> Kwa Rushwa: Kulenga > by Holocron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 01: The Right Restaurant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now gather round, young Siri.” Zecora called, bringing her daily training session to order. Since Zakia’s arrival, more and more new recruits and fresher Siri Agents have traveled to Equestria. Thankfully, the Everfree Forest provided an optimal amount of cover and it helped that Fluttershy, being the only settlement too close to the forest, was properly broken in. Otherwise, Zakia would not allow such a large and noticeable movement. “Now, Master Zakia has asked me to go over the various potions you will be using. While many of you already know what these do and how to use them, many have arrived and are not as familiar with them or the wide range of scenarios. So I’ll be doing reviews of them throughout the next week, while having those that have more experience provide additional insight from their experience on the field with them.” Looking throughout the room, a few dozen zebras, both mare and stallion, stood and watched eagerly. Some were there because of the skill they have shown and were assigned as Siri. While others were more veteran Siri Agents, but were unfamiliar with Equestria and required additional tutelage. It warmed Zecora’s heart to know that so many were already being assigned and stationed. Normally you’d never see so many fresh Siri on the front lines. Though this changed after the conquering of three of the mane six in such a short time. Her master requested more forces to bring over so they could advance things more quickly. Because of this she had to assign many new Siri arrivals with a mentor for their field work, while also gaining assistance to help her with the increased workload.. Zakia said things were going to change in a big way in Ponyville soon. This could only mean her Master was preparing for a more direct approach. She could not help but wonder if or how Zakia would reward her for her service. But she had work to do. Those wanton thoughts would have to be put to use later for when they were more than a fantasy in her head..  “Now, first, discretion and secrecy are our highest priority. You have all been chosen solely for your skills in these crafts and we do not want to fail our Master or our people.” Zecora began her lesson. She could tell that each Siri there was loyal and eager, but she had to be sure they were well taught. “Now, as you know, I am Zecora, your Mwangalizi. It is my duty to be sure you are all ready for what is out there. Some of you may know very well what I am about to explain, but with the influx of new arrivals, I feel this course is required, and having a sound foundation only strengthens you as a pillar of the Siri. Never forget that it only took them one day to destroy our great Empire and you must be the pillars that hold it up once more.” The history of the Zebra Empire, though lost to history and time, was never forgotten by the Zebras. Zecora saw the look on all the Siri faces. She knew they understood her words. But she was not there to remind them of what was lost, Zecora was there to inform them of how to forge a new Empire in Equestria. Reaching over to a table, Zecora revealed a large glass flask. Swashing about in the flask was a strange, almost colorless liquid, and yet it shimmered with the light of a bright, yet fading rainbow hue.  “This is Uhuru, a special drug crafted by our skilled alchemists, witch doctors and scientists alike and blessed by our Goddess that also blessed our Master with his gifts..” Zecora explained, showing the flask to all the Siri Agents. “Also referred to as the Potion of Freedom, it is ironically called so for its capabilities to free one’s mind and body of all fears, doubts, and worries. But this is only half true. The other truth is, this potion in repeated and larger doses can cause the user to enter a suggestive state where they seek endless pleasures; it becomes an addiction.” Placing down the potion, Zecora finished her explanation. There would be more to tell at a later time. “Now, thanks to the guidance of our agents back home and on the frontline. Myself included, this potion has been further refined where now even a small dosage will put the user in a station even more potent than the most adverse effects. Though we are still unsure of its fullest extent, we have made sure to guarantee that Zebras have been properly treated to be immune to its effects alongside our allies who are still undergoing this slow process. So fear of self ingestion or use is nonexistent unless you, for whatever foolish reason, consume more of it than water for a few weeks if you’re a zebra. Griffins that wish to avoid the effect of the drug must be given a brew every one hundred and sixty-eight hours or a week simply put.”  Zecora’s lecture went on for a few hours as she thoroughly explained its use and the many forms it came in and how they used it. They are to report back its effectiveness because of it being something they are constantly refining and seeking to improve. Clarifying that those with higher magical resistances are less likely to be affected. She had a busy day ahead of her, as she had to do this several more times throughout the day. Training these agents would be a daunting task. Not only were they forced to handle a landscape they are still growing familiar with, but there would be no room for errors of any kind.  In the heart of Canterlot, along the bustling streets of the fabled city, lay a certain restaurant, the “Tasty Treat”, owned by Coriander Cumin, and his daughter Saffron Masala. Coriander had an amber coat and well-maintained mane that was dyed a dark raspberry. His rather large stomach, which was held back by his dark tan shirt and large dark amber pants, along with his large square mustache was often an intimidation factor, but his violet eyes held the soul of a hard worker who did his best to greet and serve his customers to the best of his abilities. A very hard working stallion if there ever was one. His daughter, on the other hand, was almost like a flower amidst the fumes of the restaurant’s spices and seasonings. Her curvaceous golden orange body, accompanied by her sizable breasts and near heart shaped rear, often enticed many young stallions to try and court her, much to her large father’s disappointment; and her fuchsia dyed curls of a mane was an envy among the younger mares who spent hundreds of bits to barely imitate it, a fact Saffron was quite proud of a true gem among mares. Coriander loved his daughter greatly, doing the best he could to raise her on his own, and even spent many shifts worth of tips to buy her whitish-yellow dress, the only remnant of his wife was the red cloth that Saffron wore delicately around her neck. Today was a slow day. No customers were arriving and Coriander considered closing early, but the ringing of the bell atop the door drew his attention away from his cleaning. Normally, Coriander would greet the potential customer with the utmost courtesy, but the guest was one he had not expected...so soon; it was a zebra stallion, one of Zakia’s Siri Agents. The Zebra wore a fine suit befitting any stallion found in Canterlot, giving him the air of sophistication, or at the very least, he had bits to spend. The two said nothing, only stared at each other for a few moments, time all but stopping as their eyes looked each other over.  “W-welcome to the Tasty Treat.” Coriander broke the silence with his usual greeting. “May I interest you in our special tea blend?” Unlike any other customer who would’ve gone through his doors, seeing the zebra sent a shiver down his spine.  “You may. Please sprinkle some shade leaf over it please.” The Zebra smiled, sitting down in one of the booths in the corner of the room. His tone was casual and yet held an air of command. “We have much to discuss.”  “Y-yes... of course.” Coriander’s body tensed a bit after hearing the Zebra’s request for shade leaf. It was a phrase he was given recently for when he would be approached by a Siri. Something that changed often to confirm who they were. “Who sent you?”  “Mwenye heri.” The Zebra responded calmly, his expression unchanged, not a shred of distrust painted on his face as Coriander’s blood froze at the name. “Come, sit with me for a moment.”  “S-s-s-saffron! We have a special guest, bring the finest tea and grind some shade leaf into it!” Coriander called his daughter, making his way to the Zebra. Sitting down, Coriander made sure his eyes could shift from his guest and through the door to ensure privacy. “How did you know of me, or my daughter? You are not one I know of, nor one that makes such a visible statement with such attire.”  “Our handler, the Mwangalizi, informed me I would have a safe place in Canterlot for my mission.” The Zebra explained, his eyes surveying the scene of the restaurant. Seeing no one else was around, even in the spots where one could hide themselves, he relaxed only a little. “As well as give you, and your daughter, your own mission beyond what you currently do.”  “B-but we have a mission.” Coriander objected, his tone raising a moment before composing himself. “We have set up this shop exactly as instructed, we have served the citizens of Canterlot food coated in Zebra spices, given them drinks spiked with the potion in small doses, and filled their lungs with the faint aroma of the incense we were given. I have sent report after report in secret to the Mwangalizi so she would have a better understanding of Canterlot and key targets.” As the zebra only continued to watch, he seemed to raise his voice only a little more in protest. “I was to never have any mission besides that. That was the deal! We have given so much, is that not enough?”  “F-father, who is this?” Saffron asked, just arriving with the tea. She quickly made herself a mute as she understood who the other stallion was. Coriander gestured to her to sit with the two stallions, serving a small cup of tea to the Siri. “Has something changed with our mission?” She was kept mostly in the dark about the many things regarding the mission she and her father had been given for the ‘kindness’ they had given them long ago. She knew enough to understand that they couldn’t escape it. “W-we have done nothing wrong, have we?”  “Nothing has changed.” Coriander answered stubbornly, his stare could almost pierce the Siri’s head. He didn’t want to worry his daughter more than he had to, she was all he had left. He wouldn’t dare cross the Siri for the fear of being ‘removed’ for acting against them. “We have given everything to the Master. We will not stray from our role only because some Siri has told me otherwise.”  “I understand.” The Siri responded, his voice remained calm and collected. “But perhaps you should consider this first.” Reaching into his suit, the Siri pulled out a sealed envelope. Upon quick inspection, Coriander recognized The Master’s seal and quickly opened the letter. “These words come from him and no one else.”  To Coriander and Saffron, Hello to you both. I hope the Siri I have sent has been handling his assignment well. I apologize for the informal nature of this slight change in your mission. I understand the risk you have taken for our cause, as well as knowing how deep your loyalties are to myself and my goals. But unfortunately, an unforeseen change in your mission must be made. There are two ponies in Canterlot, Hondo Flank and Cookie Crumble, both of which are the parents of a person of interest. While I can handle the person of interest, I want to utilize one of my Siri to convert these two. They are known for traveling a great deal and would benefit us in several ways. You and your daughter have served me for many years, and I know you can handle this.     Your instructions on this matter do not differ from your normal role: Gather intelligence, drug the population through food, drink, and incense, and to convert potentials to the Siri. Your mission is to do the same, but to these specific targets. I give you full control over how the situation may be handled and give you permission to achieve your mission in whatever way that does not reveal our presence to the Princesses. Freedom to act is granted, but discretion is still our priority. Make no move against them should the situation prove too much. Report any changes to my local agents. Finally, it should go without saying, but your shop’s location has been chosen to serve as a safe house for all Siri Agents tasked in Canterlot. The one who delivered this letter is the first of many who will come and go as the safe-house becomes active after being dormant for so long. What their mission is, is at their own discretion, and all that is provided is that they use your establishment until their missions are complete. Diggers will seek expansion under your establishment at a later date to further its size and operations.     I trust everything is in order and you understand your role. Do not fail me. Mwenye heri  “I... I understand.” Coriander responded aloud, igniting his horn to set the parchment a flame to remove any evidence of his allegiance. “I still dislike this, but what the Master commands I shall obey, as I have for years. I will send both rumors and flyers to draw these targets to my restaurant.”  “There is no need.” The Siri interjected, finishing his tea with a relaxed sigh. “From what our closest Siri was able to barely gather, the couple has been interested in your restaurant since you had the mares Pinkie Pie and Rarity help you. You remember those two?”  “Why yes, they were so kind to help us.” Saffron responded before her father. “It is ironic, thanks to them, that our reconnaissance has been able to continue and even improve with the growing customers. I do hope whoever is assigned to them treats them well. I think they would serve quite well.” She knew that she’d suffer the same fate down the road, but she feared she might be given to a less than kind zebra herself.  “The Master will personally handle them.” The Siri commented, only revealing as much as he was permitted. “But the targets were going to come, anyway. Master only wanted to be sure you keep an eye out for them, and do whatever it takes. Understood?”  “Yes.” Coriander nodded. With his task complete, the Siri got to his hooves and headed towards the door. “One more thing, if I may ask, what is your mission that would require such clothes?”  “My role was simply to give you the letter.” The Siri answered before departing from the table, finishing his tea. “We shall meet again, in time.”  “You think the Master will be pleased?” Saffron smiled at the thought of Zakia praising her for her hard work. “Last time he was here, he was very interesting and held the same aura as his mentor. He even said I had the makings of a fine Siri. I do hope I’ve lived up to those expectations… for both our sakes.”  A dreadful silence covered the two. Saffron knew that if the two of them were to live a good life in the future when everything was said and done. That they needed to ensure they gained plenty of favor with Zakia. She and her father had served the Siri for a long time and her very life was indebted to them… she couldn’t escape them even if she wanted to. She was a means to an end and all she could do was make things better for themselves. But because of their years of service, they have been spared not only anything that would’ve befallen a pony who knows too much, but neither were they promised a perfect place in the zebras’ future plans. For now, they were to be as beneficial to their providers as they could. It was the only way.  “Whether we get praise or scorn, we shall do as the Master orders.” Coriander responded, walking over to the kitchen door. His eyes then met with a photo of a younger Coriander holding a foal Saffron. “After all, we owe him and the Siri everything. I only wish your mother could have been around to see you grow.” Coriander's heart fluttered a bit as he recalled his wife. He remembered her warm smile and caring nature. It wrecked his heart to think that she had died, but she did so to ensure their daughter would survive after her birth. It was a devilish deal given by the Siri. It was one he and his wife had eagerly accepted, though, for Saffron’s sake. Coriander felt his daughter’s hands wrap around him as she hugged him from behind as he sat. His hand clasped over hers and he thought. “We will survive this one way or another”    “Well honey, I think this is a swell treat.” Hondo Flank commented, his hands holding two free tickets to Canterlot. His blue Hoofwaii shirt only made him stand out as another tourist. Sticking the thickets back into his denim pants pocket, he turned to his wife. “Now we just need to find the restaurant.”  “But Dear.” Cookie Crumble commented. Her red shirt and white pants were almost covered in sweat from their trip. “We’ve been circling Canterlot’s restaurant district for hours. Can’t we just eat at one of them?”  “No can do, honey bun.” Hondo shook his head, then continued looking. “We won these tickets to Canterlot and I want to meet the restaurant owner Rarity told me about during her last trip.”  “How did you even win these tickets again?” Cookie asked, using her yellow ascot to wipe her face a little. “We were in such a rush, you never told me.”  “Didn’t I? Oh sorry honey, you see...” Hondo explained his story to Cookie, while still walking around. “I was in the Ponyville market, when I saw this zebra doing some lottery. He seemed like a charming fellow, and it was only one bit of a turn. I turned it and I won the grand prize.”  “That is pretty lucky, was he surprised?” Cookie asked, following close to her husband. “I know I’d be surprised.”  “He said I was the luckiest pony he ever met.” Hondo then reached into his other pocket and pulled out a small bag of dried leaves. “He even gave me this bag.” Hondo reached into his traveler’s backpack and withdrew a small leather bag.  “What is it?” Cookie asked. The smell it produced as Hondo opened the bag made her mouth water. “It smells heavenly.”  “I don’t know exactly. I never asked the name. The zebra told me it’s a common snack where he’s from and offered it as a congratulations for winning.” Hondo answered, putting a few leaves in his mouth. “They’re dry when you put them in, but somehow melt in your mouth like chocolate and they taste amazing. Try one.”  “Wow, this is amazing!” Cookie said, eating a few leaves. The sensation of the dry leaves swelling from her own saliva, then releasing such exotic flavors, made her body shiver with delight. “But we still need to find that restaurant soon. I’m getting really hungry.”  “Then you have come to the right place, my friend.” called a nearby stallion voice. Turning their gaze, Hondo and Cookie met eyes with Coriander. His expression was warm and humble, along with his open and embracing body language. “I have overheard you are hungry, so why not come to my eating establishment? We are always open and you will taste nothing like it anywhere else.” Coriander then paused for a moment. He knew who these ponies were. The photo the Siri provided was enough information, but he felt he was coming on too strong. “Oh, but excuse me for being so forward. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Coriander Cumin.”  “Coriander?! That’s perfect, we were looking for you.” Hondo commented, shaking Coriander’s hand. “You see, a few months ago, my daughter helped with your restaurant and told us all about it. We had to come see it.”  “You are Rarity’s parents?” Coriander asked. He knew the answer, but had to maintain the charade. “Well, come this way, I can show you a meal you would never forget.”   After several minutes, Coriander led the ponies to his restaurant. The two were obviously impressed by the allure of the building; more so than even the most gullible of tourists. Coriander fought to hide his confident smirk. These two ponies were making their conversion almost too easy. He then shook his head, banishing any arrogant thoughts. He knew what happened when you got ahead of yourself and it wasn’t good. He was tasked with corrupting these two, and he was not going to get cocky about it. There was always the chance of failure. Reaching into her shirt pocket, Coriander unlocked the door.  He had placed Saffron in the back of the restaurant to wait for the doorbell to ring; to prevent any customer from entering, the door was locked and Saffron awaited her father’s return. Opening the door, the bell rang, signaling Saffron that her father and their targets had entered. They had been informed of the two’s arrival and that today was the day to act. They had little time to prepare, but they made do. Hondo and Cookie were taken in by the interior of the restaurant, struggling to resist the urge to take photos.  “Welcome, my friends, to the Tasty Treat.” Coriander gestured his hands around the store. “Come sit, I shall bring you a nice appetizer of my homeland. Saffron! We have guests, bring out the specials!”  “Well, that is certainly nice of him.” Hondo commented, watching his host leave for the kitchen. “It was very lucky he found us like he did.I’m afraid we would have not found them anytime soon otherwise!”  “And he’s so charming.” Cookie giggled a little, enjoying how kind Coriander was. She then grabbed a few more leaves. “I don’t know why, but these snacks are just making me hungrier and a bit tingly.”  “Just don’t spoil your appetite dear.” Hondo chuckled, taking a few bites of the leaves himself. “We still have so much more to eat. This place is so amazing, I just want to eat everything.”  “I do hope you weren’t waiting long.” A young mare’s voice commented. Turning around, Hondo and Cookie met eyes with Saffron, who was not in her more conservative attire, but a metal clasped bikini style attire. Similar to that of a belly dancer floating around her in an aura of magic, several servings of food floated to the table. “Hello my dear guests, I’m Saffron Masala, I do hope you enjoy yourselves and our delicious food from the far east.” Across the table, spreads of various foods such as Jalebi, Chana Masala, Karhi, Aloo Gobi, Halwa Puri, and Daal. As Hondo and Cookie marveled over the exoticism of their meal, Saffron poured them two cups of Kashmiri Chai. “This is all on the house, it is the least we can do for Rarity and her parents.”  “We, that’s kind of you.” Hondo smiled, lifting his spoon to take the first bite. His eyes lit up with the sheer brilliance of taste and flavor. His taste buds orgasmed in his mouth, as if nothing could make him feel this way ever again. “Honey! you have to try this!” Taking a bite of the food, Cookie almost squealed from delight, the food was beyond what she thought possible."  “This is so delicious!” Cookie commented, taking more bites of food, savoring all flavors. “I just have to know this recipe!”  “Oh well, that is no problem.” Saffron smiled, shaking her hips a little in excitement; an act that did not escape Hondo’s eyes. “I shall ask my father if he would be okay with sharing the recipe.” Moving away from the table, Saffron returned to the kitchen. Within the kitchen, Coriander watched his daughter with great praise. “Father, this is so easy. They are like children being given candy. They act as if they trust me fully from the moment we met and as if I knew them for years.”  “I know Saffron, but we must find a way to separate them.” Coriander commented. “Those dry leaves they are eating are the key ingredient for the aphrodisiac potion, and all their food has been spiced with the zebra ingredients given to us.”  “I found an opportunity.” Saffron explained. “The mare said she wants to know the recipe. So I’ll send her to the kitchen and we both handle one at a time.”  “That will work perfectly. Be sure to lock the door before you make your move. “Coriander praised his daughter’s cleverness. “Go and send her in, I will prepare for her now” Saffron exited the kitchen with the news. Coriander watched as his daughter left and turned to a self and moved some jars to the side and grabbed a small bottle. Inside were a few pills inside of it, pills that he had to take to even do the things he did. He hated what he had to do, but he had to do it for his daughter’s safety and these pills made it easier to be… a monster when it was needed. He took one and returned the bottle to its hiding spot and awaited the mare to arrive in his kitchen. Feeling the effects of the pill already taking effect.  “My father has said he would love to show you the recipe.” Saffron told Cookie to direct her to the kitchen. “He awaits to show you inside.”  “Oh, this is so exciting, dear. Will you be okay without me?” Cookie asked, but the sight of Hondo enjoying his meal was enough of an answer. “Well, I’ll be right back.”  As Cookie left her husband’s side, Saffron smirked at how she would seduce this gullible stallion. She moved to the door as she watched the pony gorge himself on the food. She wondered if all stallions were so easily tamed with food as they were with having their dick sucked. Saffron was more than confident she could handle this stallion. He gave no indication that he was even strong enough of will to resist such a temptation. He was some middle aged pony that was so naive, so gullible that he could be persuaded into anything; the perfect target. Looking back and forth between him and the kitchen door, the clever mare prepared herself. > Chapter 02: A Tasty Treat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the kitchen, Cookie found the room was steaming with the aroma of various spices and herbs; scents she had never believed existed. But what drew her attention from the kitchen spender was Coriander. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt this time, his hairy and muscular arms glistened in sweat. Cookie hadn’t seen a hardworking stallion in a hot, steaming kitchen for years. But those thoughts vanished when Coriander turned towards her. This was not exactly how he had planned to go about his objective, but it was still an opportunity that presented itself and he would do what he must. Swallowing the last of his concerns, he smiled at the mare. “Hello my friend.” Coriander greeted, wiping his hands on his shirt. “My daughter told me you’d like to learn the recipe?”  “Y-yes.” Cookie stuttered nervously for a moment, feeling a little trapped or even cornered by the clearly powerful stallion; the scent of the well cooked foods was dulling her mind. “It was so delicious, I just had to know.”  “Well, I am making a fresh batch. So come, watch.” Coriander stepped back, gesturing to Cookie to look in the pan. “As we can see, I am boiling the wheat and carrots.” Coriander slowly positioned himself behind Cookie, his eyes fixed on her large rear. Licking his lips, Coriander smirked almost arrogantly as he shifted his large hand, grabbing roughly at Cookie’s ass. The mare almost leaped out of her coat from the sudden touch, but did not run or scream. “Don’t worry, this is all part of the cooking.”  It took him a long time to accept having to do the things he was about to the sweet mare. He had to become a monster towards mares to avoid being eaten by the even bigger monster that loomed over his life. The only thing that kept him sane, to hold him back from staying within the abyss he would be treading, was the thought of his late wife. She would never have wanted to see him become this, and yet for their daughter, he would do anything. For Saffron, he would defile and ruin a hundred mares and lovers over if it meant she would be spared from the darker parts of this life. It wasn’t a convincing line of thought, but it was what justified what was about to befall this innocent, naïve mare. Seeing how she wasn’t fighting back, Coriander continued his assault on the mare. His groping hand moving to remove Cookie’s loose pants, his other hand reached up to grab at her mouth, muffling any noise she could make. Coriander’s hand was swift and effective, dropping Cookie’s pants and ripping away at her underwear between her legs in less than a moment.  Wanting to use his other hand, Coriander took the torn underwear and shoved it in Cookie’s mouth, muffling her further and allowing his other hand to move down, roughly groping at her large breasts. Taking a deep breath, he smelled the mix of sweat and arousal. Fear and growing pleasure were swelling within her, but she knew fully that this wasn’t part of cooking. It was at this point that Cookie started to struggle. But given her position, there was no way she could effectively throw off Coriander off his sexual assault without the boiling food splashing onto her. And her body was slowly becoming putty in his hands. Her muffled whimpers only further fueled Coriander’s craving to fuck. It was only a matter of time before Cookie would fully give into Coriander’s actions, and the hidden Siri was prepared to enjoy every second of it. Repositioning her a position, he accepted what he was to be for this to work. All thoughts of his wife vanished from all but the most recessive and sacred corners of his mind as he prepared to take this mare, her will, want, and desires be damned. Cookie wanted to struggle. She wanted to be free of this stallion’s hold. But he was so strong, and his grip on her was grabbing at her body. These were parts and features that belonged to her husband, and this stallion was treating her like some loose whore. Why did she think this would work? Why did she follow the mare into the kitchen? This was obviously a trap, but before she could even think further about what was about to befall her, her mind raced to her daughter. Did this stallion rape her daughter? Was Rarity subjected to this humiliation? Would he use that to make her do what he wants? That had to be it! He was some brutal rapist, taking advantage of innocent mares for his own pleasure. She had to protect her daughter, no matter what.  “This is all just a cooking lesson.” Coriander teased, his face smearing a rapist smile, but Cookie couldn’t see it. “Now to finish preparing the ingredients.” Lifting her shirt and large bra with ease, Coriander took his front hand and started kneading his hand roughly against Cookie’s fat breast; while his other hand fished out his thick and twitching cock. “Now to just add more body to the dish.” Coriander felt the throbbing member grind at her surprisingly slick marehood and then thrusted his cock deep into her pussy after he angled himself right. Causing the mare to yelp at the sudden intrusion; but all together offered no resistance. “Yes, just like that.”  Coriander switched from groping to grabbing at Cookie’s large ass as he plowed her cunt as deep and hard as he could thrust as he guided them away from the cooking food he had used to lure her in. It was a bit of an awkward hobble but he didn’t wish to be burned or get boiling water all over him from a thrust that got too wild. Though he felt impressed with himself as to how easily things had gone. He let himself grin widely as a result. His smirk almost covered his entire face as he gave into his own pride.  “Must be nice to know what it’s like to have a stallion who knows his way around a kitchen.” Coriander commented, still making sure to show the mare what a fat cock felt like. “But the fun is just beginning!” While Coriander pounded and beat his cock in and out of her pussy, Cookie only seemed to feel a rush. This sensation was a mix of fear and yet excitement. Being taken in such a way, with her husband so close nearby. To be raped in a kitchen with the risk of any hot instrument to smack against her. She could be burned or cut or even worse. She couldn’t disobey this savage brute. And yet, she felt a passion she had not felt in so long. Cookie and Hondo weren’t a swinger couple by any means, but have talked with the Cakes on more than one occasion about how to keep things alive in the bedroom. Maybe this was the thing they needed? But it was being done so wrong. Her mind was nearly ruined by the effects of the tainted food and drink that swirled in her round belly, addling her thoughts.  Remembering a gift in case he would need an extra boost and it was only more effective when he took with the pill from before, Coriander reached for a nearby vial of zebra spice that rested in on the shelf in front of them, popped open the top, and immediately snorting a little of the white, spicy power directly from the bottle. His eyes widened at the intimidating effect of the spice, even pouring the remaining contents into his open mouth. His cock violently twitched and pulsed inside Cookie, swelling and expanding until it was as massive as a well-hung zebra, much to Cookie’s body, taking in the pleasure. Coriander’s body moved with the tenacity of a mating bull, widening Cookie’s body to swallow more and more of his cock. Cookie’s eyes rolled back as she felt her body betray her mind, her senses becoming numb from both the raping cock behind her and the erotic smelling food in front of her.  “Here comes the last ingredient.” Coriander said, tightly grasping and pulling at Cookie’s flank. “Stuffing the bread roll.” Coriander plunged his cock deeper than he had it before, deeper than even Hondo had been able to reach with Cookie. The married mare’s head lifted as she experienced the greatest orgasm of her life, only to slump down unconscious. Pulling himself out, and looking at the now twitching and resting mare, Coriander smirked again. “I guess you have not had a real stallion in some time. But we’re not done yet.”  Leaning Cookie up against the oven, thankfully the appliance was only warm, Coriander smacked the mare’s face a bit with his cum and cunt juice coated cock. The mare’s eyes stirred open, and Coriander was even courteous enough to remove her panty gag; only to shove his thick cock into Cookie’s mouth. Though not enough to cut off her breathing, Coriander started to violently facefuck the mare with reckless abandon. Though from where the Siri was watching, it made them wonder… was it really all just the spice or was he more of a beast than he was willing to accept. As he continued to fuck her throat with seemingly less and less care, Coriander took a deep breath. This had to be done. There was no way around it. As she felt the cock hammering in the back of her throat, Cookie felt as if her body was ruined. She couldn’t fuck her husband after this. How could she? Even if she felt her betrayal of his love pass, Coriander’s cock was just so much bigger. There was no way Hondo’s smaller dick could make her feel good again. Her heart and mind were mixing with fear, hate, pleasure, and yet a sense of duty. She had protected Rarity from the clutches of Coriander. Even if this wasn’t actually true, she believed that by being this stallion’s whore, her daughter would be safe. “That’s it.” Saffron moaned a sultry sound, her body trembling as she felt the pleasure surging through her. “Keep at it and you’ll get to fill my pussy up so deep.”  As Coriander handled Cookie in the kitchen, Saffron was busy with Hondo. Though seducing him was so simple, what he was packing was definitely not worth the effort. Even as erect as her mouth and breasts could get him, Hondo was only less than the average stallion. She had seen colts with more between their legs. Saffron even giggled to herself at the thought of an average colt being bigger. He was clearly the smallest of stallions she’d been made to seduce. She was sure sex was not a big thing apart of his marriage but actual love and very little lust. The only way the mare could find even some pleasure was laying Hondo on his back, her bare pussy pressed against his decently skilled mouth as her breasts and tongue consumed the stallion’s weak cock flesh. Saffron knew that this was all for the mission, but felt that even this pathetic stallion shouldn’t even be considered a target. But for the time being, she had to play along and ensure her job was done.  “You love the taste of a younger mare on your lips?” Saffron teased, letting Hondo drink her sweetened nectar. “Just let me know when you’re gonna-” Saffron was completely cut off at Hondo’s sudden loud grunting and his cock firing off small spurts of cum; just barely enough to cover her breasts. “You have got to be?!” Turning her head back, Saffron already saw that Hondo was snoring in her pussy. “The bastard stallion fell asleep after one orgasm?!” Saffron wasn’t like the female Siri she had met before but she learned to make life easier that she should try to enjoy the pleasure from her targets but… this buckhead in her eyes made it an annoying chore.    As Saffron dealt with the quick shot Hondo, Coriander was still aggressively humping Cookie’s mouth. The mare had come from trying to push Coriander’s cock away, to almost savoring every stroke he made in her mouth. Subconsciously using her tongue to clean the length as it would enter and exit her wet hole. Cookie’s face was in a red blush of shame from being aroused by such a dominating display, but some part of her body wanted it. She wanted to be shamed, she wanted to know this was wrong, but above all, she wanted Coriander or any gigantic cock to punish the slut that she was becoming.  “Time for another helping.” Coriander groaned, grabbing both sides of Cookie’s head as he plunged himself as deep as his cock could reach; nearly running down her throat and firing his thick ropes of hot cum into her hungry stomach. Cookie’s cheeks swelled as she couldn’t drink as quickly as Coriander was cumming. But just as soon as he thrusted in, Coriander pulled free of Cookie’s mouth with a loud pop, leaving Cookie’s mouth hanging open and dripping his bubbling cum. “That was quite interesting. But it looks like that really took everything out of you. I guess I’ll have to-”  “That stallion was by far the worst I have ever- oh father!” Saffron stated, bursting into the kitchen in a fit of rage. Her outfit was still barely clinging to her and her mane remained as pristine as before. The only sign that anything happened was a few spots of cum on her breasts. Looking at how severely fucked up Cookie looked, Saffron took some solace in her father’s victory. “I take it, you finished?”  “I have, but what of the stallion?” Coriander asked, tossing Saffron a damp towel to clean herself. “Was he truly that easy to sway?”  “I barely stroked him before he simply burst on my chest.” Saffron shrugged in disappointment. “He was barely as large as a zebra child, and the only redeeming part was his balls stored a decent amount of cum. But aside from that, he came and passed out.”  “Consider it a boon that they were so easy to deal with, or would rather a repeat of the guard that you had issues with?” Coriander commented. He saw his daughter flinch. He didn’t enjoy acting so harshly with her, but he wanted to make sure she understood the luck they had been blessed with. Coriander looked over at his daughter. She was the spitting image of her mother when she was younger.  Coriander smiled softly at his kin, his cock still hard and throbbing from the spice ingested. “Help me with this one and I can help you with your tension.”  “Thank you, father.” Saffron smiled, helping to drag Cookie to a soft corner of the kitchen. Looking around, seeing as it was only herself and her father in the room, the smell of his musk tickling at her aroused senses, she licked her lips. “Now we just need to drag-”  “That won’t be necessary.” A familiar voice commented. Entering the kitchen, the same Siri as before walked in, his suit replaced by a groundskeeper attire. Coriander and Saffron froze as their eyes met with the Siri. “An excellent job on these two.” The Siri snapped his fingers, gesturing for two larger zebras to come in, one of which had Hondo bound by ropes and had his head covered by a sack. “But the Master has a new plan for these two, so we will be taking them.”  “Very well.” Coriander replied, stepping to the side. There was no way he was going to stand in the way of his master’s agents. “But how did you-“  “Get in?” The Siri commented, finishing Coriander’s question. “You don’t need to know, just know that I did and does it really matter. You know we can always reach you and your daughter as we need. Now be ready for your next orders. They will probably come soon.”  “I-I-I will, I promise.” Coriander bowed his head, as he held his expression low, it partially hid the look of fear across his eyes. He had only imagined what could befall those his master found unsuitable. It was not his place to ask questions. “But were we able to complete our mission?”  “It would appear you have for the time being.” The Siri commented, seeing Cookie being bound and bagged. “I will report to the Mwangalizi, and we shall go from there. You may continue on as you see fit.” “Thank you, sir.” Saffron bowed her head, letting the Siri agents leave. Once the zebras were gone, Saffron turned her gaze back to her father’s fat, meaty cock. With a simple gesture of her fingers, Saffron removed her top. “Now father, where were we?” For a moment, Coriander stared at his daughter, the beauty of her curvaceous form, the suppleness of her breasts, it brought a faint bit of nostalgia back to his mind. It was a breath of fresh air within his thoughts as he calmed down a little from what he did to Cookie. For a moment, he feared for her and Hondo’s fate, but it was best not to delve into it too much. Finding a chair, he took a seat, gesturing a hand over to his daughter. Saffron, knowing what her father needed, swayed her luscious hips as she made her way over to him.  “So father…” Saffron asked, dropping to her knees as she reached Coriander. Her hands rubbed gently along his inner thigh as she looked up at him with loving eyes. “What can I do to help put your mind at ease?”  “There’s too much to really bring it to the bedroom.” Coriander sighed, reaching down to rub his daughter’s head. “For now, let us clean what was sullied.”  “Of course.” Saffron smiled, standing again. “Let me see what we have.” As she spoke, she looked about the kitchen. After a moment, she made her way toward the sink. “Here we are.”  Grabbing at a clean rag, she dampened before returning to her father. Coriander watched as Saffron, bringing the rag to his soaked dick. She was not some loose whore who would treat a cock still wet with the juices of some other mare. Taking the dampened rag, she carefully wiped clean her father’s cock, taking great care to ensure every inch, from the hard tip, to his huge, cum filled balls. Coriander only leaned back, giving his daughter a better angle to clean off his dick. She was so dutiful, compassionate, and caring. She would be a far better wife to some lucky stallion than be some Siri agent. The former wouldn’t be glorious, but she would be safe. The latter would be far too dangerous, as well as secretive. He didn’t want that life for his precious daughter.  “There we are.” Saffron commented, finishing up as she looked at Coriander’s still wet but clean cock. “Now then, let us see what can be done.”  Taking her father’s cock in hand, Saffron gently began to stroke the thick shaft. It throbbed at her touch, making her only all the happier to please him. Coriander gave out a faint groan as his daughter continued to stroke him off. Saffron only continued to pleasure the stallion, licking her lips as she could only imagine how much cum remained in her father’s enormous balls. Though not a sort of relationship any in Canterlot would approve of, or go without heavy strings of gossip, what Saffron and Coriander had was special, unique, and it made them feel more attached to each other.  Licking her lips, Saffron moves herself over Coriander’s cock, letting her tongue flick against the tip. Tasting at his strong tasting pre-cum, the mare shivered. She couldn’t get enough of the flavor of her father. It was one she had known ever since she came of age. But she brushed off her shivers, taking in more and more of the stallion’s meaty cock. She wanted to make him feel good, and her throat was just the thing for it. Coriander only groaned, looking down as his daughter slowly started bobbing her head up and down on his cock.  “Oh Saffron…” Coriander moaned, remaining in place as he let his daughter service him. “You feel so good. You are a wonderful daughter.”  “Thank you.” Saffron cooed, pulling the dick from her mouth. Kissing at the head, she licked along the shaft. “Please lay back, let me handle this.”  Taking the dick back into her mouth, Saffron took in more and more of her father, rubbing her tongue along the upper parts of the shaft, only to then swallow down inch by inch. Eventually, she took in the full length of her father. Once she picked up her speed. Bobbing her head faster and faster, she used one hand to stroke Coriander’s cock between motions of her mouth and tongue, while using the other to fondle and rub along his heavy balls. The stallion only continued to groan and moan as he felt himself getting closer and closer to climax. This was a warm pleasure only he could only feel from Saffron. She was so precious to him; she knew exactly how to make him feel better, especially after a mission as stressful as this one was. Feeling the tension rising in her father’s loins, Saffron quickened her paces, taking in Coriander’s cock with the same love and passion she would give only to those special to her. The stallion groaned, clutching at the nearby counter, he felt his balls tighten as his orgasm bubbled forth. The mare only eagerly kept her mouth over the thick size, swallowing the vast load as her father released herself in her silky smooth throat. Saffron drank her father’s cum, savoring the strong flavor for a moment. It was one she was familiar with, but enjoyed it nonetheless.  “Father...your cum is so delicious.” Saffron cooed, dragging the cock from her mouth, suckling a little at the tip. Looking up at him with dazzling, love-filled eyes. “Do you feel better?” “With you my darling Saffron, I always feel much better after a long day.” Coriander commented, resting his head forward for a moment. Gathering his thoughts, he let out a small sigh. “Today has been taxing enough. Let us close the restaurant early.” “Alright father.” Saffron nodded, standing upwards. Though she didn’t admit it, she could tell her father was worried. But she trusted he would tell her when the time was right. As she put her clothes back on, she wiggled her hips towards Coriander. “Afterwards, perhaps we can take a relaxing bath?” “Of course. Anything for you, my dear.” Coriander nodded with a gentle smile. Saffron cheered a little with a giggle. As she left the kitchen, the stallion only muttered under his breath, his tone much more distraught. “For you, my dear child, I would do anything. Even if it meant selling my soul.”              “I know you would, father.” Saffron muttered to herself quietly, not fully out of earshot of her father.  A small, but sad smile curled her lips as she bit into it a little. “I know you would.” Grabbing a short himation cloak, she put it over her shoulders, as well as covering her head and face before stepping outside. As she stepped outside she reached for a small packet containing a warped herb, one that was often used to relax oneself and help deal with stress. Putting it between her fingers, she brought it to her face, still unlit Saffron’s eyes glowed an orangish hue for a second and the tip of the “relaxer” embered to life as the vapors of smoke danced in front of her. The haze of tranquility crept over her mind, which couldn’t have been any sooner as a casual looking figure with a single defining feature; a distinct wristlet that only the Siri wore.  “Couldn’t have let me unwind a bit before being a pain in the ass.” Saffron groaned as she sighed a bit, gently flicking the herb wrap between her fingers as the ashen embers fell to the ground and got stomped out. “We already did what you asked for.” “I could have, but I didn’t want to.” The Siri spoke, its voice blurring between genders. Possibly one of the more active infiltrators, not that Saffron cared. “Rather get things done and over with. I’m sure you would prefer that as well, wouldn’t you?”  “Hmph.” Saffron didn't say anything for a moment, before taking a deep take of the herb. Going into a slight coughing fit after holding in the smoke. Crossing her arms, letting the smoke waft into her face. “What do you want?”  “You’ll be required for several “clients”, but don't worry. Your father will be well taken care of, we even got something special this time around.” The Siri said, allowing a sharp smirk across their face. “A new mix to keep your father in a semi state of lucidity.” “Be careful what you say, Siri.” Saffron sneared, as her eyes narrowed as daggers were formed with her gaze. If looks could kill, the Siri agent would die a hundred times over. “I might make the wrong judgment after all.” “Calm down now, I meant what I said.” The Siri said, backstepping sheepishly. “This new batch is much more effective than the last. Your father will be doing even better.” “How?” Saffron asked, she knew better than to take anything at face value when it came from the agent. “What will this change him further?”  “He’ll be in a more lucid state, extremely so in fact. He'll forget about you and only see your mother. Isn’t that what you want after all?” The Siri said, knowing full well how Saffron was put through and what she wanted to do for her father most of all. “For daddy dearest to finally stop drinking himself into a mess and then forcing himself on his own little foal. Night after night, calling that foal by their mothers name.” Saffron was boiling inside, she wanted to kill this bitch but they also weren't wrong. She wanted to see her father happy again. This drug was the only thing that seemed to work really well. She was born into a life of expected servitude. Something else that caused her father to cry when no one was looking. He acted like was happy again but he’d often look at a small locket with her mothers picture in it. She knew her father would want her mother over her. He called her by her mother’s name a few times by mistake and caught himself and explained it was a slip of the tongue. Clearly feeling terrible for mixing them up. But the smile on her father’s face, the happiness she held in his heart. As perverse and twisted as it was, during the time her father would force himself on her as a foal. He stopped a few times when she asked him to, going back to drinking only to do it again but twice as hard. Her pleas drowned out by the alcohol induced stupor. As she got older, she started to understand why and she felt… bad. Despite the cruel and unspeakable act she was subjected to by her father. So one day she pretended to be her mother and for a whole day, her father was so delusional that he truly believed it.  But after seeing a picture of her as a baby with her mother, he broke. He turned to her and kneeled before her, apologizing and how he was a scummy father to make her think she needed to do that for him. After that her father started “bonding” as she approached him for the first time instead of him approaching her. He was confused and put off by her actions and it took time but he eased into a mutual relationship and he seemed much happier…for a time. Her father entered a deep depression that was slowly chipping away at him. It was so bad for a time, she caught her father trying to kill himself several times. When she stopped him, he’d wail “No, let me go. I want to be with your mother”. All of this happened and that wasn't even counting what, the Siri had them do.  If it wasn’t for the sheer dumb luck that some of her long buried heritagy manifested itself as she was infront of a weird Siri Agent, her strips in a reverse color pattern. After that, everything after that happened so rapidly. But it resulted in them giving her father a drug that gave him some semblance of happiness, in exchange she would be a “judge” for the various “clients” that were to be sent their way. She didn't fully understand it, but the reverse striped Zebra said somewhere in her family, she had a Kirin ancestor. Kirin’s had disappeared a long time ago she learned and were considered nothing more than myths before they proved otherwise. Her hazy mind was brought from her thoughts as the Siri looked annoyed as they shook her shoulder. “Hey, are you still there? The Siri said in a rather aggressive tone. “Or too stoned off your ass to respond properly?” “Yes I am, when do we leave then.” Saffron slowly remarked, taking a deep breath of frustration. “I’m tired and sick of dealing with any more of you today.” “When you’re not so stoned smoke is coming out your cunt.” The Siri stated, its tone becoming far more aggressive than before. “Watch your tongue child. You have protection, but not favor. Do not lose what little is left.”  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Saffron jokes, clearly trying to get a rise outta the Siri. She was met with a nasty glare that promised pain if she kept this up. “So long as I stay “stoned off my ass” a little longer.” The Siri only glared at her a little longer, before leaving what it came to bring before departing. Watching the agent leave, she let out a deep sigh. “It’s gonna be a long few days…fucking shit.” > Chapter 03: Marriage Counseling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the heart of Manehattan, in the more business-like district, a sizable Counselor's office rested casually between a Law and Order office, and a classy Prench restaurant. "Dr. Silver Hoof, PhD Marriage Counseling '' was painted carefully on the glass door of the office. Silver Hoof was a well renowned counselor, capable of helping couples that others would've long suggested divorces to. She was also a rather young mare herself, possibly in her early thirties and remained unmarried. Not that she didn't have the occasional client trying to seduce her during one on one sessions. Silver Hoof did maintain an elegant and professional air about her, wearing a dark business attire that complimented both her alluring breasts and distracting curves. Many wives have accused her of foul play, but Silver had an almost magical way to talk anypony into anything. The loud ring of the telephone broke the silence in Dr, Silver Hoof's office. The Zebra mare paused from her paperwork for a moment to reach over, picking up the phone. "Hello, Dr. Silver Hoof, Marriage Counselor, how may I help you?" Silver asked, her voice was as sweet and tantalizing as audible chocolate. The caller only gave one word...Siri. Silver's eyes widened in surprise and said “Sorry you’ve got the wrong number. She hung up the phone, then quickly looked around her office to ensure privacy.  She pulled out a panel of her desk and a new phone was presented and picked it up. "You certainly know how to call out of the blue. Please try to warn me in advance, if you need to speak with me over the phone. Public lines are not safe anymore." "You seem to be doing well." The Siri on the phone commented. Ignoring her remarks. "The Master has begun to forward the plans, all Siri are to begin the next step." "Next step?" Silver asked, looking over to her file cabinet. Over the past half decade, she has had clients of every kind. And each marriage held a dirty secret she could use against them. "And how can I be of help?" "You have records of many married couples in Manehattan correct? Mostly those of influence." The Siri asked, his voice was neutral, if not a tad monotone. "I have, it was my mission." Silver responded. "Is there a couple the Master wants me to put towards our position?" "Yes, we are now to bring the wealthier members of pony society into our folds." The Siri answered. "I believe you have a client called the Oranges?" "The Oranges? Yes, I believe I have them." Silver got up from the phone to check her records. After a few moments, she found the dossier containing Mr and Mrs Oranges' session records. "Here they are...both are not completely satisfied with the other and both make a hefty disposable income. I have had them invest into our ventures and clean our money unknowingly for years. They have proven to be a valuable asset to us. They also have become the owners of many redistribution centers for food and goods." "They are also the Aunt and Uncle of the Element of Honesty, Applejack." The Siri wrapped up his instructions. "The Master has already conquered the Element, as well as beginning to bring in her family one pony at a time. We want you to target her kin in Manehattan. We don’t need them spoiling what fruit has been barred so far. Use whatever means you can, but remember, discretion is our greatest tool. No mistakes" "I will perform as the Master declares." Silver nodded her head as she wrapped up her call. "They shall be under our thumbs within a fortnight, this I swear." Silver hung up the phone and quickly flipped through her calendar for a specific date. "Only eight days away from our next session. This one is sure to be quite the lesson. Till then I have much to do." Back in Manehattan, Silver Hoof's luck has only increased. Instead of waiting eight days, Mrs. Orange had contacted Silver's office about a rather personal issue she claims could not wait. Not wanting to let this opportunity slip, Silver set up a last second appointment. But Silver made sure to add an extra surprise. Immediately contacting the nearest Siri hideout, Silver was given a back up Siri agent. The Siri sent to her was a rather petite looking zebra. But she would act as Silver's intern. As Silver waited in her office, her "intern" awaiting the arrival of the Oranges, Silver made sure to get back into the mindset of a "traditional" zebra. Making sure her tone was exotic with a rhyming dialect. "Silver Hoof, your three o'clock has arrived, I am sending them in." The intern called into the office with a surprisingly feminine voice, letting the Oranges enter the office. "And so the fun can now begin." Inside Silver's office, both the Oranges sat rather apart from the other. Mr. Orange was dressed in a dark orange suit with a black tie, his cropped and slicked back mane showed off his "sophistication". While Mrs. Orange was in a bright orange show dress, one that could easily be lifted by the right pair of hands. Silver did a quick analysis of the two before starting their session. "Now what is it that has brought you both here?" Silver's tone was calming and compassionate, perfect for her act. "Certainly nothing bad, I hope." "Well, this is a little difficult, but...I don't think my husband loves me anymore." Mrs. Orange said, tears starting to drip from her eyes as she spoke. "He hasn't touched me in years, but I found out he's been sleeping with other stallions from the yacht club." "That is quite the reason to feel sorrow and anger." Silver turned her gaze to Mr. Orange, who was relaxed and calm despite the accusations. "Is this true sir?" "It is." Mr. Orange said, his voice held almost no shame. "I love my wife, same as I did when we married. But I can't simply throw away who I am. I'm into stallions and that's all there is to it. My desires are not for mares as I thought when I was younger, they are for stallions. I still love her dearly still… but I’ve come to understand lusting for mares isn’t who I am. "Well we will need a more one on one session for such topics. This is quite the revelation. I will do my best to help you both." Silver suggested, gesturing towards the door. "Mr. Orange, if you would kindly leave while I ask Mrs. Orange a few questions? I will call you in after I’m done speaking with her and then I will speak to you both. If you are both willing, we can have an extended session to properly handle your current concerns. This would also increase the appointment fees though. Is that alright?" Both Oranges looked at each other and nodded before agreeing. This needed more than a one hour session and would take a lot of work. "I will take my leave for the time being." Mr. Orange commented, getting to his hooves, his expression remained unchanged. "I only want what's best for both of us." Mrs. Orange said nothing as her husband left the room.  Just as he left, Mr. Orange's attention was brought to the petite intern. The zebra had a cute face to her, but something about her seemed off. But for some reason, it kept Mr. Orange staring. Without looking, the zebra intern rose from her seat, and with swaying small hips, appeared to be luring Mr. Orange away. "Well...I know it's bad but I just...aw damn it!" Mr. Orange swallowed hard and gave a subtle chase after the tempting Zebra. Though he was into stallions, he felt something enticing about the intern. He wondered if his body had noticed something his mind had not... "Now you believe your husband no longer cares." Silver asked, knowing full well that her "intern" would be busy with Mr. Orange away. "But there must be other reasons you are so worried over this affair?" "There are." Mrs. Orange explained, her body trembled a little at her words. "My husband and I have had a falling out for quite some time, years even as you know. The only thing keeping us together was our social standing. If the other nobles were to discover we divorced over this, it would be the social death of us both. If that was to happen then I fear things would turn for the worst. That’s not even bringing into consideration our finances." "So you desire a way to keep your social standing and your husband?" Silver asked, writing some more notes and suggestions. "But so far you have not been able to consider any plans?" "Exactly, that's why I set up this appointment." Mrs. Orange asked. "Is there any way we can resolve this?" "I do have a few ideas if you would listen with care. Though please understand that one's sexuality is not so simple as just ‘resolving’ it. I’ve seen both mares and stallions alike go through such a revolution. In such a position as yourself, many expect you to fit the role given. Many repress who they are for who they have to be because of this. Many times resulting in scenario’s you are in now. Society’s social standards are powerful in today's society." Silver said, explaining to the mare that things are far from as simple as resolving one's sexuality., her tone more direct and almost hypnotic as she spoke. "Have you considered being intimate with a mare? Maybe you feel more like your husband than you know, have you considered this thought before?" "A mare?!" Mrs. Orange froze in her seat, but started fidgeting a little. "I-I never really thought about it..." Silver’s words lingered in her thoughts, a mare she never even entertained the notion before but…. maybe?”  Her mind had wandered before to try and put herself in her husband's shoes but she never could come to any other feeling than confusion and frustration. Though Silver's words lingered… She was right in many ways, the expected and the standards. She had seen a couple break apart in the high society before and one had a gay lover. It was not pretty, which scared her. The same thing happens to herself if she ever entertained such a thing. Though she feared for her husband to be put through the same as the couple she saw tormented before. Maybe fear was controlling her… maybe she was like her husband? "There's no need to lie." Silver smiled, her words becoming audible honey to Mrs. Orange's ears. Mrs. Orange was finding it harder and harder to ignore Silver's words as they seemed to dance in her mind and bring forth a pleasant feeling. Getting up from her chair, Silver swayed her way to Mrs. Orange, seduction coated eyes staring down at the now timid mare. "Maybe it is something you would like to try. Maybe… with me?" The Zebra’s mare's words sunk deep into Mrs. Orange as they seemed to draw her in. While Silver was seducing a nervous Mrs. Orange, her intern was busy with Mr. Orange. The intern's own seductions might have worked a little too well. All the intern did was sway some hip and an inviting look was all it took to lure the stallion to an empty supply room. But Mr. Orange followed after the tender prey, only to jump it the moment the door was closed. Though taken by surprise at Mr. Orange's advances, the intern put up no resistance; in fact, quite the opposite. "You are quite the forward one." The intern moaned, feeling Mr. Orange's hands moving about his body, lowering themselves to the hips and rear. "We only just met." "Is that going to stop you?" Mr. Orange asked, his hands still holding the intern. “Cause you’re the one who brought me here.” "Only if you don't get too rough." The intern responded, kissing Mr. Orange on the lips in a passionate display. Pulling his mouth away, the intern slowly pulled down the tight pants, revealing that the intern had something Mr. Orange had hoped for, his feeling from before wasn’t wrong. He suspected that's why he was drawn to the intern so easily but couldn’t confirm till now.. The intern was a stallion, a sissy zebra stallion. I can give or I can take. It's up to you, big guy." "Hmm let's see then." Mr. Orange responded, completely unfazed by the intern's sudden maleness. "Let's do this then." Mr. Orange grabbed the intern's shoulders, forcing the male's body to his knees. The intern did not resist but rather stared longingly at Mr. Orange's large bulge in his pants. "Go and fish it." "Of course.." The intern cooed, slowly unzipping Mr. Orange's pants, reaching into the fly to pull out Mr.Orange's thick, flopping cock. "So strong." The intern licked his lips as he slowly stroked it, making it harder and thicker. "The musk coming off this." The intern started licking at the shaft, running his tongue along the length and ending at the tip. "So delicious." "Oh Celestia, you are good at this." Mr. Orange commented, grabbing the back of the intern's mane, tugging at it and forcing him to really take in the thick cock in his mouth. "How long have you been sucking cock?" "Oh, for a good long time." The intern moaned, one hand cupping Mr. Orange's balls, while his other hand began stroking his small cock. "I've never known anything better than such a thick...meaty...succulent..." "Here we go!" Mr. Orange loudly groaned and he grabbed the back of the intern's head as he drove his cock deep into the zebra's mouth, filling his cheeks with his thick cum. "Oh that was great!" The intern though hoped the stallion had more to give, that was a bit quick but he suspected the stallion was a bit deprived. "Y-yeah." The intern responded, gulping the stallion's cum. "But I think we're not done here yet." Standing up, the intern gestured to Mr. Orange to lay on his back. "When I'm done with you, you're never gonna be able to fuck another tight asshole again." "That's what I like to hear." Mr. Orange smirked, laying on his back. "Now come and get your thick pony cock!" Slowly lowering himself down, the zebra stared deeply into Mr. Orange's eyes, silently telling him how good this would feel. It wasn't long until the intern was riding on top of Mr. Orange, letting the married stallion's cock pulse in and out of the intern's ass. But despite learning the truth about the intern, Mr. Orange was even more eager to fuck the small zebra. Not that the intern complained, he was proud to service such a well formed cock, and it only bought Silver more time. Mr. Orange was by far the easiest stallion the intern could have ever seduced. He barely had to move and Mr. Orange was raging and hard. "I-I'm surprised!" The zebra intern moaned, feeling Mr. Orange's cock widening his ass. "I thought...y-you'd be put off by my little prick, but it only seems to make you harder." "Well, I was a little surprised." Mr. Orange chucked, thrusting harder into the intern's anal cavity. "But I have a thing for small and timid looking stallions." "Then you're gonna love this." The intern moaned, swaying himself from side to side. This motion caused Mr. Orange's cock to only thicken inside the small stallion's rear. "Oh yeah! Tell me how much you love fucking some innocent twink ass." "Yes! I love it!" Mr. Orange moaned, grabbing at the zebra's hips, allowing him to go deeper and harder. "This is one of the best I've ever felt." "More than your wife?" The zebra moaned, but his euphoric arousal was interrupted by Mr. Orange pushing him off, landing him less than a foot away. "What's wrong?!" "I'm sorry." Mr. Orange answered, getting to his hooves. "But no ass or pussy could change my love for my wife."  “Are you sure about that?” The intern said, looking up at the stallion with twinkling eyes. His lips quivered as he looked at him, giving him a lustful, yet playful expression. “Maybe I should show you.”  Before Mr. Orange could say another thing, the intern turned over, getting back to work suckling along his cock. The stallion felt his back straighten up as he felt another surge of pleasure rush through him. This petite little twink was even better than he thought. Whatever he showed him before, that was just a flirt, a tease to lure him deeper. He could feel it, the swelling of his arousal, and it was something no amount of thoughts of his wife could restrain. Gritting his teeth harder, he tried in vain, but there was no point to it. His balls tightened, only to then feel a tingle as the intern fondled at his sensitive orbs.  “Come on, you think you can hold back?” The intern giggled, licking along the cockhead. “Try this.” Before Mr. Orange could say another word, the zebra twink took in the full size of his cock, bottoming out as his throat bulged.  The stallion gasped as he continued to try in vain to hold back, but this intern was too good. The way his throat wrapped so tight and wet around his shaft. It was more than anything he’s ever felt. Not even the few times he had fucked his own wife had he felt this level of pleasure. This little twink was able to make his cock tingle in no way he had experienced before. His mind continued to resist, even as his body had already surrendered to this intern’s skills. This didn’t escape the intern’s notice.  “Come on, isn’t this what you want?” The intern asked, slowly pulling Mr. Orange’s cock free of his mouth. But then, an idea dawned on him. “Oh, that’s right, we didn’t get to enjoy the full experience.” Turning over again, he presented his still open and willing asshole to the stallion. “You only got a taste, I wanna give that fat cock the full meal.”  Mr. Orange hesitated for a moment, struggling to hold back his growing urges. He was facing a choice, the same that he had dealt with many, many times before. Would this be what took him too far? Would this next tight, femboi fuckhole be what would fully ruin his marriage? Swallowing hard, he stared a little longer at the twink. He couldn’t deny that his dick was getting harder, twitching madly as he wanted to ram himself back into this smaller zebra. Swaying his hips from side to side, the intern continued to allure the stallion, but said little else.  “I’m going to hate this later.” Mr. Orange said to himself, as quiet as a whisper. Swallowing the last of his fear, and possibly his pride, he grabbed at the intern’s hips again. The smaller zebra let out a small coo as he felt his rear hole being slowly stretched again by the stallion’s large size. “Fuck…” Mr. Orange didn’t say anything else after that, it wasn’t that he was broken, his mind didn’t submit to the intern’s tight ass. But there was a part of him that echoed out within his mind, the same part of him that had driven him to commit these acts over and over again. Justification. As he started to pick up the pace of his humping, his mind was filled with nothing but excuse after excuse. Every and anything he could imagine to let himself get away with this. Before, he would have no regard for this, only to fuck and enjoy himself, but this was different. His wife was nearby, and yet he only felt a growing sense of guilt.  The intern seemed to show little to no concern, only bouncing his small, round ass over the stallion’s cock. He did his best to squeeze his anal cavity over the shaft, taking in as much as he could. Mr. Orange pumped and thrusted faster and faster, making sure to try and ram himself as quickly and deep as he could. His mind was nearly there in accepting what was happening. Though a fragment of it held strong to his feelings for his wife. Taking another deep breath, his lungs filled the faint yet potent musk this femboi was giving off.  “Come on, fuck my ass!” The intern moaned, his voice sounding sweeter and sweeter as he continued to work himself over Mr. Orange’s cock. Shivering as he swayed and bounced on the shaft. “Don’t think about it, just fuck it.” He continued to moan and plead, almost like a sweet begging as he looked back at the stallion with dazzling eyes. “I got this tight ass that’s begging for your cock. Give it to me, give it to me. I want it, I want it!” Mr. Orange continued to pump and hump his hips against the intern’s ass, filling and stretching his rear hole with a growing sense of lust and fervor. His mind, or what was left of this resistance was widling away, leaving only the desire to fuck, but that did not mean he had been broken. He was not fully succumbing to the addiction of such debauchery, but his body was still showing off more and more of his spiral into the euphoric pleasure.  “Come on, fuck me harder.” The intern moaned out, his tongue dangling from his open mouth as he continued to take in more and more dick. “You know you want to pound my ass with that fat cock.”  “...I know…” Mr. Orange grumbled, his thoughts escaping his throat as he continued to pick up his paces. Groaning and letting out more and more gurgling sounds. “Just…just stop…talking…”  “How are you going to make me?” The intern asked with a teasing tone. “How about you just keep fucking me if you wanna make me stop talking, stud.”  Grunting hard, Mr. Orange tightened his hold of the intern's hips. Thrusting hard and fast, the stallion continued to pump his cock in and out of the femboi's ass, stretching it out more and more with each motion. Groaning and grunting, he continued to pound as hard as he could, trying to fuck rougher whenever the zebra twink tried to say anything other than whorish moans and coos. But no matter how much he fucked him, the tight zebra seemed to only tease and tantalize him with each panting breath. Gritting his teeth harder, his anger only grew as he couldn't get the intern to stop talking, even if it was little more than moaning whispers. He could still hear him. That voice, that sound, it mocked him, it drove him to only try harder and harder. Driving his cock as deep as he could, it felt as though he was ramming his full size all the way inside the intern’s body. The twink kept on moaning, but there was still that whisper under his breath.  “Come on stud, keep fucking me!” The intern moaned, looking back again at Mr. Orange. “Your cock is so big. Are you gonna cum? You gonna fill my tight twink ass with your hot cum?”  “I said…” Mr. Orange grunted, reaching upwards to grab at the intern’s arms. Pulling them back hard, he thrusted his cock so deep, it caused the zebra to gasp as he felt the hot release of the stallion’s cum. “Shut…up!”  The intern’s eyes rolled back a little, feeling his ass fill with Mr. Orange’s cum. It was a pretty think load pumped hard in the intern’s insides, almost causing the strong taste to reach the back of his throat and the tip of his dangling tongue. Letting out another thick load in the intern's ass, Mr. Orange let out a low sigh as he kept himself in the zebra for a few moments. Panting hard, he tried to compose himself, his mind racing as he felt the lingering shivers of his cock still twitching out a few more smaller spurts before eventually pulling himself out of the twink. "Fuck...you came so hard…" The intern cooed, shivering as he all but collapsed on the ground. "How was that stud? Still wanna fuck your wife after that?" "Yes. Even if I like little twink sluts like you, that doesn't change anything." Mr. Orange said, his tone somewhat calmer as he tried to tuck his limping dick back into his pants. "I'll admit, I enjoy that, but if enjoying this means betraying my wife anymore...then I'll just have to give up the bad habit. It's been fun, but I don't want to do this again."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "That’s very sweet of you to love her so much...but that's a shame." The intern sighed, snapping his fingers. As if on cue, the door opened, with no less than eight large zebra stallions entering. Mr. Orange's expression turned to fear as his mind raced at what was to happen to him. It was in this hesitation that the intern was able to remove himself from Mr. Orange and quickly sneak behind Mr. Orange, forcing him to drink a strange elixir.. The change was not immediate, but Mr. Orange dropped to his knees at the internal effects. His body was on fire as a feeling of both pain and pleasure roamed his body from head to hoof. Every cool breeze froze his sweat covered skin, and his vision was becoming blurred. The last thing he heard before his world vanished from him was the intern commanding the eight zebras. "Break him." He then felt himself lifted by a pair of large armors and a hand firmly on his bottom as his asshole was teased slightly by a thick digit. He wasn’t sure what happened but he knew they were no longer in the empty supply closet. Mr. Orange was powerless to resist as two of the stronger zebras grabbed his shoulders and forced him to his knees. Though his eyes were closed and most of his senses were almost non-existent, Mr. Orange could feel three massive zebra cockheads pressing against his cheeks and lips. Mr. Orange could only kneel and feel as his mouth was pried open by two thick cocks, nearly dislocating his jaw as he only seemed to moan as the zebras turned his face into a fuck toy. "I'm sorry we have to be so rough with you." The intern commented, looking down at Mr. Orange, though the presence of so many cocks was causing him to start stroking off two of the other zebras. "But this would've gone a lot easier if you just gave in. But you'll find this is more fun than it feels at first." Looking at Mr. Orange being brought to his knees, as well as the struggle there was trying to fit so many bodies in one closet forced the intern to rethink his approach. Snapping his fingers at an idea. “We need a little more room here.”  Turning around, the intern pushed aside a large, yet surprisingly light box to reveal a tall panel. Shifting the panel to one side revealed a much more spacious room secretly attached to the closet. The intern sighed a breath of relief for a moment. Thanking that the zebras had long bought off this building and added this remodeling. If that wasn’t there and the zebras he called in couldn’t do their business in such a small space, his ass would be beaten...quite literally.   "Ahh good, more room to break in the bitch." One of the zebra's most likely the leader of this pack, grabbed the back of the intern's head. "You called us in too quickly, you shouldn’t have been so quick to give up after one attempt. You should have kept pushing him, making him yearn for you but instead you gave up. Not all targets will be easily conquered. Now that we have stepped in, you must be disciplined for your laziness. You shouldn’t have been so quick to give up and have us step in. So before we send you back to HQ, you’ll be punished by the rest of the unit. " The intern only gulped in both pleasure and fear as he felt the pack leader's cock press against his tight entrance. He felt a tinge of guilt at the pack leader's words, he had quick and easy targets before… He never had someone like Mr. Orange that would say no after he made them blow their load. He understood his mistake, he grew cocky and that if he failed once that he wasn’t gonna be able to do it… that was his mistake.  The Intern was jolted from this mind as he felt his pack leader's hand throw him to the nearby table. The pack leader gave no warning as he grabbed the intern's hips and forced his thick zebra cock into the intern's ass. The small zebra cried in both pleasure and pain; his little cock squirting a little as he orgasmed from the sudden intrusion. But his open mouth was only blocked by another zebra's cock and his hands continued stroking the other two.  “B-but didn’t I do good?” The intern squealed, his soft voice being muffled but heavy cock thrusts. “I hope I did good.” “You failed to sway him as promised. That wasn’t even the problem, it was your lack of effort.” The lead Zebra grunted watching the intern squirm under so much pressure. “And when you manage to bring us in to fix your mistake, you fail to provide appropriate space for us. It doesn’t matter that you fixed it, you still made the mistake and failed to put in a proper amount of effort. You’ve become complacent and gave up at the first signs of resistance..” The intern had no response, he knew the zebra was right. All he could do was accept his punishment. > Chapter 04: Soft Oranges > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the dressing down by his superior, the Intern squirmed a bit. Not everyone could just be so easily seduced. The old stallion Mr. Orange did still love his wife; he just liked younger and feminine stallions instead when it came to skinship. He knew that didn’t matter to his superior though, out here in Manehatten. Things were a lot more intense and strict than most other areas due to the high level of Influence Celestia had over the area and it being a place she commonly visited. This punishment wouldn’t be so bad if it was done with a more passionate intent, but that would defeat the point of it being a punishment. It hurt for the most part, used and sore and hard to move made day to day life a lot worse. But when he’s about to have a train run on him, he’ll likely be bed ridden for a few days at least. Taking a deep breath and preparing himself for what was to come. Opening his mouth, the intern offered no resistance as he felt his mouth being forced open by a massive zebra cock. His hands pulled at the sides of his mouth to open his maw wider, to take his meaty punishment deeper. His tender ass was quickly grabbed by one of his fellow Zebras, who wasted no time licking his hand before stroking it; making sure his shaft would be moist and lubed enough for what was about to follow. With no further words, the Zebra behind the Intern shoved his full length to the hilt in his tight ass. This caused his mouth to open even wider in a near screaming moan. This extra space was just what the Zebra in front needed to shove his length to the hilt in the Intern’s throat pussy. With both ends filled nicely, the two large and muscular Zebras began to roughly and violently fuck the Intern. From an outside view, it looked almost like a ragdoll spitroast was happening. Thrusting in and out of the intern’s ass and throat, the two larger zebras gave the femboi slut the brutal cocking he had deserved. Humping their hips faster and faster, the zebras showed little mercy or care for the Intern. The little femboi was nothing more than a toy to them. He only accepted his punishment, his ass and throat tightened even more around the fat dicks that rubbed in and out of his holes. The two larger zebras only continued to pump themselves over and over, tensing up as they were getting close to their own orgasm. Grunting a little, the two of them  let out a deep sigh as they felt the collective release of their climax.  The Intern’s body tensed and twitched as the vast amounts of cum was pumped in his throat and ass, filling both ends of his body. Pulling out for a moment, the two Siri looked at each other, silently nodding as they repositioned the Intern. This wasn’t how this would end. Aiming both cockheads at the femboi’s gaping, moist ass, they rammed both their slick and soaked shafts back into the hole, stretching it with both their shafts rubbing against each other within. The Intern gasped a silence scream as the pain and pleasure surged through his body, his own smaller dick twitching and spurting out little bits of cum.  The larger zebras grunted as they pounded in and out of the femboi’s holes, fucking at every angle they could as rub along his soft and tender insides. Mr. Orange wasn’t a small stallion by any means. In fact, he may have been a little better than average. But all this did was just barely allow his rear hole to become flexible enough to just allow the two Siri to wedge themselves in and out of his ass. Gasping and moaning like a used whore, the intern could only let the two have their way with him. He deserved this, and he knew this.  “Fuck this slut is tight.” One of the Siri comments, grunting as he rubbed his cock along the inside of the intern’s ass. “A little whore like this shouldn’t be this tight.” “Agreed. He’s been lazier than we thought.” The other Siri laughed, keeping pace with his partner. “We’ll have to especially punish this useless fuckhole!”  Nodding in unison, the two looked at each other, back to the intern, and smirked. Almost at once, the two of them changed their fuck pattern. Rather than both shoving in and out at the same time, the two of them instead fucked at a different speed. While one was in, the other was nearly out, then when the first pulled out, the second shoved himself back in. Keeping this up at a rapid and smooth speed, the two of them were fucking the femboi zebra in a fashion that barely gave him a moment to breath in, only gasping for air as he continuously moaned more and more. Eventually, the sounds of his sexual squeals was becoming too much.  “Shut the fuck up, whore!” One Siri growled, taking his hand to cover the intern’s mouth. “Do you want the whole building to hear us?”  “If they do, you know what that means?” The second Siri asked, leaning in to almost whisper in the intern’s ear, but loud enough for the other to be heard. “It means we’ll have to break every slut in the building, and you can tell the master why it had to happen.”  The intern’s body tensed up at the notion. Failure on his mission, that was one thing, it would come with a punishment. But when it came to Zakia, rumors and whispers among the Siri held that their master was only as forgiving as long as you could still serve his needs. He had already failed to fully convert Mr. Orange, so what would happen to him? He could only imagine whatever the zebra lord had in mind would make this brutal anal pounding feel like a day in paradise compared to the horrors that would await him.  “See, there we go.” The first Siri said, seeing how the intern was trying to muffle his moans. Looking at the other, he smirked. “Looks like he doesn’t want to get any more attention.”  “Shame, I wanted to see if there were anyone else here that needed a hard cock.” The second Siri chuckled, still pumping himself in and out of the femboi’s ass. “Oh well, guess I’ll just have to take it out on you, slut.” “Maybe Silver will give us that whore wife she’s working over when she’s done.” The first Siri commented, looking over towards the door. “I’d like to see how much cum her pussy can take.”  “Well, if this limp dick loser is her husband, I don’t think there’s any contest here.” The second Siri laughed, looking back at Mr. Orange. “Oh well, he’ll be broken in properly, and I think this little bitch needs to learn his place.”                                                                                                While the intern was being violently fucked by his fellow zebras, Mr. Orange was nearly choking on a zebra cock and cum as the two in his mouth barely allowed time to breath or rest as they relentlessly fucked his mouth hole. While the two in front took his mouth, the last two in the back were busy taking their two fore and middle fingers to part his ass. There was a thick line of blood as Mr. Orange's dry asshole was being forced open, but he didn't seem to care at this point. The two zebra's chuckled as Mr. Orange's body seemed to adjust their fingers much faster as the potion was finally taking full effect. "Those potions are certainly a scary thing." Laughed one of the zebras, lining up his cockhead to Mr. Orange's anal entrance. "But it seems his ass is ripe for a fucking! Though, maybe too tight. Let’s see..." Licking his finger, the Zebra moistened his digit to help ease in his soon to be fucking. Breaking open a bitch pony’s ass was a major turn on of his, but he didn’t like the feeling of his dick being crushed in a super tight hole. Testing the firmness of Mr. Orange’s ass, the Zebra shoved his wet finger in the stallion’s hole, beating his knuckle against the soft rear flesh. Mr. Orange moaned as he felt his hole being played with. Feeling a chance to make the new slut even looser, he pulled out just enough to ram a second finger in the femboi’s ass.  “There we go.” The Zebra commented, satisfied that Mr. Orange’s ass was now ready for a good fucking. “Now I can fuck this bitch right.”  "Then save room for me." Said the other zebra as he positioned himself to double fuck Mr. Orange's asshole. “I’m not gonna stand and watch you have all the fun.” “This bitch is really something.” A third zebra commented, watching his fellows rape Mr. Orange. “I knew the potions were meant to really bring out the timidness in the target, but this is just too easy.” Raising his hand, the zebra brought it down hard, smacking Mr. Orange’s ass with a loud slap, causing the near broken femboi to squeal like a stuck animal. “Damn, that potion was strong, I think he’s already broken.” Mr. Orange felt the sheer pain as twin zebra cocks slowly wedged their way into his asshole. But the pain quickly subsided and made way to a pleasure he had never known. Maybe he was dreaming, maybe he was not fully awake or asleep, or maybe it was the femboi potion coursing through his body, but Mr. Orange could feel his body crave for this pleasure, hunger for it as he seemed to moan in longing as the two zebras fitted themselves further inside. On the other end, the other two zebras' cocks were still pumping both their shafts and their thick cum into Mr. Orange's body, giving him only enough air to breathe but every other breath was used to swallow each load. Mr. Orange's shrinking cock only seemed to twitch and dribble a little as he felt his stomach filling. Mr. Orange could only gurgle and babble moaning sounds as no coherent thought could enter his mind. His body had been defiled in a manner even his more deprived and sickening fantasies could ever hope to be. And he loved it. It was a feeling he had never felt before. Dominating a mare was one thing, and even being dominated once in a while was fine. But nothing could ever compare to what it felt to be at the complete mercy of a group of large, muscular studs. Especially these Zebras, they made him into their slut and through their potion, made Mr. Orange into the femboi whore he secretly wanted to be if his state mind could believe any less. If any Zebra ever smacked his ass ever again, Mr. Orange knew deep in his heart, he would drop to his knees and take their massive girths in his throat hole like a good bitch; a bitch who knew his place.  “Too bad he wasn’t a mare.” One Zebra chuckled, smacking Mr. Orange’s ass. “If I saw a bitch with hips like these, I’d be plowing that whore’s cunt all night, and knocking her up with a whole clan.”  “I agree.” Another Zebra commented, stroking some last spurts of cum on Mr. Orange’s limp body. “Maybe he’s even better than that Intern? I’ll have to fuck both of them to find out.” "But I think he's good and broken now." Stated the pack leader, his cock balls deep in the intern's tight asshole; cum spurting out the sides of his canal. "Make sure he doesn't die and have him cleaned up later after you’ve all had your fun. Silver will decide his fate later." The other zebras nodded in agreement as they continued to fuck away. “Let me check.” The Siri commented, looking at the femboi that was once Mr. Orange. Shrugging his shoulders, he looked him over. “I think he’s good for a little more.”  “Then pass him over.” One Siri said, grabbing at the twink’s body. Lifting him upwards, he slammed his cock fully in his ass, causing his belly to bulge from the thrust. The stallion gasped as he nearly spit up the cum he had been forced to choke on, but the zebra didn’t stop. “Fuck he’s a good hole. I haven’t had an ass this tight since I plowed that pegasus whore.”  “Which one?” Another zebra laughed, grabbing at the stallion’s head. “Let’s see if that mouth is any tighter.” Angling him forward, he shoved his cock in the femboi’s mouth, causing his throat to bulge as he humped against his face. “Shit, he’s got a natural throat cunt!”  “You’ve never known a natural fuckhole untill you shoved that cocky slut Rainbow Dash into the ground.” The first Siri chuckled, picking up his paces as he fucked Mr. Orange’s ass. “Man, I wanna fuck that whore again.”  “Be careful with that.” Another zebra commented, leaning back against the wall as he took a drink of what was assumed to be some energy potion. “The Master isn’t too keen on his pets being used without his permission. Or do you want to be sent to her?”  The notion of the word “her”, even without naming the mare in question sent a sudden chill down every Siris’ spine. Though not often mentioned by name, Fluttershy’s insatiable reputation has earned her the respect, but mostly fear of many agents. Though seen at first as some sort’ve reward to bed one of Zakia’s prized mares, this was soon revealed to be more like a punishment. Thankfully, not many Siri have been sent to service her, but the few who have, return to the field with a new initiative to fulfill their assignments to greater success. This is of course, after the near week it takes to recover from the exhaustion. Rainbow Dash was a somewhat safer bet, but even then, while she was open about fucking around to anyone who asked, or she came across, the fear of being caught kept many Siri in line.  “I heard Neema was assigned to be her watch last week.” One Siri said, a tinge of fear hung in his tone. “I only heard that he hasn’t been seen out of her chambers for days. Her lust is legend after all.” “I mean, that’s not the worst way to die.” The Siri by the wall said, finishing his potion. “Death by some hot mare pussy is a pretty good way to go.”  “If every moment is nothing but pleasure.” Another relaxing zebra snapped, perhaps from personal experience. “I heard the Master does something to ensure you’ll feel as much pleasure as you can handle, but after the second day, you’ll feel nothing but agony as she drains you of everything.”  “I heard she feeds on your very soul as she sucks your cock.” The Siri in Mr. Orange’s mouth said, still humping the stallion’s face. “But then again, maybe if you last long enough, the Master will reward you.”  “Don’t go thinking dangerous thoughts.” The Siri by the wall said, sighing a little as he rubbed his head. “The Master’s mercy only goes so far, but his rage can last the ages.”  “Don’t worry about him, he knows what he’s doing.” The Siri behind Mr. Orange said, fucking faster and faster. “Speaking of doing, I think this bitch is worn out.” Looking down, the femboi wasn’t even twitching any more. More like his body was limp, dangling off the two cocks shoving in and out of his front and back holes. “Damn, well, let’s hope Silver’s in a sharing mood when she’s done with that wife in here.”                                                                                                                                                                    As Mr. Orange was being gang raped and further broken, Silver was busy with his wife. The first few moments were focused on holding, kissing, and finally the removal of clothing. Silver had shown Mrs. Orange her tongue was not just good at talking, but eating out the mare's eager and neglected pussy. Though reluctant at first, Mrs. Orange soon gave into the pleasure but Silver's tongue proved too much for her mind to resist. Soon enough, Mrs. Orange would grab at Silver's mane, pulling her closer to her wet cunt, forcing her zebra tongue deeper. Silver only purred under that control, for a moment remembering her last time with Zecora. But in the next moment, Silver knew she had to take the assertive stance; soon enough she would anyway. "See, is this not better than the touch of a stallion?" Silver asked, using the tip of her skilled tongue to flick at Mrs. Orange's clit. "Because with my tongue, I can get you to cum in tidal waves." "I-I-I've never felt so good." Mrs. Orange moaned, her body shivering, yet tensing up as she felt the pleasures of Silver's mouth. "How can it feel this good?" "Sometimes to better understand ourselves, we choose to submit." Silver said, now repositioning her body over Mrs. Orange, so her own pussy was slowly lowering on her client's muzzle. Mrs. Orange felt a little unfulfilled that she had not come yet, but hearing Silver's sweet voice only made her complacent and submissive. Mrs. Orange only felt the desire to open her mouth and taste the wonders Silver was offering.  "But relax, you will enjoy this." Mrs. Orange's mind slowly became numb as Silver's lower aroma tingled at her nose, and the taste was almost orgasmic. Silver's rear subtly shivered at Mrs. Orange's breath, which only added more of her musk to the married mare's senses. Silver purred at how easy this conquest would be, but as she licked and slurped at Mrs. Orange, the crafty zebra was quietly mumbling a small spell that would be of use later. Mrs. Orange, unaware of Silver's scheming, only continued her licking and drinking of Silver's nectar, building both the zebra and herself to an orgasm. "Bring me to my first burst!" Silver moaned loudly, pressing her fingers and face into her prey's wet cunt. "Then I can sate your thirst." Mrs. Orange let out a low moan as she felt Silver's orgasm sprinkle on her face, splashing and rubbing the glistening juices against her muzzle. But as Mrs. Orange peaked her orgasm, a sudden sensation struck her; she couldn't go all the way, her orgasm stayed at its peak. "You seem to have noticed, there is nothing to fear." Silver stated, reaching for a small vial that rested on a nearby side table. Silver seemed to smirk as she quickly drank the contents, Mrs. Orange's eyes widened as she felt Silver's clit quivering, shaking, and began to grow. Within mere moments, Silver had a rather well endowed cock growing in Mrs. Orange's mouth, striking the back of her throat, accompanied by a large orb-like pair of balls, that rested on Mrs.Orange's faces, letting her fall for the heavy musk that seemed to radiate off them. "This will help you with your orgasm, so relax and lay there." Silver gave Mrs. Orange no time to relax as she then lifted her long cock gently, only to slam it down on Mrs. Orange's mouth. The feeling of such a Studdly and thick cock ramming itself in and out of her now throat pussy was making Mrs. Orange wetter and wetter; which drove Silver to playfully lick and lap at the wet and sensitive lips. Though Silver was feeling a sudden urge to thrust into Mrs. Orange with reckless abandon, but she was not as barbaric as her fellow Siri tended to be; Silver was refined and had greater discipline and was going to make Mrs. Orange become nothing but a cock begging, broken whore long before she would give into the side effects of the Zebra’s new cock.  Silver could feel Mrs. Orange's mouth quivering as she felt another orgasm coming, only to be denied by Silver's spell. Silver smirked as to how much further Mrs. Orange was devolving just by denying her release. She suspected that Mrs. Orange never experienced denial like this before. She was not surprised, many ponies from her years in the city taught her that pony’s tended to be very vanilla in their sex life. Which was the leading result to so many break ups as things became stale and boring. Silver collected herself from her thoughts for the time being though. Not wanting to waste her new cock on such a simple facefuck, Silver pulled herself free from Mrs. Orange's mouth, almost hearing the mare coo and begging for it like a baby demanding her bottle. Now walking over to her desk chair, Silver only had to point at her cock and Mrs. Orange not only knew to come, but was crawling on her hands and knees with her eyes glossed over and her breath heavy; almost like a panting animal in heat. Once Mrs. Orange reached Silver's cock, she didn't gobble it down as she desperately wanted. Instead, she licked at the heavy looking orbs that lay below. Sucking at them like fresh fruits, Silver only smirked as she rubbed her hand over Mrs. Orange's mane as the cock worshiping mare slut ran her tongue from her sack to the base of her cock. "You are quick and skilled, you are learning fast." Silver complemented, "But I need you to further work the shaft." At that, Mrs. Orange continued to kiss and lick at Silver's cock, taking in every inch her tongue and lips could take in. Silver was quite amazed at how well this was working. His own words and form had put Mrs. Orange along a path of carnal pleasures. And with her cock and orgasm spell, Mrs. Orange was only going to further become more and more corrupted. It was only when Mrs. Orange reached the tip of Silver's cock that the mare opened her mouth fully to swallow the near full length of Silver's girth. Mrs. Orange must have been more cock starved than Silver had imagined. Mrs. Orange did take this cock by surprise but now was taking it in her mouth as if it was made for her. Silver, on the other hand, was still working out her own control over this meaty beast. The sensitivity of her cock was still a little too much to handle. Mrs. Orange only got the full length and width down in her throat, bulging it slightly, when Silver let out another load of cum. Mrs. Orange wanted to orgasm along with Silver, but the spell prevented it; only adding to her growing pleasure. Swallowing most of the cum, Mrs. Orange shivered as she tried to savor the flavor, remembering it as the best and most erotic thing she had ever tasted. Pulling out her partially limp cock, Silver only grew more aroused as she saw Mrs. Orange slosh around the thick, jelly-like cum in her open mouth; moving it about with her tongue before finally swallowing. The sight of how perverted this almost full broken mare could be was making Silver harder and harder. The time was right to finally fuck this slutty mare and cleanse her insides with Silver's cum. Gesturing to the top of her desk, Silver directed Mrs. Orange to lay on top of it. Whether by sexual preference or just wanting to, Mrs. Orange chose to lay forward, her body bent forward along the top of the desk; her tantalizing and slick coated rear swaying slightly in front of her. Silver giggled a little, stroking her large cock slowly, lining up her cockhead to the soft pussy lips. Silver was not gentle, the feeling of Mrs. Orange's quivering cunt entrance was enough of a sign to thrust in. Mrs. Orange raised her head in a screeching moan as she felt her tight core pried open, but the way the cock was shaped, how it pulsed and almost vibrated inside her all but shattered Mrs. Orange's sense of reason. "You are strong to make it through." Silver cooed, leaning in to whisper into Mrs. Orange's ear, her tone becoming both seductive and dominating. "But with my fat cock, I will break you." Silver did not wait for Mrs. Orange to respond, only continued to move herself violently in and out of the married mare. Silver's cock, due to its magical nature, did pulse and vibrate with magic, but more importantly, it increased Mrs. Orange's sensitivity and her pleasure was to near mind breaking levels. Normally, anypony being fucked with such a cock would face orgasm after orgasm, but because of Silver's spell, Mrs. Orange's orgasms were peaking but not following through. "You want to cum don't you? Well I can tell you how." Silver grunted, thrusting in and out hard, even smacking at Mrs. Orange's ass and pulling at her tail. "Squeal for me, moan like a sow!" Mrs. Orange raised her head and moaned like a heat driven animal. The look of the Manehatten noblemare reduced to a mere fuck animal was something Silver never considered would get her aroused, but it did and the zebra wasn't done destroying her mind and body with the magical cock. Silver continued, feeling the sensation of another orgasm rapidly approaching. But due to her new endowments, her balls churned and tightened with fresh cum, and her cock swelled inside Mrs. Orange, corking her fuck hole. All at once, Silver unleashed her first load deep in Mrs. Orange's body, filling her womb in the first pumps. But because of how thick Silver was, Mrs. Orange's body could not release the thick amounts of cum. "Oh you fit my cock so well." Silver complemented Mrs. Orange's pussy. "I was even more amazed you could hold all the spunk I expelled." Silver then leaned in, whispering into Mrs. Orange's ear. "But fucking your loose cunt was not my only goal. I will shove it in another hole." All of a sudden, just as Mrs. Orange felt her tenth orgasm reach a peak but not complete, Silver pulled her cock out to a very loud popping sound. Mrs. Orange's legs gave out for a moment, but were able to compose themselves. Without words, Silvers shifted herself to the other side of the desk, "Role on your back, and look over here." Silver then gestured to her still throbbing cock at Mrs. Orange's face. "I will fuck your throat to only be fair." Mrs. Orange obeyed as she was told, she could not refuse such a thick, meaty cock bobbing in front of her. Carefully rolling on her back, Mrs. Orange's head hung over the side, but perfectly angled for Silver. Silver's cum slowly drained from the slutty mare, but not all was lost yet. Silver lined up her shot, making sure she was not going to damage Mrs. Orange's face, only her mouth and throat were the targets. But unlike her first session, Silver slowly slid her cock in Mrs. Orange's mouth. This sent a different sensation through the mare's body, anticipation and a near addictive craving. Silver could've easily thrust balls deep in the eager mare's mouth, but by going slow and steady, she was teasing the fuck mare, letting her own senses drive her to a sexual madness. "You want me to thrust, your obsession is quite clear." Silver teased, wiggling herself a little to not let her thick shaft go too deep. "It took little coercing for your whorish side to appear." Mrs. Orange tried to say something, but at the moment she opened her mouth a little more to speak, Silver thrusted herself deep in her mouth, blocking her speech and striking the back of her throat. Mrs. Orange squealed at the feeling of the intense throat fuck, her eyes rolling back and her body nearly bouncing and jiggling as Silver fucked her throat cunt with no remorse or care. Silver too was enjoying this, but she was feeling her next orgasm faster than she had earlier thought. The potion she drank was still in the testing stages after all, so perhaps it became more quick to cum after the first shot? Silver would have to make a note of that after she was done. But for now, her focus was Mrs. Orange. And a wicked idea suddenly crossed her mind. "Tell me you want to cum, there's no need to hide." Silver moaned, using her strong willpower to hold back her orgasm. "Do it, then I'll cum inside." But before Mrs. Orange could even attempt to speak with a mouth so full of a humping cock, Silver raised her hand, guiding it across Mrs. Orange's body and pressing it against her clit. Immediately, every orgasm Mrs. Orange had experienced struck her again. Not only as one giant burst as Silver assumed it would be, but rather each orgasm was being stacked on top of each other with no end in sight. Mrs. Orange's eyes nearly went blank from the sexual impulses surging through her mind and body. Her mouth let out a loud wail, even with Silver's cock inside her, the sound was still clearly audible. But it was also this vibrating noise that caused Silver to let out her next shots; turning the heat driven, whorish wail into a gurgling, mind breaking orgasmic moan. Silver stared at Mrs. Orange for several moments, looking as the mare was almost violently convulsing from all her orgasms. Trying to even attempt to count, Silver believed Mrs. Orange was experiencing no less than fifty orgasms, maybe even seventy; all of which would've been big on their own. Silver almost felt sorry for Mrs. Orange, seeing her take each mind destroying orgasm after another. It was like being in a never ending hell of pure pleasure. For a moment, even Silver pondered what Mrs. Orange must be feeling, to have such an intense series of orgasms where you could become nothing but a gurgling mess of pleasure. She felt goosebumps at the thought of Zakia putting her through the same experience if he felt the urge to; would she see it as a punishment? Or the greatest pleasure? Mrs. Orange's orgasms continued on and on for close to twenty minutes before either the orgasms were dying down, or her body was becoming too weak to convulse. Regardless, Mrs. Orange lay twitching on Silver's desk, still alive but her empty eyes only showing how her orgasms had broken her mind and will. "I did not expect this kind of result, her holes have become so loose." Silver commented, pulling herself free of Mrs. Orange's mouth, seeing and even hearing the wet, sloppy sounds of her cum being nearly squirted and burped out of the mare's cunt and throat. A small sense of unease struck Silver's mind. A wisp of concern that she had gone too far floated about, only being pushed back by Mrs. Orange's steady breathing and some level of life returning to her eyes. "That spell is too dangerous for long term use. I should have been more careful and tested it more carefully beforehand, this took time to ‘fix’ her. If this is used without warning, the afflicted could become too broken and beyond use." She wished she would have tested it sooner but it was too late now. She had to deal with the here and now. She hoped she could fix her mistake; she knew the punishment for failure. > Chapter 05: Shy yet Surprisingly Accepting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above the normal clouds that hung over the Earth, dwelling ponies of Equestria floated Cloudsdale. The bustling floating city served not just as the origins of modern weather, but home to countless Pegasus and other flying creatures. Within the cloud formed buildings lay a Therapy office, "Dr. Bronze Talon, PhD Social Therapy '' was spelled on the fluffy door. Within the office was a larger, muscular Griffon male, Bronze Talon was written on a nameplate that lay at the edge of his desk. Bronze's body, despite being large, his personality was gentler than most of his kind, which had earned him the reputation of a credible Therapist, helping Pegasi throughout Cloudsdale either become more assertive, or in some cases, more mellow. "Well I do understand your concerns." Bronze commented, talking into his telephone. "There are times where one's colt has to become a stallion and leave the nest." His eyes looked over the file on his desk, displaying two rather timid looking Pegasi. "Well Mrs. Shy, maybe going through some proper steps will help you endure these thoughts while allowing you and your husband to better relax and see that you have time for your own interests, rather than the interests that were forced on you." The sudden beeping from the phone alerted Bronze of a new call. "I am very sorry, but can I put you on hold for a moment?" Clicking the button, Bronze switched to this new call. "Hello, Dr. Bronze Talon Social Therapy, how can I help you?" "Is it hot in there…” Was all the voice in the phone answered. Bronze's composure completely changed, his breath became heavy and his eyes became predatory slits. “...or does the sun not reach you?" "It's about time I got a call from you guys." Bronze commented, his tone even became more like some stereotypical Griffon. "These ponies and their stupid issues, how the Master hasn't already conquered their sorry flanks is beyond-" "Focus!" The Siri on the phone snapped, silencing Bronze. "The Master has a task for you." "What's the job?" Bronze asked, hoping for better action than just this therapy cover he's been dealing with for seven painful years. "The Master has already conquered the Elements of Kindness, and Loyalty; Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. And we want their families taken care of." The Siri instructed. "I believe you have already met Rainbow Dash." "You mean that blue slut with a tight throat and warm mouth. Fuck, that was a good time. She couldn't stop chugging on my junk. Yeah, I remember her. I also remember some street walkers that would be impressed at how loose of a mare she is" Bronze let out a hardy laugh, remembering when a Pegasus Siri brought her to his office to show her off. The two Hidden Siri then proceeded to spit roast the mare aggressively as a joke but ended up making it rain cum a little all over her blue body. "Focus!" The Siri snapped, regretting that the former Master  even enlisted such a vulgar griffon as Siri. "The Master has already handled Rainbow Dash's parents. They will however be coming to you in the future. You will be getting an assistant that will be your lesion for future reports. Because of recent events, the Siri is on high alert now and will be till we believe it is alright to be more active again. Master though cannot spare the time to handle Fluttershy’s parents like he would prefer, but the Shys are frequent clients of yours." "True, the husband is a total pushover, and the wife...not a bad looker, but I feel she will break too easily." Bronze chuckled again, hoping that this Siri was going to give him the mission he was thinking of. "You want me to take care of them?" "The Master wants you to have them broken in. They are not to be harmed. " The Siri instructed. "Fluttershy has shown an unforeseen talent and the Master wants to see if it's hereditary. I’m sending a document that lists what our master suspects. Report back with your findings and the result of the ponies." "Okay, I'll fuck that weak bitch, and make the husband watch." Bronze smirked as he wrapped up his call. "In fact, I'm already one step ahead, I have her on the other line now, I guess I'll go reel her in." Bronze didn't even wait for the Siri to respond as he switched his call back to Mrs Shy. "I'm so sorry about that long wait, I do hope it wasn't too inconvenient. But Mrs Shy, I have looked through my calendar, and I would like to have a session with you and your husband a little earlier than usual. Say, within the next day or so? Perfect, I'll see both of you then. Bye bye." Not a moment after Bronze hung up the phone, he could feel his knotted cock swell in excitement over the prospect of breaking in such a timid mare, a wicked grin curled his beak as he contemplated how he would get to feel himself split Mrs Shy open as he made his plans. "Um...Dr. Bronze Talon?" Called Mrs. Shy from behind the closed door. "M-my husband and I are here for our-" "Do come in." Bronze called back, his tone sounding more his natural aggressive dialect. A tone he quickly noticed and quickly changed back to his compassionate tone. "Please come in and be seated." Mr and Mrs Shy both entered the room together, though in a rather shy and held posture and walking style. Mr. Shy was a green coated, scrawny looking pegasus, his well groomed faint pink mane only added to his weaker looking appearance. Bronze had to fight his instinctive urge to mock and laugh at the poor stallion, and his sky blue sweater and dark green pants were not helping Bronze's innate cruelty. Mrs. Shy was a pale yellow with a more reddish/purplish pink mane that met as a sort of swirl. She wore large square, green glasses, and her modest, almost restricting sky blue dress-like clothing only made Bronze curious about what was underneath it. A hidden smile ran on Bronze's beak as he thought of how he would bend these two. But for now, he had to be patient. "Now I am sorry for calling you both here ahead of schedule." Bronze apologized. "But I believe this new therapy I have been experimenting with will help you both socially." "We'll do anything to help us be more assertive like our daughter." Mr. Shy commented, an answer that almost made Bronze burst out into laughter as the griffon thought of how much of a animal fucking whore their daughter was now. "What does it require?" "It is a more extreme method, I will admit." Bronze replied, getting up from his desk, flying over to the door, and locking it behind him. Unlike most of Cloudsdale, the clouds that made up Bronze's office were enchanted where nothing could pass through them and no scent could be heard. "I will not lie, this will be a little much, but I feel this will greatly help you both. The three of us will get naked." "N-n-n-naked?!" Both pegasus gasped in a united shock. But they did not immediately reject the idea, a delay Bronze was going to take advantage of. "I know it is a lot to ask." Bronze said, already taking off his own jacket. "But I have seen great results from this new approach, and I believe this will help you. I will be joining you in this session so as to not make you two feel uncomfortable." "Well, as long as it can help.” Mr. Shy  replied, looking at his wife who was still frozen in her seat. Mr. Shy wanted this all to work, so he began by removing his sweater. “I-I-I don't see the real harm." Seeing both the therapist and her own husband start to strip, Mrs. Shy decided to follow along. Bronze made sure to keep his glances quick and darting, never allowing the two to believe he is looking them over. Mr. Shy was as scrawny and frail looking as Bronze believed, not even a femboi potion could make him look more feminine. But Mrs. Shy took the griffon by surprise. She was hiding an enlarged pair of rounded and perky tits, which were well hidden in a bra a size or two too small, and her hips looked like they could pop out twins with ease. Bronze's own ego grew at how he would enjoy breaking the mare. But he had to think of a way to get to that point. He could easily throw her down and rape her, knowing the husband would watch in fear, but Bronze wanted to savor this meal a little longer. "Now let us begin the session." Bronze suggested, seeing as all three were naked. "How do you both feel?" "W-w-we are well..." Mr. Shy commented, covering his half erect cock from the others. Bronze had not noticed, but Mr. Shy was surprisingly well endowed. Nowhere as large as himself or any zebra, but above pony average. "H-h-how do you feel honey?" "I-I-I...umm..." Mrs. Shy was finding it difficult to answer. Not only because of how shy she was from this therapy, but how she felt a strange attraction to Bronze's griffon cock. It was oddly shaped compared to ponies, and it held a thick, rounded knot. "S-s-so far, so good I suppose." "I do understand this is a difficult and strange request." Bronze continued his act, trying to not lose patience and rape Mrs. Shy. "But I feel if we work through an extreme level of awkwardness, we can handle more simple situations." "T-that sounds fair." Mr. Shy commented, still hiding his cock, but feeling more at ease; especially since his wife seemed more relaxed. "Now, I feel we should have a little drink, a toast to new beginnings." Bronze suggested. “New beginnings as cock warmers.” Bronze thought to himself as he began to pour some glasses full of a fruity smelling, purple liquid. Bronze's own mind raced with possibilities. 'If these two are dumb enough to get naked because I asked, this will be even easier! I knew they were pushovers but I’ve seen jellyfish with more spine than these two combined.' Both ponies took the glasses and shared a toast and drink. Both ponies almost instantly felt something strange come up inside them. Mr. Shy felt a tingling in his loins and his vision blurred a little. So much so, it almost looked like he was getting an erection, but his cock was shrinking. That was strange to him, but even stranger was how he did not seem to worry about it; even his hands fully moved away. Mrs. Shy's body felt a similar tingling, but this time it was more like a warm feeling in her chest and crotch. Mrs. She was not sure why now of all times, but she felt as free and liberated as he had in her younger years; and like back then, she felt a strange urge to have her holes filled up. "It seems you are feeling more relaxed." Bronze commented, mentally laughing at how lame and pathetic these ponies were, but he had to fight away a smirk at how whorish Mrs. Shy's eyes were looking. Just to see if he could tease her, he moved one of his talons slowly down his chest, down to his stomach, and over his half erect cock; making ever so sure not to appear as though he was jerking off. "How are you both feeling? Anything you wish to discuss or any ideas coming to you, you wish to share?" "I do feel much better." Mr. Shy commented, sitting back down in the chair, the softness of the fabric sent shivers up his strangely sensitive skin. "How about you honey?" “I feel beyond great!" Mrs. Shy all but cheered, nearly bouncing her body in joy. Her firm breasts bobbing with each motion. “It’s kinda liberating!” "Very good." Bronze smiled, trying his best to hide any sign of deceit. "Maybe we can begin by opening up our thoughts and trying to find out more about your innate shyness." "I have something I'd like to share." Mrs. Shy commented, swaying herself over to Bronze; who raised his eyebrow as the mare moved closer. Within moments, Mrs. Shy was pressing her large chest against Bronze's own body. "You smell kinda nice." At that, Mrs. Shy placed her hands gently on Bronze's shoulders; almost giggling as she began to slowly lower herself down Bronze's chest. Bronze was awestruck. During previous Sessions, even only a few minutes ago, Mrs. Shy was very reserved and easily embarrassed. But after drinking a siri potion, one of very low dosage, she was now acting like some younger bimbo. Not that he was complaining, Bronze was just so shocked at how effective Mrs. Shy was on his body. He had to quickly compose himself, there was no way Bronze would allow some slutty mare to get the better of him. But the sudden warm breath brushing against the tip of his cock sent a new shiver up his spine. "Oh?! Look at this. The musky smell is tingling in the back of my throat already!" Mrs. Shy giggled like a schoolmare. "Honey, I think he's the best we've ever shared." "Oh really?" Mr. Shy responded with an approving nod. His own body showing off his dick getting harder and harder as he watched on. “Keep going honey.” "I see you two have a sort of arrangement?" Bronze asked, trying to figure out what was going on. He had to strain to hide the smirk on his face. “Not that I’m complaining.” "Well you see, when my wife and I were first married, we used to engage in rather flirtatious acts and would often include other stallions or mares." Mr. Shy explained, his tone was far more composed and confident sounding. "We had to stop when my wife became pregnant with Fluttershy. But before that, we were really loose cannons. I think there was one night we got so drunk on cider that we went to the Everfree forest and I jerked off watching my wife getting gangfucked by a pack of young timberwolves." “I see." Bronze responded, but his mind raced. 'These ponies are fucking crazy. They arent pushovers, their just huge fucking sluts. What the hell?! Wait a minute! Didn't the document he received say something about Fluttershy being knocked up by some Everfree animal? Maybe she got that from her bitch crazy mother? I don't think I need to break in these ponies, they were sick before I even met them.' Bronze had to respond in some way, anyway! "So in the past you two were rather open about yourselves sexually, even engaging in borderline bestiality for sexual pleasure, how is it the wolves did not attack you?" “Well, my wife had always had some way to sway most males, animals in the Everfree were no different." Mr. Shy commented, starting to stroke himself as he watched his wife kiss and licked at Bronze's cockhead. "I believe our daughter Fluttershy inherited some of that. She works as an animal caretaker in Ponyville after all. But that's not important right now. I think after helping us to relive our youth like this, we should pay you back." Mr. Shy gestured to his wife's bobbing head. "No need to be shy, go on, face fuck my wife like the vulgar slut she is." “Well, if you insist." Bronze commented, his mind filled with a mix of bitter anger and sexual embarrassment. 'How dare this little pissant tell me I can fuck his wife! He shouldn't be okay with this, he should be shivering in a corner and mumbling incoherently as I show him how to fuck a mare! But whatever, the same result I suppose.' Grabbing the back of Mrs. Shy's head, Bronze thrusted his cock deeper into her wet mouth, almost gagging her with his pulsating griffon cock. Bronze gasped for a moment, his mind raced back to earlier that week when he got to sample Rainbow Dash's throat cunt, but Mrs. Shy was leagues superior. Her mouth clamped down and held Bronze's cock for a moment, only to let it free and slid in and out of her warm mouth with little resistance. Bronze was feeling even more embarrassed that some older pony mare would work is cock with more skill than he was used to; he had completely underestimated her and was paying for it. "I see she's good at working a cock." Bronze commented, trying to desperately spare his pride, but Mr. Shy only looked at him with sheer confidence and an almost dominating glare pierced him. It was as if Mr. Shy took pride and joy in the fact that his wife was not only a good whore, but she could suck the very soul right out Bronze and this only pissed Bronze off even more. "But I think I should show how different us griffons can be." Forcing Mrs. Shy off his cock, Bronze lifted the curvy yet light body and pressed her back to the ground. Then with quick movements, Bronze had Mrs. Shy's back and shoulders against the floor, but raised her rear so he could fuck her while having her stare upwards at his hanging balls. Though not accustomed to such a position, Mrs. Shy nonetheless seemed to only moan as she saw Bronze position himself to drive himself into her wet slit. The griffon was beyond surprised at how easy this conquest was. For a moment, he considered his position and orders. Part of him cursed the fact he was specifically instructed to maintain a gentle persona, because if he hadn’t, and had he learned how much of a whore these two were, he would’ve fucked this mare in front of her husband long ago. The first thrust went in with no problem, Bronze felt himself go almost balls deep into Mrs. Shy but stopped himself by smacking his knot against her clit. Bronze could hear Mrs. Shy pant as he began to pick up the pace, Though Bronze couldn't see it, Mrs. Shy was enjoying this far more than she thought. It was so long since she and her husband were able to let loose like this, so long in fact, that they had almost forgotten how much they enjoyed this. Mrs. Shy could feel her once ignored pussy stretch at the girth of Bronze's cock, he was definitely bigger than her husband; but then again, he often like watching more manly stallions fuck his wife. In addition to that, Mrs. Shy could see Bronze's ball swell and sway like forbidden fruits. "Are you enjoying the view?" Bronze asked, his more arrogant tone returning to him as he raised a talon to smack Mrs. Shy's flank. “Come on, tell me how it feels!” "Oh yeah, fuck my wet cunt like a real beast." Mrs. Shy moaned, egging Bronze on to fuck her harder. As she spoke, Mrs. Shy licked her lips in an almost thirst as she stared at Bronze's balls; and how much she wanted to suckle on them. "You really know how to get me good and wet." "Such a slutty mare." Bronze commented, then turned to Mr. Shy. "If you told me how fucked up this whore was, I could've fucked her ages ago!" "Well, we better make up for lost time. I’m sure my wife won't mind" Mr. Shy chuckled, jerking off his cock with greater ferocity. "But save some room for me." "What, you want my sloppy seconds now?" Bronze asked, raising an eyebrow. “Or do you get off being cucked in front of your wife?” "No, no. I was telling that to my wife." Mr. Shy answered, much to a slightly surprised Bronze. "After watching you fuck her, I wouldn't mind swallowing a little of your load too." "Well, we'll work up to it." Bronze smirked, not fully in the mood to have Mr. Shy suck him off, but he had an idea in mind. “Let me see how much your wife can handle and I’ll get back to you on that.” Fucking with now even greater force, Bronze bent over, grabbing at Mrs. Shy's waist, jerking her upwards. Before the mare could realize it, Mrs. Shy was now being held up by Bronze's arms, but she was facing her husband. Mr. Shy nearly dribbled a little as he watched his wife being violently fucked in front of him. Even the sight of Bronze's thick looking knot made his brow sweat and tongue licked his lips in a sort of want and desire. Mrs. Shy only let her euphoria overtake her as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her tongue slowly hung out the side of her panting and moaning mouth. "Oh don't pass out on me yet." Bronze grinned, shoving his cock as deep as he could push it. "Because you are going to love this!" Just then, Bronze continued to press his cock deeper into Mrs. Shy's cunt. His thick and rounded knot wedged its way into the flesh canal, stretching it and making it only desire to swallow it all. After several moments, Bronze's knot was fully shoved in and his cock could no longer escape Mrs. Shy's cunt. "Tell me, you know why we griffons have such thick knots on our cocks?" Mr. Shy only shook his head, but eager to know. "It's to do this." Using what strength he could spare, Bronze pushed his cock into Mrs. Shy's womb, breaking through her cervix and pumping his thick and potent cum into her body. Despite the sheer volume being released, Mrs. Shy felt nothing drip out of her. "See what I mean? My thick knot prevents the cum from leaving. There's no way your bitch wife isn't getting knocked up from this." "Oh really?" Mr. Shy replied, looking at how exhausted his wife was, but how she was still shivering as Bronze's cum warmed her insides. "That's amazing. We were thinking about having another child and this works." "You are taking this way better than I thought you would." Bronze commented, still holding Mrs. Shy as his knot was still too swollen to be pulled out. "Is everypony in your family like this?" Bronze knew Fluttershy was already Zakia's personal fuck toy, but they didn't need to know that yet. "We can't say for Fluttershy." Mr. Shy answered. "But I am sure my son is a crossdresser, he changed so much and became so active after meeting those nice zebra boys." He then proceeded to almost hold himself in some high esteem as he released his limping cock; Bronze was so busy impregnating Mrs. Shy, that he didn't notice the husband cumming his piss poor amount of cum droplets. “Bronze paused at the words regarding their firstborn. “Did the Siri already get to him? They told me their son was a deadbeat before. Fucking pissants… this means more fucking paperwork. "Well maybe we can bring him in on one of these sessions?" Bronze asked, his knot now small enough to pull out of Mrs. Shy with a loud popping sound. "For now though, if you two really want to enjoy some sexual pleasures, I might know a couple of people." He then proceeded to stroke himself to let out what cum didn't initially fire into the mare's fuck hole. “I think we'd like that." Mr. Shy said, smiling at how blissful his wife looked being fucked by such a thick and musky smelling looking cock after so long. "Where do we sign up?” “Well before we get to that.” Bronze commented, adjusting himself as he shifted over to his desk. Opening a hidden compartment within the drawer of the desk, he produced a pair of small vials. “I just need you both to drink these.”  “Oh?” Mr. Shy asked, looking between the griffon and his wife, who was still shivering as she savored the afterglow of pleasure. “What are they?” “Oh, don’t worry about these.” Bronze answered, handing a vial to each pony. “It’s a little strong, so best to just take it down at once quickly.”  “Sounds good to me.” Mr. Shy commented, handing a vial to his wife, neither of them questioning anything about this situation. “Here you go honey.”  Taking the vials in hand, both ponies drank the contents, ignorant to what they held. Bronze only watched, holding back the sheer shock at how easy this was. So much so, part of him considered just how easy breaking in these ponies were. His opinion of them as a race was low enough as it was, but now, he had nothing but pity for their foolish ignorance. But in any event, he was just going to spend the rest of his day blowing load after load of Mrs. Shy, maybe Zakia would reward him for this service by letting him knock up this slutty milf. But as his mind filled with wonders of potential, the sudden sound of both ponies dropping to their knees caught his eyes.  Whether he knew it or not, Bronze had given both the Shys a dosage far higher than any pony should take in a single sitting. Mr. Shy’s body contorted, almost painfully as his body seemed to deflate, his arms and legs became slimmer and smoother, whatever passed as muscles on his skinny frame were reduced to feminine softness. And his cock shrank to nearly half its size, spurting out droplets of cum as he seemed to be surging with pleasure. Mrs. Shy’s body did the opposite. Her body swelled, especially with her tits and thighs. While already impressive, they grew to more than twice their size and were already leaking a creamy milk. Her thighs grew, becoming proportionate to her now larger, rounder ass. But her expression mirrored that of her now femboy husband, raw pleasure.  For a second or two, Bronze was worried, more so for his own fate than the wellbeing of these two. There was no way anything he was staring at could be called “subtle”, and the way the two ponies were now mindlessly masturbating, there was no way the two of them were sane or shy in any sense of the word now. But, despite the worry of any future concerns, Bronze couldn’t deny the fact he was enjoying the sight of the mare presenting herself and moaning at him like a whore, or how the stallion only seemed more and more interested in watching his wife being fucked hard by a far stronger male.  “Well, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.” Bronze commented aloud to himself, not caring if the two ponies could even hear him anymore. Part of him worried about what was going to happen when he had to present a report to his master, but for now, he might as well enjoy the spoils. “Alright, I believe you two have taken the first step to…achieving inner…ah fuck it. Get over here and choke on my cock you whores!” The two ponies shifted towards him, their eyes fixed on his dick and body, and the longing to be filled by it. “Oh, and do a good job, and we’ll discuss some added perks.”  “Yes, I believe I have achieved what I was instructed to do.” Bronze said, speaking on the phone while relaxing at his desk. Leaning back in his chair, he looked down to see both Mr and Mrs Shy were taking turns switching off on who has his cock in their mouth at a time. “So I really do not understand why I have to be told this by you.”  “You were instructed to bring the Shy ponies under our influence.” The same voice that had instructed Bronze spoke over the phone, though this time it sounded more akin to a scolding superior. “The dosages you gave them were far too strong and from what you are telling me, these symptoms only show they are too broken.”  “Well, maybe the stallion, like he’s barely said a word since becoming…this thing. But hey, he moans like a slut and sucks like one too, so I’m not complaining.” Bronze commented, his tone sounding much more snide. “The mare, well, you can still fuck it, you don’t need a stable mind to get knocked up. So what’s the big deal?”  “The “big deal”, as you’re putting it, is a very serious matter.” The voice snapped, only to then compose itself. “The Master wanted to see if Mrs. Shy is the source of Fluttershy’s inherited ability, and if she is too damaged by the dosage, or if the dosage was too strong and affected said potential ability, then the Master will be most displeased. And I will be certain to inform him who was the one who fed their targets too much of the drug.”  “Okay, okay, no need to get too huffy.” Bronze said, realizing the last thing he wanted was Zakia to be upset with him. Though he had never seen it, rumors among various Siri Agents were more than enough to keep them in line and behaving. “I put the piercings on them, it’ll stabilize them, you know, balance it out. No one needs to know it’s because of the vials.” “Are you asking me to give the wrong information to our superior?” The voice asked, coming off a little more confident, as if it knew how desperate Bronze could be in this situation. “Because I will not be tied down with you for your failures.”  “No, no, no, did I say “wrong information”? No, no, no.” Bronze said, adjusting himself upwards, which only brought his cock deeper into Mrs. Shy’s mouth as she was in the middle of deep throating him. “What I’m saying is…you know, leave some things out.”  “No, no, no, no, for the love of everything, no!” The voice shouted, causing Bronze to pull the phone away from his ear. “I will be presenting my report. Anything after that, you can explain to them.”  “Well thanks for nothing!” Bronze snapped, hanging up the phone. Leaning back, he rubbed his temples. It was going to take a lot of charm and explain this to whoever they sent him. “How the fuck am I going to do this?”  Looking down, he saw both the Shys were unaffected by his attitude, seemingly drowning in the blind lust that was savoring and worshiping at his dick. Groaning a little from the pleasure, he winced a bit. Leaning back, he gave the two ponies more room as they continued to bob their heads all over his shaft. Looking at them over and over, Bronze sighed. He enjoyed the feeling of fucking these two, and the time he spent fucking them was fun. But it was going to end soon, regardless he was going to enjoy himself.  “Come on slut, get on the desk, I wanna knock your slut ass up before they come for you.” Bronze commanded, getting out of his chair to give Mrs. Shy the room to get out from under the desk. Once out from under the desk, the griffon got a full look of her. Though not the biggest fan of the piercings he was instructed to apply to key targets, this slutmare could make it work. “Alright, come on, I don’t have all day.”  Once backed against the desk, Mrs. Shy laid back, spreading her wide legs to give Bronze the best view of her glistening wet pussy. Even with the numerous gold and silver that adorn her lucious lower lips, clit, and asshole, this mare still looked stunning. Letting out another sigh, Bronze angled his dick to her soft entrance. Without giving another word, he rammed his dick into her, bottoming out to the sound of her whorish cries. Without giving her another chance to take in the size, he continued to thrust harder and harder. “Welp, if I’m gonna get the shaft for this job, might as well give you my shaft!” Bronze laughed to himself, grabbing at Mrs. Shy’s chest as he continued to fuck her, squeezing out more and more of her milk. “Oh fuck yeah, I hope you’re ready for it, cause I’m gonna pump a nice…healthy…griffon bastard right in that silky cunt!”                                                                                                                                                                               > Chapter 06: A New Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early morning, but for the Siri, it was the right time to rise. It was routine for them to rise before the hated Sun, and especially to be active and ready for their master. Zakia was still resting, Zecora snuggling at his side as the Siri stationed to guard them changed operatives in order to ensure a constant rotation of active and dutiful protectors. The Everfree was their domain, even though the rest of Equestria was ignorant to this fact, and not a single leaf fell, or Timberwolf howled with them knowing about it.  But this did not mean the Siri were limited to only the forest. Since the acquisition of Sweet Apple Acres, many of the Siri would work the apple fields, acting as temporary immigrants looking for work, or even members of some exchange program. As well as this, these Siri were permitted to venture into Ponyville, provided they were to remain in the town proper briefly, and no more than three or four agents at a time. A break, that’s what it was often called, a reward to others.  The chance to go into town and have some measure of freedom to enjoy themselves was seen as a gift from both Zakia and Zecora. Agents who performed well, through both skill and loyalty were given a chance to enjoy the town. This still held a number of restrictions. The facilities they could enjoy were limited to the taverns, and eateries. And above all else, confrontation with anypony in town was strictly forbidden. The morale and enjoyment of his agents was something Zakia wanted, but he did not want them to do anything too risky. Among the small number of agents permitted to travel to the town, one such Siri, a larger and strong zebra stallion, his mane cut short, and his clothes consisting of a tight, white short sleeve shirt, and thick, denim overalls. He had worked hard in the apple fields for months, and had taken an interest in the alcohols other than ale and cider found on the farm. So when the chance came, he graciously accepted and went straight to the closest tavern he could find.  The Berry’s Punch, as it was called, seemed to be the best place. There were plenty of ponies having small snacks of food, and there were seemingly countless beverages, in all manner of colors. The Siri, Zakhar, went straight to the counter. Standing them, cleaning the glass was a mulberry colored mare with flowing cerise colored mane, wearing a fine looking outfit.  “Hey there big guy, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here.” The mare greeted, smiling at Zakhar. “Name’s Berry Punch, welcome to my bar.”  “A pleasure.” Zakhar replied, purposefully adding some thickness to his accent to sell the illusion of being a foreigner to the mare. “I was told Ponyville had many great places, and I wanted to try something other than cider or ale.” He looked at her with curious and yet tempting eyes. “Do you have such a drink?”  “Do I? Well, let's see what I can whip up for you honey.” Berry giggled, feeling thrilled with the challenge. Turning around, the zebra got a good view of her round ass, which seemed to be in contrast with her more petite chest. “Here we are!”  Turning around, she presented nearly half a dozen different bottles of some liquids Zakhar couldn’t recognize. Barely a moment later, she started juggling them about, tossing them here and there as if to set off a display. While he looked about the bottles in the air, he noticed Berry doing some sleight of hand, slipping an empty glass on the counter. He couldn’t help but chuckle at her clever use of skills, part of him pondering what else her hands could do.  Within seconds, she would pass each bottle over the glass, filling only a little at a time as the beverage seemed to only grow within the glass. By the time she had finished, she had presented a glass of a drink that seemed to be a floating mix of purples, reds, and blues. All with a toothpick through a large grape, and a sliced strawberry was sticking along the rim. All in all, this display was quite amazing, and even Zakhar looked at it with impressed eyes.  “Here you go, the house is special.” Berry commented, sliding the glass over to the zebra. “I call it, Berryshine.” She then leaned over the counter a little, her tone sounding almost flirty. “Which happens to be my favorite drink too.”  “Thank you, it looks amazing!” Zakhar replied, taking the glass and sniffing it. It has a clear alcoholic smell to it, but was very sweet and fruity. “How much is this?” “First timers get a free drink.” Berry giggled, maintaining her smile. “If you like it, I know you’ll come back for more. So might as well get a taste of the good stuff first.”  “Thank you, I appreciate it.” Zakhar nodded, smiling as he took a sip. The drink was strong, not too strong to affect him, but he could feel that any lightweight drinker would be feeling tipsy by the first sip. As well as this, the fruity taste tingled along his tongue, stimulating his taste buds as it slowly poured down his throat. “Amazing. I love the use of fruit liquor in it. And the colors are an amazing blend of beauty and flavor.”  “Oh? You like a good drink huh?” Berry giggled, raising an eyebrow as she was getting ready to prepare a new bottle. “Well not for nothing, but I do serve the strongest spirits in all of Ponyville.” “Oh? Well, I would certainly be interested in that.” Zakhar replied, feeling the tingles spread thinly throughout his body. “Though I would like to finish this before I-” But just before he could say another word, the door burst open. Making their way into the bar, a small group of muscular griffons walked in. They were loud, clearly obnoxious, and were going to be a problem. Zakhar could tell, these griffons were possibly from Cloudsdale; a sporting event between them and the Pegasi perhaps? He had no way of knowing, and frankly, he didn’t care. But from the looks of it, these griffons would be perfect for him to come across as a kind and caring zebra.  “Hey! Bitch!” The lead griffon commented, shouting at Berry as he approached. “The boys and I are thirsty, so give us the best shit you got!”  Berry said nothing, but clearly was intimidated by the griffon as she started getting the drinks together. Unlike how she treated Zakhar, she didn’t bother with any showmanship, only poured what looked to be fancy bottles of liquid into glasses. But based on the smell, Zakhar could tell this was some cheap drink at best in a pretty bottle. A clever tactic to trick rude but dumb customers. The griffon didn’t seem to notice, only downing it as if it were water. “Fuck! That tastes good! Give me another!” The griffon demanded, to which Berry poured some more. The other griffons started getting their drinks too, each getting just as loud and rowdy as their leader. “Oh yeah! This is what I’m talking about!” Continuing onto whatever he was speaking about, he eventually noticed Zakhar looking at him. “Hey! The fuck you looking at, zebra?” “Who? Me? Nothing, nothing.” Zakhar replied, starting to back down, but then made a sideways comment. “I just never knew griffons could be as loud and annoying as chickens?”  “The fuck did you just say?” The lead griffon grunted, standing over the zebra. “I don’t think I heard you correctly. Wanna run that by me again?”  “I apologize. Chicken was an incorrect assessment.” Zakhar replied, sighing as he looked at the griffon with calm eyes. “Perhaps goose is more accurate.”  “You’re fucking dead!” The griffon roared, bringing down his claws to try and rake against Zakhar, but the Siri only needed to deliver a strong punch upwards. Catching at the bottom of his beak, the griffon was sent back at his compatriots. “What the fuck?”  “Oh? I’m sorry, I think you might have had too much to drink.” Zakhar commented, glaring down at the zebra. “Perhaps, you should leave these fine ponies alone?”  The griffon started, but there was a cold shiver that ran down his spine the more he looked at the Siri. Whether being punched caused a sense of clarity, or maybe something in their instincts, but there was just something about this zebra that was making him second guess if he should try to fight back. Dragging himself up, he scoffed as he turned to leave, the rest of the griffons followed.  “I'll see you again.” The griffon muttered under his breath. “You zebra shit!” Grabbing a bottle, he threw it at Zakhar.  Due to his training, Zakhar was easily able to move out of the way in time, but this only caused a small panic, as he forgot where he was for a second. As soon as he turned, he hoped no one was behind him to be hidden by the bottle by accident. But as he did, he saw that while there was someone behind him, a pair of mares sitting at a table. One was a mint green unicorn with a two tone white and greenish white spiky mane, while the other was a pale yellow earth mare with a two tone dark blue and pink squirting mane. The two of them seemed to be dressed modestly for a “girl’s night out” from what Zakhar could see, but something else caused his eye more.  The earth mare, though her back was to the zebra, seemingly caught the bottle that had been thrown at him. This was impressive, more so, it should’ve been impossible. The unicorn catching it might have been one thing, an explainable thing, but how did this earth mare do it? He didn’t hear any shouting, and she hadn’t turned to see what was happening. All these thoughts raced through the Siri's mind before Berry’s voice broke his thoughts.  “Zakhar? Are you okay?” Berry asked, bringing his attention back to her. “You’re not hurt are you?” “Me? Oh, no, no, no, no. I’m fine.” Zakhar replied, getting back his kind and friendly tone. “I just felt they were being very rude, and where I’m from, rude folks tend to cause more problems if ignored.”  “I appreciate it, those griffons only show up every few months or so during the sky ball games.” Berry explained, pouring another drink, this time of a much better bottle, and the liquid smelled much better. “But they usually just get drunk, make a mess, are rude, and hardly tip, let alone pay.”  “Well, I’m glad I could do something about it, and I do hope they leave you and your facility alone.” Zakhar commented, taking the drink offered with a warm smile. Downing it, he looked over to the two mares. “That said, I am sorry to have gotten you two involved. I hope neither of you were hurt.”  “Oh, nah, we’re fine.” The unicorn replied, her voice sounding light and whimsical. “Bon Bon here was so cool! How she caught the bottle without even looking!”  “Lyra…keep it down…” Bon Bon replied, blushing as she put the bottle on the table. “It’s okay. I just happen to have my hand out, and well, I used to play hoofball, so catching comes naturally.”  “Oh? Well, I am certainly glad you’re okay.” Zakhar replied, then turned his attention to Berry. “Berry, if I may, I’d like to pay for the next drinks these ladies order.”  “Really?” Lyra spoke up, excited, while Bon Bon seemed to sigh a little at her friend’s excitement. “You heard him, Berry! I’ll take another tall and sparkle!” “I appreciate the offer.” Bon Bon thanked Zakhar more, then looked to Berry. “And I’ll just have another hard cider on the rocks.”  “You got it!” Berry replied, starting to get the drinks ready. “And as for you, Zakhar. Don’t worry about the tab for this. After what you did with the griffon pains in my ass, I can let a few drinks go.”  “Thank you, you are too kind.” Zakhar replied, enjoying himself as he watched Lyra and Bon Bon. His mind raced as he observed her. ‘She caught it, a bottle thrown, even by a drunken thug should’ve still hurt her. And I doubt hoofball would’ve allowed such skill. I need to investigate further.’                                                              The following morning, Zakhar ventured from Sweet Apple Acres and arrived at Zecora’s hut. He walked with a confident and sure stride, choosing to ignore the agents he was fully aware were watching his approach. If he were playing the role of a simple zebra again, he might even play along and wave at them. But he wasn’t playing such a role, he was a Siri, and he had to report to Zecora. Arriving at the hut, he knocked at the door, but did so in a specific rhythmic pattern.  Opening the door, Zakhar saw Zecora was sitting at the table, going over more papers and documents. He stood there, closing the door behind him and remaining as he was. It was not his place to simply approach his superior so casually. He was a Siri, and she was his Handler. After a few more minutes, Zecora placed the papers down, and turned her attention to the zebra. From the look on her face, she hadn’t gotten proper sleep, and with the briefest look of his eyes across the room, Zakhar believed his master, Zakia was resting.  “Do you have something to report?” Zecora asked, only for Zakhar to nod his head. “What do you have for me?”   “I have noticed an anomaly among the ponies of Ponyville.” Zakhar reported. “During my rewarded time off, I went to a bar, the Berry’s Punch, as it was called. While there, there was a small confrontation to remove obnoxious griffons, which served to better secure my cover within the town.” He paused, but then continued. “But during the confrontation, the griffon threw a bottle at me, and while I avoided it, an earth mare behind me seemed to catch it with skill no average pony should have. Upon conversation, I learned her name is Bon Bon, with a unicorn mare named Lyra.”  “Lyra and Bon Bon?!” Zecora asked, raising a curious eyebrow as she considered her thoughts. “And you have seen her catch this bottle?” Zakhar only nodded his head. “I see. Well, I’ve spoken with both of them many times before, and she has never given the impression of any talents.” Rubbing her chin, she continued. “With this in mind, I want you to personally observe these two. I shall transfer your station to this new role until further notice.”  “Understood.” Zakhar bowed, obeying his handler. “I shall do my best.”                                                   For a little over a week, Zakhar spent his time observing Bon Bon and Lyra. During the days, he monitored them from a secure location that allowed numerous perfect views. It also seemed a little too easy, as the two of them never closed the shades of their windows. And on more than one occasion, he had seen them leaving the window open throughout the night. By the end of the eleventh day, Zakhar was ready to consider this a flook. He would give it until the morning and then report his findings to Zecora.  He was sitting on a nearby tree that rested close to their window. The mares in question were getting ready, but not for bed, as was the habit of the behavior around this time. Bon Bon was getting dressed in a nightgown, but wasn’t cleaning off what little makeup she wore. Quite the opposite, she was cleaning it off to apply a little more. Lyra was just wearing a pair of panties but nothing else, letting her rather impressive looking tits bounce around as she seemed excited about something.  “What is this?” Zahkar pondered to himself, seeing a chance to get a little closer, he snuck his way towards the window. Remaining almost invisible in the shadows, he listened in. His words became thoughts. ‘This should be a secure enough spot.’  “Come on Bon Bon, isn’t it time we do that adventure?” Lyra asked, her tone implied something close to whining but not a full complaint. “You promised!”  “I know what I promised, but I also told you now wasn’t the time.” Bon Bon responded, her tone sounded much more serious compared to how Zakhar had heard her at the bar. “Princess Celestia’s letter was very…concerning, and I can’t take the risk of leaving Ponyville undefended.”  “But you said you weren’t gonna do that anymore, you said you weren’t going to be Sweetie Drops anymore.” Lyra replied with an adorable pout. “You said we’d go off on an adventure together. And it’s been years since you were an agent for her.”  “That said, a letter from the Princess is still a letter from the Princess.” Bon Bon replied, pinching the brow of her nose. “I know I said I was retired, and I never wanted to deal with them again, but I’m the only one around here qualified to track and capture those monsters.”  “The letter said there only might be a rise in beast activities in the Everfree. But that’s always been a thing.” Lyra counted, sighing in frustration. “Twilight and her friends have been going to and from the Everfree on their adventures for years. I mean, look at Zecora! She lives there and she’s never had an issue there. So if she could live there, I doubt there’s anything too dangerous.”  “Yes, the letter said there would be a “possible” rise, but I still need to take this somewhat seriously.” Bon Bon said, sighing a little. “For now, I’ll wait until some day and investigate the forest. A letter to the Princess, telling her all is fine would ease her mind, but I must do my due diligence.”  “Fine…but then our adventure.” Lyra said, only to hear the sound of the doorbell. “Oh! He’s here? That was fast.”  “Okay, I’m almost done. So you greet him, and I’ll join you.” Bon Bon said, to which Lyra nodded and made her way out of the room. Alone, the mare sighed. “Honestly Celestia…I told you…I’m retired, and I don’t want to fight monsters anymore.”                                                This news was a massive revelation for Zakhar. Bon Bon was a retired agent of Celestia’s. This had to be reported to Zecora as soon as possible. This couldn’t possibly be ignored, regardless of whether this mare claimed to be retired or not. The fact the Princess wants her to investigate the Everfree was a massive risk to their entire operation. Zakhar’s mind raced with possible options. If this was too dangerous, he could consider removing Bon Bon and Lyra, but this could only cause other issues.  But just as he was moving back to his hidden position, Zakhar spotted someone waiting at their door. Most likely whoever rang the doorbell. It was a pegasus stallion from the looks of it. He was wearing only a loose pair of jogging pants and a sleeveless workout shirt. By the time he was in position again, the Siri saw Lyra opening the door. She was still topless, looking at the stallion with an eagerness and excitement in her eyes. The stallion seemed a little unfazed by her display. And she wasn’t exactly quiet in her comments as soon as she saw her guest.  “Ooh! You’re a big one.” Lyra commented, giggling a little as she was eyeing him up and down. “I was wondering who they were gonna send this time. Well, get in here.” She reached down, grabbing at the bulge in the pegasus’ pants. “You’re gonna need to really put this bad boy to work tonight!” Guiding him in, she closed the door.                                                           Zakhar was more than a little confused. Were Lyra and Bon Bon hiring an escort service? Not that he cared what they did in their sex life, this wasn’t his job, but then again, perhaps this could reveal a means in which he could exploit them for the cause. His mind raced with conflictions. On the one hand, he could report to Zecora, but risk missing potentially vital information that could be used against the mares. On the other hand, he could remain, but this meant the vital information for Zecora could be at constant risk of being lost while he was in the field.  Gritting his teeth, Zakhar made his choice. He decided to stay. Slinking carefully and silently back to his previously hidden position, he got a good view of Lyra bringing the pegasus to her bedroom, where Bon Bon was laying on her side on the bed, awaiting them. The stallion seemed to have a confident smirk on his face as he saw the mare on the bed. No doubt he was savoring the sight of two beautiful mares ready to fuck his brains out. Even from where he hid, Zakhar could see the bulge in the pegasus’ pants.  “Lookie lookie! We got a really good look today.” Lyra told her marefriend, getting down on her knees in order to get closer to the bulge. “Let’s see what we’re working with.” Fishing through his pants, the unicorn pulled out a rather impressive looking cock. “Holy…fuck this is hot…isn’t it, Bon Bon?”  “So long as it does its job, that’s all that matters.” Bon Bon replied, her voice sounding sultry and seductive. “I hope you weren’t planning on getting any sleep tonight, stallion. Cause I want you to empty those heavy balls in here.” Her hands ran slowly from her mouth, along her body, and to her dripping wet pussy.  Jakhar was surprised, staring on from his secured location as this pegasus proceeded to get on the bed and press himself against Bon Bon’s moist entrance. Lyra seemed to only watch for a little bit before pressing herself against the pegasus’ back, reaching under him to grab and fondle at his balls. The Siri did as he was assigned to do, he watched. The pegasus wasn’t exactly bad at his job, but wasn’t exactly good at it either. The way the earth mare moaned, clearly fake; as if she was trying to trick herself into enjoying it. Though this went unnoticed by the pegasus. If anything, he was believing her words and sounds.  Zakhar barely paid attention to whatever words the stallion was saying, they were of no value to him, but he did notice something about the mares. Bon Bon was the one being fucked, while Lyra was almost always settling for fondling and oral worship. It was as if she was trying, both mundane and magical, to rouse this stallion into cumming in her marefriend, while receiving little to none for herself. It was curious. Was this some fetish the two shared? Or were they actually trying to get pregnant? But if so, why Bon Bon being prioritized? Were they planning on taking turns? These thoughts mixed and churned in Zakhar’s mind, keeping his focus on them until the stallion seemed ready to cum. It was pitiful, barely a little under a half hour and this pegasus was ready to blow his load. And from the looks of it, he wasn’t going to last many rounds either. Zakhar only sighed a little, shaking his head. Though at the same time, he was a little thankful this stallion wasn’t going to endure for long. As this would give him the chance to leave and make his report.  The stallion moaned out in pleasure, with Lyra standing behind him, a hand on his shoulder, and the other groping his ass, as if to help piston his movements as he was picking up his speed. After a few more short minutes, he bottomed out in Bon Bon, releasing his cum inside her. Despite the fake moans she gave off before, the blushing look of orgasm on her face as she felt the cum being fucked into her seemed legit, somethin Zakhar made a mental note of. But as he expected, the stallion stumbled back, his cock nearly limp after the first release.  Immediately, Lyra seemed to know what was about to happen, and a bubble of magic enveloped the room. Zakhar felt a small panic course through him. Bon Bon was angry, that much was clear, she was yelling at the pegasus, but there was no sound coming from the room. The Siri had heard of sound dampening spells, but now there were only the context clues he could guess and gather to determine what was happening. From what he could see, Bon Bon was shouting at the pegasus, no doubt over his poor performance, and the stallion seemed to be taking her words with a somewhat calm composure.  After about another minute or so of this deafening silence, Lyra dropped her spell, and the pegasus was standing up. Though he didn’t approach the mare, even as Bon Bon collapsed with a frustrating grunt back onto the bed. Gathering his clothes, he dressed himself and left, with Lyra guiding him out. Bon Bon, now alone in the room, seemed to whisper something, but her face was visible enough for Zakhar to make out, “another chump”. Followed by another groan and sigh, she rolled over to the side, with her back facing the window.  Eventually, Lyra returned, with the pegasus departing the home. Spreading his wings, he took flight and the mare was back in the bedroom with her marefriend. Sitting on the side of the bed, Lyra seemed to consol Bon Bon, but they were speaking far too quietly for Zakhar to hear them. This forced the Siri to move itself back into a closer position. Thankfully, they were far too distracted with each other to have a chance to notice their eavesdropper.  “Come on Bon Bon, he wasn’t that bad.” Lyra commented, gently rubbing Bon Bon’s shoulder. “You didn’t have to yell at him after just the first round.” “You call that a round? I call it a disappointment.” Bon Bon groaned, rolling on her back as she stared up at the ceiling. “Lyra, I’ve told you, I’ve fought some of the scariest, biggest, and deadliest beasts of Equestria. That requires immense stamina. And even if I can look past the poor performance, I can’t overlook just a pitiful amount of cum.”  “I mean, it was the first round. Maybe he could’ve just needed the first shot out before continuing.” Lyra replied, trying to lighten the mood. “Remember Cranky’s cousin. You were riding a donkey dick for hours that day.”  “Yes, but it didn’t work.” Bon Bon replied, blushing a little as she thought back to the time her marefriend was mentioning. “But if I can’t feel that the cum is thick enough, hot enough, and virile enough, I don’t want to waste my time.” She then placed a hand on Lyra’s shoulder. “Lyra, you know how much this means to me. And if we’re going to have a foal, I want only the best for us.”  This was it, this was the piece of information Zakhar needed. With a sinister smirk, he descended from his hiding spot, down to the streets below. He had to return to Zecora and fill in his report. As well as this, the trip back to base gave him the perfect amount of time to formulate a plan of his own; provided Zecora would approve of it of course. He was free to think as he wished, but his orders were absolute and were expected to be followed as such. But as he was walking from the house, he noticed something on the ground. Possibly dropped from the stallion in his haste to leave, but it looked like a small card. Sneaking over, Zakhar casually picked it up, examining it. It was indeed a business card of some kind, with a small imagery of a typical mare, but was pregnant and held a smiling expression. The name of the business read, “Quality Breeders”, with the phrase, “We breed to help create the family you desire” written on it.  ‘So that’s it!’ Zakhar thought, pocketing the card. ‘They’re trying to start a family. I must report to Zecora immediately with this!’ Returning to Zecora’s hut, it was a little after midnight, but Zakhar wasted no time; though he was sure to approach her with the utmost respect. Haste of information was no excuse for improper behavior and behaving too casually to one’s superior. Presenting the information he had learned, as well as the card, the Siri stood at attention, awaiting next instructions. Zecora seemed to have been dressed in a hastily thrown on robes, no doubt having been forced awake, but it might’ve been worse if Zakia had been awoken. Though it was never confirmed, some rumors among the Siri was that their master hated being woken up without good cause.  “Hmm, well, we can certainly take advantage of this.” Zecora commented, tapping her finger on the card. “If Bon Bon is indeed taking orders from Celestia, then we must intervene.” Walking over to a counter, she presented two containers; one being a large vial, and the other being a small pouch. As well as this, she grabbed a few small candles. “But we cannot simply erase or break her. There is an unknown factor we must know.”  “I’m sorry, but I do not understand.” Zakhar asked, bowing his head respectfully. “I humbly request elaboration.”  “Since our assimilation of both the apple fields of Ponyville, as well as the weather facilities of Cloudsdale, we have been slowly mixing in our potions with both their food, and the very rain.” Zecora explained, putting the small containers on the table. “As well as this, we have also been utilizing the marketplace to sell special candles in town. These candles serve as an additional means to help in controlling and swaying the populace.”  Zakhar nodded, having somewhat noticed how much more “liberated” the ponies in town have been. They weren’t openly fucking in the street, but they had started wearing more revealing clothes, and behaved more casually and flirted openly than how they were when he first transferred to Ponyville. With their food, rain and thus drinking water, as well as even their home lives being invaded by these numerous potions fueled means, it would be obvious that the ponies were mostly being swayed.  “That said, if Bon Bon is speaking and behaving exactly as you have said, then this would not be something one under the potion’s influence would be.” Zecora further explained. “Take this for example.” Lifting the vial, she twirled it in her hand for a moment. “Even in its most diluted form, it should still give some indication of something, but Bon Bon is behaving as if unaffected. We must know why, and then we must have her properly dealt with.”  “I understand. Permission to speak…” Zakhar asked, to which Zecora nodded. “Bon Bon showed a reluctance in doing this task for Celestia. So if this letter is not returned, perhaps she would become more suspicious? Would it not be better for us to try and recruit her?”  “Recruit Bon Bon?” Zecora asked, rubbing her chin as she pondered the possibilities. “It would be certainly something to have, and her skills may prove to be beneficial in numerous bestial projects. But do you have the means to initiate her?”  “I believe I do.” Zakhar nodded, maintaining his composure. “If she and Lyra have been seeking a surrogate service in order to start a family, then what if I were to be that surrogate?”  “Hmm, impregnate her…added in if we can slowly corrupt her senses with the potions…perhaps even the candles could…” Zecora pondered aloud before nodding. “Very well, take these with you, and pose as the next possible surrogate. Monitor how often they hire such services, and intercept the next opportunity you can. Then, you are to engage in how you must to ensure she is impregnated. From there, use whatever means at your disposal in order to convince her to join us.” She paused for a moment, and then as Zakhar went to claim the items, she placed her hand on his. “Bon Bon’s knowledge is considered potentially valuable, and so we cannot afford to lose it. Sway her, but do not break her. Lyra, you may do so as you wish.”  “Very well.” Zakhar bowed his head, taking the items, and stood in attention. “I shall handle all that is assigned to me.”  “Very good, you are dismissed.” Zecora commented, giving her last orders to the Siri. “I want daily reports of any changes, and Bon Bon is considered a pony of interest until told otherwise.” Zakhar nodded, turned, and departed from the hutt. > Chapter 07: Agent Sweetie Drops > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a little under a month, Zakhar had faithfully monitored Bon Bon and Lyra. As he did, the Siri noticed a few things. While the unicorn was very friendly and social, leaving the home multiple times a day to mingle, shop, and other activities in town, the earth mare barely, if ever left. At least once a week, the two would go to Berry Punch’s bar, stay for no more than a few hours, and then return home. Bon Bon was nearly a shut in, while Lyra was as social as one could get. This started to help piece things together.  Minimal interactions with the citizens could mean she wouldn’t have noticed any changes in town. And what’s more, Zakhar didn’t see a single candle in their house, so perhaps Lyra never bought any. Though they seemed to get regular shipments of fruits from Sweet Apple Acres, there had to be some intact of the potion and its contents. A resistance perhaps? Immunity? No, no, Zakha shook his head at these notions. He had too little information to make such wild conclusions. But as he monitored them, he started seeing the pattern he was looking for.  The surrogates, they would come every three days, without fail, and each time, they would be different. Sometimes an earth stallion, other times a pegasus or even a unicorn, but that wasn’t all. On at least three occasions, it was a griffon. Four occasions was a donkey. And at least once there was a unicorn that looked as if he was made from crystal. But out of each and every one of them, not once did the mares seem to know, or even get information on who was coming. This was the chance Zakhar was looking for, to sneak in and be the surrogate was going to be far easier now.  Tonight, as scheduled, a surrogate was due to arrive. From the looks of it, it was in fact a well muscular looking earth pony. But he didn’t look like one of the locals, so Zakha was easily able to get to him before he even came within yards of the house. A small dosage of some sleeping potion, and the stallion was out like a light. Working on the Apple’s farm had also seemed to give the Siri some extra strength, allowing him to easily drag the sleeping body over to hide it somewhere. The stallion would wake up in several hours, and by then, Zakhar was confident his task would be finished.  Approaching the door, Zakhar carefully and calmly knocked on the door. He didn’t have to wait long before Lyra opened the door. Just like she had with the others, she greeted her guest wearing only a near transparent pair of pantied, but nothing else. While he had seen these lovely pairs of tits from his numerous vantage points, to see them up close was a little different. This unicorn was clearly gifted, being endowed with a number of beautiful features, but Jakhar had his training to keep himself professional.  “Well…hello there, tall, dark, and zebra?!” Lyra asked, looking the Siri up and down. “Not that we’re against zebras. I just didn’t know that was an option.”  “No offense taken.” Zakhar replied with a chuckle. Given how rare his kind was in Equestria, this was somewhat expected. “I’m new, and was told that this particular house has a very…” He leaned in to whisper seductively. “...a particular need.”  “Well…you’re winning me over so far.” Lyra shivered at Zakhar’s strong words. “Well, let’s get you to the bedroom.” Grabbing at his hand, she all but dragged him up the stairs and took her and Bon Bon’s bedroom. “Alrighty! We got a new one!”  Bon Bon was laying on the bed as she had for every other male that had been brought over. Lyra was quite happy, but the earth mare seemed to be remotely uninterested. But when she saw Zakhar, she raised a curious eyebrow. The way she looked him over, it was clear she was recognizing him, which made him smile, but Lyra still seemed to be unaware who he was. Eventually, Bon Bon rose from the bed, sitting on the edge and looking at him. “Well, I didn’t know you worked for the surrogate service.” Bon Bon commented, looking at Zakhar over and over again. “From what I heard at the bar, you were one of the laborers at Sweet Apple Acres.”  “I’m happy you remember me.” Zakhar nodded, maintaining his smile. “It’s a pleasure to see you both again, and of course, to help you both with your…concern.”  “Oh yeah, you’re that zebra we met at the bar!” Lyra gasped, remembering who Zakhar was. “Now I remember! Oh yeah, you beat the shit out of that griffon and scared off the others.”  “Oh yes, that…well I’m glad I could help Berry before it got too dangerous.” Zakhar replied, thinking back to the griffons, as well as to what he had his fellow Siri do to them afterwards. “But yes, how would you like me to help you?”  “Well, before you and I do anything, Lyra here is to make sure you have enough cum for me.” Bon Bon explained, gesturing to Lyra, who was already getting on her knees and undoing the zebra’s pants. “If you do well, we keep going. If not, then you leave.”  “Sounds fair.” Zakhar nodded, contemplating the best means to achieve his goal. Which meant he would be adding Lyra to his fuck list. “I do hope I can properly-” “Holy fucking Celestia!” Lyra gasped, having freed Zakhar’s cock from his pants. “Bon Bon, he’s fucking huge!”  Zakhar’s cock was impressive, easily bigger than any stallion these mares had ever dealt with. As well as this, it was thick, nearly rivaling Lyra’s arm as she held it up in comparison. Even Bon Bon’s stoic expression cracked as she couldn’t take her eyes off this dick. The unicorn was taking it in both hands, slowly stroking it as she was panting with half opened eyes. Whether he could knock them up or not seemed to escape their minds as the curiosity over how good this cock would be inside them was filling their thoughts.  “I know it can be a little…intimidating.” Zakhar commented, seeing the tension in the room. “But please, take your time.”  “Oh I will!” Lyra commented, giggling as she leaned her face closer to this cock. There was a strong scent to it, a powerful musk that was making the unicorn’s senses go a little numb. “Oh fuck…this cock is so hot.”  “By all means, there’s no need to hold back.” Jakhar commented, smiling down at Lyra as she was looking this dick over. “Please, enjoy yourself.”  Opening her mouth, Lyra leaned in, wasting no more time as she started suckling along the blunt cockhead. The feeling of this hot cock sent shivers down her spine as she could feel the immense pleasure that just tasting this dick and precum was sending through her. She was shivering, and before Zakhar or Bon Bon could say anything, Lyra immediately started to take in more and more of this cock. As if in a lustful trance, she started bobbing her head, sucking off this cock like it was the most delicious thing in Ponyville.  “Well, that is pretty impressive.” Bon Bon commented, looking Zakhar over. “But Lyra, as much as I love her, is a bit of a cock loving slut, so that doesn’t mean you have what we’re looking for. Though I’ll admit, that’s the fastest I’ve ever seen her start sucking like that this early.”  “Well, she is very talented.” Zakhar replied, trying to keep his composure, but this unicorn’s mouth was better than he expected. She was facefucking herself as if she was going to suck the life out of him. “Very talented, I don’t think I’ll last that long.”  “Oh? You hear that, Lyra? Your dick sucking lips are gonna make him cum.” Bon Bon commented, raising a curious eyebrow. Then, with a more dominating look, she stared at her marefriend. “Make him cum for me.”  As if well trained for this, Lyra’s mouth moved faster and faster, her throat swelling and squeezing along this cock as it was an oral pussy. She was good, very good. No doubts she had been well trained by Bon Bon to use her mouth and tongue to bring out the most pleasure. But this wasn’t the end of it, Zakhar’s training would see him through this slutty unicorn’s mouth fucking, but when her horn ignited, he really felt something he didn’t expect.  Hands, numerous, magically conjured hangs stroking his cock whenever her mouth was off his size, fondling at his balls, and even rubbing along his inner thigh. She was using magic to add more and more to the stimulation that was coursing through him. He was panting a little, his body tensed up as his cock was throbbing more and more in Lyra’s mouth. Bon Bon only watched on, becoming somewhat impressed with this zebra. He wasn’t the first to last this long against her marefriend’s lucious throatfucking, but she was curious if he could do what the others couldn’t. “I think I’m about to cum.” Zakhar commented, huffing as he could feel his cock about to release his hot load. This only caused Lyra to pick up the speed of her facefucking. “Oh shit…I’m gonna…fuck!”  Lyra bottomed out, deepthroating this cock in her mouth, hugging her face against Zakhar’s crotch. Her throat swelled and she swallowed down as much cum as she could. It was so thick, hot, and it was filling up her slutty belly; so much so, that by the time he was letting out his fifth or sixth rope of spunk, the unicorn’s belly was noticeably rounded from all the cum she drank. Eventually, she pulled herself off this cock, laying back against the bed as she had clearly come herself from this facefuck.  “Well, that is impressive.” Bon Bon commented, seeing the sloppy, happy look on Lyra’s face. “You even made her cum.” She then noticed Zakhar’s cock wasn’t limp and was only soaked, but hard and dripping cum. “Well, and you’re still hard. So I guess you might be worth it.” Laying back on the bed, she spread her legs and parted her pussy lips with her fingers. “Now you can fuck me. And show how much cum you still have in there.”  “I’m glad I could impress.” Zakhar commented, fully tossing aside the rest of his clothes as he carefully made his way on the bed. “I’ll be gentle.” “Don’t be.” Bon Bon commented, looking at him with a mix of curiosity and lust. “Fuck…me…up!” Zakhar’s lips curled into a playful smirk.  “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck fuck!” Bon Bon was moaning, wrapping her legs and arms around Zakhar’s body as the zebra was pounding in and out of her pussy without a moment to pause. “Keep fucking me harder!”  As soon as the two started, Zakhar did as Bon Bon had told him. He wasn’t gentle, having rammed his full length in the mare’s pussy as soon as his cockhead met with her soft lower lips. And he had shifted his body to put his weight on her, lifting her legs back as he was fucking her with ever intention to impregnate her. What’s more, he had seemingly lasted far longer than any male he had observed before, with the previous surrogates he had seen either failing the Lyra blowjob test, or just not even getting hard again for Bon Bon. But Zakhar was different, and he was pouring every ounce of training into this mare’s pussy.  She was squeezing him, her pussy was so tight and yet Zakhar was spreading it open as he was fucking faster and faster. The way he was moving, she was going to cum again. Lyra watched on, fingering her pussy and groping and teasing her tits as she was watching her marefriend moan like a whore from this zebra’s cock. Her eyes were also captivated by the way Zakhar’s balls slapped against Bon Bon’s body, with his throbbing cock swelling was going to cum in her marefriend. Swallowing hard, Lyra was panting as she was going to feel herself craving the way this zebra was fucking her lover. The way Bon Bon moaned, she was cumming and had been coming over and over again. This anticipation was far too much for the slutty unicorn to handle. She wanted to have this stallion’s cock inside her, and while she knew this was more for Bon Bon than anything else, Lyra’s dangling, longing tongue was enough of an indication that she couldn’t hold herself back any more.  “I hope I am doing well.” Zakhar commented, feeling himself getting close to an orgasm. “By the sound of your moans, it feels like you’re feeling go-”  “She’s feeling good. But what about me?” Lyra commented, slipping her way on the bed. Laying beside Bon Bon, she turned her marefriend’s face to look at her. “Feels good, doesn’t it? You like feeling this big, fat cock in your pussy?”  Bon Bon could only moan, even as Lyra was hugging her closed, laying besides her and reaching down with one hand to rub and tease the mare’s clit, while her horn conjured more spectral hands to grope at her own chest and both stroke along Zakhar’s cock and fondle his balls. It was the same feeling as before, and he could feel he was going to blow his load soon. Lyra could seem to feel this, and continued to tease and moan some more.  “Oh? He’s gonna cum it was so thick.” Lyra moaned, leaning closer to kiss Bon Bon’s lips, the two sharing their moans. Holding their lips together for a moment, she eventually pulled away, looking up at Zakhar. “Alright, you wanna cum? You wanna put a foal on my marefriend?” She reached down and rubbed along where her womb was. “Come on, knock her up. Fuck a foal in Bon Bon…and then, I want you to fuck my mouth again.”  This was too much for Zakhar to handle. Grunting, he pushed his cock as hard and deep as he could, bottoming out in the mare’s pussy. When Bon Bon moaned out in orgasm, Lyra pushed to press their mouths together, making out as the earth mare was moaning in her lover’s mouth. The zebra’s cock swelled, which pushed him over the edge. Zakhar panted as he felt his balls tightening, even as the warmth of Lyra’s magic was cupping his balls as the cum bubbling out of his cock.  Bon Bon gasped and moaned in Lyra’s mouth, feeling as the hot cum was flooding her womb. Her insides were soaked in the spunk, soaking and saturating every inch around her pussy walls. She was cumming and clamping down so tight, not a drop of the cum was able to leak out, so that every bit of cum in her womb was seeking out her ovaries and eggs to impregnate her. Lyra moaned with her marefriend, feeling as her pussy was soaked, dripping her sweet nectar on the bed.  “Oh fuck, that was so hot.” Lyra commented, cooing as she pulled her mouth from Bon Bon’s quivering lips. Looking down at the noticeable belly bump that Bon Bon had. Rubbing it, she cooed. “Look at that, so much cum. All in your womb, Bon Bon. Was he good? Did you like Zakhar’s cock?” Bon Bon only seemed to whimper as she was passing out from the intense fucking. “Well, that’s that. You did amazing!”  “I’m glad I was able to give you the best I could.” Zakhar nodded, slowly pulling his cock free of Bon Bon’s pussy, making her coo a bit as her pussy was spilling out his still steaming cum. “But now that I’ve done what I have been hired to do, what shall we do now? Do I simply leave, or would you like to schedule another-”  “Oh yes, yes, we’re totally gonna call on you again!” Lyra commented, already thinking about all the things she’d like to do. “But that can wait until after. First, I want you to fuck me.”  “But I thought this was only to get Bon Bon pregnant?” Zakhar asked, feigning ignorance. “Are you sure you would like to-”  “Oh fuck yeah. I mean, did you see the look on her face? She was cumming like crazy!” Lyra giggled, lifting and turning herself to show off her ass to the zebra. “Why should she have all the fun? So I want that big…fat…juicy cock…right here!” Leaning forward, she parted her soaked pussy with her magical fingers. “Fuck me right here, Zakhar. Fuck a foal in me too.”  “Very well, who am I to say no to such a beautiful request?” Zakhar responded, shrugging his shoulders. “But I warn you, it can get very…intense.” His words only seemed to make the mare’s pussy even wetter; if that was possible.  Adjusting himself, Zakhar lined up his still leaking but hard cockhead against Lyra’s moist entrance. It was so tight, even as he was trying to wedge himself into this soaked hole. The unicorn moaned softly, shivering as she was feeling herself getting hotter and hotter. The magically conjured hands were getting more and more difficult to maintain; seemingly spasming and fading in and out of existence.  “Oooo yes…oh fuck yes!” Lyra cooed, shivering as more and more of this zebra cock was splitting open her sobbing wet pussy. The way it felt, it was like he was shoving a massive, majestic mass in her super tight hole. “Does this thing ever stop?”  “I’m sorry? I’m not even a quarter of the way in.” Zakhar commented, only to feel Lyra’s cock tighten around his length as she heard him. “Should I slow down-”  “No, no! I can take it!” Lyra panted, turning her head back to moan towards Zakhar. “Bon Bon could take it, so can I!” Zakhar only shrugged his shoulders as he continued.  Feeling how tight Lyra’s pussy was, Zakhar could only imagine how many, if any stallions have ever gotten a chance to fuck this mare. Given how the only action she seemed to get was from throatfucking the stallion to test him for Bon Bon, he could only imagine how little she would have. But Lyra was tight, so tight, the zebra was huffing as he was trying not to force his way into her soft, wet hole. But at the same time, she was only moaning more and more, and her inner folds were slowly but surely making way for him.  “Oh fuck…Bon Bon was holding out on me.” Lyra cooed, shivering as she was going to cum soon just from having this stud put his full length inside her. “So…fucking…big…”  Zakhar continued to slowly slide himself into Lyra’s pussy. And even though her subtle, round ass made it difficult to see, he could somewhat see that her belly was already bulging a little. Her pussy was clearly the smaller of the two, but he didn’t think it would be that tight, to the point now being halfway in would make it look like he was shoving an arm in there. Zakhar couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he was starting to move at a more steady pace.    “Alright, I’m almost all the way in.” Zakhar commented, looking down at Lyra, who was starting to twitch, as her pussy was dripping her wet nectar. “When I’m in, I’m gonna start moving. So let me know if it becomes too much.”  “I will, I will.” Lyra said, or at least that’s what Zakhar thinks she said, as her words were becoming more and more a sultry blur of pleasure while her eyes were starting to roll back. “Keep going…”  Zakhar continued to move his cock deeper and deeper in Lyra’s pussy, stretching her out more and more as she was seemingly getting close to an orgasm. By the time he had nearly the full length in her, he could feel as if she was starting to get a little limp. And when he finally bottomed out, feeling as if his cock had long gone past her cervix, and was rubbing along the insides of her womb, Lyra gasped out, but then fully dropped on the bed.  “Oh…you were tighter than I thought.” Zakhar commented aloud, looking at the mare as he slowly slipped his cock from her pussy, leaving her to lay on the bed. Looking between the two, he nodded with a smile. ‘Well, I did all I could do. I better report back.’ Getting ready to leave, he could hear a faint whimpering from the bed. “Oh, no, no, we can continue next time I’m over. I’ll be back next week.” The whimpers seemed to become coos of pleasure. “See you both then, good bye.”                                                                Zakhar was back at Zecora’s hut. This time, it wasn’t just her, but even Zakia was sitting there at this briefing. This sent a shiver down the Siri’s spine. Though he knew he had nothing to fear from his Master, the mere presence of this zebra lord made Zakhar feel an overwhelming sensation. Though his Master was barely taller than him, Zakia might as well be a giant hunched over and looking down at this Siri, a small foal in the eyes of this great stallion. Swallowing hard, he stood there, awaiting his orders.  “Zakhar.” Zakia asked, referring to the Siri by name, which nearly caused the Siri to flinch nervously. “I have read your reports on this matter, and I have noticed you have made a counter suggestion to our decisions.” Tapping a finger on some of the papers, he continued. “You were told Bon Bon is considered a pony of interest, until told otherwise. But according to your most recent report, you claim she would serve better as an ally and not a thrall under our sway.”  Crossing his fingers, he stared at the agent. “I will ask a simple question. What benefits do your beliefs bring to us and our cause?”  “W-well…my…my lord…” Zakhar was clearly nervous, sweating as he looked at his master. It was as if his words were stuck in his throat. It would be all too easy to apologize, and do as he was told, but he felt something, a determination to explain himself; even if he was feeling such an intense fear, like he was going to be punished for this. “Y-you see…I believe Bon Bon’s loyalties to the Princess are no longer a concern.” There was no going back now. “Though she served the Princess at one point, according to what I have found. She has wanted to distance herself from the Princess, and is trying to begin a family.”  “That only explains why she isn’t a threat.” Zakia explained, his emotions remaining unchanged as he spoke. “But what makes her so special? If you have found her notes and information, then why have you not simply broke her and claimed the books for us?”  “You see…I…” Zakhar hesitated. Zakia was right, why hasn’t he yet? He had found her notes weeks ago, and yet he was waiting for Bon Bon to come out and tell him. So why was he hesitating? “Bon Bon…she doesn’t want that life anymore, and…she’s carrying my foal now; her and Lyra. So that alone will provide her with enough incentive to be more loyal to me, and by extension, you, my Master.”  “I see…” Zakia responded, seemingly pondering something for a moment. The silence was deafening, and it was making Zakhar even more worried over what was to come next. Eventually, the zebra sighed. “Very well. I will permit you more time. You have until she has given birth to provide further evidence that she will be more loyal to us than the Princess.”  “If she were to reveal her past willingly…” Zakha asked, feeling a sudden rush of emotions at his Master’s words. “...would that be acceptable?”  “As a start.” Zakia replied, his expression becoming a little more serious. “But nothing short of an oath of fealty will sway me.” “Y-yes…of course…as you say, my Lord.” Zakhar bowed, preparing to be dismissed. “I-I am ready to return and acquire this oath for you.”  “Very well, you are dismissed.” Zakia said, but as Zakhar was ready to leave, he pointed a hand to the Siri. “I give this warning as a courtesy. Your foals are the future of our people, but I am not convinced of Bon Bon yet. So if she proves to be a liability, you know what must be done.”  “Yes…my Master.” Zakhar responded, bowing again. “I shall…obey…” With that, he left.  Once alone, Zecora got up, standing behind Zakia. Rubbing at his shoulders, she leaned in to give him a tender kiss on the cheek. Though she was more than capable of handling this meeting, Zakia seemed to have shown enough interest that he wanted to be the one to speak with the Siri. To her, this was in fact quite a tactful approach, reminding the agents that Zakia may be their Master, but he wasn’t unreasonable.  “You really believe he will succeed in his task?” Zecora asked, speaking quietly to her lover. “He has the tools to break both mares, if need be. And the foals should be unharmed by the effects.”  “I wanted to see his resolve.” Zakia replied, sighing a little as he let his serious expression drift into a calmer composure. “He seems committed to his task, but I worry that fathering children may cloud his judgment.”  “So this is just as much a test of loyalty for Bon Bon, as it is for him?” Zecora asked, to which Zakia somewhat nodded. “I understand the reasoning, but we must keep such trials to an absolute minimum. The loyalties of the Siri are meant to be absolute, and any doubts could cause too many incidents.”  “I understand, and I have confidence he will succeed.” Zakia replied, understanding Zecora’s words. “And when this is over, provided he gives us what he claims he could acquire, I shall let him keep both mares as his reward.”                                                  A few more months have passed since Zakhar was given his assignment. And in that time, he had developed quite the relationship with Bon Bon and Lyra. So much so, now that they were both pregnant with his foal, they stopped their surrogate stud program, and have developed a relationship with Zakhar. This eventually led to the Siri being assigned by Zecora to move in with the mares, though he was reinstated to work on the Apple’s farm, it was still a good assignment. Lyra showed to be even sluttier when she got pregnant, often waking up her zebra lover with a morning blowjob. While Bon Bon, despite her more serious exterior, really loved to cuddle up to him whenever they rested.  Zakhar did his best to be supportive as a soon to be father, but didn’t forget his role as a Siri. While spending his free time with the mares, he eventually made it a point to keep close eyes on them; especially Bon Bon. As the weeks carried on, she seemed to be struggling with something, but didn’t bother to tell Zakhar about it. He was certain he knew, but he didn’t want her to know that he knew. But, he was able to see the effects of the potions and candles take effect.  Lyra’s behavior was most likely attributed with the potions being mixed with their meals, and the sweet and spicy smells of the candles were often making her even more flirtatious than normal. And thankfully, because of her previously bubbly and playful personality, Bon Bon seemed to barely notice this change. As well as this, her body was growing a little since becoming pregnant. As her belly became rounder, her tits nearly doubled, almost always leaking milk that she wanted Zakhar to milk her every other day, and she was horny almost all the time.  Bon Bon’s change wasn’t as obvious as Lyra’s, but there was something Zakhar noticed. She was a little more open with her feelings, more than once kissing the zebra’s cheek as he would cook their breakfast before work. He saw to it that all their needs were met, and that they were both happy. But Bon Bon had yet to reveal anything about her past, only claiming she did “pest control” several years ago. Zakhar knew that was a lie, and would report everything back to Zecora with weekly updates, but he was confident that Bon Bon would eventually tell the truth.  This time seemed to come, halfway through their pregnancies, Bon Bon and Lyra prepared an extra special evening for Zakhar. A romantic dinner, followed by a long and passionate night of loving, hot, and wet sex. But while Lyra passed out first, adorably snoring as she rested, Bon Bon and Zakhar were still awake, and the mare looked very serious as she looked the zebra over. There was a melancholy about her, like she felt guilty with whatever it was she was thinking.  “Zakhar…” Bon Bon said, even her tone of voice sounded so sad. “You’ve been…I’m sorry, there’s no easy way to say this, but I’m sorry.”  “Sorry for what?” Zakhar asked, feigning ignorance. “You two have been so loving, letting me move in, and I am proud to have given you both such lovely foals to be.”  “And that’s the thing. You’ve been so good to us, and yet…I haven’t been fully honest with you.” Bon Bon replied, clearly struggling with whatever it was she was trying to say. Reaching for the desk, she pulled out an envelope. “This here, is a letter from Princess Celestia. It’s about a life I left behind!”  “A life you left behind? And a letter from the Princess?” Zakhar asked, playing his role well. “Please, you don’t need to tell me anything you’re not comfortable-”  “I need to!” Bon Bon snapped, only to compose herself. “I’m sorry, it’s just. Lyra and I have been talking, and we’ve changed our minds. We want you to be part of your foals’ lives. We want you to stay, and so I need to be honest with you.”  “I am very grateful that you want me to be with you both like this.” Zakhar nodded with a smile. “Anything you want to tell me, please take your time.”  “I…thank you…” Bon Bon replied, taking a breath before she continued. “Years ago, in a life I want to forget, I was…Agent Sweetie Drops, and I…I was part of a task force that eliminated monsters and other bestial threats to Equestria. All under Princess Celestia’s orders.”  “That’s…that’s amazing!” Zakhar replied, smiling at the mare as he looked at her with eagerness. “But that must’ve been very dangerous.” “It was, and over the years, I lost so many good friends. To creatures and monsters that we captured.” Bon Bon explained. “But after I met Lyra…I knew I didn’t want to be a monster hunter anymore.”  “You said captured, why capture?” Zakhar asked, tilting his head. “I’m sorry, but this does sound so fascinating, I’m just curious.”  “The Princess wanted them captured, killed only if we couldn’t contain them.” Bon Bon explained. “We were given a means to open the gates of Tartarus, where these monsters were imprisoned within.”  “Oh, wow!” Zakhar nodded, listening in. “I’m glad you told me this, and I appreciate your trust. I promise, I will tell nopony of this secret. I know you want this life behind you.”  “Yes, and when I received this, I was…let me explain…” Bon Bon commented, showing the letter in the envelope. “Princess Celestia allowed me to leave the service, and live as Bon Bon, not as Sweetie Drops. But I would be…required to send her updates in regards to any increase in monster activity in the region. But I’ve walked every inch of the Everfree Forest years ago, and of all the monsters I’ve seen there, none were worth the effort to report. But when I tell her this, she always sends me these letters every few months or so.”  “So, will you be making this report?” Zakhar asked, showing more of a show of concern. “In your current condition, I wouldn’t want you going to Everfree.”  “I know, that’s why, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.” Bon Bon asked, going through her desk, handing a small journal over to Zakhar. “These are the notes I’ve taken of the beasts and monsters found in the Everfree Forest. If you could deliver this to Zecora, I can’t think of anyone else I could trust more to check in on these monsters and see if they’re any threat.”  “I understand, and I can bring it to her tomorrow.” Zakhar replied, taking the book. Flipping a little through the pages, he saw a number of illustrations, maps of the forest, and even a long series of notes. “These are very detailed. You must’ve been really good at this.”  “I was, might still be. But I’m not interested in being a monster fighter again.” Bon Bon explained, sighing as if remembering something. “But those are my notes, containing everything I learned about these monsters. So I hope Zecora can make good use of them.”  “I’ll see to it that she gets this book. Thank you.” Zakhar replied, putting the book down to give the mare a soft hug and gentle kiss. As they embraced, they heard the snores of Lyra. The two paused, only to laugh quietly. “Maybe Lyra’s right. Maybe we should go to bed?” Bon Bon nodded, joining her zebra lover in the large bed. The three cuddled, but his mind raced with all manner of possibilities. ‘Oh Bon Bon, thank you, I will ensure my Master puts this to good use.’   > Chapter 08: Sweet Flowers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Order 12 for Zuberi! Order 12 for Zuberi” Echoed throughout Sugar cube Corner, a slender zebra with long hair tied in a ponytail walked up and grabbed his order. “Enjoy your breakfast!” Mrs Cake said as she smiled, the bags under her eyes showing her exhaustion where her voice did not. She was a rather attractive mare for her age. “Thank you. I intend to.” Zuberi said as he gave a polite nod and smile to the hardworking mare, while a blur of pink zipped around behind her carrying bowls with batter on its lips, pans and trays that followed a similarly used and dirty appearance. Zuberi tilted his head, raising an eyebrow as he tried to register what he was even seeing. “Oh, don’t mind her. She’s just very energetic.” Mrs Cake said, catching Zuberi’s attention. “O-oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.” Zuberi said, as marveled at the sheer speed the pony was moving. “I was just trying to follow the pink blur… what or who is that, if you don’t mind me asking?” “Oh, that’s just Pinkie Pie. She’s quite the active mare. She’s been a lifesaver since my hubby is across seas and my little ones aren’t so little anymore and going to Princess Twilight’s school. They both got scholarships!” Mrs Cake said. The pride in her voice showed a great deal of joy. “Oh, but don’t let my rambling keep you, sweetie.” “It’s alright. I have a little one of my own…” Zuberi smiled at Mrs Cake’s remarks. A parent himself, he knew the joys of watching one’s children grow. “Though she often runs circles around me with all her energy.” His voice filled with his own sense of pride and joy as he did. Mrs Cake let out a small giggle at his words. She had plenty of experience handling energetic children. “They never seem to run out of energy, do they?” Mrs Cake said as she began her small talk before a crashing of pans could be heard, breaking the conversation that was only just starting between the two. Snapping her head towards the sound and letting out a deep sigh but her soft smile remaining all the same. “Sounds like Pinkie might need help. Please, enjoy.” Before he could respond, the mare had excused herself. Zuberi made way for the door as the blue mare excused herself. Zuberi pulled out his breakfast from the paper he had gotten from the small shop. It was a ‘breakfast’ cupcake, a mix of fruits and berries. It was very fluffy while being soft to the touch. Taking a bite of the cupcake surprised the Zebra. It was like a whirlwind of flavor that appealed to him greatly. Walking out the door with a rather stunned expression as he took another bite, quickly finding he devoured the whole ‘cupcake’, he almost turned around to grab another, but seeing the chaos that had quickly started, he figured another time was best. ‘I’m going to have to stop by here in the future…’ Zuberi thought to himself as he strolled down the busy streets of Ponyville. The clicking of hooves and clattering of claw met the well-kept stone roads. ‘Such a peaceful town.’ Zuberi made his way through the busy streets. Taking in the sights of the rapidly changing Ponyville. For the last few weeks, Ponyville has seen a great deal of change. Just at a glance, almost anyone could tell how different Ponyville was now. Shops seemed more vibrant and engaged with its customers. These changes carried over to the residents as well. Most have become far less prudish and far more open about themselves. It was a comfortable feeling as he continued to walk along the streets, hearing the sounds of the many pony voices speaking in such cheerful moods. Moving through Ponyville’s streets made these changes far more apparent. Where he saw a pony that once just sold produce. Now, beside it, another stall had opened up. A griffon that sold seeds and grains, both for consumption and for personal gardens. Ushering customers to consider their neighboring stall. Many street vendors filled out many of the empty areas as the powerful aroma of spices and seasons filled the air. Now, new buildings are being built as well. A mix of ponies, zebras, pegasus and griffons worked together while a unicorn in a white hard hat ordered them around. It was all an extremely drastic change, though he played a part in this change it was all very minor but ultimately a collective effort, but Zuberi grew rather attached to Ponyville since his time here. It reminded him of the busy bazaars across the sea and to the east. Ponyville felt far more alive with the bustling activities of its residents. Because of how much busier the streets had become. It was far easier to walk around the city more casually. It also doubled, if not tripled, his own workload, much to his own dismay. Zuberi found solace in his downtime, one of the few things he had to ease his mind. He had taken up gardening as a hobby even if he wasn’t good at it; it was relaxing, and it reminded him of his own little flower back at home. He missed his little one dearly. He hated the fact he was so far from her, but he didn’t resent the Siri either. All Siri knew this fight they had entered was needed, what Celestia had done… “Damn Sun.” Zuberi cursed under his breath, his mood soured for a moment as he saw the sight of the flower shop and the flowers he had been growing in his downtime. ‘Too bright…too annoying…’ Quickly approaching the flowers, he was happy to see them blossoming. Zuberi wasn’t very good at gardening, but he wanted to get better for his little flower back home. Zuberi moved about the front of the shop as he grabbed a watering, but as he did, he noticed the shop wasn’t actually closed anymore. Peering through the window, he saw three mares. It was the group of Sisters that ran the flower shop Lily, Rose and Daisy. They were struggling with a rather enormous trunk that was rather intriguing in design and caught his interest. Zuberi moved swiftly as he entered the shop, wholly unnoticed by the sisters as they tried moving the trunk. Though he was not given much time to observe as chaos erupted when the truck came to life with magic. It bounced around the room. It was a strange sight, but wildly dangerous as the trunk bounced within the walls of the building before it made way towards the flower sister, Rose. From the way it looked and sounded, they were struggling with this magical trunk.  Zuberi should have just let it happen if he followed his Siri training. This wasn’t his problem, and he was by all means still behind enemy lines…but he didn’t. He shouldn’t have made himself known, but he did, his body acting faster than he could think. Zuberi darted towards Rose, grabbing her by her hand and yanking her out of the way. A wood snapping crash mixed with the shattering glass followed soon after. It took a moment to digest what had happened after what had happened between the four. Though that time was not given, because now he was the center of their attention. Rose looked up at him, while her sisters gazed at him. Before he could even say a word though, Zuberi had three unconscious mares in the room. “What the actual fuck.” Zuberi said to himself, as he didn’t know how to even process what had just happened. “Why did I do that?” Zuberi stood before Zecora, hands behind his back as he looked forward as the tapping of her finger seemed to echo in his head like a hammer on a brass bell. He was beyond nervous. The last few weeks were not what he had expected after meeting those three mares. Zecora’s gaze weighed heavily over Zuberi as she looked over the report he had submitted.  Normally, this type of report would be left to one of her assistants that helped with day to day managerial tasks. This was a special case and one she had to be involved in. “Let me make sure I understand this correctly.” Zecora’s voice caused Zuberi to flinch. “In the last several weeks, you met three pony mares, grew close to them and genuinely have an interest in these three?” She walked over towards Zuberi, who was visibly sweating. “Yes, Mistress.” Zuberi was curt and quick. “I have.” “I see.” Zecora said, as she started circling him around the room, examining Zuberi with a critical eye. “And you want to take these three as your wives and bring them into the fold?” “Yes, Mistress, with what will happen in the future, I want to ensure their safety.” Zuberi commented, maintaining his composure as best as he could. “I will do what’s needed to ensure that.” The conviction in his voice spoke a great deal more than his actual words. “Prove it.” Zecora said, standing in front of Zuberi with a few feet between them. “Prove your claim.” “I ZUBERI…” Zuberi stated, as he dropped to his knees, his hands on the ground with his forward meeting stone. “SWEAR IN THE NAME OF THE GODDESS! MY WORDS ARE TRUE! I WILLINGLY SUBJECT MYSELF TO A BRANDING TO SHOW MY SINCERITY OF MY WORDS!” His voice carried the weight of his conviction once more as he prostrated himself in front of Zecora. “I pray Mistress Zecora understands my feelings, for these three are not fleeting or fickle.” Zecora looked down at him, her eyes as cold as ever.  “Very well. Then understand this.” Zecora said as she went back towards her desk, her butt sitting on the edge as her eyes never lost track of Zuberi. “They will not be brought into the fold yet, but they will be recognized as your wives by the Siri. They will receive your protection, they will be solely your responsibility…If anything happens that endangers the Siri, they will become secondary. Do you understand this?” “Yes, Ma’am!” Zuberi said, as he remained prostrated. “I will shoulder the responsibility for them and their actions as if they were my own!” Zecora had heard enough. She was going to further question the Siri but knew it would be much of the same. She knew this could and would likely happen. The Siri, while loyal, were still people themselves, urges and desires that were more than revenge on a millennium old enemy. “Alright, stand up and take your shirt off and your belt, and present to me your back and bite on your belt unless you wish to bite your tongue.” Zuberi did what he was told with hesitation, removing his shirt and taking his belt over and folding it up, then putting it in his mouth, and biting down. Her eyes glowing once more with a sickly green magic that reached down her neck to her arms and at her fingertips. “Don’t pass out, or we will have to start over. Do not hate me either… if you had risen in rank just a bit more before this happened. You would not suffer this pain to come, but let your conviction speak louder than your words for now.” Zuberi flinched slightly at her words, but the resolve in his eyes did not. “Let’s begin.” Was all Zuberi heard before the searing of his own flesh was followed by a ghoulish scream of agony barely muffled by the belt he was biting on. Hours had passed since Zuberi had passed out, barely withstanding the magic branding. He awoke in the infirmary within the base. His vision was hazy and his body felt limp. He tried to move, but failed to even move a finger. Trying once again, he managed but a finger, but his twitch and attempts to move garnered the attention of another in the room he couldn’t see before. He was still sore, where the brand had touched continued to ache, but it was a more shameful pain, the pain of passing out when he should’ve remained standing. “Knock it off.” A female voice startled him as his eyes darted to the left as a small griffon approached him from the side. Her gaze was as cold as most others of her species. Zuberi went to speak, but he was too weak to even do that. “I said knock it off, don’t speak and don’t move. You will be here for a few days and I don’t want more work than I need to do. I have enough to do as is.” Zuberi looked at her blankly. “Good boy. Now go back to sleep.” The griffon said, her eyes shimmering white before Zuberi was quickly engulfed by his exhaustion. As his unconscious body lay on the bed, the griffon rolled her eyes at the throb under his sheets. “Not my problem.” Having saved the trio from the enchanted, insane trunk, Zuberi was standing there. The trunk was laying there, partially broken, but no longer moving. As for the mares, Rose was standing behind him, while the others, Daisy and Lily, were only standing there, jaws agape as they saw this zebra spring to action. There was just something about his strong, muscular body that was able to defeat this trunk. They were also looking at the trunk. Though none of the three were unicorns, they had asked the trunk to be enchanted beforehand, but now regret it. As he managed to break the trunk momentum, it managed to get a strong hit on him, knocking the zebra out. Zuberi awoke some time later, not sure how much time had passed. Looking around, he saw he was on a bed, with one of his arms, one of his legs, and part of his chest was covered in bandages. His body was sore, but not as sore as he expected. He took a large trunk to his face and body. By all accounts, he should be in a lot worse shape. Looking around a little more, he saw there was a partially empty bottle with a reddish liquid remaining inside. From his time in town, and knowledge of brews, this was a healing remedy, common, which explained why he was still injured, but wasn’t fully broken.  ‘I see…I must’ve gotten hurt against that trunk…’ Zuberi thought to himself, looking over the bandages. ‘But did they tend to my wounds? And am I in their bed? Why not a hospital?’ As he was thinking, the door creaked open. Walking into the room were the three mares in question. Rose seemed to be the one leading them, with Lily and Daisy following her. In the first mare’s hands was a small box that held a medical symbol on it. The other two carried a tray that held a bowl of hot soup in a large bowl. As he heard them getting closer, Zuberi could hear the three mares talking amongst themselves. “Why are we bringing him soup?” Lily’s voice asked the others. “We don’t even know if he’s awake.” “The potion should’ve healed enough of him to help him wake up.” Rose’s voice replied, sounding confident in her answer. “Besides, if he isn’t, then we can leave to cool a little.” “Or it’ll just get cold before he wakes up.” Daisy’s voice added, sighing a little. “Lily’s right, we should wait.” “Well, it doesn’t matter now.” Rose commented, still taking charge of the others. “There’s no harm in opening the door and checking in.” As soon as the three of them saw he was awake, Lily and Daisy nearly jumped back. Thankfully, they didn’t spill any of the soup; though she looked at the others with a smug smirk.   “Oh good! You’re awake.” She sighed as she knelt beside the bed, getting the medical box on the bed. “How are you feeling? Is anything still broken? Any pain? Sorry, but you were really hurt, and thankfully, I knew some first-aid.”                                          “I’m fine, a little sore, but fine. Are you three alright?” Zuberi asked, looking between the three mares. “Nopony else was hurt?”  “No…no, we’re fine.” Rose replied, looking at the zebra, then to the trunk. “I have no idea what happened. The trunk was doing fine for a while now.”  “Perhaps the magic had a misfire?”  Zuberi suggested. Unicorn magic wasn’t exactly his field of expertise, but he knew that magic could have unforeseen effects. “Where did you get it?”  “I think it was…who was he again?” Rose asked, looking at the other girls. “That unicorn who works at the furniture store?”  “No, I think it was from that show mare, Trixie.” Daisy added, looking between her sisters. “It was that, or the old trunk.”  “Old trunk? This has happened before?” Zuberi asked, seeing the blushing look on their faces. Sighing, he playfully rubbed his temples with his unbandaged hand, then let out a small chuckle. “Well, I’m glad I was able to help.” “So are we.” Lily chimed in, rushing over to give Zuberi a hug in gratitude, to which he winced a little in the pain, causing her to pull away with a blush. “T-thank you so much.”  “It’s no problem. I only did what I thought was right.” Zuberi commented, nodding his head before heading out to depart. But just as he was near the threshold, Rose grasped at his hand. “Hmm? Yes? Is there something else you need?” “I’m sorry, it’s just you went out of your way to help us, and we wanted to thank you.” Rose commented, looking deeply in Zuberi’s eyes. “That’s why we used the only healing potion.”  “So that is what they are called.” Zuberi commented, looking over to the bottle. “In my homeland, they are quite common. Is that not the same here?”  “Well, yes and no.” Rose explained, looking at the bottle. “The instructions are to take half the bottle for the first dose, wait several hours, or until the injuries start healing. And then drink the rest. So right now, your body will need to be bandaged for a few more hours before we can fully heal you.”  “That is fine by me.” Zuberi commented, nodding his head as he accepted his circumstances. “I supposed I’ll be in your care in the meantime.”  “Oh, yes, well, how about you try some of the soup?” Daisy suggested getting a spoonful for him. “It’s a special hay soup that’s sure to get your strength back.”  “Thank you, miss…” Zuberi replied, only to then look at the three. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe I know your names.”  “Oh, silly us.” Rose giggled. “I’m Rose, and this is Lily and Daisy, were the Flower Sisters.”  “Ah, lovely names, and such lovely flowers, too.” Zuberi commented, smiling at them as he took a sip of the soup. “Oh, this is a very hearty soup, too. It tastes wonderful.”   “Thank you. It’s a family recipe.” Daisy giggled, feeding another spoonful to the zebra.  “If it’s not too personal, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” She was getting a side glance from Lily, who seemed to feel the questioning was a bit intrusive. “We weren’t really expecting you to appear and, well...we’ve been curious. You kinda appeared and saved the day out of nowhere. It could have been a lot worse.”                                                               “Well, I will be here for a while, so I don’t see the harm.” Zuberi replied, playing along with the mares. “My name is Zuberi. I’m from the Zebra Lands. I came to Equestria in search of work, actually. I’ve been spending the last few weeks working at that farm…” Snapping his fingers a little, he recalled the name, or at least pretended to have remembered it. “Yes! It’s called Sweet Apple Acres.” “Oh? You work there.” Rose asked, rubbing her chin for a moment. “That’s amazing. I’ve always liked the way Applejack keeps those apples so neat and tidy.” “Yes, but unfortunately, working on a large farm like that wasn’t for me.” Zuberi replied, partially lying, but being partially truthful. “I came here to do more than simple labor jobs, and am currently looking for work elsewhere. That’s when I just so happened to be passing by your home when I heard the shouting.”                                              “Oh? That’s amazing!” Lily commented, helping Rose with Zuberi’s bandages. “Do you have any family back home? Hobbies?”   “Lily, don’t overwhelm him.” Rose commented, playfully rolling her eyes as she was re-wrapping the bandages. “Sorry about that. She can get very nosey.”  “It’s no problem at all.” Zuberi chuckled, lying comfortably as Daisy continued to feed him the hot soup. “I have a daughter back home, and I miss her dearly.” Zuberi’s voice carried a pang of sadness, the voice of a father longing to see his child. “She has this wonderful garden back home, and I often engage in some gardening to cope with my longing for my precious little girl. She’s the reason I’m here, for a better future.” “Oh!” Daisy commented. “That’s so sweet.”  Daisy didn’t expect such a heartfelt response, but it struck her own emotions. “Though, I must confess. During my days walking around the town, I noticed that your front flowers, as well as your nursery on the side, weren’t being tended to.” Zuberi commented, speaking as respectfully as he could as he continued. “So I couldn’t help but tend to them while you were out of town.” “I was wondering why so many of our flowers were in such good condition when we got back.” Rose commented, smiling at the zebra. “Even with our pots and nurseries enchanted to last during the trip, I expected some of them to die by the time we get back.” Rose replied, piecing together things now. “So that was you? I was trying to figure out what we did differently to make them live that long, but it was someone else tending to them.” Rose’s voice seemed slightly disappointed. “Oh, I’m sorry to have intruded. I just couldn’t help myself.” Zuberi smiled, being more surprised that despite his Siri training, he was caught so easily. “I’ve always enjoyed viewing and tending to such beautiful flowers. And I didn’t see the harm in clipping away any of the fading parts. I’m sorry if that came across as intrusive.” “Not at all.” Daisy smiled. “Since you’ve been doing it, I didn’t need to tend to them myself after we got back home. I didn’t have to repot any plants or clip away anything. Thank you!” Daisy’s sincerity carried as she spoke.                                                                        “You do gardening?” Lily asked, smiling with glee at the zebra. “What sort’ve flowers do you grow?”   “Oh, well yes, my daughter and I enjoyed gardening.” Zuberi replied, blushing a little as he thought back to his home, and the daughter waiting for him when all of this was over. “Though many flowers in my homeland are not native to Equestria, so I’m sorry to say many of the things I would describe might be too much for your imagination.” “That sounds wonderful.” Rose commented, finishing up her task. “Well, you should be all healed up in a few more hours.”  “I appreciate the kindness, but respectfully, I would like to repay the ones who healed me.” Zuberi commented, smiling at the mares. “If that would be alright with you three?”  “Oh, you don’t have to, you did so much for us already.” Rose commented, blushing a little. But she could see the determination in Zuberi’s eyes. She was hard pressed not to deny him. “B-but…if you insist. We could always use another pair of helping hands. The Nursery can be a bit of a handful at times.”  “I would like that.” Zuberi replied, enjoying a bit more of the soup as it had cooled off.  “I look forward to seeing what flowers you have in your gardens.”   Following a few more hours of rest and left to his own thoughts alongside another dosage of the healing potion, Zuberi’s body was healed up. Not fully recovered, as he could feel his limbs and chest were feeling slight echoes of soreness, he could feel a slight weakness in his muscles. Though he knew it was temporary, it was still noticeable.  Perhaps gardening would be the best way to get some of his strength and energy back. Once out of bed, and fully dressed, his clothing having been cleaned and not noticing sooner, he was left in just his underwear before. Zuberi checked his pockets and found that things were mostly left undisturbed. He noticed his tools were handled. “I hope they did not find themselves too curious with these.”  as he checked the several vials and smaller tools he had, it seemed they had not gotten too curious.  After exiting the room, he made himself known and was quickly accosted by the Rose who doted on him. Assuring he was fine, things calmed for a moment. He followed the mare into their backyard, where his eyes and nose were met with the wonderful, colorful sights and smells of the numerous plants and flowers these mares were growing.  For a moment, Zuberi could see it, the land his daughter was waiting for him back home. The simple house, with a spectacular garden and his darling daughter, was growing with every ounce of love and care. He had worked in the nursery for a bit in their absence, but it seemed far more vibrant and full of life. It felt homely… It reminded him of home. It was enough to almost bring a tear to his eyes as he looked out. Rose, Lily, and Daisy didn’t seem to notice as he composed himself. The mares began by getting the equipment they needed, each one seemingly specializing in a different part of the task. Rose seemed to be the strongest, easily wheeling out a large wheelbarrow with a large number of seed sacks inside. Lily was getting several tools, carrying them the way someone would carry large bundles of wooden logs. And finally, Daisy was putting on a small cap with an umbrella on it as she was untying a long watering hose. From what Zuberi could tell, each mare seemed to work in perfect unison in their gardening duties. It was very impressive to the siri to see such flawless teamwork.  “So, what would you like me to do?” Zuberi asked, looking over the mares to see who could use the most help.  “Alright, so how about you help Daisy out with the hose.” Rose suggested, taking some of the tools from Lily. “Lily and I can handle the potting of new plants. So help her with the watering of the ones that didn’t need to be repotted.” Zuberi looked at her in a little confusion. “I know you say you feel better, but I’d rather not have you overwork yourself. Not this soon after getting out of bed. So help her, and we can work our way up to the heavier tasks.”                               “Sure, I can do that.” Zuberi commented, nodding before he turned to walk over to Daisy as she was currently unraveling the hose. “So, what do you need me to do?” “Well, for now, we just have to wait for them to do their steps, then we can do ours.” Daisy explained, smiling up at the zebra. “Besides, you’re still recovering, so it would be better to start with the simple, easier work.” “As long as you don’t over-water them and do more harm than good.” Zuberi chuckled, looking at Rose and Lily as they started setting up a section of the gardens for new flowers. They worked like a well-oiled machine. Flowing between each other’s movements, they worked in tandem to create a rapidly growing section of yellow, red, and baby blue flowers. “Too little water, and you risk it drying out, even the roots you can’t see. But put on too much, it won’t grow properly and become overly saturated.” “Oh? You know, that’s good.” Daisy giggled, fidgeting with the hose sprayer a little. Zuberi smirked a little. “Yeah, I know most of the basics. Needed to if I didn’t want to end up making too many mistakes.” “Well, that’s one of the joys of gardening.” Daisy commented, smiling a joyous expression. “When you garden, you can just relax, be gentle, and be patient above all else.” “My daughter says the same thing.” Zuberi chuckled, crossing his arms casually. “But in any event, what are we tending to?” “Violets and Lavender for now.” Daisy answered, seeing as Rose and Lily were hard at work digging into the garden’s warm soil. “We have several back orders for many such flowers to be sent to Canterlot by the end of the month.” “Canterlot you say?” Zuberi asked, his eyes gleaming as the Siri’s mind immediately considered every possible means he could turn these plants into tools against Celestia, only to shake his head at the idea. “I’m a bit surprised. That is quite the distance away from flowers.” “Well, the smell is soothing, and some of them use it to sleep. Neither of these, we use poppy flowers for sleeping, but we have to be careful with those.” Daisy explained, looking at the gardens with pride in her eyes. “Princess Luna herself even complimented our gardens once. So we take great pride in them. The poppy flowers more so, most would have issues being overexposed to them, but she seems just fine.” Daisy exclaimed. “What do you mean? I am unfamiliar with poppy flowers. Do they do something special?” Zuber questioned. “Oh!” Daisy was a bit surprised but explained all the same. “Poppy flowers, at least the ones we grow here. They contain opium. It can help with anxiety, sleep and a bunch of other things. It’s very addicting if overused. We had that happen once. Princess Celestia set some very strict regulations regarding them. She seemed very touchy about the addiction it caused, the first time I had ever seen her sneer.” Daisy commented, thinking back on how the Princess reacted back then, causing her to shudder a bit. “Addiction is a powerful thing. I can understand her ire.. Maybe she has experience with addiction or someone she knows?” Zuberi replied as he nodded, still pondering a little. This was indeed great information, something he could inform Zecora about later on. He knew little about pony botany. “But what about daffodils? I believe you can make soothing tea from it.” “Oh, yes, yes you can. That would be a good idea.” Daisy replied, rubbing her chin as she was considering her own options. “Some nobles might enjoy some tea as they relax with the smell of violets and lavender. And the combined aromas might even get a stronger mix of comfort. That sounds like a superb idea! We could do them in the next set.” “Set? You speak as if you can grow them overnight.” Zuberi asked, curious as to what this mare was talking about. “Flowers, even quicker to grow, take days, if not weeks, to grow before maturing.” “Normally, yes. But since we began supplying flowers to Canterlot, Princess Luna had given us a few wonderful things to aid us.” Daisy commented, gesturing to her sisters. “The tools we’re using have been enchanted to not only dig up soil with ease, but nurture it. As well as this, we have had the ground in our gardens blessed with spells to aid in rapid plant growth.” She then held up the hose. “And this hose's nozzle has also been enchanted to help stimulate growth through a type of magic. I don’t really understand it, but it works well!” “So such magic would allow you three to grow entire gardens seemingly overnight?” Zuberi asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “But even such enchantments have limits, right?” “Well, yes.” Daisy explained. “We still need to change out the soil, which can be a tedious process, but overusing the same soil is a big no no. Normally we can resolve that in a day, but the magic isn’t infinite. Not just the hose, but everything else. It at least lets us handle other things without being overwhelmed. We are only three ponies doing all this, after all.” Daisy’s voice was filled with a sense of pride as she spoke as her chest puffed up… drawing Zuberi’s attention rather easily, noticing the spots of wet and the light pink fabric under her blouse. Shaking his gaze, he continued the conversation. “That’s very impressive.” Zuberi commented, seeing as even as the seeds were being planted, he could almost make out a subtle, almost faint hum that was coming from the loosen earth and soil. “So after they plant the seeds, we spray them with the water, and they grow overnight?” “That’s the idea.” Daisy smiled, handing Zuberi the hose. “I have it set to the soft shower nozzle, so it should be fine. A few minutes of that, and it’ll be finished.” “Alright, I’ll try it.” Zuberi nodded, standing there a few minutes longer as Rose and Lily were digging and planting. “I just need to wait.” The way the two mares worked together, how they were moving in unison. As well as this, he couldn’t help but look at their features, how they were so alluring, and yet beautiful. A mix of attractive figures, as well as such strong work ethics made the zebra pause for a moment. For a moment, Zuberi was back home. His daughter, who by now would’ve grown into a beauty, would be hard at work in the gardens. Maybe she would be selling the flowers to earn what coins she could, saving to better support herself while he was in Equestria working. It was a warm feeling; it was a loving feeling, and it made Zuberi sigh a soft calming breath. But eventually, Rose and Lily finished their tasks, and Zuberi set out to do his. Waiting for the mares to move, he released the water. The cool liquid sprinkled down like a dense mist. The handle felt warm, and yet he could see faint trickles of the water becoming cold as it exited the nozzle. But rather than stay outside the water, Rose, Lily, and even Daisy move quickly into the path of the water. Though they were getting lightly soaked, they continued to work on the many seeds in the soil. Clearly, they weren’t afraid to get wet or dirty; another respectable quality they seemed to have. ‘Wow, I’ve never seen mares like this before.’ Zuberi thought to himself, still looking at the three. Now, with the water wetting their work clothes, he could see ever so faintly, it looked like they weren’t wearing any bras except for one that was more like a thinly laced strap than a bra. Their nipples rubbed and poked somewhat against the shirts, which brought a small blush to his face as he continued to spray. ‘So beautiful…I never knew the ponies here could put this much love and care in their gardens.’ Then another thought came to him, one he never considered when he first came to Equestria. ‘Maybe they’re not all that bad?’ Following the gardening, that was it for the day, but Zuberi seemed greatly interested in coming back to help further. Rose, Lily, and Daisy not only loved this idea, but we’re excited about having more help. Returning to his station, his first order of business was to report to Zecora. Knowing that these sisters were supplying flower shipments to Canterlot, and to the nobles and royalty no less, this couldn’t be ignored. Then the poppy flowers, Zecora would want to know about. The only problem was, he only had the mare’s word that they did this. For a moment, Zuberi hesitated. He was to make a report. That was his role and duty, but maybe he didn’t have enough information? Maybe there were things he hadn’t considered? No, no, it was too soon to fulfill a report. So he held his tongue when delivering a daily report to Zecora. The following day, Zuberi returned to the three mares. This time, they seemed to bundle up flowers. Some were in bouquets, while others were in beautiful arrangements, packaging, and other displays. Upon arriving, the three flocked to the zebra, happy to have seen him return. After a few questions on his health, to which he replied he was doing well, the three set him to help with this current order. Sitting down at the table, where all the flowers were, Zuberi saw through the back door that all the flowers that had been planted the previous night had been grown, with almost half of them being harvested, which was probably what he was working on. Looking among the many flowers, Zuberi could see the wonders of what these mares were doing. Bouquets, fine flowers wrapped in beautiful, shimmering papers. There was something else about these papers. They were smooth on the outside, but partially damp on the inside; yet he could see no water inside. Another enchantment? Something to keep the flowers fresher longer? While these mares seemed to overly rely on magic, despite the three of them being earth mares. Though he had to admit, it helped with their production. Three strong, hardworking mares were doing the work of maybe twenty or thirty. Another thing Zuberi noticed, while gardening, the three were talkative, silly, and always smiling. But when they were working on the flowers into bouquets, displays in fine colored pots, or even as wearable corsages, the mares were silent, focused, and yet had such content and fulfilled smiles on their faces. It was quite the sight to behold, even as Zuberi would occasionally get distracted and be reminded to keep going. There was just something about such hard work, grace, and beauty about how they could move their hands productively, and yet hold on to their tender smiles. There was something so soothing about working with these mares, how they were able to love their work so passionately, and yet be able to work so diligently. And so patient, letting Zuberi learn some of their tricks to how they’ve managed to streamline the production of such floral products. Massive amounts of flowers, bouquets, and other products were put in crates and left in a back end of the backyard. Thankfully, when the ponies who were hired to ship these crates to Canterlot came, Zuberi was able to hide himself. He wanted to take no risks, but made sure to memorize their faces, facts he would have to report to Zecora later. And finally, he assisted them in the selling of these flowers. This showed a third side of these mares. Shrewd, brilliant, and exceptionally charismatic. The same friendly, smiling, and professional mares were now selling these flowers as if they were the greatest plants in Equestria. Rose was especially skilled in her words, choosing what she said and the one in which she spoke. Selling even the extras from the Canterlot order to ponies at a higher price, using Celestia and Luna’s own name as a selling point, which worked. More than once, Zuberi had to rub his chin to prevent his jaw from dropping in surprise. By the end of the week, he had grown to respect these mares. They were brilliant, kind, caring, and had such a beautiful smile on their faces as they worked. It filled the zebra with a sense of comfort, something that, for a moment, reminded him of home. He missed his home, missed his daughter, but at least could take comfort in helping these three with their gardens. So much so, he felt these mares would be far too valuable to his Master’s cause to simply be broken. He would bring this case to Zecora. He would show her that they would be of far better use to them as they are, as allies.                  > Chapter 09: Romantic Flowers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a brief period, over a month, since Zuberi started helping the flower sisters. His tasks included lifting heavy equipment and tending to their vast gardens and greenhouses. This brought a sense of joy to the older zebra, as it brought back fond memories of his home and daughter. However, there was something more to his interactions with these three mares - Rose, Daisy, and Lily. They were kind, but he couldn’t help but notice the occasional sidelong glances they exchanged. Zuberi understood the unspoken connection forming between them… he felt it as well. He didn’t mind the idea of these mares being attracted to him. Yet, something unexpected was happening. He yearned for more, a feeling he never expected towards these three mares who were once faceless ponies meant to serve a cause. Zuberi was no longer just fulfilling his duty; he was genuinely getting to know them and he wanted them to know him. In his rare moments of leisure, memories of these mares, their warm smiles, and the growing affection he felt for them would occupy his thoughts. It was a reminder of the simpler life he once had back home with his daughter… but also his first wife. Their presence was enough to put him at ease… maybe he was finally ready to open himself up the same way he did all those years ago. That’s why he dedicated himself to service, for the betterment of his people and the revival of his ancient empire. But above all else, his motivation was to create a world where his daughter could live in comfort and peace. He dreamed of leaving behind all worries and troubles, spending the rest of his days in the tranquility of gardening. This was the purpose of driving his actions. Now… those simplistic desires for a better life were becoming complicated as opened up to these mares. He wasn’t looking at these mares solely for their physical attributes, although he couldn’t deny their attractiveness. What drew him to them was their strong work ethic, dedication to their craft, and their genuine love for nature, qualities he deeply respected. Coupled with their personalities, their warmth and kindness… It tugged at his heart, over and over, battled with his own emotions. “They remind me so much of you….” Zuberi thought to himself… his thoughts lingering on her once more… “Is this wrong of me to see so much of you in them…” Zuberi heart felt heavy, he needed to do something… and soon. ****** It was the end of another scorching day when Zuberi found himself in their cozy kitchen, sipping on a glass of refreshing lemonade prepared by Lily earlier. The warmth of their welcome was a comforting embrace. These mares, initially just ponies in his eyes, had become important to Zuberi. He was aware of the uncertain fate that awaited them once their mission concluded, but he couldn’t help but wonder if there might be another way. He resolved to discuss this with Zecora later, but for now, he relished the drink in his hand. “Thank you for today,” Rose remarked, entering the kitchen alongside her sisters. They bore the signs of their hard work, with sweat dampening their clothes as they sought respite in the cooler room. “We’ve never managed to accomplish so much during this season before.” “Yeah,” Daisy chimed in while pouring herself a glass. “And Zuberi has been an incredible help. He’s not just skilled, but he’s also incredibly welcoming. Our customers have showered us with compliments whenever he’s assisted us in selling flowers.” I’m really glad I could be of help." Zuberi responded, his emotions taking control of his words, overshadowing his usual logic. “I’m grateful I could save you all those weeks ago… it feels like it was a blessing in disguise. I’ve been happier…” Zuberi’s words caught the three mare’s attention, a softness across each of their faces. “We were too,” Lily added, moving quickly to embrace Zuberi in a hug. Her ample curves pressed against his strong frame, and this time, she didn’t let go. “You’ve been such a tremendous help, I’m glad that trunk went wild and you appeared. It’s been a lot brighter these days.” She said, her voice carrying a seductive tone, likely influenced by the zebras’ presence in the town. Zuberi didn’t mind the effect he had on them. “We should definitely properly thank you.” “You all have rewarded me more than you know. I enjoy what I do here, I get to garden in my spare time and I’m happy.” Zuberi smiled, maintaining his composure as the other two mares gazed at him with desire in their eyes. “Zuberi… .” Lilly said, her voice sweet and soft as she smiled at him. *** Lily gently broke her hug, her keen eyes catching the conflict etched on Zuberi’s face. Rose and Daisy also sensed his inner turmoil. He was struggling to express something, to lay bare the emotions that had been haunting him. “I... need to say something... and I’m not sure how to say... I’m...” Zuberi’s voice wavered as he searched for the right words. His features were flushed, his eyes filled with uncertainty and pain. The three mares sensed the change in the atmosphere, the palpable tension, and it worried them deeply. Their connection with Zuberi had grown stronger over time, and they could see he was grappling with something significant. “Zuberi,” Rose spoke softly, her eyes warm and understanding, “whatever it is, you can share it with us. We care about you deeply, and your feelings matter.” Lily and Daisy nodded in agreement, their faces mirroring concern and compassion. They were a united front, ready to support him through whatever inner turmoil he was facing. Zuberi took a deep breath, his gaze shifting from one mare to another, as if searching for the right way to express his thoughts. He finally began, his voice trembling with vulnerability, “I want to be honest with all of you. I’ve been holding back, afraid of what my feelings might mean. I miss my wife... the one I lost. And sometimes, I’m scared that I’m not seeing you for who you are but as a... replacement for her. It’s been tearing me apart.” Tears welled up in Zuberi’s eyes, and he wiped them away with a shaky hand. The mares remained silent, their hearts aching for him. Lily, Rose, and Daisy exchanged glances, and then Lily took Zuberi’s hand, her touch reassuring. “Zuberi, we didn’t know. But that doesn’t change how we feel about you. We’ve grown to care for you deeply, not as a replacement for anyone, but as the wonderful zebra you are. Your past and your pain are a part of you, but they don’t define what we have now.” Rose and Daisy nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with empathy and affection. They moved closer to Zuberi, encircling him in a comforting embrace. Zuberi felt their warmth, both physical and emotional, enveloping him. The weight of his past began to lift, and he couldn’t hold back his emotions any longer. He let out a choked sob, tears streaming down his face as he finally allowed himself to grieve and release the pent-up pain and he cried, becoming a sobbing mess as years of held back tears and emotion came crashing out. The mares held him close, offering their love and support without judgment. In that moment, Zuberi realized he could move forward, that he didn’t have to be burdened by the past. A new chapter in his life was unfolding, one filled with love, understanding, and a new family. And with that realization, he began to heal and accept the deepening connection he shared with Lily, Rose, and Daisy. Time passed as Zuberi nose was running, dried tears down his cheeks as he finally calmed down, his composure somewhat returning… “Thank… you.” Zuberi whispered out, his hands tugging at their shirts as he head rested in Lily’s neck. “Thank you…” He repeated. Their grip tightening their hug, breaking giving him some space and Daisy saying “Feeling better?” Zuberi nodded, a smile forming his lips. “Yes… very. I’m happy to have such beautiful flowers in my life. I only had one for so long… now I have three more… I hope.” “You do…” Rose giggled, hugging Zuberi from behind and seemingly taking in his masculine scent. “Because in this shop, it’s not just about buying one rose, daisy, or lily flower. You have to take the whole bouquet,” she whispered seductively in his ear. She wanted to change the tone, reassure that he didn’t need to pick and that they were all in this together. Zuberi was silent as a bright smile formed across his tear-stained face. His hand grabbing Roses that wrapped around his waist as she she hugged him. “So, would you mind if I called you three my… Wapendwa?” “Wapendwa?” Lily questioned, unsure of what it meant. “It means beloved ones in pony. It’s something back home we’d call our partners that held our heart… often with our soulmates… or, well spouses as you’d call them here. Is that alright with you all?” Zuberi asked, hoping for a positive reception. The three mares heart skipped a bit, but none disliked it and instead found it endearing. “Wapendwa… I like that. If you want to take us all as your Wapendwa’s, I’m completely fine with it,” Lily explained, planting kisses on Zuberi’s chest. “Polygamy is widely accepted around Equestria and even if it wasn’t… I’d still be fine with it” “Yeah,” Rose chimed in, kissing along Zuberi’s back and attempting to lift his shirt. “It’s not uncommon to see mares with many stallions or a stallion with many mares.” Rose stated with Daisy being the last to chime in. “But only if you don’t mind us calling you our Wapendwa.” Zuberi heart swelled hearing those words… “I’d like that as well.” Roses hands slid down and felt something that made her smile “I think someone elses also approves.” Rose said as the tent that had sneakily formed in Zuberi’s pants caused the zebra to blush. “I guess someone else does.” The three mares giggled mischievously, “I think we need to help our Wapendwa celebrate… how about it stud?” Lily said as she gave a playful grin. Her words being more of a statement than a question. Helping Zuberi remove more and more of his clothing. When they lifted his shirt, they were met with a large, muscular frame that made them shudder with delight. Their anticipation grew as they couldn’t resist feeling his hard body. Just that sight alone had their mouths watering. When they reached for his pants, they nearly fainted at the sight of his massive cock, which, even when limp, looked impressively large. “He’s so big,” Daisy cooed, gently running her hand over it. “Could that even fit?” “I’d make it fit… even if it takes some practice?” Lily added, watching the throbbing member as if it had a pulse running through it. “Rose, I think you should go first… me and Daisy both know how you felt about Zuberi before we knew about ourselves.” “I’d love to,” Rose cooed, pressing herself against Zuberi’s back. “Such a huge... meaty... well-endowed stallion.” She glanced around Zuberi to admire his impressive asset. “But let’s take this to the bedroom.” “Sounds good to me,” Zuberi nodded, gesturing for the mares to lead the way. “After you.” The three giggled and merrily made their way to their shared bedroom, casually discarding their clothes as they went. Once Zuberi entered the bedroom, he found the three mares arranged in a passionate and alluring display on the bed. Given the size of the bed and the fact that there was only one, it was evident that the three sisters slept together. Zuberi couldn’t help but smile playfully, appreciating the view of all three of them. Each had their unique allure. Rose boasted a well-proportioned body with ample curves. Lily had the largest breasts, while Daisy had an enticingly large posterior that begged to be explored. “Hmm, decisions, decisions,” Zuberi teased, letting out a chuckle as he stripped down completely. The mares’ eyes widened as they took in his muscular, fit physique, and his thick, low-hanging cock. “I hope I’m not too big.” “Bigger than any stallion we’ve been with, or any toys for that matter,” Rose moaned, lying back and forming a heart shape with her fingers over her wet, eager pussy. “So how about you show me how it feels, deep inside me?” Zuberi approached Rose, while Lily and Daisy shifted and made room for the two of them. As he reached Rose, he felt her soft, yet firm hands slide sensually along his strong arms, up and around his back. They pulled each other closer, indulging in a deep, open, and passionate kiss. Their tongues danced together, and soft moans escaped Rose’s lips as she felt Zuberi’s cock grow harder, teasing her dripping slit. Lily and Daisy watched, their own desire clear as they engaged with each other. Daisy came behind Lily, reaching up to grope her sister’s ample breasts, eliciting gentle moans. Meanwhile, Lily reciprocated by reaching around Daisy’s back to fondle her sister’s equally generous ass. Their heads arched forward and back as they kissed and moaned in tandem. Rose would be the first to give in to pleasure, but they wanted to stoke their desires even more. Zuberi and Rose continued their passionate make-out session, with Rose’s hands exploring the contours of Zuberi’s strong back. She had always been drawn to powerful stallions and the sensation of their large bodies over hers. The mix of vulnerability and protection excited her, intensifying the wetness between her thighs. Zuberi could feel Rose’s heat intensifying, even as his cock merely teased her slick slit. He wanted to take it slow, savoring every moment and drawing out as much pleasure as possible. He positioned himself above her, giving her room to squirm in the throes of pleasure. Rose shivered as she felt Zuberi’s cock slowly enter her. Even with just the blunt head inside, she could tell he was the biggest she had ever had, and her body craved him. Her pussy was drenched, and she willingly surrendered to the sensations coursing through her. Zuberi was not only a kind soul but now the source of intense pleasure, sending shivers through her body as her pussy eagerly accepted more of his length. As time passed, Zuberi gradually managed to fit more and more of his size into the mare’s exceptionally tight pussy. She gasped and moaned as she felt herself slowly stretched and filled by his substantial member. It was an incredible sensation as the zebra’s thick cock wedged itself into her moist, welcoming hole. Meanwhile, Daisy and Lily continued to passionately make out and explore each other’s desires, their arousal growing as they watched Zuberi’s gentle but insistent progress. “He’s so big,” Daisy moaned, her arousal evident as Lily began to pleasure her. “I wonder if I could take him deep inside me.” “I’m sure you could,” Lily cooed, kissing Daisy’s neck. “I might not be able to handle him, but I’ve got a pair of sexy breasts that would love to feel him.” “With a big, wet, sloppy facial,” Daisy moaned back, leaning in to kiss her sister. “Your breasts are so enticing, Lily. I bet you could wrap them around his thick cock.” As the sisters teased and aroused each other, Zuberi maintained his deliberate pace, moving in and out of Rose’s pussy. The mare moaned softly, savoring every moment of the zebra’s cock filling her. It felt amazing, delving deeper into her soft, wet, and tight warmth. Her inner walls clung to his cock, seemingly milking it for every drop of pleasure it could offer. Zuberi continued his careful and loving rhythm. “Z-Zuberi,” Rose moaned, her eyes filled with love as she looked up at him. “Please…please…” “Please, what?” Zuberi asked, leaning in closer to catch her words amidst her whispered moans. “What do you need me to-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Rose pulled his face closer and kissed him deeply, her tongue exploring his mouth passionately. She moaned as she embraced him, deepening the kiss. This display of affection sent more moans echoing from her sisters as they seemed to near their own climaxes. Zuberi could feel himself getting closer to his own release as well. His cock throbbed inside Rose’s pussy, and her tight grip along his length brought his cockhead to gently nudge against her cervix. It sent shivers of delight through both of them, and Rose clung to him even tighter. “This feels amazing,” Zuberi thought to himself, his arousal building. “But I think we’re going too far. If I don’t pull out now, she might get pregnant.” As if sensing his hesitation, Rose’s legs wrapped around Zuberi’s body, holding him in place as he continued to move in and out of her tightness. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer, caught between her moans, passionate kisses, and now her legs preventing him from withdrawing. It felt as if she wanted to get pregnant. Perhaps this was what she desired? To be impregnated by him, the zebra stud. The talk of taking them as his wives might have pushed them over the edge, and he realized he was on the brink of impregnating these mares. With grunts and groans, Zuberi continued to passionately make out with Rose, thrusting faster and faster. Her pussy had now fully accommodated his size, and their movements brought her closer and closer to climax. She clenched around him, making it increasingly challenging for him to hold back. Zuberi could feel his balls tightening as his cock swelled, signaling his impending orgasm. He pounded in and out at an sped up pace, his cock primed for release. “Oh, look at his cock,” Daisy moaned, her eyes locked on Zuberi’s frantic thrusts. “I think he’s about to cum.” “I think he wants to put a foal in Rose pretty badly,” Lily giggled, her own moans growing hotter. “I wonder what it feels like, letting that stud fill you up like this? It looks so much more… intense.” “Well, she’s about to find out,” Daisy added, shivering and moaning in anticipation. Zuberi continued to thrust forcefully in and out of Rose, feeling his climax approaching rapidly. The mare’s moans filled the room as she held him tightly, wanting to feel his entire length buried deep within her. It was an intense pleasure, as if every inch of her body sought to merge with his in this blissful moment. The longing and desire in her sisters’ eyes filled her with a sense of eagerness and pride, pushing her closer to climax. Given his training, Zuberi wouldn’t go limp after the initial orgasm, but Rose’s tight grip on his shaft made it challenging. “Oh, I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” Rose panted and moaned, clinging to Zuberi as his strong weight pressed against her soft breasts. “Zuberi... I love you... I love you!” Rose’s eyes rolled back as she reached her climax, her pussy milking Zuberi’s length, extracting every thick, potent drop. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Zuberi ejaculated into her, filling her womb with his seed, causing her belly to bulge slightly from the force of his release. Daisy and Lily watched, filled with a mix of love and lust, as they saw their sister getting impregnated by the magnificent zebra stud. Their desire to be equally filled with his thick cock and seed overwhelmed them, and they shivered in a smaller climax compared to Rose’s. Rose’s body went limp, twitching and moaning as Zuberi leaned in to give her lips another tender kiss. Despite his climax, he continued to thrust in and out of her wet pussy, causing some of his excess cum to spill out and pool on the bed along with the mare’s glistening love juices. Eventually, he withdrew from her, the motion slow and pleasurable as large globs of hot, steamy cum spilled out of her well-used hole. Leaving Rose in her messy state, he turned to Daisy and Lily, both of whom looked ready to pounce on him like feral beasts. “So?” Zuberi asked, looking between the two eager mares. Unable to choose between them, he decided to tease a little, swaying his still hard and throbbing cock from side to side. “Who’s next?” Both mares rushed forward, with Zuberi barely having a chance to get off the bed before they were on their knees, their mouths and faces eagerly enveloping his cock and balls. Lily and Daisy moaned in sultry, whorish voices as they engaged in the passionate and messy worship of Zuberi’s loins. Their own soaking pussies created a small mess on the floor as they pleasured him. Lily and Daisy were remarkably similar in how they kissed and licked along Zuberi’s cock and balls, but each had their slight variations, adding to the overwhelming pleasure of the moment. Lily’s mouth was slightly smaller, and she preferred to lavish attention on the shaft, using her tongue to kiss and lick along it while gently stroking what her mouth wasn’t covering. Daisy, on the other hand, had a somewhat larger mouth and seemed to relish in taking in Zuberi’s musky scent as she engulfed his balls. She went even further, suckling on one of his testicles while fondling the other with her hand. These gardening flower mares were a unique blend of firmness and strength, coupled with a delicate and gentle touch. Their years of experience working with plants seemed to translate into their adeptness at pleasuring their zebra lover. “Ladies, ladies, there’s plenty to go around,” Zuberi commented, his warm smile belying the desire for a more intense encounter. “But if you insist on being a little greedy...” He slowly reached behind Lily’s head, and in an instant, he thrust forward, burying his full length deep into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back as her throat stretched to accommodate the size of Zuberi’s cock filling her. An orgasm washed over Lily, causing her to twitch in delight. Her much larger chest pressed against Zuberi’s thighs, prompting Daisy to pull away, her own eagerness temporarily thwarted as she watched her sister being passionately taken by Zuberi. Daisy shivered, her desire growing, and her inability to continue her oral worship made her fidgety. “Lily, stop hogging him,” Daisy playfully pouted, her gaze fixated on her sister getting her throat penetrated by Zuberi. As she watched her sister, she noticed an opportunity to join in the pleasure. With a mischievous smile, she repositioned herself, lying on her back and sliding beneath Lily. “Oh, sister, you’re so wet. Let me help you,” Daisy cooed as she began to bury her tongue deep into Lily’s pussy. Lily moaned in response, her mouth still wrapped around Zuberi’s cock. Daisy’s tongue worked expertly, and both sisters were soon moaning in pleasure. Lily’s moans resulted from the sweet taste of her sister’s nectar, along with her own feverish self-pleasure. There was no doubt that when she finally had Zuberi inside her, Daisy would be reluctant to let go. Meanwhile, Zuberi continued to indulge in his pleasure with the mare currently deepthroating him. Rose watched, her own desires clear as she rubbed her overly sensitive, cum-soaked pussy and pinched her erect nipples. Zuberi thrust forward, unable to hold back as he felt another climax building. Rose had drained more from him than he expected, but he was determined to continue, repeatedly bottoming out in Lily’s throat. Daisy, too, was on the brink of climax, her fingers expertly pleasuring herself while she continued to tongue-fuck her sister’s pussy. Both mares worked together, their synchronized efforts aimed at pushing Lily to orgasm first. Lily, caught between the dual stimulation, felt her eyes roll back as waves of pleasure washed over her. Her pussy dripped onto Daisy’s face, and the rhythmic thrusting of Zuberi in her mouth produced sultry, sloppy sounds, a testament to the intensity of her arousal. “Lily... I’m gonna cum again,” Zuberi grunted, his hands gripping the sides of Lily’s head. He could sense her eagerness for his release, and he took control. “I bet you want to swallow it all, drown in thick, hot cum, don’t you?” Lily moaned in agreement, her voice muffled, practically begging for his release. Zuberi’s smirk revealed a dominant side as he responded, “Alright, let’s see if you can take it.” Zuberi quickened his thrusts, hammering his cock in and out of Lily’s mouth. She shook and quivered, already climaxing and coating Daisy’s face with wet orgasms. Her sister continued to pleasure her, but Daisy wanted more than anything to feel Zuberi’s cock inside her, to reach climax while he claimed her as one of his mates, just as Rose and Lily desired. The three flower sisters were consumed by their longing for Zuberi, for this moment and eternity. “Here it comes,” Zuberi huffed, feeling the warmth build in his balls and course through his cock. “I’m gonna fill your sexy belly!” With a final, powerful thrust, Zuberi reached his climax, pumping thick ropes of cum into Lily’s mouth. She swallowed eagerly, savoring the flavor of his hot, viscous essence. Her belly swelled slightly as it filled, and her throat bulged from the girth of his cock. Lily clung to Zuberi as he continued to thrust, her eyes rolling back as she savored this overwhelming experience, struggling to breathe as she inhaled his musky scent. After a moment of bliss, Zuberi gently lowered Lily to lie beside Rose, her throat thoroughly satisfied by his earlier attentions. “Zuberi...” Daisy cooed, her eyes pleading as she looked up at him, her body soaked with sweat, and her face still glistening with cum. “Please... please, please, please, fuck me!” Desperation welled up within her; she needed release after holding back, yet Zuberi was well aware of her desires. “Sorry it took so long,” Zuberi replied, positioning himself to accommodate Daisy’s request. “But how do you want it?” “From behind...” Daisy moaned, rolling over to present her soft, round ass to Zuberi. “I want you to take me from behind. I want to feel you on top of me while you ravage me, just like you did with my sisters.” “Anything for you,” Zuberi smiled, aligning his cockhead with Daisy’s entrance, and began to penetrate her. She moaned as he entered her, tightness gripping his cock. “Keep going... keep going,” Daisy begged, locking eyes with Zuberi, her heart filled with longing. “I want you to take me hard, just like you did with my sisters.” Zuberi smirked, leaning forward to press his chest against Daisy’s back, his mouth inches away from her ear. He whispered, his words filled with dominance and lust, his warm breath caressing her neck, "Is that what you want? For me to pound you into a whimpering, orgasming mess?" Daisy shuddered, his words alone nearly sending her over the edge. "Yes... please... fill me with your seed." "You asked for it." With those words, Zuberi began to pound into Daisy, his pace relentless and his cock sinking into her depths. She moaned in pleasure, her pussy stretching and accommodating his massive size. Her inner walls clung to his shaft, as if attempting to milk every drop of his cum he could offer her. Daisy trembled as she felt his full weight on top of her, and his cock thrusting deep inside her. "You feel so good, Daisy," Zuberi grunted, his breathing labored from his efforts. "I could fuck you like this all day." Daisy's moans intensified as she felt another orgasm building, her body quivering and shaking with pleasure. She struggled to remain coherent as the intensity of the moment washed over her. Zuberi's pace was unrelenting, and he seemed determined to make her his. Daisy had never felt such intense pleasure, and she couldn't imagine a better way to spend her evening. Zuberi continued to thrust in and out of Daisy, his pace relentless and his cock filling her fully. She moaned, her body writhing in ecstasy as she felt his length penetrating her depths. Daisy had always dreamed of being taken like this, and now her dreams were coming true. The pleasure was almost too much for her, and she knew that she wouldn't last much longer. "Fuck... I'm going to cum, Zuberi," Daisy moaned, her body shaking as she struggled to hold on. "I want you to cum inside me, put a little one inside me... please" Daisy begged as her face controted into pure bliss Zuberi's only response was a grunt of pleasure as he continued to pound into Daisy, his cock throbbing and swelling as he approached his own release. Daisy's words had spurred him on, and he was determined to give her what she wanted. His balls tightened as he neared his peak, and he could feel the heat building. Daisy's moans echoed throughout the room as she felt her climax building, the pleasure threatening to overwhelm her. She had never felt so close to a stallion before, and she knew that this moment would be one she would remember forever. As Zuberi continued to thrust, Daisy reached her climax, her body quaking and shivering with the intensity of her pleasure. She gasped and moaned, her voice ragged from exertion. She could feel his thick, virile seed pouring into her, and she knew that she had been impregnated. Her orgasm intensified as she imagined Zuberi's seed taking root, her belly swelling with his foal. Daisy collapsed onto the bed, her body limp and her mind hazy from her intense orgasm. The messy arrangement of bodies that followed, tangled up within each other's grasp... "Asante mungu wa kike... asante kwa nafasi hii ya pili." Zuberi whispered, drifting to sleep as the three mares followed suit. *** Zuberi stood before Zecora, hands behind his back as he looked forward as the tapping of her finger seemed to echo in his head like a hammer on a brass bell. He was beyond nervous. The last few weeks were not what he had expected after meeting those three mares. Zecora’s gaze weighed heavily over Zuberi as she looked over the report he had submitted. Normally, this type of report would be left to one of her assistants that helped with day to day managerial tasks. This was a special case and one she had to be involved in. “Let me make sure I understand this correctly.” Zecora’s voice caused Zuberi to flinch. “In the last several weeks, you met three pony mares, grew close to them and genuinely have an interest in these three?” She walked over towards Zuberi, who was visibly sweating. “Yes, Mistress.” Zuberi was curt and quick. “I have.”                          > Chapter 10: Selling Tea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zuberi walked confidently through the flower nursery, feeling a strong sense of achievement deep within him. Looking at the thriving green plants, he couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction. He had settled in comfortably with the Flower Sisters, who had become his beloved ones. While having found a place of belonging, he didn’t expect to find. The flower shop’s vast nursery was a goldmine of opportunities for the Siri. The biggest value it brought was the raw cultivation of Miili Inakumbatia, a powerful herb essential to every Siri’s toolkit. This herb had versatile uses and had become a crucial component of the Siri’s operations. Its usage is most prominent in Ponyville and the Apple Acres. While Cloudsdale was showing a rapid increase in usage in a very short amount of time. While they had been able to grow sufficient amounts, they were still limited in its overall cultivation. The conditions needed to grow it could only be met within a few areas in Equestria. With the shortage on the rise because of the rapid expansion of influence. They needed more, a lot more and soon. Ponyville’s own usage was becoming more and more demanding. Almost everyone within Ponyville had been affected in some way. Those on the outskirts were varied with how much they had been exposed to it…if at all. Something they were addressing. Supply, though, was no longer a concern because of the Flower Sisters nursery. Originally, the flower shop was overlooked because the requirements to grow Miili Inakumbatia could not be met. That changed with the knowledge of the enchanted tools and equipment that they had. Being able to cultivate a bountiful crop in a short time was a boon. One that the Siri needed to avoid slowing their usage of it down. “Mistress Zecora will surely be delighted with this.” Zuberi thought to himself. With a sigh of relief, he felt a comforting calmness envelop him, painting a warm smile on his face. “We have an abundance now, and we can sell the extra to secure more funds. She even approved cross breeding it with poppy flowers. If we can manage that-” “Zuberi! Your brothers are here!” Lily’s voice rang out as she approached the back of the nursery, where Zuberi was tending to another plentiful harvest of Miili Inakumbatia. She swayed gracefully and as she neared him. Reaching for him, she planted a peck on his cheek, Zuberi returning one in kind. “You have fun hun.” “Thank you, Lily." Zuberi replied, then turned to his ‘brothers,’ his fellow Siri agents who had arrived. “We’ve gathered another substantial yield to send back ‘home’. I’ve already prepared them for transport on the flat-cart." Addressing the older of the two ‘brothers’, he continued. “And I’ve readied the surplus for the youngest to sell at the Tea Shop. Do you think this will be enough for Tauli to work with Peul’a?” “Yes, I think this is more than enough...might even be too much for an introductory sale if I am to be honest.” Peul’a replied, nodding in affirmation. “If he doesn’t sell them, I’m sure we can make sure they are used in some way and leave nothing to waste. The bits would prove more valuable right now though.” His voice held a certainty to it as he turned to Tauli, who seemed far younger than either, having a baby face with a rounder and softer face. “Yeah, there should be plenty for me to work with.” Tauli asked. “Where is her shop located again?” “I can tell you.” Lily chimed in. “From the front of the store, go left and head down the road about five buildings and across the street. It has an enormous billboard on its front with a teacup and green leaf on it.” “Thank you, ‘sister’.” Tauli smiled and nodded. “I’m going to head out now.” “Oh, you won’t be staying for lunch at least?” Lily asked, looking a little disappointed. “Surely a small bit of food couldn’t hurt?” “Sorry Lily, he doesn’t have time today. He has other obligations he must attend to.” Tauli turned to Peul’a, who nodded at Tauli’s words. “He has to get ahead of his work schedule today.” “Because you’re an unfamiliar face. Show Jasmine Leaf this.” Lily reached into her pocket and extended her hand towards Tauli and said. “ It should help with introductions.” Nodding in response, He resumed his motion and headed towards the back where the excess was and left the group’s sight. “It’s too bad, well maybe next time.” Her attention was quickly drawn to the shouting of Rose being heard in the background. Causing the mare to excuse herself and moving with a display of quickness, leaving the two Siri alone. “I’m interested in learning more about you all.” “You’ve done rather well for yourself.” Tauli commented, looking at Zuberi. “I heard you went to quite the extremes for them.” “I did. I don’t regret them either.” Zuberi acknowledged with a nod. “I endured branding for their sake.” Peul’a reacted with a slight recoil at those words, though she couldn’t help but admire his dedication. “Impressive, my brother.” He complemented, before shifting his tone to one more serious and formal. “Now, let’s return to more pressing matters; the crossbreeding of the poppy flowers.” Having loaded the modest shipment onto the flat cart, Tauli followed Lily’s instructions in his mind as he maneuvered through the bustling streets of Ponyville. He quickly reached the Tea Shop, with its charming maroon-colored facade and an elegant sign that read “Touch of Tea” in script above the entrance. Parking the flatbed cart, he made his way inside. Tauli opened the door, and the gentle chime of a bell announced his arrival. Inside, the atmosphere was cozy and inviting, filled with the soothing aroma of various teas. The mare behind the counter, wearing a baby blue ascot and her hair elegantly parted to one side, matched the shop’s exterior in maroon. She held an exquisite teapot named Jasmine Leaf, a perfect choice for a tea connoisseur. The zebra felt a slight shiver, the warmth against his body contrasting with the herbal scents that enveloped him. Approaching the counter, Tauli was a mix of anticipation and curiosity. This marked his first encounter with the pony. The maroon mare greeted him with a friendly nod, her eyes radiating genuine hospitality. As he looked at her, he couldn’t help but notice her professional and graceful but alluring appearance. The earth mare had a coat of reddish-violet, donning a thin, flowery blouse that gave a modest view of her cleavage. Her snug denim jeans accentuated her hips and complemented her figure, and a charming blue ascot adorned her neck. A lighter pink mane gracefully cascaded over one side of her face, and her focused, yet kind, blue eyes met Tauli’s. ‘I suppose she’s had some exposure to the Siri drug.’ Tauli pondered to himself. ‘Alright, let’s do this.’ “Welcome to the Touch of Tea." The mare, presumably Jasmine Leaf, warmly greeted with an inviting voice. “Are you interested in any particular flavor profile, or perhaps you’re looking to expand your palate?” “Not entirely.” Tauli responded with a smile that mirrored Jasmine's welcoming and composed demeanor. “I’m here to propose something that I believe would benefit us both. You see, I have a wide range of specially prepared herbs and leaves that I think would be a wonderful addition to your charming shop. They all originate from the same root plant, as well, I might add.” “Oh?" Jasmine replied, her eyes narrowing slightly, and her tone subtly shifting. “In that case, let’s address a few questions.” “Questions?” Tauli asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “What do you mean?” “Yes, I don’t just sell any hog posh tea here. I have high standards, which is why I charge as much as I do." Jasmine Leaf stated, motioning to the assortment of teas behind her, each priced between a dozen bits and two dozen bits per serving. Tauli blinked a few times before comprehending. “Those are rather...impressive prices. I hope I can provide you with the answers you seek." “Yes, I understand.” Tauli replied, maintaining a calm and friendly demeanor. Jasmine's expression grew even more focused, and her voice adopted a direct and professional tone, taking him by surprise. “Please, go ahead, ask away.” “Thank you." Jasmine replied, swiftly grabbing a clipboard. “Just a few questions to start with. Do you have samples to showcase the quality of your tea? Could you elaborate on the preparation methods? And lastly, what can you tell me about the flavor profiles?” Tauli had little time to respond as Jasmine Leaf listed her questions. “Certainly, I’d be happy to." Tauli responded. He reached into his pocket, revealing a modest-sized bag. Opening it, he unveiled a smaller bag containing crushed tea leaves and another with a finer tea powder. “Just a moment. I need to get complete samples from my flatbed cart outside. But I’ll leave these with you for now." She nodded, her professionalism unwavering.  With a stride in his step and a movement that held a sense of purpose, Tauli made his way to the exit, leaving the shop briefly to retrieve more plants from his cart. He returned swiftly, the chime of the bell announcing his re-entry. Tauli presented Jasmine Leaf with several sets of whole tea leaves. “Here you go. These are examples of what we have to offer. I hope they meet your expectations." he said as he displayed the assortment to the maroon mare. “If you need more or wish to examine the product outside, please feel free.” “Very good. This should suffice for now." Jasmine commented, jotting something down on her clipboard. “Do they require specific methods of preparation, or is general preparation acceptable? Are these locally grown? And how much are you looking to offload at the moment?” “I’m not entirely sure if it has a specific preferred method.” Tauli responded. He was a bit surprised by the thoroughness of Jasmine's inquiry. “But I can certainly provide a modest amount for any preparation methods you might have.” Pausing for a moment, he continued. “As for the quantity, I currently have a flat cart outside with around two hundred pounds. I can supply more if needed." Then a realization struck him. “Oh, I almost forgot to mention this, my apologies. My brother, Zuberi, told me about this place, and he’s already prepared a lot to show you.” He retrieved the piece of paper that Lily had given him, realizing he should have shown it earlier. “Oh?! You’re Zuberi’s brother?” Jasmine seemed a bit surprised but a lot more welcoming to him as she reached out to accept the piece of paper. Accepting it and skimming over it. Her expression shifted back to a more relaxed one. “Well, that changes a few things. The Flower sisters have supplied me before. That makes things easier with them being local and a place I trust. So I can accept them without issue, but I still have to do my part and properly examine them.” She checked off something on her clipboard. “Now, since this is a new tea product, I have a personal testing routine to evaluate them.” “Please, feel free." Tauli replied, smiling at the mare. “I have these samples, and I can provide more as needed.” “Great to hear.” Jasmine's once stern tone had now softened, echoing the warmth she’d shown when first meeting the zebra. She set her clipboard down on the counter. “Give me a moment, won’t you? I need to grab a few things for my evaluation. It won’t take too long." Jasmine said, disappearing through a door behind the counter. “Feel free to explore while I’m at it.” Tauli couldn’t help but admire the grace of her departure, his eyes briefly drawn to the subtle curves of her form. As she disappeared into the back of the shop and Tauli’s eyes no longer lingering on her curvaceous figure. “I suppose I should familiarize myself a bit more with Tea.” Tauli said out-loud to himself. He was out of his element right now. “Still, a pretty nice shop.”  Tauli ventured further into the enchanting emporium of tea, its ambiance akin to that of an apothecary or even a spice shop. Taking in the atmosphere a bit more, the very air seemed to pulse with a captivating charm, bringing out a sense of familiarity. As he explored the shop’s offerings, he couldn’t help but draw parallels between this place and his homeland. ‘It reminds me a little bit of home...I see what Zuberi meant now.’ Tauli thought to himself. The memories of a simpler time, before he became a Siri. ‘We share so much in common with ponies.’ He continued to drift around the ever endearing store, picking up and examining many of the unique blends. The various teas, reading their labels and taking in the enticing aromas. He marveled at the variety, from classic black and green teas to exotic herbal infusions. It was overwhelming, if he was honest with himself. ‘There’s just so many…’ Tauli thought to himself. ‘I can only imagine what she would sell if she was a potion maker.’ The quality was obvious, and he appreciated the attention to detail in the packaging, many sharing unique designs for each variation. Moving to another section, encased in a glass display case, Tauli’s eyes fell upon a collection of tea accessories that included delicate infusers, elegant tea strainers, and beautifully crafted teacups. It was increasingly evident that “Touch of Tea” was not just a shop but a haven for tea enthusiasts, a place where the quality of each product was meticulously selected and curated. “I can respect the dedication to one’s craft.” Tauli remarked. “She clearly enjoys what she does.” “Thank you. I pride myself in it." Jasmine Leaf said as she brought out a wooden cart adorned with a few select items. Her selection of equipment spoke volumes about her expertise and dedication to the art of tea-making, something that exceeded anything Tauli knew. “Sorry for the wait. I decided I’d bring out some of my nicer ones for the evaluation since you come at the recommendation of the Flower Sisters.” She then took the prepared samples Tauli had provided. Tauli watched with interest as Jasmine Leaf carefully measured a specific quantity of the Miili Inakumbatia from the samples he had provided. The earthy aroma of the dried leaves wafted through the room, filling the air with a sense of anticipation and curiosity. Tauli maintained an unwavering focus on Jasmine Leaf as the world around them seemed to blur into obscurity. It was evident that she was firmly entrenched in her element, effortlessly navigating the art of tea preparation. In what felt like mere moments, Jasmine Leaf had skillfully crafted the first pot of tea, adorned with a luminous sigil that emanated a mystical glow. Tauli couldn’t help but question it. “Magic?” Tauli pondered aloud, his curiosity piqued by the enchanting sight before him. “I was not aware you used magic?”  “Indeed!” Jasmine Leaf confirmed with a nod, a faint trace of annoyance tainting her voice as she responded, remaining focused on her tea making as she did. “It not only enhances the brewing process but also aids in detecting impurities or undesirable substances within the tea. You’d be astonished by the audacity of those who attempt to peddle contaminated products.” She huffed at the end and her brow furrowed. “Can you believe someone once tried to sell me Poison Joke? The audacity of people sometimes.” Her voice grew heavier, causing Tauli to involuntarily flinch at the sharpness of her tone. Sensing his reaction, she took a deep breath and offered an apology. “I apologize for my outburst. I hold a deep love for tea. The thought of those types of people disrespecting it, it gets under my skin.” “No no, it’s alright.” Tauli shook his head. “It’s reassuring actually. I’ll make sure to never become one of those that would get you so upset. I fear I might not survive your wrath!” he replied, a somewhat joking display of fear and playfulness to the tense atmosphere. Earning a chuckle from the mare at the childish display. “Well, Mister Tauli. I’m happy to see that you understand the dangers that come with crossing a mare's passion.” She quipped in an equally playful tone, the atmosphere having been lightened as playful banter interwoven between the two. A warm smile graced her face as she finished her preparation, extending her hands to offer a teacup and a small saucer under it to Tauli. “Would you like to join me for a cup?” Pouring two cups of tea, she extended one to Tauli. “I’d love to.” Tauli responded, accepting the offer without hesitation. “I think it would speak poorly for me if I didn’t try my own product with you.” As Jasmine Leaf took her first sip, a wave of tranquility washed over her. The tea’s soothing flavor danced on her taste buds, savoring the unexpected aroma that followed. She could feel the gentle warmth in her cheeks rise and then slowly spread down her body, caressing her chest like a pair of warm hands massaging her breasts while her nipples gently stiffened. A sultry soft moan escaped her lips, a slight quivering in the back of her throat as she struggled to hold the cup up without trembling. The heat continued downwards, running over her thighs and slipping its way between them, tingling as it tickled the damp folds of Jasmine Leaf’s pussy. Her thong grew damp from her marehoods gentle cascade of sweet arousal, which trickled down her legs within the tight jeans she wore. Like the beads of sweat on the outside of the warm ceramic cup, she was now struggling to keep steady. Jasmine Leaf gently rocked her hips from side to side. The gentle friction against the cloth of her undergarments brought her back to the present moment with a sudden jolt of pleasure. The subtle fragrance of her own desire wafted through the air. Jasmine Leaf glanced towards Tauli, who sat there, sipping his tea, his eyes shut as if he was unaware of the intense response she was having to that very cup of tea. However, the tightness of his trousers suggested a different story, though it remained concealed to her. “Oh.. oh my.” Jasmine Leaf commented, pausing for a moment as she set her tea down. Startled but such a delightful response. “That was...unexpected.” She pondered for a moment before shifting her attention back to Tauli. “I have to ask...does this particular plant hold any distinctive effects? It did seem to elicit a quite pleasant warmth.” “Ah, yes.” Tauli paused, as though he was deep in contemplation. He spoke with a mixture of truth and deception. “Well, personally, I haven’t noticed any, but my mother always claimed it’s excellent for relieving stress.” “I see…” Jasmine Leaf said as she wondered what kind of stress relief that was but having an idea. As Tauli seemed ignorant of it, his acting left her none the wiser. Tauli watched as Jasmine Leaf nodded, jotting something down on her clipboard. “It has such a strong flavor.” ‘I didn’t expect such an immediate reaction, at least not one so powerful.’ Tauli thought to himself. ‘I wonder if she knows how obvious of a reaction she had.’ The zebra pondered as Jasmine Leaf began preparing what he assumed was Ice Tea in the making. A pitcher with a similar legendary etching along its side stood nearby. As the pitcher was filled, its transparent glass frosted over, and ice cubes took shape within it, crafted from the tea itself. As the pitcher thawed, it took on the appearance of the quintessential image of a chilled pitcher of tea on a scorching day, with tiny droplets of moisture trickling down its surface. “With or without lemon?” Jasmine Leaf asked. “The flavor can change dramatically, if you didn’t know.”  “I actually didn’t know that.” Tauli commented, nodding his head. “But without please.” Nodding Jasmine Leaf produced a nice chilled glass of ice tea, offering it to the Siri agent. Tauli, who accepted it graciously, the gentle jostling of ice meeting glass as he took a sip of it. Jasmine Leaf followed suit and took a sip, feeling the icy coolness wash over her lips and tongue, transporting her into a vivid dreamscape like space. A gentle, refreshing breeze caressed Jasmine Leaf’s skin, almost as if it carried the cool, mysterious touch of an unknown entity that left an icy sensation on her lips. Her thoughts fixated on this enigmatic presence, envisioning gentle hands exploring and teasing her chest, their cool fingers brushing her nipples and sending shivers down her body. She couldn’t help but whimper in response to the sensation. The response to her plea sent her breath quickening and a shiver down her spine. Suddenly, a sharp, chilling, yet pleasurable feeling pierced through her. With a gasp, Jasmine Leaf snapped back to reality, her wide eyes fixed on Tauli, who appeared to be casually sipping his glass of iced tea. Her chest, breasts, and the pit of her stomach tingled with a frosty but electric-like sensation, causing a noticeable blush to spread across her face. Her mind raced with questions as she gazed down at the glass of iced tea. “What was that...who...was that?” Jasmine Leaf wondered, her mind slightly hazy still, recoiling slightly from her otherworldly likeness. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a tea with such a flavor profile!”  She shook her head, making a quick note on her clipboard, her focus undivided as she delved into the art of crafting a Chai Tea. The process differed slightly as the unusual contraption came to life once she introduced dried leaves, followed by warm milk, sugar, ginger, cinnamon, and a selection of aromatic spices. Tauli observed with interest as these peculiar devices conjured a thicker liquid that ultimately poured into an elongated cup with a broad handle. It frothed at the top, creating a sprinkle or dusting effect. “That’s...intriguing." Tauli mused silently to himself. “I didn’t know it could froth like that.”  “Have you ever tried Chai Tea before?” Jasmine Leaf inquired. “It’s very popular from the far Eastern lands.”  “I can’t say that I have.” Tauli responded, smiling at her. “But it does seem intriguing.” “Well, you’re in for a delightful surprise. It’s one of my personal favorites.” Jasmine Leaf explained with a smile as she offered the first cup to Tauli. “Thanks to the enchantments on this device, we can skip a few traditional steps that would otherwise make this process much more time-consuming." Jasmine Leaf quickly prepared another cup for herself, while Tauli felt a comforting warmth. Tauli, intrigued by the novel experience. He took a sip, finding himself unexpectedly enamored with the unique texture and flavor. “This is amazing, I wonder-oh.” He saw the distant and glossed over expression across her face as a faint froth rested on her upper lip. She felt a powerful warmth encompassing her as she was pulled into her own thoughts once more...the feeling of dozens of hands all over body as her body entered what could only be described as a pseudo heat. The hands exploring her body so freely...feeling them probe, tease and stimulate her like an object of pleasure. Jasmine Leaf wanted more...feeling the growing pleasure as she yearned for more. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt the hands slip inside of her. Vivid scenes played through her mind, the first hand slipping into her folds and then another two spreading bottom and another with its two fingers penetrating her rear. She was filled in both places and felt a warmth pooling in her belly as she felt the hands move with such care, each finger curling and hooking her marehood and tugging. Another probed her marehood, twirling within her wet insides, caressing them and stretching them wider.Jasmine Leaf began to moan, the heat becoming too much as she began to pant. Her eyes shut and head tilting back as the hands within her began to pump, the fingers within her moving faster and faster until her insides quaked and shuddered. She felt like she was being lifted off the ground as these gripping hands of pleasure drove her to climax. With a shutter and a loud gasp, Jasmine Leaf was released from her stupor, falling forward on the counter and panting. Tauli could see her legs were slightly spread and saw her folds were dripping wet. Tauli feigned ignorance to it all as Jasmine Leaf recovered herself, unaware of what even happened but trying to keep her professionalism after such a visceral reaction. As she got herself together, she thought it was about time to wrap this up...even if it wasn’t finished. She had had a problem she needed to tend to. It was becoming more problematic, and she doubted Tauli would go unaware of it the next time around. “So far I think these are all wonderful. Some are far better than others, but I fear I have made a lapse in judgment at how long it would be.” Jasmine Leaf stated, trying to quickly leave the conversation as her thighs rubbed together more and more. “I have forgotten that I have a matter I must attend to. So I must end this a bit sooner than I intended.” “Oh, it is alright.” Tauli acted. He knew exactly what was going on and was giving her the out she needed but he needed to finalize things. “I’m still learning about all these flavors.” "These flavors are quite unique, and I can almost feel a warm tingling inside from it.” Jasmine Leaf nodded and said. “I believe these will sell beautifully.” She then looked at the zebra with a curious eye. “Now, there is the final matter of profits. What percentage are Zuberi and the sisters asking for?” “I was told to seek the same pricing arrangement for the sake of simplicity and because of where they are grown.” Tauli replied, not fully knowing what the arrangement was, but was trying to be as quick and easy about it as possible. Knowing that things could be easily adjusted more in their favor if needed later. “So I believe that would be satisfactory enough.” “Indeed, it will." Jasmine nodded, looking back at the samples she had experienced. “Well, for now, you can bring the cart you brought around back, and then you can tell Zuberi and the Flower Sisters. I look forward to doing further business. I’ll get a formal agreement written up and sent his way as well. It should be ready within a few days. Tauli nodded and excused himself as he headed out the door much with a sense of haste. As soon as Tauli left, Jasmine let out an audible, shivering sigh of relief. Her face erupted into a scarlet blush, and she couldn’t help but pant a little as she was clutching her chest. She couldn’t figure out what had happened, but she felt as if her entire body, from tongue, down her throat, and from her belly, spread throughout her being. Even the still air of the room on her skin was sending small shivers throughout the rest of her body. Looking around, she was certain she was alone, and it brought some comfort. “What happened?!" Jasmine panted quietly to herself, looking around to see what could’ve caused this feeling. Looking down at the three beverages, she shivered at the otherworldly state of mind it took her. “Was that the tea...or was it me?” She the pool of her own arousal drenching the floor. “I’ve not gone so long without a stallion that I’d be having such thoughts because of tea. Have I?” Looking over to the front door of her shop, she considered her options. She could try to force herself to deal with the rest of her workday, holding back these growing, burning feelings while selling tea. Or she could take an early break, just close the shop for the hour, and work out these feelings. It was hard to say, as she swallowed nervously, biting at her lower lip as she was shivering the more she tried to hold herself back. After a few agonizing minutes of indecisiveness, she let out one more annoyed sigh. “Alright, alright! I can’t do this!" Jasmine groaned, all but dragging her legs over to the door. Flipping the sign over, she set the small cardboard clock to show an hour from now. “Just an hour. I can get a clear head in an hour.” Once the sign was set, Jasmine Leaf locked the door. She looked at the cups of tea she had before as a vivid reminder of earlier washed over her. The icy kiss...the heated touch...mixing sensations of fire and ice across her skin. She let out a shallow moan at the thought of it. Her hand had already found its way in her pants and under the fabric of her thong. She pulled her hand out, seeing the wetness drip down her index and middle finger as a strain connected the two...biting her lip. “Fuck...maybe I need two hours.” Jasmine said to herself as she added the time to her cardboard clock. “Yeah, I think a couple hours should be fine. I…I’m sure the shop will be fine.” Turning on the hoof, she quickly made her way up the stairs, leading to the portion of the building in which she lived. She locked herself away in her room. Within it was a modest room with a simple bed and furniture. A deep but intense warmth overwhelmed her core as a pleasant cool sensation mixed along the surface of her skin that made her fur stand on end. Shivering, she knew what she had to do. She had to get out of these clothes. > Chapter 11: Savoring Tea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jasmine was alone in her room, so there wasn’t anything to be worried about, and as soon as she was out of her blouse, her hands were grasping at her exposed breasts, pulling and gently twisting the erect nipples. A soft gasp escaped her as her eyes rolled up and she felt the wetness seeping into her panties. Her tail curled up around her thigh, and she could feel the muscles tightening along her legs, her body begging for relief. Jasmine let her hands trail down the fur, across her belly, and under the fabric. The once form fitting jeans met the floor and her thong was all but torn off, the small piece of fabric almost entirely damp. “Oh my Celestia…that feels so much better…" Jasmine cooed, having finally removed all her clothing. Another powerful sensation tingled throughout her. Her sizable breasts seemed larger as her nipples were already trembling hard, and her shivering ran down her curvaceous body from the air alone. “Still so hot…I need relief…” Looking down as a small box that poked out the underside of her bed, she cooed. “M-maybe…no…no…not yet…” Cupping her breasts, Jasmine groped and pressed into her soft boobs. The feeling caused her to shiver and coo some more. Her nipples were getting so hard, sensitive between her fingers, as she was getting more and more into this sensation. The mare only continued to coo, moaning sweetly as she was feeling as the burning, aching that was boiling up in her body was getting a little easier to manage. But it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough; she needed more. Slowly, she let one of her hands drift down from one of her breasts along her midsection, and then towards her aching, wet pussy. The way she felt, it caused her to gasp out as pleasure ran throughout her body. So much so, she nearly collapsed as she felt her knees almost give out. Her pussy was so wet, and even as her finger just barely glanced off her sensitive clit, she could feel an almost electric surge coursing through her as she couldn’t stop herself. Moaning a little as she was shivering from her fingers rubbing along her quivering pussy lips. “I’ve never been this aroused before…how did this happen?” Jasmine Leaf asked, finding it hard to believe that tea would do this to her. “There’s no way the tea could make me this hot. But fuck…I can’t even think…I need…more…” Continuing to moan, she felt as her legs were losing strength, causing her to collapse on the bed. Moaning her muffled cries into the pillow, she was still groping one of her tits with one hand, while slowly rubbing her pussy with the other. “Oh my…fucking Celestia…why does this feel so good?” The pleasure was almost addicting, impossible to stop as she was rubbing and even teasing the notion of fingering herself. Panting and moaning, her eyes were rolling back from the sensation. But this still wasn’t enough, she needed more, and needed oh so much more than just this. She wanted to experience those icy and hot sensations she had before. Biting her lower lip, she started to finger herself, shoving one, then two, and then three fingers into her sobbing wet fuck hole. The sensation of being stretched like that only made her moan more and more into the bed. Jasmine wasn’t sure why, but this feeling was better than any time she had masturbated before. Like her fingers were dancing within her pussy. The wet sensation, the growing sloppy sounds she was making. The way it felt, even as she was slowly shoving some of her fingers in her soaked entrance, it still didn’t feel like enough. So much so, she was on the verge of fully fisting her pussy, and all that did was make her crave more and more. The pleasure was so much, she needed more to do this. But her hand wasn’t going to be enough, not nearly enough for her pleasure. Thankfully, even in her lustful daze, she glanced over to a small box that poked out from under her bed. “Do I really…right now…" Jasmine panted and moaned, her thoughts and words becoming harder and harder to focus. “I was just…but what if I…I just…oh fuck it, I need it!” Pulling her slick and soaked hand from her pussy, she rolled a little off the bed, before reaching down to this box. Pulling it out from under the bed, she blushed as she pulled it now onto the bed. Shivering a little, she sighed a hot breath of nervousness, and yet excitement, as she smiled while biting her lower lip a little more. Opening it, there were not one, nor two, or even three or four, but a little over half a dozen different dildos, all of not only varying lengths and sizes, but even species. Bringing the large assortment of faux cocks upon the bed with her...her mind wandered to the memories of earlier...the mysterious being with its frosty touch...a large gathering of warm embracing hands that explored her body. Reaching for one of them, one that was at least ten inches in length, but perhaps only a few inches wide. It was the first to find its way within her...and as her mind wandered to that cold feeling of before as she closed her eyes...she back in the embrace of that icy touch that was grouped with another that let its warm touch caress her figure, groping her and feeling every curve of her body. While the icy touch danced across the surface of her skin. Soon she was no longer in control of her own actions, she felt a want, a need for a cock to fill her sopping wet marehood. Quickly shifting and turning on the bed, the mare was lost in the depravity of her own mind. When she ‘opened’ her eyes after shifting she found herself once more someplace different and foreign...like she was transported to another world as two mysteries of figures...one blue and one red approached her, she couldn’t make out their faces but their bodies soon embraced her...taken by the feeling of fire and ice. Both warming and cooling her as the two sets of hands explored her figure. With her arms pinned behind her, her boobs pushed forward for them to massage and grope, the blue one’s hand resting on her ass, while the red’s other on her hip. The blue one then spoke, a male voice, that was entrancing to hear. She couldn’t make out the words but her body quivered all the same. Her hands reached for them. Feeling their girth in her hands as they were thick, her delicate digits caressing heavy sacks that were churning with seed. As she took in the size and shape of it, the two began to tease her more and more, the blue one brushing his icing fingers against her sex, feeling the cold and his warm finger brush against her clit. Making her moan more and more from the dual sensations. While the red one pinched and lightly tugged on her nipples, she could feel the difference in size of each hand....teasing her...making her yearn for more. “Please!” Jasmine shouted as she felt a sensation within her core, like something was changing, expanding. It felt wonderful, but she needed more. Then, with that cry, she felt their hard shafts against her body, the red one against her rear and the blue on her front. Her breathing became shaky and shallow as her legs buckled slightly and her hands stroked their cocks. “Stop being...such a pair of teasers." Slowly bringing them closer, the blue teased her pussy with its throbbing shaft. “Oh yeah…sweet Celestia…it’s been too long. Oh yeah…tease me, make me beg for it…I want it…Mmmm oh yeah…” She only continued to moan more and more whispery, breathy coos of pleasure. The red one behind her grinding its hot tool between her ample bottom. It’s length gently sliding between her cheeks and across her tail hole. “Fuck…not enough…I need these dicks…now!” The blue one stopped teasing at her pussy lips as she felt her moist labia parting open. Slowly pushing more and more deeper inside of her. She felt a moan escape her lips as she felt every inch of its cock spread her pussy around it, she could feel every detail of its thickness as it stretched and moved through her, until it pressed into her cervix. Her body tingled and a shiver ran down her spine, a faint sparkle on her skin as the icy feeling spread throughout her body. Then the red one joined in, its grinding stopped as the fat flared head pressed into her tailhole...bigger than the blue as it made her gasp from the heat entering her backside. With a moan and a gasp, the mare, Jasmine Leaf, was driven crazy by the pleasure that was consuming her. The way her ass and her cunt were being stuffed and fucked by these two mystery cocks. Her head tilted back, she gasped and moaned and cried out loudly for more. To the point where the cold, icy being had wrapped a hand around her mouth, muffling her moans, to where all she could manage was a muffle of ecstasy. She felt as the red one gave a rough, hard thrust, hitting her womb and causing a rippling shiver throughout her body as she clenched on both of the members within her. Feeling these two dicks taking her was incredible, it made her want more and more as the two figures started to pick up speed and go into a steady rhythm. She loved it but...she wasn't any closer to her big release, her peak of pleasure...she needed more. She thirsted for something more powerful...thicker...longer. Groaning, she needed more, and Teaser wasn’t enough for her...with a feeling of reluctance as the two figures slipped from within her and two larger beings appeared, still unable to make out their faces but red and blue respectively.. they were massive as their broad figures loomed over her. Eyeing their crotches, they were easily twice as big...twice as thick...prodigious balls that hung heavy. The word ‘breeder’ escaped her lips as they approached, handling her with ease, placing her on her knees and forelimbs. With her bottom raised high, the first thing she felt was the head of the red ones cock pressing to her drooling pussy, but the head alone was bigger than her hand, it was far too big! But her body didn’t care as her entrance spread widely, and she felt that pleasurable feeling of a massive shaft entering her. The blue one...across her face laid this thick throbbing stallion hood, a powerful aroma overtaking her. The musk of his sex, even as she took in a breath, she was amazed that she didn’t even gag or cough. With the Blue one across her face, she opened her maw wide, her tongue snaking out to taste its musky flesh as her hands reached for the shaft and it, wrapping her fingers around it to stroke it. The feeling of the head in her mouth and her tongue lapping it as the salty taste was so familiar and delightful, she found it hard to pull herself away. Feeling these breeders use her so effortlessly. “Fuck…Breeder…that’s it…stretch me out…fucking…ruin my pussy…" Jasmine moaned, panting and huffing as she could feel as the red one pounds her with such voracity. Reaching even deeper than before. It felt so good, she needed it. “Oh fuck…oh my fuck…so big…Breeder…you’re so big…” The blue one no longer being as passive as her tongue stopped working over his heavy cock, it reminded her, wordlessly her maw adorned the blue ones musky throbbing tool They used her so well, with such desire and need, the mare was brought to her limits, her pussy being utterly ruined and plowed by this stud. She loved it, she loved this...but she didn’t dare complain about the two of them, her attention instead drawn to the other Breeder who was now filling her tight maw, her eyes staring at the sheer size of the hulking, potent horse cock. Her lips pursed, sucking and desperately milking the cock while her tongue swirled around. The sound of her own tits bouncing up and smacking her torso showed how roughly they were using her. Their hips clapped against her in such a violent display of dominance, she felt it was all too much, she couldn’t last like this, they were both so thick, so hard, her mouth being stretched by the sheer size of the Blue Breeders dick. And she was taking the entirety of it, all the way to the base. Her lips suckling the massive sack, she was in love with these breeding studs. As she drifted deeper into pleasure, she couldn’t stop her mind from wandering. It was a thought she hadn’t fantasized about in a long time, but with Breeder deep inside her, she could only think of some of the larger stallions she had seen in Ponyville. Thunderlane perhaps? The muscular pegasus was certainly athletic, but would his dick even measure up to these Breeders. Shaking her head, she moved on. Bulk Biceps? Another strong and buff looking stallion, but the pegasus didn’t really look like the well hung type. Sure, he could break down walls, but could he break a pussy? Shaking her head, there was only one stallion Jasmine had seen that could possibly compare to the Breeders that were handling her; Big Mac. The farm stallion was big, strong, and the mare had no doubts he had a cock that could breed scores of mares. Or at least, that’s what he was before. Jasmine's mind then drifted to the last time she saw Big Mac, how much thinner, more toned, and less bulky, but it was the more feminine side. Not that she was against it, but it did make the mare believe that perhaps Big Mac didn’t have that mare addicting dick he had before. As she continued to fantasize, Jasmine's mind seemed to wander somewhere else, to another group of stallions she’s seen in town; the Zebras. Her mind lingered on the zebras, the sweat down their bodies and powerful figures...the red and blue figures seemed to blur and change shape...looking like a pair Zebra’s she saw in town. They were similar, but one was much more husky and the other leaner, yet just as handsome. With her attention drifting to her other pair of holes, she could feel them pounding at her and stuffing them so deeply. She needed more...more pleasure...more cocks...she could feel her insides being twisted around and filled in ways that only made her yearn for more. Their hands began roaming her body, the one behind her reeled its hand back and let loose a powerful series of smacks across her flank, her back arched as her eyes watered. Her moans around the other one's cock that stuffed her maw seemed to excite him further as his hands met her head and began slamming his pelvis into her face. She felt her jaw stretch, the tears stung as her eyes went wide, and a painful shock ran down her spin. “Yeah, Breed me boys...Breed your whore.” Jasmine moaned out around the zebra's cock, though to anyone else it was a gargle of sounds. Being filled with such an amazing, arousing force but it still wasn't enough, the verge of climax but as she felt the rise...It felt sharp. “More...I need something more! She thought about what would be even better...even bigger and more powerful. Zuberi was among one of the first that came to mind. The big, strong stallion must have a really big, strong cock. Especially if he was in a relationship with the Flower sisters. Handling one of them was probably tough, but all three at once must be absolutely exhausting. And even thing, the times she’s seen him, he was always so hard at work with the flowers, with his big, strong muscles in the sunshine. But this wasn’t right, he was a taken stallion, it was wrong for Jasmine to think of him like that. Pumping Breeder in and out of her sloppy wet pussy, another figure seems to sneak its way into her fantasies; Tauli...no. Tauli was handsome in his own right but he was far more lean...less imposing and his softer baby face wasn’t what she wanted. Her mind returned to Zuberi...ashamed at the yearning for him but lusting for him all the same. He was a big, strong looking zebra, and was very handsome. She understood why the sisters would choose such a partner. With the zebra in her mind. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to her orgasm, it wasn’t yet enough. Groaning a sound of annoyance at the two zebra breeders that couldn’t bring her release...They pulled away, the Breeder leaving her empty as they stoically slid out and vanished. The one she had originally bought as a joke, but right now, she needed it. Reaching into the box, she pulled out the biggest toy she had, easily twice the size, length, and thickness of Teaser. The words “Breaker” were carved in it, and she even shuddered as she nervously stroked it. “T-there’s no way…” Jasmine stuttered nervously as a little sense of reason seemed to trickle through her arousal. “I…I need..” Her voice was cut off as Zuberi approached her...sitting down as his cock rested heavy, gesturing...no, ordering her to please him. Jasmine shuddered at the idea of this new stallion in the shape of Zuberi, and at the same time, she felt a powerful rush of arousal from him. The thought of actually having the chance to take something like his was too tempting for the mare to resist. Leaning forward and crawling towards the monstrous stud, she began to lick the underside of his pulsating member. Servicing...worshiping its potent tool, her face buried into his heavy sheath as her tongue hung out, licking, polishing the leathery sack. Her nose inhaled his manly scent. Her eyes went wide as she was faced with this intimidating beast that was just waiting for her to properly service it. Moving up, she did her best to bring forth this beast of a cock. Watching it get harder and harder. Stroking at its flaring crown, Jasmine placed her lips at the tip and sucked at the tip of it. The way this oversized dick was pulsing in her hands, she couldn’t help but imagine how full it would feel in her cunt. As she tried to swallow it, she could feel her throat stretching and spreading to accommodate this massive piece of meat. Gagging a bit on the tip, she was determined to prove herself capable of taking this entire monster. She wasn’t able to fit the entirety of it, but she was definitely doing a good job trying to do so. Feeling this thick rod pulse in her maw, Jasmine moaned with approval, feeling it almost vibrate within her...her body went stiff as a large hand met the back of her head and forced her down, using her mouth like a fleshlight, her make-up running down her cheeks as her eyes teared up, slobbering all around the cock in a wanton display. She felt her hands wrap around his taut abdomen, the feeling of his abs tightening and flexing as she could feel him fucking her throat. Her pussy was oozing with anticipation as she was feeling like a whore, getting her throat and body used by this massive stallion. Gurgling around the studs cock, her lips locked around the base as she felt herself cumming, her mind was hazy but her body convulsing, her legs trembling as she felt the world around her fading. The taste of seed exploded in her mouth, she was given no option as she was held there. Gagging and gurgling, she felt her vision get a bit blurry. Her lips clung to the base, not willing to let a single drop of seed be wasted. Her hands locked around his waist as she felt the stream of seed become a torrent. What seemed like hours...She was given the privilege of being allowed to have her mouth open without its cock inside it. Collapsing back, kneeling as her body arched back somewhat limp. Jasmine looked up as her eyes were completely clouded, the sensation of its taste, the warmth and the smell of it on her face...Zuberi wasn't done though. Her mouth was just an appetizer for this colossal Zebra. She felt the heat of its cock as it slid between her bosom as she was brought closer to him and his throbbing tool. Her arms quickly enveloped her chest as she squeezed her tits, the feeling of his pulsating, turgid flesh was unbearable. The way she could feel the veins and pulsation, it made her quiver. The heat, the girth, it was perfect. She knew what this was, what he was doing, and she wanted it...she cleaned his cock, as her breasts cushioned his mighty tool. She was going to get the true treat of servicing him. She cooed and gasped as she felt his hand guiding her, having her push her breasts tighter together so it can be surrounded. It was heaven, absolute bliss, and even though she could barely see straight, she had to make sure he felt good. His hips were slowly thrusting, the motions of his body making her shiver and making it hard for her to keep herself composed as she noticed her chest seem to enlarge, grow heavier and more sensitive, barely able to engulf the girth with her tits alone. Sweat poured down her body, making her glisten in the sunlight, and she was able to see a bit clearer, to see her breasts seem to inflate slightly. Was the heat from his cock just melting her breasts, or was she just hallucinating...she didn’t know...she didn't care. Jasmine wanted more than just to taste him.. she wanted to feel him, experience him and everything he stood for. Even though her pussy was aching and dripping, she ignored it. Jasmine wanted nothing more than to help this magnificent specimen of a zebra release the creamy load that was destined to fill a mare. Her nipples were hard enough to cut diamond as they grazed the hot, rock-hard surface of this titanic stallionhood, her eyes rolling up as she felt every vein, every subtle movement...she felt the familiar pulse and the heave of his balls upward...releasing geyser-like spunk that coated her face. From her head, down to her breasts and all the way down to her belly, she felt every inch of her being covered in seed. Like a whore begging for seed, she closed her eyes and her mouth open and her tongue held out...worshiping it like fresh water after a drought. Zuberi only pulled out and proceeded to turn the mare around. An unusual position that was thrilling and exotic to her. Taking her in an impressive mating press position. With her legs spread as wide as they could, his massive body bearing down on her as the head of his cock teased her slick entrance. Her face was covered in seed, the look of lust and wanting on her face. It wasn’t what she had imagined, but as soon as that fat tip prodded her soaked pussy, Jasmine Leaf could feel herself succumbing to the lust that she was experiencing. Every part of her was aching with the need for this immense, godly stallion to fill her. She was going to get it, and she was going to get it in the form of a sexual conquest that she would be satisfied with. She moaned out as she felt the massive breeder cock prying into her. She felt it sliding in, the way the flared head was forcing her to open more and more as it slowly invaded her. There was pain and pleasure, the twinge of her marehood being spread far past what she was capable of. His flare was the tip of the iceberg. Jasmine was unaware of how the rest could ever possibly fit. But that only made her hunger for it more. She wanted this cock, this amazing feeling of being filled, stretched. It was wonderful. The mare just wanted it inside of her, even if it did hurt. But, with all that she had gone through, she was able to take the flare. Her entrance was gaping, and she could feel as her insides were spread by the stud, her body slowly accommodating the large breeder, even as she whimpered and cried from the intense feelings. Her breasts bounced and flopped from the vigorous nature of being stretched out by a stallion so large. Her tits, once normal sized, were swollen, enlarged as they almost jiggled to her nipples with each breath she took. And with each breath she felt this impossibly large stallion spear her more and more, and more of his length being pressed inside. It was amazing, the feeling of her belly being stretched as it was already starting to make a little lump with each inch pressed in. Jasmine was aware of this, and it was turning her on beyond belief, her mind swimming with euphoria as she was losing herself. Then the realization hit. He was all the way inside of her. This entire colossal, amazing dick was currently occupying the innermost depths of her body. She looked down, seeing that lump within her belly as if she was pregnant. She didn’t know what it was at first, but after seeing the expression on Jasmine's face, this false Zuberi decided to be kind...if such a thing could be the case in this scenario. With a dominant, masculine, and commanding tone, he simply spoke a word that would enlighten her to what was going on. “Mine.” That one simple, powerful word, it filled her with so many emotions and desires, and above all else, she had a sudden craving for more. She wasn’t in any place to move, she could hardly squirm, but she had the determination. Her legs wrapped around the zebra’s, locking behind his calves, she was clinging to this massive creature that was doing more to her than she could have ever imagined. Her pussy was sore, and the constant thrusting and motion of the equine’s powerful, before he speed began to rapidly pick up. He was taking her like she was some sort of whore. She felt herself moaning loudly, crying out, screaming his name in the most ecstatic of ways. Jasmine was shocked to find that she had managed to retain her mind after being fucked so brutally by such a powerful, potent stallion, especially with how rough her body was being handled. She could feel her body writhing in ecstasy and her stomach was quivering as a wave of pleasure swept over her. Every thrust caused her stomach to distended as she could feel every single thrust the Zebra could muster. The mare was unable to speak, as her words were lost, only moans and gasps of pleasure as her mind was drowned in ecstasy. It was overwhelming. All she wanted was more, her pussy was not being broken, but it was being bred...bred and claimed for Zuberi's sole use...and its use alone. She wanted to be his, she wanted to be Zuberi’s mare, envy grew inside her of the Flower Sisters to have such a stallion. “Please...” She cried out in a throaty cry, desperate for him more than ever before. Her insides quaked and shivered as another surge of pleasure...Finally that peak was met as she felt Zuberi’s cock throb once more and unleash within her womb. That had been long since stretched out by his cock. She felt every rope of the steaming hot load that was being emptied into her. She could feel as his seed flooded her womb, she could feel every rope that was released into her, and she was certain, even more than before, that she was going to be pregnant as her stomach began to swell with his fertile cream. Looking up, her vision was still hazy as she saw a blue and red light dancing in her eyes as it seemed. Her eyes were blurry as she returned to reality, on her back as she laid a shaken mess in the bed, a pool of juices below her, and a lingering sensation in her body that felt like her entire body was having pins and needles, but without any actual pain. The warmth and heat that washed over her was intoxicating. Laid across the bed around her...a dozen or so dildos...each bigger than the last that were used or even warped from use. Each seemed to match the shape and size of every stallion that she experienced in that fantasy-like dreamscape...She had so many questions...None of them were answered. One thing was clear, whatever happened, she wanted to have more. She didn’t know what it meant or how far she would go...but she knew that she needed more...She needed Zuberi. While Jasmine was coming down from her orgasmic release, she failed to notice just how loud she was...or how long it had been. Tauli was still at the shop, or rather, was in the back and having finished loading up his crates product, having made several trips from the Flower Shop. Because of where Jasmine's room was in relation to this storage room in the back, the zebra had heard everything clearly. Chuckling quietly, he continued to unload the cargo. Not wanting to alert the mare that he had been listening in, he kept his words quiet, but his mind was amused. ‘Okay, so it looks like the tea might have been a little too effective.’ Tauli thought, as the sounds of Jasmine Leaf's cries of pleasure had finally stopped. Looking over the crates, he unloaded early. ‘Perhaps it should be further diluted, or we’re gonna have far too many ponies too horny to think.’ Pushing around the crates, making sure they were neatly stacked, he looked around the rest of the inventory in this storage room. Numerous similar crates, large and small barrels, as well as what seemed to be brewing supplies were carefully cataloged. Perhaps he should subtly mix in his own teas with the others? While there were doubts it would vastly affect the flavor of the leaves, it might lessen the effects, making the arousal more subtle. ‘No, no, I can’t do that. I wasn’t ordered to lace everything here. Only to sell.’ Tauli further pondered, rubbing his chin. ‘Then again, she did drink a lot of samples, and so got a lot more in her system than what we’re expecting from the average pony. So perhaps this is just what drinking too much tea will do to you?’ Shaking his head a little, he finished up his stacking. ‘Either way, I need to report this. I believe the tea needs more field tests.’ With that, he hitched up his small cart, and departed, returning to Zuberi to give his report. > Chapter 12: Uncertain Cake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first light of day peeked over the idyllic and ever-growing Ponyville, casting a gentle, golden hue upon the surroundings. Dewdrops clung to the emerald grass, and the air was infused with the heavenly aroma of fresh bread and cupcakes, a delightful concoction originating from the bustling bakery of Mrs. Cake. However, despite the enchanting scene, weariness marred Mrs. Cake’s face. As the dawn’s rays filtered through the bakery windows, Mrs. Cake found herself amidst a sea of dough, ingredients, and baked goods. Her usually cheerful countenance had faded, replaced by lines etched by exhaustion. With a weary sigh, she wiped the perspiration from her brow, finding momentary solace in rubbing her aching back. “Dear cinnamon sticks... we haven’t even opened, and I just wanna go back to bed." Mrs. Cake muttered to herself, her voice heavy with fatigue. Dark circles clung to her eyes, and her once brisk movements had slowed to a sluggish pace. “It’s gonna be a long day.” The weight of her overwhelmingly busy morning routine was made endurable because of Pinkie Pie, who seemed to defy the laws of physics with her energetic grace. Mrs. Cake moved gracefully in the confined space of the kitchen, her soft, curvy body an elegant silhouette against the flour-dusted backdrop. The apron she wore clung to her figure, accentuating her mature yet undeniably alluring form. Beads of sweat from her exertion traced a glistening path between her ample bosom and down her plush fur. With a gentle tug at the collar of her shirt underneath the apron, she fanned herself, the hint of sensuality concealed within the casual gesture. “Phew... I think I’m going to need to sit down after this." Mrs. Cake confessed, her flour-dusted palms leaving a faint, suggestive imprint along the neckline of her shirt. As her arms descended and rested under her chest, she couldn’t help but consider Pinkie’s earlier suggestion about selling her excess breast milk. “I think I should entertain Pinkie’s idea of selling my extra milk." Her fingers subtly pushing against her milk-filled breasts, her sigh carrying a soft note of desire. “While my dear ‘hunnybun’ loved it when the twins were still nursing... it’s become quite a burden on my back now." Mrs. Cake’s gaze shifted towards Pinkie Pie, a twinge of concern tugging at her heart as she considered the remarkable size of Pinkie’s chest. She couldn’t help but wonder. “I wonder if she had Twilight enchant her spine or something. I can’t imagine how my spine would feel if my girls were that big.” Mrs Cake thought to herself… ‘Though I wish she would wear a bra more often.’ Mrs Cake sighed as the generous bust that Pinkie Pie had often become so drenched in sweat that her white shirt often allowed for quite the view. Recalling not but a few days ago during rush hour, her chest all but fell out of her shirt as she turned a single sale of a BerryBerry muffin to a dozen of them. Pinkie Pie's choice of suggestive clothing had its upsides, even if she didn’t want to admit it.Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness as she worked alongside Pinkie Pie, the bouncy mare’s chest seemingly defying gravity with its impressive size. I wonder if she had Twilight enchant her spine or something. I can’t imagine how my spine would feel if my girls were that big.’ Mrs Cake thought to herself. “Though I wish she would wear a bra more often.” Mrs Cake sighed as the generous bust that Pinkie Pie had often become so drenched in sweat that her white shirt often allowed for quite the view. Recalling not but a few days ago during rush hour, her chest all but fell out of her shirt as she turned a single sale of a BerryBerry muffin to a dozen of them. As the chime of a bell from the front was heard, Mrs Cake went to take counter or attempted before Pinkie Pie beat her to it. A soft smile graced Mrs Cake's face, as she went back to working over the dough and preparing additional batches as she watched from behind. Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but observe the borderline lecherous gazes across Pinkie Pie. “I wonder why she doesn’t have a stallionfriend…” Mrs Cake pondered a little aloud. “She has the looks for it, that's for sure.” As an intrusive thought and worry that it might be because she is so busy helping her. While a part of her was thankful, that thought lingered in the back of her head. As the morning unfolded, another group of customers approached and requested Pinkie Pie to pose with them for a cute photo, a gesture she’d gladly do for those placing sizable orders of two hundred bits or more. Mrs. Cake watched as Pinkie’s playful demeanor shone through, and she couldn’t help but marvel at how sexy the mare looked in that moment. Pinkie Pie boasted an enticing hourglass figure, some even daring to say it rivaled Princess Cadance’s. Her selective choice of clothing accentuated her sensuality, with her small, curve-hugging shorts and a white t-shirt that showcased her alluring form. Her fluffy ponytail, adorned with candy, treats, and other whimsical yet appealing trinkets, added a playful charm to her otherwise sultry appearance. Despite Pinkie Pie’s utterly seductive presence, she did feel a bit down trodden looking at her own figure. She didn't feel like the pretty mare she used to feel like… or how her hubby did. ‘Geez hunnybun… you need to get back home already.’ Mrs. Cake thought as she knew it would be at least another year at the cooking school he was at. ‘Well, I guess I should stop ogling like a young colt and get back to work.’ Despite her own gratitude for the invaluable help from her candy-sweet friend. Strangely enough, it also motivated her to keep going. Seeing the spry energy of the mare, her cheerful demeanor and tireless movements concealed the allure and sensuality that seemed to dance with every step. The energy she exuded was infectious. On the other side of the bustling marketplace. Nestled within the cozy corner on the second floor of a Bookstore Cafe that doubled as a haven for both books and brewed delights. A griffon of pastel purple plumage and delicate build exuded an air of eccentricity, his movements punctuated by subtle twitches every so often. His eyes, hidden behind the pages of a well-worn tome, flickered towards a new presence in his solitude. A striped figure that was unmistakably a zebra approached the enigmatic griffon. He took the vacant seat across from the griffon. “One moment please, Zakia.” The griffon spoke without raising his gaze, engrossed in the book that read. “The Scarlet Scroll.” The griffon gestured towards a teapot and a porcelain teacup sitting on a decorative saucer, a subtle smile playing on his beak. “I’m almost finished. You arrived a little sooner than expected.” With an elegant, almost invisible force of magic, his talon guided the teapot, deftly pouring a fragrant tea into the unoccupied teacup. “Please, indulge yourself. Our merchant friend has truly outdone themselves. They are doing rather well in the Crystal Kingdom.” he remarked, his talon dancing with a graceful twirl. “One lump of sugar or two?” “Two, please. Thank you, Aeroka.” Zakia’s response came with a hint of intrigue in her voice. The teacup and its accompanying saucer floated gracefully across the table, settling before him, who accepted the offering with a gracious nod. He took a sip and puckered his lips as two more sugar cubes hovered. “It’s quite sour…” The two sugar cubes gently glided into the cup as the swirl in the tea was guided by the nearly unseen magic. Zakia notices the shimmer of a small crystal set in a gem along the griffon's finger. “Ah, another exquisite creation from the Crystal Kingdom.” Aeroka exclaimed with a hint of excitement in his voice. “Their craftsmanship in these trinkets has truly reached a new level in recent years.”  Pausing for a moment, he continued, sensing Zakia’s eagerness to discuss their current target. “But let’s put that aside for now. I believe your focus lies on Pinkie Pie, and by proxy Chiffon Swirl. Though she is commonly known, Mrs. Cake.” “Yes, she has been quite elusive, managing to evade most of our attempts to locate her.” Zakia nodded, a trace of annoyance crossing his face. “However, we have finally resolved the conflicting information from our reports.” “Yes, I heard. A mix of ‘blurs.” Aeroka said, a mischievous smile twitching across the griffon’s beak.  “Well, it doesn’t matter now. Here’s what I have for you, thanks to your chatty mare friend up in Cloudsdale. I’ve been able to gather a wealth of information in a remarkably short time. Sifting through facts and gossip was not as difficult as I expected it would.” His excitement grew as his beak twitched even more. “Now, as for Chiffon Swirl, from what I’ve learned, ever since the influx of newcomers to Ponyville after your, let's say indulgence at Apple Acres and call for so many Siri to reside at it. A rather brazen move on your part, but one that worked in the Siri’s favor.” His words held a sense of admiration. Zakia internally groaned, knowing full well he was acting too quickly before and got lucky with how smooth its takeover was. “Chiffon has been inundated with orders, struggling to keep up with the demand with her husband overseas and her children students at Princess Twilight’s school.” He took a sip of his tea before continuing. “Pinkie Pie has been devoting most of her time to assist her as a result.” Zakia blinked in surprise at Aeroka’s words. “Last I was aware, The Sugarcube is extremely active and lines out the door nearly every day.” Zakia said, astonished in his voice. “Are you saying it’s just been the two of them this whole time?” “Correct. So dealing with her should be extremely easy. She’s also well aware of you… you’ve become a hot topic in gossip. I’ve done my best to scuff some of the details flowing around, specifically your name, but I am not sure how much good it will do at this point. I’d advise you to be more careful in the future.” Aeroka’s tone was mellow, but a trace of annoyance lingered beyond it. “But before we go any further, I need to bring up a rumor that has me concerned. Pinkie Pie seems to have something called her ‘Pinkie sense’, as people call it.” “Pinkie sense?” Zakia asked, his brows furrowed in curiosity. “What is that supposed to be?” “It is…a strange ability. I shall do my best to explain what I know.” Aeroka leaned back in his chair, swirling his tea absentmindedly. “It’s said to be a sort of innate ability she possesses, giving her an uncanny sense of impending events. Some claim she can predict danger or foresee things before they happen.” “I see…interesting...” Zakia’s eyes narrowed as he processed this information. “Is this Pinkie sense something we should be worried about? Could it jeopardize our plans?” “It’s hard to say for certain.” Aeroka shrugged, his feathers ruffling slightly. “Some dismiss it as mere coincidence or Pinkie Pie’s overactive imagination. However, there have been instances where her predictions have proven accurate, leaving many to wonder if there’s more to it.” “So does she have some form of clairvoyant-like ability?” Zakia questioned, seeming very concerned about this new information. “I am unsure. One thing I have been able to come to understand is it only seems to react when something ‘bad’ is going to happen or someone is in ‘danger.’” Aeroka stated as Zakia looked pensively at the griffon. “I believe I have a solution though.. one that can make use of that notoriety you’ve gotten through the loose lips of gossiping mares.” Zakia's ears perked at the griffon's words. “Let’s hear it then.” Zakia replied, sighing a little. “I want no unaccounted for variables.” As the hours slowly drifted towards noon, Mrs. Cake’s exhaustion weighed heavily on her, and the thought of a well-deserved lunch break became irresistible. The bustling Sugarcube Corner had been a whirlwind of activity all morning, with Pinkie Pie’s seemingly endless energy lighting up the bakery. Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but feel a pang of empathy for Pinkie, who, she was sure, needed a break as much as she did. “Maybe I need to take a longer break today." Mrs. Cake mused, casting a tired glance toward her effervescent friend. “I’m sure she needs one as much as I do.” With that decision in mind, She closed the shop for a brief respite, her weariness demanding some time to rest and recover. Turning to Pinkie Pie amidst the flurry of customers, she made her announcement. “Pinkie, I’m going to be closing the shop for an hour. Go get yourself some lunch. You’ve more than earned the break, honey." she called out, the weariness evident in her voice. Okay, Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie Pie replied, echoing back from the back of the bakery. “I’m gonna go get some errands done then! See you later.” “Alright, but don’t overdo it. You’ve been all but bouncing off the walls!” Mrs. Cake’s concern was obvious in her voice as she cautioned her energetic friend, to which Pinkie Pie’s playful reassurance reached her ears. “I promise I won’t!” Pinkie smiled, though it couldn’t be seen from where she was. “So don’t worry; I’ve got plenty of energy to spare!” With Pinkie off on her break, Mrs. Cake settled into a cozy corner of the bakery, taking a deep breath as she sought to relax and rejuvenate. Time seemed to fly by as she enjoyed the tranquility. The bakery bathed in a comforting silence. Just as she started to lose herself in the peaceful moments of her respite, a pair approached the shop’s door. A zebra and a clean cut looking griffon were walking alongside him. Her initial intention was to turn them away, knowing she had closed for a short while to rest, but her dedication and inability to deny anyone with a sweet tooth got the better of her. She rose from her comfortable nook, approached the door, and welcomed the unexpected visitors. “Come on in." Mrs. Cake invited with a warm smile, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. She made her way behind the counter and inquired. " What can I get you, boys?” Her question hung in the air before her brow furrowed and she questioned. “Wait, are you Zakia by any chance?” The zebra seemed surprised but nodded. “Yes.” Zakia replied, looking at her in some confusion. “I am…how did you know?” “Oh, Windy talks so much about you. She’s got the chatterbox, more so after your help with her husband.” Mrs. Cake said as the exhaustion she once held seemed to evaporate. “You, though I don’t know about it.” She pointed to the griffon. The griffon pompously pushed her finger to the side. “I am Boarit.” The griffon said, his accent sharp and gruff. He only stared and said nothing else.  “Please meet you Boarit.” Mrs. Cake nodded her head with a smile. The griffon gave her no response. “Apologies, he’s not much of a talker.” Zakia interjected, diffusing any ill will that that dismissive action might have caused. “My friend isn’t very social.”  “It’s alright, a friend of mine has a sister that is much the same.” Mrs. Cake replied, her thoughts briefing thinking of Maud Pie. “Well what can I do for you Zakia, if you need me to bake a cake for a wedding then I hate to say it but I don’t have the means to help with that.” “Oh no, not that.” Zakia said, shaking his head. “That won’t be needed for quite some time. I actually was coming here at Windy’s recommendation. Though not for the best pastries in Ponyville.” He brought out a piece of paper. “Windy gave me this to give to you to introduce me, but I think that’s required anymore.” He then stuffed the paper back into his pocket. Mrs Cake’s curiosity was piqued at the zebra’s words. “I suppose not.” Mr. Cake said as she looked at the Zebra with even more curiosity now. “What can I do for you then?” “Well I wanted to offer my organization services. I’ve learned that you and one other are the only ones working. That has to be exhausting with how busy it’s been.” Zakia said with a warm smile, gesturing to the griffon and said. “You see, Boarit here is a baker himself. Though he specializes in griffon baked goods but also fusion foods and he has about a dozen apprentice bakers that could work here for free to gain experience… if you’re willing to accept them that is.” Mrs Cake gaze rested on Boarit for a moment before looking back at the zebra. “Really?” Mrs. Cake questioned, finding it almost too good to be true. She was a bit taken back but soon followed by excitement she could barely contain. “Are you sure?”  “Yes, I found it baffling that you were doing so much work with just two people.” Zakia said in a friendly tone. “So after consulting my friend here. I thought maybe this offer would be appealing to you.” “Though I am unsure if you want it… I’m sure you could have hired others.” Zakia questioned before halting his words and said “Oh, that’s rude of me to pry like that.” As Mrs. Cake waved her hand and halted his apology. “No no no, you’re fine sweetheart. I’ve just not had the time to hire.” Mrs. Cake said as she let out an exhausted, deep breath. “I’ve barely had time for myself for a while now. Let alone go through the process of hiring people.” “I understand completely.” Zakia replied. “I really do hope that you accept them…or at least give it a trial run.” Mrs Cake seemed to be lost in thought before she closed her eyes. “The extra help would be nice. Windy also sent him my way.” Mrs Cake thought to herself as she considered the zebra’s offer. “But I also will have to teach them the recipes and that could take a while..” Her internal turmoil wasn’t well hidden. Letting out a heavy exhausted sigh. “I don’t think it would hurt.” Mrs Cake stated as she said as Zakia seemed pleased with her words. “I’d be willing to try at least.” The following days were a blitz for The Sugarcube Corner, many showing a significant amount of annoyance at the closure of the bakery for nearly a week with the sign on the front saying “Close due to training new staff.” While many were understanding, some remained annoyed all the same. With a sigh Mrs Cake collapsed on a stool, wiping sweat from her brow as she observed the hard-working griffins and zebras that she had been tasked with teaching the recipes. For the first time in a long time, she felt like a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders. It had been a stressful, but fruitful experience as the Sugarcube Corner now had not only a dozen new staff but also a revamped menu that had some rather curious sounding items that were designed to target more than just the palette of ponies but griffins as well and a few new fusion treats. She wasn't the only one that found some reprieve as she talked with Pinkie Pie who seemed excited at her words and at the older mares' words. Suggested she go visit her family on the farm after so long, knowing all too well that the pink mare had been ‘homesick.’ The excited response from the pink mare still made her shake her head, letting a small laugh escape her lips. “You seem a lot more relaxed, I guess getting one's beauty sleep for the first time in a while would be good.” Mrs Cake turned to look at the new voice, seeing Zakia who brought a stool up beside her and sat at the counter with her. “Yeah, it has been a while hasn’t it...'' She let out a small yawn. “Thank you for doing this Zakia... I honestly can’t thank you enough.'' Zakia laughed at the remark. “I am sure you’ll find a way.” Zakia replied with a cheeky smile and Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but let out a small laugh in return. “A professional such as yourself can do it.”  “Yes but don’t try putting the moves on this mare.” Mrs. Cake said as Zakia's smile faltered a bit. “I don’t swing like Windy so ‘my way’ wont be with me on my back.” “I can’t say I am not a bit disappointed.” Zakia said as he looked slightly disappointed. “But I understand.” “Sorry honey.” Cup said, her self deprecating remark feeling a bit more than playful banter. “Though I’m flattered all the same, besides you can do much better than this old mare I’m sure.” “Hmm...I’d have to disagree with that.” Zakia countered, his fingers rubbing against his chin. “A mare that is both kind, generous and thoughtful...among a few other things.” He continued as he placed his elbows on the counter and his hands went under his chin, his gaze fixated on Mrs. Cake’s figure.  “Mhmmm?” Mrs. Cake gave him a look he knew all too well as she didn't reject his advances.. but also didn’t accept them either. “I won’t turn down any argument you might have to convince me otherwise though.” but she still seemed to resist him. “Ahhh you’re such a tease.” Zakia said playfully as he shook his head. “Though I suppose that’s part of the allure of a mare such as yourself.” “Windy wasn’t kidding.” Mrs. Cake let out a lighthearted chuckle at the zebra’s flattery. “You love buttering up a mare.” Zakia gave her a playful smirk. “I suppose I do.” Zakia said back, returning the banter. “Well...perhaps next time I come back you’ll change your tune?” “No promises, but likely not.” Mrs. Cake’s words teased the zebra. “I’m a married mare but keep sweet talking and you might have a chance... a small one.” “A challenge is it? Perhaps you may fall for a stallion at the right time?” Zakia questioned as he gestured towards his chest. “Don’t count on that dear.” He couldn’t help but grin. “Hmm if not fall..maybe something temporary.” Mrs. Cake gave him a coy smile, knowing he was fishing for answers. “Perhaps.” Mrs. Cake’s coy response came, along with a suggestive wink. Stretching her back to relieve some of the tension from the day’s activities. “Well, I think that’s enough for today. I’m still a bit tired... and by the looks of it, the bakery is running just fine.” “If that changes I’ll be sure to come and get you.” Zakia said as Mrs Cake got up but swayed her hips in a teasing way, her caked up bottom being quite the sight. “Respectfully, of course.” Zakia grinned to himself, his gaze lingering on the large shapely derriere of the mature mare as she turned and headed out the door. Mrs Cake moved down the street to the small apartment that she had gotten for herself in the last week, with how busy the bakery had become. She wouldn’t be able to get any sleep in it anymore and with the excessive amount of bits saved up, she had more than enough. Upon entering the modest living quarters, Mrs. Cake sighed and laid on the couch, her mind a blur of thoughts as she closed her eyes. “I’m finally able to get a decent rest.“ Mrs. Cake sighed to herself. Exhaustion overtaking her almost instantly the moment she laid down. “A nap will certainly help.” Mrs. Cake woke up the next day on the couch, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. She stretched her arms overhead, relishing in the feeling of a good night’s sleep. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was already noon, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at how late she had slept. Feeling a surge of energy, Mrs. Cake hopped off the couch and made her way to the kitchen. She decided to treat herself to a leisurely brunch, taking her time to prepare a delicious meal. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as she sipped on a steaming cup, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. As she savored each bite of her brunch, Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but reflect on the events of the previous day. The successful training of the new staff at Sugarcube Corner and the revamped menu brought a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. She felt a renewed sense of purpose and pride in her work. While thoughts of Zakia’s playful advances crossed her mind, Mrs. Cake knew she had made it clear that she was a married mare. She appreciated the attention and banter, finding it flattering, but she remained committed to her husband. The small chance Zakia had mentioned seemed more like a playful challenge than a possibility. ‘Oh cinnamon, what would a young buck want like an old mare like me.’ Mrs. Cake thought; the tantalizing thoughts that crossed her minds at the zebra’s remarks. ‘I doubt they were in earnest.’ She shook her head dismissing the thoughts further, a knock at her door drew her attention. As Mrs. Cake opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of Windy Whistle, a close friend from Cloudsdale, standing before her. The surprise visit brought a smile to Mrs. Cake’s face as she welcomed her friend inside. A playful smile ran across the pegasus milf’s face as she waved to her friend. “Windy! What a pleasant surprise!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed, embracing her friend in a warm hug. “What brings you all the way from Cloudsdale?” “I thought I would pay you a visit and see how things were going at the bakery.” Windy chuckled and replied. “I’ve heard a bit from Zakia but I must say. It seems to be taking off. And from the looks of it.. you’ve had some time to breathe as well.” Mrs Cake couldn’t help but smile and nodded. “I’m not complaining.” Mrs. Cake said, the bags under her eyes had all but disappeared, though traces still remained of them. “But how did you know I was staying here?”She hadn't told anyone really and only a few knew at the moment. “I might have asked Zakia.” Windy said sheepishly. “I hope you don’t mind.” “Of course not.” Mrs. Cake shook her head and responded. "I’m always happy to see you! Come in and have a seat.” Windy smiled and obliged, taking a seat at the dining table as her friend prepared a fresh pot of tea. As they sat down to enjoy a cup of tea and catch up. “So where to start, so much has happened since you last visited Cloudsdale. Not to mention everyones still abuzz about Dashy finally getting married.” Windy stated as she took a sip of her tea and said “Oh! And the change with Bo and there's also…” Mrs Cake gave her chatterbox marefriend a soft smile, it had been a while since she had been able to do this. The two bantered on for what seemed like hours, the talk of the twins at Twilight’s school being their topic but Windy seemed to be a bit interested in how things were with her husband. Looking around for a moment, she paused from her long ramblings, took a drink of her tea, and sighed a little. “He’s still away huh?” Windy asked, to which Mrs. Cake nodded to that statement. “Wow, how long has it been now?” “Yep, still away..but we do send letters often to keep in touch.” Mrs Cake replied, giving her own small sigh. “It’s not the same as talking in person, but it’s better than nothing... but when he gets back it’s gonna be a huge benefit for the bakery.”  “I bet.” Windy chuckled softly. “How has that been going by the way? I’ve heard you got new staff...which was a shock and a half considering.” “I was having trouble keeping up and so was Pinkie and with what has been going on with Carrot at that Baking school.” Mrs. Cake sighed in response, trying not to come across as too worried. “I didn’t even have the twins to ask for help. It was exhausting.” She poured herself and her guest another cup of tea. “So when Zakia came by with the offer at your recommendation... I found it hard to turn it down.“ “I’m glad it’s turned out so well, I’m not entirely sure what his organization does but it seems everywhere he goes with them seems to result in something good happening.” Windy commented, waving her hand back and forth. “I mean have you heard about what happened over at Apple Acres?” Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but tilt her head, knowing something had happened there. “What do you mean, I’ve not heard anything.” Mrs. Cake asked, raising a curious eyebrow to her friend. “But that’s not surprising, I haven’t exactly been keeping up with the news recently.” “Well get yourself a towel and another pot of tea, you’re gonna be a bit dehydrated.” Windy commented, downing the last of her tea, only to then smile at her friend. “And be prepared to be amazed! Cause there’s alot to see.”  > Chapter 13: Cake's Display > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs Cake could only sit there, wide eyed as the half drunken tea cup trembled slightly in her hand. Windy only looked at her, smiling a little bit as she couldn’t help but giggle a little at the look on the earth mare’s face. The pegasus had told her friend everything, everything that she had known about Zakia’s actions, antics, and all in especially graphic details. Despite being somewhat shy about it, Mrs Cake was absolutely soaked below, thankfully not making a mess thanks to the towel she was sitting on; a suggestion from Windy that she was silently grateful for.   “And that leads us to how we learned he can blow his load at the speed of a small whirlwind.” Windy commented, finishing up her latest story. “Rainbow and I were laughing so hard, after we were finished recovering from our orgasm coma.”  “That’s just…oh my…I…” Mrs Cake trembled a little, hesitant in her words. Looking down at her cup of tea, she stared as if hoping it was actually some strong cider, or some rum; anything to let her believe none of these amazing, and erotic tales were real. “He…he’s really all like that?”  “All that and more.” Windy laughed, shivering as if she was recalling an especially pleasurable memory. “You really don’t know what you’re missing out on.” Mrs Cake couldn’t respond, only looking at her cup of tea, nervously sipping at it. “But you know…I could show you…”  Mrs Cake immediately spat out her tea, shocked at the suggestion. Followed then by the blushing embarrassment of seeing Windy’s face covered in tea. There was a pause, an awkward silence, which then became a hearty laugh as the pegasus milf grabbed at a table cloth and wiped at her dripping face. Mrs Cake was still beet red in embarrassment, but her friend didn’t appear to be angry in any way.  “Oh my, I didn’t expect that reaction.” Windy giggled, wiping her face. “But that said, do you wanna see?”   “W-w-w-what do you mean?” Mrs Cake asked, trembling a little as she could tell by the look on Windy’s face, that she was planning something. “M-m-maybe I shouldn’t have…what I mean to say is…”  “No, no, don’t worry about it.” Windy giggled, reaching over to take her friend by the hand. “Let me show you something really fun.”  “W-Windy…I-I-I-I understand that you and your husband have an…an arrangement.” Mrs Cake commented, sheepishly unable to say her words directly. “B-b-b-but I’m not…you know…comfortable with that yet.”  “Are you sure?” Windy asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “I’ve seen your husband at the swinger’s club several times.”  “Carrot has done what?!” Mrs Cake gasped, leaning back in shock. “I…what are you talking about? I’ve never heard of any of this.”  “Really?! Oh, I’m so sorry then.” Windy commented, gasping a little as she looked at her friend with sympathy. “Well, your husband has been engaging in all manner of mares at many of the clubs.”  “I see…I…I’m not upset, I’ll be clear about that first.” Mrs Cake sighed, fidgeting a little with her cup. “He and I are in a somewhat open marriage, but I just never could get into being a swinger; but he could. So I only just assumed he wasn’t doing anything. But I guess…I guess he just didn’t want to tell me.”                                                                                        “Well…if you know now that he’s still living a Swinger’s life, maybe you should try and give it a shot again?” Windy suggested, reaching out to place a hand on her friend’s. “Listen, I know you’re nervous about it, but that’s just because you’ve never found the right partner.”  “I…I still don’t know.” Mrs Cake commented, whimpering a little as she continued to fidget nervously. “I-I-I-I…I just haven’t felt comfortable about it yet.”  “Then yeah, sounds to me like you haven’t met the right partner yet.” Windy nodded. “Besides, when was the last time you and Carrot had sex?” Mrs Cake blushed, but even without words, she gave her nervous answer. “Exactly. And since Carrot is busy having his fun, there’s no harm in having some yourself.”  “I don’t know.” Mrs Cake sighed, knowing there was no way to talk Windy out of this. “Looks, I’m not fully consenting to this, but I’m willing to look at my options.”  “Good enough for me. Let’s go!” Windy cheered, grabbing at Mrs Cake’s hands. “Just come with me, and you’ll see a word of marvelous fucking!” The earth mare playfully rolled her eyes, but followed as the pegasus dragged her out of the bakery.                                                                After several long minutes of making their way through town, Windy brought Mrs Cake to the Ponyville Park. The normally large and quiet grassy area was much more crowded than usual; with a large wrestling arena being built by numerous workers. Curiously getting closer to it, the two could see posters sprawled about. It was an advertisement for a wrestling match between the resident champion, The Mystery Mare, going against the famous Velvet Hoofstrongdottr; a reindeer from the far north. “Oh wow, looks like a match is happening soon.” Mrs Cake commented, partially hoping to talk about anything else with her friend. “It’s good to see Cherry Blossom is still wrestling.”  “I’ll say, you should’ve seen her after her last match.” Windy laughed, thinking back to a rather pleasurable memory. “She brought so many stallions to the club that night, Cheerilee had to drag her passed out sister home in the early hours of the next day.” Mrs Cake didn’t exactly share in the humor.  “But do you know anything about this Velvet Hoofstrongdottr?” Mrs Cake asked, still attempting to change the topic to be less about sex. “S-she’s a reindeer, right?”  “Yeah, yeah, a reindeer. A rather plump and tight looking one I think.” Windy giggled, her mind still fixed in her debaucherous deeds. But aside from that, it looked like she was looking around the crowd for something; or someone. “Ah! There he is!”                                                       Mrs Cake looked over to where Windy was pointing, it was Zakia. The earth mare blushed, seeing the strong zebra that had previously flirted with her was currently speaking with a very plump and voluptuous looking older reindeer. It wasn’t Velvet, but looked very close to her; so much so, the two would need to be beside each other to tell them apart. But as soon as Windy saw him, she started dragging her friend over towards him; not even stopping when the zebra walked into the reindeer’s trailer.  “Wait, wait, wait. Zakia?! You were thinking of Zakia?!” Mrs Cake gasped, catching up with Windy. “B-b-b-b-but he’s busy right now. This isn’t the right time.”  “Oh please, you’ve been without a hot fuck in so long, and you know you wanna take him.” Windy teased, giggling a little. “Besides, aren’t you at least curious about how big his cock is?” Mrs Cake only blushed, nearly feeling wobbly as her mind seemingly wandered and pondered. “Exactly. So let’s check him out.”  Mrs Cake reluctantly followed after Windy, the two mares made their way over to the trailer in which Zakia had walked into with that reindeer. As soon as they drew closer, the sound of muffled moans were coming. The earth mare blushed while the pegasus was feeling even more curious. Once they arrived at the trailer, Windy didn’t even waste a moment as she fluttered her way up to a window. It wasn’t low off the ground, but took some effort to peek in. As soon as she saw into the window, Windy’s face erupted into a major blush.                                                                  Zakia, the zebra stud that she and Mrs Cake were following, was comfortably sitting on the edge of a small, soft bed. Kneeling before him, bobbing her head up and down the twin lengths of his huge cocks, was Velvet. She was fully naked, her jiggling ass bounced a little. Her sizable tits swayed a bit as she moaned over the two dicks she was fitting very skillfully in her mouth. Zakia smirked at the reindeer, enjoying the way she was working him over. But the two of them were not alone.  Sitting on a nearby couch, was the reindeer Windy and Mrs Cake saw, and while she looked like Velvet, albeit a little more portly, she was equally naked and slowly rubbing her massive tits and moist pussy. She moaned softly as she watched the smaller reindeer suck off Zakia’s cock, all with hunger and lust in her eyes; as well as a little bit of envy. Perhaps she wanted to get a share of this hunk of zebra sex meat, but had to wait her turn. Knowing Zakia, he wanted to make her watch, let her build in anticipation, and then fuck her silly and sloppy.  “Go on Velvet, suck off his cocks, show him how tight that throat is.” The other reindeer commented, moaning softly as she teased and tugged at her plump nipples. “Fuck…please Zakia, blow your load so I can have my fun.”  “Patience Pomfy, patience.” Zakia playfully replied to the busty reindeer. “She’s got a big match, and if I fuck her up, then she can’t wrestle tonight.”  “Or you can fuck her opponent after us.” Pomfy playfully suggested. “I mean, unless you bet on Velvet to lose her match, and this is how you win.”  “Ha! Yeah right, I don’t need to cheat to win.” Zakia chuckled, laughing heartily at the reindeer. “I’ve just never tasted your kind before, and with such beautiful specimens, I just can’t help myself.”  “Such a stud.” Pomfy cooed, rolling her tongue over her lips. “Well still, you better not be spent after Velvet’s done with you. I want to feel your fat cocks deep inside me too.”  While Zakia was getting serviced by Velvet, Windy’s face was panting, feeling her hot breath kissing a little against the window. This looked so hot and she couldn’t look away. Mrs Cake’s face was even redder, and her body was feeling even hotter than it was before. The way she was panting a little, she was almost ashamed of just how aroused this was to her. For a while now, Zakia had flirted with her, and for a while she respectfully turned him down. But now, she could see his cock, somewhat since Velvet’s mouth was wrapped around it, what little she saw was so big. “He’s…so big…” Mrs Cake nervously stuttered. “I…I had no idea…”  “Oh yeah, he’s really big, and cums so much.” Windy playfully and quietly giggled. “That little reindeer is gonna be so bloated when he’s done with her.”  “B-bloated?!” Mrs Cake nervously asked, trembling a little as what Windy meant by this. “You…you don’t me…”  “Shh, shh, keep watching.” Windy giggled to her friend, her nipples visibly poking through her clothes. “It’s about to get really hot.”                                                             Velvet sucked off Zakia faster and faster, moaning more and more as she was deepthroating him with remarkable skill. But Pomfy wasn’t able to hold herself back any longer. She needed to feel his touch against her. Getting up from her seat, she swayed her sexy hips over to the stallion, sitting on the bed beside him. As soon as Zakia turned to say something, Pomfy grabbed at his cheeks and pulled him into a passionate, open kiss; her tongue swirling in his mouth as she moaned seductively.  Zakia only embraced this reindeer slut, kissing her back as she was moaning more and more. But he wasn’t content with just exploring her mouth, he wanted more. Reaching up, he groped at her massive tits, making her shiver at his touch. Rubbing and squeezing, the zebra skillfully pulled her breasts from her thin top, letting these huge mounds spill out. Even when he wasn’t looking, he could feel how soft and plump her nipples were, and how sweet the sound she made as her tongue embraced Zakia’s.  His hands only continued to tug and tease at her nipples. Pomfy moaned more, shivering as her eyes rolled back in the pleasure that was slowly rippling throughout her body. Velvet only seemed to notice what the other one was doing as Zakia’s cocks were throbbing and swelling in her throat. She didn't look up at him, only focusing on sucking off both dicks, letting them rub along the back of her throat.  “Come on, Zakia. Stop letting Velvet have all the fun.” Pomfy cooed, moaning between kissing breaths. Reaching out, she placed a hand on Velvet’s head. “Throatfuck this bitch.” Pushing down, she started helping the other reindeer deepthroat more and more.                                                         Windy was in sheer shock and amazement, Velvet was handling not just one, but both of Zakia’s massive cocks with relative skill. Even she, with all her years and experience, had to warm up to take both fat, zebra meats. But this reindeer managed to handle it pretty quickly. The milf didn’t want to admit it, but she was feeling a little envious of the smaller, more petite and athletic reindeer. But this didn’t stop her from feeling a wave of arousal at the sight before her.  ‘Fuck…Zakia is ruining that little mouth.’ Windy thought, licking her lips as she was feeling more and more arousal. ‘Shit, he’s so hot. I think he’s about to cum.’  Zakia, thanks to Pomfy’s aid, fucked in and out of Velvet’s mouth faster and faster, bottoming out his impressive length in her throat; letting it bulge as she started to swallow down as much of the hot spunk as she could. Zakia huffed, tensing up as she was only pressing her face more and more over these dicks, not wanting to waste a single drop as she gulped down more and more; her throat visibly swollen as she felt every ounce going into her belly.  Velvet moaned over this cock, savoring the feeling of both sizes in her throat as Zakia was busy making out with Pomfy. But eventually, he was merciful enough to release his hold on her. The reindeer slowly pulled herself off, shivering as the twin sizes were rubbing together in her throat-pussy. The zebra only chuckled a little, watching as she was so alluring, and so slutty when she swallowed the last spurts of cum.                                                                        “Looks like you had your fun.” Pomfy commented, giggling at Velvet. “Did you enjoy Zakia’s fat cocks in your tight throat?” Velvet only cooed, swallowing a little more. “Well, looks like you could use a break. So I guess I’ll have my-”  “Oh no you don’t!” Velvet snapped, getting up to push against Zakia’s chest; knocking him on his back. Before Pomfy could react, the smaller reindeer was already crawling her way up and onto the bed. “That was just a warm up. Now, I want some really fucking wrestling.”  Zakia only smirked, seeing Velvet grabbing at both his cocks. But rather than angle them to be in one hole at once, she had one at her pussy, and the other at her ass. He wasn’t even given a chance to speak as she dropped herself on his sizes, nearly bottoming out both lengths inside her. Velvet’s pussy and ass clamped down hard on these cocks, and yet she only continued to push down to take in more and more. Her athletic body felt amazing, rivaling when he broke in Rainbow Dash.  “You like that?” Velvet cooed, moaning faster and faster as she was taking as much as she could. “You like bottoming out these fat, fucking cocks in a tight reindeer?”  “Well, can’t say I can complain.” Zakia laughed, reaching up to lay his hands on her soft ass. “But I think you might be talking too much. Let’s hear you scream and moan some more.” With that, he pulled her down as he thrusted upwards.  Velvet gasped out a breathless scream as she came, her holes tightened around Zakia’s shafts, soaking these thick, throbbing lengths as he didn’t even give her a chance to settle in the size. He held her in place for a moment, and then started to thrust upwards. Within seconds, Velvet’s sexy body was bouncing on this zebra’s cocks. She panted and moaned, with her head almost tilting as her tongue dangled a little.  “Oh, what happened? I thought you were a top athlete.” Zakia teased, laughing as he fucked faster and faster. “Are my cocks too much for you? Did you break this soon?”  “Don’t…don’t get cocky…” Velvet moaned, looking at the zebra with a growing, wild passion. “I’m a…a fucking…athlete…” Bouncing faster and faster, she rode on Zakia’s cocks, even as her belly was bulging from both sides inside her holes. “And I’m gonna make you moan…like a bitch…”  Zakia’s eyes lit up at this challenge. Curling his lips into an almost siniter expression, he tightened his hold on Velvet’s flank, and started to pull her down harder as he fucked deeper into her. The reindeer screamed out in orgasm, soaking not only the cocks inside her, but the bed in which they lay. Zakia ignored this, only focusing to fuck his strength into each hard thrust into this cocky reindeer. Velvet’s mouth couldn’t form words, only whorish moans. Her tits bounced as the sound of her ass slapping against the zebra’s thick sizes filled the room.  Faster and harder, Zakia was fucking her holes, not letting Velvet fully settle to his sizes as he wasn’t showing any mercy. She wanted to be cocky and boast she was gonna make him moan, he was going to not just make her moan, he was going to fuck her into a coma. Pomfy watched with eager arousal. She had never seen Velvet’s face like that, the way it was so sultry, happy, and yet sloppy and vulgar all at once.  “What was that? What were you going to do?” Zakia asked, chuckling as he playfully taunted the reindeer. “Oh yes, you said you were going to make me moan like a bitch.” Smirking, he thrusted faster and faster, burying his lengths in Velvet’s holes. “Who’s the bitch? Who’s the moaning bitch?”  “I am…I’m the…moaning bitch…” Velvet moaned whorishly. Her eyes were nearly rolling back as Zakia was getting closer and closer to his next release. “Fuck me more, fuck me harder…fucking…fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”  Slamming down, both Zakia and Velvet came. The reindeer’s sweet nectar sprayed out over the twin sized. The zebra’s cocks throbbed and swelled, stretching out these fuck and tail holes until they pumped in their hot and heavy loads. Velvet gasped as she felt not just the force of impact, but the heat of Zakia’s spunk as it punched into her ass and womb. Within the first surge of thick seed, her insides were full. Then the second caused her belly to bulge as both her pussy and stomach filled with more cum. Then the third, fourth, and fifth spurts of his orgasm caused her belly to grow and swell into nearly pregnancy levels of round.  Releasing his hold on the reindeer, Zakia chuckled as he saw Velvet go limp and collapse to her side. Pomfy couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she saw her friend twitching and gibbering  a little as she was all but foaming at the mouth from her mind melting orgasm. Zakia marveled a little at the fucked silly reindeer, chuckling a little as he huffed and panted. But his cocks were still good and hard, throbbing some more and they ached to fuck some more.                                                                                            “My, oh my. You really fucked her hard.” Pomfy giggled, rubbing a hand over Zakia’s chest. “At this rate, you might have to fuck the other wrestler, just to make it fair.”  “Hmm, maybe. I am curious how tight the Mystery Mare is.” Zakia pondered, rubbing his chin for a moment. “Oh well, I’ll deal with that later.” He then turned to grope at Pomfy’s tits, making the reindeer gasp out in a sultry moan. “For now, it’s your turn to be fucked.”  “Oh, now? Well since you asked so nicely.” Pomfy replied, giggling as she teased the stallion. Laying on her back, she groped at her breasts to tempt Zakia more and more. “So what are you gonna do big boy? Take it slow, or fuck me into a coma like Velvet?”                                                                               Windy and Mrs Cake’s bodies were almost steaming hot. Their pussies were sobbing wet. And while the earth mare was just trembling, feeling her arousal take hold of her as she couldn’t look away from Zakia, the pegasus had no such restraint. Windy’s fingers, nearly the whole hand, were shoving in and out of her soaking wet pussy. She has to even bite her lower lip a little to muffle the soft moans coming out of her throat.  “He’s…he’s very…oh my…” Mrs Cake cooed, huffing as her face was nearly bright red as she looked at Zakia’s huge cock. The way he was positioning himself to fuck Pomfy, it gave the mares the best view of his cocks and huge balls. “I just…never thought he was…so…so gifted…”  “Oh yeah, he’s quite the catch.” Windy cooed, trying to contain herself as she was perpetually on the edge of a climax. “And he can last quite a long time. That reindeer’s about to end up like her friend.”                                                                                                   Adjusting his position, Zakia moved to sit more on Pomfy’s soft belly, slapping his cocks between her huge tits. The reindeer cooed, knowing exactly what he wanted. Groping at her breasts, she pushed her soft endowment together and enveloped the zebra’s twin sizes. Zakia smirked, entertained that Pomfy knew what he wanted, wasting no time as he started to rub between her boobs. The reindeer cooed, shivering as she felt the slick heat of the zebra cocks rubbing against her.  “Such a naughty stallion.” Pomfy teased, moaning as she leaned in to let her tongue playfully lick against the cockheads as they rubbed towards her. “Starting off with my huge boobs, then you’re gonna blow that hot mess all over my face?” Zakia’s smirk only grew. “Such a stud. Well you better blow soon, cause I want these darlings rearranging my guts soon.”  “Well fuck, is that right?” Zakia laughed, huffing as he started humping faster and faster. “You know, I’ve know naughty girls, I’ve known slutty girls.” He pushed his hands over Pomfy’s making her moan out as he groped her roughly. “But I think you’re one of the sluttiest girl I’ve fucked.” He didn’t believe it, but it made her moan and blush, so that’s all that mattered. “So don’t worry, slut. I’ll make sure to make you look just like Velvet.”  Pomfy moaned, letting Zakia enjoy her body. The stallion groaned as he humped his twin sizes between her fat tits. The reindeer’s pussy was soaked, having rubbed herself to the sight of Velvet being fucked into a silly, sloppy mess. And now that it was her turn, Zakia was really taking his time to make her beg for it. But she couldn’t complain, his delectable cocks were leaking out some extra cum that had been pumped in Velvet’s soft insides.  Opening her mouth, Pomfy arched her head forward, letting Zakia’s cock rub along her lips and tongue. The reindeer moaned eagerly, wanting to feel the hot passion of this zebra’s cocks in her mouth. He only continued to maintain his steady humping pace, working through the last orgasm he had experienced. Reindeers weren’t that different from pony mares, but had something quite unique about them. Their sex drives almost rivaled pegasi, and their bodies were just as durable as earth ponies.  Tugging harder at Pomfy’s nipples, Zakia rubbed faster and faster, getting himself closer and closer to orgasm. Smirking down at her, he was going to cum soon. Faster and faster, he pumped himself, pushing these huge boobs against his twin cocks, huffing his hot breath out as he was going to let it all out at any moment. Pomfy only moaned eagerly, no longer holding her breasts and instead feverishly masturbating. She was sobbing wet, feeling as her pussy ached for him, and her mouth was thirsty for his load.  “Here it comes you reindeer whore!” Zakia grunted, pumping faster and faster. Pulling back, he pressed Pomfy’s tits together as he exhaled hard. “Take it!” Fully enveloping his dicks in her boobs, he came to his hot release.  Zakia’s orgasm burst out between the reindeer’s tits, spraying out his load all over Pomfy’s face. The slutty reindeer eagerly licked and slurped at every chance she got it to take in how much she could. The zebra only twitched as his throbbing members let out more and more ropes until her mouth and face was slathered and plastered in the cum. Her fingers dug deep into her pussy, causing her body to twitch and spasm. It felt so good, and she only wanted to feel more of him inside her.  “Well, I think that’s enough foreplay for you.” Zakia commented, releasing Pomfy’s tits, letting them spill a bit as he leaned back. “Now, I think It’s time I make a naughty little whore like you really scream for me.”                                                                             “Fuck…that’s so hot…” Windy cooed, moaning softly as she was rubbing herself faster and faster. She licked her lips as she craved the feeling of Zakia’s warmth all over her face. “And he’s not even done with her. What a stud.”  Mrs Cake couldn’t take her eyes off this sight. Zakia’s cocks, the way he was fucking the reindeer, and the whorish, satisfying looking on their faces when they cum all over his lengths. It was becoming too much for her. Her body was trembling a little as she felt her insides getting so hot. As well as this, her body was practically radiating her sweet smelling arousal. Windy couldn’t help but hum a little as she glanced over to her friend.  “Having a little…trouble?” Windy playfully asked, giggling a smirk to her friend. Mrs Cake nearly jumped back as she saw the look in the pegasus’ eyes. “Oh, don’t worry. I can help.”  Getting down from where she was, Windy quickly got around Mrs Cake. Swiftly, her hands wrapped around and started exploring her friend’s curves. The earth mare gasped, struggling a little, but Windy’s skilled fingers quickly started playing with her friend’s most soft and sensitive places. Mrs Cake’s body trembled, shivering as she couldn’t help but let out faint moans from how her sensitive pussy and plump nipples were being teased with.  “Shh, shh, it’s okay. You’re just really pent up.” Windy giggled, whispering seductively in Mrs Cake’s ear. Her tone only became more of a sing-song hum as she felt how wet the mare was. “Oh wow, you’re really pent up. But don’t worry. I’ll make you feel even better soon.”  Mrs Cake’s body was melting at Windy’s touch. She never stood a chance against the pegasus’ hands. Both mares were embracing as Windy’s large tits pressed against Mrs Cake’s back, all while her hands were tugging and teasing the earth mare’s very impressive size and sobbing wet pussy. Windy couldn’t get enough of this, having had to help shy mares open up, but thankfully, the two of them could still get a good view of Zakia from where they were. Now it was a really fun day, being able to pleasure her friend, and watch the zebra stud fuck this reindeer slut silly and slutty.                                                                    Rolling over, Pomfy bent over with her face and tits pressed into the bed, while her big, round ass swayed from side to side hypnotically at the zebra. Zakia’s cocks throbbed, twitching a little as he adjusted himself to lay both lengths between Pomfy’s sexy ass. Sinking a little between her flanks, he reached down to grope at her rear. The reindeer moaned, bouncing her ass a little bit to give the zebra’s cocks a small rub as she let out her whorish sounds.  “Sounds like you’re getting really eager.” Zakia teased, chuckling as he saw precum oozing from his cocktips, dripping on Pomfy's back. “Well, I better not keep you waiting.” Pulling back a little, he smacked at the reindeer’s ass, then pushed his cocks against her pussy and ass.”  “No, no. Not that.” Pomfy cooed, looking back at Zakia with hearts shimmering in her eyes. “I’m a big, slutty bitch. I can take you in my pussy at once.” Zakia only smirked, nodding with a chuckle as he readjusted to having both cockheads aimed at her moist entrance. “Don’t hold back, fuck me like a whor-aahh!” The zebra didn’t waste anymore time, ramming nearly half his lengths in her.  Zakia’s cock hammered in and out of Pomfy’s pussy, stuffing her with both his hard and throbbing cocks. The reindeer’s eyes were rolling back as she was taking his immense sizes at once. Her eyes rolled back, tongue dangling from the side of her mouth, and huge tits bounced wildly as the zebra was utterly stretching and ruining her inner folds. Zakia only smirked, laughing a little as he was fucking this whore without any restraints.                                                                                Mrs Cake couldn’t look away. She was biting at her finger, trying to muffle her moans as Windy was busy eating out her friend’s soft, soaked, and plump pussy. The pegasus milf was moaning her own muffled cries as her face was buried in the earth mare’s fat ass. Her tongue shoved, flicked, and teased in and out of Mrs Cake’s inner folds, lapping at the sweet nectar like a heat stricken animal. All the while, her hands were groping at her friend’s soft flank, while the other was all but shoving herself into her own pussy.  Mrs Cake was in shock at how Zakia was fucking Pomfy like a savage beast. This same kind and caring looking zebra was such an animal in bed. Her body couldn’t help but tremble as she was feeling the growing pleasure of Windy’s tonguefucking her soft hole. But not only this, but the idea that this reindeer’s body wasn’t that much different from her own. Zakia had flirted with her here and there during work, but Mrs Cake never would’ve believed that anypony would be interested in her body.  Seeing Zakia, and how he was fucking in and out of Pomfy’s body wasn’t just making Mrs Cake’s body tremble as Windy helped her draw closer and closer to orgasm. It was giving her ideas. Perhaps his flirting was more than just being polite. And with how well he was fucking Pomfy, Mrs Cake couldn’t help but feel that this zebra could easily do the same to her. It had been so long, she was practically touch starved. Windy could tell, moaning in her friend’s pussy as she continued eating her out. If she was saying anything, the words were muffled by the soft folds of Mrs Cake’s round ass.  Letting her thoughts wander more and more, Mrs Cake’s other hand couldn’t help but cup and play with her huge tits. Tugging and teasing at her nipple, she moaned a little, almost forgetting she and Windy were supposed to remain hidden. Bitting a little more into her finger to muffle her sounds, she only felt herself getting more and more aroused. She was just getting ready to cum, she would only need the right push to drive her over the edge. And the more she watched Zakia, the more she felt it was coming.                                                                    Pomfy gasped and moaned, her whorish cries only filled this trailer as Zakia was bottoming out harder and harder in her gaping pussy. The fact that this reindeer’s fuckhole hadn’t become too loose for him was nothing short of miraculous. Regardless, Zakia could feel himself getting closer and closer to another orgasm. Pomfy’s face twisted in a more fucked silly, sloppy, goofy smile. It was impossible to tell if she was even awake or the whimpering sounds coming out of her were just instinctive.  “Looks like you’re just about tapped out.” Zakia chuckled, reaching down to grope at Pomfy’s tits. The reindeer moaned and cooed, though her eyes were half way rolled back and twitching. “Oh well, I better finish up with you.”  Humping faster and faster, Zakia huffed, grunting and hissing through his clenched teeth as he was working himself into his next orgasm. If he had it his way, he would’ve loved to spend another hour or so with these reindeer sluts, but they were clearly not expecting to be fucked into a cum coma. As well as this, he could hear, as well as smell the arousal of Mrs Cake and Windy watching in on them. It sounded and smelled like they were going to cum soon, and he only chuckled as they thought he hadn’t noticed them yet.  “Here it comes, you fat tit, reindeer whore!” Zakia grunted, groping at Pomfy’s breasts so hard, he tugged at her nipples, nearly lifting her body up as he rammed as hard as he could. “Take these fat, zebra cocks!”  Pomfy gasped a breathless scream as she came her own soaking orgasm all over these huge, throbbing cocks. Zakia only grunted, letting out a low groan, almost like a deep, beastial roar as he unleashed his own release in the reindeer. Her belly, which was already rounded, swelled even more. Each spurt of the zebra’s thick ropes of hot spunk caused her belly to bulge and swell until it was big and round enough to rival her tits and ass. Zakia only held himself in place, making sure to not let a single drop be wasted as he emptied his balls in this whore.  “Fuck…that felt good. I really needed this to unwind a little.” Zakia commented aloud, slowly turning towards where the mares were. His hope was to tease them, let them know he was aware of them. But to his surprise, they were gone. ‘Oh? I guess they left.’ Rubbing his chin, he chuckled a little to himself. ‘I hope they enjoyed the show. I’ll have to pay her a visit later.’ Looking at Pomfy and Velvet, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to fuck the other wrestler mare into a coma, just to be fair.”                                                                                          Returning back to Sugarcube Corners, Mrs Cake and Windy were panting. They had run probably faster and harder than they ever had in their lives. The look of Pomfy and Velvet’s faces when they came, and the smug, confident, sexy look on Zakia’s face when he not only dominated their pussies, but how his cock stretched them out. Mrs Cake was panting, her body was just on the cusp of orgasm, but was cut off before she could cum. Windy was just as horny, having to fight every temptation to just go in there and ride Zakia’s cocks again.  “S-so…what did you think?” Windy asked, huffing as she struggled to calm herself down. The scent of her arousal was almost steaming off her sweating body. “Did you enjoy…watching? What am I asking…of course you did…” She licked her lips. “I could…taste it…”  Mrs Cake only blushed, trying a little harder to compose herself. Though her legs were wobbling and her pussy was still dripping in a desperate need to be touched, the mare struggled to make her way to the kitchen. Windy followed behind, relying more on her wings to stay standing, as her legs were also shaking and sensitive. After struggling to put together some tea, specifically some iced tea, the mare's all but collapsed in their chairs. Mrs Cake wasn’t even sure if she drank her tea or breathed it down with how fast she gulped it down.  “Well? You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.” Windy playfully teased, drinking her own tea. “Come on, tell me. What did you think?”  “I…I’m not sure how to think.” Mrs Cake huffed, taking a breath as she still tried to mentally process everything. “He’s…he’s certainly very gifted.” Her blushing face only became redder. “And he…his sizes are…impressive…”  “Come on, you can do it.” Windy playfully giggled, teasing her friend. “You can admit you want his dicks. There’s no shame in it.” Mrs Cake was still hesitating, so she decided to poke her words a little more. “I mean, you saw them right? Those big, throbbing, lip smackingly delicious looking-”  “Alright, alright, you don’t have to say it.” Mrs Cake interrupted, almost downing her ice tea to settle herself down. “Okay, okay, he’s…he’s very gifted, and I…if he happens to flirt with me again, then I’ll take him up on his offer.” Windy’s mouth almost strained with how wide her grin became. Her friend only blushed harder. “I’m…I’m just nervous. You saw what he could do. How could I possibly even handle that?”  “Don’t worry your pretty head about it. I can take care of that.” Windy replied with a playful giggle. Mrs Cake was about to say something, but she raised her hand. “No, no. No need to thank me, it’s my pleasure.” She glanced over at the clock. “And would you look at the time? I best get going. I’m sure you have a major itch that needs scratching.” The earth mare only blushed harder. “See, so why don’t you handle that, and I’ll come around later to help you with Zakia.”  Mrs Cake wanted to say something, but Windy did have a point. With some reluctance, she let the slutty pegasus milf get up to leave. Bidding her friend a good night, Windy’s expression went from cheerful, to a tired slump as soon as the door closed behind her. What she and Mrs Cake watched was hot, really sexy and fucking hot. Her body was just a hair’s breadth away from cumming, and while spraying out in climax would be nice against the cool night breeze, she struggled to hold herself in.  “Fuck…I don’t think I can make it home like this.” Windy quietly said to herself. Still using her wings a little to help keep herself standing. “I am way too horny right now. And Zakia is no doubt fucking the other mare right now.” She pondered for a moment, looking around. “Hmm, maybe the bar will have some hot, young studs looking to pound some hot piece of milf pussy?” Giggling to herself, she all but skipped her way to the busier side of town, her plans to get laid before going home keeping her going.  No sooner did Windy leave, Mrs Cake all but dashed up the stairs. Shedding her tight, sweaty clothes from her body, the mare all but collapsed in a hot, steaming bath. Cooing at the feeling, she settled into the waters. Her body felt a relaxation she hadn’t known all day. Her mind still raced with what she had seen. Zakia, the reindeers, not to mention what Windy was doing to her pussy earlier. It was all so much, her body couldn’t even hold in these feelings.  Her hands wandered, one cupping, groping, and squeezing her breasts, tugging and teasing at her nipples. She moaned as her other hand was busy rubbing along her delicate pussy lips. Her over sensitive clit twitched and quivered as she was building herself back up. Mrs Cake wasn’t as daring as Windy, she wasn’t going to go off and fuck some random person. But she was going to masturbate feverishly as the water splashed in the tub.  It was a miracle she was currently home alone. The mare’s whorish moans couldn’t stay in the restroom. Anyone who was downstairs, or even close enough to the building would be able to hear Mrs Cake’s sultry cries. It had been so long since she felt this way. Her body was twitching, tensing up as she could only bring herself closer and closer to orgasm. Panting, her tongue dangled a little. Driven by whatever primal, passionate instincts, Mrs Cake brought one of her large tits up to her mouth.  Suckling on her breast, she rolled her tongue over the plump nipple, biting on it a little as more moans escaped her mouth. She was gonna cum, she was going to make herself cum. Her mind reflected not only back to what she witnessed Zakia doing, but it was also what she was thinking he was going to do to her. Her thoughts were filled with all manner of fantasies that ended up with Zakia laying in his thick sizes.  “So big…so much…cock…so…so good…” Mrs Cake gasped as she nearly took both her hands in her pussy, a pale imitation of what Zakia could do, but it was enough to drive her over the edge. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me, fuck me harder, don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop!”  Gasping out, the mare worked through her orgasm, spraying out her sweet nectar in her tub as her body was trembling and thrashing a little. It was possibly more than a few minutes before her already sore and sensitive body settled down. Laying back in the tub, she couldn’t help but coo and moan between her hot, panting breaths. If not for the tub of hot water, there were no doubts she would be absolutely soaked in sweat and nectar. The milf mare only looked up at the ceiling, thinking about how good Zakia must feel.  “I…I’ll have to just wait and see.” Mrs Cake said to herself, cooing a little. “Well…for now…I better get cleaned up and go to bed.” The mare continued with her bath, though decided to drain the tub and take a shower to clean off her sweaty afterglow.