> In the Bleak Midwinter > by Comicizzum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy sat at her kitchen table, her sad eyes drawn down towards a cup of hot peppermint cocoa. The window over the sink was covered in frost, its snowy pane overflowing with the latest blanket from Cloudsdale. Long, thick icicles obscured part of the frozen world outside. The room was lit with a few candles, enough to chase away the darkness but not enough to lighten the poor pegasus’s heart.  A tear escaped her eye but Fluttershy did nothing to hinder its progress. It cut down her cheek, dropping to the table, lingering on the surface as a manifestation of the heart breaking inside.  Winter had always been hard for her, being the time of year that most of her animal companions vanished; some to hibernate, others to migrate to warmer climates. On the rare occasion she would find a critter in the woods but those were on days when the snow wasn’t as thick as it was now. At this rate, her home was so buried she wouldn’t be able to leave it for weeks. Good thing she had a fully stocked pantry; not that she was in any mood to eat anything. Another tear fell, joining the other on the wooden surface. Fluttershy sniffled.  This winter was going to be the hardest of all because, with the coming of spring, she would have to face the reality that her beloved Angel Bunny would not be resurfacing with the rest of his family. He had died during the fall, having lived a very long and fulfilling life. Fluttershy had been absolutely heartbroken when she laid the bunny to rest in her backyard. Looking out at the white and gray world, her heart throbbed painfully when she realized the snow was so thick she couldn’t see his grave anymore. It was likely she wouldn’t see it again until spring. Fluttershy gasped at the thought, her chest tightening and her lungs heaving for air.  She didn’t realize she was sobbing until a warm paw and eagle claw scooped her up, pressing her into the soft surface of thick brown and gray fur. Talons slowly, gently, stoked her mane, their touch comforting and real; a lifeline in a storm. Fluttershy’s hooves wrapped around her rescuer's neck, her face pushing further into his chest as her sobs increased.  Wordlessly, he carried her out of the kitchen into the living room. With a couple snaps of his fingers, a blazing warm fire was crackling in the hearth and the couch had been transformed into a large cushion within a wicker basket. Discord laid Fluttershy on the plaid surface before coiling around her, his body fully encompassing hers. Grabbing a patchwork quilt with his tail, he threw it over the two of them, tucking the ends in on all sides. Under the blanket Fluttershy grabbed his eagle arm and clutched it closely to her chest. He looped his lion arm over her back, beneath her wings, squeezing affectionately. Lowering his head on the cushion, he pressed his cheek against hers, rubbing it softly back and forth. Fluttershy’s sobbing eventually slowed to exhausted, even breaths and she pressed her nose against Discord in thanks. He responded by kissing her forehead. She sighed.  A temporary peace had finally been found.  Discord had first made the suggestion to spend the season together when the leaves began to change, knowing from previous conversations that it was Fluttershy's least favorite time of year. Little did they know the loss that was about to be inflicted on the pegasus. “Are you warm enough?” he asked, finally breaking the silence. Fluttershy nodded.  Another moment passed before she quietly whispered, “Thank you.” “Whatever for, my dear?” “For putting up with me,” she mumbled. “I know I haven’t been the best company. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t gone crazy with how still and quiet my home has been.” Discord sighed. “While it is true that I miss the usual chaos those animals bring to the place, I’ve made enough changes to the house to feel comfortable.” Fluttershy looked up and surveyed the living room. The tree they had decorated for Hearth’s Warming was hanging from the ceiling, the ornaments and star defying gravity and staying perfectly in place. The walls had been painted in different patterns and the floor mimicked a clear night sky. Presents swam around the ceiling in a sea of ribbon and bows.  The clash of color would make any other pony cringe but Fluttershy drew comfort from it. “I didn’t go overboard, did I?” Discord asked, his tail twitching nervously against her back leg. Fluttershy gave him a reassuring smile. “No. It’s nice. I’m sorry I haven’t noticed it until now.” “You have been understandably preoccupied,” he consoled.  Fluttershy’s smile fell and his soon followed. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, sniffling again. “I wanted this Hearth’s Warming to be special; just the two of us.” “And it has been,” Discord assured. “But I haven’t been myself.” “Shy, you’re mourning. I don’t expect you to be cheerful. He was your companion for many years. I’ve never lost any creature I’ve cared about but I do care about you. And Twilight said that what you need most right now is support.” “And you’ve given it,” she assured, squeezing his arm. “In every way. Thank you, for being my reason to smile.” He nuzzled her cheek. “You’re welcome.” The two of them then curled deeper into each other’s arms, Discord gently pressing his lips against hers. Fluttershy smiled, drawing comfort from the kiss. She rubbed the underside of his head with her nose before returning her chin to the cushion. Discord placed his head beside hers, a tender smile curling his lips.  “I love you, Shyfly,” he whispered. She smiled, eyes closed. “I love you too.”  Outside, the clouds released another sprinkling of snow, the flakes falling slowly toward the iron earth below. But within the cottage, cocooned in love, the sting of grief, for now, failed to pierce the heart of the draconequus’ beloved.