As her surprisingly fat ass molded around his hand, his fingers sinking into her flesh, she didn’t react at all. His heart skipped a beat, knowing full well what he could do, and he didn’t hesitate for a moment. Taking his other hand, he began squeezing and caressing her asscheeks in his grasp, giddy with excitement. Her flanks were much thicker than he expected, giving way to his hands as he felt her up closely. Feeling his arousal growing and growing, he raised a hand, swinging it down and slapping her ass with force. A faint red mark remained on her cheek for a second, before fading away as he began feeling her up again. He repeated the motion, spanking her and groping her in tandem, her face still emotionless as she didn’t react at all to his amorous assault on her rear. He was in absolute heaven. Licking his lips, his lust controlling him entirely, he gripped down on her tail, lifting it up himself. Greeting him was the horribly wonderful sight of her nethers, and he had to fight off the desire to rip his pants off and stuff her cunt then and there. Her marehood was winking every few seconds, her marish juices drooling from it subtly, showing her body subconsciously being turned on by his teasing. Losing himself to what was before him, he dove his face forward, pressing his mouth against her pussy. His tongue slipped into her depths, feeling up her walls as he was assaulted with an array of smells and flavors. An orange-esque aroma wafted into his sinuses, as his taste buds were dancing with a tangy taste similar to it. Reaching up, he grabbed both her asscheeks as he hungrily ate her out. He tongue punched her cunt with ferocity, lavishing himself in the taste of his conquest. He gripped down on her flanks harder, occasionally slapping them whenever he pulled back for air, before diving right back into her crotch. Suckling on her clit hungrily, basking in the sensation of doing all of this to her, he furthered his efforts. Satisfied with his sampling of her pussy, he slowly moved upwards, before pressing his lips against her delightful backdoor. The sweet flavors and scents that met him before returned, a measure more intense as the taste of sweat mixed into it. Her asshole was tighter than her marehood, as he felt her walls clench down on his tongue, showing her clearly growing arousal. Moving his hands downwards, he grabbed her hind legs and spread her legs further apart. With easier access to her goods, he continued to lap at her ponut, bringing a hand around her leg and towards her belly. He found his target soon after, cupping one of her tits in his hand. He squeezed and massaged her small bosoms, moving his fingers down to twist and tease her erect nipples. He felt a bit of metal on her sensitive bud, realizing she had piercings on them. Not all too surprising, with her rebellious nature and fiery hobbies, some nipple piercings certainly weren’t out of place. She was nothing but an erotic toy before him, and his lack of self restraint shone through. True, she was his friend, but with a body like hers he could never turn down using her in such a way. Eating her ass out for a few more minutes, grabbing her tits erotically all the while, he finally pulled his mouth away. Her cunt and asshole glistened with his saliva, each hole begging for more attention. Letting go of her tits, he slowly stood back up, giving her ass another hard slap before walking back in front of her. Clearing his throat, trying to maintain his recovered composure, he spoke to her once again. “Scootaloo, what are you?” “A slave, Master,” she dumbly replied, voice lacking emotion even after everything he did to her. “Your slave.” Anon already knew what he was seeing her as, and in turn how he’d be treating her, but he found it best to make sure she understood too. Caressing her cheek, he smiled down at her. “Close, slave.” Calling her that sent an ecstatic shiver down his spine. “But you’re not just a slave, you’re a sex slave!” “Yes, Master,” she followed, nodding her head subtly. “I am your sex slave.” Anon pulled his hand away, rubbing his chin. Having her as his fucktoy was already a dream come true, but her drone like state was growing old fast. Pulling his phone back up, he looked over the tabs in the InstaSlam app. Curiously, he began to open and inspect each one. Already familiar with the enslavement program tab, having used it to make her as she was now, he flipped to another one. The Slave List section was rather barren, bar the name ‘Scootaloo’ in bright lettering beside slot one. It seemed to have endless slots available, telling him that he could essentially have limitless thralls. Enthrallment Status was next, and, as expected, only Scootaloo was listed. Beside her name were the words ‘Enslaved with Release Available” indicating to him that she was all his to use until he himself opted to let her go. He wasn’t too sure what other levels of mind control the app had, but for what he had now it was perfect. He tapped on another one, this time opening Slave Details. It gave a very precise rundown of Scootaloo’s body, listing her height, weight, tit size, body fat percentage, and more. Alongside that, there was a section labeled ‘Estrus Status’ with ‘In Heat’ under it. Chuckling to himself, he patted the mare on the head. Perhaps she gave in so fast because her body was desperate to be used! Finally, he clicked on Slave Adjustments, finding himself perplexed by what greeted him. Sliders were available, one associated with breast size, another with thigh thickness, and a third for ass plumpness. Knowing full well these would likely adjust the proportions of her body, he opted to wait for another time to use them. He wanted to savor Scootaloo for what she was naturally, adjusting her perfect body for his first time with a mare would spoil it. Below the sliders and some other details, he took notice of a section labeled ‘Slave Type’. There were only two options available to him, being ‘Mindless’ and ‘Standard’. A third section was grayed out, locked behind a requirement stating ‘Gather 2 more slaves to unlock further slave types!’ Did this app treat this all like a game? He sure was having fun at least. He raised a brow, seeing that the mindless option was checked, meaning Scootaloo was essentially a glorified fleshlight with no emotion or thoughts. The concept itself was hot, and he’d be more than happy to fuck her while she was an unthinking doll, but testing out the other options seemed like more fun. Tapping the standard slave option, he activated it and awaited the effects to take hold. As he’d hoped, Scootaloo froze up for a second, her body spasming lightly as her eyes shut. A few seconds passed, her eyes fluttering open to show hearts within them rather than being glazed over. Shaking her head slightly, she blinked a few times. Looking over at him, a smile split her muzzle as her tail began to wag. “Hello, Master!” Seeing her more active state refreshed Anon’s excitement entirely, as he smirked back at her. “Hey, slave, how are you?” “I’m great, Master!” She looked over her shoulder, back towards her flank. “Seems you had some fun with me already!” Her tail flicked, as she felt her marehood winking hungrily from its earlier teasing. “Heh, you must’ve gone crazy back there!” Anon ruffled her mane. “And is that a problem?” “Course not!” she quickly replied, giving him an affectionate nuzzle on the hand. “I’m your sex slave after all! You can do anything you want with me, Master!” Anon grabbed his waistband, deciding to indulge himself in his more aware slave. “And you’ll happily obey everything I tell you. Right, slut?” “Mhm!” she happily replied, nodding her head eagerly. “I’m your whore! My body is yours to use and fuck as much as you’d like!” She giggled, swaying her hips behind her. “I can’t remember what we were doing before this too well…something about finding your cutie mark, right? Maybe it’s in fucking me senseless!” Anon rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to laugh at her corrupted personality. Swiftly, hesitating no longer, he pulled his pants downwards, freeing his cock from its confines and allowing it to stand tall and proud. He nonchalantly slapped it onto Scootaloo’s muzzle, watching as she bit her lip feeling the thick slab of meat resting right before her. “It might be, but it could be wrong!” he teased, grinding his cock on her face. “I mean for over a decade you’ve thought helping ponies find their cutie marks was your purpose, when really it’s to be my cocksleeve!” Scootaloo shuddered, her Master’s cock being presented to her sending her instincts into overdrive. She was already in heat as it was, but having such a perfect cock like her Master’s before her was making it a measure more unbearable. She existed to serve him, as far as her hypnotized mind could tell, and she was eager to fulfill that purpose. She nearly drooled, feeling his titanic member grinding against her muzzle. “Y-yes, Master.” Her marehood gave an enthusiastic wink as she felt his cock throb on her face. “I’ll be the best cocksleeve for you!” She sheepishly smiled, looking up at him as his dick rested between her eyes. “A-and who knows! Maybe you will get your cutie mark in fucking sluts like me! I’m really, really good at helping creatures find their talents!” “Course you are, slave,” Anon reassured, grabbing his member and slapping it against her face. “So let’s get started then!” He pulled his hips back, leveling his tip with her lips. “Suck me off, slut.” Scootaloo didn’t hesitate, opening her mouth and diving her head downwards. Though she couldn’t remember it happening, she knew her Master had eaten out her holes earlier, and she was intent on returning the favor. In one, smooth motion, she engulfed his cock into her maw, sliding his thick length down her throat. She struggled not to cough or gag, wholly inexperienced with sucking dick, but her mind pushed her forward. Pulling her head back, she kept only the head of his tool in her mouth. Swirling her tongue around his tip, she looked up at him with those hearts in her eyes and immediately dove back down. On and on she went, throating his cock with obedient fury. At first her initial struggles held her back, but as she continued, it only got easier. After a few minutes, she managed to slide his entire cock down her throat consistently with ease. It felt natural to her, it felt right. Her warped mind had no control over itself, and she was wholly unaware of what he had done to her. Left with no free will or mind, she blew him with everything she had, more than happy to fulfill her purpose. Anon groaned, gripping her mane lightly as she worked. “Nngh ~ D-don’t forget my nuts too, slave.” “Yesh Mhaster,” she replied with a mouth full of dick. Bobbing her head up and down his shaft a few more times, she pulled back. Releasing his length from her maw, she slowly licked the underside of his cock, gradually making her way down. Reaching his nuts, she pressed her nose into the region where his shaft met them, shuddering intensely and giving a moan as his scent assailed her senses. Losing herself to her bliss, wholly overwhelmed by the arousal her Master put into her, she hungrily latched onto one of his balls. She lapped at the pendulous orb, suckling on it sensually as she caressed it with her tongue. She let go of it with an audible pop, quickly shifting herself and going to work on his other nut. She began a routine of sorts, sucking both his nuts for a few minutes, before moving back up with some kisses along his shaft, and finally throating his cock for a bit before repeating the same course of events. She felt ecstatic to be serving him, her marehood cascading her lust down her thighs. The aroma of sex began to waft around them, clashing with the fresh spring air, but it only made the intensity of the moment all the better. Anon let out a pleasured moan, grabbing the back of Scootaloo’s mane and thrusting into her face. His groin slammed against her nose as he began facefucking her. He could hear her give an ecstatic, muffled moan, feeling his cock dance with pleasure as the vibrations from it met him. He wasn’t close to a climax just yet, but he was fine with that. After all, he had to save a thick load for the main event. Slowing his pivoting hips, he gradually came to a full stop. Scootaloo heaved air into her lungs, immediately resuming her bobbing motions upon his stop. She truly only had intentions to obey within her, and since she had been given an order, she continued to fulfill it without hesitation. Only stopping when she felt him pull her head back by tugging her mane, she curiously glanced up at him. “You’ve done wonderfully, Scoots,” he complimented, glancing down at her lovingly. “For my first blowjob from a pony, you’ve done amazing!” Scootaloo beamed, pride filling her being. “Heh! Thanks, Master! I’ve only sucked a couple of cocks before, but I’ve been told I’m really good at it!” She gave him a sultry look. “Guess I really am made for cock, hmm?~” “My cock and my cock only,” Anon corrected. “You’re all mine, and nobody - er - nopony is allowed to have you besides me.” Scootaloo nodded her head, rolling her eyes. “Well duh, Master!” She giggled, giving his cock a kiss. “I am your fucktoy after all. No stallion’s dick could ever compare to you!” She winked at him, sticking her tongue out. “After all, I never put as much effort into sucking dick until it was you!” Watching her move her muzzle forward, Anon allowed her to suckle on the tip of his cock again. Hearing her give a satisfied moan as she swirled her tongue around it, he smirked. He stroked her mane lightly, looking past her head and towards the rest of her body. Even from here, the curves of her perfect ass were clear as day. Where her cheeks ended and her body started was easy to spot, seeing slight indent of where her fat ass ended. The way her tail wagged slightly as she teased him made the sight all the more erotic, calling upon the deepest parts of Anon’s carnal nature. He might’ve been a bit gung-ho with taking advantage of Scootaloo so far, but with how far he’s gone now there was no point in turning back. He’d go further, and he’d make sure that plump rump of hers was bouncing one way or another. He pulled the back of her mane again, freeing his tip from her lips. “Alright, slave, ready for more fun?” “Yup ~ I always am!” she swiftly answered, eyeing him lustfully. “Thanks for letting me suck your cock by the way, Master! It was great!” Anon patted her head. “Not like you had a choice anyways, right?” Scootaloo shivered from head to hoof, fully knowing he controlled every part of her. “Yup! You make all the decisions for me, Master! I’m just a dumb, sexy slave that exists to obey!” “Good girl,” he cooed, licking his lips as he eyed up her curvy flanks. “Now, be a good fucktoy and turn around. Master wants to see that thick ass of yours again.” Scootaloo bit her lip, the hearts in her eyes flashing with magic as she registered his command. Slowly, she turned around, facing away from him. Standing upright, she swayed her hips seductively. “You're a fan of my fat ass, Master?” she tittered, smirking at him. “I’ve caught lots of stallions and mares looking at it before~” Anon answered her question with a firm smack on her asscheek, causing her to give a pleasured yelp as her flank jiggled, before replying. “Good girl, now present." Scootaloo nodded, swaying her hips from side to side a bit more as her excitement grew. With her flanks towards him, she lowered her chest to the ground. Leaving her rump in the air, she flagged her tail, revealing her most private parts to him. Her marehood was winking angrily, craving a cock to fill its drooling depths, while her ponut seized at the empty air, desiring the same thing as her cunt. She looked over her shoulder, smiling at him. “Here you go, Master ~ My fat ass, juicy pussy, and plump ponut for your viewing pleasure!” The sight of her so happily presenting herself to him in such a lewd way made Anon’s balls ache. They desired to be emptied, specifically emptied into the eager mare before him. Her rear was a blessed sight, made better by what she did next. Intent on furthering her allure to her Master, Scootaloo began to pivot her hips. Throwing her body back and forth, she shook her flanks in a hypnotic rhythm. The occasional clap would ring out from a rather hard thrust back into the empty air, while her asscheeks jiggled and bounced perfectly the entire time. Her lewd act was the straw that broke the camel’s back, spurring Anon into action. “Slave, come grind those flanks of yours on me~” Giggling to herself, knowing her efforts bore fruit, Scootaloo slowly backed up towards him, clapping her ass as she went. Coming up to his groin, she pressed back against his cock, feeling it slip between her plump cheeks. Not wanting to waste a moment, she sensually began moving her hips, giving him an expert lap dance. Unsure where this newfound skill came from, she let her dedication to her master fuel on her advancements. Anon groaned, feeling the warmth of her body caress his dick. Her rump was a comfortable, yet pleasurable, hug, keeping his member perfectly nestled between her flanks. She grinded against him with pure lust, moaning deeply as he slid over her cunt and asshole. His shaft was coated in her essence, her motions picking up pace as she went. Every few motions, his cock would tease one of her two holes, pressing against them and threatening to enter. She moaned deeply each time it occurred, reluctantly moving away right after. She’d been ordered to grind on him, not fuck herself, even if she so desperately wanted to feel him entering her holes. Thankfully, her desires would soon be quenched. Anon clenched his eyes shut, barely holding onto reason as he felt her twerking on his dick. The sight of her ass jiggling, the sounds of her moans and clapping, the feeling of her slickened holes gliding against his shaft, and the fruity aroma of her lust filling the air had all amassed into a temptation that couldn’t be ignored. In a sudden, swift motion, he leaned down, wrapping his arms around her with ease. Even though she was a full grown mare, her pegasus biology led her to be incredibly light, allowing him to lift her up with ease. She gave a sharp gasp at the sudden feeling of him holding onto her, but didn’t resist in the slightest. Holding her up, pressing her back against his chest, Anon wrapped one arm around her neck and put the other by her hip. She instinctively put a foreleg over his first arm, preventing herself from being choked too hard, yet allowing just the slightest bit of rough play to be allowed. Being held up with immense ease, quite literally capable of being manhandled by him, she felt her excitement soar. He shifted himself, lining his cock up with her drooling lower lips, snarling into her ear. “I’m going to fuck you senseless now, slave.” “Y-yes…” she mumbled, glancing down past her belly and teats, watching her lustful juices drip down onto his cock. “My body is yours to use, M-Masteeeeeeer!!!” Before she could finish her obedient reply, he threw her body down, impaling her on his length. Thanks to eating her out earlier, and how absolutely drenched she naturally was down there, his dick slipped into her depths with ease. In the instant he penetrated her, her entire body locked up, a blissful howl escaping her lips as the most intense climax of her life rocked through her every nerve. Her eyes fluttered, her grasp on reality itself wavering on the brink as she gasped and sputtered with pleasure. Her walls clenched down onto his cock like a vice, pleasuring every last inch he had to offer, while her cunt gushed with her marecum. He pulled her back slightly, leaning back on a tree, balancing himself as he set to ruin her. Only encouraged by her immediate climax, Anon began to fuck her with reckless abandon. Slamming her up and down onto his cock, thrusting his hips upwards in tune with it, he pummeled her pussy with all the pent up sexual frustration he had within him. He wrapped his arm around her neck tighter, pushing her foreleg up more, while his other arm journeyed towards her crotch. Her legs were spread apart, doing everything they could to allow her to take more and more of his cock. With how she was positioned, he had easy access to her tits. Taking his hand, he clutched onto one of her pierced breasts fondling it as he plowed her. Each thrust earned an unbecoming moan from her, as she began to enter a state beyond pleasure itself. He massaged her tit, gripping down on it ferociously as her body bounced up and down. Marish juices coated his cock, sweat beginning to form on his and her bodies alike. Their carnal embrace was intense, raw, and deliciously pleasurable - much to their shared glee. “Nnngh! Y-Yes, Master! Ahn! Use me! I’m y-your slave!” Scootaloo wailed, her pussy wringing his cock as another climax struck her. Her every nerve danced with pleasure, as her hypnotized mind was being broken by Anon’s efforts. The tinge of danger from him choking her, the way he fondled her breasts, how he was so easily lifting her up and using her. Most importantly, the sensation of his titanic member slamming into her and kissing her womb over and over sent her nearly insane with cock-lust. Anon bit his lip, feeling his balls begin to ache. Her blowjob and grinding had worked him up plenty, withering away his stamina and bringing him near the brink. Feeling a climax brewing in his groin, knowing he was going to be pumping her full of his spunk soon enough, he doubled his efforts. Scootaloo was turning into a drooling, broken mess on his cock, her body being used like a fleshlight - much to her enslaved mind’s joy. Twisting her nipple, feeling her piercing against his finger, he growled into her ear. “Still care - tch - about finding my cutie mark?” Scootaloo’s eyes rolled back, her mouth hung open, saliva slipping out of her maw, as she came yet again and sputtered a response. “Gah! I don’t care about cutie marks! More cock!!! Please!!!” Her face strained with unfiltered bliss as he slammed into her again. “Master!!!” Pulling her close, Anon tightened his grip around her neck and her tit, pressing her firmly against his chest. Grinding his teeth, he slammed her down onto his cock with every ounce of force he had in him. He felt her plump ass pressing against his groin, as her cunt seized down on his cock, eager for its reward. Releasing a deep groan, his cock kissed the entrance of her womb, as he finally hit his peak. Rope after rope of fertile seed pumped itself into her womb, filling her baby maker to the brim. Her belly bulged slightly, the sheer volume of the load being dumped into her pushing her body to its limits. Her deepest depths quickly flooded with his release, gushing out and coating her walls with his essence. She was practically melting on his dick. The feeling of his molten cum painting her insides sending her on a rollercoaster of bliss. Each spurt of his cum ushered a reaction akin to a mini orgasm out of her, as her tongue hung out of her maw and she released a torrent of blissful cries. It felt like her body was about to explode, her nerves overwhelmed with the ecstasy of his release, and she wavered in and out of consciousness. “T-thank youuuu!” she wailed, her eyes fluttering as yet another climax struck. “So - nngh - much! Sweet Celestiaaaaa!” Anon pushed into her further, a mixture of her marecum and his seed pushing past the seal his cock made within her and gushing out of her depths. Seconds felt like hours, as he held her tightly to him for what seemed like a small eternity. As the final, thick spurts of his essence pushed into her, he felt his peak finally subside. It seemed she was entering a similar state, and with one final blissful slap of his thighs on her flanks, her body calmed itself. They both took deep breaths, sweat dripping down their bodies as they remained still for a moment. Gathering himself, Anon let go of her tit, taking his hand and using the arm wrapped around her neck to slowly lift her off his dick. Her cunt gripped down on him viciously, desperate to keep him inside for as long as possibly, but finally, with a wet schlick, he freed himself from her depths. Cum spurted out of her marehood, gushing from inside her and falling to the ground below. Her bulged belly began to subside, as the excess seed within her was released. Carefully, feeling her shivering with pleasure in his grasp, he lowered her back to the ground. Placing her on all fours, he let go, watching as she managed to keep herself standing. He looked her over, the sight that greeted him one of the hottest he’d seen. She was panting heavily, tongue hanging out as she shakily remained upright. Her body glistened with sweat, her fat asscheeks almost sparkling in the now setting sun. Her cum-filled pussy winked on occasion, allowing another surge of seed spill from her depths. He reached over, cupping her flank and rubbing her cutie mark. “You did amazing, slave~” “T-thank you…Master,” she weakly replied, smiling over at him. “You gave me s-so much cum, like…wow…t-that was a lot.” “And you’re grateful for it, aren’t you?” he inquired, raising a brow. She rolled her eyes, nodding slowly. “Yeah, heh, of course, Master! It’s…unf - the best thing I could ask for.” Ding! Ding! Anon turned to his left, eyeing his pants. He knew the familiar sound of his phone’s notification system, though he wasn’t sure what it could be for. Walking over, feeling his legs be a bit shaky below him, he bent down and scooped up his trusty device. Inspecting it, he was greeted with two messages. InstaSlam: Scootaloo Slave Status Updated! InstaSlam: Scootaloo Enthrallment Status Updated! Perplexed, he tapped on the enthrallment status one, watching as the InstaSlam app opened up to the proper tab. The same screen from before greeted him, though there was one distinct change. Instead of reading “Enslaved with Release Available” by her name, it clearly listed her as “Permanently Enslaved”. Anon scrunched his nose, wholly confused, and somewhat worried, by the development. He didn’t intend to keep her as his slave forever, but he didn’t mind the prospect of such. Wanting to find out how such a change occurred, a tinge of guilt welling up in him, he clicked the info button beside her status. Permanently Enslaved: Any slave with this status will now and forever be dedicated to their Master! It is irreversible, and they will always be under the assigned Master, in this case user “Anon”, no matter what is done. No magic, or even this app itself, can undo its effects. It is permanent. Enjoy your forever slave! He raised a brow, reading over the wording. None of it answered his question, but he continued reading the smaller text below. If you are confused by this change, please refer to our rules and risks section! Glancing over towards Scootaloo, who was now apparently forever his slave, he pouted his lip and pressed on the settings section. Tapping on the rules option, he was greeted by a wall of text, the same one he had quickly skipped over earlier. This time, however, he carefully read through it, pausing at a certain entry that made his gut drop. For the user of this application, please be aware that upon enslavement, the Master’s fertility will be adjusted to fit that of the targeted slave. Compatibility will be acquired, and the possibility for breeding is always around. His eyes went wide, looking over at Scootaloo’s cum filled pussy, and quickly back to the screen. Furiously scrolling through useless text, he halted when he found the section with details about her enthrallment. Eyeing the ‘Permanently Enslaved’ section, his bewilderment furthered. For the user of this application, please be advised that permanent enslavement is an option. It can be acquired one of two ways. Either by simply putting in the appropriate commands and setting them into the slave, thus forcefully installing it into them or through impregnation. He gulped, feeling his cock twitch at the thoughts running through his mind. Biting his lip, he eyed Scootaloo up one more time, before remembering the other notification his phone had given him. The idea that he bred her was as terrifying as it was arousing, and even though he wasn’t against the notion of pumping her full with a foal, he had trouble believing it possible. Hesitantly, he clicked out of the Options tab, and hovered his finger over the Slave Status one. Tapping it, he was greeted with the same screen from before. Her height was the same, her weight identical, and all the other tidbits of information seemed unchanged. Beside her estrus status, it labeled it as ‘In Heat (Satisfied)”, clearly changed from their recent rut. Though, right below it, there was another section he had missed from before, and it confirmed his concerns. Egg Status: Fertilized! This slave is pregnant. He blinked wildly, rereading over the seven words over and over again. Somehow, beyond any logical possibilities, he not only made Scootaloo his permanent slut, but he had also knocked her up in the process! Whatever magic this app, or his entire phone, contained was beyond anything he could imagine, and made the clearly impossible somehow possible. Still, he didn’t feel all too bad, hell, he felt his cock begin to harden again with the knowledge that he had successfully bred his friend. Her status as a permanent slave wasn’t all too worrisome, since he could just adjust her to act like her original self, bar a few personal adjustments, so it overall wasn’t the worst case scenario. He had claimed her, fully and completely, and the thick load he flooded her womb with had bore fruit. She was going to grow gravid with his foals, when she originally never had any intention of getting anywhere near sexual with him. Thankfully she no longer had the free will to oppose this development, nor hate him for it, and with that it gave him a semblance of relief. Sighing to himself, he walked over towards her. She was eyeing him curiously, tilting her head. “What’s up, Master?” “Well, slave,” he awkwardly began, scratching the back of his head. Calming himself, he grabbed onto her ass, reminding himself of the bounty he now had for the rest of his days. “Turns out our little romp went very well. You’re uh, pregnant.” Her smile grew, as she surged forward and nuzzled against his chest. “Nice! That’s awesome, Master! Now I can be your rad, milf foal factory!” She snickered to herself, eyeing him up lustfully. “Our foals are gonna be so cool! I bet they’re gonna have awesome talents, and maybe they’ll take over helping find pony’s cutie marks since that isn’t my purpose anymore!” “Woah, woah!” Anon sputtered, recoiling a portion. “Foals? As in, like, plural?” She licked her lips, taking a step back from him. Turning around, she presented herself to him once more, shaking her ass as cum flung from her stuffed cunt. “C’mon Master, I’m yours forever. I know you’re going to be breeding me nonstop for years~” His cock shot straight up, hard and ready to go again from her lewd display. He felt a weight leave his shoulders, seeing her clear and happy response to the news. True, she wasn’t exactly herself, but she was basically acting in normal ways, bar the endless lust and obedience she had for him. Her attitude, way of speaking, tone of voice and more were all the same, just now she was dedicated to being his breeding bitch for the rest of her days. He could make some adjustments to her behavior, getting her as close to how she was before as possible, without removing her loyalty and lust for him, and keep his sex toy and soon-to-be mother of his foals around with no problem. Deciding to fully commit to the development that had occurred, an idea reached him, as he flipped open the phone and went to the Slave Adjustments tab. “Well, if we’re going to commit to you being my little broodmare…” He messed with multiple sliders, raising the values on her ass, tits, and thighs a fair amount. He caught sight of another set of new details, smirking to himself. Besides the slider for her breasts, “Lactation Enabled” was now shining with color. Opting to click yes on it, he glanced down at the other new addition - an extra slider. Labeled “Belly”, he looked over the options and immediately clicked on the ‘Modestly Pregnant’ one. Doing his best to keep his excitement in check, he scrolled down and tapped on the “Accept Changes” button, soon glancing up. Scootaloo gave a sharp gasp, which was soon followed by a guttural moan, as her body was shrouded with magic. It covered her from head to hoof, hiding her behind a thick veil of the arcane. Anon couldn’t catch any sight of her, and before he knew it, the magic blasted outwards, temporarily blinding him. Grunting with mild discomfort, the blinding light causing his eyes to sting, he rubbed them for a moment before blinking wildly and looking over at his slave. His jaw nearly immediately dropped. Standing before him was still Scootaloo, but a vastly different appearance was on her. Her ass had become far plumper, jiggling erotically from every motion she made, her thighs were thick as could be, looking like a set of soft pillows for him to rest his head on, and her tits had ballooned from a modestly small pair to a set of watermelon sized jugs, small beads of milk dripped from them out of her pierced nipples. Her belly had grown large and round, emulating that of a mare in the middle stages of pregnancy. He managed to pull his eyes away from her, looking over the adjustments tab and reading the fine print for once. Stated clearly within the details section, it clarified that the adjustments would last for at most two hours, and after that the magic used would be reverted and enter a cooldown state for the remainder of the day. Knowing he had her in this gravid form for a short bit, and knowing it’d soon be her natural look in the coming months, he walked up behind her, spanking her thicker ass and watching it wobble. “Like the new changes, broodmare?~” he questioned, voice littered with intent. She bit her lip, glancing back at him and clapping her ass once more. “Oh Master, I feel amazing.” She groaned, feeling him press the tip of his cock against her backdoor. “It’s better than any old scooter trick or successful cutie mark mission ~ This is what I was made for - MMMMPH! Oh buck yes!!!” Satisfied with her obedient reply, Anon plunged his cock into her tight asshole. Her backdoor was a measure tighter than her marehood, but he still managed to thrust into her in earnest. Each slam into her plumper flanks caused them to ripple, as his balls slapped against her cum-dripping pussy. Fucking her ponut while she looked absolutely gravid sent a thrilled chill up his spine, and he found himself craving and wanting more. The app did have a slave list for a reason, meaning he could acquire many more concubines for his own pleasures. Gathering and breeding countless mares sounded like a dream come true, and, as he eyed the pegasus mare before him, a devious thought crossed his mind. Throwing his hips forward intensely, he called out to her over her blissful screams of pleasure. “After we’re done here, why don’t you and I go make some plans to visit Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?~”