Camp Activities

by PegPony

First published

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom go to Camp Everfree with Pumpkin Cake, Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow, sexy times ensue.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom have been invited to attend a school trip to Camp Everfree despite no longer being students at CHS, students from Crystal Prep academy will also be attending the trip because the plan is for both schools to start getting along. Once the trio find that they are sharing a tent with Pumpkin Cake, Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow, they find that their weekend at camp should be fine! Although they have noticed that Cozy Glow appears to be hiding something... what could it be?

This story takes place in my FG/AC universe.

This story was written for: UndeadMan

All characters in this story are aged 18 or above.

Warning, this story contains: futa, bestiality, group sex


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Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo were all sat together on the bus chatting excitedly about their trip. Although the three of them were no longer in the education system and were leading their own independent lives, Canterlot High had still extended an invitation to them for a school trip that none of them had been able to experience while they were still attending the school. They were excited for two reasons, one was that they were finally going to see the famed "Camp Everfree" they had heard so much about and two, because they were now so preoccupied with their own jobs, their partners etc. they never really got a chance to hang out as much as they used to, so this was the perfect opportunity for them to reconnect and rekindle their friendship.

One thing that was interesting was that this school trip was actually a joint venture, as students from Crystal Prep would also be attending, it seemed that over the years the soccer matches between the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts had been growing increasingly more competitive in a much too aggressive way and that this trip was being used as an excuse to force students into mingling and striking up some friendships that would hopefully calm things down. It was a shame that none of them had been allowed to bring their partners along for the trip, Sweetie had Button, Scootaloo had Zipporwhill and Applebloom had Tender Taps, though it seemed that the school didn't want people who weren't students anymore attending, even though they had literally invited the three girls in the full knowledge that they weren't students anymore.

Camp Carnality

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The three of them weren't about to look a gift horse in the mouth though, they were just happy to be getting together for once and catching up as well as reminiscing about old times. Applebloom chuckled as she said "Remember back when we were like, thirteen or somethin', we started practicin' kissin' with each other? We all had this bizarre belief that as soon as we hit the age of fifteen, then boys were gonna start takin' an interest and we'd have to do "boyfriend and girlfriend" stuff. Well, girlfriend and girlfriend stuff for Scootaloo"

Scootaloo groaned and said "Uh, that was so super awkward for me because it was around that age that I started to realize I might be gay, no offense to you Applebloom but I think it was after a few times of kissing Sweetie Belle that I finally realized I was only into girls. How comes we never had any relationships in school? Especially you Sweetie, you're the prettiest of the three of us and you even tried out for cheer leading, everyone knows that the girls that went into cheer leading only did it to catch the eye of the hunky soccer players, so how come you didn't get any of those guys to smash your pussy?"

Sweetie rolled her eyes and went "Well, believe it or not, I tried out for cheer leading because I wanted to be a cheerleader and not because I wanted a guy to pound me senseless. A couple looked decent enough that I could fantasize about them when schlicking but having one of them split me open to drill my cunt was out of the question. Vaginal is overrated anyway"

Applebloom raised her eyebrow and went "What are y'all talkin' about? Last I heard was that you and your boyfriend have been visitin' the club regularly and even have a puppy as your son, you sayin' that was a one and done deal?"

Sweetie said "Are you kidding? There is only ever one thing that is granted the honor of my pussy and that thing is my trusty and reliable horse dildo, not even Button has claimed that hole. Anal is where it's at for me, Rarity too as well actually, no wonder she got together with Pinkie Pie. Anyway, Pad isn't my biological son, he's my step-son, Button is the father and the mom is his canine side-chick at the club"

Scootaloo went "Geez, our town is messed up. It makes my relationship with Zipporwhill almost seem normal in comparison, first I was her casual hook-up, then I became her girlfriend and she's even said that someday we might get married"

Applebloom smirked and said "It looks like I hold the monopoly on normal relationships here girls! Me and Tender Taps are boyfriend and girlfriend, we spend time together and occasionally fool around, simple!" They all shared a laugh only to find that the bus was stopping and they were finally at Camp Everfree, they were looking forward to a fun weekend of activities and maybe even a friendly threesome before they went back home to their own respective partners. As they started filing out of the bus, the three of them saw that directly opposite their own bus was the bus that had brought the Crystal Prep students here, not to mention the students themselves as they started departing from the bus, just as ready to enjoy Camp Everfree as everyone else.

One thing that caught their attention as they started walking into the camp was that, from behind them, they heard a feminine yelp and a thud followed shortly afterward by adolescent snickering. They turned to see that one of the Crystal Prep students had pushed a girl off the bus, leaving her on all fours with her face covered in mud. The guy responsible said "Watch your step freak! People walk on two legs, remember? Then again, we all know that things that walk on two legs aren't you're favorite thing in the world, you're probably used to being on all fours by now!" All the students laughed while the poor girl wiped mud and tears from her eyes.

As everyone else ignored the situation, Sweetie, Scootaloo and Applebloom felt compelled to go over and at least check on her. Applebloom extended a hand and said "You alright there?"

The girl huffed and said "What do you care? I'm the weirdo, remember?" Despite the girl's anger, she took the hand and allowed Applebloom to get her back on her feet.

Scootaloo went "Hey, not sure if you've noticed but we're not from Crystal Prep, we're just trying to help out"

The girl looked at them quizzically then went "Huh... so you don't know that... never mind, thanks"

Sweetie Belle got involved in the conversation and asked "So why are the Crystal Prep jerks bullying you?"

The girl crossed her arms and pouted "None of your business"

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and said "OK, how about a name?"

The girl relaxed and said "Cozy Glow... my name is Cozy Glow"

Applebloom smiled and said "Well Cozy! Y'all wanna head into camp and hang out with us? I promise that we don't wanna make fun of you!"

Cozy scowled and said "Look, thanks for helping me out but seriously, don't hang out with me. The only reason you guys don't wanna pick on me is because you don't know the full story and I don't wanna give you the full story! Just stay away from me, I'm not someone you want to associate with, alright?" With her little rant over, Cozy Glow just strutted away to head into the camp, leaving Sweetie, Applebloom and Scootaloo bewildered about what it was that had made Cozy Glow so unpopular among her peers to the point that she didn't even want to attempt to socialize with people from another school. They decided not to dwell on it and headed into camp together, if Cozy Glow didn't want to be friends with them, they weren't going to force it, they were here to have fun after all!

The students were all gathered in the center of the camp where the owners, Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy, were ready for a brief summary of what they had planned for the weekend. Timber Spruce said "OK guys! It's great to have you all here! Before we get down to camp activities, we're gonna assign you all a tent to sleep in! Everyone will be in groups of six and since the idea of this trip is to have both schools mix and actually get along instead of just hating each other's soccer teams, the groups will contain three Crystal prep students and three Canterlot High students, alright? Once you all get settled in, my sister will give out a list of all the available activities we have planned for tomorrow and the day after, we urge you to select your activities as soon as possible but for now, simply step forward and Gloriosa will give you your badges so that we know what tent you're staying in"

The students all got in line to receive their badges, Sweetie, Scootaloo and Applebloom were relieved to find that they were all going to be staying in the ruby tent, meaning that they didn't have to separate and could talk among themselves if they didn't happen to get on with their Crystal Prep camp mates. The trio went to the ruby tent and started unpacking their things, they had only brought a few essentials like toiletries, a change of clothes and their phones... though they had brought along a couple of items that were more for comfort than necessity, something Applebloom quickly discovered when she noticed that Sweetie Belle had indeed decided to pack her horse cock dildo for the weekend. Applebloom went "What in the hay did you bring that dildo for Sweetie?"

Sweetie said "Well, us girls have to gotta tend to our cunts somehow right? Don't tell me neither of you packed something to alleviate some stress in between activities? What did you bring Applebloom?"

Applebloom answered "I didn't bring a darn thing, I prefer to use my hands if I need to cum and Scootaloo didn't bring anythin' either!"

Scootaloo bit her lip and blushed as she confessed "Actually... I did bring a... a butt plug with me..."

Applebloom raised her eyebrow and said "Really? I didn't see you unpack it when we got in the tent, so where have you... oh, you're... you're um... *ahem* usin' it right now, aren't you?"

Scootaloo nodded, embarrassed that she had slightly exposed her naughty and sexual side to her friends but Zipporwhill had insisted that she keep the plug in as often as possible to make up for the fact that she wouldn't be around whenever she felt horny, something that Scootaloo didn't understand considering that Rarity was always willing to let Zipporwhill play with her fat tits in exchange for being sodomized with a strap-on afterwards. Soon, one of their new camp mates entered the tent and by some odd set of circumstances, it just so happened to be Cozy Glow, the girl they had just met not even ten minutes ago. Upon seeing the trio she was stunned and wasn't sure whether or not she was happy to see them, they were nice for sure but if they somehow stumbled upon the information that had made her the main target for ridicule at Crystal Prep, then she'd just be opening herself up to more suffering.

Applebloom smiled and went "Well looky here girls! Looks like our new friend Cozy Glow is gonna be with us for the rest of the weekend! You must be happy to be hangin' with people who won't be teasin' you all the live long day huh?"

Cozy scoffed and went "Yeah, we still got two students from Crystal Prep to come yet and you can bet they'll jump at the chance to spill the beans, so I'm not exactly as super hyped as I should be. Everyone at Crystal Prep makes fun of me, so I don't need you three doing it as well, alright?" Almost as if on cue, two Crystal Prep students walked into the tent, Flurry Heart and Pumpkin Cake. Cozy Glow grinned wide upon seeing them and embraced them both in a hug as she said "Girls! Oh I'm so glad that you'll be staying with me!"

Scootaloo chuckled and said "Friends of yours?"

Cozy Glow turned and said "Friends? Please, these two are the only ones at Crystal Prep that don't make fun of me, of course they're my friends! Not to mention we share a little common ground, we've all been picked on for stuff about us that we ourselves aren't particularly ashamed of"

Sweetie Belle went "Really? Like what?"

Pumpkin chipped in and said "Well you guys already know my not-so-hidden secret, I'm the only dick-girl attending Crystal Prep"

Flurry Heart followed up by admitting "I'm a slut, I'm a dirty little bitch who loves to fuck no matter the gender and most people know that fact quite intimately"

Cozy Glow topped it all of as she went "Well these two know mine but I'm afraid to say that I don't feel ready to tell you three, I barely know you and I'm not comfortable with sharing my secret"

Pumpkin rolled her eyes as she said "Oh come one Cozy, I've got that kink, Flurry has got that kink, Sweetie has got that kink and all three of them have sisters that have that kink! You've got nothing to be afraid of, everyone in this tent is familiar with the kink and haven't got a problem with it"

Cozy Glow blushed, she didn't realize that her particular sexual interest was so popular, nevertheless she shook her head and went "I... n-no, I'm sorry but... I barely even know them... I can't... maybe when we're better acquainted... maybe... just not now, OK?"

Pumpkin shrugged and started unpacking, as did Flurry and Cozy. Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle decided not to press the issue or start randomly guessing what Cozy's kink was, this weekend was about fun and friendship so they didn't want to annoy her. When everyone had settled in and decided sleeping arrangements, Gloriosa poked her head in and said "Hey gang! Here's a list of all the activities we have planned for the weekend! So make some selections that you can all enjoy together" before handing the list over to Pumpkin, the rest of them crowding around her to see what kind of stuff they could get up to together. They decided that they should each pick one activity that they liked, that way they could get to know each other and spark up conversations about their interests. Applebloom ticked baking, Sweetie Belle ticked karaoke, Scootaloo ticked skateboarding, Pumpkin ticked horse riding, Flurry ticked make-overs and Cozy ticked the nature walk.

Sweetie Belle said "Well, now that we've got that all locked in, how about we spend what little time we have before bed to have some girl talk?" Everyone seemed to agree with that and they all sat down as Sweetie asked "So my first question is something I've already asked my gal pals, did any of you pack anything a little naughty? Maybe something to help you "relax" if you get the chance? I brought a dildo and Scoots here is using a butt plug as we speak, how about you three?"

Pumpkin went "I wouldn't really say that it's relaxing but I am wearing a cock cage right now, I use it occasionally to stop myself from getting awkward boners in public"

Flurry just said "Nope, if I need to cum before getting a little down time I prefer to use something real, even if it's just my fingers"

Cozy hummed in thought as she said "Well... I did bring a picture of someone I like and if I'm honest, I'll probably use it as a visual stimulant if I decide to play with myself"

Fifteen minutes went by of all of them just chatting to get know each other, with all of them omitting a few things that they weren't ready to reveal to each other yet, before Gloriosa once again poked her head in and said "OK everyone! Finish up your conversations because the sun is setting which means it's lights out! Have all of you selected an activity?" Pumpkin handed Gloriosa the list and, after checking what activities they were interested in, Gloriosa said "Alright! You girls get some sleep and tomorrow I'll be here to wake you up and direct you to your first activity!" After Gloriosa left, the girls all got changed to get ready for bed, Sweetie and Scootalo wore pajamas, Cozy and Flurry stripped everything but their underwear, Pumpkin and Applebloom went fully naked. None of them considered it weird to be seeing each others bodies so bare, they were all girls after all and if the point of the trip was to be comfortable associating with people from another school, seeing each other partially naked was as good a start as any before they brushed their teeth and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, the girls were woken up by a loud bell with Gloriosa shouting "Rise and shine campers! The sun is up and it's time for you to get started with your first bout of fun for the day!" The girls all groaned as they dragged themselves out of their sleeping bags and started to get dressed, the one drawback of going on a trip in the countryside was the bizarre concept that the crack of dawn was when the day started. After brushing their teeth, the girls were presented with the three activities they had booked for that day, the first one being Applebloom's selection of baking. Gloriosa pointed to a nearby cabin and said "Baking is in there, there are plenty of ingredients to choose from and all the baking equipment you could ever ask for, have fun!"

The girls, still too sluggish to talk to each other, started making their way over to the cabin until they were interrupted by a random guy from Crystal Prep going "Well well well, look what we have here! the dick-girl, the slut and the freak all in one group! Who are your new friends?"

Applebloom moaned and said "Will you quit it? We're meant to be tryin' to be friendly on this trip and insultin' your peers isn't exactly gonna help now is it?"

Relentlessly, the boy smirked and went "Wow, a southerner, bang any relatives lately?" Applebloom gritted her teeth, though had to feel slightly embarrassed in the knowledge that her big sister, Applejack, had indeed had multiple sexual encounters with her brother, Big Mac, so the incest accusation wasn't without merit.

Scootaloo stepped forward to defend her and said "Hey! Leave her alone!"

The boy looked at Scootaloo and instantly retaliated "Ooh, short hair and a short temper? That tomboy attitude just screams to me that you're one of those girls who spends their time burying their face in another chick's muff"

Scootaloo recoiled, ashamed that she looked like the poster girl for the viscous stereotyped version of a lesbian considering that she actually was a lesbian. Sweetie Belle took charge and went "Look, we just wanna do some baking, so get lost"

The boy nodded as he said "Yeah, makes sense, most women belong in the kitchen so they can do something they're actually good at, cooking a man's dinner!"

Sweetie Belle didn't back down, instead she put on her best seductive act as she strolled up to him and said "Mmm... you know what else girls are good at?" The boy was actually pleasantly surprised that this random girl he didn't know was about to come onto him, though that was before he received a punch in the stomach and crumpled to the floor in pain, followed up by a triumphant Sweetie Belle nonchalantly proclaiming "We're good at putting pricks like you in your place and not putting up with your bullshit! FUCK YOU!" The boy remained curled up on the floor as the girls all entered the cabin. The baking was fun and went about as well as could be expected, Applebloom baked a perfect apple pie while Pumpkin produced an equally delectable chocolate cake, despite Sweetie Belle's experience with cooking for both her sister and her boyfriend, the cupcakes she had attempted to bake came out slightly overcooked and the frosting was runnier than she had intended. Cozy and Flurry however, were completely useless when it came to baking and although it had been fun, Cozy's bread was just a charred brick and Flurry's attempt at a simple pizza had produced what may as well have been a black frisbee.

Next on the list was karaoke but as they started making their way to the small stage and karaoke machine that had been set up, another Crystal Prep student said "Geez, check out this gang of misfits! Who's gonna wanna listen to you losers singing?"

Applebloom walked over and said "The same amount of people who want to hear you bein' mean to people you don't know or squealin' in pain like a little pig" swiftly before kicking him in between his legs, his only response was to faint on the spot as he failed to cope with the pain in his loins. The karaoke was splendid fun, even more so than the baking, they all agreed that Sweetie was the best singer, though Applebloom and Scootaloo were quite adept as well. Flurry sang pretty decently considering it was the first time she had sang anything but it became apparent that Pumpkin and Cozy were not similarly gifted despite trying their best, they weren't terrible, it was clear that they could both sing, it's just that they paled somewhat in comparison to their Canterlot High counterparts.

Third and finally was skateboarding and yet again, another Crystal Prep douche bag felt the need to verbally abuse the group by going "What the fuck are you doing? Girls can't skateboard, that's a guy's thing! Are you all fucking dykes or something?"

Scootaloo didn't say a word as she picked up a skateboard and smashed it over the guy's head, making him fall unconscious almost instantly, the silence remained as they all continued towards the skateboarding area to pick up a skateboard and put on some protective gear without giving a second thought to the ass hole from Crystal Prep. As was expected, Scootaloo was the most skilled when it came to skateboarding, rolling around and doing tricks like it was nothing out of the ordinary and while Sweetie and Applebloom had managed to pick up enough skill to effectively ride a skateboard and even do one or two tricks simply from watching Scootaloo for so long in their youth, Scootaloo had clearly mastered the art and was not nearly as amateur as her two friends. Flurry Heart had apparently spent her free time when she wasn't fucking people to skateboard because she was doing quite well, she wasn't as good as Scootaloo but she was doing much better than Applebloom and Sweetie, Pumpkin could roll around on the skateboard but not do any tricks and was still having trouble with balancing on it considering she had only ever seen her brother skateboard, meanwhile Cozy Glow couldn't even get on the skateboard, it just rolled away from her feet and left her falling flat on her ass.

After all was said and done, they could see the sun setting in the sky and took off all the skateboarding gear to head back to their tent together. Scootaloo said "Phew! I'm beat, how about you guys?"

Cozy went "Yeah, you're telling me! Today was actually pretty fun, I don't know why our schools hate each other so much over such a silly game as soccer!" Everyone giggled, none of them were big sports fans and the fact that they had rivals because of a sports game just seemed a bit odd as a concept. They all got back to the tent and started getting ready to turn in for the night, excited to experience the rest of the activities they had planned for the following day.

Partway through the night, Sweetie had the misfortune of experiencing a sex dream that made her squirm as her pussy moistened itself, she woke up with an aching cunt and a red face. Sweetie knew she wouldn't get back to sleep in her current state, she needed to tire herself out and, hopefully, not wake up her slumbering companions... she knew just the thing. Sweetie went rifling through her bag before pulling out her horse dildo and whispering "Aahh.... hello my equine friend, it's been a while since you've tended to my needs huh? I've neglected you because I've been too busy taking it in the ass from my naughty boyfriend and my even naughtier step-son. Luckily for you though, I'm horny and you are the one and only thing I'll allow into my tight and warm pussy......"

Sweetie removed her pajama bottoms and opened her legs, bringing the flared head of her horse dildo to her glistening folds and pushing it into her moist entrance, Sweetie bit her lip as she pushed the rest of the plastic phallus into her cunny... before she froze in fear as she heard a voice go "Wow... I didn't realize the dildo you mentioned was so...... exotic"

Sweetie's eyes went wide as she saw that Cozy was fully awake and looking just as stunned at the sight of Sweetie sliding a fake horse cock into her nethers. Sweetie broke the silence as she went "Uuhh... well, this is......... awkward I guess, huh?"

Cozy nodded before going "Yeah... it kind of is but... c-can... c-can I watch?"

That was a response that Sweetie never expected, Cozy wanted to watch her masturbate! Rather than give a verbal response, Sweetie just relaxed and resumed her previous motion as she began to gently pump the dildo in and out of herself, allowing Cozy to watch. Cozy watched for a minute or so with intense focus and fascination before yet another voice cut through the darkness and said "Geez you guys, do you know how difficult it already is to wear this thing and not being able to get hard without you two waking up for an impromptu schlicking session?" Pumpkin sat up, removed the cock cage and let it drop to the floor, becoming instantly erect and saying "Cozy, be a pal and deal with this for me would you?"

Cozy blushed and said "Um... alright, you lay down and I'll... I'll blow you, that way I can keep watching Sweetie use her dildo, is that OK?"

Pumpkin lied down and said "Sure, works for me. Want me to eat your pussy?"

Pumpkin was suddenly presented with a pair of pussy lips, though she quickly discovered that they didn't belong to Cozy as Flurry said "Well as much as I hate to deprive Cozy the pleasure, I'd rather you busy yourself on licking me out instead" and mashed her sopping wet sex on Pumpkin's face who instantly got to work licking, moaning as she felt Cozy taking her thick throbbing erection into her mouth, bobbing up and down as she kept her attention on Sweetie's masturbating.

Yet another voice made its presence known as Applebloom went "Are you girls serious? Don't you think y'all coulda picked a better time to have an orgy? Let's just hope we're not too exhausted by the end of it..." and sat back, deciding not to get quite as involved, simply content to watch and rub her pussy. Scootaloo didn't even say anything as she drew Sweetie into a make-out session and took her right breast into her palm, gently kneading the soft tit flesh and, for once, somewhat understanding why her Zipporwhill was so infatuated with Rarity's much bigger rack despite Sweetie's own impressive bust. All the girls stayed as quiet as possible, all of them in various states of undress and in very compromising positions. Inducing sexual pleasure on their friends or themselves, lost in a haze of primitive carnal lust, the need for orgasm overriding their need to sleep.

Sweetie, having been pleasuring herself the longest, was the first to cum and she bit down on her lip to silence her groans of ecstasy. Sweetie's orgasm was swiftly followed by Flurry's who creamed herself under Pumpkin's ministrations before Pumpkin herself grunted as she blew a load into Cozy's mouth who responded by swallowing every drop. The last one to orgasm was Applebloom, who writhed slightly and whimpered as she held her hand over her gushing fuck hole to stop her juices from squirting onto anything in the tent. Once they all came down from their respective climaxes, they all snuck out in the nude in order to have a quick skinny dip in the lake to wash away the smell of sex before returning to the tent and allowing themselves to fall deeply asleep.

Morning arrived and once again Gloriosa was waking everyone up, though the girls were feeling quite refreshed on that particular morning. Gloriosa poked her head into the tent and said "Up and at 'em girls! It's your final day of activities at the camp before you leave tomorrow! So..." there was a pause before Gloriosa blushed and went "Um... Pumpkin dear, I do realize we've pitched some tents here in the camp but we can't have you doing the same! Before you exit the tent, please find a way to deal with your morning wood, ta-ta!"

Pumpkin looked down at her erection and went "Ugh, great! I forgot to put my cage back on! Now I'm saddled with the most non-glorious glory of them all. I need to fap this thing away, anyone got a cup or a condom on them?" they all shook their heads, not even Flurry had brought any condoms, then again she was infertile so she hadn't really ever needed them.

Scootaloo just went "You can use my ass if you like, I'm not asking you to fuck me I'm just saying that you can jerk off and then when you're close, you can just push the head in, do what you gotta do, then pull out"

Pumpkin shrugged and went "Fair enough" as she latched onto her boner and started stroking rapidly, eager to get her dick to go down so that they could get on with the fun events they had for the day. A minute or so later she turned to Scootaloo and said "OK, I'm ready" which prompted Scootaloo to take hold of the butt plug in her rump and pull it out to allow Pumpkin to push the tip of her cock inside her rear end and empty her nuts. Once Pumpkin was finished, Scootaloo pushed the butt plug back into her behind and Pumpkin, upon her member going soft, put the cock cage back in place. The girls went through their usual morning routines and then set out for the next activity on their list - horse riding.

Despite the route that the horses took around the camp only lasting for about fifteen minutes, the horse riding was actually really fun and since the horses weren't expected to gallop, it was just a nice relaxing time... for everyone except Pumpkin. Despite the fact that the horse riding was fun it wasn't quite as relaxing for Pumpkin as it should have been because every five minutes or so she would be reminded of her experiences at the bestiality club, most notably the time Chester gave her her first taste of anal sex and also the time she got to pound Maximus while her girlfriend, Photo Finish, kindly obliged the small equine with a blow job. Remembering those times wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that those memories, coupled with the fact that she was actually riding a horse, made her very aroused but due to the cock cage, she was unable to become erect and thus she was rather uncomfortable for the duration of the experience.

The one good thing about her being uncomfortable however, was that when another kid from Crystal Prep said that they would all get along with the horses because they all had very "horse-like" faces, he quickly learned that an irritated dick-girl wouldn't hesitate to punch him in the face for insinuating that she and all of her friends were ugly. Next up was make-overs and as expected, when they started making their way to the cabin that contained all the clothes, beauty products, make-up and mirrors, a kid from Crystal Prep said "Make-overs huh? Yeah, you all certainly look like you could use one! Good luck trying to hide that amount of ugly!"

Flurry, with surprising flexibility, walked over to him and kicked him in the throat, making him cough violently as he fell to the floor. Applebloom, stunned, just asked "How in the hay can you kick that far into the air?"

Flurry blushed and said "Well... being who i am, I'm used to having my legs occasionally finding a place beside my head whenever someone is fucking me!" The girls all shared a laugh, they didn't feel any shame about their quirks, if Flurry wanted to spend her days being endlessly filled in every hole then that was her choice. The make-over proved to be the most fun one of all, Sweetie kept things very subtle and only used things that accentuated her natural beauty, Applebloom wasn't really into the beautifying thing but was happy to use a couple of products that evened out her complexion and wear some fancy clothing with Scootaloo taking very much the same approach. Cozy was aware that while she wouldn't describe herself as beautiful, she would describe herself as cute and leaned very much in that direction with the make-over, why not embrace the cuteness? Cuteness is cute! Pumpkin did fairly well with her make-up and outfit, though found it slightly challenging to find clothes that didn't show her bulge, Flurry went in the very surprising direction of showing off her inner self by wearing all of the make-up and all of the clothes that screamed "SLUT" to a point that she could have easily passed for an exaggerated version of a porn star or a hooker.

After hitting the showers to wash off all of the beauty products they had used, it was time for the final event, a calm and relaxing nature walk. So far, the Crystal Prep jerks had learned not to mess with any of Cozy's new friends... but Cozy herself? Surely she was still fair game, they'd been picking on her since before this dumb trip had even started, oh how wrong they were. Just before they entered the forest with a trusty map of the path that the nature walk would take them on, a random Crystal Prep guy said "Hey Cozy! It's a shame you didn't bring your boyfriend huh? Seems like he would have loved the nature walk!"

Cozy just gritted her teeth and said "He's not my boyfriend!"

The guy smirked and said "Really? It sure looked that way when you were lying down and sucking his-"

His sentence was interrupted when Cozy punched him in the mouth, actually knocking out a tooth, the boy held a hand to his mouth and scurried away while Cozy screamed at him "Yeah that's right! Run bitch! Run like the little pussy you are!" Once Cozy calmed down, she rejoined the group and they went on the nature walk. The nature walk, much like the horse riding, was very relaxing as they simply strolled through the woods at their own pace and took in the scenery and the wildlife, exotic birds, fish, other woodland critters and most surprising of all was the pack of domesticated wolves that just so happened to live within the forest, two bitches and four studs. Cozy seemed to want to hurry past the wolves for some reason despite the fact that she couldn't stop looking at them.

When they returned to their tent, Flurry just said "Whew, what a day huh?"

Cozy went "Yeah... sorry to ask this girls but... would you mind if I could just quickly crank one out? I feel like cumming would super chill me out right about now"

The girls all exchanged glances before Pumpkin shrugged and said "Sure, go ahead girl, don't let us stop you! Gotta do what you gotta do right? So long as you don't mind being watched by some CHS girls"

Cozy smiled as she retrieved a picture from her bag and said "They're not CHS girls..." before holding the picture to her chest and easing a hand into her panties, then started rubbing as she confidently and proudly proclaimed "They're our friends..."

Sweetie, Scootaloo and Applebloom smiled as everyone sat back, relaxed and watched Cozy touch herself over whoever it was that was in the picture she was holding. After a couple of minutes, Cozy let out a squeak and every muscle in her whole body visibly tensed as she came, shuddering in the after shocks of her climax. There was a silence before Applebloom said "So... now that you consider us friends, think y'all are comfortable enough to tell us why you were bein' bullied?"

Cozy looked at Applebloom and smiled sweetly as she nodded, though rather than saying it, she simply showed them the picture. The picture wasn't particularly shocking, it was a simple picture of a doberman, Cozy explained "This is my pet dog. We're not allowed to have pets on school grounds but I liked having him around too much to obey that rule, then one day some student discovered me behind the bleachers while I was giving my beloved dog a blow job and ever since then... I've been branded as the school weirdo"

There was more silence before Scootaloo went "So... your kink is bestiality? That's it?"

Cozy furrowed her brow and went "Yeah, what do you mean "is that it?" I've been mercilessly ridiculed for this and your response is to say "that's it?" what are you talking about?!"

Sweetie chuckled and said "Well, let me enlighten you about something Cozy. I have a step-son, my step-son is a dog. He's my step-son because my boyfriend fucked a dog and got her pregnant and because my boyfriend is into bestiality, I'll occasionally blow a dog for his viewing pleasure and my step-son has the great honor of fucking me in the ass for his dad to watch and enjoy"

Pumpkin chimed in and said "I've been fucked by a horse and I've fucked a horse while my girlfriend gave him a blow job"

Flurry Heart added "I fooled around with a dog that was technically my cousin because my aunt had children with her pet dog"

Cozy was stunned and said "So... everyone here except Applebloom and Scootaloo have a bestiality kink and... have actually acted upon it?"

Scootaloo grinned and said "Exactly! Though I wouldn't necessarily say I would be against bestiality"

Applebloom, similarly, beamed and went "Yeah, me neither! I mean my sister and her wife actually own and run a club in our town that allows people to indulge in their bestiality kink, that's where all of your dog-fucking and horse-fucking needs are catered for where we are!"

Cozy was bewildered and said "So... in your town there is actually a club specifically for zoophiles? With dogs and horses? Male and female? That... that sounds incredible! That's amazing! I mean, I knew bestiality was legal but to know that there is a business that actually encourages it? That's fantastic! I can't wait to visit!"

Everyone chuckled and Applebloom said "So, feel better about it now?"

Cozy nodded and confirmed "Definitely, though... do you think as a sign of our friendship we could do one more thing as a group before we leave tomorrow?" The girls were intrigued, already agreeing as they listened to Cozy's idea............

The next morning, the girls all asked Gloriosa if they could do one last nature walk before they had to leave and she agreed on the condition that they would be back before the bus arrived to pick them up. This time, nobody from Crystal Prep said anything to them or even went near them, something they would continue to do at school because they had learned that eventually, victims get sick and tired of being victims and fight back to avoid more pain.

The girls all walked into the forest and hurried their way to the clearing where the wolves tended to hang around. Cozy bounced up and down in excitement and said "OK! Who wants the bitches?"

Pumpkin went "I'll fuck one, I'm still pretty wound up so I might as well relieve myself in some tight wolf pussy"

Scootaloo just as quickly said "Yeah, I'm a lesbian and that isn't gonna change even if I'm dealing with a different species"

Cozy, unable to hold back any longer, just shouted "Alright, let's do this!"


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The next few minutes was a cacophony of feminine moaning and wolves panting like there was no tomorrow. Pumpkin was slamming her cock balls deep into some canine cunt and she had to admit that despite this only being the third pussy she had ever fucked in her life, the first two being Flurry and her own mother, she was glad she was in such an open relationship with Photo Finish because as much as she'd gladly pound her girlfriend's ass any day, it was good to know that she could lay claim to the plethora of pussy available to her. Scootaloo meanwhile was lapping away at the other bitches folds, enjoying the familiar tangy taste that came with almost any vagina, human or otherwise.

Applebloom was furiously jerking off one of the studs, aggressively urging him to cum via dirty talk, regardless of whether or not he understood her. Sweetie, Flurry and Cozy on the other hand weren't saying anything, Sweetie was just moaning from the savage pounding she was taking in the ass with Flurry doing the same for the hammering her pussy was taking, Cozy could only hum, her mouth too preoccupied on sucking doggy dick to do much else. The bestiality orgy was just a constant and ongoing endeavor of horny women desperately trying to get their selected mutt to cum and earn themselves some gratification in the process.

By the end of it, Pumpkin had emptied her nuts inside the nethers of a female wolf, Scootaloo got a mouthful of warm wolf juices to enjoy, Applebloom had made her stud nut all over the floor, Sweetie's butt was filled, Flurry's cunt was filled, Cozy swallowed plenty of spunk and they all went back to their home towns as very satisfied women. Best school trip ever!

The End