> Sunny Finds the Unicorns > by theponycaptorproject > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A New One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The unicorns were out there somewhere, Sunny just knew it. Her saddle bags were all backed and laid out on her bed as she wrote the letter she planned to stick on her door before leaving. It was a goodbye, a temporary one of course, to Hitch, letting him know what she was doing and that she would be back one day. The other ponies in Maretime Bay might think that the other types of ponies were evil, but Sunny knew better. The world would be a much better place if ponies could unite and work together. The others called it ridiculous, but to Sunny it was the only thing that made sense.  The journey wouldn’t be easy, she wasn’t even fully certain of how to find the other pony societies, but she would find a way to make it work. Throwing the saddle bags over her flank, she decided it was time to leave. The sun was already down, the streets covered in a thick darkness as she left her hometown. Nopony saw her leave, so there was nopony to stop her or try to talk her out of her plan.  With several days worth of food and water, the mare began her trek away from everything she had ever known and into the greater world. For several days the trip went well, with her making good progress. Some old books she’d found implied that many earth ponies had been turned to stone by evil unicorns in a forest not far from Maretime Bay. While Sunny didn’t believe the ‘turned to stone’ claim, most legends and myths had some basis in truth. So, she believed that this forest might be a good place to find the unicorns. After days of travel, Sunny began to see an issue with her plan. She had expected the forest to be close by, and it was, but she had gotten turned around several times, and had taken a long way around to cross a ravine only to discover afterwards there was a bridge connecting the two sides. What had been planned to be a five day trip had already taken more than a week, and Sunny was running out of supplies. There were only crumbs left from the food she’d brough, and she’d been forced to drink from whatever water sources she could find. The usually cheerful mare was starting to feel hopeless. What good would it be if there were unicorns in that old forest and she never made it there. Eating grass to stay alive wasn’t the most pleasant experience either. When she finally found the forest, Sunny almost broke into tears of joy at the sight. That was before she entered the woods themselves. The forest had seemed to go on forever. It had been a couple of days since Sunny had entered it, and just the day before she had passed a rock she recognized. Sunny was lost, there was no escaping that reality. Trying to use the sun that poked through the trees occasionally to help keep her bearings, Sunny made her way in what she hoped was a consistent direction. If she could just make it out of the trees, she knew she could find her way around again. From somewhere up ahead Sunny thought she could hear the sounds of talking. It was quiet and sounded listless, but the more she listened the more she realized that she wasn’t imagining it. Relief and exhilaration coursed through the mare and she ran forward, crashing through bushes and over roots and she sprinted towards the sound. After days of being lost and after weeks of wandering while looking for the unicorns, now she could hear voices in the forest. Maybe it was unicorns, maybe it was just another community of earth ponies. Either way, it was a kind of salvation for Sunny. When she finally burst out into the backyard of a tree home in Briddlewood, Sunny got her first sight of ponies that were not like herself. They looked… bored. There were four of them that she could see, all lounged on the grass. Three of them were nearly immobile, almost looking like they were in comas. The fourth saw Sunny come into view and jumped to her hooves. That mare seemed eager to see a new face, but stopped herself from running over to greet the newcomer, instead nudging one of the other mares that was lying down. That mare stood up slowly, her horn poking out from her hair.  Sunny couldn’t believe her eyes. Right in front of her, just a hundred paces away, were real unicorns! She took an unconscious step forward on legs that were now shaking from excitement. She considered running to greet them all, but remembering how her own town would’ve reacted, she decided to take things slow and introduce herself carefully. Diplomacy would take time and care. The four unicorns all made their way towards her, Sunny doing the same. When they finally reached each other the more excitable one was practically vibrating, but a glare from one with dark purple fur and a blue and pink mane caused the excitable one to stop moving and just stare straight ahead. Sunny debated what to say, it would be the first greeting from a member of the earth ponies to the unicorns in a long time after all. The unicorns were eying her up with expressions that somehow both seemed suspicious and bored, a combination Sunny wasn’t even aware could exist. “What…,” the lead mare paused for a second to correct herself, “Who are you.” “Oh!” Sunny realized that she had been staring for quite a while at that point. It was her first time seeing unicorns, and she was excited, but she mentally chastised herself for falling so silent. “Uh, hi. My name is Sunny, and to answer your other question I am an earth pony from Maretime Bay.” “An earth pony?” The lead mare’s sour expression curled up into a smile that made Sunny’s stomach churn. “How about that? What brings you out here? I thought your kind were scared of us.” “Are…are you not scared of earth ponies?” It would make her quest a lot easier, but somehow Sunny felt as if she should be insulted at the idea. “Nah. Well, I’m not anyway. I don’t care.” “That’s…good.” The mare spoke as if every word to another pony required a tremendous amount of effort. Still, they were the first unicorns Sunny had met, and first impressions mattered. How could she expect to convince unicorns and earth ponies to come together as friends again if she didn’t find a way to make friends with some of them. “So, I gave you my name,” she smiled cordially, “Can I ask you yours?” “Yes.” “Yes?” Sunny blinked for a moment. Was that an answer or the mare’s name…, or an answer in the form of the mare’s name.  “Yes. You may ask me my name.” Sunny couldn’t tell if the mare was messing with her. “Um, ok. What is your name?” “I don’t really like giving my name away to strangers.” “Well,” Sunny was taken aback a bit but quickly rebounded, “Getting to know new ponies is how you make new friends. That’s why I’m here, to try and make friends with the other pony tribes.” “That’s a noble goal.” “Thank you.” A moment passed with the lead mare just staring at her before Sunny tried to get the conversation moving again. “So, can I….’ “I’m not really looking for new friends.” The mare turned to leave, but the excitable mare squeaked and jumped in front of her. The excitable mare’s face was pleading and hopeful. For a moment, this almost seemed to make the lead mare mad, but after a moment she turned back and gave Sunny a look. The mare’s expression twisted up again into a smile even more unnerving to Sunny than the last one. “Actually, I think making a new friend sounds…fun,” the word fun sounded like even getting the syllables out was painful to the mare, “My name is Merry. These other two are Plum Taille and Sparkling Rose. Call them Plum and Rose for short.” The other two mares in question had been so silent that Sunny had completely forgotten that they were standing there until they were pointed out. “Oh! Good to uh, good to meet you both.”  “Yes, glad to meet you.” Rose looked anything other than glad, but she kept a forced smile on her face. Sunny was seriously considering leaving and trying to find another group of unicorns nearby that she could talk to, but she had no way of knowing if any other unicorns would even be any different than these ones and she didn’t want to risk Merry and company talking about her to the other unicorns and speaking ill of her. She couldn’t really risk alienating any unicorns until she had a better idea of what to expect from them and until she had ingratiated herself with at least a few of them. These mares made her skin crawl, excepting the excitable one, but she would need to deal with it for the moment. That thought made her realize something however. “What’s her name?” Sunny said, pointing to the fourth mare. “Oh, Izzy? Her name is Izzy.” Merry brushed some hair from her eyes as she smiled down at Izzy, who was sitting still and letting Merry be the one to introduce her. Merry thought to herself that Izzy had come a long way in a short amount of time. “Please try to be understanding of her. She doesn’t really know how to…well, how to function around other ponies. She’d never even had a friend until a few weeks ago. So, she’s still a bit new to the whole thing.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Sunny replied. Merry gave Izzy a nod and the excitable mare smiled. “Oh, it’s ok,” Izzy’s voice carried so much more energy and generally sounded nicer than Merry. Sunny found it odd that it was Izzy that had a hard time making friends. Maybe unicorn society was lower key than life in Maretime Bay. “I didn’t have a lot of friends until Merry, but now I have three, and I would like to have four.” Izzy’s eyes looked up at Sunny pleadingly, a massive grin on the mare’s face. “I would like that too!” Sunny found herself sharing Izzy’s excitement. This was what she was here for, to make friends and reintroduce unicorns and earth ponies to one another. “Doesn’t that just sound cute,” Plum commented dryly.  “Would you like to come over to our home?” Merry asked. “We can have some tea and we can talk about why you are here.” “Oh! Yes, I am here as a representative….” “We can have some tea and talk about why you are here.” The words were much more insistent this time, and Sunny got the impression that she had said something to annoy the mare. “Sorry, lead the way,” Sunny said. Merry seemed satisfied and waved the earth pony to follow her as the four mares slowly started walking back the way they had come to a large tree. It had a house carved into it. Sunny had noticed that when she had first walked up, but the sight of real unicorns had distracted her attention away. Running to catch up to the four mares, she let herself get caught up in staring at the old tree and the beautifully carved entrance to the interior.  Merry opened the door leading inside and waved all the others in before her. Sunny stepped into the strange home and marveled at the interior. She’d never seen a unicorn home before, not even in her childhood books. It wasn’t as ornate as she had imagined, but it was still incredible to see not only a home made out of the inside of a tree, but one where the tree was still living and growing. Sunny could feel the life in the old wood, sense its contentment.  “This is amazing,” Sunny whispered to herself. “Isn’t it! What is?” It was the excitable mare. She was whispering as well as she walked beside Sunny, her eyes glancing back and forth as she spoke. “This place! In Maretime Bay, oh, that’s where I’m from by the way…I already said that.” Sunny took a moment to recompose herself, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Sorry, I’m just a little excited. Where I’m from, we don’t have homes in trees. I’d heard that was how unicorns lived, but it’s really cool to see it first hoof.” “You don’t live in trees?” Plum asked. “Barbarians.” Rose whispered, only loud enough for Plum to hear. “No! We live in homes made out of dead trees. We cut them up into wood and build them with….” Sunny noticed all the mares but Izzy staring at her in horror. “Barbarians.” Rose whispered again, though Sunny was unable to hear her.  “I swear it is less weird than that probably sounds to all of you. Actually, if you don’t mind me talking about something else, I have some questions for you all.” They had finished walking, the five of them now in some kind of dining area. There were three chairs pulled out and a cushion on the floor. That seemed odd to Sunny, but she was thinking of too many things at once for her to concentrate on it for long. She tossed a book down on the table as three of the mares sat down. Merry shot Izzy a quick nod, and the excitable mare stayed standing next to Sunny. “So, one hundred and forty two questions for a unicorn!” Sunny said, reading off from her book. “Oh, wow, that’s a lot,” Merry interrupted, “And we will have time for all of that later. You said you wanted to make friends with unicorns or something right?” “Yup! Friendship between the old pony tribes. The ponies in my town all think it isn’t possible, and they repeat all kinds of ridiculous stuff about unicorns. Also some stuff that might be true, I’m not sure. Can you really melt my brain with a zap from your horn?” “What the…!? No! Where did you hear that?” “Horn zaps…,” Sunny muttered to herself as she took a quick note, “Do NOT melt pony brains. Oh! Like I said, weird stuff about unicorns gets repeated where I am from.” “Sounds like they don’t know anything about unicorns.” “They don’t!” “Sounds like you don’t either.” “I don’t, but I’d like to.” “Well,” Merry walked around and sat across the table from where Sunny was standing, “Lesson one, don’t put things on unicorns’ tables without asking them.” “Oh!” Sunny blushed and grabbed her notebook, holding in her hoof instead. “Sorry about that.” “Don’t worry about it,” Izzy said, her eyes looking at Merry and not at Sunny even as she spoke to the earth pony, almost like she was watching to make sure she had permission to speak, “It can be a lot to remember. I never used to have any friends around here because I didn’t really understand the other unicorns, but Merry has really helped me to learn how to make friends here.” “That’s very nice of her,” Sunny replied. It seemed a bit odd to her. Sunny was still surprised to hear that Izzy was considered the strange one. The other three kept looking at her like they barely tolerated her existence. “I’m sure they would be happy to teach you lots of unicorn customs the way they taught me.” “Why did they need to teach you? Sorry if that’s rude. I’m just curious about why you didn’t know them already.” “Izzy,” Merry cut in, “Has a very excitable personality. She tends to be very…self focused, and can sometimes miss important social cues. She’s a fast learner though. You seem like you will be too. You brought your own notebook and everything.” “Oh, thank you! Yeah, I wanted to be sure I brought all of the questions I was planning to ask unicorns if I ever did manage to meet one. I hope you’d be willing to answer them.” “Izzy would probably be delighted to do that, and these days she understands our culture well enough to teach it to somepony new. Follow Izzy’s lead on things, and you will do just fine. If she ever teaches something wrong, we will just correct it.” “You think I can do that?” Izzy asked excitedly before Merry locked eyes with her and Izzy pursed her lips shut. The smile never left Izzy’s face, but Sunny noticed what had happened and felt a bit uncomfortable with it. She thought that maybe this group was normal for unicorns though, so for the moment she put her concern aside. Still, the mare was growing uneasy. “So,” Merry snapped the mare’s attention back to her, “You want to learn our customs and become friends with unicorns. Want to have your first lesson?” “Oh, absolutely!” “Well, girls?” Merry looked at Plum and Rose with the only hint of excitement that Sunny could remember any of them showing. “Skip to the biggest custom?” “Yeah!” “Please!” “Biggest custom?” Sunny asked. She noticed that Izzy didn’t seem to know what they were referring to. “Oh yes,” Merry said, “It is an old custom, and our personal favorite. It's a way of greeting new ponies. Follow me.” Merry made her way to the stairs. From where she was standing just next to Sunny, Izzy seemed to prickle up. Recognition of what the mare meant dawned in Izzy’s eyes, but her smile remained unchanged. “Sure,” Sunny replied, a bit nervous, “I’ll follow.” She made her way up the stairs after Merry, the other three mares following just behind her. Something definitely seemed off to Sunny, but with how different she thought unicorn culture probably was, she figured that there would be a few traditions that were weird to her. It wasn’t the custom itself that was bothering her, especially since she didn’t even know what it was yet. What bothered her was that Izzy seemed to be strangely reliant on the other three and that she was now seemingly growing worried. Sunny put it out of her mind, realizing that she was probably just being biased, having come from a completely different culture as these four, of course she would gravitate to the one that was the most familiar to how ponies acted where she was from. “You’ll like this, I think.” Merry commented, pushing a door open and walking through. Sunny followed right away, but paused at the threshold when she realized that it was a bedroom. Izzy put a hoof on her back and guided her in. The excitable mare seemed trapped between feeling nervous and concerned.  Unbeknownst to Sunny, the reason that Izzy was so eager was that she desperately wanted a friend, especially a friend that seemed to share a lot of her own gaps in knowledge about unicorn culture. Izzy thought it would be nice to learn alongside somepony else. The nervousness came because Izzy knew what was about to happen, and wasn’t sure if the new mare would agree to it. She hoped so, but wasn’t certain. “Why are we in a bedroom? Does the tradition involve giving me a place to stay?” “What?” Merry seemed mortified. “No! This is my room.” “Um, ok. I guess I’m just confused then.” “You won’t be. Hop up.” Merry patted her hoof on the bed while nodding. Unknown to Sunny, the nod was directed at Plum and Rose, who quietly closed and locked the bedroom door. The three of them couldn’t be sure of how Sunny would react to what they were about to do, and she wasn’t likely to be as stupid about it as they felt Izzy had been. They would need to make sure she didn’t go anywhere once the fun started. “I don’t know about this,” Sunny said, but she climbed onto the bed anyway. “I wasn’t sure about it either, but it’s a tradition,” Izzy replied. “What is?” Sunny watched as Merry climbed up next to her. Then, the unicorn mare put her hooves both of Sunny’s lower knees and pushed them apart. Sunny leapt back to the other side of the bed in shock. “Woah! Absolutely not! What do you think you’re doing!?”  “Trying to show a new pony what unicorn culture is like. This is how we say hello.” Merry crept closer again, and Sunny noticed the other two approaching from her sides. “Hey, girls, if she doesn't want….” “Quiet, Izzy.” Merry hushed the other unicorn without even looking at her. Izzy’s gaze sunk to the floor.  “What is going on?” Sunny asked. “This isn’t any kind of tradition at all is it? This is just you trying to take advantage of me.” “No no, little mud pony. This is how you get to be friends with me and mine. You said that’s what you wanted.” “Yes, as a representative, as a…,” Sunny was interrupted by Rose grappling her and yanking her forehooves behind her back. “Yeah, we don’t care. You are going to be our ‘friend’ the same way that Izzy is. Speaking of,” Rose turned to the sullen mare and yelled out to her, “Izzy, help me restrain our new friend.” “That doesn’t sound like something that I should do.” Izzy answered back, uncertainly. “It really isn’t!” Sunny added before Plum shoved a loose bit of cloth into her mouth. The makeshift gag wouldn’t hold for long as Sunny started to struggle and fight back. “We really shouldn’t be forcing her.” Izzy shuffled nervously. “Izzy!” Merry snapped, the other mare wincing at the sound. Then, Merry’s voice softened as she continued. “She just doesn’t appreciate how we do things here yet. Give her time. Remember how you were when you first got here? Don’t you appreciate having three friends now, and a place to stay where you feel welcome?”  “Yeah, I suppose so.” “She’ll come around. For now, she just needs us to show her how good things can be with unicorn friends. Besides,” Merry’s eyes darkened, “You don’t want to upset me, do you?” “I don’t want to upset my host.” Izzy walked over to where the other two mares were struggling to hold Sunny still. Izzy grabbed onto Sunny’s ankles and held them still while Plum grabbed some loose bedding and used it to tie Sunny’s legs to the corners of the bed. One by one, the mare worked until the earth pony was fully trussed up, spread eagle in the middle of the bed. Sunny finally managed to spit out the cloth in her mouth as Izzy sat herself down next to her, a pitying look in her eyes. “Hey,” Sunny pleaded with Izzy, “You sound like you realize this is ridiculous. They are using you. Please, let me go. I didn’t want this.” “But,” Izzy sounded conflicted, “You said you wanted to be friends with unicorns, and this is the only way I was able to become friends with Merry and the fruit girls.” “Fruit girls!?” “Fruit girls!?” “So,” Izzy continued, not noticing either Rose and Plum’s infuriated tone or Merry stifling laughter as she sat next to Sunny’s leg, “I want to show you how nice it is to have friends.” “I have friends, back at home, and they have never forced me to do something I was uncomfortable with.” “Then maybe,” Merry slowly moved her hoof up Sunny’s thigh as the mare yelped and tried to tug her leg loose, “You never really had true friends. True friendship, a unicorn’s friendship, is intimate. You’ll love it…, eventually.” “No!” Merry ignored the mare’s pleading and bent her head down to kiss Sunny’s inner thigh. The earth pony’s legs trembled against the cloth holding them as Sunny grunted at the exertion. Izzy watched as Merry’s kisses grew closer and closer to the new mare’s exposed pussy. For a moment, Izzy thought that Merry was going to eat the mare out, but just before she would have gotten to the main prize, Merry pulled herself away and crawled up the bed until she was next to Sunny’s face. She grabbed Sunny by her cheeks and tilted the mare head until the mare was looking up at her. “Of course, I won’t be the first one to show you a good time. You are the newest friend in the group after all, and I am the oldest. Seniority tradition dictates that the previous newest friend is the one to make the new newest friend cum.” “Wait,” Izzy seemed puzzled, “That isn’t how I remember it with me. I thought it was the newest friend that was the one to….” “That’s because you are a unicorn. The rules are different for earth ponies.” “Really? I didn’t know that.” “That’s because I just made it up. She’s the first nonunicorn to set hoof here in a long time. Such a big occasion is worth creating a new tradition for, right?” “Well,” Izzy pondered for a moment. “Oh come on…,” Sunny’s heart was hammering in panic as she finally gave up struggling and realized that her situation was out of her control now, “She’s obviously using you. She’s completely full of it!” I dunno,” Izzy looked back up at Merry, “It makes sense to me. She’s the first new friend from a new place in a long time. It makes sense that she should be the one cumming.” “That’s my girl,” Merry said with a wicked laugh. “What!? No, that isn’t…. Just help me!” “I want to help you,” Izzy replied, setting herself up between Sunny’s legs, “And you need help making unicorn friends, right?” “Not like this!” “Merry says this is how to make friends.” Izzy went to work right away, her now experienced tongue stimulating the bound mare’s entrance. She stayed away from the clit initially. Merry liked it when Izzy slowly teased at her pussy before moving in for the kill. Izzy had no idea if that’s what Sunny would want, but it was clear Sunny wouldn’t be telling her, so Izzy went with what she knew. Sunny had given up struggling and now gave up pleading. It was clear that none of the mares would help her. Merry was the instigator, and it was clear that Plum and Rose were accomplices. Izzy, meanwhile, was clearly another victim, but for whatever reason she seemed unable or unwilling to realize that she was being taken advantage of. Sunny wondered how long Izzy had been like this. Had they been using her for years, or had Izzy just proven easy to fool or too desperate to question what was being done to her. Whatever had been done to make Izzy as obedient as she was, it was effective enough that the unicorn now didn’t even meet Sunny’s eyes as the frightened mare began to softly cry as Izzy’s tongue finally brushed over her clit. Izzy felt terrible for Sunny and the fact that the mare clearly wasn’t happy with what was happening to her, but Izzy truly believed that Merry was right. Sunny didn’t understand it yet, but when she had unicorn friends, she would see that it was worth it. Anything was worth having friends, even if it felt wrong at first. “I don’t want this,” Sunny breathily whimpered. Izzy’s hard work was paying off, with the mare slowly building in unwanted pleasure. It felt gross to be used this way, tied and ignored.  “You will. Look at Izzy. She wasn’t sure of how to feel about having friends, and now she is eagerly welcoming a new one.” Merry patted Izzy’s butt as the eccentric mare continued her work. Izzy wasn’t sure for a moment how to feel about Merry’s explanation, but she supposed it was true enough. She wasn’t too eager to be doing something the potential new friend didn’t like, but if it was in the name of friendship, she would do it. “You’re sick!” Sunny spat at Merry who rolled her eyes. “No, I just know what’s good in life, and how to nip potential…issues in the bud.” The mare’s eyes drifted down to Izzy. She remembered back to when Izzy was still the daily annoyance, wandering around town and bothering everypony. This was a much better use for her. None of the other mares in town knew what Merry had done to her, but none of them seemed to really care. All they knew was that Izzy had once bugged them every day, and now she didn’t.  It would be similar with Sunny. It didn’t matter what Sunny was, even if she was a stinky mud pony. If she behaved, no pony in town would care, and Merry would be sure she behaved before she even allowed anypony else to know the new mare existed. Otherwise, Sunny might find somepony in town to help her. If all the unicorns of Bridlewood saw was a polite and behaving new mare, they wouldn’t even think to ask questions.  Sunny had started crying as she got close to her orgams. Izzy seemed upset by it, but she kept going anyway. Merry put a reassuring hoof against Izzy’s shoulder. Truthfully, she didn’t care, but it wouldn’t do to have Izzy questioning things. “Please stop,” Sunny muttered, squirming her legs fruitlessly, “I’ve never…nopony has ever done this with me before. I don’t want my first time to be like this.” Merry nodded her head to Plum, who was holding a rag. It was quickly shoved into the mare’s mouth, gagging her again. This time, they wouldn’t let her spit it out, and Rose wrapped another cloth around her jaw and tied it behind her head. Sunny hadn’t even noticed where they’d gotten the rags until she noticed the slightly torn bits of blanket at the foot of the bed. While she wasn’t aware of it, Sunny had been gagged by the bed sheets Izzy had been allowed to use.  “No pony has ever been a good friend to you? See, Izzy? She really needed this. You are doing a wonderful thing.” How Merry could be so effectively manipulative with a voice as flat and emotionless as hers, Sunny couldn’t understand, but Izzy seemed to respond positively. Sunny moaned into her gag as she felt the unicorn put more energy into pleasuring her.  “I know we just gagged her,” Rose whispered to Plum, “But I kinda want to put her mouth to use. I have felt really pent up, and I could use the release.” “You’ll get your chance,” Merry chimed in, apparently having heard her, “Our new friend needs to cum first though. We treat our new friends right, after all.” All three mares laughed at that, a terrified Sunny watching them through wide eyes. Her legs were quivering by that point, her orgasm fast approaching.  Izzy’s mouth was soaked with juices and her eyes glazed over as she tried to avoid thinking about what she was doing. It didn’t make things any easier on her that she could hear Sunny gently crying into her gag. The sound was muffled, but unmistakable. Izzy didn’t want to make her new friend cry, but Sunny would come to see it was for the best. It had worked for Izzy, even if it had felt strange. She would come to be good friends with Sunny, and this was the first step.  When Sunny’s orgasm finally came, Izzy was relieved. Sunny’s back arched and her hooves pulled unconsciously at her restraints as her whole body shook. The mare’s eyes squeezed shut as she screamed into her gag. Cum gushed out onto the bed sheets and around Izzy’s muzzle as the unicorn tried unsuccessfully to lap it all up. It lasted for far longer than either Sunny or Izzy expected, the earth pony quivering and whimpering as she rode out the strongest orgasm of her life. Sunny had never cum to anything except her own hoof before, and she couldn’t believe this was how it had finally happened to her. “That was a big one. See, I knew you’d learn to enjoy it.” Merry pet Sunny’s head mockingly before turning her attention to Izzy. “Go get yourself cleaned up. You’re a mess.” Wiping a hoof across her face, Izzy knew that Merry was right. Wordlessly, she made her way into the adjacent room, and Sunny could hear the sounds of a shower starting up. Sunny would give anything to take a shower just then. She felt disgusting. “Now can we get our turn?” Plum asked excitedly. “Not yet,” Merry replied, to the other mare’s visible annoyance. “Our new plaything needs a rest. She won’t be able to show us what she can do if she’s exhausted.” Merry stroked Sunny’s cheek, brushing a tear away. “Besides, she’s not going anywhere. Come on girls, let’s get some food.” The other two mare’s followed Merry reluctantly as she strode out of the room, leaving Sunny alone and tied up.  It was quiet now, outside of the sound of the shower in the next room. With no other ponies there to interrupt her thoughts, she was finally able to process what was happening to her. It was too much to take and Sunny sobbed to herself as she wondered what would happen to her now. — Several hours passed with Sunny still bound to the bed. She had tried a few times to see if she could work her hooves free, but she wasn’t very strong and the bonds were tied very tightly. The shower had stopped a long time ago, and sound didn’t carry up the stairs at all. So, Sunny was unable to hear what was going on with the other mares in the house as she lay, uncomfortably stretched out, on a stranger’s bed. When she finally did hear the sounds of somepony coming up the stairs, she wasn’t sure if she felt relieved she wouldn’t be alone anymore, or horrified since she suspected she knew what was about to happen to her. “How’s our new guest?” Merry was the first one through the door, followed soon by Plum and Rose. Izzy wasn’t with them, which only made Sunny more frightened. “I don’t think she can answer you,” Plum commented, prompting a glare from Merry. “I know that, idiot. I was being…, nevermind.” Merry turned her attention back to the bound mare as she paced around the bed until she was just to the right of Sunny’s head. The unicorn leaned down so that she was only a few inches away from Sunny’s face. “I hope you are comfortable, because you won’t be leaving for a while. Training a new pet tends to take time and a lot of patience, but don’t worry, we have plenty of both. After all, we got that annoying twat Izzy wrapped around our hooves now. It will only be a matter of time until you are just like her. Looking forward to it?” Sunny was shaking fearfully as she felt Plum climb onto the bed and position herself over her. The earth pony shook her head and mumbled into her gag. “Sorry,” Plum dryly said with a barely noticeable smile, “I couldn’t hear you. You’ll have to speak louder.” The three unicorns all laughed the flattest laughs Sunny had ever heard. She was so confused. “You and Izzy aren’t going to have all of the fun today,” Rose laughed, climbing up by Sunny’s head. Merry stepped back to give her more room.  “Girls, be sure to show our little pet how unicorns have their fun. Be as rough with her as you like. I’ll keep Izzy busy so she doesn’t wander up here. We can’t have her seeing anything that might… change her views on us. She’s not that well trained yet.” Merry saw Sunny’s eyes fill with fear at the sound of that. “Oh, don’t worry. It won’t be that bad. Besides, if you are going to be our pet, you’ll need to learn what is expected of you. We’ll teach you the other skills later, but for now, just focus on making sure my actual friends have a good time.” She waved goodbye as she walked out of the room, leaving Sunny with the other two. “I can’t believe she is actually letting us go first,” Rose said excitedly. “I thought for sure she’d want to be the first to take you for a spin.” “We’d better start before she changes her mind.” Plum’s hoof went down between her legs to adjust something. It was then that Sunny noticed for the first time the strap on she was wearing. The earth pony sucked a panicked breath in through the cloth gagging her. “If you are going to put that mouth to use, then this needs to go.” Rose loosened the gag from Sunny’s face and then yanked the rag from her mouth.  “Help!” Sunny immediately used her newly freed mouth to scream as loud as she could. Her voice was weak, and the old wood of the tree absorbed sound like it was drinking it. The two unicorns doubted somepony even just downstairs would be able to hear her. “Oh, shut up,” Rose flipped herself over Sunny, positioning herself just over the earth pony’s face. Sunny looked up at the wet pussy that slowly descended towards her, lips trembling fearfully. “Please, no.” “You’ll get over it.” Plum shifted her strap on just a bit more so that it was fastened just right. It was a double sided one, so everything she did to Sunny she would feel as well. Then, she lined it up with Sunny’s pussy. “I don’t want….” Whatever the mare was about to say was abruptly muffled as Rose finished lowering herself onto the mare’s face. Sunny squealed in shock and disgust. Plum followed suit seconds later, beginning her own treatment. The strap on pushed past Sunny’s lips and deep into her. The mare broke down sobbing, her eyes squeezed shut as she was violated from both sides. “Oooh, this is different.” Plum gasped and moved her hips around, feeling the pressure as the double sided strap on sent waves of pleasure through her body even as it further broke Sunny. The earth bitch would get used to it. Plum was only really concerned with how wonderful it felt for her. “Is this your first time using that?” Rose asked, rocking her hips slightly against Sunny’s muzzle, a hint of annoyance on her face. “Yeah,” Plum slowly steadied her movements into a rhythm, thrusting into Sunny and melting into her own pleasure as the motions pushed the strap on’s other end deeper into her own pussy. “Merry never really let me use this on Little Miss Obnoxious. “Wow, you’ve been missing out, and…would you do something!” Rose snapped down at the sobbing earth pony beneath her. Sunny looked up, frighted at the suddenly raised voice. It was the first time she’d really heard any of the mares yell, and she still wasn’t certain that they couldn’t melt her brain if they wanted. She squeaked in terror, eyes wide. “What’s the matter?” Plum asked. “The stupid mud pony isn’t doing anything.”  “Are we sure she knows how?” Plum asked, her thrusts not slowing for a second even as her eyes started to glaze over from the pleasure. “I…,” Rose looked down into Sunny’s frightened eyes, “You do know what to do with a mare, don’t you?” Sunny gave a small nod. “Then do it!” Rose pressed herself down more firmly, to a counterproductive degree, but she wanted to get the point across. Sunny was shaking as her tongue finally poked out from her lips. The mare’s pussy was so close that the moment her tongue snaked out of her mouth, it was already brushing against it. Rose moaned softly, but kept her annoyed gaze firmly on Sunny’s. The earth mare wasn’t sure of what the trio would do to her if she refused to do what they wanted. She wanted to believe that they wouldn’t hurt her, but maybe what she’d heard about unicorns was right. Maybe Izzy was the exception. Sunny whimpered in terror as her body continued to be used. She did her best to try and pleasure Rose as best she could, hoping that the mare wouldn’t do anything more unpleasant to her. Rose had no idea just how frightened the mare below her was, and as Sunny’s tongue set to work, she found she didn’t care in the slightest. Rose wrapped her hooves around the headboard to stabilize herself as her lower body rocked against the bawling mare’s muzzle. She threw her head back and loudly moaned, Plum joining her. The other mare’s thrusts had grown uneven, and her eyes rolled back as she whimpered pleasurably. She came against the rubber cock inside her, the other side of the strap-on plunged deep into Sunny’s pussy. “How do we keep getting so lucky?” She breathlessly whispered, before pulling out of Sunny. The earth pony cried with relief as she felt the sudden emptiness. Misunderstanding the situation, Sunny believed that Plum was finished with her and that her ordeal might be about to end. Plum, however, was far from done. Removing the strap-on, Plum got down to her knees and poked her muzzle into Sunny’s wet pussy. The earth pony squealed at the unexpected touch. This continued for some time, with Plum pleasuring the bound and sobbing mare as Rose rocked her hips on the mare’s muzzle and enjoyed Sunny’s inexperienced attempts to make her cum. Sunny miserably did her best to pleasure Rose, hoping to end things as quickly as she could. Maybe they all just wanted a turn with her. Sunny’s mind kept going to Izzy and how much these mares seemed to have molded her into just a pet for their own amusement. If it was caused by some unicorn spell she would be completely helpless against it. She didn’t want to be a pet. Rose’s thoughts were far simpler and far less worried than Sunny’s. The unicorn was softly gasping at every little flick of Sunny’s tongue. She was quickly approaching her climax, and she was lost in that moment. Rose ran her hooves through her hair, moaning one last time before cumming all over Sunny’s face. The earth pony whimpered, but kept pleasuring Rose until the unicorn finally felt that she was done and climbed off of her. “How was it?” Plum had taken her mouth away from Sunny’s pussy to ask the question, but dove right back in. “It was…,” Rose was still shaking from a powerful orgasm and it took her a moment to recompose herself, “It was really good. You should try her mouth next time.” “I wanted to do something different.” Same as before, Plum pulled away just long enough to speak before diving back in. Rose got off the bed and started for the door. “Well, when you finish up, meet me downstairs. I have a lot of laying around time left in the day and I would like to have some company.” Rose left the room without further comment, leaving Plum and Sunny, the later mare now moaning loudly through her sobs. — It was hours later before Sunny was finally untied. The earth pony was genuinely surprised when Izzy loosened the knots holding her, and for a moment she thought she was being rescued. Then Merry stepped into the room holding a bit-gag and a pair of hoof cuffs.  “Who is ready for some walkies?” Merry mocked, latching the gag into Sunny’s mouth before the earth pony could protest. Sunny moved to run past the two unicorns for the door, but Rose and Plum appeared and blocked her way. Soon, the cuffs were on her hooves, limiting her ability to walk to only short steps. While the cuffs seemed built for bondage scenarios and weren’t painful to wear, they were also very firm and despite several attempts, Sunny was unable to get them off.  The unicorns guided her down the stairs and into the back yard. With how the yard faced away from the town, and with the way the bushes had grown around it, there was no way for anypony in the town to see her. Even if they could, Sunny wasn’t sure they would help. She considered screaming, but with her body so helpless and three cruel mares nearby, she was too afraid of what would happen to her if she did. So, Sunny allowed the mares to guide her until they were on the lawn. It was at this point that Merry pulled out the leash. Sunny’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks at the sight and a small whimper escaped from around her gag. Rose tied a collar around her neck and Merry fastened the leash to it.  “How does this help her to become a better friend?” Izzy scratched her head, puzzled. “Well,” Merry replied, “See, by leading her on the leash, we are teaching her…cooperation. She is learning how to follow along with us when we are trying to help her. Remember how much she fought against our attempts at friendship before?” “Yeah.” “This will help with that.” “...That makes sense.” It didn’t actually make much sense to Izzy, but it was plausible enough sounding to put her concerns to rest. Merry was the friendship expert afterall. Plum and Rose barely contained their laughter.  Sunny couldn’t even muster the will to argue against Merry, and even if she could, she wasn’t sure she’d be understood with the gag in her mouth. Merry gripped her leash and slowly walked forward, moving at a speed that let Sunny pitifully waddle after her even with the cuffs on her hooves. It was the most humiliating experience of her life, but a frightened Sunny did as she knew she was supposed to. “Look at you,” Merry taunted, “Who’s a good girl?” Sunny’s gaze was glued to the grass as hot tears of frustration and embarrassment streamed down her cheeks. The bit in her mouth was fastened tightly enough that her face was uncomfortable, and it was maddening to be unable to walk. None of the unicorns seemed to notice or care. The walk didn’t last long, only long enough for Sunny to get exercise and Merry to get a good laugh. However, it lasted long enough for Sunny to be almost relieved when the unicorns walked her back inside and once again tied her to the bed. That night, Rose and Plum paid her another visit. The bedroom was filled with the sounds of Sunny’s rape and the moans of the unicorn duo. Then, when they were done, they left her tied up for the night as the lights in the house went out. — The next day was the same for Sunny. The mares untied her from the bed long enough for her to get exercise, all the while she remained gagged and cuffed. When the exercise was over, they allowed her to walk around inside the house, always on the leash. The doors were locked and closed, and with the cuffs on her hooves, Sunny didn’t think she could open them. The unicorns never let her out of their sight anyway. She was set down on the floor on a cushion next to Izzy, the other mare also on a cushion, as the other mares sat at the table. A basic breakfast was presented to Sunny before her gag was removed. Sunny flexed her jaw as she tried to get rid of the stiff feeling she had from being gagged for so long. She considered screaming for help, but doubted anypony would hear her. With the others looming over her, it was too much of a risk anyway. So, the humiliated mare ate while plopped on the floor, an oblivious Izzy watching her with a pleasant smile. The cheerful unicorn believed that Merry’s plan was working. Compared to when Sunny had first arrived, she was already going along with their traditions more, and she wasn’t even arguing against it anymore. Some part of Izzy realized that it was just fear that kept Sunny from speaking out, but whatever part of her understood the truth was now firmly buried under delusion, both willful and not. Realizing the truth would’ve required Izzy to know what a healthy friendship looked like, and it would have required Izzy to process just how much harm she was causing, if unwittingly. Sunny looked into Izzy’s eyes as the unicorn stared back at her with a friendly smile, and understood that she was never going to get help from Izzy, even if Izzy meant well. Sunny gulped down the food greedily. Despite how little she’d been allowed to move, she found herself ravenous and exhausted. While she ate she softly cried into the small food bowl the mares were feeding her out of. She still couldn’t believe what was happening to her. When she was finally finished eating, she heard the click of the leash being attached to her collar again. “Oh please, no.” Sunny whimpered, but Rose shoved the bit back in her mouth and yanked on the leash. “Come on, let’s go outside. You need some exercise.” “When you get back inside, bring her upstairs,” Merry called, walking up towards the bedroom. Sunny sobbed as she was led from one humiliation to another, with the knowledge that an even worse one awaited her. — When she was finally brought up to the bedroom, Sunny was even more of a mess. Her breathing was panicked and her whole body was shaking. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop what was about to happen, not when it was unicorns forcing her to do it. When the door swung open and Rose pushed her through, the first thing that she saw was Merry posed on the bed with Izzy. The cheerful unicorn was biting her lower lip eagerly. It was the first time that Sunny had seen the mare look so genuinely excited to have sex. Merry meanwhile was as stoic as she usually was. Sunny had no idea what that mare was thinking, and that frightened her. “Come one up,” Merry patted her hoof on the cushion of the bed. Rose had removed the leash before shoving her in the room, but the cuffs and gag were still on. She would have a hard time climbing the bed, and she didn’t even have a way to explain or ask for help while still being understood. With what little she’d learned about these mares, that may have been the point. Tears of humiliation burned in her eyes as she walked over to the bed as did her best to walk over and climb up onto the bed. When she started to struggle due to the cuffs on her hooves Izzy moved to help her, but Merry put a hoof on the mare’s chest to stop her. “She can do it,” she said. “Oh, sorry. I thought…,” “Well, don’t do that. Just trust your best friend.” “BEST FRIEND!?” Izzy’s eyes glittered with joy. Sunny wanted to throw up. Merry just glared back, and Izzy understood immediately. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to be so loud.” Merry ignored her apologies and instead grabbed Sunny and lifted her from the foot of the bed, which the earth pony had just managed to climb on to, to the head. Plopping her down roughly, the mare pushed her down onto the bed in a prone position. “Izzy, sit here,” Merry said, moving Izzy so that she was at the head of the bed with her legs spread. Then, she moved Sunny so that she was just in front of Izzy. Then, Merry unlatched Sunny’s gag. “What are you going to do to me? Please, let me go.” “Izzy, our new friend is upset and also being a bit loud. Can you keep her quiet the way we discussed?” Merry’s face was unchanged. She somehow managed to sound bored while instructing Izzy to rape the earth pony. Sunny whimpered as she looked up at Izzy, unsure of how the unicorn would respond or what the two of them had in mind for her. “Oh, um.” Izzy still looked excited, but also a little pitying. “Yeah, I can. Sorry, New Friend. I know this is going to be kinda weird, but it’ll help us grow closer.” Sunny was past even trying to argue, and just waited for the inevitable with a lump in her throat. Izzy positioned herself in a more reclined pose, her legs on either side of Sunny’s head as she eased her pussy closer to Sunny’s face. Sunny gulped as it got closer until the lips were brushing against her muzzle. The earth pony looked back at Merry, who just sat staring at her, eyes cold. Terrified, Sunny turned her gaze back to the pussy in front of her and began to do her best to pleasure it. “How does it feel?” Merry asked. “Weird, but I like it.” Izzy’s legs twitched as she spoke. Doing things with Sunny felt less strange to her than it did with the other three friends. Izzy wasn’t sure why, but she liked it more, even if part of her felt very guilty about it. Sunny still clearly didn’t enjoy it, but she would. Merry would help her to. Sunny got off the bed and walked over to her dresser, digging around until she found a large pair of vibrators. Sunny could hear the rustling, but wasn’t able to see what Merry was doing. As the pleasure started to rise for Izzy, the unicorn began to softly moan. Her body shifted position, growing closer as she scooched closer to the restrained mare’s face. Her hips were slowly swaying on instinct as she did. Soon, Sunny could barely breathe around Izzy’s wet pussy as the unicorn enveloped her muzzle. That was when Sunny felt the first vibrator enter her. The earth pony let out a muffled and pained squeak as it did, squeezing her eyes shut. “Oh, Merry, I think that is too big for her.” “It is. The bigger ones are better, but they take getting used to. When she is used to them, she will never want anything smaller.” Merry shoved the second one into Sunny’s ass as she said this. Sunny started sobbing as her body strained to take the large size of it in. Izzy slowly stroked the earth pony’s hair, shushing her. “It’s ok. We are all going to be best friends, it’ll just take a bit for you to get used to it.” Izzy looked up at Merry, concern on her face even as her body squirmed in pleasure from Sunny’s continued tongue work. Merry nodded to Izzy, both in confirmation and support. The lead mare watched approvingly as they two of them fucked. “Keep going. She’ll enjoy herself eventually, but it is your turn tonight.” Merry sat herself back down beside the other two mares, her legs spread and her hoof going down to pleasure herself while she watched.  Izzy continued to comfort Sunny as the earth pony cried, the vibrators only serving to overstimulate her when coupled with what Izzy was unwittingly doing to her. Sunny’s eyes were squeezed shut as she tried to push out the sound of the vibrators, the sight of Izzy’s well meaning eyes, the presence of Merry pleasuring herself so close by, and above all else the reality of what was happening to her.  — It wasn’t clear to Sunny how many weeks had passed since she’d first arrived in Bridlewood. The air felt good in her lungs as she was let out again. Merry was the one leading her, as usual. The collar around her neck was hidden by her hair, which was let down from the ponytail she’d always kept it in. Merry liked it better this way, so that is how she wore it.  “You keep being good like this, and you’ll be able to accompany us around town someday. Not yet, of course, but as soon as I know you won’t cause problems.” Merry might as well have been talking to herself for as much as Sunny could respond. The bit in her mouth meant she could make noise, but not in a way that would be intelligible. Sunny was used to that now. Merry tugged the collar to get Sunny to turn slightly as the two of them walked down hill. It was the farthest from Merry’s house that the earth pony had been allowed to go since being taken in. she wasn’t sure where they were going, but as the leash tugged at her collar, she moved where it directed. Rose and Plum had stayed back with Izzy at the tree home. Sunny had faintly heard the moaning from the base of the stairs before she’d left. The mare felt lucky to be going with Merry instead. At least this way there was only one mare she’d potentially need to get off. Besides, the air felt nice.  Merry walked her around a weaving path behind her home. It was clear that it wasn’t used much by any of Bridlewood. The forest had mostly reclaimed the trail. However, Merry seemed to know it well. “Funny,” Merry said aloud, “I used to go outside to play and explore these woods all the time as a foal. Stopped when I turned eight. Stopped a lot of things as I got older. Bridlewood sucks the energy right out of a pony, that or maybe life.” Merry was just talking to herself. Sunny knew better than to think Merry would share this information with somepony. Sunny just wasn’t a pony to Merry.  “I used to be so annoyed at Izzy and all her boundless energy. That’s why I got rid of that energy. A pony is supposed to be quiet and stoic. Izzy was always just too stupid to realize that. Some of her damn energy seems to have rubbed off on me. Here I am, out in the woods, after all. Teaching you two how to behave has given me a bit too much excitement. I’ll need to burn that off later. So, be a good girl and squeal for her when the time comes.”  Merry fell silent, Sunny shivering in dread filled anticipation about what would happen when they went back inside. Still, the gentle air felt good in her hair, and the collar wasn’t too tight around her neck that day. Sunny thought to herself that, if she could have more moments like this gentle walk in the woods, maybe she could stomach her captivity. It was pure rationalization, she knew that, but it was all she had. So, like a good girl, she kept a good pace by Merry’s side, hoping that by behaving she might convince the mare to allow her this small pleasure more often. Without ever realizing when exactly it had begun, Sunny had surrendered. She was Merry’s pet now, the fight in her was dead.  Led forward by a leash, and knowing that all that awaited her back at the house was more rape, Sunny made her way forward and left her old self behind. Beside her, a unicorn mare decided that it was almost safe to bring her new pet into public. A little threat of a nonexistent horn laser would be all it would take to keep Sunny from blabbing. For Merry, the future was bright, and it was filled with whatever kink of the week she could think of. She would always have to ‘willing’ mares at her disposal…, also Sunny and Izzy, and that was more than she could ever have dreamed of when she was a little foal exploring the old woods. Good things would always come to ponies that knew how to keep their mouths shut, a lesson she was eager to teach.