> Dressed Desires > by Ebonyglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Suited for Some Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fenris was a stallion of many things: level-headed under pressure, one of the only non-unicorns in Equestria to wield magic, a brave adventurer, and somepony who’d faced countless monsters and challenges. And yet his greatest struggle right now was against a dress. Several months had passed since he finished a grand adventure that involved him meeting his now marefriend Kara. Their bond had grown, their sex life flourished, and their love has blossomed more and more with each passing day. Yet he had never seen her in a dress. When the couple had received personal invitations to the Grand Galloping Gala they were both honored and curious. The two of them weren’t particularly the formal type, but being adventurers they were always open to new experiences. They weren’t fond of dressing up, even if they hadn’t done it before, both due to their more rough exteriors and the fact that they found themselves acting in such a way embarrassing, but to turn down an invitation from Canterlot royalty would be more disrespectful than it’d be embarrassing for them to go. The process wasn’t all too difficult to get things started. Being they lived in Ponyville, a quick trip to Rarity’s Boutique was the first stop on this new experience the two were sharing. The fashionista within was both elated and perplexed at the development, having been ushering the two of them to “try and live the high life” for months at that point. Still, Rarity absolutely pounced on the opportunity to give them the formal spin, and thus their process began. She had initially taken their measurements, very up close and personal, and after a few…detours so to speak, they eventually gave her everything she needed to craft their outfits for the event. They had been insistent on nothing over the top, simply asking for a normal suit and dress, and, although reluctantly, she had agreed. Then came the fitting, though in typical Rarity fashion she had to add a spin to it. She had insisted they come at separate times. She had been adamant that they don’t see each other in their outfits till the actual day of the Gala, mainly because they hadn’t ever seen each other dressed up and they ‘should savor the moment on an absolutely divine day.’ His fitting came and went, though the process had been horribly unfamiliar to him. The extent of the clothing he adorned was his usual enchanted scarf, matching gym clothes he had with Kara, some role playing outfits they used for both wholesome and intimate moments, and the occasional armor he adorned when requested to assist with royal guard efforts. Beyond that, he had never gotten suited up in such a way, and he honestly loathed the entire experience. Though, several days later, after the suit had been made and fitted properly, he finally got a good look at himself. As cocky as it might’ve sounded, he did think he looked rather good in it. The colors and edges highlighted his coat and face, his wings were snug and yet free, and the entire ensemble wasn’t all too stuffy. It elevated his looks by a margin, yet seeing how good he looked in it had only made him curious about Kara’s appearance. And today he both wondrously and regretfully found out. They were quick to get ready back home, throwing on their outfits in separate rooms of their house and agreeing to unveil themselves to each other in their living room. After several minutes and a hoofull of curses from the two of them as they struggled to get ready, the grand reveal had finally arrived. Needless to say his poor, poor loins were set ablaze with a ferocious wave of arousal unlike most he had experienced in both his amorous adventures and conquests alike. Goddess did she look absolutely tantalizing. Kara was always an attractive mare, with a healthy build and gorgeous face, but alongside her beauty was one of the sexiest bodies he had ever been graced with the sight of. Her curves were generous, even for a warrior like her, and they accentuated her assets wondrously. Her ass: plump, soft, and absolutely delectable, was highlighted along the curves of her outfit. The edges of her flanks peeked out, showing off her fat rump perfectly, yet adding an element of temptation to it all. There was a subtle sway in her movements, making her rear jiggle ever so subtly under her getup, and with that meant ole Fenris Jr. was fighting for his life in the stallion’s suit pants. Though the amorous anguish he had to endure didn’t stop at only her ass. Her plump, muscled thighs stood out beautifully along her light pink hind legs, teasing and tempting him all the while. Her tail was done up in a bun, which only added to his delightful despair. Her dress was form fitting, hugging her body tightly, and with that meant he could see the clear outline of her asshole and pussy through the veil of crimson she adorned. All in all, she looked hot. She had turned in place a few, showing off her dress to him. Finishing her showcase, after ushering him to do the same so she could get a look at him, they both finally were ready to leave. She threw him a cheerful smile, showing off the makeup she had thrown on - something he hadn’t seen her do often at all, which made his heart flutter and his stallionhood throb with excitement. She was a rather feisty mare a majority of the time. Growing up in a warrior clan, fighting monsters and beasts alike, being trained in various weapons, and being smug incarnate half the time would lead to that. So, seeing her dressed in such a way, all while throwing him a loving smile - he nearly swooned from the sight. His groin ached with lust, his heart fluttered with love, and all in all he was in for a ride. Next up was the voyage to Canterlot. They had procured a rather fancy carriage with a personal chauffeur to bring them up to the regal city, and all the while he had to hold in his desires and wants. The two of them were a slutty pair, oftentimes hooking up with one another, friends, and even strangers - keeping romantic sessions to themselves exclusively. Though sex wasn’t an uncommon practice among the two of them, she had clarified she wanted the night to be exclusively romantic, meaning no sexual affairs for the poor stud. Finally, after what felt like a small eternity, they arrived at Canterlot Castle. Bidding their chauffeur goodbye, leaving him with a hefty tip, they made their way into the towering structure. They were met by Princess Celestia, as all guests were, and following a very brief greeting, they found their way to the main ballroom. All the while, Fenris struggled to resist the urge to stare at not only Kara’s flank, but in all honestly every mare’s ass. Celestia’s dress had hugged her form just as tightly as Kara’s own, showing off the Princess’ absolutely fat ass with ease, and he could’ve sworn she intentionally tainted him with a better glimpse at it following a teasing wink she threw his way. More and more ponies surrounded him, and as he walked through the ballroom he was met by more tempting tushes on mare and stallion alike. Yet Kara was simply unbeatable. Her dress, the way she walked, the feelings he had for her, it made the entire buildup to the actual Gala an absolute rollercoaster of lust and love, yet he simply had to endure it for a bit longer. He’d ensure he’d absolutely destroy her in bed later that night or the following day, but for now he simply had to survive the dance, dinner, and celebration. “Hey, Fen, you alright?” Kara inquired, raising a brow as she looked back at him. Pulled from his reminiscing, Fenris shook his head and pulled his eyes away from her rump. “O-Oh! Yeah, I’m fine! Just, y’know, not used to being all dressed up like this.” “Oh? Well, yeah, I guess that makes sense,” she chuckled in response, turning away from him and continuing her trot. “Honestly, I thought I’d be miserable and embarrassed here, but it isn’t so bad. Helps you look especially handsome in a suit.” Sweat beaded down his forehead, as he once again found his eyes glued to her ass. “Yeah…you’re looking really good yourself…” Thankfully she seemed to not have noticed his staring, allowing him a saving grace in the moment. He knew she wanted tonight to be a cute, romantic one and solely that, and he would hate to tarnish it for her and upset her. Gritting his teeth, he shook his head and steeled himself. Yes his marefriend was the hottest mare he could imagine, and yes he’d kill to mount her and fuck her senseless right then and there, but he had to keep his cool - if only just. “Hey, I know we’re not really dancers, but I think that’d be fun,” she started, grabbing his attention as she gestured towards the large group of ponies dancing in the center of the ballroom. “Most of them look pretty awful at it, so I doubt we’ll stand out.” Fenris pursed his lips, glancing at the group of dancing ponies. He was rather surprised that Kara of all mares had come up with the suggestion, and he had a sneaking suspicion she had something up her sleeve, but alas he saw no downsides to the idea. Even if he’d look like a fool, nearly every single mare and stallion dancing looked completely clueless with what they were doing. Not only that, but it’d hopefully act as a decent distraction from the gloriously presented rump Kara had to offer. “Yeah, sure,” he answered, giving her a firm nod. “It’ll be fun to see you look like flopping fish trying to dance - oof!” She playfully, though somewhat strongly, punched him in the side with her forehoof, snickering. “Yeah yeah - less chatty, more dancy. Always so much bark and so little bite with you, ya idiot.” He simply snorted in response, making an effort to walk beside her rather than behind her as they made their way towards the group. Oddly, she increased the pace of her trot when she noticed he was even with her, but he chalked it up to her usual competitive spirit showing up for something as minuscule as walking too. Music rang in their ears, as they reached the dance floor, immediately met with the additional sound of laughing and clamoring ponies. As inexperienced as they were, Kara was quick to grab his foreleg and pull him into the crowd. Having no other choice, he simply began shuffling to his best ability, awkwardly chuckling with her as they both foolishly attempted to dance in some capacity. The chuckling eventually evolved into hearty laughter, as they both spun and strutted amongst the large crowd they were now in. They got more and more into it, until Fenris rose up onto his hindlegs to dance further, only to be met by a sudden swift motion from Kara. As if she was waiting for the moment, she pounced on him immediately. With her ass against him, her eyes closed as she bummed to the music, she grinded her ass right against his groin. A blush exploded to the surface of his muzzle, his balls ached with untreated desire, and his mind raced with thought as he was teased beyond anything he could imagine. With how enthralled she was in her dancing and music, she must’ve not noticed what she was doing, yet she continued shaking her rump and grinding against the bulge in his pants. Frozen in the moment, he did his best to play off their position, simply shimmying his shoulders in an attempt to look like he was dancing. The minor movement seemed to have effect, as Kara opened her eyes and glanced back at him, eyes going wide as she saw what was going on. “O-oh!” she blurted out, blushing lightly. “S-sorry, Fen! I guess I got a bit too uh…into the music.” He blinked wildly, falling back down to all fours, before shaking his head and waving a forehoof in a dismissive manner. “Hey, no worries! Just got me a bit flustered, that’s all!” “Right!” She turned away from him again, showcasing that rump of hers in all its glorious might again. “Well I’m starved, let’s go grab a bite!” She paused, raising a brow and throwing him a smirk. “Unless you’re too stiff to go to the dinner area.” Fenris watched as she trotted away, eyes gluing to her rump as she went. Though, as she left his field of view, he pouted his lips on thought. The way she emphasized ‘stiff’ in her reply had a devious tone to it, and he knew the way she talked when she was up to something. Ruffling his wings at his sides, noticing them feeling slightly stiff from his arousal, he shook himself off and trotted over towards the dining area. Catching up to her, watching as she quickly plated a collection of vegetables onto a dish, he swiftly followed in suit of her. Gathering up a healthy plate of grub, he sat beside her, letting out a sigh of relief, finally relieved of the tempting site of her ass for some time. Yet there were still a lot of rumps to eye up in the meantime. Sitting in his seat, allowing himself to spectate, he drank in the collection of wondrous asses that were being showcased to him. Starlight Glimmer briefly trotted by, her generous, ample cheeks swaying in a hypnotic fashion as she made her way over to her date - Sunburst. Fenris couldn’t help but smirk at the flustered unicorn, clearly being swooned by the mare he was with, and he could only imagine the aftermath of this all would go for him. He managed to get a glimpse of each of the Elements of Harmony while he chowed down too. Princess Twilight adorned a gown that concealed most of her flanks, but her plump rump was still easy to make out as her gown hugged her body tightly. She had been accompanied by Luna for a brief stint, and the way those two fat rears swayed as they walked off into the distance would’ve made any stallion drool from the sight of it. Rainbow Dash trotted around with some of the Wonderbolts, and he managed to catch a glimpse at one of them lifting up her dress to give her a firm smack on the ass. From the way it jiggled, and the scandalous smirk she gave the stud who did it, he could only assume she’d be getting very busy with her teammates later that night. Pinkie Pie quite literally bounced around, making her incredibly large behind jiggle in tune with her motions. It was no surprise that several ponies were gawking at her, since her getup did nothing to hide the absolute dump truck of an ass she had on her. Guess working in a sweet shop allowed for her to have a butt that couldn’t be beat. Fluttershy was an entirely different case, though one could assume such when her date was the literal Lord of Chaos himself. Though Fenris only saw her for a brief stint, it was clear as day that Discord was up to something with the pegasus. She adorned an intense, deep blush, her ass was rhythmically bouncing under her dress, and he could see her date thrusting into something underneath a table from afar. Magic portals were a tendency of the god, and it seemed he and Fluttershy had a knack for some public deviancy, as she trotted out of the ballroom with him swiftly following - magic clearly shrouding his groin all the while. Rarity and Applejack seemed to be at each other’s side the entire evening thus far. The plump, marshmallowy behind of Rarity pressing against the more toned, yet still fat, ass that Applejack had to offer, they spent most of their time dancing side by side around the ballroom - clearly having had a bit too much cider each. Though one would expect that when your date is one of the Apple family themself. Fenris munched his food, chatting it up with Kara as he surveyed the collection of ponies that had gathered for the event. Kara seemed to be busying herself with pony watching as well, snickering and outright mentioning the sights he himself was observing. Never the subtle type, but she knew he wouldn’t judge, let alone mind such topics being brought up. His focus was only broken when she leaned over the table, going to reach for a piece of bread on the other end of where they were sitting. Though the action seemed minor, it led to him being met with another horribly arousing situation. Draping herself across him in the process of going for some more food, her ass was presented right in front of him. Her dress clung tightly to her body, her flanks bounced a bit as she stretched out to reach, and she shimmied her hips as she strained herself. His blush met him yet again, as his stallionhood pressed against his suit pants, desperate to be released and pressed directly into her undoubtedly tight snatch. Gulping nervously, crimson hue spreading across his countenance, he was spared his torture as she pulled back away and sat down - loaf of bread being triumphantly held in her maw. He chuckled awkwardly, smiling over at her. “Heh ~ You, uh, know I would have grabbed that for you, right? “Meh,” she replied, placing the bread on her plate before looking him up and down, biting her lip. “What’s the fun in that?” There it was again, that little, mischievous tone in her voice. The way she smirked at him, the way she bit her lip, and the way she spoke - it all pointed towards her doing something to fuck with him. Even before they were dating, they both lavished in fucking with one another, typically leading to an argument back when they used to despise one another. Nowadays those pranks or remarks led to playful giggles, though he wasn’t quite laughing now. Clueless as could be, he raised his brow at her. “What could be so fun - hey where are you going?” His question shifted as he watched her push her chair back and hop out of it, making her way towards the far end of the ballroom. Glancing back at him, she threw him a lidded gaze, swaying her hips all the while. “Just shut up and follow me,” she remarked, nudging her head to follow. He scrunched his muzzle, eyeing her plate. “You didn’t even eat the bread you grabbed!” “Forget about the bread, just c'mere,” she retorted, rolling her eyes and picking up her pace. Fenris gave an annoyed sigh, pushing himself out of his chair and giving chase to his lover. In truth, the Gala was quite boring in comparison to their usual antics, but he still didn’t expect her to be bouncing from activity to activity in such rapid fashion. Quickly trotting behind her, noticing her swaying her hips even more than earlier, his eyes went wide as she made her way out of the main ballroom and towards the guest suites. She tried a hoofull of doors, testing and pressing against them until one finally opened. Giving an audible “aha” she slipped inside, leaving it cracked open for him to follow. He scrunched his muzzle, wholly confused by the development. These rooms were literally right outside of the ballroom, and dozens of ponies were walking by this entire time. He could only assume they were too busy focusing on the party to notice Kara’s suspicious door testing, but he assumed he’d get some answers any second now. Slipping into the room, shutting the door behind him, he glanced around the dark room. “Okay, I’m totally lost. This isn’t even our room for the night, Kara. We have no idea who owns - wha?!” Before he could react, he found himself pushed back against the door, a strong, firm hoof pressing against his chest. Blinking wildly, he glanced up, only to see Kara’s lustful face gazing right into his eyes. “You are such an idiot sometimes ~ you know that?” she chuckled, moving her muzzle up towards his neck. Fenris gulped, pressed against the door firmly. Being she was a very well trained warrior, Kara had muscle to spare, meaning she could more than easily overpower him when he was without his scarf. He raised a brow, eyeing her up and down. “Yeah…I’m not following at all.” “Ugh,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. Before he could react, she pulled his suit jacket and hurled him over towards the bed. Watching him land on the bed with a firm thud, she giggled to herself. “Seriously? Fen, you cannot be this oblivious.” He blinked wildly, shaking himself off as he laid on the soft bed. “Babe, I am genuinely not following what you’re going on about.” “C’mon,” she remarked, hopping on the bed and turning her ass towards him. Slamming her rump down, she grinded her flank on his groin, glancing back at him and smirking. “Like you totally weren’t staring at my ass all night.” Fenris’ cock throbbed in his pants, as he looked up at her with bewilderment in his eyes. “Woah, woah, woah. You told me you wanted tonight to be solely romantic!” “Yeah,” she snorted, lowering her ass and grinding her marehood against his bulge through her dress. “I was fucking with you when I said that.” “Tch ~ And how the hay was I supposed to know that?” he grumbled, wincing with pleasure from the feeling of her thick rear pressing on his needy member. Kara continued her motions, bouncing on his lap. “Hmm ~ I dunno? Maybe when I literally was twerking on you during our dance? Or how I put my ass in your face when we were eating?” She rolled her eyes, raising a forehoof and pointing at him. “I kinda just got tired of you not picking up on the hints.” Fenris huffed hot air out of his nostrils, raising his forelegs and pressing against her generous ass with his hooves. “Oh I’m sorry for wanting to respect my marefriend’s wishes.” He raised a forehoof, slamming it down against her flank and striking it with force. “I just thought you were being oblivious~” “Ahn~” she groaned, biting her lip from the pained pleasure coursing through her from the smack. “Really? Calling me oblivious? I’m pretty sure everypony could see that fat, thick bulge in your pants the entire time we were in there. How could I not notice it?” “And I assume you knew how fat your ass looks in your dress then?” he inquired. She chuckled, grinding against him further. “Oh of course ~ Rarity also straight up told me too. She mentioned how you wouldn’t be able to keep your eyes off my flank the second you saw me in this thing,” she snorted, licking her lips. “Once she told me that I knew I had to fuck with you.” “And now I’m going to fuck you,” he cooed, furrowing his brow as he smacked her ass again. “Haa ~ Is that so?” She snickered at him, a fiery sparkle in her eyes. “Is the big bad Fenris all worked up - woah!?” Before she could react, he lurched forward. Rolling her to their side, he pinned her on her stomach with her ass up in the air. She felt him place a foreleg on her shoulder, while he grinded his bulge against her dress, teasing and taunting her now dubiously winking marehood through the thin garment. “Absolutely ~ You fucked with me, now I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk,” he growled, his voice dripping with carnal lust. Kara’s blush deepened, as her eyes went wide. Her little amorous joke was made with sex in mind, but she wasn’t expecting him to take charge so suddenly. He had been patient all night, seemingly flustered and shy the entire time, but now she was seeing all that pent lust of his being unleashed in a lustful fury. And she was absolutely drenched with excitement. “O-oh, yeah?” she attempted to reply, her confidence swiftly being engulfed by her growing excitement. Her dress grew damp as her arousal soared, her lustful juices becoming apparent through the ensemble. “You…you can try - nnngh!” A firm smack sounded out, as Fenris slapped her flank yet again, causing her flesh to ripple from the strike. Licking his lips, lust fueling his very being, he gripped the bottom of her dress and threw it upwards. Finally, after tempting him for the entire day, her fat, wondrous bare ass was on full display for him to see. Her throbbing backdoor hungered to be filled, while her wantonly winking cunt drooled with her essence. Eyeing her two tempting holes, he struck her rear again, before reaching down towards his pants. Wholly inexperienced with adorning any semblance of clothing like what he was wearing right now, he struggled for a moment to unbuckle the belt he had on. Releasing it, he swiftly pulled down his pants, freeing his rock hard stallionhood at last. Without an ounce of hesitation, he brought his dick to her ass, sliding it between her cheeks and teasing her holes. “For somepony acting so smug, you’re winking like a needy bitch ~” he snarled, pressing her head against the pillow. Kara moaned in response, pressing her ass back into him, eager for more. “Nnngh ~ You’re so bucking hard…” “Blame that sexy, teasing ass of yours ~” He brought the head of his cock to her slavering lower lips, prodding her entrance. “The entire castle is gonna hear you howling with bliss, babe.” She bit her lip, her pussy winking angrily at the teasing it was receiving. “Y-yessss!” “Beg for it,” he commanded, sinking the very tip of his stallionhood into her. She squirmed below him, groaning as a gush of her nectar flowed out of her marehood. “P-please, Fen! Rut me! Make me - nnnngh - make me scream!” Heeding her request, with all the ferocity of a feral beast, Fenris thrusted his hips forward with incredible force. In an instant, his cock plunged into her hungry depths, pushing her walls to their limit and filling her to the brim with his log of flesh. She tried to throw her head back, releasing a deep, pleasured groan as he kept her head pinned against the pillow. Her walls constricted around his cock, milking every inch of his member, desperate to pleasure him enough to earn his seed. Her ass rippled from the thrust, yet it was only the beginning of their amorous affair. Sweat headed down their forms, further dampening their outfits, as he began to pummel her pussy without mercy. He pistoned his hips, slamming his hips into her rump over and over again as she moaned time and time again. With each plunge in, her cunt loosened to take his length, constricting and tightening like a vice around him with each pull back. Her flanks bounced with each meeting of their bodies, as her legs buckled under her. She was awash in a sea of bliss, having worked herself up immensely from teasing him. She couldn’t lie, she had been barely able to maintain her composure all night herself too. The sight of him in that suit, the form fitting outfit hugging his own comely flanks and outlining the absolute monster of a stallionhood he had through his pants - it had her pussy wet the second she saw him in it. She wanted - no, needed this, and she gave a voice to her ecstatic pleasure. “Oh my gosh! Y-yes! Mmmph! Rut me! Plow me! H-haa! S-sweet Celestiaaaaa!” she howled, her entire body shaking as she was assaulted with pleasurable plunge after pleasurable plunge. Fenris didn’t let up for a second, sweating through his suit as he pounded his lover with every fiber of his being. Her moans echoed through the room, wet slaps adding to them and forming a cacophony of sexual sounds. His pace intensified, her pussy massaging his cock like a trained whore. Their endless ruts with one another made their bodies quite literally feel built for one another - pleasuring each other more than any other stallion, mare, or toy ever could. His own moans mixed in with her own, as he draped himself over her body and pounded into her with reckless abandon. The rhythmic sounds of their love making grew faster and faster, as their bodies began to tense up and their breathing grew heavier. He moved his head down, pressing his hoof into her blonde mane harder. “I’m close - nngh - babe!” he breathed into her ear, biting his lip as he kept thrusting into her. She barely managed to hear his words, totally enthralled in the ecstasy he was delivering her. “I-inside! Mmph! Unf! Do it inside!” Her plea struck him like a gong, feeling his balls instantly seize from her words. Giving a deep, carnal growl, he bit into her shoulder, sinking his fangs into her flesh as a metallic flavor met his taste buds. He slammed into her with every ounce of his force, his nuts slapping against her thick thighs as he finally unleashed his peak within her. Rope after rope of molten, thick seed shot into her depths, flooding her womb with ease as it overflowed and spilled into her walls. Kara’s eyes rolled back, her entire body seized up, and a deep, blissful howl escaped her lips as her climax struck with cataclysmic force. The mixture of pain from his bite, the feeling of his essence coating her walls, and the absolute size of his throbbing member sent her flying through the seas of pleasure itself. Her cunt gushed with her marish juices, her walls clamped down on his cock, desperate to coax every last drop of his seed from him, and she felt her legs buckling as she struggled to remain standing. They both waded in and out of consciousness, the throes of release consuming them entirely as they rode out their invidious orgasms. Loud, ecstatic moans escaped their lips, as they both pleasured each other to the absolute limit. Seconds felt like a small eternity, as they each spasmed in their carnal embrace. Finally, after descending from the apex of bliss they had reached, they began to calm from their climaxes and return to reality. Breathing heavily, Fenris pulled his hips back, releasing his cock and allowing a stream of his cum to flow out of her stuffed cunt. He panted above her, steadying himself as he glanced at his work. Her rump was red, the impacts of his thrusts leaving a noticeable mark on her flesh. A stream of his cum dripped out of her still winking snatch, pooling up on the sheets below them. “Mmm ~ Hope it was worth teasing me,” he cooed, draping himself over her and pecking her on the cheek. Kara’s tongue lolled out of her mouth, her body still shivering from the rutting it just endured. “S-so…bucking…worth it…” “But for teasing me so much…” He snickered, giving her yet another peck on the cheek as he shifted his hips. His slickened cock began to harden again, as he lined his tip up with her desperate backdoor. “It’s time for round two.” Kara’s eyes went wide, as she attempted to look back at him and reply. “H-hang on! I’m still recovering from what we just diiiiiiiiid!” Her hasty reply was silenced, as he thrust his cock into her asshole with as much ferocity as he did with her pussy. He immediately began rhythmically pounding into her yet again, morphing her into a howling, horny mess again with ease. She definitely would be wearing a dress in the future. Smirking to herself, Rarity watched as Fenris and Kara awkwardly trotted back into the ballroom. They had left well over two hours ago, and she had been rather curious as to what or where they had gone off to. Shrugging to herself, not opting to concern herself all too much, she continued with her night. She had struck up a brief conversation with the pair, taking clear notice of their messy hair, dampened outfits, and the way Kara was being extra careful to ensure her dress didn’t press against her rump any longer, but again, opting to simply leave her curiosity be, she enjoyed the rest of this year’s Grand Galloping Gala to her best ability. As the day grew old, and Luna’s moon shone high in the Equestrian sky, the Gala began to come to its end. Many attendees began to depart, as the event came to a close. Bidding farewell to an abundance of guests, saying goodnight to her friends, Rarity made her way to her suite. Thankfully for her, it was directly outside the ballroom, not even a minute’s walk away, and she was more than ready to rest her hooves and take a nice, long rest. Coming towards her room’s door, turning the handle, she noticed it wasn’t locked - rather uncharacteristic of her. She would’ve dwelled on the odd development, but a set of coughs behind her stirred her from her curiosity. Turning to voice whomever was clearing their throat, she was met with none other than Kara and Fenris, faces beet red and squirming in place awkwardly. “Hey…uh, Rarity…is that…er…your room?” Fenris shyly inquired, smirking nervously at her. Rarity raised a brow, glancing between her door and the pegasus. “Yes, it is. Why do you ask, darling?” Kara began ushering him away, pushing him forward and down the hall hastily. “H-hey! It’s late! Just know we apologize in advance and we definitely owe you dinner!” Rarity raised a brow, unable to give a response as the couple darted down the hall and out of sight. Pouting her lip, she rolled her eyes and turned back towards her door. Pressing it open, she was met with an intense wave of musk. A mixture of lavender and strawberries assaulted her sinuses, a miasma of carnal aromas meeting her in an instant. Blinking wildly, she flicked on her room’s light, gasping as she saw her soaked bed sheets and messy room. It took her but a moment to realize just what Kara and Fenris had implied, but rather than anger or annoyance, a smirk split her muzzle. Humming to herself, feeling her arousal spiking from the scents meeting her, she carefully began changing her sheets and replacing them with brand new ones. She couldn’t help but let out a giggle, tossing aside the dirty sheets and opening the window, clearing the air in her room. “Called it.”