Princess Pamper Precedent

by slushy

First published

Princess Celestia wakes up one morning and everything feels a little different. At first what she thinks is a simple prank by her sister quickly has her mind spiraling on just what has happened.

A story involving the Princesses of Equestria wearing diapers! Discounting the one that canonically wears them in the first place of course, see how things are figured out and how they deal with the situation, and even potentially fix it! An odd altered reality story that I came up with one day, an idea which has been somewhat shopped via various role playing excursions. I finally decided to get it out of my head and into a proper format. So if you dislike anything to do with diapers, then I suggest skipping this entirely!

Chapter 1

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Celestia awoke from her slumber, she felt, a little unusual. Something was different about this morning that she couldn't quite put her hoof on. There was a subtle scent in the air, one she felt was familiar, but also one she, again, couldn't put her hoof on. Eyes opening, moonlight streamed in through her balcony window, her blankets lay where she left them and she began to get out of bed. Which is when she noticed a certain slickness down below. A blush sprang to her face, she'd lived many years, and it had been almost the same amount of years since she'd encountered such a feeling, so foreign was it that she almost didn't recognize it at all.

She had wet the bed.

Now that it was on her mind she could more clearly feel the wet feeling surrounding her entire flank, her nether region, but not her legs? Odd logistics aside, she pulled her blanket away with haste to discover she hadn't been quite right. Looking down between her legs, was a diaper? Was, was she dreaming? A prank from her sister mere moments before she actually woke up to raise the sun? She laid there in stunned silence, almost hoping her sister would suddenly appear and begin laughing at her. No such thing happened though, she sat there for a good ten minutes before it occurred to her that, this was not a prank, or at the very least, a dream related one. The feeling of the wet diaper wrapped around her was all too real, that slight scent in the air, now that she knew the source she quickly identified it to be the smell of urine, her own urine.

Getting up out of bed, her mind was racing, surely her sister must have done this somehow? Perhaps lulled her into a particular dream, one that would have caused her to pee in her sleep without noticing? Then why the diaper? Was this an extra level of humiliation on top of that, somehow wrapping her flank in a diaper as she slept because waking up in a wet diaper would be more humiliating then a wet bed? Or had her sister actually reigned in her japery, knowing that wet sheets and blankets would have to somehow be explained to the staff and that the diaper would keep things from going to far?

Either way, Celestia was in no mood for this, right now all she wanted was to take a shower and forget this had ever happened, so she lit her horn and used her magic to tear the offending garment off, almost half tempted to teleport it directly into Luna's room so her sister could be satisfied in this little joke.

But that didn't happen, in fact none of it did, all she felt was a slight tingling sensation in her head as she tried to use her magic to grab the diaper. Had Luna gone through the effort to put a spell on the garment as well?! Though that didn't explain the feeling in her head, though she quickly got her answer as she turned to face a mirror she had in her bedroom. She certainly looked a comical sight, a white diaper, correction, a yellowed diaper with white around the edges, it looked puffy and sagged down between her legs quite a ways, she had really soaked it. Turning herself, she could even see an image of her cutiemark emblazoned on the back of said diaper. Though that distracted her eyes, they were quickly drawn to something else that sat upon the top of her head. A dull looking iron ring sat affixed to her horn which made her eyes go wide.

What was that doing on her horn? How did it get there? Things had quickly gone from slightly tasteless prank to actual dangerous situation in mere moments. Attempting to use her magic at all caused that tingling sensation in her head, how was she to move the sun? Was this all still part of some prank or had something more sinister occurred? Before Celestia could think any further about why and how this had happened, the door to her bedroom opened, her head snapped so quickly to the door that it could have created a localized sonic boom. There, standing in the doorway, two guards on the outside of said door, was a pony, a unicorn with bright yellow fur and hair with two tones, dark purple and dark red, split down the middle. This pony's mane was done up in a small bun behind their head, while their tail was of average length and also the same two tones split down the middle. Light pink eyes looked up at Celestia and then it spoke.

"Ah Princess, I see you are awake." A feminine tone, though her eyelashes also gave things away as well.

The pony simply trotted into the bedroom as if nothing was at all wrong with the image before her, the door shut behind her, neither guard said anything either. Celestia simply stood there, completely frozen as she blushed deeply, what was worse, was that she had no clue who this pony was or what they wanted to do, clearly they had a lot of power to orchestrate this, Celestia began to pale as she wondered what this monster was after!

"Alright Princess, do you need a change?" The pony said as she went up and pressed a hoof against the back of Celestia's diaper.

"Ehy!?" Celestia exclaimed with both confusion
and shock evident in her voice, a shudder rolled up her spine as she felt a hoof pressing the wet diaper against her marehood. Why did that feel good?!

"Hm. Not that wet, it can at least wait until after you've raised the sun." The pony added as she pulled her hoof away. "It's good to see you up though, perhaps I've been rubbing off on you, since I normally have to drag you out of bed in the morning." She added as she went over and opened the window to her balcony, which doubled as a door after all.

Celestia just stood there. What could she even begin to say about the events unfolding around her? Surely she was dreaming yes? Her first theory had been correct, but she hadn't quite imagined just how elaborate Luna was making this prank dream, but as the air of the night rolled in through the window and danced across her fur, she quickly dismissed that. Of course she would rather this be some sort of prank, that would make sense! Everything about what was going on, made no sense at all!

Clearly the pony at the window noticed something was off about how Celestia was standing there. "Goodness, it's a little early for that, usually you wait until after the sun is up." Though as this pony came closer to Celestia she looked a bit concerned. "Are you feeling alright Princess? Still a little sleepy?" This pony asked, looking up at Celestia.

"I. Uh." Celestia tried to say.

"You're looking a little red in the face, perhaps you should lie back down after you get the sun up, and then you can let Slushy take care of you." Slushy told her, a few obvious sniffing sounds came from her after that statement.

It was by now that Celestia noticed this ponies cutiemark. It was a thin heptagon, and each side was a different color, starting at the top point and going clockwise the sides were, purple, white, yellow, orange, blue, pink and then black. Though she couldn't just keep gawking, this pony seemed to be waiting for her to say something.

"Uhm. How, am I supposed to raise the sun?" Celestia genuinely asked, this horn ring seemed to make it impossible to do magic.

To that Slushy tilted her head quizzically before giggling a bit. "Oh Princess, it really must be too early for you. You do it the same as always, remember, your ring only stops you from using magic in other ways, you can still move the sun and moon normally. I'll be checking your temperature later, I hope that foggy head is just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and not some sort of delirium."

After that, Slushy moved and went behind the Princess, ushering her forwards, thankfully not by pressing on the diaper, until the Princess was standing on her balcony to raise the sun, business as usual, nothing the matter here. Nope.

Thinking that it would be impossible to do with this ring on, Celestia tried to move the sun, to her surprise she found it be as easy as it ever was, in fact it was easier than it ever had been before. So much so that she had to actively stop herself from raising it too quickly, causing the sun to stop abruptly for a moment before she continued. After which she breathed a sigh of relief, something was going on here, but being able to raise the sun meant nothing was exceptionally life threatening at the moment, and in this particular moment, her life seemed normal again.

Normal that is, until Celestia felt a sudden sensation deep inside of her body. Eyes widening, she could feel a sudden pressure expanding deep within her gut, a sudden urgency hit her out of nowhere, she was so shocked at how quickly she felt the need to defecate, her hind hooves wiggled of their own accord, she could feel her tail hike upwards, raising like a flag. Gritting her teeth she used every ounce of her willpower and strength to stop the sudden feeling.

"Hng.." A light grunt escaped her muzzle as she tried to fight this desperate need, briefly wondering if she was indeed sick for her bowels to suddenly swell with such pressure.

"Ah, there it is." Went through Celestia's ears right as the dam broke.

There she was, Princess Celestia of Equestria, the greatest ruler ponies had ever known, standing on her balcony, raising the sun into the sky.. And dropping a load of horseapples into a diaper as if it were second nature.

Celestia couldn't help it as the manure simply dropped out of her, not a shred of her consent went into this act, but despite the immense sensation of disgust building inside of her, the feeling of vomit rising in the back of her throat as she felt the hot mass slide out of her and lay against her body, trapped there as the diaper wrapped around her flank held it closely to her, she couldn't help but feel a wonderful sense of relief, her eyes were no longer wide, merely partially lidded, her body felt limp, like she might fall over at any minute, like she might just sit herself down on the diaper she was currently filling with waste. In fact she felt a hoof touch against the back of her right thigh, keeping her steady as she continued to defecate.

Celestia could feel shuddered of pleasure rolling up her spine as her body voided everything inside of her, she barely registered it, but even her bladder seemed to relinquish a few more spurts of liquid, seemingly seeing an opportunity to empty even further while Celestia's body was so occupied.

There was no knowing how long she stood there as her bowels emptied. All she knew was that she began to pant afterwards, a deep feeling of shame rose within her as she stood there, finally a distinct odor began to waft its way up towards her snout, one she should have found completely detestable, but in a strange way it felt comforting. Her tail lowered, and her body stopped feeling quite so relaxed.

"There we are, I bet you feel a lot better after that." Slushy stated from her place behind the Princess. Her snout was scrunched, though it seemed she had plenty of experience as the odor didn't affect her all that much.

"Ch-change. Change me.." Celestia whined, the words leapt unbidden from her maw, as if somepony else had said them, because surely Celestia would have asked for the garment to be removed and to never see one again, but she asked to be changed.

"Ah! Well Princess, perhaps we should put that off for a little bit?" Slushy seemed to ask the Princess.

Celetia's brow furrowed. Eyes narrowing. No! She would not stay like this a moment longer! Turning about, she looked down at Slushy, anger evident in her voice as she nearly screamed.

"Change, me, now."

"R-right away Princess!" Slushy exclaimed, hurrying back into the room.

Celestia briefly berated herself at losing her cool over this, but she would not be put off, this was being dealt with immediately. She trotted into her bedroom after Slushy, grimacing as she could feel her diaper, hefty and full, swaying with each step she took.

"Stand here Princess." Slushy told Celestia, there was now a large plastic mat pulled out on the floor, obviously to prevent a mess, something Celestia would have argued against had she not.. Soiled herself moments ago.

Standing in the middle of the mat, Celestia waited for the change. She knew how foals were changed, usually laying down on a table, or some other furnishing. Seeing as how she could only lay out on her bed, and she refused to do so in fear of getting her bed dirty, the mat did make sense.

"Alright Princess, you'll be clean in a moment!" Slushy stated as her own horn lit up.

Celestia looked on in jealousy as Slushy's horn lit up and things began to levitate around. If not for this blasted ring, she would do this herself! Of course, if not for this ring, she assumed this situation wouldn't be happening at all. She felt the tapes of her diaper rip, cool air then rushed against her freshly exposed body for a moment. Celestia didn't even notice that another spurt of urine shot out of her and into her diaper, which was held there in Slushy's magic, as if it was expected.

Celestia thought about what had happened, why were things like this? Clearly something was deeply wrong for this to be occurring like this, it's possible all of the ponies in the castle had been messed with in some way to believe this to be the way things were, but why wasn't she affected? A spell that didn't affect alicorns? Was it poss-"Ah!" Celestia's thoughts were cut off as something cold wiped against her vulva, and then went further in! She couldn't help as she shook her right leg suddenly.

"Woah, settle down Princess, just cleaning you up." Slushy said as more cold wipes danced across Celestia's flank, removing all the traces of urine and feces that were there. In fact it didn't take all that long before a certain scent cut through the air, one that alleviated the more foul odor, one that could only be described as foal powder.

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed as the smell of foal powder filled the air, her flank and thighs were coated in a nice dusting of powder, not that it was all that visible against her white fur. Shortly after that Celestia could feel a snug, yet comfortable fabric wrap across her flank. Another diaper. She would have protested, but it was plain she needed them.

"There you go Princess, nice and clean, hopefully you can keep it that way." Slushy stated as she levitated the Princess's soiled diaper. It had been balled up and looked abnormally large, of course Celestia's only reference were foal diapers, so of course it seemed large in comparison.

The diaper was levitated over a pail of some kind, where it was dropped into it, landing with a wet thud. Celestia only needed the one glance to know that it was her diaper pail, and judging by the fact that it looked full, it seemed she'd used more diapers than the last one. But, yesterday she hadn't been wearing diapers at all! Which helped narrow down exactly what had happened here, a bit anyway.

"Okay Princess, let's go get breakfast." Slushy told her.

Celestia shook her head, she would not be going to breakfast, she needed to speak with her sister, she needed to contact Twilight, she needed t-

A jolt coursed through her body, eyes widening, hooves planted firmly on the floor moments after stepping off of the mat. A suddne shudder of pleasure ran up her spine, her tail flicked just a little to the side and Celestia felt a sudden weight added to the seat of her diaper.

"Uugh.." Celestia groaned aloud as a voice behind her giggled softly.

"See.. This is why I said we should wait Princess."

As a fresh waft of that disgustingly comforting aroma cut through the scent of foal powder Celestia realized she needed another diaper change.

Chapter 2

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The second change went considerably faster than the first, almost entirely due to the fact that it hadn't been all that much of a mess in the first place, just the tail end of what her body hadn't pushed out when she had initially defecated on the balcony, part of her briefly wondered why it had occurred that way, but on her list of worries, that one was considerably farther down on her list. As they left her bedroom Celestia's mind ran rampant with the hows and the whys. Under most circumstances, she would have immediately teleported into her sisters room, since she obviously couldn't do that thanks to the ring, she turned to the pony accompanying her.

"Slushy, I would like to go see my sister." Celestia stated firmly. Only for a sudden. "No." to slap her across the face.

Ears folded back, Celestia was so used to her handlers and staff just bending over backwards to her when she asked for even the smallest thing, that hearing such a brazen refusal of something she definitely wanted was baffling.

"Breakfast comes first Princess, then maybe we can see Luna if she hasn't gone to bed." Slushy stated in a matter of fact way.

Celestia wanted to argue, but how could she, she had no magic of her own, except for moving the sun and moon apparently, not that such a skill would help in this situation. If she were to explain why it was important that she see her sister, this pony would either think she was insane, or that whomever orchestrated all of this might end up being tipped off and then act to stop her. Surely she would be able to speak to Luna without arousing all that much suspicion, perhaps she'd even see Luna at breakfast, it wasn't common but they sometimes had breakfast together, though this was based off of her normal life, which this clearly was not.

The two of them headed for the breakfast chamber, Celestia, a mare who normally strode through her castle with an air of stoicism, was now constantly shifting her eyes, constantly flicking her ears, stepping with just a bit more care than usual. Eyes were darting between every pony they came across, maid, guard, other members of staff, each time she was looking to see their incredulous faces. She saw none. Nopony acted as if this wasn't how things normally were. Her ears were distracted by her every movement, the sound of her diaper crinkling with each slight movement her back half made. Her hoof steps more deliberate as she attempted to trot along and make as little noise as possible, a difficult task because of just how much the diaper wrapped around her flank widened the stance of her rear legs. It wasn't difficult to move per-say, just cumbersome. She wasn't used to walking with such a thickness between her hind legs.

The trot to breakfast seemed to take so much longer than she was used to, this one single difference made everything feel so unfamiliar, and yet there was this odd sense that despite knowing that this was all different, that it was also somehow the same? Celestia chalked this up to whatever sorcery had caused all of this in the first place, clearly her mind was meant to be effected just like everypony else, hopefully her sister's mind wasn't suffering like hers was though if Luna were aware of things, she doubted her sister would be as 'patient' with things, Luna would have come to her surely? Dread crept into Celestia's mind as she was sat down at a table, realizing that her sister was likely lost to whatever had happened.

She was broken out of her thoughts by the sounds of plates, forks, and such. Down in front of her was a plate of pancakes dotted with small nuts and slices of strawberry, drizzled with syrup, the smell of them, which she had somehow missed coming into the room, was like a breath of fresh air, the smell of maple and fruit managed to chase away her memories of the odor she endured just a bit earlier. Her chair felt more comfortable than she was used to, but quickly she realized that was just the benefit of wearing something so puffy around her flank. Instinctively she went to use her magic to levitate her silverware, but her mind simply buzzed lightly as it was blocked by the ring on her horn. Before she could complain though, she saw somepony else manipulating things for her. Slushy's magic had a soft amber glow to it, something she hadn't seen since the mare had been doing all of her magic from behind Celestia before. A brief look of annoyance flashed across Celestia's face as a forkful of pancake was levitated up to her muzzle, it disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared, she was used to keeping her emotions in check, the fact that she reacted at all was worrying, though understandable, she was quite shaken after all.

Glancing over she saw Slushy looking at her expectantly, so Celestia opened her mouth and the food was put right in. Celestia savoring the flavor, and doubly enjoying the fact that despite wearing diapers and being fed, they weren't serving her foal food. After a few bites, a glass of milk levitated over to her maw, which she drank from before the food was back in her face again. Despite the fact that a complete stranger was feeding her, Slushy was doing this expertly, it was almost as if Celestia were feeding herself, it was that efficient. So efficient in fact that Celestia barely even noticed when she'd finally finished after drinking the last of her milk, a full feeling in her stomach briefly reminded her that this lovely meal was destined to spend time strapped to her flank at some point, but the thought was shoved aside when she suddenly let out a resounding.

"Uurp!" A belch having ripped its way out of her mouth without any resistance from Celestia at all.

The Princess blushed immediately, normally she would not allow herself to do something so crass, not in full view of the staff anyway, and if she were, it would have been held in her mouth and then slowly exhaled. Whatever had caused her bowels and bladder to have such a lack of control apparently extended to her burping as well. Despite her own embarrassment though, nopony seemed to react, a cloth was levitated up to her and her face was wiped clean and that was it, breakfast was over.

"Now may I go see my sister?" Celestia asked Slushy.

"Alright, let's go see if she's not asleep yet." Slushy replied, leading the Princess off towards Luna's quarters.

Celestia wondered what her sister would be like if her mind was effected by all of this nonsense? She didn't feel all that different herself, but clearly she had resisted the spell somewhat, if Luna hadn't then would she be more... Infantile? The two of them came closer to Luna's room, her guards standing outside the door, and somepony else just exiting the room, a unicorn with a white coat and a blue mane and tail with black streaks going through both. Her mane was tied in two pigtails and her tail was quite short, a pony Celestia didn't know, but Slushy seemed to as the mare went up and spoke to her.

"Luna asleep?" Slushy asked.

"Yes, I changed her diaper and she went right to sleep, why, do you need something?" The mare asked, looking to Slushy, and then Celestia.

Slushy turned towards Celestia saying. "Well, Celestia wanted to see her sister."

"Though it is not so important as to wake her up." Celestia said.

Both of the other mares nodded. The strange mare began trotting away.

"Well have a nice day." The mare says to Slushy and Celestia.

"You too Flurrie!" Slushy replies, letting Celestia know the mares name was Flurrie.

The fact that Luna was asleep meant that her sister was most certainly under the spell that had all affected them, a worrying development, but not the most shocking. Celestia would need to figure out what to do, but she knew her duties as ruler would keep her busy, she would have to keep up appearances after all, lest somepony realize she was acting out of order.

"Well Princess, what would you like to do now?" Slushy asked her.

"I presume we should be heading to court yes?" Celestia said, wondering why Slushy wasn't just taking her there.

"No no Princess, that's not until the afternoon, your morning is open to do what you wish." Slushy told her, much to Celestia's confusion.

"But, what of the various solicitations?" Celestia pondered aloud, genuinely baffled.

"Princess, all of those complaints get funneled through the committee first! Don't you remember? Why, it would just be silly to let anypony in to see the Princess over any little thing." Slushy told her. "No no, the real issues are sorted through in the morning and the big ones are passed onto you in the afternoon."

"Right right.. Mm.." Celestia realized this would be very helpful, though the existence of another governing body was one for alarm, it would give her time to figure out what was going on, maybe figure out what was up with this spell. Perhaps she could contact Twilight or Cadance, see just how far reaching this was. Perhaps only those in Canterlot were affected?

"I believe I shall head to the library." Celestia told Slushy.

Slushy merely nodded and went along with Celestia, the two of them heading to the library. The halls were mostly empty now, with the bustle of breakfast dealt with, other members of staff were getting down to the boring work of dealing with nobles and other ponies that had concerns. Something Celestia wasn't entirely against having a separate group deal with, but ultimately it was neither here nor there. Most ponies who came to petition her saw just how long it took to be seen, so most ponies who didn't have legitimate concerns often didn't want to waste their time, while others who didn't care how legitimate their concerns were, could be swayed to not waste their time when they realized they'd be taking up Celestia's own time with something silly. Which other ponies would certainly not let them forget any time soon, the gossip mills had their affect on keeping ponies from being too frivolous in her presence.

Celestia went into the library and found herself some place to sit, Slushy came with her standing nearby. Nopony else was there except for one aged librarian at a desk. Now came another issue, could Celestia get away with researching with Slushy so close? Would the mare be suspect of Celestia searching up spells she knew she couldn't cast with the ring on? "Slushy, could you get me a snack while I read?" Celestia asked of her handler.

"Of course Princess!" Slushy replied, cheerful as ever.

The mare left the library for the time being, leaving Celestia alone with the elderly librarian. Celestia went and grabbed a few books, a couple boring novels along with one more interesting book on the concept of memory spells, just in case Slushy did think it was odd, Celestia would just say she grabbed it by mistake. It was certainly odd using her hooves to grab at the books, she managed to stop herself from simply trying to levitate them, as she knew it wouldn't work.

Books at the ready she began to delve into one about memory magic, there were a few avenues to look at after all, she started with memory as that was the easiest magic to do, comparatively anyways, the alternate options being things that relied on the manipulation of time to get them to this point, and there were very few ponies that could accomplish that with or without help. Celestia didn't get very far into her research though before Slushy returned, at which point she swapped to one of the fiction books. Slushy had brought a small plate of cookies, and a tea tray, wheeling it all in on a small serving cart. Just like with breakfast Slushy simply fed both the cookies and the tea to Celestia.

Celestia wasn't even reading the book, she was making sure that it looked like she was reading it, absently munching on cookies and sipping on tea as it was set in front of her, but she was really thinking about who could have done this, the obvious answer was Discord. The problem was, this didn't seem like a Discord issue, Discord liked his chaos to be showy and dramatic, something like this where everypony was acting like it was normal, that didn't sit right with her. If it was a prank by Discord at her own expense, that could be more likely, but still a bit out of his usual field of humor. Perhaps if she spoke of him he would show himself and dismiss this whole thing for her? Yes, he had gotten her, good good, now can things go back to normal already?

"Slushy, do you perhaps know of Discord?" Celestia asked, making idle small chat, knowing that if Discord was behind this, he would certainly be watching this conversation.

"Discord? That sounds familiar, but no, I do not know of any Discord, are they a friend of yours?" Slushy said, prompting slight surprise from Celestia, though she didn't show it.

Would Discord have removed himself from the other ponies minds for this? Perhaps she was correct in thinking it would be so on the nose that anypony who could remember Discord would instantly know that all of this was a fabrication of his for mere japes.

"Discord, god of chaos and disharmony?" Celestia said, gauging Slushy's reaction further.

"Oh yes! The god of chaos. You've been reading the myths again haven't you Princess. I do wonder if he ever was real." Slushy stated.

"A myth.. You mean you don't think Discord is real?" Celestia asked, concern growing in her mind.

"Oh well, maybe that Discord is a representation of all forms of chaos in some fashion, but as an actual creature? I'm sorry Princess, I do not think he exists." Slushy told her.

That was a bit baffling to Celestia, in fact she could feel a slight headache coming on as she pondered it. Discord removing himself from their memories would be one thing, but to leave himself and convince ponies he was merely a legend? Everypony knew who Discord was after his release, for better or worse. The concern in her mind grew, perhaps time travel had been the cause of things? She needed to see something. Shutting her book she stood up, she'd already polished off all the cookies and tea.

"Slushy, can we go out to the gardens?" Celestia asked, more rhetorically as she was already on the move.

"Sure Princess! It is a rather nice day today, not too hot for summer." Slushy replied, merely leaving the cart behind and heading with Celestia.

Celestia trotted along through her castle, she needed to see something in the gardens to verify her suspicions. Her headache was only growing worse and she even began to feel a little sweaty, though there was a slight feeling of relief mixed in there, wait a minute.

Celestia very nearly stopped moving, slowed for a moment, but then kept going. She was peeing! Somehow she hadn't noticed it until just now, but she could feel the wetness around her flank, though it wasn't staying, the diaper was soaking it up, leaving her with a hot and moist feeling without too much of the actual wetness. She couldn't see, but her diaper was taking a somewhat yellow hue as her bladder emptied. If Slushy noticed, she didn't say anything either. Celestia tried her best to stop urinating on the way to the gardens, but nothing she did seemed to abate her stream, which continued until she left the castle! Despite peeing so much, her diaper didn't seem all that worse for wear, it had sucked up her urine, expanding a bit, and Slushy wasn't concerned. She could ask for a change later though, she needed to know.

Stepping through the gardens she moved through them on a mission, heading right to the statue. Except it wasn't there. Celestia was standing where the statue of Discord was supposed to be, and sure, Discord was no longer imprisoned there, but the base of the statue remained, mostly as a reminder, and partially because Celestia thought it was humorous, but even the base wasn't there, in fact there was no sign of a statue ever being there, and by now her head was starting to pound furiously, it felt like it was tingling as well.

Had Discord gone back in time and altered history to be this way? Just what had changed entirely, would Twilight and Cadance also be fitted with these rings? Celestia began to feel dizzy and faint, swaying slightly where she stood.

"Goodness.." Slushy said from behind Celestia, the sound of the mare backing off could be heard.

Celestia stared at the empty patch of grass where the statue once stood, her head was aching, her mind was racing, it was getting hard to think clearly.

In that moment, Celestia felt something. Something deep within her gut, a slight gurgle of her belly, a bloating of her bowels. Feeling so distraught and disheveled, Celestia didn't even care as she purposely let the feeling building inside of her release willingly. What she expected was a burst of flatulence to issue from her backside, what she got was much worse.

Her diaper seemed to balloon, yes, balloon outwards, completely rounded, it didn't sag down though, mere moments after that happened a thick green fog began to escape out the hems of her diaper, out of the tail hole, it all leaked into the open air, surrounded Celestia with a vile smelling odor that reminded her of her filthy diaper prior, only without that odd sense of comfort that came with it. She could feel the fog rushing past her legs, her tail, it was exiting her with such a force that she was surprised her diaper hadn't been blown clean off. Additionally the scent was horrendous, making her gag a little, spluttering a cough as the thick green gas encompassed her completely and eventually it was all she could see! Trying to breath was a nightmare and she did it as little as possible. The lack of air and her splitting headache almost made her want to pass out, thankfully her headache abated not long after, and the fog of green gas eventually dispersed, though not in the way Celestia would have imagined.

Once the fog lifted Celestia could see a group of pegasi, all of whom were wearing protective masks, each of them was holding a cloud, a green cloud, it didn't take her more than a few moments to realize that these pegasi had used the clouds to absorb all of this gas and they were taking it off somewhere. Celestia turned to look back at her diaper, which had green staining around the hems and tail hole where the gas had streamed out and still had lines of visible gas trailing off of it. Celestia began to feel deeply embarrassed, but what had just happened?!

The sound of hooves had Celestia turn her head towards the noise, Slushy was back, smiling at Celestia.

"Thank goodness were were outside, that magical accident would have been far more annoying to deal with indoors." Slushy stated, again, as if this was a normal occurrence.

Celestia could only stare at the mare with wide eyes as she asked. "Magical accident?"

Chapter 3

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"Yes, a magical accident." Slushy giggled slightly before continuing. "I know you're so used to them that they may as well be normal, but for everypony else, they are decidedly quite magical."

Celestia didn't entirely know what to do with this information. Obviously Slushy was acting like it was entirely normal, so could she question it without that seeming off?

"Right, yes. I suppose I just didn't think much of that one in particular." Celestia replied, to which Slushy nodded her head.

"Indeed, the smelly gas isn't the biggest deal, you just don't want to be at ground zero when it happens. Thank goodness it wasn't one of the windy ones, we need a lot more pegasi for those!" Slushy added.

Celestia only found her concern and curiosity pushed even farther. What was a 'windy' one? Context alone suggested that instead of a visible cloud of noxious fumes, she would have instead released a possible gust of flatulence, and that thought alone was enough to make her happy it had been the large plume of visible stench instead. Shaking her head though, she couldn't let herself be distracted, Discord didn't exist as more than a fairy tale? That couldn't be true, while most ponies wouldn't keep up with such history, for Slushy to be her personal attendant and think Discord was nothing but myth, clearly something had happened.

"Slushy, let us return to the library." Celestia said as she trotted back towards the castle.

"Alright Princess, though, do you want to get changed first. While it isn't unbearable, your hindquarters are quite odorous." Slushy told her.

Celestia paused to sniff the air, she could make it out, the remaining stench of her prior flatulence. She had simply assumed that it was hanging in the air still, but as she looked back at her diaper, which had some green staining now, she realized that the stench was more than likely infused into the diaper, additionally, reflecting on the state of her diaper told her it felt even more wet than she recalled, worrying her that during that magical accident, she had peed as well.

"No, it can wait." Celestia told Slushy as she then kept moving, Slushy coming up alongside the Princess.

As much as she wanted to get out of the diaper, this research was more important, additionally, and she was loathe to admit this, the diaper didn't feel awful, sure the smell was more objectionable now, but she didn't feel as disgusted as she probably should have been with the wet garment, probably due whatever spell had happened, not to mention she was sure Slushy would force her to be changed if the mare thought she desperately needed it.

Returning to the library, the snack cart was gone now, but Celestia returned to her books, putting them away and getting new ones, now not caring if her selection seemed suspect as she looked for history books. If Discord was well and truly, a myth, then there would be no mention of him pertaining to practical history, additionally she could take the time to check up on key past dates to see if anything else had been changed. It didn't take her long to find a lack of Discord being mentioned anywhere, the only mentions she could find were of an old religious organization that apparently worshiped Discord, but did so without any proof of his actual existence and it died out some time ago, but there was the interesting part, this religion died out about the same time Discord was originally turned to stone. A potential lead or just a coincidence?

Celestia kept reading through the books, all the while Slushy helped just as she had before, saying nothing about what the Princess was choosing to read. Celestia began to think more on the possibility of it being manipulation of time, since that would have changed things without ponies having been put into a state of needing to be aware of things going on, of things being too off of what they were supposed to be. Meaning she likely didn't have to worry about Slushy, this mare wasn't part of some plot against her, or a brainwashed pawn in somepony's schemes. No, it was likely Slushy had always lived this life and nothing seemed out of the usual.

As Celestia got new books to look at, she noticed that the period of history where Discord would have been causing havoc, had been documented, not a lot, as back then it would have been governed by the three tribes, but there were documents, which likely meant Discord hadn't been there at all. Celestia began to wrack her brain with how that could happen, who would be powerful enough to go back in time and remove Discord from the equation? Obviously there was only one answer, Twilight and her friends. Which made no sense, because Discord was reformed, did Discord do something so vile that Twilight and co had to go back to when Discord had first began his reign of chaos in order to stop him from ever possibly doing whatever this 'thing' was? Regardless of the how, and the why, nothing relating to Discord being gone explained why the Tartarus she wore and used diapers like it was completely normal!

Celestia needed different books, newer ones, history books. Normally she didn't read her own history, she knew herself after all, but history had clearly changed. So she returned her current pile of books and went looking for a modern history book, it didn't take her long to find one either.

"Feeling nostalgic Princess?" Slushy commented as she helped with the current book.

"Oh, just wanting to see how they write me, want to make sure they got my charm down." Celestia replied.

Slushy chuckled a little and helped the Princess with the book. Celestia went back ten years, she was wearing a diaper then. Twenty, diapered. Fifty, diapered. Eventually Celestia had to give up on this book in particular, because it was too recent. Book exchanged for a slightly less recent history, and Celestia decided to hone in on one date in particular. One she knew would have lasting consequences if something happened. The day she banished her sister to the moon.

The details were all there, everything was just like before, except there were no diapers. Luna wasn't wearing one, and she wasn't either. Perhaps this was too far back after all, but Celestia kept reading, she needed to be sure, she'd spent several hours combing through books at this point, it was likely close to lunch time seeing as she could feel the slight sensation of hunger at the moment. Just as she was beginning to think nothing would show up to give her a clue, she found it in a section of the aftermath.

'Ponies across Equestria were in a state of panic and worry. One Princess had attempted to betray them, what if the other did as well? The Royal Ring was a project spearheaded by an anonymous pony, nopony wanted to claim the idea as their own, it is very likely it was thought of by a group of ponies who did not wish to out themselves as a single group looking to take power from the Princess. The Royal Ring is an artifact that was forged specifically to stop Princess Celestia from being able to use most of her magic, only being able to use it to move the sun and moon. Celestia was too heartbroken over her sister and did not fight this, allowing the Royal Ring to be put on.'

Celestia had finally found out why she had this accursed ring on her horn. She kept reading, needing to know why

'A lot of ponies wondered why the Princess was still allowed to move the sun and the moon, and aside from the lack of unicorns trained to be able to do such a thing at the time, they needed the Princess as a deterrent, after Luna's betrayal, a lot of other countries were angry with Equestria, if a spy came in and saw that Celestia had been made powerless, there would be an army knocking on their doors, of course many were quick to point out that the ring could be removed by the Captain of the Royal Guard in case they needed the Princesses power for war.'

Celestia's eyes widened on reading that last sentence. Shining Armor had the power to remove her ring? Or, wait, could it still be Shining Armor in this timeline? After all if he was still married to Cadance, and all alicorns wore a ring on their horn, that would likely be a huge conflict of interest, so perhaps he wasn't the Captain anymore, or the two weren't married. Celestia would have to find this out later, but for now more reading.

'Though ponies were worried about being able to get Celestia to put the ring back on should they ever need her to take it off. It was decided that they would deal with that when the time arose and simply hope that they did not have to do so.'

Celestia continued reading through that section, but there was still no mention of her wearing diapers, or why she needed them in it. Frustrated, she turned to Slushy, perhaps she could simply ask, after all, Celestia was quite convinced that the timeline had been altered, there was no spell over everypony making them think this way, though that didn't explain why she couldn't remember any of this history, or why things felt so, familiar to her in some ways. Perhaps somepony had cast a spell, but only on herself.

"Slushy. Do you know when I began wearing diapers?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, quizzing me Princess? Well you won't catch me slacking, each of your attendants is given a history lesson to know what to expect when caring for you, and that includes when you began wearing diapers, which was six months after the Royal Ring was put on your horn, and before you ask, yes, that is the most precise date we have recorded and you have never given us a more concrete one either." Slushy reported, she had set the book down as well.

Celestia smiled while mentally kicking herself, she should have just asked Slushy from the beginning, but she was far too paranoid before.

"Good, and do you know why I began wearing diapers that day?" Celestia said, now her voice was less questioning and more playful, letting Slushy think she was just testing the mare instead of legitimately asking.

"Of course, that's the day you had your first magical accident, and everypony learned that because of the Royal Ring, all that magic built up inside of you until your body couldn't take it anymore and had to be released another way. That was the day of the Great Hurricane that tore the rest of the old castle apart." Slushy told her.

Great Hurricane? Celestia would have to ask about that later, but for now she had a goal, find out who was Captain of the Royal Guard still and figure out how to get them to take this ring off. If it were Shining Armor, and he was still, well, himself, it shouldn't be that difficult of a task.

"Alright Princess, you seem to be done reading and it's time for lunch." Slushy said as she began putting books away. "Then you have your court after lunch." Slushy added.

"Yes, very well." Celestia sighed.

Even if she knew what she needed to do, she couldn't just rush this. If she did, ponies might think her crazy and do something crazy in return, after all there was no harm so far. Sure she was quite embarrassed, but nothing 'bad' had happened yet to her knowledge. Hopefully it stayed that way.

"But first we'll change your diaper." Slushy added as she took Celestia back to her bedroom.

Celestia didn't complain, they went back to her room and she stood in place like before. Slushy began using her magic, levitating wipes, and cleaning her up. Celestia decided to let her mind wander for the time being, she needed to contact several ponies and figure out what to do going forwards, tomorrow she could very well get things underway to returning things to normal. Her biggest problem had been that she needed somepony powerful enough to work the magic for them to go back and stop whomever caused all of this, whoever forwarded the 'ring' idea in the past was likely their culprit.

"Whoops!" Slushy suddenly exclaimed at the same time a wet spattering hit the floor.

Celestia's mind was brought back to where she was as she felt tiny drops of liquid hitting her hind hooves. She didn't. Turning her head and looking behind herself, she saw a small puddle of yellow liquid on the floor behind her with Slushy already cleaning it up.

"Sprung a bit of a leak Princess~" Slushy seemed to coo a bit as Celestia felt her face grow flush.

Even after experiencing a messy diaper, she still found new ways to embarrass herself. She hadn't even felt herself peeing! Though that tracked, she hadn't felt it several times already, and she'd been distracted and.. Ugh. She didn't want to have to focus on not peeing on the floor for the few moments she wasn't wearing a diaper! Despite piddling on the floor, Slushy didn't complain and had it cleaned up in mere moments, after which Celestia smelt the foal powder and had a new diaper on as well, she also felt Slushy wipe her hind legs.

"Lunch?" Celestia asked as she saw Slushy levitate a diaper stained yellow and green over the changing pail.

"Lunch." Slushy said, dropping the diaper into the pail and leading the Princess out of the room.

Chapter 4

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Much like breakfast, lunch was a standard affair. There was no infantile foods, the staff treated her the same as always, the primary difference was the food on offer. A vegetable soup with a garlic toast and nice plum wine, all of which her attendant Slushy dutifully fed her. The food was all just as good as she was used to, Celestia had nothing to say, and nopony else had any comments either, except for key members of staff asking her how she enjoyed the meal, with her responding in the usual way "It's lovely, thank you." And just enjoying the meal, that continued until they got to the end of the meal, which is when Slushy began to speak.

"Alright Princess, your afternoon court will begin shortly after you finish eating, there are plenty of ponies who wish to see you. We have a group of Pegasi here to discuss slight changes to the fall seasonal weather patterns for southern Equestria, a group a business ponies who want to discuss their reasoning for an alteration to the price of aluminum, several farmers seeking aid for development of area en-route from Ponyville to Appleloosa, a pair of unicorns, Flim and Flam, who want to discuss a brand new diaper they've invented that they believe will interest you, a meeting with Fancy Pants on the development of several aid programs to know how those are progressing along, and finally there is a mare called Honey Habit who wishes to speak on some educational and foal rearing ideas that have been studied and how they could be implemented into schools and homes around Equestria." Slushy finally stopped, seemingly having managed to avoid breathing while speaking.

Celestia simply nodded her head to all of that, except for one thing in particular. "Flim, and Flam?" Their names stood out, having heard of them before, both in circles relating to business ponies concerns, and she believed Twilight's friends may have mentioned them once.

But more importantly the whole idea of being show a new diaper seemed rather off to her, given what she'd just done to one not very long ago, she figured they must be enchanted to some degree, otherwise hers would have been torn clean away by the magical surge that came out of her.

"I know, I know." Slushy said, looking slightly annoyed, a first Celestia had seen on the mare's face. "I'm not even sure how they got past the initial board, especially since your diapers are already quite well made. They must have shown off something quite remarkable to get an audience."

Celestia just nodded again, she'd finished eating and had any residue removed from her muzzle by Slushy wiping her with a cloth, which outside of the diaper usage, was the most infantile thing to happen to her. With lunch out of the way, the two of them headed to the throne room, ponies bowing or saluting as she passed. If not for the constantly crinkling from her flank, and the bulk between her hind hooves, nothing would be out of the ordinary.

Celestia came into the throne room, as regal as ever, despite the diaper strapped to her flank, making her way to the throne and sitting upon it. Now she'd sat on her throne many, many times, and this was the comfiest it had ever been. It was so comfy it actually surprised her slightly, as she had tried many things over the course of her life to make sitting in one spot for a long period of time more tolerable, from pillows, to blankets, to just levitating slightly above the seat, the diaper between her flank and the seat was by far the comfiest thing she had ever felt. Likely due to the fact that the diaper hugged her flank rather perfectly with a hefty amount of bulk to act as a cushion underneath. This didn't mean that when she finally figured out how to undo all of this she was going to start wearing them to ease her flank while sitting on her throne, but perhaps it would lead to something she could use without looking absolutely foalish.

By the time she was done thinking about that, the first group had been ushered in, and just as Slushy had said, it was a group of Pegasi who addressed her, and bowed. "Please, you are welcome here, begin." Celestia said, fighting back a monotone that threatened to slip in from how often she said that line.

Begin they did, only one Pegasus really talked, a light blue pony with a single colored mane and tail, both a dark yellow color, introducing himself as Stratus Streak, he began to go at length about the various weather patterns for southern Equestria during various times of the year, all culminating in the slight changes he suggested for the fall season that would best suit the environment around it. Despite Celestia's complete lack of interest in the topic, she remained at attention, taking in every detail, and approving of the changes. These sort of meetings were often the most dull, but also the simplest, a group of individuals in charge of a specific field who had a large amount of knowledge about what they did had found something that could benefit everypony by implementing a few key changes. Naturally this sort of thing could likely be handled by anypony but her, it made Celestia wonder just why this was something she needed to deal with specifically, did the filtering process simply send her things that she was almost certain to approve? It felt pointless to speculate, because once she had fixed things, this system would no longer be in place, though perhaps it could come back, she'd have to get more info on just how it all worked.

After they were done, the group was taken out, and the next one came in, a group of ponies of various kinds, Earth, Unicorn, Pegasi, mares and stallions alike. Celestia recalled Slushy mentioning that this was about the price of aluminum. She recalled this sort of thing, often there were nobles or business ponies vested in certain things and they would often petition to meet with her to make something more expensive to line their own pockets. Very rarely did ponies come together for something to have it's price adjusted in a reasonable way, though given the filtering process, Celestia had the impression it would be for a good reason.

Then it began all over again, greetings, introductions, and a lot of speaking. Celestia had been right in that they were here for a legitimate reason concerning the price of the material and how lowering it slightly would actually be better for trade markets at this time when exporting out of Equestria. During the various ponies of the group discussing several charts and graphs they had brought, Celestia's attentiveness was sidetracked as a sudden relief washed over her. Her ears splayed back for a moment, her face twitched, and she began to feel a sudden heat pooling in her diaper.

She was peeing again. Much like before, no warning, she hadn't felt the need to go, she had been more aware of it happening in the moment, likely because of how she was paying attention to the group in front of her, the sudden sensation of urinating managed to distract her quite a bit, though it didn't last long, her diaper didn't look like she'd wet it, but she was sat in a warm, squishy diaper, and damn it all, it felt good. It really hit her because she would normally never do such a thing, not even when things were normal, if she needed to use the bathroom it would wait until a scheduled break time, she wouldn't just stop everything to go take care of business, both because it was rude to the ponies who came to see her, who often had very limited time to do so because she saw so many ponies, but because it also meant she was ruining the carefully laid schedule of her staff that set everything in motion from day to day.

Ultimately, despite that slight distract, Celestia quickly refocused on what the ponies were explaining to her and things continued from there. The only real thought she gave to the diaper was as it slowly, slowly began to cool as the conversation continued. By the time she had approved of what they had come to talk about, several hours had already passed and the next group, the farmers, which consisted primarily of Earth ponies, though there were a few Unicorns and Pegasi, a larger group as well, they too went into what they wanted.

Apparently there was a plan to start setting up agricultural around the land between Ponyville and Appleloosa, along the railroad track. Nothing like setting up a whole town, this would primarily be a few homes of the ponies who worked the fields they'd be setting up, along with a new train stop, one that would primarily be used for loading and unloading crops and supplies. The sort of thing that would likely morph into a town of some kind over the next few decades or so once the ponies had established these fields for some time.

Much like the last two cases, this one was fairly open and shut, and much like the last two cases it likely only came to her because of her authority in general. She had no idea what the situation was with the buffalo in this odd timeline, but it likely wasn't anywhere near their land, and probably closer to Ponyville. Again, she didn't give too much though to all of this because fixing things would likely undo quite a bit of it. Which the more Celestia thought about it, the more she wondered if things even needed fixing.

Yes, diapers were dumb, embarrassing, and silly. The magical surges were very concerning as well as the ring on her horn. But so far, she was seeing things run much more smoothly, though that's only because she didn't know the full extent of how things worked, what if this filter had decided that ponies with legitimate grievances weren't allowed to see her for some reason? Celestia didn't know and she wouldn't know without learning more about this world, but was it right to worry about that when she knew she had to fix things? Even if things were currently better, for all creatures right now, did she not have a moral obligation to fix things because everypony had been set on this path by somepony else who had subverted the original way things had occurred?

Honestly it was giving her a headache, which was worrying because the last time that happened her diaper had been stained green. Thankfully her mind was taken away from those thoughts as two Unicorns were brought in. They were pulling a small cart with a blanket covering something behind them. No doubt they only just put the blanket on it as the guards would have searched it several times over before the two had been allowed to enter with it.

Twin Unicorns with matching manes, coats, and eyes, the only difference between them was their cutiemarks and their facial hair, one of which had a mustache that seemed to fit the style of clothing they wore, which of course was also matching between them. Celestia watched the two of them confidently come up with thier cart.

Of course, despite everything about this being a bit odd, the two ponies still bowed and introduced themselves. "Flim and," "Flam." "At your service Princess!" Thankfully each of them said their name on their own before speaking jointly after, letting her know that the one with the mustache was Flam.

"I welcome you, I hear that you two have something to show me?" Celestia asked.

"Why that we do Princess!" Flam said as he and his brother stood back behind their cart.

"It is only our latest and greatest product yet!" Flim added, the two of them grabbing the blanket.

"Behold, our Princess Diaper Deluxe!" Both of them shouted as they pulled the blanket off.
What they all saw was a diaper, sitting on a cart, with a glass cover over the top of it. The diaper looked to be plain white with accents the same color as the Unicorns red manes. Oddly there also appears to be a picture of both their faces on it, at what looked like the rear of the diaper. Celestia wondered if that was on purpose or not, they did know what diapers were for right?

"It's more durable, more absorbent, and more comfortable than the diapers you already wear yourself." Flam said.

"Not to knock those who crafted the ones gracing your flank at the moment your highness, but we are confident our diaper will be more than adequate to your needs." Flim said.

"Yes, as this diaper does something no other could hope to do, and that's contain any and all smells. Once it's inside of this, no smell can get out!" Flam added.

That seemed to get ponies attentions, Celestia could see the guards looking at the diaper with a level of interest. Though before Celestia could say anything, Slushy spoke up.

"Well, if you've done your research I'm sure your aware of just how bad those smells can get. As the attendant to the Princess, I deal with her diapers on a constant basis, how do I know that your diaper is what it claims to be?" Celestia did her best to hold her emotions in check as Slushy so brazenly admitted to changing her diapers, not that such a thing was a secret, but she had to keep the blush from forming on her face.

"We are indeed aware!" Flam exclaimed.

"Yes, we demonstrated the capabilities of the product to the ponies who allowed us to come in, they seemed completely convinced!" Flim stated.

"And what do you need from me?" Celestia asked.

"Well, we are but simple inventors and salesmen, we do not have the setup to manufacture these on the scale of what every Princess would need, which is why we are here to ask for a simple investment in order to get started!" Flim and Flam both said, not in unison, but whenever one stopped, the other started.

Celestia really didn't know what to say, both because she knew nothing about diapers, and because, so far, everypony sent in here had a legitimate reason to seek her out, the board had filtered ponies to her that she easily agreed with, would it not be the same with these two? Thankfully she didn't have to say anything.

"Well, before we would ever think of agreeing to that we'd need to test the diaper ourselves." Slushy said.

"Ah, but we took care of that earlier-" Flam was cut off by Slushy saying. "Well I'm sure you won't mind letting us test it further then? After all, if the board was convinced I'm sure we will too. Besides, the Princess does need a change, what a better opportunity than right now."

"Uh well, we only have the one garment right now-" Flim was then cut off as Slushy went on. "Well I'm sure you can make more yes? That's what the money we'll be giving you will go towards." Now Slushy was heading towards the two, of course her magic lifted the glass cover and then the diaper, setting the cover down after taking it.

Slushy's eyes scrutinized the diaper in her magic as she brought it close to her. The mare looked very serious as she stared at the diaper, then brought it back up to Celestia. "Okay Princess, let's get you changed."

"Here?!" Celestia said, unable to stop the sound of panic in her voice.

Flim and Flam also looked a bit put off at the idea of the Princess being changed in front of them, but they voiced no concern.

"A little out of the ordinary, but it isn't like you haven't been changed here before, though not usually for a mundane change like this. This will also be the best way to test out this diaper and give them our verdict." Slushy said.

Celestia, unable to refute the logic, got up onto her hooves. Her diaper sagged down, she felt it peel away from her body for a split second. In mere moments her diaper was being magically dealt with by Slushy, it coming off as Celestia did her absolute best to not be embarrassed, and it was hard, there were so many ponies looking at her, the guards, Flim, Flam was actually looking at the floor, Celestia had to remain stoic as she felt the cool wipe slide against her flank, slide along her vulva. She was breathing heavily now, grateful that all this attention to her private area hadn't caused any arousal, that would have been suffering at its finest.

Thankfully a wet diaper was dealt with in such a short amount of time that Celestia wasn't even sure if a few minutes had passed, though something was different about this, she didn't smell the scent of foal powder in the air, and there was a sudden pinch as Slushy did one last wipe past her anus that even Celestia couldn't completely ignore as she made a slight whine. After that the diaper was taped around her flank, it felt, alright. In fact it felt a lot like the other diaper she had on, the same in fact.

"So Princess, how do you feel?" Slushy asked.

"Well, it is quite comfortable." Celestia told.

"More comfortable than your other diaper?" Slushy continued.

"I'm not sure about that, it feels quite similar." Too similar, Celestia thought.

"Well, at least that means it is of high quality." Slushy commented as she led the Princess down to Flim and Flam.

Celestia was just as confused as the two unicorns when she was taken next to them and turned around, her butt facing the two Unicorns.

"Well I can see you two did your best, it looks just like one of the diapers the Princess usually wears." Slushy said, Flim and Flam seemed a bit more confident.

"Well we strive to do our best!" Flam exclaimed, confidence seemed to be with him.

As Celestia stood there as a sudden ache spread through her abdomen, it caught her quite by surprise and a loud. 'Grrgloorn!' Echoed from her gut. Celestia instantly recognized the feeling from this morning. She was about to defecate!

"Is she?.." Flim asked, both him and his brother began to back away, unable to do so as Slushy's magic caught the hems of their shirts and held them there.

"Oh the Princess? Well of course she uses these diapers, and we have to know the most important thing about this one, how well it holds in the smell." Slushy said, a smug smile spreading across her face.

Celestia, for her part, couldn't hear a word they were saying, not because she couldn't hear them, but because all of her brainpower was currently going towards trying not to let her bowels release, they had briefly gone towards moving herself away from the ponies right next to her rear, but quickly found that her legs were stiff as stone. Her tail slowly began to raise as she felt her backside begin to shake from the effort she was putting in to halt her bodily function. Her effort awarded her about twenty seconds of time before her anus flew open and a torrent of gas exited her rear end.

It wasn't a magical surge, no, this was just everyday average flatulence, no green fog, but a clear horrid odor that seemed to waft into the air as if there were no diaper there at all. Her backside spluttered for a few moments before something began to drop out of her. With all the grace of an excited foal, Celestia began filling the diaper strapped to her flank like it was her job. A feeling of elation coursed up her spine as the waste exited her body, unable stop herself from letting out a deep sigh of relief as the garment sagged down with the weight of several pounds of manure, only for her sigh to get caught in her throat. "Emrph.." Something more solid stretching her anus a bit before exiting her body. The back of her diaper began to stretch in seconds, the image of Flim and Flam's faces quickly became distorted and stretched before ultimately getting stained a deep brown coloration, making it seem as if there had never been a design there at all.

Celestia had no idea how long she was standing there, much like before, time seemed to come to a standstill as every moment her body evacuated waste lasted for what seemed like hours. A horrifying sensation of pleasure mixed with relief filled her mind as her body continued to push out the seemingly endless mass of excrement. Her diaper drooped down more and more until it was nearly halfway down her legs before it finally stopped. "Aah.." Celestia uttered as it seemed like she was completely done.

Finally able to move again she turned around to see both Unicorns lying on the floor, unconscious. Slushy stood to the side and a few guards could be seen holding their noses.

"I don't think their diaper works any better than our own Princess." Slushy said as Celestia looked down at the Unicorns, absolutely speechless.

"Did. Did I?" Celestia stammered.

"Well yes. Technically you did, but only because these two are lightweights." Slushy mentioned. "Serves them right though, thinking they could get this diaper past me. I've changed enough of these things to know them when I see them, this is just one of your normal diapers, they just dressed it up."

Slushy patted Celestia's full diaper. "I don't know what they did to trick the board, but I'm sure they'll be able to explain that later." Slushy said as a guard came over, loaded both of them onto their cart, and began to wheel them out.

Celestia had no idea what to say, until she did. "How did you know I would use the diaper so quickly." The idea that she would need to use it so soon after it was put on was quite coincidental.

"Oh? Did you not feel the suppository Princess? I figured we could get your next bowel movement out of the way before moving on to more important matters." Slushy said.

"Ah, that explains why it seemed so.. Violent." Celestia added.

"Alright Princess, time for another change!" Slushy exclaimed, levitating more supplies over, they had been stationed closer to the throne before, Celestia had thought Slushy had merely teleported them earlier, but it seemed they kept some in here.

"Once we get you cleaned up we'll continue with the rest of the meetings." Slushy stated as Celestia heard the tapes of her diaper being torn away.

After having soiled her diaper so completely in front of so many ponies, getting changed now hardly felt like something worth worrying about, and she desperately wanted to be changed anyway, no matter how much her mind seemed to be telling her to put it off.