> House Sparkle > by Shigiya > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Bad News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring Ring Ring The sound of a phone ringing could be heard echoing in the room, along with an annoyed groan from one of the occupants in the darkened room. The persistent ringing continued as it laid on the floor. A large bed was placed in the corner of the room, having several lumps protruding from under the blanket. There were several inhabitants asleep in a large bed as they were clumped up together into a pile. One of the women that were laying in the middle of the pile, was stirring from her sleep as the ringing continued. She had long dark blue hair, with several bangs in different shades of purple, looking like a mess. She had light pale skin. A light purple horn was poking through her hair. This was Twilight Sparkle, the top student at Equestria University, was slowly waking up in a groggy state. Twilight felt her body ache and felt her eyes slowly open, as she did her best to wake up, but was too tired to do so. Right now her head was killing her, and having to wake up suddenly from the annoying sound of an alarm was not helping it. Damn her for setting an alarm! Twilight let out another groan as it continued to ring. Too tired to even open her eyes, she tried to reach out for it, not realizing that it was laying on the floor but for some reason, she couldn’t move her arm. In fact, she felt like something was pinning both of her arms. Not only that, she felt something heavy, soft, and warm on top of her, snuggling into her chest. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling like heavy leads at the moment but was finally able to fully open them, she was greeted by the dark and a head of blue and gray hair along with the scent of sweat and a hint of mint. She looked over at the furry object in front of her and noticed that the person on top of her was Minuette. When she looked over to see what was pinning her arms to see that it was Lemon Hearts and Twinkelshine, that were using her arms like a pillow. She let out a sigh of contentment when she heard the alarm finally stop. One less thing to worry about. Twilight was a bit surprised seeing the three in her bed for a moment, but not that much as it is a common occurrence for the four, but she tried to remember what happened last night. It took her a while for the haze on her mind to clear up before she started to remember what happened last night. She remembered Minuette inviting her with their friends, for a night of celebrating their graduation. Recalling being dragged into a bar, and then convinced to just let loose for one night. She got handed a drink to help her to help her loosen up as they started to get more into the party. Then she remembers the three dragging her to their dorm room before things started to get heated. ~Dood~ Twilight let out an ‘oomph’ when she was pushed onto the bed before she felt Minuette get on her lap. She was pulled into a kiss, lips connecting into a heated embrace before delving deeper as they moved to remove their clothes. She ran her hands over her friend’s curvaceous figure as she removed her clothing. When she had removed her top, she grabbed a hold of her perky breasts and dusky-colored nipples. Her nimble fingers played with them. Twilight felt another pair of soft lips pressing on her neck, while eager hands helped Minuette remove her jacket and shirt. “Dang it Twi! Why did you wear so much! This makes it harder to get you naked!” moaned out Lemon Hearts in annoyance, the one that had always got her to try new things in the bedroom before she nibbled her ear getting a pleased groan from the nerd while the cerulean hair woman continued to unbutton her shirt. Twilight could feel the cool air caress her bare breasts not long after, before a pair of hands grabbed a hold of them. She felt Lemon Hearts squeezing and massaging them in gentle , but her excitement was prevalent as she played with her modest chest, getting her to fall deeper into the mood. Twilight was pulled from her kiss with the blue-haired woman, and was yanked into a kiss with the usual gentle Twinkelshine, the pink-haired woman shoving her tongue down her throat in a hungry kiss. Twilight, despite the amount of pleasure that she was receiving, was able to keep up with the women. She felt Minuette move off her lap, relieving some of the pressure from her groin. She felt her tug her skirt until she pulled it off, revealing her purple briefs and the strain that they were being put through by her erection, and tugged along with her skirt and freeing her cock. “Fuck Twi. How can you hide such a monster!” Moaned out Lemon Hearts, her bare chest pressing onto her back, as one of her hands moved from her chest and played with the tip. She had gotten a bit of pre-cum on her hand but she continued to play with the tip, coating it with the white liquid. “Well, at least ours for tonight, and we better make it last.” Said Minuette, before running her tongue across the entire length and doing it again and again, as if she was tasting an ice pop. Twilight felt her body tingle, feeling the tongue caress her cock, while still in a lip lock with Twinkelshine, and Lemon Hearts was still caressing her body. Not wanting to just let them do all of the work, Twilight moved her hands between the legs of the woman still glued to her arms and proceeded to play with their folds. The two women moaned out loud when her fingers started to play with them, moving her fingers in a practiced motion. “Oh, Twi! Keep going!” spoke up Twinkelshine, finally letting go of the kiss, and burying her face in her neck. Twilight took the time to get some air back in her lungs, before she was pulled back by Lemon Hearts, smashing her lips onto hers. She felt her tongue start to invade her mouth, her tongue battling her own in a bid for dominance. It was a struggle for Twilight to focus, but she was able to battle it back and take the lead, much to the delight of Lemon Hearts. Saliva started to drip down their chin, turning their make-out sloppy. Lemon Hearts has always been one of the messiest of her girls, which also included her orgasm. Lemon Hearts squealed in the kiss, having already reached her climax, firing off a jet of her juices onto her hand while she continued to pump them in. Twinkelshine was still riding her hand for her own climax, which soon followed after Lemon Hearts. The two rested on her shoulder, both wanting to take a rest for a moment. Finally able to pull away from the two, she turned to look down at Minuette, who seemed to lose herself in her licking, as she had moved to engulf her heft sacks of sperm. Lather every inch of it in a gentle caress, while her hand moved to play with her pussy. She could feel her hot breath, huffing with desire as she licked and kissed the hefty orbs. Minuette's gaze looked up to Twilight, watching her as she swallowed one of them into her warm mouth before taking the other one in, her cheeks bulging from the large objects. Twilight groaned in delight, feeling her sensitive cum sacks being worshiped. “Hey, mind leaning back for me?” Twilight let Lemon Hearts push her down on the bed until she was laying down. She was then straddled by her, getting a view of her soaked pussy. “Fuck, I’m going to miss this.” Said Lemon Hearts eyeing the wrist-thick, twelve-inch pillar of flesh meant. “We’re going to make sure to savor every moment tonight.” Cooed out Lemon Hearts, before she swallowed the entire thing down to the base. “Oh Celestial! Your throat is so tight!” Hissed out Twilight, gripping the bed sheets, eyes shut tight. When she opened them, she saw Twinkelshine standing above her and her dripping pussy. “Mind if I take a seat?” She asked, a smile on her face. Twilight nodded, excited for what was to come next. She didn’t wait for her permission before she lowered herself down, pressing her pussy onto her mouth. Twilight eagerly started to dig in, lapping up the juices from her puffy folds. Twilight lost herself in eating out Twinkelshine's pussy, savoring the sweet taste of her juices, her hands grabbing a hold of her ass. She could still feel Minuette and Lemon Hearts pleasure her cock and balls with gusto. All four lost themselves in the pleasure of each other, wanting the night to last forever. ~dood~ Twilight snapped out of her memory when she felt Minuette shift on her chest, showing signs of waking up, as she moaned cutely in displeasure. “Twi, it’s too early to go again, I’m tired~,” Minuette yawned tiredly, still not moving her face off her chest. Twilight realized that she was sporting a hard-on that was pressing hard on the blue hair woman’s stomach. She blushed at this, but Minuette just gave a half-hearted kiss to her chest and went back to sleep, using her breasts as her personal pillows. The other two seemed to follow her lead despite seeming to be asleep, as they snuggled closer to her, wrapping their arms around her waist. Not wanting to keep sporting an erection, she used a breathing exercise that she had learned from her future sister-in-law that would help her calm her mind and body, until her little was gone for now. Twilight sighed out in relief on not feeling the pressure, she felt her excitement calm down. Looking down at the girls close to her, a smile worked its way on her face, seeing the happy smiles on their faces, as they held in place. ‘How am I going to get out of this?’ Seeing no way out of this without using her magic, and finding no reason to get up yet, she decided to just rest a little longer, and just enjoy the comfort of being in her friends embrace. It’s not like she had anything urgent today. ~Dood~ Twilight had just finished her meeting with the dean of the school. The Dean had congratulated in once again obtaining her diploma before giving her certificate. For a second, Twilight didn’t think that she would make it in time after pulling herself out of the arms of her friends tight holds. The three seemed adamant about not letting her out of the bed, despite the girls being dead tired after last night. They only let go when she told them that she has to meet the dean soon to get her diploma and that she was not afraid to use her magic to restrain them. Though Lemon Hearts looked excited when she said that. After a bit of a struggle, Twilight decided to promise them that she would make it up to them later today. Despite the fact that she had only had a few hours of sleep, and had to use her magic to clean herself she still walked triumphantly through the halls of her university. She could hardly believe that after years of studying, the frequent all-nighters, she was finally finished her schooling. She now had her diploma in hand and was heading back to her room to give her friends the news. Her white long sleeve button-up shirt and black slacks fluttered in the warm breeze of the spring air. She adjusted her black-framed glasses, as she walked through the crowd of the student body. “Hey, Sparkles, wait up!” Twilight turned around to see a familiar head of red and yellow hair run up to her. “Hey Sunset.” Sunset Shimmer. A beautiful and confident woman that she had met during her first year of college. At first, the two didn’t like each other. Sunset being far more aggressive and condescending with her and her friends, but after a certain incident, the two became good friends. “Where were you last night? There was an awesome party over at Alpha house. Flash Sentry was asking for you!” “Who?” Sunset gave her a deadpan look when she heard that, and then let out a disappointed sigh when she saw the genuinely confused look. “Flash Sentry! The number one hottie on the entire campus! Captain of the football team? The most popular student! Does it ring any bells!?” “It does sound familiar…” muttered Twilight, rubbing her chin in contemplation. She kinda remembers Lemon Hearts mentioning his name during one of their alone times. She tried and succeeded in getting Twilight to give her angry, passionate sex — her words — by getting on her nerves the entire day, before the last straw being that she might go look for a guy named Flash something and ask him if he is willing to give her a good time. It didn’t take long for Twilight to convince Lemon Hearts why she shouldn’t leave or get on her nerves. Nor for Twilight to feel embarrassed when she realized after they were done that the mischievous cerulean hair woman was just teasing her with simple reverse psychology and that she had fun with a more aggressive Twilight. Sunset let out another tired sigh and pulled out her phone, before tapping on it a bit, before showing her the picture. On the screen was a pretty boy with spiky blue hair, with a decent build, while he is playing a guitar on the football bleachers with several girls around him. “He looks… nice?” Twilight wasn’t sure what she was expecting her to say. The guy was handsome in an objective view point, but everything about him was just plain boring in Twilight’s honest opinion. It was like dealing with one of Cadence's so-called ‘Hot Throbs’ in those romantic movies that she was forced to watch, and the two-dimensional characters. Not even hanging out with her beautiful babysitter or seeing the pretty girls on the tv was enough to save her through that day. And it didn't help that she had promised to do it monthly with her sister since that day. Curse her younger self for her crush on her sister-in-law. Just remembering those horrible, horrible, monthly movie nights, made the so-called ‘hottie’ as appealing as rotten cheese left out in the summer sun. She’s glad that she doesn’t ‘swing that way’ as some people would say. Sunset must’ve noticed the grimace on her face as she let out another disappointed sigh. “You’ll never get a prince of your own at this rate, Sparkles,” Sunset stated, pocketing away her phone. ‘I’m already a prince in a way’ thought Twilight. “Honestly, with how much time you spend with Minuette and the others, you should’ve at least gotten some dates with a guy by now. They are very pretty girls too, y’know? They get a lot of attention from the males. Though, it is strange that they don’t have boyfriends yet.” “Yeah,that is strange…” Twilight muttered, looking away from the red and blond hair woman, hoping that she wouldn’t notice her blush. If she knew what she and three have been doing for years, she would probably be shocked. She still can’t understand how Sunset hasn’t realized this yet. Though a part of her was irked that someone was asking HER girls out. Twilight shook her, knocking away that thought. They weren’t hers, they were their own person, and if they wanted to date other people, then that was their choice. She ignored the dark feeling in her heart at the idea of letting them go. “Anyway, was that all you wanted to ask me?” Twilight asked, wondering if she wanted to tell her anything else before heading back to her room. Just as Sunset was about to speak again, a phone started to ring out. “Sorry, can you hold that thought?” Twilight apologized, holding up a finger to Sunset. Sunset nodded and Twilight pulled her phone out to see who was calling her. She felt a smile plastered on her face when she saw that the caller was Gleaming Shield. She was quick to answer the call. “Hey, Gleam! How are you doing?” asked Twilight happily, excited to talk with her big sister, missing the quiet ‘sis-con’ that Sunset snickered out at seeing Twilight's attitude change. “Hey Twily.” came the husky and strong voice of her sister, “How are you doing?” “Finally got my fifth diploma!” chirped Twilight excitedly. “That’s great!” Gleaming Shield said, sounding genuinely happy for her before she went quiet. Noticing the somber mood of her sister, she was quick to ask, “Are you all right?” “Huh, yeah. Hey, you think that you can come over to our parents?” Twilight noticed that she sounded tired and started to get a feeling a bit uneasy. “Sure, I was planning to head over soon.” “Good, see you then. Love you Twily.” “Love you too!” She hung up, still in a happy mood after talking with her big sister, but she still thought about Gleaming Shield’s strange mood. “Honestly,” said Sunset, getting Twi’s attention, “I never met a bigger sis-con than you. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought that you were talking with your girlfriend.” Twilight blushed at the accusation. “O-of course n-not, we’re just close. She’s my B.S.B.F.F.” stuttered out Twilight, the blush present on her face. “Huh? Your what?” “My Big Sister's Best Friend forever.” “Okay, sure, whatever you say. Just saying that you act very gushy when you talk to your sister.” “Anyway, I gotta go. Can you tell the others that I had to leave back home today?” “Sure, stay safe, Sparkles. Hope that its nothing bad.” The young woman waved her goodbye before heading off. ~Dood~ Twilight was at the front yard of her family’s home, feeling a strange anticipation in her gut. As she knocked on the door, it didn’t take long for the door to be opened and a green blur to tackle her. When she looked down, she saw a familiar head of wild green hair bury itself in her chest. “Hey, Barb.” smiled Twilight, returning the hug of her adoptive little sister. Barb is a beautiful young woman at the age of 20 that reached to her chest. She had a toned figure, D-cup breasts, and pale skin with purple scales on her cheeks and on the sides of her body. A shapely figure that made most of the girls in her age group feel jealous at her blessed assests. A long purple tail with green spines reached to the ground and was waggling excitedly. “It’s been so long!” said Barb, looking up to Twilight with sparkling emerald eyes. Her slit pupils looking up to her with admiration, a smile of delight present on her face, still holding her in her arms. She’s glad that the young draconic didn’t use all of her strength like before. “It was just last week since I took you to the movies, and we talked on the phone yesterday.” “Still too long and it’s not the same.” Twilight chuckled at her not-so-little sister's response, but still held her in a hug. After a bit, Twilight decided that it was time to get to the topic of the situation that had brought her home early. “Do you know what is happening, Barb?” Twilight asked, walking toward their home, while her little sister moved to hold onto her arm, as they walked into the house. Barb let out a little pout when Twilight ignored her arm being buried in her large breasts, to focus on what was happening. “Not really,” Barb responded, sounding a little sad about what was happening, remembering how her family were being evasive when she asked what was wrong, and telling her that they’ll tell her soon, "but everyone has been really depressed, they been like this ever since I woke up and mom has been crying in her room. Dad and big sis had just got her out, but they didn't look so good either." "Mom was crying?" Asked Twilight, now worry is starting to fill her mind. When they made it to the living room, Twilight was greeted by the sight of her crying mother and the sad and depressed looks on her father and sister and Cadence. "Hey, what's wrong?" No one spoke up, her mother crying once again. Night Light pulled her back into his arms, letting her cry into his chest. Seeing that her parents would not be able to answer Twilight, Gleaming Shield decided to answer her in their stead. Getting out of her seat, her tall figure moved toward her little sisters, tear stains still present on her face, and brought the two into a tight embrace. "Twi… Uncle Sparks is dead." That had brought the mood down for the two, nearly throwing them in shock. They just stood there as Gleaming held them in a tight hug, feeling her start to tremble. It didn’t take for the younger siblings to break down as well. After a while, the family just wept at the loss of a close family member. ~Dood~ The funeral was a quiet affair, Twilight barely remembered most of what happened. She had learned that her uncle Sparks had died from a heart attack in his sleep. The entire thing was a haze for the woman and her family. They had held the funeral the next day at her Uncle's hometown, Ponyville. It was a surprise to the rest of the Sparkle family when they saw that there were very few people that had come to the funeral. Twilight was happy to see her friends had come to support her as the three did their best to comfort her, while they gave their condolences to her parents. After the funeral, they were informed that Silver Sparks had left them a will. The family was sitting in Silvers Lawyers' office as the man in question was shifting through several papers. The lawyer was an old, thin man in a brown suit. After a while, the lawyer cleared his throat, giving the family a sad look, before it became neutral "Thank you all for attending today. You have my condolence for the passing of Mr.Sparks. He was a good man, and it’s been a pleasure working with him for years. While this might be hard for you all, he had wanted his next of Kin to hear his will. 'To my dear sister, Twilight Velvet Sparkle, and her husband, Night Light Sparkle, I leave you forty million bits. I know you two never had the taste of living the life of a noble, but I would rather have my family have it, than those high and mighty sticks in the mud, and it would help ease my soul knowing you would not have to worry about money issues for a long while.'” This shocked both parents greatly. Night Light’s jaw seemed to unhinge itself from his mouth, while Velvet was trying to figure out a reason to not accept all of it but to be in the same state as her husband. "'To my big, strong Niece, Gleaming Shield Sparkle, I leave my home, in Ponyville and as well as bestow you the title of Duke, or Duchess in this case, and the Dukedom of the Everfree forest. I leave fifteen million bits and your future wife, Cadence, as well as my cars. I saw the way you've been eyeing them. I know that you will take care of them when I'm gone." Gleaming’s expression nearly matched her dad, but Cadance quickly shook her from her stupor. “We can’t, Gleam. Remember that we’ll be in the Crystal Kingdom… for that,” she said, reminding her future wife. “That’s right,” Gleaming groaned, feeling disappointed at the situation at the moment. "We can still take the cars though." Gleaming smiled at that and gave her wife a kiss on the cheek in gratitude. The lawyer coughed to get their attention, "And finally, 'To my adorkable, bright, little niece, Twilight Spark Sparkle, I give you my company, Sparks Designs. Along with the company, I give you ten million bits to help you with starting out. I know that you will bring Barb with you, seeing how much you two have become inseparable over the years. I entrust you with my company, as I know without a doubt that you will lead the company to newer heights. You are bright, determined, and hardworking. You took everything that I taught you well and surprised me at times with the scenarios that I gave you in running a business. I know that in my heart, that you will make everyone proud.'" "He gave me his company…" muttered Twilight, nervous at the prospect of suddenly becoming a CEO, and trying to live up to the expectations that her Uncle has for her. She calmed down when she felt Barb hold her hand, gently squeezing in comfort. "Don't worry Twilight, I'll be by your side every step of the way, just like always. And look on the bright side, I can be your number one assistant again." Said Barb, getting a smile from Twilight, and giving her a gentle hug. Gleaming smiled at the two glad that Twilight wouldn't be alone in this new chapter in her life, and was confident in her next action. "Is it possible to give Twilight the title of Duchess of the Everfree? Sorry to Uncle Sparks, but I won't be able to hold the title. Cadence and I have already made… plans, big plans in the Crystal Kingdom." "What kind of plans, if you don't mind me asking?" Gleaming looked over to Cadence, wondering how to word it, without spoiling the surprise. But Cadence decided to speak up in her stead, "It is a royal matter between my mother, aunt Celestia, and us. Sorry, but the details must be kept under wraps until it is time." The lawyer stared at them for a moment, before nodding in acceptance. He shuffled through some papers while taking a moment to scribble something down, he looked up at them and Twilight, "Very well, Twilight will also insert the title and dukedom of the Everfree along with the company. And the house?" "She can have that as well, as long as she doesn't mind me taking some of the cars with me?" "Huh, um, sure. That's fine." Sputtered out a dazed Twilight, still processing what just happened. "Hmm, pardon my inquiry, but isn't this a bit much for a woman her age?" “Twilight always did have a habit of making the impossible easy, she did hatch Barb after all,” Gleaming quipped, getting a small smile from her bookworm of a sister. “Besides, it’s not like she’ll be alone. She’ll have Barb, us, and Uncle’s staff. She knows to ask for help, even if she does forget sometimes.” The Lawyer nodded once again and scribbled down some more on the sheets of paper. "On the note of Mr.Sparks house staff… most have already turned in their letter of resignation, leaving only one maid and her ward." Uncle's lawyer stated, giving Twilight an apologetic look. Twilight bit her lip in nervousness, feeling a bubble of anxiety in her stomach at how this situation was shaping up to be. ~Dood~ Twilight lay awake on her bed, thinking about how everything ended today. Not only was she the CEO of a multi-million company, but she was now the Duchess of the Everfree. And now had a mansion that she had to take care of with 99% of the staff being gone. Felt like this was turning out to be a terrible joke. Twilight felt a heavy pit in her stomach at the responsibility that had been placed on her shoulders. Knock Knock Knock Twilight was snapped out of her spiraling thoughts when she heard knocking at her door. She looked toward it to see it opened, revealing it to be Barb. She was wearing a tight white tank top and just her green thong. “Twi… Can I sleep with you tonight?” Thinking that she was here for something more… inappropriate, she was about to reprimand her about there being a time and place but stopped when she noticed her demeanor. She looked nervous and hesitant about her question as she fidgeted by the door. She felt like an idiot for thinking that today wouldn’t have affected her. “Of course, Barb.” The draconic was quick to get in her bed with her sister. She moved to sleep close to Twilight, burying her face in her chest as she wrapped her arms around her waist. Twilight returned the embrace not minding the closeness, she got used to this affection long ago. It was just a bit different from the others. Either way, both needed each other right now. Hopefully, she was prepared to deal with anything that may come her and Barb's way.