> Spike Drake > by Spike DrakeStar9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Normal Life Of Spike Drake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just one more day in the world of Equestria and in the city of Canterlot. Our story centers on a 17 years old boy with green hair, emerald green eyes, and peach-colored skin; His name is Spike Drake. The green-haired young man gets up from his bed and begins to dress in blue jeans, a dark green T-shirt over a purple jacket, and classic Converse. Then leaves her room and walks down a long white hallway to her kitchen, all the way in silence to said room; he begins to prepare breakfast and eats it in silence while having a coffee. After breakfast, he puts a backpack on his back and leaves his rustic house from the 70's and 80's. “That's me, Spike Drake, a normal guy from Canterlot and another face; That's if you count my strange green hair from birth and my eyes. Let's say that I am an outcast of society, sometimes I help some people; but in general I spend it alone every day” “Now I'm going to Canterlot High School, really... Everyone ignores me; although some really respect me for having helped them so much” We watch as Spike arrives at the school and walks up the stone steps towards the double doors. He opens them to find thousands upon thousands of students talking to their friends, trying to impress a girl, or just taking out their stuff. Soon he goes through everyone and reaches for his locker, opens it and puts down his backpack while taking out some folders and a pencil case; He closes it and goes straight to his first class. “Most of the time I'm the one who answers everything correctly and gets good grades, but socially... "The Harmony" gets all the credit; a group of 8 girls who have also helped everyone. I don't know them personally, but I know a little about them” After passing his first class with A (as usual) he goes to the cafeteria, grabs a tray of food, and sits at the same empty table as always. A little further away are "The Harmony". “They are "The Harmony" the girl with dark purple hair with a pink streak is called Bella Sagan, but is known by her nickname "Twilight Sparkle". The one on her side with purple and mint green hair is called Star Ward, or also called "Starlight Glimmer". The 2 are best friends from the rumors I've heard, but I haven't been interested in talking to them, since I don't think they like me” “As I continued, the girl in front of Twilight with elegant purple hair is called Scarlett Jones, also known as “Rarity Belle” she is a clothing designer, a year ago I fell in love with her; but not anymore, I mean ¿How would someone like her care about an outcast like me? The one on her side with blonde hair and a hat is called Jackeline Daniels, better known as "Applejack" she is someone from the farm, her family harvests apples every day. They are 2 opposite poles, one does not mind getting dirty and the other does” “Continuing with the names, the girl with pale pink hair next to Rarity is called Lisa Oribe, but everyone knows her as "Fluttershy Breeze" she is the shy one of the group and, from what I have heard, she is a veterinarian; He gets along better with animals. The one on Starlight's side with fluffy pink hair and imperative is called Diane Jepsen, she is known in the cooking world as "Pinkie Pie", a great cook and someone who throws parties. They came up to me once, but ended up making a fool of themselves by trying to talk to me at the same time; after that they no longer approached me” After a while, the bell for second period rings and everyone leaves the Cafeteria; Spike goes to his locker and grabs some study books. Upon reaching the classroom, he sits by the window and right next to him are the last 2 members of the group. “¿What was he saying? Oh yes, the girl with rainbow hair and athletic looking is called Kelly Lohan, known to all as "Rainbow Dash" she is the leader of all the athletic clubs in school, hence her nickname, she is a little rude to me , just not to get bored; I got used. And finally the one with red and yellow hair is called Susan Lopez, better known as "Sunset Shimmer" before she was a bully who messed with the little ones, including me; but after the other 7 reformed it, it was fine. In general, all of them are the most popular at school; I don't talk to all of them because I don't think they'll accept me and because I don't want guys to tell me that a quiet outcast hangs out with social, friendly friends” After finishing the presentations, the Physics class begins and everyone concentrates, well...Those who really want to study. From time to time, an occasional student asks our protagonist for help. "Alright, so you're ready for the next quiz. What is Newton's First Law? Mr. Spike". The professor told Spike, causing the students to turn to look at him. "Professor, I understand that you see me as the smart one, but ¿Wouldn't it be more convenient if you ask those who are not doing anything?" Spike answered, looking at those in the back row. "Hmmm...Good point, I'll do it". Said. After that, the teacher asks another student the question, the others who were not doing anything look at him with anger and contempt, but he doesn't care and continues with his calculations. Later that day, after finishing last period, Spike leaves school straight to his house, which isn't that far, only about 4 blocks. Upon arrival, he removes his backpack and hangs it on a coat rack next to him; then he looks around the white hallway and the checkered floor, then claps his hands once and smiles. "Ok time to start". He told himself. In that, we see him in the kitchen with a radio next to him, he turns it on and starts playing "Crocodile Rock" by Elton John . Start cooking lunch while moving and singing your chosen song. He lives alone, his parents were murdered in an armed robbery at a bank; He is someone delicate on the subject, so he tries to avoid it whenever he can. But he has managed to do his chores. After the song ends, Spike finishes cooking and takes the food to his dining room and starts to eat calmly, that's his life for 3 years. After finishing eating, he washes his plate, does his homework and watches TV for a while; After getting bored, he goes to his room and lies on his bed, sleeping soundly and looking forward to tomorrow. > Chapter 2: The Rise Of Justice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new day begins and our protagonist wakes up with his partner, loneliness; He doesn't care and starts to get dressed, eats breakfast and goes to school. Already in school, he goes through the same sea of ​​students who ignore him; He reaches for his locker and is about to open it, but feels someone behind him. At that moment, he grabs a hand that was going to hit him on the shoulder. "You can never give me, Ember". He said smiling. "¡It's not fair, I can never give you!" The girl behind her exclaimed. In appearance, she wears a white T-shirt along with a moderate cyan jacket, slightly torn blue jean, short dark blue hair, cherry eyes, a medium pale tee and classic Converse, her name is Alexa Kendrick or however she likes it call her "Ember". "Hehe ¿How have you been? Yesterday, I did not see you". Asked the boy. "My father needed help with the bar, and since I'm doing well at school, I was absent yesterday". Answered. "I see, well, I hope they do well". "Thank you, Spike". "But if they are not my great friends Spike and Ember". Said a boy behind them. They both turn to see a boy with short green hair, a tanned chest, purple eyes wearing a green t-shirt with an orange jumpsuit, black pants and black Adidas. "¡Arthur "Thorax" Lewis!" They both said at the same time. "Hi, to the 2". Greeting. "¿How have you been, bro?" Asked Spike. "The usual, in and out of the city, visiting my relatives". The boy answered. "¿How do you have money to travel?" Asked the girl. "Having a father who works as a doctor is an advantage". They kept talking until they heard the bell that started the first period; the 3 friends go their separate ways to their classes. Spike's class is, as he describes it, boring; He already knows all the topics and always helps others. After the first hour, Spike is in the Cafeteria, eating and seeing that all (literally all) of the students are standing by The Harmony. "Hmm, it was obvious that they would be with them". He thought to himself At that moment, he begins to think about all the times they have come to him alone for help; At no time has anyone joined him other than his 2 friends to chat or just spend the afternoon. This depresses him and he leaves the Cafeteria. After a while we see him on the roof of the school, looking at the whole city with a look full of sadness. But suddenly, she sees her friend Ember talking to someone hooded; she seems to be nervous as she gives him a ring and the thief leaves without first hitting her on the cheek causing her to fall. It is at that moment that his gaze turns gloomy and he walks towards the door where he came out with the hood on; he passes the gym and sees a discarded screwdriver, grabs it and leaves ignoring the eyes on him. Leaving the school, she sees Thorax comforting her friend who is crying quietly with her head bowed; the boy notices and Spike looks back at him, causing the other to nod and continue on his way. 1 hour later We see that everyone is getting ready for their last period and we can see Ember at her locker with red eyes from crying, she opens her locker and jumps a little when she sees her mother's ring that was taken from her there along with a note written with purple. “That belongs to you” She smiles and puts the ring back on, knowing who gave it back to her. We now see Spike washing the red-spotted screwdriver with a rag until they're gone, leaving it where he found it. "She will surely look for you to thank you". "It's most likely, Arthur". "So... ¿Is this considered the rise of justice?" Asked the named, raising an eyebrow. "Justice is already on the rise. I have already returned several things from many here". After answering, they leave the gym and walk through the almost deserted corridors; the 2 arrive at their class and enter. A while later, they walk out of the school and see Ember apparently waiting for them. She walks over and hugs Spike, who is caught off guard. "Thank you". After that, they go home with a smile on their faces. Our protagonist arrives at his house and heads straight for the garage, turning on the lights to reveal a well-kept orange 1969 Dodge Charger. "Soon I will take you for a walk". After saying that to the car, he goes to his room and falls asleep, thinking about what to do tomorrow Saturday. > Chapter 3: The Equalizer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is Saturday afternoon in Canterlot and we see our protagonist walking through the streets of the city with his hands in his pockets. After walking for a while, he arrives at a warehouse and goes inside, waving to everyone who smiles back at him. He stands in the building supplies section looking around the place, until he reaches the back where he sees more workers loading everything to put it on the shelves. It is then that he sees a large man dressed as a local security police officer. "It seems you gave your effort, and it worked" Spike said with a smile. "I never would have been able to get to what I am without your help, Spike" The guard there replied. On the man's license plate is written the name "Ralph Daniels" or as he likes to be called: "Big Mac" he is a very good friend of Spike. "How have you been, Big?" He asked his friend. "Very good since you helped me be security here" The older man replied. "Please, you made the effort" He said humbly. "Thank you" "Was nothing" "Hehe, I remember that the last time you were here, you saved us from some terrorists, using the things from this section" He said with several memories in his mind. "That was 3 years ago" He replied scratching the back of his neck "But we're still in your debt" Big Mac insisted. Sighing but smiling, Spike says "Ok, I'll come here when I need something" With that last word, he says goodbye to everyone and leaves the store and walks all over the city, going to buy some snacks; helping some other citizen; etc. Until he arrives at a park. He sits on a bench and sees different children running or playing with each other, being supervised by their parents. This made him remember how lonely he feels... Without wanting to think about it anymore, he gets up and leaves there, going to a Coffee just as it gets dark. He enters, orders a coffee with some croissants and sits at one of the tables to wait while reading a book by Edgar Allan Poe. In that, the door is heard to open, the boy looks up and sees a girl with light pink and pale purple hair and green eyes. "Good evening ¿What can I get you?" asked the waitress kindly. "A coffee would be nice" The girl replied. The waitress goes to the back and then comes back, telling her she'll be in a bit, so she sits at the counter and waits quietly. But in that he looks sideways to the left and sees Spike reading. "¿Why are you staring?" Spike asked abruptly, surprising the girl. "I'm sorry, it's just that you seem familiar to me" He apologized and thought, until he remembered "You're Spike Drake" "That's right, you must be Anjulie Jones, Scarlett Jones's sister" The green-haired said, taking his eyes off the book and looking at her. "Yes, the little sister, and if you ask what I'm doing here at this hour: I needed a break, I'm a singer and I just got out of a studio, and please tell me Sweetie Belle" she told Spike. "Then you must be the pop singer I've been hearing on some of TheFatRat's songs" He told her. "Wow, thanks for listening to our collaborations hehe..." She thanked. "Hmmm... Come, sit down" He said to Sweetie suddenly. "¿What, really?" She asked surprised. "Something's wrong with you, and I want to help you" Giving her a confident smile, he invited her to sit in front of him. The girl hesitates for a few seconds, but seeing his smile, he gave her reason to trust him, so she gets up and sits in front of him, letting out a sigh before speaking. "My manager is an idiot, he only takes advantage of me to get money from me..." She said with a dull tone in his voice. "¿Did you try to sue him?" "I tried, but... Last time he threatened me with..." She sighs and continues "Rape me and... Say bad things about me..." Saying all that, she doesn't hold back and tears start to come out of her beautiful green eyes, Spike sees her embarrassed and hugs her, helping her calm down. After a few seconds of comfort, Sweetie pulls away and wipes her eyes. "Thank you... Very much" "It's nothing, when you need help, look for me" He said smiling. "I will" She assured her. They keep talking and getting to know each other more while taking what they ordered. After paying and leaving the place, they walk through the dark streets illuminated by headlights. But just then, a car stops next to him and a man in a suit gets out of it and stops in front of him. "There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere, you have a concert in 5 minutes" Said the man. "Hey, I understand that you're my manager and all, but I need a breather" Sweetie Belle replied. "Not now, come right now or you know what I'll do" He threatened giving her an unholy look. Letting out a sigh, the girl replies "Ok..." Then she looks at Spike and says "I'll be fine, good night" Then he gets in the car and, before leaving, the manager tells him the following: "If you want to go out with my girl, you need my permission, stranger" His voice was a bit dark, but the green-haired man didn't care. Saying that, he gets in the car and they drive away, leaving only Spike, who turns his gaze to a serious one and puts on his hood, following the car at a fast pace. After a few blocks, he arrives at "Wonderbolt Stadium". He enters an alley and watches over the couple. After leaving her there, the man gets back in the car and leaves the place, followed by the young man with green eyes in the shadows. After several turns, he arrives at what appears to be a warehouse, gets out of the car, and goes inside. "¿What kind of partners do you have?" He thought aloud while heading to the place. Inside, the man walks past a few boxes and stacks of stuff, then walks through a white tarp and sees 3 other men around a circular table. "But if it's the same Perci ¿What news do you bring us?" Asked one of the men. "Sir, I come to tell you that the singer Anjulie is making us good money" Perci replied. "Great, if he continues he will be the fifth youth star that makes us money" He told everyone smiling. The others agreed with what was said, thinking about what they could get out of the girl in the future, without realizing that someone heard them from the other side of the canvas. "¿Would you really do that to a poor girl who is being exploited?" They all turn around, looking at Spike himself who gives them a death glare, until Perci speaks up "You're the boy that accompanied my girl ¿How did you get in here?" "It seems that someone didn't like our idea, go away, if you don't want to die" Warned the head of the place, seeing his weapon on the table. "Ok, this will be like this, it will take me 4 minutes to kill each one of you and leave the place without looking suspicious" He told them while looking at his digital watch on his wrist. Then he starts, throws a right hand at the first one that is close to him and knocks him down, to then block the attack of the second one who carries a knife, takes it away and sticks it in his stomach; then on the chest and finally on the neck. Then he quickly turns around and throws the knife at the first one, hitting him in the head and killing him instantly. He then sees the third man, his new friend's manager, grab the silenced pistol and point it at him, but Spike rolls across the floor, dodging the bullets and landing in front of the guy, then grabbing him and pulling him to a box to the left. and grabbing a small glass, burying it in his eye and going straight for the boss; who steps back, but the green-haired boy grabs a pencil from the desk and approaches. The boss then stumbles and falls backwards, giving Spike the opportunity to pounce and ram the pencil right into the boss's heart. So he gets up and looks at the clock. "How ugly, 4 minutes and 10 seconds, and the last one hasn't finished yet" He said to himself when he saw the time and turned around. Hearing the groans of agony from his latest victim, who is on the ground with the glass still in his left eye, Spike reaches out and grabs the gun Perci dropped when he grabbed him. "¿Who-Who are you?" The manager asked, terrified by the 17 year old's actions. "Everybody wants to know that, but who I am doesn't matter, since everyone who asks me ends up dead..." He told her with a dull, serious and dark voice "From what my friend told me, you take the piss out of her money she earns, threatening to rape her if she sues you, and now they were thinking of ruining another girl's life, I don't know, something unheard of... You're doomed" And with those last words, he shoots, killing the last person in the room. "Well, this doesn't end here, if he took the money from him and brought it here, then the money would be…" He looks around the room until he focuses on a large, semi-open box and walks towards it, opening it to find many wads of bills with a note saying 'Singer's Money' "Bingo" It was said. 3 hours later Sweetie Belle leaves the stage and goes to her dressing room after giving her fans another night of pure music. Upon entering, she glances at the table and sees several wads of bills stacked next to a note, she grabs said note and opens it: This is yours The note said in green, Sweetie puts a hand to her mouth and a tear rolls down her face until it leaves her. Then a smile forms. "Thanks... Spike" She said to herself silently. Returning to Spike, he is walking home with a smile, knowing that he did the right thing to help a new friend. > Chapter 4: Making New Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been 2 days since Spike murdered his new friend's manager, from what he saw on the news, they had found the bodies, but the attacker was unknown. Now Monday morning, he is at school, taking some things out of his locker before closing it and going to his class, going through the same thing as every day, he does not pay attention and still answers everything well. At recess, he's sitting in the bleachers of the soccer field, watching the team train. It isn't long before he notices a shadow of someone behind him and just grabs Ember's hand, before she punches him again. "Honestly, you're very predictable, Ember" He said with a smile. "¡I hate that you know my every move!" She smiled too and withdrew her hand, sitting next to him "¿Did you do anything interesting this weekend?" "Just walking around town and helping a new friend" The boy smiled as he remembered Sweetie and their confrontation. "So you did 'IT' that was on the news" making quotes, emphasizing the bodies in the abandoned warehouse. Spike nodded. "¿And who is your new friend?" She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "¿Jealous, Ember?" Saying that, he saw her friend's face turn red as he laughs, she gave him a playful slap on the arm and looks at him with annoyance "Hehe, her name is Sweetie Belle, she's Scarlett Jones's sister" "So you're friends with Anjulie Jones" The two turn to see their friend Thorax, who sits on the other side of Spike and greets them with a fist bump. "¿How have you been, Thorax?" Ember asked. "Very good, in fact, in the junkyard I found a 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am" He replied with evident joy in his voice. "Don't tell me, you're going to paint him like The Bandit from Smokey And The Bandit" Spike guessed, just as excited. "¡Yes!" "I see how they became friends, hehe" Alexa said. They keep talking until they see that it is time for their second hour of study, they go back to the school and each one goes to their corresponding class. Last recess, the green-haired man is at the dining tables outside, looking at photos of his parents on his cell phone. Suddenly, someone approaches him and he looks up, seeing the same girl with light pink and pale purple hair and green eyes. "Oh, hi, Sweetie" The boy greeted. "Hello, Spike" She smiled at him. "¿You need something?" "I wanted to thank you for... You know, 'defending me' " The girl said. "It's not necessary, as long as those who I help are well, that's enough for me" He answered scratching his head. "Please, I insist" The singer insisted. Sighing, he agreed and asked, "Ok ¿How do you want to thank me?" Suddenly, he was surprised when she hugged him, whispering "thank you" to him without realizing that there are 2 girls behind them. The first has long bright red hair, bright orange eyes, and a peach tea. She wears a green shirt, white pants, white Nikes and wears a bow at the nape of his neck and a scarf around his neck. The second girl has short magenta hair, purple eyes, and a brunette complexion. She wears a purple t-shirt with a black leather jacket, distressed blue jeans, and classic Vans. "¿Sweetie Belle?" Upon hearing her name, she immediately walks away and turns to see the 2 girls behind her saying, "Oh, hi, Applebloom, Scootaloo." "We were looking for you" Applebloom said. "But apparently you were busy" Scootaloo added, giving the two a suggestive look. "¡I-It's not what you think, I just wanted to thank you for something you did for me!" The singer spoke quickly and with a big blush on her face. After calming down, she introduced them: "Ok, girls, this is Spike Drake, Spike, this is my friends Applebloom and Scootaloo" "Hello" Applebloom greeted with a wave of her hand. "What's up" Scootaloo greeted simply, then added: "What a way to say thank you ¿What did he do for you?" She turned to Spike, silently asking if she could tell them what he did for her, he nods and Sweetie Belle goes back to her friends. "¿Remember my idiot manager who was taking money from me?" They nodded "¿And do you remember the bodies found in the warehouse?" Before nodding, the 2 girls looked at each other and 'ohhh'. "I just went and beat them up a bit, from then on I don't know who killed them" He lied to them, not wanting them to know more than they already know. After that, the 3 of them started talking while they went back to their classes, they share laughs, anecdotes and things about their lives. After school, Spike went off with his friends, surprised that, despite being lonely and only looking for him to help them, he can still make friends. > Chapter 5: Breaking Point > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike is always known as a very good person, although lonely, he has friends who care about him, but they know that once they are hurt, he reveals his other side, but that is another time. This day he is at home cleaning the floors, leaving them shiny, it has been 4 days since he became friends with the sisters of the popular girls, they have done many fun things and have helped each other in the classes they had together, then he discovered that their names are Dolly Daniels and Sarah Lohan, also their other 2 friends have visited from time to time. "I didn't expect someone to want to be my friend after 2 years, they usually just look for me to help them" He said to himself still surprised, he didn't expect that, after meeting Ember and Thorax, they would give him the opportunity to make new friends. After spending a long time changing the channel, until he stops at a news channel, he is intrigued as they talk about a powerful mafia. "This is today's news, the Mafia Family 'The Darkness' has expanded its territory in the south side of the city, its boss: Joe Mustaine, known as Mr. Sombra has declared that he has almost complete control of the city and that those who try to stop him will die a painful death" "Wow, the most dangerous Mafia I've ever seen, I hope I don't run into them" Suddenly, someone knocks on his door, he gets up and goes to open it, finding a woman with long dark violet, moderate pink and pale gold hair, grayish violet eyes and a peach complexion. She wears a pink shirt under a jean shirt, aqua green pants and yellow high heels. She is Christine Stellar or as you know her at school: "Cadence" she is the nurse. "Cadence, I didn't expect you to come... Today" Spike said rubbing his neck, she had been visiting him since the day his parents died, she's like a personal psychologist for him. "Yeah... I know our session would start tomorrow, but... I came to give you something" She said while holding a large box that has a note on it, she hands it to him while letting out a sigh. "¿Would you like to come in?" He invited her in, standing to one side of her door. "No thanks, I'll be here tomorrow for our session anyway, see you tomorrow" She waved to the boy, walking away as Spike closed the door behind him. He goes to his living room and leaves the box on top of one of his sofas and grabs the letter, unfolds it and begins to read it, putting his hand to his mouth in shock. "Spike, I know that you have been very sad since the death of your dog and you have not wanted to talk to anyone, but closing yourself off from everyone will only bring you more pain. For your birthday we adopted a little red fox, we know you love them and we hope you will come back to smile, we love to see that smile of yours that brightens our days. With much love: mom. Tears begin to come out of his green eyes, now he knew why they went to the bank, they were going to buy what was necessary so that he could take care of him. He puts the note aside and opens the box, seeing the little fox, he caresses it gently and the animal comes closer, lying in his lap. For a moment Spike felt good, he felt like family back, the only glimpse of his parents now lying with him. After all that, we see him take some blankets next to his bed in his room, he puts them on the floor and proceeds to lie down, but he sees that his pet climbs on his bed and lies next to him, Spike does not care and leave it. "Tomorrow we will go buy you food and toys, good night, Fawkes" The next day. Spike is in his garage, in front of his orange Dodge, he gets in next to his fox and starts it, leaving the house and going towards a pet store. Already in the place, he begins to choose suitable toys for his pet and food, pays for it and returns home, where he also sees that Cadence was waiting for him. This is how the days of joy have passed for our protagonist, having fun with his pet and his friends, although he will soon meet more people who want to be his friends. Another day at school and almost everyone is in the dining room, having lunch with friends or also having lunch outside on a beautiful day, Spike is alone, his 2 friends did not attend and his other 3 friends had to finish something, although he is used to it. But soon some shadows cover him and he looks up, seeing the 8 popular girls in front of him. "Uhh... ¿Can I help you?" He asked a little confused when he saw them in front of him. "¿Can we sit with you?" Bella asked, pointing to everything around the table. Surprised by that, he sees them back and the rest of the people looking at him just as surprised, not wanting to make them wait, he replies: "Yeah, go ahead" That provoked many comments and insults directed at him, but the girls gave them a look serious and everyone went back to their things. "I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves, hehe" Susan said, aware that everyone knows them. "Yes, hehe, although I do have to introduce myself. I'm Spike Drake, nice to meet you" He introduced himself and looked at all of them. "The pleasure is ours, Spike" Star said with a smile. "I'm sorry if I'm rude but ¿Why did you decide to sit with me?" He asked nervously, it wasn't normal for the most popular girls to sit with someone lonely like him. "¡I told them to, so we could meet you after our attempt to talk to Fluttershy!" Diane answered between jumps and with her big smile, seeing her friend Lisa who is hiding in her hair. "Also, to thank you for giving that idiot manager of my little sister what he deserves, thank you very much" Scarlett thanked him. "It was nothing, someone needed help and I helped her, although I didn't expect them to kill him" He remembered when in reality HE killed him. "But you still did something good, besides, my sister has told me about the times she had fun with you" Kelly recalled how her sister arrived one day with a lot of energy and told her about her day with him. "You're a kind hearted person, and we appreciate that" Jackeline saw her friends nod, making Spike feel a little uncomfortable, but for a moment. "S-So we came here to find out if..." Lisa spoke in a not so low voice and paused for a moment. "¿Do you want to be our friend?" They all said at the same time, waiting for a response from the already surprised Spike, who sees that their words are sincere and doesn't take long to reply: "Of course" They cheer and hug him, making him blush very much. But not everything is rosy... We see him coming back from a supermarket with shopping bags, he gets in his car and leaves the bags, until a 1969 Mustang pulls up next to him, 3 people getting out, but one stands out more. He has short amber yellow gray hair, bright crimson eyes, and a tan tea. He wears a dark grayish reddish brown suit, dress pants of the same color, and black shoes. He just sees Spike's car and approaches. "Wow, what a great car you have here, boy" He said admiring his vehicle. "I found it and sent it to be repaired" He replied simply. "¿What's your price? I'd love to have it in my collection" He smirked at him, staring at him. "Its not for sale" "Come on, everyone in the world has their price, stupid" He insulted him, but he saw that it didn't affect him. "Don't be stupid" And without further ado, he leaves the place, leaving the man with a frown, but that changes to a smile. At night, Spike prepares to sleep next to his fox, but a noise catches his attention and he goes to investigate. He goes to the kitchen and sees nothing, then to the main entrance and sees that it is open, he closes it and turns on the light in the living room, at that moment, someone hits him on the neck and pushes him, Spike complains about pain. But in that they kick his face, causing it to bleed and then another blow to the stomach, leaving him in complete pain, then he sees the people with masks and one of them approaches and removes it, revealing the gentleman from before. "I told you, boy, everyone in the world has their price" He said before kicking him, but he doesn't, as he groans in pain, he sees his leg and sees the fox biting his leg, he kicks it away and pulls out a gun, giving it. After that, they leave, leaving Spike on the verge of being knocked unconscious, dropping a single tear at the sight of his pet. > Chapter 6: Spike Drake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New day, but... It's different from the other days, especially for Spike. He slowly wakes up, seeing a trail of blood leading to himself, looks down to see Fawkes looking at him and, with his last efforts, licks his face, before sleeping, forever. At that moment something inside Spike broke, something changed inside him, he gets up with difficulty and carries his fox, going to get a shovel and towards his yard, where he begins to dig a hole, where he puts the little fox in his box and buries him. "Goodbye... Fawkes..." Were his last words, before clenching his fists and teeth and returning home, completely changed. While he is going through it all, in a secluded part of the city, we see the same orange Dodge driving through the streets of the south until he arrives at a garage where he enters and stops. That workshop belongs to the mafia, where they carry all kinds of things in secret compartments inside the cars, be it weapons, bits or moonshine. The gentleman from before leaves and arrives with the owner, who worries when he sees him with that car. "Hey, Garble" He greeted the owner, known as Garble, though his name is Gabriel Brown. He is a 20 years old boy, he has short orange hair, gray olive eyes, and a brown complexion. He wears a gray gold T-shirt under a subdued red jacket, distressed blue jeans and brown leather boots. "Discord ¿Where did you get the car?" He asked, although he already knows whose it is, he wanted to know what the now known Discord would say. "Oh, I found it at the used car lot, I wanted it for myself-" He is interrupted by Garble, who yells at him: "¡Tony Osbourne, that's Spike Drake's car!" "Hey ¿Why all the fuss over a stolen car?" That question was answered by a jab from Gabriel towards him, who looks at him surprised by the scandal over a single car. "¿You don't know anything about him? Better talk to your boss, I won't waste my time with you, go now" He warned him, feeling hate towards him. Tony gets up and cleans his suit, leaving the place, while the boy sits down and takes a bottle of straight vodka from his side and pours himself into a glass. Meanwhile, Discord arrives at a 20 story building and takes the elevator to the top floor, where there is a lounge, a bar and a view of the city. In the bar, he finds a 30 years old man. He has short dark hair, bright crimson eyes and a peach tea. He wears a red T-shirt under a dark gray suit, dress pants of the same color and black shoes. "Mr. Sombra, I have news for you" "You got a new car ¿Right?" The mob boss 'The Darkness' asked in a deep voice. "That's right, a beautiful orange 1969 Dodge Charger, I took it from a green haired boy" Saying that, Joe Mustaine falls silent and then sighs, approaching his comrade and punching him in the stomach very hard, making him lie down in pain. "Apparently, Gabriel already warned you about him, but you didn't understand the seriousness of your actions" "¿Wh-Why all the fuss over a stupid high school boy?" He asked with pain and nervous, it was the first time his boss hit him. "He's not your average teenager" He sat back down and started to tell her. While that is happening, we see Spike taking a shower, after which he puts on his green shirt with his purple leather jacket, black jeans and boots of the same color. Then he leaves his house and takes a bus. "After losing his parents 5 years ago, he set out to be the best youth hitman" Sombra continued, took a sip of his tequila and continued: "¿Have you heard of the killer who wiped out the mafia 'The Spectre'? "¿He did it?" He looked surprised at his boss, who nodded in response. Spike makes it to the south side of town, gets off the bus and goes straight to Garble's garage and walks in, causing everyone to flinch and go silent. "¿Where is he? ¿Who was that guy?" he asked Garble bluntly. "Hello... Spike" He greeted without even looking at him: "He took it, I don't know where and... They are 'The Darkness' specifically, he is Tony 'Discord' Osbourne, Joe 'Sombra' Mustaine's right hand" At that, he opens the mini fridge on his left side and takes out an energy drink and pours it into a glass, giving it to him as an apology. The green-haired man looks at the full glass and drinks it, saying: "It's not your fault, but I need a car ¿Which one do you have available?" "A 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 396" "¿Then what did he do to make everyone fear him?" Discord asked. "I contacted him anonymously, I asked him to eliminate 20 male dealers, an impossible task for anyone, but he did it and killed the last ones with a corkscrew and a pencil, a fucking pencil" We see the green haired man back in his house, going down to the basement with a sledgehammer, until he stops in the middle and begins to destroy the floor. "Many call him 'Joker', because of how calculated he had everything, 'The Equalizer', because in the end he was able to do justice for his parents, 'The Dragon' because of his fire traps, but everyone always calls him by a name..." kept counting. "I know those names..." He said, now knowing what he did. "Spike Drake" After smashing his floor, he takes out all the rubble, revealing a wooden box which he opens, revealing various weapons and a suit. Sombra hugs his right hand, while continuing to speak to him: "He will come for you, and there is no stopping him, no matter how many people you send, he is relentless" Back at the house, at night, we see different people with weapons coming in, waiting for a sign from him, but nothing happens. Suddenly one of them is knocked out and pushed away into the darkness, then it appears. Spike, now wearing a white shirt over a black suit with a red tie, black dress pants and black shoes. He also uses a Beretta 92FS and kills everyone present, taking cover behind walls and blocking attacks. Then he walks close to one of the walls and hears from the other side that they dropped a charger, then taking a 45° angle, he hits him twice in the head. "You are nothing against me" He said darkly before turning around and finishing off another gangster with an accurate shot to the heart. There is a knock on the door shortly after, Spike goes to open it and sees a policeman he knows very well, he is wearing a standard police suit and his squad car is behind him. He has short moderate sapphire blue hair with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo blue streaks, moderate cerulean eyes and a brunette tea, his name tag reads "James Sagan" or as his friends call him "Shining Armor" "Hello, Shining" The teenager greeted nonchalantly. "Hello, Spike, I heard some shots and I came to check" He leans out and sees bodies lying around with blood on their heads "¿Going back to work?" "Yes" "¿Does my sister know who you are?" "No, he only knows my good side" He assured her, they have been great friends and he swore they would never know about his work, especially his sister. "Alright, I'll call someone to take care of it" He thanked her and got into his new car, going in search of revenge against 'The Darkness' even if it took him all night, he would go after the murderer of his fox and against the entire mafia if necessary. > Chapter 7: Happy Hunting 1/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been 2 hours since Spike completely abandoned his kind and good side, letting his hitman side take complete control. You are now driving to a familiar location. He arrives in town and stops at the Coffee where he met his good friend Sweetie Belle, the waitress sees him in the suit and nods, leaving him alone. At that, a black car approaches and one of the passengers gets out, entering the Coffee and advancing against Spike, but before he covers his mouth, he grabs him and flips him on the table, pulling out his pistol and shooting at the head, and then the lights go out. The others rush in and out, only to find their partner dead on a table and no sign of their target. The green-haired man is watching them from the back door of the place, leaving through the city until he enters an apartment complex and the receptionist sees him. "Oh Mr. Drake, how nice it is to have you here again", the lady said as she gave him a smile that he couldn't return right now. "I need the usual room, with the others around it empty", his tone was a bit serious, as if he still blamed himself for the death of his pet. "I see, on the third floor at the back on the left there is no one there and it is equipped", she replied as she gives him 2 keys, he grabs them and goes up the stairs. Once up, he goes to the left and opens the door at the bottom, finding his old room where he used to make plans and hide. He wastes no time and starts to go to a radio in the kitchen, where he disarms it. He starts looking in his old room, taking out a painting where behind it there is a hole full of weapons and grenades, he just grabs one and takes it with him to then turn on the oven and leave it open. He puts the grenade inside the radio connected to some wires. Outside. The car is parked in front of the apartments, while the driver grabs his phone and starts calling his boss. "Boss Discord, he's in an apartment, we're about to go in". "Okay, so we've got the little devil out", Tony said from the other end of the phone, hanging up as his henchmen exited and headed towards the compound. Inside, they start checking the rooms, tampering with the locks and going in, but they don't find it, but then, they see the room at the end of the corridor, the 4 henchmen grab their weapons and go in, seeing everything turned off except for the radio, they advance carefully , checking everything. Below them, in a room on the second floor, is Spike with a tablet, watching them through hidden cameras, also looking at a clock, seeing how much time they have left before going to the kitchen. Then he sees the oven close and Marilyn Manson's Killing Strangers just starts playing. And at that precise moment, before leaving, they turn off the radio, causing it and the entire room to explode due to the gas from the oven. The boy doesn't smile at his victory, he just lies down and rests for today. At school in the morning. All the teenagers go on with their normal lives, not noticing the absence of a particular student, except for a few people. "Hey, Thorax. Have you seen Spike? I haven't seen him all day yesterday or today", a worried Ember asked. "I haven't seen him either, it's... It's strange that he didn't come yesterday or today", Arthur responded equally worried, until they both heard someone behind them. "Are they Spike's friends?" Turning around, they see Sweetie, Applebloom and Scootaloo. "We haven't seen it either", Sarah said. "I didn't know you made new friends too", both Alexa and Arthur looked puzzled at this until they heard someone approaching again. "Are they talking about Spike? Spike Drake?" Bella asked her friends right, leaving the two even more surprised. "Wow, apparently he did make friends", thought Thorax, but returned to the subject at hand: "Yes, the same green-haired man. But it's strange that he doesn't come". "How about after school we all go to his house, he must have fallen asleep", Rainbow Dash proposed, receiving a nod from everyone present. While in the principals' office, Cadence is in front of the principal and the vice principal. The first has long sky blue, light turquoise, slightly cobalt blue and light pale pink hair, gray magenta eyes and a porcelain complexion. She wears a white shirt over a greyish fuchsia suit, pants of the same color and golden heels. The second has slightly long moderate cobalt blue hair, moderate cerulean eyes and a peachy complexion. She wears a black shirt over a moderate phthalo blue suit, pants of the same color and black heels. They are: Tina Campbell and Janis Campbell, or known to the students as Celestia and Luna. "Good morning, Cadence", the 2 sisters greeted the nurse, who also greeted them. "What is the visit for?" Luna asked, to which Christine replied: "Do you know anything about the student Spike Drake? He didn't come yesterday or today". "We haven't heard from him, we know that you care about him after he lost his parents, so do we, but he must be fine, I don't know, maybe sick", Celestia replied, although a little restless, days ago she felt something in the chest, as if stabbed. Those words calmed the nurse's nerves a bit, so she stepped back and Tina let out a deep breath: "Luna, I feel like something bad happened to Spike". "I feel that too, but we'll find out later, for now we have to control the school". After school, Spike's 13 friends headed home, looking for him and asking if he's alright. When they arrive, they knock on the door, but they don't receive an answer, they go to knock again, but the door is opened by the breeze. "Is it okay if we go inside? I wouldn't want to break into a house without asking", Fluttershy said nervously, feeling like she was going to invade her friend's privacy. "Relax, it's fine as long as it's friends who enter", Ember reassured her, then they enter. In doing so, they all had the same reactions: surprise, anxiety, fear, shock, etc. Seeing broken things, bullet holes and crimson stains on the ground, everyone starts looking everywhere for him, but can't find him. "They found him?" Applejack asked nervously, they just walk in and what they see is what they would find at a crime scene. "No, but I found something very wrong in the yard", Arthur said as he leads them to the back, where they see a small grave with a cross on it that says: "Here lies Fawkes, a good fox". They all put their hand to their mouth, since they know who Fawkes is. They go back inside and Dolly turns on the TV watching a news channel. "In the last few hours, 5 people have been found dead, one in a Café and another 4 in an apartment that burst into flames. They still don't know the identity of who did it, but the bodies are from 'The Darkness' Mafia, so this can be interpreted as someone has decided to confront them". From the other side of the city. We're back with Spike, who emerges from a Mafia bar with a phone and a bloodstained corkscrew, then dials someone he knows very well until he answers. "Hello?" "Tony 'Discord' Osbourne, you took away the only memory I had of my parents. Everyone in the world has their price, stupid", and he hangs up. In Discord's room, he still has his phone to his ear, not moving until he drops it and starts shaking, knowing that now it would be his turn, his companions were already hunted by the Dragon, now he would be the next victim of this hunting. > Chapter 8: Happy Hunting 2/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike wakes up the next morning without any visible emotion, gears up his guns and knives and leaves the apartments, heading back to the streets and retrieving his new car, driving through the city. He stops in front of the same garage and walks in, seeing Garble repairing a car, he stops what he is doing and confronts him. "What do you need, Spike?" The boy asked more calmly. "Locations that son of a bitch frequents the most," he said coldly when mentioning his pet's killer. "He frequents the bar where you carried out a massacre, this place, the coastal bay and a club a few kilometers from here," he gave him what he wanted and went to continue working on his cars while the hitman leaves with the information he needed. Somewhere else. In a peaceful neighborhood, inside a colonial style house, are Spike's 2 friends, that is Thorax's house, he is lucky to have medical parents. They are both in the living room. "Hey, Ember," he called the attention of her friend, who had been silent for a long time. "You have doubts about where Spike is. Don't you? Me too," she told him without encouragement, since they found the small grave, nothing has been the same. "Do you think he... Is back?" He hesitated a bit whether to talk about it. Once they saw him with his other side trying to save them and... They were scared by how cold it can be, from that day he swore to them that he would never be that guy again. But now Arthur doubts whether he broke his oath. "We found several smudges and bullet holes and... Fawkes," before continuing, he is abruptly interrupted by a frustrated Ember. "Tell me what's your fucking point, Thorax!" "My point is that these Mafia deaths are no coincidence. He's definitely back," he finally said. Seeing her, he could see how she denies and grits her teeth, trying to deny what her friend said and believing that this is a dream, a nightmare. Back with Spike. At night, he parks a little way from the club and loads his Heckler & Koch P30L pistols with a capacity of 15 rounds of bullets, then gets out of the car and breaks into the club. Inside. The damn Discord is sitting in an armchair smoking a cigarette while on the other side there is a party with disco music, alcohol and more substances. "Damn green haired son of a bitch," he insulted furiously as he takes another drag on his cigar. On the other side, Spike begins to kill all the bodyguards, taking advantage of the loud music and his skills in various types of fighting to attack them and finish them off with a bullet to the head. Reload another 15 bullets and keep going, killing more of them no matter what. He soon reaches a room knocking down another guard, meeting no one but Discord, who looks at him and sees something that horrifies him: Death itself, the angel that comes for you with that empty and spiteful look. He then kills the guard without taking his eyes off him and Tony starts running for his life while the green haired boy just walks. The Mobster warns the remaining guards, but Spike just shoots and reloads, sometimes hand to hand when he doesn't have time to reload. He runs across the club just to let his prey know that his hunter is here to claim his prize, it's almost like a game of hunt and catch. They leave the club and quickly Discord takes a car and runs towards the coastal bay, Spike follows in his Chevrolet, seeing more of Osbourne's men who he easily eliminates with the car as he goes down and sees him take a boat. He goes down and starts walking while shooting close to him, inflicting fear on Discord, who starts the boat and starts to cross to the other side, our protagonist takes aim and fires the last 2 bullets, hitting him in the shoulder and leg, hearing his screams of agony. "Very soon, damn Tony, your hunter will be done with his merry hunting," he said slowly and gravely, putting his gun away and just receiving a call from an unknown number which he answers. "Hello, Spike Drake, this is the anonymous from years ago, known as Mr. Shadow, leave my best man alone, can we-," Spike hangs up before he can continue and is back in town before dawn. > Chapter 9: Discord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday afternoon, and the Canterlot High students are already savoring the flavor of the weekend, all finishing their second class and walking around the building, but 2 teenagers are not happy. We talk about Thorax and Ember. "No...," the girl said aloud, getting her friend's attention. "Excuse me?" "I can't accept that 'he' is back...". "Who came back?" Question that took them both by surprise, seeing their 3 new friends behind them. "Why so sad?" Applebloom asked. "Is it someone unwanted that came back?" Scootaloo finished asking. "Well, partly yes but...," Arthur replied, lowering his gaze. "It's complicated," Alexa tried to say, but trailed off sadly at the memory. So they are about to leave, except that little Jones says something that makes them stop and look at her: "Does it have to do with a... young assassin type?" It took him a while to say the last thing, since she assumed that they have been friends with "him" for a long time. "How...?" Alexa hesitated to hear her talk about it, surprised that she knows. "It was a little tricky but... We found out, after he lied to us that he only hit Anjulie's manager," Scootaloo explained to them. "We haven't told anyone, because we knew there was something she didn't like about being 'that' person," Applebloom finished. "He... He saved us once, but we were afraid of that side of him that swore he'd never be that guy again," Thorax finally recounted, revealing what he told them that day. "He saved me…and it broke my heart to see his pet buried and him missing," her beautiful eyes filled with tears, but she didn't let them fall. "Yeah... Us too." With Spike. He is right in front of his school, waiting for the exact time that everyone enters his last class to enter without being seen, he looks at his watch and sees that it is time. He enters and begins to walk down the long corridor, he stops at the door of the directors' office and opens it slowly without making a sound seeing that there is no one, then inside the suit he takes out a letter that he leaves on the desk, but when he turns around, he sees a surprised Celestia and Luna with 2 cups of tea. "Spike...," the principal hesitated as she saw her student in that outfit again. "You are... The Dragon," Luna nearly dropped her mug in shock. "Principal, vice principal... I'm sorry, but I can't stay," he looks down and walks between them, but Tina grabs his arm and hugs him. Janis also does the same, staying in a group hug that surprised the young green haired man, but in the end he ends up accepting and sheds a single solitary tear until they part. "We are so sorry for the loss of your pet," the multicolored one placed a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. "Twilight told us, she went to your house with the others to look for you," Luna explained, the surprise fading from her face. "I... Thank you, for everything, I can't stay any longer, I have to go," he told them as he gave them one more hug and walked out of the office directly towards the infirmary. He also enters slowly, but already knowing what would happen, he leaves one last letter on a table and turns around, waiting for any word from Christine, but what he received was a big hug from her psychologist, where she sheds a couple of tears. "When Arthur and Alexa told me your house was attacked and…Fawkes in the backyard, I thought you went another way," she said through her tears, her voice cracking but relieved. "Sorry, just... I was looking for someone," he replied, looking away. "You're Joker, the one who's been murdering the Mafia," she didn't say with surprise, since she partly intuited it from someone who had just lost his entire family. "Yes, and the letter was just going to reveal who I really was, I also gave it to Celestia and Luna... I have to go, I still need to find someone," he said before giving her a last hug as well and walking directly towards the exit, looking for his prey. In another side. It is already past afternoon and we see a huge warehouse guarded by several agents of the Mafia "The Darkness" outside and inside with semi-automatic rifles. Inside one of the cubicles, Tony Osbourne is in a bar watching the news on television, as always, showing the murders of his henchmen. "Bodyguards who died trying to protect me from that young hitman... Now I only have you guys left, Joe Mustaine can't give me any more henchmen," he said to the bartender, who sighed and poured him another shot of vodka. Near the complex, there is Spike with a sniper with which he aims holding his breath and aiming at one of the guarded vans, shooting and causing it to explode along with the other transports. He found out from Garble that this is his command center and before he got there, he planted some bombs. The sound of the explosions caught the attention of Discord, who quickly looks out the window of the place and sees his men running outside, knowing who it is, he starts to run and go down. Spike enters without any problem, killing whoever gets close to him, while Tony reaches the back where there are 5 more cars, but just at that moment, the green haired man activates a button and the vehicles explode, causing the shock wave to send Discord back just as the hunter finds his defenseless and injured prey. "H-Hey, it was just a car-," the hunter finished off his last victim of his hunt, ending his journey... Or not, since he gets a call. "Spike! Spike! Thanks for being quick with him, even though you killed my best man and friend, you're still on my list-," he cuts again, preparing to return to the hunt. > Chapter 10: Attack On School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra expected this, his first thought when his best man and friend stole that car was that he was done for, he provoked the wrong guy and paid the price. "Sir. What do we do now? Tony died and more than half of the Mafia Family went with him," asked a henchman, walking into his boss's office. "He's on my hit list, you have to hit him where it hurts the most... First you have to attack his heart," he replied with a smile. With Spike. He drives home in his orange Dodge, turns off the engine, and sighs, getting out and walking toward his sweet home, stepping inside and seeing the dried blood stains and bullet holes on the walls. "I'm back," he says simply, feeling back at home and beginning to clean up the stains and cover the holes with some furniture or paint. He then goes back to the basement and from the hidden box he takes out a Remington Tac-14, 5 round capacity combat shotgun, an AKM assault rifle and 2 Desert Eagle Mark XIX pistols. While he prepares, Shadow prepares his men, training all who remain with target shooting, knife throwing, hand to hand combat. Spike also trains with a boxing bag in his garage different combat techniques and target shooting with his weapons. Thus creating a parallel between a prey ready to be found and a hunter ready to face his biggest game. In the school. All of Spike's friends are gathered in an empty classroom on the second floor, Arthur and Alexa called everyone to break the news of who Spike is to the 8 popular girls. "What is the reason you called us?" Twilight asked, Alexa looking for her and telling her to come here. "Yeah, curiosity is killing me," added Rainbow who looked bored. "The reason we called them was to... Tell them something about Spike," even though they swore they wouldn't tell anyone, all their friends should know. "Trust me, we don't feel right telling you this, but you have to know," Ember said ruefully. "Did they find it? Where is it? Where did we find it?" Said a desperate Pinkie with her typical smile. "No, it's just… He wasn't always that… Good to everyone," Thorax replied, still finding it hard to say. "What are you talking about?" Sunset is confused by this, everyone knows about her parents' death, but how he said it made her feel like he wasn't talking about it. "It's just... He was a different person before," the blue haired girl was itching inside to break her promise not to tell anyone. "We still don't understand, dear," Rarity replied, even more confused. "I didn't get it at first either, but what they're getting at is that...," Sweetie Belle continued, pausing to look at the 2 teens and nod. "He's a hitman," the three of them said at the same time along with Dolly and Sarah. Hearing that, everyone was shocked with incredulous and surprised faces, they didn't expect this, then Starlight remembered the news of the murders. "So... That means that those deaths...," the girl waited for one of the two to finish for her, and that happened. "Yeah, the Mafia woke up the previous Spike and went to exact revenge on them," he finally said what the boy found out. "Spike...I remember, I heard about a certain Joker once," Applejack told everyone her memory, hoping that her suspicions were true. "It's him, one of his nicknames," Alexa replied. "So… What he did for Anjulie…," Fluttershy continued in a low, sheepish voice. "He killed him, I'm very grateful to him," she touched her arm sheepishly, remembering when he returned her money. With Sombra. He and his men park in front of the school, leaving and hiding their weapons, some go through the back door and enter shooting at the roof, causing chaos and panic among the students who run looking for a way out, the other henchmen enter from all sides, cornering everyone in the gym, the last to also be taken there are Spike's friends, the principal and vice principal and the nurse. "Alright, this is going to be like this, your school now belongs to 'The Darkness' so stay here or else there will be a massacre," Mr. Shadow told everyone. With Spike. He is back in the warehouse where his friend works, he enters and all the workers are silent when they see him in his suit, knowing what he is coming for, Ralph goes with him. "What do you need, Spike?" Big Mac asked his green haired friend. "Mirrors, sacks of dirt, nail gun, barbed wire, shovels and saw blades," He listed the things he needs. "What do you need those things for?" "The school was attacked by the Mafia, all the students are cornered, the police don't know what to do," revealed the information that went on television, the news worried the guard a lot. "Please, save my sisters," he begged him to save them, something he is willing to do, not caring if he has to give his life to save everyone. > Chapter 11: A Hitman Vs The Mafia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 hours have passed since the Mafia took over the school, 7 hours that several patrols have been in front of the school and snipers in the nearby buildings. It is now 10:15 p.m. and everything is quiet. "Captain Sagan, we found a trail of dirt leading into the school through a window." Shining raises an eyebrow and follows his partner, seeing the trail that leads from a Dodge to the window: "Let this guy work, he's a friend and he's an expert at this." "Yes sir," he returned to his other companions as Shining smiled knowing who it was. Inside. All the Mafia men are in the dark corridors of the school, watching that no one enters or leaves the building. Spike is walking the corridors in silence, he looks a little tired. "Alright, let the night hunt begin," he said as he grabs his combat shotgun and kills a guard, drawing the attention of a nearby guard, who sees his partner dead and starts walking down the hall with his gun trained. He turns left and just sees a locker move, he quickly steps in front of it and opens it, but as he does so, cracked parts of a mirror impale his face, killing him. Spike keeps moving until he reaches another room, where another mobster sees him and follows him, the man finds him in front of a hanging barbed wire. "I wouldn't run if I were you," he warned her. But he didn't listen and ran, tripping over another wire at the bottom of the door, causing his head to enter the wire and a bag of dirt to fall from the ceiling, choking the guy as blood spurts from his neck. He gets out and soon hides in a corner just as 4 men shoot in his direction, inside his suit he takes out 6 saw blades and throws them like a frisbee. The first hits one in the face, splitting his nose and forehead in half, squirting blood, the second hits the second in the chest, the third hits the third attacker in the neck, nearly decapitating the guy, and the last hits the last one in the eye, causing him to scream in pain, but Spike comes out and silences him with one of his Eagles. That shot draws the attention of the last remaining people downstairs, who run in his direction, he returns and pulls out his nail gun from a locker, hitting each one in the head or neck, finishing them all off. He then goes up the stairs to the second floor, where he has a Sombra guard on his back, he sneaks up and covers his mouth, hitting him in the neck, knocking him unconscious. Keep advancing turning left and seeing 6 of Mr. Sombra's henchmen, he whistles and they all turn in his direction reloading their weapons while Spike opens the door in front of everyone, when doing so, the shovels he asked for (which are 2) launch something like catapults. What they throw are 3 smoke bombs that explode as soon as they reach them, some are stunned and others cough, the young green-haired man moves into the mist, cutting everyone's neck with one of his remaining saws, watching how the floor is stained by the crimson liquid. After that, he turns left and sees a guy get into a boxing stance, so he walks towards him and then blocks a straight then ducks to avoid a cross and finally responds with an uppercut, pulling him away a bit and pulls out his Eagle, giving him a headshot. He checks how many bullets he has left and sees that he has 5 bullets left, enough to finish off the rest, then he starts looking for the others while pulling out his AKM assault rifle and shooting everyone he comes across, expending his first round of 30 bullets and reloading again without wasting time going to the right side of the school, where he kills the last 10. Going back to the stairs, he sees the one he knocked out wakes up, without even looking at him, he shoots him in the head. That gets the attention of Sombra and his 2 guards. "You, go check," he told his guard to his left, who was coming out of the gym. And the first thing he sees is a smoke screen from a fire extinguisher, then from behind a saw blade flies towards his face, he walks backwards as he slowly dies until he falls on his back next to Joe. The other guard on his right draws his weapon quickly, but is also hit by a saw blade, which scares the students and teachers, the head of "The Darkness" turns and sees Spike coming out of the smoke. Almost all of the hostages are surprised and shocked to see him, except for almost all of his friends, who are happy to see him, but Ember and Thorax get a chill when they see the hitman Spike back. "You took out all my men, even with traps some told me before running to their deaths," Joe Mustaine said surprisingly calmly with a smile. "It wasn't easy to set each one of the traps downstairs, having everyone walking the corridors, but upstairs it was easy," he explained as well, the two of them unconscious walking backwards. "In the end I was wrong, I don't have a chance to kill you, but I don't give up." "I killed the whole pack, I just need to kill the alpha and the hunt will be over," he used hunting language against Joe again. "But this prey always has an exit window," as he says that, the wall behind him is collapsed by a truck, which backs up and he escapes. Spike stands still, but he doesn't take long to walk towards the hole, but a voice stops him, without turning around. "Spike...," Cadence called, causing the green haired man to turn around now. "Now everyone knows who I really am, what I really am. Every day I wake up and think about this life before, swearing that I would never be this murderer again and help others in another way, but... Sometimes we have to break promises to save others," he said, although he said it with the intention that his 2 best friends would listen and know how to forgive him. "Go get that son of a bitch and kill him," Thorax told him as he smiled along with his friends. He turns and leaves, but before he says something to everyone: "Don't tell anyone who I am or that I saved you." > Chapter 12: Mr. Sombra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's 12:30 at night and Spike chases Joe Mustaine in his car while he's a passenger in the truck that rescued him, they turn into several city streets, but neither of them gives up. "He's like a rock in the shoe that boy," Sombra said to apparently no one in particular. "Easy boss, once we get to the coastal bay, you can take a boat and get out of here," the driver replied. "That will happen if you manage to escape from him." They continue in pursuit while they go south of the city, reaching the coastal bay and getting out of the truck, the driver has a double barrel shotgun and starts shooting at Spike, but the fool does not move from the place and is run over for the young man. Joe sees this and starts running as he takes a descent to get to the boat that is tied up there, but he doesn't get on, instead waiting patiently for something to happen. And that happens: Spike fires at the ship with his Eagle Mark XIX. "Did you think I was going to run away? How wrong you are," he told him as he turned around, seeing the green haired man looking at him seriously. "You're not one to run," Spike lowers his gun until it points directly at Sombra's head. He begins to walk while taking the descent and is a few meters from the boss of "The Darkness" who walks towards him and, with a quick movement, takes the weapon from him and grabs him by the neck, lifting him up. "Yeah, I'm not one for escaping," saying that, he throws him against some boxes. The young hitman gets up quickly and punches him in the stomach but he doesn't feel anything and he attacks with a punch too, Spike dodges it and lands an uppercut, which works, but I didn't expect him to hook the guy liver, giving him a chance to counter with a knee strike to the face. "You're good at combat and agility because you're fast, but I'm twice as strong as you and more resistant," he told her as he pulled a knife from his waist and made a horizontal slash. Spike dodges it, but takes a gash across his cheek on his already bloody face, just as he cuts again, he kicks out, pulling the knife out of him. "The truth is... That everything was planned," she said with the intention of seeing him surprised, but that's not the case. "Yeah… You brought me to your cave where you have the most advantage, but… I already knew that," he forced a smile and fired at some oil barrels on the ship, causing them to explode and attracting the alpha's attention. He uses this and punches him with all his might in the ribs, then tries to attack but he ducks and delivers another uppercut, throwing the gangster off balance and finally kicks him in the chest, causing him to fall. Mr. Sombra turns his head to the left and sees his knife, then just as the green haired young man jumps to finish him off, grabs the bladed weapon and puts it in front of him, young Drake stops in time, then Joe takes the opportunity to turn it over and your attacker is on the ground. Joe begins to force the knife into the boy's chest, but he keeps it still with all his strength, although it begins to go down slowly towards his chest, he turns his head to all sides trying to look for something until he sees a of his pistols, he may have dropped it when he turned around. "Along with a team I had no chance against you, but just... things change now," Sombra told him what was on his mind while still trying to kill him. "You... You can't understand me, and-and... You never will!!" He yelled as he pulled his hands away and pushed the knife further down his chest. The knife stabbed into the left side of his stomach, luckily it didn't damage any organs, he didn't even scream, he just moaned in pain as he grabbed his gun and hit him with the butt on the left side of his head, taking the mobster off his chest. above him and getting up again with difficulty due to the stab wound. He checked how many bullets he has left and saw that he only has one left, the last bullet from his pistol, since he spent the 2 shots on the boat in the other pistol. "Everyone always wants to know who I am, but every time they ask me, they end up dead... But you know what? I'm... Spike Drake," he finally said. Listening to him, Shadow finally understood with the intention that he was saying it: He is the best hitman and the best person the world has ever created. He then closes his eyes and Spike fires the last shot, taking out the last member of "The Darkness" and freeing the city from the most powerful Mafia Family. But soon his injury worsens and he staggers but stays on his feet, so he picks up his phone and dials a familiar friend: "Sh-Shining... Come get my car in the southern coastal bay... And take it to my house...," after saying that with little energy. He walks into town, sometimes holding on to streetlights and walls of businesses, until he sees a vet. Without further ado, he enters through the back, causing the animals to start making noise while Spike sees that there are bandages and disinfectant on a table, which he puts on and also the bandage. Before leaving, he looks at all the animals, but one in particular catches his attention: A red and orange bird, where in its cage there is a paper that says that it will be sacrificed. He walks over and calms the bird, then opens its cage and the bird begins to fly around, until it lands on the boy's shoulder and rubs his head against his cheek. "Hehe... You're welcome, I have to go now," as he said it, the bird snuggled closer to him. "Well... I'll take you with me. What name will I give you?" He wonders as he leaves the place with his new friend. "I know... Peewee," the bird seemed pleased by the name, making Spike smile after all this time, ending his hunt and going to rest at last. THE END.