> Fluttershy’s Huge Sweaty Ass > by Birdybirdbird > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Friends to Lovers/Lovely Fluff And Kinky Smut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strolling through the streets of Ponyville, two ponies were happily enjoying each other’s company, heading off to spend even more time together. “So, you lookin’ forward to this Fluttershy?” One was Rainbow Dash, the other Fluttershy. Currently they were both wearing the same outfit, intending to use it in the same way. Each one was wearing gym clothes (even though ponies didn’t really wear any clothes often) and were deciding to go to the gym together, one confident and one quite the opposite. “I-I don’t know Rainbow, what if people judge me?” Quietly she spoke, Fluttershy had never even set foot in a gym before so she was sure this wouldn’t end well for her. But it is for Rainbow so I should still try my best, right? Contrastingly, Rainbow was an avid member of the gym, going there a lot so she could keep her sporty and athletic body, so she knew a thing or two that her friend didn’t. “Flutters’, trust me, there’s like, nopony there usually, a bunch of the times I’ve been there I was the only one.” Speaking more tenderly she leaned in a bit closer to her. “It’ll be okay.” Despite being the tomboy stereotype everypony knew her to be, Rainbow deeply cared about her friend and knew she felt the same, and even though they’d never done anything to advance their relationship, it felt to her as if they were marefriends already, both still wanting the other to make a move first. Really the whole gym idea was made by Rainbow, but she didn’t fully believe in it. It was a well-meant ruse, something she’d come up with for the sole reason of being an excuse for them to be able to spend more time together. It wasn’t like Dash thought she needed to go to the gym, Fluttershy’s body was something else about her that she liked… really, really liked. They both loved each other, two dumb pegasi pining over the other with everypony but them just wanting them to kiss already. For now though, they were just friends, friends that lusted over each other, sure, but still friends. With love in her eyes and in her voice, she smiled at Rainbow, Fluttershy adoring how secretly caring Rainbow could be. “Thanks, that’s really sweet of you. Thank you for being so understanding.” With Rainbow Dash looking back at her they were lost in each other’s eyes, so obnoxiously fluffy and in love that ponies had actually began to get irritated at them not just getting together already. “Anytime, Shy’.” Sweet Celestia she wanted to lean forward right now, letting them share their first kisses, but she couldn’t, she somehow didn’t realise how mutual the feelings were, even with Fluttershy thinking the exact same thing that she was. “Here we are!” Pushing open the door with the two walking in, Rainbow gestured to the entire gym with her hoof, it having much more in it than Fluttershy expected. “There’s some machines for if you wanna get stronger legs, some for if you wanna have more stamina for running and stuff and there’s even a few things for increasing wing strength! Watcha wanna do?” Clearly enthusiastic about this, she listed all they could do, easily overwhelming her friend with the information. Fluttershy just watched though, happy that Rainbow was happy but terrified when she turned to her expectantly. “I-I- Well, um- I… Uh-“ Not getting anywhere, she stumbled over her words, her mind working tirelessly to try and give the answer that her friend wanted. Wh-What can I- WAIT! “I’m fine doing whatever you want to, Rainbow.” Smiling as she calmed down, she was pleased she was able to come up with the answer as quick as she did, and was pretty sure that it would go down fine with her gym partner. But Rainbow wasn’t as happy with it as she was, unsure with it. “You sure? It’s only your first time here and I don’t want you to be overworked, my workout can be a biiiiiiit much.” The pegasus didn’t just exercise really, she trained, being as amazing a flier as she was didn’t just come naturally to her… well, some of it anyway… a tiny bit. I don’t care, if we’ll be on the same machines and stuff then we can just chat and if it does get too hard then she can help me through it! With a confidence that didn’t show up often, she beamed at Rainbow. “I’ll be okay. We can help each other through it!” Oh. My. Gosh. It should’ve been a crime to have a smile that adorable, and Rainbow literally couldn’t say no to it, not even if she tried. “…Y-Yeah, sure!” She still had her doubts but her optimism rubbed off on her, for better or for worse. Trotting through the gym, they looked around together. Fluttershy was marvelling at how much work must’ve gone into the machines, but Rainbow wasn’t, she was seeing how there was not a single other pony here, them being all alone together. It wasn’t a big gym, it was the only one in Ponyville being right on the edge of it, but when you realise just how few ponies actually cared about exercising, the lack of anypony else and the size of the place made sense. “Well, I usually start on this machine, that good?” It was a simple weight machine, the only one in the gym surprisingly; you sit on the seat and push out your lower legs to lift the weights on a pulley, that’s basically it. Rainbow knew she could do it, it didn’t weigh much to her, but it was all about how many times you did it that mattered. After receiving a confirmation she climbed onto it and did what she always did, pushing the weights before easing them back to where they started. Hm, somepony must’ve lowered the weight. It didn’t matter though, Fluttershy was patiently waiting her turn and she wouldn’t keep her waiting. Beating her wings and flying out of the complicated contraption, she drifted back to the yellow mare, smiling encouragingly. “You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” “I know but… I-I want to do this.” They looked much more intimidating up close, but she couldn’t back down, not now. Climbing onto the seat, she got into position, placing her hooves where necessary (after Rainbow showed her) and determinedly pushing the weights with all her might… but they didn’t budge. Dang it. Trying again she closed her eyes, really trying and even grinding her teeth together as she did, yet still, nothing happened. Damn. I thought this might happen. Moving over, Rainbow tried lowering the weights, but even then Fluttershy could barely do it, clearly not the strongest pony there was, not that either cared. “‘Shy, we could-“ “No!” Realising what she just did, her yellow hooves shot up to her mouth, covering it in shock before they moved so she could beg for forgiveness. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry Rainbow! I-I didn’t mean to shout, I’m so, so sorry!” Still seated, her voice echoed through the room, the pleading being the only sound in it all. “Could you ever forgive m-“ In the panic of it all, she has never noticed Rainbow move closer, not even when she placed a hoof over her mouth. Opening her eyes up timidly, Fluttershy stared into the pink pupils looking at her, her crush having an understanding expression. “Fluttershy, it’s fine, really. I seriously don’t mind that you shouted and I seriously am okay with us doing other things if my over-the-top exercises are too much.” It wasn’t just something said to calm her down, it was a fact, and the yellow mare understood that. She still felt bad though, she didn’t like shouting, and especially not at Rainbow of all ponies. “B-But I-“ “No ‘buts’! You’ve done literally nothing wrong ‘Shy, it’s okay.” Them still continuing to remain in the moment, Rainbow Dash was caught off guard as Fluttershy kept going. Voice nearly a whisper, she spoke to Rainbow, not sure if she even wanted her to hear. “B-But I… I-I really need this.” The mood suddenly shifted, and rather than face Rainbow, Fluttershy looked away embarrassedly with her body crumpling in on itself. She looked really self-conscious, much more so than usual, something that Dash instantly picked up on. W-What does she- This must’ve been more than just her being upset by the shouting, it couldn’t have been just that if Fluttershy was this worked up over it. Okay. I need to be a perfect friend here… What would Fluttershy do right now? Coming up with an idea, she couldn’t quickly think of a better one, and acted on it. Sitting down on the floor and tapping the floor in front of her gingerly, Rainbow Dash let the mare come to her so they could talk more personally. And surprisingly, it worked, Flutters’ hesitantly getting off the machine and joining her on the floor, both still in their gym clothes as they sat calmly. “I’m sorry.” The shy pony was disappointed in herself, this was supposed to be a nice get-together but she still found a way to ruin it. “But you shouldn’t be though, you’ve done nothing wrong.” She wouldn’t see it that way and Rainbow understood that, maybe another way would work. “What do you mean you ‘need this’?” The speedster was likely the least patient pony in Ponyville, but she’d let her friend take as long as she needed to to answer, anything for Fluttershy. “I-I-“ This is stupid. “I can feel a little… embarrassed when it comes to my body.” Glancing her eyes up, having avoided eye contact looking down at the ground between them, she expected some reaction of denial before Rainbow could’ve even thought about the question, but instead she kindly sat there for her, nodding for her to continue. And being encouraged by this she did. “I know that I’m a bit… bigger in some places and I know that my body doesn’t exactly look the best, but I really want to look good and I want… you t-to think I look… nice.” Looking off to the side as she blushed, Rainbow was now zoning out, lost in her head. What the fuck? It wasn’t common for her to swear but she allowed it for this situation, because Fluttershy was the most drop-dead gorgeous pony she’d ever had the pleasure of knowing, having a perfect and definitely desirable body. “Fluttershy, what do you mean? You’re like the most beautiful, hot and the sexiest pony I know.” The sentence came out in one breath, also coming out without Rainbow noticing she’d said it until after she had. She’d meant every word, but still… It took only seconds for their faces to light up, both burning red as they took in the words that slipped out. The blue pegasus had been stressing too much to notice Fluttershy’s reaction to it though, a small smile appearing on her face. She didn’t care too much about how other ponies saw her, but if Rainbow thought she was all that she’d said then that was more than good enough for her. Going back to seeing each other eye-to-eye, they had reversed their roles now, Fluttershy being the one looking while Rainbow Dash avoided eye contact. Readying herself to, Rainbow looked up, making sure she could salvage the little she could from this situation by trying to move on from it, only it backfired miserably. A chuckle turned into a giggle, a giggle turned into a laugh, and a laugh turned into the both of them cracking up, the tension between them fading nicely as they both laughed away the awkwardness that Rainbow created. As time moved on, they did too, the laughing having slowed until it stopped and them now sitting in a comfortable silence. “Thanks for that, it was nice of you to say.” They were both still blushing madly, but at least the atmosphere had changed to a happier one, even if Rainbow was still a bit embarrassed at being caught so red-hoofed. “Oh, um, yeah, any-anytime Fluttershy.” But the typically timid mare wasn’t done yet, and whether a small part of her didn’t believe Rainbow or she was just feeling happy enough to tease her, Fluttershy wanted to ask another question. Smirking slyly, her eyes looked her crush directly in the eye, trying to sound nonchalant while asking it. “So… What part of my body do you like the most then?” Embarrassment clearly flooded through Rainbow again, it was weird for her to be the shy one in any situation, but still she tried answering the question, thinking Fluttershy still felt self-conscious as her face was bright red. “Well… I mean… Y-You um, have a really nice-“ I’m going to regret this, aren’t I? “You have a really nice flank, ‘Shy.” She was still stuck blushing up a storm, and thinking about her crush’s amazing ass didn’t help. Once again Flutters’ wanted to jump on her right here, slamming their lips together. After this catastrophe of an interaction she had a pretty good feeling that they felt the same way about each other. The mare nearly tries asking ‘What do you like about it so much?’ But Rainbow had gone through enough already and they were still in the middle of the open gym. Giggling to herself quietly, the awkwardness of the situation they were in catching up to her, Dash shot her an annoyed look. Mumbling off to the side she just blushed more, “You don’t have to laugh you know.” Crossing her front legs over her chest she pouted off to the side, her secretly smiling, happy that Fluttershy had been successfully cheered up. “Hehehe… S-Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” “Tsk. It’s fine.” Once again, they went back to sitting in silence. Both not hiding their happiness, it was no secret that enjoyed the moments they got to spend together, even if they were on the floor. Even then though, Fluttershy knew they couldn’t stay here forever. “So… What do you think we should do next? I promise I won’t overexert myself again and I don’t want to delay your exercises any more than I already have.” Snapping from her thoughts, Rainbow thought about it out loud. “Well if you don’t mind I can just continue my exercises. You could keep do what I do as well, but… it’ll probably have to be on the lowest settings.” “Okay then, I don’t mind!” Filled up again with the joy they shared, both mares stood up off the ground. “Oh, and I don’t mind you delaying my workouts, I’m always happy to help you out!” “Thanks, Rainbow.” With two genuine smiles written all over their muzzles, the couple headed off to the next machine in the gym, relishing in the company of each other as they trotted away blissfully. “Oh, and I like your flank too, Dash.” “Sh-Shut up!” And she’d just managed to get rid of her blush too! After their little chat on the floor, our cute duo of mares got to working out together using all the machines Rainbow usually trained with and working hard to impress the other, so soon, an hour flew by without the pegasi even noticing. Them having such good company though didn’t mean that the two did little exercising, in fact, Fluttershy got a great workout following what Dash did, and though it was difficult, she still soldiered on, her body showing its exertion through the sweaty gym clothes sticking to her big, jiggly body. So, not completely drained of energy yet, the two sweaty ponies sought to end their day of physical activity, which brought them over to the last machine in the gym. “So ‘Shy, usually after a full workout I like to have a kind of ‘wind-down sesh’. Or in other words, I have a little jog on the treadmill to finish my day. It’s good for endurance, plus can be really chillaxing. You up for it?” Though this was the easiest, Rainbow could literally see how taxing today was for Fluttershy. She was literally wiping the sweat dripping from her forehead as she turned to her, so Rain’ didn’t want to push her luck. “Could…” Panting lightly, ‘Shy looked her closest friend in the eye. She was sure she looked like a mess, and she probably reeked of her own sweat, but she’d still give it a go for Rainbow… after a tiny break. “Could you go first…. I wanna go on, I just…” “Oh, it’s okay, I get it.” Letting Fluttershy take a seat on the floor behind the only treadmill in the gym, Rainbow stepped up onto the machine and (after a few button presses) set off. For about ten minutes, little happened, with the more athletic of the two jogging on the spot and Fluttershy resting behind her. At times Rainbow zoned out, wondering how the complicated contraption actually worked, but she was knocked out of them thoughts by the prominent feeling of eyes watching her very intently. So as the time passed, the two stayed in a calm silence whilst Fluttershy’s breathing evened out, and soon, Rainbow Dash was finished for the day. Beep. Beep. The timer sounded out, signalling the ten minutes were up. “Hup!” The mare bounced from the machine before she politely gestured to it to her friend that was once again seated on the floor. “All yours, Shy’!” And now that she’d gotten a chance to rest, Fluttershy stood and got onto the machine, Rainbow taking her place behind her where she’d been sat. “D-Do I just…?” A yellow hoof was raised over a button. “Yep, that green one.” After she tapped it, the floor suddenly jolted beneath Fluttershy, coaxing a little “Eep!” from her, but then, it moved back, and the roles were reversed as she got to jogging while Rainbow watched patiently. But only when her crush and not-so-secret obsession began moving did Rainbow realise a fatal flaw in this plan. Holy shit. As she was behind the mare jogging peacefully, Rainbow Dash was forced to watch the only thing she could: Fluttershy’s huge sweaty ass bouncing up and down and up and down in front of her. Like a sonic rainboom, the inevitable blush took over her face at the sight, but instead of respecting her friend’s privacy by looking away, Rainbow watched on, enamoured by the glorious sight before her. Under the gym tights that didn’t nearly conceal all the ass Fluttershy had, were two massive and plump yellow cheeks, and with every step she took, the massive pillows jiggled all over the place, that already being enough to turn Rainbow on. But there was more, so much more. Past her tail and in the crack between her bounding buttcheeks was the lewd sight of completely sweat-soaked tights, them clinging to ‘Shy’s backside so much that her genitalia underneath was actually accentuated by it. Awestruck, Rainbow could see it all as clear as day: every contour and crevice of her puffy pony snatch, every joyful jiggle of her plump teats, and every inch of her fat, juicy ponut. Upon seeing it, the aroused pony very nearly moved her hoof to her own cunt out of instinct, but she only just stopped herself in time, having to resist masturbating at the sight right now and instead just letting her wettening pussy beg for attention as it’s juices seeped into her own clothing. Still though, just ‘cause she couldn’t rub one out right now at the most arousing thing she’s ever seen didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the view. Holy fuck I wanna stick my face into- Beep. Beep. Having passed like seconds, ten minutes ended, and Rainbow Dash was sent scrambling to act natural despite being horny as fuck. “Ahh… You were right Rainbow,” Stepping from the treadmill, Fluttershy faced the pony with her, it not occurring to her that she was blushing up a storm. “That was very ‘chillaxing’.” Giggling to herself at the slang, Fluttershy glanced up expectantly, forcing a response from the pony that could barely get a word out. “Oh, uh- Ye- Y-Yeah. I-It is, isn’t it?” Finally, Fluttershy did notice the oddness of the blue mare in front of her. Hm? Why is she so red? But she ignored it, if her love had gotten sick or something in the last ten minutes then she could deal with that in the future. “So, should we head to the showers now? I feel so sweaty. I don’t know how you do this all the time, and I only did a bit of what you did!” Very much carrying the conversation here, Fluttershy paused for a response, giving Rainbow Dash a chance to clear her throat and sort herself out enough to speak normally. “Y-Yeah, let’s go now, I’m also feeling a bit… umm… s-sweaty.” “Okay!” Of course, the less awkward of the two decided to set off first, leaving Rainbow to follow behind her, which an aching part of her appreciated, but the rest of Rainbow didn’t. Strolling together at a leisurely pace, there was once again no resistance in the mare behind to let her eyes wander, so instantly and without much rational thought, she went back to ogling her childhood friend, gazing lasciviously at the juicy rump practically being presented to her. How the fuck does she go everyday with such a massive ass trailing behind her? How the fuck have I never seen her date anypony? Ever? I mean, she’s perfect in literally every way! Meanwhile, in front, Fluttershy got the same strange feeling that she felt on the treadmill, and was curious to find out what it was on this small walk. But behind, Dash was too aroused to be cautious right now. Turning a corner together, the two got a little closer for only a split second, yet somehow, that tiny instance of her being nearer to the delectable ass was enough for something entirely unexpected to happen: Rainbow caught a whiff of Fluttershy’s stench, and instantly her body reacted. As soon as the rich, heavy musk entered her nose, Rainbow had to clench her thighs together, a feeble attempt to stop the rush of arousal that splurted out onto her tights. She was very tempted, if only for a split second, to dive forward and smash her face between the two chubby cheeks before her, inhaling deeply every bit of her sweaty, musky, lewd smell that she could, but again, she somehow resisted, and compromised by telling herself she could go home after this and rub herself silly at the thought of such a behemoth of a plot and its stench. Wait, I have a sweat kink, don’t I? Back at the front, ‘Shy peeked behind her, eager to know just what was that lingering feeling on her was, and for the second she dared look she got her answer. There was her best friend and crush there, blushing madly yet again, but it was only because her pink eyes were locked onto Fluttershy’s ass. O-Oh my gosh! Barely believing what she saw behind her, she too felt her face burn up as she tried her best to take in the new information. Wh-Wh-Wha- Sh-She’s… Taking deep breaths, Fluttershy tried her hardest to calm herself. O-Okay. So Rainbow’s staring at your butt, n-no big deal. That was a blatant lie to herself, it was a big deal, a very big deal to her. I-I know she said she liked my ass, but- WAIT A SECOND! WAS SHE BLUSHING EARLIER BECAUSE SHE WAS WATCHING ME ON THE… Embarrassment flooding through her, the mare felt insanely conflicted instantly. On one hoof, she was being ogled unashamedly, but on the other, it was Rainbow doing it, and it kind of felt not only exhilarating but arousing as well to know she found her that attractive. O-Okay, just act natural. What she needed was to escape these annoying clothes clinging to her and find some place to process all this, and fortunately for her, they were right outside the locker rooms, their walk abruptly ending. Yes! We’re here! They entered as she held the door open, and walked into the room with lockers on the walls and a bench in the middle for them to sit on. On entering the new environment, Rainbow finally broke from her horny trance and (yet again) tried acting casually, even after she’d been discovered. Silently, the two horny mares went over to different lockers, neither daring to break the awkward atmosphere that blanketed the room. Pulling wristbands from her front legs with her teeth, Dash took her time as she thought on how to break the tension, but at the corner of her vision, she couldn’t avoid seeing the sexiest mare in Equestria undressing hurriedly. For the nth time today, she couldn’t look away. And while she enjoyed the unintentional show, Fluttershy had the same idea repeating in her head: Get to the toilets, then you can sort this out. Get out of here, then you can deal with all these… feelings. Those feelings being that -if Rainbow looked at her tights now- she’d see that they were a bit wetter than earlier. Back to the pegasus frozen in place, she watched on as ‘Shy’s wings pulled down her tights and released the masses of ass back into the world. It was pure agony resisting, her pussy screaming at her to do something, anything to satiate it’s need, but stopping herself, Rainbow just let her need for pleasure rise and rise, her on the breaking point but totally unwilling to embarrass herself in front of her crush. Done! Letting the last item of clothing hit the floor, Fluttershy screamed. “I need the toilet!” And then she sprinted off around the corner, leaving Dash alone… with a sopping wet pussy… and her recently-used gym clothes just sitting there... Rainbow Dash saw them there on the floor. And then her eyes checked that Fluttershy had definitely left. And then she pounced. Diving to the clothes, Dash let her urges control her, and without hesitancy or shame she snatched them up with a hoof, sitting on the floor, leaning back against a locker and shoving her other hoof down into her sopping wet tights. Sticking her snatch out more, the bafflingly lustful pony began rubbing vigorously. Then, she took her other hoof and lifted the worn tights up to her face, sticking her muzzle right where she knew the intoxicating stench would be the strongest. SNIIIIIIIIFF! Inhaling like she’d been driven mad by lust, her hoof rubbed harder and harder on her marehood, focusing on the clit as her body reacted to the long-awaited sensation. Oh my goooooooosh! The smell, the potent, powerful musk of Fluttershy’s junk was enough to shake Rainbow’s body. It smelt like ‘Shy, but infinitely stronger and infinitely lewder. Like a broken faucet, Dash’s cunt was leaking all over the place, but she couldn’t care less that her juices were creating a pool on the floor, all she could care about right now was this. Holy fuck! We need to go to the gym more often! All her heats combined didn’t possibly compare to how horny she was right now. She didn’t know how long she’d been here having the time of her life. Seconds? Minutes? Either way, she could feel she was getting close, and desperately, the horny mare yearned to reach the satisfaction that had been taunting her for so long. At the same time, not far from her, Fluttershy was in for a shock as she made her way from the toilets. She hadn’t done anything in there, not touching herself or actually using the toilet. All she did was calm herself in there, trying to get rid of both her horniness and her confusion so she could function properly around Rainbow. Okay Fluttershy, you can do this. All you do now is act natural. Yes, the mare you… w-want to be with was ogling you, but that’s no reason to panic, it just means she likes my body and my personality… a lot. Turning the corner, she was picking up the courage to maybe try and ask the other pegasus out on a date after she’d put it off for years. However, all thoughts of that slipped away from the innocent mare when she strode back into the locker room, eying up the lewdest sight she’d seen in her entire life on the floor in front of her. Rainbow Dash was masturbating like she was some pining mare in heat, stuffing her face into the clothes she’d taken off and audibly huffing as much of her scent from the drenched tights as she could. “H-Holy shit.” The words came out before she could even register them, but seeing as Rainbow froze too, she’d definitely said them too loud. Back on the ground, Dash’s blue hoof stopped messily and noisily rubbing her cunt, just as her eyes suddenly went wide after she’d heard the voice. Removing the fabric from her face, Rainbow looked up terrified to see Fluttershy staring back in pure shock. For a while, neither moved, leaving Rainbow there in her state of degeneracy and shame as panic took away a good bit of her horniness. But eventually, Fluttershy’s mind did try to comprehend the bizarre situation playing out. She’s… masturbating to my scent. Sticking her f-face where my ass had been and… l-lusting over… over me. Behind her, ‘Shy’s rear tensed as she felt her snatch get wetter at the new information. Because the bottom line was: she did this. It was her that Rainbow Dash was lusting over so much, and it was her that had this effect on Dash’s arousal. Though she’d likely never admit it, the thing was that this was mutual, and she could remember multiple times in the past when she’d been lying in bed, madly pleasuring herself to the thought of the mare she wanted to be with. So knowing that they were in the same boat here, holding themselves back from each other so much that their lust was driving them insane, it sent a burst of confidence through Fluttershy, and she did something neither expected. “Y-You know, if you liked my ass that much you could’ve just asked…” Mumbling shyly, the exhilarated mare couldn’t hide the smile on her face as she turned away. But predictably, Rainbow was baffled at… everything going on. “Wh… What?” She was pretty sure she’d heard her right, but still, she couldn’t be sure. She could be dreaming right now. Meanwhile, Fluttershy had no clue where this sudden confidence was coming from, but either way, she wouldn’t let it go to waste. “Well… I mean… I-I would’ve let you have a closer look earlier if you’d just asked.” Not stopping herself and not wanting to, ‘Shy turned around and lifted her tail. Ass out, she put her nethers on full display, loving how Rainbow was enamoured by her body once more. Dash didn’t move. What in Equestria is going on?! This had to be a dream, right? There was no way her Fluttershy was being this forward. Seeing no reaction in the gobsmacked face, the exposed mare didn’t know how to respond, so out of instinct she expected the worst. “I-If you don’t want to, I understa-“ “NO! I DO!” In an instant, Rainbow jumped up to her hooves, the pegasus snapping back to the moment with her sexually frustrated body not willing to let this chance evade her. Quickly though, she calmed down and her voice suddenly became bashful. “I’m just surprised you wanna, y’know, do it with me. We’ve never really…” “W-Well…” It’s now or never, Fluttershy! “I r-really like you is the thing, a-and I thought that we could h-have some fun, y’know ‘cause you’re really hot and you seem to find me hot too and I thought that since you like my butt and we’re both really horny right now we could-“ Abruptly, the rambling was cut short by Rainbow placing a hoof over her mouth. “I love you too, ‘Shy.” Moving her hoof, Dash closed the distance between them, and like that they stood in the middle of the locker room sharing their first kiss. As their minds and bodies jumped for joy, they both instantly melted into the kiss, each wrapping a front leg around each other to pull them closer and deepen the kiss. In sync, their tongues moved from them and into the other’s mouth, them swirling and dancing around each other as sparks flew. But soon, the romantic moment got overtaken by the degeneracy their bodies hungered for, and instead of being graceful, their tongues battled madly as they sloppily made out, the heat rising and their bodies preparing for the inevitable fun about to happen. They pulled from each other at some point, gasping for air after kissing for as long as they could. Ignoring the strands of saliva connecting them, they just looked into each other’s eyes with the biggest shit-eating grins on their face, two fluffy lovers finally getting what they’d been wanting for years. But despite their usual personalities, Fluttershy made the first move, the aching at her core demanding to be satisfied by a certain rainbow-maned mare. “Rain’, get on the bench, I’ve got an idea if you still want that up close and personal tour with my butt.” “You know I do.” She didn’t have to say that twice, ‘cause Rainbow knew nothing would turn her on more than whatever it was her lover had in mind. Dashing over to the wide, long bench and placing her own ass on it, one of the two excited pegasi watched as Fluttershy strolled over with a seductive and loving gaze. Reaching her, Flutters’ placed a hoof on her chest and pushed Dash down until she was on her back and staring up at the ceiling. “You ready?” “Ready for what?” Not having connected the dots yet, Rainbow Dash was clueless to what was happening, right until she saw her fat-assed adorer climb up onto the bench and stand directly above her. Holy. Shit. Blocking the light from above, the plump bubble butt was the only thing Dash wanted to see, ‘Shy’s dangling teats, dripping pussy and puffy ponut included. “You sure you can handle a faceful of sweaty ass? It’s not like you’ve been hiding how much you love it’s smell!” Fluttershy’s lust controlled her now, Dash going through the same. They didn’t need rational thought though, not here, not now, and certainly not with them positioned like this. Staring up at the glorious, naked buttocks, Dash’s hoof slithered down her still-clothed body and snook back into her tights. “‘Shy, I need it.” Literally, she did. Her body was aching, yearning for it when it was right there, mocking her by staying just out of reach. Grinning, Fluttershy wouldn’t let her suffer for much longer. Plus, her horny self was demanding satisfaction too. “Fine then, if you insist!” In one smooth movement, the pony dropped her heavy ass down and shoved Rainbow’s muzzle into her crack. Seated on her face, letting her plump cheeks surround her head, the mare that needed a shower the most felt her body celebrate upon feeling her moist genitalia smush into Rainbow’s enthusiastic face. And underneath her, being used as a seat, Rainbow was in heaven. Inhaling deeply, she got the purest, most concentrated musk she could ever dream of, her entirely and utterly unable to escape the pungent, dirty aroma that ‘Shy’s ass was surrounding her with. Basically, there was no place she’d rather be than here. Rapidly, her hoof got to work on pleasuring her, rubbing her spraying cunt wildly, but the other was wrapped around the bakery on top of her, forcing it down more so that she could get deeper in and feel more of Fluttershy’s pussy-juice and ass-sweat on her lewd, overjoyed face. But as she was living her best life down here, she didn’t want to be the only one having fun. Giggling to herself on top, Fluttershy ground on Rainbow a little. She was getting little stimulation from being up here, but that absolutely didn’t mean she wasn’t enjoying it, actually she’d say this was the most thrilled she’d ever felt, and it could only get better from here. “Hehe, y’know Rainbow, I do like my sofa at home, but if you ever want to come over and take its place you’re more than welcome to- AAH!” A bolt of lightning shot up Fluttershy’s spine as the most intense pleasure swept her unsuspecting and helpless body. Wh-What was- ”AHHN!” Arching her back and gritting her teeth, the fat-asses mare recoiled as, yet again, pleasure overwhelmed her. And causing it underneath, the sound of moaning was music to Rainbow’s ears. With her nose huffing as much of ‘Shy’s stench as she could, the masturbating pegasus felt vaginal juices enter her mouth as she once again jabbed her tongue as deep inside her mare as she could. Swirling it around, she hit every spot she could and relished the flavour of all she got to taste. And on top, Fluttershy was screaming out how much she loved the attention, all shyness gone as she shamelessly begged for more. “YES! HOLY HECK, RAINBOW! MORE! GET IT IN AS DEEP AS YOU CAN! KEEP GOING! IT FEELS SO GOOD!” Panting with her tongue out, the sitter felt as her body shook and her wings stayed erect with the loving she was receiving. She couldn’t get enough of their kinky sex, and wanted it to never end as she poured a downfall of her wetness onto Dash’s face. “PLEASE! DEEPER! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” But though neither wanted this to ever end, Rainbow could feel her climax approaching. This situation was just too arousing, and her orgasm was threatening to explode out of her while she moaned and panted into ‘Shy’s snatch. So refusing to stop rubbing, the determined mare tried twice as hard to make the other mare cum first, assaulting her hot, pink inner walls with her tongue as she toyed with Fluttershy’s swollen, sensitive clit. “NGAH! UNF! Y-YES! MORE!” In bursts, cacophonies of slutty moans filled the room, the yowling mare’s eyes rolling back into her head as Rainbow’s plan to force her orgasm onto her worked. In her fiery core, her long-awaited orgasm was getting stronger and stronger quickly as the mare beneath refused to give in, so, after having constant pleasure shooting through her, Fluttershy wasn’t able to stop it as her lover’s efforts succeeded and she prepared to erupt all over her. “AH R-RAINBOW! YOU’RE TOO GOOD! I’M- I’M GONNA- NGAAAAAAAHHHH!” Singing her heart out, Fluttershy’s body shook as the most powerful orgasm of her life consumed her, and her pussy sprayed violently all over Dash’s face. And at the same time, Rainbow Dash came too, how could she not? The smell, the taste, the feel, the experience of being covered in the mare-cum of the pony she loved. All of it was easily enough to make her soil her already soggy tights with even more mare-cum. But after they rode their intense orgasms out, moaning throughout and loving every second of it, they calmed down from their lust-induced hazes and, eventually, tried removed themselves from each other in a comfortable silence. Squelch! Fluttershy shifted her big ass, with Dash helping lift her weak body up while her wet muzzle slipped out of her crack. Getting a breath of fresh air, she already missed the feeling of being under ‘Shy, but she understood that this would’ve had to happen eventually as she remained lying down, staring at the ceiling. Moving, two yellow cheeks sat on the bench beside the rainbow-maned head resting there. The pony who owned them fidgeted on her new seat before she finally broke the silence between them. “That was…” She was utterly baffled. They’d actually had sex. This wasn’t another one of her fantasies, the two had actually fucked. “Yeah… That was…” Of course, the feeling was mutual as Dash joined her in trying to contemplate what the heck just happened. At least they both agreed on one thing. “That was amazing, ‘Shy.” Looking down at the head of the mare she loved, Fluttershy smiled widely and honestly, her face conveying everything Dash needed to know about how she felt about the fun they’d just had. “Oh, and you’re gonna join me the next time we go to the gym.” Yes she was. Half an hour later and after a shit-ton more of confessing their feelings to each other and nonstop kissing, the two were here, sat together and chatting in a large shower cubicle, Fluttershy happily rubbing soap into Rainbow Dash’s back. “So, I was thinking, how about for a first date we go to that fancy restaurant you’ve been eying? Or we could just chill at my place if you want.” Rainbow Dash asked the question and looked behind her to see her new marefriend’s reaction, but her face never changed, it continuing to smile blissfully. “I don’t really mind where we go, Dash. As long as I’m with you.” “Pfft! That was so corny!” “Yeah, but you loved it anyway.” “Yeah… I did.”