> Indiana Jones and the Temple of Coom > by AtomicClop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Jonesing to Do Daring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The stagnant air in the temple's corridors tasted mildewy. This deep underground, the walls and ceiling dripped with condensation. Although the jungle at ground level was hot and muggy enough to make a diamond dog pant, I shivered in the cold clamminess as I sneaked through the tunnels carved from raw bedrock. I lifted my head, the beam of my headlamp sweeping. The swirling fog in the tunnel quickly diffused the light. I didn't like that.  Something eldritch tingled at the base of my wings. Magic was thick here, and I was no unicorn, no graduate of Celestia's School, to try to understand or control it. All I could do was hope for the best. I swallowed and flicked my ears before continuing down the tunnel. The fog thickened, the temperature dropped, and the magic swelled—to the point my wings were getting sore—as I poked my way deeper underground. The tunnel sloped gently downwards. It's a good thing the slope was so shallow: the stones were as slick as ice from the thick layer of slimy black mildew, and the tunnel was narrower than my wingspan, preventing flight. Had it sloped too much, I would have slid down like a foal on a toboggan and been hard-pressed to get back to the surface later without pitons and crampons. After another few hundred steps, I paused. I had heard something. I cocked my head and tilted my ears forward. Voices. "It belongs in a museum!" shouted a melodic male voice. "As do you, Doctor Jones," replied a raspy male voice.  Oh, horse apples! Somepony had found the idol before I did! And he was in a fight for it! The fog was disappearing, so I picked up my pace, scrabbling on the slick stones, slipping and sliding. Light flickered ahead of me in the distance and I closed the shutter on my headlamp, so that my glow wouldn't alert them I was approaching. I skittered to a stop and almost fell off a tall drop, my wings flaring instinctively. My tunnel spilled into a huge underground grotto. I must have been twenty pony-lengths above the floor. Weak daylight leaked in from a cave entrance to the left. Wait, daylight? I'd entered the tunnels at dusk, and that could not have been more than two hours ago! It was nighttime! Something was very weird. My wings were still flared. I closed my eyes and concentrated on their sensations. No magic. I wasn't feeling that tingle. My wings were no longer sore. Oh, pony feathers! The magical tingle had been some sort of portal or transition. I didn't know where I was—but it wasn't Equestria anymore. It was still nighttime at home, I just wasn't there anymore! Pulling in my wings and crouching down, I looked over the edge. Those weren't ponies. What were they? Well, I didn't yet have a word for it. Minotaur-like, but without horns or large ears, their skin smooth instead of furred, and wearing heavy clothing suitable for traipsing about in a jungle. They all held small metal instruments I assumed were weapons. The two pointed theirs at the one; his was pointed at the ground and he held his other hoof—hand, I guess, if we use minotaur terminology—halfway up. "This is a treasure the world deserves," said the singleton. That was the same voice that had declared it belongs in a museum earlier. I needed to take sides. I took his side.  Squinting my eyes to aim and drawing on my pegasus magic, I hit the first assailant's weapon-hand with a lightning bolt. The metal made it easy to aim; it sucked the lightning up. The world exploded with the close-up blast and flash. His weapon blew into slag and he screamed like a long-tailed cat wandering too close to a rocking chair. The other assailant looked at the first, his weapon going off target. A second blast of my lightning and his weapon also exploded. They staggered backwards, holding their ears and blinking their eyes. With a battle scream worthy of a Yak berserker, I leapt and landed on the first one's head, punching with my forehooves. His nose broke, and then his jaw. I leaped to the ground, spun, and bucked the second one in between his legs, since I knew that was where minotaurs kept their gonads and I assumed this species did the same. He screeched and went down. Gonads for sure. Gone-nads, now. I had hit him squarely. The third one—the sexy one—pointed his metal weapon at me with one hand and pushed his fedora back on his head with the other. I pushed my pith helmet back on my head and made eye contact, flaring my wings and bowing in greeting. "I, too, believe it belongs in a museum." He fainted. I poked a long stick into the embers of the fire, rearranging the coals. It was now night here — wherever 'here' was — and the heat of the day that had earlier filled the grotto was long gone, a sharp and humid chill replacing it.  He sat up. "Wha- wha- wha- did you talk?" "Yes." I nodded. "I'm Daring Do. Friends call me Daring. What's your name?" "Where are Flim and Flam?" "I carried them out of the grotto, into the forest," I said. "They stumbled off. I heard a jaguar stalking them." "You carried them?" He looked me up and down, his eyes narrowing intently. "You're smaller than my department chair's border collie. I've eaten steaks bigger than you." With a flick of my wings, I said, "I work out. And maybe I'm not small, maybe you're excessively large." (I had actually dragged the other two, one at a time, teeth clamped around their shirt collars and scrabbling backwards with all four hooves, panting and sweating. It had exhausted me and left my spine sore and strained.) (He didn't need to know that.) He shrugged and pushed his hat back on his head to wipe his brow. "Indiana Jones. Friends call me Indy... Daring." "Pleasure." I pointed at the fire. "I don't have anything to cook. A jaguar got my backpack, which had my canteen and rations. Sorry." His eyes narrowed. "It was lucky that lightning hit those two. Indoors. Underground. In the absence of weather." "Luck had nothing to do with it," I said. "I cast a spell." He shrugged. "That's... less unlikely han seeing Nazis melt." He pulled out a canteen and shook it. Only the tiniest tinkle of water sounded. "Less than a mouthful... share it?" I chuckled. "I don't have any food, but this air—" I gestured around the grotto "—is humid enough. Open the canteen and put it on the ground." With a skeptically raised eyebrow, he did so. I hopped into the air and hovered. "Good god! You can fly?!" "I'm a pegasus pony," I said. "Shush, this takes concentration..." I moved my forelegs until I found the right pattern, my magic resonating with the moisture in the air. Fog thickened around us, drops of dew forming on my muzzle. I licked my lips, letting the moisture wet my tongue. The flickering light of the fire suffused the thickening mist into a reddish glow. Slowly, I drew the fog into a cloud, a thick cumulus about the size of my body, and grabbed it in my forelegs and squeezed it, wringing it into his canteen until water overflowed the top. Settling back down to sit on a rock, I panted. "My magic seems a little weak here... wherever 'here' is. That was difficult." Indy held up the canteen and sniffed it, then took a sip. His eyes widened. "It's good." "Doesn't get more pure than cloud water." He held the canteen out and I wrapped my left pinions around it, then took a long drink. "You use your wing like a hand?" I held up a hoof. "These aren't exactly dextrous."  He nodded. "I'm surprised you speak English." "I'm surprised you speak Ponish." "You're, ah, a woman? I'm guessing from your voice." "I don't know that word." He rubbed his chin. "A female." "Oh, yeah, I'm a mare," I said, and turned around and raised my tail for a moment. He gasped and held up a hand to shield his eyes, as if my vulva was a gorgon. I sat back down, facing him. "Stallion? Um... what's the word? From your voice. And you've got a five o'clock shadow." "Man," he said. "Male. Yeah." "Have you found the Idol yet?" I asked, holding my breath. "No. They wanted to stop me from heading into the caverns." I released my breath. "Let's get a little sleep, then get it in the morning." He pointed a finger at me and glared. "We're not a team." "Well, since I can fly and I can probably run faster than you, you're going to have trouble getting rid of me. I'm about twelve hours out of synch with the sun here, so I'm exhausted. You take the first watch in case... did you say Flim and Flam?" —he nodded— "come back." I could tell from his face he was going to sneak off once I was asleep. His funeral. I flopped on my back, spreading wide my wings, legs, and tail—he gasped again—and I dozed off. I woke up the next morning, stiff and cramped from sleeping on the rocky ground. Indy was gone.  Well, no rush. I would find him at the scene of the accident. He wasn't going anywhere. I condensed from more humidity into a small raincloud and used it to put out the embers of the fire, then filled a rocky depression in the ground with clean rainwater and lapped from it like a dog. After a long, refreshing drink and a longer, more refreshing pee, I headed into the tunnel marked with runes. I didn't understand most of the inscriptions, but piles of bones and dancing skeletons don't need a Ponsetta Stone to translate: Keep Out. Tiphooving carefully, I started down the tunnel. Indy's smell was distinct and strong. Not a bad smell—in fact, it was a bit pleasant, in its masculine way—and it was easy for me to follow. I found myself prancing, just a little bit, with my tail held high. Every few steps I paused and sniffed, picking his smells from the mildew and the underground. After about ten minutes, I decided I was getting close to him. I hopped over a pressure plate, squirmed under a tripwire, and then peeked around a corner. Indy was trapped. "Called it," I muttered to myself. He was pacing on a high stone plinth, and the floor around the plinth had dropped down, leaving a moat. The bottom of the moat slithered and writhed with thousands of snakes. I pranced towards the edge of the sunken moat, tail high and wings bouncing with my step. "Hello, stranger." "Daring. Snakes!" He pointed a finger at me. "I hate snakes!" I flew across the moat and sat down in front of him, wrapping my tail around my legs. With my left wing, I pushed my helmet up. "Red touches yellow, kill a fellow—" "I know the rhyme!" he shouted. "No need to be snippy," I said, flexing my wings. "Please help me," Indy said. There was panic in his voice—controlled and hidden, but there, buried deep. "First," I said, "let's negotiate some ground rules." "I don't negotiate with animals." I flicked my wings and ears. "How dare you! I'm just as intelligent as you." He touched either side of my head with his forefingers. "But your cranial capacity—" "Smarter, probably, given that you're the one who needs rescue from me." He blinked. "Okay, that was unfair of me. Please rescue me." "Don't ditch me again. We're finding the Idol together." "Only one of us can take it home." "Are you going to put it in a museum?" I asked. "If you lie to me, my magic'll know, and I'll use a lightning bolt to knock you off this plinth and into the snakes." I didn't actually have any lie-detecting magic, but he couldn't know that. "Yes," he said, without hesitation. "The Marshall College branch of the National Museum. My friend Marcus Brody is the curator."  I looked into his eyes... and I believed him. "So am I," I said. "The Royal Museum Canterlot. Once we have it, we'll flip a coin. Deal?" After a frown and a hesitation (and a glance at the snakes) he said, "Deal." I looked over the edge at the snakes. His feet shuffled nervously. Goodness, he was big. Sitting on my haunches, my eyes weren't even level with his kneecaps. I bet he outweighed me eight or twelve to one. Around the campfire, with both of us sitting down, it hadn't been as clear how huge his species was. But with him standing... "I'm not going to be able to carry you..." I mused. "You said you carried Flim and Flam out of the grotto." I felt myself blush and made a circle with my forehoof. "Dragged. A better verb might have been 'dragged' —yipe!" I let out a yell like a kicked puppy as his hands wrapped around my torso and he lifted me off my hooves. He hefted me twice, like a barbell, before putting me down. "You weigh less than thirty pounds," he said. "I could carry you one-handed." "Be careful of the wings," I said, "and buy a girl a drink, first, next time." "Horses are for riding, not drinking with," he said. I flicked the crotch of his pants with my tail. "There's riding and then there's riding." "Goddamnit—" "Also, I thank you in advance for referring to me as a pony, not a horse." "Okay, sorry, Daring the pony. Snakes now, please. What's your plan?" "If I clear out the snakes, can you climb down and back out the far side?" "Yeah, there're hand-holds." "All right." I pulled my pith helmet down and glared. "This'll be just like when I was fourteen and my town got picked to provide the water to Cloudsdale that year." "What?" Indy asked. "Tornado." I pointed a hoof straight up at a pinprick of sunlight above us. "I'll suck the snakes up through that airshaft to the jungle surface and come back down and meet you." "Snake-tornado?" "Snakenado?" I said with a frown. "If you ditch me again, lightning... your species has balls, right? External gonads?" He blinked. "Right." "Try to ditch me again, lightning to the balls. Got it?" "Got it." He was sweating now, more than the coolness of the underground bedrock required, and kept sneaking looks at the moat full of snakes. It had been years since I had thought about the waterspout tornado we pegasus ponies summoned that day. I smiled... I'd lost my virginity just after we'd succeeded in hitting eight hundred wingpower and getting the water up to Cloudsdale. Another foal from my middle school and I had stolen two mugs of hard cider from the adults' table. We snuck off, into the shadows beneath the canopy of the nearby forest, kissing awkwardly, unsure what to do with our hooves, getting shit-faced drunk, his cock still small at our tender age and my own filly parts still unready... my tail rose involuntarily at the memory and I smelled myself getting excited. Indy turned away, looking nonchalantly the other direction. I shook my head, clearing it. That was an old memory, and not one for today. I needed to focus.  By Cadance, I was spending too much time thinking about sex. Something was distracting me... I glanced at his well-filled trousers and shook my head once more. With a flap and a leap, I banked, circling the plinth counter-clockwise, just above the moat full of snakes. Faster and faster I circled, pulling the air into a vortex and channeling my magic. I had to work hard. Magic was weak here. Weaker than back home in Equestria—wherever and whatever "here" was, of course. Luckily, it didn't take anything like eight hundred wingpower to get this tornado going. After about  twenty or thirty circuits, my wind pulled the snakes up into a writing, hissing, wriggling tornado and I spiraled upward for the distant pinprick of sunlight above us.  He shouted and flailed his arms as the vortex of snakes rose past his face. "Indy!" I shouted, landing just in front of him. He was already on the other side of the moat, having climbed out and then waited for me to return in accord with the deal. "Indy! Indy!" "Hey, Daring, thanks for—" I flopped on my back and spread my rear legs wide, pointing my underside at him. "What the hell?" He held up a hand again, shielding his eyes from a direct line at my vulva. "A snake bit me!" I shouted, pointing at a fresh wound—small but ragged, oozing a few drops of blood—on the inside of my right thigh, close to my labia. "I need suction!" "Are you kidding me?" "Quick!" I shouted. "I'm not sucking your- your-" "Now, fast, hurry!" I said, wriggling my spine on the stone floor. "It doesn't even work, sucking out the venom!" "Maybe not for your species," I said. "Please! I saved you, now you save me!" "Oh, for Christ's sake," he muttered and kneeled down and put his hat on the floor next to me. I relaxed and closed my eyes. He put a hand on my belly, and it was nearly as large as my entire torso. A shudder ran through me. His lips, warm and firm, pressed around the wound and my wings pressed against the floor. His cheek brushed my labia and I bit my tongue to keep from shouting with pleasure. Flows slicked my nethers and I felt my dock and the base of my tail getting warmly soaked. He drew back and spit loudly, then sucked on the wound two more times. The last time, his nose brushed against my clit and I couldn't help myself—I moaned. "Blech," he said, and I heard him swig from his canteen. I opened my eyes and grinned at him. "Thanks. Hey, while you're kneeling?" "Yeah?" I flexed my legs, lifting my hips an inch towards him. I could tell I was dripping wet with excitement. I made the best bedroom eyes I could. "Wanna suck something tastier?" He put his hat on and stormed down the hallway, toward the Idol. Look, is it my fault he didn't know the species wasn't venomous? "The door won't open," I said. Indy leaned in, pushing with all his might and all his weight, grunting and cursing. Then he pushed some more. "The door... won't... open," I repeated. "Then how are we going to get the Idol, Mrs. pegasus-pony-pessimist-pants?" "Miss Pessimist Pants," I said. "I'm single." "Stallions don't like all your sarcasm?" "Single by choice. Adultery isn't okay, but fornication is fun." Indy facepalmed. "For the love of—" "I have a stallion in every town. And a few mares." I leaped into the air and hovered, wings flapping hard to blow a stiff breeze across the door. It appeared to be polished basalt. My breeze blew away centuries of dust and dried lichen, revealing that the door was inlaid with silver runes and hieroglyphs into the black basalt. "Hey..." Indy said. "Good find, Daring." "Thank you." I flipped the shutter on my headlamp open, squinted at the runes... ...and dropped to the floor and rolled onto my back, laughing so hard I had to hold my belly and my wings wouldn't work. "What?" I curled into a ball, on my back, trying to stop my belly laughs. "What?" Indy shouted. "I figured out the spell to open the door." "Well...?" "You won't like it." He lifted his own lantern and looked at the door. "No, that's got to be a mistake." "I doubt it," I said. "First, how could that possibly open a door? We need to find a physical latch or lever." "Magic," I said. "Don't try to explain it. Clearly the imagineers who built this had a sense of humor." "Second," Indy said, poking me in the kidney with the toe of his boot, "how? How could the ancients possibly—" "Magic," I said again, getting to my hooves and wiping my eyes with a wingtip. Then I rubbed my kidney with a forehoof. "That hurt, by the way. I'm a lot smaller than you. Are you the type of donkey-hole who kicks puppies? You already compared my size to a dog. A small dog. Be more careful." "Sorry," Indy muttered. "Let's keep looking for the door latch or override." Hopping back into the air, I pointed at the drawings. "It's clear how we dispel the lock." "Not happening." "Do you want the Idol or not?" "I do." I pointed at the drawing. "It lists seven different positions. Pick your poison." He glared at me. I turned to the door, hovering, and let my tail go vertical to get some cooling air on my overheated snatch. The first inlaid drawing was a pegasus pony, with her ass high and her forequarters low, getting railed by— "Hey, Indy, what's your species called?" "'People'." "No, species." "Oh. Humans." —getting railed by a huge human male down on his knees as the door opened. The next rune was the human, standing, and holding the pegasus mare on his cock, his hands wrapped around her torso as the door opened. The third rune was a pegasus mare... Well, you get the idea. "I'm looking for the latch," he declared sourly. I landed, took my helmet off, and rolled onto my back. "I'll be here when you admit defeat." "Not happening." I spread my thighs and reached down to my engorged clit and sopping nethers with my right pinions. "I'll just get myself ready for when you... come... around to my thinking." "Not happening." "This doors just won't open!" Indy said, pointing an angry finger at the seam between the two slabs of polished basalt. He had taken so long to reach that conclusion that I'd gotten dehydrated from cumming, condensed a raincloud into some drinking water, and then taken a nap. I stood and stretched, arching my back and getting my rump as high into the air as I could, my chin touching the stone floor. "Look," Indy said. "Daring. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the runes are correct." I flicked my tail to the side, exposing myself, and looked over my shoulder at him. Instead of turning away in embarrassment, as he had previously, he stepped closer and kneeled down, squinting at my crotch. I felt his breath on my still-damp pubic fluff. "We literally can't. You're so... tiny! I'd pop you like a balloon." "Sploosh," I said, and waggled my butt at him.  Indy paused. I heard his brain fizzling. "'Sploosh'? What are you talking about? Is that even English?" "Ponish." "What's it mean?" "It means 'get inside me'." "I've never been with someone smaller than the kewpie doll I won at Coney Island." "What's a cue-pee doll?" I asked. "I don't like watersports." "About twice your size." "She sounds lovely. Or is she a he? Is that why you don't want my—" "And I thought," Indy muttered, "Marion would remain the smallest ass I've tapped." My wings went straight up and my tail straight down, covering myself. "Don't tap my ass! My vag will be tight enough, thank you very much!" "It's just an expression." "Oh." I waggled my butt at him, raising my tail again in invitation. "I'm not getting any more ready." "I literally don't think I can," Indy said. "Size aside, I don't, um..." I frowned. "Don't what?" "Don't find you... uh..." "Just say it." Indy shrugged. "Attractive. Put yourself in my boots, Daring. You look like a weird winged pet." "Lie on your back." "What?" "I'll suck you hard." He rubbed his face. "My dick is longer than your skull." "Sploosh." "Daring, even if I could get hard, you're going to end up hurt." "Lie down on your back," I repeated. "It's my vagina, I'll decide if we hurt it." "If this doesn't open the door, I'm going to be so mad at you—" "Why? You'll get your dick wet." Indy was still kneeling down. I stood up on my rear hooves and pressed against his chest with my forehooves, knocking him to his butt. He shook his head, took off his hat, and laid back. "Lie still and think of Princeton..." Indy sighed. "Pranceton?" I asked. "That's where I did my PhD." "So, you're Doctor Daring?" He massaged his eyes with a sigh. "Let the doctor do your physical exam," I purred.  Yes, yes, I was a Ph.D., and not an M.D., but I had used that line to lay more stallions than I could count; one more only seemed appropriate. I stood on his chest and leaned down, my lips brushing his.  He was as passionless as a donkey. I nibbled his lips and brushed his cheeks with my feathers. He laid still. "Indy," I said, "meet me halfway." "Fucking a pony this size of a puppy isn't really something I'm mentally prepared for." "Meet me halfway, doctor's orders." I rolled my eyes and shimmied around, until my crotch pointed at his face and my face at his crotch. My hooves struggled with the button on his trousers and I frowned. "No magic. Pony buttons have magic that lets us work them with hooves. Would you mind...?" He reached around me and unbuttoned his fly. I was able to get the zipper down with my hooves. I took a deep breath and swallowed. I was excited to see what was inside his pants—but I was scared, too. Bravado aside, I knew that he was likely to be physically too big for me. Celestia! The terror made me even more excited. My tail was so vertical it hurt.  I spread open the fly of his trousers and found his cock. It wasn't as big as I'd feared, to be honest, and the pessimistic part of my brain said What if he's a grower, not a show-er? Shut up, brain! I replied. You're gonna be sorry, my brain replied.  Shut up, brain, or I'll give him such a deep blowjob he stabs you! You won't be able to walk tomorrow. We're a pegasus; that's fine, I concluded the argument with myself.  My hooves were shaking as I stared at it. How big was it going to get? Could I really fit it inside me? I gave it a lick, from the base towards the tip. He tasted salty and sweaty and I grimaced, glad I was facing away from him. Indy's body gave a little shudder. I was glad he was on the bottom, getting the chill from the cold stone floor, instead of me.  With my wings, I reached forward and used my long flight feathers to lift his cock up, pulling the tip into my mouth. He gave a deep moan and started to harden. I licked around his tip, letting my tongue run around the ridge. I swallowed twice, clearing the taste of the sweat, and then it was fine. I shook my butt at him, raising my tail as high as I could. "You're allowed to touch me, y'know!" I used my wings to cup his balls. Celestia! They were big. He was going to fill me up. ...that thought made me start dripping again. Good thing I'd been drinking plenty of water, huh? As he hardened I discovered he was, indeed, a grower. I had to keep straightening my forelegs as his cock got longer and harder, to keep it from impaling my brain. Soon, as I sucked his tip and nibbled and licked the ridge and winged his balls, I was standing on his pubic bone, up on my tippy-hooves—his cock was as long as my forelegs! With slurping and licking, I started bobbing my head up and down on his shaft. This was both familiar and not—I had a stallion or two in every town in Equestria; I was accustomed to giving (immodest but true) really epic blowjobs. However, I always laid on the floor, in between their forelegs, and reached my head up to blow them! That's how it worked, with ponies and alpacas and zebras and donkeys. To Indy, I used similar head-motions, but reaching down instead of up, and that made it impossible to deep-throat him. He was too stiff to bend around the curve in my neck. And, as I had predicted, he was several times larger than a stallion. Just the head of his cock filled my mouth and puffed out my cheeks. Just getting the ridge of his tip in, now that he was fully erect, required me to open my jaws so wide I felt like a python swallowing a griffon egg! Something brushed my pubic mound. I jerked up and off his cock. It flopped and bopped my nose. I used a hoof to steady his pulsing shaft and turned to look over my shoulder. He was smiling at me, scratching my pubic mound, between my rear legs, with his fingertips. "Good?" he asked. "Sweet Luna, yes!" I said. My wings stiffened up off my flanks and I closed my eyes. His fingernails were short, but just long enough to give me a wonderful scritching sensation when he scratched my fur against the grain. "Touch me." "You're fur's soft, like a puppy or kitten," Indy said. He continued scratching my pubic fluff as he brushed a thumb across my pussy lips. I moaned, low in my throat, and my wings trembled. I found his cock again and plugged my mouth with it so I couldn't start gibbering like a diamond dog getting his ears scratched. His thumb found my clit and started rubbing circles and figure-eights against it. My pussy released a gush of fluids, my brain going numb like flying too high and running out of oxygen, fireworks going off behind my eyelids. A finger slipped into my channel and sweat broke out, all down my back and flanks. My wings trembled and I sucked desperately on his cock to keep from screaming. The sensation was wonderful, it left me so full, but also it hurt. His finger was bigger than any cock I'd had in my life! The fullness retreated and a sensation, a yearning, like an itch replaced it. I desperately wanted him to fill me up again and scratch that itch! He slurped, sucking on his finger. "You taste good. Sweet." "How does my taste compare to mares of your species?" He pressed his finger back into me and my eyes crossed as the pressure deep in my abdomen built again. I was so wet he slid in frictionlessly. I opened my eyes and craned my neck to stare at his hand, where it entered me. He slowly pulled his finger out and it glistened with my clear flows. Slowly, Indy put it in his mouth and sucked my juices off again. "Different. Not better, not worse. Just... different." I pulled his tip back into my mouth, letting my tongue drag around the ridge of his glans. My forelegs trembled where they tried to hold my torso up high enough to keep his tip in my mouth. A bitter taste hit my tongue as he seeped a drop of pre-cum. With a slurp, I lifted my head up and broke contact. I looked over my shoulder again, batted my eyelashes in what I hoped translated to a sexy gesture to his species, and said, "It's time." "I'm still afraid I'll break you," Indy said. I swallowed down some fear. "Yeah, me too. Let me be on top so I can control the pace and depth." "You on top? But my dad always told me, 'Henry, don't fuck up'." I blinked. "Is that a joke?" He smiled. I  rolled my eyes and turned around. His cock was so long—or my rear legs so short, depending on one's perspective—that I couldn't get my rump over it, with it pointing vertical, so he grabbed its base and angled it down for me, towards his head, and I was able to capture the very tip of it between my labia. "Whooo!" I said. Even his tip, just brushing my opening, was already stretching me. "I'm glad you rubbed me off and got me wet!" "You were pretty wet already," he said. "You'll make the seventh species I've had, and definitely the biggest," I said. Then I frowned. "The sixth consensually." He raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry about it." Celestia-be-damned tentacle monsters, I thought. There were days I still woke up from that dream in a cold sweat, my anus sore and my pussy wet in memory. I wiggled my rump, smearing my juices across Indy's tip, and scooted backwards a hair. That pressed him a little deeper into my opening, and he spread me even wider. With a pant, I just kept pushing myself backwards. I dug my forelegs into his ribs to try to get some traction and he grunted as I accidentally hit his solar plexus. "Watch it," he said. Even with all four legs pressing, I couldn't force him in! I was hardly a virgin, but he was pressing my opening like I had an armor-plated hymen to keep him out. The opening of my channel stretched, pain lancing up my spine as I tried—but failed—to accommodate the width of his shaft. "Get in there get in there get in there..." How big was he? Or how small was I? However you want to look at it, this was a challenge. Even the damn tentacles had gone straight in! Weren't those almost as big as him? "Grab my ribs," I commanded. "Gently! Grab just rearward my wing roots and press me backwards, onto your cock." He raised a suspicious eyebrow and wrapped his hands around my torso.  "Are you all right? You look panicked."  I swallowed and nodded my head. I could feel my breathing coming shallow and fast, and my face seemed even colder than the rest of me. I gave a tiny nod. "Excited, horny, but also a little scared." Feeling his hands, where they wrapped around me, just forward of my pelvis and below my ribs, I could tell his fingertips touched at my spine and his thumbs touched at my navel. He was so big—I was so small?—he could literally wrap his hands around me! (Although, without false modesty, I must point out that my eating habits and exercise habits did result in a very slim waist, which I'm proud of and the stallions love.) "Okay," I said, raising my tail and failing to stop my wings from trembling, "slowly push me down onto you." "Sorry in advance," he said.  He squeezed around my middle and my air huffed out of my lungs as pressure built at my opening. His cock pulsed with his heartbeat, pressing against me. My own flows rolled down my inner thighs, soaking my fur, and the fuzz on my pubic mound was cold in the cavern's air, completely saturated. Had I ever been so wet in my life? Ever so excited? I didn't think so. Pressure built and his hands bit into my pelvis bone, pressing harder. Hot shots of pain and cold shocks of pleasure radiated out from my pussy, and I felt my tail flicking in time with the pulsation of his cock. Even my asshole was taut and pulsing, my abdominal muscles clenched. With a sigh, letting out the last of my air, I forced myself to relax... Every muscle in my body seemed to let go and he popped in. The sudden loss of resistance meant he slammed me down, impaling me on his cock, and he slammed into the bottom of my womb like a runaway train. My hips stretched, like my thighs were being twisted out of line, as he filled me up. I wanted to scream in pain, but instead a noise like a dog's squeaky toy escaped me. My face flushed hot and I covered my mouth with my wingtips. "Ow!" "Shit! Sorry!" He started to pull me up, off his cock. "Stop!" I said, holding up a forehoof. "Stop! Let me—let me adjust. Hold my forehooves." He released my waist and took my forelegs in his hands. My hooves fit easily into his palms and I balanced on my rear legs. Blinking back tears and dizziness, I looked down underneath myself. His cock was barely halfway in! He was bottomed out into me and half his cock was still outside me! My thighs were spread wide at an unnatural angle to accommodate the volume of his penetration. More of my fluids gushed, and I watched them drip down the smooth, pale skin of his cock. "You're warm," Indy said. With a nod, I lifted upward a little, tensing my rear legs and using my forelegs to pull on his hands. He slid out, the broad head of his cock sliding down my channel. I closed my eyes and shuddered. The pressure in my belly reduced as he pulled out, leaving me with this gaping emptiness and I moaned, distraught, as my insides trembled in disappointment at that massive girth's disappearance. As his tip reached the bottom of my channel, more pain—like a pulled muscle after a workout—lanced out across my hips, the broadness of his tip spreading me even wider open. "Okay," I said, shaking, sweating, and my pussy dripping. "Okay." I lowered myself again, slowly, letting him refill me. I was getting properly stretched out so that the pain was both reduced and wonderful as his massive girth invaded me. At the bottom of my stroke, my entire torso felt so full... I breathed out again, as if emptying my lungs might make a little more room for more cock. Opening my eyes, I caught his gaze, and clenched on him with my pussy. He gasped and shifted underneath me. "Ever been ridden by a horse before?" I asked, clenching again. My thighs and pubic mound were cold in the cavern air, soaked with my pussy juices. I was so turned on I was getting dehydrated again. "I thought you were a pony." "A pervy prim pegasus prima donna pony," I said, and lifted my hips up with a sharp motion and slammed them back down, taking him in again. Then again and again. I built a rhythm, him holding my forehooves and my rear hooves planted on his hips. My hips were sore from stretching so wide. Pussy juices squelched. With every thrust out, the ridge of his glans scraped down my g-spot, and when I slammed back in, his thick girth pulled on my stretched vulva so much that he dragged against my clit.  My vision turned red and I broke out into a sweat, despite the cold clamminess of the cave, as my insides lit like a fuse. I've never been so full, never been so stimulated, as with that massive hunk of human cock filling me and stretching me and stimulating every nerve below my collarbone! Even the impact of his tip into the bottom of my womb, which should have been agonizing, turned into a masochistic pleasure from the overstimulation. I started cumming. "Oh Celestia! Oh! Oh!" My pussy squirted across him, soaking his shaft and his abdomen and my wings flapped out of time. Indy's face turned darker and he started panting, twitching his hips up in time with my own slamming downward. My insides clenched even more, making me work hard to drag my tightness up and down his broad-headed tip, and I got so dizzy that without him holding my forehooves I might have fallen off him and onto the floor. "Arc of the Covenant!" Indy cried and I suddenly felt like a water balloon. His cock grew two sizes and jammed inside me, at its point of deepest insertion, and I was anchored, unable to move up or down as his body shook and he squeezed his hands around my forelegs so tight I thought he might break them. His cock pulsed and jumped, filling me with his human cum and a pleasurable pain ripped across my belly as the sudden injection of hot fluid rearranged my insides, pushing my womb up into my lungs and expanding my channel like a tunnel taking too much freight train. I squirted even more and cum splurted around where his cock plugged me up, getting into the fur of my inner thighs and across his belly, and I bit my tongue trying to not pee on him as another wave of cum filled me so full my bladder was getting compressed against my pubic bone. "Ah!" Indy said, and at that instant, the rune-decorated doors began to grind open.  "Quick!" I cried. "In case the doors shut again!" I struggled up and off his cock, took a second to get my wings under control, and flew for the opening. Cum blorped from me and I flew like a drunken bumblebee, unable to control my heading or altitude, but I got into the chamber. There! The idol. Polished emerald and shaped like— Lunadamnit, it was shaped like a giant penis. I squinted. Like a human penis, not a pony one. Indy was shuffling in through the door, trousers around his ankles and dick sopping wet and half-mast. He put his fedora on and held my pith helmet in one hand, Cadance bless him. "It's a cock," I said, pointing at the idol. "It's a cock," he agreed. A huge wad of cum dropped out of me and splattered to the floor. "The spell worked." "It did," Indy agreed, looking at the doors. "'Fuck the pony to open the door.' Bah! I'm glad the crazies who built this temple got wiped out by smallpox." "You enjoyed it and you know you did," I said, pointing at his cum- and pussy-smeared cock. "I loved it, you were great." Indy pulled up his pants and tucked his shirt back in. My wings still felt wonky and I was out of breath, so I landed on the plinth that held the idol. My hips were in absolute agony, every muscle sprained from getting spread wide enough to accommodate his girth.  I raised my tail and peed, the sensation now overwhelming after he'd clobbed my bladder from the inside.  He turned away, ignoring me until I finished. What a weird species. "Okay," I said after I'd finished. "We agreed to flip a coin for it. Give me my helmet." He scratched my ears and then put my helmet on my head. I moaned in pleasure; he had used his fingernails to really get the scratch just right! Indy then reached into a pocket and pulled out a small copper. "Heads," he said, pointing at one side. "Tails." He pointed at the other side. I grinned. "You just got my tail, so I'll take heads." He closed his eyes and sighed, then flipped the coin high into the air. His eyes moved upward to follow its parabola. While he was momentarily distracted, I grabbed the idol and zoomed for the door as fast as my wings could carry me. "Daring Do, you double crosser! It was tails! It's mine!" As fast as I could, I flew for the grotto that would lead me back to Equestria, his shouting fading behind me, and his cum soaking the fur on my butt and belly. I had gotten the Idol and I had gotten the biggest cock of my life. All in all, a successful expedition! With a heft, I judged the Idol's size. It was even bigger than Indy, and I'd just proven that I could take something bigger than I anticipated... If I washed it with soap and water when I was done, the museum wouldn't know any better, now would they?