> The Ghostly dancer > by sissygriff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The island > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rook a dark blue earth pony who was always fascinated by monsters and even demons and ghosts and Sonis a tall dark red hippogriff who left his home at a young age because she was bullied for her dreams of hunting monsters. The two meet in a mountain town after they found out about a giant living skeleton dragon and decided to join together to hunt it down. They found the dragon and had to close off the cave to its lair after it tried to kill them. But after that day they deiced to join forces to hunt down more and more monsters and after years of battling monsters they started to fall in love and become a couple and after a while of dating, they got married. As word got out about their monster hunting they got pretty popular and people all over started asking them to hunt monsters terrorizing their towns and homes. After more and more words of their adventures got out, the rich creatures of the lands started asking them to help get rid of monsters terrorizing them or their families or workers. Then one day a rich pony asked them to help find his wife who when missing on a far-off island, the last know whereabouts were the villagers saying the wife went exploring the large foggy forest that covered most of the island but never came out and the villagers were afraid going in because a legend of a grand ghosty monster they said had the body of both a harpy and Pheonix and toldf to turn those who enter the deep dark parts of the forest into her ballerina puppets for her amusement. Rook and Sonis accepted the request and they really never heard of a ghost monster like this but knew they were up to the challenge. The fog was thick and heavy like lava but colder. Sonis was on the deck of the boat watching the waves hit the boat and jagged rocks sticking their sharp spikes out of the water. Sonis lend on the railing seeing some fish jump out and swim in the water. The Hippogriff played with her necklace looking at the large body of water kinda wanting to transform so she could swim, but unlike other hippogriffs, she had a major fear of the water still unknown why she got it. She reached into her pocket taking out a pack of cigarettes but was disappointed to see the fog made them completely soaked, she grumbled at the wet pack and bit her lip. "Son of a....." Sonis cursed at herself "Didn't you say you were going to quit away?" Sonis looked up to see her husband Rook walk over and lend up the rail next to the hippogriff. "I know, I know....just anxious that's all." Sonis mumbled crushing the pack into a wet paper and tobacco "Don't worry the captain said it would be another half hour until we reach the island." Rook said scratching his hand a sign of how nervous he was The hippogriff looked out at the fog as Salas leaned his back against the railing. The two stood there, letting the nearby birds chip as they flew, the water crashing against the rocks, and the ship's engine gently humming under them. "Any info about what the hell we were going up against from the captain or crew?" Sonis questioned breaking the silence between them "Well....They told me about the islands legend...some harpy phoenix called the "Caellyore"....or the ghosty dancer." Rook answered "Ghostly dancer?" Sonis asked "So this thing apparently will take victims trespassing into her domain, and get this....she turns them into phoenix hybrids, ballerinas." Rook answered Sonis laughed and Rook rolled her eyes and thought of something to just tick his wife off. "Heh, reminds me of that one spider monster that made you a baby doll....heheh you looked so adorable in those web diapers!" Rook joke "Don't remind me!" Sonis snapped crossing her arms "Oh, shut up you liked being that spider dolly!" Rook sneered once again Sonis playfully pushed her husband as she grumbled a bit. But then the horn of the ship blasted breaking the eerie quiet echoing off the sea and rocks as the two hunters saw through the fog a seaside village come into view hidden by mist and dense fog. The boat slowly swam up to the decaying rotting docks somehow not breaking with each crack that forms from the wind and crash of the waves continuing their attack on it. Rook and Sonis left the ship with only a duffle bag for each of them with just the only items they needed: A book on monsters and spells, some charms, a couple of knives, and a change of clothes-(And a few packs of cigarettes for Sonis). They stepped on the wet moldy wood of the docks and noticed how it was the only one for this small town. "Doesn't seem like a place for some rich woman to vacation in...." Sonis whispered trying not to piss off the local towns folk "I'm guessing that's the rich people's dock over there?" Rook questioned pointing over to a newer dock with a path that lead up to the cliffside where a sizeable fancy hotel is "Ohh ok, that makes more sense." Sonis said They continue to walk around the small fishing town seeing how everyone seemed to stare them down creepily. But they made sure not to stare and meet their way to an old run-down Inn that looked over the old bay. The Ink keeper is this young silvered-colored changeling girl but from the looks of it with her tired face and strange elderly clothing she looked like an old woman wanting to yell at kids and right now she seemed confused seeing customers in her inn. "I'm sorry but this is the wrong place to be....you'll want the Sea-heart hotel just up the-" "Oh, no we want a room here." Rook quickly cut in The changeling now looked more confused and a bit fright and held a heart-shaped locket around her neck. "Well....umm we have a few rooms open....you two sure you want to stay here?" the changeling asked Rook and Sonis looked at each other and then back at the somewhat frightened and now small smiling changeling girl. "Well, yeah." Sonis answered, "My, Sonis and this is my husband Rook." "Well since we giving out names..." The changeling girl rubbed the long sleeve of her sweater, "I'm Rosey....the proud...young owner of the Bed-buggy Inn, and no we don't have any bedbugs I swear." "Well, Rosey...." Rook trialed off looking over the changeling's shoulders and seeing an old picture of Rosey and an older male changeling that he guess was her father, "Not to butt into your personal life, but aren't you a bit young to be running a place like this all by yourself?" "Ohh.....well....umm it was my mom's and dad's...." Rosey said motioning to a picture of her and her parents, "But my mom died when I was young and my dad...my...my dad was...was turned a year ago...." "Turned?" Sonis asked "Yeah....by....by.....by her...." Rosey mumbled under her breath "Her?" Rook asked, "You mean Caelly-" "DON'T SAY HER NAME!!!" Rosey blurted out in a panic Sonis and Rook looked at the worried changing seeing that her skin seemed to change a shade of purple from fear but she hummed something to herself seeming to calm herself back to her silvery white skin and held her locket with a death grip and took a deep breath before talking again. "Sorry about that...but....but that...that...that bitch is a true monster terrorizing us for years..." Rosey trailed off, "We tried everything....spells, weapons we tried to make meant to kill powerful deities, and even spells to make her seal her away...My dad...bless his kind soul...tried to reason with her....but...but she turned him into one of her little playthings...I swear I can hear him laughing outside my window...been sleeping in the basement with who knows how many magical locks on my doors and windows...." Rook and Sonis looked at each other after all the info they got and then glanced back at Rosey seeing her stance change sadly. "Any idea where this monster is?" Rook asked "WhAt!" Rosey snapped voice cracking, "Are you two asking for a death wish!" "Well...." Rook trailed off rubbing the back of his head, "It's kinda our job." Rosey looked confused and dumbfounded. "What." Rosey coldly stated Sonis then took out a business card and handed it over to the changeling and she looked even more dumbfounded at it. "Your professional monster hunters?" Rosey questioned "Yeah, we were hired to find some guy missing wife." Rook stated "Let me guess...some rich guys...makes sense....were scared of getting the word gets out in case she...she finds out...." Rosey answered hugging herself feeling scared and afraid feeling like someone else was listening to her "Has she ever gone to this town to...turn anyone?" Rook questioned "Thankfully no, she seemed to have a common understanding for her to stay out...but we can't take a step into her forest....but we need to, to get to the other towns for food and medicine....but it's filled with traps and her little puppets...." Rosey went on to explain, "But thankfully we have some ships coming into our ports...but there's a storm coming in a couple of days...suppose to last about two months with risk of flooding, and this old town doesn't have that much for medical care and we need a place for our sick and weak...if you two can really take care of that monster you'll really be doing this island a flavor." Sonis and Rook smiled knowing they could do this. "We'll take care of it, took care of worse than her." Rook stated "Well alright, why don't I show you guys your rooms." Rosey went on taking a key off the wall Rosey leads them up some stairs to the third floor to one of the "Better" rooms. Once the door was opened Rook and Sonis saw that the room wasn't that messy but for some reason had a bunch of piles of tutus, the windows boarded up, and the furniture seemed newer but water-logged like it was dragged out of the ocean. "What's all this?" Rook asked "Oh....kinda a side business." Rosey embarrassingly answered rubbing the back of her head and bending over a bit, "Even though...well she is an intelligent psycho...her little puppets and even traps aren't, and we found out that wearing tutus can trick the traps and her puppets but not her...and everyone isn't on the whole wear tutu thing and that thing can still sense us...so I fired up my mom's old sewing machine and made all of these to give out to anyone who needs to cross the forest..." Rosey then stood straight up. "So, umm please don't mind all the tutu and you guys can take one for when you're doing your hunt for that...hellish ballerina." Rosey stated her voice getting a bit angry at the mention of Caellyore but quickly putting an anxious smile on her face, "But enjoy your stay, the main doors will be locked at night mostly because of the small chance of one of...her puppets breaking in...and some robbers who for some reason just want to take my tutus to sell for an arm and leg...turn out they were cannibals, oh and just to say this for legal reason, we don't have bed-bugs or any other type of pesty bug..." Rosey handed over the set of keys to the pair of monster hunters and turned to leave but Rook had a quick question. "We'll try to enjoy our stay...say Rosey anywhere where we can get info about Caelll...her?" Rook questioned "Properly the library...I know there are some books on our island's history." Rosey answered, "But there are some towns folks that might be willing to talk....There's a dark blue griffon about one year older than me, that is always down by the docks every early morning, but after that, he's locked in his house all day. He shouldn't be hard to miss he is the only wingless, one-arm griffon here." "Holy, what the hell happened to him?" Sonis blurted out "Oh, a few years ago he had an accident trying to help my day with repairs on a burst water pipe." Rosey answered once again, "But the water made the floorboards weak causing him to fall through cutting him up badly. Need anything else?" "Nope, thanks Rosey." Rook answered back "Alright, well if you ever need anything I'll be in the lobby." Rosey stated finally leaving and shutting the door Once the door was shut the pair looked around the room seeing the odd number of tutu piles. Rook walked over to the bored-up window seeing some cracks seeing that the outside had some iron bars and Sonis pushed one of the piles away finding the bed. "Found the bed." Sonis stated, "How many dang tutus does one creature make?" "Guessing that there is a deity that is a ballerina...I guess not enough." Rook commented Sonis just sat down and laid back trying to relax. As Sonis relax she heard Rook's stomach rumble. "Already hungry?" Sonis asked "Well, it's been a few hours. I'll head into town to see if I can bring something back for dinner." Rook stated, "You want to come?" "Nahhh...I just want to shower and probably get some sleep...we have a lonnggg day tomorrow...." Sonis trailed off "You sure? Because I think I saw an ice cream place on the way here." Rook tried to convince his wife knowing that both ice cream and packs of cigarettes were her weakness "I'm sure..." Sonis mumbled "Hehe, alright...want me to pick up some smokes for you?" Rook asked "Yeah sure....and I swear if you do go to that damn ice cream place without me I'll offer you up to that ballerina bitch, monster, ghost thing..." Sonis mumbled again a bit angry knowing Rook would do it anyways "Hehe, hey want me to get you some diapers as well dolly?" Rook joked Sonis grabbed a nearby tutu and threw it at her laughing husband as he left the room. Sonis just lay there feeling a carving she knew that ring in her head too often. She looked over at her bag seeing her mashed-up pack of cigarettes she forgot to throw out. She sat up and somehow found the will to get up and grab her bag to head into the bathroom. In the room it wasn't dirty it was actually clean and it seemed to have any piles of tutus. But when she opened the curtains for the bath she saw the pile of tutus seeing all colorful fluffy tutus and spent a bit removing them and placing them next to the bath. She then started to take her clothes off already tired of the day but as she was about to start the shower she slipped and fell on top of the tutu pile and got annoyed. "Fucking damn it...." Sonis mumbled to herself Sonis slowly began to get up but the second she got an inch above the pile she felt a strange sensation with her private getting tickled by the tutus making her stop in her tracks and had to hold back laughter. She crawled back covering her maw trying to think about what just happened to her. She actually felt this sensation before with a pair of fluffy panties, tickling the fuck out of her almost putting her in an asylum because everyone thought she was crazy. She stood up and made sure to leave sneakily and made sure the room door was locked tight. She quickly made her way back to the bathroom thankfully that each window was bordered up so she could turn on the light so she could see her hidden embarrassment. As she looked around she saw how the mirror was a cabinet as well and opened it seeing a few medical items and the one thing she needed for her little "Playtime". She grabbed the medical wraps and her socks to stuff into her mouth just to add insult to injury. She began to unroll them and tie them around her maw, tightly to keep the socks in place and so she would be silent the how time. As the roll came up empty she turned the water on so the wrappings could harden so her mouth could be trapped and when she gets tickled no one would question her. As she felt the tightness of the hardened wraps trap her maw she let out a laugh feeling a wave of frisky fear wash over her as only a small noise came out as she turned the water off and felt the wrappings dry up getting tighter. She knew her laughter would be silence as she walked over to the tutus and she grabbed a short fluffy pink romantic one. She slowly put it on feeling the fluffiness tickle her easily. She thought about how the last time she was in a tutu like this is when she and Rook went on a vacation to a nice jungle hotel with a griffon-owned brothel nearby. At it, the griffon specialized in having their goers only wear skirts and petticoats including tutus. So Sonis just wanted to check it out but once there she was made to wear a tutu and had the time of her life there. So now once with the tutu and medical wrappings binding her maw, she began to rub the front of the tutu on top of her pussy feeling the ruffles tickle her and she laughed out with the wrappings only letting out small tiny squeaks. She imaged some other hippogriff ballerina on each side of her doing spins closely up to her rubbing their tutu's on her tickling her even more. She then felt like someone was putting some kind of thoughts into her head telling her, not demanding her into submission and complete control. She felt each little tickle get stronger and even make her more frisky and horny. The tickling felt intense on her, making her squeal like nothing more than a horny animal. It felt like the best feeling in the world, nothing could ever, ever bring this- "The hell are you doing?" Sonis felt her thoughts, her desires break faster than a rock smashing a mirror. She looked over to see her husband standing there, with her in nothing but a tutu and her mouth trapped in hardened wrappings. Sonis quickly covered her female parts with the tutu and tried her best to explain through her gag. Rook just stood there listening to his wife like trying to explain like a whimpering animal but kinda knew what was going on. "Soo, you're doing that thing you did at that brothel place?" Rook asked Sonis blush but Rook just giggled and slowly walked over to his wife grabbing the medical wrappings still on the sink, Rook then grabbed his wife's hands and smiled. "You're a very naughty girl are you?" Rook teased Sonis nodded yes her eyes filled with embarrassment. "Well, then a naughty girl like you....don't really need this don't you..." Rook trailed off Sonis looked down seeing Rook wrapping up her hands together tightly into one big ball of plaster. "Naughty girls don't need their hands to get off do they?" Rook teased Rook then grabbed Sonis's arm and brought her over to the sink and ran the plater under the under, Sonis wanted to fight back but knew she wanted this badly. Once the water was turned off and the plaster hardened Sonis tried to rip it apart but couldn't. Rook giggled and went up to the bathroom doorway and turned to his struggling wife seeing her scared, whimpering face. "Well, I just needed to grab my wallet...and now I can go back to shopping." Rook said Rook then stepped out and shut the door and Sonis knew she was trapped. "Now have a fun time naughty girl!" Rook teased Sonis heard Rook leave and she plopped down on the tutu pile and placed her trapped hands on her tutu over her special area. She began to rub down there and it was hard but she felt the tickling, she knew this couldn't last but it will be a nice escape before they start there hunt tomorrow.