The History Of Comber!

by MLPkillers

First published

This is the past of Comber's life! Before he became a full time assassin! He worked at a job he hated so much he decided to leave and go against the rules by doing so! Does he survive, read to find out!

A colt who looked 15 years old but was 75 years old was enrolled into a job he hated so much ever since he was 15 years of age by force! He plans and waits for a perfect day to leave and when his training and teachings are finished with his martial arts master, he decides it's the best time to act on that day for reasons you would have to read to find out!

Cover Art by: Lil_VampireCJ! (Commission!)

Walking Home! A Bite To Eat With a friend! An Attempted Robbery!?

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Comber was walking to his home in a town that was Flustered Town, he was with his best friend Nome. They had worked a very long shift. Normal colts would be tired but Comber wasn’t, it only felt like he ran more than he did assassinating ponies. Nome was tired but relief the day was finally almost over.

“What a long day, don’t you think so Comber?”

“By long you mean boring day Nome?”

Nome laughed. Remembering what they changed his job to.

“Yeah it was boring, especially my job. I have no freaking clue why they change my position from harvester to janitor, so stupid!”

Comber didn’t like that place. The workers there if you would call them that and not just simply killers that are so miserable to be around. They act has they are all high and mighty because of their job but they aren’t, all workers have a rank there and nearly all of them ain’t as high as they think.

“I’m leaving that filthy pathetic place when I’m finished my martial arts training with my master.”

Nome was shocked. He said he was leaving this place, but no pony ever leaves this place and survives. What is Comber thinking about!? Even with mastery of martial arts there’s no way he can take on 350 workers.

“No Comber, you know you can’t leave this place, don’t you know how many kil-I mean workers there are! It’s suicide if you do!”

Nome almost slipped, he didn’t want other ponies who don’t work at his job know what he and Comber do. Comber closed his eyes and looked down, smirking.

“You’re right Nome. It takes a lot of planning and trust me I been doing a lot of that. Simply there is too many workers however you would have to wait for the moment arrives. Let’s change the topic Nome.”

Nome was worried Comber was going to be rash and stupid and get himself killed. Comber was right, they need to change the subject. Nome had an idea what to.

“Could you possibly train me Comber? Train me to be better, as a fighter and worker?”

Comber was shocked a pony would ask him for lessons. He smirked. Sure why not?

“I’ll teach you, but that would be tomorrow, and it won’t be a cake walk. If you’re hungry I’ll treat you to the restaurant in this town?”

Nome wanted to laugh but didn’t; he said it ain’t going to be a cake walk yet he asks him if he wants to go to a restaurant to treat him.

“Well... I thought you normally don’t eat Comber?”

Comber kept his smirked. Nome was right, most food are unhealthy for your body to digest so he has spells for that.

“I don’t. That’s why I said if (you) are hungry Nome.”

Nome smiled. He was famished, but Comber doesn’t have to spend his bits on him. He’ll pay it himself.

“I am hungry, didn’t eat the lunch service today. I’ll pay for it, not you Comber, don’t waste your bits on me.”

“What are you talking about, I have too many for my rank and the two jobs I normally work.”

Nome reluctantly accepted Comber’s offer.

“Fine, if you insist.”

Comber and Nome turned east, where they met the restaurant. They both walked up the stone stairs and through the glass doors. When they walked in they saw a lot of colts munching on burgers and sandwiches. Those poor cows Nome thought. Comber saw a lot of colts in black leather uniforms with metal spikes on them, some had black shades on. He noticed some of the workers there from his job. They sat down to the left at a table that was rectangle shape and blue. The seats was red and made of natural brown wood. Nome sat across from Comber, taking a looked at the menus and knew what he’ll order.

“I’ll guess I’ll have the daisy sandwich.”

Nome looked up with no shocked to see Comber’s magic around himself and a spell cast, some ponies saw him do that, why is he using magic at a restaurant? Restaurants are made for chatter and eating not spells.

“You performed a nutrition spell didn’t you?”


“Howdy, what would you like to order?”

A white mare with a teal mane color asked. Her mane had two ponytails that was hanging down on both sides of her head. She was wearing white straps and black apron.

“I not here to order, but he is.”

Comber pointed a hoof at Nome.

“Alrighty then, what would you like to order sir?”

Comber thought she thought he was a young teen, he wasn’t, he was normal size as a colt, but his facial expressions must-have thrown her off. She probably thinks Nome’s Comber’s father. That’s funny but so wrong.

“I’ll take a daisy sandwich and some water.”

“Alrighty, that would be-!?”

Comber grabbed 20 bits and put it on the table for her. It was only 8 bits, what the buck?

“Keep the extra bits.”

The mare took the bits, and thanked Comber before walking off, she didn’t have to pull her notepad out and pencil. It was only a daisy sandwich and water.

“You know you are too far generous to work at that place you know Comber?”

Comber kept his normal expression.

“I do it not for ponies’ to owe me, I do it because I feel like that’s what they deserve. She probably was a waitress her whole life.”

“Wait so I’m deserving.”

“Well you not like the rest of the workers and you been my friend since fillyhood and grew up with a similar curse.”

Nome smirked. What curse is he talking about because if he’s talking about working at the wicked place, then he’s not wrong.

“What curse are you talking about Comber?”

“Both of them. The slow aging which I was just born with and your Cruse from our job.”

“Oh you mean the youth curse.”

Comber shook his head slowly up and down. The waitress came back with a tan tray with the water and daisy sandwich on it, pushing the tray slowly and with a smile and close eyes.

“Enjoy your meal!.”

“Sure do.”

Nome thanked the mare before picking up the sandwich ready to eat it. Nome took a bite, it was as good as always. Comber leaned back on his chair and watched Nome eat.

“How’s the sandwich Nome?”

Nome finished chewing his food in his mouth.

“Pretty darn good as usual.”

Nome ate the rest of the sandwich and took a drink of his water with 3 ice cubes in it. He left a spit of water in the medium size glass cup.

“Glad to hear it, you’re finished?”

“Yes, thank you very much Comber for your kindness. You definitely don’t get that from your father.”

Nome smirked. Comber didn’t like ponies talking about his father; because normally they don’t because his name instilled fear into them. Nome knew Comber’s father, he met him a couple of times and he didn’t seem that scary as ponies make him out to be.

“You’re right Nome.”

Comber chuckled. Comber remember what Coomber did to a colt’s jaw, that was brutal. Didn’t Nome say he was famished

“You ready to go or are you still hungry as you told me?”

Comber sarcastically asked Nome. Nome smiled with gratitude.

“Yes, I was exaggerating. Whenever you’re ready?”

“I could sense that.”

Comber chuckle a little. Nome got up and walked towards the door, Comber fallowed him. It was time to go home, and enjoy the rest of their day. A colt walked in front of the door, blocking Nome. What was he doing? Being spiteful?

“Excuse me sir, I think you’re in my way?”

Nome asked politely. Attempting to go around the other side. The colt blocked him again. Comber knew that was a worker at his job. This is exactly why he can’t stand them. Two more colts joined along side with the other colt, all three gray, with smirks. Each one of their manes was blue, 1 lighter blue, one darker blue. 2 had green eyes and one had yellow eyes. They looked so stupid.

“No, how about bits first?”

The restaurant attention turned to the front doors. What was going on now? Another fight or robbery? Nome smirked.

“Yeah, right, you ain’t getting my bits by just trying to intimate me-!”

Comber pulled Nome behind him. He had an annoyed expression. One of the colts realized who that was, no, not that colt!

“I suggest you there move.”

The middle colt laughed.

“Or what?”

Putting his face in Comber’s face. A colt tapped the middle colt on the back, making him turn around and look at him.


“Not that colt, trust me not him.”

The colt whispered to the middle colt, who turned his attention back on Comber with the same confident expression, oh he remembers now who that is, payback time for being favored.

“I remember you Comber, the leader’s pet, well... I let you go outside with your pathetic waste cleaner friend, but I’m going to buck you up.”

The colt said moving aside and indication with a hoof to go outside.

“Come on Nome!”

Comber walked past the colt, a little irritated by him. The colt attempted to hit Comber, who walked down a stair and avoided the attack, Nome fallowed him down the stairs, then the the three colts. The middle one ran directly at Comber, Comber turned around, dodging the punch. The colt attempted to punch Comber again, Comber grabbed his hoof and at the joint slamming it down, spraining it. The colt grunted and elbowed Comber in the face, Comber with quick reaction time punched him in the face, grabbing the colt’s face and kneeing it; not letting go of the head he lifted him up by the head and flipped him behind him. The colt hit the ground hard, spitting blood up; he attempted to get up but a hoof stomped on his hoof. The colt yelled in pain. Comber bent down and looked in the leader colt’s face.

“Block the doorway ever again and I promise you, you won’t be standing anymore.”

Comber threatened the leader colt who was in shock and fear. Nome smiled, the smile turned to fear and anxiety when Comber sinisterly looked at the colt, he ran over there fast.

“Comber don’t!”

“Hey, idiots, kill that... Bastard!”

The leader colt told his two hench colts. Who was scared but gulped their spit down and decided to run at Comber. The part time assassin shook his head.

“Are all you killers stupid?”

Comber asked with annoyance, his eyes turning on the colts running at him from behind. Comber turned around quickly and dodged the colts, the colts stopped and turned around slow and with a ton of force attempted to punch Comber, Comber smirked, he ducked then teleported under them and uppercut the colts in the stomachs. A colt used his horn to pick up Comber.

“Celestial cancel!”


Comber spun three times in the air and landed back on all four hoofs, looking down then up with a serious expression at the two colts still using a hoof to hold their stomachs in pain.

“Guess it’s time to end this?”

Comber sinister smirk. The part time assassin ran at them, they put their guard up;

(”They’re fools, that not even a stance!”)

Comber thought to himself before punching them both in the face, doing a 360° turn and elbowing them both in the face.

“Buck you!!”

The middle colt jumped behind Comber, who tried to react in time but was stabbed in the back. Comber couldn’t help but let out a groan in pain, first time in decade since he felt a pain like that. Nome was ran to help Comber.

“Stay out of this Nome!”

Nome stopped, he never heard Comber yell at him like that. Comber used his magic to grab the hoof colt before squatting down until the knife slipped out; after turning around to see the middle colt.

“Oh now you’ve done it...”

Comber said with calm anger before sprinting at the colt, who try to stab him in the face, Comber dodge and grab the hoof with the knife, disabling him of the knife. Comber punched him in the face, then grabbed him by the neck and headbutted him, fallowing the headbutted with a quick kick the left side of the colt’s temple, before the colt fell, with such good reaction time Comber grabbed the colt by the face squeezing it, blood started to come out of the colts eyes that was bloodshot. Comber lifted the colt up by the face and turned to his colt friends.

“All three of you, are all pathetic!”

Comber said with rage, using his magic to heal his back wound. Comber squeezed hard, causing the colt to muffle in pain. Comber slammed the colt down by the back of the head, before stomping on his chest, break the ribs, 2 of the ribs stuck out from the chest. The part time assassin let go of the leader colt. He walked towards the other two colts, using a hoof to crack his neck.

“Now, who wants a similar treatment?”

The colts, was afraid of Comber; every step he took they back away.

“Are you scared? Look at you both, so terrified. Pathetic.”

“Buck you!”

The colts said together before charging at Comber, Comber sighed. They always charge in together, what morons, their necks are in length of both of his hoofs too. Comber grabbed them both by the neck before they could land their punch on his face. He lifted them by their necks.

“Ready to join your leader?”

Comber sinister asked with wicked intentions. The colts attempted to bite him, nearly biting Comber. Comber who was annoyed by their style of combat started bashing their heads together, side by side then front by front.

“Hahahaha. You both are reminding me of toys.”

Comber bashed their heads together one last time with full force, knocking them out, blood leaking down their heads. Comber tossed both of them towards the leader, one laying on his stomach and the other laying on his side. Comber turned to them and spit on the leader’s head. He walked towards Nome.

“Pathetic robber workers.”

Nome worried Comber killed them, he’s not allowed, he hoped that he didn’t kill them.

“Are they still breathing Comber?”

Comber sighed, hoof palming.

“Yes, although if it was my choice I wouldn’t let them.”

Comber told his friends. He spotted four by standers watching him, he turned his face to them with a sinister glare.

“They attempted to rob my friend, so I simply defended him. Now none of you try going to the police because of this, because you know who I am, and you know what would happen if you do?”

The bystanders face went blue shaking their heads before running into their homes. Comber turned his head back to Nome.

“Let’s go Nome.”


Nome and Comber walked away from the restaurant. Comber calming his annoyance and anger and Nome still startled from what he watched. He seen him beat bullies in school badly, so this wasn’t much of a shock but although still starling to watch and here his anger. Nome knew Comber can get more angry than that but glad he didn’t.

“Thanks for sticking up for me in the restaurant. Here.”

Nome reached into his bag and grabbed a small bag of bits, he went to hoof it to Comber.

“Nome, I don’t want your bits, friend. Keep them.”


“Have a great night Nome.”

“See you tomorrow Comber!”

Comber smirked before Nome started running to the right and down to his home. He wanted to get home before but after what Comber did, he desperately wanted to get home. Comber turned his head to his watch, turning it on and seeing a notification.

(”Who’s Tony?”)

Comber saw the address, a devious smirk appeared on his face, it’s sad earthpony assassins have to run there, while he can teleport and leave no hoof steps, especially in the snow. Comber teleported out of his town and to his victim’s location.

Tony's traps! Traps To Drown For!

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Comber was in a home, that had white wall, a black table and couches, seems like a small apartment, pretty cozy though. Comber searched for Tony, not finding him in the living room. A red colt with brown mane with three green swirls in his mane and tail was the same pattern and color; his eyes was black, his cutie mark was a lever with a pony skull being shot by a dart trap. He normally wears a cape to not draw attention. He had a feeling Comber was coming, so he hid. A devious smirked appeared across Tony’s face. He pulled a lever, causing a sound for Comber to hear. Comber was facing the bathroom and two other rooms that seemed like bed rooms. Comber turned around and faced the sound, when he turned he saw holes in the couch. The couch shot out nails, Comber ducked and avoided them, watching them burn the wall; they were hot nails, red until the tip. This colt is a coward but again, it’s Comber and he’s well known. Tony who was sitting in his black chair made of leather under the floor, that was light brown wood. Tony smirked, pulling two more levers.

(”I’m not dying you motherbucker!”)

Tony encouraged himself, feeling confident about his traps. Comber saw dispensers appear from the ceiling and then floor. He ran as they shot, putting more holes through the wall and breaking chucks off the walls causing dust.

(”It’s a good thing this colt had no neighbors.”)

Comber ran into the kitchen, smelling what seems to be gas. He ran back out of the kitchen, a fire burst at him, burning the house, Comber used his magic, throwing water at it, the fire got worse, Comber used his magic again and used a magic fire extinguisher, putting the fire out and sighing.

“Coward, Come out!”

Comber yelled. The assassin closed his eyes and searched around for bloodlust, the next trap he sets off would cause his bloodlust to spike, so he has to set off another one to be found. Comber walked around with his eyes closed, almost bumping into a wall. He walked into the bathroom which slammed on him and the curtains slid open, the shower and tub water started running, the sink running too. Comber knew this bathroom had no windows, he tried to turn the waters off but failed, he ended up breaking the handles, they were so stuck he had to pull with a ton of force. Did this pony ever showe? He knew the tub water would be the same, he wouldn’t be able to turn it off without breaking it. He remembers this happened with no turning of the nozzles or handles. He sense the bloodlust of Tony, he smirked. Well clever, under the floor, but ain’t he afraid of drowning? Comber smirked as the water started to rise on the floor. He teleported into the living room and punched the floorboards, breaking it. Comber teared the floor boards up. When Tony and Comber’s eyes met, Comber used his magic to shoot a magic bolt at the computer screens, cracking and breaking them. Tony pulled another lever which caused a flamethrower to shoot at Comber, hitting him in the back. He jumped in and grabbed Tony by the back of his neck with his teeth. Comber teleported into the bathroom, the water nearly up to their faces.

“What the buck are you doing you fool!?”

“Completing my job. You will drown in your own trap since you are an earthpony.”

“No wait! I got something for you!”

Tony said, his short mane and tail moving to the left as he moved in panicked. Tony Attempted to punch Comber in the face, he moved to the right and dodged it, grabbing Tony’s face and slamming it into the water that was heating up, he slammed it 2 more times into the floor, before pulling him up. Tony bite Comber, causing the assassin to bleed. Comber used that as leverage, throwing his hoof down at the tub and hitting making Tony hit it. Tony’s skull banged against it, cracking it. Comber felt his bite let go and pulled his hoof back, sticking it in the water, then back up, healing it. Tony grabbed onto the towel holder and then stepped into the tub that was beyond flooded, the tub was a rectangle shape, and because of how slippery it was, Tony fell back into the flooded tub. He couldn’t get back up, no matter how much he gave his effort to. Comber held his breath when the water reached his mouth. Teleporting out of the bathroom. The door seemed like it was going to break. Comber wasn’t going to let the door break; if he kills by traps then he’ll die by his traps. He walked over to the couches and lifted them up with a hoof, placing them vertically at the door, making sure it stays flooded in the bathroom.


Tony said, knowing Comber blocked the only chance for the water to break free from the bathroom before he drowns. Tony accepted his fate, after two minutes Comber begin to walk away from the bathroom door and towards the exit of the house. He heard a huge break in wood and thumps as he turned the doorknob a tiny bit.

(”What was that?”)

Comber remembered the floor to the bathroom being wood, that means it must’ve caves in from the pressure of the flood. Which means Tony’s definitely dead. Comber put a X over Tony’s face before opening and walking out of the exit door and shutting it. It was kinda cold outside since he was soaked. Comber walked over to where the bathroom would be and saw a hole in the wall of the outside. The material used in the walls must be different in the living room and the other side because it withstood all of the water and pressure; what a weird foundation he had set up. Comber looked down the hole seeing Tony body under the tub, the sink and toilet on his skull. The amount of blood in the water confirmed he was definitely dead. Comber closed his eyes and shook his head and teleported away from the home and on the pathway. He walked slowly, heading towards his house he knew was 2 blocks away. He used his magic to dry himself.

(”Looks like, it all came down on him in the end. What an interesting colt, but how did he know about my arrival? Maybe he hacked my watch with his computer geek knowledge?”)

Comber ran, arriving in front of his house, which was a big one, bigger than the average pony’s. It looked like it had 12 rooms with a greenhouse. Comber turned his head, looking at the Full Moon. What a nice light shade it gave, he opened his door and walked inside. Planning to rest after jobs well done.

Enjoying The Rest Of Today! Time For Work Leader of Unit 25! A List Of Traitors!

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Comber walked into his home. As soon as his hoofs touched the carpet, the lights automatically brighten up the living room, it was 3 cups lights that was on the Ceiling. Comber turned around and shut the door, locking it before taking his cape off as he walked towards the laundry room, putting it in the washer, putting detergent on it and turning it on warm and heavy. Comber shut the washer, making sure it was absolutely shut. He then decided to leave the laundry room which wasn’t big like the rest of the rooms, as it’s a laundry room and only purpose is clothes which most ponies don’t wear. Comber turned the lights off before walking out of the laundry room, walking upstairs to a blue plastic door. He opened it and walked in. He was in the bathroom, he turned on the water, occasionally feeling the water for the right temperature, eventually finding it and stepping in after he put his watch into the sink that was dried. Comber took a shower. After his shower, he dried himself off using a magic spell. Comber grabbed his watch, putting it on and walked down his red oak stairs into the living room. The washer started making rumble sounds, before making a loud beeping sound. Comber was already laying down on the couch, legs hanging off a tiny bit. After the beeping sound subsided Comber got up and walked to the laundry room, taking his cape out after opening the washer and throwing it in the dryer, turning it on high and hot. Walking back to couch and laying down, taking a nap. He set a timer on the dryer machine so there wasn’t anything to worry about.


“Sir I’m leaving this filthy place.”

The leader who was standing on the podium looked down at Comber before giving him a smirky smile.

“Comber my loyal trusted colt. Are you okay?”

Comber kept his blank expression. He was serious about leaving.

“I’m perfectly fine sir.”

The gray coat and red mane with three black lines going through the mane with a similar pattern and color on his tail teleported aside Comber. The colt put a hoof around Comber shoulder.

“Now what would make you leave such a well paying place Comber? Is it the workers? Did I get your paycheck wrong?”

“Yes, and no. The paycheck was received correctly. The workers I can’t stand anymore as the same with this place so I’m deciding to leave.”

Comber told the truth before keeping his composure, knowing what happens next.

“Comber for your rank you know the consequences of quitting. I don’t want that for you my friend. Reconsider your choice.”

“My choice is final.”

“Alright then."

the leader teleported back to his podium and pressed the button. Turning on the alarm. 350 killers surrounded Comber with smirks. What is this he thought this was a day with many had off!? The workers ran at him, Comber got in his stance while the leader backed away and into the shadows. Before any killers could hit or stab Comber with their weapons, a loud beeping sound was heard from the real world.



The beep prolonged before stopping. What, that was all a dream? Comber walked towards his curtains and opened them, seeing the moon still out. Comber shut the curtains and stood there thinking.

(”What was that a vision or premonition? It felt real, but wasn’t. The emotions was there but luckily that was just a dream.”)

Comber took a sigh before walking to the laundry room. Walking past his staircase and seeing the lights off, sensor lights are awesome. Comber grabbed his cape, liking the feeling of the heat before walking it over to a hat stand with arms out, hanging it on the arms and tying it; after, walking back to his couch and laying back down.

(”Was that a nightmare giving to me by Luna for all the wicked deeds I’ve done? So that’s what will happen if I don’t chose my day wisely. It seemed more than 200 workers. How can I defeat that many?”)

Comber wondered to himself, drifting off to sleep, this time no dream. When he awoke again it was morning. He got up and checked his watch, it showed a sun nearly risen for work, Comber frowned but smiled, getting up and walked over to his cape, untying it and removing it from the handles and putting it on, he smelled it. That was a good detergent. Comber washes his cape everyday since it’s containment with blood and filth from his primary job. Comber walked around and made sure the house was clean. First, the laundry room, he straightened up the dryers and the items on them, like detergent and fabric sheets he doesn’t normally use, since the smell could leave you oblivious. Comber used his magic to clean the floor, first water that was made of magic, than the water bubbled and then disappeared with the filth that was on the floor. Comber walked out of the laundry room and repeated the same actions for the floors of the other 8 rooms, before slowly walking down stairs and looking behind himself, performing the same magic to them, before walking down the stairs and looking back up at them, even though they are wood they shined. Comber felt satisfied his home was clean, including the kitchen, which he never uses. The part time assassin walked towards his greenhouse, walking in, see golden rails on the left and right side. Comber grabbed a hanging red watering can of 20 ozs and started watering the plants, having the memory on which plant needs the correct amount of water a day. He knows they can survive a couple of days without water, but would you want to eat nothing for a day? Failing to water a plant a day won’t hurt it depending on the species of plants. Comber put the watering can back on the right rail, he made sure to refill it first. Comber walked out of the greenhouse and into his backyard, using his magic to set up dummies. Comber stood in the grass in front of four of them, before running at them with full force. They were pony dummies so they will act as ponies at his job, Comber will use that anger and malevolence to practice. Comber kicked one in the throat with full force, breaking the head clean off, Comber quickly ran at the other run, kicking it in the joints, knocking it down, before slamming the head down and crushing it. Comber quickly used his magic and made the next pony dummy attack him, Comber dodged and gave it a strong punch, punching threw the dummy, acting as he ripped a heart out, pulling the magic material back towards him and squeezing it, causing it to burst. The part time assassin then ran at the last dummy, elbowing it in the neck, fallowing with a punch to the jaw right after and kicks to the joints, as it fell, Comber slammed a hoof down, punching right through it body and killing some of the grass with the force. Comber took 15 hoof steps back and took a deep breath.

(”Those buckers deserve it.”)

Comber magic dummies disappeared. Comber looked at his watch. He looked at the day icon and saw the sun up, Comber panic a little and teleported in front of his job. Nome was shocked, Comber just teleported in front of him.

“Hi Nome. Ready for another anguishing day?”

Nome laughed.

“Yes. Thanks for not going through with your idea of leaving.”

Comber felt a tiny amount of fear, remembering his nightmare last night. He closed his eyes and calmed himself. Nome watched him and wondered what bothered Comber? He won’t ask cause Comber would tell him not to worry. Comber smirked.

“Trust me I still intend to leave. Just haven’t had the right opportunity yet.”

Nome still can’t believe Comber is still thinking of leaving, he knows the consequences so why does he still think he can leave this place, he wants to but knows he can’t because he will die and so would Comber. He can’t fight 350 of the max workers in this place, they both can’t.

“So what’s your shift Comber?”

“Same as yesterday.”

Nome looked at Comber. His expression was disbelief.

“So they have you working the same shift again and you are able to still do you assassin’s job?”

Comber smirked with confidence.

“Pretty much.”

Nome can’t believe Comber is still thinking of leaving this job. The craziness must have rubbed off on him. The pair walked towards the doors, walking inside the place, the place was dark.

“So I assume you like coming here earlier because you don’t have to wait in line and listen to the commotion of the other workers?”

Nome jested a hoof at Comber in a already know tone. Comber kept his eyes on the path they were walking.


The two enter a room with many of the workers faces in pictures on the walls. That’s still creepy. Comber examined the picture frames before. He knows they are made out of gold, and they were sharp enough to cut through the bone if hit at the right angle and force. A gray coat and red mane with three black lines going through the mane with a similar pattern and color on his tail with lime green eyes walked in front of Comber and Nome, he had a scar over one of his left front hoof.

“Welcome back Comber, Nome. Hope you both have a good sleep.”

“I did sir.”

Comber spoke with caution. Nome smiled. This was a fake smile.

“I also did Granfer.”

Granfer walked towards the podiums and stared at them, mainly Nome.

“Just call me sir Nome.”

“Yes sir.”

“Now I know the reason you two like to come in early and personally can’t blame you.”

Granfer looked at his day timer on his podium. He knows what time it was.

“I warn you to head to your units. Or should I say Comber and not you Nome. You need to head to the bathrooms with a mop and bucket pronto, some colt yesterday missed the urinal badly yesterday. The hard work must have exhausted him too much.”

Comber heard lots of hoof steps. It was time. Comber patted Nome on the shoulder before walking through the doors they came in that was metal and big and then upstairs. The leader ran after Comber.

“Hey, you forgot what you came in the announcement room for.”

Granfer hoofed Comber a note. Comber opened it with curiosity. It said 5 Names.

“These are the traitors of the organization. I need you to-!”

“Assassinate them. Thanks. When do you want this done?”

“I want this done of course before you leave. I know you have a watch that tells you where you can find your target at. I must say your father was a great engineer to build something like that.”

Comber smirked. Remembering his father trying to teach him how the watch works. It was complex to the point he got beyond board listening. Maybe if he was Commer than maybe then he would have cared. Comber walked into the unit and saw his unit working.

“Well well, it’s about time you show up?”

Comber smirked. He was here earlier what are they talking about?

“I was her before you was Bullet. So don’t.”

Commer was behind Comber, looking down at the yellow note he’d was giving, it was folder so he couldn’t read it.

“What’s your curiosity now Commer?”

“I assume you have more traitors to kill?”

Comber smirked, walking into the unit and fixing some creates that was ready to fall over.

“Sorry about that Comber. That was Bullet’s fault.”

Comber turned to Commer, looking at him with a slight of annoyance.

“Let me guess he played buckets or should I say creates within the time I came up here?”

Comber voice spiked looking at Bullet who walked over to Comber.

“I did, got to make fun of this terrible job.”

“So I ain’t the only one wanting to leave?”

Comber was shocked to hear other workers wanted to leave, especially in his unit. That’s bizarre for many workers to talk about leaving in the organization.

“None of you are. When I leave you both will leave.”

Bullet and Commer stared at Comber with a doubtful but hopeful expression; their eyes wide open in shock to hear Comber say that, they thought he was a monster.

“Wait you’re planning to leave!?”

Commer asked with disbelief.

“Comber, you’re just asking for a bullet in the head aren’t you?”

Comber closed his eyes with confidence. Before walking over to the task table and looking at the yellow note paper, reading it. Comber’s hooves was on the white table that was stain with blood and lots of other fluids. Comber stood up on two hoof and put his front hooves on the table that was more like a counter since it was up against the wall. Light shinning on him and the paper from the sun.

Commer and Bullet pursued him.

“Why don’t you have to torture anypony Comber while the rest of us do?”

The group read there tasks, Comber took his hoofs off the table and stood back on four hooves. He turned to them with a angered expression.

“That’s because I will not torture and a simple answer is because of my rank I can choose. Low ranks normally are the ones that do that to build their ruthlessness.”

“So you did do it when you first started then?”

Bullet sarcastically asked. Commer hoof palmed.

“Everypony is a new rank when they start so yes he had to.”

Commer spoke with annoyance at Bullet. Don’t use sarcasm with the unit leader and you don’t ask such questions when the answers were just stated.

“You know sometimes I just want to punch you?”

Commer laughed. Feeling sympathy for Bullet.

“It’s the physiology Bullet. You use that knowledge to your own.”

“I know that, Commer, jeez... Always go to be the smart hide.”


Bullet felt a little more anger brew but sighed and walked to his first task which was to organize the totes. Bullet hoped this time the totes had no holes in it, otherwise blood would leak on him again and what a long shower that was, after he was done he walked over to help Commer a little.

“I assume you’re here to help, I got it friend.”

Bullet saw blood called blood O and blood P. He remembers in health class that your blood if matches with another pony’s blood, they are available for a transplant. What did the types really mean though?

“I know the blood type has to match up but why are they labeled O, -O, +O types. To me that makes it a tiny bit more complex.”

Commer smirked.

“The blood types are labeled as sperate due to each having it’s antigens. If the blood doesn’t matches with it, let’s say trying to match +O to -O, the body would rejected it and pretty much attack the new blood that been transfused into your body. Whatever your blood type is, is what you would need form a donator for a match.

“Bullet wasn’t shocked to hear all this information, he had little clue what antigens was, but he did know what blood types was, he just thought it’s labeled just based on your blood type and it has to match for a donation to work. How is it determined what type of blood the user have like the plus and negatives in the O type of blood for example?

“So why is their a O plus and O negative then?”

“That’s simple. The Rh protein either lacks or doesn’t lack. The negative means it lacks the Rh protein and the positive means it doesn’t lack the Rh protein.”

Commer educationally explained. What the buck is the Rh protein? You know what? He doesn’t want to ask because that would prolonged him from not working. Bullet walked over to where Comber was sitting, seeing him organize the create of organs at his desk. The desk was smooth, very smooth and was gray wood. Comber had a meter in his right hoof and using it to test the blood type of the organs.

“So when are you going to assassinate the traitors?”

Comber kept his focus on the task at hoof. Grabbing a liver, and testing the blood, before putting it in a tote with magic under the tables, this table was huge so there’s probably enough totes under it for almost all the organs that can be donated.


Comber grabbed a heart from the container. The heat made a beat before stopping once again. Comber put it gently in the tote, then grabbed intestines and testing them.

“When are they having you touch guts Bullet-!”

“I already do.”

Bullet smirked. Comber had a job and advice to give to Bullet.

“Grab the intestines from the back first and the front, hold them tight, because if you don’t. You know what’s in the intestines.”

Commer at his desk smirked. So Comber does learn.

“Don’t you both know the body relaxes the muscles at the time of death. This means the pony poops themselves at the time of death.”

Comber chuckled. Makes sense.

“Yes, however I’ve learned from experience.”

Bullet laughed. Commer and Comber didn’t know what he thought was funny?

“So you got... Shit on then?”

Commer got annoyed by the immaturity Bullet displayed; so did Comber, who felt a little agitated his own worker would speak that way to him.

“It was fun-!”

Bullet received a slap across the face from Comber. The once laughing unicorn backed away holding his left side of his face.


Comber and Commer together said with annoyance, continuing to work on their tasks.

“Y’all sticks you know that?”

Bullet was a little angered but was more upset that he’s being told to work. He didn’t like that, he likes to work himself. He was off topic so they were right. Bullet got back to work, grabbing the totes behind the creates and organizing them. They were cold like the rest of the totes were. Bullet knew that was because the blood has to be in a cool environment, not too cold or too hot. He grabbed them and put them under the desk where Comber sat at, scooting the full totes to the side and picking them up and putting them in a big wooden crate in the cooler. Comber quickly filled up the totes. Bullet took the create in the cooler.

“You’re putting the lid on then right and making sure it’s snapped on because last time you did that, the manager for this floor was a little bit fuming.”

Bullet got annoyed.

“I did, and last time did too, one of them was damaged-!”

“You never use damaged supplies Bullet.”

“Yes sir.”

Commer official thought Bullet was a idiot. Bullet grabbed the next totes and repeated the process of putting them in the creates in the color that was labeled by organ and blood type which Bullet matched up.

“We’re done with one create Bullet, but now our jobs for today starts new paths.”

Bullet knew what he was talking about. Torturing time for him, he never understood why you would torture a pony you plan to harvest blood and guts from? It’s like cutting a tomato up before it comes off its steam. Comber walked over to the create, ignoring the pallet jack to his right and picking the create that weights nearly a ton up, and carrying it towards the door that exits the unit and then down stairs, he was cautious not to miss a single hoof step walking down the stairs, when he reached the bottom he turned left and towards a room with doors that was massive, he walked in, using his key he made sure to grab off his desk to unlock his unit’s production room, putting the create down the farthest from the door in the left corner.

“A little cold. This entire place is cold hearted.”

Comber walked out of the room and shut the door, a red colt with black mane and a red mane both with blue and green stripes in it looked at him.

“You’re Comber of unit...?”

“Unit 25.”

“Thanks. I must say it’s a a honor to meat you myself.”

“And you are?”


Josh smiled at Comber. Comber was confused. Why does he look at him like he’s a celebrity? He’s no celebrity. At least he’s not jealous of him and wants to kill him like the other units do.

(”Wait, he’s not a manager of his unit.”)

“Buddy, where’s your unit manager? He’s supposed to bring the create down with the pallet jack not you.”

Josh smirked. Before closing his eyes and simply replying.

“He’s in the unit doing other work. He trusted me like always to put the creates of our unit production in our storage unit.”

“Your unit leader is a fool.”

Comber started to walk away and out of the storage room. Josh rushed to fallow him. Wanting to warn and give him a goodbye.

“Comber, did you hear what the units from 40-44 is talking about?”


Comber doesn’t care what they were talking about, they are meaningless as the rest of the workers.

“It’s about their plan of attack to kill you when you go home.”

Comber was shocked. They would actually break the rules. Comber smirked, a plan brewing in his mind.

“Tell then to bring it. I beat them all down.”

“Alright, good luck Comber. I tell you’re not a actual evil killer.”

Comber closed his eyes and smirked.

“There’s no such thing of not a evil killer, killers are evil. I try to show mercy as much as possible. I will not to none of these killers. You stay safe, bud. Thanks for the warning.”

“No problem!”

Josh said with a closed eye smile. He extended a hoof for a hoof bump. Comber gave Josh a hoof bump before walking out and then backup his stairs and into his unit. Where there was another create down by Commer.

“Good job, the both of you.”

Comber smirked. The leader he will consult later about unit 40-44, he wants to ask him if it’s possible he can beat them to death. Right now it’s time to le his unit know what those units plan.

“Since you both are my friends I should tell you I have four units that wants to attempt to kill me tonight.”

Comber spoke with a zero worries tone. His only worry was if he’s permitted to kill them. Bullet and Commer wasn’t surprised to hear this again. They swear these workers would try anything to rank up or get promoted, even killing a high rank. It’s weak.

“You going to kill them Comber?”

Commer asked, seeing the look Comber was, he seemed to be annoyed. Comber walked towards his desk and sat down. Growing a smirk with an malevolence expression.

“I hope the leader would give me that permission. I would relish killing those bastards.”

Bullet finished ripping out the intestines of his victim of today, seeing the eyes close. Too bad he had to put a muffle on her, her screams would kill the quite the unit had untill Comber came back. Commer walked over to Bullet with a blood type monitor, testing the blood, it was -O, Commer took the intestines and put them in the containers, closing the lid tight and putting them in the -O blood create. First time in about 14 days this create been getting filled.

“After I take the create down for you to make it easy for you both, I’m heading off to hunt those traitors down. The leader don’t want them getting too relaxed with their lives.”

Bullet ripped out the kidneys, Commer taking them and putting them in a tote for kidneys. Bullet always wonder why the detective wear gloves, no other worker dose it so why does him?

“Sounds like a plan Comber. Hey Commer do you have to wear gloves?”

Commer hoof palmed. Did he seriously just ask if he has to wear gloves?

“Actually I do. Bullet do you know how many germs there is in ponies not to mention if they have any diseases. You be a fool if you don’t wear gloves.”

Bullet sighed in annoyance.

(”whatever, hypochondriac.”)

Comber ignored that Commer called him an idiot pretty much. The harvest was done anyway.

“Alright, Bullet, take the corpse to the decomposer and I’ll take the create to our storage unit.”

Bullet grabbed the corpse and walked towards the decomposer with it, throwing it in, watching the body be shredded, blood splattering everywhere. The way the brains went down was nasty. Comber grabbed the create after Commer put the final tote in it, Comber put the lid on the wooden create, picking it up with a hoof, walking it down stairs and to the storage room. He unlocked his unit production room, putting the new create to the right to kinda separate the types of bloods. Comber walked out of his unit’s production room and out of the general production room. It’s weird that the giant room he was in was a production room and then theirs more small production rooms for each unit. Comber opened his list of traitors he put in his bag, reading the first name.

(”Time to die, Drackle.”)

Comber smirked with malevolence building in him as he approached the doors to the organization, opening them with his key and quickly shutting them. He was glad to be out of that place. He used his watch to find the location of Drackle. Comber smirked with relevance.

(”Finally some actual fresh air. Time to get down to business.”)

Drackle Explanation! Drackle Vs. Comber! Remember The Bully? A Heart Stopping End!

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"This place looks like it seen better days."

Comber saw cracks and vins down the stone of the home. His co-workers are disgusting with hygiene. Comber walked up the stone stairs, feeling cracks.

("Hopefully I don't break my mother's back. Pfft. Silly bad luck believers.")

Comber knocked on the door. He knew the colt might attempted to answer it or attempt at the very least look out the door. Comber teleported in the house. In front of a dark brown colt with blue eyes. A dark gray mane and tail that seemed groved. He had slashes on his left hoof. The colt's cutie mark was cracks in ponies skulls. Comber used the element of surprise and attacked first; punching the colt in the face and down to the ground. Comber grabbed his knife.

"Hello Drackle. You shouldn't have left the organization."

Comber deviously told Drackle who was slowly getting back up.

"I say buck that place. It's unfortunate they sent you to kill me. Because I know you Comber."

Comber smirked, knowing the colt is telling horse poop.

"Really, what do you know about me Drackle? I know more about you then you know about me."

"You're rank 2 for a reason. I know that Comber. That punch was a blow that actually hurt."

Drackle circled Comber before stopping and looking at him. Comber turned to his direction.

"I have remarkable durability last time I was tortured and remember."

Comber was surprised he was tortured but let free. The poor colt probably was begging for his life to be spared and offered to work there which means that's the reason he left. He ain't like the rest of the workers and his rank would be low but very higher since the lower you are, the higher you are. It's kinda ironic.

"Before you die... what's your cutie mark represent?"

Comber asked believing the cutie mark meant he likes to crack open ponies skulls. Drackle sighed.

"It's not what most ponies think it is that's for sure. I received it when I actually cracked my skull falling down on concrete. This was when I was like, what 12 years old."

"You make me feel bad, but your death is inevitably still on it's way."

Comber smirked know how what way he wants to kill this pony.

"I'm pretty good in a fight."

Drackle told Comber who scoffed at as a response.

"I hear that a lot. Believe it when I see it. This living room makes a decent ground for that don't you say?"

Drackle who had a vain with annoyance on his head, charged at Comber, he attacked, acting if he was going to punch Comber with his right hoof but then switch to his left hoof, Comber ducked.

"I'm seeing the ground more than you."

Drackle slammed a hoof on the rug Comber was under and pulled it from under him. Comber took a step forward. The rug fell into a deep hole. Comber smirked, satisfied he mastered one of his abilities to sense deception. Comber stopped looking down into the abyss that was in this colts, I wouldn't say house, more like a temple. He punched Comber in the face as herd as he colt, then the chest. Comber barely moved. He grabbed onto Drackle by his back. Drackle panic.


Comber laughed, knowing what Drackle knew he was going to do. Comber threw Drackle behind him, hearing him yell down the abyss, before using his magic to light the abyss up. What he saw after the huge thump was a colt with broken bones sticking out of him and a broken skull. Comber used his magic to grab the rug and pulled it back up. How heavy was that? How was he hiding such a bizarre hole in front of his door with no fear of falling down it since he was only an earthpony. Comber looked around him and saw valuables. He ain't a thief but this colt was. You could say he bit off more than he can bargain for. Comber pulled the door handle, the door didn't open. Comber knew this was also a trap, the actual entrance is somewhere else. Comber teleported outside the temple watching it collapsed.

("What a-!")

Comber coughed from the dust from the debris.

("Unstable temple.")

Comber looked back at his list, using his magic to erase Drackle from the list. The amount of bleeding that colt had was too serve to not be fatal.

Comber started walking away from the temple, still looking at his list.

("The next colt is Morpheel. It's an unfortunate time for you, Morpheel.")

Comber remembered Morpheel. He was a bully in his high school that he occasionally had to teach a lesson. He was orange with red eyes and black and white hair resembling stripes down them in patterns. Comber let off a devious smirked. Remembering Morpheel trying to bully him for his size.

("See you quickly, Morpheel. Be ready to die this time.")

Comber smirked turned to a normal expression, then to a happy expression. He was finally happy to get that colt out of Equestria. He hurt to many ponies during high school by bullying them for his enjoyment. Even in the organization he still does, which is isn't expected why he thought he could leave and why he still did in the organization, most of the workers there try too for their enjoyment. Comber looked at his watch before teleporting to the location it said Morpheel was at. When he arrived he saw a red painted house. Comber walked towards the stairs, so many, after walking up to them, he realized the walls were once made of dark oak wood, he felt it, then smelling the red on bis hooves, that was dried up blood. What a sick bastard. Comber decided to knock the door. The door open with a drink in a red colt's hooves. A little bigger than Comber and was sad in expression. His mane and tail was mohawks styles with blue covering a side and red covering the other side.

"Who is...-!"

After the colt rubbed his eyes he saw with clear vision who it was. It was Comber. What does-! He's here to kill him.

"Well if it isn't the twerp Comber. Had to rub my eyes to actually see you."

Morpheel started laughing. Comber stood there, letting him get his last laugh.

"You're pathetic Morpheel. Can't even see straight. When death comes to your door you should always know."

Morpheel stopped laughing. He attempted to grab Comber. Comber evaded the grab.

"You are too damn slow."

Comber grabbed Morpheel and threw him out of his house. Morpheel hit the ground, rubbing his head and getting back up. He faced Comber who walked slowly down the stairs to meet Morpheel's expression. He used a hoof to crack his own neck getting ready to beat a colt down.

"You're bucking dead punk. I'm going to drink your corpse dry!"

Comber got a little disgusting. Morpheel drinks his victims? That's just nasty and sick. That's definitely not a good source of nutrition.

"You can try Morpheel. You always in high school taunted me because of my size. I ignored you believing your life was hard, so you had to make another pony try to feel insecure as well. But now I'm your executioner. I make sure it's quick and painless."

"Motherbucker! You think you have control of me!? I kill bigger colts then you! Your a shrimp I'm going to boil alive!"

Comber smirked.

"Than try it!"

Morpheel ran at Comber with full force. Comber jumped and landed back on all four hooves. Morpheel slowly turned around and used his magic to grab Comber, squeezing him.

"Celestial cancel."

Morpheel was in shock as he ran at Comber. Why can't he use his magic. What did that shrimp do!?" Comber ran at Morpheel, they both punched each other in the face, Comber keeping his hooves on the ground. Morpheel flew 15 hoof steps, catching himself by sliding on his hooves and feeling his face. He feel blood in his mouth and spit it on his hooves to see a tooth. Why this motherbucker!

"I'm going to peel your skin off and shove it down your throat. Then I'm going to-!"

Comber teleported aside Morpheel with magic with a cocky smile.

"Going to what my friend? Whine for your mother?"

"How dare you speak of my mother!!"

Morpheel, filled with rage attempted to punch Comber in the nose. Comber grabbed the punched and quickly with his right hoof elbowing Morpheel in the face, letting go of Morpheel's hoof and punching him again in the face, before in the stomach. Morpheel threw up blood, holding his stomach and on his knees before getting back up, wondering where's Comber was.

"Guess that punk went home. Hahaha! I was going to beat him to death and that shrimp knows it!"

"Know what buddy!?"

Morpheel turned around to get a glimpse of a certain red wood plank, before being slapped across the face with it. Morpheel fell back down, Comber hit Morpheel again and again.

"Stop! Please!

Morpheel coughed up blood profusely, with each blow it felt like his stomach and ribs was breaking into more pieces than it already was. Comber was getting board. He threw the blanket to the side and slowly walked to Morpheel who was holding his knee after being hit in the back of it. Comber picked him up. Morpheel horn lit, Comber canceled his magic. The part time assassin held him by the mane.

"You are not stronger than me, and I'll show you just how strong and quick I can end your life."

"Wait-! No-! No-! Stop you shrimp!"

Comber used his magic to hold him in place and slide a hoof back, a hoof in front of him and started to shake.

"Celestia's wrath!"

Comber thrusted his right hoof forward. The punched landed on the chest of Morpheel. Punching right through him. Morpheel coughed blood up, and started to cry. Morpheel's beating heart dropped from his back, his spine broken in two. Comber looked into Morpheel closing eyes as he slid down his right hoof. The red aura around Comber disappeared.

"Have a great afterlife, buddy. Bully the evil you meet."

Comber removed his hoof to she the lungs stop puffing before dropping the body. Comber walked towards the heart and grabbed it; putting it back into Morpheel corpse where it once was held.

("Good bye, Morpheel. I said quick and painless, not... Heartless.")

Comber teleported Morpheel into his house. Throwing the wooden plank that was like a stake into the home watching it stick into the home. Comber smirked. This assassination was satisfying. Granfer was so generous for this one. Comber checked his list seeing a name: Blake. Comber checked his watch for the location of Blake, a village called Village. Comber knows that place. Teleporting to the location his watch told him, only one time his watch had been wrong, but ever since his father made sure it was never wrong again. Comber remembered the joke he unintentionally made, not heartless. Comber chuckled before teleporting to Village, precisely to Blake's location. He wasn't at a house so Comber would have to search for a dark green colt that had black eyes and light blue smooth mane and his tail seemed roughed up. Comber knew this because of his watch. Comber was behind a house in village to where his watch precisely told him to go. Comber ain't teleporting in front of Blanket and causing a spread of fear and exposer to the organization, even though some workers probably already did that.

("Where's Blake.")

Comber wondered, his right side against a corner of a white pained concrete house. It's big enough to block the shad from the sun so this was a perfect teleport.

Comber Vs. Blake! The Top 5 Vs. The Authorities!

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Comber kept watch for Blake. Where is here. He turned to his watch, looking at a pony that was white with red eye, black mane and tail. He turned his head around the corner again and looked closely, spotting a pony that nearly looked like the pony in his watch holographic vision, bit didn't, the cutie mark was a Pie, when Blake's wasn't, his was a face burned with muscle soon in the face. Comber turned his head again, not finding him. Comber ears perked up as he turned around and looked up, seeing a yellow cape white colt fall trying to stab him. He stabbed the trashcan knocking it over and penetrating the lid that was tin. The white colt swung his knife at Comber, the trashcan lid flying at him, Comber blocked and deflected the attack, Black dodge fast and ran at Comber with his knife in his hand, his knife handle was white. Comber eyes narrowed on the knife realizing the knife had indefinitely been sharpened. Comber pulled his knife out and in his stance. Good thing they are in a ally nopony goes down, otherwise the police might interfer. Comber and the white colt dashed past each other, Comber feeling blood go down his left check. The white colt hoodie fell down, showing the face to Comber. That's Blake, rank 11 of the organization. Blake felt his face feeling blood gush from a wound and his cape hoodie fell down, with rage he ran back at Comber. Comber remembered his lessons of disarming a pony. Comber smirked and grabbed Blake's left hoof with the knife in it. Comber twisted the hoof and put pressure at a certain part, making the hoof drop the knife. Blake went to pick it up, Comber attempted to elbowed him in the face, Blake blocked it and swung a hoof at Comber. The part time assassin still holding onto Blake's left hoof, picked Blake up, spinning him like a barrel, slamming him against the wall. Blake horn lit, teleporting behind Comber. Comber sensed the bloodlust as well as saw the magic aura bouncing off the wall that was tan. Blake attempted to stab Comber in the back of his head, Comber moved his head to the right and avoided the attack. Comber watched as the knife went into the home exterior wall; Comber grabbed the hoof with the knife and with his right hoof, hitting Blake in the face multiple times making him let go of the knife. Comber dodged a punch, missing an uppercut. Blake grabbed Comber face, kneeing him in it. Comber slid a little bit back and looked at Blake. Comber smirked with joy. This was the fun he looked for. Comber grabbed the lid and threw it at Blake, who caught the lid and used it as a shield when Comber went to punch him. Comber's punch broke the lid in half; Blake smiled using the two broken lid pieces as sharp weapons, Comber dodged the attacks, receiving little slashes. Comber was waiting for an opening, watching his opponent's attacks, after getting a glimpse of a opening, Comber took it; punching Blake immensely hard in the stomach, making him drop the broken lids and fall onto the ground. His horn lit up, ready to cast magic.

"Celestial cancel."

Comber wasn't letting him use anymore magic. Blake spit up a ton of blood.

"You-you... Bastard... I'll... I'll kill you..."

Comber smirked picking up the broken lid pieces by the handle, walking over to Blake who was trying to get off the ground but couldn't. He was down like he was praying. Comber put the pieces in front of and behind his neck.

"Thanks for the battle, Blake, may you rest in piece now."

Comber told Blake with compassion and regret of having to kill him.

"Wait, don't-!"

Comber pushed the pieces together cutting into the neck, through the trachea and spinal cord. Blake fell down after Comber removed the broken lid pieces, opening a dumpster, throwing the lid pieces in it. He turned Blake over, feeling for a heartbeat, he felt the heart beat, Comber smirked, walking to Blake's knife that was still in the wall of a home, pulling it out and stabbing it into Blake chest, Blake spurted blood out of his mouth. Comber lifted Blake with a magic barrier around him to not let his cape that had been a little slashed up because of Blake's knife, get blood on it; that would require more magic to clean. Comber jumped onto the dumpster, facing Blake body front down towards the dumpster. Comber yelled throwing him in the dumpster. Blood splattering everywhere as the knife penetrated through the chest and through the back. Comber closed the dumpster, using his magic to clean the ally up and the blood in it. Comber jumped down from the dumpster, facing the light of the ally. He spotted a pink mare with a daisy in her mane with golden mane and tail. She definitely saw some of the battle. Her eyes looked as they seen a ghost. Comber put a hoof to his mouth vertically.


The pink mare nodded in fear he will kill her if she didn't listen to him. Her hooves out in an expression saying she doesn't want trouble, she ran to the right really fast, occasionally looking behind her in fear. Comber was still in the ally, putting his hoof down slowly before checking his watch. He saw another pony, is this the fourth traitor or fifth? Comber saw a mare that was green with cyan eyes. Her mane and tail was long with two ponytails in Mane and one ponytail in her tail. The ponytails was red, he remembers the Name, which was Sam. Comber smirked, reading the location where she lived. It was Flustered Town. Comber smirked teleporting in front of his house and deciding to head to her place by hoof.

("Can't keep teleporting, would run out of stamina if I keep that up.")

Comber reminded himself, before healing himself and the slashes on him with his magic, next repairing his cape with his magic. Comber smirked, walking to the east of his house, then turning around the block from the west to the east and then making a sharp right then a sharp left turn. He spotted a house with flowers on the right top window left open and lots of daisy flowers around the house. She must love daisy sandwiches like his friend Nome or she just likes flowers, but this is irrelevant; all that matters is her death. Comber walked to the house, smelling the flowers, getting a reminder of his greenhouse, he smiled before remembering she's going to die, Sam has to die. Comber knocked on the door, his magic on the knife handle in his bag. The door swung open, with a cyan eyes mare standing there.

"How'd you do?"

Comber was confused. She doesn't know him. She's indefinitely Sam so what's the big deal? Her mood had no deception, so what's going on here. Comber magic disappeared. He smirked.

"Are you Sam?"

Comber asked, knowing that's Sam.

"Why yes, the one who takes cares of flowers and nurses them back to full health!"

The mare said cheerfully. Comber expression turned to a disbelief one. She doesn't know who he is?

"You are a gardener? Is that why you quit your job?"

"Oh, you mean that job, at the organization. Yeah, they were all a bunch of hides, always being rude to me for no reason. I was forced to work there you know? Wait, you work there too!? And you quit as well!?"

Comber was taken back by her naivety. He felt sympathy for her. He also knew that place was terrible. Comber smirked. He didn't quit, but he will. After he completes his training with his sensei, then he will leave that filthy place.

"No, I didn't, I'm on a job actually."

The mare's heart dropped. Wait did they send him here to kill her!?

"Are, are you here to..."

The mare gulped with fear.

"Kill me?"

Comber slowly nodded with a yes. The pink mare screamed.

"Somepony help me, there's a killer!"

Comber hoof palm seeing a pony behind him. He quickly teleported the mare and him behind the organization. She was still screaming. Comber teleported behind her and put a hoof over her mouth.

"Would you shut the Tartarus up!"

Comber swung her to the ground, knocking her unconscious.

"Your a foolish mare. I would have probably let you live if you would have shut the buck up and ran to the right side of Equestria."

"Let her live?"

Comber's ears perked up, that voice was right behind him. He quickly turned and punched what he thought was a worker in the face. It wasn't a worker. Comber eyes opened wide with shock, that was his father. That blue cape says it all.

"Well... That's a nice greeting for your Dad."

Coomber smirked. Comber retracted his hoof and stared at his Dad, apologizing to him. Comber knew the scolding he would get, not from the punch but by saying what he did about letting Sam live. The part time assassin was also shocked that his punch didn't faze his father at all. That was a strong punch. A normal colt would have had a broken nose. Comber smirked back at his Dad.

"Long time no see dad. Always as strong as I remember."

Coomber walked past Comber with a smirk, placing a hoof on Sam's head, crushing the skull with ease. Comber was shocked, why did he-?

"Comber my son, never ever feel sympathy for the pathetic. Mares or not, they must die if that's your job son, you must do it."

Coomber said while picking up the body and splitting it in half like it was a weak stick. Comber thought he was going over board with the kill.

"Now you take the credit-!"

"Hold up Dad I said would've, but I would've killed her."

Coomber smirked.

"Are you sure? You are telling the truth but your emotions will stop you. Lighten your heart, and you fall like a feather. Harden your heart, crush your opponents with it. You know what I'm saying right?"

Comber slowly nodded with a tiny bit of remorse for disappointing his dad. Coomber smiled. Dropping the body.

"I leave the body here for your credit. Next time you better not even think of showing mercy to anypony."

Coomber wickedly smirked at Comber, before teleporting away, letting the wind blow on Comber. Comber was sad about Sam's death. He knows better to fight his father however, not like he wanted to, he looked down at the body and then himself. He smirked turned devious. His father was right, if he doesn't harden his heart then the chances of him leaving the organization is zero to none. Comber walked away from the body, letting the birds have a meal. Comber wondered if this was a test from his father. What if he enrolled him into this horrible place to A, tuff him up, and or B, see if he can't figure a way to leave the organization, what if?

Comber walked towards the front of the organization and to the doors; he took a last look at Sam's body watching what seems to be like vultures eating it. Comber walked into the entrance door, feeling a little disgusted. The part time assassin used his key, then walking towards the stairs, up to his unit and unlocked it. He saw more creates a mess.

"For Celestia sake I was gone for like."

"A good decent amount of time."

Comber forgot to give the note to the leader, he finished assassinating the traitors. Comber told them to straighten the creates up with a calm tone before walking back out of the door; then down stairs and towards the office, after entering it he saw the leader sitting at his desk stamping papers.

"Hello Comber. I see you arrived, and I'm confident you got rid of those traitors."

"I did sir."

Comber said with a smirk on his face walking towards the leader with the paper out. He hoofed it over.

"Good, good, I trust you Comber. Now make sure your-!"

"My unit's production is good. I forgot to give you this first before arriving back."

The leader smiled; wonderful, simply wonderful.

"Well all good news right? That's what I like to hear. You head back to your unit, because lunch time is going to be called soon."

Comber saw the leader extended a hoof. Comber gave the leader a hoof bump before leaving the office and walking back upstairs. He arrived back at his unit, seeing how straighten it was. Comber walked towards his desk and sat down, reviewing the amount of production was done. It was more than expected. Comber smirked.

("I expected nothing less of my unit.")

Comber was happy they finished all task, but he knew they wasn't happy about doing it. Commer and Bullet sat down at their work stations.

"You killed those traitors Comber?"

"What do you think Bullet?"

Comber sarcastically asked. Does Bullet think Comber would dare steal time from this place?

"Comber completed his job as he always does, Bullet. Why do you have sarcastically ask dumb questions?"

Bullet got annoyed at the detective. Why does he have to be so straight forward and smart. He just starting the conversation.

"It wasn't dumb... Nevermind. Did any of them cause any trouble for you?"

Comber sighed in disappointment.

"Not really besides a colt name Blake, he was good at combat. Sadly he didn't cause any real problems for me."

Comber got up and walked to the create that was full with the lid on.

"I'm proud of you both. This unit always gets what's done very fast. Sadly we aren't the top 1 unit."

Commer was curious which unit is the top 1 unit. It's not like it matters, if they get their work done too fast, then what are they doing for the mean time to kill time?

"I would ask what unit is is number one but if they get their work done faster, then you know what, let them have it. What are they doing that's productive if they completed it all?"

Bullet laughed.

"Right, if I'm bored everyday for awhile then they would surely be bouncing their heads off the wall."

Comber smirked. They are all wrong.

"No, that's not what they are doing Bullet. They are probably talking each other ears off. I'll remind you other units business, doesn't effect us."

Commer was happy somepony else can see from a good and serious perspective.

"You may be right Comber, we don't know what they are doing by that's really none of our business unless it becomes our business."

Commer, and Bullet got up, when they did they heard an alarm go off. At first they thought they caused it but it wasn't them it was-! Comber recognized that alarm. He smirked, some fun actually. Bullet was clueless. Commer remember that alarm.


"I know Commer. If the police wants a battle, I'll give them one. You both stay here. I'll be right back."

Comber took a hoof off the create and walked towards the door with a serious expression. He shut the door, hearing bullets being fired as he walked out of the unit.

("I was right to bet a traitor would snitch on the organization. Dumb hide, doesn't he know or she know that they are going to jail too? They probably think that'll save the.")

Comber heard hoof steps to his left, he turned around to see the leader, Granfer walked towards him with a smirk.

"Well well, Comber, I have a new traitor for you kill for this. You head down there and kill those justice fools. The other units including Blade will assist you."

"Understood leader, I'll kill then all."

Comber said with a wicked expression. He was annoyed, angered, and excited. Comber walked towards the steps, walking down them and facing where the bullets was being heard from.

("Time to get to work then.")

A confident smile appeared on Comber's face. He was ready to take care of this crisis. He didn't want help however if they are willing to help, then so be it; it was probably the leaders Idea for them to do so.

Comber saw Boulder Striker, Razors Slicer, and Hammer Smash, and the last one was Blade. Boulder Striker was a brown colt with black around the mouth with purple eyes and magic, he's a unicorn of excellent accuracy with weapons like hammers and blunt weapons, as well as brutal strength and his tail was normal length, the tail was white, green and black in pattern from a hirozontally view, his mane, well he didn't have one. He had a collar or more like to him was a necklace with a black band and metal spikes on it. Razor Slicer was a female pegasus, with dark gray skin, gray eyes and light gray mane and tail with a darker gray in the middle, her tail was very short while her mane was normal size and was a little pointing towards her face. she was skilled with all hooves especially with weapons that was sharp. She's able to hold her four favorite weapons which was a dagger, clever, a knife and a blade that was a knife but was curved. She wasn't always talented with her weapons, especially with throwing them, one bounced back and sliced her left eye, she lucky it was just a scar otherwise she could be blind if it was a puncture. Blade was a orange colt with a orange mane and tail, as well as eyes. He also wore an orange cape. He's well know for his speed of completing jobs. Turn your back on this colt and you could face a death sentence fast then you can say it. He's very skilled with a dagger that he keeps at his side and also had a orange handle, the blade was silver and well sharpen to it's peak. The next colt was black, with twos eyes different from each other. One eye was white while the other eye was black, the right eye was black, the left eye was white. His coat was black, his mane and tail was red and white going down from the front to the back in patterns. He had three dots on his face, they were white dots, in the middle of his eyes and upper nose, his mane was long around his neck. He also wore a bandana that was red with white dots on it, his right ear had two gold piecing. He wore cloth like guards for his hoofs, not covering the under hoof, he was Target Shot. Razor Slicer had red upper pants on with black down the legs, the bottom hooves was white. Comber was a black colt commonly know as the part time assassin in the organization. He's the most skilled at combat with many techniques up his belt. His common weapon is his knife which he's very skilled with. Piss this colt off and your innards might just become outwards. Comber walked towards the shooting, finding a huge skirmish with the deputies and the killers, only 5? Well they are the top five. Razor Slicer was wielding all her weapons, deflecting bullets as they come at her, then quickly closing the gap in distance, running towards them and killing then with her weapons. Her clever was commonly used for decapitation and dismemberment. Other deputies try to run at her but her back was guarded by Target shot, his actual name was Shot. He shot many deputies in the head, watching the bullets fly through them and the deputies drop dead like flies.

"Guess I should help..."

A orange colt said with boredom in his tone. He walked towards the deputies, teleporting in front of them, stabbing two through the head, one attempted to shoot him. Blade teleported behind him, cutting his neck and ripping his jugular vein out. Bullets continued to be fired at him. Blade magic stopped the bullets.

"These are yours correct?"

Blade shot the bullets back at the colts, through the chest and at the big metal door, where they hit and fell. Comber smirked, teleporting in and fighting 5 deputies at once, he took a couple of punches after dishoofing them of their weapons, but better than being shot. Comber grabbed one by the head and threw him at the other two, he was getting ready to stab them but was stopped by razor blade who decapitated them with her clever. As their heads rolled, bleeding from where the neck should be attached. Boulder Striker slammed his mallet down on their heads watching brains splatter. Blade killed 30 deputies with their own bullets, Comber killed 25, fighting a lot of them, not holding back, while Razor Slicer and Boulder strike both killed 16 as of now. Comber at one point used his magic to throw a deputy towards Blade who quickly broke their neck, teleporting aside Comber, both back to back, stabbing multiple colts in the heads and in their chest, through their once beating heart.

"Just how many are there?"

Blade smirked.

"I don't know, but we can always count the bodies when we're done taking care of them."

"Yeah if there's bodies left!"

Razor Slicer said with a smile, looking back at Comber and Blade who both only gave her little attention. Boulder Strike kicked a head at a deputy face, the horn went into the eye, killing the deputy. Boulder Striker laughed with amusement.

"Hahahaha! That's a bullseye!" Beat that-!"

Boulder Striker couldn't believe he saw Shot kill 5 colts with his cross bow with immense speed, he shot them all in the eyes, and with such flexibility and reaction speed.

"Shut up Boulder Striker."

"Us your magic fellow deputies!"

A deputy screamed at the unicorns that was deputies. They nodded, their horns lifting up with multiple color magic. They picked the top 5 up, ready to shoot.

"Celestial cancel."

Comber said, slamming a hoof on the ground as he fell, a red aura around him, canceling the deputies magic. The part time assassin disbursed his red aura. Razor Slicer flew back down, Boulder Striker with his hammer spun back to the ground, Blade teleported in front of many deputies kill then with a stab through the frontal lobe. Comber ran towards the deputies, combating them. The leader watched all this happened from the second floor. He was very happy and satisfied. The leader didn't have to call more killers down but he should just to make them feel the fear they should for trying to bring them to justice.

"This is better than the movies!"

The leader said, holding onto the rail and watching his workers take care of business.

"Just more heads to chop off! I... Love the satisfaction of getting rid of these annoyances."

Razor Slicer was annoyed, but happy she can take her annoyance out on the source.

"You can say this will end in a bang!"

Shot shot his cross bow again, landing four deputies in the grave. He threw his cross bow to the side, pulling his gun out, shooting many deputies in the chest and head. Blade and Comber kept killing the authorities that ran at them. Comber dodged three punches after dishoofing them of their guns. Comber grabbed 2 ponies front right hooves, quickly using that leverage to hit then into each other, bumping heads by the sides. Blade took the opportunity to stab his dagger through both of their head, quickly turning around, taking a punch to the face and stabbing his dagger through a deputy's throat. Blade wiped his weapon off with a tiny bit of annoyance. The leader smiled, clapping to himself.

"My workers are excellent, but it would be unfair for the other workers to not participate. They will enjoy the fun."

The leader deviously smiled, he was going to grab his small mic he has in his pocket, press the button, and command the rest of the workers to come and participate. If they weren't already aware from the gunshots, they will be now. The leader grabbed the mic ready to speak.

"Attention all workers, come to the first floor immediately, we have some trouble with uninvited deputies. Bonus checks are award!"

The deputies was in shock and fear. He's bluffing, there's no way they can outnumber them. They will shoot them all dead. The deputies are justice, justice don't fear, justice makes the wicked fear the punishment of their sins. The deputies commander told the rest of the deputies to keep pushing through.

"You going down there Bullet?"



Bullet and Commer agreed to stay in the unit and continued to work. If they want to be heroes later on, especially if Comber can free them, killing deputies would not be the right answer unless commanded by the leader or unit manger or floor manager otherwise. They want to be authorities later on if they can ever get free of this wicked horrible place that is called a job. Bullet and Commer continued working on their units production.

Comber, Razor Slicer, Boulder Strike, and Shot was being pushed back by the deputies, taking bullets to their bodies, although Razor Slicer can deflect the shots, she can't stop Soo many, Comber had a spell around him, he was fine besides from the tasers, which he dishoofed them off, shooting one in the mouth before punching the throat, killing the deputy.

The deputies' smirked. If this is the only workers this evil place had, then they are going to get justice served. The judge of this town would probably behead them for their crimes surely. Blade was up to 65 deputies, Comber was 58, Razor Slicer was 45, Boulder Strike was 35, and Shot was 42 in kills. A deputy punched Comber in the jaw, Comber with quick reaction speed grabbed the same hoof that punched him in the jaw, slamming it down breaking it, before pulling it off, he snapped the top part of the bone, stabbing the next deputy who approached him with a taser through the eye. Comber was huffing.

("How many are there!"

Comber got tased by 5 tasers, he kneeled on a hoof, attempting to stand back up. Comber turned his head and saw the other 4 of he top workers beaten and bloody. Boulder Striker was on the ground, deputies surrounding him. Many hoof steps was heard, they were running, the deputies turned to the sound which was behind the stairs, Blade looked up, getting PTSD from the sights of what he saw. That's 70-80-90 no, more than 180 workers. They were all running down the stairs and towards the deputies who was shocked to see that many workers. It a floodgate of them.

"Shot them all deputies!"

The deputies opened fired on the workers who fell one by one, once the bullets ran out, the deputies faces turned blue as the wave didn't stop coming, in fact it was getting bigger and bigger with more workers.


The final commander said before having his heart ripped out by Blade and crushed by a hoof on the ground. Blade felt a hoof touching him on the back of his left front hoof shoulder.


"On it sir."

Blade teleported in front of the deputies closing the entrance door that was huge in metal and was open, his magic around it, first it was orange, then it turned black. Blade teleported from the door and back to where the top killers was. The deputies yelled in panicked. How can they get out of here now! They regret coming to this place. The killers was closing in on them, the deputies grabbed their tasers, some deputies hugged each other, others closed their eyes and prayed to Celestia. The deputies with the tasers out shot them, shocking 8 of the killers that was in the crowed, the other killers kept running, reaching the deputies, the deputies yelled, fighting back but it was no use, each time they fought they had no control of their muscles from the force around it, one deputy's head was ripped wide open, the brains being ripped right out, then the eyes, then the head was ripped off the body, the other deputies suffered a similar brutal fate, their heads hit against the door until their skull cracked, and then repeated stomped before their chest was ripped open, their ribs pulled apart and their heart shoved into another deputy's mouth. Comber watch the blood and gore happened. He was even disgusted by the death sentences the deputies was getting.

"Justice trash!"

"Buck all your families!"

"Your fillies will not be spared!"

"Your eyes see you!"


"Pieces of Hide!"

"You're families is next!"

Many workers laughed with amusement and malevolence. The workers ran away from the scene, reveling their blood and gore art show. Blade smirked as he walked away. Comber eyes was widen, that's beyond too far, especially what they said about the fillies. That's too heartless, it was like his father. That's confirm it, he's leaving this wicked place. Comber looked as he was staring off into space, ignoring the hoof steps walking towards him, he remembers the screams of the deputies that echoes in his mind. Comber felt a hoof tapped his shoulder.

"You okay Comber"?

Granfer asked with worry. Comber seen the other killers healed up. Where did Blade go? Somepony had healed the workers, since Razor Slicer wasn't a unicorn. Comber snapped back to reality.

"Ye-yes. So what's the name of the traitor who told the police about the place?"

Granfer chuckled. Before replying a name Comber could remember.


Comber wanted to laugh but the scenes of the deputies death still played in his mind. The leader closed his eyes in disbelief of the traitor himself.

"Bobby's the name. I guess that's my game."

Comber moved his watch to his face, clicking on it and searching Bobby. Lots of names came up, do what's the description or his last name.

"What's his last name sir."


Comber typed Watter in the watch, feeling like he's being trolled, that name almost spells water, so that's weird for a pony to be named after a solvent. Comber found what's seems to be Watter.

"He has dark blue eyes, violet mane and tail, with a huge scar vertically on his left hoof."

"That's correct."



"Alright, see you later Granfer."

Granfer smiled. Waving a hoof goodbye to Comber as he watched him walked towards the front doors that still had magic on it. Comber was about to walk back and tell Granfer before the magic disappeared. Comber hoof palmed. He could've cancled it if he needed too. Comber opened the big metal doors, listening to the loud squeaking sound. It appears the deputies damaged it. Comber looked down seeing the remains of the deputies.

("That's disgusting.")

Comber mentally told himself.

"Leaving again Comber?"

Comber turned to the voice, that was Nome. Comber assume he's here to clean up the mess.

"I am. Were you down here during the deputies invasion?"

"I was, but didn't participate. Celestia they did a number on the deputies."

Comber chuckled. This is way more than doing a number on a pony.

"You mean slaughter them like pigs. Rip them apart like they were stuff animals. Yes."

Nome held his mop in his right hoof, he started cleaning the bloody mess up. First was the blood then the bigger parts. Comber watched him clean the mess. He seen him put on gloves for his hooves black when he grabbed the brains, liver, heart and the rest of the organs and bodies parts that had flaps of muscle and flesh hanging and ripped apart. That's still nasty. Comber watch him throw it in the trash on his janitor's cart.

"Yours going to be here awhile Nome."

Comber with sarcasm pointed to the left back of Nome. Nome turned and fallowed Comber's hoof. When he seen the mess, he almost couldn't believe it.

"Just what the buck happened! Well, I know what happen but how many deputies was there this time!? Because I lost count after 200!"

Comber laughed. Nome keeping his serious expression.

"I would say over 245."

"Yo, why that many!?"

Comber smirked. He knows why, he works here.

"Because of Bobby, who I'm going to kill for being a traitor. See you soon Nome."

Comber finished opening the doors and walking out it. The doors shut, the light of the sub slowly fading on Nome as it did. Once the big metal doors shut, Nome turned to the corpse and mess of the deputies boides, looking around seeing all the corpses and remains.

("I'm going to be here awhile...")

Nome told himself. A frown appearing on his face. He continued to mop the blood up before cleaning the guts up and remains. Nome had to empty his trashbag 5 times, he turned around, reviewing the scene; he didn't want to miss a single spot otherwise the managers would be angry that he ain't doing his job, and in this place, you don't want that. This will take until the end of today to clean.

Confrontation With Bobby! Comber Vs. Bobby! Lunchtime With An Announcement! The Rest Of Today! Your Lessons Start Now!

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Comber was running already a far distance in front of the organization. The part time assassin made sure check his surroundings; he doesn’t trust none of those killers. Comber hoped a killer would try to kill him because that’ll be some fun. Comber knew the victims location and judging by the police that invaded the organization, it was Flustered Town’s police department, so Comber destination is Flustered Town, which he was already about to enter. The organization and Flustered Town isn’t that big of gap in distance. Comber saw the home address of Bobby’s on his watch, while running he kept looking at the numbers knowing there’s a pattern, he knew where Bobby was. He rushed through Flustered Town. Many ponies doors that was already opened thrusted open from the wind. Comber smirked as he turned to a home, he took a look at it not because it’s Bobby’s home but because he planned to jump over it. Comber squatted down and jumped up with all his might. Ponies that was on their porches saw that, a colt spit his drank out.

“Was that a unicorn!?”

“Yes, I believe that’s Comber!”

The wife said back to her husband both still in shock. Comber nearly jumped over it, he dodge the spinning metal bird on the top, as he landed down thought, Comber nearly lose his group, sliding down the slope of the gray roof, Comber remembered when his mouth took him to sled, ah those was the days, when he was 5 years old. Comber barreled rolled, seeing the house he was targeting. He used his two rear hooves to jump as he was barrel rolling down the slope. Many rectangles that was gray flew off. Comber headed for the house he was going, he made sure to grab one of those rectangles. Comber was over Bobby’s home, he quickly threw the gray heavy rectangle down. Comber horn illuminated with magic. The material hit the roof, causing a crash threw it. He knew Bobby was inside, enjoying himself is what Comber thought.

“What the heck!”

Booby turned to the falling rectangle, seeing nobody there, he sighed, letting his guard down. Bobby made a huge mistake, which is expected when your at rank 175.

“You let your guard down, huge mistake.”

Comber stabbed Booby in the back with his knife, ripping it out, Bobby who was standing backed away bleeding.


The colt said attempting to walk to his pursuer. He fell down from the blood loss. Comber deactivates his magic.

(”X-ray spells are amazing, especially for assassin.”)

Comber smirked know this battle or job is nearly completed. Booby grabbed Comber’s hoof, trying to pull him down, the part time assassin found humor in this, deciding to bend down for Bobby, acting if he was being pulled down. Comber grabbed Bobby face and lifted him up, standing on two rear hooves with Bobby in his front hooves.

“Well. You’re a coward. Why would you go to the police and better question, how aren’t you in jail.”

Bobby giggled a little, Comber could feel it.

“Because I hated that place. Who really likes it there?”

“Well they have failed to kill us, and you put the final nail in your grave my friend. Comber spun Bobby’s head 180,° killing him. Comber with quick reaction speed punch the ground 5 times, causing the floor made of wood break. The part time assassin then used his hooves to dig a hole under the ground and put the body in it, using his magic to cover the body and to fix the floor after he jumped out of the hole. Comber placed the rug on top of the floor that was pink and circle colors. Comber used his magic again to fix the damaged to the rug. He wasn’t hiding the body because of the police, he wasn’t hiding the body just giving him a grave.

(”Poor fool got fooled by the organization.”)

Comber felt sympathy for Bobby but he shouldn’t have told the police and he knew it. Either way he was a traitor who was going to die. Comber walked to the door opening it and leaving the home. Comber walked to the right, looking all the way in the view, welp, looks like the organization can’t be seen from this distance. Comber started speed walking then running back to the organization, passing many colts and ponies on the way. He remembered the day Bobby came into the organization. He was such a coward, he wanted to leave and beg when he was there, but all is useless at that place. Comber saw the sign of Flustered Town, leaving his town again, it wouldn’t be too long before Comber arrived back at the organization. Comber sped his speed up, arriving at the big metal doors in no time.

(”Welp, I’d it was my choice and wasn’t being times I would just walk back but that’s stealing time and you don’t want to do that with this place.”)

Comber reminded himself, calming down before using his key to open the big metal doors at the front of the organization. Comber walked in, hearing the doors slowly shut before slamming. Comber walked towards the stairs 35 hoof steps away, walking up the stairs. Comber quickly spined around, walking back down and towards the leader’s office. The part time assassin was about to knock, but the door fastly opened.

“I’d knew you be back; so I was about to head to your unit and remind you about Bobby.”

The leader chuckled. Comber smiled with close eyes hoofing the list over to Granfer. Granfer smirked with confidence that bucking snitch and traitor got what was coming to him. The leader walked past Comber, standing behind him.

“You cross his face off but how do I know my dear Comber, if he’s really dead.”

Comber slowly turned to him, giving him a confident expression.

“Well sir. Allow me to prove it to you. Hey watch! Tell us the current status of the pony I just eliminated!”

Granfer was about to laugh, he can’t be serious, a watch that...-! Coomber made it, yeah, it probably would be correct then. The watch brought Bobby’s holographic imagine up in the dirt underground. The watch had more to it then time, Granfer thought. Granfer eyes read to the right of he death of Bobby.

“Why is he underground?”

Comber chuckled.

“That’s because I put him 6 hooves under.”

The leader laughed, walking towards Comber, patting his left side.

“You’re a funny one aren’t you Comber... Well, I recommend you get your group ready for lunch because it’s about that time.”

Comber and Granfer hoof bumped. Comber started walking away from the office and towards the stairs, eventually up them. Granfer shut the door and walked back into his office, sitting in his chair and wondering to himself about Comber’s watch; it was a magnificent device. Coomber was always intelligent, last time he remembers seeing Coomber was when Comber was 15 years old. He was a adorable young colt at the time. It’s insane that that watch or futuristic technology could even tell you the events of the death he read; a stab to the back and into a lung and liver; just how does that watch get this information anyway!?


Comber opened the door to his unit, spotting a clean work environment, Bullet was at his desk, laying his head on it, tapping it with his left hoof. Commer was walking with a familiar colt.

“Well... Seems like all work is done right?”

Comber asked the colts. Bullet ears perked at Comber’s voice, turning to his manager with a bored expression.

“That’s right, how long was it ago since we finished our work Commer?”

“About 15 minutes ago or something like that.”

All eyes was on Comber, especially Nome’s, who Comber wondered what he was doing in his unit; was there a mess he can’t see? Well... That’s explains why everything looks clean; it because he’s here. Comber past Bullet behind his chair and towards Commer and Nome, asking what Nome what he was doing here. Commer chuckled, does Comber synapse fire slow, he should know the reason.

“Allow me to explain this answer.”

(”Oh Celestia, buck you Comber for asking Commer a question.”)

Bullet said mentally. Never ask Commer a question, because he will talk you ear off with theories you don’t want to hear that are not necessary.

“So Comber, he’s your friend, so you should know why he’s here, but that’s not the only reason, tell Bullet over to your left and behind you to stop playing creates and shoots.”

“Oh you snitch.”

Nome laughed at Bullet quick reply to Commer. Comber stared at Nome with a smirk.

" So how did the cleaning go down stairs?”

“Bro, Comber that’s funny to bring back up, because I talked to a yellow female pegasus when cleaning and she said she was my mare friend.”

Comber didn’t know what he meant by that, a new friend, okay... Bullet and Commer laughed.

“Keep a lease on that one, because she’s from here; she’s crazy.”

Commer didn’t know if Bullet was joking or was serious, but he’s right, she would be mentally not sane if she works here unless she does mediation. Comber laughed, receiving the real reason what happened down stairs with him. The technique to sense deception is pretty amazing.

“You slipped and fell down, cleaning yourself up before getting back up, them cleaned up the brains of a colt, later moping. Then you thought you could lied to us with a joke that was going to be revealed to be a lie from you.”

Commer and Bullet didn’t think Comber can think that far and into past events like that. Nome blushed with embarrassment, looking down then back up.

“Just how the buck did you know what I was thinking and what happen Comber!?”

Comber laughed, staring at Nome. Commer and Bullet laughed they thought Nome had a mare friend, it’s a good thing he didn’t especially from this place.

“Because nopony can use deception on me. I know.”

Bullet thought Comber just knew since he knew Nome. Commer thought about what Comber just said, no, that’s more then knowing what your friendship history taught you about each other, there’s more under the bridge. Is it possible Comber can sense deception and receive the truth? The lunch bell ring, Bullet got up from his chair fast.

“Finally something to do.”

Walking over to Comber and Nome, Commer doing the same, but slowly getting up and walked towards Nome and Comber. They all faced the door.


“Lunch bell, hope you all hungry?”

Commer answer and asked, intentionally knowing Comber don’t eat actual food. He ignored the phase you all which includes him. The group walked towards the exit of the unit and out it, hearing hundreds of hooves steps, the unit door shut, then all watching the line of ponies run down stairs from the upstairs units and from this floor as well. It Looked like the queen bee called her nest for a feast


Bullet wanted one of then to elaborate.

“Yeah lots of ponies are famished.”

Commer replied. Watching more and more workers run down the stairs. One worker attempted to cut in front of the others, getting pushed off the stairs as a result of his impatient action. Pegasus flew down in front of Comber, who watched them fly down to the first floor.

“What is so special today about lunch?”

Comber asked, wanting to know why all workers are rushing down to the first floor like there’s gold or something like that down there.

“Well I believe a announcement today is being held today in the cafeteria. Did you miss it while reading the tasks Comber?”

“That wouldn’t be something you would want to rush to.”

Comber admitted he did over read the task papers, especially the part that involves lunch. Bullet sighed. Commer stared at Bullet with a raised eye brow.

“You would if you’re afraid of punishment of being late bullet.”


Comber replied. The flow of ponies slowed down. Two pegasus was flying down, spinning in circles, kissing.



“Couldn’t they wait until they got home before starting romance? There’s nothing Romantic about this place.”

Comber didn’t even know what they were doing or his friends was talking about.

“Don’t you find that a little funny Comber?”

“Find what funny?”

“No way you don’t know what romance is!?”

“When a pony loves another pony, right?”

“Don’t ask-!”

“Yes, eventually having a foal to look after and raise.”

“Let’s go.”

Comber said with a little bit of confusion still about the ponies that spun in front of him kissing. Comber walked towards the stairs, his unit fallowing him, with the addition of Nome. They made their way down to the first floor, walking to the cafeteria to the right of them. They walked to the cafeteria, spotting a pony to their right, blue and a mare, pinned against the wall, getting beaten up by a colt twice her size. How could all the other ponies ignore that? They are heartless.

“Comber, I see your expression, don’t-!”

Comber acted if he was walking to the cafeteria, but swiftly turned to the worker beating the mare up, grabbing a hoof. The worker turned to Comber, getting punched in the face. Comber slide under the colts hoof and threw him at the wall, punching him 3 times in the stomach, before delivering a right punch to the jaw, knocking the worker off his wits, he slide back and said no more.

“Comber, leave him be, let’s go.”

Nome said, not wanting his friend to get in trouble. Comber walked back to Nome. The worker colt that was beating up the mare saw Comer walking back to Nome, he looked to his right and saw the mare pegasus gone, he look back to Comber again.Comber. How dare he turn his back on him!? He ran at Comber, Comber and his unit, including Nome heard the hoof steps fastly making their way to them from behind them. When he was close enough, Comber quickly ducked and uppercut him in the stomach before grabbing his face and throwing him into the cafeteria by his neck with a quick turn. Comber and his unit walked into the cafeteria, to their right they saw a colt on the table. The colt looked like he had stars around his head, his tongue out, muttering unintelligible.

“So, why did you do that Comber?”

“He couldn’t see the fight was over? He was bulling her. Then he charged us, primarily me and I did what I deem necessary.”

Nome smiled. This reminded him of the days in high school with Comber.

“In high school, the bullies feared Comber, as be would make them think twice about bullying. He was like a hero in school.”

Bullet laughed. Comber a very high rank here a hero?

“So there’s a good side to you that shows mercy?”

The group was in the line, watching as the line got smaller and smaller for them to be able to turn and make it into the kitchen and grab their trays of food. The cafeteria was full of chatter and was immensely loud with unintelligible words.

“Mercy is pity. Defending a helpless pony from a bully isn’t pity. It’s doing what’s rightm”

“He’s right.”

Commer defended Comber’s reply. Bullet wanted to slap Commer, but resist edge urge to do so.

“What are they serving for lunch today?”

“I could careless.”

Comber replied. Bullet used his share eyes to zoom closer, is that?

“I think they are serving sandwiches, looks like pp&j, chicken, daisy or ham and cheese sandwiches.”

“He’s right.”

Nome replied with joy. He’s happy they aren’t serving the slop they normal do, which is guts of farm animals. He normally brings a lunch like the rest of Comber’s unit does, which just means Bullet since Comber doesn’t eat, but they all knew today was going to be a good serving.

“What would you like?”

“A daisy sandwich.”

Nome replied, hearing Bullet order a ham and cheese while Commer ordered pp&j.



The lunch mare turned to a co-worker, asking if a worker can even refuse a lunch to eat. They replied depends, but Comber is an expectation. He doesn’t have to order anything. The lunch mare turned to Comber with a smile.

“Alrighty then, you a great day my good hard working sir.”

Bullet wanted to laugh but kept it bottled up. She’s so formal, at a place like this; she’s new, must be. Comber, his unit and Nome walked out of the exit doors of the kitchen, sitting down at a table with their trays, besides Comber. Nome joined them, at the side of Comber. The table was big, red edges and was a rectangle made out of tiles that was black and white.

“So... Any plans after work?”

Bullet asked, trying to up the volume at the table. Comber kept his normal expression, using magic to feed himself nutrition. Seriously, why does he come to lunch if he doesn’t eat food? Nome smiled, he had a plan after work that involves Comber training and teaching him how to fight.”

“I have a plan.”

Nome happily replied to Bullet’s question. Bullet took a bite of his sandwich, looking up a Nome with a curious face.

“Comber’s going to train me to fight.”

“Oh... Comber taking a liking to a student. Expected since you are his best friend!”

Bullet replied, happy for Nome. Commer wondered if his was true. Comber isn’t the teacher type, that would be him.

“I can teach you the educational part of combat.”

Comber smirked at Commer.

“Educational you say...? What would you know about combat?”

Commer smiled, Bullet Hoof palmed. Why the Tartarus does Comber keep asking Commer questions. It’s like a button, don’t press it.

“Quite a lot actually. My experience in combat is very dim, but my intelligence will be my guide.”

Comber kept a smirk on his face. Intelligence being his guide? That’s what that colt in his chair under the wooden floor boards thought before Comber defeated him. In combat especially, the IQ of the fighters are the traits that matters. Comber crossed his front hooves, closing his eyes and sighing.

“Now yes Commer that would normally be true. You plan, you win. Now when it comes to hoof to hoof, yes IQ would matter, but when it comes in the from of battle IQ, that determines the IQ of the opponent.”

“Are you saying Intelligence don’t matter in battle?”

Comber chuckled.

“No. Not at all Commer, I’m saying if they for example was like you, but had no clue on how to propelled the force with a punch, while the other opponent does, then the person who had a bigger battle IQ would most likely win.

“To me it sounds like they are the same.”

Bullet chimed in, curious.

“They are. IQ contributes to battle IQ. Although they are different by a inch, they’re still IQ. IQ matters of the opponents too. I’m not saying it doesn’t because if I am, then I’m not a martial artist. IQ contributes to Battle IQ, I’m leaving it at that.”

“I assume that’s the first lesson you teach me Comber?”

None asked Comber with curiosity in his tone. Comber wanted to hoof palmed. He had a frown on his face.

“Now why would I make that a first lesson if I’m not your general education teacher? The battle part yes, I’ll teach you but the IQ you’re on your on buddy, I’m no teacher unless it’s martial arts.”

“Right, sorry.”

Nome apologize to Comber, not trying to offend his best friend. Comber saw the curtains behind his friends open very slowly.

“Turn around, seems like the announcement is about to start.”

The group turned around, seeing the rest of the cafeteria doing the same 1 by 1, some of the workers didn’t turn around, having to be reminded by their other co-workers to turn their attention to the stage and the curtains. A microphone was in the middle, to the left of the podium. They saw the leader swing in the air before grabbing his legs with his front hooves and spinning in a ball before landing on the wooden floor boards.

“How the buck did those floorboards not break?”

Commer asked thinking of possible solutions. He’s a big colt so his weight should’ve been enough to break it.

“Well maybe they had more under it or they are very very thick?”

Commer smiled.

“Yeah probably-!”

“They have iron under the floorboards.”

Comber horn glow faded. Did he?

“You have an X-ray spell!?”

“And if I do?”

“How, but, why-!”

“Well Bullet, it-!”

“I’m being dramatic, Commer...”

“Can we all stop the chit chatting!!”

The cafeteria decelerated the volume. All the workers in the cafeteria turning their attention to the leader, next to him was his right hoof killer Blade.

“I’m sure you are all aware of the police invasion. Because killers can’t be trusted, you can’t have mouths!!”

The leader remembered the authorities coming in, some traitor told them the location and their base of operation. This needs to be stopped. The cafeteria yelled in shock, asking what. They ain’t losing their mouths, just what the buck does the leader think he can do to their personal bodies? Ain’t bucking up their mentality enough?

“Hahaha! Just kidding, calm down!”

The cafeteria of workers was happy they get to keep their mouths; if he would, they-!

“Before I explain the reason of the announcement, a few workers have ranked up! Bill, number 250 is now 225! Grunter, number 210 is now 200! Tom! Number 350! Is number 321! Razor Slicer, Rank 5 is now rank 4!”

The leader continued on with the rest of the workers! Boulder Striker was shocked, turning to Razor Slicer, who sat next to him and Shot. His expression was priceless, his mouth open was adorable.

“But-but, how?”

“Well Boulder Striker, I guess you didn’t, make the cut.”

Razor Slicer laughed at Boulder Striker with joy, she finally proved to herself, as a mare, she’s worthy of being higher on the food chain. Boulder Striker wanted to throw a pebble at Razor Slicer. After hearing her giggle a little more, he reached into his bag, tossing a boulder at Razor Slicer, hitting her in the head, she stopped laughing, keeping a wide and open mouth shock expression.

“I never thought you were the bitter type.”

“I am. Besides when somepony keeps laughing and giggling about their glory.”

“Can’t a mare just be happy?”

Two colts behind her mentally said no, smirking after. Comber kept his attention on the leader with a intense expression. How many killers was their in this place, he recruited more didn’t he? That’s just great.

“And last literally, Cindy, rank 390 now 389.”

Comber smirked, only 40 more killer then he previous had last time Comber recalled. He expected more but this can still work if he plans the day to leave correctly. The leader took a deep breath before speaking again. How did he say all of those names and no take a big breath through the middle? He practices these speeches too much.

“Congratulations on the rank up fellow employees!”

“A funny logic is the lower your rank the higher, ironic isn’t it?”

Bullet smirked from Commer’s response.

“It is.”

“Now on to the announcement! As you all are aware of the traitors getting out of control!

The leader turned his face to Comber then back to the cafeteria. Comber knew what he meant by that look. He’s basically saying you know what I mean with the expression he gave.

“I want an end to that. Everytime there’s a traitor there’s a death of our team or once a team member. We shouldn’t kill ourselves, we should raise ourselves to be better!”

“Oh brother, he’s actually giving us a pep talk...”

“Shh. Bullet, you trying to get in trouble?”

“So until we do, I want this!”

The leader said with confidence. A body was lowered by a rope around the neck and rear hooves was roped down. It decayed a lot, with a heavy amount of necrosis seen in the flesh. Comber knew who that was, his father killed that mare not him. The part time assassin didn’t like the brutality used in the kill but he has to and knows it.

“This is a traitor, look at her now!”

As the leader said this the stomach fell out of the body, onto the floor, making a heavy squash sound. The stomach had acid leaking from it. Some killers thought that was disgusting. Nome couldn’t believe Comber did that to her, he’s know for taking care of the traitors. That’s too brutal, even for him.

“Comber, did, did you do that?”

Nome whispered to Comber, who looked at Nome with a serious expression.

“I tell you more about it later, shh...”


Nome whispered back to Comber. The audience saw Blade walked towards the body, stabbing his dagger in it, watching it burn, as the stomach on the ground did the same, this was similar to-!

“Hey, that technique Blade use.”

Bullet kept a good look at the body watching the air burn too, that wasn’t the air, what they buck is that technique!? Blade ain’t the only colt he saw use it, is he a killer from the organization far back!? No, he was never seen there.

“Let that be an example to those who think quitting is a great idea!”

The leader closely looked at everyone with a smirk, then Comber, giving the part time assassin a sinister smile. Comber shook from that smile, did he know, no, he couldn’t know. Comber had to calm himself down.

“Was the corpse needed for the point of the announcement during lunch?”

A colt sitting at the table closest to the stage asked the leader, who kept his smile.

“It was, and have you thought about leaving?”

The colt gulped, of course he had thoughts about leaving, who have not?

“N-no-! Not at all sir, I’m loyal down to the back bone of my spine!”

The colt put a hoof over his head, saluting the leader, the leader nodded. Blade walked back onto the stage, looking at everypony, already knowing who wants to leave and who doesn’t. Blade smirked.

“Well sir I can say this announcement is going quite well, but it’s time to instill them with fear. Allow me to pull a traitor I know down to their very soul.”

The leader looked at Blade, at first confused, but then realized, he won’t stop Blade from doing so. Blade teleported behind Comber. Comber was about to react, turning around and saw Blade grabbing another colt by the back of the head. He pulled on his mane, the colt yelled in pain, being dragged across the cafeteria, until he was on the stage. Many workers didn’t believe Blade knew that was a traitor. Blade threw him onto the stage. The colt got on his knees and looked at the leader, who wanted to forgive him, but saw blade stabbing his dagger into his back, using magic that slightly turned black to ripped the rib cages and lungs out still together, after lifting the killer by the neck, showing this to the cafeteria. Blade carved a hole through the intestines, looking at the killers through the big hole.

“I know who wants to leave, trust me, you ain’t hiding, you’re as clear as sight, so If I were you, I reconsider, otherwise I’ll find you later, and when I do!”

Blade slammed the colt’s head down, watching it explode with teeth and the tongue flying at the workers. Blade slowly moved his head up with a serious expression.

“I will kill you, and unlike this colt, it won’t be fast.”

Some of the workers shuttered, he doesn’t know how did he know, he murdered a loyal worker. Comber sense no deception from Blade, he smirked, so he guess he would have to fight Blade later on then. Comber’s a little accustomed on how Blade likes to fight, and last time Comber remember, he’s more physically stronger than Blade. Nome was about to finish his sandwich, but Comber grabbed the hoof that was holding it.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you Nome.”


Nome dropped the sandwich, the colt’s eye flew into it, and was looking directly at him, the eye moisture was dried, this is disgusting.


Comber replied back understanding what Nome feels, he knows his father may not mind eating that stuff but that’s nasty. He just a monster. Comber let go of Nome’s hoof with a default expression.

“So let that be an example what will happen to all the traitors out there! Excellent performance Blade!”

Blade walked to the right side of he leader, his expression returning back to default.

“This concludes the announcement, so you all better behave yourselves! I see you all Later!”

The curtains slowly closed, before the lights that was dim brighten back to it fullest. The chattering started again from table to table.

“So do you think Blade knows about your plan Comber?”

“Bullet asked Comber with concern and worry. Blade might come for him and Commer as well if he knows about Comber’s plan. Sometimes their unit manager says dumb things.”

“He does, I won’t lie to you, but if he really cares is the question. Either way, I’ll handle him if he does try to do anything rash.”

Comber spoke back, understanding the fear Commer and Bullet must be feeling. Nome thought Comber was nuts.

“So was Blade lying about that colt being the traitor Comber?”

Comber kept the grin on his face.

“No, that colt was a traitor I would’ve delt with if wasn’t for Blade doing so.”

“I must say, I pay attention to all details, and his magic changing from orange to black is a big one.

Bullet shot his mouth of lemonade onto the floor.

“Yeah I remember seeing that, but payed more attention to the killing happening. That’s not a coincidence, I-!


A colt body was flying, held by black magic.

“You don’t think I don’t know your plan, newbie?”

The body started burning, then the muscle, then the organs and bones, before nothing but the air burned. A shadow figured lowered at hoof.

“You all may leave now.”


Bullet, are you okay? You looked like you saw a demon. Bullet eyes was still in the flashback, his Irish shaking. He snapped back into reality. Remembering he’s not there anymore.

“Yeah sorry, just remembering. I guess it’s a spell.”

Comber closed his eyes and smirked.

“It is, I’m fixed up one similar, however it’s not finished yet.”

“So you learned how to make magic formulas?”

Comber smirked, he knows about some formulas, but weather or not his other form of magic can be carried over and fit in the formula.

“I do Commer, well, not as much I you would with just spells, I work on spells normally for combat.”
Commer smiled at Comber before taking a bite of his food again. He made sure to inspect first before taking a bite. He can’t believe his appetite would come back after that horrible murder on stage and what happened to Nome’s sandwhich. Bullet and Nome stared at each other, Bullet with a bored expression ready to ask Nome a question.

Pick up reading here Austin!!!

“So planning to have fun after work?”

Nome finished chewing and gulping his food down his throat, ready to reply to Bullet with a smile.

“Yup. I’m tired of being looked at as a push over, that’s why I’m training under Comber”

Bullet smirked.

“Carry a gun, ponies won’t push you over then if you get my drift.”

Comber shook his head with a no, before replying.

“If they are afraid then yes, but if they are a martial artist, and if they are close to you when you pull the gun, they could dishoof you of the weapon and use it.”

“Not if you shoot them first.”

Comber shook his head back and forth.

“You’re basically saying the opponent with the bigger muscles win, and you would be wrong if the other person as more fighting abilities and skills. You’ll lose.”

Bullet hated to admit it but Comber’s right, they could use magic to get the upper hoof and if not that, their speed to evade, although trying to run from his sharp shooting would be immensely hard. Bullet smirked. Nome payed attention to Comber with wide eyes. Is this a lesson he’s teaching right now? Or is Comber just proving a point to Bullet?

“As much as a hate to admit it Comber, you’re right. I remember seeing you do as you said the opponent could do to a pony holding a gun, and attempting to use it against you.”

Comber was happy to hear Bullet agree with him, however Bullet not that much wrong with his statement.

“Now Bullet you are right for let’s say you shoot the opponent, disabling them. Then yes even if they were a fighter it would be hard for them to recover from the wound quickly as well for then to move around especially if that fighter can’t deal with pain, which would be ironic. Safe to say guns are a powerful weapon if in the right hoofs; however don’t show it to your opponent if you’re in battle, the matter of fact don’t show your weapon to your opponent yet until you either have to by force or you find an opening to land a well thought decisive attack with it, defeating your opponent.”

Bullet smiled. He actually learned something from Comber that’s not a on job task.

“I see, so I should keep my gun not known to the opponent in battle and when they at least expect it, bang. I thought you were teaching Nome after work not me, hahaha.”

Comber chuckled. Bullet was a friend of his so why not?

“It’s not after work yet anyways, so I didn’t teach you after work Bullet.”

Comber had a humorous smile. Commer clapped.

“He’s right Bullet, it’s not after work Bullet.”

Bullet scoffed, Finishing the crumbs of his meal. Nome finished eating too.

“When’s the bell ringing?”

Commer was counting in his head.

“In about 5-4-3-2-1-!”

The lunch bell ring, startling some of the workers who wasn’t expecting it.

“Welp guess it’s time to leave.”

“Buck this place!”

“I want to play basketball with your small head!”

“Buck yeah, more gutting!”

The workers said running past the left and right side of Comber’s table. Comber had a wtb expression, his mouth open a little. What is wrong with these ponies.

“I’m sorry but did I just hear somepony want to-!”

Bullet started laughing. Tears in his eyes.

“With somepony’s head?”

Commer kept a normal expression, closing his eyes before replying.

“Yes, and it was apparently a tiny head. Don’t know if he was being metaphoric with that or the pony was stupid? You can’t play basketball ball with a pony’s head, a basket balls are made of leather and air as well as other materials that makes it different from a pony’s skull. A pony’s skull is made of bone, and filled with brains, which indefinitely will splatter on you if you did play basketball with it.”

Comber’s group and Nome got up from the table, standing tall. Nome and Bullet held their tray, Nome grabbed the rest of the table trays, holding them in a hoof, looking at Comber.

“Well I got to stay here, I be seeing you later Comber.”

“I assume you have to clean this mess up?”

“Yup, you know it...”

“Welp, I’ll leave you to that. Let’s go Bullet and Commer.”

Bullet wits was sharp, turning to Comber, fallowing him, Commer fallowing Bullet. Nome watched them leave the cafeteria. Nome started cleaning, he noticed more workers leaving, a group, luckily they weren’t going to try to force him to give some bits over, they seemed to talk about how much they hate this place. Nome wonder if he could get into that group, jokingly of course. Nome would carry on finish cleaning up the mess his supposed co-workers made. Comber’s unit was the cleanest of the tables; Comber’s unit was already at the front door of their unit, opening it with his key, them stepping in one at a time, Bullet shut the door, letting it slam with a metal bang.

“Well, we’re in the home stretch now.”

“Indeed we are.”

Bullet and Commer heard that voice, as well as Comber, that voice belongs to Blade. Comber turned to his right and saw Blade walked from the shadows in front of him into the light.

“So Comber did you notice I teleported behind you while in the cafeteria? How convenient for you to sit down back to back with another traitor? I know your plan Comber.”

“And so, go tell the leader it then Blade.”

“No. I figure I’ll-!”

Pick up reading here Austin!

Blade teleported behind Comber, Comber grabbed his knife, both colts swinging their weapons, stopping at each other necks. They both pulled their weapons back, staring at each other.

“I knew you didn’t intend to kill me, but just in case at the last moment, I pulled my weapon out, Blade. So why are you hear then Blade?”

Blade walked towards Comber, patting him on the right side of his neck, putting his dagger away.

“To warn you, and I know this unit is not under watchful eyes. So please Comber, don’t, If you do you would die, yes you’ll put up a great battle but in the end, the results will not be in your favor.”

Blade took his hoof off Comber, before walking towards the door, pasting Bullet and Commer who thought he might attempted to kill them next. His reaction speed is insane, they didn’t even think Comber would react that fast. Blade looked back at Comber, with a grin.

“Think about it friend.”

Blade opened the unit door and left. Comber walked to his desk and sat down, Commer and Bullet walked to their station. Commer and Bullet sat down in front of their desk, still recollecting the events that transpired. How did Blade know Comber’s plan to leave the organization? Was what he said he knew?

“Celestia, Blade is one vigilant person.”

“Yeah, If there’s no cameras, then how does he know?”

Comber sighed, he has an idea.

“Hypothetical what if Blade just teleported in on us after his tasks was completely to check up on how we were doing for the leader or just curiosity; maybe to see how fast his unit compared to us is or wanting to check up on his friend?”

Commer finished putting the lid on a tote full of intestines.

“Well... I say Comber’s right.”

“You both know I heard they were working on magic Camera for police.”

Comber chuckled. Him and Commer talking at the same time.

“And you know that would drain your stamina right?”

Bullet smirked remembering what a god can do with magic.

“Now what if...”

Bullet ripped a heart out of a filly, putting it in a small tote. Comber looked up at the wrong time, he’s ignoring that. Sadly somepony in this unit would have to do it otherwise they’ll all pay the price.

“Blade’s a god?”

Bullet finished putting the rest of the guts from the filly into the totes. Commer and Comber looked at each other from across their desk. Comber still putting the task papers into a pile, into a small open paper container, Comber smirked at Bullet.

“You think Blade’s a god?”

Comber and Commer said together, before laughing a small amount. Bullet was annoyed they think he was joking, he pulled a rib apart and looked at Commer, point the broken rib at him in anger.

“I’m serious guys!”

Bullet said with annoyance and anger. He throwing the rib into the garbage can with great accuracy, watching it bounce off and hitting the ceiling, then landing on a side into the trashcan, all of that was intentional, since if it went into the trashcan vertically down, it would stab a hole through the trashbag.

“Alrighty Bullet, you believe what you want to and we believe what we want to.”

Commer said, speaking for Comber who nodded Commer, finishing his last task paper.

“Comber stamped and stabled the papers, continuing this for awhile, after he was done, he walked towards the mailbox for his unit that was on the left side of the entrance door. Comber put the papers into the mailbox, walking towards Bullet, curious to see how much work he’s done. The part time assassin peeked over his shoulder, seeing him napping. Comber tapped Bullet on the shoulder, starling him awake, he looked at Comber with startled expression. Comber smirked, was he napping on the job?

“Did you get all of your work done buddy?”

Bullet chuckled.

“Of course Comber, you have any other assignments for me or should I play creates and shoots?”

Comber chuckled, before his expression turn kinda serious.

“I’m glad you finish your work, and no, you may not play creates and shoots; otherwise I be shooting you into a create.”

Bullet got up, looking at Comber directly with a serious expression.

“Then find me sometime to do damnit!”

“Hey Bullet, come over here, I have something for you to do!”

Commer said, holding a test tube, Comber wondered where did he even get that, did he bring it, must’ve since the organization scientist are only certified to hold onto those. Bullet walked towards Commer’s desk, walking behind it and over Commer right side.


“Hold onto this please.”

Commer aske with a smile. Bullet did that, looking closer at the liquid, that’s blood, but what is he testing?

“Here, put this on the top of it.”

Commer hoofed a funnel to Bullet, he did what was asked. That’s a perfect fit, after he was directed to squirt it onto the piece of white paper, he did, only squirting a ml of blood onto the sheet. Commer pulled out a microscope. Comber saw this all happen. They’re not in school so why are they doing a lab experiment? Commer was always the nerd so that explains it. Comber walked over to them. Watching from over the desk.

“Alright, now...”

Commer closed an eye while putting a drop of green liquid on it. Bullet knew what that was, that’s venom, snake venom. What did he just find a snake in his back yard? Commer saw the blood cells seem to turn green before breaking apart, before bursting. He wrote down the experiment, after, he took another blood tube, making Bullet hold it and squirt it down on another piece of paper, after, putting a drop of Venom on the blood, watching it do the same again.

“I must say, Blood type O+ and O- performed the same against this snake venom.”

Comber smirked.

“Snake Venom, aren’t we supposed to be working?”

Commer smiled at Comber.

“I’m finished my tasks Comber.”

Comber knew they weren’t lying. Welp guess it’s about time finally time to take the two large wooden supply creates down stairs.

“Welp guess I’ll take the two wooden creates of production downstairs to the storage room. I see you both very soon.”

Comber told his co-workers, walking to the cooler in the unit, opening it and grabbing one of the creates, picking it up and putting it on his back, shutting the cooler door.

“Commer make sure Bullet behaves.”

Comber smirked telling Commer this. Bullet didn’t like to be treated like a filly, but whatever, sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt you. Comber started walking towards the unit door, opening it and then leaving with the create on his back, he walked down the stairs, a little worried.

(”Hopefully some worker try to push me down these blasted stairs like they attempted to do before.”)

Comber kept walking, reaching the bottom of the stairs and walking into the storage room, the create still on his back, Comber used his magic to open his unit production door, walking to the left all the way to the end with the create, sitting the create down gentle, it was to the left of the positive O blood guts create; the create he brought down was negative O blood. Comber walked out of the storage room, shutting the door, notice other managers are doing the same. Comber saw the same worker he saw earlier, why is that unit’s manager letting his employees take the unit’s production down? They’re not supposed to. He approached Comber who turned to his right and out of the storage room.

(”I’m not chatting again with him.”)

Comber told himself, know he’ll get annoyed if he chats again. Some part of him wanted to tell the Granfer about this but shrugged it off; none of his business so as long as he fallows the rules until the time comes to break them. Comber walked back upstairs, hearing more chatting in the cafeteria. Comber thought you to himself, didn’t they already eat? Maybe it’s the 6th and 7th floor that were separate from the announcement. Comber was able to confirm this after hearing Granfer speaking again into the microphone. Comber opened his unit door. As he walked into his unit, he saw a colt tied up, what seems to be like he was capture by the devious vendors.

“What the buck is this?”

“Yeah, we forgot to mention there’s 1 more task, and we can’t do it, the description is for you to punch a hole through his chest.”

Comber face was that of a puzzled pony. Granfer sometimes can be annoying. Comber walked slowly towards the colt who’s mouth was muffled, his resistance was shown in the straps binding him, and the loud muffles he made, when he was able to see Comber, his eyes bulge. He was trying to say, no not him but the voice was unintelligible. Comber stopped in front of the brown colt. Comber turned his viewed up, seeing a horn cut off. This disturbed Comber, they couldn’t have at least let him die as his own species, he understood why they did it though; if he knew how to teleport then yeah keeping his horn would be a probably a problem, or he could use magic as an offensive method. Maybe even a skill to cancel magic? The vendor workers are morons.

“Don’t know who you once were, but know it’s time to rest easy.”

Comber scooted to his right hoof back, getting into his stance, a hoof pulled back, he focus all his energy into his right hoof, ready to punch with all his might. He thrusted his hoof forward, turning to his left as he punched forward. Commer and Bullet almost couldn’t believe can do that. Comber with a calm expression pulled back, ripping an organ out. It was the heart that still beat in Comber’s hooves.

“So the heart can still beat”

Bullet asked, Commer smirked.

“That’s because the SA node sends the impulse down the AV node and Purkinje fibres that spread out across the cardiac musculature. In short terms the heart as it’s own electrical system, therefore unlike the other organs, can survive as long as it still as enough oxygen.”

Bullet was confused, what the heck are Purkinje fibers? Maybe the fibers of the heart? This is a lot of information to take in at once when you don’t know what all of those things are. He’s not asking anymore questions, as he understands the heart has it’s own way of beating and that’s all he needs to know. Comber walked over to the icebox on the left table, opening the foam lid, putting the heart in with the ice then shutting it. The colt’s head was down, he’s dead, welp, Bullet knows what to do. Comber checked the note paper again, reading it’s components. So the other organs can’t be sold? But why? Maybe they received to much damaged? Well the leader’s request is first. Welp Comber knew what to do or in this case, say.

“Get rid of the body Bullet.”

Comber calmly told Bullet, shaking the blood off his hooves and face. Now he’s going to need to wash his cape once again. He’s surprised none got in his mane. Bullet walked towards the body, relaxing the straps and pulling the corpse down, intestines fell onto the floor and nearly into Bullet’s mouth.

“This is disgusting.”

Comber was glad he didn’t have to dispose of the body, but he felt like he was forgetting something.

(”Oh yeah those bucking units wants to kill me after work. Well since I have permission to kill them. I will”)

Comber was busy thinking, Commer watch Bullet leave the room, into the trash room, hearing shredding, crunching and splattering.

(”I still can’t believe we throw victims who aren’t valuable away as trash to be deposed of.”)

Commer seen the ice box still out on Bullet’s desk. Is Comber-!?

“Um... Comber, you left the ice box out.”

Comber turned around, receiving Commer warning. Comber walked towards the mini ice box picking it up; walking towards the freezer and putting it on the metal rack to the left side. Then shutting the door to the freezer behind him. He saw Bullet to his left dripping with blood.

“Well.... Are you happy?”


Comber chuckled. Bullet saw Commer’s eyes, he wanted him to fallow the clean protocol. Bullet looked around for the shower and drain, finding it, turning it on and using it. Great now there’s a bloody pool. Comber walked towards the unit’s paper towels; grabbing 12 of them and cleaning up the blood pool Bullet made. Comber turned to Commer after throwing the bloody paper towels away

“Well Commer anything else?”

Commer smirked. Remember reading the task papers. He has a photographic and repetitive memory.

“Nope, Mine and Bullet’s task are done.”

“Then I’m taking the final create down stairs, I’ll be back.”

Comber said, walking towards the exit door. Bullet walked out of he shower with a dripping main and tail. He had a frown.

“Well happy Commer, I know that look you were giving me.”

Commer laughed. He was glad Bullet got the hint this time. Bullet saw Comber walked out of the unit, he turned his eyes to the left of him, seeing the big wooden create gone.

“Comber always takes the creates down.”

Commer smirked.

“He does as he’s the only pony to our unit who is trust and have this unit’s storage room key.”

Bullet didn’t like the way Commer said that; was he implying he’s bad at keeping things secure and that he loses things?

Comber felt the containers inside move back and forth, the slime feeling you could feel would disturb other ponies but Comber not at all. Comber finished walking down the steps. He heard commotion behind him to the right; he turned his head behind his shoulder, looking at all the workers running at him. At first he thought they were all going to ambush him because of the bloodlust, but saw most of them run upstairs and the other run past him and into their units. Comber felt an elbow to his left side, seeing a pony running past him and happy looking back at him; well if that was an attack that barely felt like a slap.

(”A bunch of hideholes.”)

Comber walked with the create, heading towards the storage room, walking in and then to the left. Comber used his magic to grab the key, unlocking his unit’s production room. The part time assassin walked into the room, seeing lights turn on. Comber walked to the left side, putting the create down, walking out of the production room, putting a hoof on the handle, ready to close it. A hoof grabbed Comber’s, Comber wasn’t stupid, he still shut the production room door. He turned around to see a punch thrown at him, Comber blocked the punch, grabbing the other hoof with a knife trying to stab him. What the buck is going on? Comber twisted the hoof, having it in a hoof lock, before flipping the colt face down onto the ground.

“Hey just what the buck is your problem?”

“Hoof over the keys short stuff.”

Comber turned around to see a big colt standing there, he was black with a scar on his left eye that was green. Comber smirked.

“How about...-!”

Comber punched the big colt across his face, sending him flying at unit’s 40 production room.

“Why you bucking!”

The colt with a blue mane punched Comber in the face, Comber grabbed the punched and punched the colt in the face, then using the shaft of his hoof to attack the colt, hitting him multiple times in the face. Comber felt his hooves get grabbed from the bottom, it had to be the first colt.

“Beat him to pulp!”

“With pleasure!”

Comber heard the big colt running back yelling. Comber quickly used a back hoof to kick the first colt on the face, then the colt in front of him was punched in the face. This is clearly a unit that wants to be lazy, or they want to finally see Comber get in trouble? Comber smirked, grabbing the colt by the vertebrae of his neck and throwing him at the colt on the ground, he heard grunts, turning back to his front and being tackled by the big colt.

“Not so tuff now are you shirt stuff!?”

The big colt punched Comber in the face, snatched the key, and ripped off Comber’s cape.

(”That’s it!”)

Comber was angry. He slowly got up, with the colt’s hooves around his neck, quickly removing them, punching him across the face from both sides, then grabbing his face and kneeing him in it, still keeping his hooves on the big colt head. Comber used his magic on the knife that was dropped, Comber saw blue magic on the handle. He quickly cancled his magic.

“Celestial cancel.”

Comber used his magic again, grabbing the knife and stabbing the colt that was getting back up in the rear hoof, ripping the knife from the hoof, knowing he cut the tendon with the knife, Comber left the knife there on the ground, walking towards the leader which was the big colt and picking him up by the neck, making him face him.

“Never attempt to rob me ever again-!”

Comber eye turned to the bottom of his check. He just spit on him!? Comber’s face turned to an agitated one. He walked the colt over to the metal wall, the right of his unit’s production; with no hesitation, slamming the big colt against it, punching him multiple times in the face, knocking some teeth out. He occasionally punched him in the chest and stomach, fallowing a punch to the liver, then stomach again, causing the colt to gasp out for air. Comber wasn’t letting up though. Breaking the colt’s nose before he was done. Comber had a devious expression. He grabbed the colt by the neck again and jumped 10 hooves in the air throwing him down.

“The bigger they are the harder they fall!”

Comber yelled, landing back on his front hooves squatting down then standing back up on all four hooves. The part time assassin walked to his cape, tying it back on his neck after picking it up, he turned to the other colt who was still standing, his expression was fright. Comber slowly walked towards him, teleporting to the left side of the colt who’s behind was against the door of Comber’s unit production room. Comber patted the frightening colt on the left side of his neck.

“You’re butt is touching my door of my unit’s production room.”

The colt quickly moved off of the door facing Comber who had a blank expression.

“I’m sorry sir.”

Comber felt a little bad for the colt, looking down, seeing the other two colts unconscious.

“Well, I going to assume they influenced you. I feel bad you are in such a bad unit so please, never agree and try to rob me again.”

The petrified colt eye widen how did Comber know?

“Wait how do you know that!?”

Comber who was walking away turned with a smirk on his face.

“Your unit co-workers are unconscious, so when’s a better one to act who you’re truly are when they are not able to know just to save your own hide.”

“No, that’s-!”

The colt shut up realizing Comber’s isn’t wrong at all, he was attempting to save his hide by apologizing. Comber still felt bad, so he gave the colt a smile.

“Tell them you tried your best, and make it look like you did, alright, buddy?”

The colt still afraid of Comber looked at him with a happy face.

“Yes, thank you for your mercy sir?”

Comber walked to the right, walking for awhile until he exited the production room in general, he then turned his attention to the stairs and started walking towards them.

(”These workers are pathetic.”)

Comber felt anger brew in him; how dare the other workers look down on him because of his size. They seem to think they can take his rank by beating him. That’s not going to happen at all. That’s not how you achieve a high rank morons. You do by your experience and skill. Comber walked up the stairs, walking towards his unit and opening the entrance door. He saw Bullet napping and Commer face in his desk with paper under it, paper sheets more like it, and testing more blood with other types of substances, most likely poison. Comber shut the door waking up Bullet who frantically woke up.

“Huh, what, I wasn’t napping.”

Comber wanted to laugh but Commer already was.

“I’m pretty sure snoring counts as sleeping, you should blow your nose Bullet.”

Commer told Bullet who really did need to blow his nose. Bullet grabbed a tissue from a box that had razor blade art on it and a pony screaming to the right, blowing his nose, feeling the relief of an unstuffy nose.

“Anyway Comber what took so long?”

Comber walked to his desk, sitting down with a normal expression.

“A unit try to take my keys to our unit’s production and rob us.”

Commer thought about why they would attempt to rob somepony else’s work. It’s not like they are completing anything.

“I don’t even know why Comber.”

Bullet sighed with disbelief. Commer smirked. He knew why.

“Well if envy is anything then it would be that unit. They probably wanted to rob you because of your rank, bring you down and make you look bad in front of the leader with our unit production, make our rank go down-!”

Bullet chuckled.

“You mean up?”

Commer had a tiny amount of annoyance on his face.

“Depends how you look at it Bullet. Now what I was saying. They wanted to basically sabotage our unit.”

Comber stamped four papers before replying.

“Or they just hate me, but yeah I see you are more accurate.”

Commer smiled, he always like complements from Comber, especially since him and himself almost think alike besides he more on the battle side while he’s on the scientific side. Commer kept at his experiments. Comber wondered what he was doing but already guess. He’s writing down venoms and what they do to your cells, both on the outside and internally. Well at least he’s learning something unlike Bullet who sleeping, unless he’s in a school class in the dream. Comber giggled at the thought of dreaming being in class. That’s probably more boring unless it’s martial arts, then it’s more physical and fun, gym could be fun too, but martial arts is to improve your skill in combat, as well as get exercise, gym is more based on exercise.

“So what are you doing after work Commer?”

Bullet turned his head on his desk, he was bored and half awake.

“Probably go home and make sure my house looks spotless, then study more forensics.”

Bullet was now fully awake and with as smile. He lifted his head from the table, still keeping his glare on Commer.

“Well what you learn so far my friend in forensics?”

Commer laughed with a smirk.

“I know that there’s a lot of criminals to arrest. For starters we have a manager who’s on the police radar.”

Comber stamped the last paper, feeling satisfied his work was now complete. He heard Commer, he wanted to laugh but smirked instead. The part time assassin put the papers he stamped with approval into a plastic small rack meant only for papers of this importance. Comber turned his attention to the two co-workers.

“If you two are thinking about bringing me to justice, my friends, especially Bullet should bring yourselves to justice otherwise wouldn’t that not be hypocrisy?”

Bullet hoof palm, stop asking questions.

“Why yes Comber you are right, but we wouldn’t be able to save ponies lives if we did. Additional I believe Celestia would pardon us of our crimes as she knows we have no choice, we are all force to work here and you know that. Your soul can’t be stained with a deadly sin if your force to do it; there’s no full consent.”

Bullet for a moment thought Commer was a priest. He’s speaking religion, what?”

“I didn’t know you were a priest Commer?”

Commer giggled.

“I’m not my friend and hopefully future partner.”

Bullet mentally said Tartarus no. He’s not working with Commer, no, nope.

“You have a good point there Commer. However to point out it seems Bullet likes doing his dirty job.”

“Buck no Comber and you speak I’m a monster then? What the buck did you do to that mare that was a traitor we saw in the cafeteria!?”

Comber who now remembering the events that his father did, clinched a hoof, putting the hoof on his desk with a agitated expression, one eye closed.

“That wasn’t me Bullet.”

Comber said with intensity in his tone. Bullet didn’t lose his composure. Who was it then he wondered? Comber’s probably lying and it’s no doubt in a place like this.

“Are you trying to fool me Comber because I’ve seen your bad side and I must say you almost as ruthless as your father is.”

Comber expression turned from serious to anger; he doesn’t like being blame for something he knows he didn’t do, especially something his father did. He’ll take no credit.

“Bullet I swear to Celestia that I did not do that, my father decided to step in.”

Bullet and Commer was shocked. Wait Comber’s father is still around and about? But why did he kill a traitor Comber was supposed to? Did Comber fail to defeat the traitor so his father step in?

“Your father is still about!? Wait why did he show up to a traitor you were supposed to kill Comber?”

Comber tapped the desk, a little anxious. Why was he a little anxious he thought? Was it the slander he was getting or was it the fear? Why is there fear? None of these emotions make sense. Comber took a deep breath in, closed his eyes, reopening them and staring at Bullet then Commer.

“I don’t know why he was there he just was. Truth be told he killed the mare because I wasn’t going to kill her.”

Commer was shocked, Bullet was as well but decided to try to explain a joking reason why he would spare the mare.

“Looks like you found a mare friend Comber and your father did not approved.”

Bullet laughed loudly, stopping with tears in his eyes. The once laughing colt cleared his eyes of tears, he saw Comber and Commer staring at him with expressions asking if he’s done. Bullet grew a grin.

“Oh come on tell me you didn’t think about it Commer too.”

Commer shook his head with a no. Comber didn’t know what he was talking about, well he knew what he meant but didn’t understand the feelings and romance normal ponies would.

“Bullet she was not a friend but a victim of this evil establishment. I work alone and you know that Bullet. I simply wanted to spare her for how upfront she was and scared to die. All she ever did was aid and grow plants in her house, probably more than that but what I could tell, that was indefinitely her talent.”

Bullet couldn’t believe Comber even had mercy in him. He thought being rank 2 of a place that is nothing but ruthless, brutality and evil you would have no shred of mercy in you but apparently Comber does. Wait he remembers him saying he was going to let them escape with him does that show a form of mercy? Just what type of colt is Comber?

“Well I thought you were always a cold heart killer Comber that only obeys until today. Guess a lot changed Comber?”

Bullet said with a sarcastic tone. Commer smiled as Comber smirked.

“A lot changes everyday my friend and big changes are still in the air.”

Comber replied with a normal tone to bullet.

“That’s right and as long there’s change there’s science.”

Commer chimed in with Comber. Bullet got annoyed from Commer but let it go. He turned his attention back to his desk, putting the paper on it in the clear yellow folder to his right before looking back at his co-workers.

“Additional to proof Comber change was him throwing the colt who was beating on a helpless mare into the cafeteria instead as before brutality beating them and breaking their limbs.”

Bullet wanted to slap Commer. Is he really Comber’s true friend? That’s like the hero and the monster together. Does he really think they believe he didn’t do that to that poor mare shown in the cafeteria?

“Fine Commer I seen your point. How long have you two been friends?”

“We’re n-!”

Comber was about to speak before being cut off by Commer.

“Since we’ve been in high school. I was in his chemistry class. He wasn’t really good at chemistry.”

Comber felt a tiny bit of annoyance. Chemistry class was a pain. Too many elements and don’t get me started on the subatomic particles. That’s all pointless to his side of work as of now. Bullet chuckled.

“Neither was I and to be blunt. Most of the class teaches you useless information. Why in Celestia do we need to learn the subatomic particles?”

Bullet quickly put a hoof over his mouth. Holy Celestia he just asked Commer a question. Commer smiled, fixing his glass which gave a silver glare.

“Well my friend I tell you it simply. Atoms are made of subatomic particles and we are all made of atoms. To be short the matter of the atom, the blocks that piece the atoms together is the subatomic particles. The structure of the atom makes up the blocks or thing or item the atoms makes up. In short, the subatomic particles are very important and can determine if the atom is a Ion or not.”

Comber smirked. Important he says, he remembers hearing that phase being used by his chemistry teacher a ton.

“So is it possible to break down the atoms in the structures themselves?”

Bullet was shocked to hear yet again another question be asked for Commer to answer. Commer smirked with confidence.

“Well according to the law of conservation of energy. No. However I’m almost certain a magic spell could just erase them if brewed and steered, although such a spell would be extremely hard to contain has well to be made, since going against the laws of conservation of energy.”

Bullet didn’t think atoms cold be destroy, I mean he just said they can’t then said they could, and even if you could, splitting an atom causes an explosion doesn’t it? What is he truly saying, can you destroy atoms or not? Comber was thinking of a spell that could do just what Commer said. It’s going to take a lot of trail and errors but if he could get it then he could literally erase a pony from existence, killing them no matter what. That’ll be something to practice when he gets home. What’s important right now is they all need to check their work.

“Make sure you both check your work, review it.”

Comber said with a professional tone. Bullet and Commer counted their papers, Bullet opened his totes with the guts in it, pulling one and counting them all.

(”Bullet you’re a fool if you think you can accurately count when they are all together like that?”)

Commer thought to himself, he watch as Bullet put the lid back on the plastic tote. Bullet smirked, picking the tote up slowly, putting it on his back and walking to the cooler, putting it into a create for that specific type of blood, after walking out of the cooler a little cold from the sudden change in environment.

“My work is A okay. What about yours Commer?”

Commer added a drop into the cylinder filled of liquid slowly, then turned his attention to Bullet.

“My work is already finished, and I organized it unlike a certain co-worker.”

Bullet chuckled.

“You mean manager, right? Comber?”

Comber turned his attention to where he’s name was called. He kept his grim expression.

“Um... No Bullet, I’m almost certain he’s talking about you.”

Bullet turned to Commer who was whistling. That means Comber was right.

“Why must you both always find something I do incorrect then correct it?”

Commer chuckled. Comber checked his papers, satisfied with the work done, smiling, then turning his head back up to Bullet.

“That’s because you do things incorrectly or in a unorganized way.”

Comber and Commer said together. They looked at each other asking themselves did they literally just say the same sentence. Wow they can’t be wrong if you’re using physiology. Bullet felt a tiny amount of agitation brewing, he took a sigh before replying.

“Ha! You both are bullies and you know it.”

Comber heard hooves approaching the outside of the door. Comber slowly got up, watching the door open, did Bullet... No he left the door unlocked. A certain recognizable colt walked in with a cart that was black with a red bag, the bag size was 50×100.

“Well Nome, what brings you here? I didn’t call for you for a mess.”

Nome felt insulted by his best friend but let it go, after all the only reason he should be in units is to clean up a mess or rarely helping them with work.

“To be honest I’m just stopping by, checking up on my friend Comber. Since apparently you know if I’m lying Comber, I told you the truth. Do you happen to have any small messes for me to clean up?”

Comber turned his head, reviewing his unit’s environment, then looking back at Nome with a smile.

“I actually do, could you scrub the wall down Nome?”

Nome put a hoof over his forehead, saluting Comber before grabbing his sponge and power cleaner spray. He started at the walls by the windows, first in between them and then on the sides, viewing them down to make sure not to mess a single spec of dirt or dust. The there was quite a lot of dirt and dust on the sponge, Nome walked to the cart he walked in, pushing it by the back side closer to the windows, putting the sponge in the mop bucket to the left and cleaning it by squeezing it. He then started again on the walls, being watched by Comber and the unit’s co-workers. He turned his head back to the walls, wiping them clean. Bullet smirked.

“He’s truly a best friend Comber if he comes here on his own terms to check on you when he’s finished his work.”

Bullet told Comber who smirked. Bullet was right, Nome smiled into the window, seeing his reflection. He had a great smile. He wiped the window ledges. After Nome was done wiping that side of the room he went back to his cart and grab a cleaner for glass, grabbing the blue liquid spray bottle and walking towards the windows, where he sprayed them 11 times. After wiping them with a yellow sponge. He watched as the windows went from foggy to clear. He felt satisfied for some reason. Is it him helping his friend or his work? Maybe both? Nome walked towards the cart again, pushing it towards the door that he entered from.

“Well, if you have any messes Comber that are in your house, you can always call Nome to do it.”

Comber slowly looked at bullet with a concern face. Does he looked like the messy type?

“Bullet, no, that’s taking advantage of a friendship, but not only that, that’s using him, not treating him as he’s a friend. And time I don’t make messes and not clean them.”

Commer was about to chime in but was cut off from Bullet. Comber sat down in his chair, spinning fastly 3 times.

“Hey, that’s not what I meant! You can ask him if he can clean your wall or house if you payed him. Which wouldn’t training him be paying him?”

Comber scoffed at Bullet before walking towards him, bending over a tiny bit, grabbing the totes with his teeth before walking away into the cooler and putting it in the wooden type for blood A negative. He then walked out of the cooler for a shine from the door knob giving him a little shine in the eyes. He walked through it and back to Bullet with his normal expression.

“No Bullet. I’m not training him for some type of payment-!”

“You’re doing it as you’re his friend.”

Commer chimed in.

“Bullet you really don’t know Comber at all. He’s not doing it for me because just I’m his best friend, it’s because I’m done with not knowing how to fight and defend myself against the bullies in this place.”

Nome said with a closed eye smile. Bullet chucked. Nome has bullies?

“You means co-workers?”


“Well ain’t that the damn truth.”

Bullet and Nome laughed. Nome finished wiping the the wall, now all he has to do was the one with the cooler.

“By the way Comber, I wiped some of the creates I noticed that had blood on them.”

Commer put a cork on the tubes, before putting back in his back with his microscope. He then put his jaw on his hooves on his desk that was clear, clean and empty.

“Thank you for that Nome.”

“Yeah thanks to Bullet that’s not uncommon for blood to be on the exterior of the creates.”

“Shut up Commer.”

Bullet replied. He was just curing his boredom, what else should he do, test venom on blood types like Commer? Nome finished cleaning the last wall, as well as the exterior of the cooler and handle. He was surprised; far back to the right of the cooler there was a freezer, he knows what a freezer is for but why do they have a freezer? Ain’t only you are allowed to store organs in coolers?

“Well if you’re that bored Bullet? You should try mediation.”

Commer started clapping his hooves with a smile on his face.

“My thoughts exactly Nome. Mediation would help with your spirit as well as mood and focus.”

“Shut up Commer! Nopony asked you.”

Commer saw Comber get up, using his head to look around. Comber was reviewing Nome’s work quality. The part time assassin smiled.

“Well you did a great job Nome. Thank you for polishing my unit.”

Nome smiled at Comber.

“It’s no problem Comber. Are you ready to go home.”

“I’m always ready to go home Nome. This place smells like hide. And no it’s not because you lack work effort it’s because of the work we do here.”

“Well ain’t that the truth. A body decomposing will smell disgusting because of multiple variables.”

Commer said to Nome and Comber. Comber knew this, that’s why he normally throws them in the dumpster. Nome walked to his cart, grabbing the air freshener off it and spraying it, walking around the entire unit. He knew he’s safe to spray the air freshener because all the guts and production was put away and done. Comber nose caught the smell, ah, the smell of roses are a great essence. This reminded Comber of his greenhouse he has back at his mansion. Bullet didn’t mind, although Nome could’ve sprayed something more potent like cotton or better yet, mint.

“Remember Nome, not to use too much of the air freshener, the more, the faster it spreads through the room, even one press will make it ways around the room. However that depends on how potent the smell is. Then you would need more sprays to equal that one smell.”

Nome chuckled.

“Well seems like you went nose blind to the smell. It was bad so therefore I did what you literally just said and sprayed a lot around the room for extra potency.”

(”I swear to Celestia if Nome becomes a Commer Jr. I’m going to cut his tongue off.”)

Bullet told himself with anger brewing in him. The smarty pants needs to stop. Those type of ponies explain things in a filly like manner as they seem to think the normal colts can’t understand them if they were told in a more sophisticated manner are very annoying. Comber walked towards the middle of the two tables where Commer and Bullet was. Nome walked back to his cart, putting the air freshener back on the top of it, the spot he grabbed it from. He turned around and faced Comber.

“Just a reminder to us workers that the day ends in about-!”

“In 1000-999-998-997-996...”

Comber turned to Commer who was still counting down. He had a really bro face expression.

“Sometimes Commer I want to slap you. Stop being so darn precise!”

Commer laughed, still counting down mentally. Nome opened the unit door, ready to make his exit.

“Well I catch you later Comber. I got to organize and put my cart back neatly otherwise-!”

“The managers won’t like it, you go on head Nome. See you in about-!”


Comber picked up a small piece of splinter and threw it at Commer.

“Stop it...”

Comber said Commer stopped, smirking before started to meditate. Nome pushed his cart out, making sure not to bump into the door. After he pushed it out, he slowly turned around and saw Comber with a grin, then a smirk. Nome shut the door. Comber’s facial expression return to normal. He could see Nome’s cart being pushed away, towards the left side of his unit’s door, then to the elevator, that beeped as usually.

“Well hope you’re ready to go home Commer!”

Bullet asked, feeling relief is about to come. Commer opened an eye, staring at Bullet with a smirk before closing his eye, continuing to mediate.

“This place is torture, glad today’s almost over.”

Comber walked around the unit managing anything out of place and order like creates, supplies, PPE, as well as chemicals. Why do they have chemicals? Oh well better keep them just in case they are needed later.

“Wow Bullet that’s hypocritical of you to say since you are the executioner.”

Bullet swear to Celestia if Commer keeps talking and being a smart hide he’s going to be the next victim.

“Well everything is in ship shape. Prepare to go home.”

“I’m simply tapping my hooves on the ground and waiting Comber.”

Comber looked over at Commer with a really expression. The part time assassin saw Commer on his back laying his head on his hoof, on the bag that was black and look to be a little rough. Bullet got up, walking over to Comber, who turned to bullet with a yes expression.

“So why did you join the organization?”

Comber smirked with a confused expression. He’s now just asking this.

“You now ask me after how long we as a unit worked together? Why now all of a sudden?”

“I would like to know too Bullet, since we have 399-398-397.”

“Stop! It!”

Bullet and Comber said together giving a firm stare at Commer who smiled with closed eyes.

“Alright, alright I’ll stop.”

(”Why does he count down the time when he knows the bell is the only cue to leaving this wicked place? So why not just wait for it?”)

Comber thought to himself, turning his attention back towards Bullet. He was somewhat wanting to tell them the truth. Really nopony here ever asks why a pony joins because it’s normally by force or the bits. Kinda both if you think very hard about it. Comber smirked at Bullet, why does Bullet work here?

“Why are you working here Bullet?”

Bullet shook for a moment but remembered an important piece of information. Not matter what, if he value his life, he can’t tell nopony.

“I would tell you but I simply can’t.”

Comber smirked, at first he thought Bullet was lying, but he truthfully wasn’t, although he could tell Comber, but fear he might die, but not from justice, from a entity. Comber didn’t understand what the entity was all he could see from the deception was purple eyes of a pony but nothing else, no body or nothing. That’s bizarre, his deception normally always works, is their a specific reason why it’s not now? Whatever.

“I see, you fear death from an unknown entity. Do you happen to know who that entity is?”

Bullet face went pale, the gray mane colt gulped, responding with a no.

“I see, well you asked me how I joined. Well Bullet, I didn’t on my own terms, when I was 15 my father enrolled me here. You might asked why? Since you are no different as you work here also, I can tell you. It was to make me tuff up. All it really done was anger me. All the workers here are not a challenge to me excluding the top 5 workers. They are all nothing but annoying bullies.”

Bullet listened to Comber, he agreed with Comber about the workers here, they are mostly bullies. Why his father enrolled him here, just why!? Couldn’t he teach Comber himself? Maybe he wanted to see how Comber performs with other colts and mares, or a more precise measurement, killers. Comber’s father is a monster, Bullet knows Coomber, and he knows that his rage must never be tested.

“So wait your father enrolled you here?”

Commer asked, causing Comber to turn to him. Comber’s expression was confusion.

“Yes. I just sa-!”

“He must be a really messed up father.”

Commer chimed in with a bored tone.

“Didn’t I tell you and Bullet that I wasn’t the one who broke that mare in two? That wasn’t me that was really my father.”

“Yes, yes you did tell us that, but I would’ve assume your father wasn’t as messed up as to enroll you into this filthy evil place.”

Bullet walked over to the right of Comber, staring at Commer with an intense look.

“He is, and trust me, he makes Comber look like a kitten.”

Comber turned to the right, slapping Bullet upside the head.

“Ow, wh-!”

“Shut-up! I don’t meow.”

Bullet took 4 hoof steps back to the northeast of the room.

“Well are you still cou-!”


(”Oh Celestia give me a break.”)

The bell rung throughout the entire organization. It’s that time of the day, freedom. Commer got up from his desk, grabbing his bag, walking aside Comber on the left, Bullet walked to Comber’s right side.

“You both know-!”

“Yes not to leave the unit until the stampede outside of the unit stops.”

“Precisely Bullet.”

Commer responded. Ah this feeling again, it’s like when the final bell at school rings. Fillies talking non stop as they ran down the hallways, ah those was the days. The sound of hooves halted. Bullet opened the door, seeing two pegasus fall down on top of each other in front of the unit doorway, before rolling off the ledge, flying hugging each other, it was a blue and white pegasus, the white pegasus had a pink mane and blue had a dark blue coat and red and black swirls in the mane. Wait a Celestia moment, those was the same pegasus who flew down kissing earlier. What the buck are they doing now? Taking a hoof step farther?


Commer laughed seeing the whole incident play out. Bullet bit his lip, he’s not laughing. A loud bang and moaning was heart from the first floor. Bullet laughed, that what they get, also it sounds wrong from the actions they just seen them doing. The leader walked out of his office, watching workers leave through the front doors, the sun shimmering over all of them. He looked down in front of him seeing a white pegasus and a blue pegasus on top of each other.


(”What the buck!?”)

“What in Death’s name are you two doing! Get out of here before I have you both killed!”

The pegasuses eyes shoot opened as they saw the leader’s furious eyes. What? They can’t kiss? What a moment, they looked down at each other, wait this looks like they are having-!


“It’s not what it looks like!”

They two pegasus quickly stood up and ran to the exit doors, afraid they were going to get in trouble or even worst, receive death. The leader looked up the stairs watching Bullet, Commer and Comber walk down. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the leader waited for them in front of the last stair.

“How’s it going sir?”

Bullet asked, the leader smirked. The three colts finally down to the first floor.

“It’s going good. Besides witnessing a couple of love birds.”

“Yeah they did that flying in circles earlier, it was hilarious.”

“The word (hilarious) isn’t the word I’ll use Bullet. It’s simply forbidden in this place.”

“I understand sir.”

“I assuming there’s a reason why you waited for us specifically?”

Comber asked with a dull tone. Commer and Bullet worried Blade snitched on them, but they were far wrong. The leader smiled.

“I waited here to remind Comber of trouble that could be heading his way. You two are free to go.”

Bullet and Commer was relieved Blade didn’t snitch on them. They started walking towards the open doors, eventually out it. The leader refocus his attention back on Comber with a smirk.

“So Comber, you better not die on me tonight. I have faith in you. Show those workers who’s boss. Not them, but you.”

Comber deviously smirked at the leader. He extended a hoof. Granfer was a little confused, but a wicked smile came across his face, he understood Comber completely.

“I intend to and ain’t you the boss, not me? Hahaha!”

Granfer chuckled. The leader grabbed and shook Comber’s hoof. After he used his magic blast to search the organization. He sighed, he knew Blade would still be around, sometimes he swear that colt is more sneaker than the highest of assassins.

“Have a great day sir, see you tomorrow.”

“Well, you are very confident!”

“I’m not afraid of no good killer bullies.”

“Glad to hear, now you shall have a good day, and remember if you fail, you’ll pay with your life.”

Granfer gave Comber a serious glare. Comber didn’t shake or nothing, he just kept his normal expression, before turning around and walking towards the front doors of the organization. Granfer watched as Comber left, closing the doors behind him.

“I didn’t tell him to close the-! Oh well.”

“So Comber still have problems with co-workers?”

Granfer turned to the voice, seeing Blade, almost bumping into his face. Granfer was startled but remained calmed.

“I swear Blade you’re more sneaky then an assassin.”

“You mean the highest of assassin’s?”

“So you heard that Blade, well yes, yes you are. You have great hearing.”

“I’ve been told. You have no idea.”

“So why are you still here?”

Blade chuckled.

“I’m just listening on yours and Comber’s conversation. If I’m to judge. Comber’s going to make quick work of those units, none of them are lower than ranks 150-!”

“Nope, you mean higher right?”

“Holy Celestia, sir we both know lower means higher.”

Granfer smirked at Blade.

“Well that’s an antonym.”

Blade grunted, moving his face closer towards the leader with a serious expression.

“Oh I know, just messing with you Blade.”

Blade pulled his face back from the leaders, his expression changing back to normal. Blade chucked with a smile before responding.

“Y’know not to mess with (me,) I’m not a joking colt like the other low ranks.”

“Yeah no kidding. Would it festered your soul if you did?”

Blade grin was the answer Granfer needed.

“You can leave now Blade. I hope the end of your day goes smoothly and well.”

Blade smirked.

“I intend on it being.”


“Saw you talking to the leader Granfer? What happen? Was your secret plan discovered?”

Comber closed his eyes in annoyance, then reopened them with a calm expression.

“No, and it’s not much of a secret if you know and so does my unit.”

Nome laughed. Comber did have a point.

“The only pony the secret is being kept from is the leader and the rest of the killers in the filthy place, and of course you know why.”

“Yes, completely.”

“So how was work today?”

Nome remember the messes he cleaned, someone took a dump in the urinal, the first one when you come into the bathroom. Besides that, the usual.

“Besides somepony pooping into the urinal, the first one in the bathroom, then I guess pretty much the same, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the time to visit your unit.”

Comber smirked, he was glad Nome came to his unit today and cleaned it, Commer was especially happy, now he could do more experiments; Comber would’ve helped Commer clean anyway, so it would’ve been fast; too bad magic spells for cleaning are prohibited.

“Yes and thanks a ton for that Nome, very much appreciated. You still coming over for lessons?”

“I wouldn’t have made it a plan Comber and mentioned it to your unit workers if I wouldn’t stick to my word.”

Comber and Nome entered Flustered Town, this place smell is always nostalgic for the both of them when coming back from work. Comber and Nome arrived from the north of Flustered Town. They continued to walk until they saw the black house to their right. That was like a land mark for them, but both knew where Comber’s house is, this landmark is a good indicator to where it is.

“Why did that pony paint his house black?”

Nome asked, curious. He assumed the owner likes the color black. Comber kept his normal expression before responding.

“I guess they just like the color black.”

“You mean the owner?”

Comber sighed.

“Yes Nome.”

The two kept walking, eventually turning to the right, then walking straight again. The pathway of this town is a bumpy one. When will they finally decide to smooth it out?

“So let’s say you go along with your plan and you leave the organization, what will you do after Comber?”

Comber kept walking, thinking on Nome’s words, he’s right, what will he do next, become an assassin like his dad? No, he doesn’t want to be a killer anymore, but would his dad be proud of that and accept that? Would he like it if Comber’s a hero instead? These thoughts passed through Comber’s mind, almost forgetting the question Nome asked him.

“I guess what I want, which isn’t to be under a iron hoof. Do my own thing sounds more like it.”

Nome smiled. He agreed with Comber but didn’t agree. If he leaves the organization, well... He won’t, he’ll die, but if he did, he couldn’t blame him, in fact, blame anypony for wanting to leave that horrible place; and he knows, he cleans it. Nome pay attention to his surroundings, seeing many ponies watching them walk down the streets. They mainly focused on Comber. Seems like his reputation is still well known. Many ponies went inside, fear in their eyes, closing their doors behind them. Nome looked back at Comber with a concern face. Comber looked like he was sad. That’s nearly impossible because many ponies who get to go home from that place is thrilled, they don’t have to keep working in that Tartarus environment.

“You okay Comber?”

Comber expression switched back to normal.

“I’m fine, I got 3 units to end tonight.”

“So what I’ve heard from the leader when I cleaned his office was right, 3 units on the same floor as your unit wants to kill you. But why?”

“Envy Nome, envy.”

“That’s just sad.”

“That place is sad Nome, you can smell it in the air.”

Comber faced forward, causing Nome to do the same. They both saw a specific mansion.

“We’ve arrived Nome. I hope you’re ready for your training.”

Nome smirked at Comber.

“I’m sure am. I’m not afraid.”

“You’ll be surprised how many ponies are when they face me.”

Comber responded to Nome with devious in his tone. Comber grabbed the doorknob to his mansion front door, opening it. The part time assassin held it open for his best friend to walk inside, which Nome did. Comber shut the door slowly behind them, turning to his living room after he locked the door.


Comber commanded. White lights flickered on, with the ones in the kitchen turning gray. Nome was curious about that. What air freshener does Comber use because it smells great.

“Out of curiosity why is the lights in the kitchen gray Comber when the rest of the house is white.

Comber chuckled. Understanding Nome’s point.

“Yes I see your point, but it’s a quickly reminder that it’s about to be dark, the lights in the kitchen represents the time of day.”

“I see, so they are day lights?”

“I just said Nome.”

“Right, sorry.”

“Fallow me.”

Comber walked from the living room, into the kitchen then into the greenhouse. Nome fallowed him, curious why they went into the greenhouse, this isn’t where they’ll be training right? Comber opened a glass door, walking out of the greenhouse, Nome was still viewing the greenhouse as he exited out the door. He was surprised that Comber was this much of a gardener now, is that his joy? Well that’s weird but whatever. Nome walked out of the greenhouse, amaze by the smell of the backyard and greenhouse. The greenhouse smelled better but how does his backyard smell good? Does he water the grass or something? Nome turned to his left and right, seeing buttercups as well as tulips. Now he knows how the garden smells good, what fertilizer does he use on his flowers and plants?

“Between your home, greenhouse and backyard, which one do you think smell better Comber?”

“Which one did you like Nome?”

Comber asked with curiosity.

“The greenhouse.”

“Expected. My favorite is my home of course, it’s where you are most of the day and where you sleep. You don’t normally sleep in a greenhouse.”

Nome laughed, agreeing with Comber. Nome saw many pony dummies, the conditions they were in, one face smashed in, one seemed if it had one, had its heart ripped out and the third one was decapitated. These sights frightened Nome. Comber’s that brutal at Combat? Hopefully he ain’t when he’s teaching him. Does he practice combat everyday before work or just in general?

“Do you practice fighting every day Comber?”

“Yes, I sure do. Prepare yourself for your training Nome. It won’t be a cake walk like cleaning.”

Comber said with a devious expression. Comber walked 25 hooves steps away in front of Nome. Nome felt a little insulted but knew Comber wasn’t wrong. Fighting smartly is nothing like cleaning, but that place, when you’re cleaning it, it’s no cake walk. Nome looked at Comber with a confused and anxious face.

“You’re training starts now Nome.”

Comber deviously smirked at Nome. A shade from the clouds covering the top of his face.

Nome's Training Starts! Comber Vs 4 Units! Comber's Training Practice! A Vigilant Father!

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"Come attack me Nome. I would like to see where you stand when it comes to combat."

Nome was nervous, he knew he had to shake that feeling. He took a deep breath, then breathed out. He closed his eyes and opens them. He slapped his face two times, before facings Comber again. He saw Comber indicating with a hoof to attack him. Nome knew better to not trick Comber. This fight is not a real fight, it's training, or more like a test, a mark. Comber's not going to kill or hurt him badly. Nome stared at Comber with an intense confident look.

"Alright, here I come!"

Nome charged at Comber, his speed increasing faster and faster. Comber watched Nome closely, he's mostly dominant on his right side so he'll use that hoof to attack him. Why is he just charging at him? He's just running in a straight line. That attack anypony can see from the farthest their eyes allow them to see. Nome attempted to punch Comber in the jaw. Comber dogged to the left, evading the attack, grabbing Nome's right hoof, giving the apprentice an erie confused glare.

"See Nome, you let your movements warn your opponent how you'll attack. Never do that. Instead, I'd recommend you running at them, moving around as much as possible so they don't figure out what side you're the most dominant with, because if they do, and if I was a bully or even worst, a killer, which technically I am, you would have been toast if their counter was quick and fatal."

Comber let go of Nome's right hoof. Nome pulled his right hoof back, looking down with a disappointed expression. The apprentice turned his attention back up to Comber who's expression was a tuff one.

"That's another thing I wanted to let you know. Nome, I saw you calm yourself before attacking me, which was a very smart thing to, however, depending on the circumstances you don't want to show your opponent you're losing your cool, especially because of them."

Nome looked had he stared into space, all Comber said made common and sense. If your opponent knows you fear them, then they have the boost in confidence they surely don't need, since you have none.

"Alright then. How about this-!"

Nome attempted to punch Comber in the nose. Comber grabbed the punch, spinning Nome's hoof, making Nome spin very shortly, hitting the ground with his body and barely chin.

"Well that's a little better, however you want to not let your opponent know what your next plan of attack is when you are talking by the tone of your voice."

Nome got up swiftly, staring at Comber with a anxious face.

"And lose the anxiety Nome. This is no fight to the death, this is training for you. Because if you were to fight me, well you truly know how it would end as of now."

Comber bluntly told Nome. Who's eyes shook, then stopped; he's afraid Comber read him like a book but embarrassed at the same time. Comber's right, it was stupid to try to treat this like an actual fight.

"And your punches are indecisive. Turn with your body as well as put all you might into the punch, especially against me. It that doesn't work you might want to attempt to attack with your other limps, such as your legs. Here, watch me, I'll show you the difference between an in decisive strike and an decisive attack."

Comber walked towards the dummies in his backyard, using his magic to lift two of them up, and repair all the damage done to all the dummies. Comber was in front of a dummy, turning his attention back to Nome, who was steadily watching Comber.

"Watch closely Nome."

Comber threw a punch straight forward. The punch hit the dummy, knocking the head back, causing it to recoil to the front again.

"That's a incorrect way of throwing a punch Nome. Don't do this often unless you need a very swift attack."

Nome understood Comber. Wait why not punch fast and strong? Maybe both are unavailable?

"If you don't mind me asking Comber, why can't we attack with speed and force?"

"Ah, Nome, that's a good question my friend. First I want you to learn how to actually throw a punch, then I'll teach you how to do that, although that should already be easy to learn."

Nome smirked at Comber with confidence.

"Yes I do, just punch correctly and then practice doing it very swiftly."

"Exactly. Now pay attention on how you actually should punch."

Comber scooted a hoof back, turning his body with his attack, making sure all the force is directed into the left hoof. He hit the dummy in the left side of the jaw. Nome was shocked as he saw the head fly into a bush. That was a decapitation!

"Sometimes I forget just how strong you are Comber."

Comber chuckled. Walking towards Nome left side. Nome turned his eyes towards Comber.

"Well, many ponies do. Now repeat what I did on that dummy."

Comber pointed a hoof towards the dummy to their right. Nome nodded at Comber, walking over to the dummy, giving it a long stare, planning his attack. Comber watched Nome movements. He had already made some errors. Nome pictured how Comber punched, he scooted a hoof back like Comber, and turned to his left with a push forward, the punch connected towards the face, knocking the head back and forth. Comber watched as the dummy nose began to bleed red color water from the nose, man magic creations can be so realistic. Comber saw Nome's eyes close on impact, and there's another mistake he made.

"Very good Nome, however I must point out some flaws you made."

Nome was glad Comber liked how he punched, he punched just like Comber would've at full force. The apprentice didn't pull his punch at all; that just shows the difference in strength between him and Comber. Nome wasn't happy Comber said he made mistakes, but he guessed being a martial art master, he would have saw all his movements and reactions.

"Alright, first of all you should not give your opponent a long glaring session, as this can cause the opponent to gain confidence, especially if you're smaller than him. Second, you closed your eyes before and after you felt the punch connected, is that because of the pain to come? or was it because you didn't want to see the aftermath of your punch?"

Nome walked back to Comber's right side. He had an embarrassed expression.

"Kinda three things. The third I wanted to focus all of more force into that punch so I closed my eyes tightly."

Comber kept his stern face. Nome wasn't lying to him. Comber gave Nome an joyful smirk.

"I understand you, but please don't close your eyes when attempting to punch or even attack your opponent. You may believe honestly it'll land but in reality, your opponent can be just like you, and do the opposite, which is to dodge your attack, then land a counter attack."

Nome looked back at the dummy, imaging what Comber said. Comber's absolutely right. Celestia how stupid is himself?

"Try again Nome. I want to see how'll you attack now knowing that."

Nome nodded at Comber, walking up to the dummy, and punching it again the same way, but this time without flinching or closing his eyes. He smirked as he turned to Comber, who gave a approval smirk.

"Very good Nome. Now we can move onto the next steps for you!"

Nome walked towards Comber, staring him in the face. Comber kept his smirk, he's happy to see his student's progress so far.

"What are the next steps Comber."

Comber laughed.

"Practice punching that dummy some more and we will continue. I want you to find a fighting stance for yourself; you've seen mine however that might not be your stance my friend. All warriors are different in their stances and each stance has it's own purposes. This solo depends on the fighter, whatever one they're adopt is on them."

Nome started to deep think about a stance for himself, but what are some of the common fighting stances?

"So what do I do then, like how do I know what stance is good or not? What are the common fighting stances?"

Comber closed his eyes, thinking to himself, before looking around his backyard, watching his neighbor's tree to the left of his mansion lose a branch. The branch flew and hit another tree, breaking into pieces. He turned his attention back to Nome's position.

"A stance is a position you'll stand in, and in martial arts this means a stance you are comfortable with when defending, attacking and evading, especially at the start of every battle."

Nome took a second to think, then smirked at Comber, he has a stance he'll try out.

"Alright, Comber, I read you loud and clear!"

Nome was confident he could do this within a very short time. He walked over to the dummy, got into a stance with both rear hooves spread, punching forward, hitting the pony dummy in the gut; he didn't like the feeling this stance gave him, he pulled a hoof back like Comber, and then spread only his left rear hoof, then attacked again, this feeling felt like it gave off less force. Or was it fatigue from the last attack?

"Good progress Nome. I'm confident you'll be able to fight in no time!"

Comber joyfully yelled to Nome, encouraging him. Nome put his left hoof out in front of him, over his head, using his right hoof to uppercut the dummy in the jaw, knocking it down. Comber was impressed, seems like he found a stance he feels comfortable with. The part time assassin walked towards Nome with a smirk, stopping when he was on Nome's left side.

"Well, I'm glad, you finally found your stance. How do you feel about that stance?"

Nome imagine himself, he feels comfortable however it does have it flaws. Nome turned to Comber with a worrisome smile.

"I dunno, I feel like it's for me, but you can tell it has obvious flaws."

Comber kept his expression before responding.

"Most combats strategies have it flaws, and that includes on how you like to fight. Nome, I feel like that stance fits you very well. You can see that dummy can't you?


"Out of all the attacks you landed on it, the dummy took the most damage from that recent stance of yours. The reason you're not feeling right about it is because you're not used to it yet. I will say that stance on the other hoof is interesting. You have your guard ready with that left hoof over your head, shows you're ready to block, however if that strike of yours don't land, and let's say was grabbed, then you might either fall or have to lower your guard to do something, like maybe go on the offense. I'm not saying that stance is a bad one, I'm saying you might want to improve a little with it."

Nome never thought Comber could talk so much. He must very like martial arts. Nome understood each word Comber spoke to him, but how would he evolve this stance without changing it dramatically?

"I have a question Comber. How will I improve this stance of mine without really changing it dramatically?"

Comber took a couple of moments to think about the question Nome just asked him before responding.

"You won't change the stance dramatically and if that stance still doesn't fit you, even after more practice, then I'll recommend changing it. All ponies change every day, either by a lot or very little. You might change is a little or a lot but not too much, unless you are changing the stance completely, which are you Nome?"

Nome looked down in disappointment then back up at Comber.

"I dunno Comber, I'll practice some more with this stance and change some of the prospects of it. I'll let you know how I feel after."

Comber smirked.

"That's the spirit Nome."

Comber watched Nome walk away and towards another dummy to their right, the part time assassin used his magic to repair and set up the other 3 dummies. Comber stood up on all four hooves, crossing what would be his front hooves together. He watched Nome changed postures constantly, eventually he saw Nome use the same stance, again, and then again, that must be the stance he's pursuing. Nome yelled as he slid a hoof back like Comber, and punched forward with all his might, breaking the dummy's neck. Nome was scared but satisfied, this dummy isn't too far from an actual pony in appearances. He's not the killing type which is why he cleans the organization instead of helping with production. The apprentice took a deep breath before turning around and give Comber a smile.

"Very good Nome! Good progress!"

Nome was happy to hear Comber complement him, he was also satisfied, when he's done he can't wait to test out these new skills he's learning. Comber watch Nome attack again, with two chops on sides of the neck, causing the dummy to be decapitated. Nome wasn't expecting liquid that was color like blood to spurt out of the neck cavity, but hey when you're an expert fighter and an assassin like Comber, then you must need the realistic type of dummy. The apprentice cover his face with his left hoof. Nome had a satisfied expression illuminating. Comber walked towards his apprentice, a smirking smile could be seen on his face.

"Good job Nome. If that was a worker or an actually pony, you would've killed them no doubt."

Nome gave Comber a confident smirk. Comber's words was Nome's thoughts exactly.

"My thoughts exactly, so what's the next step?"

Comber smirk disappeared to a strict expression.

"Well now you're going to practice combo fallow up attacks. You must know the anatomy of your opponent, which is normally a pony. I recommend you start off with a gut punch, fallowing that attack swiftly to the jaw, then the kidneys. The rest of the attacks are up to you."

Nome nodded, walking towards the other dummy, the one to the left of the dummy he decapitated, he took a deep breath in, then got in his stance. The apprentice punch the pony dummy in the gut, then fallowed the attack with a chop to the left kidney, then gave the dummy an uppercut to the jaw. The dummy fell over, fake blood pouring out of it mouth. Comber walked towards Nome, standing aside him on the right side.

"You did good Nome. However, I did say fallow the attacks I instructed with ones of your own. But you did good, you put a lot of power behind those punches; now I know my teachings are working. However you was supposed to perform the uppercut second then the attacks to the kidneys third."

Nome turned with temporary disappointment on his face, then smiled at Comber with closed eyes.

"You're teachings are no doubt very great! You explain it-!"

"In a way you would understand, yes. Don't forget Nome I know you very well. You may think you know me very well but there's a lot you really don't know about me. You know me as a friend but you only see the shadow. You will see the true me soon hopefully."

Nome didn't understand what Comber said. See the true him? Ain't this himself? A martial artist?

"Um... You mean a fighter or martial artist right Comber?"

"No. When I finally leave the organization you'll see."

Nome took moments to think about what Comber just told him. When he leaves the organization. Does he intend to find another job? If do probably one he's passionate about.

"Ah I see Comber, you interested in another job."

Comber chuckled at Nome.

"What pony that works there ain't? That's a rhetorical question Nome."

"Because they're insane!"

"I said rhetorical question Nome, that's means don't respond to or answer the question my friend."

"Right. Sorry!"

Nome felt a little embarrassed for not knowing what a rhetorical question was, but he glad he does now, even though it's petty.

"Alright, now perform multiple strikes to that dummy"

Comber pointed to the dummy to their left. Nome fallowed Comber's hoof to the dummy with his eyes, after, walking towards the dummy.

"Now make sure to plan your attacks. Think of the injury and pain it can cause your opponent. That's what combos you should look for!"

Nome turned around, nodding his head at Comber with a yes, then turning his head back to the dummy. He took a moment to think about what he learn in biology class in pony anatomy. Nome finished planning his next actions, he pulled a hoof back, getting into a stance similar to Comber's, then thrusting the hoof forward, hitting the dummy in the neck, then a quick elbow to the nose; the dummy fell backwards, with fake blood coming out of his nose and mouth. Nome turned his head back to Comber, who was giving him a nod up and down. Comber watch as sky slowly dim down as the sun fade behind the mountain, he'll guess he'll teach Nome more tomorrow, right now Nome's going to finish the combos attacks, then he's going to probably have to leave; he's got business to attend too; if those workers or killers want to attempted to fight or kill him, they'll pay. Comber watched Nome perform more combo attacks after Nome picked up the dummy again. Although some of the attacks was plan, other attacks wasn't, and that's okay, because in an actual fight when the opponent is going to fight back you won't have time to plan or power your punches up in, alongside strategic attacks. You still have to plan and think however, but make sure you're doing that while fighting at the same time. Nome walked back to Comber. As Nome walked towards his best friend, Comber looked behind him and saw the dummy what would be a blood mess if that was an opponent. Nome eyes locked with Comber's eyes.

"How'd I do Comber?"

Comber smirked, already ready to give Nome his grade on the first day of training.

"You did above average, although you have things to still work on and as you can probably notice, the sun is slowly fading, which means it's almost your time to go home."

Nome smiled at Comber. Thanking him for his training session.

"We can continue more tomorrow if you like? I have plenty more to teach you."


Nome was enthusiastic he can learn more about martial arts. He was Now getting into it. Nome can see why Comber likes it.

"Alright then, you know the way we came from so let's-!"

"Wait! I want to help you fight those killers."

Comber was in disbelief. Nome just started learning martial arts, what makes him think he can actually take on 12 killers? Comber can't defend himself and None as well. It's too dangerous.

"I'm sorry my friend, I don't want you to get injured or even worse, killed."

Comber started walking towards his mansion, Nome started fallowing him. He was worried about Comber, he could die against those killers. Comber gave Nome a confident smirk.

"Don't worry my friend, I'm fine. Those killers are going to learn the hard way why it's not a good idea to mess with somepony with way more experience then them."

Nome felt a little relief hearing Comber tell him that, but even so, is he really sure he can handle all 12 of them by himself?

"A-alright, if you think you can handle it, but please Comber... Don't die."

The two walked out of the greenhouse and into the kitchen. Comber was surprised to hear how much Nome cares about him. Most of the ponies in this town would only care about you if they can get use out of you, but Nome, the tone in his voice doesn't give him those vibes.

"Hehehe. I won't Nome."

Comber and Nome walked into the living room, on the circle pink and blue pattern rug. Nome walked towards the door, turning around and looking at Comber.

"You better not... I'll see you tomorrow Comber, I wish you the best of luck with those killers!"

Nome walked out the door, with a slight smile on his face, he made sure Comber saw it. Comber gave Nome a confident smirk when Nome looked at him. Comber watched Nome walked out of he door, shutting it slightly hard.

("Hope those killers are not out there otherwise Nome might have to help fight them.")

Comber walked towards his door, looking out the peep hole watching Nome walk away into the sunset. Comber didn't see any bloodlust, so obviously there's no killers here yet. The part time assassin walked towards his kitchen, looking at the lights; the lights still have 2 more phases to go-! Now the lights have one more phase, they dim gray with some tan in them. Comber put his front hooves on the counter, leaning on it. Stratifying his plan of approaching the killers. He had some ideas. Most likely those dumb killers would show up, and who even knows, they might even knock on his door for how stupid they must be.

("Tch, a bunch of idiots if they do that they are even stupider than challenging me. What courage they have though.")

Comber wanted just to put his cape on the rack, hanging it up, and then going outside to workout some more, then relax on his couch. The house is cleaned already from the morning so there's not much for him to do. At least he'll be entertained by the killers that attempt to come for him, heck, for all he knows they probably don't even have a legitimate plan for fighting him. They must really want to die if that's the case. Comber can't stand that place as is and this is one of the straws why. Comber grabbed his knife out of his bag as he started sensing 4 different bloodlusts making their way towards his front door. Looks like they are going to be dumb. Comber threw his bag on the couch. His knife held into the air. The light rebounded of the metal blade. Comber pulled his right hoof holding his knife at his side. The part time assassin turned his eyes towards the kitchen, still sensing more bloodlust approaching his front door; now there's like 8 of them. That settles it, they are definitely units of 4, so if there's 12 ponies in general then that means their is 3 units. Wasn't their suppose to be 4 units of their ponies? Maybe that's still the case and they linked up like that because that's who they want to be near by? The lights in the kitchen went as gray as they can get, stars being illuminated around the whole kitchen, this means it's now night time. Comber walked towards his front door, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He told Nome he ain't going die tonight and he doesn't like lying.

("Get the next 4 of your group you morons. I'm going to make you all regret coming after me.")

Comber was a little annoyed that these workers think they can get a promotion if they kill him. That's not how it works and if you're caught killing a co-worker than you will pay a heavy price you don't want to pay. You surely won't get a promotion unless the leader of the organization plan that pony death himself and ordered you to kill them, which the leader's on his side so that very doubtful. Comber sensed four more bloodlust, he smirked, they're talking, well then, may the battle begin. Comber kept a firm grip on his knife. He saw the 12 killers approaching his door, what looks like the leader with the scar on his eye knocked on the door. Comber sensed the bloodlust emitting from him. He had an axe in his right hoof. Comber made sure to note this in his mind. That leader's an idiot, maybe if Comber was naive he would open the door and receive an axe to the face and forehead. He's not stupid. The part time assassin chuckled. Comber took a step back, closing his eyes.

("The farthest bloodlust is... You!")

Comber thought to himself, his horn illuminating with red magic. Comber was behind the entire group.

"Well colts and mares! He's just axing for it!"

Comber watched as the leader's axe went into his door. This infuriated him. How dare he do that to his home! How the buck didn't any of these killers know where Comber live anyway?

"Hey! Am I the colt you're looking for!?"

Comber shouted at he group, which shocked them. How did he know they were all going to show up? Welp, there goes their element of surprise. What a shame. Now they're going to have to slaughter him the old fashion way. The group turned towards Comber's voice, eventually facing his direction, they all locked eyes with Comber. The leader decided to leave his ale in Comber's door.

"So, you didn't run away after all!"

The leader emerging from the group, from the middle with a cocky confident smirk on his face. Comber felt disgusted looking at the leader. No wonder why he's so confident, with all those scars he thinks he can push through the pain; he could have been in many fights too. Comber made sure to note this down mentally.

"If you know me very well... I don't run from fights!"

6 killers started to laugh. That wasn't a joke Comber told so why on Celestia name is they laughing like he's joking.

"Oh my friend Comber."

"Not your friend! Friends don't kill each other!"

"Ah... So you do know what I mean after all... This is no fight. This is... A massacre."

"Tch! Bring it then! I'll show you all why you don't mess with the highest ranks of the place you work at!"

"If you insist. Ronald, beat him up."

"As you wish my sir."

Ronald ran at Comber, Comber smirked, so he only sending one of he's group members to fight him. What a very foolish idea. Comber blocked Ronald's punch, grabbing his hoof as Ronald did to him.

"That's good... Don't let go!"

Comber grabbed onto the hoof that was grabbing his. Ronald could feel his left hoof being crushed. Comber ran towards a neighbor's black fence. The fence was made of metal with sharp points at the top. You could get tetanus from that fence. The colt bites Comber hard on his hoof. Comber fought through the pain, pushing Ronald's left hoof forward at fence, slamming his face into it. Blood poured from the forehead. Comber quickly let go of the hoof, jumped backwards, slamming his hind hooves down on the colt's skull that was leaning on the fence. The skull cracked open, blood and brains splattering through the fence. Comber fell backwards on purpose, then caught himself on his front hooves, back flipping all the way back to the group; Comber did a barrel roll in the air, facing the group when he landed with a thump.

"What friends and team you all are. Now you're down to 11. Leave now, because I won't give you all the chance again!"

The group leader walked closer to Comber.

"Why do you think I sent him first, because I knew he would die. Pathetic. If you think killinf that inexperienced moron is worth anything!"

The group leader said, ripping a scar on his hoof open. Luckily the scar was small otherwise it would've eventually lead to blood lost. Comber was thinking on why he did that, eventually spotting 11 more scars. Does he plan to have all his co-workers killed first then himself, picking the last scar apart.

"I don't take pride in killing none of you. You're all pathetic to me."

The leader of the group was a little flustered. Why is Comber so damn confident. He's going to learn the hard way why you don't get to cocky.

"Is that so, then are you advising we-!"

"Sir, I advised that we-!"

Gumbo wasn't haven't talk back with any of his subordinates, he punched Drake in the nose giving him a nose bleed. Comber couldn't believe the audacity of that leader, wait no, he's the manager of that floor, wait is he his floor's manager? If so he's the biggest moron of all of them no matter how smart he tries to act. Drake wiped his black nose. A tiny amount of tears in his eyes; he couldn't believe that Gumbo would do that. All Drake was trying to do was help.

Lure! Alice! Ventor! Attack him all together! Hold him in place with your magic Ventor!

"Well do sir!"

The three killers unionizing replied. They all charged Comber, yelling while running. Does Gumbo think this whole ordeal is a game. Comber was getting annoyed by the thought he being treated as a game. If Ventor thinks he's going to hold him in place with magic, well... This will be a good deceptive attack. When Lure and Alice was close enough, magic surrounded Comber, who faked struggling.

"Take this you overrated hide!"

"I'm going to enjoy this!"

The two earth ponies threw their hooves at Comber, aiming for his face, directly at his nose. Comber smirked, already ready to put his plan into action.

"Celestial cancel."

Comber muttered out, watching as the blue aura disappear from around him. The two colts looked like they were in slow motion. Did he just-!?



Comber bent down, giving the two colts, one black and one gray an uppercut in the jaw. Comber jumped up over the black colt, punching his left him through his stomach, ripping out the intestines. Before the gray colt could finish falling, Comber swung the intestines around like a lasso, tossing it over the gray colt's neck.

"Wait! Please!"

The gray colt attempted to plea;, but his voice went on deaf ears. Comber yelled as he swung the intestines made lasso behind him, then in front of him like a spinning wheel, slamming his body onto the ground. Limbs flew, the head broke, and the ribs was hanging out of the colt's body. Comber looked at his hoof, it was bloody, disgusting.

"Why you-!"

"No ventor! Stay where you are!

Gumbo commanded. Looking at his right hoof, plucking two more scars from it. He fidget a little. Comber noticed this. That colt is insane. How could you look at your co-workers that should be friends as an injury wound to pluck? Some of the killer had expressions that yelled them regretting this plan to kill Comber.

"That's it! Steve! Bonk! Ramlina! Ventor! Kill him! Grab your weapons!"

"Yes sir!"

Comber got into stance, his right front hoof hirozontally over his forehead. He smirked.

The group pulled their weapons out, running at Comber. Comber moved his head to the left avoiding an axe. He blocked the mallet Bonk was holding; he quickly had to get his wits back, moving to the right, avoiding a stab to the body from a brown handle with red in the middle knife that was long. Comber quickly grabbed the hoof with the knife, putting pressure on it, the hoof let go of the knife, as soon as it did Comber grabbed it, stabbing the colt through the neck. Comber pulled the knife out of the neck, quickly turning around, grabbing another punch Steve was throwing at him. Comber swung his hoof with the knife in it fast at Steve. Steve blocked the attack, receiving an huge slash down the hoof. Steve attempted to punch Comber who ducked, turning around and stabbing Ramlina through the chest, directly through the heart. Comber could feel the pulses beat slower and slower to their was no more pulses. Comber dropped the knife that was more like a dagger. Steve watch has the knife fell and the way Comber looked at him.

"You turn next. your other two friends are fatally injury."

"Oh you're talking about Ramlina and Bonk. They're not my friends, just co-workers. And I'm not alone just yet."

Ventor shot an arrow at Comber. Comber heard the sound of the arrow, quickly ducking. The bloodlust was too high for the shot not to be made at his head. Comber turned his head behind him watching as the arrow quickly made its way into the tree bark, cracking it. Comber shook his head, running at Steve, jumping behind him. As Comber was in mid air he was grabbed by Ventor's magic once again.

"Celestial cancel!"

The magic binding Comber disappeared, Comber landed, swiftly performing a 360° turn, facing Steve face. Steve looked behind Comber, at Gumbo. Gumbo removed two more scars. Steve got upset about his co-workers, self included being looked at as wounds. Steve let the rage build in him, directing it all at Comber. Steve rushed Comber with the intention to beat him to death.

"Um sir, shouldn't we help!?"

Gumbo turned around, punching a colt in the face.

"No, we will if he handles these 2."

"Handle... These... Two..."

Gumbo's group started chatting behind Gumbo's back. Gumbo turned around to them.

"Oh quit your chatting, you see these too was-!"

Gumbo turned around quickly to see Comber walking towards Gumbo with what seems to be like two organs in his left hoof.

"Here you go! The fight sure took the (breath) out of him."

Gumbo was in disbelief and shocked. He just turned away for like 5-10 seconds. What the buck! Venture shot another arrow at Comber. Comber used his magic to grab the arrow in the air, turning it around and shooting it back at Venture. You fight fire with fire Venture thought, using his magic again to grab the arrow turning towards Comber. Wait where's Comber? Wasn't he-!

"Hey, moron, behind you!"

Comber swiped Venture's hooves, causing him to fall on his back. Comber realized Ventor didn't cancel his magic.

"Celestial cancel."

Comber wanted to insult Venture more but didn't because of pity. It's shameful to be on a roof and shoot arrows at your opponent, simple cowardly. Comber grabbed the arrow with his magic, shooting it forward. Venture saw Comber's plan, he attempted to jump, but as he did Comber grabbed his back right hoof slamming him down at the right time for the arrow to vertically puncture through the skull and into the body. Comber removed his right hoof off Venture.

"Weakling! Fight like a colt next time! Wait there's no next time, haha!"

Comber said looking up and at the rest of the group with a confident normal expression. Comber jumped down from the building, flipping until he felt like he was a close distance to the rest of the group of killers.

"Bravo Comber!"

Gumbo clapped for a moment, then pulled another scar from his left hoof; Comber watched as Gumbo licked the blood that came out of the stich. That's disgusting. Gumbo looked if he had enjoyed the blood.

"That's what a true monster and killer likes. Blood, we like blood and yours will be spilled."

"Come try it then, I beat that confident right out of you!"

Comber speed walked towards the group with a smirk on his face. He was confident in his abilities to take this group along with their despicable evil leader Gumbo.

"Alright, the rest of the group, attack that tiny colt! Charge him and kill him!"

"Yes sir!"

The group said all together before running at him with speed. Three colts at the front attempted to punch Comber in the face. Comber jumped over the group, landing in the middle of the running heard. Gumbo watched from a distance with a smile.

("Better plan to pick these scars too.")

Comber quickly put his knife in his bag as the colts surrounded and approached him. Comber looked around.

"they cut all of the directions off. Looks like I just got to clear the way then."

2 colts threw punches a Comber, Comber blocked them, swiping a hoof down at them, having it dodge. The part time assassin sensed the bloodlust behind him. He turned around to avoid a machete to the neck, he ducked, quickly punching into the colt's chest, pulling his hoof back out.

"Now you got my cape all dirty."

Two colts grabbed Comber from behind, four colts was in front of him punching him in the face.

"Say goodbye to all you're teeth!"

"He doesn't even use them anyways!"

"Let's see the knock out happen!"

"Die! Die"!

Blood started to leak from Comber's nose after 12 punches. Comber smirked.

("Nice to know my durability increase.")

Comber happily thought to himself. What does he like being punched in the face or something? The other colts thought to themselves, getting angry that they seemed to be made of a joke or test for Comber. Comber broke free of the colts' grasp, he then turned around.

"Simply weak!"

Comber yelled, punching the colts in front of him in the face, then quickly headbutting the colts behind him. The colts in front of him grabbed Comber's neck. Comber felt magic binding him too.

"Celestial cancel."

The magic bindings was removed. Comber pushed through the hooves holding him in place. He quickly turned around, punched one in the face; another colt threw a punch at Comber's neck. Comber blocked the attack, swiftly ducking. If he was going to attack, then he needs to quickly stand straight back up. Comber punched the colt to his left very hard in his throat. The colt fell down coughing blood up. Comber received a punch to his left cheek. Comber quickly turned around, attempting to punch him in the chest. The colt swiftly moved to the left and punched Comber, then attempting to stab him in the face. Comber dodged, then grab the hoof, twisting it, making the knife fall out of the hoof, Comber then used his magic to shoot the knife up at the colt while in a hoof to hoof stand off with the colt. The colt felt a sharp pain in his chest, he looked down feeling blood leaking off of him, he looked at Comber with a disbelief face with anger.

"You damn monster..."

Comber pushed the colt away onto the ground, feeling and hearing a Colt running behind him, jumping onto his back, using a hoof to attempt to strangle Comber. Comber shook back and forth. The colt held on, taking his clever out and slicing Comber in the back. Comber felt the clever go in; he can't deal with a killer behind him and the ones in front of him. That's it! Comber used all his strength to shake the colt off of him, then turned his attention to the ones in front of him stabbing him in the front hooves. Are they stupid!? Go for the body where most vitals are. Comber quickly turned around, slamming a hoof down on the colt's head, crushing it. The colt should've let go of his weapon. He then picked up the clever the colt dropped, wiping brains off it. Three more colts ran at Comber, the part time assassin turned around with the clever held firmly tight in his right front hoof. Comber with blood running down his face and gushing out of his back, Comber swung the clever at the necks of the approach colts, missing two but hitting one, decapitating him. The colt's head flew over to his once co-workers, the colts looked at him when they caught him in their magic, before putting his severed head into a hoof and throwing it at Comber. Comber used his magic to push the head towards the leader, who caught the head and began squeezing it, the teeth flew out, as the he skull cracked, then the nose bones shattered, The skull burst open brains flew out and onto the ground. The Gumbo had all eyes on him.

"Well... This will be your fate... Comber!"

The leader gave Comber an evil smile before dropping the crushed head. Comber turned his attention back to the killers. He was still holding onto the clever in his right hoof. Gumbo removed another scar from his left hoof, Gumbo was satisfied. How could an leader be satisfied of his members deaths? Comber dodged a punch, hitting them in the chest with the back of the clever. Comber swiftly turned around, tanking a punch to the face. The part time assassin stabbed the clever into the colt's face on the right side, after grabbing the colt by the back of his head, kneeing the clever through the skull, then pulling the clever back towards him; Comber lose grip of the clever, losing the weapon to another colt who swung the clever at Comber immediately. Comber blocked the attack with his hoof, making sure it hit the hoof in a vertical way and not like a branch on a board way; this angered Comber.

"Get the buck off me you bunch of hide holes!"

Comber yelled, using all his force from his body and hooves to him the ground, blowing the group away; he then used a spell to heal the gushing wound on his hoof from the clever.

"Tsk! That's it!"

Comber ran at the group, they did the same, Comber quickly used a hoof to punch the colt in front of him, then another colt to his left, blocking the attack from another mare from behind. Comber turned to the colt holding the clever.

"Die like a headless horseman!"

Comber used his hooves to turned the colt's head with an serious expression. At the last moment he teleported towards the south of where he was standing. The colts looked back at him with annoyance. The colt with the clever had it stuck in the ground. Comber ran at them again, when Comber was close enough, he raised his body, tanking the attack which was a punch to the chest and other punches to the sides: Comber quickly swiped the hooves of two colts in front of him, watching them fall.


Comber said with annoyance, turning around and blocking two more punches. Comber moved left and right to avoid their attacks as the killers did the same to avoid Comber's punches. Comber found his opening; with quicker reaction speed then the average colt, Comber grabbed the left hoof of a yellow mare, swinging her behind him; she flapped her wings but the force down was too strong, the mare was slammed down to the ground by a single hoof; the direction of this attack was to one of the colts on the ground however they got back up already, avoiding the attack. The mare distorted and in pain. Comber turned his attention to the running colts.

"You dying you big shot!"

"You don't deserve that rank you have."

Comber was getting irritated, there they go again; always the envy over his rank and that he doesn't deserve it like they are more worthy of owning his rank. Comber doesn't even care about rank. Even ponies with a lot of experience makes mistakes; nopony is perfect. Comber quickly grabbed both of their hooves, using his magic around him.


Comber yelled, slamming the colts heads together; then slamming one down with all his force. Blood splattered as the colt's limbs was dislocated. Comber was about to slam the other colt down onto the colt he just slam down but wasn't surprised when that unicorn used magic. Comber quickly used his magic to hold the colt on the ground in place; the part time assassin walked towards the colt, who was red and blue and yellow lines in his mane and tail. The colt's eyes widen as Comber's right hoof was risen. This is it he's going to die, no not here! The colt used all his strength to struggle, but it was no use, Comber's magic was simply to strong for him to physically disbursed. He can't even move his limbs correctly. Hooves steps could be heard behind Comber, alerting him; Comber knew he had to be quick. Comber slammed his right hoof down onto the colt's stomach, watching blood spurt out of his mouth and back into it. The part time assassin quickly pulled his hoof out of the stomach, literally; parts of the stomach could be seen outside of the body. The colt that was slowly dying now watched as his vision went blurry. He regrets fighting Comber; he shouldn't have agreed with Gumbo and the rest of the unit. The last thing this colt saw was Comber receive a punch in the body by the yellow pegasus who's name was Connie. Comber grabbed Connie's left hoof, twisting it, she flapped her wings to pull Comber up; before Comber loss touch with the ground, he pulled Connie down towards him, giving her a knee to her face, knocking loose two teeth out of her mouth. Comber used his hooves to pull her by her wings towards him, after Comber spin kicked her in the temple. Connie fell unconscious with blood leaking from her left temple. Comber doesn't like using magic in a fight unless he needs to; magic uses a lot of stamina, a lot more than putting in physical effort; unicorns rely on their magic abilities too much. Comber took a glance at Connie eyes, they were close. Connie's mouth was open, she was still breathing, slowly and deeply. She didn't seem like the rest of the group, why is that? Comber could quickly kill her if he wanted to but didn't, he showed her mercy. Comber heard two more ponies running towards him, one's a mare and the other was a colt with green pale skin. Gumbo already plucked two more scars, this time being from his face.

"Hahahaha! I can't wait to kill you, Comber."

Gumbo told himself, watching as Comber and the remaining two of his group members fight.

"Just two more then it's time to fight that big oaf."

Comber stared at the remaining two with confidence. The way they ran, wait they were conserving stamina-! Comber quickly turned around, blocking an attack from one of the colts. This colt had gray coat and the other colt had dark blue coat. Comber blocked both of the colts punches, squatting and then spinning a moment off the ground. The part time assassin turned his attention to one of the colts, unleasing on the offense. The colt blocked and dogged. He was carefully paying close attention to Comber fighting style as well as the same to fight. The blue colt punched Comber in the sides multiple times, the pain wasn't nothing Comber couldn't handle. The two colts pulled their weapons out. The blue coated colt holding a bent up curve knife and the other colt holding a big kitchen knife. Comber focused on dodging their weapons; he noticed they were swinging blindly, like there's no thought behind their attacks. Comber waited for the perfect opportunity, most likely he could get them to attack each other and if he's lucky it could be fatal with the weapons they're using.

("Come on, I know you want to mess up because you're both are messed up.")

Comber was patient with the two colts; if you want a job done right then you have to be calm, collective and patient most importantly. Impatience will lead to failure. Comber watched both colts with his eyes, when the time was right, the moment Comber was waiting for. Comber dashed out of the way, avoiding the attacks of he two, the knife stabbed into the the blue colt chest while the blue colt's sickle went into the other colt's neck from left jugular. Both colts fell down bleeding; Comber seemed to kill them both without needing to attack them. Gumbo was furious to watch both of his workers kill each other, it's treason against him, well the organization; they deserve to die.

"Tsk, what a bunch of nobody losers. Good job Comber. Your tasks have been completed-!"

Comber swiftly the turned around, hearing groans from the blue colt; without warning Comber slammed a hoof down on the colt's skull, causing the colt to bite his tongue off and fall unconscious; he'll suffocate on his own blood now. Comber turned his body with the hoof still on the blue colt's skull. Comber with a devious expression looked at Gumbo with malevolence.

"So no more big talk now? Why the buck would you want to kill your floors most productive unit manager?"

Gumbo giggled. Comber clearly can't see it, well he'll have tell him then.

"The answer is pretty basic Comber. I clearly don't like the relationship you have with the leader of the organization. He'll always pick favorites and when you're involved, the favoritism goes to you. So you're a teacher pet."

Gumbo was upset and agitated. The leader of the four units of three forgot to remove two scars; Gumbo looked down at his body, grabbing the scars and pulling, ripped two more scars open as he walked towards Comber.

"You're insane and I don't like the relationship between me and the leader of the organization! And you call me a teacher pet, but yet you want to be the pet for the leader, how pitiful!"

Gumbo felt a little insulted, but he smiled the retaliation away. Comber's a lier and that's all to it.

"You're a lier... Well doesn't matter, I'm going to kill you myself and then the yellow pegasus you spared. She's going to be fun to mess with too!"

Gumbo started running at Comber; Comber started walking towards Gumbo, increasing his speed as the distance between him and Gumbo closed in. They both threw a punch towards each other, both grabbing each other's hooves, looking a each other or faces.

"Well well... Somepony been taking martial arts. Do you think that'll-!"

Gumbo caught Comber's left hoof quickly. Gumbo smirked at Comber, throwing a punch towards Comber's face; Comber ducked to the right, then quickly bit the hoof. Gumbo let go of Comber's left hoof. Comber took the opportunity to punch Gumbo directly in the face, turning as he did. The punch connected. Gumbo definitely felt that, his face moved with his punch. Comber didn't see any actual movement from Gumbo's body, what Comber could see is a bloodlust emitting from Gumbo. Comber knew what Gumbo was about to do, attack. Comber quickly raised a hoof to block the attack vertically, which was successful. Gumbo was shocked to see Comber block his surprise attack, he was expecting Comber to be overconfident because he kill nearly all of the four units sent after him. Comber quickly spun, flying off the ground by a tiny bit, then attempted to attack Gumbo with a crescent kick, Gumbo caught the attack, grabbing Comber's left rear leg, slamming him to the ground. Comber's mouth open, nothing came out, his face expression quickly turned to annoyance. He used his right rear hoof to kick Gumbo in the face. Gumbo grabbed the attack once again, standing on two hooves.

"You could say I have you by the hooves! Let's go for a ride!"

Gumbo started running with Comber still in his grip, dragging him across the ground, from his mansion, to his neighbor's house across the street; Gumbo was ready to throw Comber into the house, Comber wasn't going to let Gumbo handle him like a rag doll, he grabbed the ground with his front hooves, twisting his body and front hooves; Gumbo wasn't expecting this. Gumbo's hooves got sprained from the turning, either Comber's super flexible or his agility is on another level. Comber fell to the ground; he wasn't going to stay down long; without hesitation he got up on all four hooves, looking around for Gumbo's presence, where is Gumbo at? Comber closed his eyes, keeping them closed for a few more moments. Gumbo was hiding in a tree, holding a crossbow in his hooves, he let the potential energy go, using his magic to keep a very dim grip on it.


Comber turned his head to the laughing, he knew it was Gumbo he was in-!

Comber turned 180° and saw Gumbo in the tree with a crossbow floating with his magic. Comber sensed the bloodlust shift from the tree to the ground behind him. The part time assassin turned around, already seeing Gumbo throw a punch at him. Comber blocked the attack, wait this is a-! Comber turned around in panic, quickly ducking, Gumbo grabbed Comber's head from behind, attempted to pull his head up. The arrow fired into Gumbo's chest.

("Is he stupid why didn't he just use his magic to-! Ah... He can't multitask.")

Comber kept that piece of information as a note. Gumbo pulled the bloody arrow out of his chest, licking the blood. Comber was disgusted watching Gumbo do that.

"Yes... Yes... I'm going to enjoy my execution on you Comber!"

Gumbo said with bloodlust in his tone; he wasn't lying. Gumbo snapped the arrow into two, canceling his own magic after. Gumbo ran at Comber; Comber got in his stance, ready for the incoming bull. Gumbo tried to swipe Comber's hooves from under him; Comber caught himself with his left front hoof, backflipping backwards 7 times. Comber saw Gumbo who was still running at him

"Ahahah! You'll mine Comber you hear me!?"

Comber scanned the area with his eyes. What was Gumbo planning this time? Gumbo looked to the right, spotting a brick hanging out of a wall; does he plan to attack him and then use his magic to possibly blast this brick off at him? When Gumbo got close enough, his horn illuminated, Comber went for a sucker punch, missing, Gumbo uppercut Comber, then a brick was blasted at Comber with magic. Comber grabbed Gumbo's head, holding it in place. Gumbo moved his head, using his hooves to attempt to pull Comber's hooves off his head, the brick hit gumbo in the temple, knocking him to the ground, Comber took 5 steps backwards, watching as gumbo slowly get back up.

"That was a good plan but Could see it a good distance away."

Comber complemented Gumbo who was annoyed to be mocked but glad to be praised.

"Oh... So what gave my plan away?"

"The way you were fighting, it's like you were just a distraction. I could tell."

"Could you now? Die!"

Gumbo shot a magic small beam from his horn at Comber; Comber squatted down, dodging the attack then rushing forward. As he made his way towards Gumbo, Gumbo fired more magic beams at him, each one missing going down going into a house. Comber realized there's a pattern, so why's that? Wait-!


Comber yelled, teleporting behind Gumbo using his magic, then kicking him in the left side of the neck to the ground. Gumbo slid on the clear as day dirt. The dirt build up on his face. Comber turned around, facing the direction Gumbo went; running in that direction; Gumbo heard Comber's hooves making their way towards him, he grabbed some dirt with his right hoof, when he heard Comber got close enough, he quickly stood up, facing Comber. He attempted to punch Comber with his left hoof, hoping he would grab it, Comber did. Gumbo gave Comber a wicked smirk.

"You fool!"

Comber eyes widen, expecting a knife or weapon of some sort to be used. Gumbo threw his right hoof towards Comber's face; Comber was ready, attempting to block vertically. Comber was surprised the punch went over his head and hoof. Wait, he threw dirt in Comber's eyes, that was his plan all along.

"Ow! you son of!..."

Comber thrust his hoof has hard as he could at Gumbo's face, connecting the devasting punch to Gumbo's nose. Gumbo's nose bleed, blood leaking out of the holes of the nose. Gumbo stumbled backwards, getting back on all four hoof, feeling his nose with his right hoof.

"Well, you fractured my nose Comber! Time to get serious!"

Gumbo used his magic to make a sword appear, the sword was silver with a circle with skulls in it, each skull on the right side had a scar diagonally across the entire face. Comber smirked at the sight of the sword; so no more brawling eh? Comber quickly wiped his eyes out, using his magic as water to clean them. Well then... Time for Gumbo to die. Comber pulled his knife out, holding it in front of him, the knife pointing down.

"Die Comber!"

"Shut the buck up!"

Comber and Gumbo ran at each other. They swung their weapons forward at each other, appearing like they are about to stab each other. The yellow mare woke up, rubbing her forehead, where was she-! Where's Comber? The yellow mare pegasus turned around, reviewing the outcome of the battle with Comber. He killed them all, besides her? He could've killed her but why didn't he? She turned to see Comber and Gumbo in combat. Comber dodged the sword, attempting to stab Gumbo in the jugular veins; Gumbo teleported behind Comber; Comber quickly turned Gumbo's sword hirozontally and blocked the down coming attack. Comber teleported behind Gumbo who was still distracted, Gumbo looked behind him, not seeing Comber, wait-! Gumbo turned his head back to his front. He used a hoof to block the knife, the knife went into the flesh, between the bone. Gumbo took his sword, holding it above Comber, slowly making its way down. Comber quickly let go of his knife, bent down and uppercut Gumbo in the stomach; the pain was serve. Gumbo cough blood in his spit, he fell down holding his stomach, dropping his sword. Gumbo looked at Comber, anger and in pain. Spit and blood was clearly visible on Gumbo's face.

"You know I'm surprised that you didn't die from pulling your stitches apart. Why is-!?"

"That's because...!"

Gumbo grabbed Comber's knife by the handle, getting socked with electricity, as he was being shocked, he used his magic to hold Comber in place, grabbing and aim his sword at Comber. Comber was ready to cancel the magic but another surprised happen.

"Die Comber, let me see those huge guts of yours-!"

A mare yelled, thrusting a certain sword through the body of Gumbo who was in disbelief and sock. Who did that? A... Bystander... But the only one involved in this battle was-! gumbo turned his head around, seeing the same yellow pegasus he had lead to fight against Comber. Comber was shocked as well, he was about to dodge her because he could sense the bloodlust, but then the bloodlust shifted towards Gumbo, which is why he stay where he was. Why did she do that!? The yellow pegasus flew into the sky, watching what happens next.

"I heard what plan you had for me gumbo! Buck you! Kill him Comber, he's a monster!"

So she wasn't unconscious at all, she just appeared to be, what a smart pegasus. Gumbo grabbed the sword, using his magic still.

"Celestial cancel."

"What! No!"

"No healing."

Comber coldly said as he grabbed Gumbo's hoof his knife was in, a red aura surrounded Comber, after, ripping the hoof clean off, pulling the knife out of the hoof's grip. Gumbo yelled in pain, Comber gave him a devious smirk, before spinning with his knife cutting Gumbo's neck clean, it bleed so much Gumbo was about to fall over. Comber then quickly with his right hoof elbowing Gumbo in the stomach, his left stabbing him into the chest, though the heart and grazing the left lung. Gumbo feel in disbelief, but acceptance.

"Buck... You..."

Gumbo fell down onto the ground, wind blowing past him. Comber took a few hoof steps back, wiping his knife clean. He used his magic to open his bag, putting the knife in it. Comber canceled the red aura known as Celestia Wrath. He turned his attention upwards at the yellow pegasus; who was making her way down to Comber, she landed in front of him.

"And good riddance!"

The yellow pegasus angrily said to the deceased colt she looked as a good leader. She looked at Gumbo one last time before her attention was focused on Comber.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Comber gave the yellow pegasus a smile.

"Because I know you are just fallowing orders. You didn't have the look in your eyes to kill, you're -!"

"How the buck would you know that!? You probably spared me for nefarious actions!"

Comber giggled a little, then laughed hardly.

"Are you kidding me? Nefarious actions like what? A side assassin. In case you don't know we assassins like to work alone. No I spared you because you aren't as guilty as the other killers that attempted to kill me."

"But, how did... Nevermind! Can't lie to you can I?"

Comber gave smirked.

"You have no idea."


The sounds of owls was heard from the trees around them. Comber looked around, well looks like there's a mess to clean up.

"But I thought you were heartless. Why are you sparing me?"

"I just said. What's your name?"


"Well Connie, you did somewhat decent today when it came to fighting. When the time is right, leave the organization."

Connie was socked to hear Comber tell her that. Does he plan to leave the organization as well? Why is he saying when the time's right?

"Um... Why did you say that? Are you planning on leaving? You know we can't leave the organization Comber sir. It's our destiny unfortunately."

Comber gave Connie a chuckle, before walking towards her.

"Why did you join the organization Connie? What caused you to end up there?"

Comber stopped in front of Connie, only 5 hoof steps away. She looked fidgety. Comber could tell what it was about now. She didn't join for the money or the passion of the job, it was fear of dying and force to work there. No job in Equestria should be able to inflict fear into your soul because they want you to stay. You life shouldn't be at stake, your income should. Connie at first thought Comber was like the rest of the colts she knew, just use her, treat her as trash as well as of negatives, it so degrading, especially because of your gender.

"I was... Force, to."

Comber gave a confident smirk to Connie. He was right. Why's she so hesitant to respond though?

"As I expected. What goals you want to achieve in life?"

Connie felt like Comber was trying to hook up with her, like he's going to befriend her, a mare friend? No, she won't say nothing; what if that angers him? Best to keep your mouth shut and not get on the bad side of the pony with more power in general, not a good idea to anger him, not at all.

"My goals are... I want to become an... Nurse. More like a veterinarian."

"I see. You'll be able to do that someday."

Connie wanted to burst out and cry but held her tears back. Wait where was these emotions coming from? She can't leave and what the heck is this colt even talking about. She'll never be able to do that someday.

"Thanks... But no I won't, I will probably be arrested and sent off to jail if anything. My destiny is a prisoner."

Comber was a little sad to hear this young mare dreams being crushed; especially by the same place he hates.

"No it's not. Celestia herself knows you're not at fault here. If the authorities ever come for you, cry for her, because she knows, you're not guilty."

The yellow pegasus teared up. She was upset, angry and felt guilty for all the crimes she has done since working at the organization.

"No! No I'm not!"

Connie fell to the ground, her front hooves covering her eyes. She was clearly distorted and depressed. Most ponies who are depressed have a good way at hiding it. Comber felt bad for her, a living intelligent being upset and guilty by force, that place is so going down. Comber walked closer to her, patting her on the head. She felt a little weird out when Comber patted her on her head. Comber stopped the patting.

"You're not guilty, the organization is. Don't be too hard on yourself. You may have done the wicked actions such as myself but you knew you were mentally and with your life at stake, forced to."

Comber's words was like a priest, she's not guilty, but how does he truly know? He doesn't watch her does he?

"But how would you... (Sniff,) truly know?"

Comber gave the mare a smile that warmed her.

"Just asked me, this is no joke and I'm serious."

Connie looked at Comber with a upset and anxious face. What? Ask him, but how would he truly know still, from her voice? From her explication. There's no way he could judge if she's innocent or not just back being asked. Oh well here goes nothing

"Am-am I innocent?..."

Comber felt bad for Connie; she's blaming herself based on what the organization forced her to do. Have they somehow manipulated her? Told her she's a bad pony already so why not continue the work she's doing? Comber face turned to a confident smirk. She's innocent. She did some messed up actions, but that's the organization deception and terrifying aspects, but so did he. Comber knows what it feels like to be forced to work or do things against your will. Connie looked at Comber, patiently waiting for his answer. Comber gave Connie a happy smile.

"Well... Your verdict is... Innocent. Every time and yes I mean every time you think you're doing something wrong you have a little to a lot of resistance, but everytime as well you have thoughts in the back of your mind, telling you that don't do the job, the other thoughts keep convincing you to do the job, because of fear for your own life which you shouldn't have to fear for. You're innocent, you mainly perform and did the tasks hoofed to you because of fear of dying, and a very little bit for the income, which you can't help as that why you were put into the job for. I know if you had a choice you would choose a less paying job then this if you had the choice."

Connie backed away from Comber in shock, how-how did he know all that by her just simply asking? It doesn't make sense. She does remember all those thoughts crossing her mind but. The thoughts Comber knew about her actions at the organization sent shivers down her spine. Wait? Did he do that for info for the leader of the organization? Oh no, if so she's going to fail that test and probably die as the price. Connie looked down due to her hearing something squishy and bouncy heading towards her. The object hit her right front hoof, what was it? Her eye couldn't believe what she saw; it was an eyeball that was green. Was that Venture's? She doesn't know, all she knows was it was one of her dead co-workers.

"Ah!" Ew!"

Connie backed away from the eyeball disgusted. Comber walked towards the eyeball picking it up and looking at it, giving the eye a little squeeze.

"Huh, so that's what our eyeballs feel like? Why does this feel nostalgic?"


"Let this keep an eye on your small statue."

A familiar colt said, ready to laugh when his client sees what was dropped into his hoof.

"You can open you're 'eyes' now."

The colt did, seeing an eyeball looking at him. He quickly threw the eye away, hearing laughter from the colt he just paid to kill the thief that stole his statue.



"Hello Comber?"

Connie waved a hoof in front of Comber, who quickly grabbed it, putting it back to the ground gently. Comber used his magic to disintegrate the eyeball. Connie was horrified how the eye just disappeared, it was enough to easily make a pony lose their appetite; especially what the inside of an eye looks like. How can Comber watch an eyeball just get disintegrated like that?

"Wha-what did you do to the eyeball?"

Comber shook the blood off his hooves, before looking back at Connie with a normal grim expression.

"Disposal it."

Connie thought that was rude to do to a corpse. They and her did attempt to kill Comber so she guess it can be forgiven. So what's now?

"What a moment, Comber do you plan on leaving the organization? I mean not like I'm against it, if anything I'm with you-!"

"The quick answer is yes, don't speak a single word about it."

Connie backed up further with a scared and worrisome expression. Was that threat?

"Are, you-threating me?"

Comber turned his back to Connie, reviewing the bodies that laid lifeless around him. It'll be hard to dispose of the corpses, but with his magic maybe he can pick them all up, and move them to the nearest dumpster, where they all belong anyway. Comber thought back to Connie's question.

"The answer to that is a no, but yes. If you do tell they will probably kill you as well. Blade ain't stupid when it comes to traitors, trust me, he probably heard what we talked about."

"How-how do you-!"

"Enough with the questions Connie. I know you're just curious, afraid of the consequences that might transpire. If you really want to survive in this world, then you might want to tuff yourself up."

Connie looked at the ground, disappointed. Comber's right but, she's not the strong or tuff type.

"But, I'm-I'm not tuff, I mean, what damage did I do against you?"

Comber turned to Connie with a devious smirk.

"That's because you fought someone who nearly mastered all martial arts. My experience isn't bad either, since I was 10 years old, I took martial arts and fought in battles. You-!"

"I haven't even thought about taking martial arts, is it possible me to learn from you?"

Comber was in disbelief and shock. First Nome and now Connie. Does he look like a sensei? I mean he has the experience and knowledge to be a sensei but still.

"Hahahahah!... I wouldn't mind teaching a few things to you, however, I already have a student who's mine best friend."

"Am I'm your friend?"

Comber wanted to laugh.

"If you remember you literally just try killing me not so long ago, so what do you think?"

"Oh... Yeah I'm truly sorry about attacking you, I wasn't even trying to hurt you. I just wanted make Gumbo think I was trying my all."

"I see, no wonder your attacks didn't faze me. But now I would like to see you face me with your all."

Connie agreed, getting into fighting stance, her fighting stance was both hooves slide back. Comber sighed, hoof palming his face.

"I'm sorry but if you think that is any fighting stance then you are sorely mistaken. This is what a fighting stance looks like."

Comber got into fighting stance, his face serious. Connie pulled her hooves back to normal, self aware of what Comber just said about her stance. Connie stared Comber down, attempting to copy Comber stance but had some trouble doing so. Comber was shock she was try to copy his stance, at the same time he was also annoyed; a true fighter always finds their own fighting stance. They don't copy other's fighting stance, unless they adopt it as their own. Comber dashed at Connie; giving the yellow pegasus little PTSD. Why fight, wait she asked for it pretty much. She hoped he was going to be serious as he was when he fought her recently. She likes to her teeth and no brain damage. Connie remember Comber did a spin kick on her, is he going do that again? Connie was ready to duck, Comber was inches away from her, he attack Connie ducked, but was uppercut in the jaw, she nearly bit her tongue. She flew a little into the air; Connie flapped her wings, flying at Comber, when she tried to stomp down on him, she missed, stomping down onto the ground; that still hurt. She quickly looked for Comber, who was on her right and throwing a punch at her, by the right corner of Connie's right eye she saw the attack coming, she went to block the attack, but was shocked when Comber pulled the punch back, then his left hoof caught it, she quickly got up on her two rear hooves attempting to block. Comber hit Connie in the stomach with the force of two hooves, his left hoof propelling his right hoof with more force. She coughed up spit; Comber moved his head to the left watching the spit fly past him. Comber could've spin kicked her in her kidneys, or even gave her a one inch punch, but decline to do it. This is to see where she stands and if she's defeated too fast then that will be difficult to tell. Connie fell over towards Comber a little bit, stopping herself; Connie recollected herself. She attempted to punch Comber, the attempt was a success. She was able to land the punch with a turn directly into Comber's right check, she smirked. Connie's smirk slowly disappeared as she realized her punch didn't faze Comber. But how? Comber was hit with all the might she could muster, just how? Comber faced moved a little bit but there's no reaction or change in expression, heck he looked like he didn't even move from the spot. Comber slowly grabbed Connie's hoof; Connie was frightened, but slowly calmed down as Comber moved her right front hoof back to the ground slowly. Connie was afraid Comber was going to attack her again, with quick speed she threw a hoof horizontally in front of her face, blocking the middle of her face but not her forehead and jaw. Comber stepped back, as to tell her this test is over. Connie opened her eyes. Her hoof that was used for blocking slowly descended towards the ground.

"Alright, fighting session is over, you did decent. However theirs some actions you performed that didn't please me."

Connie gave her best but still couldn't please Comber. What did she expect; he took martial arts for 50 years and in many different forms of martial arts too. She couldn't expect to do good is she have never performed martial arts until she had to learn then herself from her recent fights in the organization.

"Wha-what did I do wrong?"

Connie asked Comber, who was already to respond.

"Well for starters, never close your eyes when you are preparing for an incoming attack. That's like walking into a very dark forest, where many timber wolves are using the dark go sneak up on pray. They will claw you to pieces. Second you wasn't in a stance, your stance was actually meant more for running then fighting. Think of a stance where you can block and dodge correspondingly. Third your attacks was weak in power."

"Is it because I'm-!"

"And no it's not because you're a mare pegasus. Mares with enough training can out strengthen colts if they put a lot of effort into training, which is what I want you to do. You can have skill but if you're opponent does too and is faster as well as stronger, you're probably screwed if he knows how to fight."

"So-so where can I go to lift some weights?"

"To a gym of course, or create your own weights. The nearest gym is called Angry Lifting. I suggest you book an appointment there later on tomorrow."

Connie stared at Comber with a disappointed expression, but quickly accepted that he was right. He's a great colt, not always thinking mares are inferior beings to colts.

"Thanks for not killing me when you had the chance. I'm hoping you succeed in leaving the organization, I know I would like to have a filly."

"But you can't, because of the stupid mythology we believe in. Now have a great night now."

"I know, would you-!?"

Connie blushed as she was speaking, her emotions was short piece after watching Comber pick up the bodies, 4 at a time with his magic, ew, Connie thought. She assumed he likes his cape since he used his magic and kept it away from his himself when the corpses was held above him. First time seeing a colt who likes fashion; although wearing a cape isn't really fashion in Connie's eyes, it makes you look cool but that's it. Comber looked at Connie with a concern look, what was she saying? He used his magic again to pick up four more of the bodies, taking the previous corpses to the dumpster nearby.

"Would I what?"

Connie blush, looking down and to her right, she was embarrassed.


Comber walked at normal speed to the dumpster, opening it with his hooves, throwing the bodies into the dumpster. He turned back to Connie who blushes went away slowly. Comber walked to the west, picking up another corpse with his magic, then to the right, picking another corpse up, he pulled one of them out of the metal fence of his neighbor's yard, then used his magic to pick them up. That colt had his head smashed against the metal fence, no wonder where's his top of his skull and brains are. Connie started walking towards her home, which was down the road, as she made her way towards it, she noticed Comber throwing the last of the corpses into the green dumpster. Wow, maybe he's not as good as he thought, he pretty much called their lives garbage, and pretty much, they were; and they did try to kill Comber.

("Comber's so naive.")

Connie thought about Comber, how could he not tell when a mare is falling for him? Does he not get romance, or does he chooses to ignore romance? Connie disappeared out of the yard of Comber's mansion, Comber watched as she turned southwest of his mansion. She lives in Flustered Town eh? Since when did ponies in this town care about anypony else besides themselves? She probably still does, Comber spared her so it would just make sense for her to be nice to a colt or pony who showed her mercy, but this attitude she gave off to Comber didn't say she was lying, and neither did the deception. Comber looked around him, taking a mental photoshoot of his surroundings. His horn lit up with his signature red magic, before casing a 35 hooves distance spell. Comber opened his eyes and looked around, not seeing no more blood, or brains that was in his neighbor's yard. Comber turned around, before hearing a dog bark, not at him, but from his neighbor's yard, the dog had a red spiky collar on, with black eyes, he dashed on the side of the fence, hirozontally going down the fence, then to the area Comber killed that colt, the dog quickly lean down and grabbed a piece of what looks like to a colt's brain.

"That's disgusting, simply nasty as Tartarus."

Comber said, picking up a compass that belong to Gumbo. Comber opened it, what a good compass. Comber opened his bag, putting it into the bag, well, this would be proof he killed Gumbo.

("Now that's this is all over I think I'll throw my cape in the washer again, then dry it before actually going to sleep.")

Comber yawned, a little tired from the environment, the dark sky, the twinkling stars can make anypony tired, even if it's so little, of course the battle always has a small toll on Comber. After Comber cleaned the rest of the bodies from the aftermath of the battle. Comber walked towards the front door of his mansion, walking into it, as he walked into the living room, the lights flicked on, they were white, then dim to tan. Comber walked towards the laundry room, open the door, ah the smell from last washing is always a good reminder you're productive. Comber grabbed the detergent, which he brewed with his own magic. Comber dumped the detergent into the detergent slot of the washer, he took his cape off around his neck, throwing it into the washer. Comber walked out of the laundry room, watching as the lights dim to as much as possible, enough to still be alerted you're washing something since the lights were still on. Comber walked towards the kitchen, staring at a hole in the wall.

("Ah Bloom, why did you do that?")

Comber thought, smiling. Why was he smiling, because the hole is a happy reminder not to make him angry, and how much he has controlled his anger since. Comber walked away from the hole, into the greenhouse and then outside. Comber walked through the grass, feeling how hard it was.

("I bet Commer would use that thermometer of his to see how cold it is to explain why the grass freezed.")

Comber quickly turned to his dummies. Walking towards them, Comber turned his head towards the sky, ah, the moon is a crescent tonight. The moon light shine on the dummy Comber was primary focus on. Comber used his magic to activate the dummy in combat. Comber rushed towards the dummy, blocking an uppercut it was trying to perform on him. Comber grabbed the hoof, quickly ripped it off, them punching a hole right through the neck, Comber's hoof twisted upwards, before pulling his hoof through the way it enter the neck, the dummy head was ripped off, the dummy attacked Comber with the same power Comber's magic was, not harming Comber in the slightest. Comber quickly through the head to another dummy his magic was controlling. The heads collided, breaking into pieces, with a ton of fake blood bursting out of them. Comber used his magic to teleport out of the fake blood's way. He's not taking another shower. Comber looked around, after using his magic to fix the dummies he just brutality defeated. Comber used his magic again, opening his magic safe, grabbing his hoof made dumbbells, he put them on the ground, starting to pick them up and down, then after doing curls with them. After doing a set of 100 each, Comber then picked them up, putting them back in his magic safe. He smirked.

("Looks like I'm stronger than the average pony by 15 times now.")

Comber smirked disappeared. Comber scooted both of his rear hooves back, ready for his next workout and test. Comber started running, running past his fence within 4 seconds, then jumping over the fences, slamming his left front hoof on the ground, then started running again, he was going to run, he was going to run a marathon right now. Comber ran out of Flustered Town, heading to the south of Equestria. Comber took breaths in, slowly and smoothly; remaining calm as he ran through the darkness of the night. To his left was cracked trees, owls on them, eyes closed. To his right was homes, cracked homes. This area, the homes had faces on them, like faces made of blood. Wait a moment, this was Death's town. Everypony's a killer here. No remorse, sorrow, regret, just bloodlust and rage. Comber heard the sound of a colt screaming his lungs out, before a splash slam was heard. Comber turned to the house with the most bloodlust, looking at the windows, he saw blood and brains fly at them, hitting the window and sliding down it, some fell off. Comber felt shivers down his spine, not from fear but the brutality and amount of mercy they had. Would it not kill them to clean this town too? A decapitated statue of a pony holding a black what seems to be sphere soul. Comber ran to the end of death Town, he quickly turned around 180 degrees.

("Alright, don't want to run so far as before. Time to head back and out of this disgusting town.")

Comber slid his two rear hooves back, before taking off the way he came. He knew some of the killers that work at the organization stay here, but hey, it clearly explains everything here, including the sight of this town. Comber ran past a colt getting beaten up by a bigger white colt, teeth flew out of the yellow colt's mouth, before a knife was struck into the chest cavity, ripping down; after the white colt opened up the yellow colt. The yellow colt breathed heavily, before two hooves was placed onto his lungs, over the rib cage, the white colt pulled his two hooves back, bringing them down, destroying the rib cage and crushing the lungs, after, the white colt leaned down, his red and black mane getting in his way, he grabbed the heart, ripping it out of the colt's body with his hooves. He watched as the heart beat in his hooves, he squeezed a little hard, blood gushing out of the heart. The white colt threw the heart at the yellow colt's face, watching it burst over his face and mouth with enough blood to suffocate the yellow colt if he wasn't already dead.

"That's for my bucking sister you bucking abused and killed!"


Comber jumped over a wooden fence with many splinters sticking out. The part time assassin kept running until he was back in Flustered Town, where he jumped over a 55 hoof house, then landed on his front hooves, back flipping back on all four hooves. Comber then started running again, spotting his fence. Comber jumped his fence, watching out for the barb wire around the top. He landed into the backward. Comber enjoyed the smell his yard gave off; unlike other lawns that either has no care or cheap care, Comber's flowers and lawn is premium took care of. Comber ran towards the back doors, stopping with a slide right at his door, nearly hitting the door that was blooming with roses tied on it. Comber closed his eyes, opening the door, he then walked in, ah, that smell of flowers and plants well healthy always smell good. Comber walked through the Zen garden, then into the kitchen, then towards the laundry room, where his cape was done being washed.

("Just in time.)

Comber smiled, opening the door to the washer machine, after closing it, using a spell to dry up all the water still left inside the washer. Wait if he can use dry spell then why doesn't he do that on his cape? Comber grabbed four fabric softener sheets, throwing them into the dryer. Comber then picked his cape up from the top of the washer, tossing it into the dryer, turning the heat on high. Comber walked out of the laundry room, turning the lights on auto setting; the lights would let him know when the dryer's done, but right now the lights are red, nowhere near finished. Comber walked out of the kitchen. Why does Comber have a kitchen if he doesn't eat, why have a kitchen he thought? I mean if you take guest like Nome into account then that's the only use for it. Comber casted a nutrition spell, then a hydration spell.

("Time to brush my teeth.")

Comber opened the door to his bathroom, ah a blue door is relaxing one. Comber opened the cabinet, putting a hoof on the left side of his cabinet to open it, a scanner popped out from the lock part of the cabinet, scanning Comber's teeth, mane and tail.

"Comber, Welkins, recognized. Brush your teeth smoothly.'

Comber gave the machine a happy smirk before the cabinet door opened wide, Comber grabbed his toothpaste, which appeared to be golden in color. Comber squeezed the toothpaste lightly, not wanting a mess like he did last time. You have to monitor your own strength when you're in his hooves. After the toothpaste was on the toothbrush, which red with black circle patterns down the base. Comber started brushing, after a few moments of brushing, he took the mouthwash, which was gold in color too, putting it in his mouth, then rinsing. Comber spit all of the water, mouthwash and toothpaste out of his mouth; after he was done brushing his teeth, he put the toothpaste, and mouthwash back, then cleaning his toothbrush with his hooves and water, then putting it back into the cabinet, into a small plastic container with iron locks on it, he locked the locks in place, then pushed down onto the container, shutting it. Comber then turned on the water, allowing the sink to be clean. Comber closed the cabinet, he watched as the running water cleared the spit and toothpaste out of the sink. Comber looked into the mirror, giving it a smile. The glare from his teeth was nearly binding, he normally never used his teeth but if he does... It would be one of the last resorts in battle. Comber turned to the bathroom door, turning back to the sink, turning it off.

("Tomorrow is going to be another normal day. Hopefully something fun happens at work tomorrow.")

Comber leaned on the sink, preplanning the events that will transpire tomorrow.

("So tomorrow is blood B positive and negative harvest mostly.")

Comber walked towards the door in the bathroom, opening it, walking down the stairs he once walked up. The stairs was dark green. Not many ponies do proper hygiene where he works at, but most need hygiene products, because they won't buy them, even though they're all filthy rich. what a bunch of dumpster balls. Comber walked towards the couch, laying down on it, his rear hooves hanging off he couch. His head laying on the softest pillow of the couch.

("Hopefully I don't have another nightmare about the place I wish not to continue working at.")

Comber continued to lay there, thinking more about the organization; the nightmares it causes the innocents that works there. The amount of suffering that happens there. That place one day will be stopped, hopefully by Celestia; but if Comber himself can't stop it, then what makes Celestia thinks she would, she doesn't, that probably why she'd not made her move. Comber chuckled.

("Stupid monarchies. Better than tyrants at less.")

Comber turned his attention to the laundry room, staring inside it, he was happy but yet having nostalgia. Why? The organization was a dark place to start employment when you're 15 years old. The only thing that place truly taught him in mortality is. Ponies are cruel creatures and their lives can easily be striped away from them without a second thought. Comber heard a bat, was that outside-! Comber got up, walking into the kitchen to find a bat on the sink faucet. Comber extended a hoof towards the bat, it looked like a baby bat, maybe this is he's first flight? That doesn't matter, homes are for ponies, not bats; they have their own dark homes. Comber lifted the bat up by the bottom of it's legs, carrying him out of the kitchen and into the living, where he opened the front door, thrusting his hoof up for the bat to take off, which it did.

("Surprise it didn't bite me, bats have viruses, but I guess that doesn't make them aggressive.")

Comber closed the front door, walking back towards the kitchen window he forgot to shut, closing it. Why'd he left that open with no screen? Why ain't their a screen in it? Comber walked back to his couch in the living room, laying down on it the same way he previous was. Comber thought more about his plans against the organization. Is Nome right? Is it stupid to go against the organization? Comber still kept his ears perked for the washing machine. Better not break down as it did before. Comber eyes closed, then opened. Comber remember all of the ponies that were going to be there at the organization on the day he decides to quit. 2 of them are plan wicked, and act on impulse. 5 of them will be rangers, most likely with bows since a gun is too fast at killing. 6 unicorns, 15 earth ponies, 14 pegasus. Comber thought of ways based on the environment on how to approach the upcoming fight. He will have to cancel the unicorns' magic so they don't bind him in place. The pegasus will probably approach from the air based on their kind. Earth ponies, well their earth ponies, they can run at Comber. Probably going use weapons against him, especially when the code is shouted into the speakers of the organization. They all will bring weapon. Comber got up, smelling something unpleasant, wait a minute, that's-! Comber quickly stepped back on all four hooves, walking swiftly towards the laundry room. He stopped the dryer, opening it and pulling the lent trap out. He Walked towards the kitchen, opening the trashcan, scraping and cleaning the lent off of the trap, then walking back to the laundry room with it, putting it back in place, then shutting the dryer, turning it back on to let it resume it's progress.

("That's a close one. Don't want this dryer to catch fire like one of mine did.")

Comber walked towards the kitchen window, turning his head and eyes towards the window, looking far at the dumpster. Comber thought about Cinom. What's going on with him right now? Probably sleeping since this is the time for this continent to sleep.


A certain brown colt wearing a night mask woke up, glaring out the window, then turning back over on his left side in his shaded bedroom, falling back to sleep.


Comber looked under the sink, looking at the pipes as he turned the water on. He was glad there's no leakage. Last time that happen it caused a lot of mold on supplies; that's why there's always a bucket under the sink that is painted red and yellow hirozontally lines. Comber turned the water off, shutting the cabinets next. He walked over towards the fridge, opening it, there's not much food and this is to be expected for somepony who normally get all his nutritional needs from a spell. There's some food but that's for visitors like Nome. Comber just wanted to make sure the fridge was still running normally. Comber shut the fridge. He Walked back into the living room, looking at the carpet, it's nearly not messy at all. No vacuuming needed. Comber stopped walking when he was on the rug. He got in his fighting stance, practice more fight skills and techniques. He was mastering certain kicks, like the crescent kick, black flip kick and many more. He needs more improvement in those areas of offense. After Comber finished his training, he walked to the right of the kitchen, down the hallway, stopping at a black door. The smell of weights he thought. Comber opened the door, walking in. The lights flickered on, bright white. Comber smirked, looking around with his eyes in the room. He walked into it, the door shutting slowly, then loudly behind him.

("Time for a needed workout while time ticks for the dryer.")

Comber layed onto the mat, doing curl ups, then pushes, doing sets of 4 each, until 25 units of push ups and curl ups were reached in the 4 sets. Comber walked over to a chair, sitting in it, lifting dumbbells of 285 pounds. The size of the dumbbells wasn't big but the material they were made of was very heavy. Comber did 4 sets of each, first his grip strength was increased, then the other two sets was his upper biceps. Comber took the weights after he was finished with his workout, putting them on the dumbbell rack. Comber heard the dryer beep, but he still needed to work his legs a little more, and what way is to do that at a gym or workout room with the treadmill. Comber got onto the treadmill, running on it as soon as the speed picked up, starting from the setting 100-350. Comber was still barely breaking a sweat. Luckily the treadmill was strictly fastened to the ground tightly with two barriers around it to keep it from shaking. You wouldn't want that machine to fall or vibrate too much, because you lose your traction with the belt and at the speed Comber runs on it; your asking to go through the wall, then to the hospital, especially if you're a normal pony. When Comber was done with the workout, he stepped off, walking away from the treadmill, then out the door after he opened it. The door shut, the lights flicked off. Comber wiped a tiny bit of sweat of his forehead before walking towards the living room again.

("Time to get my cape and hang it up, then sleep.")

Comber thought to himself, walking into the kitchen, then to the right where the laundry room door was. He grabbed the doorknob, opening the door, walking into a freshly scented laundry room. Ah, the smell of his cape and the fabric softener is always nostalgic and good. Comber opened the dryer, grabbing the lent trap, taking it towards the trashcan out of the laundry room, he used his magic to scrape off the lent, then walked back to the laundry room after he was done cleaning the lent trap, putting it back in the dryer. Comber smirked, grabbing his cape, smelling it. The cape smelled great. Comber close the laundry room door after walking out it. He looked at the living room from the kitchen, before walking into it, putting his cape on the coat rack. Comber walked towards his couch, looking around the living room with his head, all look good he thought. Comber eyes stopped on the front door, it was unlocked. How can he be so naive? Comber quickly walked towards the door, locking it. Comber walked back to the couch, laying on it. Comber layed his head on cushion closest to the side closest to the door. Comber kicked his hooves across the couch. His eyes closed. Where did the years go since he was fifteen? Ever since he's been working at that blasted place they call the organization of killers, the days and years fly into the after life. but you know outside of the organization, there's always something else. The excuses like the organization is a clothes shop, which who the Tartarus falls for that? Hospital. The organization is the opposite of what a hospital is. A shelter, which technically it is but reality it's no place you would ever want to stay. Comber knew what he was getting into when he first walked into the door; his father has already taught him about the organization and their ways of tricking ponies so they can either have more employees or victims back then. However they normally go out and get the bodies. They bring them back to the organization where you have to organize it in units and as a team.

("Can't wait to be gone from that horrible place.")

Comber thoughtfully told himself, growing a smile as he nears to sleep. The part time assassin was now asleep, a majority of Flustered Town was, one colt in particular wasn't.


"Well well. Seems like Comber is becoming a sensei."

A familiar black colt said with both of his front hooves crossed. The colt was in the air by a little, he was floating. A devious smirk appearing on his face.

"Freeze! You're under arrest, Coomber!"

Coomber turned around to face one, only one deputy. The deputy had his gun drawn and ready to shoot Coomber.

"Tell me something buddy... Are you new?"

Coomber's watch opened a small department, little probe like devices that was microscopic walked towards the deputy, taking a piece of hair and a red blood cell through a wound left open on his left hoof. The watch analyzed the DNA. The watch showed many histories of the deputy.

"So did you know you were allergic to dust bunnies? If you did no wonder why your house which is on the path of 16 pathway. You're married with 2 fillies?"

"Wh-what! Lay down on your stomach and-!"

Coomber walked towards the deputy. The deputy panicking, fires his gun. The bullet hit Coomber in the forehead. The deputy was in shock and disbelief. No, the bullet just bounced off like he's made of steel, the bullet fell to the ground. Coomber teleported in front of the deputy, grabbing the gun, crushing it in front of his face with both hooves. The deputy was frozen by fear, blue appeared across his face. No. He's going to die. Coomber dropped the remains of the gun onto the ground.

"Alright rookie, I'm in a good mood. You know who I am and must say you have guts to come out here and try to arrest me. You even tried to kill me. Normally ponies who shoot at me, it's like spitting in my face. And in this town, what do colts do to others when they get spit on?

"They-they kill them or beat them until-they, can't walk."

"Precisely. Now what 10 bones of yours do you want broken? I prefer your hooves.

"No, please, I'm sorry. I won't ever try to arrest you again."

Coomber checked his watch, seeing a history of his honesty. The ratio came back to him lying more then telling the truth. Coomber gave the deputy a devious smirk.

"So you're a bad colt, not as bad as me but a decent amount of badness. You lied more than you told the truth. And stop thinking if all goes south that you taser me, because I'll assure your doubts it won't do a Celestia thing against me. You're telling the truth, however I want to see you out of my view within... 25 seconds."


"One... Two... three..."

"Yes sir!"

The colt said with extreme fear and panic. The deputy started running away from Coomber, terrified for his life and hooves. Coomber grinned.

"What an imbecile."

Coomber said, turning back around, facing off the edge of the cliff. The cliff had lots of grass on it and two trees that was filled of green leaves at the peak of the cliff. Coomber was able to see Comber's mansion. He was happy for his son as well as proud of what he grew into. Coomber walked down the cliff, where the deputy ran away to, he wanted to still make that colt fear him, because the rest of the authorities do, but that time will come for another time if he lies to him and tries to arrest or kill him again.

("Hmph, what a coward.")

Coomber walked down the slope and into the fog, where the sight of him started to fade away.

Rise and Shine Manager of Unit 25! An Assassination Attempt on Nome! Back To Work!

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Comber's eyes opened, sunlight creaking in from the blinds, nearly blinding Comber who wits was getting back to him. He slowly got up, looking out the window. The sun is still rising, so this means it's almost time for work again. Work is fun, you know that? Sarcasm.

("Welp, might as well grab my cape, water my plants and then practice a little more fighting moves, then head to work.")

Comber walked towards his cape, grabbing it from the coat rack; putting it on him, tying the front at his neck. He smirked. This is how he's easily identified. Comber walked into the kitchen, the coat hanger was still shaking from Comber grabbing his cape off it. finally the coat hanger stopped in place. Comber walked through the door towards his Zen garden. Ah the smell of healthy flowers will bring a smile to even the depression. Comber grabbed the water can to his right, the same green one as last time. He used his magic to levitate the watering can into the air, floating it towards all his plants and flowers. Each by each was watered to the correct specifications. Comber had to refill the water can three times, but after, putting it back on the silver rale. He made his way towards the exit door to the backyard. Comber shutting the door behind him, after, walking towards his dummies, setting them up as usual with his magic. He got in his stance, then practiced more kicks as well as punches. Comber performed a 180° kick, spinning 360° on the ground on his left rear hoof, then back on all fours. Comber dashed at the dummy that was using a hoof to dare Comber to attack; Comber did, performing the same kick he recently practice. The head flew off like a baseball. Fake blood spurted out of the neck cavity. Comber back flipped away from it, using his magic to grab the decapitated head, putting it back on the dummy. The dummy that had magic around it disappeared. Remaining stiff, like it was dead. Comber practice the same kicks he practice yesterday, performing them all on each dummy. After Comber was done. He wiped his forehead, before opening the door and walking back into the zen garden. Comber shut the door behind him, locking it. He then made his way down the hallway, looking at all the decor around him. The flowers matching up, the flowers blooming and the smell coming from them, the area completely clean of all trash. Comber walked through the door, he was back in his kitchen, he closed the door behind him, turning to his right, walking towards the front door, as he walked towards it he looked all around the room, making sure it was as clean as possible. It was. Now Comber's not a freak when it comes to cleaning but he's definitely not like the rest of the colts in this town or at his job. Comber opened the front door, walking into the breezy weather. He shut the door behind him, facing forward, looking at the humid path.

("Last night was gloomy.")

Comber told himself, believing the weather from last night carried over to the morning. Comber started walking down the gloomy path, looking at his surroundings. All seems normal to him. Comber stopped at the sign he always does in the morning. The sign said Aggressive path. Comber started walking down the path.


"Good morning Comber!"

Comber smirked.

"Good morning Nome."

"Ready for work?"

"As I ever be."

Comber and Nome started walking down Aggressive path.

"So do you think you can become a higher position than unit manager?"

Comber chuckled.

"Yes, and I was offered before, but turned them down. I'm not managing a bunch of demons."

"Haha, I don't blame you Comber."

Nome and Comber quickly turned to the left, heading off the path, to the southwest of Flustered Town. After a long walked, they exited Flustered Town. They continue to walk, their destination, the organization.

"So what are you're goals today?"

"Many Blood type B harvesting. Yours?"

"You know my position Comber, you don't have to-!"

Comber quickly putting a hoof on Nome's head, pushing him down. Nome was shocked and confused, but heard a tree be penetrated behind him with what sounds like a arrow. A colt walked from behind a shaded tree, attempting to sneak up on Comber who wasn't paying attention, he was faking it. The colt grabbed a arrow, attempting to stab Comber in the back of his back with it. Comber quickly turned towards the colt, grabbing the hoof with the arrow, twisting it, making the colt drop the arrow. Comber kicked the arrow away. The colt spit in Comber's face, punching him after. Comber was provoked by the colt already and now he spits in his face in battle? The colt was lifted into the air by Comber. Comber slammed the colt down with fast speed. The colt hit the hard ground, jaw first. The colt yelled in pain. The part time assassin walked backwards, leaving Nome confused.

"Hey Nome I want to see you fight this coward of a fighter."

Nome was shocked. His first fight? Wait this is a lesson from Comber before work? Wasn't the lesson after work? No this can't be staged. That colt spit in Comber's face. There's no way Comber would let him do that. Who would want to have some colt spit in your face, even if it is an act? Nome looked at Comber with hesitation, then back at the colt who was getting back up, grunting as he did.

"What, are-are you-!"

Comber walked towards Nome, facing him with a mentor look.

"You don't fear your opponent Nome. Remember that lesson? Practice what you practice on him so we can get to work."

"Ye-yes sir!"

The colt was back on our four hooves, ready to charge at Comber. Nome stepped in front of Comber with a serious expression. He was ready to fight. No more of being a coward. Nome took a look at the colt, wait that was a bully in his elementary school. Nome smirked and chuckled.

"Alrighty Comber. I want to teach this colt a piece of your teachings. Don't you remember him?"

"Besides what seems to be blur blue eye on the right then I don't."

"He bullied me in elementary and now he's going to pay."

Comber was surprised. Nome had a bully in elementary school. It's no surprised he has one at the organization because everypony there is a heartless monster, who don't even deserve to be called a pony.

"Well I'll let you have this grudge, but remember Nome. Martial Artists shouldn't hold any grudges. It can cause a mental block in battle."

Nome shook his head to Comber with a yes. Nome walked towards the colt, turning his head towards the colt who at first was confused but now he gets it. Nome begged Comber to let him fight him? Nome always being like a filly. Rely on others for his attributes. Oh well...

("I'll make sure you remember why I bully and beat you Nome! You idiotic colt.")

Nome ran at the colt, the colt ran at him. They both threw a punch at each other, Nome went for a block. The block was successful. The colt headbutted Nome, causing him to stagger backwards. Nome regained his wits, shaking his head and ducking under the colt. He went for a gut punch but the speed of his attack was too slow. The colt dodged it. Kneeing Nome in the face, knocking him to the ground. Nome dodged a stomp, grabbing a hold of the left front hoof of the colt.

"This was for my baby tooth you knocked out Colin!"

Nome pulled on the hoof, pulling the colt to the ground.

("Oh no you don't!")

Colin got back up. Nome was about to attempt to stomp on Colin mouth. Colin laughed, before landing a direct punch to the left side of Nome's cheek. Nome vision went blurry.

("What the buck did he just hit me with? An Advil?")

Colin saw his opportunity, he grabbed Nome's face, kneed him in it, then pushed him down by his back. Comber watched, getting more angry at himself for letting Nome fight his his elementary school bully. It's justice if he won but this isn't justice; he's losing.

"You think you can beat me Nome. You're a coward. I hope you don't like your ribs!"

Colin stomped on Nome's chest, shattering the ribs. He repeatedly stomped on Nome. Nome yelled in pain.

"Now for your face!"

Colin stomped on Nome's face, making blood spurt out of the mouth. Colin walked away, grabbing the arrow Comber kicked away earlier. He made his way back towards Nome who was struggling to get back up. Colin kicked him in the stomach, pushing his head back down, and in terms, his entire body. Colin flipped Nome who was in anguish and grunting pain over on his chest.

"Well I hope you don't need your life anymore. I'll make this blow my finishing blow."

Colin put a hoof on Nome's chest, feeling for a heart beat, moving his hoof around he feeling Nome's heart beating fast. The heart beat was becoming faint. He pulled his hoof with the arrow in it, pointing down.

"This is goodbye, Nome. You were worthless anyways. Let's see your body gush and spurt out together! Die!

Colin stabbed the arrow down towards Nome's heart, a devious expression on his face. His eyes narrowed and full of hatred. Nome saw the arrow coming, closing his eyes, bracing for the impact. The arrow halted. Nome was confused, why hasn't he been stabbed yet? Is this a ruse to make him think he ain't going to be stabbed just so he can be stabbed unprepared? Nome's left eye open, then his right. He saw a black hoof gripping Colin's hoof with the arrow in it. Colin turned his head to his left, seeing the colt who stopped his finished blow.

"Enough. This stops now Colin."

Colin chuckled nervously. Who does Comber think he is? He's definitely not a hero. Friendship is weakness. Is that why Comber saved Nome? Pathetic.

"Get your weak hoof off of mine!"

Colin tried to break free but couldn't, Comber's grip was too strong. Colin attempted to grab the arrow with his right hoof, Comber waited, acting if he doesn't know Colin's plan, so his hoof will open at the right moment. Comber grabbed the arrow, snapping it in half before throwing it behind himself. Colin punched Comber in the neck, Comber felt that one.

"Ugh! How weak is my hoof now Colin!?"

Comber lifted Colin into the air, slamming him down on his stomach, he repeatedly swung him down until...

"Please, stop, I surrender."

Nome laughed.

"Hahaha! How does it feel to be beaten against your will Colin!?"

"Shut the buck up Nome!"

"Thanks for saving... Me Comber. I owe you one."

Comber still kept Nome's question to mind.

"How does it feel, I suggest you answer him."

Comber gave Colin a cold stare in his eyes that had blood down them. Colin's head was fractured, his bones sprained and on the verge of being fractured. A damaged gut, which explains the reason for the blood to leak from his mouth. Colin stared into Comber's eyes, his heart dropped.

"It doesn't feel good, it's-it's horrible! I'll never bully you again Nome!"

"You promise!?"

"Yes on my life!"

Comber let Colin's hoof go. Colin was grateful, but pride broken. He just played as a fool, and by who, a colt that looks like a teenager!? That arrow was giving to him by Dad, oh his dad is going to kill him? Colin slowly got back up, walking behind Comber. Comber sensed the bloodlust, but then it disappeared, why? He was hoping for another attack; because this time he's knocking Colin out.

"I want to say to you both I'm sorry. I just feel like I have no choice?"

Nome and Comber was shocked. What did he really just say?

"You had no choice? What in Celesita's name are you talking about!?"

Colin was aside Comber on the left looking at Nome.

"I was a bully to you, seriously. I let my life that was in the shades, drive me to do the same to others. My father didn't help either, in fact he made my life even worse by making me join the organization."

Comber eyes shot open, this sounds almost like what happen to him. But he never took it out on other ponies to make himself feel better.

"But that doesn't give you the right to take it out on other ponies."

Comber replied with a compassionate tone.

"Yeah like me."

Nome remembers all the times when Colin would bully him, it wasn't fun, most he could ignore, until it got physical.

"I'm sorry I tried to kill you twice Nome."

Nome felt bad for Colin. However, at the same time he did just try to take his life without a second thought and who even knows if he's telling the truth. Comber used his magic to heal Nome, lifting him back on all four hooves

"You just tried to kill me in cold blood Colin, that's hard to forgive. The beating was hard to forgive alone."

"I know Nome, I'm sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me."

"if you're going to be a fighter, then get used to beatings Nome."

Comber told Nome. Who listened, forgiving colin. Colin was genuinely sorry for his actions, Comber could tell. There's no deception to say otherwise.

"Comber is this a ruse? Is he actually telling the truth?"

Comber closed his eyes, shaking his head up and down. Nome couldn't believe it. All Colin ever needed was a pony to teach him a lesson and feel like he's not alone. Everypony who works at the organization will always feel the pressure of it; and the way the way relief that pressure is by taking it out towards a co-worker or another pony they know they are more superior to, they can bully and harm with no question. Sickos is what they are.

"Well thanks Colin. That meant a lot. I guess because your life was always in the gutter you found entertainment in me somehow. I'm sorry your life was like that."

Nome felt bad for Colin, granted he tried to kill him but he's been through worse at the organization.

"Are you sorry for beating me and nearly killing me?"

"Yes. I realized Comber is a very great friend towards you. I can't tell you that all the colts I ever and I mean ever knew would never save another colt, unless it's a personal gain. Comber did which is why I looked at him very shocked when he grabbed my hoof. The friendship you two have is beyond my concept. I really need friends."

Comber scoffed.

"Then go friend hunting. I'm sure somepony out there will befriend you. Don't try the organization."

"Hahahaha! Comber, you know as well as I do nearly everypony in this region, especially in Flustered Town will not befriend me. Would a shark befriend a seal? I presume not."

"Look, I'll befriend you."

Nome declared. Colin was in shock, he wasn't expecting them to befriend him and if they were it wouldn't have been Nome out of the two of them. I mean he did spit in Comber's face.

"I'm sorry for spiting in your face Comber. I was-!"

Comber turned back at the brown colt with a red mane and tail. The mane and tail had blue outlines. His eyes was orange.

"You better be. I can't tell you in the past how many ponies, mainly colts who I brutally murdered because they decided to spit their saliva in my face. Consider yourself lucky kid."

Colin looked down then back at Comber. Comber was well know back then. So he's really lucky Comber didn't go into rage mode. Colin was about to respond to Comber but was cut off by him and Nome walking past him.

"Come on Colin, you don't want to be late, because."

"I know Nome, I know."

Colin ran towards Comber and Nome, appearing on the right side of Nome.

"So what unit are you in Comber? I've know Nome's the janitor. So I know what unit he's in."

"Unit 25 Colin. Don't go around bulling anypony else."

"I don't intend to Comber. Let's be honest, none of us look forward to this job."

"I agree Colin however if we don't go to work."

"We'll be tortured and killed."

"Exactly Nome."

The three colts agreed the organization colts is horrible. It's like a school but one where no friendship is bound and ponies want to feel better making others feel down or beating them to a pulp. The three colts were in front of the organization. None of them wanted to go in, but they know they have to.

"So I'm not the only one that comes here a little earlier before the start of work am I?"

"No, you're not Colin, I've never seen you before when we arrived."

"Because you were always behind us."

"How in Celesita's name do you know that?"

Comber chuckled.

"The same reason I knew you were behind the tree and the moment I knew you tried to kill Nome with an arrow wasn't a bluff both times."

Colin was shocked, is Comber able to read minds? Sense emotions? Colin was sure Comber won't tell him. Comber opened the big doors to the organization, Nome and Colin looked at each other, giving nods before walking into the place they dreaded so much. Comber let the doors slam behind them.

"Alright, this is where we depart, see you soon Nome."

"See you soon Comber."

"Make sure to stay out of trouble Colin."

"I-I plan to."

The three colts made their separate ways, Comber walked upstairs, Nome walked straight forward, through the cafeteria, heading towards his janitor closet. Colin fallowed Comber upstairs.

"Your unit is on the upper floors?"

"Indeed it is."

"You know Colin, not many colts or ponies that I've known were willing to apologize to others for their consent wrong doings. You did. You got heart boy, don't forget that."

"Wait how'd-!"

Comber patted Colin on the shoulder. Colin continued walking upstairs. Feeling uneasy about Comber patting him on the shoulder. Comber walked across the second floor to his unit. When he arrived at the front door, he looked around, closed his eyes, attempting to sense any bloodlust. There wasn't any. Comber turned the doorknob, opening the unit door, walking into the unit. The door slam shut behind him. Comber walked to his left, using a hoof to punch in with his hoof print. Comber then turned to the rest of the unit with a little bit of shock.

"Alright, so what time did you both come in, because why is their already 3 creates done?"

Comber gave them a happy smirk. Bullet and Commer turned to Comber with satisfied expressions. Commer would like to answer that. Bullet doesn't understand why ponies ask questions to Commer. He's going to give them an accurate answer. Too accurate if you ask him.

"Simple we always focus on our work before talking or messing around. Don't want to get in trouble now do we?"

Comber smirked, Commer is right. Comber walked towards his desk, sitting down at it, facing the door he once walked through. Comber looked at Bullet then Commer.

"Did he play creates and shoots again?"

Bullet gulped as Commer laughed.

"What gave it away?"

"There's a little bit of blood stains still seen on the creates, as it leaked down it and dried up."

"Very good observation as always Comber."

Commer replied. Bullet scoffed. He knows exactly why too.

"Because all managers needs to keep a vigilant eye out for what they are managing. Wasn't you once an employee?"

"Exactly. And yes I was, technically still am. So what did you both do exactly?"

Bullet was about to talk, taking in a breath. Commer cut him off.

"We did the blood type A+ and -A. And some extra work for tomorrow."

"Alright. Good job."

Comber praised them, before grabbing papers from under his desk. He put them to his right, taking one that was stable to 3 others. He took a pen with magic, filling it out. He checked mostly everything off, like: was the harvest done correctly and on time? Did your employees perform the work with your or without your help? Did they need any guidance on the assignments? Was the correct blood types, as well as DNA harvest correctly and safely? Was they neatly put in the create correctly and with care? Well Bullet didn't do that, but as long as they are able to work and isn't damaged then it's alright, but if something's wrong with them he can't be blame as he wasn't here to begin with at the time they started production today. Comber finished filling the papers out; after going onto the next one, which is the papers for the negative A blood type.!

"Bullet this is for your safety. Please don't be too rough or throw the harvest items into the creates. The last thing I need is for them to punish you."

Bullet was scared of the organization. Who wouldn't be, even Comber must fear the organization? If he doesn't that means he doesn't fear death. Bullet regained his composer, smiling at Comber.

"I understand sir. Thank you for your compassion."

Comber turned his attention back to his paper work, finishing it like he did with the last one. After he was finished, he filled the one out for their extra work. After Comber finished that one, he put them in a pile for collection, he got up from his chair.

"Alright I got to take these creates down stairs. I'll be back soon."

Comber walked towards the create on the top, carrying it on his back, and out of the room. The door slam behind him. The part time assassin walked down stairs and towards the storage room. There's many, so the one that holds he's unit's production is where he always go. There have to be at least 150 units here. Comber thought to himself. Comber opened the door, walking in, opening the next door to his unit's production.

("I'm glad I don't have to walk all the way into the storage room.")

Comber put the create on the right back side in his unit production room, then walked out.

("This place always smells like hide.")

Comber thought to himself, making his way out of the storage room and back up stairs to his unit. As he was walking up the stairs, he looked around. His eyes moving back and forth. There's a flyer trying-! Comber got hit in the left side of his jaw by a red and blue coat pegasus. The pegasus flew back at Comber who stopped on the stairs. He acted if he was still looking for her so when she tried to do attack again, Comber grabbed her by the wings, pulling her face to his.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Oh you're going to hurt me? Please make it rough."

Comber could tell this mare is sick. Make it rough? What is she talking about and why is she trying to look cute? Ridiculous. Comber swung the mare up, then down directly at the first floor from nearly the second floor. She screamed before she hit the ground.

"I can't stop. Ahaaaa!"

She flapped her wings, decreasing the force of the fall. She hit the ground, feeling bruised, and sores everywhere.

"I think, I'll... Lay here for, a little while."

The mare closed her eyes. Comber took a stare down, before shaking his head, walking back up and towards his unit.


Comber opened the door to his unit, walking towards the other creates quickly.

"What happened out here Comber? It sounded like a mare was being tortured."

Bullet asked, Commer smirked.

"That's simple, he probably was attack but her and delt with her accordingly."

"And that's correct. That moron thought it would be funny to attack me as I walked up the stairs flying past me and punching me the first time."

"Wait you, didn't kill her right?"

Bullet asked. How dare he ask that when he has to torture and kill the victims here? Whatever.

"No because I'm not a dense idiot. She just in pain on the ground."

Comber told Bullet as he grabbed the negative A create. He was ready to take it out of the unit and down stairs, having it already on his back in no time. He's the type to get his work done swiftly.

"Hahaha, you could say she... 'fell" on pain, haha!"

Commer gave Bullet an eyebrow.

"That was a bad joke Bullet."

"Hahahaha! Sorry, I'm not good at jokes. Who do I look like a comedian? No I'm a killer."

"And you're proud of that Bullet?"

Commer gave Bullet a starling expression. It was regret and anxiety. Bullet face changed from serious to regret, looking at the desk, then back at Commer with a regretful serious face.

"It's not like I have any other choice but to do my job like the both of you are. You refused-!"

Comber walked towards the door. How can Comber just do that. They get he's crazy strong but that still must put a strain on his back/spine, muscles and body in general. Use the tools they advise because they are to make the job easier. Ain't it against the policy of the organization to not use the tools they prescribed you for certain jobs anyway?

"Hey Comber is it-!"

The door slammed shut behind Comber. Once again nothing new besides the smell and that's because of Nome. He always makes sure this floor is done first. Favoritism because of Comber. Comber reached the bottom of the steps, walking past a certain pegasus who had a red and blue coat. She reached out to his hooves but failed at grabbing them. Comber completely ignored her. Comber opened the storage room, then his unit's production once again, setting this create on the opposite side of the last one. Comber walked out of the unit production room, looking around him. There's many workers out here or should he say should be managers. Bunch of lazy managers. Comber walked out of the storage room; walking towards the stairs, he noticed the pegasus on the ground still. He wasn't going to let her die because she can't perform her duties. Even though she did try to knock him off the stairs. There's something mentally wrong with her. Comber picked the mare up, who noticed this. She blushed looking at his face. The part time assassin walked towards nurse office with her, she kept her blushes at him. She didn't know where they were going until they reached the door of the nurse office. She was afraid, embarrassed and felt a weird feeling. Does Comber love her?

Comber tossed her onto the ground in the nurse's office.

"I noticed this pegasus who was on the ground in pain. So I brought her here. She probably bumped into something... Hahaha."

The pegasus felt embarrassed, ashamed. He's really lying. She knows how to fly and she won't take another flying test to prove it.


The pegasus lost consciousness. Comber left the office, not want to waste any more of his time on this pegasus. The nurse quickly got up from her chair, putting the pegasus on the bed, putting a cold rag on her head. She then ran to her fridge, grabbing more ice packs, putting them on her body, back, and both pair of wings. She had so much bruises . Did she get beat up or in a fight?


Comber arrived at his unit's door, opening it, quickly walking in. The door slammed, alarming Bullet and Commer. He's back a little late then expected, what happened now?

"So you're a little late Comber, what-?"

"Commer, you know not to question managers and I was a 'little' late because I took that pegasus to the medic center."

Bullet and Commer was shocked. Why did he do that? Especially after she tried basically knocking him of the stairs; although the height of the floor wasn't that high. Still she hit him and when sonepony hits you, why would you help them after?


Bullet and Commer said together, shocked sonepony as high as Comber in the organization would help out a useless mare instead of leave a beat down a beat down. Comber expression changed to compassion.

"That's because I don't need her being killed because of her injuries cause by me."

"Then why not heal her? Why take her to the medic?"

Bullet asked in shocked. Commer knew why, ready to spill the answer.

"It's simple Bullet. She's a pegasus and if she was healed then they would be suspicious. If she's injured on the job or flying and 'accidentally' almost hitting somepony, then they be gentle with her. Comber took to the nurse's office because he knew that. In the end of it. She has an excuse of why she was late coming back to her unit and for her part of the job being a little backed up."

Comber was shocked Commer could tell all his motives and it's not like he can sense deception either. Can he read minds or all of these just knowledge he knows about the organization.

"I impressed Commer. You never fail to give an accurate anwser. Because you are absolutely right. If I would suggest a job it would be a detective. You'll never cease to solve your cases."

Commer liked being right as well as being praised by Comber. Who wouldn't liked being praised by their manager? Comber walked towards his desk, sitting down in his chair.

"Well anyway that's one less create down. One more to go. I'll take it down after a little bit of reviewing my paper work while sitting down."

Commer opened his bag, pulling out his test tubes again. Bullet shook his head.

"I'm going to laugh when Granfer comes in and sees you doing that."

Commer was curious, why would he laugh? He ain't doing anything wrong?

"I'm not doing anything against the policy. Once your work done you can pretty much do your own thing unless instructed otherwise. Granfer likes to see work done which mine is. As long as it doesnxt hurt the property"

Bullet hates Commer for being right. How does he-! You know what just assume he knows everything and especially about this filthy place.

"Correct Commer."

Comber replied, returning his attention to his paper work. He finished reviewing them, placing them back in the finished rack. No mistakes which is good; workers who make mistakes with duties will normally pay a heavy price but since Comber is so accurate and his loyalty, he doesn't have to worry about 1 or maybe even 2 mistakes.


Comber said, getting up from his chair, looking down at his desk then at Commer and Bullet.

"I'm going to take the final create down. Make sure the unit is clean. Bullet clean the creates."

"Understood sir."

Commer and Bullet confirmed with a professional tone. Comber walked towards the create, picking it up. The lid of the create fell off. Comber was a little irritated Bullet didn't shut the create all the way but as long as no damage is done, then nothing is to complain about right? Comber used his magic to pick up the lid, slamming it on the create. He used his magic to feel for a correct fitting and when he felt it. He pushed down on it, hearing the lid make a cracking click sound.

"Bullet. Make sure next time to close the lid more securely. I know this was a mistake as the other two creates was shut correctly. This could've been a lot worse than expected."

"Yes. I'm sorry sir."

Commer snickered.

"As long as you don't try to over fill this time."

"Oh, be quite Commer!"

"Hey, I can't help it you can't tell the area of create, how much volume it can hold and carry.",

"And there he goes once again. Spouting physics and Geometry. If he's so smart then-!"

The unit door slammed. Comber left the unit with the create. Bullet turned his head back to Commer.

"I bet you don't know the width and length of the create!"

Commer stared at Bullet with opened eyes, which blinked a couple of times with disbelief. So he made a bet.

"How many bits?"



Comber made it to the storage room, opening it with his keys which was always in his bag under his cape. Comber then opened the door to his unit's production. After walking in, setting the create down, he walked back out of the room, closing the door behind him, locking it; then turning the knob to see if it's shut fully. Comber walked towards the exit door of the storage room; opening it, then exiting. The door slammed when he turned his head to see if anypony was behind him.


Comber turned his head to his front, his knife pulled out, blocking a stab from a dagger.



Blade threw his dagger up, then opened his bag. Comber thought what he was doing was stupid; that's going to put a hole directly through your your bag. The dagger landed in the bag straight down. Comber was prepared for the sudden drop of items but nothing drop; no hole was made. What did he put the interior of the bag metal? It sounded like it. Comber put his knife back in his back, looking back at Blade, still flustered about what just happened.

"Why did you just try to kill me Blade!?"

Blade kept his normal expression, which was gloomy. He gave Comber a quick smirk.

"I didn't. I knew you were block the dagger. This is a warning of what I can do if you fallow through with your plan."

"Hahaha! I blocked it didn't I? Try to kill me again and see what happens."

Blade chuckled nervously.

"When the time comes. We will find out. I don't find words to be threatening."

"Truer words Blade, truer words."

Comber and Blade stared into each other eyes. Comber's expression was anger. Blade expression was cocky with a smile. Blade has all reasons to be cocky. He has so many years of experience and work under his hooves.

"Do me and your father a favor, don't throw your life away Comber. You don't stand a chance against the entire organization. I know you know that."

"Tsk, obviously Blade."

"I catch you later my friend."

("I've never considered you as a friend.")

Comber watched as Blade walked away from him. He was heading towards cafeteria, then into Granfer's office. Is he snitching!? Comber quickly made his way back up the stairs, towards his unit. What is this feeling? Is it excitement or anxiety? Comber opened the door, walking in. The door slammed shut. Comber saw Bullet laying his head on his desk, looking like he's trying to nap, but the truth is... He's bored out of his mind. What the heck is Commer doing? What is that smell?


"I'm experimenting with types of gases that'll knock a pony out."

Comber walked towards his desk, trying to ignore what Commer is doing. So he's creating a sleep gas then? Wouldn't it be nice to put most of the entire organization to sleep before killing them? That's cowardly. Comber will not scope to that level; besides if his father ever finds out he's going to be piss. That's not the Welkins way. Comber looked at Bullet, then at Commer.

"Hey Commer, be careful not to Le that break. Also-!"

Commer put something over the test tube that gases was quickly expanding. He quickly grabbed the cork, putting it on.

"I'm aware of the dangers Comber."

Comber looked back at his desk, reliving the events with Blade that transpired. Blade's right. If he fought the entire organization. He's not. He's only fighting a certain amount. Most of the workers here don't know how to properly fight. Only a few do, but even they lack martial arts compared to Comber. Comber shook his head, the flashback ending.

"So when's this damn bell ringing?"

Bullet asked, getting very inpatient. Comber and Commer looked out the window from their desks, then towards Bullet.

"Very soon Bullet."

"Approximately 20 minutes and 5-4-3 seconds, although even less now."

Comber closed his eyes. Imagining what's going to happen on the day he decides to leave this filthy place. The day he'll leave is when most of the workers are off; this includes the high in rank ones too. 35 workers if even that because, Colin, Razor Slicer, Nome, Bullet and Commer will be there. So 30, 31 workers if Razor Slicer doesn't join forces to leave. if she doesn't then she deserves to die. Comber opened his eyes, scouting the room. He looked out the window, spotting 2 late workers coming in.

"Well... They are surely dead."

"What, are workers late again Comber?"

"From what it looks like, yes."

"Now what if they're about to start?"

Commer asked in curiosity.

"No. They're not just starting."

Bullet zoomed in on the two workers. He was able to see some red liquid on them. Bullet knows what blood looks like and that's 100% blood.

"Commer, Comber's right. I see blood in their coats, meaning they'll already work here."

Commer put on a gas mask, then closed the tube with a cork. He took his pen off his ear, tapping it on the desk, pointing it at Bullet.

"Now let's say they were hired to kill traitors. Perhaps to scout? Maybe bring supplies? We don't know.

Comber looked at Commer. He does know there's only a certain few workers that can leave the building once they started working right? Himself, Blade, Shot, Boulder Striker and Razor Slicer. Possibly supplies but then where's their pallet jack? They can't use magic to carry it. One is a unicorn and the other one is a earth pony, one red and white coat, the other with a dark blue coat, which belongs to Tim, the other one is Tom. They seem to be good friends because they were laughing happily at each other. First time you see friendship like that.

"They're dead."

Comber said, hearing and watching the big door scrape open. Seems like they thought they could be quite.


"It's almost lunch time Tom. You think they're blind eye?"

Tom took a deep breath, moving his red and blue mane out of his face. The big doors slammed shut. The two colts felt like they were going to have a heart attack. The two started walking forward, towards the stairs.


Tim gulped.

"You hear that?"

Tim asked Tom in whispers. Tom shook his head up and down. It sounded like there's hoof steps behind them. The two colts turned around, instantly see a orange mame, tail, and coat unicorn fallowing them. His right hoof in his cape.

("Hide crap!")


The two colts knew who that was. They are so dead.

"So what's the old likes of you both of being late?"

"B-b-Blade... We can't explain."


"We're not traitors!"

"Our loyalty is to the organization."

Both colts was on the ground, on their knees. Blade felt a little embarrassed for them. Originally he was going to kill them, a stab through their pumping heart with his dagger would've been the way.

"You know what, fallow me. Tim, and Tom."

Blade walked past them, towards the left of the cafeteria. Tim and Tom was scared. They know exactly where Blade wants to take them. It's to Granfer. Tim and Tom reluctantly fallowed Blade. Blade smirked as they started fallowing him. If Coomber saw how these two colts behave, he would've instantly killed them. No time ever to be pathetic; they're lucky he's not Coomber, he's old Friend.

"We're here."

Blade knocked on the door 5 times lightly.

"Who is it?"

"Blade sir."

"Come on in"

Blade walked in, gesturing a hoof towards Tim and Tom to fallow, which they did, standing outside the door worried as they never been before. Granfer was already able to see why they are here. They were either late or behind in work.

"Hmph. Tell Granfer your sins."


"Sir we deeply apologize for being late."

Granfer dropped his pen, looking back at two colts with a disbelief. They are kinda new, but why did they come in late?

"Why are you both late, especially by this much?"

Blade eyes were still on the two colts. Tom muttered his answer.

"Huh, can't hear you?"

"Because we fought another colt-!"

Blade appeared behind them, mainly behind Tom. Blade was annoyed by their lie.

"I know why sir, but these two need to tell you the truth, before they can't."

Tom and Tim shook with fear, seeing the serious eyes of Blade. Shivers went down their spines. Are, are they going to die?

"Sir, it's because we were in a line to an amazing restaurant. We're sorry."

Blade remained silent. Granfer got up, walking towards the two colts.

"Food, really, food?"

"Ye-yes sir!"

Both said together. Granfer clearly didn't believe them. They are foolish

"If that's the case, hey Blade, what makes ponies like food a lot like them?"

Tim and Tom gulped, they knew their punishment is at hoof.

"Well, sir I would say the taste mainly, if you don't like the taste, then of course you were reject it."

"Alrighty, Blade, remove their tongues, break their nose. Sew it afterwards."

"As you wish sir."

The two colts got on their knees, begging for their tongues.

"Please, please, how can we talk to our co-workers if our tongues are gone!"

"We're sorry!"

Blade used his magic, holding them up. The pair knew if they tried to fight this, then they will not live another day.

"Oh, good point Tom. Blade, cheese grate their tongues."

Blade levitate the colts to him, creating a orange field around them. Tom decided for them to run, using his magic, the magic didn't work. What, why? Blade noticed Tom using his magic, probably gonna try to escape. They can't, fools. Only authorized magic is allowed to teleported away. Blade grabbed Tom's horn. Tom heart raced.


Blade created a black ring in his right hoof, putting it on the horn.

"Nope, no magic for you."

Blade created a magic grater. He held one of their mouths open, grabbing Tom's tongue. Tom muffled loudly. This wasn't fair! Blade started grating the tongue, bits by bits the tongue muscle fell. Blood pour out of his mouth. Granfer was in his chair, legs up on his clear desk. Blade always puts on interesting shows.

"There's one. Now for the next."

Blade walked towards Tim. The grater bloody, with tongue muscle on it still. Tim shook his head back and forth, tears forming in his eyes.

"Please, please. I'm sorry, it was all his fault!"

Blade eyes narrowed, shading around them.

"And that right there is what I can't stand. You workers would throw a helpless worker under the wagon if the means saves you. Guess what Tim... It won't, so embrace for the pain. Hope you are strong enough to withstand this pain. "

Blade grew a devious smirk, using his magic to open Tim's mouth, he started on the tongue, blood pouring out of the mouth. Tim couldn't help by coughed some on Blade. Blade punched him in the nose, continuing the torture.

"There you go."

Blade's magic binds released. The colts fell to the ground, in serve pain; one they never ever felt in their life; accidentally biting your tongue is one thing but to have it grated like cheese; the pain is unbearable; especially the way the body part looks. Tim was furious. He wanted to kill Blade so badly. Tim got up, slowly rising, grunting and making muffles of pain.

"It's done sir."

Granfer clapped at Blade, before taking notice of Tim running behind Blade at him. Granfer pointed a hoof behind Blade.

"Tim! No!!"

Tim threw a punch at Blade. Blade took the punch, pushing him back.

"Not, so... Tough-are-you, bitch colt!"

Blade face narrowed with rage. He has never been disrespected like this. Blade turned to Granfer, using a hoof to indicate a slice across the neck. Granfer shook his head slowly up and down. Blade turned around, spotting Tim once again charging him. Tim is truly foolish.

"I'll... Beat you, do-wn."

The blood and damaged tongue made it hard to speak. Blade smirked. Tim threw another punch. The punched missed. Blade grabbed Tim by the head, lifting him up, then throwing him onto the ground. Blade started smashing a hoof down onto Tim's skull, over and over. Tim started to cry as his head bleed, occasionally he would swallow is own blood. Tom couldn't watch his friend be killed; without warning rushing to Tim on the ground, using a hoof to stop Blade.

"St-op! Please! Ow!"

Blade stared at the two colts. What beautiful friendship. This reminded Blade something but what-!

"If you want your friend to live then leave, both of you, now."

Tim was dragged out by Tom. The door slammed, they didn't want to talk, but it was clear, they feared Blade. Granfer got up.

"Well... You spared him when you wanted to kill Tim? Why?"

Blade gave the leader a cold smirk.

"Because sir. I know they won't treat this place like a regular job again. They know what's at stake. We now have more extremely loyal workers."

Granfer smiled. Blade's definitely right.

"You're always improving this place Blade! I'm impressed! You can continue-!"

Blade was gone. Really, everytime he closes his eyes when he talks Blade has to be gone? Guess he want to me fall behind on work. What a excellent worker. Now his office needs to be clean because of Blade disappearing.

("Damnit Blade.")


"Did the bell ring yet?"


Commer and Comber said together, getting a little annoyed at Bullet. Bullet waited a couple of moments, before asking again.

"Did the bell ring-!"

Commer shaked a small bell on his desk. Bullet was alarmed by it but when he saw the source, he was annoyed but humoured.

"Bullet, you can go now."

"Yeah the bell rung."

Comber and Commer replied.

Bullet wanted to slap Commer. He can't leave his unit unless he's has a reason to; a reason that will surely excuse him. Bullet shook his head at the both of them. Commer put the small bell back on his desk, returning to his experiments. This time it was with magic. It looked like a gun on his desk, he was messing with it. Comber noticed this. What is he working on?

"Hey Commer, what are yo-!"

A loud bang was heard, it was the front door of Comber's unit. Comber got up, walk towards it; as he walked past Bullet, he gave him a light slap on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for!"

Bullet looked at Comber when he asked his question. He wanted to do the same thing back to Comber, but resisted the urge to do so. He ain't trying to escalate a situation that doesn't have to be.

"Well to answer your-!"

"No, I know what it was for, so please, Commer, don't."

Comber opened the door. He smirked at the visitor, it was Nome.

"What're you doing here?"

"Just coming in to clean."

Nome told Comber, pushing his cart past him, into the unit. Comber shut the door. Nome looked around for any messes. He saw the creates, seeing what needed to be spray and wipes. None walked towards creates after grabbing his disinfectant spray bottle. He sprayed and wiped all the creates. Comber sat back down, two hooves kicked up on his desk, leaning back in his chair.

"How's work going for you Nome?"

Commer asked. Nome was focused on cleaning, but still was able to hear and think. There's no massacre downstairs so that's good to him.

"Well since there's no police to clean up..."

Nome gave Comber a glare. Comber smirked.

"It's been fine."

Comber didn't like how he was completely to blame for that. He's brutal but not that brutal endless enraged which he wasn't.

"You act like I'm the only one he caused that entire mess. No, that was the rest of the organization."

Nome finish cleaning the creates, throwing his rag into the trashcan. Comber watched Nome walk towards the window with a blue spray bottle and another cloth. The windows didn't look like they needed to be clean. Hey if it keeps him in Comber's unit longer he doesn't mind. Nome started wiping the windows, remembering what he saw downstairs.

"Did you all see two late colts come in?"

Comber attention was on Nome. The rest of the unit looked at Nome. Yeah, they all had a talk about that. Does he knows what happen?

"I'm assuming I'm going to have to hunt down more traitors right? Is that what you're going to say?"

"Not at all Comber, they're alive, but punished."

Commer was shocked, that's the first time colts didn't lose their lives because of being late. This is a curious topic.

"Punished? In what way were they punished?"

"I don't know the entire story what happen but I know Blade took them to Granfer's office. They left a blood trail when they left, their tongues sticking out, it looked like they sliced them, or somepony did."

"But why just their tongues?"

Comber asked, already thinking of reasons. Nome finished cleaning the windows, walking back to his cart, putting the cloth into a small blue bucket, the blue color of the liquid dilated. He was about to tell them his assumption, but was already cut off by Commer.

"Well from what we gathered. They're late. Since Blade took them to the office, we know who's the perpetrators. Granfer would most likely not do that to them. Managers are normal not fighters, or the executive branch, normally dictators, especially Granfer; unless they have to be a fighter. Blade did it to them, probably on orders of Granfer but not to say it wasn't his idea. That colt has been suspicious since yesterday."

"Then why their tongues?"

"Maybe because they lied to them on why they were late."

Commer moved his glasses up, a white glare coming off them.

"That's a good presumption. I think the big reason is, they told them why they were late, because of their tongues, either by talking or eating, maybe even both. Their punishment was their tongues being sliced, since they are kinda new. This gets a message through then, letting them know not to be late or next time the punishment will be more serve."

"That absolutely makes sense. Can't they heal it though?"

"I did take them to the nurse. They needed the bleeding to stop."

Nome replied.

"Be honest, you did it because you didn't want more of a mess to clean, especially up the stairs."

Bullet asked Nome with confidence and sarcasm. Nome giggled.

"That too. I also felt bad for them."

Nome replied. His sympathy for them was great. How did they react though?

"What was their reaction?"

Nome thought to himself for second, then answered.

"They were upset, angry and thankful. This place is truly horrible. They thanked me still. When they left they told me the reason."

Commer put his two front hooves on his desk, leaning forward, his glasses having a white glare in them.

"Please do tell Nome."


Everypony's attention was on Nome who stood their with a sympathetic expression.

"It was because they were late because they stopped and ate."

"The actual reason Nome?"

Bullet asked. Comber closed his eyes in acceptance. He knows Nome isn't fibbing. They really grated another living being's tongue, two in fact, because they were late. That's heartless, even for this place; it's not completely unexpected from this place; there's heartless killers here who take no sympathy or regrets for the ones they kill, even fillies.

"He's telling the truth Bullet."

Commer grew a smirk. So his prediction was correct, it was because of their tongues they were late. He loves being right.

"Welp, kinda figured. Didn't I tell you all?"

("Oh great, now you boosted Commer's ego even more Nome. Why does everypony bring that side out in him? Seriously!")

Bullet thought to himself, returning his head to the window, looking out it. Celestia it's beautiful outside. Why can't he or his unit get some fresh air. It's been a very long time since they been outside today. Bullet eyes closed as he looked into the sun rays; the feeling of the heat, the feeling of the outside breezy through the cracks of the window, even if it's so little. The moving trees, the breeze. It's a nice position right now to sleep. Bullet knows he ain't tired or can go to sleep even if he was, only if he's trying to die? Commer put all of his experiments away. He knows the bell is going to ring any-! Ring!!!!! Bullet got up with excitement.

"Finally, I was bored out of my bucking mind!"

Nome decided to leave his cart in Comber's unit. A safe place it would definitely be. Nome grabbed all the cleaning supplies, putting it back on his cart the way he organized. He saw Bullet and Comber by the door, Comber opening it. Bullet wanted to walk in front of Comber but that would just be rude and after what Comber delt with today, he doubts walking in front of him would be a pleasant idea. Commer made his way to the door, Nome fallowing behind Commer and out the door. Comber held the door open for all of them, closing it and locking it. The heard of ponies running downstairs is ridiculous. They're waiting right here until that clears.

"See this is why we should always wait in the unit."

Comber didn't want none of his unit employees to get hurt by this stampede of workers. Bullet wishes he didn't rush them.

"So how long does-!"

"Approximately 5 minutes. Not on the dot but roughly around it."

"Thank you... Commer."

Bullet said a little annoyed. That question was for Comber to answer, not a smart hide. Comber saw a colt run past a mare earth pony, he pushed her off the ledge. She grabbed onto the rails. Comber walked towards her, Nome was surprised when he helped the mare back up. Commer and Bullet was shocked somepony of his status would save anypony, why did he do that?


The mare said, brushing her mane to the left. She ran to the right of Comber, who watched her run down stairs. Commer, Bullet, and Nome approached Comber.

"Why did you save her Comber? Why Wouldn't you have let her fall?"

Comber turned to them, facing his unit members and Nome.

"No. Letting her fall wouldn't have been right. Additional to that, you can tell she's new."

"Yeah. I should let you both know. Comber doesn't like seeing the helpless be picked on; especially because of their status. All ponies lives are nearly equal. When it comes to the organization. Comber has a different outlook on the workers here."

Nome told Bullet and Commer, who still watched as the workers from the very top we're still running downstairs.

"Well you can't blame him. After what most workers try to do to Comber because of his rank and size."

"What do you mean about his 'size' Bullet?"

"What are you indicating Nome?"

"Comber looks like a grown colt to me. At least in his teens."

"What's so wrong with being smaller than the average?"

Commer chimed in.

"The way I see it is... He's smaller so when he in combat he's harder to hit. Studies show teens are very energetic."

Comber agreed with Commer. Even when it comes to combat, he stills has his IQ. Comber is only slightly smaller than the average pony

"A great deduction Commer. However being small could mean from a big heavy attack you take more damaged."

"That's correct Comber. Remember I said about teens being energetic. Technically you fall under that category."


The heard of ponies stopped. Bullet saw the opportunity to make it downstairs.


Commer yelled. Bullet stopped at the bottom of the stairs, getting off the last stair, looking up. He saw Comber and the rest make their way down the stairs. Commer walked past Bullet, giving him a slap on the back of the head.

"Don't do that again."

Commer told Bullet. Bullet wasn't taking that slap without arguing.

"Oh I'm sorry, you three were chatting and I wasn't. I saw an opportunity and took it. So excuse me."

"First of all, all three of us wasn't chatting. It was just me and Comber at the time. Second you're just impatient which will get you killed."

Bullet didn't like being lectured by Commer. Commer's right but, nevermind.

"Okay... You're right. Sorry."

"Are you two done? Let's go."

Comber walked towards the cafeteria, Nome at his side. He hoped Commer and Bullet would fallow his command. They did. Commer and Bullet arrived on Comber's left side and Nome to his right side. They all made their way to the cafeteria. Comber stopped, the rest of the group fallowing. There's a long line still. The group chat knew to act on Comber's signal. Everytime Comber inched up, so did they.

"So is it optional to come to lunch or...?"

Comber was ready to answer but was stopped by Commer.

"According to section 12, which is funny, as you look at that time to represents lunchtime; you can't skip lunch. It's basically like washing your hooves to them."

Bullet laughed.

"Washing your hooves? What do you think we're working at? A restaurant Commer? This is beyond the definition of unhygienic."

Nome felt a little insulted. Is Bullet saying he doesn't do a good job? Nome felt the chrome of the wall, smiling. There's no dust. Bullet's probably talking about his own job. Commer was curious if Bullet washes his hooves before doing another assignment.

"Bullet, do you wash your hooves before working on another assignment?"

Bullet looked at Commer. The staring was intense.

"Are you my manager Commer?"

"I kinda want to know too Bullet."

Comber replied. Bullet kept silent for a couple of seconds before he replied.

"N-no. But hey don't over react. I use gloves and change them when I work on another assignment."

Comber was staring at Bullet with disbelief. If he changes gloves then that's okay but what isn't okay if you don't wash it when you're complete and before lunch. Comber looked at Bullet's hooves.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to wash your hooves before coming to lunch today. If they ever ask you if you did, tell them you do for Celestia sake Bullet."

"Y-yes sir!"

The group was in the cafeteria. All their eyes scouted the room. Is it Nome or does this feel more chilly then usual?

"Well... If it isn't Comber. Bullet, Nome and Commer."


Comber muttered with annoyance. Abdeath gave Comber a devious smirk.

"So... Comber. How many battles have you won?"

"I'm supposed to keep track of them? Does me being alive not give a hint?"

Abdeath snickered.

"Heal spells are so uncommon these days but I bet without it you couldn't have made it this far, could you?"

Comber smirked.

"I bet I could've. You're a hypocrite. I remember back in high school and middle school you used them back then during our fights."

Abdeath closed his eyes. Comber was right. Celestia he hates when Comber's right.

"That's so true Comber... But-!

The group moved forward in the line. Well, that was disrespectful to Abdeath. Abdeath fallowed behind them.

"So Comber, be honest with yourself. If it wasn't for the help of your friends, the fight we had in high school where we destroy many lockers, as well as damaged the floors and the rest of the school. You would've lost, right?"

Comber didn't face Abdeath. He kept his face forward, growing a smile as he remembers his high school life.

"Do you know how many years that was ago Abdeath?"

"Too many to count."

"Perhaps you would. Perhaps you wouldn't. If you want you can time travel to the past and find out?"

Abdeath laughed.

"Hahaha! No Comber. That spell is not allowed to be performed and second, not like I know how yet; but hey, maybe when your father finishes that spell then maybe?"

The group was in the kitchen now. Abdeath still behind them.

"I want to make one thing clear. The pony, the killer who will beat and end your life Comber, is me."

This colt is obsessed with Comber isn't he? Nopony going to kill Nome's best friend.

"Not if I stop you again."

Abdeath leaned in Nome's face.

"Not if I make sure you can't stop me again."

Comber put a hoof in both of their faces. Nome looking flustered, while Abdeath with a shocked smile and expression. Abdeath grabbed Comber hoof, moving it away from his face.

"Friendship Comber. It's not magic. I'm sure your father told you that?"

"He did. You can have your opinions Abdeath but you can't force them on other ponies."

Abdeath patted Comber on the shoulder.

"Truer words. Only fillies would try to do that. It's fillyish."

Comber skipped getting a tray, walking out of the exit open door of the kitchen. He sat down at his unit table. The lunch personal looked at each other with disbelief shocked faces. Did that colt just-!

"He's permitted to do that. Don't worry about that, servants."

The lunch personal felt a little insulted by Abdeath but calmed down, asking what he wanted.

"Oh you see I bring my own lunch. Your lunches ain't sophisticated"

Abdeath held up his own bag before walking out the exit door Comber did. Two workers just refused to get lunch. Surely he can't do that too. You know what they say, mind your business if it's none of your business. Bullet turn was next, the lunch personal looked at him with a foresighted expression. Is he going to skip to?

"I'll take the regular for today."

The lunch personal took a sigh of relief. They don't want to get in trouble because of these colts, that's their worries. If they want to eat or not isn't their problem. For this place, it's a must. Commer order the same thing as Bullet, taking his tray and leaving with Bullet. Nome order just a daisy sandwich. It's the only thing on the menu that ain't disgusting. Nome left, walking towards Comber's unit table. He sat down next to Bullet.


Commer brought a device out, putting his food in the door of the device, watching it change it into something else. Bullet dropped a bite of food back on his tray. Comber was surprised by the device, it's better not eating and using his magic spell for the perfect nutritional needs. Abdeath sat at the empty table behind Comber, turning his chair, facing him. He grabbed his knife, ready to stab Comber in the back of his head. Comber turned his head around to Abdeath. Abdeath smiled, putting the knife away.

"Well. You learned that technique too. That confirms it. You'll able to sense bloodlust."

Comber laughed.

"Or I just have eyes in the back of my head? Haha."

"Oh come on Comber, we both know that's a lie. Maybe later on, because they would be beaten into the back of your head but not on the back directly. Hahaha."

Comber turned his head and chair towards Abdeath. A serious expression on his face.

"Do you hate me Abdeath or something?"

Abdeath smirked.

"Hate you? Oh come on now. I don't hate you but that doesn't mean I like you. You are my rival. You're not supposed to like your rival when it comes to combat. I will not lose to you again. I will kill you for victory."

"Well... We see. I don't think you want to kill me then? If I'm your rival?"

"I will Comber. You'll see. I'm working on areas I failed in before in our previous battles. This time I will beat you."

Comber was glad his 'rival' was improving. A great battle will wait ahead.

"You know something Comber? I bet we could easily beat Blade if we teamed up."

Comber was shocked to hear Abdeath say that. Is he planning on leaving the organization too? He can't be blamed though, this place sucks. Comber chuckled.

"Defeat Blade. I confident I'm able to do that by myself if I wanted too. He's a friend of mine, so..."

"Don't you know friends will get you no where Comber. Their jokes. Their lives. Their dependency. It all slows you down."

Comber accepted Abdeath was right but he's also wrong. Friends don't need to depend on you. Does Bullet and Commer do? No. Nome-! He's not completely wrong.

"I see your point Abdeath."

Comber looked at Nome, who took the final bite of his sandwich. He gave Comber a (what) expression, blinking his eyes a couple of times.

"And it's sharp isn't it."

Abdeath responded confidently.

"Not as much as you think, I also can say friends can be self reliance."

"Your point ain't wrong either but in this place, I take the trophy."

"I 100% believe you Abdeath."

Abdeath smirked at Comber, before casting a spell, it was a nutrition spell. Comber did the same.

"So I assume you keep you mane and tail short because it can cause unfortunate advantages for your opponent?"

"Yes, that is true Abdeath. I knew that why you keep yours too short."

"Indeed, it's not cool to be bald though. A easy shot if you ask me. Also I don't want to be ugly. Imagine yourself with no mane Comber, and no tail Comber."

Comber did, yeah no, that's not something he wouldn't like; but that doesn't mean he's ugly because of it. Bullet and Commer finished their lunches. What does not having a tail make you bald? Blade and tailess sounds better.

"So what did that taste like Commer?"

Bullet asked his co-worker; he was genuinely curious. Commer closed his eyes and smiled at Bullet.

"Whatever I'm feeling my friend. It practically transforms the food but keeps the look of it. To then it might heat it up depending on the food and temperature, but it's also doing a lot more than just that. Like giving me more nutrition. You probably are thinking a spell could do it but I tell you. I discovered that way and machine as it beat that spell 5 times."

Bullet was kinda of jealous of Commer's invention. That's the first time he's jealous of Commer's intelligence.

"I'm actually might be jealous this time Commer. What did you change your food too though? Like the taste?"

Commer pushed his glasses up. A white glare beaming from them. Commer kept his smile.

"Well you could make something like this too if you studied and worked hard enough. I changed it to a deluxe daisy sandwich flavor with the nutrition of a salad."

"Studying isn't my strong suit."

"I guess the organization's meals are?"

Bullet gave Commer an agitated expression before finishing his food. Nome looked around, curious if everypony's finished eating.

"So. Since everypony's finished eating... What are the plans after work?"


"And that's what I've expected you to say Bullet."

"Shut it Commer. I also read books on how to be a deputy."

Commer was glad Bullet wasn't stupid enough to yell what he's trying to be. He doesn't want Bullet to be teared apart like the deputies who raided this place. That's horrific.

"So Comber. Have you heard of Cinom?"

"Yes. Let me guess... You're taking lessons from him?"

"Indeed I am. He's a fool. He thinks I would only do good with what I've learn but he's making a mistake."

Comber didn't like somepony lying to Cinom but then again. He's has to lie to him too. Oh well. Sorry is all he can say.

"So you've learned as much as I have?"

"Yes and no. I haven't learned that mindless technique. I believe it's called-!"

"Autonomous Celestial."

"What a dumb technique. What you can't fight using your own wits and knowledge."

Comber gave Abdeath a smirk.

"I agree with you. I halted learning it. I don't think we could achieve it because of our crimes. I took more then just his lessons though."

"Tsk. And that makes the technique even more pathetic and stupid. And same here, I learned from more masters then just him."

Comber turned his head to a loud bang, it was a colt being slammed on a lunch table. Another colt jumped onto the table, pushing and splattering food everywhere. The colt started beating down on the colt below him. The table started to roll towards the wall, causing a loud bang. What the buck is going on exactly?"

"You shouldn't have stole my mare friend!"

The colt started bleeding from his nose. The colt on top of him who wore a blue coat used two hooves to lift him by his mane.

"Ugly punk."

The blue coat pony threw him against the wall. The colt tried to fight back but was elbow as a result.

"You're pathetic, hope you enjoyed a bloody black eye!"




The words echoed off the wall, many more ponies joined in. The blue colt threw the colt who was purple at the lunch tablet behind him. The table broke. The purple colt grunted in pain. The blue colt started walking towards the purple colt, ready to beat him even more.

"I hope you don't like-!"

An orange hoof grabbed the blue colt's shoulder.

"Stop. If you continue, you'll kill him and you know the rules against that. You also shouldn't fight at the cafeteria. You'll paycheck will be used for the damages you caused."

The blue colt turned to see no other then Blade. He felt like he craped himself. Blade! What's he's doing here!? Blade gave the colt a short glare. The glare sent shivers down the blue colt's spin. The blue colt kept his eyes still on him. Shook from the fear. The colt gave a bow to Blade.

"I understand sir. I'm sorry..."

Blade smiled at the colt, patting a hoof on his head.

"You know, I once was in your shoes. I understand how you feel but don't let that affect you judgement. You can't kill him no matter how much you are urge to by revenge and anger. How did he steal your mare friend?"

"Sir, Blade. I don't want to talk about it. It's going to enrage me again. I'll say he just made a move on her and it went from there."

"I see. You sit back at your table. I'm going to Granfer."

Blade teleported to Granfer's office. The blue colt looked at purple colt, he wasn't finished with him but he's not going against Blade's orders. Doing that will surely lead to termination and death. How is that orange colt so menacing? The blue colt walked back to his table, sitting down at it, watching as the purple colt gets back up. A white mare pegasus walked over to the blue colt, staring at him.


A mare said with a tone as gentle as a kitten. The blue colt tuned to the mare. That's his mare friend. He should say ex mare friend now.

"What is it? Are you hear-?"

The white mare sat down next to Bobby, kissing him on the check.

"You fought him because of me? I'm flattered. He's not much of a colt anyway. I'm glade you did that, because speaking he made a move on me without my consent, I just wanted to see how you would react and that proves your love for me."

The white pegasus grabbed Bobby's right hoof that was on the table, looking him in the eyes with blushes. Comber's unit and Abdeath watched with the rest of the cafeteria, Comber was confused.

"What an I watching?"

Comber asked, bot understanding romance.

"I know but don't like it."

Abdeath replied. Nome felt bad not having a mare friend. Bobby shouldn't have a mare friend either. It's strictly against the organization's policy. Is he trying to get himself terminated? Nome hopes Bobby didn't tell Blade, a worker above all the rest and managers that, he did, because it echoed, dumb.


"Hahaha! Right!?"

"You're a funny one Blade."

"What plays fails have you seen sir?"

Granfer took a moment to remember, ah, he got one.

"So get this. This play was about a mare separated from her colt friend. A knight in armor was suppose to rescue her. But guess what? While riding on a rope on a fake horse; the rope snapped, causing him to fall into the fake horse which bucked him through the wall to my left. Judging from the play director reaction, that wasn't supposed happen. They had to refund everypony while that pony was taking to the hospital. Well that was their plan until the colt in armor was maraculous healed."

"You meaned you healed him? With out them noticing?"

"Correct. I have too much bits and like I needed the refund. I was just bored and decided to see the play."

Blade leaned back in the chair, his rear hooves crossed over each other stretched out.

"I can get that. Happens to me too. I just decide to meditate."

"That's really good. Meditation is very much misunderstood. I bet Comber does it."

"I can say with no doubt he does. His emotions in check like that is beyond normal."

Granfer smiled at Blade.

"Indeed it is. Now is their a reason you came to my office?"

"Yes sir. There been a fight in the cafeteria."

"Wahoo. Not another one. How much is the bill this time?"

"The colt who did it is paying for it and as the bill goes don't know of the top of my head but based on the damages to the table and wall, I'll say roughly around 1,200 bits."

"What's the employee's name?"

"The name of the employee was Bobby. The other employee was a purple colt named Blake. Bobby was the Aggressor. Jake was the victim."

Granfer opened a file on his computer. It was a good thing Coomber patient these electronics. Writing it down and risk it being lost and tampered with. The computer would just adjust it from the employee's paycheck. This would be based on the amount made. Granfer already as a reason explained. Not like there's anypony higher than him, but as a reminder.

"There we go."

Granfer turned the computer off looking at Blade with a cheerful expression.

"Thanks for the information Blade. Saves time and trouble going through the cameras."

Granfer turned his attention back to Blade but to his surprise, Blade was gone. Seriously that colt gotta stop disappearing before ending a conversation.


"Comber, you can't say that fight ain't entertainment for lunch?"

"A fight?"

Comber asked. Abdeath snickered, ready to respond.

"Nome, that's no fight... That's a beat down. That purple colt who I believe was Blake is a coward. Couldn't fight back properly and you see Nome-!"

"That'll get you killed in this place."

Comber finished Abdeath sentence. Abdeath was annoyed Comber interrupted him, but he's right. It will get you killed; and with no honor either. Bullet leaned back and forth in his chair, making squeaking sounds. Comber ignored it, but Commer and Abdeath didn't.

"Hard to enjoy the rest of lunch when you have a squeaky chair to your right Bullet."

"Yeah I agree."

Abdeath said, annoyed. Bullet saw Abdeath face, stopping the leaning. Abdeath nodded at him.

"Thank you."


A brown colt with 3 hirozontally black stripes approached Abdeath. He sounded belligerent. Abdeath could tell this colt was going to cause a scene. He's trouble in general.

"Yeah you, with the blue mane and tail."

Abdeath turned his attention to the colt, wasn't his name... Jobba.

"Listen Jobba."

"My name not Jobba you rodent."

Comber put his right hoof on the table, leaning his right cheek on it. This is sure going to be something. Comber's table eyes was on Abdeath's table.

"Rodent? Second I could care less what's your name is."

"Oh yeah..."

The colt said, leaning in Abdeath's face. Abdeath moved his head back. He's getting increasingly annoyed by this colt.

"My name is Jameson. I'm going to kick your hide after work today on the 13th path of Flustered Town."

Abdeath remained silent, before slowly getting up from his seat. It's clear Jameson intentions are not good.

"There's no fight, Jameson. Because you are not... Worth any of my time."

Jameson expression was shock and agitation. How dare this ugly colt try to brush him off like that. He's thinking to high of himself.

"Now you-!"

Abdeath turned his back to Jameson. He closed his eyes. He's done listening to this idiotic colt. Abdeath opened his eyes. The malevolence coming from Jameson is smelly.

"Please preach to my back, it could need a good scrubbing of dirty sins."

Jameson's mouth was open, his right eye twitching. How dare he! That's it!

("Why you self believe piece of shit!")

Jameson ran at Abdeath; ready to punch him in the back of his head. Abdeath looked at Comber with a devious smirk. With quick reaction speed he turned around, spinning around the hoof Jameson attempted to attack him with. Abdeath grabbed the hoof, twisting it °360, causing the joint to pop out of the hoof. Jameson yelled in pain.

"You-wh-what! Hey"

Abdeath used both of his front hooves to throw Jameson behind him, before giving Jameson a powerful buck. Jameson bit his tongue, spit with blood flying out of his mouth. Jameson hit a table, flipping over it, with milk, juice, water and food of a variety falling on him.

"I see, a pretty, yellow pegasus, whoo."

Jameson's wits was thrown off. That attack clearly scrambled his brain. Abdeath sat back in his seat, looking in the direction Jameson went in.

"Enjoy the nurse's office you stupid bucker."

Jameson started to feel punches, the table he crashed into wasn't happy at all, in fact they were furious. They gave Jameson a beat down, one he will not escape with no bruises and concussion. Comber opened his eyes, smirking.

"Well you never cease to amaze me Abdeath. A good job at handling that moron."

Comber complimented Abdeath, who was shocked but also flattered Comber would compliment him.

"Why did that colt have beef with you?"

Commer asked Abdeath, who had a confused expression.

"I have no bucking clue. Maybe my mane style. That or my rank similar to Comber. Most of the workers are very envious when it comes to that. It's pathetic, get there yourselves."

"I completely agree with you Abdeath."

Comber replied. Commer was still thinking why Jameson attacked Abdeath. His last sentence was a pretty yellow pegasus huh.

"Did you perhaps steal his mare friend Abdeath?"

Abdeath laughed. Looking at Commer, wiping a tear from his eye.

"I don't concern myself with such nonsense. I don't have or want a mare friend. They will only weaken and slow you down."

Commer didn't like mares being down graded. They are just as valuable as colts. Comber felt the same way.

"I have you know making friends isn't a weakness."

"And this is coming from Commer?"

"Abdeath. Does an triangle have acute angles?"

"What the buck does that have anything?"

"I feel like I learned that in math."

Bullet recalled. Remembering the Pythagorean formula. He never cared to pay attention in geometry since he will never use it.

"Now think of the units Abdeath."

Abdeath crossed his hooves, leaning back in his seat. He was listening to Commer.

"They are like triangles, if each angle, worker ain't working together as friends would, then the angles aren't acute. Meaning they don't connect, meaning no triangle meaning no production."

"How did you make an example out of math?"

Bullet asked, causing Commer to push his glasses up. A glare appearing off them.

"Because math has plenty of examples."

"Agree to disagree Commer."

Abdeath said, with a smile that agitated Commer. He's right. He can't be forced to agree with him. He must admit he's right though; knowing Abdeath he won't.


Commer replied, not liking how the conversation ended. Abdeath closed his mouth after yawning.

"I tell you all, this place, it destroys your stamina."

"I'm sorry Abdeath but it doesn't if you manage it."

"You see Bullet that's where you're wrong. When you have two roles it will. I'm also fret for the workers here. Because one of these days, they're going to die. I won't fallow that rule about not killing your co-workers. They're going to learn the tuff way. I'm sure Comber can agree?"

Comber opened his eyes; his eyes looking behind him at Abdeath. Abdeath isn't wrong, but rules are rules. Comber wondered if Abdeath would join him against the organization. Here's a rule, never trust Abdeath; he may seem trust worth but don't get deceived by his attitude.

"I can agree. Don't get yourself killed Abdeath by doing so."

"Get myself kill you say? If anything I think they would just get me a slap on the back. I'm a valuable employee; as well as loyal."

"Comber sensed the deception in the last part of his sentence but he won't argue with Abdeath. Not his style to argue back with a lier.

"Holy Celestia. When is this bell ringing?"

"I swear Bullet if you start asking that question over and over again I'm going to tape your mouth closed."

Comber watched Bullet and Commer. He agreed with Commer. Bullet will get his mouth shut if he keeps repeatedly asking that question.

"Fine, fine."

"To be honest I would just recommend breaking his jaw and removing his tongue."

Abdeath said with a sadistic look, he was facing Comber's table. See, that's why Comber doesn't like this place, ponies get pissed off over the simplest of things like repeatedly asked questions. It's okay to get annoyed but to actually want to hurt somepony that badly? It's just over the top and not necessary.

"When did this place start to rub off on you like this Abdeath. You wasn't always this way."

Nome was concerned about Abdeath; did the ponies of this horrible place do this to him?

"No... I wasn't, but realizing to myself I need to be a lot more brutal. That's the best way to be feared and get your point across."

"That's a heinous way to look at power Abdeath."

"And don't you look at knowledge is power Commer? What rubbish..."

"Now you're just sounding stupid. In case you haven't noticed, knowledge is why you were able to say that since."

"N-! Fair point Commer, well played."

"So who here believes demons?"

"What do you mean by demons Nome?"

"I mean actual demons. Down to the core."

Abdeath deviously smiled.

"I sure do."

"You're no demon Abdeath."

"Are you dense Comber? I meant I could name a couple of demons if you don't believe me."

"It's not that I don't it's that-!"

"Abdeath, are you dense? Don't say any of those demons names. One of the demons migy appear and respond to it's name being said."

"Oh I'm aware, however, this time you're not all correct, how do you think I learned how to say their names? Hmm...?"

"I said some Abdeath, not all."

"And I never said you were wrong either."

A pony with a silver nametag was going around, hoofing out flyers. Comber's group and Abdeath noticed. What's that about?

"Here you go, and you, oh... And you."

Abdeath turned back to his table, seeing two pegasus fly into his table on each other.

"Ayo, what the buck are you both doing on my table!"

Comber's table turned to see what's the noise was about, Comber didn't laugh, but Bullet and Commer did. The rest of the cafeteria turned to Abdeath, lots of them laughing.

"Here you go Abdeath."

The blue colt standing behind Abdeath with a silver nametag gave Abdeath a flyer. He skimmed through it. So a wanted picture?' Who-!

"Are they kissing now!?"

Abdeath notice in shock they would dare do that in his place. The cafeteria laughed louder. Abdeath got up, flipping the round table over, knocking the pegasus on their backs.

"Get! My table isn't a room!"

The pegasus flew away, back to their table.

"I swear to Celestia it's always the pegasus being the romantic types."

"I actually wanted to study the species of ponies and came to the conclusion that pegasus are like love birds."

"Alrighty Commer? What's the science behind that? Or is it completely theorized?"

"Actually theorized. But I do want to point out pegasus do get wing boners. Because blood rush-!"

"No, no, we are at lunch and don't talk about anything that would relate to giving life, as you know who we are forced to worship."

"Understandable. But... I wasn't talking about romance I was talking about the science behind pegasus' wings during romance."

Abdeath made sure his table was steady back on the floor, before scooting back in, sitting in his chair.

"Why are pegasus love birds?"

"Haha! I get it!"

Nome replied to Abdeath's question. Abdeath looked at Nome, with anger as well as acceptance. The question was meant to be taken serious but even he can see that the question wasn't too serious and did sound like a joke.

"Well Abdeath most species, especially ponies, and ect; have hormones. Which is what gives them those romantic feelings."

Abdeath starting to get annoyed by Commer. What is he? A computer? Whatever, he's definitely right. The question is could be elaborate more?

"Hey, Commer, thanks for he logic explanation."

"I mean it was taught in what? 8th grade?"

Abdeath took in a deep breath, ignoring the insult he just received. Is Commer saying he's not as intelligent as a 8th grader? Just let it go he thought.

"When is the bell-!"

Bullet's question was cut short by the bell, which rung loud and strong. The wall echoed it's sounds of the wall. Workers all got up, taking their trays which once had food on it, throwing it away. Comber's table did the same.

"So when are you mastering all martial arts?"

Comber heard the question Abdeath asked behind him. That'll be soon he thought. Real soon.

"Soon, you?"

"The same Comber. The same. And when I do, better watch your back."

"You won't sneak up on me."

"Ah, but see Comber, that's where you wrong. Most ponies, especially warriors drop their guards, especially it resting or sleeping."

Comber chuckled, turning his head at the front doors of the cafeteria. Workers ran past Comber on both of his sides. Abdeath stopped walking, looking at Comber with an cocky smile. Comber took a small breath before giving Abdeath a smirk.

"So what're you're saying is you're afraid, so you'll attack me when my guard's down. Not like you could anyway, but I'm sure with all what I've learned you rather beat me in a hoof to hoof combat, not by such cowardly strategy."

Abdeath opened his eyes, looking at Comber with a happy expression. Comber knows him well.

"Indeed Comber, you know me so well. I don't know am I supposed be touched or scared?"

Comber walked out of the cafeteria, walking to the right side, standing aside his unit group and Nome.

(I supposed touched since you don't scare me Comber. Never have. Never will.")

Abdeath thought to himself, growing confident and excitement. That fight will come soon, wether Comber likes it or not.


"How much does Abdeath keep trying to antagonize you?"

"You know him Nome too. Until he and I fight, he wants a rematch, which I don't understand why? After you lose two battles I think at this point you should just give up and accept that you lost."

Commer thought about Comber's statement, what if your family, or friends or at stake?

"So what happens if we are on the line then?"

Comber took a glare at his group, looking at Nome with a serious expression, his heart beating a tiny bit faster. Comber moved forward from the door, looking upstairs. Good no more of those cows to keep running and flying up them.

"The question can wait, let's get back to the unit unless you rather be in trouble?"

"Yeah. No."

Bullet got of the door to the right, fallowing by Commer and Nome. Nome was shocked Comber evades the question. Was he that worried of punishment? Or is it that he knows that they won't like a friendship ruining answer? Wait? Does he even consider his unit friends? Nome knows Comber treats him as a friend. He admitted to him, he was a best friend back to Nome back when he was in elementary school. He actually wonder how old he was back then. How old is he now? Can't be older than 35.

"Let's go Nome!"

Nome thoughts ceased, he looked at Comber who seemed irritated. Nome replied with a yes, running to the rest of the group before appearing on the left side of Comber.

"Sorry Comber."

"I just don't want to see you be punished. You remember telling us about those colts who's names I could careless to remember."

"Yes, sorry."

The group continue up the stairs untill they were on the second floor, where they stopped for Comber to open the door to his unit. Up on the 5th floor was Blade. He was looking down on them.

"Tsk. Friendship. I remember that feeling. Enjoy it while it lasts Com-!"

Blade said with regret as he heard hoof steps running behind him. The colt was white with red eyes, he was trying to push. Blade off the railing. Blade dodge, grabbing the colt's back of the head, then slamming his face down onto the metal railing. The colt sturdy moved around, shaking from the pain.

"You killed my sister... you bastard!"

The colt try to punch Blade, Blade dodge the attack.

"Your sister was a traitor and you know what happens to traitors number 167, or should I say, Dr. Pulp."

Dr. Pulp try to punch Blade again, missing the attack, Blade jumped onto the railing. Pulp's heart raced, this was his chance, he can kill him and avenge his sister. Pulp try to jump kick Blade, Blade stood tall, his eyes turned purple for a second, evading the attack with immense reaction speed. Pulp yelled, knowing he's going to die. Blade teleported with a cocky smirk. His eyes turning orange again. Dr. Pulp was at the 2nd floor, falling still, what a dumb attack Blade thought. Pulp yelled loud and strong for help, a noose was thrown at him, around his neck. The noose was hanged onto a metal bar, he was going to be hanged. Pulp's heart raced as Blade approached the railing on the second floor. Is he going to cut it, who threw that rope anyway. Blade jumped from the railing, landing on black magic, wait black magic, Dr. Pulp knew this was suspicious, he's all orange and remember him using orange magic, just what the buck? Blade smirked. Creating a bat from his magic. The bat after being finalized by magic, was wooden with the words, die on it. Blade held it in his right hoof.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I was... Just angry. You don't have to do this Blade. Just let me go."

Blade patted the bat on his other hoof. Let him go? That's a joke? The fear in his voice was lovely to hear, but since he's a Dr. Let's see how much he knows.

"You can bleed to death, no blood drop needed on the outside of the body."

"I-I know Blade. Int-internal bleeding."

"Good. Now what is a ruptured liver, stomach called in medical terms?"

"I bet, I bet you don't know."

Blade leaned into Dr. Pulp's face.

"A bet you've lost."

"You're, you're just a-a-a heartless killer."

"Save me the word heartless for a pink mare from another dimension."

"A what! You're insane!!! You can't go to other dimensions."

"Never said I did but doesn't mean you can't learn. Now then."

Blade started beating the bat against Pulp's torso. He yelled in pain, Blade continued the beat down, eventually getting tired off the screaming. Blade swung the bat at Pulp's face, knocking some teeth out, he repeated this 3 times until his nose was broken and all he could mutter was gargles of blood.

"I didn't forget my own question. The medical term for a ruptured stomach is called gastrointestinal perforation. The medical for a ruptured liver is called: Hepatic Infarction. These things you will have. Before dying."

Pulp's heart raced, he's going to die. His eyes showed extreme anxiety before relaxing and closing. At least he gets to be with his family. A smile crookedly formed on pulp's face, confusing Blade. Is he smiling in the face of Death.

"Why are you smiling when you're about to die?"

Pulp coughed up blood. He watched as his blood fell to the first floor. His shaking head turned up towards Blade with a confident smirk, his left eye closed. All Blade could make out of his words was gargles of blood. Blade sighed, now he can't have any questions answered, oh well. Blade swung the bat back, before bringing it down on the colt's head. The loud muffles was a sign that he's under a great pain. Good, because there's more to Come. Blade swung the bat between the legs, into the groin area. Pulp face turned green as he vomited. Blade hit him in the ribs a couple of times, after a mighty blow to the sternum, he pulled the bat away, watching it burn up out of his hooves. Blade grabbed the noose around Pulp's neck, making it tight. He pulled Pulp's face towards his, centering his face to his.

"Pray for your sins to be forgiven, because you've got 20 seconds."

Pulp's hooves was released, so he could pray. Pulp with tears in his eyes started to beg Blade, hooves in a begging expression. Pulp was shaking his head to the left and right after Blade let go but still holding the rope so be doesn't suffocate just yet. Blade looked into his eyes before lifting the rope up a little more.

"Since you're a doctor and have more importance of a job than most ponies in here. I might show you mercy, however, you will have 2 restless nights here in the organization. Otherwise..."

Pulp watched at Blade yanked on the rope.

"Am I crystal clear, Pulp?"

Pulp shook his head up and down very fast. Blade gave him a smirk before grabbing the robe, using his magic after to walk onto the second floor. Pulp was dragged across the entire second floor, eventually bypassing Comber's unit. Nome was coming out at the wrong time. Just what in the buck happened to Dr. Pulp? Nome finished pushing his cart out of unit 25. Waving his farewells to Comber's unit. He turned around to see Blade bypassing him. Nome was noticed by Blade. He knew because Blade's eyes turned to the corner of his eyes.

"What happen to him Blade?"

Blade stopped, turning to Nome with a serious expression; one you see when a colt is completely on the job.

"The bucker lucky he ain't dead. Anyway Nome, could you clean up the blood he's leaking, after you're done, I have a job for you to do."

"A job? And yes sir, I'll clean the blood up here."

"Thank you, but the blood is going all the way upstairs, so hurry and take your mop and fallow me all the way upstairs to his office."

"Yes sir."

Nome suspected Blade of causing the injuries to Pulp. No other colt would cause near fatal injuries to co-workers. How could Blade be such a monster. Best not to get on his bad side and listen. He outranks Comber so yeah, probably best to listen to him. Nome did exactly what Blade asked, grabbing the mop, then fallowing Blade upstairs. Luckily there's a section of the stairs that allows the cart to be pulled up. This place may seem all cruelty but in the end they are a business that's trying to make bits and he successful.

"I wish a lot more workers would be like you Nome. Keeps them from being hurt or maybe even killed?

Blade gave a glare to Dr Pulp who's unconscious. weak bastard. Nome smiled at Blade praise. Nome was curious if this job was fun for blade. Does he like it here?

"Um Question, sir Blade."

"Yes Nome? And please don't call me sir. You're too formal."

"Yes Blade."

"Your question?"

"Is this place relativity fun to you?"

Blade chuckled. Letting Pulps skull bump against the cold metal stairs.

"Why do you ask that? Is work suppose to be fun? Don't answer that Nome."

"Yes Blade."

Nome and Blade arrived at the office, Dr Pulp's office to be exact. Blade opened the door, you can smell the humid, purified air in here. Blade threw Pulp into the room on his medic bed, closing the door with stern expression. When Blade looked back at Nome, he had a smile.

"Work here at times can be deserving to those. Most of the time it's not, but that's okay, they're not innocent, not at all. Do you believe yourself to be innocent Nome?"

Blade intelligent eyes piercing into Nome's soul. Nome thought about it. He has an answer.

"I wish I could say I'm innocent but I knew Comber and I work here. More innocent then you, yes and the rest of the killers, yes. I'm not innocent still.

Blade walked towards Nome, patting him on the shoulders with a smile on his face.

"Exactly Nome. Now the second thing I need you to do is clean all the grates in all units on the 5th floor. I can't stand these low ranks cleaning it wrong and then Granfer gets mad at me. I don't control ponies. I kill and gut them."

"Got you. I'll get on that right away!"

Nome walked back to the steps him and Blade came up, grabbing the janitor's cart, walking towards the room to the left of Pulp's office. Nome knew most of the workers will insult him, but hey that's why his cart has cameras. The lense of those camera will keep a vigilant hawk eye upon you nly if he turns them on. After Nome went into door 125 room, and the door shut; Blade smirked.

("What a obedient worker. We need to get rid of all workers and get some like Nome.")

Blade started walking back downstairs, the darkness of the main stairs echoed all around Blade. Really is dark ain't it Blade thought. If he has anypony else who attempts to push him off the balcony or stairs. He won't show mercy again.



Bullet yelled with thrill, Comber already finished filling the papers out and have them already for turn in. Commer was testing atom experiments. The cold mist from the test tubes always fog his glasses. Bullet saw Commer turn his head up towards him.

"Oh, your done with the type B's harvesting.

"I've been done..."

Bullet didn't like Commer mocking him. He's saying he's slow ain't he? Bastard.

"Oh shut up Commer. You package yours that fast and accurately?"

"Indeed I did and seems like I'm not the only one finished."

Bullet traced Commer's hoof to Comber, who was staring at them both. He gave them a smirk before his expression turned back to a grin.

"Well doesn't he just manage our work?"

"Yes I do Bullet so get back to doing it."

"Fine... You win this one Commer."


Comber put the papers in the stack in the container for completed assignments. All managers must sign off on their unit employees work. After Comber was done with that he got up, walking around the unit, inspecting the tables, desk tops, creates, doors, machines in the body disposal room, the gutting chamber, the grates, walls and the rest of supplies and equipment in his unit. He wasn't shocked the scalpel was dull, the sharpness of it was wearing thin. The handle felt not so sturdy, and to top it off of had corrosion on it. Comber turned the tool around to Bullet.

"Bullet, make sure to clean the equipment after every use. Also hack saw, you use a hack saw for the sturdem, and rib cage."

"Really Comber you don't think I know this?"

Commer eyes burned with intelligence in the pupils as he stared at Bullet who knew what he was going to say. Why do these two always take each other backs?

"Well I hope you listen to our manager Bullet and his deductions are accurate. Why is the blade dull? Why does the handle feel like it could fall off? And there's corrosion, you know that means you haven't cleaned that tool for awhile. Does Comber have to keep an vigilant eye on your equipment? And when you clean make sure it's with the proper solution otherwise it could backfire on the tool."

"Doesn't all chemicals do the same thing?"



Comber and Commer said together serious.

"Ugh. Bullet no, some chemicals are purposely design for certain tools, certain chemicals have certain properties. Like one is toxic to us ponies while other chemicals aren't. In terms of my studies with them after mixing them I watch the atoms and how they react as well what properties change. Like oil, did you know water won't put that type of fire out, I mean cooking oil, because the tension inside the oil is too thick and would just absorb the water for extra fuel."

"Okay. Okay. I get it. I won't use the wrong chemicals while cleaning the equipment and will take better care of my tools."

"Thank you Commer. Glad to hear it Bullet."

Comber replied, already sitting down on his laptop putting in a request for another scalpel. One with a black handle and immediately. He had to let them know why, even though he could just buy it outside of work and bring it in, but that wouldn't teach Bullet a lesson and additional to that if they found out you brought in a tool not specifically from the organization you could get in massive trouble for that and if something went wrong you'll wish you just reported it.

"There. A new one will be coming home in tomorrow. Don't mess this one up otherwise you will probably get in trouble by the organization. Not too serious but enough to make you think twice about how to treat their equipment. Probably 4 days of extra assignments for you to make that money back."

"Well what I've heard they also make you pay out of your bag too."

"Greedy tyrants."

Comber walked towards the red been, placing the used and dull down scalpel in the bin, there's not much in there besides a clever, and a tree saw as well as a little bit of others stuff like gloves. Comber let the lid slam as he walked back to his desk, using hoof sanitizer on his hooves.

"And remember to always wear gloves Bullet, I don't see much of them in there. Disposal them in that bin and not the trash please. Nome would rant about it a tiny bit of you don't."

"Tsk, fine whatever. I finally fished the gutting, work on the next part Comber."


Comber was contempt on how his unit performance is going. This unit never got in trouble once unlike the other units and he wants to keep the reputation going as long as they are still here. Having a bad reputation in this place makes you a target for other units. And we'll you already heard what they tried to do to Comber. Nopony wants that.

"While I was gutting I wash making sure to test the organs for their blood type and put them into their specified totes."

"Well ain't that slower Bullet?"

"I mean yeah but with all the time left after this I suppose it kills some of the time doesn't it?"

"So does performing and practicing math. Like the formula for the amount of strain a roof can handle and I already performed the status of this roof since the material is metal with steel underneath it. Smart design to because if they put the steel on top of would've made the roof eventually cave in."

"Why do you need to know this Commer?"

"Simple friends... Knowledge is power."

"Can't disagree with that one Commer."


"So... What's that you working on...?"

"Oh you mean these tubes? You notice there's 3 of them but one has a solid version of acid while the other two has a liquid and gas form. The gas version of the acid is secured as tightly as possible. So don't worry."

"Wait, doesn't acid melt, so two questions, one how isn't it melting through that glass and second and how is it a solid."

Commer moved his glasses up has he looked down at the test tubes, then back up at Commer.

"Because of the brownstead lowery definition. Meaning a base in any substance that accepts a proton. Acid is one of those."

Comber wanted to know how he freezed the acid. Was it magic he used or another thing?

"Commer. How did you freeze the acid?"


Bullet couldn't help but laugh. It's ridiculous to hear the words acid and freeze together.

"Simple. Freezer and some sprinkles of magic and you're in business."

"I see. Is it harmless in that state?"

"If you thinking of using it to make a bump on your head go away then no, it will melt eventually and Celestia you know what that means. You better off breaking it over somepony's head in combat, although liquid acid will still be more potent."

"I'm finishing!"

Bullet yelled, taking the bodies to the shredder room. You can hear the bones crunch and skull pops. The sound of brains hitting the wall and squashed together is nasty. Bullet repeated this process until the bodies was gone. Then taking the totes of organs and putting them in the creates in the freezer, each in their own blood type. He walked out of the freezer, bloody.

"So is the storage unit for our department cold or do they pick it up immediately?"

"Good question Bullet, it either of the two but organs are normally supposed to be keep around the 32-39 degrees."

"Correct and it's kinda cold in there so yes, it's around that temperature Commer."

Comber kicked his hooves up on his desk, it was empty and his hooves was wiped before kicking them up on the desk; Comber leaned back in his desk chair, the chair fallowing Comber's action. He had a satisfied expression, he was relaxed, bored but relaxed. Bullet walked towards the unit's shower, getting in it, turning it on, stepping out as he adjusted the temperature. At first he felt the burn, letting a groan of pain out. How hot do they make their water like near a 100 degrees? They need to be more careful with their workers but of course they won't. Be smart and not get into the shower too fast or at all. Getting into the shower anyway viewed by your peers are for the delicate weak. Only if they knew the science behind germs and infections they would get rid of by getting in the shower, damn fools. Bullet used his left fore hoof to feel the shower water. It was just right as always when he turns it like that. Bullet used his magic to close the curtains as he walked into the shower.


"Took care of Dr. Pulp."

Blade exclaimed as he walked into Granfer's office. Granfer was bored, take care or Dr. Pulp... Who was that again and why?

"Who's he again."

Blade sighed.

"A Dr. One who's sister I killed. Tried to knock me off the 5th floor railing. I made sure he felt my wrath. I really wanted to kill him but he's useful to our employees. So I gave him one more chance as he was begging for his pathetic life. I don't remember his sister apparently I killed. Must've been a mare I deemed inconsequential."

Granfer pondered for a couple of seconds before remembering who Pulp was, ah that doctor eh? The one he thought was emo.

"Now I remember that doctor. How did you leave him?"

"Broken, crippled, but not fatally injured. He should wake up with a hard concussion after today. Told him he's going to work here after he attempted to kill me. Probably going to need to heal that stomach of his. Ahahaha!"

"Wait did I say he needed to stay?"

"Did you have too...? Certainly you see the crime fits the punishment of working here no?"

"Well.. I'm just glad he's just going to be working more."

"Wow sir."

Granfer spun his chair around, looking at Blade as he kicked his rear hooves up on his desk.

"I'm saying you did good getting him back for trying to kill you already. But that situation seems handled now. I been noticing the stocks rising?"

"Good news."

"Yes indeed."


Bullet walked out of the shower, looking around for Comber. His attention with his dripping gray mane focused on Commer as he closed the shower curtains which was red, and black on the bottom.

"Where did Comber go?"

Commer stopped pouring a yellow liquid test tube into a green one. What the heck was, nevermind Bullet thought.

"Comber took the work you did and the last create downstairs to the production room."

"I see. Wow he's fast went it comes to that. I remember when I used to do that in my old unit."

"Old unit?"

"Nevermind on that subject."

Bullet said, walking towards his desk and sitting down in the chair. Laying his left check on the deal, looking out the sunny window.

"Have you ever wondered when your time is over and you are just needed no more. I'm sorry but I have this feeling they're going to find ponies better than us for this unit then have us executed."

Commer looked up at Bullet throughout his test tube with yellow liquid in it floating around in front of his face.

"Why and when did this depressing tragic thought enter your head Bullet?"

Bullet remembers more than just this organization, this organization was just a stepping stone from the ones back then. This job gets boring and when you are not needed anymore then what's the point of working and not just letting them go? They're monsters who only look out for themselves. Bullet looked down at the ground spotting stained blood, he started to get reminded of himself and his soul.

"I don't know, well I do but perfer to keep it to myself so I don't scare you. My skills are a curse."

"Your... Skills...?"


Commer laughed, thinking of what skills could that be? Damaging equipment? Okay it's time to get serious as Bullet's expression was just dimming.

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. What is your skill Bullet?"

Bullet got up, grabbing a scalpel of his desk.

"Observe, I want to hit this piece of broken tote."

Bullet threw the tote piece at the door, throwing the scalpel at it next after, the scalpel hit the tote piece in mid air, pinning it at the bottom of the door. Commer was impressed he was able to do that.

"That's cool Bullet but I'm pretty sure a lot of other colts can do the same."

Bullet walked towards the door, picking the tote piece up and scalpel from the tote piece. Bullet held the clear tote piece in front of his face, looking at Commer.

"Can any colt normally do this?"

Bullet put the tote piece above the door; the piece was locked in place by the cracks of the door. Bullet turned to Commer, telling him to watch. Commer didn't understand Bullet; watch? He's facing the wrong way though. A better trajectory would be to turn around. Bullet threw the scalpel at Comber's desk, watching it bouncing of from the bottom of the tool, then again from the ceiling, then stabbing into the tote piece above the door. Commer nearly dropped his test tube; he made sure to put it back after nearly dropping it. How the actually buck did he managed to hit that from behind like that? Of course it's lucky but the odds of doing that is so unlikely that-!

"Took the create down stairs...-!"

"Move Comber!"

Comber moved his head to the left, only getting grazed by the scalpel on his left check. He looked at commer and bullet with a serious expression.

"One, thank you Commer. Second, why is their a scalpel through a broke clear tote piece?"

"Ask Bullet that."

Bullet was nervous, with sweat coming down his face with guilt as his teeth was smiling wide.

"Okay Bullet..."

Comber wiped the blood off his face, looking at Bullet. He felt his face, luckily his skin is very durable otherwise that would have cut like butter.

"Why was their a scalpel up on the door? I assume through the cracks from the way and angle it fell. Because harming your manager is a way to get written up, up to termination."

Bullet didn't want to get written up, no. He'll explain.

"No, no. Don't do that. I'll explain."

"Then start talking. It's not every day I walk through a door and almost gets stabbed. Just the last two days and now today."

Bullet thought of the words he's going to say. When he finished thinking, he lifted his head up from the ground, facing Comber's face, staring into his eyes which was serious.

"I was showing Commer what my cursed was?"

Comber at first was confused, wait Bullet's cursed? How and by who?

"I'm sorry, but what? Your curse involve having scalpels stuck on the top of the door for ponies to have fall and stab them?"

"No, no."

"Actually Comber I think Bullet curse is insane accuracy, the way he hit the piece of plastic was absurd."

Comber smirked at Commer.

"Well I suppose the makes sense, if that's the case then this place should allow you to have a gun."

"Hahaha... Maybe but not today."

"Anyways, time to wrap of the work around here. You finished-?"

"I have, the ponies for tomorrow has already been tortured and gutted."

"Good. Put the remains in a separate totes to be tested biologically by Commer tomorrow."

Comber let the door from the unit close, causing a loud bang; after Comber made his way to his desk, viewing the totes Bullet finished.

"You know back in the days I used to be in your position Bullet. I didn't do the same thing you do today, as I forbidden my self to kill or torture a filly, and since I'm good friends with Granfer he didn't have a problem with it."

"And you think I like doing that bucking crap? They didn't give me the same treatment at all. They say torture but I say rest in peace with speed."

Bullet exclaimed. Commer started putting his test tubes away, looking at his book of notes from today.

"So in terms acid can have all forms, solid, liquid, gas. They are proton donators and bases are proton acceptors. I know the amount of protons and electrons they normally have by memory."

Comber was confused by the part they are donators and bases are acceptors. What base? Like general bases? Wait why are they doing science in this place? Comber can understand that atoms could donate an electron, that was explained in Chemistry class but what wasn't was proton donators. Probably like the process where an electron is sharing another one with another atom. Commer wrapped his experiments up. After making sure all tubes was sealed shut, then putting them in a container then back into his bag, he got up. He put on his glasses that covered his brown eyes with the fog that was in them.

"You're ready to leave early Commer?"

Bullet chuckled. Commer put his hooves on his desk, staring at Bullet.

"I'm always ready to go home. It just depends when that bell rings."

"I agree with you comrade."

"You mean co-worker Bullet?"

Bullet laughed, getting up from his desk as well, Comber fallowing after. They all three turn to the window. Watching the sun slowly set behind the mountain once again.

"I tell you these days feel like they go by too fast. Nothing new, just old."

Bullet was depressed, and tired. Doing the job he does would take a lot out of you. Not just stamina wise but mortality. Sometimes you wonder if you're a monster who holds no emotions. The type of job here if anypony sees it from the outside they would quickly assume that.

"Yeah, it does."

Comber replied.

"Do you really think of leaving Comber?"

"Of course... Would you have it your way and to continue to freely work here, excluding the bits?"

"N-no. I'm just worry that'll be the death of not only you but all of us."

"Life is unfair."

"That's a dumb phase Bullet "

Commer replied. Bullet was a little annoyed. What the buck does he mean a dumb phase?

"Why do you say that Commer?"

"Because life gives you many options, choices to make. You go down you're own path, living happily with your family and friends. A lot of things you are able to choose in life, your wife, your friends, not your family, laugh out loud on that one. I would say job-!"

"But we're forced to work here right Commer?"

"Yes Comber. That's correct."

Bullet saw with his sharp eyes a bullet go through a crow. Why shoot down a crow?

"Well somepony just shot down a crow."

"How did you know it was a crow Bullet?"

"Because my eyes are as sharp as my name."

"I don't believe you actually saw the bullet just the bird fall."

"I did see the bullet and bird fall."

Comber sensed no deception. Impressed eye sight, hell give that to bullet but a infamous way of showing it. Commer turned to his watch he was wearing, he always has it scheduled to the time he gets off of work. That means... The watch should be beeping just about now.

Commer turned to his watch, watching it beep. Comber was surprised to spot another pony wearing a watch besides him. They are pretty rare in this generation. How did he get one?

"Well Commer. Got yourself a watch I see?"

Comber pulled his right hoof up, showing his watch to Commer. Commer smiled.

"I noticed you had one and was like hey, I'll make one."

"Whoa whoa, you made that Commer!?"

Bullet asked in shocked, Commer was ready to respond but the bell started ringing. Comber looked around bis entire unit, picking anything up that wasn't supposed to be on the floor, other than that they did a good job as always. He turned towards the window seeing an air freshener spray still there. Hopefully somepony doesn't steal it like last time.

"Alrighty, all looks good, I suggest we wait until that stampede outside stops."

"Yeah, sounds like it's tools falling down on the metal stairs."

"Well I wouldn't say as tools made of metal and if it was that much you he a dinging sound."

"You never answered my question Commer. You created that watch? What parts did you need?"

"Okay, so hear me out. You would need a needle, a power supply, a glass case to keep it safe and allows you to see the time, plastic with number neatly written on it, and the rest is a circuit board that I implanted into it. You must know computer science."

"I'm impressed Commer."

Comber replied, walking towards the door and opening it. You can see the stampede of ponies outside of the unit.

"Thank you-!"

"Wait, what is that sound!?"

Comber was able to sense bloodlust, to the right of his unit, what is going on?

"Hmm... Sounds like groans of pain, with a slamming of a pony's skull against the door of another nearby unit..."

Comber walked outside the unit once the stampede calmed down, turned to the sound seeing a white mare pegasus with yellow on the top of her wings in color, she had blue eyes. A colt with a red coat and blue eyes was beating her head against the wall. Bullet and Commer accompanied Comber.

"Well you were right about what was going on, besides it the bucking wall being used."

"Yeah... Just wondering why he's beating her to a pulp."

"I know why."

Comber closed his eyes, looking down then back up at the scene taking place in front of him now.

"Because she's a mare and he's a colt so he assumes dominance over her."

Comber said, Commer also chiming in.

"She probably cut in front of him or rejected him for him to continue with the beating."

Comber couldn't keep watching a mare like that just getting beaten by a stronger pony. Comber walked towards the scene, being watched by Commer and Bullet.

"How much do you love your wings!?"

"Stop! No! Not my wings!"

The mare pegasus yelled out in immense fear, this unicorn colt is enjoying her beating too much. He grabbed a wing with a hoof and the other with magic, bending them, she fought, not letting him break her wings.

"Somepony please, help me!"

"Yelling like the pathetic mare you are, need somepony to fight your battles for you? Now if you were my type you be feeling a different type of pain in another place about now. Hahaha!"

The colt continue bending her wings, she was groaning and grunting as she fought back using her wings while a hoof was on her back from her attacker. The wings have a lot of nerves in it, so sometimes when it was pulled it wasn't just pain but a tiny bit of pleasure, why is pegasus anatomy so confusion? You're being hurt by the wings but also feeling good? Weird. Comber watch the white pegasus punched him in the face, getting her head grabbed and slammed into the ground, with the red colt holding his hoof into the air, ready to punch her directly in the face. Her eyes watery, face expression clearly says she's in pain.

"I hope you like a concussion because that's when I'm going to stop, stupid whore."

The colt was about to bring his hoof down, when it was grabbing by a black hoof, he looked to his left and saw Comber. The red colt was bewildered and shocked. Comber? Rank two...? What is he doing? Comber threw him over the pegasus a good distance. He groan as he got back up; Comber walking towards him. The white pegasus quickly got up, shocked and surprised.

"Why are you beating on that mare pegasus? Does that make you feel tuff?"

"Hmm... I don't know, Comber, why the buck do you save a white mare pegasus? Is it because you like her!?"

"I don't even know her. About to bite her I saw? What desperate tactic for somepony who already got her on her back and was over her?"

"You're making me ma-!"

The red colt feel a blunt force hit him in the forehead, Comber was surprised to see who did that, it was Blade. With the back of his dagger. Why though? The red colt backed away shanking before collapsing onto the ground face first, unconscious. Blade put his dagger away. Comber walked towards Blade facing him.

"Nice to see you Comber. Thought I shut that colt up. I don't think you understand what that colt wanted to do to that mare besides cause harm but naive in those woods I see."

"I don't care what he wanted to do? All I know is him beating her into the ground was bull crap."

Blade closed his eyes, before opening then fast, teleporting to the right of Comber, nearly stabbing him in the neck. Blade turned his eyes to the left side of his neck. It seems like him and Comber predicted each other. Comber's knife was drawn and inches away from Blade's jugular vein. Blade draw his weapon back, putting it away, Comber did the same. Bullet and Commer was surprised by their speed, what reaction speed. Bullet moves similar when he's in deadly precision with a arm weapon.

"So... Why did you do that Blade?"

"You mean knocking that red colt unconscious?"

"The red colt."

"Ah. He's causing a unnecessary problem in the organization and I did not want to see a pegasus mare die from such scum."

Blade turned to the white pegasus who was standing back up, staring at him. He's strong, fast and caring. Her type. She flew past him, stopping, ready to ask him a question.

"Do you have a mare friend?"

Blade turned around to her facing, before giving her a chuckle.

"I know where this is going, but I will indefinitely decline. Already been married."

The white pegasus who name was Samantha frowned before smiling back at Blade. She started to fly downstairs.

("I guess that red colt wasn't completely wrong.")

Blade said turning back to Comber who had Bullet and Commer at his sides. Bullet and Commer was shock to see a mare in this facility ask Blade such a question. Ain't she hurt after all that, like yeah she's bloody but seriously hurt? Hopefully she's okay. Comber and blade glared at each other once again. Blade already ready to ask his question to Comber.

"This place really gets on your nerves with type of stuff doesn't it?"

"Does it not to you?"

Blade looked down at there'd unconscious colt, using magic to pick him up. Now Dr. Pulp can work on him for his injuries.

"A little. He's going to the medic. No quiting Comber. I highly recommend against it. You'll die."

"Hmph. You the one to warn me Blade?"

"Trust me first hoof I know what the feeling is like, you don't want to experience the same feeling."

How does Blade know what that feels like if he never did it, wouldn't he be dead and not rank 1 of this place. He doesn't make sense but he isn't lying, no deception. Huh, strange. Possibly work somewhere else?

"Whatever Blade. My question Blade is why are you here in the first place?"

"Haha. I'm don't have to tell you that Comber, let's just say it's a job."

"So are other places."

"True Comber. Not as high paying. I don't like what we do here but as well I know you can't leave. This is where I feel I belong."

Comber started walking around Blade and down the steps, Bullet and Commer fallowing in a rush, not wanting to be left alone with Blade. When the group was on the first floor, they heard hoof steps running towards them, Comber turned his head with Bullet and Commer to spot Nome.

"Hey Comber, wait up!"

Comber stopped, Bullet and Commer continued walking through the front doors of the organization.

"How was work?"

"Not that different, besides Blade ordering me to clean the stairs."

Comber didn't like Blade talking to Nome much because Blade acts so high and mighty. He has reasons to be but still, ponies are still ponies and respect them if they were you.

"Was their a special reason?"

Comber asked, walking towards the same doors Bullet and Commer was. Nome paused, recalling the events and fallowing Comber.

"No, not that I remember. I do know that Blade was carrying a pony with magic, supposing it was a doctor because of his cost. He said he messed him up like that because he tried something against him? Don't know exactly what."

Strange that Blade did that. It seems like Blade had a interest in this colt. Normally he punished his attackers with pain and eventually death. Being a high rank does have it perks.

"Intriguing... How was your day in general Nome? I assume you wasn't involved because there's no sign of damaged on you."

"Hahah. Of course not Comber and my day been normally good, working here isn't good but other than that, yeah feeling fine."

Comber and Nome walked through the front doors of the organization, Blade watching them with narrow eyes from the fourth floor. Friendship like that is hard and rare to see in a place like this. The doors slammed behind Comber and Nome, the sun shinning on them, kinda hot out isn't it.

"Kinda hot out here isn't it Comber?"

"I don't feel much of a difference."

Comber doesn't know why but he has immunity to the cold and heat. They don't bother him. Both Nome and Comber started walking from the south of the organization, towards Flustered Town, discussing their day.

"Any new plans when you get home Comber?"

"Not really Nome. If there's anything new besides training and homing my combat skills then I already would've thought about it."

"So no assassin jobs?"

Comber checked his watch, looking at the screen for notifications. He saw the number zero there. He sighed, bored.

"Nope... It's that I don't like that job because I rather not do it, but at least the perks from that jobs is great pay and some fun."

Nome knew why Comber became an assassin, he won't bring that subject up again with Comber.

"Yeah. Out of curiosity have you been labeled as a threat for even Celestia?"

Comber chuckled. Nome and Comber was on the outskirts of Flustered Town, entering from the north.

"I don't think my actions went not noticed. I'm sure she must knows what I've done and what this place we call the organization has as well."

"True. She is Celestia after all."

"You know most ponies say you should fear her. I don't fear those monarchies at all. Are they really are is alicons, I remember fighting at least one Alicon, tricky with their type of species with some of my techniques, but I even bet Blade and Abdeath could defeat her as well."

"I see you point Comber. But this is Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. Do you think she has the title if she wasn't powerful?"

Comber snickered. Nome's right but there's a difference from her and him. Nome and Comber turned left at Sorrow Avenue.

"Never said she wasn't powerful and I Know better than to underestimate the power she withholding. But don't forget Nome, power isn't what always wins battles."

"There's my second lesson."

"Speaking of lessons Nome. Would you like to learn anything while coming over?"

"Of course Comber."

Comber increased his walking speed, expecting Nome to do the same.

"I've heard the Wonderbolts are performing later, you want to see?"

"Wonderbolts, ain't that those stunt pegasus who think they are performing dangerous stunts?"

"Well they do don't they not?"

"Yes they do. We're here Nome."

Comber and Nome faced Comber's house, both staring at it with nostalgia. Nome was on Comber's right, eventually looking at Comber who remaining fixated staring at his own house. Nome felt nervous, training with Comber again, it can be terrifying if you get on his bad side, either way, he's ready.

Nome's Next Lesson!

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"I always wondered why your home had a glimmering effect to it."

Comber looked at his front door his home, then to his right at Nome.

"That's because there's gold plates fixed to the top of my home, they're in corresponding spots so it can give that glimmer effect."

"Now I see."

Comber walked towards the front door, Nome fallowing him. Comber unlocked the door with a touch of his hoof. Nome walked through as Comber held it open, then after, shutting it slowly. Did the door sensed his hoof print? Probably has a key to use just in case his hoof print gets damaged from a Battle.

"I bet other workers homes look nothing like this, so clean."

"Thanks. Not every spot is, as you would know and tell, but the backyard isn't the neatest."

Nome remember what Comber's backyard looked like, what is he talking about? The grass seemed very healthy to him. Only the dummies what made the backyard look a mess, that's probably what he's talking about.

"It's better than most ponies, trust me, only the dummies make it look, won't say bad, but scary. Haha."

Nome didn't want Comber to downgrade how clean is home is all together, but there's no convincing him.

"Well, you ready for you next lesson?"

Nome felt butterflies in his stomach. He had to push those emotions to the side, he knew there's no time to let emotions effect his actions and performance. Remember, he's not actually fighting, he's learning.

"Yes Comber."

"This way Nome."

Comber gestured a hoof towards Nome, indicating to fallow him. Nome fallowed Comber, looking around at the cabinets, counters, the sink, and the window and curtains, Celestia those curtains look very nice. Does Comber like living in royalty? Is he secretly a royal guard? Hahaha, no. When Nome entered the Zen garden, it smelled like a beautiful bloom. Comber opened the back door, straighting the water can on the hoof rale. Nome walked outside, into the backyard.

("Yup, those dummies are-!")

The back door closed behind them. The birds was chipping, the sun shining. Ah this was a beautiful day. Comber walked pass Nome, using a hoof to indicate him to come at him.

"I want to test what you previously learned before, let's see if you improve?"


Nome got into his stance, ready to dash at Comber, he was planning his moveset, how's he's going to go a about the attack. Nome smirk, running at Comber. Comber got on guard, ready for Nome's attack. Nome zigzag towards Comber, jumping up and performing a cartwheel. Comber was surprised he was able to do that now, but what's more surprising is how's Nome approaching him, he ain't using a simple basic dash attack. He threw a punch at Comber, Comber caught the attack, here's where the issue rises. Comber let go of Nome's left hoof, allowing Nome to take a few steps back.

"How's-is that?"

Comber thought about all the actions Nome performed, the zigzag was a decent deception movement, the cartwheel was unnecessary. The punch didn't have the full force of what it should have, but Comber could tell Nome tried his best, which he definitely did better than his initial start to the last training. Corner knew how to punch which is why he won against Nome. Time to give him his grade.

"6/10 is your grade, the reason is because of your punch mainly, that's the important part of martial arts. Your attack must be potent. You can not hope to win against your opponent if you don't throw punches correctly and with the full force your body is capable of. Don't be demotivated, because you did better than your initial start to your training yesterday. You did okay Nome."

Nome felt bad for disappointing Comber but he did try his best. He had a feeling the way he was going to punch was wrong, he thought about how to do it like yesterday, finally able to understand it again. Nome frowned then grew a smirk, facing Comber again who had what would be a teacher expression on his face.

"I understand, I still need more practice to retrain my brain on how to attack with potency and not how it's used to punching."

"Correct. When you fought Corner he knew how to punch correctly which is why is attack potency was greater. Do you need me to show you how to punch the correct way again?"

"I think I remember it, if not then yes."

Nome confidently told Comber, getting into his stance. That's a good start, always good to get into your fighting stance. Let's you be ready for when the battle starts.

"You did good on not fearing your opponent but that's probably because you know this isn't an actual fight, that's why you don't fear me. You did good against Colin, surprised and disappointed he was able to best you but then again, you only had one day of training, so that explains it."

Nome felt butterflies in his stomach, as well as shamed and excuse, it's a concoction of emotions. Nome got into his fighting stance once again, ready to try again.

"Let me try again."

Comber gave Nome a smirk, ready to ask his question.

"Show me how to properly punch, and we can."


Nome gripped his right hoof, throwing it to the left, getting his mind in sync with his body. He's ready. He threw the punch in the air, with his right front hoof, turning to his left as he did. Comber gave Nome a clap.

"Yup, that's how you do it Nome, when you swing with your body and move your rear legs at a certain angles, you can travel the force from the legs to the punch and with the momentum of your movement, there's even more force. As I said, you may try again."

Nome got into a running stance, his rear hooves in the air, one of them coming down and brushing the grass. This confused Comber.

("What the heck are you doing Nome, that's not a martial arts stance, that's a bull's stance. Tch.")

Nome ran at Comber, faster than he did before. He wondered why bulls run like that and now he understands. He ran directly at Comber throwing a punch with the turn of his body. Comber dodged the attack by moving his chin up. Nome attacked again, aiming for his check, Comber dodged, Nome tried a third time, the punch connected. Nome wanted to smile, he actually landed a punch on Comber face. Comber gave Nome a smirk, he threw the punches correctly this time. It appears Nome punched Comber however Comber just blocked the attack with a tip of his hoof. He let go of Nome's hoof, allowing him to take a couple of steps back. Nome and Comber was head level, facing each other with serious expressions.

"Very good Nome and that initial stance is a bull's, not a martial artist. But you did run faster, so I guess it works, whatever gives you the edge in battle take it, that's a lesson, rather that means emotional, physical or mental affecting your opponent and his weaknesses. You threw your punches correctly. Good job, I would like you to practice more on your on free time with throwing your punches as for your body to remember, you would have to practice, as that makes perfect."

"Right, I understand Comber."

Nome replied with a smile. Comber gave Nome an approving head nod with a smile.

"Good. I see you also got over the fear of your opponent, very good job Nome, that emotion, fear, it only slows you down. Don't fear your opponent, don't fear the consequences of your actions, and don't fear what'll you become from all this."

"Yes Comber."

"Good. Now I do want you to practice hitting me again, this time I'm going to gauge your reaction time to mine. Attack me Nome."

Nome nodded his head, charging at Comber again from his stance. He attacked Comber with a punch head towards the right side of his check, Comber dodged it, Nome kept attacking Comber but Comber kept dodging all his attacks? How is it possible for him not to be out of stamina yet? Nome wanted to throw punches randomly to not let Comber read his movements but remembered that this is a test of reaction speed as well as him to throw the punches correctly. Nome stopped trying, taking a breather.

"Wow... Your, reaction speed is something else."

Comber gave a smirk to Nome. Doesn't he remember he was fighting the rank 2 of the organization? It's good not to remember rank as that can be deceiving at some point; don't let it scare you. Comber walked around Nome.

"Your reaction time Nome is .19 seconds. That's not bad."

"What how can you tell exactly?"

Comber looked at his watch them back at Nome.

"Simple, my watch was recording your movements?"

"Wait, what!? How!?"

"It's high tech Nome. Haven't you notice everytime you threw an attack, I would dodge with my right front hoof out, having it close to your hoof?"

Nome had a flashback, he did, so not only be was dodging him but as well as making sure that part wasn't damaged either. Wow what a monster.

"What's the normal reaction time?"

Comber had a storm expression.

".25 seconds, which good. Anything higher than that especially over 30 is due to aging, mental effects or brain trauma, and I mean higher in reaction speed."

"I-I see. So mine is a little above the average?"

"Correct. Now there's ways you can improve your reaction time, especially for your age, such as: Agility drills, ladder drills; staying focused is one of the key points, if your focus on catch something from the sky that is small, you should be able to catch it as long as it won't hurt you like obviously a weapon. However."

Comber grabbed his knife from inside his cape, throwing it up. Nome watched as he did.

"Pay attention on how you would want to catch a weapon, normally you would want to go for the handle, but let's say that's out of the question."

Comber performed a 360 turn, his head still focused on the knife. Comber grabbed the knife with both hoofs against the blade. Nome was shocked, it was even more shocking when Comber spun the knife around by thr blade towards his face, pointing it at Nome next.

"Now that will be one of your task is catching items, or in this case weapons. On your own time perform Agility Drills and Ladder Exercise."

Nome gave Comber a nod, before being confused on the last part. Ladder Exercises? What is that?

"What is a Ladder Exercises?"

Comber wasn't shocked Nome asked that, many ponies would assume that means climbing a ladder but that's not it.

"Alright, so you would grab a ladder and throw it down on the ground, you would try to step in between the ladder steps without touching, the ways you can do is side steps, jumps, and one foot jumps, you can even think of other exercises yourself that fits you."

"Thank you Comber for explaining that."

Comber gave Nome a smile. What type of sensei would he be if he didn't explain a lesson he gave his student? Not a good one.

"A teacher always explains the meaning behind his teachings, otherwise the students won't understand what they just learn."

"That's true."

Nome replied. Comber walked towards his home, walking to the right of it, grabbing a ladder. Nome was confused at first but remember what him and Comber was talking about previously. He didn't think an actual ladder would be used. Now the name makes absolutely sense. Comber used a hoof to lift the wooden ladder up, carrying it towards Nome, putting it on the ground carefully. Nome stared at it, waiting for an indication from Comber.

"So to do this you have to jump, depending on what you're doing, I recommend you use your two hind hooves to stand straight up and jump, as four hooves would be a little harder for the first time, but whatever fits your mind."

Nome didn't like standing up on his two rear hooves, but if Comber recommends it for a lesson then it's best not to ignore. Nome did as he was suggested, jumping into the first hole between the bars of the ladder, then jumped into the second one, then the third one. Nome speed his pace up, nearly messing up in the end. When he finished the exercise, he turned around back on all fours hooves, towards Comber.

"How's that?"

Comber had a strict expression. It seems like Nome has adaptation, so that means at first he would be slow at what he's doing; as time goes by, his speed increases. There's nothing wrong with being adaptable. However you should train yourself to be somewhat quick in the beginning of what you're doing.

"You did okay, this is your first time, now repeat this 2 more times, then I give you a grade on it."

"Yes Comber."

Nome was confident he can improve now. He stood on two hind hooves, repeating what he did again and again. After he was done he faced Comber once again; who deduction was correct. Nome is adaptable. That's not a bad ability to have especially against your opponent.

"How I do?"

Comber smirked.

"I'll give you an 8/10. The two points is because of nearly the stumble in the last one, don't let the rhythm be thrown off balance. I'm judging you based on your current reaction speed as of now but now that you know how to do this, make sure to practice more when you get home. No slacking. You have a ladder at your home right?"

Nome nodded his head with a yes.

"Alright, you understand, next time I will test you again. Make sure to practice because this time I'm looking for improvements, even if it's in milliseconds."


Comber picked up the ladder, taking back to where he got it from. Comber made his way back to Nome.

"Now you can do four hooves jump, but also side jumps like a hoof from the side of the ladder, remember the bars can't be touched and you wouldn't want to break your ladder by mistake. You can think of ways that best fit your exercise."

"Thanks Comber."

Comber gave Nome a approving nod. The part time assassin started to think of the next lesson to teach Nome. He thought of one he had plan.

"Next you're going to try catching a weapon, you never know when this training would come in hoofy? Like when your opponent throws it at you."

"That makes sense Comber."

"It does but it's a rare thing for an opponent would do, and the reason for this is because if they lose their weapon, most of the time the workers at the organization rather use weapons than hooves. If they lose their weapon... They lose their leverage."

"So in terms it sounds like they would throw their weapon at a last resort."

"Correct, unless they have a rebound technique, or security on their weapon."

"Security? How can security be on a weapon if it's just a weapon?"

"Simple Nome."

Comber grabbed his knife which startled Nome; after grabbing the knife from within his bag, he sat it on the ground, the handle facing Nome.

"Pick it up and you'll see and learn that I know what I'm-!"

Nome bent down, picking it up with a hoof, the moment he had a grip on the knife, he felt a wave of shock through him, what the buck he thought, as he fully picked the knife up? Nome felt the shock become more powerful. Nome dropped the knife, blowing his left hoof off in attempts to cool it down. He watched as Comber picked up the knife with no harm. Nome remembers seeing the smirk on Comber's face, he wasn't using magic so how was this shocking him that badly?

"Ow! That hurt a lot!"

"And you didn't believe me. This is a new method that will keep your weapon safe. Only ponies I authorize it to touch can touch it."

"Ho-how does that-work?"

Comber smirked again. It's a security method as mentioned.

"It's a security method as I mentioned before."

"But how?"

"I believe it's magic that's embedded into their weapon, like an enchantment."

"Can it be undone?"

"Maybe? But why would you want your weapon to be able to be used with no harm from your attacker?"

"Wait so you don't even know."

"Again, this weapon as an origin behind it, a long one. As a holder I am new and part of that origin."

"I... See."


Comber looked around for a something that can be used as a weapon, he saw a bulky branch, that will work. Comber made his way to the branch, picking it up, walking back to where he was once standing. Nome was curious to what he was doing. Comber was cutting the beach top, he was cutting all around it. After he was finished he looked at Nome.

"This is what will be you'll test catching weapon. I tried not to make it sharp, because you know why."

"Yes, I do."

"Good. Are you ready, I'm going to review your stance, and the method you use to catch the weapon."

Nome nodded his head, having a serious expression on his face as he stared into Comber's eyes. Comber threw the what would suppose to be a stake into the air, it spun vertically as it was falling back down, None got into his fighting stance, jumping up and catching the stake on his fist try. When he landed he twirled the stake around his head, spinning it and pointing it at Comber, nearly poking him in the nose. Comber used a hoof to gently push the stake down, he gave Nome a smile. Really good.

"With the extra points on your first try as I'm grading and not as you are experience. You score a 12/10 for the extra spin and then pointing at your opponent. I would assume you would attempted to stab your opponent when you are actually in a fight?"

"Yes I would indeed Comber."

"Good. Make sure to practice with other weapons later on at your home, like the common ones: Knives, daggers, swords, axes blunt weapons such as mallets, pipes, this weapon isn't common. Then work you're way to machine weapons such as a chainsaw which is extremely uncommon."

"Understood Comber. I will get some from a shop later on and practice."

"Good. Now if you need any practice tips down the road, let me know. The proper way to catch a weapon is by the most leverage part. You obviously don't want to try by the part that would damage your opponent. You can grab it near that part but being risky of being injured, especially if your opponent has the weapon still in their possession. If it's breakable, just like this stick, then put pressure on that part as your opponent is already doing it to a corresponding point, the increase pressure at those angles would break it."

"Make sense."

"Now the next lesson to learn is to harden up. You need to not be afraid to spill blood or to get it on you. You might be a little concerned because of your job and Blood Bron pathogens, but I assure you it's better then being killed."

"I agree with that."

"So you will practice on a deceased pony. This isn't a abuse of a corpse. Think of education of a corpse."

Nome didn't like the idea of getting his hooves dirty with blood but Comber is correct, in battle it's bound to happen.

"Where would a corpse even be around here anyway, it not like you can magically teleport one in?"

Comber chuckled, looking back at his house, remembering what happened last night, he remember see the corpse as he walked towards his home. Nome is oblivious.

"I'll be right back."

Comber jumped over the fence, walking towards a certain fence at the front of his yard. It was his neighbors fence, guess he was too scared to remove the body or somehow never notice it; that or he doesn't care which would mean he works for the organization. Comber picked the body of the fence, what was this colt's name again? He guess corpse. After Comber grabbed the body be teleported back into his backward, surprising Nome with the sight of the dead body.

"What, wait is that a colt who attempted to kill you last night?"

"Indeed he was, he had a spiking landing."

Nome that that was a cruel joke but then again they all did attempted to ambush Comber and kill him. Most of the workers are evil so yeah, what he deserves.

Comber created a magic bag around the body so none gets on his grass. Nome was kinda scare to touch the inside of a pony, he knew that was what Comber wanted him to do. Nome stepped onto the bag with a nervous face.

"What-whats's next?"

Comber smirked, walking back to his house, walking inside the house. Nome was curious, but assume Comber went to get a weapon for him. Comber walked back into the backyard with a knife that seemed to be curved like a sickle. He also a another weapon floating above him with magic. He floated the weapon over to Nome who used his magic to grab them.

"Now, you are going to fight this corpse as it attacks you."

Did Comber not hear himself? A corpse attacking? What the buck is it, a zombie? Comber smirked, telling Nome had a what expression on his face. The part time assassin activated his magic, using it to control the corpse on the mat? Comber can multitask magic? How did he learn that? The mat increase in size.

"Ready, use those weapons lethality, don't pull your attacks because you're afraid of anything."

"Got it!"

Nome got into his stance, choosing the knife over the sickle. Good choice. The sickle is only deadly in a curve attack. Comber controlled the corpse to attack Nome, Nome blocked the first attack, landing a powerful stab through the neck of the corpse, his eyes closed as he did. The corpse fell, representing a pony if they were stabbed through the spinal cord. None opened his eyes.

"How's that?"

"You closed your eyes, never do that again. The attack was lethal, the block was good with a single hoof so you can counter, but the closing your eyes to prepare for impact, don't do that, you never know if your opponent is going to dodge a d the literal blind spot you created for yourself, you'll get attack and it could be fatal depending on the aim of your opponent."

Nome never liked to be lectured but he knew Comber is right, he's going have to push through that weird emotion of stabbing through a gut.

Comber used his magic to stand the corpse back up, this time on all four hooves.

"In combat with another pony standing up would leave you wise open, however you can still learn to fight in the manner as I did. I want to see your approach this time against a pony who walks as one."

Nome understood the lesson, he held the knife with a tight grip, got into his stance, before changing it fastly to a running stance. Nome ran as the corpse controlled by Comber's magic dared him with a gestured to attack him. Nome took a slash at the pony, slicing the jugular veins of the neck. Nome was expecting for blood to gush out, but none did. At first he wondered why then the thought hit him. This is a dead body, the heart ain't pumping and the lungs ain't breathing so how could blood rush and gush? His instinct was to shield his face from the gushing blood; that won't be good as a grade from Comber. That's basically telling your opponent I didn't like to get too dirty with blood and if that's the case then they would know just what to do to win that battle. Nome spun the knife in his hoof around a little before holding it with magic facing down as if it was in a case. The corpse dropped to the ground.

"Very good Nome, you wasted no time and went for the kill, which if this was an actual alive pony it would've been a slaughter. Now, your opponent won't just stand there and dare you to come at them, no... They will try to fight, but first evade the attack, if they are smart that is, blocking a stab isn't always a great thing."

"I figured that much Comber. Thanks for the lessons."

Comber nodded his head in approval.

"Now come at me with the same attack."

Nome was in shock, come at him with the sane attack but why? He doesn't want to kill Comber or hurt him.

"No offense I don't want to hurt you or even kill you Comber by accident."

"Trust me Nome, you won't."

Comber smirked as he got into his stance, he used a hoof to dare Nome to attack him, Nome flew the knife down into his hand. Looking at his reflection then back at Comber with a face saying he's ready.

"Alright Comber, here I come."

Nome got into his stance before changing it to a running stance, his eyes focus on Comber's neck. He dashed at Comber, ready to attack him. Comber waited for his attack. None attempted to stab Comber upwards into the neck. Comber grabbed onto the hoof with the weapon, pushing it back down, before throwing a punch that purposely messed Nome face. Comber pulled his hoof back. Nome had a shocked expression, he not only stopped his attack with perfect precision but at the same time countered. Comber let go of Nome's hoof, ready to explain.

"So did you see how I moved? I moved perpendicular to you so the attack would be harder to hit, and addition to that; I knew you were aiming for an attack from below, so the way to defend against that is by grabbing the hoof with the weapon in it, and pushing it down with all our might. Remember this is for opponents with weapons; such as knives which are very common to see."

"I see, so pushing it in a direction it's coming from prevents the attack."

"That's not always the case, but for a lot of them, yes. This also depends if your opponent is strong enough to push through your grip; which is why you should use two hooves for this. Try to injury that hoof of your opponent so they don't try again or even dishoof them of their weapon; with their probably most dominant hoof."

"That all makes sense."


"But why be in a perpendicular position against an attacker?"

"So perpendicular means at a 90 degree angle position. You want to face that of your attacker so they have to turn with their attack. This gives you enough reaction time to react. Now for me that's a different story. However I've learned not to be over confident with my reaction speed."

"That's true, never be cocky."

"Wiser words Nome, easier said then done."

Comber backed away, causing Nome to stare at him, wondering what's next.

"Now most of the time your attacker isn't just going to be like: Oh. I messed my first attack, time to go home and give up. So remember to keep that momentum of dodging and countering. Don't assume you won and the only reason I say this is because I seen and been in too many battles and 98% of them was resilience, meaning the opponent didn't give up easy."

Nome didn't respond but listened, Comber knows a lot of martial arts doesn't he? Maybe that's why he's so confident in leaving the organization?

"Attack me again, but this time from an angle."

Nome nodded in agreement. Looking down at his blade then back at Comber. He's ready. Nome charged at Comber. Attacking him from the left, Comber used one of his hooves to grab the near the wrist of the the hoof with ye weapon in it; after grabbing the back of the hoof itself; using it as leverage to toss Nome over him with his own momentum. Nome felt a little sore as the toss wasn't as powerful as it could've been. Nome rubbed his behind, before getting back up, realizing his knife was gone. He turned to Comber to see it floating with his magic. But how and when, he didn't use his magic at all just a couple of seconds ago. Comber grabbed the knife from the air, canceling his magic.

"I think this is yours Nome."

Cmber hoofed the knife back to Nome. Nome felt a little embarrassed, not trying to show it as he grabbed his knife back.

"Thanks, but ain't this your knife?"

"No. This was one I once had. The knife you hold is yours."

Nome held the knife in his left hoof. Looking into his reflection as he thought to himself. Comber really just gave him this knife? Is he sure? Nome looked back at Comber with an unsure expression.

"Thanks, but do you think I could kill a pony?"

"Everypony can kill another, it just depends on their will power as well as their skill. You heart is light of sins as I don't remember you killing anypony."

Nome wasn't sure if Comber was mocking him or complementing him? Probably both.

"That's true. I don't like the idea of taking another pony's life."

Comber walked over to Nome, putting a hoof on his right shoulder, then left.

"Listen to me Nome, I don't like the idea of taking another pony's life either, however if that's your job then it can't be helped. A cruel job we are in, and you can agree with me that nearly all of those workers don't deserve to live anymore."

"Do-do you think that of yourself as well?"

Comber who was walking away, stopped, turning to Nome with a serious expression.

"I've pounder it long ago when I was very young, but such thoughts and emotions would get in your path of success. I can't be my own judge. I'm sure you knew that."

"That's true. What's the next lesson?"

Comber smirked, pointing a hoof at a dummy, using his unicorn magic to stick it up and dare Nome to attack him.

"That's what's next my friend. I want you to practice a lot more with that knife, focus on fatal blows to a pony's body."

"Understood Comber."

Nome gripped his knife harder, before running towards the dummy, giving it a stab through the chest. Comber used an X-ray spell to see if that was fatal and sure enough, it was, right through the heart, as well as the spinal cord. Magic blood burst out, landing on Nome who was kinda shocked but claimed down realizing it was just magic. He didn't think you could conjure a spell like that? Who is he kidding, it's magic? Nome slid, turning with his body and stabbing the knife into the temple.

"Very good Nome. The temple of the skull is fragile compared to the rest of the skull."

"Exactly. I knew that."

The wounds healed on the dummy. Nome took a slash to the throat, then turning the knife upwards and stabbing it through the jaw of the pony. Comber was impressed with the type of fatal attacks he's landing.

"Well that's a way to shut your opponent up. Hahaha."

Nome turned around as the magic around the dummy disappear, allowing it to fall back to the ground with no damage.

"Was that like an actual pony?"

"If you're asking me if it was a real pony? The answer is obviously no. I did use my magic to give the same durability a natural pony would have, if that's what you're asking."

Nome nodded his head with a yes.

"And those are all fatal attack but remember your opponent isn't going to standing there and let you attack him with full force. They would try to dodge or reduced the force as I'm sure you knew."

Nome understood Comber, giving him such an expression.

"You done for today Nome or do you want to learn something else? If not, you can practice at home what I taught you today."

Nome nodded, thinking what he wanted to do. Maybe he should go and practice, then tomorrow come back even more prepared for the next task. Nome has to put his knife away in a case for such a weapon.l, can't just be his bag.

"I think it's best I practiced what I've learn so far, because to learn more and attempt to practice all of them would be tiring in one day, I want to work on my reaction time as well as my punches some more."

Comber wasn't shocked he was going to choose that, nor was he disappointed, he understands ponies learn at their own pace. He grew a smirk.

"That sounds good. I don't want to see an incorrect punch from you tomorrow. I want all your punches to be correctly."

"I understand, how long should I practice?"

Comber walked closer to Nome with a teacher like expression.

"That's is up to you, I can't control you, even if I could it's not right. I recommend you practice for a long time to break the habit of throwing the improper punch. You're used to doing it so your body instincts tell you to throw it like that with urges. You have to practice the correct way of punching so your body instincts isn't against themselves with your mind."

"I wondered what that urge to throw my punches improperly was. Thanks for explaining that and for the lessons Comber."

Comber gave Nome a smirk, fallowing him back into his house. Nome saw most of the flowers in the zen garden was closed; that's how you know it's dark outside without a clock. They're flowers are pretty. Both colts walked into the kitchen, then into the living room towards the front door. Nome came to a complete stop, turning around to meet Comber eye to eye.

"Please don't do something too risky Comber. You know I care about you."

Nome was mainly worried about Comber leaving the organization, that's going to get him killed. The thought of leaving just send shivers down your spine; especially if you think about how Blade threatened them all and showed them what will happen with an example. Comber gave Nome a reassurance smile.

"I'm not easy to kill, as you should know. I've performed a lot of risky stunts in the past and still came up on top. Don't worry Nome, nothing going to happen to me, at least as of now."

Nome smiled at Comber, before turning to the front door, ready to open it.

"I trust you Comber."

Nome said before using a hoof to unlock the front door locks, his hoof now on the door knob. Comber watched as he opened the door, slowly turning around to his friend and master.

"I'll see you tomorrow, don't be too reckless."

Comber chuckled. Nome worries too much about him as if he was a brother. Comber gave Nome a warming smile.

"You worry to much my friend. I appreciate how much you care about me, but trust me again, I'm good."

Nome smiled back at Comber before closing the door, hearing it locked behind him. The young unicorn turned away from the house, viewing Flustered Town scenery.

("Time to train myself.")

Nome told himself, prepping his confidence as he walked home. He probably should get a container for his new weapon before heading home, and this Town would surely have something like that in a smith shop. Nome smiled with excitement as he continues to walk home.


Comber has already threw his cape in the washer, he doesn't need to practice today or weight lift. You must give your body at least a day in breaks. Especially after his type of work outs. Comber got up from the couch, walking towards his kitchen, grabbing his notepad, walking back to the couch to lay down after.

("Let's see...")

Comber reviewed the names and dates of ponies from the organization. The notepad was title, (The Day.)

("Guess it works in my benefits that Drackle betrayed us before I eventually do the same. He's s there on that day, but now that newbie from like 5 days ago is there.")

Comber counted all the workers on the list he remember that will be there on that day. The day to finally be free; that place is wicked and working to please a possible entity that causes nothing but grief and suffering proves it. That place will sweetened you up, just to get you to work harder for no extra pay, sometimes making you work for free. They would act like they care about you but deep down they want you to prove to yourself that you're not irreplaceable. You fail the expectations of what they expect of you, well you failed in life as the will be the last thing you did as failure. Comber remembers 25 years ago they hanged a family up, with Jackson holding a wooden bat. 1 filly and a mom and dad, hung up like pinatas to beat for candy. Besides in this case the guts are the candy. Comber remembers the whole incident, he hated watching it especially through all their begging and crying, and how Jackson was more motivated to continue while cheering coming from the audience.

("Funny he's there on that day.")

Comber felt a little like justice will be giving it out to Jackson from him on that day. If you were there, you would have vomit like a sick dog. The way all of them got tortured and for what? A God they feel don't exist? Just kill them next time at least so they don't have to see their own be beaten by a bat to death and ribs ripped open so they can literally beat the heart to a stop with the bat. Comber got up off his couch, heading into the laundry room, throwing his cape into the dryer after taking it out of the washer. After exiting the laundry room, he did a complete walk around the house, making sure everything is in place and clean, which it was. Once the dryer is done, he's going to head to bed as it's nighttime.

("At least no robbers or ponies dare step hoof in my house. Haha, that's one good reason reputation is good to have. So they know not to mess with you.")

Comber said walking back downstairs and laying back on his couch, head against a blue pillow against the arm of the couch. Comber thought more about the next day, work tomorrow would be something interesting, not really as it can be mostly the same every day. Comber's dryer and washer does a fast job, but that's what happens when the price is through the roof. Comber with boredom checked his watch with discourage that there's a new job to do; he was shocked to realize he had a notification, it was apparently a traitor. At this hour? Insanity. Comber got up off the couch, clicking on the address of the location. He's not in Flustered Town, so this so be interesting. Well at the the very least he can put up some form of fight. Comber heard the dryer beep with a alert it's finished. The part time assassin walked into the laundry room, opened the dryer and cleaned the lint filter, then after grabbing his cape, putting it on as he walked towards the front door, growing a confidence expression. Comber checked his watch again, this time looking into the notification. This colt had yellow eyes and blonde mane and tail with a shine to it, he had a blue coat.

("Unfortunately for you, Archie, this night will be your last.")

Comber chuckled a tiny bit. He has never failed a job and he won't start tonight. Comber opened the door, feeling the breeze of the wind. The wind was violent today wasn't it? With out another second, Comber shut the door, hearing it automatically lock behind him. He turned to the left after briefly reviewing his watch again for the location. Comber wasted no time in running towards his location with a grin on his face. How come he's going to have to deal with the traitors at night too?

Comber Hunts Archie!

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Comber saw owls on the trees as he ran towards Archie's location. Every time he pasts a tree, one looks and whos at him. Celestia Flustered Town looks like horror hit it at night; and we're not even going to think about Death Town. Comber jumped over a spiked fence, flipping 3 times, continuing running after. The part time assassin took a sharp left, then right. He was finally out of Flustered Town, a smirk on his face. Comber could feel the wind around him like it's bursting around him. He didn't want to run as fast as he can, not because of stamina issues because that's not the problem; the problem is if you're an assassin on the job you want to draw a less attention as you can, and breaking the sound barrier wouldn't be wise at night.

("Archie, you're a moron for thinking you can escape me.")

Comber noticed Archie's location was moving on his watch. He knows he's coming but how? Probably just instinct because most of the workers there knows who's going to deal with them if they dare betray the organization. Comber was nearly on top of Archie's location, as he approached, he saw Archie on his roof, waving at him. Somewhat of a small house he has, must've build it himself. Comber stopped his movement, looking up at Archie.

"I had little doubts they would send you to me at this hour but guess the rumors was true about you."

Archie got up looking down on Comber. His hoof on a string behind him.

"Come face me, Archie, you know your time is up."

Archie giggles maniacally, pulling the string behind him, causing holes to appear on the house, shooting arrows out at Comber. Comber quickly dropped to the ground, rolling to the right, noticing an arrow approaching him from the side he rolled on, he rolled the opposite direction evading the arrow, then standing on his hind hooves, spreading his legs as the arrow approached him with 10 meter per second speed. Comber ducked on the last arrow, looking back at Archie who was gone, Comber looked around but couldn't find him, even with a x ray spell, wait a minute. Comber looked up, spotting a green balloon floating in the air. An air balloon? What the buck is he doing? Running away is he? Comber squatted as far as he can, jumping as high as he can. Archie was shocked to realize Comber past him. But how!? At this height. Comber cut the ropes as he held onto the balloon, popping the huge balloon after.

("Thought I was on the job not the carnival? Haha.")

Comber was holding onto the out of control balloon, eventually grabbing it as it got close to the ground spinning and throwing himself off it very fast, spinning around the sun flag pole on Archie's house, then jumping off, searching the area for Archie.

"Show yourself, you're a coward for the stunts you tried.")

Surprisingly the target colt didn't take much of an injury from the out of control air balloon. Archie hid behind a tree, opening his bag, ready to activate plan C. He smirked deviously. He held a remote with a big red button, ready to push it.

"Oh I'll show myself alright."

Archie pressed the button, pulling something out of the bag as it powered up, facing it towards himself. Comber heard the noise behind the tree, walking towards it, seeing a bright light blue light shining from behind it. He saw a device that looked like a Lazer cannon. Did he shoot himself with that or missed? Archie walked from behind the tree, making his way towards Comber.

"I bet you think you're stronger than me still don't you?"

Comber stopped getting into a stance. So he decided to show himself and fight him.

"I don't rely just on my strength to get a job done. Glad you're not a complete coward."

Archie stopped, looking into Comber's eyes. He ain't going to die tonight. He ran at Comber with full speed, nearly grazing him. Comber was shocked how fast Archie was. Did he give himself super pony speed? Probably strength as well from that statement he made. Archie turned around attacking Comber again, Comber this time, actually taking it seriously, dodge the incoming attack. Archie nearly ran into a tree, slightly tapping and pushing against the same tree he once used for cover.

("Why can't I still hit him? I should be faster than him!")

Archie with his head down and a hoof on the tree let go of the tree, giggles can be heard escaping into the mist of the atmosphere.

"I underestimated you Comber with your reaction speed."

Comber ran towards Archie, attempting to attack him. Archie ran in the opposite direction Comber was attacking from, running back towards Comber and attempting an elbow. What he received instead was a back hoof to the left check of his face. Archie nearly fell towards the ground, getting back up and zooming around Comber.

"Let's see how you handle a vacuum vertex!"

Wind was circling around Comber by the minute. Comber jumped up, slamming down on the ground causing it to crack. Archie flew into his own house door, knocking it off it's henges and splicing it down the middle with a ton of splinter hazards.

Comber ran towards Archie, picking him up from the rubble, putting him against the wall, his left hoof against Archie's neck. Archie had splinters in parts of his body. Blood was leaking off him.

"Are you done with the running games... Archie?"

Archie put a hoof on Comber left hoof, slightly moving it away from his neck. Comber smirked, realizing his deduction was right. Super pony strength huh. Or at least something under that. Comber push back too, feeling like they are in a stalemate.

"Let go of me... Bastard!"

Archie attempted to break free but the same feeling existed in him, they're in a stalemate. Comber quickly thought on his hooves, quickly spinning his left hoof, as he kicked from a 35 degree angle to one of Archie's rear hooves where the knee was. Archie yelled in pain, attempting to bite Comber who quickly pulled his hoof with all his might away, grabbing Archie by the face and tossing him with a spin behind him.

("Why do ponies always try to give me a disease for trying to kill them? Because they did something against the organization? A bunch of savages.")

Comber walked towards Archie who at first was slowly getting back up coughing then accelerating his speed, getting back on all four hooves facing Comber with a nasty grin.

"How! How was you able to do that!? I should be stronger than you and faster, you should not be having the advantage in battle."

Comber stopped looking at Archie with a disbelief face. Welp it's confirmed that what the little lazer did but what's more surprising that Archie never practice with his new found strength or speed which is why he nearly sped into a tree and can't land attacks.

"You can't be serious right?"

Archie growled at Comber with anger and hatred, why does he have to be the one to kill traitors? If this was another pony who was normal he would destroy them.

"I'm more serious then decapitating a mother and son!"

Comber stood up on two hooves, realize he's taking the role of being a teacher once again. His hooves crossed, holding a stern look.

"It's because you just got those powers didn't you? They're temporary aren't they? You think me, a master of martial arts would not noticed this is your first time fighting with those enhanced powers and the difference between your scared then confident expression. You aren't used to those skills. Sadly you won't have the chance to either."

"Bucking damnit! Are you saying if I had trained and mastered more of these new strengths then I would easily kill you!"

Comber closed his eyes, putting his hooves down after unfolding them; he was back on all fours, opening his eyes again with a sigh.

"You traitors are all alike. I do commend you on fighting me without fearing me. I do know that's only because you got over confident in your abilities and strengths. Even the smartest makes mistakes."

Archie was done listening to Comber, he could just run, or he could... Wait, that might work. A grin made itself known onto Archie's face. He ran towards his bag at the tree, preparing to enact his plan. Comber fallowing after him with a normal expression. Why do all workers in the organization carry a bag? More than half at least do. Archie grabbed something that looked like to be a bottle of some sort. The bottle was a clear bottle with a brown cork on, it wasn't full, but the substance inside seemed to be yellow acid. Archie ran at Comber, opening the cork on, Comber was prepared for the liquid but wasn't prepared for the bottle to be smashed at his hooves. He attempted to move out of the way with good speed but a tiny bit got on him. It seems like it's also releasing the gas of the acid. Comber understood Archie's plan. He was trying to immobilize him, and blind him so he can escape. Comber felt the burning of his hooves increase; as he saw Archie start to run, narrowing his sight. Comber chased him down. The part-time assassin smirked as he remembered what Commer told him today, without hesitation he stopped, freezing his right hoof with his magic, the part with the acid on it, then ripping the chunk of meat off that been contaminated. He then healed himself with a spell afterwards. Comber looked down at his right hoof with an annoyed expression, yeah that definitely hurts but pain isn't much to Comber. How could he be careless and let Archie do that? Luckily this field is big, so he's not out of view. Why doesn't he live closer to society? Is it because of his smarts; if so then Comber feels bad for Commer. Comber focused on Archie, he didn't fail a job and he ain't starting now. He got into a running stance, time to show Archie how fast he really was.

("You can't run nor hide from me. Archie!")

Comber gripped his knife under his cape, before sprinting as fast as he could after Archie.

"Hahaha! Showed him! He's correct about even the smartest making mistakes but yet didn't consider that even mean martial artists of course as well."

Archie turned his head spotting Comber behind him, with what looked like wind currents behind him.


Comber didn't want to wake her ponies nearby in a town. Oh well some are probably workers at that damn place and deserve it. With a tiny bit more acceleration, Comber broke the sound barrier, speeding past Archie who stopped in place, a red liquid running down his neck. Archie tried to stop the blood from spurting with a firehoof; even though he knew he process would be futile. Comber was 20 hoof steps in front of Archie. He eyes of Archie was able to pick up Comber with his knife out to his right. His hoof was stretched as much as possible, his back rear facing Archie. Archie used both hooves to hold his neck as he was gasping for air, getting down on his knees.

"Ho-how... Are... You-!"

Archie threw up, which was a quarter of blood that enter his wind pipe. His eyes shaking as they go blurry. He looked down at his own hooves to see nothing but dark red blood. He knows a pony can't lose more than half of their body's blood amount. He thought about using his bag as a tourniquet; he couldn't because he left it back behind that tree. His vision went blurry. This is it, he's going to die. Archie fell on both of his rear hooves on his knees.


Archie finally fell down onto the ground, face first into the grass that had been stained by his blood. Comber shook the knife dripping with blood with a violent side swipe, before putting it back in his bag. He turned to Archie slowly, a 180 degrees turn with a tiny bit of blood on him. Comber looked at Archie with pity and regret. He couldn't blame him for leaving the organization. He's basically a hypocrite when he does it or at least plan to.

("Tsk. Send an assassin after me. I dare that place to.")

Comber deviously told himself, before walking over to Archie's body, rolling him over, looking at his chest to see if he was breathing. One of Archie's eyes open so slightly, struggling to reach a hoof out to Comber with a sorrow expression.

"Do-on't let, th-at, place... Cont-trol... you. Let my family know... I love... Th-em."

Archie closed his left eye, his hoof making a thud sound. A breeze of wind blew past them both. Comber took the last words of Archie seriously. He's right, he probably would've told him they will eventually betray you. Comber did feel a little bad for killing him, but a job is a job. If he didn't do it, he'll fail two jobs in one go, and dies from one of them. Comber chuckled at that last part. Granfer would let him have another crack if he did fail. Comber's mane blew with the wind, as he turned towards the direction of Flustered Town. Comber got into a sprinting position, ready to run. Comber smirked, instantly turning towards Archie's direction, running, using his magic to quickly pick him up and take him back to his house, throwing him through the bedroom's window, Archie landed on the black cover bed with white dots as stars on it, as Comber viewed Archie from the broken window; he had a piece of glass lodged into his neck. Comber frowned, then smirked as he turned back towards the direction of Flustered Town, using his magic to teleport a good distance towards it; sprinting after. As the moment he started sprinting. Archie's bag blew away into the tree branches from the wind. The bag hanged down torn up from the branches.

("Time to rest for the next day.")

Comber planned. Most ponies think it's bad to get more sleep but you should ruffly get around 7 hours of sleep, otherwise cognitive behavior and function would not be as good as it should be.


A pink mare under a blue cover with a red colt with a blue mane and tail awoke from the sonic boom Comber made when chasing Archie.

"Did, did you hear that honey?"

The pink mare tapped her husband on the side causing a little bit of discomfort. He rolled over and met her eyes, so pretty he thought. Her cutie mark was two rings together with the F in the middle, meaning forever.

"I did. Wha-!"

the couple room door burst open as two small fillies ran into the room. Seems like their fillies was startled from the sound.



Two filles, one with a red cost and with green eyes, the other filly held a pink coat with red eyes. They both jumped onto their parents, holding onto them with fear.

"What was that sound!?"

The fillies asked in union. Truth be held the parents didn't know what caused the sound either. The mother gave her husband a look that wanted him to walk them back to the rooms and make sure their safe and fearless. The father did just that, getting up and and walking them back into their rooms, grabbing a book from the shelf, tucking the fillies in the same bed next to each other. He talked to them on the way into their bedroom, assuring them everything will be fine.

"That sound was caused by a Wonderbolt practicing late at night when they shouldn't be. Don't worry about it sweeties.

The fillies felt less fear now knowing it was a Wonderbolt that caused it. They had smiles on their faces as their father read them a book to sleep.

"The End."

The father looked at the fillies to see if they were snoozing which they were. Smiles on their face that brighten up his night.

"Goodnight. My sweet fillies."

The father gave them both a kiss on their cheeks before leaving the room, making sure they were tucked in, warm and cuddly


Comber ran through Death Town, seeing the same bloody hoof print in that one house once again, as he past the statue to his left, he saw the statue with a sword pointing up with a black pony stabbing it through another, as he looked at the blade, Comber saw a colt with a missing horn shaking ahd making muffles of pain. Comber ignored the colt not caring a damn about what happens in this town. How come Celestia didn't demolished this town yet he thought. Comber escaped Death Town and now was heading towards Flustered Town, he will appear at his house from the backyard. This can be his night run he thought. He already just break the sound barrier. Oh well more exercise the better right?

("Wonder what caused that colt to be put onto that statue penetrated through up from his bottom?")

Comber really didn't care about the colt, but the brutality of the other part of that blade leaving the toso with intestines on it and hanging was just nasty, but deserving to those ponies. They're nothing but savages and monsters in his eyes. Comber entered Flustered Town. As he ran for a little bit longer, he spotted his house from the distance, before Comber knew it he was in front of his fence, jumping over it with great speed.

("The darkness is peaceful ain't it?")


"Yes! That's quicker than last time! I hope this pattern stays for tomorrow's lessons!"

Nome was training his reaction speed, timing it everytime in his head, he could tell he was improving. Just a little more practice and maybe he'll be as fast as Comber? Nome doubts that as that reaction speed he displayed doesn't seem normal by pony anatomy. Sometimes he wonders if Comber is a pony. Nome watched as the shadows covered the ladder he had down. That wasn't enough to stop his training though, he walked towards his house, turning on the back lights that shine onto Nome and the once shadow covered ladder; Nome's eyes shimmer with confidence. He was going to show Comber he's improving and taking his lessons seriously. He's going to make him proud.


Comber threw his cape back into the washer, walking back out of the room, looking at a picture of his father. He had a cheerful smile when he was a filly in the picture. His father was looking down looking like he's giving him a pat with a smile on his face in the photo. Where did he's mother go though? He always wondered? He laid down on he couch, remembering his filly hood. Before the organization it was good. Deep down he always wanted to be a hero, but doesn't life have different plans... Comber looked around his house, ready to clean it; his horn illuminated with magic, casting a clean spell or more like a dusting spell. After he rolled over, just thinking and waiting for his cape to be done washing so he can dry it and go to bed for the place that is such a dread. Comber stepped off his couch and made his way towards the washer, taking his cape out and throwing it into the dryer.

("Alrighty, change of plans.")

Comber smirked as he made his way towards his gym room. He opened the door and walked in. Ah the smell in here because of the automatic air freshener is always nice; normally gyms smell like sweat and oder but Comber's was far from that. Comber grabbed the nearest weight, the one closest to the mats on the dumbbell rack as it was the previous one he was using. Comber started doing hammer exercises with them, then after completing a set of 50 on each forehoof, then his rear hooves. He put the weight on the ground, dead lifting them. Normally the dumbbells are lightweight that you wouldn't lift like a dumbbell, however these are different. These dumbbells was created by his father. Some he can't even lift, such as the 10,000 pound ones. What material did he use anyway? Comber stopped after 50 again, putting them on the rack and walking out into the laundry room, taking his cape out of the dryer and putting it on the hat rack. Comber didn't have to turn the lights off as they are movement sensors. Comber laid down on his couch again, his head against the blue soft pillow. He slowly drifted into sleep.

Unusual Hit! The Powerful Duo! The Fate of All Traitors!

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Comber awoken with blood all over him. He was standing in the middle of the lobby inside the organization. He looked around to see lots of workers killed, some decapitated, spines ripped out of their bodies. What the buck happen here? Comber stared down at his hoof as it would have some indication to what happened here. Was this his doing? Who could've-!

"Well well well. Nice to meet you Comber. I hope you are more powerful than the rest of these ponies."

A pitch black colt approached Comber from the the shadows with a pony at his side, who was dangling on he ground being dragged by this all black colt.

"Who the buck, are you!?"

Comber yelled, asking the mysterious black colt who gave a devious expression to Comber. The wind felt so thin, as if there was little oxygen in the room. The black colt threw the green mane colt he was dragging by his mane at Comber, pointing a hoof at him, giving a pulse so powerful it blew the heart out of the colt. The colt flew lifeless up to the 5th floor. Comber was shocked how fast he killed that colt. He's the one who did this? Why? How did he blast the Colt's heart out with no magic at all? Who is he importantly? Comber got into his fighting stance; his composer calmed and collective.

"You think who am I. You wonder why. But you can not lie to me, because you'll die."

Comber was once shocked again. He can read his thoughts? Or was this his presumptuous guess? Doesn't matter. He's not going to let him kill him or threaten him with his intimation.

"You didn't answer my question. I asked who you are-!"

The black colt was already in front of Comber's face; keeping the same smirk he had on his face before. He's definitely not a worker from here. Comber never seen him before. Comber tried to move but couldn't.

(Why can't I move!")

"Simply my presence alone is the reason for that."

Comber looked at the colt with a tiny bit of fear. He pushed his emotions aside. He can break out of this so called *presence.*

"You can't hold me!"

Comber exploded a red aura around him. Teleporting away from the colt. He should be able to defeat this killer. Where's Blade? The black colt started confidently walking towards Comber with smirked as he knew exactly where he was. Comber stared at the colt; he was in disbelief and shock to see Granfer bowed. Comber eyes traced back to the black colt with purple black eyes with what seems to be red and black diagonally lines through them. The black colt extended a hoof out to Comber.

"Die. Traitor."

Comber skull exploded, brains splatting everywhere. Granfer got off his knee, smiling.


Comber awoken on his couch in his house. He was still stunned from having witness his own death. What the buck dream did Luna give him this time!? What a bitch. Comber stared out the window, thinking about the rest of today. Today seems just like yesterday. Hopefully Bullet doesn't almost stab him like yesterday. Comber walked towards his cape, walking to the left of the hat stand. He then made his way Upstairs to the bathroom, taking a shower. After he brushed his teeth. He then made his way back down stairs, walking towards his cape, putting it on as a magic mane dryer dried his mane. Even though the wind can do that if he ran to work, it's best not to leave Nome in the dust. The magic hair dryer disbursed as Comber turned to his couch, using a clean spell to completely clean the blood that dripped on the cushions and in between.

("Rest in peace, Archie.")

Comber felt sympathy for Archie, especially since he will eventually do the same thing. Makes him feel like a hypocrite, but better to survive if anything. Comber walked into the Zen garden, watering his plants, after he was finished with that, he walked outside and practiced punches. A martial artist must always keep up on his training otherwise you become dull and rusty. After Comber used his magic to repair the dummies; he walked inside, making his way to his weight room, deciding to lift some weights, and perform some exercises, such as running on a treadmill, push ups, squats, ect. After Comber was finished working out, he walked out of his gym. Whipping the sweat from his forehead; running on a treadmill at the maximum speed for like 30 minutes will do that to you. As Comber walked past the kitchen using a nutrition spell.

("It's time.")

Comber told himself, looking at his watch, turning it off after he was finished. The part time assassin opened his front door, closing it behind him as he locked it. When Comber turned around his face meet Nome's. Did he run here? He's faster than he'd remember.

"I assuming your mane is a reck because of running here Nome?"

"Yup. Trying to build my stamina and speed!"

Nome was enthusiastic this morning. Why would anypony be enthusiastic to go to this job unless you are a natural born killer which Nome is not. Comber walked passed Nome. Nome fallowed his lead. They both know they need to start walking to work otherwise you could be late and you don't want that at all.

"So anything new?"


"You always smell clean for a martial artist."

"That's because Nome... Just because we work up a sweat fighting doesn't mean we don't clean ourselves. Cleaning your body even if it's with magic is essential to the body."


A loud scream was heard to their right, it was a mare. Comber could've guess from the other sound which was a colt what was going on. Beating up a mare because of their gender? Not a single pony even opened the door. Comber turned his eyes to the right, his eyes narrowing down onto the mare against the bottom part of the wall, slumped over, getting her face punched in by a colt, who looks like he better get to the organization. If he's late karma will get him.

"Are you going-?"

"Freeze, put your hooves in the air!"

Comber head turned to his right, watching as the blue, brown dotted colt who was beating on the mare was tackle after being tased in the back. Comber couldn't help but chuckled with a smile.

"What's funny Comber?"

"You do see what just happen? I said karma will get him and there it is."

"Oh, I get it."

The deputy with FDP on his uniform arrested the colt, heading towards the station, dragging him by his rear hooves. Comber and Nome was out of Flustered Town, when they heard hoof steps running behind them. Comber stopped, his back facing the oncoming pony.


("You gotta be kidding me?")

"Hooves to where I can see them!"

Comber applied what was told as he slowly turned around towards the deputy, two hooves up, before putting them back onto the ground. When the deputy saw who it was, it felt like it was 15 degrees in temperature going down his spine.


Nome was a little frightened at first, never being stopped by a deputy before. Comber gave a smirk to the deputy, who knew who Comber was. The other pony walking with him must be ponynapped. He was wondering why they didn't stop and help that mare getting her face getting beaten in, but now he knows why, his suspicion was right. Comber got into a squatting stance, causing the deputy to yell as he opened fires on him. Comber ran around the deputy, messing his golden brown mane up. Comber then grabbed the gun from the deputy, crushing it. The deputy grabbed his taser next, shooting it at Comber, who in what it seems like the taser was in slow motion slow motion moved to the right of the deputy, grabbing the prongs of the taser, pulling the taser out of his hooves, slamming the taser towards the ground, breaking it into pieces that nearly penetrated into the deputy, giving him a tiny bit of lacerations. Comber slowly walked in front of the deputy who backed away in fear. So this is Comber? This is who the station fears?

"I'll make this quick. Got places to be."

Comber coldly told the deputy, running at the deputy with speed the poor deputy couldn't react to. The deputy found himself lifted off the ground by his neck. Comber coldly stared into his eyes as his grip grew in strength. The deputy was afraid he was going to die from suffocation. He won't die here. He has a family to return home to.

"Where did the confidence go?"

"I'm-sorry! Please-!"

Comber grabbed the hoofcuffs from the deputy's pouch, putting them on his hooves diagonally; forcing him on his belly next. As he towered over him, their eyes met, red to blue.

"Never try that again, deputy... Erick. I will not be so merciful."

The deputy received a blow to his temple, knocking him unconscious. Comber then slowly walked towards Nome and past him. He had watched the whole ideal unfold. Comber really is amazing at disabling a pony.

"Let's run Nome."

Nome understood why they have to run as they been slowed down. He nodded his head, running with Comber towards the organization. Comber being the head leader of the two. Nome was running as fast as he could but was barely able to keep up. How is Comber that fast? Is he able to break the sound barrier?

"Wait up, Comber!"

Comber waited near the organization front doors, not so long after Nome made it there, taking in some breaths.

"Wow... You sure are fast... Comber."

"Thank you. I was nearly going half speed."

Comber chuckled. Nome felt embarrassed not being able to keep up with Comber, but then again this is Comber that he was running with. Of course he's way faster; he's not a normal pony? Nome faced the doors to the organization, ready to enter.

"Are you going enter or be late?"


Nome turned around with a little fear. His eyes met with orange eyes. That's Blade, no doubt about it. Did he watch them run? Comber opened the big metal doors in front of them, letting Blade and Nome inside, then himself; after the big metal doors slammed. Welp if any pony arrives now, they're late. Blade walked passed Comber, turning around quickly to their surprise.

"What makes you hate this place Comber? I'm just curious?"

Comber walked towards the stairs, ready to go up them with a gloomed expression.

"We both know what it is Blade. Don't you want to be something outside the walls of this place?"

Blade grim expression went to a nostalgic one. He remembers studying to be a doctor, but that's was before disaster struck him.

"I once did."

Nome walked passed them, walking towards the cafeteria to his closet where he'll punch in.

"That something is far gone as a actual surgeon from this place."

Blade grimly told Comber. Comber had to ponder what Blade told him. If you try to archive your goal it's never 'far gone.'

"Don't let your dreams go to waste Blade. We both know you can still achieve them."

Blade gave Comber a smirk. Yeah, he could achieve them. Blade thought sarcastically. His job will never tolerate him saving ponies lives.

"Thanks. But I-!"

Comber ran at Blade, tackling him to the floor. Blade quickly push Comber off him. What the buck was that? A hug? No, Comber's not the one to give hugs. Blade remember watching Comber's eyes turned to the right like they saw something. That loud bang was a gun going off.

("I don't know who you think you are trying to kill me, but I promise you. I will make every legitimate in your body ache before your death.")

Comber ran to his unit, opening it, punching in not a moment too soon. Blade saw a glimmer of a silver barrel. Another shot was aimed at Blade. Blade's magic held the bullet in place, his orange aura allowing it to float. He closed his eyes, spotting the worker who was trying to murder him. Blade ran towards the killer, teleporting and evading the next shot aimed for his chest. Blade teleported behind the worker who was in a black jumpsuit. The worker quickly got up from his position, throwing a knife at Blade. Blade casually deflected the approaching weapon with his dagger, knocking it out of his hoof. The black jumpsuit unicorn ran, using a spell to increase his speed. Blade grew a grin as he teleported in front of the escapee.

"Now where are you going? Didn't you want to kill me?"

The killer took a gun from his pouch, aiming it at Blade. The sound of a shooting gun was heard once again. Blade used his magic aura again to catch the bullets, shooting them back at the hooves of the killer, knocking him down as Blade stomped on his head. The killer horn lit, l he was trying to perform another spell; Blade wasn't going to let that happen, quickly lifting the head up, stomping down on the horn, breaking it off. The colt yelled in pain as Blade picked him up. The colt watched as Blade lifted a hoof, burning the entirety of the suit masking his identity. That face was enough to cause a smile to slowly make it's way onto Blade face as if he was a filly at their own party.

"Well well... Aren't you a young catch? The red and green in your mane and tail, those patterns. Long time no see... Danion!"

Danion felt magic chains rip into his hooves, holding them stretched out. He yelled in excruciating pain. Blade gut punch him, then an uppercut to the face. Yelling is always annoying.

"Oh be quiet Danion. You brought this on yourself."

Blade grabbed his dagger, cutting open a hoof, causing Danion to yell once again with tears flowing down his checks. Blade had no sympathy as he extended a hoof out. Creating a stabler, Blade started stabling the mouth of the colt he's torturing shut

"There. No more yells. Only muffles like the dog you are."

Blade spun, cutting the limbs of Danion. Only tears was a sign this was hurting him, and the shakes of his body. Blade pulled Danion face towards his.

"Remember what I promised you? You will not die until I prove my promise."

Blade stuck a hoof on Danion's light brown chest. Feeling the racing heart beat. Blade took his hoof off, looking at Danion.

"Don't piss on this floor otherwise I'll make sure you won't be able to do it again."

Danion eyes shot open as he struggled against the chains. Everytime he pulled against the chains, the more tension that is applied. What is Blade!? These chains, it's no orange they're black, but his magic is orange. That doesn't make sense unless it's a trap.

"Good. Let's get started shall we? Ashame you aren't a pegasus, because I'll make a thunderstorm with the spectra of a gloomy rainbow out of you."

Danion only could yell mentally, his only way to cope with the incoming pain he's about to feel. What the buck was Spectra!? Blade making up words? Blade put his hoof on the exposed legitimate, pulling the bone slowly apart. Muffles escaped Danion mouth as he felt excruciating fiery pain. Tears formed as the hoof was slowly being pulled from it's joints and snapping tentions. Blade used more force, pulling the hoof nearly off. Danion wasn't going to die from blood lost. Blade used his magic to burn the veins and vessels of the hoof, allowing no blood to escape. Blade started on the other 3 joints; doing the same thing to them. He was ruthless, condescending about the process as he dislocated the hooves each by each.

("Celestia let his end! Pl-please!")

After Blade was finished, he gave a glare that acted like a pulse to the chest, stopping the heart. Blade extended both forehooves, stretching them completely out. All four limps of Danion being brutally dismembered, before Blade stabbed through him with a forehoof. After Blade was done the dismemberment he Disembowel Danion. Blade raised a hoof in Danion's last conscious eye.

"You will have your family join you too later. Say goodbye... You worthless failure."

Blade with a wicked expression burned the entirety of Danion body. The smoke disappeared in seconds, nothing was left besides blood and some intestines. Blade spun his dagger around, putting it back into his bag.

("Time to manage this place.")

Blade disappeared into the shadows, his cape flowing as he disappeared from sight.


"I see you both have already finished two of the blood types so far. Commendable efforts."

Comber was reviewing the creates and their contents. He saw blood on one of the creates. One was blood type +O guts and the other was for blood type +A organs. Comber quickly closed the lid of the creates, putting them into the cooler, shutting the door behind him, making a sound that was like a bang. Commer finished analyzing the other corpses, hoofing them off to Bullet to gut and harvest. Comber sat down at his desk, reviewing and filling out paper work, starting the day as the manager of his unit.

"Anything intriguing this morning Comber?"

Commer asked. Turning his unfocused head to Comber who gave him a quick look.

"Well a deputy stopped me and Nome."

Bullet turned his head to Comber. Intrigued by his words.

"Assuming you're still here and by what you are tell me. You killed him like the ones that raided this place?"

Comber chuckled. Commer really should be a detective; because they always jump to the quickest conclusion before investigatng more.

"You should be a detective Commer. No. I did not. He's just got hoofcuffed with his hooves diagonally."

"What do you mean diagonally?"

Bullet charmed in, picturing how that would look. Commer scoffed at Bullet for his question. Does he not know that diagonal means?

"It means he tied a rear hoof to a fore hoof not next to that hoof."

"Oh... Well... Never let Comber be a deputy. Hahaha!"

Comber ignored Bullet laughter. There's no way he could be a deputy especially after what he's done. Commer returned to his work, grabbing another corpse that smell would make Celestia herself vomit. It was a yellow mare with a cyan mane and tail. She was missing an eye. According to the autopsy, she had her eye spooned out for her looking at too much.


Commer told himself, not letting the sight of the used to be alive pony in front of him. He took a deep breath, before extending her forehoof, poking a needle into the hoof.

"Alright, now it's time to push the blood to the surface."

Commer started pushing both forehooves on the deceased mare's chest, practically giving the corpse CPR. Commer pulled a device out to start blowing air into the lungs. Blood will have a hard time flowing with no O2 in the blood. After Commer got the blood samples he needed, he stopped CPR, taking the device that was blowing air into her mouth out, setting under the table gently. He then opened a testing kit, fallowing the steps the organization wants him to. This was their method of testing blood. The kit had a small circumstance inside it with tweezers, a meter, and two wires.

"Anything new after work Comber?"

Curiosity in Bullet's mind. Comber shook his head, returning to his work. Commer inspected the blood closer. After he tested it he realized who's blood it was. His blood from the sample he took and tested belongs to a pony named brantee. She was a mare that handle serving in a restaurant. That's sad she died. She was always a happy, generous mare who loved to see smiles on other ponies. What a monster who killed him. There's no wounds on the inside which means she probably wasn't killed by physical trauma. She probably digested some kind of toxicity. The nerves doesn't seem to be in their correct formation. Granted she being dead could have something but them looking like a cigarette fell on them, death doesn't explain that. This was no form of necrosis; somepony had poisoned her with some type of toxicity that seems like acid. The question is who and why? Why would somepony want to kill Brantee. She wasn't a pony to have ponies aim as a target. Something does add up to this murder theory. If it was the organization it would be the path to choose because they are the ones that pretty much kill, save and make. They would normally snap the necks of the ponies they want for harvest but her vertebrate showed no sign friction trauma. Commer inspected closer, repeating this process.

"Um... Commer? Are you alright? You been inspecting that body too long."

Bullet was starting to worry about Commer. Normally he's fast with testing but this time was slow. Why?

"Bullet? Don't you know who that is?"

Bullet looked closely, not remembering who this Mare was. Does Commer have a connection with her?

"I don't know. I could care less. The reason is you are holding me back for doing my duty!"

"Oh can it Bullet. We all know you can swiftly do the work here. Why are you impatient today?"

Comber finished stacking the paperwork into a small plastic container that was rectangular and had a gold lid. Now why the actual buck do they use gold for containers?

"I'm just want to get the work done."

"And that's a good attitude to have Bullet."

Comber chimed in, causing Commer to bat an eye at them both.

"Yeah if you want to have inconsistency. I prefer if you both focus on the work itself then being done on time. It's better to get it done perfectly than imperfect."

"Spoken like a true manager Commer."

"Comber! Don't let that smarty-pants talk to you like that; he's beneath your position."

Commer hoof palmed, sliding the hoof down his face pulling the skin with it momentarily.

("That's so immature Bullet.")

"No Bullet. You are incorrect. The rank of this place or position doesn't mean they will be incorrect because they're underneath your position. Common sense says Commer's correct."

"Thanks for your maturity Comber."

Commer praised, giving an erie eye expression to Bullet.

"Tsk. Whatever Commer."

Bullet scoffed. Annoyed at the fact Commer gotten away with what he said. Comber grabbed the last paper, seeing a golden line underneath it with a signature. Oh great another traitor, how unexpected. Why do these workers never take this place seriously? Too late now for this colt. Comber slowly got up, ready to go and hunt this colt named Jason Belle with a gray coat who was also a unicorn with a scar was over his eye and he had the default smug expression of a overconfident colt. He knew he'll have to handle this before lunch time. Why don't they learn? It'll be nice if they all would just choose the same day and the right time with him to leave. Too many snitches to trust any worker, especially a traitor. Comber slowly stood up, putting the paper in a drew after putting Jason belle's name into his watch.


Commer took notice of Comber's actions, assuming what he must have to do.

"Another traitor I presume Comber? Judging by how you got out of your desk chair and put the paper away with a shine to it, I assume you have a traitor to deal with?"

Comber wasn't surprised that Commer was able to read his intentions. He did get a A in physiology. What is Commer even doing though? It looks like an electric emitter. Lighting in a bolt form would be shooting back in forth between the panels. Comber didn't have time to find out. Maybe he's just studying how the flow of electrons work in lighting bolts? Comber walked towards the exit of the unit, opening the door and turning to his employees.

"Commer, make sure Bullet doesn't cause damage to the unit, especially the harvest organs."

"Understood sir."

"Hey I won't-!"

Bullet was cut of by the sound of the unit door shutting. He was kinda annoyed he's being treated like a filly. He's probably older than both of them. Ridiculous.

"Hey, make sure to finish the harvest Bullet and not stare at the door."

(Grr... Commer.")


Comber finished walking down the set of stairs, turning to the right towards the front entrance, ready to get out of this place even if it's for a a little while. Even as of now you can here the moans of a mare. What disguest. What are they doing? Comber stood in front of the big doors, grabbing a badge from within his cape, putting it up to the scanner, causing the big doors to open very slowly. The light of day shinned on him. Comber turned around hearing the steady steps of hooves. An familiar orange pony appeared at his side.



Both workers stared at each other, both having a silent expression before Comber broke the ice.

"You leaving too"?

"Nope, duty. Are you about to betray this place?"

Blade words echoed in Comber ears. Does he think that's what he's doing?

"Now why the buck would I do that Blade? It's not my style."

Blade smirked at Comber. He recalled Comber's father personalization when it came to duty. He rather give them a fighting chance then just no hesitation murdering them.

"You've been hired to kill a pony with a scar on their eye haven't you? His name is Jason Belle."

Comber was a little taken back Blade knew who he was going to kill. It's not too surprising before of his rank in this place. He's practically the head colt. The boss is Granfer. Comber looked at Blade with a concern expression.

"Weird. Yes I was."

Blade claimed, surprising Comber. Does that mean he's going to have to share the job with Blade?

"Well let's not waste too much time standing and talking."

"Couldn't agree more Comber."

Blade and Comber ran off to a Village called village. Comber was obviously faster than Blade, but Blade wasn't going to fall behind, increasing his speed even more, catching up to Comber. Who the buck name a village the same word that describes the population amount.

"This isn't a ruse to lure me out so I'll be a traitor Comber?"

Comber didn't like be called a traitor as he's on the job for this place so how the buck is he a traitor?

"Yes Blade, because I'd have access to the files. Not my style and you of all ponies should know that."

Blade and Comber decelerated their speed as they made their way into Village. Many ponies gave them a concern expression. Some was taken back by the sight of Comber. Who's that unicorn with him though? Is that his side kick?

"So what's the plan Comber?"

Comber wasn't sure yet; turning to his watch to see where Jason Belle was again. Was he home? Nope, seems not.

"He's moving into an dark ally way."

Blade smirked as he already knew exactly where Jason was going. What a fool, underground in a sew won't help him. Comber and Blade walked into the ally.


A deputy was behind Comber and Blade. This was an ambush. A set up to get Comber arrested? Not really colt like to do. Comber turned to faced the deputy behind him. Blade faced the one behind them. The one behind Comber was a pegasus when the one behind Blade was a unicorn. Jason was spotting by Comber, chuckling. Did Granfer know this was going to happen? Is that why Blade was sent along? Seems excessive.


"I'll give-!"

"Get down on your rear hooves!"

"These deputies have a death wish?"

Blade was a little annoyed getting cut of by the authorities, he responded to the blue unicorn with a gun and badge as a cutie mark.

"I said-!"

Blade extended a hoof out, swinging it, knocking the gun out of the deputy's hooves. The gun flew against the wall. The blue unicorn was in shock, quickly using his magic to grab the gun.

"Celestial cancel."

The blue unicorn's horn stopped illuminating with magic, his gun dropped. The pegasus deputy was going to let Comber get away with whatever he just did. The white pegasus looked at Comber, aiming for his side, attempting to shoot his taser into Comber. Comber dodged to the side, grabbing the taser prongs.


Comber pulled the taser out of the deputy's hooves, throwing it down on his head, knocking him down to the ground; after running towards him. The blue unicorn frantically pick his gun up and shot at Comber. The bullets was stoped by Blade.


The deputy thought. Even magic itself has a hard time stopping fired bullets. This doesn't make sense! Blade deviously smirked at the deputy, swiping his hoof at the deputy. The deputy felt a bullet go into his chest, through the esophagus. Blood oozes from the deputy's mouth. Comber slammed the other deputy's head into the blue solid brick walls. The deputy's head was bleeding but this didn't discourage Comber. After Comber lifted him by his chest, he threw him into the trashcan, causing the lid to fall onto his face. Blade walked over to the trashcan, gently putting the blue unicorn in the trashcan. Comber turned back to where Jason Belle could've went. Blade took the lid off the other deputy's face, putting it on the trashcan; after Blade swiftly slit the throat of the unconscious pegasus leaning unconscious against the trashcan. The slit fast and precise not a drop of blood got onto the dagger.

"Both of you should've stayed home today."

Blade told the near death pegasus, who could only give a slight glare at Blade with his eyes nearly closed and drifting into lifelessness. Comber watched as Blade made his way back to his side, staring in the same direction as well.

"Do you know where he went?"

Comber turned to his watch, tapping it to see the location of Jason Belle. He's running still?

"Yes, he's even farther from us. He's running down the all-!"

Blade was gone with a flash, concerning Comber. Did he have to teleport? What a waste of stamina and magic. Comber ran towards Jason's location. When Comber arrived he found himself with Blade again, staring coldly at Jason who has his back against the wall, frightened because of Blade's presence. Comber didn't help Jason's emotions with his presence either. He walked to the side of Blade, causing Jason Belle to get on his hooves. This act wasn't confusing to Comber. The part time assassin had many ponies attempted to save their own hides by begging. What a disgrace Blade thought.

"Begging won't save you... Jason Belle."

Jason Belle got up, moving his head around, attempting to find an exit path. Comber is known to catch his victims, and Blade is known to be a monster, who can be swift at killing his victims or torturing them with the knowledge he has on pony anatomy. Both colts together are a nectarous team. Jason Belle pulled something he was holding behind him. He walked closer to Blade, acting as he was going to surrender. When the time was right he struck, attempting to stab a cleaver into Blade's neck from the left, practically attempting to decapitate him. Blade dodge the attack. Comber didn't move as the cleaver made it was passed his nose. Kinda tickles Comber thought. Blade wasn't going to stay still like Comber. With quick speed Blade punch the nose of Jason Belle, grabbing the cleaver from his hooves with telekinesis, using that ability to pulse Jason into the wall his hide was against. It felt like something had punctured his back. Comber heard a thud, walking pass Blade. Blade wasn't going to take his job.

"Wait Comber. I have a better Idea."

Comber was curious what Blade was thinking as Blade picked the cleaver up. Blade hoofed the kitchen instrument over to Comber who inspected the craft of the kitchen gadget.

"I think it would be... Interesting to see how Granfer would handle this traitor."

Comber's ears perked up from the response. This wasn't what they were hired to do. Why did idea come to mind? Blade used his magic to pick up Jason Belle, turning to Comber with a smirk. Blood dripping from the back of Jason, it wasn't much as the wound wasn't too deep, only through the second layer of skin, near the dermis

"I like to complete my job Blade."

"Our job Comber. I honor that attitude to get your work done, but let's just return him. Granfer as an good way of picking these fools apart."

Blade turned to Jason who slowly was getting up. He shook in fear from Blade's words. No he ain't going back to that organization!

"I'll... I-I will not go back to that horrible place!!!"

Blade cancelled his magic. This could be interesting. Seems the run away dog still has some bite left. Jason Belle pulled his knife from underneath his teared up black jacket, running at blade next. Blade saw the attack incoming, getting into a stance with his left forehoof out in the air over his head.

"Not going to use your magic or abilities Blade?"

Blade smirked at Comber's comment. He's definitely like his father. The next thing he'll probably tell him is that what warriors do, or something like that. Blade dodged the knife, quickly getting a punch to the side of the face. He grabbed the forehoof with annoyance, slamming Jason onto the ground, pulling his cape off. Jason escaped from Blade's grasped, scooting out of his cape. He pulled a gun from the waist holder. He shot above Blade, which caused a pony to fall dead from the apartment railing above. The corpse tumbled it's way down towards Blade who dodged the corpse, brains splatting everywhere in the ally. Comber was angered by the fact he didn't shoot it directly at Blade but at another living pony, a mare that was just hanging her clothes up on the clothing lines of her apartment.

("Tsk! This is one good reason why I use a dryer! Don't hang clothes up from the side you're hearing a fight pursue! Especially if you hear yelling that sounds like rage.")

Blade jumped off a dumpster, attempting to kick Jason in the scar eye. Jason dodged, pulling his gun out again, ready to blow Blade's brains out.


Blade eye narrowed. He was serious, no more games. Bullets was fired in Blade's directions, hitting the painted bricks behind him. Blade was teleporting with speed around Jason. Jason quickly was punched in the face, then stomach, jaw and his lower back. Jason used his right forehoof to pull the trigger of his gun after the attacks.

("What where-!")


Jason suddenly felt blood rushing down each hoof. He heard four bangs, so that means-! Blade threw the gun at the wall watching it break to pieces, the spring nearly grazing Comber's face. Comber kept a stirn look on the battle. Jason fell to the ground, his hooves no long able to help him stand from the joints being shot through. Blade walked over Jason, stepping on his back as he made his way around to Jason's face.

"Typical traitors. You are all the same. I will survive with my weapons but never think the pursuing pony won't dishoof you of your weapon. Hope you're ready to return to the organization as a patient to a pharmacy, however you won't be frequently visiting. Hahaha!"

Blade used his unicorn magic to pick Jason belle up, shocking him unconscious as he walked towards Comber. He was teleporting without using magic. So what could he being using? Martial magic? Demon magic? Or was it just an ability of his?

"Ready to return?"

Blade asked Comber who had an unsure expression on his face before returning his expression to normal, then that of business.

"You wouldn't like it if I said no."

"I'll have to kill you."

Comber gave Blade a serious glare.

"Your fear tactics don't startle me a bit. I've suffered what you have done to ponies just to get use to the pain. Kill me if you can actually defeat me."

Blade walked to Comber's side then past him.

"That's the thing Comber. I don't want to have to kill you or even fight you. You're a valued member of the organization. You are 2 to the lungs to the organization."

Comber ran as Blade did. Both leaving the ally.

"So does that make you the heart since they are a good combinated pair?"

Blade chuckled. Comber's serious sarcasm can be humorous at times.

"Well not the one to brag but I do keep the place flowing, as a heart would with blood."

"Alrighty Blade. Don't even say Granfer is the brains, I know."

Blade snickered.

"I guess you're right. Focus on the town we're entering."

Comber and Blade zoomed through Flustered Town, causing the tumbleweeds to give chase in their direction. Blade burned the wounds that was left on Jason for him not to leave a trail of blood back to the organization before they left that ally. The magic was silent not even Comber noticed.

"Have you been to Los Pegasus Comber?"

"Only on duty. I've nearly been around the entire Equestria map."

"Presumably on duty. Yet always returns to Flustered Town?"

"Would you not return to your house?"

Blade smiled as he remember his family and foal. She's probably fully grown now. Only if-!

"What in the buck is that landing on the organization roof?"

Comber looked up towards the roof from Blade's comment. It looked like it's a rocket.

"I'll say it's some way of making a cheap rocket."

Blade and Comber accelerated towards the organization. Blade a little concern about that suppose rocket. Is their another traitor? Couldn't be. It was landing. If this is a employee that's late. This late I'll remind you! Blade will-!

"Don't you need a license to be certified to ride one of those?"

Comber asked as Blade slowly shook his head. They both were at the front doors of the organization. Blade walked towards the office with Granfer, Comber fallowing. Jason woke up, asking where he was. It had hit him like a ton of breaks. As sun is day so was this place. He was back in the organization. Was they giving him a second chance?

Granfer was sitting at his desk, sipping a cup of latte coffee. The door opened slowly, causing Granfer to turn his head towards the direction to find his two best workers are back.

"Blade and Comber? Wait a minute? Was their a mix up because one of the floor managers will get another load of work if is."

"Um... Kinda."

Blade said looking back at Comber. The smell of this room makes the other ones smell like garbage. Comber thought.

"We brought something or someone back on Blade's request."

Granfer using thr left corner of his eyes clicked on a file, saving the data on his computer.

"Well. Show me this someone. I expect a traitor. Is he dead?"

When Granfer saw Jason he laughed. Jason's eyes blinking as if he was innocent.

"You brought me this hide?"

"Indeed. I figured what I'll let you do to him."

Comber was anxious for Jason as what would Granfer do to him if he became traitor? Granfer got up, walking past Jason, Comber and Blade. Granfer quickly pulled a razor blade from the brown table on the right, quickly swinging it at Jason's horn, severing it. The horn hit the ground as Jason Belle yelled in pain as blood gushed from his horn. How did Granfer do that with one clean swipe?

"Fallow me Blade. Comber if you want to you can but if not go head back to your unit."

"Blade and Granfer walked out of the office. They would surely have Nome clean later. Comber fallowed Blade and Granfer towards the another room that had a red gold plate on the door. All it said was Malice. The whole time to the room Jason yells echoed off the walls. Blade put him on the table in the room once it open. The table automatically strapping him down. This room looked small on the outside but the inside was huge and red lit. Was Blade messing with him knowing he might betray them? Spike his curiosity to see how Granfer would react if he became traitor. The metal restraints felt like cold needles borrowing into his skin. Definitely designed to feel that way. A table that was metal was holding tools on the right side of the left aide of the colt. Granfer made his steps towards the table. When Jason saw the tools he began to struggle against the restraints.

"No! Please let me go! I-I! I promise I will never ever think of doing this again!"

Granfer grabbed a scalpel with barbed blades on it. Jason looked into granfer's eyes. They were cold, not showing any sign of forgiveness.

"You know what happens when you throw your mallet against the organization? We send our bigger one down on you."

Granter cut into the left hind leg, causing Jason to yell in pain as blood gushed from ye wound. It felt like burning sensations going through his body with every cut made. Muscle was cut away as so was ye nerves. Each by each was surgically cut from their attachments. It was only when he scalpel hit the bone when Granfer pulled it out. Stabbing it again. Granfer began cutting the flesh away from the bone so he could get a better view. Tears poured down Jason's checks, landing on Granfer's hoof.

"I'm-I-I-I... Please, make this quick! I rec-ongized th-the flaw of-le-leaving! Argh!!!!"

Granfer took a drill, placing it over the bone. Blood was practically dripping on the ground making a flowing stream near Comber's hooves. This was disgusting Comber thought. Jason panted, hyperventilating from the incoming pain.


Blade grimly said to the anguish pony. Snot leaked from Jason's nose. His tear ducts at work like never before. What could he do? He's powerless. He closed his eyes in acceptance.


Granfer ears perked up. He could give him a second chance... Yeah, no. He needs to die and what a better way to die is by having your heart removed. Granfer drilled into the bone. Making a loud crunchy sound. The drill after making it's way through the bone extended it's circumference. The drill was then yanked out of the bone. With enough force to split the bone in two down the middle. Jason yelled as loud as he could, his eyes clearly showing blood vessels from the pain. He was feeling light headed. Any more of that level of pain and he'll fall unconscious. He held back his vomit. Comber watched as Granfer took pliers from the metal tray, placing them into Jason's mouth, pulling his tongue out. He held it with the pliers, locking them in place as he made his way to the left side of Jason's head, looking down at him.

"You put this on yourself Jason Belle. I can deduct your understanding of the situation now. You look at me with an eye closed as I should feel bad. You wanted freedom? Here it is. Pain comes with the freedom. Death is always painful, if not for the pony, then to the ones who knew them.

"No pain no gain."

Blade added on. Ain't that true Comber the thought. Granfer put his hooves on the mandibles, ready to push down and make Jason Belle bite his tongue clean off.

"Hope you ready never to taste again. Not like you will after you leave this room."

Granfer coldly spook. His words was like the ice sickles on a roof on a chilly day.

"Say Ahh."


Granfer made Jason bite down jard on his tongue, causing him to convulse in anguish. His mouth opening, revealing the damage to the tongue, it was nearly cut in two. Granfer grabbed Jason by the forehead, making him lean his head towards his body as not to allow him to suffocate on his own blood so the torture can continue. Jason was grabbed by his mane roughly.

"Look at me you useless traitor."

Those words hit Comber in the chest. He's going to get the same treatment if he fails. Maybe... No, there's no room for failure or to continue on staying here. When the time comes, he will succeed; if he fails this would ironically be the room for him. Granfer grabbed another instrument off the metal table, placing over the next hoof he will break. He sliced the flesh and muscle apart, revealing bone. He started carving the bone, scraping off the layers and nerves of the bones. Tears was streaming down his checks once more. Granfer wasn't going to let emotions help calm this betrayer. Without warning slashes was made onto Jason's face, under the eyes where tears once flowed. Jason was terrified. It's true he's done a ton of terrible things but he doesn't deserve this death. Celestia let it end. He prays for Celestia to help him. The tool was placed on the bone, before a hammer came down, stabbing it into the bone. A cracking sound could be heard as fractures produced down the middle of the bone.

"Sto-pp! Ple-ple-please!

The tool was pulled out of the wound and placed back onto the tray. Granfer expression was a mix of disappointment, sympathy, and hatred. He got into Jason's face.

"Would you rather Blade continue this torture then? I'm sure he'll make you wish it was me."

A smile grew on blade's face, not to be unrecognized by Comber. Jason did his best to mutter words but they sounded unrecognizable. Jason Belle responded with a head movement to the left and right. A frown grew onto Blade's face. He really wanted to teach this cry baby a lesson.

"That's what I thought? You knew the consequences before betraying us, so now you will suffer the death you thought you could avoid."

Jason attempted again to break free, by squirming his hooves. It was to no avail, he was trap, and he's forehooves feel like they are stabbing with molten in the part that was broken. Even if he did find away to get free. Blade and Comber are still a huge problem. He doesn't have the wil or stamina to continue on anyway. Granfer isn't known to be hooves on; which is why this was a surprise to Jason. It was over and Jason knew it. What can he do. Maybe he should just pray again in his mind; at least that way he can find peace before he dies a brutal death he presumes. Jason closed his eyes in acceptance, he can't escape. He felt the same things done to his front hooves. He was paralyzed, not being able to walk a distance without a walker; even then it would be the hardest challenge yet. Granfer shook the blood off the scalpel, putting it gently on the tray before speaking again.

"You may assume I'm a heartless monster... Jason. Compared to Blade... I'm just a normal killer. He's top in that department."

"Um... Thanks sir."

Jason opened his eyes slightly to look at Blade's response. He was giving a cold glare by the orange colt. A glare that would warn him not to beg. He's already looked at as trash, so what's the point as even getting mercy? Knowing Blade he'll kill him himself and cover it up. Granfer grabbed the scalpel again, putting the cold blade against Jason's chest. Jason started to breath heavy. Was he going to... Get gutted alive? Granfer performed an incision down to the bottom abdominal region, grabbing pliers as he set the scalpel down. The pain was to serve for Jason's mind to even think of anything to say, he was already praying. Hopefully Celestia forgives him of his crimes. He tried to do the right thing but failed; he failed to leave this place, and the authorities are too afraid to confront this place directly. Only if he was here on his the day the authorities raided the organization. Why don't Celestia send the military? If she heard his prayer, as a goddess she would know his location, she would know what's going on. Why refuses to act? After the pliers was firmly placed on the flaps of flesh , muscle and skin, Granfer pulled them apart, revealing the rib cage and guts. Jason's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his rib cage. Granfer noticed the heart beating as he grabbed a saw with crooked teeth off the metal tray.

"Bones are like wood here. They give us a profit, even if it's rare."

Jason could feel the ribs being sawed. The dust from his bones relased into the air. Once Granfer had repeated the process to all ribs, he did the same to the sternum of the rib cage, he then plucked them apart, throwing them across the room. Comber moved his head to avoid a piece. This was all planned by Blade to show Comber what would happen to him if he became traitor. Comber just knows that's what Blade wanted. Blade knew what Granfer was going to do, Comber wasn't an idiot, pieces was put together, but the real question was... Is Granfer in on it too? So far it would seem. The ribs was gone, exposing the heart and lungs, as well as other parts.

"Your fear won't go unrecognized Jason. You will see what happens to you."

Granfer stated as he walked behind Granfer, grabbing clips of the tray, he put them on the eye lids, pulling them open. Granfer grabbed a noose, tying it around the clips, which felt like they would snap at any moment. The noose was tied to a metal turbine. Jason learned the hard way after trying to squeeze his eyes shut with little energy he had left. Once he attempted, he felt his eye lids nearly ripped open, blood leaked from the sides of the eyes, the parts that was teared. Granfer walked to the left of Jason, causing his heart rate to increase with every step. Granfer punched Granfer in the gut, nearly making him spit up some of his food. He could taste it in his mouth.

"Talk about a gut punch. Haha."

Jason Belle wanted to reply but lacked the energy to do so. His confidence of surviving has been diminish; that's why he prayed. No matter how hard you try to prevent death, you simply can't. Jason face grew a very dim smile. The smile was cut short by Granfer, who slapped Jason across the face. using a his magic from his hoof after to grab a piece of metal that had been conducting energy near a fire place. Granfer placed the rectangular piece of metal that seemed to have rusted on to the face of Jason belle. Jason Belle immediately screamed in high waves of pain as his face was made unrecognizable. Granfer burned the skin, the muscles and lips of the face. Granfer took the metal off his face once the scorching hot metal died to room temperature. Granfer then picked it up with his hoof, hitting the piece of rectangular metal across Jason's face, stopping once the instrument had hit him from all angles of his face. Jason could no longer scream. His limbs that once struggled against the hoof metal restraints ceased all movement. Granfer wasn't going to be fooled, this trick may have work on naive parents with kids not wanting to go to school but with him... It will never. The torturer looked down next to see the heart and lungs in the process of keeping the tortured colt alive. Granfer shocked Jason directly through the heart, knocking him from his unconsciousness. When jason awoken, he was shocked, his eyes was bloodshot. He had drifted into a knock out state from the pain? Even with his eyes open? His pupils went in the direction where he can only here Granfer's voice, but couldn't make out any of the words Granfer made. Comber did, they were cold, heartless, and vile. Granfer grabbed a scalpel, holding it near the face of Jason Belle. The cold intimidating metal touched the jaw of Jason, making it's way around the face, not leaving a single cut, as it was a mental scare tactic. All Jason could do was mutter, and trembled as the instrument teased his face with endothermic energy. It felt good but at the same time took some melted muscle with it. Granfer was sure to clean it off before continuing.

"I will have to cut the mesentery to pull the intestines from their restraints. Good thing I got a lot of time on my hoof."

Granfer spooked his next action, looking at a clock in the room next, then back at Jason. Jason Belle couldn't understand him, as the pain, and damaged to him as nearly made him incoherent. All Jason can hear was a beeping sound. Was he going to take his eyes? His mind was a fragment of what it used to be. The pain, the onslaught of death, his guts all exposed. So this is how all of the victims of this horrible merciless place felt. Granfer was at the bottom of Jason, placing his scalpel over the abdominal region.

"You got guts kid, too bad... Once I'm done, you be a mare."

The scalpel made a loud splash as it went into the intestines. Granfer leaned over him, moving the intestines around. Jason could feel the hooves inside of him. He had to fight back the urge to vomit. Granfer pulled the intestines half loose, tying them around the heart and lungs; instantly giving Jason imaginable chest pain and breathing problems. He was going to die, he was going to squeeze his life out of his body with his own guts.

"This is the price all traitors pay. Thanks for serving your and our God."

Granfer eyes stared into Jason's dilated pupils. The cold glaze sent shivers down his spine. Comber could feel the fear in the atmosphere. Jason Belle smirked with little energy left at Granfer. He was accepting his fate. The grip on the intestines harden, as Granfer pulled on them, causing the lungs to collapse and the heart to burst. After the blood had spurted on Granfer and nearly on Comber and Blade. Both colts didn't back away from the onslaught, knowing the blood won't reach them. Granfer took the intestines, putting it in the mouth of Jason Belle, making him eat his own feces as he opened a part of the intestines. After leaving him in that position. He then made his way to Comber after putting back down the tools to their specific layout.

"As I recall you used to be just as brutal. Good job Comber, you too Blade. This was a lesson for the newcomers."

Granfer pointed a hoof past Comber, causing the part time assassin to trace the hoof back to a camera. It was blinking red. Was this all plan? When and how did it turn on? Is it motion or sound detection? Was it already active? Comber eyes went back to Granfer's with a unsettling glaze.

"So this was a set up then?"

Granfer walked towards the exit door, ready to leave a certain subordinate to clean up his mess.

"Not intentionally. I did want you to kill him Comber, but using that useless traitor as an example for any potential betrayers. That's a bonus and it at least gives his death a purpose for education. Come now, Blade and Comber. I think it's best we all get back to work and not stand around any longer."

Granfer opened the exit door with a cold breeze shooting inside from the air pocket the door made. Comber nodded his head; making his way towards the door, Blade fallowing him out, then Granfer. The door was shut, with only 2 other colts with keys to open it. Comber walked past Granfer, his cape swaying near his face.

("Trying to tickle my nose Comber?")

Comber was already up the stairs, rushing back to his unit. That torture he just witnessed definitely leave scars mentally; but for Comber he'll brush it under the carpet, after all, he was just as brutal when it comes to his rage and his past. Blade walked aside Granfer. Both colts watching Comber enter his unit through the railing.

"So... Did you think that showed him what happens to traitors?"

"Well that is the reason I suggested this. Haha. What's on your agenda for today?"

"Hmm... Terminating you Blade, you-!"

Blade was behind Granfer with a glimmer of red in his eyes. Granfer instantly turned around, unfazed, but understanding.

"Okay. I get it, you're not the joking type. The normal. I'm a busy colt."

Blade scarfed at Granfer's response.

"Pfft. This is coming from the colt who watched a play?"

Granfer chuckled.

"Hey. Everypony has free time."

Blade was once again at the side of Granfer, both colts eyeing he organization down.

"Alrighty Blade. I think it's best if we got back to work. We don't want to slack off and leave a bad example for our unit now right?"

Blade scoffed at Granfer words. Those workers know damn well what they doing. They done it for so long, it's not even a question of experience nor IQ on the job. They already know what they need to do perfectly and fastly.

"Catch you later sir."

Blade after putting in his goodbyes was gone in a flash, leaving Granfer alone to think.

("At least he used a spell this time, and not just vanished like a vigilante.")

Granfer slowly made his way back to his office, thinking of the next of his duties he'll complete.


As Comber entered the unit, with his back turned to his unit workers, he heard the rush of hooves behind him as he shut the door quietly. He turned around to see Bullet and Commer with hooves on their desk, with guilty smiles.

"Okay... What did you both do now?"

Comber turned to his desk, spotting a leg about to give in. As he inspected closer by walking towards it; he noticed there was a cut mark. Was this on purpose? Something had hit it. Precisely sliced it. But what?

"So, how did this happen?"

Comber body was turned to his workers, a hoof stretched out towards the broken leg. Comber eyes locked with Bullet's. As already blaming him.

"Are you!"


"You did."

Both Comber and Commer replied with a yes.

"How'd he do it Commer?"

Commer cough, before giving his response.

"By throwing a razor Blade."

"Throwing a razor Blade?"

"Hmp, snitch."

"I already know who did it Bullet. Now what I liked to know is how you threw the razor at such a speed and accuracy to slice the table leg?"


"The razor Blade accelerated off of other objects, hitting into your desk leg."

Commer snitch again. Next time the razor Blade will be aimed at his eyes. Bullet stood up from his desk, keeping his guilty smile.

"I'm sorry Comber. I'll pay for it."

Comber chuckled at Bullet response. Commer hoof palmed. Comber's horn illuminated with magic. The magic grabbed the dust off the ground, putting it back into the leg, then fixing it nearly as good as new. Comber cancelled his magic, walking to his desk, sitting down and staring at Bullet.

"Don't worry about it. Don't do that ever again. If Blade or Granfer saw that, you would get a scolding. You potentially could've killed Commer you know?"

Bullet sat down at his desk, turning around at the back of the chair, ready to respond.

"Understood sir."

Bullet replied as he turned around, putting his head on his stained bloody desk. Comber finished the piled up paperwork on his desk. The paperwork took a little but after finishing he did a stretch as he stepped away from his desk. Comber walked around the unit checking and fixing any out of place materials and fixtures. After he finished organizing his unit, he peeked his head over Bullet's snoring head.

"Wake up!"

"Ah! Huh!?"


Commer watched Comber sneak up on Bullet. That's what Bullet deserves. Bullet blinked his eyes like a robot, before slowly itching his head. Bullet face was nearly touching Comber's Comber's face. He was a tiny bit scared and embarrassed.

"I-I-! Nevermind you caught me. Good managing skills Comber."

Comber just glazed at Bullet. Was he trying to sweet him up for lesser punishment? He's not going to be punished anyways so what's the use?


Comber turned to Commer who was at his desk, his face see through a test tube. The test tube changed color, first from red to some type of green toxicity.

"Now what are you doing with your free time?"

Commer took a glance back at Comber, then back at his test tube, squeezing another drop as he used his magic to write the data down. With a sigh Comber walked back to his desk, opening the drew to it. He pulled out a tiny scalpel, picking the next lock down with it. He grabbed a familiar book out of the drew, placing it on his desk. Dust went flying off; causing Bullet who was drifting about in his mind to cough.

"*Cough!* What the heck?"

Comber opened a book, reading the words in his mind. Some pages had pictures. Commer noticed this, halting his experiment to see what was Comber reading. He looked at the cover which only had a weird symbol, one that belonged to a warrior clan of Kino back in Equestria. Commer Made a smoothing sound as he snuck up behind Comber from his left side.

"So... What you reading?"

Comber gave Commer a glare before sighing. He swears Everytime some pony pick up a book and starts to read; the action is an attraction for Commer as a fly to light. Commer read some of the pages, having a clue what this book was about.

"So this is fundamentals and the history of martial arts in Equestria."

Commer couldn't believe he got it mixed up with that clan. Of course, they were Southeast of Equestria, and died far long ago. What's wrong with him? Comber wouldn't be part of that clan right?

"So it's telling you how each moves impacts parts of the pony body? That a big book. How much do you think it weighs?"

Comber gave a smirk to Commer, reading the final page of a chapter and turning to the next page; placing a unicorn horn as a bookmark there, closing the book and putting it back in the drew, locking it up. He put the scalpel back in it's respective container.

"Yes to your question. If you don't know how your moves impact the body of ponies, then you could mistakes or even kill them."

"True. Wouldn't it matter if that pony, for example: had corrupted RNA from a parent?"

"You mean if they are mutated? I guess it would, especially if it's a overgrown part of their body. But you better get back to your desk and put a cork on that tube."

"Huh! Oh crap!"

Commer quickly made his way back to his desk, doing what Comber suggested. Comber watched as Commer sat down in his chair, pulling it in. Bullet saw the whole ideal, what was this? Book club? He watched as Comber looked down at his desk with his hooves on it, then back at him.

"Well finished the harvest of blood type O- and O+. Any other assignments sir?"

Comber picked up the current assignment sheet in front of him, reviewing it for a mistake. There isn't a mistake here. Comber slowly got up, standing in front of his desk with the chair pushed out behind him.

"Yes, Blood type O and... Well..."

Comber made his way to give the assignment to Bullet; who with not a second thought, took it and reviewed it.

"Is there a reason why they want like 4 anaconda intestines?"

Commer smiled as the reaction he got from the test tube was satisfactory. He decided it was time to help Bullet out after hearing the question Bullet just asked Comber. Bullet dangling hooves touched the ground with nervousness. Where are the bodies as for this? Comber looked over Bullet, seeing his expression is that of a worried filly.

"If you are wondering how long you got, it's not to short or long. Commer would assist you as he's done with his work."

"That's right."

Commer made his way to Bullet's area from the right. Both colts gave Bullet a reassurance smile. Bullet sighed.

"Fine. Thank you Commer and Comber."

When he turned to both colts, Comber was already making his way back to his desk. Commer was just staring at him, with some sort of tool. Is that to aid him with his work. Was that tool going to help him with his work?

*Knock knock!*

Comber got up from his desk, walking towards and opening the door.


"Delivery for unit 25."

A colt said with a grin, he was brown with hay yellow eyes. His coat was brown with black vest on with red vertical stripes on it. Could've been blood Comber thought. Seemed to be dried and used as some form of art. Disgusting Comber thought. A clipboard was hoofed to Comber.

"Sign here please."

Comber took the clip board and pen with magic, signing his signature after take a close read. What a coincidence he thought. Comber took the clip board from the delivery pony's minted mouth, using his magic to hold it in place as he held the pen in his left hoof as he signed it.

"Here you go. I'll leave the mangler right here with the creates to make it easier."


Comber stepped out of the unit for a quick second to grab the mangler by the handles. Once he did he staarted pushing it over at an angle before pushing it into the unit, shutting the door as he entered his unit. Comber left the creates on the mangler at the front of the unit door. Bullet could already guess what it was.

"Let me guess, this create is a contrast to what we were talking about?"

Comber opened the lid of the first create after slowly removing it from the other two. The smell reeked like shit and death. Comber proceeded to walk the create over to Bullet who watched, attempting to peek into the create. His nose caught the stench; causing the gray mane colt to gag.

"Why does it smell like that!?"

Comber set the create behind Bullet, who got up and looked at the create. Looked like noodles was inside the bags, wait they were intestines. Bullet couldn't hold his gags back. If it wasn't for him holding his throat he was surely going to vomit. Commer pulled a device out, it automatically sprayed at a fast speed, attempting to help eliminate the order.

"What the actual buck smells Comber!?"

The unit manager was getting ready to speak, but was cut off by Commer.

"There's two logical reasons on the smell. To put it simply when cells die, tissues die, as well as muscle fibers. So if there's only intestines in there? Then your 'shitty' zmell is explained. Intestines hold the waste of our bodies after eating, and eventually release it out the other end from which it came."

Bullet stood up, walking towards a metal cabinet and opening it, quickly grabbing PPE. It strapped on his face nicely.

"Sorry, I needed a mask if I'm working with these crap."


Comber and commer said in union. Bullet sighed, rolling his eyes before heading back to the cabinet and strapping gloves onto his forehooves before making his way back to his desk. Bullet sat on the floor right of his desk where Comber scooted the create that was giving the shitty stench. Luckily the smell was being filtered by the mask otherwise he might have vomited all over the floor. Celestia, Comber would have not been happy about that. Bullet leaned over the create, grabbing what seemed to be a body, but this body seemed to have the skeleton, and flesh removed, leaving only tissue and organs. If any normal ponies saw this they were surely faint.

"So they shaped this bag up as a pony body... And decided to skin and deskeleton it. Why?"

Comber was confused why the shippers would do that? Was that an error? Normally they come in full bodies. As a corpse they should come in... Not just flesh and organs. Did some error occur on the way here?

"Did you even unzip the bag Bullet?"

I'm getting on that... Geez."

Barked back Bullet. After opening the bag, he was even more shock.

"What the buck is this shit!?"

Comber looked up at Bullet, then the bag he unzipped. What the...?

"Bullet what did you do!?"

"What do you mean what did I bucking do! I was literally just hoofed this body! How could I do anything!?"

"Bullet. Calm down."

Comber ordered. Bullet took a deep breath before closing his eyes. After he took a deep breath he opened them. He turned to Commer who was sitting at his desk once again after standing up to question him. Bullet slowly opened the bag. The stench was even more presentand wrenching. Bullet took a closer look. As he looked slightly closely, he realized a distinct mark each intestines had. This was going to be a long day. Grabbing the meter next to him, Bullet then grabbed the intestines, starting his work. Comber gently placed his cheek against his desk, looking at the hoof with his watch on it. The boredom here, alongside that stinch is obnoxious. Without hesitation, Comber tapped his watch, looking at the notification list. There was 1 red icon there. Why was it red he thought? Comber lifted his head off his desk, placing a closer look at his device. He went into the schematics of the watch, trying to find out what the color means. He knew he had a job, which is a relief. As the unit manager's eyes traced left to right of the paragraphs he was reading, he found what he was looking for. Red meant two things. About to be overdue or... It was a deadly threat.

("Pfft. I know it's not about to be overdue since I checked it not so long ago. Time to take a look at this threat.")

Comber tapped the notification, pulling it up. It came back to a colt with a scar across an purple eye. His coat was blue with a violet color mane and tail. He was a unicorn. This is how to identify him; which Comber was more curious about his status. Why was he a high threat? Red is just a high threat but as he name suggests it's a dangerous pony; it's no where near the highest color threats. Those would be color combinations.


Comber grew a devious smile, turning his watch off. It's been a long time since he seen Rubble. Guess it's time for his life to to have a turn for the worst. Time for some patba. If it's ordered, it's ordered, but it seems it's a double cherry. Comber reviewed the unit. Bullet was still going through the bodies, testing the blood types and reorganizing the bodies. Commer was taking blood from the corpse with a syringe. It seem like a constant train from his perspective.


Comber slowly got up from his desk, scooting his desk chair out and standing back on all fours.

"I'll see you both later. I got business to attend to."

Bullet watched as comber slowly made his way to the door, opening it and leaving. Celestia he wished he had that privilege to leave the organization and stretched his hooves with some fresh air. His attention was brought back to his job with a jab of an elbow from Commer.

"Don't get too distracted Bullet. We're not even half finished with the work you are required to do."

("Tsk, technically I am if they didn't decide to bring this shipment of corpse in as extra.")

Bullet turned his head to an already walking away Commer who sat back at his desk, testing the blood he absorbed in a syringe immediately after. It's fascinating on the differences of alive and dead cells look. Some of these corpse had sickle disease. Their blood will be discarded into the flames with their corpse.


Comber was walking towards the front doors of the organization. As he was walking his ears perked at a sound, the sense of bloodlust. He turned around to see a colt with a black coat and violet mane and tail looking at him. Using his eyes, comber traced where he came from, it had to be from the cafeteria. He probably hid behind the stairs. This colt could possibly threatened who would leave so he could escape.

("I'll ignore him.")

Comber boldly made his way towards the giant doors. The sound of hooves present behind him; as if they were fastly making their way towards him

Comber was about to swipe his key, faking it with a ding from his mouth. He didn't know he could make the sound sound so similar. Out of the sudden, hooves rushed their way towards Comber.

("I knew it.")

Comber turned around, jumping to evade a pointed gun at him. With a barrel roll Comber slammed his hooves down on the suspicious colt's back. With a yelp as well as spit flying out of his mouth, he felt his chest slammed against the floor. Suddenly he felt a crushing sensation in his right hoof. The colt yelled in pain as he was lifted, dropping his weapon. He was lifted back his throat.

"I grow tiresome of you cowards thinking you can win all battles by sneak attacking your opponent."

"Buck... You!"

"Let me make this clear as the sky. If you leave or betray this place. Especially on duty. I will be the one to kill you. So be smart and wait."

Gag was shocked. How did Comber already depict his plan? And how was he that fast to jump to attack and evade his gun at the same time? Comber stomped on the gun, causing bits of it components to fly and scatter.


"Ye-yes. Sorry."

Comber dropped the colt. It was a relief to feel his hooves release it's grip on his throat. Gag rubbed his neck, standing back on all four hooves facing Comber.

"Buck this place."

Gag said before taking his leave back to his unit. He's going to fake an injury for an excuse. Comber with a stirn expression watched Gag take his leave. After he saw him leave view, he turned to the door again, scanning his key. This time it was for real. Inch by inch sunlight made it way through the cracks of the door. Once it was fully opened, comber walked out the big doors, which was already shutting slowly behind him, making a metal scrapping sound. Once the doors shut, he faced the direction of his target. Sunlight shining on Comber.

("Ah that sensation feels good after being cooped up in that place. Time to get to business.")