Cuddling Conversations

by Sunnydaze911

First published

The happily married Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer talk about their future together.

A few years after graduating college, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle became married and start a new life together. A couple of years into their marriage, they talk about their future together and how their new development will change their lives.

This story is inspired by EileenSaysHi's Her Warmth.

Chapter 1

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A basement is full of dim lighting with various machines and gadgets, both unfinished and complete. These items are scattered everywhere in this vast space, including instruction papers containing several details from each invention. And at the center of it is a young scientist named Twilight Sparkle. She sits at her desk, pouring her ingenious ideas on her notepad.

She yawns, her mind and body protesting that it’s time for rest. She was reluctant to attend to her human needs, which was usual, as she'd rather spend all her time and effort on her experiments and projects. But she did remember she’d promised her wife to have a regular sleep schedule to enjoy their nightly cuddles.

With a heavy sigh, she leaves her workspace desk and heads upstairs, and leaves the basement. Upon entering the living room and noticing the dim lighting, she proceeds to her bedroom. As expected, she sees her wife, Sunset Shimmer, sitting on their queen bed, reading a novel with a rigid mahogany case. Near the left side of the bed is her dog Spike dozed off, which is surprising since he usually sleeps at the foot of the bed.

The redhead looks up from her book and sees her spectacled wife at the doorframe. “Hey, you’re up early,” she remarked.

“Well, I did promise.” The scientist says as she goes to their closet. She rummages through it until she finds her nightgown. “I was beginning to miss our cuddles.”

“Heh, same here,” Sunset chuckled. “Although it’s going be a little difficult now considering…” she trails off.

Twilight nods, knowing full well what she’s implying. “That is true, but I think I’ll manage.”

Sunset smirks. “I don’t know, Twilight,” she teases. “Spike, the ‘Master of Cuddles’ himself, said you couldn’t handle the extra baggage.”

After putting on her nightgown, Twilight walks towards the bed and falls onto it. She removes her glasses, lets out a satisfied sigh, and cuddles up to her wife. “He seems to forget I like some challenges in my experiments.”

After receiving a satisfactory answer from Twilight, Sunset picked up a bookmark, inserted it into her book, closed it, and then lay down. She turned to face her spouse. “You think the kid won’t mind?” She asks as she rubs her rounded stomach, holding their first child.

Twilight turns to the left and rubs her wife’s tummy as well. “As I said, I’ll manage.” To prove her point, she scooches down to Sunset’s plumb stomach and strokes it gently. “Besides, I think our little one deserves more love from her other mom.”

Sunset rolls her eyes. “You’ve been giving them enough love since day one. I’m pretty sure you’re just spoiling them at this point.” She then feels a familiar sensation inside her womb. “Speaking of which.”

Twilight beams with enthusiasm as she felt movement herself. “Hi, baby!” She coos to the baby bump. “You excited to see me? Or hear me, in this case.” Since Sunset found out she was pregnant, Twilight had always been talking to their unborn child. Even while occupied with her experiments, Twilight would greet Sunset's baby bump. Although equally thrilled, Sunset felt a bit irritated by her spouse's consistent desire to talk and kiss her stomach. But she managed to find it equally adorable.

"Guess what?" Twilight exclaimed, still conversing with the bump. "Your mommy is going to bed early tonight!" she squealed. "Which means more kisses!" Twilight proceeded to make numerous kisses on the baby bump. Sunset giggled at this precious moment before she winced at a sharp, sudden pain in her womb.

Twilight immediately stops and looks up at her redheaded wife. “A-are you ok? I’m so sorry if I–”

“Twi, I’m fine,” Sunset interrupts and assures her wife. She rubbed her stomach once more. “It’s just the baby. Little bugger.”

Twilight lets out a sigh of relief and eases down on the bed. “Thank goodness. I guess you were right about spoiling the baby.”

Sunset scoffs.“You think?”

They both chuckle before a pleasant silence lies in the bedroom. Sunset massages her wife’s scalp while Twilight continues stroking the baby bump. After enduring eight months of endless chaos in preparation for their expecting child, they’ve been waiting for the right moment to unwind and have a tranquil and peaceful moment before their child was born.

“Hey, Sunny?” Twilight softly calls to her wife.


“Do ever you think that the baby will love us?”

Thrown off by the question, Sunset took a moment to contemplate her answer. They both discussed how equally ecstatic and anxious (or “nervous-cited,” as Pinkie Pie put it) they were for waiting for their unborn baby. Twilight was terrified at the prospect of her neurotic nature leading their child to find her insane or mental. At the same time, Sunset was scared that she would fail to be a good or even an adequate mother. They often reassure each other from time to time. Some conversations end with a couple of tears falling, with Spike immediately coming over with loving support.

“Honestly,” Sunset finally responds. “I think we should just do our best and make the most of it.” She pauses, evaluating what to say next. “I know that’s probably not the best advice I could give you, but we’ve barely begun to scratch the surface of being parents. Our baby hasn’t even been born yet, and they haven’t registered who their parents are.

“But we’ve done enough research, and our families and friends have given us advice on how to handle this. And who knows? Maybe we’ll do a decent job raising this kid and even become decent moms.”

Twilight snuggles into Sunset’s stomach. “I guess you’re right. I’m still nervous about this whole thing.”

“Yeah, me too.”

Another silence emerges between the two expecting mothers. A couple of minutes pass, and Twilight finally eases the tension. She exhales, “Sorry for upsetting the mood.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I can understand why you brought it up.”

Twilight looks up at her wife once more. “Well, on a lighter note, I’ve got another question for you.”

“Really? What’s that?”

“Did you think of any names yet?”

Sunset’s eyes widen. “Oh, crap.” She puts her hands over her face. “I completely forgot about that!” She stands upright and clasps her hands on her head. “How could I forget naming our first child?! What kind of parent does that?!”

Realizing that Sunset was on the verge of panic, Twilight scooches at the front of the bed. “I-It’s okay! I-I was just asking!” She recalls something. “I do have a couple of names for the baby!”

Nearly tearing up, Sunsets looks at her wife. “You do?” She sniffs. “What are they?”

Chapter 2

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1 Month Later...

“Alright Ms. Shimmer, just one more push!”

“You can do it, Sunset! You’re almost there!”

“Alright, on the count of three, push as hard as you can. Ready? One, two, three, push!”

A screeching wail fills a delivery room at the Canterlot City Hospital.

“Congratulations! It’s a boy!”

Sunset Shimmer lets out a draining sigh as she leans her head on a hospital bed. Her crimson-red hair with golden streaks was tied up in a short ponytail. But despite all of that, her hair is still unkempt. Her amber skin is filled with salty sweat as it sticks to her hospital gown.

Twilight Sparkle is near the left side of the bed, gripping her wife’s hand tightly. Although she wasn’t as sweaty as Sunset, her hair was also rumpled. She looks over to Sunset. “Hey, how are you?”

Sunset wearily chuckles. “What do you think? I just gave birth to our first child during the past 6 hours. It’s pretty clear that I’m freaking tired right now.”

Twilight giggles. “Right, should’ve thought of that.”

A small whimper catches the new mom's attention. A nurse wearing teal scrubs comes out of the right corner, holding a pure white blanket. “Congratulations again, girls. You have a healthy baby boy.”

Sunset barely had time to contain her excitement, as Twilight swiftly planted a kiss on her cheek. Sunset giggles as her wife tenderly rests her head on her shoulder.

“Would any of you like to hold him?” the nurse asks.

Sunset feebly attempts to raise her right hand, but luckily, the nurse sees it as approval and gently hands the blanket over to her. Both she and Twilight gaze down in wonder at the newborn in the blanket. The boy has grape-colored skin, and a small sign of his hair is indigo with streaks of crimson and royal purple.

As Sunset and Twilight start to chuckle, tears well up in their eyes. Their laughter intensifies, and tears stream down their faces. The couple shares an emotional kiss before they both laugh tearfully and give numerous kisses on her son's head.

"We did it Twi." Sunset croaks as she gently leans into Twilight's head. "We did it." She looks over to the nurse, who’s also tearing up at the scene. “Thank you so much. This meant a lot to us, and we can’t thank you enough.”

The nurse wipes away the tears on their cheeks. “Of course. Oh, before I forget, do you have a name for him?”

Sunset looks over to Twilight. She nods.

“Yeah," Sunset replies. "We do.” She looks down at her newborn son. “Welcome home, Gleaming Dusk.”