Jingle Tits

by mrmidnight

First published

Spike finds himself getting a special gift from Santa hooves

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse, yet Spike was about to find out that Santa hooves had a special gift for him this Christmas night, all thanks to his little nephew's letter.

Warning contains (Sex with an elf, titty fuck, cowgirl position, and goofy Christmas pun.)

https://www.patreon.com/posts/76087971?pr=true Time to share the christmas spirit with Jingle Tits XD

Jingle all the way

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It was three days before Christmas, and it was a calming snowy night; while everything seemed calm, a man by the name of Spike sparkles, sitting back in the recliner while watching some Christmas movie, sighed, ready for a good night of peace.

That was when he heard the sounds of footsteps, as Spike turned around and saw a small boy named Spearsheild; he was standing in his PJs, looking rather tired, while holding a stuffed dog. He was rubbing his eyes; Spike sighed, looking at the young boy who was his nephew.

"Spearsheild, what are you doing up so late?" He reached over, pausing his film, looking up at the clock seeing that it was close to midnight, Spike wasn't sure when His brother and sister in law, would be back to pick Spearsheild up, but Spearsheild shook his head,

"I can't sleep; it's so close to Christmas! Three more days!"

"I know, isn't it funny, but you need to get some sleep. Otherwise, I'll tell Santa." Spike chuckled while he got up from the chair.

"Come on, we better get you to sleep anyway," Spike said while he was about to lead his sleepy little buddy back up to the bed, but Spearsheild shook his head,

"No, I'm not sleepy; I must write my letter to Santa!"

"We can make it tomorrow when you come over to visit."

"No, I gotta do it tonight; otherwise, it won't make it to Santa!" Spearsheild said, the terror on his face the only kind a five-year-old would have realized he was behind on something significant. Spike sighed as he shook his head,

"Fine, come on, we have to be quick though; if your parents know your up this late, you'll get me in trouble." Spike reached over, turned the tv off, and headed to the kitchen as he pulled out some paper and crayons.

He placed them in front of his nephew and sat there with a light chuckle while he watched his nephew trying to write a list.

"So what are you going to be asking Santa for?" Spike asked, giving his little nephew a broad smile,

"I'm going to ask Santa for a big fire truck so I can go vroom! Vroom!" Speaking loud as he rolled his head around in circles, Spike had to fight off the urge to laugh,

"Hey, that sounds awesome; anything else? Gotta get all you can from the big man."

"I will; hey, Uncle Spike, what do you want for Christmas?" It was a simple question, but Spike found himself frozen by the idea as he shook his head,

"You know what? I don't know, and It's been a while." He chuckled while he rubbed the back of his head,

"Maybe you can ask Santa for something?" Spearsheild asked while he was scribbling out words that were more of a jumble of words,

"I don't think Santa would make my list. I'm a little too old for him." He chuckled some while he looked at the child like an innocent.

"Come on, make a list, make a list." His hands clapping together, even then giving Spike those silly adorable eyes that a young boy could make, and he let out an exaggerated sigh,

"Oh, fine, hand me some of the paper, and I'll write a Christmas list." Spike snorted while he looked at his nephew, who cheered in excitement as He handed over some paper and started to write down a small list.

"What are you going to ask for, Uncle Spike?" Spearsheild asked while writing his letter to Santa,

"Probably for good times and that you get everything you want for Christmas." Spike wrote, but a thought came into his head, and he decided to laugh; it wasn't like anyone would read this letter to Santa, so he decided to add a little request for a laugh.

He wrote on his list,

"Hey Santa, mind bringing me a horny Elf with big ol tits while you're at it? I'd like to have a good time this Christmas." Spike found himself snorting at the request as he looked at his paper,

"Uncle Spike, why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, just a funny idea popped into my head; so, are you nearly finished with your list?" Spike asked while folding his paper up,

"Yeap, let's get this to Santa!" Spearsheild said, the excitement in his voice as he handed it over to his uncle.

Spike Sparkle reached over and gave the nod as he grabbed an envelope and put the letters into it; Spearsheild wrote To Santa Hooves! Of course, Spike had to make sure he didn't send it to Satan, but it was a silly moment, as the two would put it in Spike's mailbox. Two-headed upstairs and Spearsheild would go into his little bedroom, where he curled up with his stuffed dog, and Spike would move over, heading to bed, figuring he might as well call it a night.

Spike didn't even think about the letter by the time he went to bed, figuring it would just be put away for another time, a memory that he and little Spearsheild would share when they were older.

Little did he know, this would lead to something more, as a great gust of wind had hit the mailbox causing the letter, to fly away, going off to parts unknown, and there was more to the letter than even he would've known.


Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, no creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Spike Sparkles was lying in bed, feeling close to falling asleep. He started in bed, ready for tomorrow, imagining how his nephew would react to the toys; Spike got a happy look on his face as he unwrapped them. He closed his eyes, feeling himself going into the deep abyss of slumber.

That was when he heard a cladder on the roof, pulling Spike from his slumber, he looked around, and for a moment, Spike imagined he was listening to the sound of bells jingling.

"Must have been my imagination." He grunted, feeling like he could have gone back to sleep when he felt something was wrong; everything seemed almost too quiet as he pulled himself out of bed, wearing only his boxers.

"Just to be safe." Going down the stairs, he heard the creaking of his footsteps against the stairs as he made his way down, seeing the light glow of the Christmas tree; it was there. Jack thought he saw what looked like a shadow. He reached over, grabbing a baseball bat; not sure if he needed it, he figured he might have it on him as he started leaving his bedroom.

"Is someone here? If you are, I'm coming down, and You hear that!" He spoke loud and clear, so he knew if there was someone who broke into his house on Christmas eve, no doubt, they at least were adequately warned.

Going down the stairs, Spike was hit with a broad chill like someone had left the front door open. He took a deep breath as he pulled the bat up, ready to swing at any point, and went straight into the living room.

Letting out a loud battle cry as if he was a spartan warrior, he ran into the living room, ready to swing onto his enemy at some point; he found himself standing in the middle of his living room, a long pause as he thought he was all alone.

"It was my imagination," Spike muttered, the bat being dropped, letting out a loud bang as he let out a sigh of relief; he imagined it might have just been a dream or his imagination,

"Guess It's just me all alone." He found himself chuckling at the idea and was ready to head back upstairs when he heard a soft voice.

"Oh, but you're not alone." Spike turned around in a circle to see where the voice was coming from. But found that no one was around. It took a minute, but Spike noticed something odd about his tree. Under the tree was a new box, One he knew he didn't put under the tree, as he looked at it for a second. It took him a minute before he realized the reason why.

"What in the?" He saw a label and saw that it was marked Too, Spike Sparkles From Santa Hooves.

"Santa, but… no, it can't be." He reached over, grabbing the edge of the box; it wasn't much as he pulled it open, and he found himself falling back on his rear. Looking up, he began to watch.

Slowly but surely, a hand started creeping out from it. Spike wasn't sure what to say; he wanted to scream as he watched as the hand began turning into an arm much longer than the box. Spike found himself unable to move, watching as the arm extended.

That arm would start turning, and a beautiful woman soon stood in the box. A woman he could tell was short, maybe standing around four feet. Spike looked at her better as she stood in front of the Christmas tree, the lights blinking.

As Spike said, she was short, with brown hair in a pixie cut, wild, yet sexy, as she looked at him with those bright green eyes. Her skin was pale, like white chocolate, as she gave him that brilliant smile. Her body was quiet as she wore what looked like a sexy Santa outfit, red all over her body with white patches. He barely had time to notice she had pointy ears; as she licked her lips,

Though, what caught Spike off more was when he noticed them, one of her more prominent features was that she had large breasts. Like melons on her, though he imagined if someone was more significant, they might have seemed more petite, but the way they held up in her dress. Spike was more surprised that they didn't pop right out.

"Who—Who are you?" Spike said, his voice stuttering, as he felt his heart racing faster, as he knew there was no way she would have been able to fit in that box. The elf gave him a broad smile,

"Hi there, I'm Jingle Tits, and are you, Spike Sparkles? I hope Santa didn't drop me off a the wrong house; sometimes he makes mistakes like that; like, I remember him sending this one boy a girl's bike; oh, that made him so naughty the year before." She spoke fast and quickly, something Spike wasn't expecting from a sexy woman like that, but she sounded very cheerful.

"Wait, your names are Jingle Tits, and Santa sent you…." The confusion in his voice as he watched the woman jump out of the box,

"Yeap, I'm your present; you asked for me,"

"You're one of Santa's elves," Spike said, clearly absorbing the situation though it didn't seem like Jingle tits were realizing what was happening as she nodded,

"Well, duh, what else would I be? A Goblin, It's nice to meet you, Spike; I remember seeing you on the list, and you were a good boy…." She looked around for a second as she saw the time,

"Oh, you opened your gift up early; you were supposed to come down and open it up when I'm supposed to scream surprise! That's very naughty of you, Spike." There was a knowing smile as she showed off her pearly whites, "but since it's Christmas, I'm going to let it slide." She winked at the young man, who was more curious about this.

"I mean, I don't understand… Jingle, I mean, I'm an adult. I don't even believe in Santa Hooves." He spoke, not even sure this was real; for all he knew, this was some insane dream, maybe some lousy chili he had that night.

Jingle Tits snorted, her breasts bouncing like a bowl full of Jelly. Spike couldn't look away as he almost fell into a hypnotic trance. She continued laughing for a minute while Spike tried to figure out what he said that was so funny.

After a few minutes, the Busty Elf calmed down as she shook her head,

"Well, of course, Silly, Santa normally doesn't visit adults for Christmas, especially single ones, but Santa decided to make an exception, especially since he's giving your nephew his Christmas wishes." She pulled out a rolled-up paper and started unfolding it, and Spike found him recognizing the handwriting right there. She reached down into her top sinking her hand down the jugs she called breasts.

It was a scrawl and more scribbles, but he knew it very much as his nephew's handwriting.

"My nephew asked Santa to give me my wish?"

"Well, more or less, he requested that Santa grants you your wish and have a merry Christmas." She smiled more as she held onto the paper like it was worth all the gold in the world as she wrapped it up before putting it down her top. Spike watched it vanish while he found himself managing to stand up. However, he found the situation crazy.

"Wow, this is … I'm sorry, it feels a bit crazy."

"Oh, I get it; besides, I think this is the first time Santa has done something like this. It's never been done in my thousand years of working for Santa."

Spike nodded, though even then found it funny.

"Well, I guess I got my Christmas gift, though… did you volunteer for this or…." He wasn't sure how he felt if Santa had kidnapped this elf and shoved her in the box.

"Oh, I Volunteered to do this; if it gives a child a chance to have his Christmas wish come true, I will do nearly anything!" Jingle said out of the box. The way she moved with elegance and grace, Spike found impressive. He also took a second looking at the box and found it was empty and nothing at the bottom. More shocked as he looked around, seeing Jingle Tits sitting on the couch, it was where he noticed her in that tiny red skirt, and the way she was sitting, Spike knew she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"So what now…." Spike yelled out, not sure what to think, as he looked over at the sexy elf, who kept that charming, sweet smile,

"Oh, I think you know what happens next." She curled her finger as she watched him, that bright eye expression changing into a more sultry look as she licked her lips.

"See, you were being very naughty, opening up your gift to Santa early, So I think I need to punish you." She looked over at him come to her,

"Now, we usually drop a lump of coal in your stocking, but I think we'll be doing something different with you this year.

Spike felt he knew what it was and liked the idea.

"Is that so Jingle tits?" Spike said, trying to play it cool, though a part of him was freaking out as he found himself standing in front of the short-stacked elf, whose legs spread apart; she eventually pulled her legs up, crossing them. The way she pushed her arms together made her impressive bust look even more significant as she moved in closer.

"Very, and I think I should try out your candy cane. Now drop your pants."

Spike felt he knew what it was and liked the idea. His hands reached down as he unzipped his pants. Spike imagined this was just a dream, and why not take advantage of it before he woke up? The sound of his zipper filled the room as his cock plopped out, Imagining that his member would be maybe twelve inches thick as a wrist. He looked down and found it somewhat disappointed. It was his average seven inches in length. It was clear he was stiff as a rock, though who wouldn't Jingle Tits? Here was a sexy busty woman with pointy ears.

Noone, unless they were gay, wouldn't want to take a ride with her; as he watched her stare at his cock,

"Wowzards, I got to admit, you've got one large candy cane." She spoke more worried than anything looking at his man meat.

"What aren't male elves well endowed?" Spike asked, finding himself somewhat relieved and confident.

"Not at all. Male elves are born with small ones, but that's cause they're constantly in colder weather. But this, I'm surprised if it'll fit." The elf muttered, her fingers reaching over, the sexy act vanishing as she poked his cock. His member bounced as he grunted,

"Well, I am a human, But I'm sure you can handle it, so we should make it a white Christmas." Jiggles looked at him with a sparkle in her eyes. Spike chuckled,

"Besides, I want to start with something special if I can Jingle's." He kept his eyes focused on her fantastic rack. Jingle smiled as she had a pretty good idea,

"Oh really, well, I'm sure I'll be able to." Spike found himself watching as her mounds popped out of her Christmas dress. She began grabbing the top's edge and pulling it down. Her breasts bounced with such delight, and Spike was enamored, such a sight with her pale skin and dark brown areolas around her nipples.

"Very nice." Spike chuckled while finding himself wanting to watch her more. Jingle tits, smirked as she licked her lips,

"Are you going to keep staring? Or are you going to enjoy your Christmas present?" She said, her hands grabbing her large breasts and squeezing as Spike smirked,

"I think that's a good idea." Admitting he also liked this kind of dream and hoped it didn't end any time soon. He stood there and felt his cock stiffen as he got in closer. His throbbing member pushed in between Jingle tits beautiful tits.

His cock pushed between them as he felt how warm her globes were. He started pulling back, leaving a tip, and thrust his cock into those warm globes; Jingles watched him smirking as he moaned, feeling her nipples being rubbed and pushed against with each thrust, as she watched with lustful intent.

Spike grunted and continued moving his hips, his balls slapping against Jingle's tits as he watched her,

"You like that, like my big warm titties?"

"Oh yeah," Spike found himself immersed, really liking this feeling, He couldn't remember the last time he had a good titty fuck like this in a long time, but one's sure he was enjoying it. Feeling precum escaping the tip of his cock, he continued fucking her breasts, looking down at her face and seeing Jingle's broad smile as she began massaging her breasts. His breathing was getting heavy as he found himself amused.

"You getting closer there, baby? Getting close to cumming for my Elf tits?"

"Oh yeah, I wanna cum on those hot Elf titties!" Spike grunted, knowing this he was going to explode any second; it had been nearly a month since he had gotten himself off, and with another person, Spike was sure he was going to unleash his hot load all over her, maybe give this elf a pearl necklace for Christmas.

Then he felt Jingle's tits push him back, His cock slipping out of her prominent bust as she somehow quickly switched him around, and Spike found himself sitting on the couch with her straddling his lap. Her pussy rolled around his cock head as it was lubed up with his precum. Somehow he imagined himself as Santa Hooves as she got in position.

"Be slow ok; as I said, humans are pretty big.." Spike answered with a nod, his heart skipping a beat as he watched her make the first move. She went down slowly as he gasped, feeling the tip of his cock going up into her. He found himself gripping the couch; Jingle Tits here felt tight. Jingles bit her lips as she closed her eyes, feeling him sink into her as she let gravity take hold. Spike felt her breasts push against him. Those soft, firm breasts felt good against him as he reached around, grabbing her waist. He helped massage her back while she made her way down his base.

“So, big, fudge, you’re so big.” She moaned out, feeling herself becoming overwhelmed by what she thought was a huge fat cock. Spike groaned as he rubbed her back and muttered,

“Relax, take deep breaths.” He muttered himself overwhelmed with her tight pussy, that every second felt like she was sucking his dick into her. As she moved in and kissed him. Jingle looked at him with those bright golden eyes, and he found himself almost lost.

Their lips met for the first time, and Spike had to admit this, and it was the best kiss he had ever had. He felt her sinking in the final stretch as his dick filled her.

They sat there for a good minute or two, her moaning and squeaking as she adjusted to his cock, while Spike groaned, feeling her milk his cock even without moving, as they held each other close. Though Spike could hear the light sounds of jingles.

“Are you ready?” Spike asked, looking back at the elf, who gave the nod, moaning gently for the moment. Spike grabbed her luscious hips and started pulling her up. Slowly, moving her up simply enough till only the head of his cock remained, Spike pushed her down.

Spike let out a hard groan, his body melting as he felt her warmth consuming him. Unable to fight back, he found his body beginning to thrust on its own as he let out a harrowing moan. His hands gripping the elf's fantastic ass tighter as he pulled her up and down,

“Sc-Spike! Keep going, faster, faster!” Jingle's tits moaned, moving faster as she felt her body shaking, overwhelmed with pleasure, feeling Spike take her, her head arching back as she moaned, her Christmas hat falling off, showing off her white locks even more, while Spike just kept pushing faster. The sounds of the couch's feet scratching against the floor as they continued fucking each other's brains out.

Jingle arched her back, letting her breasts out as Spike held on for dear life, long moans as she bounced faster, and doing so, Spike watched her beautiful globes bouncing even more as she let out a stern cry.

“Yes, yes! Jingle my bells, Baby, fill me up with your white snow!” Jingles moaned hard, her hips grinding as Spike grunted, somehow unable to hold back, Jingle's tits, body squeezing him tighter as he groaned painfully,

“Fuck, Fuck! I’m going to fill you up, Jingles!” Spike responded. His balls were tightening as he unleashed his load deep into her.

“Jingle BELLS!” Jingle Tits screamed with passion, filling the room with her screams of orgasm as she groaned hard, finding herself clenching around Spike as she held him tight; Spike took a long deep breath as he found himself laying back on his couch, looking at the elf.

“Wow… just wow.” He groaned with such a sight as Jingle Tits smirked,

“Merry Christmas, Spike baby.” She moaned, giving him a firm kiss. Spike felt something sprinkled onto his head, and he found himself blacking out.


Spike groaned, finding himself waking up; the sounds of knocking on the door as he found himself in his bedroom. He looked around for a moment. He was currently alone.

“Wow, that was a hell of a dream.” He grunted as he got ahold of his sweatpants and headed downstairs. Everything looked the same as he left there, though, for a minute, he thought he saw an empty box but shook his head as he headed to the front door.

“Uncle Spike! Uncle Spike!”

His nephew jumped at him, giving him a tight hug as he saw the smile on his little buddy’s face,

“Hey man, how are you?”

“Doing great. Did Santa visit you?” Little Spearsheild said as he looked around the room,

“Oh, yeah, Santa came, and I’m sure he brought you some gifts also.” He pointed over to his tree where the gifts were surrounding it.

“Did you get your wish, Uncle Spike?

Spike chuckled while rubbing the back of his head,

“Oh, not really. As I said, Santa is more for you than me.”

“Oh, that isn’t true, Spike; Santa brought you something.” A woman's voice appeared behind him as he turned around, trying to hide the surprised expression on his face as he saw her. The elf from his dream, Jingle tits. She was wearing one of his T-shirts, her hair tied up back, hiding her ears as Little Spearsheild smiled,

“He did! Thank you, Santa,”

“Santa’s glad you liked your gifts; I know I’m one of his helpers; my name is Rarity.” She gave the little boy a wink while he looked at her with a wide smile.

“Now come on, Spearsheild, see what Santa brought you.” She gave Spike a wink as she bumped his hips with her thick thighs as little Spike's brother Shining Armor and sister-in-law Cadence came in. Jingle tits, whispered into her lover's ear,

“Merry Christmas to all, and all, a good night.”