> Return of the Queen > by Star Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was supposed to be peaceful, it was the start of spring after all. Fate apparently had other plans as the atmosphere that was once clear started to rain heavily, catching everyone who was unable to react fast enough to be soaked. Suddenly a golden Bolt of lightning came from the skies, and struck the ground below. Much to the people who were watching, extreme shock. The light dissipated revealing a Very Familar alicorn, with a Red mane and snow white fur, what was even more shocking was that she seemed to be carrying another creature on her back, some creature nopony had ever seen before, both were heavily injured as if they just went through the battle of their lives. "Y-you..." the creature muttered, "you didn't....have to do that for me..." "Save your breath." The queen hissed weakly, "M-my daughters should be able to heal the both of us from here..." "A-ah..." the creature chuckled, The creature coughed up more blood, but the queen did not seem to be bothered by it at all, she just gazed at him with narrowed eyes of concern and fear, "You see.?" The creature did not say anything afterwards...she slowly began to trot through the city towards the castle while the people The creature gazed around in curiosity seeing all of the buildings that resembled a cartoon from where he was from, he also saw the people that looked at him with fear in their eyes. The creature smiled gently at them, trying to tell them that I mean't know harm. Some calmed, others were still scared. The creature didn't blame them, if a creature from another world saw his world like a cartoon, he could only imagine how scary that place would have been. He most likely wouldn't go near them in fear of getting himself killed from either attacking him, or other unknowns. They made our way through the city, both leaving behind two trails of blood... "My word..." Fancy pants whispered as he gazed at the sight that he never thought he'd be able to see in his life, along with this strange creature he never seen before on her back...both of them bloodied and beaten as if they went through a fight of there lives.. He stared intensely at them both, as the queen trotted slowly...through the city. Eventually, through what felt like an eternity, the Queen made it to the gates, something that had Unicorn male...wearing strange armor like Faust. He let out a gasp when he saw them, "Q-queen Faust!?" "Open the gates Shining Armor." The Queen Panted, the creature gritted his teeth in an attempt to stop his laughter from coming out as he knew that it would cause him much more pain then he already is. "Shining Armor? Really?" He wanted to say. The Queen heard the creatures movements but didn't react, she was merely holding onto her breath trying her best not to give out onto the floor. Shining Armor, immediately barked out orders to his fellow guards. Once the gates opened, the Queen continued onward into the castle. The creature took it all in, this was truly a nice place to live in... I was startled from my thoughts when two bright flashes of lights, before a scream echoed into my ears making my blood run cold, I was not ready for an attack, not like this. "Away from our mother you vile creature!" "Luna Cease your charge this instant, he is a friend not a threat!" Faust roared. This did not come without consequences as she spit out a puddle of blood before she collapsed onto ground beneath us. "F-fau..." I tried to speak worried for her, but I couldn't. "I was in so much pain..." "Mother!" Two voices cried out as I weakly saw from the corner of my eye, Two mares White and Blue... by her side..... "H-hello C-celestia..." she said a weak smile forming on her muzzle as trickles of blood traveled from her face to the ground, "Hello...to you to to L-luna..." Ah so that was Celestia and Luna, her daughters that she spoke so much about. I "Cease the formalities..." Luna said softly, their horns igniting sharing there energy with there mother healing her. "N-no..." Faust said softly, "H-heal Eli first...he is in a worse state then..."she coughed out some more blood, "t-hen I..." Both daughters were of course hesitant... as they looked up to the creature, the creature now couldn't even smile..and he was fading in an out of consciousness. The daughters exchanged glances, before they nodded, I felt myself slowly starting to heal...sliowly... The now named Eli..." sighed in relief as I felt the wounds slowly closing. Once I was enough for me to actually be normal, Please stop, I need you to save Faust now..." "You will need to answer some of our questions." Celestia said, "Why was it, both you and my mother looked like you went through the fight of your lives?" Her and Luna's horn ignited once again. "Because we did," Eli replied, "We did go through the fight of our lives...." "I would not have been alive if not been for Eli..." Faust replied with a weak but warm smile, I smiled at her, "I wouldn't have been alive if it was not for you either...though why did you come with me...I had everything under control." "And let the man I love disappear from the realm of the living?" Faust huffed, " I think not." "Man you love.." Celestia whispered..."Mother...who exactly is this creature?" Faust smiled, "Celestia, Luna... this is Elliot Jackson, or as his friends call him...Eli." she glanced at me with a fond smile, "He is many things of an importance to me.." "He is my best friend, he is my partner, he is my savior." she paused for a moment before she continued, "And most importantly above all..." "He is my fiance." After seeing Celestia's and Luna';s eyes nearly bug out of there socket, I struggled with all my might not to burst out laughing. "He's WHAT!!!!!!!!!" > Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Shit...get out the way!" I lunged towards the humanoid Alicorn and pushed her away just in time for the wormhole to slowly take me hole...I struggled with all of my might to stop it but the energy was drained from that last attack. "Eli...No..." The humanoid Fausticorn replied weakly as she gazed at his struggling form..."GmmH, I...can't..." I struggled...before I closed my eyes, and opened them, gazing at the Fausticorn with a gaze of acceptance and love... "Lauren, I want you to know...that I love you very much...everything we have been through...you have changed my life,,.,I don't regret asking you to marry me, nor do I regret everything else... " her eyes widened before I coughed up blood and was pushed towards the wormhole, but I paused myself. I looked around and saw that space-time was about to collapse. "I love you Lauren, and I thank you... I was about to let myself go when I felt a pair of breast pressed against my back. her own arms locked under my arms as she put me in a half nelson. "I love you too." She smiled weakly but her eyes held a determined look. her wings outstretched into a long wingspan before she muttered something under her breath. the outline of her body glowed brightly, before it expanded into an energy sphere that covered the whole of the wormhole. She closed her eyes, "I love you so much...and I would be damned if I let anything happen to you..." "F-fasut..." I chocked coughing up blood, "W-what are you..." "I'm taking you home..." she smiled, "My home..." "My eyes widened in fear and concern...."L-lauren. you do know traveling across the realms is no simple feat..." Her eyes twinkled, "You also seem to forget that I am no simple mare..." she grinned at him, "I am the Queen of Creation after all..." I chuckled, and with a swift motion, I broke from her grasp and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her close, My own body outlining a crimson red before her it mixed in with her own..."What kind of man would I be to let my Fiance struggle on her own..." Her eyes widened, "Y-ou fool.... Your not in the state to be releasing this much energy!" "A-as I said before..." I smirked weakly at her, "I -I refuse to l-let you do all the work..." With that said the both of us vanished from sight. and the wormhole closed.