> Pirates Of The Caribbean: Lands Beyond The Tides > by k00l > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Our Interests Allign, Nothing More > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Black Pearl sat at the port of Tortuga, as the crew were in a tavern not too far away. As the crew enjoyed a night of celebration, Captain Jack Sparrow sat across from Captain Barbossa, the two captains of the Black Pearl. As Gibbs sat between them, he knew the tension was palpable and could be cut with a butterknife. The two captains haven't settled their quarrel despite going to the world's end with each other.  "T'night is a night worth celebratin' Jack. How come ye barely touched yer Grog?" Asked Gibbs, taking a big gulp out of his tankard. "I simply lost me stomach for it after spying a rat in me presence." Jack responded. Barbossa only smirked at Jack. "Always with the jokes ay Jack?" Said Barbossa. He sat with his arms crossed and filthy smirk "Though I must say that one o' us will be having the last laugh." "For a while that was me I thought. After I left that hole in yer chest didn't I?" Said Jack now giving a cocky grin to Barbossa. "And with Calypso's magic I be as alive as I am before that. So now yer stuck with me, or unless ye prefer to go back to the Island I marooned ye all them years ago." Said Barbossa. The conversation was not at all any kind of banter. Gibbs could tell each man was being dead serious to the other. To avoid each man coming to blows, Gibbs knew he had to come up with a way of distracting the two men. "If I may interject for only a wee moment gentleman. How about a story? A story about a long lost treasure." Said Gibbs. "I be not in the mood for children's stories about sea ghosts Mr. Gibbs." Said Barbossa, not even turning to look at Gibbs "Tis not a children's story, nor a story about Sea Ghosts. Rather a story of the biggest treasure ever ta be hidden by a pirate." Said Mr. Gibbs. To no one's surprise, both men turn to Gibbs once treasure was mentioned.  "If this be the story of Black Bellamy, it be best ta save it Mr. Gibbs. Bellamy's loot be sitin' at te bottom o' the sea with his corpse." Said Barbossa. "...Aye." Said Jack pretending to know what they were talking about. "Not that story Barbossa, I be talking about the lost treasure of Olivier Levasseur." Said Gibbs with a smile. Barbossa immediately began to laugh as a serious look grew across Jack's face. "Mr. Gibbs, I knew ye as one of the more intelligent amongst us merry men. To hear ye actually mention Olivier Levasseur in a serious tone be making me question that very fact." Said Barbossa sarcastically. He had a wide grin on his face. "I know it's rather silly to mention, but ye must know that there be at least a speck of possibility-" Said Gibbs before being cut off by Barbossa. "It can't be found. Not by Pirates or by the crown, no man can find the treasure of Olivier Levasseur. Many great men and great pirates have either died or gone mad lookin' for it." Said Barbossa sharply, ditching his once huge grin. "I feel we should at least hear Mr. Gibbs out, Hector. Nothing is impossible until the last man on earth has tried it." Said Jack. Barbossa shoots Jack a skeptical glare. "The Tale of Olivier Levasseur's lost treasure. Legends say the ol' Levasseur had captured an old battered Portuguese flagship, filled to the brim with gold. But not just gold, but jewels, pearls, anything ye can think of, he found. He looted all he could and hid it somewhere, off the eastern coast of Africa, somewhere up north of Madagascar. The entirety of the loot is said to be more than 5 billion." Said Gibbs, leaning forward, and giving both men a glance. "5 billion..." Mouthed Jack with widened eyes. "Aye, that kind of money could make any man a king in an instant." Gibbs said with a nod. "But the good times were not meant to last ol' Olivier Levasseur. He had been captured not too long after getting his new fortune. As he stood at the gallows awaiting his drop, he shouted to the crowd. 'Find my treasure, the one who may understand it!' and Before he took his final drop, he tossed to the crowd a necklace, with a piece of paper wrapped around It. it is a code that supposedly marks the location of his treasure. On an Island known only as Mahé, is the only likely spot for it to be located."  "Very amusing Mr. Gibbs. But allow me to shed some light on the details of that there story. Olivier Levasseur was a mad man, some speculate that it is nowhere near 5 billion while the rest say it don't even exist in the first place." Said Barbossa with his arms crossed once more. As the two men bickered back and forth, Jack slowly looked down at his side, and to the compass that hung off of his side. "The story is real alright! The Necklace along with the cryptogram is kept safe on the Island of Mahé somewhere. It be a matter of time before the treasure will be found." Said Gibbs. "Aye, and what I have heard is that the bloody thing has been deciphered, but it leads nowhere. The trail runs cold outside the perimeter of the Island. The damned thing gives out coordinates out in the middle of the sea. Either half the island was swallowed by the sea, or it is all a trick. I will tell ye that I am more than inclined to believe the latter." Said Barbossa. "What if that was all we need to know" Jack finally spoke up. Both men looked at Jack who was now holding up his compass. "If the treasure truly exists, then the compass will point to it. We take the cryptogram, go where it leads, then use my compass. If it points in a direction, it's real, if not, then it is all a lie. And when the compass does point to the treasure, it will lead us to it." Said Jack with a toothy grin. Gibbs eyes widen at the sight of Jack's compass, to both of their surprise, even Barbossa looks at it with interest. "All we need to do, find the cryptogram on the island of Mahé, then I'll use me compass to find the treasure. Savvy?" Said Jack with a smile. Barbossa and Gibbs glance at each other. Slowly they begin to smile at each other before turning back towards Jack. "Out o' all yer terrible ideas Jack, I must admit I be impressed by this one." Said Barbossa. "Aye, with that compass, we may actually be the one te find the bloody treasure! Can you imagine 5 billion!? Split among thirty men, we'll all live happily!" Said Gibbs. "4 billion." Said Jack causing both Gibbs and Barbossa to look at Jack. "I get one billion to meself and 4 billion is split." "And what makes ye believe ye deserve one billion all to yerself." Questioned Barbossa. "Simple, It was my plan to use the compass, and I'm the captain." Said Jack stated as if it was common sense. "Aye, well I be the real captain, and we be using my ship. So I be getting one billion to meself." Barbossa said sternly. "Brilliant! I get two billion for being the captain, and we'll be using MY ship." Jack Responded. "Easy now, how about we discuss splitin' it, after we find the bloody thing." Said Gibbs. Barbossa and Jack both look to Gibbs That was something they could agree on. They all raised their tankards and clashed them together as cheers. Island of Mahé December 21st, 7:30PM The crew had been sailing for weeks as they left the Caribbean and set sail for Africa. The sail around the south point of Africa and up and past Madagascar. They began to approach the island of Mahé. The sun had long since fallen and the night acted as camouflage for the pearl. Jack, deciding to go the stealthy approach, had used a dinghy to row his way to the island by himself. He was more stealthy by himself, and it was easier to make the escape. He stops at the docks, making sure no one was there. On the island there was a small town Jack slowly walts inside as if he was the mayor. He looks upon a sign with the town's name on it, a confused look grows upon his face. "Hoofcastle? Bloody hell kind of name is that?" Jack asked himself. He soon shrugs and enters the town. After taking a few backstreets to avoid some passing guards, being an unfamiliar, he didn't want to be questioned on who he was and what he was doing. He spots a tavern and quickly smirks. he adjusts his coat and steps inside. To his surprise, the only person in the tavern was the bartender. He looks up at Jack as he was cleaning a glass, letting out a sigh as he had hoped no one else would have come in. Jack walks up to the counter and places 4 shillings on the counter.  "Rum please, my good man." Said Jack. The bartender turns around and grabs a bottle of rum and sets it on the counter. Jack picks it up and opens it, taking a big swig out of it. He licks his lips before taking another drink.  "So, I hear this is the place where Olivier Levasseur hid his treasure. That true mate?"  "No, the tale is a lie." Said the bartender quickly and with a thick accent. Jack looks at him before placing 5 more shillings on the table. The bartender looks at it before looking back at Jack. "Are you sure about that mate? The stories I have heard seem te be pretty accurate. As a bartender, you must have heard all kinds of things haven't ya mate?" Said Jack, grinning before taking a big gulp of rum. "It's here I can assure you. But it can't be found. Many have tried, even with the cryptogram the poor fool left behind." Said The bartender as he picks up the shillings. "And the cryptogram. Where may that be exactly?" Asked Jack. "I don't know." Said The bartender as he began to turn around, but looked back. Jack looks at him and the bartender winks at him. Jack rolls his eyes before placing 5 more shillings down on the table.  "It be at the docks, locked in a chest where the Dockmaster does his paperwork." "Cheers mate." Said Jack as he sat up and turned away. "Ahh... And what if any lawmen come by here? What do you think will make me keep quiet about a strange man coming in here?" Said The Bartender with a smirk. Jack simply pulls out his pistol and aims it at the bartender whose eyes grow wide. "I think this will be enough to keep that mouth of yours shut, savvy?" Asked Jack. The bartender quickly nods as Jack holsters his gun. He bows to the man and steps outside. Jack steps out before taking another drink of rum. He re-corks the bottle and heads for the docks, again taking the back streets. As he steps on the beach, and then onto the docks, where he entered. There was a podium where the Dockmaster would stand, writing down all the info of all the ships and people coming into the dock. He searches all over it, before finding a small chest in a drawer. It had a very weird symbol on, of... a horse? He did a double check, making sure he didn't miss anything. He takes the small chest, gets back in his dinghy, and rows back to the pearl. He steps on board where all his men were eager for his findings. "Jack, you're back! What did ye find ashore!?" Gibbs asks as he invades Jack's personal space, giddy with excitement. "I found this!" He pulls out the bottle of rum and hands it to Gibbs, who takes it, and gives him a confused look. "Ye found... Rum?" Gibbs questioned while raising an eyebrow. "Aye! Drink well my friend because I also found this." Jack pulled out the small chest, and many of the crew looked closely at it. "Is that... an engraving of a horse?" Asked Pintel before his nephew would step in. "Kind of pretty ain't it?" Regatti said as his uncle gave him a weird look. "SQUAWK! Show me the booty! Show me the booty!" Cotton's parrot squawked as it sat on Cotton's shoulder. "Does it have the Cryptogram?" Marty would ask, causing all the men to look down at him. "Gentleman please, give me some space." Said Jack holding his hands out towards everyone, causing them all to take a few steps back. Barbossa watched from atop the stairs that led to the wheel, watching Jack with the chest. "Inside here, be what we came here for, I can assure you." Jack pulled out a small knife. "And before the end of the night, we will be rich men." He stabbed the knife in between the lid and twisted it to open it. Inside was the necklace Olivier had tossed. It was sitting on top of a piece of paper. Jack pulled out the necklace and gave it a look, it was more of a pendant, in the shape of a beautiful golden sun. Jack gives it a weird look before putting it in his pocket. He then pulls out the paper, and then looks at it, it was indeed the Cryptogram. "Gentleman, we have the Cryptogram!" Jack shouted,holding the paper in the air as the men gave out a hardy yell. They quickly went to their stations as Jack went up the stairs towards the wheel. He takes a hold of the wheel and looks at the paper. A confused look falls on his face as he tries to make out what he is looking at. He flips the paper side to side, and even upside down. Barbossa approaches him with a smug expression. Jack turns to look at him, and gives him an unimpressed look. "Here, you decipher the bloody thing." Said Jack as he rudely shoved the paper into Barbossa's chest, who then takes it and looks at it. He gives it an approving nod before taking over the wheel. "Alright ye bilge rats! Get this ship a' movin if ye want to get paid t'night!" Barbossa would yell as the ship began to sail in the direction of where the Cryptogram led them. The ship had sailed for nearly an hour and a half, going around the island of Mahé and out into open water. The sun was highest in the sky now, and many were looking to Barbossa. He was scowling at the paper, looking as if he was ready to rip it to pieces at any minute. "Captain Barbossa. Are ye sure we be going in the right direction?" Pintel dared speak up. "Of course we be going the right way! But this bloody thing be leading us out away from any land I can see!" Barbossa snapped back causing Pintel to quickly duck away. Jack soon approached Barbossa, smirking. "Having problems Hector?" Jack chimed in, causing the bitter Barbossa to sneer at Jack. "Of course not! I've reached the end of the road here, and there be no land in sight!" Barbossa shot back, stuffing the paper in his pocket. "Bloody thing be a waste of time." "I still got me compass, perhaps now would be the time to use it?" Jack would ask, but Barbossa was at the end of his patience. "Do what ye must, but no good that thing will do if we be nowhere near land.'' Barbossa barked back. Jack pulled out his compass, with a deep breath he opened it. The compass spins around once, before pointing south. "Hold that thought Hector, because the compass never lies." Jack smirked. Barbossa looked at the compass, he rolls his eyes before turning sharply south. The compass had them sail in that direction for anther half hour, it was nearing 9:30 before Barbossa spoke up again. "Blast it all! I be threw with this stupidity!" Barbossa yelled, shoving Cotton away who was now at the helm so that could take over. "Barbossa! What in blazes ye be doing!?" Gibbs spoke up, approaching the angry captain. "Hush up Joshamee! Ye be the one who set us up for this rotten trip! There be nothing here! No way Levasseur treasure be anywhere near here!" Barbossa yelled, turning to and approaching the poor man. "Hector!" Jack yelled, getting in the way of Barbossa. "Cool it mate, I feel as if we are almost there." "And what be giving ye any idea we be close!? There not be any land fer miles!" Barbossa yelled, by now the crew had started watching the argument. "Our supplies be low, and I don't feel like starvin to death on this ship! So I be taking over, and we be heading back for supplies." Barbossa grabbed the wheel and was about to turn it. "Give it a few more minutes mate, this trip can't be for nothing!" Jack protested, as he grabbed the wheel as well, holding it firmly. "Me patience had run thin, and I be taken us back!" He yelled once again, but Jack was determined. "I can't let you do that Hector! This could be our biggest break!" Jack argued back, but Barbossa shoved him hard to the side. "I said move yer arse!" Barbossa grabbed the wheel and looked ahead, he felt his heart sink as he sees an unpleasant sight. "What in god's name be that!?" He pointed forward, causing most of the crew to look in that direction. a massive whirlpool was raging, large enough to swallow 10 ships at a time. "Maelstrom!" Gibbs yelled, causing all the crew to scramble to their stations, as Barbossa began to turn the wheel. "It's too late! We're heading straight for it!" Marty would yell from the front, as the pearl made contact, and began to be pulled towards the middle. "Argh! Hold on men! We be taking a dive!" Barbossa would yell. Many of the men held onto any part of the ship as the ship spun, getting closer to the middle. The ship began to sink into the ocean the closer it got to the center, the ship was going down fast, till the pearl finally took a plunge down below the waters. > These Be Strange Waters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pearl found itself being pulled down farther towards the bottom of the sea, the light getting darker and darker. Many men had lost their grips, the sea now claiming them forever. But for those who held on, they could feel the pressure getting heavier and heavier and heavier. But as their plunge continued, they found that it was soon beginning to ease up, and the light was getting brighter. Though they were traveling in one direction, they appeared to be heading towards the surface again. With one mighty jolt, the Black Pearl breached, finally being spit back out of the sea. The men coughed as water spilled out the sides of the boat, as some cannons and other supplies spill out with the water. Jack was the first to his feet, he quickly looked around, trying to find out where they had ended up. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Where the hell we be!?" Yelled Barbossa finally standing up completely soaked in water. He too began to survey the area. "Nothing looks too different! A whole lot of nothin'!" "No mate, look at that!" Jack pointed forward, in front was a massive island, much bigger than any of them had seen before. Many were quick to point that out. "Bloody hell, That's huge? Are we back near Madagascar?" Gibbs would ask, but Jack had a strange feeling it wasn't. "No, no I don't think so." Jack looked back down at the compass, it was pointing towards the island. What was left of the crew were now on their feet, and were in disarray. They were all rushing around, seeing how much damage they took from plunging into the sea. A quick check discovered their food had been ruined, rum swept away, and their gunpowder wet. "Captain! All our food is ruined by the sea! We need to go get more supplies unless we plan to starve to death before getting back to the Caribbean!" Yelled Pintel. "Yeah, it washed away the rum to it did." Ragetti added in. "Aye! The rum is gone too!" Pintel repeated. Jack let out a long sigh. "Why... why is the rum always gone?" He said to himself before looking back to his men. "Lower the colors, we be heading for that island to stock back up before going home." Jack said in defeat. "Home!? Jack you can't be giving up now can you!?" Gibbs asked, to which Barbossa also began to look at Jack. "Aye... We are nowhere near where we were. Besides, these waters are dangerous and... strange. We need to get back to the Caribbean." Jack relented, causing Barbossa to step forward. "Though I agree we should be gettin' back, why ye be ordering us to ditch the colors? Ye know as well as I that rolling into port without colors be just as bad as rolling in with the Jolly Roger herself." Barbossa pointed out, now smirking. "It be easier to explain. I'd rather not stretch my neck while we are here." Said Jack. Soon the flag would be lowered as the pearl approaches the land. Horseshoe Bay Baltimare 1:30 PM The coast guard stationed in Baltimare began to raise alarms. Ponies scramble to get to their stations as the alarm rang out to all personnel. A stallion rushes to the HQ Where his superior was waiting for him. "Ma'am! I came as quickly as I could! Why are we raising an alarm!?" The stallion asked as he saluted. A mare in an officer's uniform turns to her subordinate. "We have an unknown vessel approaching our port. It's a very outdated ship, looks to be almost 200 years out of date!" The mare barked, she had a very serious expression. "What flag is it flying?" The stallion asked, stepping closer. "It isn't flying one! I'm enacting protocol O-L 1728! We must notify Princess Celestia immediately!" The mare shouted. "Get on the telegraph and notify the Princess about the strange vessel!" "Yes Ma'am!" The Stallion rushed into the communications room and got ont the telegraph. He began to send a message in morse code directly to Canterlot. Canterlot Celestia was sitting at her dining room table, she had invited Twilight and her friends to Canterlot, along with Cadence. She and Luna needed them for an important meeting. The four Princess sat together, enjoying lunch together as Twilight's friends joined them. They were discussing the diplomatic relations with all the nations surrounding Equestria. Since Twilight's school had officially brought the nations together, it was finally time to do so at the government level, making their unity official. The meeting was going by well as the ponies ate cucumber sandwiches and drank tea. "If we are to establish this new alliance with our neighbors, we need to make sure we accommodate every species, that is why i invited your friends Twilight, you and your friends know the most about our neighboring nations." Celestia said, looking at Twilight's friends. "We would be honored Princess!" Twilight said with a smile. "Yes! I can't wait to see Prince Rutherford again!" Pinkie exclaimed, her voice echoing in the room. "It would be nice to see Dragon Lord Ember again. I'm pretty sure I could convince her to come here and officially form an alliance." Said Spike. "King Thorax would be more than willing to form a alliance, the Changelings need all the friends they can get." Starlight chimed in. The meeting was going by perfectly until a guard pony barges into the dining room, disrupting the meeting. "Princess! Princess Celestia!" The guard yelled with urgency in his voice. Celestia looked to the guard, a rather annoyed look on her face, but she kept her elegance. "Yes soldier? What is it that you need?" She asked him, her voice only showing a twinge of annoyance. "I am so sorry to disturb you Princess, but I have urgent news from Baltimare!" The Guard began to explain. "The coast guard there have enacted Protocol O-L 1728!" Celestia's eyes widened at the news. "Protocol O-L 1728!?" Celestia exclaimed, shock, surprise, and a bit of excitement was in her voice. "He finally returned!? I must see him immediately!" Celestia stood up, many of the ponies present were confused, except for Luna and Cadence, and too looked a bit shocked. The guard then quickly made his leave. "Princess Celestia, who is it that you need to see?" Twilight spoke up, Celestia turned to her and gave her a smile. "A dear friend who I thought forgot about me. La Buse." She replied, Twilight and her friends repeated the name to themselves, finding it to be an odd name. "He and I met over 20 years ago, he was supposed to come back every 5 years, but this is the first time he has returned! I must see him. We'll have to postpone this meeting." "Sister, may we come too, I would love to finally meet this La Buse character you told me so much about." Luna said as she too stood up. "Of course dear sister, you may come... in fact if you all want I would like you all to come. La Buse is a very close friend to me, and I would love for you all to meet him." Celestia said. "Of course Princess, I would love to meet any friend of yours!" Twilight would say as her and her friend stood up and got close to the princess. She instructed them that they were to teleport to Baltimare's Horseshoe bay, with all four Alicorn's they used their magic to teleport. With a bright flash, they arrived at the docks. Many ponies and coast guard ponies were at the docks as they noticed a strange ship getting closer, one they have never seen before. They were eager to see what it was. The group who teleported quickly all gave each other space as Celestia looked off into the bay, a large smile on her face. It has been 20 years since she had seen her friend. They agreed to meet back up every 5 years, but not once had he ever shown up, until now. Celestia was too happy to see her friend to be upset at him having her wait so long. However, her smile quickly began to dissipate, as a pitch black ship was nearing the docks. "That... That is not his ship..." Celestia said aloud. The Black Pearl The ship pulls into port and releases its anchor. Jack still had an uneasy feeling about this island. It didn't look recognizable, and something about it felt off. Before any of the crew would step off, Jack approached them and quickly held up his hand. "Wait men! Let me step ashore first." He quickly said. "And what be the reason Jack?" Barbossa crossed his arms and gave him a skeptical look. "Something is not right here, I can feel it. I don't know what, but I get the feeling where are somewhere we are not meant to be." Jack would inform, his crew look to each other, not sure if they believe him. "I say, ye gone mad! I be now going to shore!" Barbossa brushed him off and began to walk down the ramp to the docks. "Hector!" Jack yelled as he followed him. Both Barbossa and Jack would step off the ship and onto the deck, they turned to shore and were dumbfounded by what they saw, multiple brightly colored horses, all staring at them in shock. They just stared at the two, as if they were aliens. The two then catch sight of a rather large one, with a bright white coat, and wavy hair. She had a large horn and wings. They both could not believe what they were looking at. "What in blazes!?" Barbossa yelled out, causing most of the ponies to flinch from the pitch of his voice. "We are definitely not in Singapore." Jack commented. Suddenly, the large one with a white coat steps forward. This spooked Barbossa, who quickly drew his sword and pistol. "Aye get back ya bloody beastie!" Barbossa threatened. “Who in their right mind be taking horses and make them look funny?” Barbossa said to himself. Many ponies had the look of fear as Barbossa drew his sword. The white horse even looked a bit taken back by his quickness to violence. Barbossa stood his ground, when the most incredible thing happened. "Put your weapon down human, I mean you no harm." She said in a soft calming tone. Barbossa and Jack's eyes would go wide, not expecting the creature to talk. "How the… How in the devil are you able to talk ya bloody horse!?" Barbossa called to her, she shook her head before speaking again. "I am not a horse, I am a pony." She replied, only getting a puzzling look from Jack. "Pony? What's the difference? Ain't they the same?" Jack placed a finger to his chin and pondered his own question. "Captain!? What be the problem!?" Yelled gibbs, standing on top of the ramp, looking down at the two men. "Nothing!" They both turned and yelled in unison. But it was too late, Gibbs could see all the colorful ponies from where he was standing. "What in blazes... I be a bit squiffy me thinks." Said Gibbs, pulling out his flask and taking a long drag from it. "Where is La Buse?" Celestia finally said, gaining the two men's attention again. "La Buse? Who be that?" Barbossa asked, quite rudely. "La Buse! The only other human to arrive here. Only he knew the way here." Celestia informed. Both men look at each other, still confused as to what the winged horse was talking about, but Gibbs's eyes widened at the name. "La Buse!? The Buzzard?" Gibbs would ask stepping onto the dock. "Yes! You know him!?" Celestia felt herself getting excited once again. "The Buzzard? What kind of man be naming himself that!?" Barbossa looked at Gibbs with a very unamused face. "A man whose very treasure we be seeking Barbossa! Olivier Levasseur!" Both mens eyes widen and quickly look to the white horse again. She knew Olivier Levasseur? But how? Where their path had run cold, suddenly grew warmer again.  "Devil be playing tricks on us. There is no way this can be real." Barbossa said to Jack and Gibbs. "Aye, tis rather silly dream this is. We should be waken up any minute now." Gibbs added, all three men agreed to that idea. "If I may interject, none of you are sleeping. If you were, I would be able to enter your dreams." Said a blue horse, now stepping forward to in the white one. "This be maddening! You talk all crazy!" Barbossa barked back at her. "I've got an idea to see if we be dreaming." Jack said, before quickly slapping Gibbs across the face. Gibbs' whole head turns around. "GAH! Jack! What in Sam Hill ye be doing!?" Gibbs yelled, turning back towards Jack. "That hurt, didn't it? That proves ye not be dreamin." Jack said with a smug smile on his face. "I now feel inclined to prove to ye yeself ain't dreaming either!" Gibbs held up his hand and was prepared to slap Jack back. "You slap your captain, it's to the brig with ya." Jack pointed at Gibbs with a serious face. "Ye ain't me Captain, so I'll do it." Said Barbossa, quickly slapping Jack in his face. Jack's head turns all the way around, he lifts his hand to his cheek before looking back at Hector. He was chuckling, feeling pretty satisfied with himself. Jack responded with his own slap to Barbossa, His head completely turning around as well. Barbossa quickly looks back at Jack, now scowling at him. Celestia shakes her head at the stupidity before taking another step. "Gentleman please, allow me to explain." The White Horse spoke up. Barbossa lifted his sword back up to her. "I said not another bleedin step! Don't make me...What in the...!?" A yellow aura surrounds Barbossa's sword. It was then yanked out of his hand and seemed to float in mid air. Both men watch it, their eyes wide as dinner plates. The sword was then stabbed into the sand next to the white horse.  "Now do I have your attention?" She asked, but all three men just stare at her in silence. "Good. My name is Princess Celestia, Ruler of all of Equestria. I need you all to stay calm, I believe you all came here by accident, and I can help you get back to your world." Celestia then turns to her most faithful student who then was approaching her. "Princess Celestia, how do you know these creatures? How do you know they are from a different world?" Asked Twilight, whispering in her teacher's ear. "Long story, I... I will tell you later." Celestia whispered back. She then focussed back on the three men who all still look like they have seen a ghost. "Please, I truly mean you no harm, I wish to help you." "... Ye be telling the truth?" Asked Jack, to which Celestia nodded. Jack looks to Barbossa, giving him a quick look. Barbossa gives him a look of uncertainty, but decides it would be in their best interest to receive help from these strange creatures. Barbossa holsters his pistol and Jack looks back to Celestia. "Very well then. Pray tell, where can we get a drink?" > Do we have an accord? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baltimare 2:00pm After tensions were being settled, Celestia knew she has to set up some diplomacy between these new humans. They were nothing like her friend, they were rude, dirty, and lacked some basic common sense. Celestia knew the best place for her and the humans to ask questions, Baltimare city hall. Celestia invited the humans there, they were a bit unsure of the invitation but after a bit of convincing, they agreed. Jack instructed only a few of his most loyal men to accompany them, while the rest stayed with the ship. Barbossa walked up to his sword, still stuck in the ground and gave it a quick tap, and then another. Deciding it wasn't gonna move on its own again, he picked it up and sheathed it. Celestia saw this, and knew these specific humans were not used to magic. Though it would be quite a walk, she decided it would be best for them to walk to City hall rather than teleport. While being escorted by the local Coast Guard, The group of ponies and group of Pirates made there way through Baltimare. The Pirates looked upon the building with awe; they had never seen architecture like this before. Tall concrete skyscrapers were nothing like the wooden buildings they were used to back home. They get a little agitated, feeling incredibly out of place. This did nothing in easing their anxiety. After a decently long walk, and the uneasy sightseeing, they make it to the city hall. The pirates take a sigh of relief, at least the inside of the historical city hall looked somewhat familiar to what they were all used to. They were led into a conference room, where each side sat down, across from each other. Each side was giving each other very unsure looks. "I'm terribly sorry for the long walk humans, if there was another way to get us here that wouldn't cause any disharmony for you, I would have done it." Celestia said, the pirates barely reacted. "Now, can we please begin discussions?" "I asked for a place for a drink? How about we get a drink first and I'd be more inclined to answer any question ye got, savvy?" Jack would ask before leaning back in his chair, placing his boots up onto the table with his arms behind his head. "Very well, what would you like to drink?" Celestia would sit back in her own chair. "Rum!" Jack loudly exclaimed. "Aye! Rum!" Gibbs would join in. "Rum! SQUAWK! Rum!" Cotton's parrot began squawking. "You all want rum? But it's only 2 o'clock." Twilight spoke up, confused at why anyone would drink at this time. "No rum, no questions." Jack would say with a head sway, now turning his attention to the ceiling. "Fine, we'll get you some rum." Princess sighed heavily. After a few minutes, a few coast guard ponies came in, holding a few bottles of rum. They set them on the table, and were then about to set down a few glasses for them, when suddenly Jack took a bottle in his hand. He opened it, the cork making a very satisfying sound. He takes a large swig from the bottle, savoring the flavor. He pulls the bottle away and looks at it. It was... different. But rum is rum. He licked his lips and smiled. "Aye, that will do." Jack said as he began to pass the bottle around, all of the members taking large drinks from the bottle. By the time the bottle got passed back to Jack, it was completely empty. Jack reached for a new bottle and uncorked it. "Ye may begin talking now." Jack took another drink from the bottle. "Finally, First, may we begin with your names?" Asked Celestia. Jack gave her a smile as he put his boots back onto the ground and stood up. He took his hat off with his other hand, placing it on his chest and bowing. "I be Captain Jack Sparrow. Captain of the Black Pearl!" Barbossa scoffed and rolled his eyes, his monkey sitting on his shoulder. Jacks stood back up and placed his hat back on top of his head. "And these be my merry men. Joshamee Gibbs, me most loyal first mate." Gibbs gives the group a nod. "These two be Terry Ragetti and Abner Pintel." Pintel gives them a serious look as to try and look tough, but Ragetti smiles and waves. Pintel looks at him, nudging him. Ragetti quickly pulled his hand down and glances down at the floor. "This here be Cotton, and his parrot, Chip." Cotton remained unmoving but his parrot fluffed its wings in response. "Down here be one of me most loyal crew, Marty." Marty was much shorter compared to everyone else, but he too stood still, only eyeing the ponies. "and finally, a dear friend o' mine, the lying, backstabbing, filth rat, Hec-" "I don't need ye to introduce me Jack, I be doing it meself!" Barbossa snapped at Jack before he himself turned back towards the ponies. He put his hand to his head, swirling it in a circle and bowing his head. His monkey is still firm upon his shoulder. "I be Captain Barbossa, the real captain of the Black Pearl." "Pearl is mine mate!" Jack quickly added, causing Barbossa to glare at Jack. "Ye lost the Black Pearl! It be mine!" Barbossa began to argue. "I be the one who got it raised back up from the depths by Davy Jones! It's my ship and always will be!" Jack narrowed his eyes "Ah Jack, don't ye rememeber? Ye let yer guard down and allowed yerself to be mutinied upon. So the ship be rightfully mine." Barbossa shot back. "Then I took the ship back once I shot ya in the chest. It's mine!" Jack said firmly. "Ok, ok. Calm down everypony." Celestia butted in, to stop the quarrel of the two men. She let out a long sigh before speaking again. "Allow us to introduce ourselves. As I said, I am Princess Celestia, ruler of all of Equestria. This is my sister Luna, she rules along with me. Princess Cadence, of the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight Sparkle with her friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer." "Aye, pleasure." Was all Jack said as he sat back down, putting up his feet again and taking another big gulp of rum. "Do you know La Buse?" Celestia quickly said, eager for his answer. "I know of him. But knowing him personally, I'm afraid not love." Jack gave Celestia a quick wink. "Hey pal, show the princess proper respect!" Rainbow Dash spoke up, causing all the pirates to glance over at her. They all began to laugh and chuckle. "Very well, Apologies...Princess." Jack smiled a toothy grin before handing the second bottle to his crew. Celestia let out another long sigh, these humans were very tiring. "If you don't know La Buse personally, how did you find passage to my world?" Celestia asked, his gaze falling upon Jack Sparrow alone. "We simply followed his instructions, left behind on his Cryptogram." Jack answered, placing his arms behind his head again. "What do you mean ‘his cryptogram’?" She raised an eyebrow. "May I see it?" "Hector, show her." Jack ordered. Barbossa would roll his eyes before pulling the paper out of his pocket. His eyes would widen upon seeing the paper glow with the same golden aura before being lifted out of his hand. All the crew quickly backed up from it, and Jack quickly sat up. They watch the paper float towards Celestia. By now Jack could see Celestia's horn glow with the same aura. She unravels the paper and analyzes its contents. She look over the parchment, as if trying to decode it herself. The pirates begin to whisper amongst themselves about what they were witnessing. "How she be holding that without actually... holding it?" Ragetti looked to his uncle. "She must be a witch." Pintel whispered back. "If she be a witch, then we best not make her angry..." Gibbs joined, looking wide eyed at Celestia and back at the pair. "I'd rather not be ending up cursed... or worse!" "Will ye three shut yer traps! If she be a witch then why she be as elegant as that? All witches I've laid me eyes on have all been hags, such as Tia Dalma before we released her." Barbossa butted in. Celestia raises an eyebrow at their conversation before going back to the parchment. She was indeed able to decode it, giving it an approving nod. It indeed came from La Buse, only he could have given out such fine instructions in a well coded manner. However, she feels confused. Why would La Buse write instructions to find Equestria? What was his purpose of doing so? He was the first and last human to come to Equestria, and his absence over the past few years have troubled her greatly. "How did you get a hold of this?" Celestia asked, setting the cryptogram onto the table. "We... acquired it on a small island in the Indian ocean. Along with a necklace that came with it.'' Jack answered somewhat truthfully. "Necklace? May I please see it?" Celestia felt a sudden anxiety, having a good idea what the necklace must be. Jack then reached into his pocket, and pulled it out. letting the pendant hang down below his hand. All the ponies there, including Luna and Cadence make an audible gasp. Celestia's eyes only softend, her fears coming true.  "That... that's it... that's the necklace I gave him..." "You gave away this necklace? To whom?" Jack raised an eyebrow, taking in the pony's reaction to the necklace. "I gave that to La Buse... the last time he was here. How do you have it?" Celestia asked, almost afraid of the answer. "Well we-" Jack was about to explain, but was quickly interrupted. "Wait a minute there lassie, I be a bit curious." Barbossa spoke up, crossing his arms. "How do we know fer sure this be yer necklace? I be needing proof!" The crew then look to each other in agreement. As this world seemed to be very much distant from their home, they wanted proof that this was Celestia's necklace. Celestia only closed her eyes and stood up, she then turned to the side to reveal her cutie mark. The crew were left stunned, as it resembled the pendant perfectly. "By the Devil! Yer tattoo be the same as the necklace!" Gibbs shouted, pointing towards the alicorn princess. All the crew were suddenly acting as if they were a bit agitated. Jack raised his hand to signify to his crew to calm down. A large smile began to form across his face. "So, you really did know ol' Levasseur." Jack asked as Celestia nodded at him. Jack slowly rose to his feet and turned towards his crew, his smile only getting larger. "Good men, do you know what this means?" "...We really are be going crazy?" Asked Pintel. "No, that means we be in fact on the right track of locating Olivier Levasseur's lost treasure! Our trail in fact did not run cold, it be as warm as ever!" Jack announced, soon all the men's faces began to light up. "Captain's right! If Levasseur was here, and his code led us here, it must be here!" Gibbs deduced. Now all the men had crooked smiles, but as Jack turned back to face Celestia, she had a very unimpressed look. "You plan to steal from La Buse?" She asked, her voice taking a sharp and cold one. Jack and his crew look at each other, not liking Celestia's tone. "My dear, ask me this. Is it really considered stealing, if you steal from a dead man?" Jack asked her, not once losing his smile. However, he did lose his smile at seeing Celestia's new expression. His words seemed to stab her, as her head flinched backwards, showing both confusion and worry. "...La Buse is dead!?" Celestia's mouth was left slightly gapped. Jack turned to Gibbs, to which Gibbs looked back at Jack. He motioned Gibbs to step forward, as he knew the story best. Gibbs rolled his eyes and stepped forward. "Aye, tis true. Olivier was captured by the Portuguese and would be tried for piracy. He would be found guilty, and the punishment for piracy be as followed, hung by the neck until death." Gibbs began to explain as the ponies listened closely. "As he stood at the gallows awaiting his drop, he shouted to the crowd. 'Find my treasure, the one who may understand it!' and before he took his final drop, he tossed to the crowd a necklace, with a piece of paper wrapped around It. it is a code that supposedly marks the location of his treasure." Celestia listened to the whole tale. She slowly lowered her head to look back down at the cryptogram. "La Buse... is dead..." She now spoke in a saddened tone. "...But... but he promised he'd come back..." "Hold on a second." Princess Cadence finally chipped in. "That doesn't make sense. How can the punishment for piracy be death? That is ludacris." "Really, pray tell, they what be the punishment for piracy here?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow. "There isn't one. Pirates are adventurers. Sailing the high seas and making discoveries, finding lost treasure and fighting off monsters. The profession is admirable at best." Cadence began to explain. "...not for humans..." Celestia spoke again, not raising her head. "Human pirates are thieves and murderers." "Well... not entirely true." Jack quickly said, but was quickly cut off. "Well that certainly explains the hostility we were shown at first contact." Luna now chiming in, glaring specifically at Barbossa, who sneered back. "Is that true? Are you bad humans?" Twilight now voicing her thoughts, giving the human pirates a fearful look. The crew were taking a few steps back, as they soon feared a confrontation was about to erupt. However, Jack remained calm. He put a smile back on and sat back down. "I can assure you lass, we not be bad people, but we still be pirates." Jack grabbed the third and last bottle of rum that was brought to them. He opens it and takes another hardy drink. "As Pirates, we do not live by any laws given by any country, our home is the sea. As such, instead of laws, we live by a code. A code that we follow to ensure that we at least keep our dignity. So lass we may be seen as thieves, killers, and criminals, we have standards." The ponies look at each other. Though Jack's words were honeyed, they didn't know if they should be trusted. Luna seemed to be unmoved by the words, only raising an eyebrow to him. "You mind sharing some rules in your 'code' please." Luna all but demanded. Jack seemed a bit taken back, hoping to not be called out on. "Well... you see... uh, Mr. Gibbs, would you please." Jack quickly averted the Question to his first mate. Gibbs sighs and lowers his head before speaking again. "Ye always have the right to Parley. When Parley is declared, ye be taken to the pirate captain fer negotiations. Ye remained unharmed during the whole process." Gibbs began to explain. "Freeports are a safe haven and shall not be touched by conflict. All pirates be equal to their brother. When it comes to loot, all shall partake in the rule of thumb. The crew comes before taverns and wenches." Luna raised her hoof, signifying him to stop. "Very well, we can see you do have some standards. But can we be sure about your behavior?" Luna asked. Twilight looked over to Celestia who has been quiet for the longest time. She could see the look of grief in her eyes, just how close was she to La Buse? "Ye have me word, we be on our best behavior." Jack tipped his hat to her. "If he be willing to trade us some more of this rum, we promise to be all but cordial." Luna rolled her eyes. "All you want is alcohol?" Luna asked. "Aye, Rum and some food. And we promise to not be a bother. Once we find Levasseur's treasure, we be on our merry way back from whence we came." Jack gave her his word. "...That won't be possible." Celestia finally spoke up again, now looking back to the pirates. "And what ye mean by that?" Barbossa narrowed his eyes at the princess. "You came here via a magical portal in our ocean, that portal only opens once every year on the Winter solstice. You and your crew are stuck here until this time next year." Celestia explained. All at once, the pirates gave Celestia a shocked and horrified expression. "Once a year!?" Gibbs repeated to his own shock. "We be stuck in this bleedin' world fer a year!?" Barbossa yelled. Jack, his monkey, let out a screech upon his master's anger. "I understand your anger, but there is nothing I can do to remedy this just yet.” Celestia began to explain. “When be the Winter Solstie thingy?” Jack asked, tilting his head to the side. Celestia looks at a nearby calendar. It was the 22nd of December.  “It was yesterday.” Celestia raised an eyebrow at that. “Tell me, was it night time when you started looking for the treasure?” “Aye.” They all said in unison. “What time exactly?” Celestia asked. “We don’t bloody know! We not have a clock on board!” Barbossa barked at the Princess. Celestia let out a long sigh as she looks to the side, These humans were either the the most unlucky people ever to be in the right place at the right time… or… was it even an accident? Celestia narrows her eyes. The conditions had to be met so perfectly, there is no way they came here by accident. Something… has guided them. Whatever that something is, she doesn’t truly know. But she knew this, if they were guided here by a supernatural force, she shouldn’t get in the way. “I believe you did not come here on purpose, but you met the conditions perfectly. You were at the exact spot of the portal, on December 21st, the time had to be past 9 o'clock, that’s the winter solstice. It’s the time of year, where the tides are at their lowest, as the moon is closest to your planet, it triggers the opening of a portal between our worlds” Celestia explained, but most of it went directly over the pirates' heads. “Oh! I think I understand! It’s somewhat similar the mirror portal that leads to Canterlot High!” Twilight chipped in, causing Celestia to smile at her. “You are correct, my student. But this portal is in the middle of our ocean, and it leads to their world instead.” Celestia pointed to the pirates. She then looks back at Jack before continuing to speak. “Since the solstice was yesterday, you will have to sit tightly until the portal opens next year. In the meantime..." Celestia closes her eyes, as if debating on her decision. "You and your crew may stay here and we'll help accommodate you to the best of our abilities... And provide any aid you may need in accomplishing your quest." "You're allowing us to look for the treasure while here in your world?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes... If what you say is true, then it sounded like La Buse... wanted somepony to find it. You have my blessing to look for it." Celestia relented. "Like we be needing permission from that harlot." Barbossa whispered to himself. "Very well. We promise not to be a burden on your world as we look for the treasure. If ye be willing to, make sure we don't run out of food and drink. Do we have an accord?" Jack asked with his own toothy grin. "Sister, perhaps we should debate this." Luna warned, giving her sister a glance. "We think you are allowing them too much freedom." "They will be monitored non-stop by our coast guards. If they step one hoof out of line, we will be notified. Besides… They are stuck here whether we like it or not and I will not allow them to starve while they are here. That doesn't mean I'm happy about their arrival." Celestia responds before looking back at Jack Sparrow. "One other thing. I want to see the treasure before you leave. That is my only condition." The crew looked at each other, raising an eyebrow at the fact Celestia wants to see the treasure. After a few thoughts about it, Jack answers. "Very well, Princess. I accept yer terms." Jack finally responded. "Very good. We shall head back to the pier, and I will arrange to bring you and your crew some food and drink." Celestia. "Sister!" Luna's voice raises before putting her mouth close to Celestia's ear. "We must object to this. These creatures... We think they are untrustworthy, just look at them." "Fear not sister." Celestia whispered back. "One step out of line, I shall deal with them myself."