> The Pony Behind The Badge > by SuperPinkBrony12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Bad Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say that the past few hours or so had been a whirlwind of activity would be an understatement. So much had unfolded in the span of less than a day, Sunny was still trying to process most of it. Then again, it wasn't everyday that a baby dragon ended up disappearing, potentially being dragonnapped (although nopony had yet come forward with any information about a possible suspect). What little Sunny did know about parenting and child raising, she knew that it was every parent's worst nightmare to lose their child for any reason. But that was all in the past now. Sparky had been found safe and sound at the Crystal Brighthouse, and had been returned to Hitch without a hitch (the pun made Sunny giggle to herself ever so slightly). All was well. At least, that seemed to be the case as the sun began to set off to the west, bathing all of Maretime Bay in the same orange glow as the evening sky. "Well, good to know Sparky's safe and sound again," Pipp smiled. "I always knew my singing was really good, but I never imagined one of my own songs would end up saving the day." Zipp couldn't help but comment. "I'll never speak bad about your singing again, Pipp. I guess just because I'm not much for singing doesn't mean it doesn't have its uses." Pipp gave a knowing wink. "As they say, music can charm the savage beast." Izzy, meanwhile, was turning her attention to something that had caught her attention just recently. Namely, the old trolly car that Sparky had briefly climbed onto after being reunited with Hitch. Something about the worn out machine nagged at her brain, refusing to leave the unicorn alone. "You know what," She said out loud, not really caring if her friends could hear her or not. "This old trolley seems like it's just begging for me to unicycle it into something." "What sort of something?" Sunny questioned as she and the other mares turned to face Izzy. The unicorn shrugged her hooves. "Don't know, really. I just sort of go with the flow, wherever my inspiration takes me. I'm sure I'll think of something, like what I did with that old scooter," Then she turned to Sunny and asked. "It's totally okay if I just 'borrow' this old thing, right? It's not being used, so it's not like anypony would miss it." Sunny put a hoof to her chin as she contemplated this proposal. "Well... I'm sure it would be okay. But I think you'd better check with Hitch first, just to be sure you're not breaking any laws. You know how serious he takes things like that." "Where is Hitch, anyway?" Zipp wondered aloud as she realized the stallion wasn't with his friends. Sunny wasn't concerned for even a moment. "He probably just went back to his office to put Sparky down for a nap or something." "And probably get cleaned up too, you all saw the state he was in when he found Sparky." Pipp remarked as her face contorted into a bizarre grimace. After another giggle, Sunny proposed. "I'll go check on him. There's something I've been meaning to ask him anyway. The rest of you can just work on cleaning up the traps Sparky set up. Wouldn't wanna risk somepony setting them off accidentally and getting hurt." "Great idea! Just give me a minute to figure out how I'll get this old trolley car to the brighthouse, and I'll meet you girls there." Izzy agreed as she eyed the worn out, neglected vehicle and studied it carefully to see if there was anything that might make transporting it across town less of a hassle. Even with the aid of her horn, Izzy doubted she could haul something that heavy for so long a period of time. It didn't take Sunny long at all to reach the sheriff's office. And without bothering to knock she made her way inside. She'd come by this station so many times before both willingly and unwillingly that she practically knew the whole building inside and out. Sure enough, upon entering, the mare saw that Hitch was where she thought he would be: In the little corner of the office that he had converted into a nursery for Sparky: A little crib for the baby dragon to sleep in, a mini-fridge full of Sparky's favorite foods, various baby toys scattered across the floor and what looked like a monitor of some kind. If Hitch was aware of Sunny's presence, he didn't acknowledge it as he hummed a soft little tune to Sparky, watching as the little dragon shut his eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Hitch, for his part, just pulled a small blanket over the sleeping dragon's form, and popped a pacifier into Sparky's mouth. A big smile formed on his face as he watched his charge sleeping so peacefully, safe and sound without a care in the world. "You're an excellent dragon daddy." Sunny spoke up, alerting Hitch to her presence even as she tried to keep her voice down. Hitch turned around very slowly. It took him a moment to recognize Sunny, but when he did so his shoulders lowered and his posture became more relaxed. His mane and tail appeared to have been styled back to how they usually were, he wasn't showing any outward signs of being stressed or frazzled despite what he'd been through. It was as if Sparky had never disappeared at all. "You think so, huh? Well, I feel a lot more confident about that statement now that I know Sparky's back where he belongs," And then he vowed as his tone of voice took on a more serious vibe. "I'm gonna see to it that I increase my security protocols for him. I'm not gonna risk losing him again!" The mare trotted over and put a hoof around her fellow earth pony's shoulder. "It's okay, Hitch. It was only this one time. You don't have to get all bent out of shape. I'm sure it won't happen again." Slowly, Hitch took a few deep breaths as he looked Sunny deep in the eyes. If there was anypony who knew what he was going through right now, it was definitely her. When the two had known each other for so long, it was little surprise that they knew just what to say or do to get the other to relax. "You're right, Sunny. You're right," He said slowly as a sigh escaped his lips. "It's just... I worry about him, you know. I'm the only family he has, which means it's up to me to make sure he's safe and sound. He's just a baby." "A baby with incredible magic powers that we still don't fully understand," Sunny pointed out. "I'm sure he didn't mean to wander off and make you worry. And if he was dragonnapped, it's not like he really had a say in the matter. If anything, he must be smarter than he looks if he was able to outwit whoever it was that was trying to take him away. But I'm sure this will all be just a fond little memory soon. We'll look back on it and we'll laugh at how worried we were even when Sparky was found safe and sound." "Maybe someday, but not today," Hitch confessed. "This isn't like the time I let my fears get the best of me, like when earth pony magic was starting to sprout up everywhere. When I found Sparky missing this morning, you can't possibly understand what that was like. I was in full blown panic mode! All I could think about was finding Sparky, no matter what!" It was then that Sunny remembered that which had been the motivator for her to come and find Hitch, the reason why she had wanted to talk to him now. "Is that why you put on that mask and cape and started acting like a superhero? I feel like there's more behind that and behind your actions with Sparky than you're telling me," And she questioned. "Did something happen to you long ago? Like, when you were a child? I know you told me you became sheriff because you promised my dad you'd protect me. But, did you maybe want to be something other than sheriff at some point?" The stallion sighed deeply as he looked all around, as if he feared the walls, ceiling or floors might suddenly have eyes or ears. Only when he could see no evidence of his suspicion being correct did he find the courage to go on speaking. "Well, you're half right. I didn't always want to be sheriff of Maretime Bay. And I did promise your dad I'd protect you after he was gone. That was why I chased after you when you fled Maretime Bay with Izzy. But..." He quivered as his lips trembled, the next words seemed to be a struggle for him to get out. "There's another reason why I wanted to be sheriff. It's not something I like discussing, just thinking about it brings back memories I'd rather forget." Sunny stepped back, suddenly filled with guilt for having unknowingly brushed up against what had to be a delicate issue. "Hitch, I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me any more if you don't want to," She tried to reassure him. "Forget I said anything." But Hitch just shook his head from side to side. "No, Sunny. I shouldn't be keeping secrets like this from you if it's going to make you worry. You're my best friend. You deserve to know. You always did have a big heart," Then he sighed again. "You know about my Grandma Figgy, right? How she practically raised me since I was just a blank flank colt?" Sunny nodded ever so slowly. "Of course I do. She's always such a sweet mare," Then she contemplated. "Although, now that I think of it, I don't remember her ever saying anything about your parents. I think I asked her once and she just said they'd gone off somewhere far away, somewhere where it was impossible to get in touch with them." The currently off-duty sheriff explained. "That was just her way of getting around telling you that my parents were dead. They have been for years and years. They died even before you lost your dad." Sunny let out a gasp as the realization struck her square in the muzzle! Her eyes widened as she stumbled back in disbelief! "No way! Your parents are dead?! And I never knew?!" A slow nod confirmed that which Sunny had hoped in her heart wasn't true. The confession made her feel as if she'd been stabbed with a knife, the guilt washed her over immediately. "Hitch... I... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." "It's okay, Sunny. We're both grown up now, no point keeping the truth buried," Hitch replied as he struggled to hold back the tears forming in his eyes. "I still remember how it happened, the day my life changed forever." And despite how long ago it had been, despite the efforts he'd gone to to try and suppress the traumatic experience, every detail about it came flooding back to him in an instant. A much younger Hitch had tied his favorite blanket around his neck, standing up on the tips of his hooves as he posed dramatically. "Evil beware, I'm coming for you!" He shouted in his best dramatic voice, imagining himself standing tall atop a building's roof. "You are no match for me, The Masked Stranger!" Grandma Figgy just smiled as she pulled out her camera, taking a picture to place in her photo album that was fast filling up with pictures just like this one. "You really do wanna be just like that masked hero in that cartoon, don't you?" She asked her grandson. Little Hitch nodded, his heart all aflutter and his eyes all aglow. "Uh-huh, Grandma Figgy! I wanna fight evil and help ponies! That masked hero is so cool! He's not afraid of anyone or anything!" He proceeded to run all about the cottage his grandma lived in, occasionally saying things such as "Pow!" or "Zap!" or "Take that!" Grandma Figgy watched the adorable display with a patient smile. It warmed her heart to see her grandson being inspired by a cartoon superhero, even if she knew his parents might not be happy he was being exposed to that level of violence at such a young age. Honestly, if you asked her it was pretty tame compared to what happened out in the real world. All those pegasi and unicorns just lying in wait outside the boundaries of Maretime Bay, ready to prey upon unsuspecting earth ponies. Of course, Argyle was always saying there was really nothing to fear. According to his research, the unicorns and pegasi had once been friends with the earth ponies. And if it could happen once, it could happen again. Bless his big heart. Sure, his beliefs were kind of silly, but she couldn't blame him for thinking positive instead of dwelling upon all the things earth ponies were raised to believe. Truth be told, part of Grandma Figgy was hoping Argyle might be right. It sure would be nice to live in peace and harmony with the other pony tribes, as they supposedly had long ago. But as Hitch's friend Sprout's mom made perfectly clear, earth ponies were getting along just fine on their own. To be scared was to be prepared. The pony tribes didn't live together anymore, and that was unlikely to change anytime soon. Ponies like Argyle were concerned about what had been, but others prefered to dwell on the here and now, or even the uncertain future. Suddenly, Grandma Figgy was snapped out of her mental pondering (and her grandson momentarily distracted from his playing) by a knock on her cottage door. That was odd. She knew it couldn't be Hitch's parents, they had gone off to the theater together to celebrate their anniversary. They weren't supposed to be back already. Was it Argyle coming over for another one of his unannounced visits? Or maybe Sprout and his parents were stopping by to see if Hitch would like to come by for a playdate? Deciding it best not to worry her grandson, the elderly earth pony just trotted gently up to the door and opened it. Immediately, she knew something was wrong when she was greeted by the sight of Maretime Bay's lone sheriff: Mr. Cloverleaf. He had the same red coat as his son Sprout, and shared the same mane and tail color and style as his wife. He had dark blue eyes, and a cutie mark depicting a badge similar to the one he had pinned to his sheriff's outfit at the current moment. The tall stallion locked eyes with Grandma Figgy and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, ma'am," He greeted in that gruff tone of voice of his. "I was informed that you are the one currently keeping an eye on Hitch Trailblazer. Is that correct?" "Y-yes," Grandma Figgy stuttered, unaware that her grandson could hear everything as he had not so secretly crept closer. "What... brings you here, Mr. Cloverleaf?" Mr. Cloverleaf simply adjusted the badge on his chest, before taking off his hat and placing it over his heart. "Ma'am, I regret to inform you that your daughter and her special somepony were the victim of an unfortunate accident. They were attacked in an alley not far from the theater. They were pronounced dead at the scene of the crime." Grandma Figgy let out a gasp, putting a hoof to her mouth in shock! "It can't be! There must be a mistake!" Mr. Cloverleaf could only bow his head as he apologized in a sincere and sympathetic tone. "I'm terribly sorry, but the victims were positively identified. Their bodies matched the i.d.s found in our database, as well as the photo identification we found upon the female victim. It would appear that the suspect attempted to extort from them your daughter's pearl necklace, and when she refused a fight broke out. In the ensuing fight, two shots were fired, fatally wounding both your daughter and her special somepony," He then put his hat back atop his head. "You have my condolences." And with that, he departed. Hitch had heard everything. So as soon as his Grandma Figgy had shut the cottage door, he came running up to her with tears in his eyes, burying his head into her lap as he sobbed and wailed openly! "Mommy and Daddy are dead?!" He weeped! "Why, Grandma Figgy?! They didn't do anything wrong!" Grandma Figgy made no effort to hold back the tears in her own eyes. The news had come as a shock to her in much the same way it had her grandson. The least she could do was grieve the sudden loss with him. "I'm sorry, Hitch. That's just the way life is. Sometimes, things like these just happen." "But... but... but they've been to the theater so many times before! Nothing bad ever happened to them!" Hitch sniffled as red rings formed around his eyes. "I... I should've been there! I could've saved them!" Grandma Figgy just stroked Hitch with a hoof. "You don't know that, Hitch. If you had been there, perhaps you would've been killed too," She looked him deep in the eyes. "We're all we have left now. I promise, I'll always be here for you no matter what. I won't let anypony or anything take you away from me!" "You mean it, Grandma Figgy?" Hitch asked in a hopeful tone of voice. The elderly earthpony firmly nodded. "Indeed I do, Hitch. I can't promise it'll be easy, but I owe it to your parents to try." The colt slowly ceased in his sobbing, and as he did so a new look began to flash in his eyes. It was a look of absolute seriousness. "Someday, I'm gonna grow up to make sure that nopony ever has to get hurt again! I'll make sure that nopony ever has to lose their parents to some punk with a weapon! I'll grow up to make sure everypony I love stays safe! I'll be just like my hero! I'll fight for justice, I'll stand up to bad guys!" "Now Hitch, you mustn't dwell on this," Grandma Figgy cautioned her grandson. "Vengeance won't bring back your parents. In real life, there are no such things as superheroes. You can't always save everypony." "Doesn't mean I won't try! I owe it to Mom and Dad to try!" Hitch firmly insisted. "Whatever it takes, I will protect everypony! I will fight back against evil!" "And to this day, I've always tried to keep that vow," Hitch explained to Sunny as the flashback slowly faded. "In that moment, I knew I wanted to grow up to be a public defender. To be a hero in real life just like the hero I idolized on television. So what if he wasn't real? If he wasn't afraid to stand up to evil, then I wouldn't be afraid. And that's why, that's why I knew I had to become sheriff. And when your dad asked me to protect you, my resolve only hardened." Sunny remained silent for several moments, unsure of what to say. Obviously, Hitch had gone to great lengths to conceal this from her until now. No wonder he had been so obsessed and determined when Sparky had gone missing, it had been just like when his parents had been killed. He'd probably feared that Sparky too would be lost to him forever unless he took matters into his own hooves. "Sorry you had to find out this way, Sunny," Hitch went on as he started to tear up a little bit. "I was still pretty young when it happened. And Grandma Figgy... she found it easier to cope when she didn't have to talk about it. So that's why she never told you or Sprout about this." "But what about the funeral? Wouldn't we have found out then?" Sunny questioned. Hitch just hung his head. "It happened while you and Sprout were out of town. Sprout was spending the weekend with his dad while he finalized the divorce, and Argyle took you with him on one of his research trips so that he could spend more time with you. Grandma Figgy never told either him or Phyllis about any of this, she felt that the fewer ponies that had to know about it, the better. And being around her, being at her cottage, it was always like a part of Mom and Dad never left. Like things were just the way they used to be." Sunny's response took the stallion by surprise. She trotted forward, leaned in close and pulled Hitch into a tight hug that radiated with warmth and comfort. "It was very brave of you to tell me about this," She spoke in a reassuring tone. "As I learned from when I lost my dad, the pain never truly goes away. But I think your parents would be proud of the pony you've become. You're the best sheriff Maretime Bay has ever known, and Maretime Bay is a safer place now than it ever was before." "Thanks to you, Sunny. Now we don't have to live in fear of the other pony tribes." Hitch pointed out. But the earth pony mare just shook her head as she told the sheriff. "No, Hitch. It's not just because of me. You were just as big a part of making it happen as I was. You being onboard with being friends with pegasi and unicorns did a lot to help other ponies accept the difficult change. You being a pony other ponies could turn to for help did a lot to reassure them that if anything was wrong, you'd be on top of it. You are a fantastic sheriff, a fantastic dragon daddy and a fantastic friend." Hitch couldn't help but blush.