Equestria Girls: The New Generation

by Sketch App

First published

This is the Story of Aura Blaze. Sunset Shimmer's youngest daughter and the new adventures she goes on.

This takes place years after Sunset and her friends graduated from Canterlot High. Alot has happened since then. A new task force appeared to take care of loose Equestrian Magic, the Rainbooms were forced to give up using their powers, and they all slowly drifted apart. Still living in Canterlot City, Sunset has made a new life for herself. Making a career for herself, meeting someone special and having a family with said person. Now that her youngest daughter, Aura Blaze, is starting her first year in Canterlot High, we follow her to take on new adventures just like her mother. But the question is, did Aura choose to have these adventures, or did she unintentionally ran into them?

Chapter 0: The Future

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A bright, sunny day in Canterlot City. People were at the town's park to spend the beautiful day. Teens were riding their bikes, kids playing and chasing each other, dogs being walked by their owners, and some people just sitting on benches and relaxing. Sunset Shimmer was running through the park, on her way to meet up with all of her friends. Soon she spots them. Rainbow Dash was juggling her soccer ball with her head and feet, Rarity was Talking to Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were playing fetch with Spike, and Twilight was messing around with her drone. Sunset smiles at the sight of her friends. She walks over to them and greets them.

"Hey Girls, sorry I'm late. Line was pretty long at the coffee shop." She explained

"Oh no worries, Darling." Rarity waved her hand. "You weren't missing much, we were just discussing about next week."

Rainbow Dash's ball lands and balances on her head. "I can't wait till next week! I can't believe we're all finally gonna graduate~! I'm so excited~!" She exclaimed with excitement, going back to kicking her ball.

"Ooooh, can't wait for the graduation party~!" Pinkie Pie squealed. "I thought about making cupcakes with little graduation hats~."

"I know, can't believe it's happening. Seems like yesterday we were all starting a new year." Sunset exclaimed.

Fluttershy brushed her hair with her hands, looking worried. "It's a little scary though... after we graduate, what're we gonna do then..?" She said with a timid tone.

"That's the best part!" Rainbow Dash began. "Whatever we want! We get to finally make our own choices! I can think of many things I could do. I could probably become the best soccer player to ever exist! Or be a professional track runner! Oh oh! Or mabye I can work my way to start my own sports team!"

Fluttershy looked down and thinks. "Hmm.... well, now that I think about it, I always wanted to start my own animal shelter. Being able to help any animal in need. Mabye even opening an animal sanctuary."

"There ya go, Fluttershy." Applejack said with a encouraging tone. "Ya see? You already know what you wanna do with your life. What about you, Twilight? What're you gonna do after you graduate?"

"Well, I was thinking of going to a university to get my degree." Twilight explained. "Then, I'm thinking of going into robotics. Or mabye astrology? Or mabye a different type of science?" Twilight is unable to make up her mind. Spike caught a ball Fluttershy threw and ran back to her.

"I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna chase as many squirrels as I want, roll around in the grass, and play with my chew toys all day." He exclaimed.

"Spike, you already do all those things." Twilight pointed out.

"I know, but they're still fun to do. Especially chasing the squirrels part."

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I wanna work at a pastery shop~!" Pinkie Pie began telling her friends. "Being able to make as much yummy desserts as much as I want~. And the different selection of them~."

"I think I'm gonna take a simpler route. I'm just gonna continue helping around in my apple farm, selling some apple treats and see where I go from there." Applejack said, adjusting her hat.

"What about you, Rarity?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, well, I was actually thinking about this yesterday, and wanted all of your opinions on it." Rarity said, sounding a little nervous.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Yeah, spill it." Rainbow Dash added.

"Well, first im gonna continue working at the fashion store to earn enough money. After I earned enough, I'm hoping to finally fulfill my dream. And that dream is..." Rarity paused for dramatic effect, adding the suspension before finally answering. "Moving to Paris and start my own fashion business~!" The fashionista said with her arms in the air.

Everyone was shocked and surprised hearing Rarity's plan. But everyone was excited and happy for Rarity.

"That's great, Rarity~!" Sunset said.

"Real great to hear!" Twilight added.

"You should totally go for it!" Rainbow Dash said.

Everyone was glad for her. Everyone, but Applejack, who seemed worried.

"Wait, so, you're gonna leave Canterlot City?" She said, with a slight disappointed tone, but didn't make it sound obvious as Rarity nodded her head.

"Mhm. Soon, I'll be able to design cloths that'll take the world by storm~." Rarity said with a passion. Rarity then noticed Applejack was slightly frowning a little, and asked her friend in concern. "Applejack, are you alright?"

Applejack blinked and quickly put on a smile on her face before answering. "Uh, yeah! I'm fine. That's really great to hear, Rarity. I know you're gonna do great out there." Applejack put her hand on her shoulder with encouragement, earning a smile from Rarity. Rarity then turned her gaze at Sunset.

"So what about you, Sunset? What are you gonna do after we graduate?"

Sunset paused for a moment. What was she gonna do after she graduated? She tried to think of something, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried she can't think of an answer.

"Huh... I.... I don't know... we've spent so long fighting monsters, sirens and any other magic involved scenarios that I haven't really had time to think about it." She looked down as she finished.

Her friends frowned seeing her upset, so they tried coming up with ideas for her.

"Mabye you can start a music career?" Twilight suggested. "You're great at playing guitar, and can sing very good."

"Oh! Or mabye you can work as a comic book maker?" Rainbow Dash suggested with excitement. "Those comics you made about us are awesome! You would totally be great at it!"

"Mabye you can play and enter video game tournaments?" Fluttershy added. "I hear those pay well."

Sunset thought about her friends suggestions, all sounding like good ideas. But are they really what she wants to do? She scratches her head trying to think.

"I don't know.... they all sound like good ideas, but.... I don't know.... still makes me wonder if I'll be cut out for them..." Sunset said, doubting herself.

Twilight then thought of something else. But it might be a touchy subject, not sure if she wants to bring it up. "Well, I have another idea, but..." she stopped herself from finishing.

"But what?" Sunset asked, curiously.

"It... it might be abit too touchy..." The science girl stated.

"What is it?" Sunset said, wanting to know.

"Well...." Twilight began, "..... What if you went back to Equestria?"

Sunset's eyes widen slightly. Back to Equestria? That's something Sunset never thought of. Returning to her original home? After everything she's been through in the human world, can she really just go home to Equestria?

"Wow.... i.... I never thought about going back.... I've been here for so long that this world does feel like home. I don't know if I can just leave it.... can i?"

All the girls can't think of an answer, not sure how to help ease her friend. Rarity then smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Let's not worry about it too much darling. Whatever choice you make, we will support you all the way." Rarity said comforting.

All the girls smiled and agreed with the fashionista.

"That's right." Applejack said.

"No matter what happens, we'll always stay friends." Twilight added.

"And we'll be there to help you if you ever need us." Rainbow Dash said pumping her fist.

Sunset smiled hearing her friends saying those things, feeling a little better.

"Thanks girls. And hopefully I'll know what I'm gonna do with my life." Sunset said, hopeful.

"That's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash patted her back.

"Now how about a group picture?" Twilight suggested.

"I'm in~!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Count me in too." Applejack said.

All the girls got together as Twilight's drone hovers over them. They all smiled as the drone takes a snapshot of the group. All the girls laughed, but didn't notice Sunset's smile faded, as she's still worried about her future.


Night fall. Sunset was at her apartment, sitting on her couch thinking. What is she gonna do? After so long in living in this world she hasn't put the time to really think about her future. She feels lost. Sunset grabs her bag and pulls out her journal, deciding to ask Princess Twilight for advice. She thinks about what she's gonna say before writing in the journal.

"Dear Princess Twilight, hope im not interrupting anything, but I really need to talk to you about something." Sunset wrote and waited. Soon, words started forming on the right side of the page.

"You're not interrupting anything, just catching up on some reading. Is something wrong?" The page reads.

"No no, nothings wrong exactly." Sunset wrote, "You see, me and my friends are gonna graduate from Canterlot High in a week."

"Congratulations to you all!" Twilight wrote back.

"Thank you, but there's a problem. You see, all of my friends have a clear idea of what they're gonna do after. They have goals. And me? I have nothing. After worrying about something being possed by Equestrian Magic for so long I haven't really thought about my future. Do I try getting a music career? Do I try doing comics? Or should I return to Equestria? Part of me wants to go back, but part of me doesn't. It's my home, sure, but what do I have there? Even if I do go back i have no idea what I'm gonna do there either. Do I study magic? Work at a school? But what if there is still Equestrian Magic in this world? I can't go home if that's the case! Not to mention about my fami-" Sunset stopped herself from writing the last letters. She shook her head and continued on. "Anyway, sorry I'm writing all this without giving you time to process, I just... have so much on my mind, scared."

Sunset waited a moment before Twilight writes back.

"It's alright, Sunset. I'd be scared too. After having a life in that world, you'd have a right to be hesitant on leaving it. Mabye you gotta try to have the best of both worlds? Why not continue to live there, and you can visit Equestria? You know where the portal is, so you don't have to worry about that. As for your future, it is up to you to make that choice. You might not know what to do, but you'll always have your friends and me to get through it. So whatever you decide, we'll be there."

Sunset thinks about Twilight's words. She then starts writing back. "Thanks, Twilight. But there's one more thing on my mind."

"What is it?" Twilight wrote back.

"Well... what if my friends aren't around? They all have different goals, want to do different things, they probably won't always be around. Rarity wants to move to Paris, what if they all want to live somewhere far away too? What will i do then?" Sunset grits her teeth, eagerly waiting for Twilight's response.

"I know exactly what you mean, Sunset, trust me. After I became the new ruler of Equestria, I was afraid I won't see my friends as much anymore. In fact, I was afraid we won't see each other again. But then I had a solution. While yes, we would be far apart from each other, doesn't mean we gotta lose touch completely. So i decided very moon, we would come together to form the council of friendship. We can face any problems that comes our way, while also staying in touch with each other. So while your friends might go off to do their own thing, doesn't mean you gotta lose touch completely. Think of ways to stay in touch while at the same time, are able to achieve your goals."

Sunset thinks about Twilight's words. She then forms as smile as she writes back. "Thank you, Twilight. It really means a lot to me."

"You're welcome, I'm glad to help." Twilight wrote back.

"Well, I better get some sleep. Goodnight Twilight."

"Goodnight Sunset." Twilight wrote before Sunset shuts her book. Sunset lays down in her bed and stares at the ceiling, thinking about Twilight's advice. They might be far apart, but doesn't mean they gotta lose touch? Those words stick in her head as she slowly drifts asleep.


After a week of thinking about her future, the day of graduation is here. The graduating students are having a party at the gymnasium celebrating. People were mingling, recalling all the good times they had at CHS as a slideshow was playing on a screen behind Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody who were playing music. Sunset met up with all of her friends as they waved at her.

"Hey, Sunset!" Rainbow Dash greeted.

"Can't believe the day is finally here!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"I know! It's exciting!" Sunset replied.

"Are you still nervous on what you're gonna do in the future?" Twilight asked, being abit concerned.

"A little, but not as much." Sunset answered. "In fact, i think I have a clear idea if what I'm gonna do. Still not 100% sure, but I think I got it figured out."

"That's wonderful to hear, darling." Rarity said, happy to see Sunset has some things figured out.

"Just, promise me one thing girls." Sunset asked her friends as they kept their attention on her. "No matter what happens, promise me that we'll always stay in touch? No matter how far we are apart?"

They were surprised by Sunset's words. They all shared a reassuring smile as they answered her.

"Of course, Sunset." Twilight assured.

"You can count on it." Applejack added.

"I guarantee it~!" Pinkie Pie said.

"No matter what." Fluttershy chimed in.

"Totally!" Rainbow Dash smiled.

"We'll always have each other, no matter what." Rarity said.

Sunset was happy to hear her friends promise. Rarity then asks everyone a question.

"Darlings, this might be a sudden and odd question to ask, but have you all ever thought of having your own families in the future?"

Everyone was surprised at the question.

"Families?" Twilight asked. "Like, getting married and having kids?"

"Why of course. I'm just curious. We all said what we wanted to do with our lives, but none of us said anything about having our own family." The fashionista stated.

They all never thought about having families of their own before. Did they want to have their own family? That's something they'll all definitely think about. Rainbow Dash then broke the silence.

"Ah let's not think about that too much. We're graduating! Let's enjoy the party!" She threw her fist in the air as everyone agreed.

"Wanna go dance, Applejack?" Rarity asked, holding out her hand.

"Sure, why not." Applejack nodded as she took her hand and the two head towards the dance floor.

They continued to enjoy the party as Sunset looked around, seeing all her classmates. Bulk Biceps and Derpy chatting as they have muffins in their hands, Flash with his band mates, Snips and Snails hugging each other while crying, Photo Finish taking pictures of students with her two assistance, Pixel Pizzaz and Violet Blurr. Wallflower Blush with Rose, Cherry Crush and Mystery Mint laughing, and Vinyl Scratch playing music with Octavia. Sunset smiled, really gonna miss all these faces. Soon Principal Celestia walked on stage and spoke in the microphone.

"Okay everyone, it is time to head to the soccer field and start the graduation!" She announced as all the students cheered.


Everyone was at the soccer field that has been set up with a stage, chairs and all their parents were sitting on the balconies. Principal Celestia walked on stage as she started giving a speech.

"Students, I just wanna say how proud I am of all of you. You all have done so much at this school and made so many memories. You will be missed very dearly, but it is time for you to move forward. I know you all will accomplish so much as you progress in life. Your parents should be very proud of all of you. Now further ado, let's begin! Once i call your name, come up on stage and receive your diplomas from Vice Principal Luna." Celestia finished before looking at the list. She then started calling out names.

"Aqua Blossom." The parents and students applauded as Aqua Blossom walked on stage, receiving her diploma and shaking the two principals hands.

"Blueberry Cake." She called out as everyone applaud and Blueberry Cake walked on stage.

"Brawley Beats." Again everyone applaud as Brawley Beats walked on stage.

As Principal Celestia was calling out names, everyone was unaware of a wisp of Equestrian Magic floating around. The wisp entered the school's garden as it hovers over a oak tree Wallflower's club planted. Principal Celestia was still calling out students names as this was happening. She called out for Flash Sentry, Trixie Lulamoon, and Micro Chip. Principal Celestia finally started calling out the Rainbooms.

"Applejack." Everyone clapped as Applejack walked on stage.

"Rainbow Dash." Everyone clapped as Rainbow Dash walked on stage. But then loud cheering can be heard once Rainbow Dash walked on stage. Everyone turned to see Rainbow Dash's parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were the ones cheering. Windy was taking pictures as Bow was holding a paper portrait of Rainbow Dash's face.

"Woohooooo~! Go Rainbow, go Rainbow!" Windy cheered as she took pictures.

"That's my girl~! Best, graduate, ever~!" Bow cheered.

Rainbow Dash's face turned red from embarrassment as she took the diploma and walked off stage covering her face. "Aw man..!" She groaned.

As Principal Celestia continued to call out names, the Equestrian Magic absorbed into the roots of the planted tree. The tree began to glow and shake as the dirt began to crumble underneath it. Principal Celestia was calling out the last names on her list.

"Twilight Sparkle." Everyone clapped as Twilight walked on stage, shook both principals hands and recieved her diploma.

"And finally, Sunset Shimmer." Everyone clapped as Sunset walked on stage, shook the principals hands, and recieved her diploma. Sunset walked off stage and met up with her friends who were waiting for her and all got in a group hug.

"Congratulations, students!" Principal Celestia began, "I wish you the best of luck to your next step of life!"

All the students and parents cheered as the students tossed their hats in the air. But their cheers stopped when they suddenly heard a loud roar. Loud thumps can be heard as the ground shook. Everyone was wondering what was happening as the thumps become louder. Soon, a large tree monster emerged from the forest and began to roar. Everyone screams and starts to scatter.

The tree monster dug its branch hands in the ground and released a cloud of dust in the ground. The dust spread around the ground as plants began to grow around the field. These plants soon turned to different types of plant monsters. Some were walking Sunflowers, some were living thorn bushes, and there was one large venus fly trap with roots for tentacles. Students and parents try to run away. Lyra and Bonbon were trying to exit the field when thorn roots block their path. The Rainbooms looked at each other.

"You girls thinking what I'm thinking?" Twilight asked.

"Equestrian Magic." Sunset answered.

"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's power up and stop it!" Rainbow Dash said. All the girls nodded and gripped their geodes. Soon the girls began to pony up as the plant monsters terrorize the students and parents.

The girls split up to fight off against different plant monsters and save students, parents and teachers.

Students were cornered by sunflower monsters as the monsters were slowly approaching them. Suddenly Rainbow Dash swoops by and grabbed the cornered students one at a time, taking them to saftey.

She runs back to the sunflower monsters and started throwing air punches, having a confident smile on her face.

"Come on!" She taunted. "Lets see what you flowers got!"

Suddenly the sunflower monsters started rapidly firing sunflower seeds at the sports girl as she covered her face with her arms.

"Ow! Hey, cut it out! No fair!"

Soon the sunflower seeds were being blocked by one of Rarity's diamonds she summoned infront of Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash gave her a thumbs up before running off to help more people. The Sunflower monsters were then lifted up by Twilight who was using her telekinesis to lift them up.

She squishes them into a ball as more sunflower monsters come. Twilight rolls the squished sunflower monsters into the oncoming ones, knocking them all down like bowling pins.

A thorn bush monster towered over a family as it whips it's thorn vine at them. It whips it's thorn vine at them again, but Applejack quickly jumps infront of them, activating her magic gloves and grabbing the thorn vine.

Both Applejack and the thorn bushes monster were tugging and pulling on the vine until Applejack's strength gets the better of it and yanks the monster towards her. She started to twirl the bush monster with it's vine like a lasso before tossing it in the air. Once the monster falls back down Applejack uses her strength to punch the bush monster as it shatters to pieces.

More Sunflower monsters surrounded students, trapping them. Suddenly one of the sunflowers' head explodes. Pinkie Pie was throwing her explosive sprinkles at the monsters. She blows up two more before three start lunging at her.

Sunset quickly flies in, grabs Pinkie's hands and carries her away as Fluttershy was helping the students escape.

One by one, the girls were taking out the sunflower monsters with ease, making most of them feel surprised as Applejack adjusted her hat.

"Wow, we're taking care of these things no problem." She punched a sunflower monster.

"Well duh!" Rainbow Dash said as she kicked a sunflower monster's top part off. "We've been doing this for four years now! Of course we'd be handling this no problem!"

Suddenly one of the venus fly trap's mouths snaps it's mouth and traps Rainbow Dash, causing the girls to scream in horror.

"Ew! It's so gross in here!" Rainbow Dash said in disgust as the inside of the venus fly traps mouth was all slimy and wet.

"Hang on, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack yelled while charging at the monster. "We'll get ya out!"

The venus fly trap monster lunged one of it's other heads at Applejack, which she quickly catches with her hands. The mouth struggles to snap it's mouth shut as Applejack was pushing back the monster, her boots dragging in the dirt.

Sunset, Twilight and Pinkie Pie rush over to help Applejack only to be cut off by pointed branches to emerge from the ground infront of them, blocking their path. They saw the tree monster used it's branches to dig in the ground and sprout the branches.

Sunset turned to Rarity and Fluttershy. "Rarity, Fluttershy, go help Applejack and Rainbow Dash. We'll take care of the tree monster."

The two nodded as Rarity summons a diamond disc under her feet and levitates over the branches as Fluttershy flies behind her. Sunset, Twilight and Pinkie face against the tree monster as it roars at them.

Rarity sees Applejack was thrown back by the fly trap monster as she's avoiding getting smashed by the monster's root arms. Rarity quickly summons a diamond shield infront if Applejack, blocking the monsters attack on her.

Applejack smiles and tilts her hat at the fashionista. "Thanks, Rarity."

Rarity nodded at her. "Anytime, darling." She said with a smile before hearing Rainbow Dash's muffled voice.

"Uh, hello?! Still trapped in here!" Rainbow Dash reminded them as they see her hands pressing against the monsters mouth, stretching it's skin.

Applejack quickly thought of an idea as she looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy quickly, get it's attention!"

Fluttershy looked at her surprised as she points at herself. "Huh? Me?"

"Yes." Applejack confirmed. "Fly around it and keep it's attention on you."

Trusting her friend, Fluttershy nods and starts flying. She flies above the fly trap monster as it starts clamping it's other mouths at her, making Fluttershy shriek abit.

Applejack waits for the right opportunity. As the fly trap uses all three of its free mouths to lunge at Fluttershy at the same time, Applejack made her move. She rushes towards the monster and leaps in the air.

As Fluttershy braces herself for the oncoming mouths approaching her, Applejack quickly grabs the roots of the mouths and pulls them together. She keeps the mouths locked together as she grips the roots as hard as she can, looking at Rarity.

"Rarity, the roots!" The farm girl shouts with Rarity nodding.

Rarity makes a diamond disc and has it spin around in place. Once it spins fast enough, she flings it at the roots that are in Applejack's grasp. Once they reach, the diamond disc slices the roots clean off, making the mouths fall to the ground twitching before being motionless.

The fly trap monster screeches in pain as it's sliced roots fling around like noodles. Rarity quickly slices the mouth that's trapping Rainbow Dash in as it falls to the ground.

Applejack quickly rushes over and opens the mouth as Rainbow Dash slides out of, being covered in plant slime.

Rainbow Dash stands up as she flicks some slime off herself. "Man that was gross!" She shuddered.

The fly trap monster roars at them as Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. "It's payback time!" She shouted as she slammed her fist against her hand.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack charge at the fly trap monster, as now all it can do is roar at them. The two jump and pull their fists back. They let out a battle cry as the two head towards the monster's main head before both throw a power punch.

Sunset, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were holding their own as they fought the tree monster. Whenever Sunset would shoot magic lasers at the tree monster, it would create a shield made of branches and block the laser attacks.

Twilight flew over the tree monster to shoot magic lasers at it but the monster stretched it's tree branches and wraps it around Twilight, crushing her in the process. But the branch was immediately destroyed as Pinkie Pie threw her pink dust at it, freeing Twilight.

The tree monster morphed it's branch arm into a spear and lunges it at Sunset who immediately jumps out of the way, the spear branch digging into the ground.

Rainbow Dash quickly swoops in and lands a kick at the spear branch, breaking it. But the tree monster grows it's arm branch back as if nothing happened.

It morphed it's hand into a hammer and slams it down on Rainbow Dash which was immediately blocked by Rarity's diamond shield.

Applejack quickly rushes towards the tree monster and lands a powerful punch on it, making it stumble back. All seven friends stood together as the tree monster roared at them. Rainbow Dash threw her fist in the air.

"Come on, girls! Let's take this monster down!" She yelled out as all girls holds hands and start floating in the air.

One by one, the girls summoned their magic and transfered them over to Sunset to form a laser beam. The tree monster quickly creates a ten layer branch shield and blocks her attack. The energy beam slowly broke away some layers of the shield as the monster struggled to hold it's own.

Sunset kept her focus and energy at the monster as it broke off two more layers of the shield. But as she kept her focus on breaking the shield, the tree monster secretly dug its root foot on the ground and summoned vines from underneath the girls. One of the vines grabbed Sunset's ankle first and tugs her downward.

This sudden tug causes Sunset to go off target and her laser beam hits the bleachers at the soccer field. Luckily all the people there evacuated before they shot the laser beam, but still caused damaged to the bleachers. Soon the vines grabbed all the girls ankles and yanks them to the ground.

Once the girls hit the ground, the tree monster roars before spurring out magic pollen from it's mouth. Once the pollen touches the ground, it emerged even more flower monsters than before.

The flower monsters wasted no time and immediately attacked the girls. Rainbow Dash did her best to fight off the flower monsters by throwing punches and kicks but the sheer number of flower monsters were too much for Rainbow Dash as they completely dog piled on her.

Applejack was punching away as many flower monsters as she can until she heard a shriek. She looked to see Rarity was being completely overwhelmed by the flower monsters as they piled on her.

Rarity reaches out for her friend in despair. "Applejack!" She cried out, shedding a little tear.

"Rarity!" Applejack called out. Getting angry she aggressively starts punching away all the flower monsters in order to get to her friend.

As she's trying to make her way towards the flower monsters, she doesn't notice the tree monster behind her, pulling it's branch hand back. Twilight sees this and runs towards the farm girl.

"Applejack, look out!" The science wiz called out.

Applejack turned around and her pupils shrunk once she sees the tree monster. As it swings it's branch arm at her, Twilight pushes her out of the way just in time, taking the hit herself.

"Twilight!" Sunset screamed out as she saw Twilight fly off in the distance screaming.


The tree monster leaps in the air and goes after her. Sunset immediately follows behind to help her friend.

At the front of the school, parents and students were getting in their cars in order to drive away. Soon Twilight crashes down infront of the school as her eyes swirled around.

As Twilight groaned abit, she noticed a shadow beaming over her. She then realizes the tree monster coming down towards her. She quickly leaps out of the way as the tree monster lands in the spot Twilight was at, cracking the ground under it.

Before it could do anything, Sunset shot a laser behind it and lands next to Twilight. She puts her hand onto her friends shoulder.

"You okay, Twi?" She asked in concern.

Twilight rubbed her head slightly and adjusts her glasses. "Aside from being hit by a tree monster and crashing down infront of the school entrance, never better."

The tree monster roars at them as it slams it's branch hands on the ground. The two immediately take battle positions.

"We gotta take this thing down fast and get that Equestrian Magic out of it!" Sunset said as the two avoid an attack from the tree monster.

Twilight looks over at Sunset. "How do you know the tree has the Equestrian Magic?" She asked her friend.

"The tree is the one giving life to the other plant monsters, so it has to be it." She informed Twilight.

The two shot lasers at the tree monster as it aims more attacks on the two.

"What about the others?" Twilight asked, worried about their other five friends.

"I'm sure they're gonna be fine. Once we get the magic out of it, all the other plant monsters will soon fade away." Sunset assured. "Besides, I'm sure they'll be fine for the time being."

With the other Rainbooms, they are all either being piled on, or being beat up by the plant monsters.

"We are so not fine!!!!" Pinkie Pie screams as her hand sticks out from the pile of plant monsters.

Sunset and Twilight fights the tree monster, either landing laser shots at it, or using their lasers to cut down it's branches. The tree monster raised it fist, morphing it into an axe and slams it towards Sunset. Sunset's eyes widened and braced herself. But it was stopped by Twilight's telekinetic powers. She gritted her teeth as she uses her magic to lift the tree monster off the ground. And with one push, she throws the tree monster across the area.

But what Twilight didn't anticipate was the tree monster was about to crash into the horse statue of the school. Both Sunset and Twilight's eyes widen as they bothed screamed No! Before the tree monster crashes into the statue. Once it crashes into it, the horse breaks off from the statue, breaking once it hits the ground. Then before their and the graduates and their parents eyes, Equestrian Magic starts spurring out of the cracks of the statue and flies all across the city.

Sunset and Twilight watch in both shock and disbelief that even more Equestrian Magic is on the lose in the city! Not only that, but Twilight was the one that caused it, making her clench her chest as she feels her heart drop.

As Twilight was busy self blaming herself for her actions, the Tree monster morphed it's hand into many sharp tree bark. Sunset sees this and runs over to her oblivious friend.

"Twilight, look out!" She screamed as the tree monster fired a barrage of sharp tree bark at Twilight.

Sunset pushes Twilight out of the way just in time, but in the result of her getting cut in the face by one of the tree bark. Both girls sat up as Twilight looks at her friend in worry.

"Sunset, are you okay?!" She puts her hands on Sunset's shoulders, anxious for an answer.

Sunset looked at Twilight while holding her left cheek. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a scratch." She assured her.

Twilight still worried, grabbed Sunset's hand that was covering her cheek and slowly removed it. Twilight then gasps and covers her mouth to see that the tree bark made a deep cut to Sunset's cheek! Twilight feels even more guilty, knowing because she was distracted that Sunset got hurt.

A shadow looms over them. They see the tree monster standing over them and morphed it's hand into an axe and raises it. The two hold each other and braced themselves, only for suddenly the tree monster's axe hand to be suddenly blown up. This took the two girls off guard and wondered what just happened.

They then heard voices behind them. They look and saw that there were a group of people in armored uniform rushing towards them. They looked like soldiers. They then pointed what looked like firearms at the tree monster as one of them shouts at the two.

"Move out of the way!"

Without hesitation the two quickly moved out of the way before the soldiers start firing plasma shots at the tree monster. The tree monster roared at them as it creates a branch shield, blocking their shots. More soldiers came in and started making the students and parents back away as one of the soldiers turns to another squadron.

"There are more monsters on the soccer field, take care of them!"

"Yes sir!" The soldier nodded before taking their group to the soccer field.

Twilight and Sunset are dumbfounded as they try to figure out what's happening.

"S-Sunset, who are these people?" Twilight stuttered a little.

"I have no idea..." Sunset answered, still holding her cut cheek.

Soldiers make their way to the soccer field as flower monsters were still overwhelming the rest of the Rainbooms.

"Aim at those flower creatures! Avoid hitting those teens!" The soldier ordered his squadron as they all start firing at the flower monsters.

One by one the flower monster were being torn to shreds as the laser shots cut through them like butter. Soon the girls were able to finally breath as the flower monsters numbers were dropping. The girls got up and try to put together what is happening right now.

"Who are those fellers?" Applejack said as she helped Rarity off the ground.

"I have no clue, darling." Rarity said as she dusts herself. "But whoever they are, they clearly need to put more effort into their outfits."

Applejack gave a deadpaned look at the fashionista as Rainbow Dash gave the soldiers an annoyed look.

"Forget their outfits, they're totally making us look bad by taking out those monsters easily! We could've taken them down without their help!"

"Didn't look like we were handling the situation..." Fluttershy said as she brushed her hair off her face.

"Yeah! We were completely being squashed by those monster!" Pinkie Pie added.

"We could've handled it eventually!" Rainbow Dash rebuffed.

Soon the soldiers took out all of the flower monsters as one of the soldiers took out a walkie-talkie before speaking into it.

"The soccer field is clear, repeat, soccer field clear!" She informed the soldier on the other line.

Back at the front of the school, the soldier acknowledged the soldiers report before turning to his team.

"Alright, the monsters in the soccer field are taken care of, let's finish this creature!" He ordered as the soldiers shot more rounds at the tree monster who is now damaged from the fire power.

The tree monster shot a barrage of sharp tree bark at the soldiers. The soldiers quickly tucks and rolls out of the way before immediately shooting at the tree monster again, shooting off the tree monsters arm. But they see that the tree monster grew back it's arm as it roars at them.

"Sir, it's able to regrow it's limbs!" She says to her commanding officer.

"Then we will have to destroy the whole thing. Bring in the big guns!" He shouts as the group of soldiers quickly gets the tree monsters attention as their big guns starts coming in.

Soon Twilight and Sunset see a vehicle come in with a barrel attached to it.

"I-is that a tank?!" Twilight shouts in disbelief.

"I never seen a tank like that!" Sunset added.

Soon the odd looking tank aims it's barrel at the tree monster. It then fires a laser ball at the tree monsters arm, completely destroying it. The tree monster is growing its arm back, but much slower now as it was more damaged.

"Fire again!" The soldier commands.

The tank aims at the tree monster again, this time hitting the top branches of it's head, blowing it to smithereens. The tree monster roars as it now weakened.

"One more time!" The commanding officer shouts.

The tank carefully aims at the tree monster, aiming at it's body. It then fires it's last shot. The shot hits the tree monster, completely blowing the entire thing to pieces as soldiers, Twilight, Sunset and the students and their parents cover their faces from the many tree bark pieces shooting everywhere.

Soon the tree monster was nothing more than a broken log as the Equestrian Magic that possessed it flies out of it and flies in the air.

"There it is, get it!" The commanding officer orders one of his soldiers.

One of the soldiers quickly takes out a odd looking gun as it runs after the Equestrian Magic. He then aims at the Equestrian Magic and the gun fires a stream of energy at the Equestrian Magic. The energy stream traps the Equestrian Magic as it's no longer able to fly away freely. The soldier reels in the Equestrian Magic before it gets sucked in the gun and enters it's canister.

Before anyone can celebrate, the broken statue releases more Equestrian Magic as it grabbed everyone's attention. The commanding officer quickly orders his soldiers to contain the Equestrian magic and seal off the broken statue. Before more Equestrian Magic enters the city.

As soldiers used one of those special guns to reel in as much Equestrian Magic as they can, other soldiers plants devices around the statue before stepping back. The devices quickly creates an energy field, surrounding the broken statue and trapping the Equestrian Magic, as the many wisps of it floats around in the field.

Everyone then sighs of relief as the commanding officer speaks.

"Alright soldiers, gather the citizens, make sure they're not injured and let's check out the damages that creature caused."

All the soldiers nod before getting to work. Soon Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack met up with Sunset and Twilight, who are all still ponied up.

"Sunset, Twilight, y'all okay?" Asked Applejack.

"We're fine, AJ." Sunset told the farm girl.

Rarity sees Sunset's cut and gasped. "Darling, you have a nasty cut on your cheek!"

"Oh. It's okay Rarity, it's nothing serious." Sunset assured the fashionista, who pulls out a handkerchief and puts it on Sunset's cut cheek.

"Even so, it must be treated!" Exclaimed Rarity.

Twilight looks down with a frown, knowing she is responsible for Sunset getting hurt.

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walked towards the commanding officer with concern. Vice Principal Luna is the one to speak.

"Excuse me, not to sound ungrateful, but who are you people and why are you at our school?"

"I believe I can answer that." A mysterious voice behind the two.

"Hello, ma'ams. Apologies for this sudden appearance from us. Allow me to introduce myself. I am General Warhorse, founder of the task force, The M.C.A."

The two sisters look at him in confusion as Principal Celestia repeated him. "The M.C.A?"

"Magic Control Agency." Warhorse pronounced the full initials. "Ever since strange occurrences involving magic has been happening for four years, i decided to create an organization that can control these events from getting out of hand. Research shows that all these events have started here, in Canterlot High. Then it started going around in the city. And soon across the seas."

Both Twilight and Sunset look down shamefully.

"It took awhile to create this organization, but I managed to get it running. And from the looks of things, I say we made it just in time, since more of this magic is on the loose." He motions to the cracked statue.

Twilight's frown became heavier, as she knows that she was the one responsible for the statue breaking in the first place.

"Until we can fix up that statue to seal in the magic, we will have to put this school into lockdown till further notice." Warhorse declared, to the shock of the two principals.

"But our fourth year students are graduating! We can't leave off the ceremony! Please, just let us finish our ceremony before you lock off the school!" Pleaded Principal Celestia.

Warhorse thinks for a moment before nodding. "Very well. But don't stay here for too long. We want to get started on that statue."

Principal Celestia nods before turning to her students.

Sunset and her friends were about to walk over to their fellow students before the M.C.A soldiers stop them in their tracks.

"Hold it you seven, the general wants to have a talk with yous." The soldier told them.

Soon Warhorse walked over to the girls greeting them. "Hello girls. So yous are the ones that have been fighting off this magic for four years now?"

All the girls nodded, with Rainbow Dash gloating abit. "Yep, that's us. We're just that awesome~." She declared as all her friends rolls their eyes.

"I can imagine. But im afraid those days for you are over." Warhorse announced to the girls shock.

"Hold up. Over?" Applejack repeated.

"Yes." Warhorse nodded. "Since the M.C.A is officially running, there is no need for you girls to step in. We can handle any magic situations from here on out."

"B-But we've been doing this for four years now!" Rainbow Dash said in disbelief.

"After all that you just want us to stop?" Sunset added.

"I'm afraid so. But you girls shouldn't worry, we're more than capable of taking care of it."

As much as some of them don't want to admit, but Warhorse was right. The M.C.A soldiers took care of the magic possessed tree and it's flowers minions no problem.

"And to make things better for yous, you are all able to focus on your future paths without worrying about handling magic." Warhorse added.

Again, he was right. Now that the M.C.A exists, they can all focus on their future careers and not worry about Equestrian Magic getting in the way. Even so, some of the girls were still a little reluctant.

"Well, I guess we can't argue with that, sir." Twilight spoke out.

"Very good. I just have one thing to ask of you girls before we all move on." Warhorse said, getting the girls' attention.

"And what would that be?" Asked the curious Sunset.

"I will need to ask you girls to hand over your geodes." Warhorse exclaimed.

All the girls were in complete shock. So shocked that they all clenched onto their geodes protectively.

"What?!" Said a shocked Sunset.

"Hand over our geodes?!" Applejack repeated.

"No way!" Added Rainbow Dash.

"Girls, I understand that this is a surprise for yous, but im afraid we can't have you using your geodes' powers anymore." Exclaimed Warhorse as calmly as he could.

"But we've been through alot with these!" Said Sunset.

"We helped alot of people with our powers!" Applejack added, still clenching onto her geode.

"I know you girls have. But I also know that you girls can be pretty irresponsible with your powers. One of yous using your powers for everyday things, making everyone else's geodes go overboard."

Warhorse was referring to Rainbow Dash, as she looked away sheepishly.

"Not to mention your powers can be pretty dangerous, causing abit of damage."

Sunset looked down, as she remembered she destroyed the soccer field's bleachers with her laser beam.

"So I need you girls to hand over your geodes as a saftey precaution." Warhorse held out his hand, wanting the girls to hand over their geodes.

Sunset looks down at her geode. She then looks at Warhorse with a sincere look on her face. "I understand your concern, sir. But... the thing is.... we've been through alot with these geodes. It made us the people we are, and did so much. I'm not sure if we can just give them up like that..."

Warhorse looks at her and thinks. ".... Alright, I have a different proposition for you girls."

The girls looked a little hopeful.

"You may keep your geodes, I won't have you turn them in. But, in order to keep them, you must never use your powers again."

The girls were still shocked after hearing that. Especially Rainbow Dash.

"What?!" Shouts the sports girl. "Never use our powers again?!"

"Yes, that is the best I can offer you girls."

"That's just silly!" Applejack stated. "How can we keep our geodes but not use our powers?!"

"Yeah! Mabye we can keep our geodes, and just use our powers just a little bit?" Pinkie Pie offered.

"No." Warhorse answered.

"Not if we use them just a teeny, tiny bit?" Pinkie Pie said with a hopeful grin.

"I'm afraid not." Warhorse sighed. "Look, this is the best offer I can give you girls. It's either that, or hand them over."

Sunset thinks before looking at Warhorse. "Can you give us a moment?"

He nods before Sunset takes the girls into a huddle.

"We're not gonna just give up using our powers, right?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah! These are our powers, so we should use them right whenever we want!" Applejack declared.

"Girls... as much as it hurts me to say this... mabye we should agree?" Twilight said, much to Rainbow Dash and Applejack's shock.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash said in disbelief. "Twilight, you can't be serious!"

"Yeah! Why in tarnation are you saying that?!" Applejack said to the science wiz.

"Yeah, I don't wanna give up using my powers!" Pinkie Pie said with a frown. "My parties have been ten times more fun with them!"

"Plus, and I repeat, we helped alot of people!" Applejack said. "Why would we give them up, Twilight?! Why would you give up the thing you accepted about yourself?!"

"It's because of my powers that Equestrian Magic is loose again!" Twilight shouts, making the girls silent.

Twilight took a moment before speaking again. "It's my fault the statue broke... I threw the tree monster at the statue which caused it to break and release more Equestrian Magic... I'm the reason Equestrian Magic is loose... again..."

All the girls looked at Twilight with pity. Soon Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

"So you made a mistake. Big deal. We're bound to make more mistakes. It's part of life to make mistakes."

"But you're not the one who caused Equestrian Magic to be loose, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight rebuffed. "You're not the one who caused it to be loose again! You're not the one who sucked the magic out of your friends! You're not the one who released said magic and turned into a witch demon and nearly tore apart our world!" Twilight was shedding tears.

Her friends were shocked to see Twilight still felt guilty of the events of the friendship games. And the Midnight Sparkle incident. Twilight took a moment before speaking again.

"I don't wanna cause anymore trouble because of magic... I think it's best if we all just stopped using our powers from now on."

They were silent again before Applejack spoke up. "Well... I don't think so. Twilight, when things get out of hand, we have each other for support. Right Rarity?"

Applejack turned to Rarity who was silent. So silent that Applejack started to worry. "Rarity?" She repeated, anxiously looking at her friend to respond.

Soon Rarity build up the courage to speak up. "I... I think we shouldn't use our powers anymore either, Applejack."

This completely shocks Applejack, as she looks at Rarity in disbelief. "What?"

"Applejack, you know I love to use these powers. But... I want to be able to focus on my future career without worrying about dealing with Equestrian Magic. Besides, we're still keeping our geodes, right?" Rarity said with a gentle tone.

"But Rarity, these powers are apart of us. And you just wanna stop using them all together? Like they mean nothing?"

"I never said they mean nothing anymore, Applejack." Rarity said.

"Well it sure sounds like it to me." Argued Applejack.

Rarity gasps in offense as she gave Applejack a look. "Honestly, Applejack! You're being ridiculous!"

"I'm being ridiculous?! You're the one who wants to stop using our powers! You! The girl who loves gems and diamonds, whos powers are based on that! And I'm the one being ridiculous?!"

"Okay you two, just calm down!" Sunset said, pushing the two apart from each other.

"Fluttershy, common, you gotta agree that we can't give up our powers, right?" Rainbow Dash asked her shy friend.

Fluttershy looked at the ground brushing her hair. "Well, um... actually..."

Knowing what's about to come out of her mouth, Rainbow Dash groans in frustration. "Oh no! Not you too!"

"It would be nice not having to worry about Equestrian Magic all the time." Stated Fluttershy. "It can help me focus on helping more animals."

"But your powers is literally talking to animals!" Rainbow Dash points out. "How can you help animals if you don't know what they're saying?!

"I'll... just have to do my best." Fluttershy exclaimed.

"You don't know what you're saying!" Rainbow Dash states.

Fluttershy felt a little annoyed by Rainbow Dash's statement as she rebuffed. "Actually, I do know what I'm saying. Mabye we can't always rely on our powers for our everyday lives. Unlike someone we know."

Everyone was shocked to hear Fluttershy make a bold statement to Rainbow Dash, who immediately got defensive. "I do not rely on my powers for everyday things!"

Fluttershy rose an eyebrow at her, reading a Really? Expression.

"Okay, well, not as often anymore, but who are you to judge?! You use your powers at your job all the time!" Rainbow Dash argued.

"Well at least I was using my powers to help the animals and not because I wanted to get things done faster!" Fluttershy shot back.

"Girls please! Stop arguing!" Sunset begged.

"Well, it seems the decision is tied three to three!" Applejack said, with her, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie choosing not to give up their powers, and Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy voting to give up their powers.

"Well, it all comes down to you, Sunset." Rainbow Dash looks at Sunset.

"Huh?" Sunset was taken aback by being suddenly put in the spotlight.

"Well? What do you think? Should we give up our powers, which by the way, is a dumb decision." Rainbow Dash shot a look at Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Or should we not agree to the terms, which by the way, is pointless because both will result on us not using our powers ever again." Rarity points out.

Sunset chokes abit, sweating on the spot as all of her friends look at her, waiting for an answer. But the thing is, Sunset already had an answer. She had an answer before they started arguing, which is why she pulled them to a huddle in the first place. She gulped abit and took a deep breath before answering.

"Girls... I think it's best if we didn't use our powers anymore..." Sunset said with a frown.

This completely takes Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie aback. They were in complete shock after hearing Sunset say that.

"You can't be serious!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Rarity has a point, Rainbow Dash. Even if we don't give up our powers, it'll result in getting our geodes taken away from us completely. So isn't it best to just keep our geodes, just not using our powers?" She looked at her three friends with a hopeful look, hoping they'd understand.

Rainbow Dash brushed off with sunset said and crossed her arms. "But our powers defines who we are! If we give that up, it means we're throwing away that part of ourselves!"

"No it won't, Rainbow Dash!" Sunset tried reasoning. "It'll still be part of us, we just won't be using them from now on."

"What happened to, 'I think we were meant to have these powers.' Back at Camp Everfree?!" Rainbow dash points out. "If we were meant to have these powers, we shouldn't give them up because some guy doesn't trust us with them!"

"Yeah!" Applejack agrees. "That Warhorse feller doesn't know us! He doesn't know what we've been through! That day at camp everfree was the most important day of our lives! Shouldn't that mean something?"

It hurts Sunset to see her friends arguing with each other. Sunset sighs before speaking again.

"It is important. Which is why we'll still have memories of everything we've been through. Shouldn't that count for something?"

Giving up on debating, everyone just stayed silent, to Sunset's dismay. They all walked back towards Warhorse with neither of Sunset's friends looking at each other.

"We'll... agree to never use our powers again." Sunset says, her voice sounding sad. "In exchange for keeping our geodes."

Warhorse nods. "Very well. Just remember, if either one of you girls secretly uses their powers, we will track you down and take your geode away. Is that clear."

"Very." Sunset responds.

Warhorse nods and waits for them to take off their geodes. The girls were hesitant, especially Rainbow Dash and Applejack. But soon all the girls took off their geodes. Soon their pony ears, tails and wings slowly fade away. This was the last time they all ponied up.

"Better keep those things in a safe place girls." Warhorse suggested before walking away to his soldiers.

The girls make their way back to their fellow students to finish the ceremony, but all of them are not talking to each other. Sunset broke the silence by trying to assure the girls.

"Girls, we did the right thing. We might not be able to use our powers anymore but at least we can keep our geodes, right?"

"Yeah, great." Rainbow Dash said coldly, not even looking at Sunset.

"Honestly, Rainbow Dash, you can live without using your powers. You've done it before." Rarity told the sports girl.

"But that's not the point!" Shot Rainbow Dash. "We just gave up something that made us stronger together!"

"Our powers isn't what made us stronger together." Sunset began saying. "What made us stronger together was that we stuck together. Had each other's backs, our friendship."

"Some friends." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" Rarity shot Rainbow Dash a look.

"If we were really friends, we would've all agreed that giving up using our powers isn't the right choice! That guy doesn't know what he's talking about! Yet you four just wanted to give them up like they mean nothing!"

"It's not like that at all, Rainbow Dash!" Sunset tried reasoning. "Time is changing now! There are people here who will take care of Equestrian Magic now! Shouldn't that be good news?"

"Pfft, oh please! How do you know these M.C.A soldiers can handle things better than we can?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Um, they just saved us from the tree and flower monsters?" Twilight pointed out.

"Oooooh, they stopped a bunch of moving flowers." Rainbow Dash said with sarcasm. "Big deal! For all we know, they could be doing something with the Equestrian Magic themselves."

"Yeah!" Applejack agreed. "What if these soldiers want something from the Equestrian Magic?"

"Mabye something super evil!" Pinkie Pie guessed.

"You guys are just being paranoid now." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You can't possibly know that. Mabye they just wanna study so they know how to control the magic here."

"Oh, like how you wanted to study it? Look where that got you!" Shot Rainbow Dash, causing the girls to gasp.

Twilight's eyes slowly start to tear up. Rainbow Dash quickly realized what she said and immediately regrets it.

"I-I..." Rainbow Dash stutters and chokes on her words, having a hard time coming up with something to say. Rainbow Dash just breaks eye contact with Twilight, turns around and walks back to the graduating students.

All the girls were still stunned of what Rainbow Dash said. Sunset knows Rainbow Dash didn't mean it, and was just angry. But doesn't justify what she did. Twilight took off her glasses, wiping the tears in her eyes. Sunset puts a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"Twilight, you know Rainbow Dash didn't mean that, right?" She waited for an answer. But Twilight responds only with a quiet;

"Uh-huh..." before walking and meeting up with the other students.

Sunset frown becomes heavier, almost shedding tears. She looks at the rest of her friends, trying to give a hopeful speech.

"I know this will get some time getting use to. Might take a good while to accept not using our powers anymore. But things will get better. These people are perfectly capable of handling Equestrian Magic, which means more free time for us to focus on our careers. And as long as we have and support each other, we can get through this. Right girls?"

Sunset eagerly waited for her friends to respond. But to her disappointment, all her friends were completely silent. They only took slight glances at each other before awkwardly looking away. Sunset was afraid of this. There is so much tension between each other. They had arguments and disagreements before, but this is more tense. They all don't agree with the decision they made, and they're mad at each other. To make things worse, they all started walking to the stage of the field without saying anything to her, or each other. Rarity and Applejack took one more glance at each other before looking away with frowns on their faces.

Sunset hasn't seen them this mad at each other since she tricked them into hating each other. But only this time, they really were mad at each other for their own decisions. Sunset is afraid this has caused a strain in their friendship. She just hopes it can be fixed. Sunset soon made it to the stadium to get all the graduates pictures. Sunset and the rest of the Rainbooms force a smile on their face for the picture, but they knew they won't be the same with each other.


Soon after the graduation, the M.C.A has locked down the school and all the teachers, students and their parents went home. The Rainbooms haven't said a word to each other after that, so Sunset went back to her apartment. Night came and Sunset was laying in bed still thinking about today. She doesn't know what to do, or if her friends will still stay mad at each other. But she also can't help but think about the M.C.A. An organization that takes care of Equestrian Magic? That's insane, sunset thought.

As she was thinking about the M.C.A, she realized that they could be after Any type of magic. Any that's out of the ordinary. Like Spike, being a talking dog. Sunset hopes nothing will happen to him, or the M.C.A don't find out. But she also remembers her magic journal. Something that helps her talk to Princess Twilight. What if the M.C.A somehow finds out about it? Will they take it away like they wanted to take her and her friends geodes away? Sunset couldn't bare to think about that. Sunset tried to figure out what to do about it. Didn't take long though. Sunset knew exactly what she needs to do. She doesn't like it one bit, but she knows it has to be done. If she didn't, then Princess Twilight will think something is wrong and would try to come to her world to see if somethings wrong. And the M.C.A might take her away. Sunset doesn't know what they might do if they discover Princess Twilight or learn about Equestria, but she doesn't wanna risk of that ever happening. So Sunset took out her journal, and starts writing into it.

"Dear Princess Twilight, I'm letting you know that me and my friends just graduated from high school."

She waited abit before Twilight writes "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Did you girls have a great graduation?"

Sunset paused for abit before responding. "Well, not exactly..."

Twilight quickly responds. "What do you mean?"

Sunset takes a moment to collect her thoughts before writing back. She tells her everything that happened. That Equestrian Magic possessed a tree and turned it into a monster that can create other plant monsters, that these people called the M.C.A showed up and took care of the monsters, and that her and her friends must give up using their powers ever again. Twilight writes back to her, clearly surprised about everything that happened.

"Oh my! That's crazy! And you and your friends have to give up using your powers in order to keep your geodes?"

"Yep, that's right." Sunset wrote back with a frown.

"And your friends didn't agree with each other with that decision and now they're fighting?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid so..."

"I'm sure with time they will come to understand each other and try to move on from this. It won't be easy, but I have hope."

"I really hope so, Twilight..." Sunset sighed.

"Well, whatever happens, I'll be here to help get you through it!" Twilight wrote with much enthusiasm, which only made Sunset feel worse.

Sunset build up the courage to finally write to Twilight what she's been wanting to tell her.

"Actually, Princess Twilight, there's actually a reason why I'm writing all this to you..."

"What is it, Sunset?" Twilight wrote back.

"The M.C.A is trying to take care of the Equestrian Magic loose in the city, meaning anything with magic in it is a target to them. Including this journal. And if they find out about this journal, they could possibly take it away like they wanted to take our geodes. So, it hurts me to say this, but in order to keep you, and Equestria safe from them, I think it's best if we stopped writing to each other..."

It was much more painful to write than Sunset imagined. She didn't want to lose touch with someone who gave her a second chance. But she knows it has to be done. Soon Princess Twilight wrote back.

"I see. I understand Sunset. You're right. If these M.C.A people find this journal and read everything written here, they could discover Equestria and might come here."

Sunset was relieved Princess Twilight understands. Yet she is still hurt that she has to do this. She soon writes back to the princess pony.

"Thank you for understanding, Princess Twilight. But part of me doesn't want to do this. I don't wanna lose touch with you. You mean so much to me."

"It hurts me too, Sunset. I wish there was a better option, but seems like there isn't."

Sunset wish there was a better option, but she knows that's not the case. She holds back from crying as she writes back.

"I guess this is goodbye, Twilight. I'm gonna miss you..."

"I will miss you too, Sunset shimmer..."

"You better shut off the portal so the M.C.A won't discover it. And tell Princess Celestia goodbye for me, and I'll miss her..." As Sunset finished writing that, tears fell down on the page she was writing.

Princess Twilight writes back. "I will. So what will you do now?"

Sunset thinks of an answer. Going back to Equestria is out of the picture, and she's afraid what will happen between her and her friends. She writes back while wiping away her tears.

"I don't know. With everything happening with the M.C.A and my friends, it's hard to think. But whatever my future holds, I'll try to push through it. Until then, I'll see where the road takes me from there.

Chapter 1: A New Start

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A quick summary of events before the story begins)

The day after graduation, things between Sunset and the other Rainbooms have been... rocky. Not only were half of them were still mad at each other for their decisions to no longer use our powers, but now more Equestrian Magic has been released into the city. Twilight has been blaming herself for that for weeks now. No matter how much they, especially Sunset tried, Twilight wouldn't stop blaming herself.

Not only that, but an organization, The M.C.A, (Magic Control Agency) has been formed and will now handle the Equestrian Magic loose around the city. Half the citizens were thankful that the M.C.A was formed, as they can stop relying on teenage girls to handle such dangerous situations. But the other half, mainly the CHS graduates, aren't quite so sure they wanna truly trust these people. But they don't really have a choice so they reluctantly accept it.

Over time, the Rainbooms friendship has grown more stain and bitter. Eventually, most of the Rainbooms have parted ways. Rarity moved out of the city to attend a high class fashion school, Rainbow Dash left the city, as she wanted to attend the Wonderbolt academy for a ton of sports opportunities, Fluttershy and her family moved out of town as Fluttershy's father had a new job opening, and Twilight and her family moved away, Twilight claiming she wanted the chance to study science engineering in other places. But deep down, Twilight still felt Equestrian Magic being let loose was all her fault, and felt things would be better if she no longer lived in Canterlot City, risking the chance of making things worse.

The only Rainbooms that stayed in Canterlot City was Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Sunset. Pinkie Pie still wanted to be near the two friends she had left, and Applejack still had her family farm in the city. Sunset was grateful for them sticking around, but clearly things between them just haven't been the same.

Once Maud moved away to search for a job as a geologist, Pinkie Pie was devastated, feeling Maud moving away was a sign Pinkie Pie should leave the city too. With no other place to go, Pinkie Pie moved back to her old family farm and soon lost contact with Applejack and Sunset.

It was too much for Sunset. She didn't know what she was gonna do in life, and had lost almost all of her friends. She can no longer write back to Princess Twilight for advice, and obviously can't go back to Equestria. The only option she had left was to do the same thing her friends did. Move away from Canterlot City. At least for awhile, until she can find her purpose. Applejack was more than supportive of her choice, and wished her luck.

Things haven't been easy for Sunset. All she had was a guitar, a few pocket change, a few snacks to munch on, and a rental car. Sunset got by by preforming songs on the streets. It wasn't much, but it kept her fed. But as luck has it, Sunset got her big break when a talent scout found her. He offered her a deal to make a few albums and put her out in the world. Now over time, Sunset has become the most famous singer in the world, even forming her own band. She went on tours, preformed in many places, and was finally finding herself.

And as Sunset thought she couldn't get any luckier, she ends up finding love. Meeting someone by chance at a coffee shop. They went on a few dates, got to know each other, and eventually, got married. Things couldn't be any better for Sunset. While she did miss her old friends, and especially using her powers to help others, she wouldn't change a thing in her life right now.

After a few years, Sunset, who was now pregnant, has moved back to Canterlot City. Not much has changed in Canterlot City. Some buildings remained the same while at the same time new buildings are seen. But the one thing that has changed most was the M.C.A. Not only did they have new armor for the soldiers, but their tactics to retrieving Equestrian Magic has been... extreme to say the least.

Sunset wanted to see if Applejack's family farm was still around. Thankfully it was. But Applejack was no where to be seen. The only Apples that were seen was Applejack's youngest sister, Applebloom, who was now a young adult, and Big Mac. Big Mac had gotten married to a woman by the name of Sugar Belle, who owned a pastry shop in town. They informed Sunset that Applejack set off on her own at some point. She didn't tell them why, but she wanted them to let Sunset know that even though she's no longer in Canterlot City, she's still Sunset's friend, and to immediately write to her as soon as she gets back.

Twenty years later....

Sunset has a nice big house near the hills of Canterlot City. Sadly, her husband has passed away ten years ago and has had a hard time dealing with it. But she had to be strong. Especially when she had two daughters to raise by herself. Writing back to Applejack helped a lot, since Sunset was given the address to where Applejack was living. Now Sunset couldn't be anymore happier.

Inside the house, Sunset Shimmer , who was now retired as a professional musician and singer, was cooking breakfast as she happily hummed to herself. She sets stacks of pancakes on the table as her oldest daughter, Sunny Shade, has come down for some breakfast. Sunset smiled at her and greeted her.

"Hey Sunny. Ready for breakfast?" She asked her daughter.

"Oh you bet." Sunny responds with a smile.

Sunny sat down and began to eat her pancakes. Sunset looked around raising an eyebrow.

"Where's your sister?"

"Where else? Sleeping in bed." Sunny respond, pouring syrup on her pancakes.

Sunset groaned and rolled her eyes. "Still? She's gonna be late for her first day of school."

Sunset puts away her apron and walked to the stairs in the hallway before calling out to her youngest daughter.

"Aura? Aura! Get up, you're gonna miss breakfast!"

In Aura's room, Aura, who strikingly resembles Sunset, was in bed snoring loudly as Sunset was constantly calling her.

"Aura Blaze!" Sunset shouts at the top of her lungs, causing Aura to jolt up from her bed.

"Wha- huh-..?!" Aura blinked her eyes as her vision tried adjusting to the sunlight.

"Aura get up, you're gonna be late for your first day of school!" Sunset repeats.

Aura rubbed her eyes groaning. "Im coming, im coming..!"

Aura stretched her arms and let out a big yawn. She removed the blanket off her and sets her feet on the ground. She stands up and stretched her body again. She quickly runs to the bathroom and fixes her hair. She brushes and rinsed her teeth before running back to her room. She dug around in her closet before finding clothes to wear. She got dressed as fast as she could and gathered her school supplies. She fits them her backpack, tied her shoes, grabbed her phone and grabbed her music player.

"By Mr. Needlemouse, see you after school!" Aura called out to her pet hedgehog, who was in a cage next to her bed eating a kibble.

Aura ran down the stairs and jumped down the last few steps before running to the kitchen.

"Oh man I'm starving!" Aura said as she smelled the pancakes, sitting down.

She grabbed some stacks and started eating.

"You better finish up quick, Aura, we gotta go in a few." Sunset told her youngest daughter as she brushed her hair.

"Oh come on, mom, don't make me rush pancakes..." Aura frowned as she held a piece of pancakes to her mouth.

"You wouldn't have to if you got up early. Like really, on your first day?"

"Wow, my baby sister starting her first day of high-school. Ain't that exciting~?" Sunny teases her sister who was giving her a dry look.

"Yeah, woo." Aura said sarcastically.

"Oh come now, Aura. You're gonna love CHS. You know I went to that school-" Before Sunset could finish Aura quickly spoke the rest of what she's gonna say.

"When you were my age, I know." Aura sighed as she bites a slice of pancake. "I don't see why it's such a big deal. It's just a school."

"Aura, why are you so grouchy? You haven't started and yet you're already complaining." Sunset said, looking at Aura.

Aura sighed and shook her head. "Nothing it's just... High-school is so much different from middle school. Not to mention important to a teen's reputation. One wrong move and you'll be remembered for your biggest slip up, mistakes, or how you're seen. And you'll be left alone for the rest of high-school with no friends."

Sunset rolls her eyes. "Aura, you're overreacting. That stuff won't matter, trust me." Sunset explains before she puts a hand on her shoulder.

"I know it's scary Aura. But high-school is the next opportunity to making new friends. Besides, won't your childhood friend be attending there too?" Sunset tried reassuring.

"I guess so..." Aura sighed.

Sunset still notices how unsure Aura is. Sunset checked the time and gasped.

"Come on Aura, it's time to go."

Aura grabbed her backpack and puts it over her shoulder before following her mom. Aura and sunset walked towards a black car with Sunset's emblem on the front hood and enter it. Sunset sat in the driver's seat as Aura buckled her seat belt with Sunset doing the same. Sunset puts the keys in the ignition and turned it. The car sputters to life as Sunset looks over at Aura smiling.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure..." Aura sighed before putting her earphones on.

Sunset smile slightly fades as she looked at her daughter. Sunset shifted the car to reverse and slowly backed out of her driveway. Once she stops she puts the car in drive and begins to drive forward. Aura was clicking through her music player before picking a song to listen to.

As her song plays, Aura was looking out the passenger window as she watches trees and buildings fly by as they drive. Soon they make it to a part of Canterlot City that Sunset is familiar with. While there are new residents to be seen, some old residents are also seen. Lyra and Bonbon were sitting on a bench, holding hands and resting on each other's heads, Derpy was now a package delivery girl as she drove in a delivery truck, waving at a few residents. There was even a flower shop that's owned by Wallflower Blush.

Sunset smiled as she glanced at the town around her, while still focusing on the road. Sunset glanced at Aura, who was crossing her arms and looking through the window with a frown on her face. Sunset's smile shifted a bit, feeling abit worried for Aura. She kept her eyes on the road, hoping the best for her daughter.

After some time of driving, Sunset sees the familiar high school she and her old friends attended, Canterlot High. Sunset pulled up in front of the school and watched as new students started entering the building. Sunset smiles as she missed seeing this school after so long. She looks at Aura and frowns when she sees Arua clenching her arms and bouncing her leg. Sunset knew Aura only does this either when she's really nervous or stressed. Wanting to give her daughter reassurance, she gently places her hand on Aura's shoulder, causing Aura to look at her, pause her music and take off one of her earphones.

"You're gonna be just fine, hunny. Don't worry." Sunset gave her a warm smile.

Aura cracks a small smile and shrugs. "Thanks mom, but I'm not sure how much of that is true." There was little sarcasm into that, but at the same time sounded legit.

Sunset playfully rolled her eyes before talking to Aura in the most sincere tone. "I know starting a new school is scary. But you'll never know, you might make new friends and come to like it."

"Liking school? Now that's a laugh." Aura said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

Sunset playfully and gently slapped her shoulder. "Oh don't be so dramatic." Sunset smiled at her again. She gently brushed her hand against her daughter's hair. "Just do your best Aura."

"Alright..." Aura grabbed her backpack from the floor before opening the passenger door.

As Aura steps out of the car, Sunset said one last thing to her.

"Aura, I love you."

"Yeah, I know mom." Aura smiled before closing the door.

Sunset sighed as she watched Aura walk to the front door of the school. All Sunset can do now is wish her daughter the best of luck as she drives away from the school.

Aura stops in front of the school door, looking at it, clenching her backpack. She took a deep breath in her nose before exhaling through her mouth. She placed her hand on the door handle and pushes it open. Aura stops and looks at the many different students attending the school. Of course, Aura doesn't see any familiar faces in the school, which was already stressful enough. Aura started putting her earphones on and plays some music to help calm her nerves.

Aura starts walking through the hallways, glancing at students and the environment around her.

"Hmm... I guess this place isn't too bad." Aura admitted to herself as she glances around the school, feeling less tense.

As she walked, she finally spotted one familiar face. It was her friend from elementary school, Fizzy Pop. Though Sunset may remember Aura and Fizzy being best friends, Aura didn't tell her that once her and Fizzy started middle school, they would barely talk to each other due to being in a few different classes. Not only that, but she didn't try to make an effort to actually make any new friends in middle school. She was scared if other students knew her mom was once the famous musician and singer, Sunset Shimmer, they would only wanna be friends with her for that reason only.

But wanting to have someone familiar to talk to and not spend her high school years alone, she slowly approached Fizzy Pop. Once she got close she cleared her throat.

"Uh, F-Fizzy..?" Aura nervously spoke.

Fizzy turned around and smiled once she saw Aura. "Aura! Long time no see."

Aura felt relieved Fizzy Pop still remembered her and a small smile curves on her face.

"Uh, yeah, it's good to see you." Aura said, gripping her backpack strap.

"Wow, it's been too long! I see your hair has gotten longer." Fizzy took notice of Aura's long hair.

Aura brushed some hair away from her face. "Heh, yeah. Was thinking of getting it cut or something."

"How's Mr. Needlemouse? Is he doing okay?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, he's doing great. Still eats all day and curls into a ball to nap."

Both girls laugh.

"We're suppose to head to the auditorium, right?" Fizzy asked, wanting to be sure.

"Uh, yeah. After the second bell I think." Aura recalls.

"Great. Let's go together." Fizzy smiled.

Aura smiled hearing Fizzy say that. "Yeah, sounds good."

On queue, the bell rings, and all the new students start making their way towards the auditorium.

In the auditorium, students sat in bleachers as they waited for their principal to come on stage. Aura and Fizzy sat next to each other much to Aura's delight. Soon they hear the sound of a microphone being turned on and a woman can be see walking on the stage.

"Hello first years of CHS." She greeted. "It is such an honor to have you all attending this school. I am your principal, Starlight Glimmer, and this is vice principal Sunburst." Principal Starlight Glimmer motioned to a man next to her.

He waved before she began speaking again.

"I hope you all will enjoy your time spent at CHS. I am sure you all are aware of this school's history. Magic wisps bursting through the horse statue in front of the school, evil siren girls and many more crazy things that have happenedhere."

All the students murmur to each other as they definitely have heard of these things happening.

"And im sure you all know that seven of the school's students have fought these things and are heroes." Starlight said, making Aura fidget abit.

"Rest assured students that we will avoid those things from ever happening. The M.C.A will be sure to keep our school out of harms way as they have been, ever since they've been founded. Now with that out of the way, allow me to explain what this school has in store for you all."

Principal Starlight Glimmer began explaining of all the classes the school has, and even after school activities and clubs.

Once the bell rang everyone left the auditorium and went to their first classes. Aura's first class was history. Aura was glad that Fizzy was also in the same class and they sat next to each other.

All day aura was getting familiar with her classes. First period history, second period was math, third was gym, and fourth was lunch. Aura and Fizzy had two classes together so far, that being history and science, which wasn't till fifth period.

As soon as lunch rolled around, Aura met up with Fizzy as the two got in line to get their lunch. Fizzy had a slice of pizza with fries on the side and a cola while Aura had a hotdog with a bowl of chili on the side and some apple juice.

"Wow, this school is great so far, isn't it?" Fizzy asked Aura with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I have to admit, it's pretty nice so far." Aura admitted as she and Fizzy walked out of the line and went to find a table.

"Still crazy of the school's history. Magic, evil sirens, crazy monsters, it's just, wow." Fizzy said in awe.

Aura looked down at her tray, wondering how her mom and her friends dealt with all these things for four years.

"Hey, didn't your mom use to go here?" Fizzy recalled from Sunset's stories from years ago. "How did she react to all of that crazy stuff?"

Aura didn't know how to respond. She stared down at her lunch tray wondering what she was gonna say. But she was so distracted from her thoughts that she didn't hear Fizzy warning her about something. And then--


Aura bumps into a female student, causing the girl to drop her food tray and Aura's bowl of chili spilling on the girl's clothes, causing her to shriek. The entire cafeteria stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards the two.

The girl looked abit high class as her outfit looked new and expensive. Well at least it did, until Aura accidentally spilled chili on it.

Aura felt sheepish and regrettable as she stuttered and stared at the mess she did.

"O-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean--! Here, let me clean that up!" Aura panicked as she grabbed her napkins from the floor and started wiping the girl's shirt.

The girl immediately slapped Aura's hand away as she glared at her with the most rageful expression.

"Dont you dare touch me! I picked out my best clothes for my first day, and you ruined it!" The girl snapped at Aura.

Her shouting makes everyone murmur to each other as Fizzy steps back from the commotion.

"I-Im sorry, I didn't mean to! U-Um..." Aura paused as she didn't know the girls name.

The girl growled at her. "Aurora! Aurora Sparks! Not that it matters to you!" The girl, now known as Aurora Sparks said as she looked at her friend next to her.


A girl, Rose Petal , quickly rushes over to Aurora. "Yes Aurora?"

"Go get my emergency cleaning kit from my locker and meet me by the girls bathroom!" She ordered her friend.

Rose nodded as she ran out of the cafeteria. Aurora turned her attention back at Aura.

"You! What's your name?!" Aurora demanded.

Aura gulped as she hesitates to answer. "A.... Aura Blaze..?"

"Well, Aura Blaze! You better watch your back! Cause from now on, every time I see you, I'll make your, and your friends school years, a living nightmare!" Aurora threatens before leaving the cafeteria to meet up with Rose.

Aura was left standing in the middle of the cafeteria as the students who witnessed everything whispered. Aura looks down on the ground, completely embarrassed of the situation.

Fizzy Pop quickly pushes Aura to a empty table as they both sit down.

"Um, you okay, Aura..?" Fizzy Pop asked.

"I think so..." Aura replied, unsure herself. "Talk about first impressions right..?"

Aura tried joking to ease the situation, but both just laugh awkwardly as Fizzy shares her lunch with Aura, as she didn't have her own lunch now.

"Oh man, can't believe I just did that infront of the entire cafeteria... and here I thought my first day was going fine..." Aura frowned.

Fizzy tried to think of something to say. "Well... mabye everyone will forget?" She thought, but deep down knew it wouldn't blow over that fast.

"Well... as long as we have each other, we can get through it, right?" Aura smiled hopefully.

Fizzy paused. She stared at Aura with a blank expression. Thinking about what Aurora said worried her. All Fizzy could do is nod to what Aura said.

"Uh, yeah. Right."

It was a long school day for Aura. Her first day, started off okay, but then changed to anxiety after her encounter with Aurora Sparks. All day students have been staring at Aura and whispering about her. School ended as the bell rang and the students started leaving the building. Aura spots Fizzy and ran to her friend.

"Hey Fizzy! Do you wanna go hang out somewhere? Mabye get some ice cream or something?" Aura asked, having a smile on her face.

Fizzy looked... hesitant, as she didn't make eye contact with Aura. "Um.... sorry I'm abit busy after school... but uh, mabye next time okay?"

Before Aura can answer Fizzy walked off. Aura sighed to herself as she gripped her backpack straps. She knew she embarrassed herself. But embarrassing Fizzy felt worse, as Aura knew she embarrassed her.

Aura grunted when someone shoved passed her. Of course it was none other than Aurora Sparks who glared at Aura before she and her friend Rose entered Aurora's car and sped off.

Aura groaned to herself when she looked at the sky. But then a car horn caught her attention. She looked and saw it was her older sister, Sunny, who was waving at her.

"Over here, baby sister!" Sunny called out to her.

Aura groaned, being embarrassed by her sister is the last thing she wanted to end her day on. Aura quickly walked over to her sisters car and entered the passenger seat.

"So, how was my little sister's first day?" Sunny asked with a smirk.

"Oh it was great. Just great." Aura replied with a scoff.

"Aww, why the long face? Got homework already on the first day or something?" She teased Aura, but she also was concerned on why Aura was upset.

"Look, can we just go home already? I'm tired." Aura grunted.

Before Sunny could say anything else Aura puts on her earphones and plays music on her music player. Sunny knew once Aura plays her music there's no talking to her. So she just sighs and shifts her car to drive before driving on the road.

Aura looked out the window as her music plays. She looked at the sky as she let's out a sigh. The drive was rather quiet, and Aura preferred it that way. They arrive at their house as Aura exits the car and waits for Sunny to unlock the door. Once it's unlocked Aura enters the house. Sunset was home in the living room and was about to greet Aura, but stopped once she saw Aura with her earphones on and speed walking upstairs. Once Aura enters the room, she shuts the door, threw her backpack aside and slumps on her bed. She stares at the ceiling as her music comes to an end.

Aura sighs and takes off her earphones. She turns her head to the cage near her bed which contains her pet hedgehog. She shifted her body, facing the direction of the cage as she begins talking to her pet hedgehog.

"Oh Mr. Needlemouse, you have no idea what kind of day I had... my first day of school started out pretty okay. We spent the first hour hanging out at the auditorium, I met the coolest art teacher, and I caught up with Fizzy Pop. We're even in some classes together." Aura smiles at her pet hedgehog.

Her smile immediately shifted to a frown. "But then I had to bump into this Aurora Sparks girl... She's no one important, Mr. Needlemouse. Apparently she's just some rich girl, who's father is the owner of the biggest company in Canterlot City, and is already well known in the school... yep, totally not important... and I had to spill chili on her."

Arua groaned as she puts her hands over her face. "And now I gotta worry about her on my back till graduation... that's if I ever graduate... Man, mom made going through Canterlot High so easy. Sure she had to fight magic and monsters at times, but normal school days sounded so easy. How does she do it?"

Aura looks at Mr. Needlemouse, who nibbles on a kibble. She looks back at the ceiling.

"Mabye I should just drop out already and go through life without finishing high-school... what do you think? Should I do that?"

Aura looks at her pet hedgehog again, who looks at aura for a moment before finishing his kibble.

"You sure? I heard some people who didn't finish high-school turned out okay. Some better than others."

Mr. Needlemouse scurries to his water container and starts drinking some water. Aura smiles and looks back at the ceiling.

"Yeah, you're right... I can't let one bad incident stop me from going through high-school... especially that Aurora brat. Sure, she's rich. And is already popular in school. And possibly has more friends than me. And kinda scary.... but I should at least try to get through it. Thanks, Mr. Needlemouse, you're always a good listener."

Aura smiled at her pet hedgehog, who let's out a yawn, curls into a ball and takes a nap.

Night came and Aura and her family were having dinner. It was a rather quiet dinner as neither Sunset or Sunny knew what to say. Sunset cleared her throat and looks at her youngest daughter.

"You feeling okay, Aura?"

Aura looks at her mom. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just tired is all." Half of that was true, she really was tired.

"Oh. So how was your first day of school?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, it was splendid." Aura said with sarcasm. "I embarrassed myself today by already making a girl hate me after I accidentally spilled chili on her clothes. So now I'm pretty sure she was gonna torment me for the rest of high-school."

Sunset and Sunny immediately made 'oooooh...' faces upon hearing this.

"Did you apologize?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah! I even tried cleaning up her clothes. But her snobby attitude declined my help and threatened to make my school years a nightmare. So yeah, now there's no guarantee I can avoid her."

"So... you met a mean girl in school. Im sure it was bound to happen." Sunset said.

"Gee, thanks mom..." Aura sighed, eating a piece of steak.

"Oh! No no! Thats not what I meant!" Sunset panicked as she tried to rephrase her words.

"What i mean is, there's bound to be a mean girl in high-school, and everyone will encounter them, no matter how much they try."

"Well that's reassuring..." Aura deadpaned.

"Look, what i mean is, every teen is gonna encounter someone mean in their life. But you shouldn't let that girl get to you." Sunset explained.

"Have you dealt with one?" Aura asked.

Sunset immediately paused. She wasn't sure how to answer this to Aura. She gripped her fork abit before speaking again.

"Look Aura, if this girl is giving you trouble, don't let her get to you. In fact, mabye... try to speak to her about her actions?"

Aura looks at her mom like she's said the craziest thing. "Im sorry, what?"

"Aura, I know some kids act mean just to be mean. But really, they're probably just sad because... well... they have no friends and are lonely..?"

"Mom, she has a friend." Aura deadpaned.

"Well, mabye she just needs someone to treat her nice and friendly? Surely she hasn't been treated nicely either at home or her past schools." Sunset tried suggesting.

"Uh, look mom. Mabye befriending and acting kindly to your enemies might've worked in your days, but this is the new century. No one is gonna change their ways if you sing them a song on how they can be better or being their friend." Aura rolled her eyes, visibly getting annoyed.

Sunset sighed as she looked at Aura. "I know it's silly Aura but can you at least try?"

"I don't think I want to mom." Arua grunts.

"But you'll never know Aura." Sunset tried convincing her.

"Mom..." Aura began gripping her fork.

"She might be mean now but this girl could possibly be a good friend to you if you'd just-"

Aura slammed her fork into her steak. "Mom! .... m-mom... look, I had a rough day today... I embarrassed myself infront of an entire cafeteria, and that girl made it worse by shouting and threatening me... trying to be her friend is the last thing on my mind right now..."

Sunset frowned, realizing she wasn't helping the situation.

"Im sorry Aura... you're right... I didn't mean to..."

Aura stopped her from talking.

"Yeah, I know mom. It's okay." Aura tried to assure.

Sunset sighed. "I guess I'm so use to of my ways that I thought it could fix your problem. But... you're right, this is the now. And my old ways aren't gonna solve your problems..."

Sunset thinks for a moment before she had a thought. "Well do you know what I've learned when dealing with girls like her?"

"What?" Aura asked, eating a piece of steak.

"It's that when you stand up infront of them, others are bound to stand up infront of them too. So don't be scared to show her you won't let her get to you know matter what she does."

Aura thinks about what her mom said, cracking a smile. "Thanks mom. I'll try."

"Trying is all that matters to me." Sunset smiled back at her daughter.

Sunny then spoke up to her little sister. "And you know Aura, even though you had a discouraging day today, just remember one thing."

"What's that?" Aura tilted her head.

Sunny then playfully shoves her shoulder on hers. "Theres another one coming tomorrow~!"

Aura gave her sister a deadpaned look. "You know just what to say to me, do you?"

Sunny laughs as Sunset giggled at her oldest daughter's playfulness. The family continued to eat their dinner, as now Aura is more confident to try to get through high-school and show that Aurora Sparks that she's no pushover. But outside the house, not to their knowledge, is a wisp of Equestrian Magic, hovering around the area, looming in the air as it searches for a new host.