> Love And Dramas In The Government > by Lighting Ace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Interrupted Cuddle Time (Edited by SH32) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the gentle sound of breathing coming from both his sides, the mayor of Canterlot slowly opened his eyes and subsequently smiled, tightening the hug his mares were giving him. It reminded him that this situation wasn't a dream and at the moment he was lying in bed completely spent and naked with the princesses of Equestria, or rather the royal sisters of Equestria and the future ruler of a brand new nation call New Harmonious. A notion that took him by surprise, knowing it to be real would be hard to believe if he wasn’t currently living it. The princesses of Equestria. No, the royal sisters of Equestria... He took a glance at the sleeping image of a content Celestia peacefully resting over his shoulder with a serene smile, some bed hair, and some small drops of sweat on her forehead glittering under the morning sunshine. Before turning around and seeing Luna hugging tight to his arm, giving him a pleasant sensation of her voluptuous boobs while Twilight rested on his stomach. Both in a similar position to Celestia and with Twilight even drooling a little. ...and the future ruler of New Harmonious. God if this turns out to be a dream, I pray it never ends. He chuckled quietly, though it seemed his efforts were in vain as the three mares stirred in their sleep before slowly waking up, each smiling once they got their eyes on the human they were cuddling with. "Good morning, my sleeping beauties. Did you three sleep well?" Giggling they took turns to each give him a quick peck on the lips before snuggling closer, using their wings to tighten the embrace a little more. "Heavenly dear." Luna was the first to reply as she closed her eyes with a content sigh and a whiff of his arm. "As I have never done before." Twilight continued kissing his chest, "Last night was really something I have never experienced before, and by Celestia, I hope it never ends." "I hope you are ready to take responsibility mister." Celestia said with a stern voice, catching the mayor by surprise. He began to relax once he saw her smirking at him and swiftly she stole another kiss before starting to spoon him. "I don't think I would ever be able to sleep peacefully unless a certain human lay next to me. I’m going to have to give you the title of royal bed from now on." He couldn’t help but laugh. "I don't think Canterlot would take me seriously if their mayor has the title of 'Royal Bed' Celly." "No, they would die of envy knowing what that title entails." She replied. Mark seemed startled a little upon noticing Celestia rubbing herself against him. "Should we go over your new duties?" "Come on Tia, give the poor stallion a break! We can fool around later." Luna reproached, "We are not even in heat anymore." "Oh hush Lulu, it’s not my fault you can't tell when your sister is in love." "Come on girls, no fighting in bed." Mark took glances at each of them, "I love you all the same. And hey, we can go over that later Tia." He shot her a smile. "For now, I only want to cuddle with my marefriends." "Marefriends?" They all asked at the same time, smirking as they sat up straight to lock eyes with the reclined human. "S-Sorry, too soon?" They all exchange glances before bursting into laughter as they took their spots once more. "We are only messing with you dear." Celestia replied as she calmed him down. "Indeed just a little jest, of course we will use the label!" "To be fair, I think we’re past the "Moving too fast" part of the deal. " Twilight said, giving him a deadpan stare as she raised her torso a little to remind him that they were all still pretty much naked. "Using the titles seems like a must at this point." "Right, sorry I suppose I'm still kind of nervous about this whole ordeal." "It’s ok Mark, I am too." Twilight rubbed her head on his shoulder, nuzzling him softly. "But we can figure this thing out together." The others nodded in agreement, and sighed happily as they cuddled together, just enjoying each other's company. Their peace unfortunately, was short-lived. They all looked to the door as they heard a knock, followed by the voice of the last pony they wanted to see right now. "Aunty!? It's Cadence, are you ok?" Immediately all their eyes shot open. They looked at each other and then back at the door before realizing the state they were all in. Not to mention the heavy scent of musk permeating the area. "There is something I wanted to talk about with you but when I asked a guard, they told me you haven't left your room yet, and that you canceled your first five appointments of the morning, is everything alright?" The princess immediately burst out of bed and tried to tidy up the place as fast and as quietly as possible. "Y...yeah! Everything is alright dear, just...just…" Celestia tried to come up with something as the others looked at her in expectation. The she came up with an idea, and she let out a sigh in sorrow, "It's just that this last heat hit me a bit harder than expected and I needed a bit more time to prepare for the day." She gave the others a thumbs up that made them relax a bit. "Just a moment, I will be right there." "Oh! I get it now. So sorry aunty, take your time." Cadence replies in her usual cheerful tune as they finished attempting to clean the place. Mark tried to help only to discover his arms were now asleep and without any support he fell out of bed with a loud thud. "What was that?" Cadence asked as the princess began to panic. Twilight helped him stand up as he held in a yelp from the pain. "My arms... are asleep!" He managed to whisper as the royals looked at him in concern. "Ah just a coffee table, I stumbled by accident." Celestia answered. "Oh no, are you ok? I’m coming in." Their panic grew as they saw the door knob starting to move and taking glances, Celestia put on a bathrobe and approached the others before kissing Mark. "I'm sorry." She whispered before retreating and wrapping her arms around herself. "What?" That is all Mark could say before Celestia shoved all of them into her bathroom, Luna and Twilight having to hold his mouth to muffle the scream of pain from his arms once again recovering sensation. Luckily Cadence didn't see that. Celestia made sure everything was hidden and finally turned to face the door as Cadence stepped in to see her aunt wearing a robe. "Hi Cadence, it has been a while." Celestia said, trying to remove the tension using her traditional smile. She was doing her best not to look or seem suspicious at all, much to Cadence's amusement who immediately start to sniff the place. She then began to stare at Celestia with a critical eye, making the princess giggle nervously as a drop of sweat dripped down her brow. While Celestia was busy sweating, Luna tried to help Mark regain the sensation in his arms slowly while Twilight placed her head against the door as she tried to hear their conversation. "There you go, slowly, slowly. Feeling better?" Luna asked, moving Mark's fingers slowly as he opened and closed his eyes, gradually gaining speed. "Yeah, it doesn't hurt as much." "Auntie, I'm not a little filly anymore. I know exactly what happened here." Cadence’s voice made them all pause and subsequently join Twilight in listening in. "Whatever do you mean dear?" Celestia replied, claiming ignorance as she did not want to give any more clues to her niece. With a disappointed sigh, Cadence could only shake her head. "You’re going to make me say it are you? Fine if that's what you want I will." She looked at her with a stern gaze, "You had another relapse and took another masturbation marathon, did’nt you?" She demanded, crossing her arms with a raised eyebrow. The reaction was immediate as Celestia turned red, and her companions in the bathroom were left slack jawed. "W-WHAT?! No, I...What?" "Oh quit the act aunty! You do this every year right after heat. You feel hollow for not having a partner, try to fill the gap with cake, and then shut yourself away from the world for days with your fingers as your only company!" She looked around and sighed in relief. "Well at least there is no cake this time, so that’s progress." "Cadence you couldn't possibly..." She paused as she thought about it, "... be more right. I have a problem." Celestia admitted as she looked down in shame. It especially felt embarrassing considering the others were more than likely listening. "What is she doing?" Twilight asked. "Dodging an arrow, that is what" Luna answered, "You know how Cadence can be, I love my niece but she is our biggest obstacle if we intend to keep our secret. She is a firm believer that loves should never be kept hidden." "Not to mention how relentless she can get." Mark added with some irritation, earning a curious glance from the two princesses. He dismissed their looks however, "I didn't part on the best of terms when visiting her. She tried to make me a project and I got mad. I’ll explain later." They still had questions but stopped so they could keep listening to the conversation. With sorrow Cadence made her way to Celestia. "Auntie this, this right here is why I have been so adamant for you to start dating again." "And once more, while I appreciate your concerns. My love life is of no concern of yours Niece" Celestia admonished. "Auntie, you are sleeping on your own musk for ponies sake!" Cadence pressed on, "This is no way of living. Your hand and pastries will not fill that hole in your heart! And you know it. Please Auntie I'm on my knees here. It’s destroying me seeing you suffer for no reason. I know how hard it was when Sombra turned into a dictator." "I'm sorry what? Did she date...?" Mark started to ask, but Luna shook her head. "Long story." "Or how Eris made you feel when she told you how she didn't find you attractive." "Oh wow, that...that probably was before she knew about being asexual." Twilight mentioned. "And I'm not even going to touch the fiasco you and Aunt Luna went through when you tried your luck with Tirek." With wide eyes, Mark and Twilight slowly turn to Luna who only smiled nervously at them. "Ok I get it, Niece, I had a streak of bad choices, no need to go rubbing in." "It's more than a streak Aunty, it's a pattern! You have an issue and that is that you have a weakness for the "bad boys". Bad creatures in general actually. Tell me one single relationship you ever had where your partner has transformed into or was already an evil individual." Celestia could only remain silent and look away in what Cadence assumed was shame, but what she didn't see was the smile forming on her lips as she looked at the bathroom door. "That is what I thought. Auntie every year we go through the same thing. I offer to hook you up with someone nice, you say you would think about it, and nothing changes. So I am done waiting. I had been more than patient and you haven't even tried dating since the old gods know how long!" "Cadence please, let's be rational here." Celestia tried to calm her down a little. "Then show me why I shouldn't, give one good reason, NOT an excuse. A legitimate and rational reason why I shouldn't step in when you are living among your own musk, fighting a losing battle against loneliness! And don't you dare say something like "must keep my image" and "Our subjects needs to see us as pure" or some other bullshit like that" "Language!" "I'm sorry Aunty but it's true and you know it, and to keep saying otherwise would be an insult to me, Shining, and Flurry so don't you dare hide behind that idea." Cadence warned as she gave her a stern glare. Without many options, Celestia could only sigh in defeat, "Will it ease your mind if I tried once?" Her demeanor changed to a more relaxing one as Mark sat behind the door, surprised. No, no Celly please don't do it... "That's all I ask." "Fair enough ONE chance. After that, you would have to promise you will stop meddling in my romantic life." Cadence couldn't help but giggle and jump in happiness. "I knew I could get to you! Seriously thank you, Auntie, thank you, thank you! Oh! Could you talk with Aunt Luna too? I have been dying to help her date too. Twilight as well, I think it is time for her to move on." "I will chat with them." Celestia only nodded briefly. The surprise in Mark kept building as he turned to Luna and Twilight who shook their heads. "Please, think about it, that could be the perfect cover." Luna reasoned. "Yeah, this way we can get Cadence off our backs." Twilight added. Mark remained tense for a moment before sighing in defeat. "I suppose since we can't technically say we are dating...plus I would be hypocrite since I'm dating three mares.d" Luna smiled and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry my love, yours is the only company I wish to warm my bed." "Same." Twilight hugged his other side. "Besides it’s just one date, one dinner, one walk in the park, and one goodbye. We will not even kiss them. And once we are done, we are all yours again." Her gaze turns more seductive, and the same could be said for Luna. "And we will not mind reminding you how much we love you." That helped him calm down as they kept listening. "So, was this the reason for your visit?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow, "To see if I had someone with me and scowl at me when I didn't?" "What? Oh! Thanks for reminding me! No this was just an added subject to discuss." She dismissed her with a wave of her hand, "I wanted to also say hi of course, but in reality, I was looking for Mark." Now everyone present was shocked to hear this and all attended began listening closely. "Really? And why is that?" Celestia remained calm as Cadence smirked. "I heard what happen to Snake Eye and how he faced heat weak in here." She started to rub her hands together. "I want to see if he is ok...and maybe see if the whole ordeal helped him find that special lady. If you catch my drift." "Cadence we both know that everything that went on that week was induced by our biology clouding our minds and nothing more." "Oh Aunty, so wise yet so naïve. He is my latest project, and I have been working on his case for years now. And after putting him on the list of more eligible bachelors, I'm sure more than one mare would like to start a relationship." "Wait, that was your doing?" Cadence nodded in pride as Mark clenched his fists That little vixen. Even now she keeps trying to turn me into a project?! "So, what do you say Auntie? Want to come and see if the mayor found a 'candidate' so to speak?" She asked with an eager smirk, causing Celestia to fake a chuckle. "Well that certainly would be quite the image, just give me a moment to change really quick, ok? Mark is still my employee. I don't think he would like to see me in a bathrobe." "Wouldn’t be so sure about that, but sure I can wait." Cadence sat on a nearby couch as Celestia entered the bathroom, her eyes wandering the place until they landed on a riding crop sticking out of her nightstand. Oh dear stars, she is even self-spanking herself for pleasure now? Oh Auntie you need to get laid A.S.A.P! Cadence shook her head in disappointment. At the same time in the bathroom, the group tried to come up with a plan. "What do we do? I can't open the door smelling like this. And even less smelling like spaghetti." Mark commented. "Don't worry we have time, I can stall for time while you clean yourself." Celestia calmed his nerves while opening the faucet of her shower to drown their voices. "She thinks I'm cleaning myself, and there is a spell to speed things up." Disrobing, they entered the tub and washed quickly. "I will teleport you out of here. Luna and Twilight, you can teleport yourselves to your rooms." "Right." They both nodded as Celestia prepared her spell. "And go to sleep already Luna" Mark added, "It's too late in the morning and I’ll bet you’re just about ready to drop any second now." His concern warmed Luna's heart as she hugged him. "Will do my love, thanks." He then pointed at Celestia, "And we will discuss this blind date deal later." He promised, making her gulp a little before teleporting everyone away with a sigh. And this day started so well. With nothing else to do, Celestia started working on stockpiling two spells to clean and dry herself in order to keep her appearance so she could quickly get herself presentable once more. > Unlovely Breakfast (Edited By SH32) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After stalling for time as much as she could, Celestia brought Cadence to Mark’s room. "Oh, I can't wait to see him again." The Princess of Love could barely contain her excitement before looking at her aunt with some sorrow, "I’ve been meaning to apologize for a falling out we had back in the Empire." "What happened?" Celestia asked, intrigued. "Oh well, you know how I can get with relationships. The poor dear clearly was still feeling lonely, scared and was unsure what to do in life. Naturally I wanted to help but I may have come on a tiny bit strong." "Cadence what did you do?" She asked in worry. "Nothing bad I promise, I just thought a little hook up would make him feel better, the poor thing was so shy around mares at the time, so I brought him to places to help him chill and well...I will tell you later, it’s kind of a long story." She then proceeded to knock on the door a couple of times, before stepping away. "Oh boy I hope he really got lucky. Do you think he has more than one mare in there?" "What? Cadence!" Celestia scowled at her as her mind was delved into dirty territory. "I'm sorry I can get a tiny bit dirty when I’m excited but in all seriousness, I think he could handle the herd life. I have a gut feeling about those things. And the moment I met him I knew Mark was a generous lover." Celestia wanted to rebuttal but didn't want to risk anything so she just kept it as a nice memory. Huh, well I bet her gut feelings nailed that part at least. Very generous. She went briefly off to la-la land remembering how attentive he was with her petals even when he started to inflict pleasurable pain. After a couple of seconds Cadence knocked again. "No response, that is good sign, that means he is trying to hide his shame." Her excitement kept increasing as Celestia started to wonder what was taking him so long. "Mayor Mark?" Cadence knocked a third time, "Can I come in? It’s Princess Cadence, I need to discuss some matters with you." It was obviously an excuse and as quietly as she could she leaned into the door to see if she could hear anything. But she got confused when there was only silence. Celestia was doing the same, equally confused as to what was going on. "Your highness...es?" A passing guard startled the two as they turned to look at him "Are you looking for the mayor?" "Yeah, we are. Do you know if he is in his room?" Cadence quickly asked before the guard shook his head. "The Mayor left his chambers about twenty to twenty-five minutes ago. He is probably at the dining hall by now." He explained as the two mares took to surprise before opening the door to discover how it was empty and clean. "That early?!" Cadence stepped inside. "It’s seven in the morning, who leaves his room this neat so early in the morning?" She questioned quietly to herself as she sniffed the air before sighing in disappointment. Better question would be how he managed to cover his tracks so fast? Celestia questioned silently with equal surprise before looking at her niece. "Sorry Cadence, I don't smell any musk either. Seems like the Mayor didn't have any guests sharing his bed." She placed a hand over her shoulder, "But honestly, I’m glad he didn't. Heat week is a moment of weakness for mares, and a danger to a stallion’s wellbeing. Not a dating gathering." Cadence let out another sigh, "I know Auntie, that’s why I'm glad the dome prevents unexpected breeding, but I at least had hope. Maybe this whole experience would help him relax and maybe even be more proactive looking for that special somepony. I know he wants that, and I regret pushing so hard, so I have been trying so hard to make things right again between us." Celestia smiled and nodded, "I'm sure he would forgive you dear, and you don't need to play matchmaker to do so. You two just need to talk. And who knows maybe that special pony is closer than we think." "By the stars I hope so. I really hate when my work doesn’t pan out." "I know Cadence, I know. Come, let’s see if we can catch him before he goes to work." She pointed at the door and the two headed to the dining hall in search for the Mayor. To their relief said Mayor was there, fully dressed in his work clothes and with his cast back on as he enjoyed his breakfast while inspecting his schedule on his scroll. On hearing the doors open he turned to look at the Royals, and stopped what he was doing. He stood up and gave them a short bow with a smile, "Good morning your highness." Standing tall he remained composed and respectful to the rulers, much to Celestia’s cringe and Cadence’s slight sorrow. Yet she would not let that slow her down as she approached the table alongside Celestia. "And good morning to you too. But please Mark, there is no need for formalities, I told you. You can call me..." "With all due respect Princess Mi Amore," His gaze hardened a little as he followed her with his eyes. She sat in front of him as he continued, "We are NOT there yet, so it will suffice to be respectful for now." She let out a sigh and looked down making the whole situation more than tense throughout the room. "Fair enough, baby steps." "Thank you." He took a sit once more and Celestia place herself on the head of the table between the two "So,...Mayor Mark, I must say I’m quite impressed. I didn't take you for such an early bird." She tried to break the ice as she took a glance over his whole ensemble, trying and failing to find anything done in a rush. Talking about going the extra mile. I was counting on him to cover his tracks, not go all work mode right away. He smiled calmly at the comment and nodded, "Always have been Ce-" He stopped when Cadence looked at him in surprise and hurt that he would be so informal with her aunt but not her. "It has always been that way with me your highness, don't know why but it’s very hard for me to wake up late in the mornings. And by this point it’s almost routine for me. Helps me check my schedule and prepare for any surprise, and these days in particular demand my full attention." He then took a glance at what Celestia was wearing. "In contrast I envy that it seems to not be the case for you." She was wearing a more informal attire with black sweatpants, a long old shirt showing a bit of her pink bra and her mane and tail still a bit messy, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Today is a slow day at court?" "Y-Yeah today is one of those rare occasions where my morning schedule isn't as packed as usual so I can relax a little bit more." She called for one of the maids who arrived in short order with her usual coffee before heading to fetch her breakfast. Same with another mare that served Cadence a grape juice. "I can see." Nodding, he turned to Cadence. "So how are things fairing at the Crystal Empire your highness? Haven't heard of Mayor Quasar in a while. Is he still in service?" "No, his eight years of service will end pretty soon. And elections are on their way as we speak. We have two prominent candidates at the moment, Amethyst who has a strong campaign in improving the housing for the less fortunate and increasing the quality of food, and Garnet who has very innovative ideas for improving the Empire in the future. And like me she is a strong believer of free and open love no matter the gender, race or species. It will be a close call to see which of those mares will be the next Mayor." "I see. Indeed, it seems like a tough decision. I'm going to miss old Quasar but he did indeed have a long run. And like you say, it’s time to elect a new Mayor by the looks of things." "So how about you?" Once their food arrived, Cadence started to cut some of her eggs while eyeing the Mayor in curiosity, "Has anything interesting happened to you recently?" Mark stopped and looked at her with a deadpan expression, "Princess I think all of Equestria is aware of what happened to Snake Eye and my house. The scandal and so on. Other than that, why would you think anything else of note has happened?" "Oh, I know all of that. Like you said it’s in all the papers." She dismissed him with a hand before pointing at him with a butter knife, "I mean what the papers didn't say. Has anything happened?" "Cadence?" Celestia warned her, but her niece pressed on. "Come on Mr. Mayor lay it on me. Do you have any juicy gossip to share, hmm?" She asked with an eager smile trying to crack a little bit the barrier between the two. Looking up he hummed in thought "Well there is something." "Yeah?" Celestia looked at him with worry. "It happened a couple of weeks before the heat." "Yeah?" Cadence leaned forward. "And it involved a new friend I made, another Mayor too. Great girl that apparently is a big fan of mine." "Really?" Cadence was virtually at the edge of her seat in anticipation, "Tell me more." "Well, I don't know how it happened but apparently a magazine told how I was eligible and that mare was kind enough to explain how that caused some mares to look at me...differently so to speak. It was a bit flattering, not gonna a lie." "Uh-huh, and? What happened next?" "Well, we start talking, we hit it off rather quickly and before I knew it..." Cadence was trying her contain her giggles and was starting to shake from the excitement. "...another friend of hers stepped in and joined the conversation, apparently he was feeling jealous. Apparently he had a crush on her for a while now. The two bared their hearts and long story short they are in a relationship now." Cadence froze and Mark almost cracked as she slowly retracted back to her chair while Mark laughed. "You don't say?" "Can you believe it? I witness the beginning of a relationship. What are the odds am I right? Oh, Princess, I bet you would have loved to see that happen." He took a glance at Celestia who wasn’t pleased and just shook her head in disappointment glaring at him for leading Cadence on, as he silently uttered 'she asked' 'Still wrong' She replied with equal silence. "Would have loved to see another thing happen." She mumbled to herself. "What was that?" Mark asked with the same smile. "Nothing! Nothing! Just mumbling to myself." Cadence cleared her throat and took a sip of her juice. "So, anything else?" "That love story isn’t enough?” He said with exasperation, “The other friend is also a royal guard, It’s the start of a love story between a royal guard and a Mayor. I thought you would relate?" "No, no, I can relate and I love it. I would like to meet the happy couple later on for sure." She quickly added, "I was just wondering if there was something else? Maybe something that happen to you more recently maybe?" "Hmm, nope." "Really? Nothing comes to mind, nothing you would like to share with the Princess of Love, nothing at all?" She asked begging to be thrown a bone at this point. "Sorry your highness, I don't know what else to tell you. Well maybe there is one thing but, nah you wouldn't be interested." "No, no, tell me! I would love to hear!" "Are you sure? It’s kind of an awkward subject. And it can get a bit personal." "Mark, I'm begging you, now you are just leading me on. Whatever it is you can count on me." "Well, there are these mares that I have been meaning to talk to." Celestia almost choked on her coffee at that comment as she looked at him in surprise. "Uh-huh!" She nodded eagerly once again. "I have seen them before but the heat really revealed things I never expected to see..." "Oh, I think I understand where this is going." She smirked with a knowing smile, "You want me to clear the air for you?" "Well yeah, but are you sure that would be okay?" "But of course, I would only stay a couple of days but for my job I would be more than happy to help you out!" "Awesome! I will pass you their meeting right now." He sent an email to Cadence who got confused and then surprised when he passed her a meeting of "Anonymous Shame. A gathering specifically to clear air about any miss interpretation and forgive actions that would never happen during rational thinking. A notion that clearly deflated the princess. "Oh an A.S. meeting then." Cadence said as she deflated back to her normal self. "Yeah, there are a couple of guards scheduled to go there in shame for almost...well I have issues using the R word, but they really felt bad for what happened and are considering quitting. I really don't want them to do that, and I don't hold any ill will toward them. I bet they will listen more to the princess of love than me. I could say that some of the things I saw would keep me up at night, but I don't want to be slapped either. So, thanks for talking with them instead for me Cadence, you are a life saver." "Sure...no problem." She replied with disinterest as they heard an alarm going off on Mark’s scroll. "Oh! That is my quo, better get moving.” He stood up at the same time as Princess Celestia. "Mr. Mayor before you go, a moment please?" "Sure." They both left the room and closed the door. "Don't you think you were a bit cruel to my niece?" "I'm not a lab rat Celly, and she keeps trying to set me up." "I know, I know she can get intense at times, but her heart is in the right place and just wants to help you be happy. Could you at least try not to be so hostile with her?” She grabbed his hand, “For me?” His anger quickly evaporated once he took a look at her magenta eyes, "Oh I can't stay mad when you look at me with those eyes. Okay my little sunshine. For you, I will make the effort and go easy on her." Celestia giggled at the nickname before sharing a small kiss. However his glare returned, "But you are not off the hook either missy, as soon as we can we will have a serious conversation about your ex's and this "agreeing to blind dates" deal." He reminded her as a second alarm started to go off. "Crap! Now I'm getting late, take care and I will play nice with Cadence." He give her a final peck on the lips before rushing away through the hallways and heading to city hall. Waving goodbye Celestia watched him go before returning to the dining room as Cadence was still staring at the message Mark sent her. "Sorry it didn't work the way you wanted Cadence. Mayor Mark is simply to focused on his job to think on dating." "He is playing hard to get auntie I know it!" She looked back at her in determination "That human is my Mount Everhoof. But I'm wearing him down. Did you see how at the end he called me Cadence? He is slowly forgiving me." She smiled in determination and stood up. "And he still needs my help he just doesn’t want to admit it yet. I'm telling you auntie he wishes to find a special marefriend. NO! marefriends, plural. Yeah, he seems like herd material.” "This by far would be one of my biggest projects, I'm so close to finding him that special lady I can almost touch her." She let out a sigh as she shook her head with a smile. "But I should be careful, that poor colt probably never had a mare before. I bet he is shy in bed." She thought about it as she stepped away. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia had to use all of her will power to not laugh right then and there. Then the doors opened again, and from it a much more awake Twilight. With messy mane and pajamas similar to Celestia but with a blue shirt, she walked in. "Cadence!" Twilight faked surprise as the two reunited, doing their usual greeting. Meanwhile Celestia could only sigh in tiredness and disappointment. And this niece is why you and Mark are in a tense situation. These are going to be some very long days. > New Day At The Office (Edited By SH32) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking a break from checking his schedule for the day, Mark put down his papers and stared at the grandfather clock on the wall to check the time. He donned an expression of worry before looking at the empty desk of his secretary. He then took out his scroll and looked into his list of contacts until he found Drusilla’s name. He was ready to press the speed dial when suddenly the front doors burst open and from it a panting Drusilla marched in with a slightly rushed and wrinkled formal suit. "So, so sorry. Got caught in the middle of reforming the prisoners and didn't notice the clock until it was too late." She cleared her throat and tightened her suit a little, doing her best to recover some professionalism. "But I'm here and ready to start our day, Mr. Mayor." Sighing in relief Mark smirked. Then he detected a familiar scent and decided to play with his friend a little. "So glad for you to join us Ms. Dracul, I was about to call you actually." He stood up with a calm smile, "Don't worry, we all have lost track of time at one point or another, and luckily it doesn't seem like today would be a particularly busy day." "Thank Celestia!" She let go a deep breath of relief as Mark advanced toward her. "But before we begin, just one small question." keeping his smirk he got closer to her and whispered, "Why are you smelling like a hospital?" Going stiff Drusilla’s fur grew pale as she started to giggle nervously and sweat a little. Mark’s smirk grew wider as he raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms. "Well...the thing is that...ah time and work...and being diligent with the lube and the whipping and the suppository's and..." "You left them unconscious, didn't you?" He scowled at her like a disappointed father as she shrunk beneath his gaze and played with her fingers. "A tiny bit?" Sighing Mark shook his head, "Drusy I told you, you need to pace yourself." "I did! I swear and this time it wasn't dehydration, and it was only one. I swear." "What happen?" "When I was working on Thunder balls with my nail high heel’s I tripped on Devil semen and well...I kind of nailed him a bit too deep." Mark physically shivered and cringed at the mental image alone. "Oh. The horror." "He is ok! He is ok!" She quickly added. "I sent him to the emergency center right away, and they patched him up right away. They said he would make a full recovery and his organs didn't suffer any lasting damage...but for some months it will hurt to pee a tiny bit." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Well at least you acted quickly and the contract covered unforeseen accidents if immediate response are taken, so he can't sue the government. But just to be considerate we will have to issue a small compensation and the opportunity to be excused of the program." "Consider it done." She saluted and got to work on just that. "Will take it out of my own paycheck too." "What? No! Drusy that was..." "It’s the rules sir...not to mention the Dom code. I hurt my partner, I must compensate accordingly, and no one is about rules." She reminded him, "So this must be the proper procedure." "Right." He nodded, slightly saddened she had to cut part of her payment. But he couldn't argue with her logic. "Let’s change the subject, everything is fine and taken care anyway." She suddenly smirked and started rubbing her hands in anticipation. "Not to mention I have been DYING to hear how things went, Marky. Don't think for a second I don't smell the faint scent of tomato on you." The mayor could only blush and look away knowing he was pretty much busted as Drusilla got closer, floated a little from the excitement. Her tail was moving uncontrollably as it whipped about. "Soooooo?...who was it in the end? Who is the lucky princess I will have to start calling MISS Mayor?" "Drusy, as a public figure and member of the government, you know very well why I can't disclose that kind of information." He then matched her smirk and leaned forward "But as a best friend, man of my word, and a very proud man. I too have been dying to share/gloat my accomplishment with the best secretary/confidant in the world. Can I trust you to keep this between us?" "I would be insulted if you ever thought otherwise." "In that case, Drusy. I got the freaking jackpot, no better yet, I got triple the answer I was waiting for!" "Triple? How can...? NO!" Realization quickly dawned and her eyes went wide in shock. He smiled and nodded with pride. "All three of them...At the same time!" Mark had a hard time containing his voice and excitement. "I had my fingers crossed that Celly would agree but, I was blindsided when Twily and Lulu confessed as well and showed me their naughty sides." "Oh dear Celestia, so many questions! So many juicy gossips! What do I ask first?!" Drusy needed a moment to calm down while sitting in her chair as she held her head and thought it through before she remembered something, "And all of them were ok with...you know?" She whips the air making the whip-crack sound effect as Mark nodded. "Turns out that got them even more on the mood!" "And they were ok when you suggested making a herd?" "It was their idea. Oh, Drusy you can't imagine how freaky they are. It was glorious and we matched in so many ways. I really want to see where this relationship goes." Smiling more calmly she nodded once, "I'm so happy to hear that sir, you are virtually glowing! Oh please, please, please! Let me at least tell one small gossip to Inkwell!" She begged, putting her hands together as he thought about it. With he smile he nodded. "Fine but only if it’s mine. You will have to ask my marefriends if they don't mind one vague one of them later. For now, you can tell your friend this.’ The mayor really likes to discipline his mares." "Not exactly what I was thinking but that is very noble of you Mark, respecting their privacy and what not. Can't wait to talk with them, and thank you so much for trusting me with the secret." "Of course, Drusy. You’re my best and closest friend. If I can trust you with my life, of course I can trust you with keeping a secret. Even more so when we might have a problem on our hands." He suddenly got worried. "What is it? Mark, it has only been one day, and heat week already passed. You couldn't have impregnated any of them...right?" "I wish it was that simple, no this is far more complicated." "More than that? Ok now I'm interested." "Cadence is in town." "With Flurry, Shining Armor or a squad of guards?" He shook his head, "Neither, she came alone." Drusy gasped in alarm, "May the stars protect us! She came as matchmaker Cadence." "Yep, and her new target seems to be Celly." "Oh no! And I know what that means. It’s blind date season for the poor Princess and those near her." Drusy shivered at the memory, "I still remember when Inkwell was her latest project. I ended up being drag into that mess and tricked into eleven blind dates, in one week! I can't go through that circus again sir, I just can't." She warned him with panic in her voice. "Nobody is going through match maker season. She is only staying a couple of days." He tried to calm her down and then himself from having to endure her latest plan. "The princesses would only have to soldier on and go on maybe one or two dates tops." "Yeah right, I give Princess Cadence two days before saying that something happened here or at the Crystal Kingdom so she has to stay longer." Drusy countered with an unimpressed look and making air quotes for the ordeal. "Yeah she is free to try, that is never gonna work on my ladies." "Sir!" "Sorry, sorry. The Royal Princesses. Back to the issue. I trust them and know that they will manage to send her off, before things get out of hand. Me on the other hand, well turns out that she is still trying to set me up so I might need you to pretend to be my marefriend for some days. Nothing different from our usual plan mind you, we just need to up the flirting act until she gets out off our backs for good. Don't worry Luna already knows, and I'm sure Celly and Twily would understand once we explain why we’re doing this." "Yeeeeeeah, about that. I don't think that is gonna work with Cadence sir." She looked away in embarrassment and started playing with her fingers again. "She kind of knows we are pretending." "Come again?" "She put me in a tough place, ok? Actually, you...you were going to be my first option for a date. When I said no, she kept insisting on knowing why, and I ended up confessing. I'm sorry Mark, but that mare was relentless and used those princess mind tricks on me. I try to hide it as much as I can, but she simply broke me." For his part the mayor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, I figured that much, Mi Amore can be unstoppable when it comes to this subject. It’s ok, we can think of something else. We will return to this later, for now, let’s just focus. What is in the agenda Ms. Drusilla?" Mark asked in a more serious tone, deciding to focus on the job. Nodding Drusilla followed his example and looked at her clipboard. "Seems like we will be having most of the day overlooking the post heat clean-up of the city. We need to pick the list of red annulments for rush engagements and luckily the regular list isn't as big this year...oh yeah and I have 5 good options for a present for Miss Pie, baby shower tomorrow." "Pinkie baby shower!" He hit his forehead in realization, "How did I forget? Drusy is...?" "Everything organized and ready sir, train tickets, suit, invitation. The only thing missing is the present." "You are a life saver Drusy." He nodded and picked up his own clipboard, "Ok let’s get to the clean-up then. There is still plenty to get done." Nodding the two exited town hall and began the clean-up process throughout the city. The damage of the heat even if minimum was still visible to everyone. Strong lingering musk, the discarded sexual toy or underwear laying on the street and of course the almost parade like march of shame of both genders going from and to everywhere in the city. Needless to say, clean up and organization was needed and until the streets where back to their usual self, children below 12 were strictly forbidden to leave their homes and in particular,not to traverse to the most compromised sections in town. Yes, just like the name implied the post heat clean-up was quite literally cleaning up the streets of the previous activities, and more importantly was the only acceptable time for the mayor, local police and a substantial chunk of the medical corps to visit the red district, since the ponies working there always take the bulk of the heat and were at the biggest risk of injury and legal shenanigans of all type. Reaching a particular tall prench style red and purple mansion. The mayor couldn’t help but sigh from fatigue before entering with the secretary while mares dressed in loose elegant dresses or scandalously tight and erotic maid outfits were constantly calling out for them or other guards and doctors trying to do their jobs as they were attending injured clients/ employees or filling up reports of various crimes. "It never changes, doesn't it Ms. Drusilla?" "There is no use in fighting it sir, this is Lust Town." She replied immediately as the two stopped, having reached a particular big set of wooden double doors, where a sculpture of a mare spreading her legs in front of them was present. "Dear god this door." He shook his head. "I’ve said it before, and I will continue to say it. Madame Ménage REALLY needs to change this door. If possible, with something that leave something to the imagination." He complained out loud, knocking on the door, turning his head as he tried to ignore exactly what it was that he was knocking on. "~Enter~" A deep femininely and prench accented voice called from the other side as the door slowly opened to let the two inside a very spacious office where ponies and other species of different genders where laying there, with barely concealing togas or nothing at all until they took notice of who was walking inside. And with a startle picked up what they could and left in a hurry, minus a couple of ladies that just remained and got comfortable in nearby couches eyeing the visitors, clearly employees as well. "Sorry to interrupt your activities ladies, we will try to be as brief as possible" "Nonsense." A hippogriff wearing a belly dancer outfit with a light purple transparent shirt showing her perky and petite breasts got in front of them and stopped the mayor by placing her claw on Mark’s chest. She had vibrant green fur, with two different color types for her wings. With yellow on the right wing and red on the other giving her an almost parrot-like appearance. "By all means Mr. Mayor, stay as long as you want." she leaned forward with half lidded eyes, "Why the rush?" "A schedule actually." Mark replied immediately and gently grabbed and pushed her claw and body away from him, "Which we can't delay unfortunately, but thanks for the offer, Lady Pearly." They tried to advance again but a new worker approached, and this one managed to get a reaction from the mayor who had to turn away. "Come on Mr. Mayor, loosen up a little, you barely visit, you barely call and when you do it’s all about the job." Standing in front of them was none other than Cadence herself, wearing a priest outfit decked out completely in white with a veil covering her eyes. Said outfit was barely holding her voluptuously big breast. She was exposing a great deal of her legs and a hole in the chest revealed a chain most likely connected to a pair of nipple piercings on them. "At the very least let us sign your cast." She slowly approached him with a gentle smile and got closer to his suspended arm. "You know, many of us really wish you could visit more. The reforms and laws to protect sex workers and grant us free medical care has put us in a very thankful..." "Ms. Marieta! I have no issue with your choice of disguises, but I implore you. Please stop looking like that mare in particular. There is some bad blood between us at the moment, and the last thing I want is to project said anger on you." Mark interrupted her with barely contained rage, which she quickly detected and she got confused as she took a step back to return to normal. Turning back, the human was happy to find a yellow changeling with black stripes making her resemble a bee blinking at him in confusion, as he sighed in relief. "Thanks, and I'm sorry." He looked at her in pity, "I respect you and your line of work but this isn't exactly the place for me." "Aww, is there really no way we could change your mind?" Marieta asked now using her real voice which had a scottish accent. "Non, Marieta." A prench accented voice called from behind her, "What do we do when ze client say no?" Startled, both workers turned to the source and stepped aside so the mayor could approach an ovitaurs, who had been staring at them from the start with hands on her chin as she leaned on her desk. "Unless zere iz a safe word, we stop and stand back." She informed as the very embarrassed changeling nodded and kept her head down. It was clear the ovitaur in question was the one in charge of the place. She had cute short ram horns, vibrant blue ringlet styled long hair that matched her blue shepherd costume, which was a size two short, barely containing her huge breasts. Her bust was exposed so much the two could see the very tip of her nipples. Vibrant white wool with blue edges at the hole in her chest to expose more her dark pink chest, a dark purple necklace, and a long blue hat with a ribbon on the back. She had on some blue lipstick and eye shadow to accentuated her alluring appearance as her line type pupil stared directly at that the mayor. "So sorry Mesie Mark, Marieta ere is just one of many fans of yours." "No need for apologies Madame Ménage." Mark shook his head and took a seat on the other side of his desk, with Drusilla standing next to him, making more apparent how Ménage was a bit shorter than the two. "And like always you look as delightful and beautiful as ever Madame Ménage." She giggled cutely at the compliment "You tease." “As for Mariete, I'm very flattered and honored but as enticing as all of you are, I'm here for business." "Direct to ze point then, such a shame. Ms. Drizzle as told me ow much ze misses er priced pupils, wouldn't you like to at ze very least walk pass ‘er studio and say i?" They exchanged glances before looking back at her, "We may, for now do you have the papers?" She sighed in disappointment and rolled her eyes. "Talk about killing ze mood." She stood back and opened one of her desk doors before retrieving a small stack of papers that were neatly organized. "ere you go, ze list of annulments, and zis year’s lingering eat madams." She then smirked and looked at Drusilla. "Would ze remaining Mesiers be ready to perform?" "I said I was sorry, and yes. They are ready." Drusilla quickly picked up the stash of paper. "And thanks for the list, we will get right on it" "I still find ard to understand why you bother with ze trouble Mesie, why ze formalities and paperwork?" Ménage asked with a raised eyebrow and an extended arm for effect. "We have been over this Madame. Safety precautions. I want to make the red district as secure and comfortable as possible for all who are involved in it, but to do so we need to have organization, establish rules and secure privacy." "Miss Menage, aren't you done yet? When are we going to start the heat baaaaaaaaaa....." Fancy Pants step out of a curtain behind her wearing what looked like a thong with a stuffed sheep covering his genitals. He froze and started his best imitation of a sheep the second he saw Mark and Drusilla talking with the ovitaurs in question. For his part the human didn't react and only pointed at him. "Case in point. Remember the old days? The abuse? The killings? The drug dealers, and those that wanted to look for dirt? My system may be tedious but it gets results, protects everyone involved and ensures that, THAT and whatever is happening behind that curtain doesn't leave this district. Heck it will not leave this room," He turned to Fancy Pants, "Just go back Pants, I'm almost done here. I'm just going to pretend that your WIFE is behind that curtain as well." He emphasized with a small glare at the startled stallion. The still frozen Fancy only nodded and returned back to the curtains. Ménage couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head at the whole ordeal. "Oh Mesie, one of zis days, I would make you blush." "Maybe, but today is not going to be the day." They stood up and prepared to leave but Mark stopped and started pondering something, confusing Drusilla and gaining the interest of Ménage. "Ms Ménage." "Oui?" "...Nevermind. I need to process the idea first." "O, o, o. Now my interest iz piqued, Mesie Mayor you tease! You better tell me zoon." "Will try, oh! And just so you know. Cadence is in town...and she came along." Immediately all the colors of her face drain and her eyes turn to dinner plates. "O dear Starz! She is on the prowl again?" "Yep, so better be careful ladies, less you want to end up like her kingdoms red district, which at this point I think is more like a match maker enterprise...district." The notion is enough to make all the mares present shiver and nod rapidly at his warnings. "Want to tell me what that was?" Drusilla whispered once they were far away from the mansion. "An option to get rid of Cadence, I will explain once we are in private" > A Pink Cherry Story (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After hearing a couple of knocks at the entrance of sugar cube corner, an eager Pinkie Pie, wearing a thick white apron, a yellow shirt and dark pink long skirt open the door and immediately extend her arms. Her pregnancy was now more obvious as her belly and chest seem to have grown significantly, same with her mane and tail apperantly that now seems to had balloon even more and were showing some streams and confetti trap inside of it "MARK! You made it!" rushing forward she give a big hug to the human wearing a blue sweater and his informal clothes, as she is careful with the big light blue box present he was carrying with two arms. "Wouldn't miss it for the world Pinkie. Sorry we are late, had some last minute debate to deal with" "Oh something happen at townhall?" She ask with a raise eyebrow as she let go of him "No, convincing Drusy to come along" He reply with a chuckle pointing at the bat pony next to him with his head. Said mare was wearing her normal punk style informal clothes at the moment as she chuckle with some embarrassment "I still thinking this seems like a private event and not a place to invite anHMP!" "NONSESES! The more the merrier" Pinkie immediately reply smooshes her face right on her chest and give her a very strong hug that cut her air supply for a moment before she jumps back "Come in, come in, we are just starting" She invite them over and step aside as Drusy recover her breath "And that is why I insist to caring the present" Mark explain with a small smirk as Drusy glares at him. "Did you set me up?" "I warn you, she is a hugger" "I think we go past "hugger" there Mark" She continue as they enter to a party at full swing pack full of ponies and others species chatting around. "I swear, I felt like that mare was trying to breastfeed me or something" "That is Pinkie for you, but don't worry. She only do that when she gets too excited" She give her a dead pan at that comment "You mean, like how she usually is all the time?" "Fine, fine! Tell you what, if you see her coming at you. Just get behind me and I will take the hug, deal?" "Deal!" She smirk with a nod as they leave the present on a table with others ones there. "Now if you excuse me, I will go mingle a little, I think I saw Inkwell near the fruit punch" "Try not to gossip all night!" He call as she leaves "No promises!" She warn him before disappearing among the crowd. Chuckling briefly Mark shake his head before looking around the party as well until a familiar face caught his attention, and make him get closer to say individual, who at the time was talking with Applejack as they sharing a drink "No way! Ms. July?" Mark ask in a cheerful tune as the mare in question turns around and flashes him a wide smile, her fur was light yellow with a mole near her right eye , she had a vibrant two tune red color long mane, arrange into a hive bee comb, held together by a yellow handkerchief with cherries imprinted on it. She also had a strong pink scarf tie on a knob on her neck and was wearing a long sleeve white shirt underneath a black vest, working jeans and a big golden belt buckle with cheery imprinted on it. "Well, well, well look who we have here, Mark! Come here you little rascal!" Not waiting for permission she brought him closer into a strong hug much to Applejack surprise "Just look at you, my stars, how have you change" She break the hug while keeping her hands on his arms, giving them a little squish "My, my, someone has been working out since last time" She flashes him a flirty look, making Mark blush and chuckle in embarrassment "I try to stay in shape Ms. July" "Oh for pony sake!" She roll her eyes and punch his shoulder letting him go "How many times do I have to tell you? DROP the tittles, and just call me Cherry already! All this Ms.'s is making me feel old" "A come on Ms...I mean Cherry, you, you actually look exactly the same" Mark compliment actually impress on how she doesn't seem to have age one bit "Oh you flatter" She reply with a wave of her hands. AJ having had more than enough decided to step. "Ah pardon me Mark, but how did you know my aunt?" She ask with a raised eyebrow. "Didn't I tell you?" Mark ask equally surprise "Oh boy, it was probably by the time I stop writing" He ask in embarrassment making Cherry laugh and put her arm around his head "Don't worry AJ, there is not much to talk about. This guy simply worked on my farm some years ago, that is all. You know how friendly I usually get with my employees" "I thought that was only with family" "Nope, she is just that good of a boss" Mark answer immediately "Oh stop it, flattery would not get your job back" She let go and poke his chest "Not that you need it anyway, right Mr. Mayor, hmm? So much for that 'I would never be a pencil pusher' speech" "JA well you be surprise Cherry, turns out been Mayor is more than just been behind a desk" "Really now? Do tell" "Nah, I wouldn't want to bore you, besides. I though you two were in a middle of something" "Mark?" A familiar voice call from behind him and looking around he saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash approaching both with smile on their faces "Nice! You made it! Dude we have so much to talk about" Rainbow exclaims in eagerness. Cherry only laughs at that "Afraid you will have to wait a bit honey, Mark and I are just catching up, and to answer your question. Nah AJ and I were just chatting of nothing and pondering if she has everything pack already for her big trip" "Wait, you know each other?" Dash and Fluttershy look at the two in surprise just like AJ was before. "Used to work with her, and hey that is right, tomorrow is the big move" Mark remember and look a the 3 mares "How are you feeling? Nervous?" "~Don't try to change to subject~" Cheery intervene before any of them could answer and poke his nose "So you were saying?" "Well, I really was set on not just being behind a desk so since day one I made it my personal mission to be as active in the community as possible. So me and Drusy often time go around town, checks on everything organized social events, put into action various projects to improve the city and so on and on. Sure at the end of the day there is still plenty of paperwork but we make the effort of not been stuck in the office all day" "I can see the results" Cherry nods in amazement "Me too, did you really turn a criminal into a bloody pulp when he was invading Canterlot?" Dash ask in excitement "N-no, didn't you heard the papers? Celestia..." "Mark" AJ stop him by placing a hand on his shoulder and shake her head "Don't, just...don't. Don't even try" With a defeated sigh he look down "Twilight?" "Twilight" The 3 mares reply simultaneously "Figures, listen that is suppose to be keep secret ok?" He look at the still eager Rainbow Dash "Yes I did" "Oh my" Fluttershy bring her hand to her mouth in surprise "Awesome!" Rainbow fist bump the air "Oh dude you and I are so need to have a sparring session now!" "BUT! The world isn't ready, they can't know the mayor of Canterlot can punch holes into boulders, so please keep it a secret" Mark tells as they move their conversation near the fruit punch where all of them take a cup to drink. "JA! Since you haven't change much, dear" Cheery laugh and pat his back "Still allergic to attention and compliments, for what I can see. Don't worry we will keep it between us, but just know there is such thing as been too humble" "I will keep it in mind" He nods a couple of times. "Why don't we change the subject?" Fluttershy suggest "Agree" Cheery nods "There is something else I been dying to ask, tell me Mark. Have you got yourself a marefriend yet?" At the moment the mayor and caretaker were drinking a little and almost choke once they heard Cherry been so direct. "Ex-Excuse me?" Recover some breath Mark answer first. "Come on! Mr. Eligible Bachelor, don't think for a moment I didn't read the article" She mentions with a big grin making chuckle in embarrassment "I have nothing to do in that Cherry" "Doesn't change anything the ponies have spoken, and you are actually gonna a tell me that there hasn't been any mare that has caught your eye?" "Well..." Smiling he pretends to be looking around the mares in the party when in reality he was looking at Twilight who was currently talking with Ocellus and Gallus "...there have been one or two" He admit with a small chuckle before receiving a slap on his back from Cherry who laugh hard. "HA! So glad to hear that" She brought him into another hug and point at him with the hand that was still holding a cup "I was beginning to fear you got back into your shell and I would have to pop your cherry again" The comment doesn't escape AJ as she actually spit her drink while Dash almost choke and Fluttershy surprisingly look mildly surprise and smile but looking at her friends do a double take and pretend to choke too. "WHAT?!" AJ exclaim in horror but before she could say anything else Cherry end the hug and point at the distance "Hold it partner! Oh, ho, ho you think you could escape me? Big Mac! You big red trunk! Come here and give your aunt a big hug!" She cheer before rushing to see her nephew. "Well! That was fun, so nice to see you girls I would go look for Rarity and..." "Oh no you don't!" AJ block his way with a stern look "Care to elaborate what did my AUNT just say partner?" She ask in a cold tune letting him know that she wasn't exactly asking causing the mayor to gulp. "Yeah dude, out with it. Did you...?" Rainbow continues "Girls, girls" Fluttershy get in between them and Mark "Don't you think that is a bit personal?" "It my aunt for pony sake!" AJ argues back "Ok, ok relax AJ. You are a making a scene" Mark remind her pointing to his right as the mares see how ponies were beginning to look at them "Let look for a quieter place" The farmer and wonderbolt exchange glances before aggreging and the 4 went upstairs looking for a secluded place to talk, finding an empty living room with some chairs to sit. "Ok so it happen pretty early in my travels, I think by then I just left Ponyville, no wait! I went east first, visis Manehattan briefly...ok don't remember exactly when but I know it was before I went to the crystal empire" He resume. "Wait so you actually...?!" AJ ask in horror but Mark stop her "I getting there! Patience please! Or better yet, wait until I'm done" Mark request and she nods and sit back letting him resume "Anyway, I was in a very...not low or vulnerable state of mind per se. More like in a conflicted set. It has been a while then, and I was beginning to feel like I was trying to distract myself from reality. No way of getting home, pondering if I should try the mirror, asking if I really wanted to go back home if I find a way. Lots of stuff in my head by then" "Oh my, Mark aren't you happy here?" Fluttershy ask in sorrow. "What? Oh no, no, don't worry about it. It happen a long time ago when I was doing soul searching and to answer. I'm extremely happy here, overtime I learn to love my life in this crazy fantastic world" He get lost in memory lane remember all the good times he had over the years, until AJ clear her throat. "Oh yeah, but back then when I arrived at Appleloosa I was still figuring lots of things. Particularly if I could truly find a mare attractive, no offense, but to be honest in my world ladies with your appearance well...I know one or two stories where ladies with equine faces describe monsters that only wish to harm and kill" "Hey!" Rainbow flares her wings in anger, until he mock surrender "Sorry! Sorry it just how things work there, and they picture and describe them WAY different than you, which are basically supermodels" Blushing a little the pegasus sit down and look away "...continue" "So yeah, I was starting to find you attractive despite only knowing you as monster from campfire which only serve to scare me even more, I was curious and afraid I was Curfraid, so I decided to try distracting myself working on your aunt cherry farm." He smile at the memory and shake his head "Oh that mare, she saw right through me and wouldn't take any excuse when I kept insisting everything was fine. God bless her for that" He look up at the still furoic AJ with determination. "I will tell you right here, that I didn't intend for anything to happen, she was the one that put the offer in the first place and stated that it would only be that, sex. AH!" He stood up and raise a finger before AJ could chew his air, startling the group. "Applejack we all grown creatures here, so if you really wish to hear the story you will have to get use to the idea of your aunt been a mare with needs and don't go overboard. Are we clear?" Still surprise they all nod slightly. Mark needs a moment clear his thought so he pinch his nose and look around "Never imagine he could take charge like that" Whisper to the others as they nod "I do, and it one of his best assets" Fluttershy thinks about it with a dreamy expression. Once he recover he turns around to them. "Anyway it didn't happen right away, in her words she only say "just go with the flow honey, and if you don't want to that is ok. But if you are really curious just have one taste? I'm a cherry expert after all" Then she wink at me and do something with a cherry that made me blush. Long story short I took her offer and couldn't be more proud and happy to do so" Fluttershy smile and nod at the story feeling a small kindship on his situation to her own "You slept with my aunt?!" AJ whisper shout with some heat on her cheeks as he nods once. "Yes, but it was only physical. Only once, and only to help me make a decision, I'm grateful to your aunt for that AJ. And I give you my word, there was absolutely no malice in my actions or hers" "...Fine!" AJ finally reply crossing her arms "But you better come clean right now mister, did you slept with any other of my relatives? Is there some crazy story I should be aware of?" Mark makes some memory trying to recall all of his past encounters before shaking his head "Nope, not that I can recall and there weren't many. So I'm pretty sure Cherry Jubilee was the only one" "Good that all I want to hear" They all stand up "Now let go enjoy the party, this is suppose to be our send off right?" AJ remind them as they start to walk away "Also, not that it relevant but just in case I also date Daring Doo briefly" "WHAT?!" It was Rainbow Dash turn to be shocked by the revelation, yet Mark just keep marching. "A story for an another time, let go. I don't want to miss the cake or when they open the present" "But...?" Before Dash could say anything else Fluttershy comes to his aid "Come on Dash this is suppose to be a party not an interrogation. Let the poor guy go and let just have fun" "But...but...Daring Doo" She whine but the caretaker insist and eventually Dash let it go and decided to let him be for now. Later on while everyone else was chatting, Mark and Fluttershy went out side to have a little breather and chat in peace without the music inside forcing to shout everything they say. "Thanks for the save early Fluttershy, for a moment there I was afraid that I would spend the rest of the evening explaining myself to Dash and AJ" "It was nothing, we all entitle to our privacy" Fluttershy give him a small wink and subtlety point to Filthy Ritch with her head "No! Him?! But...isn't he...?" "Yep married, and I like to think that I help their relationship somewhat. They were on a dark place at some point and her wife needed to be learn a lesson. Let just say, she learned to appreciate her husband more and don't just view him as a check book" She proclaim in pride with a smirk. "Je so glad to hear that. I'm surprise to hear THAT help save a marriage but I'm glad to hear it had a happy ending in the end. Speaking of which, you moving out. Does that mean that you no longer...well, you no longer would be there to help in that regard?" "Why would I stop?" She ask blinking a couple of times in confusion. "Fluttershy, this isn't like just moving to Las Pegasus. You and the rest will start a whole kingdom. I don't need to be an expert to know that you will have your hands full for at least months. I don't think you would have time to do what you love, at least...not without exposing your secret" He mentions with a worry tone. The caretaker for her part only smile and nod "True it would be a while, and you are right that we will be busy" She place her hand on his shoulder "But that doesn't mean we can't visit. Tree Hugger was kind enough in telling me that I will always be welcome at her town, and when the time is right I would gladly operate our red district" That comment catch him off guard but she stop him before he could say anything "I'm not ashamed of admitting who am I, and when the time is right I will come clean with everyone. I appreciate your concern Mark, I really am. But I'm telling you, everything will be fine" That help him relax and nod "You really have come a long way from the shy and nervous mare I once knew. I only hope one day I can see you sing on stage" "You will have a front row seat when that happen" Her eyes turn sultry and she get closer "And if you need any help you can always visit too" That cause him to chuckle and nod once "Duly noted" He then remembers something "Just one thing, do NOT put a nudity in the front door of your office!" He demand with a stern look confusing the poor mare. "Huh?" "Long story I would explain some other day but anyway I will keep that offer in mind Fluttershy, and really I wish you the best of luck" "Thanks" They share a hug between the two and enjoy each other company. Neither realizing how Princess Cadence was looking at them with intrigue from the second floor. So that is your type, eh Mark? Now I know where to start Her thoughts soon are interrupted when Pinkie exit the house and headed straight at the two wearing Mark present. "Marky! I love the milk pomp! Thank you so much! Look they fit like a globe!" With wide eyes Mark tries to back away "AH! Pinkie your shirt is open, is open, PINKIE!" He tries to warns her but it was too late as the machine came lose in time for Mark to be embrace by the party planner ample boson. "Oh, oh my" Fluttershy blush lightly at the whole ordeal as ponies from inside the house have a small laughter at the event. Later on a train back to Canterlot Drusilla and Twilight kept trying to contain their laughing while a still blushing angry Mark keep staring at them, his shirt still slightly damp, same with his hair who had a faint milk smell on it. "Stop it" "We didn't say anything" Twilight defend the two. "It not that funny" "It kind of is" Drusilla has to admit starting to laugh a little follow by Twilight "Tell me Mark, how did it taste" The two can't resist anymore and start laughing "Admit it, one small part of you, like it" They continue to laugh as Mark can't think of a rebottle can only sigh and look down. "Can we change the subject please?" He look up and in particular Twilight "I have no issue but why did you come with us Twilight? Isn't today your last day in ponyville? Don't you want one last day at your castle?" "I already say my goodbyes" Twilight explain more calmly before sighing and look at the window "And everything is pack and ready anyway, no, today there was a party sure but the girls and I wanted to spend tonight with our families, well except Pinkie. She was like me and had her goodbye party with her relatives early so she could go arrive first to New Harmonious with her husband and pet and start preparing everything for us. In the meanwhile, we all decided to spend time to our family before departing." "Oh so you..." "Yep, wanna a see mom and dad one last time before leaving, besides there is one small departing ceremony the Princess want to throw me before I leave so that is that" Mark smile and reach out to grab her hand "You would be miss Twilight" "Don't worry I will visit" She reassure him squishing his hand "And I will start writing the moment we arrive there" "Please take your time to drink the view. We can chat and organized visit, schedules and the likes later on" Twilight coo and they share one small kiss of intimacy "Besides there are still issues I have to deal here as well" Mark adds with some anger. "Marky" Twilight erase his anger by putting her cheeks on his face "Promise you would give Cadence a chance, I know what she did was wrong but please, I don't want to see you two fighting" She ask giving him her best puppy eyes. "Oh Twilight that is just cheating. You know with those eyes I be willing to move all of Canterlot by hand" She keep staring until he breaks "Ok, ok, I will do what I can do mend things up with her...and ignore the fact she is setting you up into blind dates" Smiling he give him another kiss this one more passionate with even a little bit of tongue that catch him off guard. "thank you honey, I promise. We will make it up to you" She leans forward and whisper on his ear "All night long" Blowing some air the human shivers and his eyes roll causing Drusilla to laugh and shake her head at the funny expression he was making "Get a room you two" > Depart And Opening Act (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a cheering audience, the ponies of Canterlot, listen intently to the sweet parting words of Princess Twilight as banners wishing good luck and safe travels were scattered all over the crowd, as Canterlot throws her one final parade before she leaves for New Harmonious "Citizens of Canterlot, it is with a heavy heart that I must say all of your goodbyes. I would never forget the sweet memories I spend here, the hours studying in the library the countless time my family and I went playing in the parks, and the innumerable lessons I learn at Princess Celestia school. All those experiences now I will carry on as I venture into new uncharted lands and follow the example of Princess Cadence in building a new kingdom of my own, today I depart as a citizen but I may return as a full flesh ruler. One that would never forget her roots and will always keep Canterlot and all of Equestria close to her heart. Rest assured you, our kingdoms will have an ever-lasting alliance and the foundations of friendship and harmony will forever be imprinted on my ruling, never-ending harmony" She ends by making a heart with her hands and raising her arms in the air. "And bring and strong heart" Everyone responds and repeats the actions before bursting into cheering and yells of encouragement, as the royal family and members of politic exit the stage. "Be careful out there and remember, every blooming kingdom starts small and steady, listen to your citizens and pay attention to your major" Celestia gives some parting lessons once they break a hug between the two. "And don't forget to flex some of your powers to immediate neighbors, Twilight. Not as a treat but as a warning of what could happen if they view you as easy prey" Luna advised her until Celestia shove her side "Hey it a good advice, you can't show weakness sister" "You don't have anything to worry about aunties. Twilight is smart I'm sure she will know how to deal with any kind of situation." Cadence reply with a chuckle before looking at Twilight "Know you can always count on us, the moment I have time I will go visit your home Twily" "Thanks, Cadence, everybody. I promise to make all of you proud" "You already did" The four share a hug as Mark and Drusilla allow them to have their moment before approaching the group. "You will always be welcome here Twilight, no matter if, me or another mayor, just send a letter in advance and we will make sure a patrol and sleeping arrangements will be ready for you. We will gonna a give you the royal treatment" They all stare at him with a deadpan "You know what I meant!" Sharing a laugh they break the hug and Twilight goes to him "I know, we are just messing with you. Please don't forget to visit too ok? We still need plenty to catch on and you still owe us a couple of stories of your adventures" Twilight reminds him poking his chest. "The moment this cast comes off, and everything is peaceful here I will be dropping by, try not to party too hard once you come there ok?" Mark returns the smirk as they both laugh and nod "I will keep Pinkie in check" she gives him one quick hug to whisper in his ear "And don't forget, be nice to her" "I will" They share one last goodbye before Twilight goes and boards a chariot ready for her long trip to New Harmonious, before lifting off and flying away as everyone party wishing her good luck. "And there she goes" Hearing a sniffing, they are surprised to see Celestia and Luna on the verge of crying. "Your majesties? Is everything alright?" Drusy ask in concern "We are fine is just. Our little Twilight is all grown up now" Celestia replied before putting a hand on top of her mouth and looking away. "We just need a moment, we...we are very proud" Luna continues not fairing much better. Cadence soon come to their aid and massage their backs. "I got this Mr. Mayor, why don't you two go enjoy the rest of the party? We will see you at dinner" She tells before teleporting the 3 before he could utter a reply. "Ok, so we are done then. Nice talking with you, hope you feel better" Mark replied sarcastically as he talks to the wind. "Don't worry sir, perhaps is for the better" Drusilla walks to him and pats his shoulder "This seems like an emotional situation, of the personal kind?" She reminds him "The kind you don't want to get too involved with, while a certain mare is close" She whispers to him making him sigh in frustration. "Of all the times she could come, of all the moments she decided to play matchmaker again, she had to choose THIS specific moment when I finally caught their attention, that mare..." He stops himself and takes a deep breath "Nope, I made a promise, she means well, she means well" "I'm sure she does, but now I think it better if you don't see her for a while sir, she handed me this" The secretary hand over an official document, that steamrolls any legal reason as to why he could meet the royal sister until the party is over, causing him to breath again. Holding some anger and crumbling the paper a little he hands it back to her " Yeah you nail it Drusi, right now I can't see Princess Mi Amore until I clear my head. Dear god, we need to get rid of her Drusi" "I'm with you sir trust me, but you made a promise with Princess Twilight and hey, this could be a blessing in disguise" That caught him off guard as he look at her "How so?" "Well with how distressed the royal sisters are, Princess Cadence would probably step back from her project, and if we milk this just right. She would be gone and busy by the time she realized it" "Yeah...yeah!" He cheer up and rise his head high "You are right, and I could buy more time by mending things with her too" "There you go! Now that is the right attituded" Drusy smile and the two leave the stage to join the rest of the party. "Thanks, Drusy" "Anytime buddy, but enough of that drama, let's have some fun! We have the rest of the day for ourselves." Meanwhile, back at the castle Teleporting the 3 to the mess hall Cadence was quick to issue some maids to bring some snacks and tea for everyone and guide her aunts into sitting in front of the table as well as summoning some tissues and a small garbage can. "There aunties, let everything out" Cadence instructed as she massage their backs, the sister picking some of the tissues and trying to clean their faces a little. "Oh my goodness, we apologize niece. This is an unflattering side of us" Luna quickly recover and apologies "We prepare for it, we knew this day was coming, we had everything laid down, and yet at the moment of truth I couldn't help but to..." "It ok auntie none of us are made of stone. There is nothing wrong with being sad, but Twilight would be fine, she is a good girl and you taught her everything she would need to know" Cadence consoles her as Luna needs another moment. Cleaning her nose and throat, Celestia toss the dirty tissue before looking around "Where is Mark?" She asks without thinking which shocks both Princesses albeit for different reasons. Recovering first Cadence frowned at her "Oh no, you are not gonna do this auntie" "D-Do what?" Celestia questioned in surprise, as Cadence approach her. "Bury yourself in work with boring meetings, paperwork, and day court, just to avoid dealing with your emotions. See? This is exactly what I was talking about, you can't keep doing that? I mean look at aunt Luna, she found a hobby recently and allow herself to be more than just "the princess of the night" "...Yeah you got me Cadence I suppose I have a problem with how to deal with my emotions. But he and I had this meeting scheduled and..." "...already taken care of" Cadence smirked at her "Anticipating this, I took the liberty to cancel any meetings, put your work on hold and declare a long party in celebration of Twilight's departure, an obligatory one too. So you are not sneaking out of this auntie, you two are not gonna a see even a glimpse of the mayor or any other form of work in a while" "Yay?" Luna replies unsure of the idea. She sigh and extend her arms to grab but of her hands before squeezing them tight "I know this is gonna be hard, but I would be there for you on every step. We could make it a game! Or sleepover, play some board games. Remember old stories we all shared with Twilight, maybe even cheat our diets a bit with some cake?" She winks at Celestia at the last statement. "Not too much of course! I still haven't forgotten our little deal" "But of course, and that sounds lovely" Celestia then looks at the window and comes up with an idea "And do you think it would be possible we could also join our little ponies in the celebration?" She suggests. "Huh?" Getting the idea Luna nods "We could certainty used the fresh air, and who wouldn't want to party a little?" "Well, I thought you would be emotionally fragile and want time to be alone with just family but sure! I would love for us to let loose, dance a little, mingle with everyone, and...wait." She glares at them "this isn't a trap to lose me on the crowd and then go work on something isn't it?" Celestia smiled and shake her head "You have our word dear niece, work is the last thing on our mind right now" She keeps looking at them suspiciously before smiling "Ok! Then sure we could make this a girl's night out! But we better take baby steps first, as to not risk any relapses, one calming tea, some harmless board games, a day at the spa here at the castle, and then out to a night club!" She listened in excitement "What do you say?" "That sounds like a lovely idea, but I believe Tia and I are a bit rusty when it comes to wardrobe choices. Think you could help us out, dear niece?" Cadence's eyes sparkle the second Luna says that. "Do you mean it?!" "I think it's time" Luna confirm with a nod making Cadence giggle and grin just like Pinkie Pie. "Ok, ok wait here, I have been making a scrapbook wishing for this day to come! I'm so happy I carried everywhere!" She mentions before standing up and then leaving the room with a spring in her step. Once she is gone Luna turns to Celestia. "Ok, that would give us, roughly 15 minutes. What is your plan sister?" "There is nothing much of a plan Luna, I appreciate Cadence's intention and I don't see anything wrong with her wanting to cheer us up, in these hard times." She confesses with a sincere smile. "....But?" Luna waves her hand waiting for Celestia to continue. "...but I was thinking, just because we are sad and probably suffering some empty nest syndrome. That doesn't mean we should just coop ourselves inside the castle for days remembering the "good old times" and thinking that perhaps some parting could do us some good. Dancing a little, chatting with our little ponies, playing some games, and maybe even chatting with the mayor" "There it is!" Luna exclaims with a smirk and crosses her arms "And by chance, this little chat of yours wouldn't involve trying to appeal to his compassion side to return to his good grace and dodge the dog house tonight, hmm?" "It was sprung on the moment Luna! I normally can dissuade Cadence on her plans but she had things stacked against me and I was fearing her next step would be an intervention" Celestia defend herself yet the night princess only raise an eyebrow making her sigh in defeat. "Yeah I was thinking that if you distract her for a bit I could try to fix things up between us" "For your luck, we already deal with the issue somewhat dear sister, don't get us wrong, you are still in hot water but, it might not be as bad as you think. So I agree that a private chat should be what you need" Luna nods once in agreement with the plan. "I'm fearing there is gonna be a condition, isn't it?" "Oh yeah, I spend the rest of the afternoon with him, call dips on our first secret date once Cadence is gone" "Fine" Celestia agree with a roll of her eyes "And you hand over every dessert served on our meals for one month" "A MONTH!?" "Wanna make it two?" She want to argue but the two could hear Cadence approaching "Fine, fine, you win" She reluctantly accepts and they shake hands "Hope your flanks balloon as a result" She harshly whispers. "Oh sister if that were the case, you should take that as a wake-up call" She jabs back as they complete the gesture in time for Cadence to return. "Ok I have the perfect idea for your first outfit but I wanted to hear your opinions before finding matching heels and...why were you shaking hands?" "Oh it's nothing dear niece, Tia and I were just considering a couple of factors, mainly my sleeping schedule" Luna answer "And how because I still had a night shift to attend the party or not, and ensure no crime don't happen in the middle of the night, YES Cadence! that is still happening no matter what you say, and no it can't excuse no matter what!" She remind her with frustration before Cadence could argue. "So, because soon she would have to go to sleep anyway, and thinking this is a good opportunity for all of us having quality time with our favorite niece. I could have you for the rest of the day and you can spend all night with Luna" "Wait so you don't want to go party aunt Celly?" "Oh I'm going...tonight" She reply with a serene smile as Luna stood up. "And before that, I would spend the day having fun of my own" Luna mentions triumphally as she marches out of the door. "But...but...I already had the whole plan set for all of us?" "Aww, that is adorable dear niece!" Luna pinches one of her cheeks "Pretending to act like Twilight and her cute little tick-about lists and following schedules to cheer us up. Thank you but, that is ok you can cut the act, we all know how plans change all the time. Besides you say it yourself. I'm more than fine! I already develop hobbies and learned to let loose, Celestia is the one with a workaholic problem" "Thank you, Luna!" Celestia mentions with a forced smile. "You're welcome" She smiles right back at her before noticing Cadence's notebook with different outfit combinations "Oh! May I?" She picks the notebook and whistled in approval "Oh definitely, I would choose that assemble. Have fun you two" She calls while observing a page in the notebook and leaving them alone. "But, but..."Cadence keeps repeating making Celestia chuckle and pats her shoulder. "It ok Cadence you would have your turn tonight, in the meantime why don't we go through some old albums while enjoying a relaxing picnic, I feel like taking a stroll on memory lane" She grab her hand and guide her out of the room, mentally giggling in victory. This would certainly keep her unbalanced, if Luna and I keep this up, she might even forget the whole ordeal of blind dates, too > Discreate Dating Under The Sunlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making her way through the street, the princess of the night waved hello to passers viewers in the midst of having fun at this brand-new celebration. Instead of her regular formal and beautiful dress, the princess pick up a white shirt with a purple dot on the chest showing half the moon and a couple of stars, a small red jacket, blue comfortable blue jeans, a black tick bracelet on her left wrist and some small blue eye shadow and matching lipstick to complete her semi-formal assembly. Admiring the decoration the princess was fairly pleased seeing how her little ponies had arranged the city in honor of Twilight sparkle with banners and all sorts of flags with her colors and cutie mark, her favorite deserts and foods, and oddly enough even the food that she fears the most. The latter is a concept that to this day still baffles the princess, besides open spaces to dance and mingle and other activities and games for all ages, the scene was enough to bring a big smile to the princess's face and almost made her wish that she had visited during the night so she could be more refresh and could admire the light show that no doubt the ponies had in store when the time comes. Almost been the keyword, since as much as the princess loves everything around her. There was another objective on her mind. Increasing the speed of her walk the princesses headed to the stage where not too long ago Twilight gave her last speech in the hopes of catching up with the mayor and subsequently having the perfect excuse to spend quality time with her beloved without raising too much suspicion. To her luck near said stage there was a public park with food stands serving the optional carnivores dishes which the princess was well aware the mayor and her assistant had a special weakness to it, and sure enough, after a short walk followed by exploration from the sky, Luna was able to spot the two in the middle of a conversation with none other than the head of H.R, Ms. Guidelines who seems to be scolding the two albeit with an intense blush on her face. "...and under article 417 of the privacy and accidental indecency. My actions would be falling into the intoxication category and should NOT be used as leverage in the future!" She rants while exchanging her pointing finger between the two. Contrary to her full formal business suit, the unicorn was now wearing a comfortable set of blue jeans a silver vest, and a long bottom yellow shirt, a curious assemble in the princess's opinion since she always thought that mare was even more of a workaholic than her sister. "Guideline, Guideline relax" Mark stop her ranting by lifting his hands in surrender to calm her down "I wasn't or would ever plan on using what you say against you, not even as a tease" "You...you weren't? Even with how hard I made life for you and your bimbo?" She asks in disbelief as he shakes his head "No, I'm a man of my word, and remember what my campaign said? We all are entitled to our private life. Heat season falls on that. Of course, I wouldn't blabber about what you say" "Oh thank the stars" She sigh in relief and close her eyes while holding her knees "I was fearing I wouldn't hear the end of this" "Me on the other hand" Guideline's blood froze as she slowly looks up to the smug smirk Drusilla "Aren't exactly that forgiven" "Drusy?" Mark looks at her in alarm. "Sorry Mark, she is the one that reveals her cards. You know the rules, it's open season now" She explained with a cute little smile before returning to the pale unicorn with her smug smile. "So fantasies of being a bitch Ms. Guideline? Seriously, now who is the one with a dirty mind?" She questions with a raised eyebrow as the poor unicorn starts to chuckle nervously. All the while Drusilla decided to tease even more by hugging Mark's arm and blowing air into his ear. "O-Of course not! Come on guys you know me? I don't have those thoughts, I don't get jealous of how you shamelessly touch inappropriate" One eye twitched as the thestral started to rub her crotch against his leg "Stop it!" Drusilla decided that it was enough and broke apart "What is the matter Guidely, jealous you can't be me?" "Of course not! I would do way more if I were in your horseshoes!" She gasps the second that phrase leaves her mouth. "Ok now THAT I need to share" Drusilla giggles malevolently before kissing his cheek "See you later handsome" She then turns around and fly away. "Wait! No, Drusilla, no, that is not what I mean, you miss understood, no! Don't you dare! Drusilla? COME BACK HERE, you...you lose mouth minx!" Guideline chuckled nervously at Mark before giving chase to Drusilla using a levitation spell and with a face practically red at this point. "Still dealing with some minor damage control, hmmm?" Luna comments with a chuckle as she approaches the mayor, startling him as he turns around "Although I can't exactly blame Guideline, we are all entitled to our taste. It's just a bit surprising coming from the head of Pony Resources, oh I'm sorry I mean human resources as you like to be called" She clarify herself with a smirk "Luna! I-I mean princess Luna, you made it!" He exclaims with a big smile before looking confused "But how? I thought princess Cadence..." "Shhh" She put a finger on his mouth "I manage to sneak away, and don't worry about titles, Mark" She explains with a wink. "My friends don't have to address me by my title all the time" Getting the idea he smiles and nods before she removes her finger. "So how did you manage to get past her?" "It was Celestia's idea. We simply suggest how some fresh air could do us some good, to keep our minds busy from...from" She started to tear up until Mark approached her and rub her back "Shh, it ok Luna, it ok. I'm gonna miss her too" She nods and clears her eyes, and sniffs once "My apologies, it appears our niece wasn't all wrong in saying we are a bit sensitive at the moment, anyway. We both wanted to enjoy the festivities a little bit too and since I would be heading to bed soon, to prepare for my night shift. I could go have some fun now, and then in the evening my sister and niece could join you." "Je clever girls" Mark smirked and look around for a moment before one of his hands sneaked closer and reach for her own "Then I better try my best, in ensuring that all of you lovely ladies had fun" Luna giggle cutesy and blush a little as their fingers played with one another "We certainly would appreciate that" "You know, with the excuse of this party some people could consider this like a secret date" She smirks and gets closer to him, their hands now interlock "Some ponies would like the sound of that" "Some people would like that as well, and maybe will try to make this moment as memorable as possible" "Some ponies may be intrigued on how they would plan to do that" Lost in thought and each other's eyes, the two were getting closer and closer, their lips inches away from one another when the sound of a loud flash froze and made their eyes wide before separating almost like they were repelled by electricity, looking back they let go a sigh of relief when discover the sound came from a photo boot where a group of ponies was having fun making silly faces on cut-outs of the mane six. The scare reminded them of their situation and made the two cough and blush looking around in fear for someone that might had spot them. Luckily by sheer luck, everypony around them where too busy playing games or chatting with one another to even notices the princesses standing near them. Her casual clothing surprisingly helped her blend with the rest of the crowd. Pretending to cough Mark looks back at her "M-Maybe we should abstain from..." "Y-Yeah! Yeah! No reason to tempt luck anymore. S-Shall we go see some of the games?" Luna suggests trying desperately from erasing the tense situation. "Sure! Sure let's see what we can find" He nods and the two start walking "And maybe you can tell me a bit of yourself, I have been dying to know when did you start cooking" he offered with a smile. "Oh that is quite the story, it all started when a staff member in the kitchen had to call a sick day out of the blue..." the princess start retelling her story as the two get lost among the crowd, not too far from them Guideline was still chasing a laughing Drusilla who keeps flying low as to tease her a little. And so the two spend the rest of the day enjoying each other company, chatting about anything while circling the entire town, naturally, ponies eventually notice Princess Luna but her casual attired and friendly demeanor, plus the mayor next to her, make her more approachable so the two had no problem talking with friends and ponies alike. All of that ended when the town clock rang indicating how it was officially noon, and the mayor could start to notice signs of fatigue in the princess. To anyone else, she seem more than fine, but for some reason, he was not able to look past her usual mask. "Terrible sorry folks but do you mind if I take the princess for a moment" Mark approaches them with a friendly smile as he stands next to princess Luna. "I don't know. Would you return her?" One of the nobles, a stallion with a single patch of brown on his face with a monocle, and a fine mustache ask with a smirk and pointed at them with a martini. The dopey smile and heat on his cheeks were a clear indication that he was getting a bit tipsy. "Don't be greedy Cellar, you can continue kissing her ass later" Mark fired back earning a lot of chuckles from the group as they start to roast the stallion who was trying to defend himself. Exploiting the distraction, Mark guide them away from the crowd and into a small alley where they could have some privacy. "What was that about my ass?" She questions crossing her arms with a smirk "Come on Luna, we both know how beautiful they are" Mark replies without skipping a beat as he ensures that no one is looking. For his actions, Luna only gets closer to him and pokes his nose "I would allow it this time, as long as you don't start saying that they are bigger than my sister's" She continue her playful nature but with a hint of anger in her voice, making her nervous. "D-Duly noted" Clearing his throat he grabs both of her hands "I love spending time with you" "Me too" She hold his hands back and tightened the embrace before her eyes get half-lidded and got closer to him "Did you pull me away to show me how much you love it? Because I wouldn't object" She giggled a little before starting to poker up her lips until Mark put a finger on it. "As much as I would like that, and dear god you have no idea how much I want it." A crack nearby alerts the princess and she sees how he was cracking the concrete wall corner beside him as a stress ball. "I brought you here so you had a perfect excuse to sneak back into the castle. It getting late, you have work to do in six hours and I know you are getting tired" "What do you mean I not getting..." His words are cut off when she was fighting a losing battle with a yawn. It was now Mark's turn to cross his arms and look at her with neutrality before raising an eyebrow. "Ok fine indeed I feeling a bit fatigue, but I don't want this day to end, the two of us were having so much fun" She pleads her case. "I don't want it to end either Luna, but it has to" He grabbed her hands again "We can have more days like this on a later occasion, but for now I think it best if we end our little date here" Sighing in defeat she nods once "You are right my love, as much as I don't want it to end, today has run its course and it's time we put an end to it. Especially with my duties looming over my head" "Don't be sad, we can see each other tonight and we could chat a little more by then. I promise" To his confusion, she simply shakes her head. "No, I made a promise, tonight belongs to Celestia. I can't rob her of the experience you have given me today" Smiling she raise her head "But before it ends there is one last thing to discuss" "What is it?" Rather than answer Luna surprise him with a kiss on the lips that lingers for just a little and gives him enough time to realize what was happening and close his eyes to enjoy it even more. Once it ended Luna break the two and wink at Mark "No date is complete without a kiss goodnight" "Agree..." He replies dopily, still recovering from the action "My turn" He was about to kiss her back when Luna place a finger on his lips "A later time my lover. For now, consider ourselves even" She winks and blows him a kiss before walking into the shadows where she disappears. Blinking a couple of times it takes a moment for the mayor to recover but when he does, he can't help but laugh God, I love that mare Turning around he makes his way back to the crowd to enjoy the party and await the arrival of Celestia. > Cadence The Chaperone (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While enjoying a small tea party both Cadence and Celestia reminisce about all the past adventures they both had with Twilight as they share stories and laugh at all the troubles little Twilight got herself into in her never-ending search for knowledge. Eventually finding a moment of silence Celestia stares at her reflection in the tea cup and stirs it a little before sighing. "Cadence, why are you so determined in finding everyone a partner?" That caught her attention and raise an eyebrow "Where did that come from? I thought we were talking about Twilight" "We are, and I enjoy it surely. But ever since you told me the lengths you are willing to go, not only for me but now I'm finding out you are doing the same for Mark. It starting to concern me. Just like you were concerned with how I was trying to fill a hole in my chest, I'm concerned about how much and why you are getting so involved in others' personal lives, I'm starting to fear you are doing so, whenever they wish for that or not." She looks at her with a mix of pity and concern "Please tell me I'm wrong" After a brief pause, Cadence put her cup down and sigh "Tell me aunt, have you ever seen a love one stab themselves in front of you with a painful smile?" "What?" Celestia only blinks at the sudden and gory example. "I ask again. Have you ever seen that? Or an ordinary citizen, let's make an example of what is the right procedure when dealing with a pony minding their own business. Except say business is self-mutilation? Be in private or public areas?" "An immediate intervention of course. No pony can be subjected to pain, not even oneself if find out or suspected. The pony must be apprehended, and placed in a house of healing where professionals can treat his condition if he suffers a mental illness or seeks comfort if the root of his actions are emotional or resulting from trauma" "And that is why I must intervene auntie" She looks at her in complete determination "I know is hard to explain, but I just know. All those times ponies...no, all creatures that keep chanting "I'm fine" with that same pain expression. Is not a gut feeling I feel their emotion, I feel how their heartache. I'm not making pretense either auntie. I know when others are fine on their own. And that is ok, we are all entitled to our lives" She points and shines her horn "But ever since I receive this gift, every time I feel that stab, I must get involved, not because I'm noisy, not because I'm indulging in some twisted hobby, and certainly not because I believe that I know better than others in the likes of love, but because, I simply can't stand idly by and see others keep mutilating themselves. THAT is why I'm the alicorn of love, that is my eternal oath as the crystal princess" "Oh, Cadence" She shake her head and couldn't help but smile a little in pride at her determination, understanding her niece a little bit "And do you think...?" "Yes," She cut her off almost immediately "I'm sorry to tell you auntie, but that is exactly what I felt. When you and Mark were saying 'I'm ok, been alone'. I knew both of you were lying, and how saying those words hurt you." Her eyes wide in realization So that is why she was so close. Unconsciously she bring her hand to her chest You were right niece, it pains me, lying saying I didn't find anyone. Same with Mark, but you miss understood our pain. And confused loneliness with longing for each other. I think I now understand why you are a fierce fighter against secret relationships. The princess was nodding internally, thinking she was done figuring out Cadence until she continue "...With Mark been the strongest pain I have ever seen" "Come again?" Celestia could only blink as she saw Cadence tightening her hold on her cup "Been ripped away from his species, been confused and facing the possibility of never meeting a woman as he told me once" Shaking her head she shivers at the memory "You have no idea the pain I felt that night auntie. Normally the phantom pain I perceive is like a dagger or maybe a short sword. But when he said to me 'I'm ok', for the very first time. Auntie, I almost faint. The pain, the agony, the cold" Her eyes were starting to get misty and some tears were beginning to fall. "The closest way I could describe it would be, been impaled over and over again by frozen iron pikes with venomous thorns, In every single corner of your body, in a never-ending agony" They both remain silent letting that image wash over them in sorrow and pity, or at least that is what Cadence assumed the two were sharing while in reality, Celestia was debating something else in her mind. My sweet, caring Marky. Is that what led to the awaking of indulging in those sadistic activities? Your warnings of losing yourself, your fears of not realizing how far you could go. All of that...is in reality venting unfinished frustration. Do you unconsciously yearn for the touch of your species? As your mare, I need to know, but should I tell him? His awakening in turn awoke my own. If I confront him would that be the end of it? Is our indulgence in reality toxic? By the old gods, what should I do? Her train of thought was suddenly interrupted when Cadence wings spam. Confused Celestia look up and saw how her niece was now perfectly stiff with a surprised look and wide eyes. "Cadence? Is everything alright?" "I just felt something" She finally replies as she relaxes and her surprise slowly morphs into a smile "A rush of love, a strong one, it blooming! Someone just came in. Aunt Luna!" She exclaims in excitement before standing up and running away. Understanding the implication Celestia got surprised as well and rush after her niece fearing that Luna could potentially just ruin their secret. Taking out her scroll Celestia desperately texts her sister to warn her, receiving emojis as a response. Seriously!? NOW you decided to speak in codes!? Celestia scowls her throw the phone as they continue running all over the castle until they find the princess of the night humming a happy tune, with a smile on her face and prancing toward her room. "Sister!" "Auntie!" Both royals look at Luna in surprise at her behavior, albeit for opposite reasons. Yet the princess of the night remains unfazed and simply smiles at them. "Why hello dear niece, dear sister. It's a wonderful day we are having don't you agree?" "Luna, are you alright?" Celestia ask getting worried and slightly concerned taking some glances at Cadence who was virtually turning into the element of laughter, from her excitement along with a giant grin from ear to ear to match. "You are acting kind of weird" "Oh my, am I? I'm so sorry if I'm causing you discomfort" "Neverminded her!" Cadence yells getting in front of Luna eager for the new gossip "Soooo...I gather that you had fun?" Laughing cutely Luna nods a couple of times "Indeed, I had the celebration turned into a huge success dear niece, it distracts my mind and allows me to have plenty of fun. But don't worry" She brings a finger to her mouth and winks at them "I will not spoil things for you. This is something you would have to experience firsthand to see what I mean. Now if you excuse me" She starts heading to the door when Cadence stops her "Is that all that happen?" Luna raises an eyebrow and smirks at her "Don't try to sneak your way for information missy, my lips are sealed" She proclaims while patting her head. "Aww come on auntie, can you tell me something? Like if perhaps you made some friends?" "Cadence dear, don't be pushy, if Luna doesn't want to answer, that is her decision" Celestia intervene "Now let the poor mare rest." "Oh that is ok Tia, I can humor her a bit" Luna pat her shoulder calmly before looking at Cadence much to the cringe and horror of Celestia. "Indeed I meet some old and new friends along the way" "Luna?" Celestia tries to stop her yet Cadence continues. "And where there stallions among those friends?" "Stallions and mares alike" She nods calmly "Where there any stallion in particular that grabs your eye auntie?" Smirking Luna got closer to her "What if there were more than just stallions?" That makes them gasp and Cadence gets more excited. "And do I know him? Her? Both?" Luna smile and poke her nose "For me to know and you, to not ask" "WHAT?!" Cadence looked at her in disbelief making Luna laugh and hold both doors of her room. "As Tia says, I'm entitled to my privacy am I not?" "But...but...don't you at least want some dating advice at least?" "Nooooo!" She replies cheerfully before closing the door "Good day Cadence, Good day sister" "Rest well Luna, I would see you later" Letting go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. Celestia grabs the wrist of the still-stunned Cadence and guides her away from the door. "Let go Cadence" "But...but...I thought we could discuss this. I have been dreaming of this day for years!" "Come on Cadence, you better than any pony should know how love is not an exact science, is chaotic, is unpredictable and it can happen at any moment without warning. Luna seems to have found someone that gives her joy. Isn't that all that matters?" "I suppose" Cadence end up agreeing looking away with a pout on her face and her arms crossed, like a filly that was denied her favorite ice cream flavor "I don't feel her lying or feeling the dagger so that means she is happy and has the right not to tell me who is them" She agrees albeit still mad from not knowing who the mysterious pony is, which help Celestia understand Luna end goal by admitting her feelings the way she did. Luna you clever girl. Why didn't I thought of that?! You found a way to get Cadence off your back for good. "Well, I suppose that leaves us just you and me then auntie" Cadence tells after a sigh and looks at the princess of the sun with a smile while the mare in question had to briefly pause mentally and be reminded how she was still needed to figure out a way to remove Cadence of her own back. Looking at the princess in question Celestia cringe a little when she notices her excitement returning and dreading what crazy plan she had in store for her. "Cadence dear, are you sure you would like to accompany me? I have been kind of hugging all of your attention as of late. Don't you wish to spend time with your aunt Luna too?" "Well of course I do. But after seeing how well she is doing, is clear to me which one of you needs my help the most. Besides, I still have tomorrow to hang out with her. Right now I want to put all of my focus on you, and see how much we can have tonight. Just a quick question, where are your stands on sleeveless tube tops?" Celestia has to pause before looking at her massive breast before looking at Cadence with a deadpan. "Tell me you are joking" "Come on auntie! I think it would look pretty on you" "Oh it would make me look like something alright but I wouldn't use the word pretty." "Please" "Cadence half of Canterlot would look at me with lecherous eyes if I wear that! No, scratch that, they would be praying that I had to spring or run or jump and see if it slide off" "That is an urban legend, those shirts elastic are very resilient, things like that only happen in porn videos." "Dear niece, read my lips" Celestia gets closer, starting to get frustrated. "There.Is.No.Way.That I would be wearing one of those things" Later that night HOW SHE MADE ME DO IT?!" Celestia keep questioning herself as the two made their way through the town under the night sky, ditching their usual royal outfits and instead opting for a more informal look. Cadence chose a pair of blue jeans, a pink shirt with short sleeves, and a red jacket, while Celestia was a little less modest with a tub top with a ribbon pattern for the breast section, and a frilly long end that expose a little bit of her belly as well as semi tight blue jeans some ring bracelets, a blue jacket for extra modesty and some eyeshadow and lipsticks to complete the assembly. The two look fairly modest and normal, blending in with the rest of the crowd without much issue, yet Celestia couldn't help but feel eyes staring at her back, making her increasingly self-conscious and trying to cover her chest with her jacket. Seeing that Cadence immediately stop her and grab her arm "Would you stop that auntie! There is nothing wrong with your top I swear!" "But Cadence, I can feel it. Everypony is looking at me" She whispers shyly while taking glances everywhere. Sighing in disappointment Cadence can only shake her head "Oh auntie, I see we need to go to even the basics. Lesson to happiness number one. Be proud of your body" "I'm proud of my body! I just don't see the reason, to show so much skin. Yeah good for mares that showcase it proudly but I'm NOT like them. I'm more reserved" "Are you auntie?" Cadence questions with a raised eyebrow "Because I don't think this is you been reserve, you are only showing your shoulders, and yet you are acting as you were completely topples" "Not helping niece! I'm starting to consider heading to the castle right now, change and ground you" "You can't ground me, I'm an adult, a mother, and a ruler of my own nation for pony sake!" Celestia only glares at her and stands tall marking how serious she was talking right now "A-All am I saying, is that I only ask one try, test the water a little, loose up a bit" Celestia keeps glaring at her making her back away "And I have a spare shirt, and you can cover it with a jacket if you still feel uncomfortable!" "Show me" Cadence grabs her bag and shows the shirt in question a plain simple white short sleeve shirt that Celestia took and examine it, after a bit sigh in defeat before handing it back. "One try that's all I would give you" "That's all I ask" Cadence nods agreeing to the deal as the two headed to the closest nightclub they could find so they could dance a bit. "Honestly Cadence, the whole point of coming here, was to have fun, what exactly are you expecting to happen...?" Crashing into someone Celestia took a step back and almost tripped "I'm so sorry miss, it was my fault and I...I..." the voice of Mark caught her attention and when looking back Celestia was equally surprised to find the mayor in question holding a drink in one hand. "M-Mr Mayor, g-good evening" Remembering how she was dressed the princess couldn't help but blush and look away yet her embarrassment quickly die when she notices how Mark remain immobile. "Oh no! No, no, no. You are not escaping into work this time auntie" Cadence quickly gets in between the two with a stern look helping Mark snap out of his stupor as he shakes his head. "Oh hey...Cadence" Remember what he promises he tries to be more casual with her. "Celestia, did you two just arrive?" His chill demeanor caught their attention and help Cadence relax yet her guard up. "Yeah, aunt Celly thought it could do us some good to unwind and explore the city while it celebrates. "Oh yeah, Luna told me something similar earlier" That pick her interest "Really? You talk with aunt Luna. By any chance did you see if she was with a group or with any pony you recognized?" The mayor is confused by the sudden question but gets the idea when Celestia shakes her head in alarm. "Not really, she was alone when we meet her, chat a little, and then went our separate ways, don't worry. I'm aware of your plan Cadence, today is pure fun, no work-related here" He reassures her with a roll of his eyes. "Good, and you better remember, no work is allowed until the party is over" "I get it Cadence, I get it. So, want me to show you around? I saw a couple of games just assemble not too far from here" "That would be delightful Mr. Mayor thanks" Celestia nods in happiness but Cadence intervenes once more. "But no thanks?" "What?" They both look at her confused. "Thanks for the offer, but right now. I try to help my aunty unwind and loosen up, have some fun, and dance a little, you know" That earned a chuckle from the mayor "Cadence I can tell you, Celestia is perfectly capable of all of those things. In the meeting of the mayors, for example, she shows us how much of a great dancer she is" Celestia couldn't help but blush from the compliment. "The same meeting that someone spike their drinks to make everyone loosen up, and became horny?" That stops him in his tracks "...Yes" "Doesn't count, and by the stars, it only reinforces my point! Not even an aphrodisiac was enough for my aunt to try to find a partner, what does that tell you?" "That you should be proud, that your aunt can beat a drug that could ruin her image? "Well...yeah that too, but the whole point of this exercise is helping her get out of her comfort zone and you may tempt her to fall back on her work. And vice versa, so please don't take it personally. I swear we can hang out some other time" With a sigh he simply nods "Fair enough, I do not want to force myself into your plans either, if you wish to explore the party blindly then go ahead. "Thanks, and hey we can talk later. I see a couple of mares checking you out at the bar, why not hang out with them?" Cadence smirks and points at say bar. Where Mark was surprised to see Golden Sash, Saffron Masala and Dime Polisher, all smiling at him with lecherous eyes and raising their drinks. Mark could only blush and look away as he sees Celestia and Cadence leave for the dance floor. "Come on auntie! Let's mingle and meet new friends, it's time Equestria knows you are not as inaccessible as they believe" The last comment digs deeper into their heart as Mark looks at her with a hurt expression while she tries to say something and can only shake her head in no. Breathing deeply Mark tries to remember what Luna says and not to let Cadence get on his mind. Need to be strong, is just an act until Cadence leaves. Celly is not cheating, she is not cheating. Losing the battle against his anger he takes out his scroll and makes a call. "Drusy? Remember that idea I told you about involving Madame Menage? Let me explain it" > Fast and Loose Night (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “…and that in turn would leave Cadence on a stalemate in which she would never escape unless she let go of being a matchmaker for good” Mark finish explaining the plan to Drusilla over the scroll while he leans against the bar. Keeping a close eye on the princess and in particular Celestia and the stallions that got brave enough to dance with her. “That certainly would leave her cold yeah, but are you sure you want to do this Mark? I mean, I'm with you 100%, that princess needs to be brought a notch or not but this solution sounds...extreme" "You...you think so?" Mark started to calm down and look at the two princesses having fun. "Sure she gets on everyone's nerves when it comes to the heart but I'm asking you as a friend Mark, is this the right call or is this just your anger and jealousy talking?" He needs to pause and look at them laughing, dancing the night away, and engaging in some small chats with everyone that approach them. With a defeated sigh he nods and takes Drusilla's advice to heart. "Drusy once again you are the voice of reason in my ear. Thanks for being my leather-winged angel" "Ok dude, don't get mushy with me either" She starts to joke "So does that mean the plan is a no-go?" "It is but let's keep the core present, and spitball some ideas. I'm sure we could find a way to use what we had in less...nuclear matter. Plus it would be funny to reunite two old enemies" "Mark" "Hear me out, I promise Twilight that would be nicer to her right? Well, what better way to find the middle ground than walk a mile in her shoes? She wants to help me, I want to help her let go of old grudges" Drusy doesn't reply and for seconds Mark can only hear her breathing on the scroll judging him from the other side. "Fine! I would think of something else for us to do. But you have to admit, there is nothing wrong in mending a broken friendship" "Careful Mark, your Twilight is showing" She jest at him before laughing. "Oh, hardy har har. Real funny" "But seriously dude, just let it go for tonight. Relax had some fun of your own, and stop thinking about the issue. I'm sure you two would find a way to solve the problem later" "Yeah you are right, thanks Drusy" "Anytime, oh, and try to watch your drinks, ok? You wouldn't want to end up in Queen Nova's bed next, right? " She jokes with a chuckle again earning another groan from the mayor "Again, hilarious" He replies sarcastically before hanging out and then sighing. As she keep laughing she put the phone on the desk and turn around "Sorry for that, had to answer" She apologized while sporting lecherous eyes and wearing only a red and black bathrobe. "That is ok, it gave me time to think" Guideline dismiss her concern while covering her body under the sheets of Drusilla's bed. "Having second thoughts? I told you, you don't need to buy my silence if you want it. I can keep a secret" Drusilla looks at her in concern. "No, is not that I believe you. I just want to know. What do you have that I don't? What did the Mayor see in you that I'm lacking?" With a sigh, Drusilla shakes her head and sits next to the bed. "Guideline if this is why you want to be here, then just go. There isn't any secret, he and I are just best buds that is all. Sure our friendship is not...traditional and anyone may think it is something else... especially during heat, Celestia, has he been a pal more than once, but that is it. Do you want the same? Just tell him that you want to be buddy buddies like we are. I can have your back if that is what you want" Smiling Guidelines drops the covers and hug Drusilla from behind "And what if I wish to be buddy-buddy with the two of you? Is that an option?" She asks before kissing Drusilla's cheek. Smirking she leans on the series of kisses "I may be convinced, but can't talk for him. And better don't get the wrong idea, this isn't a herd deal" "We will see, I could make a very enticing offer. " They both chuckle as Guidelines pull Drusilla down and they start to make up. "Good news girls! I found the lube and, hey wait! Don't start without me!" Inkwell wearing a very short green kimono walks into the room holding a lube bottle before rushing to the bed while stripping down. Back at the bar Drusy is right, I'm acting like a jealous boyfriend for crying out loud! I need to lose it up a little Looking for a way to calm his nerves he marches to the bar table and calls for the bartender. "Give me a Morgana on the rocks, with extra sugar" He orders paying upfront and sitting on one of the stools. "You got it Mr. Mayor" The bartender snap her fingers and wink after taking the money and went away to prepare the drink. After a while the bartender return with his drink and went to serve others, Mark stared at his reflection for a moment before taking a sip in peace. "Well hello there stranger" Almost chocking, the major spit in his glass as he recognized that voice and slowly turned to his right to see a light purple pegasus, with spiky long blue hair, wearing a black Cut out, shoulder Slit Thigh Dress, that show her leg and accentuate her assets nicely, currently giving the mayor bedroom eyes as she deliverable drink a cocktail very slowly. "Come here often?" "C-Cloud Chaser" Mark manage to outer as he try to recover his breath "What a surprise, thought you were still on your world tour" "I and the girls just came back," She tells pointing to a boot with five other mares, Golden Sash, Saffron Masala, Dime Polisher her twin sister Flicker and High Winds "We wouldn't miss, making a toast for our dear old Dash. It's kind of our tradition" "I thought Dash found a way to keep being a Wonderbolt" Mark raise an eyebrow at her making Chaser giggle. "No, you are thinking of our retirement tradition, that one is way wilder. No, this a tradition for when our teammates find a place they wish to operate, you know? Like the team in Las Pegasus, Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, and so on. Each town in Equestria had its designated team and when one found a place they liked, we offer a toast in their name as goodwill with friends and/or family. A way for us to show respect, wish good luck, and prove that we are all one huge family." "But New Harmonious...isn't part of Equestria" "That is right, the very first land a Wonderbolt claimed outside our nation" She exclaim in pride raising her glass "Mare! was Dash simply glowing when she announce her plans of forming her team there while flaunting the permit for that" She laughed while shaking her head. "Ja, I should be surprised but honestly I can't, If anyone can find a way to keep her dreams and remain loyal to her friends is Rainbow Dash" He raise his cup as well "I'm happy for you Chaser, had fun on your tradition" He was preparing to leave until the pegasus grab his arms. "Ah come on Mr. Mayor, join us. It is very rare to see you without your assistant joint to your hip, and I have seen you just wander around aimlessly everywhere all stress out. This is supposed to be a party, lose it up!" "Oh no, I wouldn't want to intrude or anything" "You wouldn't and I insist, please. Don't make me chase and bug you all night, you know I can, even drunk you have no chance against me" She half joked half threaten with a smile. A bit unsure he took one last glance at Celestia laughing and chatting with a bunch of stallions who start to anger him before calming himself down "You know what Chaser, you are right, I should relax more" "There you go! Now we can see the mayor loosen up" She was about to slap his butt but Mark was fast and grabbed her wrist with a neutral face. "But not too loose and just as friends understood?" "We will see what the night takes us" "Chaser" "Kidding, kidding" She jokes as he keeps looking at her unconvinced, but decided to let it go and just join the group. Not noticing how Chaser was licking the edge of her glass while staring directly at him "I know exactly how this night ends Mr. Bachelor. I always catch what I chase" She mumbles to herself as she joins the group who cheer and welcomes Marks to sit with them. Slowly the mayor starts to loosen up and chat with the girl as they exchange Wonderbolts stories, how they had their ups and downs, and even the origin of this tradition which intrigued and awoke the curiosity of the mayor once he learn that it had a sad beginning with how the very first toast happens during times of war. While all of that is happening the table was starting to get filled with empty shot cups and the inhibitions of the mares start to lower. A notion that Celestia spot the moment she took a break from her group and after searching for him spot the mayor talking casually with five other mares, Cloud Chaser even got bolder and hugged his arm while resting her head over his shoulder lovely. The action sobering the princess and putting her fur to a crisp as well as ruffling her feather in pure anger. Oh no she didn't. That little slut, better keep her hands off my stallion! She starts to advance but Cadence manages to find her as well and grab her wrist. "There you are Auntie, where are you going? Strong Hoof just arrive and wanted to tell the story of how you two met" "Sorry Cadence, but something came up that I can't ignore," Celestia tells her in determination, keeping her focus on Mark. "What? Mark?" Cadence's eyes wide and she gets in front of Celestia "Oh no, you won't. Auntie, we talk about this, there would be talking about the job here!" "This isn't about my job Cadence!" She snaps and finally looks her niece in the eyes "It's about Mark and getting him away from danger" "Huh?" She looks back at Mark in confusion before looking at Celestia "What do you mean auntie? What dangers? They are just mares being friendly with the mayor. Maybe even more" She adds with some degree of excitement and gets closer "With any luck the mayor just found his future herd! For all the love I'm detecting!" It took every fiber in the princess not to yell at that idea "Cadence, if there were any other mares I would agree but that one that is hugging his arm, it is Cloud Chaser" She explain getting closer to her niece's ear "A notorious stud hunter" The moment the princess say those words Cadence began to realize where her concern was based on. "I'm happy Mark is getting to have fun, but that mare is interested in only one thing. She would use and then toss him away, do you want to break that poor stallion's heart? He could give up on love altogether" The princess of love remain quiet for a moment before turning around and marching to the table "You are right, we need to save him" "That is what I thought" Celestia nods and follows her as they promptly interrupt the group once they see Chaser staring at Mark's lips preparing to steal a quick peck. "I can't believe my luck, the members of Canterlot Wonderbolts, in pony" Celestia exclaim overly dramatically as she interrupts their conversation with a big smile "Oh my, are you perhaps engaging in the traditional toast I have heard so much about before?" "Celly, are you feeling alright?" Mark questioned slightly drowsy yet conscious enough to worry about how the alicorn was acting a bit over the top. "Of course, I'm" Celestia didn't wait for an invitation and sat on the edge of the boot on the other side of Mark with a calm smile "Just thought of joining in as part of my niece's little experiment to try and helping me relax, that is all" She giggles a little and discretely shock Chaser with a spell so she let go of Mark's arm, startle and confusing the pegasus. "Hi Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, that is right!" High Wind responds for the group a bit tipsy as she raises another shot "In honor of Rainbow Dash" "I always loved that tradition, mind if we join you?" Cadence asks with a smile of her own as she claps her hands. "Oh I'm sorry your majesties, we would love to, but you are a bit late" Chaser apologies with pity "We are close to wrapping things up here. I'm afraid we are all pretty full now" The other girls look at Cloud Chaser confused. "What do you mean Clouder," Her sister asks with a raised eyebrow "We have barely started, and the tradition is that we stay until we ran out of stories about the honor Wonderbolt" "Yeah, plus aren't you the one that we usually have to drag out of bars before getting into trouble?" High Winds add up, leaving the pegasus cold. "I was considering our friend's girls, they may not have as much resistance as we do" Cloud Chaser defend herself but Dime, Saffron, and Golden shake their heads. "No we are good, we can keep going" Saffron reassure her with a thumbs up. "And now I'm kind of curious about this infamy of having to take you out of bars" Golden question intrigued as the Wonderbolts laugh "Sorry, tonight is all about Dash, but there IS one story that involves that fortunately " Flicker comments with a laugh "One time those two got into a beer pong contest" "Excellent! Then you don't mind if we join you, then?" Cadence inquired sitting on the other side of the boot as High Wind shakes her head "Not at all the more the merrier your highnesses" "But before that, I need to answer the call of nature" Mark excused himself and stood up "You girls keep going, I will be right back" He mentions before rushing to the bathroom in a hurry. Cloud Chaser tried to grab his arms but it was too late as she can only pout like a puppy seeing her target leaving. "My target" "That is not a bad idea, I think I would excuse myself too" Celestia nodded and stood up as well winking at Cadence who reciprocate the action "Don't want to miss this halfway through the story, while you wait why don't gossip about past flames?" Cadence's eyes were wide in excitement as she slowly turn to the mares. "I bet that is one subject you would all love to chat a little bit" Minos Chaser the ladies, all nod having the same excitement as Celestia retires. After taking care of business and flushing the toilet the mayor got a curious surprise when waiting on the other side was none other than Celestia with a small glare and her arms crossed. "May I know what were you doing back there?" "Celly!" He harshly whisper before checking the other boots to make sure there weren't other ponies close by. "What are you doing?! This is the men's bathroom!" "Already check, put the wet floor sign on the entrance, lock the door, and cast a silence spell, no one is gonna bother us, now answer the question" Now more relaxed that they were alone the mayor sighed and approach the sink to wash his hands "Don't know what you are talking about, I was just hearing stories of the Wonderbolts" "Oh don't give me that crap! That whore was virtually climbing you" She grab his shoulder and force him to spin around "And you were letting her get too friendly" "I was just throwing her a bone, and...wait a minute. Celly, are you...jealous?" "Don't try to change the subject!" "Oh my god, that is it! You don't want me to hang around other mares! Wow, Celly hypocrite much?" "I understand we are yet to discuss the issue but you are taking things too far Mark, what I'm doing and what you are doing is different" "How Celestia?! Please enlighten me. How come when you flirt with other stallions is ok but if I dare see another mare there is a problem?" He gets closer and closer to her face. "Because in my mind I'm talking to you!" She blurts out with a blush startling him briefly "What?" Recoiling she looks down in shame "I'm so sorry if I keep hurting you, my love but I beg of you. Please believe me" She smiles and holds his face "Each time you see me smile at other stallions, or laugh at their jokes or be overly friendly, you are the only thing that is in my mind. No other male would be able to replace you" Mark keeps glaring at her as he holds her hand "Perfect then you can rest easy knowing I'm doing the same, it ok if we are just imagining we are with each other, right?" "It's just harmless flirting! You are playing with a notorious male eater!" Celestia defends herself getting angry. "Oh and unlike you that made sure that all the stallions you grind your hip against, weren't players while wearing something that makes me want to ram you against the wall and pull your shirt, oh wait!" "At least I'm not sharing shot after shot with them, lowering my defense, not to mention that, unlike a certain mayor, I have Cadence to send them on their way if things get too heated" "Oh, then I can't be trusted now? Is that it? You think I would start to drool at the first skirt I see?" "That is not what I mean!" "It sure sounds like that!" They keep getting angrier and angrier at each other until their faces were inches away from one another, ending with the two just growling in silent anger. The tension became palpable as they just stare at each other souls fighting a losing battle against their emotions until they couldn't take it anymore and launched into each other arms locking lips and aggressively making up as their hands messed with other's hair. Breathing through his nose, Mark pins the princess against a wall, using a hand to grab a hold of her ass and lift her as she moans her approval and crosses her legs on his hips. "You dirty whore! Teasing me all night! Do you have ANY idea of what I have been wanting to do since I saw you in that dress?! I lost count of the things I been dying to make you do" He starts to dry hump her as she keeps moaning and hugs his face "Tell me" She whispers in barely containing anticipation "Tell me what you would do, tell me what you would be doing to your little dirty whore master!" Her wings start to go stiff and her horn discharge as Mark starts to kiss her neck and start to whisper perversions that only fuel the fire in both of them. "Oh yes, yes I...w-wait!" Begrudgery Celestia separate the two and start to pant trying to recover her composure "We can't, Cadence...she would find out immediately" "Cadence" Mark whispered in containing anger and punch a wall leaving a crack from the frustration, before closing his eyes and trying to calm down "But we need to do something Sunshine, I...more than rile up now. I might as well hand myself on a silver plate to Chaser in this condition" Now it was Celestia's turn to get angry and needing a moment to calm down before an idea pop out into her head "I have just come up with an idea" She smirk and use her magic to turn into her pegasus form. "Cadence isn't aware of Sunshine Gleam" With flirty eyes, she gets closer and interlocks their fingers "So what is stopping us from confessing that the mayor of Canterlot had a secret marefriend that ask him to keep their relationship a secret because of her shyness?" "And that way Cadence would be off my back and we can have a proper date without anyone knowing the truth, sunshine you are a genius!" He smiles and gives her a quick kiss. Who makes her giggle "My only regret is not thinking of this sooner" "We were blindside from her arrival, and wait what are we gonna a do with you? You can't be in two places at the same time...right?" For that Celestia smirked and winked at him "Just leave that to me, I had an idea." She steps aside and points to the door "Better go back honey, unleash they start to get worried. It would be weird if we both return at the same time. So go ahead, I will join you soon after" "Understood" He nods and heads out "Oh and Mark...please switch places, with Saffron. I don't want that whore near you" "Sure, wouldn't want to make my marefriend mad either" He half-joked before leaving the bathroom. > Celestia Plan (Grammarly check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Returning to the table Mark saw the mares continue to laugh and recall old tales of Rainbow Dash until Cloud Chaser spot him and announce his return to the others as they all overly cheer for him. The effects of the alcohol started to take effect, as Cadence did her best to keep the party under control "Well, hope I didn't miss much" Mark smiled and take a seat confusing the mares a little when he decided to seat opposite to, Cloud Chaser "Tell me, what did I miss?" They all keep looking at him strangely "Oh right, sorry. Drusy call me early and said that a friend of mine could be on their way. I want to have a view of the front door to see if I spot her. Hope you don't mind" The mares look back and see that he was facing the door before nodding and looking forward again. "The more the merrier right Chaser?" High Winds reply raising her glass before looking at her companion. "You said it Windy" She answer with a smile and a nod. "So did I miss anything while I was gone?" Mark questions trying to bring the conversation back on track. "Oh nothing much we were just exchanging stories of old flames, that is all," Golden tells with a small chuckle before raising an eyebrow at the mayor. "And wondering if our steam and the proper mayor had one or two stories to share" "Oh I have a couple, but nothing too elaborated to speak of. I wouldn't want to bore you, ladies" "Oh no, no, no. You can't walk away from that now. You need to speak" Flicker gets excited at the news and the girls look at him in expectation, even Cadence's interest was picked when he mentions that. "Oh well if you insist" He picks up his glass and start to remember "Let's see, which one should I start with? Well, there was this frisky Holstaur I meet while traveling on a train to Minotaurs. A particularly clingy Abyssian which I'm not sure if she wanted me or to just scratch a particular "itch" of hers if you catch my drift. There was also this one time I made friends with a shy and slightly chubby Kirin, that...well let's just say she had plenty of pent-up frustration that needed release, and boy was I willing to help. Oh one in particular, I'm pretty fond of is the story of when I discover I love a woman...ah that is the term we used in my world by the way, yeah when I discover that women with wings, just turn me on, to an almost primal state" He was drinking his cup so he didn't notices how the comment actually ruffle the wings of those that have it on the table "Ah soo many choices! You know what, why don't you decide? Which one would you like to know first?" "The one with the wings" Chaser reply almost immediately "No way! I want to hear about the Houlstaur! How did that happen?" Saffron asks equally interest. "I for one would like to hear about the Abyssian one," Golden says in her opinion. "I wouldn't mind talking about the shy Kirin...if that is ok," Dime Polisher tells mostly to herself as the girls all start to discuss which one he should choose and had to huddle up to discuss the options. After a couple of minutes, they broke the circle and look at the mayor. "Ok Mark, we come to a decision, we would like to hear about the story of the wings" Cadence reply calmly with the others nodding. "Ah, one of my favorites then. Ok, it all started when I was passing by Cloundsdale..." "Sorry for the delay" The voice of Princess Celestia get everyone's attention as they see her approaching the group "There was a line in the ladies' bathroom" She apologies and sits next to Cloud Chaser not even asking why the change of seats "Did I miss much?" "Not much, I was just about to join in the conversation about past flames during my travels" Mark answered before getting a bit concerned "But the story can get a bit...steamy and I don't wish to make any of you uncomfortable" For her part Celestia smiles calmly and sits next to Cloud Chaser "I appreciate the concern Mr. Mayor but really. We are all grown creatures here, especially me. Trust me I have heard everything" She dismissed his concern with a wave of her hand and took a sip of her glass. Cadence looked at her with a mix of confusion and happiness thanks to her drinks starting to affect her. Wondering if her aunt was starting to get a little too loose because of the alcohol. "So rest assured you don't have to walk on eggshells with me. Please go ahead and tell the story. Oh! But before just want to let you know that I stumble upon Sunshine just a moment ago, and she would join us real soon" "Awesome! Thanks for letting me know your highness" Mark shares a nod with her and internally smirks at the plan. He might not completely understand it but his blind trust in Celestia was enough for him. The other mares look at one another surprised and confused exchanging glances. "Ah quick question, who is Sunshine?" Saffron raised her hand and decided to ask what everyone was thinking. "His marefriend" The mare in question pops out of nowhere startling everyone as she surprises hug Mark from behind and start nuzzling his right cheek "Hmm, hi honey, you have no idea how much I miss you" She replies affectionally as Mark chuckle and take her hands returning the gesture. "I miss you too Sunny" He decided to sell everything with a pseudo nickname that earn a chuckle from the pegasus before they share a small kiss. The rest of the mares were too shocked at the display to think of something. "You have a marefriend?!" Cadence asks in shock "B-But when? How did meet? I..." She was still trying to process everything earning a laugh from the couple "This would come as a surprise Cadence but I have a life outside being a mayor" "But it ok if it comes as a shock your highness, me and Marky have been having a long-distance relationship for a while now and well. I'm a bit shy" She confess letting go of the mayor and poking her index fingers. "Wait so all this time you had a marefriend...and yet she didn´t help you when your house got to burn down?" Saffron asks with a raised eyebrow earning the attention of the rest. "Or visit when you got hospitalized?" Chaser adds in "Twice?" Flickers continue "And you were ok with him living on the castle" Dime mentioned "And be trapped there during the heating season?" As they continue asking they start to get suspicious a slightly angry at Sunshine until the mayor intervenes "Hey! Hey! Ladies, ladies, please! This is a party, not an interrogation" Mark stood up and defend Sunshine hugging her side "True at first glance any would have their questions, but assure you she was always there for me and I for her. Her work as an explorer just keeps her busy at times and that ok" Cadence smiled and sigh in contentment once she feel the love radiating from the two of them. "The mayor is right, let's give the questions for later ladies, less we ruined the celebrating mood" Celestia reasons calming everyone down as they nod "Besides, wasn't there a story we wanted to hear first?" She reminds the group with a smirk earning the attention of all and a laugh from Mark. "Oh! A story? Which one are you gonna tell my love?" "The time I discover my love for wings, a story I think I haven't told you yet either, by all means dear, join us. You can take my seat since we are kind of full now and..." "...Oh I have a better idea" She smile staring right into his eyes and push him back on his seat before she took her place on his knees, going the extra mile by shaking her hips a little much to his surprise, and bringing one of her wings behind him as she rest on his shoulder, minding not to bother Saffron on the process "Ah...that is better, best seat on the house" She jokes and giggle at his blushing face as she kiss his cheek. Now that he could see her better, Mark notices how Sunshine change her outfit slightly, changing the colors of her blouse for a more light green, had a different black jacket and her skirt was a bit longer but tighter as he could feel it on his crouch at the moment. Recovering from the acting Mark pretends to cough and address the rest. "R-Right, the story" He takes a deep breath and starts his tale "It all happens when I was passing by Cloudsdale or rather I was walking beneath it. Fluttershy had told me stories of the forest below, and how peaceful and beautiful it was so I decided to check it up. See nature, tourists a little maybe take a picture or two even. Things were going fine and the place was everything Fluttershy told me about it and more. Yet she kind of forgot to tell me about how that forest was kind of popular among mares for...another reason" Instantly all the pegasus got tense as the rest look at him in intrigue "For what reason?" Saffron asks, ignoring her friends reaction. "You see in the middle of say forest there is this crystal clear river with some natural waterfall where the stream is mellow. Didn't think much about it and even found a nearby tree to take a little nap" "Oh, Mark you didn't" Cadence shakes her head with a smile starting to like the tale as the mayor nods. "It wasn't intentional and to this day, I'm not sure if the mares didn't see me because the top of the tree was hiding me or they simply decided to ignore me at first but when I woke up hearing water has been splashed around, and laughter, I found out that for some reason...pegasus use that particular river as a public bathhouse" "Oh? OH!" Dime needs a second to get it but when it does, her face matches the rest as they start to blush. "And for my extremely good luck at that moment only mares decided to take care of their bodies" "Oh, Mr Mayor!" Sunshine's eyes turn sultry and she bops his nose with her own "You naughty, naughty boy. Peeping on some defenseless mares while they wanted to take a bath" "In my defense, I was still having conflicted feelings regarding mares and finding well...kind o hot, don't judge me! End up a planet with only humans and you would be the same." He quickly adds once he sees the raised eyebrows of the mares. "Something tells me that notion just evaporates after that day" Chaser mentions with a smirk which starts to ruffle Sunshine's feathers. "Je you could say that" The mayor admit with a roll of his eyes " I wouldn't consider the mares I stumble across particularly innocent as you might believe" "Oh, what do you mean?" Cadence questions now more than intrigued than ever. "Get ready ladies because this is where the story gets steamy" He warns them before swallowing a shot from his glass and then continues "The moment I discover all those mares who by the way were easily on their 20 or maybe 30, I was preparing to just run away and the second they began screaming, but instead after the initial surprise they kind of...relax and even start to turn flirty" "Oh," The mares look at one another with blushes and excitement plaster on their faces, before deciding to continue drinking to try and calm how hot the ambient was getting and even unconsciously bring their hands down to their pants. "I wanted to say something but I was simply in a trance at their naked figures, their breast glimmering against the sun, their deliverable slow motion as they wash their arms and legs with soaps and towels. The come hitter looks they start to give me, and their wings oh my god their wings" The mayor has to gulp at the memory of having to drink more before continuing "The way they start to play with one another, how their feathers keep gracing their most sacred places. It was a tease show and a half...and before I realized it, they start to drag me into it. I was helpless I tell you, their bodies pressing against me rubbing their breast against my arms my back and my chest, I didn't even know when they took my shirt off, yet I was still unable to do anything about it. I was completely hypnotized by the erotic air around them. He needs a moment to collect himself and calm his boner a little which was an almost futile task with Sunshine's ass pressing against him at the moment. Even the Celestia copy was starting to get heated up. "Then the bolder ones start to blow air into my ear and it was at that moment when they start to speak and told me..." The moment the mares heard that world all of their feathers and fur stood to an end and Cadence had to excuse herself to make a call as she desperately dial on her scroll to call her husband. Feeling the effects of the alcohol, the mayor took a notion to slow down but by then it was too late as things start to get blurry. The party continue and laughter was heard everywhere as they move around the bar and out of the street celebrating and exchanging heated stories until Mark found himself back in his room with a tipsy smiling Celestia ending her spell before they share a passionate kiss while removing their clothes. In contrast to the first time this happen, they took their time, wanting nothing more than to savor the moment, explore each other's bodies, try to bring bliss to their partners, and on more than one occasion recreated the heated stories they share not too long ago. Soon their excitement got the better of them and what started as playful foreplay devolve into an intense makeup session and then a desire to just fuck each other brains out. Mark exchanged position with his partner, raising one of her legs while the two were standing up so he could drill her wet pussy while forcingly making up and pinching her breast. Putting her doggy style and slap hard on her ass before spreading her cheeks and exchanging between quick and slow trust in her donut ring. Eating her vulva writing all sorts of letters with his tongue until his partner squirts intensely, only to then insert his dick and fuck her now more sensitive vagina. And taking extreme pleasure in making his partner's eyes go cross as he help himself a healthy portion of milk from her inverted nipples. The next morning the mayor woke up with a splitting headache that was screaming at him not to move much as he hold his head and sit in bed. "Dear god, why" He complains to no one in particular "Allow me to help with that, my love" Surprise he look to his right in time for Celestia to shove her left breast into his mouth and squeeze it a little, to breastfeed the mayor who swallow out of shock and pleasure. A couple of seconds later he could feel the hangover was gone and once he stop drinking he clean his lips and look at a smiling Celestia who was covered in sweat, with messy bed hair and a red mark on her left cheek. "Oh no Celly did I..." "...gave me a mind-blowing fuck session?" She finish for him putting a finger on his lip before giggling "Yes, yes you did, even drunk you were magnificent dear, and don't worry when I concentrate I can heal fast this kind of love taps, see?" He turn her head and he could see the palm mark was slowly disappearing. That gave Mark a sigh of relief as he cops her cheek and stares into her eyes "I'm glad to hear, but still I'm sorry my sweet sunshine I didn't mean to get this intense" "That is ok" Closing her eyes she grab his hand and they touch their foreheads "I know you would never harm me and this is just our way of exploring our intense passion, you don't have to apologize for that" They remain quiet deciding to just enjoy each others company until Celestia broke the silence and step away with guilt written all over her face. "I'm sorry I got us into this mess" Knowing what she meant Mark nodded and allow her to speak her mind "I know I spoke too soon, I know I should stop Cadence from trying to play matchmaker, and I know how intense she can be at times. This is in no way an excuse, but I ask please understand how difficult it is for me not to humor her little games when she has that face of hers" She confesses with embarrassment "Her face?" Mark repeats with a raised eyebrow as the princess only nods. "I virtually raise Cadence since she was a little filly, even if we are not related I have come to see her almost like my own daughter, maybe even more than how Luna views her as they didn't spend that much time with each other" Smiling at the memory she had to chuckle before continuing. "We used to do everything together, play house, tea party, dance party, makeovers I even join on her occasional babysitter gig...which didn't last long once the nobles try to turn their kids as bargaining chips for favors. Anyway I'm deviating, the thing is, raising her for so long I have come to see her little worried face and my mind immediately returns to that little filly desperately wanting to make her old aunt happy, and no matter what I do unless I let her, no matter how many times I say 'I´m ok would be enough" With a sigh Mark closed his eyes and nod "And that is what you saw that day I gather" With regret, Celestia could only nod shyly making him shake his head. "I understand, don't get me wrong I'm still angry but at the very least I'm starting to get why you did it. You really have the biggest of hearts Celly" He holds her chin and smiles "That is one of the reasons I'm in love with you" "Marky" Her eyes lit up and grab his hand to rest her head on his palm once "Is there anything I can do to compensate for my blunder, anything" "This isn't about even a score Celly" He stops her while shaking his head "It's about us and how we are gonna make this relationship work, all four of us. Right now we have a problem that needs to be addressed and solved together, and I assure you we will. It would take time for this anger to go away and I may still get jealous when Cadence starts to offer ponies for you to date, but I will not give up on this relationship" Smiling she nods and brings him into a hug "And neither would I. Thank you, my love, I swear I would make it up for this blunder" "Celestia I told you that..." "I know, but I still want to do just that" She tighten the hug a little bit "Something else you should learn about me. I love to spoil my loved ones, especially my special someone" Knowing there was no way of stopping her Mark only roll his eyes and smile accepting her proposal. A knock on the door alert the two and once more the last pony they wanted to see talk from the other side. "Mark, sorry for interrupting but can we talk for a moment?" She sounded neutral and almost worried which confused the couple as well as the remainder of their current naked forms and how the rooms seems to have been hit by a tornado, with some scorch marks here and there. Looking back at Celestia she nods and casts the spell to turn into Sunshine again and cover herself with a cover while giving another to him. "Ah, just a moment!" Mark calls as he grabs the sheet to cover himself while glancing over Celestia's other form. She smiles and slips up part of the sheet for him to look "Do you like it?" "It's gorgeous but nothing replaces the real deal" He smiles and gives her a quick kiss making her coy before covering herself up again. Mark walk to the door and open it slightly until he saw Cadence standing on the other side on her pajamas as she immediately caught a whiff of a particular smell "What is it Cadence?" With a blushing face she pretends to cough and look away "Can you step out for a second, there is something I need to talk with you" > A Heart To Heart With The Queen Of Hearts (Grammarly Check Only) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing the door behind him, Mark grab the side of his sheet tie around his hip as he look at Cadence who was preparing herself and avoiding making eye contact with some heat on her face. "This is uncomfortable for me too Cadence, it would be better if we talk later" Mark offered yet Cadence shake her head. "No, no that is ok, this can be brief I just want to apologies" "...I'm listening" Mark ask intrigued gathering the sheet to cover more of his body until he was wearing it like a cloak to protect his dignity. "After what I saw, and having...a talk with Aunt Luna" She shivered at the mention of that, which raise an eyebrow from the mayor "Don't ask it a family thing, the point is. I...all of us for that matter are a bit, out of touch when it comes to getting involved in others' life" "Cadence" "Now hear me out, this is in part because of our jobs and what we are supposed to do. For Faust's sake Mark, if I don't, I feel like I'm torturing myself because I feel the pain! ACTUAL pain. My title compels me to..." She stops and takes a deep breath "Not that point, or an excuse just a reason. Which I would stop doing now" "So would this be the end then? No more messing with my life and trying to 'fix' something that I never told you I needed to fix?" She seems in pain as she struggles with the words "Y-Yes, I would step back" Mark let go a sigh of relief at that "Thanks Cadence, that is all I ever wanted, now was that so hard?" "Mark this is hurting me as it is, please don't rub salt in the wound" She begs with a mix of pain and anger Noticing that he only sigh in pity and small concern, deciding to meet her halfway as she is trying "I suppose I shouldn't push things up, especially since you want to make the effort, which seems to be harder for you for more than one reason" "Yes, and I swear I would do what I can to stop the...plans I set in motion earlier" The comment makes Mark growl in anger "I swear! It would not be Las Pegasus again you have my world! It may be a bit late for some of them but this time I would help you let them down gently" Mark clench his fist for a moment before relaxing "Well at least you are telling me what is going on this time, so we can try and fix this" "Thank you...so does that mean you would forgive me?" She asks with excitement "Oh no, it's way too early for that yet Cadence. You are now in VERY thin ice for trying to recreate Las Pegasus" She seems to deflate once Mark shakes his head before extending his hand "But...I'm willing to meet you halfway there, I may forgive you down the line, and I would give you another chance, an opportunity for us to start again. AFTER we clean the mess you made" She gets excited once more and was about to shake his hand when Mark pulls it up to point at her "But you better keep things to yourself Cadence, I mean it, my life... everyone's life for that matter is private and they have the right to live it as they please" "Can I at least make small suggestions" She pout with a quivered lower lip "Please" "Cadence, you are pushing it" "Please at least just that! Just this to alleviate things" She asks in a desperate tone. Mark rolls his eyes and shakes his head When did I become this mare dad? "Fine, you can but only SMALL pieces of advice and just a couple at a time, don't go overwhelm everyone, each time they trip and fall in every stone, and only helps when they grant you permission." "DEAL!" She nods rapidly and went to hug him "Oh Mark, thank you SO much for this chance, you have no idea how much it broke my heart knowing I may have to burn a chance to make a new friend" "Your...welcome" Caught on guard he just decided to return the gesture briefly trying not to dirty her clothes "And Cadence this is not that I don't appreciate the gesture but I'm still kind of naked...and sweaty" He remind her The effect was immediate as Cadence let him go with a blush "R-Right, right that" She pretend to cough and look away "I will leave you to it then" "Thanks" Nodding Mark smiled and was returning to his room "Oh, and Mark, if you ever wish to have some advice about herding and relationships or maybe if any of the mares..." She stops once Mark glares at her "Right neverminded that last part, just know that I would always be there to help" That makes him pause and think about "You know Cadence, I may take you on that offer, not now of course but I may later" That seems to cheer her up as she leaves with a skip as Mark chuckle and enters the room again. "That was very sweet of you to say" Celestia compliment him, leaning on the side of the bed with a head supporting her head as she lays naked on it. "Making peace with my niece and giving her a chance" "Well, you all ask me to play nice with her and that is what I intend to do" He mentions calmly as he approaches his drawer and takes out a new set of clothes, and sighs when he took a can of tomato juice. "Which has become easier now that she is willing to meet me halfway. We still have a long way but we will get there eventually. Now..." He toss her clothes back "As much as I would love to return to bed, we have our duties Sunshine to attend and I still have questions for you. Like for example who was that Celestia double?" Smirking Celestia grab her clothes and slowly rise "Her name is Auroras, a kind and diligent changeling who join the royal guard some time ago after requesting and explaining the procedure act as my body double in case the situation requires. A royal secret if you wish, but I trust you can keep it between us, right" "You have my word, and when the situation requires? You mean like you want to skip a noble party?" "Among other things, do not worry we can trust her with our little secret, and since this is off the record and out of her job description, Auroras has been kind enough to assist with our little escapes in exchange for some love" She walks toward him and plants a soft kiss on his lips "We can be a bit more daring if we wish to" She whispers into his ear sending shivers down his spine until he shakes his head. "Now my turn, what exactly happens in Las Pegasus?" "A story for another time and her name is Auroras then, remind me to thank her for her help later, and tell me ways to know when she is on duty, we wouldn't want me to accidentally kiss her instead of you right Celly? "Oh, I don't know. it could be funny" Celestia tease pretending to look at the rooftop "Honey please don't tease me. I'm serious we are gonna be late for our jobs" "It comes with the territory dear, you better get used to it" She continues her tease swaying her hips in the direction of the bathroom "Speaking of, do you mind if we share a bath to be more productive" "Celly I just told you not to tease me, and the idea is to make us less...obvious" "Oh, I think that boat sailed the moment my niece smell you dear, besides" She lift her tail making him go stiff as she slowly made her way to the bathroom "You can always say no, I'm the one that needs to hide the fact that I have been marked" She ends with a wink as she slowly closes the door. "In case you change your mind, know that my door is always open" She mentions before closing the door as Mark sweats bullets and swallows hard. "Damn you Celly! You sexy teasing goddess!" He exclaimed before rushing to the bathroom as the water is heard followed by Celestia giggling in victory. "But just a quick one, I need to be somewhere else real soon, and no I can´t cancel this one. No for this mare" Mark warns her as he enters the shower with her Later that morning Luna yawns as she groggily made her way to her room where two soldiers stand to attention and salute the moment they saw her. "At ease soldiers" Luna comments with a wave of her hand "And have a good day, I would be calling it for now" "Understood your highness, should we tell the mayor that your meeting would have to wait?" the soldier to the right mentions gaining the princess's attention. "Meeting?" "Not too far ago Mayor Mark went telling that he had an urgent matter to discuss with you that needed to talk in private and that he would be waiting inside" "Irritate a tired-out Alicorn when she only wants to sleep?" The other guard snicker "I warned him that it would be his funeral but he didn't listen. Should we kick him out, your highness?" "that would not be necessary" Luna replies with neutrality as she marches forward "I would deal with this myself" She replies coldly as she enters and closes the door behind him "Oh he is gonna die," The guard tells with a sigh "We don't know that, he may only have an earful or he truly needs to explain something to her," The other tells with concern as they watch the door intently. From the other side Luna sign and take a deep breath leaning against the door before looking at Mark with a comb and one of her nigh glow sitting on a chair near her bed "Morning sweetie, how was your night?" "Uneventful, a bit boring, and kind of weird when Twilight Velvet came to the court suggesting we recreate some of her daughters more daring acts, including fighting a dragon," She tells with a chuckle before calmly walking to a manikin and began to undress placing her armor and tiara on the dummy before stretching her wings and arms and yawn "What about you? I took the liberty of taking some glances last night, you seem to have fun with another mare and my sister" She jokes with a smirk, looking at him over her shoulder, making him laugh. "Celly already told me about Auroras, Lulu but to humor you. It was very nice. That is part of why I came, to thank you for such a lovely night" He stand up and offer the night glow once Luna was down to her underwear tossing her clothes into a nearby bin. "Oh, so the mayor of Canterlot wishes to pay his gratitude to the mare of the night by dressing her?" She keeps on teasing as she slowly removes her bra and then leaves it hanging by two of her fingers as she exposes herself to him "Or does he have a more ulterior motive?" Tossing the item in a bin she yawns and sigh "I'm sorry dear but I'm too tired now" "That is ok, you were right the first time" Mark smiled and recoil the dress a little for more easy access much to her confusion "I know you are exhausted from one long night, so I wanted to give you a special something before you go to bed" "Huh?" now more than intrigued, Luna extend her arms and bend over so Mark could place the dress on assisting in taking out her wings and tails as she take out her hair, a sigh of relaxation washes over her once she feel the fabric against her fur. "So what is it?" Rather than answering, Mark stand on his tippy toes and give her a small kiss before hugging her hips "My bedroom prowlers may be on the rough side dear but that doesn't mean I can't be gentle too" Smiling Luna allows Mark to pick her up bridal style as he goes and lays her gently on her bed "To thank you for this lovely night and honestly because I wish to be an attentive boyfriend, please let me ease some of the tension of the day" Sitting in the bed Mark picks a bottle of cream that the princess just noticed was on her nightstand and smile nodding once at the idea of a massage. "Please lay on your back" Nodding again the princess comply so the mayor can put his legs around her torso and apply some cream on his hands before rubbing them together. Thanks to her wings and the glow having a gap for her wings, the mayor had easy access to her back. "It would be cold at first but it would feel nice right afterward" He warns her before getting to work, as expected Luna was startled by the sensation yet soon relaxed and let go of a sigh of contentment at the massage Mark was giving her. "Oh my this feels heavenly, I'm sorry honey but you pick the wrong career, those hands were made to massage" That earned him a chuckle as he leans forward "And they are all yours my night angel" Shivering at the compliment and air he bow into her ear Luna could feel all her tensions melting away. "My our schedules we might not see each other much Luna and that pains me, that is why I want to make sure you remember you will always be on my mind" Been careful not to hit her wings he works tentatively on the base of them mindful of the feathers or not pressing too hard on extremity he didn´t know all too well. Yet Luna didn't seem to mind as she only close her eyes and continue to sigh in contentment. "And of course spoil you each time I can, this could be our routine before calling the day, what do you say dear?" "I say that if you can also work on my hoof like you are doing with my back, you are not leaving this room ever" She jokes in complete bliss, as they both share a laugh. "I would take that as me making a good job for now. Ok I think that is enough I only want to do one last thing to remove all the stress of the day" "Aww so soon?" "Don't be greedy Lulu, we can do it again tomorrow" "Augh! Fine" "Good girl" He tapped her head before placing both hands on the center of her back "Now this is called the crack, for it I would need you to please relax and breath in slowly, ready?" Been too tired Luna only nods once and closes her eyes getting ready to sleep "Breath In..." She inhales deeply and slowly "...Hold it" He starts to add pressure "...and out" Once he commands he adds even more pressure on the back until they hear a series of cracks from her back followed by Luna's low screams of pain turning to relief, her wings extending and going still as a result "Oh god, I think I went too far! Lulu, are you ok?" "...I take it back, you are not leaving this bed," She tells with dilated eyes, and a still trembling body. "More" Remaining quiet Mark look at her in surprise unsure if he did or not a good job "No I think that would be enough for today" "More!" She repeats looking back at him and slowly charging her horn. Fearing she might not be thinking clearly, the mayor stood up and headed for the exit. Luna wanted to give chase and even extend her hand at him but she was too relaxed and tired to leave her bed and could only whine like a puppy. "As I say, don't be greedy dear" He pick up a sheet and toss it at her fearing what may happen if he were to get too close. In defeat, Luna could only nod and cover herself "Ok later more, and Mark, once I wake up. You are so gonna be inside me" She promises licking her lips and making the mayor smile "I would take it as a compliment" Mark smiled and nods at the idea before exiting the room, acting as if his foot was damaged and needed to hobble out of there to explain the crack noise. The guards smirking as they close the door. "Told you not to anger her dude" One of them call "Be happy she let you out, the princess can be grumpy when tired, she could have squeezy your head" they both laugh as the mayor leave, laughing internally in keeping the charade and resume walking normally. "And so...nobody knows. Oh shit! I forgot to ask her if she also has a double! Damn it! I would have to ask some other time" > The Las Pegasus Incident Part 1 (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arriving at the mayor's office, Mark was pleased to see Drusilla mumbling a happy tune and swaying her hips in contentment while archiving some documents "Morning Miss Drusilla, somepony seems to have wake up in a good mood." "Morning Mr. Mayor, and indeed last night was...productive to say the least. Let's just say Pony Resources would be less aggressive with us from here on out"  "Je, that good then?"  "That's good"  "Seriously Drusy you really consider settling down, any mare and stallion would be the luckiest creature to have you as their partner"  "Appreciate the comment sir but I'm not the type of mare that settles down, having a child? maybe later, but settle? Yeah, I'm too of a free spirit for that" She says before looking at her tablet of activities.  "Fair enough, if that is what makes you happy. So what is on the agenda today?"  "Not much, the party activities have left every pony particularly drained, so today is fairly low, a meeting with the cleaning community, Ms. Guideline reserved an appointment, but is not what you imagine" She mentions with a smirk "She mostly wishes to be a part of our little game, oh and Twilight Velvet want to have a world with you"  "Velvet? Wouldn't she be the most drained of us? I mean her daughter left to form her own kingdom, I imagine she and Night Light would have party the hardest"  "They probably did, that is why they asked to have the meetings as late as possible. Besides that, there is nothing much, just a couple of papers to sign and then we can have the rest of the day for ourselves"  "Excellent news, when would the meeting with the cleaning department would be?"  Drusilla checked her watch before answering "In two hours"  "Great! then we have time for something I need your help with. You see, following your advice I try to let things go and even if not expected, Cadence and I came to an understanding, I let her help with advice and tips about dating and she in turn would not be on top of me anymore"  "...I sense there is a catch to this, otherwise you would be the one glowing. Don't think I don't smell the scent, Mark. There must be a reason why you decided to skip your tomato soup bath" She mentions with a smirk.  "There is, but that is a completely different story, anyway. Getting back to the subject, Cadence explained, to me how more than a hobby is almost a sickness her meddling with romantic affairs and the such, that unlike others not doing anything actually hurts her and gets worse if she remains still. Don't ask, must be an alicorn made of love thing. She apologized, told me that she would back away...and told me that sadly it was too late to cancel a repeat of the Las Pegasus incident. So my agenda would be kind of busy for some time, and would need your help adjusting to it"  "I'm sorry, what incident?" "Better get comfortable on your seat Drusy, because this is quite the story. It all started when Cadence set in motion her own version of speed dating..."      Years Ago, in one of the most luxurious hotels in Las Pegasus (Marked with **) **Taking a couple of steps inside Mark could only stare in awe at the spacious and elegant penthouse room the princess of love so graciously offered for the remainder of his stay, equipped with a mini bar, a jacuzzi a balcony with a pool included a spacious living room with a giant T.V set and hallways leading to what he could only speculate where the bedroom, bathroom and/or some sort of game room ready to pamper him even further.  "Cadence this...this is too much! Is really ok that I have ALL of this for myself!?" He turns around to face the smiling love princess who only giggles and nods.  "Please by all means this room is reserved for members of royalty and their closest friends, and that is what you are silly. Consider it my apology for that little mix" Her expression morphing into one of shame as she flattered her ears and looked down "I swear I thought the ad was for a dance club, not a... ahem!...strip club" She confessed with some heat on her cheeks. "Yeah but not as much as I was when I discovered it was a feline type too. I still can't believe how limber an Abyssinia cheetah can really get" Mark says with a nervous chuckle and a blush on his face. "And to be fair the title of the club was a bit misleading I mean "The dancing bush?" Anyone could make that mistake" ** "HOLD IT!" Drusilla interrupts the tale and stares at Mark with a deadpan look and a raised eyebrow "The dancing bush? Really? THAT is misleading?"  "At the time I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, okay? I really thought Cadence was a bit of the innocent side you know? All that lovely dovely love and puppy feelings and mushy stuff and deep connection and such. I thought the physical part came dead last" Mark defended himself  "Ah of course rookie mistake, yeah. A lot of ponies think the same before meeting Cadence, then they realize she is aware of that and just hate it" Drusilla mentions with a sigh. "So you just decided to play along and thought she just doesn't know about innuendos then?"   "Honestly I'm not sure anymore about that and the sex-hating part. Maybe she just hates the "just sex for the trills part" but anyway back on the story..." **"I know right!? They really should change the name of the local, anyway. Thanks for understanding Mark and I know I can't stop you from taking on that journey across the world"  "True be told I'm kind of excited, I always wanted to explore the world and see its wonders, and now I get to try on a magic land to boot. It's like my dream evolved somewhat" "I can tell" She giggles again "And because you would leave soon, I thought maybe I could pamper you one last time before your big trip, so you have something to remember us by" She then takes out a scroll with a big list "Included with a list of activities for you to try, with a couple of friends I invite too. Like a party, how does that sound?"  "It sounds like your Twilight is showing" Mark adds with a smirk as he takes the scroll and scans it over "But sure, who can say no to a party? This sounds like fun, and well the idea is enjoying life to the fullest so why not start with this hotel?"  "Careful Mark, your Pinkie is showing" Cadence counters with a smirk of her own before laughing "But jokes aside, I really love to hear that. Trust me you would love it hear, like having a little adventure, making some friends, maybe meeting a cute lady, hint, hint"  "Princess Mi Amore, is this some sort of elaborate scheme to get me a date?" Mark jokes putting his hands on his hips as she mock surrender  "Oh heavens, no! I swear this is strictly just for fun with no ulterior motives what so ever" ** ("...It was a plain and simple trap. She was lying straight to my face..." Mark mentions with a sigh before continuing the take) "Anyways I really wish I could join you but duty calls, if you ever need to talk of anything whatsoever you know my number and if only you were to find a special lady, you better call me Mark that's my only condition," She says on a very stern tune "are we clear"  Rolling his eyes he sighed and nodded "If that were to happen you would be the first to know"  Getting back to her cheerful way she smiled and nodded "Thank you, you are the best Mark. Enjoy your stay" And with that Cadence waved goodbye and left leaving the human to his devices as he scanned the list of activities, seeing that the first one was a pool party.  Intrigue by both the idea itself and hoping to have the good luck of seeing maybe one or two ladies of any species in an alluring swimsuit, the human didn't waste time and changed into a boxer bathing suit, picked a basket with sandals, a towel, and sunblock, lock his room and marched straight to the first floor were the party was about to start.** With a sigh, Mark shook his head in shame "God! Back then I really was a bit of a pervert"  "Hey don't go punish you for being alive dude. We were all horndogs at some point. It's not like you only think of that now, right?"  "Thanks, Drusy, and yeah, I suppose even back then I was fairly tame, just innocent glances and some chit chat I wasn't looking for anything in particular, Cadence on the other hand well...she wanted to meet a couple of mares, starting with Sherril the hippogriff"  "Oh great what happened?" Drusy asks with dread  "I suppose it was at the very least subtle to the point it was a coincidence, plus my wish granted with plenty of mares, changelings, and even gazelles in alluring bathing suits, just playing around, swimming, dancing, you name it. There were other stallions sure so I didn't take too much importance but when I decided to take a break and look for something in the bar that is when I met her..."  **Taking a deep breath and sitting on the pool bar, Mark was about to order a drink when the bartender was already giving him a fruit punch taking the human by surprise until he pointed to his right "Courtesy of the lady"  Looking in his direction, Mark was at a loss for words when he spotted a sexy hippogriff with a cute pink small beak, blue plumage/fur, 3 prominent feathers sticking out of her head and acting as her hair, and painted talons giving come hitter glance while lifting a glass of her own and play with the straw a little. The human had to swallow hard the moment she accidentally dropped some of the juice of her drink on her cleave putting more attention on how chest heavy she was with an almost micro bikini and thong bathing suit.  Normally the human would be more than nervous at such beauty but at the moment he felt like been more bold and decided to go and sit next to her. “Why hello pretty bird, I see you wanted to catch my attention. Mission accomplished by the way. My name is Mark”  He offers extending a hand. The lady only giggles and finishes the gesture with her talon “Sherryl, nice to meet you, and if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly are you? I’m a bit of an explorer and have seen many species before but have never seen something so exotic before”  Mark smirk and raise his half-empty glass “I’m what you call a human and if you invite me another drink I would be more than happy to fill you in on everything about our species if you don’t mind returning the favor”  She smiles and starts licking the straw of her drink very slowly and in an erotic way before replying “That sounds good, I wouldn’t mind being filled on others subjects”  They both smile and clank their drinks before they start talking** With a sigh Mark has to stop and shake his head to explain something "It startled innocent enough, some minor flirting here and there, some stories of our past and our origins, some tales of our friends what you would expect, but then, Cadence magic start to appear. It wasn't until it was over that I figured out that she thought that it would be a good idea to speed things up in breaking the ice, by casting a "be bold" and an "I approve" spell all over the hotel"  "I have never heard of that kind of spell"  "Neither did I until that day, apparently is a special spell made by her. With it you are compelled to agree more and be more bold on your approach, not in the sense of say "Would you give me 20 bits and I would just simply say "yes" blindly to each question and more along the lines of, "can I grab your left breast?" And you..." "...Would you say yes, ok I get it now. It is a spell that makes you say what the primal part of your brain is thinking"  "That is right, of course later she perfected it and added self-control to erase that flaw of course, but that is why I'm still having a hard time forgiving her, she used me, she used the entire hotel as their test subject for a new spell, and for months that place was like a micro heat season, only both stallions and mares were affected by it" "That could be so hot IF everyone there knew what was happening, I bet the staff got pretty confused and with conflicted emotions with their co-workers by the time it was over" "I fear what could have been some of that conversations yeah, not to mention there were species of other nations too so I stay quiet to avoid a war but yeah, we both start to get particularly bold without realizing it, and by the time I took notices of what was happening I already gave her an erotic massage and she shows me her siren power by giving me an underwater blowjob, don't worry I would spare you the steamy details of what happens next"    "THE hell with that?!" She quickly answered, "Yes that sounds like it was both bad and good, but don't pretend like you don't like it. Half of you is particularly proud of those partied...didn't you?" She confronts him with a smirk.  Mark remains quiet for a moment before sighing and smiling at the memory "I made two Abyssinian tigresses purr"   "Now we are talking! So you better not skip on the nasty parts, I want details mister. Now keep going what happens next with the whore siren?"  "Well once we were done exploring each other's body, we took a moment to breathe in. Now that I think about it, the bartender was there and he was just keeping his job. Talk about commitment..."   **Once Sherril and Mark recover their breath the hypogriffin sits on his lap and nuzzles his face with her own "Thanks for the massage, Mark. Enjoy the rest of the party" She then kissed his cheek and got closer to his ear  "Room 347, at 8 pm. I will leave my door unlocked if you want to know more about my species anatomy She lingers on the last word and blows air into his ear making his entire body shiver.  All of a sudden she went back to her siren form and swam away as Mark needed a moment to recover.  "Congratulation sir" The bartender talks with Mark casually as he smiles while cleaning a glass "On your first catch"  "First catch?" He repeats confused  "Sure, some stallions are too shy to start things on these mingled parties, so take pride in taking initiative"  "Mi-Mingle party?!" Mark started to look around and see how stallions seemed to be interacting with mares or rotating seats in a nearby restaurant, and even sighing their names and putting number tags on a table at the far corner. And even see some employees putting up a banner that reads "Welcome Bachelors" "CADENCE!" Mark yells in frustration at the realization and where the princess of love just send him.**   "So basically you took the bait, line and sinker"  "Yep"  "The room and activities were because the hotel was hosting a party for singles to meet and interact with each other"  "Yep"  "And to top it all off, she put an untested spell on the building in order to make sure you would agree more and be more bold-on asking a mare out" > Las Pegasus Incident Part 2 (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking a copy of documentation placed on a folder, Mark raised his head as a jaded mare earth pony continued her presentation alongside other members of the cleaning organization of Canterlot, behind her was a graphic depicting the decrease in pollution disposal and production. "...in conclusion, while the dissolving rocks are doing their job properly adding housing on the underground tunnels of Canterlot of the Thestral community could risk a sudden spike in the garbage that generates a problem of space, smell, and distribution if left uncheck, to avoid it we would have to find a way to speed the disposal transportation that is both efficient, quick and constant" Mark analyzed the issue carefully before asking his first question "Do you have an estimation of how much time we have before the issue starts Maud?" She nods and passes to the next diapositive "By my calculation, and due to the last celebration held, I say we have a month, and a half before the problems truly begin, and that could be cut in half if Canterlot engages on a new activity as big as the last one" "That doesn't leave us much time." He mentions mostly to himself "Maud you say the rocks can be used as a substitute for fertilizing the fields after they are properly processed? How long does it take to process?" "Six hours per 24 kilograms, and that can not be sped without risking contamination, sir." "I see, well what if we construct more machinery? With the savings we are making on the budget since we cut transportation costs we can redirect that effort on more process machinery, can that provide more time?" "It could indeed, possibly double the time before the issue begins, with only two more machines. I also wanted to offer the use of Canterlot Skylines" She offered another picture, this one being an animation of the rocks being moved back and forward using say media of transportation. "By repurposing the skylines to transport the rocks we can distribute them to other areas of Canterlot and send them to even more process plants, as well as a charge for the product and obtain another source of income" "It has potential but I have my reservation, the skylines are the city's newest tourist attractions, and it would be sad having to reduce them to just a way of material transportation soon after their construction, not to mention waste disposal transportation. Plus we have to take into consideration the safety risk involved, we would be suspending heavy rocks in mid-air after all" "I understand your concern but it is the lesser of two evils sir, the construction of more machinery would sacrifice space and would take time while this could produce faster results" "With a sigh, Mark nods and closes the folder "I would weigh the options plus analyze if there are other alternatives as well" He raises the folder "The princess will be informed of your report and I'll personally consult with the crown for funds, you would get your answer in a week" "Thank you sir" Maud gave a bow of respect "If there isn't any other subject to address I say we give by concluded this meeting" Nobody answered so the mayor nodded and stood up "Then I will see you in a week, have a nice day" The lights were turned on and the rest stood up as well leaving one by one. "Oh and Ms. Maud, do you have a moment?" Mark calls for her as she turns to look at him, her expression never changing "Yes?" "I have been exploring another of my pet projects and I was wondering if you could help me once more, Ms. Drusilla?" On cue, the thestral shows the earth pony a diagram of a crystal tree running underneath the underground caverns. "As a way of improving life in the thestral community, I have been looking for alternative food sources that grow under the night or don't require light at all and I stumble into this a tree made of rocks that are capable of producing not only their own source of light but also consumable fruits. Do you think it would be possible to plant one there?" Maud remained quiet and simply took the picture staring at it intently for a couple of minutes "You would have to take into account how and if the tree could reinforce or compromise the walls in the cavern, and would require periodic trimming with a specialized jackhammer so its roots do not risk the whole structure" She listens finally looking at him as he nods used to her long pause by now. "But do you believe it possible?" She remained quiet for a moment before looking at the picture again "I would not be completely sure, but I know who would it, my husband. He is an expert on sticks. This type of plant would fall right under his specialty" "Wonderful! I would send a letter and ask him for a meeting as soon as he can. Thank you, Ms. Maud" She simply nods as she looks at the picture "Can I have this?" She asks all of a sudden surprising both "Ah I don't see why not, we would only need a copy later, but may I ask why would you want it?" "I like the picture, the union of rocks and sticks, the fusion of the two into something gorgeous and brilliant." She gives them a small smile "It is like a manifestation of our marriage" Smiling in understanding Mark nods "Then keep it, just make a copy for the project, I wouldn't mind giving it as a present if it makes you happy as well" She doesn't respond and taking the hint the two start to leave yet Maud stops them. "Mr. Mayor" "Yeah?" Mark looks back at her as she returns to her usual jaded expression. “I understand this is your second service as the mayor, and re-election would be happening soon, is that right?” “That is correct in a couple of mouths I would have to step down” “Is there a way for you to remain?” She asked taking a step forward “You are a good mayor, everyone in the city loves you. And you have done so much for lots of ponies, including me. I would be very happy if you remained as the mayor. It has been a complete honor serving you, as you respect my voice and understand the beauty that are rocks” she kept saying all of that maintaining her usual neutral tune and jaded expression "Well Miss Maud, I'm genuinely touched. Thank you for your kind words but, nobody is above the law I'm afraid. Rules are rules, a mayor can not serve more than two services before he has to step down, otherwise, it would not be any different than a monarchy and we already have the princesses for that" She remained quiet for a couple of minutes before nodding "So you are saying it needs to be petitioned to the princesses then" "What? No, Maud that was a joke, I didn't mean it like that..." He tried to backtrack but she was already walking "Understood, I would need to go see someone about that, thank you, Mr. Mayor" "Maud please don't go do something crazy, ok? It was an honor working with you and I will miss you too but we must obey the rules, I have hope my successor will continue to do a good job" He called for her yet Maud was already gone. "No other mayor can be as good as you" She calls from the hallway With a sigh and slight worry, the mayor looked back at his secretary "You don't think she would be doing something crazy...right?" "Sir, she is Pie. We both know that when it comes to their family everything could happen" She replied with a deadpan on her face making him sigh "I just hope she doesn't try anything illegal" "Of that, we can be sure, they are unpredictable not lawbreakers" "True, I suppose we will have to wait and see. In the meantime what is the next item on the list?" Drusilla checked their schedule before smiling "Some minor paperwork that needs your signature before our meeting with Ms. Guideline at 4 pm " She smiled in excitement "Which means we can continue until then!" Her emotion makes the mayor laugh "Boy do you really want to know how the story continues do you?" "Sir, you are making my night with just the siren ho, now I want to know what happened with those hares, please tell!" "Fine, fine, just remember this is so we can plan ahead in order to avoid a repeat. Let's go to town hall first, so we can have this conversation in private?" She nods rapidly as they both march back to town hall with Drusilla virtually sprinting to get there. After calming down, and thinking everything carefully, Mark decided to make the best of his situation and go play some mini golf to clear his head and then determine if he should or not keep the list of activities laid down by Cadance. The trip to reach the field and rent the equipment was a slight cringe and uncomfortable after noticing the event, Mark started to realize how there was a huge among of mares everywhere and everywhere he saw, there seemed to be a group flocking over a single stallion. Luckily he managed to pass unnoticed by most of them and the field seemed that he had the field all for himself. Taking a deep breath he starts playing and manages to relax until he reaches hole 3, to which someone calls for him. "Ah excuse me?" turning around the human was expecting to meet another woman trying to flirt with him, instead he was met by a shy bipedal bunny with green eyes, brown fur, and a black dot of fur on her right eye wearing a yellow sundress and nervously holding her golf club who she was hugging, marking even more her big boobs. For how she looked, acted, and dressed it didn't take Mark long to gulp and blush at the display in front of him. "That was Bombom" "Something tells me her name is not only because she is "sweet" Drusy mentions with a smirk making Mark roll his eyes "I want to say something but...yeah it's because of both reasons. She was ahemp, chest heavy to put it lightly, in fact, they all were and take in mind. This was my first time seeing a member of the hare species so it was natural that I was a bit surprised and intrigued when I met her and her sisters. Especially for how they carried themselves, Glacy was a dark gray bunny in black workout clothes that always had her ears tied together with legs that go forever and strong slender thighs, and Harriet was a completely white bunny and smaller of the 3 with a plain pink t-shirt and short jeans. I thought they were harmless and even a bit shy like Fluttershy, for how friendly and calm they were, making me think like I could relax around them." Mark has to sigh and shake his head "Boy was I wrong" "You know what they say about the quiet ones, but keep going! What happens next?" "Well they were actually pretty sweet, they saw me playing by myself and thought that I was sad so they invited me to play with them instead. I asked if they were part of the event and when they said that they only wanted to chat and make friends, I took their offer. To be honest it felt good. They were really nice bunnies which helped me relax and enjoy my stay at the hotel" "Oh! So the deed didn't happen on the same day?" "Well no, I send a basket to Sherril to clear any misunderstanding and that I'm thankful for all she did and she didn't seem to take it badly...or that is what I thought, but that is for later anyway back to the triplets. Days went by and while I was supposed to just stay there 2 weeks, thanks to Cadance, I ended up extending my stay for a month, during which on the fifth day, things started to really heat it up. It all started with two playful cats, whose names I can't recall...nor really want to, to be honest" He admitted with some spite in his tone Taking a break from dancing Mark and the triplets decided to sit at a table in the nightclub of the hotel. Sharing stories and drinks the four soon start to laugh and overall have a good time, that was until the flirting began a new, not from the bunnies but rather two albino abyssinian tigresses, who at first seem to want to join the fun. Just like Sherril, they seemed to only want to flirt and everything was just harmless tease and fun as the night progressed, but due to the spell still in effect, escalation was inevitable and after one too many cups and one game after another, Mark found himself stumbling into a room he didn't recognize with a tigress clinging to him for dear life with both arms and legs while another was nuzzling his head from behind both exchanging French kisses and licks all other each other. The 3 eventually found their way to the bed and even though he wanted to be courteous and take things slow the pair of tigress had other plans they tripped and made all of them fall into bed as they used their claws to do quick work with his shirt. "Hey" Mark complained but one of the tigress silenced him by placing her tail on top of his mouth. "Ah don't be shy little boy, here, so we can be even" One of them says with predatory eyes as she slowly starts to rip her own top from the middle, starting to reveal some cleave. Swallow saliva and with his head on fire, Mark paid attention as the cat slowly started to strip on top of him while grinding her hips against his crouch, he last lost view of the second tigress as his concentration was somewhere else, especially when one sweep moves the tigress have removed her top revealing her frilly pink bra underneath containing a decently big chest underneath. Starting to get workup, Mark tries to grab one of them only to feel someone grabbing his wrist "Ah ha" The other tigress soon appears from behind him and pushes his wrist down. "No touching" She instructed before he felt something hard and cold on his wrist followed by a click. Looking back he discovered how she had just handcuffed him to the bed, her friends quickly doing the same with his other hand and as she pressed her chest against his head rubbing her breast in slow circular motions, her friends did quick work on restraining his legs as well. Mark soon started to panic when he realized he was completely immobilized and the two tigress took a step back. "Oh don't worry our exotic pet, we are not gonna harm you, we only want to have a little bit of fun," One of them said standing up and slowly removing her short skirt showing her matching frilly pink panties. Her friend was still fully dressed but Mark swallowed hard when she started rubbing his cheek with her own and dangling her soaking wet blue pair of panties in front of him "Do you like to have some fun?" Thanks for the effects of the spell Mark nods against his will and the next thing he knew the other tigress position herself on top of him while he starts hearing sloppy kissing sounds in front of his obstructed view as he could only see a winking pussy that was just out of reach for him, the two tigresses continue to tease him. "Wow, YOU restrained? But the idea alone makes your blood boil, how do you allow it?" Drusilla asks him in concern as he clenches his fist. "The stupid spell in action, and well. You could say those two and that incident ARE the reason I hate that...and probably it was my awakening" He admits with shame and blush as he looks away. "Oh, so they were the ones you make them purr?" He nods and looks at her "It was like opening my eyes for the first time, dominating them turning the tables making them screech my name with their eyes crossed. Leaving them with a dopey smile on their faces and twitching bodies, I felt so proud and I love the sensation" "So how did you do it? How did you turn the tables?" "Believe it or not, at first I was trying to escape, those two keep teasing me with slow blowjobs, strips, hand jobs, and the like, but they always end before I could finish, and that just kept making me so angry, luckily one of them was more naïve and while her friends were taking a shower with her toy to continue teasing me with moans, her friend was laying next to me giving me another hand job. I knew she wanted release too, so I whispered in her ear how much I wanted to return the favor, to let go of just one hand and allow me to return the favor" He chuckle at the memory "Was horniness or curiosity but she let go of one hand and well you could say I masturbate her as if my life depended on it. I didn't have many tricks by then but I had a few and she was sensitive enough for one or two touch to let her reach the end. Yet I keep going, first with one hand then I convince her to release the other, I force a kiss then tease her nipples and when I feel like she wants to stop I just go faster. Fearing that I was going too far until she slowly started to melt on my hands" "So you really manage to pet that pussy didn't you" Drusilla comments with a smirk making Mark roll his eyes "How long were you waiting to use that pun?" "Since that morning, so how was her?" "Her insides felt like silk to tell you the truth, lust or rage I wasn't sure what was it but I kept pounding her, ignoring for a moment to make my escape, I really wanted to pay back all the teasing they put me through. By the time I was done, she needed a moment to breathe. I finally was a free man and I could have walked away but like I said something in me awoke that day and well, there was one other kitty that had been playing with and now I had four handcuffs" "No, you didn't," Drusilla says in excitement. "That spell Drusy. It really took the most primal side of you" He says with some shame. "After surprising her in the shower I don't know how but soon she was also melting on my touch and while screaming no, she wasn't actually trying to run away or stop me, the opposite she just kept grinding herself against me. So I kept playing with them just like they played with me, but I didn't tease, I explored, and boy did I explore every inch of their bodies." "Wait!" Drusilla asks as she starts to sweat. Standing up she goes and takes a glass of water before returning with an empty glass. "Better?" Mark ask "I will remember this tonight, keep going" "Well I didn't know how much I last, the two force-fed me some kind of Viagra liquid to keep teasing me and prevent me from release, so I kept working my way until I finally was able to overcome that thing. And still manage to continue until my balls don't hurt anymore. By the time I was done, the two were asleep in a mess and with dopey smiles. I was ready to leave but decided to give them one last thank you gift" He chuckle a little "This one I'm a bit proud even though I'm not so sure how I did it. I manage to handcuff them together scissor style with a dildo in between their vagina, and the key to their handcuff inside of it" "impressive, so how do they get out?" "I overheard a member of the staff saying how they had to use pincers to break them free. I just hope it was for the handcuff" Mark recalls before sighing "And believe it or not that was just the beginning of things. That event left me scarred in a way, and ever since then, when I get intimate I become this other person. This intense beast that anyone could confuse with a sadist when that is everything but what I'm, I..." "Hey relax dude, I know, from one Sado to another, I know, you don't really want to harm your partner, you want to bring pleasure to her, lots of lots of pleasure. We just know that that is the only way to reach it. But wow, who could have thought THAT is how it started." Mark could only nod briefly "So in theory what Cadence turns you into now you are giving it to her aunts. HA talk about what goes around, comes around" Drusilla laughs at the irony of things "Yeah, I try not to think too much about it. The thought makes me believe Cadence would someday end up on the other side of my riding crop and that idea alone gives me the creeps, in more than one way" "Ok now that, right there is downright hilarious" Drusilla mentions with a smirk "But anyway not gonna a bust your balls over that, you say the pussies were just the start. I bet the bunnies were freaky as hell, tell me! What happens next?" "Well after I return to my room..." Mark was interrupted by a knock on the door "Mother...!" Drusilla contains a curse as she casts glares at the door and Mark looks at the clock. "Ah that must be Ms. Guideline, she must be here for her meeting" Mark stretched his suit briefly and cleared his throat. "We will continue later, could you send her in Ms. Drusilla" "Right away sir, and please if possible do not extend the meeting too much" Mark laughs and shakes his head "I will tell you the rest Drusi I swear" > Ms. Guideline Proposition (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking with her chin up and with a serious expression, the head of Pony Resources made her way to the mayor's office carrying a clipboard in her arms maintaining a professional air on her. She had her mane combed into a bum, and was wearing her usual blue heel, black skirt, beige vest, and formal long sleeve, making it look like she was on her way to discuss yet another indecent behavior with the mayor like she had done so many times in the past. Despite both Mark and Drusilla knowing her visit was intended to be something else entirely. Regardless Mark met her with the same level of professionalism and stood from his chair until she was in front of him "Mayor Mark" "Greetings Ms. Guideline, we were expecting you" "Indeed, as you informed us that there was a private subject that you wanted to discuss with us?" Drusilla remind her with a raised eyebrow as she close the door behind the mare and then walks to be next to the mayor on his right. "That is correct, I believe there is plenty that the 3 of us must have a serious conversation" Guideline replied without skipping a beat. "Fair enough, please have a seat" Mark offered her the sit in front of his desk which she gladly accepted after a nod and he sat on his chair, while Drusilla decided to sit on the armchair, with her tail lying on his lap and she leans slightly on the mayor, an act that normally has irritate Guidelines yet this time rather than voice her displeasure she merely flinch and then continue. "As you may know the last heat season that struck Canterlot brought to light certain...issues regarding our relationship" Guideline started trying to maintain professionalism before pretending to cough with a noticeable blush. "Oh come on Guideline, the whole point of our night together was cleaning your pipes and taking that stick out off your butt so you relax a little" Drusilla quickly inform her before smirking "I'm sure I replace it with something else, before taking it out" Guideline remains quiet yet her blush just increases. "Apologies, I just thought it would be best if I tried to start this conversation in a civilized way" She replied with a small glare in her direction as Drusilla just laughed. "Play nice Drusy" Mark patted her shoulder "Guideline is been very brave wanting to discuss this subject and you told me that she only wishes to be friends" He then looked back at the unicorn "I say that if this helps her relax and talk about the subject then the least we can do is meet her halfway and respect how she wishes to talk about the whole ordeal" "Thank you Mr. Mayor" Guideline smiled at him with eyes full of appreciation before sticking her tongue at Drusilla, who even if he couldn't see, Mark knew the Thestral returned the gesture, deciding to ignore that childish behavior he decided to return to the subject at hand. "As you were saying Ms. Guideline indeed, the last heat season brought to light how all this time where you breathing down our necks and constantly calling our show of affection immoral was rooted on a basis of basic jealousy if I'm not mistaken?" Mark questioned as Drusilla kept teasing her by hugging the side of his face and delivery pressing her chest against him. "Yes that is the case, my intention where true and there was a time when I thought of you as nothing but a pig that hired a ditzy mare that doesn't know anything other than act, dress, and speak provocatively to fill your carnal desires where neither of you had any consideration of been or not in the public and constantly loved to show displays that are clear violations for the human resources department as Ms. Drusilla is making examples right now! STOP IT!" Guideline was getting angrier and angrier as Drusilla sat on his lap and started to move around her hips making small moans and even biting his ears until she finally voiced her complaint. Chuckling in victory she winks at her and lets go of the mayor "Oh Giddy, I'm gonna have SO much fun with you moving forward" Drusilla laughs in victory and stands beside the mayor having made her point. "Understanding points yet those were delivery actions from the mind of this little prankster to fool our enemies and part of the level of trust we have in each other" Mark returned the subject without skipping a bit. "Yes, Ms. Drusilla explained to me all those points last night" "...As I showed her the pleasures of the joy of the trifecta scissor" Drusilla interrupted licking his mouth and earning a reaction from Mark as he blushed briefly looking at her. "Wow move 73? Isn't that a bit advanced for her?" He asks honestly impressed. "Hey, she wanted to play with the big girls? She better prepare for the advance moves" Drusilla mentions with a shrug. "Can we stay focused?! PLEASE?!" Guideline begs the two now as red as a tomato. "Right, apologies so I imagine you wish me to elaborate a bit more on the idea of trust, right?" "If possible, because I still try to wrap myself up how ANY of what you are doing can be considered 'harmless tease'" She reply making air quotes. The mayor shrugs and nods "Sure, that seems fair, considering you only want to be friends and have our type of relationship. But first of all, there is something you must know Ms. Guideline, as you probably already know, Drusi is a free mare. She has it all beauty, smarts, and self-confidence, she would never be attached to anyone or anything and she does what she wants, that is what I love about her, she lives life on her terms and nobody else. All those acts of flirting and gridding are her way of being herself. Showing affection in public is in a way my form to respect her way of life and how I'm more than honored, for her to let me be a part of her life" Drusilla smiles and grabs his shoulder he reciprocates by grabbing said hand. "Awww stop it! You are gonna make me blush Marky" Drusilla blushed and looked away before continuing "It as he says, I don't need a herd or a special somepony, I have all I need right here with him. While it is not ordinary, I genuinely love and care for this ape too. I love him and there is nothing I would not do for him, he respects my way of life, and he earns my unquestionable respect and loyalty in return, we have plenty of common but we are also our being, he might not be as free spirit as I'm but he still wishes to be a part of my life and support me no matter what, and that is why it works what we have. I always find it hilarious how others keep thinking I'm just a pretty naïve face right until I show them the real me..." "...and then send them straight to the hospital, the next morning" Mark adds immediately without skipping a bit. "One time only, we all made mistakes, and you know it!" He doesn't reply and only laughs looking away. "Shut up!" She complains now as red as a tomato in embarrassment, shocking Guideline for how the mayor manages to disarm her with only one sentence. Pretending to cough Drusilla continues "So yeah...we got you good Giddy, sure I love teasing, and I love sex, but we don't exactly cross the line between ourselves unless it a heat situation and even that is very unlikely, we are just so intense for one another as fellow Dom's and this wuss just playing for one team doesn't help his case" Mark shrug and smile "We all have our tastes Drusi, I'm simply extremely loyal and in love with team V and B, simply as that" "Oh I know sweetie, I don't blame you, they are awesome " She patted his head in a condescend tune "I'm just saying how that only means I'm better than you in that department" "No arguments there" He replies and they all share a laugh for a moment before they look at her. "So you see Guidelines, while we love messing around with others' heads, at the end of the day we are simply the best of friends. We accept the way of life of the other and try to support it, in and out of the workplace, we know when to take things seriously and when to joke all around. That is the type of friendship we have" "I would gladly take a bullet for this log," Drusilla says without sarcasm and shaking his right shoulder. "And in turn, I would never ask this nymph anything that she doesn't want, put her in danger, or make her uncomfortable," Mark says with a smile and gathers his hands "Hope that answers your question and apologies ahead if this ruins any image you were having of us that you wanted to join in" "Yep sorry sweet buns but we only have a type of friendship, Twilight and her friends would wish they had, as simply as that" For her part, Guideline just remains quiet with a neutral expression which slowly turns the situation tense as the mayor and his assistant exchange glances. "While indeed, this change my overall view of you two, I now understand your reasoning for such deplorable and inappropriate behavior, and how despite looking like you were eager to hump each other like a couple of rabbits all the time, I never receive one single complain of unacceptable behavior" She start with professionalism "As I say, we knew how, when, and with whom to 'play around'" Mark confirms with a smile "Yeah, we are free thinkers Giddy, not deviants. Of course, we will not start groping each other in front of minors or the middle of a presentation either" Drusilla adds with a raised eyebrow "We have standards too" The unicorn nods a couple of times with her eyes closed "I can see that now" She then smiles and opens her eyes bringing her hands together with the elbows on the table "And more importantly it makes things better than I imagined, I'm sure we can be quite close friends now mister mayor" The way she says the last part in an almost lustful tune, starts to put Mark on edge not expecting that shift in personality and making gulp. "Hey don't go getting ahead of yourself either Giddy" Drusy matched her gaze with a glare "The title of best friend is already full and I will not hand it over" "Oh don't worry that is not the title I'm after" Guideline replies getting bolder and more relaxed. Trying to get the topic back on track Mark pretended to cough before continuing. "Well that subject is clear, glad you understand, and sure we would love to be friends, miss Guideline, although I'm not sure I could treat you the same way I treat Drusilla, like I say that is kind of our way of showing our affection" "Oh but that is the thing, mister mayor, I believe we can, you have my consent, nothing would make me happier if I could receive the same affection at the proper times," She says with a giddy voice and keeping her flirting air on her. Both Mark and Drusilla look at her confused and tilt their heads, not expecting that answer. "Allow me to explain myself, all my life I was surrounded by rules and the idea that I had to behave a certain way, like all mares do, keeping your tails down, not showing more skin than necessary, what type of bra is acceptable in what, condition..." "Acceptable bra?" Mark repeats in disbelief "Trust me Marky, it's a thing" Drusy replied with a sigh "Celestia! I hate those," The Thestral tells to no one looking at the ceiling. "For a time so do I" Guideline continues "Anyway, the point I'm making is that before I met you, I was happily oblivious to my way of living my life, keeping things decent and organized, and punishing deviants that have no shame or care how they can traumatize minors with their actions. Never in a million years would I have realized that in reality I was bored with my life and subconsciously was craving excitement. Then you two came along and did everything I was taught to despise, the flirting, the extending hugging the play with your tail, even having a mini skirt while flying" "Ah yeah good times, that was the day I learned you can easily jump fences" Drusi laughed at the memory "Boy were you looking forward to scolding me that day" Drusilla coughed once and then continued "Naturally I was enraged with you two and wanted to put an end to all of that, thinking that I was doing the right thing, that you two needed to be stopped, but then at some point I realized that it wasn't anger what I was feeling, it was envy. I was chastised, scolded, and at times punished if I ever tried way less than what you constantly did. One time I was even spanked for wanting to try a mini skirt without underwear. And I started to think "Why?" "Why I'm the one being punished?" "Why you can do whatever you want while I must follow the rules?" I kept thinking how unfair it was" She clenched her hands together awaking pity on the two. Seeing the start of tears in her eyes Mark opens a drawer and offers a box of Kleenex. "Thanks" She took a couple of tissues and cleaned her eyes and nose before taking a moment to collect herself, even Drusilla went quiet once she heard that. "Anyway, I suppose the heat week put all those emotions in order and now understand my feelings better, now I know more clearly what I want. All my life I have been the good girl who always follows the rules, but while not all the time, I wouldn't mind being a bad girl" "Oh like where this is going" Drusilla clapped her hands in excitement. "That is why I had this proposition for you Mr. Mayor, let me in on your circle. Allow me to discuss with whom and when we can play around just like you two normally do, let all be friends, and in exchange" Her body trembled and she started licking her lips "You can cross the lines you would never cross with Ms. Dracul, with me" That left the two cold at the sudden proposition. "Well...that is very generous of you Ms. Guideline but trust me, you wouldn't want me to go that far, like Drusy told you. We both are Dom's" "And she also mentioned how I already spent the night in her chambers" Guideline fired back "It was cute how she tried to scare me away but in case you need confirmation, please allow me to disclose something" Guideline stood up and walked to the other side of the desk before leaning forward and whisper in the mayor's ear "It was picturing you in my head, and for you I would gladly be your S.U.M" Gulping again and now red as a tomato Mark could only stare ahead of him with wide eyes. "What did she say? What did she tell you?!" Drusilla asks Mark getting alarmed by his reaction as Guideline heads for the door. "I heard you would soon be participating in a speed date activity, right?" Guideline mentions without looking which snaps Mark back to reality in time for him to see her sway her hips a bit more exaggerated. "Hope you don't mind me if I join too. It could probably make things easier for the both of us, for now just think about the idea" "M-Ms. Guideline wait!" Mark stands up and rushes toward her as she turns around to meet him "Hmm?" "You also need to think about what you are proposing, Drusy and I built this reputation under our terms and for our reasons, but your joining us, has a price a huge prize, your reputation would shatter, ponies would never look at you the same way, my god Ms. Guideline you are the head of Pony Resources! This could compromise your job!" "Funny all of that applies to the figures of authority such as the mayor, I'm touched you care sweetie, but I already made out my mind. I'm done playing safe and boring, this mare wants to be naughty and then properly spank" "Ah! The punish me daddy fetish, kinky" Drusilla nods and snaps her fingers with a wink. "You know it Drusy!" Guideline winks back, now more than relaxed. With a sigh Mark pinched the bridge of his nose "OK Guideline I will think about your idea and I give you an answer later, but before doing that I need to tell you two things. One I already have a marefriend, that knows of my situation with Drusilla and I would not do anything else until I discuss it and IF we both agree, and two. I want to ask you this, do you wish to have that kind of relationship with me, or are you just after the fantasy of being punished by a figure of authority? May I remind you, in a couple of months I will no longer be the mayor" That made her pause and look down "That is right, soon you will have to step down, but if that happens it means...no" She shook her head "It's too soon, I just now realized my feelings" Shaking her head a couple of more times she looks back at him "Regardless I'm prepared to face the heat and wish to be a part of your world, as for your marefriend. If she truly loves you, she is ok with Drusilla and knows you well, something tells me she would be open to the idea, and if not I'm confident that she could agree to an interview with me to determine my worth" She cleaned her lips again "You could clean my lips afterwards too" Mark was shocked at how erotic her speech was turning as she kept smiling at him with a predator grin. "Either way it seems we both have plenty to talk about, just now that nothing would be more than happy than to join your herd, until then. Can I at least have one small kiss goodbye? Please I expose my soul and heart to you, don't leave me with nothing" Mark looked into her eyes before sighing "Fine, I suppose one kiss could not hurt" She gets giddy again and presses her lips together closing her eyes. Smiling at her antics Mark kissed her cheek briefly. Laughing she opened her eyes and looked and shook her head "Oh no, I have been waiting for this for years!" Caught off guard Guideline grabbed his shirt and brought him to her as she rammed their lips together, not wasting time and exploring his mouth with her tongue with abandon, closing her eyes and moaning constantly, opening their mouths occasionally so their tongues could dance more and then closing the gap again. "Holy Celestia! Where were THOSE moves when last night?" Drusilla asked impressed by her technique. Guideline finished everything by biting the bottom lip of Mark until she finally let him go, the human still in shock to do more than just stare at the mare. Chuckling she brought his head close so she could speak into his ear. "I wanna be your pinkie ring" She proclaims loud enough to make both the mayor and his assistant blush from the surprise. Mark from his part was completely blindside it was a memory flash before his eyes and instead of Guideline, he was looking at a sexy brown bunny with big areolas looking at him with predator's eyes as she said the same thing Guideline just told him. The image along starting to turn his skin red as blood starts to pump south. To his luck once the unicorn spoke, he was brought back to reality and he recovered control of himself once again. Sighing in relief Guideline took a deep breath "By Celestia it was even better than I imagined, I know you want me Mark, and would earn your mare's approval!" Guideline proclaims in confidence "I don't care if it is Celestia herself, I will earn it!" With that she opened the door and prepared to leave "Oh and mister mayor" She looked back as she winked and delivery dropped a pencil she had on her clipboard "Oops, consider it a sample" Bending down to pick it up he showed them both how instead of underwear she was wearing a G-string beaded panties and there was a visible gem showing where her but hole should be. Completely off guard she could only giggle and smirk once she stood up "Now I know why you do it, Ms. Drusilla, it feels nice!" She leaves with a skip on her steps as Mark and Drusilla try to recover from what they saw. "Well I must say, go Guideline, never thought she had it in her" She smirked and look at Mark "Your little love nest is growing dude" "Ok, why does everyone keep thinking I'm a herd guy?" Drusilla gives him a deadpan look "Ok fine I'm but seriously do I project that image?" "Do you really want me to answer that?" > Distress Of The Heroes Parents (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With their shift almost over and not wanting to jinx any more interruptions both Mark and Drusilla decided to place the rest of his story on hold and taking advantage of the time before their last meeting with Twilight Velvet, they discuss their plan of action for Cadence. "Ok, so you want me to put a tail on the princess, find out what other mares may assist with this speed dating project she put into motion, and get ready with every form of canceling magic, know on Equestria, did I miss anything else?" Drusilla asks writing down everything they may need with the moment of truth arrives. Mark thinks about it before coming up with an idea "And keep two chairs open, in case we can include the princess as extra security, so they can keep an eye on this speed dating" "You got it, and just to clarify, this is so they can prevent any mare getting too ahead of herself, or so they can check if she is worthy of joining the fun?" Drusilla asks while pointing at him with a pencil and a smirk on her face. "Very funny Drusy, I'm serious here" "So do I. Dude I know you, that is why I'll always insist on medical background checks beforehand. You may be a herd man, but deep inside you are just like me but with all that sappy romance and laser focus on pussies. Trust me I know what I'm saying the second you find mares that are as freaky as you. You will hunt any available female" She laughs and nods "And I think you finally found them" "Drusy, you know you are talking about the princesses here, right? And you are making it sound like we are a horny beast that can barely keep our pants on" "I stand by what I say, you can be quite the big bad influence" She continued teasing "But hey, nothing wrong with that. I say live and let love like you like. The princesses have lived for thousands of years, I bet they will be more than curious to try" "We are getting off-topic" He reminded her starting to get annoyed by her teasing "Fine, fine I will drop it. Just mark my words Marky, if you don't suggest it, they will" "20 bits says they don't" "You are on, those would be the easiest 20 I have ever earned" She continued to brag in confidence until they heard a knock on the door. "Must be Ms. Velvet for her appointment" Drusilla mentions getting back into her professional mode as she watches her wrist clock. "Right on time" "Ah yes the last meeting of the day, please send her in, Ms. Drusilla," Mark asks clearing his throat and waiting for her behind his chair. "Right away sir" Drusilla nods and goes to the front door to receive Velvet who thanks her and steps inside. Even if he had spoken to her in the past Mark could not help to always be startled by how Twilight Velvet was the exact copy of Twilight Sparkle in almost everywhere, or rather with how Twilight used to be before her wings, with the same hairstyle same fur color and he could swear she was almost the same statue of the princess. With the difference being some small crowfeet on her eyes and a radiant silver mane. Over the mare seems to have aged like a very fine wine. Wearing a formal dark purple suit, a black long skirt, and a red velvet purse on the side of her body. As he smiled like he always due, the mayor couldn't help but realize that with all the events that had happened, he could be talking with the mother of the mare he was currently courting. Which causes him to pause and shake that thought as fast as it appears Come on Mark! Get it together! She is not the mother of your girlfriend now, she is just another concerned citizen, time and place Having relaxed he returned to normal and grew properly "Ah Twilight Velvet, always a pleasure to have you here" Mark welcomed her with a practice greeting and a formal smile "By all means come in, I must say with all the roller coaster of emotions of your daughter leaving the nest I didn't though you would like or had the time to pay me a visit" "Glad to see you too Mayor Mark, and it funny you mention that, because that is exactly the subject I wanted to talk about with you," Velvet says as she takes a seat and Drusilla goes to stand beside Mark, both looking at her confused. "It is?" Mark asks tilting his head. "Oh don't get me wrong, you are spot on the money and it has been hard for me and Night Light watching our last baby leave the nest and form their own homes...or rather kingdoms but you get my idea" She jokes to lighten the mood and the two share a small laugh. "Yeah I understand, I bet you are beyond proud of your children, ah care for a cup of tea?" Mark offers as Drusilla goes and fetches a platter with teacups and a kettle. "Don't mind if I do!" She gladly accepted it and took a cup which Drusilla quickly filled "As for your comment you couldn't imagine how much am I proud of them, now if only Twily could let go of a book for a while and search for a decent stallion" She mumbles to herself and looks away as she takes a zip, ignoring how both Drusilla and Mark flinch at the comment. The latter smirked at the mayor. "Come again, Ms. Velvet?" "Oh nothing, just one of those things any mother always wants. I suppose Flurry is still giving me a bit of a grandma fever, ignore that. Anyway, the reason I'm here" She put the cup down as Mark took a zip of his own. "I wanted to fill out a form to dispatch a couple of guards to patrol around my house" That caught them both off guard "I suppose I could look it up even though this seems more in the area of the police captain. May I ask why you want to have guards near your home? Ms. Velvet, is somepony treating you or your family?" "Oh no, it's nothing that serious, don't worry" She mentions dismissing their concerns. "It just, Night Light, and I didn't realize the ups of downs of being parents of celebrities. It feels me with joy seeing how many ponies want to check on us to see how are we taking things, and support us with our empty nest but, it starting to get out of hoof" "How out of hand exactly?" "Like ponies starting to camp outside our home ready to take our picture when we want to pick our newspaper," She replied immediately with irritation "Oh" Mark slowly nods starting to understand the problem "They are refusing to leave you alone and process this event in peace then" "That is right, and I'm starting to fear that is escalating. Yes I know this falls more on the police department but I swear I saw more than one guard among the mod" "Yeah I starting to understand, and would gladly help in anything I can. Ms. Drusilla" "One step ahead sir, I'm calling the captain right now," Drusilla says with her scroll on her ear "He will straight up those fanboys, and give the couple some peace. Don't worry Ms. Drusilla, you get things back to normal in two, three hours tops" "Thank you so much you two" She sighed in relief and emptied her cup "Frankly I was fearing I was gonna a find another Twily fan here" They all share a peal of laughter, with Mark being a bit more forceful than intended "We all loved the princess and are sad to watch her go Ms. Velvet but I can control myself" Drusilla laughed under her breath at the comment and looked away before getting in line and talking with the captain. Standing up Mark extends his hand "If the mob is still there, you know my number, call us and I will personally see what is going on" "Let's hope we don't resort to that" Velvet nods and shakes his hand "And thanks Mayor Mark really" "That is why we are here for Ms. Velvet, to look after the citizens in Canterlot and see how to improve it" "Speaking of which and see I'm already here, I got this idea I wanted to discuss in honor of my sweet Twily that I believe you would..." She started to look for something in her purse until she found some blueprints "...I hope this isn't another attempt to sell me skyjumping at the edge of the cliff of Canterlot Ms. Velvet" Mark interrupted putting his arms behind his back and keeping his smile "Just listen I believe it has potential" "To kill someone maybe, Ms. Velvet we went over this already, the winds of Canterlot are simply too cold and too hard, a sky floor would crack in a matter of weeks, and the cliff is not completely vertical, a sky jump would only end with a pony breaking into pieces like an ice against the mountain" She sighed in defeat and put away the blueprints "Fine, but I haven't given up yet. I swear Mayor Mark, I will find an extreme sport you would not be able to say "no" to the idea" She promised with determination. "And I would look forward to it, it will be nice having this kind of discussion once or twice before I have to step down" "Wh-What? Step down?! Why?" She asked in complete shock which caught the major off guard. "Ah Miss Velvet, I have already served my turn twice, the law dictates I can't be the mayor for a third term. Very soon would start the elections for the new mayor" "Wha-What? Why I mean you are our mayor and..." He smiled and nodded "I'm glad to hear I made such an impact on you Ms. Velvet, I would miss you two promise but that is how things are" She seems to deflate and sign with a small nod "Thanks, and I would miss you too, I better get going then" She turns around and starts to leave until she remembers something. "Oh and could you tell the captain to send another squad to protect Ms. Drizzle, while she visits?" The name surprises them both again and this time is Drusilla who answers. "I could ask, but why her?" Drusilla asks tilting her head "Oh right you probably don't know, oh she is gonna kill me for telling you this but I suppose it's for the better good. You see she is Fluttershy's mom" Velvet mentions with a casual tone, and immediately the mayor and her assistant freeze in place without Velvet's notice. "Please don't tell anyone, she doesn't like to brag but the truth of the matter is that if fanboys are harassing me, I bet they are doing the same to that poor pegasus. The poor thing must likely be scared out of her feathers with all the attention" She mentions in pity before sighing "I suppose that is where Fluttershy gets her antics then. "Ahm...we will take care of it" Drusilla finally managed to answer as she ended the call. "Thank you both, see you" Velver waved at the two goodbye not realizing how they were still petrified by the revelation. "Ms. Drizzle?" Mark repeats "Ah ha" Drusilla answer "Fluttershy mom?" "Ah ha" "Isn't she kind of the teacher for..." "Ah HA!" "Oh boy, I just I...do...do you think Fluttershy knows?" "I highly doubt it" Drusilla shakes her head. "Yeah me too, maybe it would be best if we keep it that way for her. She was always so reserved about her past. But still, we should at least ask how she is doing" "I suppose we should tell me how it went later" "Drusy!" He glares at her. "Mark! She was our teacher and well..." She suddenly gets shy "...I'm a bit embarrassed to face her, with how recently I have been a bit sloppy with her teachings" "Ah come on Drusy, Ms. Drizzle is like a giant teddy bear, I'm sure she will understand, besides as Ménage told us, she also misses us. The least we could do is check on her before she returns to Cloudsdale" She sigh and nods "Yeah, I suppose it would only be fair, I will keep our agenda open for tomorrow and prepare the disguises, where do we meet?" "With how Cadence is, I would need a distraction, I think I will pull a 23, and see you at Donuts Joe at noon" "Got it, bring a box of puffer creams. Those are the favorites" "Good idea, I will pick a lollypop too, I heard Ménage like them too" "Right" "So do you want me to tell you the rest of the story?" "Actually after that reveal, I think I need a moment to process things, we still need to deal with Twilight Velvet, the fans problem" "Right, tomorrow evening then" "And not a minute later, you still owe me a reason why bunnies are supposedly more dangerous than mares when they are in heat," She says earning a chuckle in the Mayor. > First Distant Letter (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Returning to the castle the mayor sighed in exhaustion and didn't waste time going to his room and changing into his informal clothes, in this case consisting of a pair of old gray jogging pants, a shirt with a big orange square, and a light blue crescent moon intercept on it, in the middle and sandals. An assembly that at any other moment would have thought was way too informal if he was in the castle. But considering his status with the princesses and how this was virtually his new home, Mark decided he might as well try and relax more. With his hands in his pocket and seeing the time he exited his room and headed to the dining room where he was hoping to find his mares without Cadence for a chance, at least for a bit. Fortunately, once he reached the room in question he was able to find his mares about to start their dinner and they were more than happy to see him. Unfortunately, The princess of love was also present as she finished reading a letter before looking up and smiling in glee at him entering the room. "Oh hi Mark, you are just in time. My aunts and I were about to discuss this letter Twilight sent while having dinner, come grab a seat. We don't mind if you join us, right aunties?" Cadence asks turning to her aunts. "None what so ever niece" Luna replied with a practiced smile "Please Mark take a seat" She offered the seat next to her and decided to keep their appearance he obliged and sat there, moments later a servant was already putting a plate and a glass of wine but he declines respectfully and asks for a simple orange juice instead. "Don't you like wine Mark?" Cadence asks with curiosity. "Oh it more of a matter of time and place, on the job you need your mind sharp, at parties. You let loose the stress. I always try to be careful of the time and place to enjoy some good drink" "A wise decision Mr. Mayor" Celestia nodded in approval before turning to Cadence "Which reminds me of something, dear niece, I know how focused are on your latest mission and nothing makes us happier than to have you hear, but don't you think soon Shining would start missing you? Perhaps you should consider putting on pause our little project and going back to your home, at least briefly" She was about to reply but Luna interrupted Cadence "I agree, it is always a joyful occasion when you visit dear niece, but the last thing we want is to impose on your time with your family. I'm sure Flurry in particular must be missing you by now" Cadence in response only giggles and nods "I appreciate your gesture, and I would be lying if I say that I don't miss my Shiny and Flurry. But everything is fine" She dismissed their concerns with a wave of her hand "Shining also wanted some quality time father-daughter with Flurry and he told me to take a couple of days to be with you. Adding that he could use the distraction from the idea of his baby sister leaving the nest and starting her kingdom. You know how emotional he can get at times" Both sisters nod at the statement "Nonetheless, I hear you loud and clear, and understand you need some time to breathe and process everything that is happening before we resume our little projects" She ends with a smirk which Mark wasn't sure if it was directed at him or Celestia. "So I was thinking of staying just three more days, once I have left everything ready..." "...Cadence, I hope you recall the conversation we had" Mark reminded her with neutrality. "I did promise, this is just the last thing. And it because it a bit late to call it off" She apologies with embarrassment as she gathered her hands "It would be the last thing, I swear on my crown" Mark kept staring at her before sighing "It better be Cadence you are still in extremely thin ice" Perceiving the tension in the room, Celestia decided to clear her throat and change the topic "So Cadence you were talking about Twilight letter" She reminded and her eyes lit up at the topic. "Right! The letter, so sorry Mark we truly got sidetracked there for a moment, anyway check the letter that we received this morning from Twilight!" Cadence explains in excitement as she summons and levitates a letter toward the mayor who picks it ending her spell as he reads its content: Dear Friends, Even if only has been a couple of days so far I hope everything is going well back in Canterlot. I and the girls arrived at the Badlands this morning and immediately got quite a surprise when we saw the advances on New Harmonius and how its construction was almost complete. The locals were still weary of the idea of new new kingdom getting established here yet with the idea of income and tourists on the horizon their tune soon changed and decided to give us a chance. We encounter some small setbacks, like a big chunk of our kingdom collapsing under the sand without reason and strange reports of giant snakes roaming the area near our walls... Mark has to pause once he reads that sentence in worry. Oh no, no, no Twily please tell me you didn't construct so close to Death Field Mark prays and gulps before continuing to read. The prospect of lifting a kingdom is something that has put all of us more than a little excited as well as homesick, this is one huge step the girls are taking and we will always remember Canterlot and what it did for all of us. We will keep you posted on any new developments we encounter and will invite you to the grand opening once the city is ready. Hope to hear from you soon, Atte Queen Twilight Sparkle P.S: Pinkie sends her hi to all of you Chuckling at the last part Mark shakes his head and gives the letter back. "Seems like Twilight and her friends have been busy, hasn't it? Never a dull moment with them" "Nope, although I'm a bit concerned about that giant snake thing" Celestia mentions with some concern "Hope nothing bad happens, the badlands are notorious for having unknown dangers that not even I or Luna know about" "Mayor Mark, you once traversed through those lands yourself, did you not?" Luna asks with some curiosity as Mark nods. "Yep, half a year to be precise well almost a year if you count the trip back" He admits with a chuckle and a shrug "What can I say? I liked the trill of adventure" "Then are you familiar with what Twilight mentions about a giant snake report?" Luna asks again tilting her head. "I have heard the stories here and there, legends and spooky bedtime tales yes. Everything will be fine as long as they stay clear of the Death Field" That makes all the rulers pause and look at him in fear "Death Field?" They all repeat in concern as he nods with a sigh. "A plain field extending over 270,000 square miles with the shape of a skull and surrounded by mountains on the west. Because of the shape and the dangers. The locals named it that" He explained taking a bit of his food as the princess waited for him to elaborate more. "What? Of course, I didn't venture there! I'm not suicidal" He quickly adds before getting concerned "Buuuuut in the odd event she is getting too close there, I might have to write them a letter telling them to stay clear and hear the urban legends, they are there for a reason" "Are they in danger?" Celestia and Cadence ask at the same time but the mayor raises his arms "Not as long as they don't do something stupid like send a scout or try to extend New Harmonius there. Others have tried to build something there, but it always ends badly" That only seems to increase their concern further "Don't worry like I say I'll write her about it and worse to come, will go the badlands myself and rescue them before they get into any real trouble, I know the field" "Wait, but you just told us that you never went there" Cadence reminded him with a raised eyebrow "Oh am, well the thing is...I didn't quite explore the place. It's huge after all! but I may or may not know of a trick to pass through?" He offered with a smile trying to get as small as possible. "So you HAVE venture there!" Luna reclaims "Yes and no, listen is complicated and a bit of a secret, so I can't tell you much. Or you don't mind blabbering about state secrets of Canterlot?" "What does that have to do with this? Mark you say the place is dangerous, if you know something, you should tell her" Celestia insists. For his part he remains quiet and thinks about Celestia's words carefully "For her safety" He ultimately nods calming the prince before he continues "And only to Twilight since it seems, this might potentially be a state secret of New Harmonius" That makes them blink in confusion. "Please trust me, this is hard and is just to respect the locals of the area" That seems to convince the princess as they nod and decide to let the subject go. God, that was close, and now I will have to speak with the queen. Because of course, nothing can be easy. After dinner, and returning to his room Mark, carrying a second letter Celestia managed to give him stated that Twilight wrote it directly at him and advised the mayor to read it in private. Understanding the message he hid it and put it on a coffee table to read later once he had the chance. Wasting no time the mayor pulled the curtains and locked both windows and doors before he remembered something else he wanted to discuss. Damn it! I forgot to tell Celestia and Luna about Miss Guidelines! With a grunt, he takes out his scroll and considers just texting Celestia under the number for emergencies, but thinks carefully about it, just in case the information could get in the way of Twilight. If I ask permission maybe Queen Vipral let me share it with Celestia too...please let it be the case With a sigh and a plan, Mark got to work, taking out a couple of small bottles from a secret compartment in his drawer, each of them with different colors which he used to start drawing a circle with an intricate symbol inside of it, like he did with contact the sisterhood of Ohms, except this one ended with the frontal face of a cobra at the center. Once the drawing was complete, he put some drops of his blood on it and stood at the border, lighting it up with a candle. The effect was immediate as the circle ignited on a giant blue flame as Mark closed his eyes and gathered his hands together. "I seek the attention...of Queen Vipral" Mark proclaimed pausing for a moment before uttering her name. The flame died down to one low ember before turning white and becoming a white flame that took the shape of an imposing giant cobra lamia with a crown at the top of her head, a red and black dress with silk sleeves, and golden bracelets. Her humanoid body was slim yet fit, her neck and face were that of a black and red cobra with orange ring marks on her back, arms and two prominent ones on each side of the hood of her head, with a gold clipper on the left side of it and purple eyelashes on her eyes. Said Cobra taking a minute to scan the place before her eyes landed on Mark and her expression softened "Little human snakelet, it has been a while since last we spoke" The queen spoke dragging the s of her words and occasionally taking her tongue out like any other snake. "Greetings Queen Vibra, long as you may rule" Mark took a vow and pretended to lower his face yet the queen would have none of it as she used her hand to keep his head and body up. "We will have none of that, my little boy, I told you that there you would not have any need for titles in private with me" "Sorry, Queen...ah Vipral is just habit I suppose. That and as much as I would like for this to be a casual call, there is another reason why I call" "Oh if that so?" She asks sarcastically before her expression hardens and she starts to circle the human using her giant frame "Would by chance be related to the recent invaders trying to occupy our homes once again?!" She demands in anger. "They are not trying to invade, I swear" Mark quickly responds taking a step forward "They just don't know that your kingdom is right below them" "And that makes it ok, for them to provoke earthquakes, and destroy our rooftop!?" She counters "They knew the risk Mark, there is a reason why that zone is called the death field, if a royal decided to ignore the warnings, they deserve what is coming, like all the others have tried before" "But Queen Vipral please this time can be different, they are not just thieves and murderers trying to hide, Twilight Sparkle she...if only you could give her a chance like you gave me one?" he pleaded fearing for Twilight's sake. The queen remained quiet for a moment before she crossed her arms "Is she your mate?" "What?!" Mark asked in shock and a red face making the queen giggle as she approached her head until they were at eye level. Awaiting his answer he was fighting in his head for a retour and trying to keep a secret. Before he could come up with a reply the queen notices the letter and picks it up with her tail "Curious I was informed that the princess sent a letter to Canterlot, and fear she may be asking for reinforcement, wonder what does she want with my little boy" She asks starting to open the letter. "Queen Vipral, wait no!" Mark complained but it was too late as the letter came to life and started to break apart forming a twister until it reshaped on a purple origami version of Twilight Cutiemark, who was projecting an astral image of the princess herself...wearing a semi-transparent line of violet lingerie, dark blue shadows, matching her high heels hide on a semi-transparent silk small robe, on a pre-recorded message. "Good night Mr. Mayor, hope you don't mind me writing so late at night but I figure since I have become an ally nation, you wouldn't mind if I...reinforce the terms of our bonds," The pre-recorded message says with a soft seductive voice as she aims for Mark and before he could stop she was already all over him with a leg raise, her tail wrap around the other one and delivery kisses on his neck. It was a clear astral projection yet the human could still feel it with extreme attention to detail on how he could still perceive her fur when trying to pry her away. The mayor could only laugh nervously as the Queen looked at him with a knowing smile "Quen Vipra, this...this is not...the thing is...I" "No need to explain my little snakelet seems like I have seen enough," She says crossing her arms "Your loyalty to our race has never been questioned, and by law, with you claiming a mate you are allowed to bring her to know of your roots" "My, my roots?" Mark questions as he keeps trying to pry the astral image from French kissing him The lamia laughed and approach him poking his shoulder "Don't forget who was the one that donate her skin when you needed a transplant, you are virtually part of the family now and if this mare wishes to court you, she better shows her case to me" Oh dear god, did I suddenly get adopted? One problem at a time, better take this as an opportunity "S-So those that mean you are willing to give her a chance? Maybe Subquestria and New Harmonious could coexist! I can botch for her Vipral! Twilight would be an awesome neighbor!" "I and the council will determine that!" She answered with a stern voice looking at the projection who was starting to strip "And so far I wouldn't hold my breath, but if you care for her this much, you will have to speak your case directly" "You want me to go there in person?" Mark asks in surprise, as she nods. "And remember only you and your mates are allowed passage until further notice, also until we come up to an agreement we will hold on to the one they call Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie" "You capture them?!" "They treat us like common animals and send an animal whisper to talk to us dearly, how else other than an insult could we have taken that? We return the favor. But do not fret, besides place as animals as punishment, they will be well attendant. I will eagerly await your return my boy, and write more often, me and Viper miss you, kisses" She ended on a more cheerful note as the flame extinguished leaving only ashes in his room. Mark was left speechless for a moment before he sighed and lower his head "Oh crap, what else could happen now?" The sound of paper rip is heard and when he turns to his left he see the message ending and the image disappearing, the paper breaking itself apart, making the mayor sigh and roll his eye. Sure, end the message now, why not? > Emergency Secret Trip (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting a suitcase as ready as possible Mark pleads his case with Drusilla as she tries to process everything that is going on, already startled and scared from early morning when the mayor calls and summons a secret code red, a procedure he has never once used before and they were more than clear it was meant to use under the most dire of circumstances and there could be one huge terrorist risk or the princess live is in terrible danger. "Ok let me get this straight, Princess Twilight Sparkle hasn't even settled in completely and she already got herself in an extremely dangerous situation?" "That is an over-exemplification of things but at its core? Yeah that is mostly it" "And you are sure that you are the only one that can save hers and her friend's ass right now?" Drusilla continued with a raised eyebrow and an incredulous tune in her voice. "Look I know this is crazy, sudden and it not making much sense but, yeah. I was counting on Twilight to listen to the local stories and stay clear of that area, but for some reason, she dropped caution to the wind, and now, a lot of ponies...and all other creatures that decided to lend a hand constructing New Harmonious are in extreme danger" Mark answer as he starts to look for a missing shoe to walk in the sand until Drusilla stop him by grabbing him by his shoulders. "Mark, Mark, listen to me, look me in the eyes, and listen closely" She instructs trying to calm him down. Once she got his attention he spoke again "One, I get why you are concerned but you need to remember this is kind of the princess bread and butter, are you sure you can't just trust her to fix this on her own? That is the point of building her empire." She let him go and started to list things with her fingers. "Two, as much as you want to help she is no longer part of Canterlot, and you are still part of its government, there are huge lines you would be crossing if you just drop everything and go help her out, as noble as they may be" She marks her point pointing at the floor and speak slowly so the message sinks in. "And finally three, and this is important, you are a mayor, not the ruler of Equestria. Your job is to make this beautiful city runs smoothly, you have the authority to instruct the proper heads of power, your marefriends may I remind you, which you should be doing, so they can send the correct ponies for the job, nothing else" She finishes shaking her head. "I know, I know Drusy, my god I wish I could just do this by the book but..." Mark paced back and forward holding his head dueling on how to explain things as he looked at nothing for a good while before speaking to her again "...there is a lot at stake here, I...I made an oath and...god just mentioning may be saying too much. You just need to trust me, if I do this by the books, a lot of ponies could get hurt. I know I'm breaking the rules but I...it needs to be me, and only me" He finally answered with determination "Drusy, I can only share this much because you are my friend and I can trust you with my life but I made a promise to someone, someone real powerful, that I will keep a huge secret" That gets her attention as Drusilla remains quiet sitting on the bed, her attention focused on Mark. "That person is really angry and calls for me specifically to solve this mess peacefully, but I must keep things a secret until Twilight has a chance to speak up and come to an agreement and that person would only speak with her if I take Twilight to her." Mark closed his eyes and breath through his nose to calm down "And that is why I'm calling code red, the second this happened, I knew I would need your help, if I can try to make as little damage as possible with this" Drusilla just remained quiet before taking out her clipboard "I will cancel your appointments for the next week, take care of the paperwork, and claim you were forced to take sick days" Immediately Mark goes to her and kisses her forehead "Love you Drussy" "Don't cheer just yet" She looked up to see him in the eyes "You better explain everything to me once this is all over, and you still need a ticket to go there. And the only way you can make a sudden trip out of the blue is if a princess requests your presence in person, which means you will have to ask for a favor" "Ah favor? Why would...? Oh no," Mark realized what she was implying as she nodded "Please Drusy, can't I ask Celly or Lulu instead?" "The princess in question needs to make the trip there too Mark, and good luck finding an excuse to tell the citizens as to why one of them had to excuse themselves without rhyme or reason" Mark takes a deep breath and prepares himself "OK, ok for everyone's sake. With any luck, she can think of repaying me a favor and would not ask much in return. I promise I will try to be as fast as possible and I swear I will explain everything once I'm back" "You better mister, the only reason this isn't high treason is that you only want to avoid bloodshed, I will help you bend the rules as much as we can, but this better don't happen again" She warns him with a stern gaze as Mark nods nervously and rapidly under her gaze. Later that day Riding on a flying carriage the mayor now wearing a green shirt without sleeves, simple light blue jeans, goggles, and special boots for the sand, keeps staring at the open sky taking glances at his wrist clock. "Don't worry Mark" Cadence calls as he looks to his right to see the princess of love in question with a serene smile "This isn't the first time Twilight has dealt with problems like this, even worse ones like that. She would be fine" She offered placing a hand over his shoulder. With a sigh, Mark can only close his eyes and nod "Thanks Cadence, for everything. I know I ask you for something so sudden, but...Twilight letter, and how delicate things were well..." "Say no more, like you explain to us. She was smart in asking for help from someone who knew the land and Aunt Luna encouraged it, if you truly believe this is something that you need to explain in person, we will gladly support and help you out as much as we can" "Thanks and again, I'm extremely sorry I had to drop all of this so suddenly and have to rush an explanation in letters for the other princess, but well like I say, if she wants to build something here, I better reduce any risk this info get leaks" Cadence nods in understanding removes her hand and chuckles "You don't have to make excuses Mark, I miss her too, and this gives me the perfect excuse to see how is she fairing" She says with a wink, and then rolls off her eyes "But I will not deny our little deal sure sweeten things up a little" Mark sighs in defeat and nods "And I plan to honor it Cadence I swear, in exchange for not asking questions and helping me out I will forgive you for everything that has happened to us before, a clean slate from here on out...and I will let you pick my next 3 blind dates, no questions ask you have a white card there, and freedom to do whatever you want" Cadance can't help but giggle and hug Mark "And I couldn't be more happy about it! Seriously Mark, thank you for this chance, I promise you will not regret it" He offered a weak smile as he looked at her "I know I won't after all, this is the princess of love we are talking about. Celly, Lulu, hope you can forgive me. And understand all I do is for Twily, Equestria, and Subquestria's safety The mayor thinks to himself as he recalls the letter he wrote to his two mares before putting his plan into action. Said letter was being read by both sisters who looked at one another as they read it content, inside Luna's room. Dear Celly/ Lulu First of all, I'm extremely sorry for having to inform you of this with a letter, and you can trust and understand my reasoning into why I need you to burn this letter once you finish reading. They had to pause and look at one another in concern before they resumed with their letters. Twilight's letter, got me concerned last night. Lulu/you were right Luna/ I do have experience in the badlands as I spent some time living among its peers and knowing its customs and stories. As well as having intimate knowledge regarding Death Field. You see once saw myself at death doors while living there They gasped once they read that part. I won't bore you or am allowed to disclose the details but needless to say, nice individuals saved my life on that occasion, and in return, I made an oath to keep their secrets. That is why I can't say much, those individuals are linked to Death Field and Twilight has accidentally angered them. These are nice but very sensible and quick to anger people, they are close friends of mine and they ask for me in person, to avoid something horrible from happening. "Tia you wouldn't think, that Twilight's life is at stake right?" Luna looked at her sister in concern "I don't know Lulu, but if Mark is willing to go this far for her, there is a chance that could be the case" Celestia spoke her mind as they continued. I can't imagine how many rules I may break if this comes to light, but if it means nobody dies I would gladly take responsibility and if things go south would accept any punishment that comes my way. I convince my friends to speak with Twilight as I know she can find a peaceful solution if they can speak face to face. To do so I will have to present her as my mate, in a way you almost have to laugh at the timing of events, right? The sisters share one small chuckle at his attempt at humor But the bottom line because of this I had to drop everything and go save my mare, I more than understand if you get angry at me for my decision, and would hope they can find it in your hearts to forgive me. We all have our past, that is why with how I don't pry into painful memories of yours, I ask you not to pry too much into mine. Not for now at least. That and to forgive me for what I was forced to do including making a with Cadence to keep appearance "Deal?" They both repeat at the same time looking at each other in confusion "What sort of deal did Mark and our niece make that could make us angry? And why does he sound like he just made a deal with the devil?" "I have a theory but regardless I say we must trust our boyfriend and have faith in him. He is doing all of this just to keep everyone calm" Celestia reasoned with a sorrowful tune "He loves Equestria as much as he loves us if he is willing to go to these lengths" Celestia sighed and closed her eyes momentarily "He knew if he had told us, we would have jumped to the chariot and help Twilight no matter what anyone would say, so he decided to take the fault so both Equestria and New Harmonius would not look weak" "That brave, considerate, incredible fool" Luna also sighed before smiling at Mark's actions and the reasons behind them "The earful he is gonna get once he returns, what else do you write you big dummy?" They resume reading the rest of the letter. I give you my word, I will be as fast as possible and will work like crazy to get my work back on track Both princess roll their eyes at his workaholic nature I pray nothing bad happened and they permit me to explain everything to you more clearly. Or at the very least take you with me on my next trip to introduce the rest of my mates, for now, I only ask you to please trust me and remain in Canterlot as the sexy powerful, and kind rulers I know and love. Always yours Mark "Ok, dummy you got some point of the compliment" Luna giggled with a small blush. PS: I also wrote this letter and left in a hurry without even saying goodbye because Pinkie and Fluttershy got kidnapped and I'm the fastest way to rescue them, please don't do anything rash, love you! "They WHAT?!" They grabbed and stared intently at the last sentence in born anger. "Mark, if those people hurt them or you, so help me" Celestia promised to the letter as she was speaking to Mark directly before using her magic to incinerate both letters. Taking a moment to calm down both sisters approach Luna's balcony and stare at the sky. "Tell me, Luna, using our best flyers how long would it take to mobilize an armada to New Harmonius?" Celestia asks with neutrality. "Half a day" Luna replied without looking at using the same neutral tune "Should get them ready sister?" Celestia remained quiet for a moment before sighing "Put them on standby, if we don't hear anything from Mark or Twilight in one week we deploy a small unit. We can't afford to make it look like we are sending an invading force, right?" "Agree, so I gather this would be a search and retrieve operation?" "With the possibility of an execution if they do harm our friends or lover" Celestia replied in a cold tune, with some green flames emerging from her eyes briefly. "More than understandable, will keep an eye on Twilight and Mark's dreams for any news too" Luna nods with the same flames appearing in her eyes. Back at the chariot as it makes it descends to the badlands, Mark's whole body shivers suddenly. "Is something wrong Mark?" Cadance looked at him in concern at the expression he was making. "N-no everything is alright. Just got a sudden chill of wind. Not used to wearing sleeveless shirts" He dismissed her concern with a chuckle as he extended his arm. "I'm sure I know what I mean considering well your belly" To adjust to the elements Cadance was wearing what almost looked like a sport dark pink bra with a golden bracelet on her right arm, a white hood, kept together by a silver tiara a pair of pink parachute pants, and the same type of shoes Mark was wearing. Convince by that she smiles and nod "Yeah I see what you did, living so long in a kingdom surrounded by snow made me a bit used to wearing a shirt that doesn't expose my belly, be thankful you are not feeling any raft on your belly bottom" "You could have chosen to use a best like mine" Mark argued with a raised eyebrow. "I know but I wanted to try a new look, and I intend to send a couple of pictures to Shiny" She admitted with some embarrassment and a guilty chuckle. The laugh is contagious and Mark finds himself joining in as well "he is a lucky stallion" "Aw thanks, between you and me, I say I'm the lucky one" Cadence replied, satisfied on how the mood improved, as Mark hid his concern and gulped mentally begging that he didn't have a bad feeling > Mark Little Secret (Grammaly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Landing outside the rising kingdom, both Cadence and Mark were received by a curious surprise. Just as Twilight letter said, New Harmonius seemed to be almost complete, when they were greeted not only with a landing platform for carriages but also a train station, various homes, roads, and even a fountain in the middle of the blooming city, as well as constructions and more roads in progress in what otherwise would be a wasteland in the middle of nowhere, with a line of construction workers of all different races, doing their jobs with efficiency and a synergy neither of them has ever seen before. "It's even more fascinating than what Twily's described in her letter" Cadence comments as they both grab their luggage and along with the two pegasuses that carried them all the way here, they make their way to now relocated Castle of Harmony, the same that was moved all the way from Ponyville "New Harmonious hasn't even properly open to the public and has only been a month since the construction started, if they manage to build this much in so little time, I wonder what they could achieve with smaller projects" She pounders before they both stop at a couple of mosaic walls describing the story of the city and the origins of the council of Friendship "The power of friendship in action Cadence, many of these workers were gifts from kingdoms all over the world with Twilight personally having greet and get to know them, and introduce one another. It reminds me of my relationship with Drusilla, when you have a solid friendship base in and out of the workplace, any job can be done in record time. But I must admit, I have never seen that happening to that scale. Twilight really knows what she is doing" Mark chuckled before looking at the guards. "Don't worry guys, once we reach the castle you can be dismissed for the rest of the day if you want to rest or explore the city" The guards stop and look at him with neutrality before they glance over to Cadence with a raised eyebrow, getting the idea the princess spoke too. "The mayor speaks for me, you indeed can be dismissed once we arrive there" "Thanks your Highness" They spoke and gave them a small reverence while Cadence turned to Mark. "A nice gesture Mark but don't forget the chain of command, ok?" She reminds him pointing at her crown. "Sorry, it the habit, I usually am the top on that chain" "That is ok, happens all the time" Cadence dismissed him with a wave of her hand before giggling, "Boy is Twilight for a surprise when we arrive" "Yeah, I really hate doing this but, the sort of problem she is having requires a unique and fast approach. Trust me, the badlands have their own, very important set of rules, and I'm still kicking myself for forgetting to teach her them before she departed" Mark chastised himself in shame as the castle was fast approaching. Once at the door they knocked and were received by Spike, who Mark now realized how much he had changed since they last spoke, the previously short dragon was now almost as tall as him with a buffy body, a medal around his neck, a shoulder pat on his right shoulder and a cape. "Princess Cadance?" Spike asks looking at the princess in question who didn't waste time in hugging the startled dragon as he instinctively raised his now larger wings. "Hello Spikey Wikie, is always so good to see you, and look how much you have grown" Cadence greeted him with excitement as she broke the hug and looked him up and down "Boy do we have so much to catch on once we deal with the issue at hand" "Ah, thanks? What issue? What is happening?" Spike asks in quick succession noticing Mark and getting surprised again "Mark? Shouldn't you be making sure everything works on Canterlot?" "This is a special case, and so sorry to drop like this Spike, think of it as a very secret mission where we could not allow leaks of information" He slowly nods, being a bit familiar with the concept "So is it like a friendship mission?" "In a sense yeah, for now. Can we talk with Twilight? Tell her is a bit urgent and tell her that we know she sent Pinkie and Fluttershy" That startles both Spike and Cadence who look at the mayor in surprise with Spike speaking first. "How did you know..." "It is a complicated, long story, and something I swear to keep a secret, that is why it was urgent I came here to explain things. I'm familiar with the land and the locals and trust me, Twilight and the rest need to know this. She is most likely be receiving the letter by now" "What letter?" Cadence asks and just in quo, they all hear a scream of Twilight coming from her room. "That letter, like I say I know the locals. I swear I would explain everything more calmly and I apologize for rushing things here, but I can't discuss this in public." Now more than a little scared Spike nods and invites both of them inside before closing the doors. After one brief greeting and summoning the rest of the elements to the harmony room, Twilight doesn't waste time in reading the alarming letter she found in her room this morning cover in green slime. Dear Invaders Consider yourself warned, we are not an enemy that you wish to poke fun at or anger, our eyes and ears are everywhere. Your scouts are safe at the moment and will return in one piece as long as you leave our home, if you wish to dialogue we will only speak with Mark and his mates. Be conscious of the situation and be wise to know this, any trickery, trap or further mockery of us will result in severe consequences. The crawling ones Twilight finishes reading the message out loud and lays on the table a lock of hair from Pinkie and Fluttershy as well as a picture of the two naked, tied behind their backs and with dog collars on their necks, as they were sitting in a cage. Mark quickly scans the letter before nodding "Yeah that's their modus operantly alright" He sighs in irritation and rubs his eyes with his fingers "God damn it, why did things end up like this?" "Ok enough with the secrets" Dash demands slamming her fist on the table completely furious "What the buck is wrong with you Mark? Ever since you arrived unannounced you have been saying and acting as if you knew all of this was gonna happen from the start! What are you not telling us?" Dash demands in exasperation. "Normally this would be the part where I rile Rainbow back and let you collect your thoughts and explain things but I'm pretty mad myself too partner" AJ looked at the major in disappointment and crossed her arms "And I better hear both the true and a better good explanation as to why our friend casually marched in here, and reveal information moments before Twilight even had the moment to process what is going on" "Mark we are not accusing you of anything, we are just worried but if you really want to help us, we need to know that we can trust you darling" Rarity was the voice of reason as she looked at him with concern. For his part Cadence and Twilight remained quiet waiting for Mark to respond, something that happened in the form of a sigh "Before I say anything is there anything else you two wish to tell me?" He offers both princesses. Twilight shakes her head "I can't think of anything else that my friends already say, please Mark. I don't want to view you as an enemy but this kind of letter and worse that you knew it was about to arrive, is alarming. I need to hear it from you. I need to know we can still trust you and that you didn't have anything to do with this" Twilight virtually pleaded on the verge of tears, which was in turn breaking Mark's heart. At the moment he didn't want to do anything more than to jump from his seat, rush toward her, and console her as he lay everything he knew into the open. To tell her that she could truly trust her and kiss her forehead trying to calm her down. Yet the eyes of the remaining elements, Spike and Cadence place him in the spotlight which means he needs to choose his words carefully. "I don't expect you to believe me right away, but I need you to trust me when I say, that I would never betray the trust of my friends, and unfortunately it is because of said principles, that I can't say much" he raises the letter. "The ones that have Pinkie and Fluttershy are also my friends, they are good but quick to angry people. I earn their trust and they ask me to keep their secrets, that is why I have been so evasive, I want to help solve this mess and they are willing to listen, but first I need you to promise me two things" He marks his point by raising two fingers "The first one I imagine you can guess. That's what I tell you don't leave this room. Until a deal is settled the secret I will share must stay here. I ask not only as your friend but also as a Mayor thinking about avoiding mass hysteria and panic in the kingdom, I need you to. No, I beg you please give me your word nobody outside this room will know what I need to tell you" Everyone is unsure except Applejack who stands up and nods "You can trust in me sugar cube, I'm not too keen on lies but I respect secrets and privacy, if those friends of yours really trust you to keep things quiet then the least I can do is return the favor" "Same here, hey what good is having a code of a dragon if you are not gonna respect other codes?" Spike punches his chest to mark his point "You can trust me too Mark" "I know the importance of state secrets and so does Twilight so you shouldn't even need to ask us" Cadence nods and Twilight agrees soon after leaving Rainbow Dash and Rarity remaining as everyone awaits their response. "What? I don't like gossip and come on, it's me you are talking about, Rainbow Dash! Of course, I know how to keep my mouth shut!" Dash quickly defends herself leaving only Rarity remaining. "Do you really need to ask darlings?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. "Normally I don't but this is extremely important I have a plan and I mean not a single bit must get out of here" Mark reasoned with some worry making Rarity sigh. "You can count on us darling we, will not say a word" She reassured him making the mayor sigh in relief as Twilight placed the curtains and placed a series of soundproof spells to prevent anyone from hearing them "There no you can speak us freely Mark, nobody will know anything that happens here," Twilight tells him with a smile, and the mayor nods in thankfulness. "You mentioned there were two things you need to know before, what was the second thing?" Spike remembers and asks the mayor as he raises the ransom letter. "Mostly want to check something, can somebody cast an infrared light in this letter?" Everyone blinked and looked at one another before Dash spoke what was in everyone's mind. "Why?" "My friends tend to love sending a message over messages, just want to check if they have something else to say" He explained, and satisfy the princess of friendship who was still a bit unsure but complied regardless, casting a purple light on the piece of paper and sure enough there was one secret message on it that startles everyone, this one seems to be directed at the mayor as it contain just one single sentence. You can tell them, Mark "Great, the queen just got me permission" Once again the mayor sighed in relief putting the letter down and now more relaxed took a seat once more. "Better pay close attention everyone because I'm about to tell you about a secret kingdom as old if not older than Equestria and as hidden as Aquastria" That gains everyone's attention as they put their complete focus on the mayor. "What has been happening and the reason that zone is called the death field is that in that desert is the entrance of an underground kingdom known as Subquestria" Everyone present gasps at the revelation with wide eyes and different reactions ranging from curiosity, fear, and in the case of Twilight half excitement of learning a completely new subject. "Wait, wait wait!" Dash interrupts shaking her head and moving her hands "You are telling us that our friends got kidnapped by some kind of secret mole ponies race living in the desert?" She asks in disbelief "Mole ponies? No. A never-before-seen secret race? Yes, the serpent kind to be precise...well more like the reptile kind, but I'm getting ahead of myself" The mayor clarified before continuing with his story "Subquestria is mostly a fairly peaceful society but one that likes their privacy and would go to great lengths to keep it that way, I wasn't even intending to meet them when I first arrive. I kind of stumble into them and they let me become part of their group after I save one of them" Mark starts to reminisce as he looks to one of the cover windows in sorrow, which drops the mood and everyone understands the story was a somber one immediately. "What happened partner?" AJ asks him in pity as Mark has to close his eyes and sigh before turning his head forward and lowering his head, opening his eyes closely as he stares at his hands. "It happened a long time ago, while I was exploring the area before I embarked on my little pirate adventure. This greedy mole bastard and his cronies jumped me in the middle of the night while I was camping. It happened all too fast, one moment I was sleeping peacefully, the next there were screams and orders everywhere until I finally found myself in chains and ropes in my arms and legs" He clenches his fist in fury. "Apparently he wanted me as an oddity in his freak show circus, and was planning on keeping me as some sort of animal" Cadence gasped and put her hand on the mayor's fist in pity "You were captured and treated as some kind of monster?" "That bastard!" Dash yells in disgust "Where the hell is that mole man I will make him eat his teeth!" She asks/promises with her wings flared. Looking up the mayor could see the rest of her friends remaining quiet but they could perceive their anger boiling over, even Twilight was simply closing her eyes and had an expressionless face at the moment. "Don't bother, he is gone" Mark was quick to reply "As in well...gone" He marked his point by passing a finger from one side of his neck to the other, which surprised and calmed everyone. "And it is not important for the story, what is important is what happened during and when I escaped captivity" The mayor resumed. "There I met Cobraline, a fairly nice lamia girl that was captured for the same reason. We were sort of cellmates with her fish tank next to mine. Between the two we came up with a plan and managed to escape, with other victims of that mole man. Along the way I suffer injuries, the type that would spell my death in a couple of hours if not treated quickly. Needless to say, Cobraline had to make a choice, so she decided to take me to her home, they mended my wounds, and in time I was accepted in their society and ever since then, I have become an honorable member, keeping their traditions, including keeping their secret" Mark finishes his story with a content smile as everyone looks at them. "And now that same society is kind of mad at you Twilight. The construction has put their kingdom at risk and they were merely defending themselves" "We didn't know there was a whole ass kingdom underneath our hooves" Dash was quick to defend themselves. "I know, I know that is what I discuss with Queen Vipral, the active ruler of Subquestria. And I managed to calm her down, especially since you sent an animal caretaker and a party planner to deal with the situation which didn't exactly help your case" "I still don't see why they are so mad about that, we sent them because the two are good negotiators," Spike says in disbelief as Mark gives him a deadpan. "Did you Spike? Or did you send those two in particular because you thought there was some wild animal that needed to be reasoned with so as to not damage its territory?" Everyone remains quiet and Twilight chuckles nervously at how the Mayor hit the nail on the head. "Yeah exactly, that is the equivalent of somebody trying to capture you with a net at you with the intention of putting you in a cage pretending you are some kind of bird or lizard. That is why they got angry" His explanation just makes them feel worse as the mayor sighs for a third time. "Anyway as I was saying, I managed to calm her down, and as the letter states, I broke a deal where they would be willing to talk with Twilight and anyone else I bring along, as long as I'm the one the bring them and they are all exclusively, my mates" "Sounds good to me, we are all friends here so you just need to tell them that to the guards and we can get inside right?" Dash says with a smile, and it is now the time for the mayor to get tense and some heat to appear on his cheek "Not that kind of mates Dash" Mark correct with some embarrassment "Huh? Then what...? wait, you mean as in...WHAT?!" Dash finally gets it and she immediately blushes as her wings crisp, the other mares are surprised and looking at one another wondering how to take that idea. "And here is where my plan comes into play. Don't worry, it would only be for a while, at least until Twilight and Vipral can break a deal" The mayor tries to erase the awkwardness of the situation using logic "Here is my idea" > Welcome To Subquestria (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking through a pair of binoculars, the mayor looked around miles upon miles of pure desert until he spotted the rock formation he was in search of in order to locate himself and make sure he and his group were on the right path. Letting the binoculars down, letting them hang from his neck, Mark turns back to his companion as he recalls the events that brought him into this situation. One hour early "OK since time is of the essence and we need to rescue Pinkie and Fluttershy as fast as we can, our best course of action, is to act quickly and methodically, so here is what we are gonna do" The mayor leans forward while having everyone's attention. "First we can't let anyone see us leave, as far as the town now, Cadence and I came here for support and because of that me and Twilight lock ourselves while the rest of you, make sure to keep everyone calm and under the impression that their princess is working on a solution to their problem." The mayor starts pantomiming his plan and using the map in the table as a visual aid "While you do that, me and Twilight will head to Subquestria and..." "...Hey wait a minute!" Dash interrupts the mayor and puts her hands against the table leaning forward with some frustration "So your plan is for you and Twilight to do everything while we just sit here and do nothing?" She questions with an accusing finger. "Ok, I know how that may look like but this isn't exactly dealing with the Nightmare Moon incident, or Discord, or the weed, or...wow you actually did a lot as a team" The mayor stopped and voiced his thoughts out loud before shaking his head and continue "The point is, this is different. We need to keep things secret from your citizens and if all of you suddenly vanish, everyone would start asking questions and soon after there would be panic" The mayor argues back. "Well darling I could see how you believe that, but aren't you forgetting a certain dragon that has been helping us since the moment we obtained the elements of harmony?" Rarity reminds him before looking at Spike who blush at the compliment. "Spikye Wike, we wouldn't give you this task to you if it wasn't important. So while we are gone would you keep an eye on everyone here?" "You know you can count on me Rarity" Spike nods and punches his chest as he inflates it. "There, problem solved for that part" Rarity proclaims with a smug smile making the mayor sigh in exhaustion. "Ok that is one issue, but there are the other issue that you all seem to be forgetting" The mayor stood up and crossed his arms "And that is the notion that I'm only supposed to bring my mates to Subquestria. This is already uncomfortable as it is asking Twilight to play the role but she must in order to get an audience" He says pointing at the princess "In fact, she has been very calm and understanding of the whole situation and I thank her for not being angry at me for forcing her into this awkward position" the mayor comments with a smile. "I admit I was a bit startled by the revelation but I understand your logic and I'm a bit flattered that you trust so much on my negotiation skills Mark" Twilight replies calmly as the group looks at her and then looks at Mark with neutral eyes. "So you don't trust us to be good, at negotiation, partner?" AJ questioned with a cold voice. "Or just expect us to sit down while our friends are in danger?" "No, I'm thinking about your feelings and not putting you in an uncomfortable position and risking our friendship" The mayor replied immediately starting to get angry "I already explained why it must be Twilight. Cadence and Spike are already out because I'm not interested in males or in breaking families, and my friends know that" He then looks at the rest "And I know how much you hate to lie, mushy shows of affection or damp and muddy places, so I was sparing your feelings" He says looking at AJ, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity "Plus you should consider this more as a friendship mission, girls. Trust me, it's better that way" He lifts his backpack" Plus they will check to see if my mate is really that by checking if she has my smell, that is why I brought a sweaty shirt I used to sleep last night so Twilight can rub it on her body. Another thing I know would be a big no, and would never subject Rarity to do" The mayor says with finality putting the backpack on the table. "But this is your decision too, so by all means, if any of you really want to tag along, leave New Harmonius defenseless with the most rotten of creatures as your neighbors ready to take over the moment their rulers are gone AND can come up with an idea on how to smell like me, I'm all ears, just know I'm also hating lying to my friends so if you are coming consider this me proposing a date and therefore you are admitting that I woe you in less than a day, marking you as an easy mare which I know none of you are, and will be subjected to act all lovey-dovey to sell the act" Mark reply with a smirk "And before you reply remember you will be going into a damp muddy place, lying your ass off, and expressing mushy lovey-dovey stuff, are you really willing to do that? Keep in mind, you would be leaving the kingdom exposed if all of you go and I may even have to hug you to sell the idea, not grope of course! I'm not a pervert, but I will have to sell the idea that you agree on at least a date with me" The mares looked at Mark in surprise before looking at one another, even Cadence was pensive at what the mayor was saying. One hour later "Did you manage to locate the rock you were looking for darling? Not to rush you or anything but we have been here for hours now" Rarity asked and complained a little as she put more sunblock on her face while Twilight handed the mayor a bottle of water. Both of them were wearing a full explorer set outfit with some additions in Rarity's version as she had a scarf, some white mountain globes with a diamond pattern at the end, and some heat and sweat resistance makeup on her face. "The entrance is just ahead, we are almost home" Mark replies thanking Twilight and taking a big zip pointing ahead of him before looking at Rarity "And you are still in time to turn around and help AJ and Dash in the city, if you have changed your mind" Mark offers handing back the bottle. "Oh darling, I told you. I'm coming too and that is final, the idea of being undercover more than compensates for the dreadful idea of going into a muddy place. Something I'm still unsure if that is true or you were just trying to scare me away you naughty mayor" She chuckles and pokes his nose with her finger "Besides, you say it yourself, this was our decision and that is what we agreed on, AJ and Dash take care of New Harmonius while we go in and rescue our friends, it was all part of the promise we all made, we are a team and from now on, at least two of us would be in the same mission, like in our friendship trips, besides, it kind of late to back down now. With how Cadence was so kind in casting that mild love spell on me and Twilight, making it easier for the two rubbing ourselves against you to capture your essence. "Yes, that was very nice on her part" The mayor replied with clenched teeth "Please don't remind me" Mark pleaded with a red face and looked away, Twilight not far behind in how she looked away. "I still have a hard time deciding what was the most shocking thing about that, you agreeing, openly rubbing sweat on you, or removing your shirt in front of everyone" He has to shake his head "I was prepared to face plenty of outcomes when I came here, but the image of you and Twilight having matching black frilly bras burn into my head was definitely not one of those things" "Never underestimate the power of friendship, and you said we needed to hurry didn't you? So the best thing was to have as much skin contact as possible" She then smirked and giggled "And admit it, part of you loves it, not to brag or anything but I'm very proud of my chest size and softness and Twilight here has developed nicely ever since she became an alicorn" "Y-Yeah I can't argue with that" Twilight confesses with a nervous chuckle and some heat on her cheeks. "Oh that reminds me, if we are this close, do you mind if I check my makeup a little bit? I want to give them a nice impression, give me just one-moment" Rarity excused herself and summoned a chair and vanity mirror to work on her make a couple of feet away from Twilight and the mayor. "For what is worth it, I know this wasn't part of your plan so I'm not holding anything against you" Twilight mentions laying her hand on Mark's shoulder as he sighs. "Thanks for understanding. Even when Rarity suggested the idea of you two rubbing each other against me and I was too startled to argue back." He confesses with a chuckle and some shame in his voice before sighing again and looking down "I really was hoping this could be something for just the two of us Twily" The mayor confessed holding her hand "Sure I'm way concerned for Fluttershy and Pinkie's safety and I want to rescue them as well, but I don't know. With how crazy things have gone, I was hoping we somehow, could take advantage of this situation to have some time for ourselves" Mark looks at Twilight in the eyes with longing as she does the same. "That is very sweet of you, and nothing would make me happier than to do just that, but this kind of surprise happened, and it hasn't been that long anyway. Just be patient my love. I'm sure soon we will have our chance" Twilight brought his chin up with her fingers and they were about to kiss when Rarity interrupted the two. "I'm ready!" She exclaim in a cheerful tune, startling the two who separated as fast they could with blushing faces and looking away. "Oh my, did I interrupt something?" Rarity asks the two with a smirk "Nope, nothing at all, we were just talking" Mark quickly replied "Anyway better not dilly dally, we have friends to rescue and..." "Awww, Twilight isn't he cute when he is shy?" Rarity asks shocking the mayor by bringing him into a hug or rather bringing his face into her chest and nuzzling the top of his head, Twilight's whole body tenses in both jealousy and surprise by Rarity's boldness. "You don't need to be so stiff with us darling, remember we are one happy herd here. In fact, if it helps you relax, feel free to grope just a bit ok?" Once more Mark's face turned red as Rarity let him go and go ahead "But that can wait, come along darling, lead the way" Rarity proclaimed approaching the rock formation in the distance as Mark was left startled. "Twily are you sure, Cadence give you a love spell and not a lust spell?" "I'm starting to question that myself now, sweetie. And just to be sure" Twilight grabs his arm with her own in a semi-possessive matter "I better stay close, just in case" The mayor couldn't help but find his mare jealousy cute, but he decided to keep his thoughts to himself, thinking it wasn't the right time as the two advanced to catch up to Rarity, once she saw how Twilight was holding Mark she decided to grab his other arm. And so the 3 reached the rock formation where the mayor asked his arms back and went ahead rubbing his palm on the base of say rocks, before looking back at the mares. "You may want to take a step back, this would shake the earth a little bit" He warns them, and once the two mares nod the mayor looks back at the rock, startling the mares when he starts to make a series of hisses. Some were short, some longer and some cut in between sounds. Twilight was about to ask Mark if he was okay until the rock started to hiss back starling the two once more and then scare them when a giant eye opened up and the rock texture changed color and shape to resemble that of a cobra waking up and lifting its head. Just as the mayor warns them say cobra rises up shaking the ground and revealing a secret passage underneath its body with a door frame at the bottom showing dirt inside. The walls of passage as well as the door frame were covered to the brim in all sorts of crystals creating a beautiful array of rainbow lights, enough to make Rarity drool and approach the mayor. "Mark you naughty boy! you never told me this place was so radiant?!" She exclaims in astonishment. "What? The entrance?" Mark asks with honest confusion pointing at the entrance. "This is nothing, there is way more impressive art using this kind of gem" The comment paralyzes Rarity who grabs hold of Mark's cheek "Marky dear, sweetie, love, please don't take this the wrong way but please MARRY ME!" "Ok Rarity, calm down" Twilight grabbed hold of Rarity's shoulders and pulled her back to release the mayor's face who was still startled by the impromptu proposal. "The scaleless one returns home" Everyone is tense when two child-like voices eco from the entrance and they look at it in time to see two small white and black snakes whose scales shine as if they were diamonds as well, appearing and flying toward them from the door frame as if they were ghosts, moving in a spiral, creating a stela of light behind and surrounding Mark who groans at the tittle. "I had forgotten that title/name, hi Ivory, Ebony, it has been a while hasn't it? I miss you two" Mark greets and pets both snakes who hiss in contentment and wrap themselves around his arms. "We miss you as well, scaleless one, since last we saw, you have grown taller and wiser" They keep talking at the same time creating a small eco. "Je thanks and I see you two still have that habit of speaking at the same time" "We do" The snakes reply without shame as the 3 share one small chuckle. Twilight and Rarity look at the scene and don't dare interrupt, both consider it to be too adorable to do so. To their luck, it doesn't take long for Ivory and Ebony to spot them and fly to their faces in mere seconds. "We have been looking to meet you as well, mates of the scaleless" They start before circling around the two "But we were told that it would only be one" Their tones become more neutral all of a sudden "If there was supposed to be only one, then why there are two?" "Play nice you two" Mark quickly intervened and got in between the snakes and the mares "Yes Queen Vipral was brief on Twilight, I wanted to introduce each other, as there is plenty to discuss, but Rarity she...she insisted, wanting to see our home, to see its wonders, and you know me. I'm a sucker for puppy eyes" He then looks at the still confused mares, "Rarity, Twilight meet, Ebony and Ivory, the guardians of the entrance to Subquestria, and their friends Roxxus" He mentions pointing at the giant cobra on top of them. He then looks at the snakes "Girls, meet my mates, Twilight and Rarity. I know you don't like surprises, but come on, it's hard for me to say no to a cute set of puppy eyes, and you are guilty of that too, so don't deny it" The snakes fly to Mark and levitate at eye level with an expressionless face "We do know you indeed, as well for your weakness for cute faces. Even if not as cute as ours, we hope" They tell and move their bodies as if they were crossing their arms. "No of course, not you are still the cutest astral snakes in the world" Mark quickly defended himself, as Ebony and Ivory remained quiet. "We are the only ones you know" They quickly reply. "It still does not make it any less true" Mark adds with a smirk making the snake sigh and return their attention to Rarity. "Is what the scaleless says the truth? You wish to know more about the beauty of Subquestria?" "Are you kidding?! If that is the entrance I'm honestly considering moving here! O please, please, please, let me in too" Rarity plead giving the snakes her own puppy eyes and making them chuckle. "The scaleless speaks the truth, you do have an adorable puppy eye. And you smell like him, so it is clear you are also his mate" "I would like to add something" Twilight voiced her opinion "On behalf of New Harmonius, I want to apologize for any damage I caused to your kingdom, I give you my word as a princess that I was unaware of who lived below us and now that I do I wish for the two of us to reach an understanding" The snakes look at one another for a moment before flying back to the entrance of the passage. "Fair enough, the scaleless is one of us, and our trust he has never broken, if he vouches for you, then a chance we will grant but head our warning as it will only be spoken once. Betray his trust and you betray us all, betray us all and you will be no more" They announce before circling around and biting each other tails creating a circle the door frame circle limits as they spin faster and faster. Soon they became blurs of lights and the entrance transformed into a black-and-white portal for them to pass through "This is it girls," Mark says extending his hand for the two to grab "One advice, close your eyes when we enter and open slowly, it can be a bit too bright at first" They nod and start descending. Once they enter and pass the portal. The giant rock snake rests on the sand once more and returns to look like an ordinary rock. In the next couple of seconds, Twilight and Rarity almost lost their balance as they were sucked into a tube made of light trashing left and right until they found themselves standing on solid ground again. Mark acts as a support to prevent them from falling. "You could have warned us about the light tube too," Twilight tells Mark with some irritation as she separates and wobbles a little before being rendered speechless by the image in front of her. Rarity is not too far away. The 3 were now at the top of a group of stairs leading downwards into a city full of life with lamia, snakes, and bipedal reptilian and amphibia creatures in their day-to-day life, reminding them of Ponyville. The buildings were made of diamonds, and rocks, gems in the center plaza and light posts acted as a source of light, and the walls every were were covered in all sorts of gems, not to mention that everyone seemed to be wearing a very luxurious and beautiful arrangement of silk and fabrics, adding even more beauty to the city, and to top it all off, there was an imposing castle with an Arabic cylindrical rooftops and incrusted with diamonds at the far distance of all surrounded by two massive underworld waterfall who refract the lights and give it a pleasant rainbow aura on it. "Yeah the same happened to me when I first came here, drink it girls. Welcome to Subquestria" Mark announced in pride as he looked around before looking back at the mares. "So, what do you think of it so far?" The mayor asks in expectation Rarity is the first to recover as she looks back at Mark pretending to cough and speak in a more monotone and collective tone "Darling, not that I want to sound like a broken record but I repeat, would you marry me?" > Wonders Below Earth (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon after reaching the base of the stairs, the mayor and his two companions were received by two serpent-like guards with legs and long tails clad in armor, who gave a small reverence to Mark before asking them to follow them, as they took them to their where their friends were held captive. Curious the mares look at the human for answers as he explains what they were in their minds "Lamias can generate legs and hide and contract their tails at will. Yeah I was quite shocked the first time too" Nodding and then thanking the guards, the 3 make quick haste and advance as fast as they can. Twilight and Rarity despite having a clear goal in mind couldn't help but look around in wonder as they saw the wonders of Subquestria. "So Mark, you spend time here?" Twilight asks with some intrigue looking back at the mayor. "A couple of years, actually, and yeah. Also, I suppose there is no point in hiding it either, knowing you are about to ask" The mayor raises his arm and activates part of his tattoos showing the tree-like pattern "Yes Twilight, here is where I obtain my runes tattoos, the society is well versed in this type of magic, from cooking..." He points at an example with an open restaurant where a gecko right a ruin into the air that bursts into flame and heats a pot. "...to farming" He points in another direction where a bipedal turtle wearing a farmer get-up was making the same in her arms causing a flood of water to burst from her hands to irrigate her crops. "...to even arts and games" He plays with a bunch of children, all different types of lizards, spiders, and even scorpions playing with a ball that they keep using a rune of wind to keep in the air, not too far from there a woman spider was using her web to construct a dress and levitate paints to add colors and gems in different patterns. "The use of runes is part of the daily life here in Subquestria, ancient and very malleable magic that has never seen the light of day, and they would like to keep it that way" The mayor explains lowering his arms "That is why I don't use my magic unless need it" "Wait darling, you are saying you possess magic the likes Equestria has never seen before?" Rarity tells with intrigue and wonder. "Which come from a rich and never explored culture that is centuries old and could redefine how we view magic as we know it today?" Twilight asks equally excited as they grab hold of both of his hands, making the mayor slightly uncomfortable. "Yes that pretty much sums it up and I repeat, is a well-kept secret that I trust you two will keep, understood" The mayor remind the two with a stern face. "Oh darling, I'm hurt, don't you trust your beloved mates?" Rarity asks with an exaggerated pose as she leans on Mark's shoulder which only serves to confuse him even more and put Twilight on edge. The guards look back at the two with neutral faces, making the mayor flinch before he comes up with an idea and brings both mares' hands together with his own "Of course I trust you sweetie, but of you. It just well. I'm a bit on the edge, Subquestria is as much my home as it was Equestria. I own a lot to them, and I don't want to trust their trust or yours" He then brings them into a hug "Just please promise me you will keep everything you see here a secret, or at the very least that you would respect Queen Vipra decision into how much you can share with the outside world" "But of course darling that is more than a fact" Rarity replies as she and Twilight return the hug. "Also you might want to scale it down a bit with the flirting Rarity, you don't need to act so hard here" The mayor whispered in her ear trying to understand why she had been acting so strange ever since they started their plan" "I don't know what you are saying, darling. I'm just expressing my emotions, you knew that when you asked me out" Rarity whispered back "Plus this way, you two don't do anything that you might regret later" She added surprising both, but before either of them could ask what she meant, Rarity end the hug pretending to be startled and lightly punching Mark's shoulder. "Darling! Please we are in public!" She fakes embarrassment and brings her hands to her checks looking away with a smile "I know how much you love your innocent pinches, but we are on a mission, right now. Wait until we are in our room " The mayor and princess were rendered speechless at what Rarity just say out loud until she smirked and winked at them before pointing behind her. Looking up, they noticed what she was trying to pull when the two guards seemed to have tensed up and turned their heads ahead of them to advance at a faster paste. Both the Mayor and Princess were at a loss for words, they both wanted to confront Rarity and ask what was her deal, and in the case of the mayor a part of him was feeling relief, that Cadence didn't accidentally mess with her head like she did him or at least not as much as he thought. An act, she is getting to depth into her acting. That is all, I must admit. The rubbing? The act all dovey-lovey? Choosing the correct moment so others don't look at us while selling what we were supposed to be? I must applaud her, if all of this is just her acting as the dotting and slightly slutty girlfriend, then Rarity must quite possibly be one of the most skilled actresses I have ever met The mayor thinks nodding a couple of times and convincing himself that Rarity's state of mind wasn't at any sort of risk, but promises himself to intervene and try to cut the spell if she gets too lost in her role Once they reach a prison the 3 are met with a surprise that prompts Rarity and Twilight to cover Mark's eyes, one with her hand and the other with her wings, as 2 more guards bring Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to them, wearing nothing but a dog collar and brought and the guards pulling on their leash as they brought them to them. Both are red from embarrassment as they use their tails to cover their crouch and arms to cover their breast, Fluttershy using her wings to save some of their shame. "H-hi Twily, Rarity, Marky? What are you doing here?" Pinkie greets them with a nervous smile, while Fluttershy remains quiet with her head down, getting confused when she notices Mark "Pinkie, Fluttershy!" Rarity yells before looking at the guards "What are you doing with them you brutes!?" "Just as promised to the scaleless, returned safe and sound to him, they are all yours sir" The guard ignored her and went to hand the leashes to Mark, who remained quiet as the two mares kept covering his eyes. "Scaleless?" Pinkie and Fluttershy repeat the latter finally looking up at him in confusion. "They are naked and treated like animals, what did they do to you?" Twilight complains equally furious for the state of her friends. "So did they, and you for that matter" The guard fires back "We gave you warnings to leave us alone and you send an animal caretaker in response? You are lucky we are even you allow here" "Listen you..." Rarity was about to protest when Mark pat hers and Twilight's shoulder to let him go. "Relax honey, I got this" Mark tells her with a serene smile and a calm tune surprising the two mares "But Marky! Those are our friends!" Rarity complains looking at him in shock. "I know, but this is their culture and I told you that it must be respected, don't worry I know how to speak their language" He promised and the two mares looked at him with hurtful eyes with how calm he was taking a situation as he takes a step forward but rather than taking the leash Mark put his hands behind his back and look at the guards straight in the eyes. "I will say this once, you have exactly 10 seconds to take those collars off and hand something for my friends to wear before I see white from rage and burst your skulls open with my hands" He warns them keeping a serene and calm smile which in turn startled the guards. "Ah sir, you are not serious with..." One of the guards asks taking a step back until Mark's eye lights up and all his body is covered in tattoos. "TEN!" He started to count out loud, and the guards went pale before turning around and rushing to Pinkie and Fluttershy removing the collars and starting to undress to hand over their clothes underneath, all the while apologizing and asking for mercy from Mark's part. Half another later the group makes their way inside the castle as Mark explains their situation and plan to Pinkie and Fluttershy. "...and I know I should say something, but I made a promise to my friends that I would not say anything but when I heard that my friends put my other friends on a dog leash and strip them naked. Well...there is just so much anyone can ask of me" The mayor justifies his actions with a small chuckle as they advance while holding Twilight's hand. Behind them, Rarity was finishing retouching Pinkie and Shy new outfits, which consisted of red shirts and black pants that she tailor-made to fit them better and used the extra fabric to improvise a small cape on their right shoulder and a little multicolor skirt to match their outfits, showing their belly bottoms and sacrificing the sleeves so they can be fresh under the hot weather. "There you go darlings, and even if rushed, I say I did a pretty decent job with what I have" Rarity nods in pride "Thanks, Rarity" Fluttershy thanked her still startled by everything that happened to her not too long ago. "Yeah as always you rock when it comes to making clothing" Pinkie adds with a giggle as she prances ahead. "Oh don't mention it" Rarity waved them off before looking at the two blushing soldiers who now only have their underwear beneath their regular armor. "And thanks for donating your clothes, you two. I promise we will compensate for this later, normally I don't work on male outfits but I never back away from a challenge" She promised with confidence while putting away her scissor and needle. The guards just remain quiet with their heads down taking occasional glances at what she did with their clothes. "We are at least twice their sizes, and those were male pants and shirts, how the hell did she manage to make two fit and stylized clothes in half an hour?" One of the guards asks the other in a whisper, completely astonished at her craftsmanship. "I was getting worried for a second" Twilight mentions with content leaning closer to Mark and letting his head rest on her shoulder "How you remain calm while our friends were degrading that way" "As I would ever let my friends suffer. Sorry for giving you the wrong impression a bad habit after years of being the mayor honey, it all about the volume of your voice and the body language while speaking, you would be surprised how effective it can be if apply them just in the right way" Mark chuckles with pride and tighten his hold in Twilight had, as she doing the same and both briefly forgetting the pretense and expressing their true emotions openly. "Oh, ho ho ho, what is happening here?" Pinkie suddenly appears and asks in front of the two kneeling and pointing upwards at them holding hands. Right away the mayor and princess were startled and separate and blushed with some embarrassment as they looked away. Mark pretended to cough having recovered first. "Oh yeah, you didn't know. I'm sorry to keep it a secret from all of you guys but the truth is..." Rarity interrupts the two as she brings Twilight and Mark's heads together with hers using her arms as she giggles and replies "....that the 3 of us have been in a secret relationship for a while darling" "You have?" Pinkie questioned in surprise and disbelief looking up at the two. "Really?" Fluttershy adds with skepticism as she raises an eyebrow aimed at the mayor "Since when?" "Now, now darling it's impolite to ask that kind of question to a lady" Rarity replied before either them or the guards could get suspicious "I promise we will fill you in with tea and crackers once we solve this little mess in our hands, right now. Twilight is the one that needs our support, so just think of this as a little surprise" Rarity ends by planting a kiss on both Mark's and Twilight's cheeks and giggles as she lets it go. The mares still look unconvinced and confused by her act "Is this because you broke up with Spike after he cheated on you?" Pinkie casually asks shocking the mayor as he turns to Rarity. "Wait, he did what..AOFHGTR?!" Twilight's entire body tensed up and she had to fight herself not to act the second Rarity rushed to Mark and planted one aggressive and possessive kiss to silence him as the guards looked at them in surprise and wariness. Once Rarity separated she cleaned the saliva connecting the two and whispered into Mark's ear "Please don't ask" Rarity pleaded with a tune that sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Getting the message Mark hugged her frame in a supportive manner and whispered into her ear back "If it hurts I won't, just know I'm here if you wish to talk" Nodding Rarity hug him back and breath through her nose trying to calm down. Mark looked at Pinkie who was looking at him in surprise. "Pinkie it is a sensitive topic, for all of us. Just like Twilight's older flame" Mark explains extending a hand for Twilight to take. Getting the message she brags and squeezes his hand back, easing the tension that they were producing. "It still hurts me so my beautiful gem has to make some measure to keep me happy" He explains looking at the guards who nod in realization and understanding. Once the situation is solved he looks back at Pinkie "And please don't bring it back Pinkie, I beg you" He pleaded with hurtful eyes making the party planner gasp in horror "Sorry, sorry, sorry I didn't mean to make you sad. I didn't think and I...I...I will make it up to you promise" Rarity chuckled and let go of Mark whispering a 'thank you' as she stood up "That is ok darling, like I say there is plenty for us to catch up on once this is over, for now, we must support Twilight. They all nod and resume their march toward the throne room. Fluttershy still looked at Mark with skepticism but decided to hold her tongue, as the rest of their trip was spent in silence. Eventually, the group reached a set of giant double doors where a lamia with back scales, a red-white sleeveless shirt that exposed her belly, and a long red loincloth were passing back and forward until he saw the group approaching. "Mark!" Immediately the lamia grew legs and her inferior part became elongated legs with 3 talons and a long serpent-like tail, to cover her shame as she rushed toward the mayor who didn't waste time in opening his arms to receive the snake as she jumped and embraced him into a hug. "Cobraline, how good is to see you" Mark chuckled as she smiled and started tickling him with her snake tongue as if they were kisses. "I miss you too, we all do. You should have visited more" She broke the hug to look into his eyes as Mark kept her in the air "I know, I know I try to stay in contact, but the rules. Be wary, be careful..." "...and make sure that to be away from prying eyes" Cobraline finished for him as he put her down and rolled her eyes "I start to hate that rule, I mean we have members that can give Changelings a run for their money, and dragons are common things for crying out loud. You would think Mom would ease up on the secrets" They share a laugh and then Mark introduces the rest. "Yeah but that is how the queen is, oh also Cobraline, let me introduce you to my friends" "Ah so these are the mares that have been trying to corrupt you then" Her tune shifted to turned more sarcastic as she approached the group "Listen up, Mark is a gem for the world, and if you think for a second that I will let a bunch of warmbloods take him away then you..." "OK Cobraline please, relax" Mark intervened before things could heat up "Please I love these mares, I don't want my friends to fight" He pleaded to her as he held her hand making her sigh "Oh fine, I will play nice" She started again as she approached Pinkie "So how long did you wait until you spread your legs to my brother?" "WHAT?!" The mares yell in shock as Mark intervenes again "Please excuse her, they don't get out much, better pass introduction for later, as I tell Cobraline that not ALL of the mares are my mates" He ends scolding the serpent as they both step inside. "Well sorry, how I was supposed to know?" Cobraline apologies making Mark sigh "The fact that you of all serpents are saying that is the most shocking thing of all" Mark mentions before looking back at the mares "One second girls, let me introduce you" He asks them to wait as he closes the doors. The mares could only blink in astonishment trying to understand what was happening. Fluttershy finally spoke up trying to change the subject. "So from what I saw, do you and Mark are trying a long-distance relationship?" "Yeah, after previous experience, we thought of trying something different as we test new areas" Twilight mentions eager to try and change the subject. "They say those relationships don't last but, if we manage to stay friends after so long, I say a relationship would be a trip to the park" Rarity adds with confidence, following Twilight's example. "Wow, my best of friends and my best of human friends" Pinkie voiced her thoughts out loud "It's so awesome it's like if I get two new best friends in my old best friends" She concluded in her own Pinkie way chuckling, and improving the mood. Moments later the door opened again and Mark beacon them to enter. Taking a deep breath Twilight follows suit and prepares to talk with the ruler of another nation. Fluttershy and Rarity take her hand for moral support. "We are with you, darling" "As we promise, we will tackle these things together" Fluttershy reminds her with confidence and calming Twilight even more as they step inside. > Court Of Surprise And Proposals (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After being called in, Twilight and her friends step inside a dome shape room with a row of pillars at the opposite end of the room where various snake soldiers are wrapped around and keeping an eye on the ponies as well as having, specially made boxes attached in the middle of say pillars and fill with pillows for a single snake to rest there, as a show of how they belong to the higher hierarchy and proudly showing their high-class outfits, which caught Rarity attention. "Twilight, what all of them are wearing!" The fashionista whispers to Twilight in excitement "I'm seeing it too, Rarity, all of their assemblies, they are practically wearing all the different forms of high-class outfits all over Equestria" Twilight whispered back as their attention was drawn to the two center pillars which were the biggest of them all, with Mark standing in the box to his right next to Cobraline, surprising the group on how he seems to have changed very quickly, now sporting an open chest emerald chest that expose more of his physic, two golden bracelets with snakes pattern on each arm, a ring crown with a single red diamond on his forehead and a black globe on her right hand. When the mares reached the center of the room they were suddenly put in the spotlight as Mark raised his palm to stop their advances. "That is far enough ladies, please allow me to start the introductions" The human pleads as he turns to the empty box with a giant golden throne form with various snake figures as the girls comply. Clearing his throat the mayor raises his hand and speaks out loud "Introducing Queen Vipral the III, ruler of Subquestria, and mother of the land bellow!" The mayor announced and soon after the upper half of the pillar started to spin until the girls realized that wasn't part of the structure but rather an enormous body of a black piton snake moving downwards as she approached the throne. Once they saw the figure, unconsciously the mares gulped when they saw a massive black cobra-like lamia with yellow rings with a black spot resembling eyes on her hood, a crown resembling sunlight, and an outfit of black and white similar to Princess Celestia sitting on the throne and looking at the four mares with a stern look. Steeling her resolve Twilight steps forward and the others vow to the queen in time for Mark to turn around to give them a proper introduction to the queen. "Members of the court of scales, and Mother Queen, allow me to introduce, the present regent of New Harmonious, Element of Magic and champion of the bases of friendship and magic, Twilight Sparkle and her first knights" "The more recent invaders of our lands, you mean" One of the snakes adds with a stern look before Twilight had a chance to introduce herself. Others voice their own discomfort as Mark tries to calm everyone down until Vipral lifts her tail and hits the floor like a whip, creating a hit wave that resonates all over the room and freezes everyone in place leaving the room deadly silent. "Order!" She commands looking at her court. "Ladies, Gentlemen, we are civilized members of high society and the represents of our kingdoms standing here for our first encounter with an outside nation, and I will not stand for petty squabble or interruptions" She proclaims looking to her right and left, ready to silence any further complain. Satisfy with nobody wanting to say anything else she nods and returns her attention to Twilight "Proceed Queen Sparkle of New Harmonious" "Thank you Your Majesty" Twilight gives her a small reference before clearing her throat and starting again "And thanks for receiving us, first of all. I would like to apologize for our past actions and how they may have attempted to harm your way of life, Mark informed me of the damage that we were causing, without us realizing and even if unintentional we still caused it and for that behavior of our nation I apologies" "Yes, my boy informs me of say actions, which is in part the reason why I agree to this meeting with you," Vipra says extending her hand and using a finger to nuzzle cheek much to his embarrassment and surprise from the mares, before the queen resume. "Good thing he intervened what he did for what it seems, considering your first course of action was sending an animal tamer and a party planner when simply defend our land" Her gaze hardened and she put both hands on her throne "Which also brings to my attention the chosen wardrobe for your companions, I understand the anger you might have felt seeing them nude and was unsure what to expect, but I sure wasn't expecting seeing them again wearing my soldiers clothes while say soldiers perform their duties while going commando" She points out looking at say mares and then said soldiers that can't help but blush. "Care to explain that?" "They do not have to explain that reasoning my queen" Mark intervened before any of the mares could reply "While I understand your reasoning of anger, I considered the punishment excessive, toward my friends, so I took a decision to set my point across. As you state we are civilized creatures capable of raising from petty grudges. That is why I demanded for them to be given clothes again, both for modesty and to avoid unnecessary sickness" He explained before pointing at the guard. "Plus my mate Rarity is willing to offer compensation for their actions, I'm confident their armor will provide enough protection and they are not going command my queen, they still have their underwear" "Please stop Prince Mark" One of the guards begs him with a red face from embarrassment "For the all mighty snake we are willing to let that go if we please stop the subject" "PRINCE!?" Rarity exclaims in surprise as the mare's eyes widen like dinner plates and then look at the mayor who flinches. The queen eye said mares and then at Mark with a critical eye. "You haven't disclosed your title with them, my son?" "SON!?" Now it was Twilight's turn to exclaim in shock, making Mark flinch again "For the sake of our people and our tradition, I kept quiet about things until the time was right, do not think for a second I'm embarrassed of you, my queen" Vipra seems sad about his reply which confused the mayor as he decided to pretend to cough "But this is not here or there, I hope this clears things up, so I suggest we move back to the subject at hand... Mom?" Mark tells tentative which seems to improve her mood as she nods. "Fair enough, my son speaks true" She then looks at Twilight with a stern face "So Queen Sparkle of Harmonious, my son speaks highly of both you and the rest of his mates, so much so that he is willing to share our secret society with you. Am I to assume that now that you know of the damage, you will halt construction on the death field?" "I do Your Highness, at least until we can both reach a mutual agreement" "And what agreement are you seeking Queen Sparkle?" A member of the court asks standing up. "A beneficial for both of us" Twilight replied with a big grin. "New Harmonious is intended to be built under the basis of friendship and tolerance if our kingdoms will become neighbors and now that I see the wonders of your land, I wanted to propose a collaboration between the two, as I extend my hand of friendship toward you" "The mare speaks of colonization!" Another member yells in fury and the court is launched into a blur of yells and insults as Twilight tries not avail to calm everyone done. Even the tail hits of the queen seem to start to be drowning among the yelling. "ENOUGH!" This time, it was Mark who seemed to do the trick with his yell, as his voice echoed in the dome room, and everyone looked at him in shock "Please everyone, I understand your feelings, I was unaware of this proposal too, and sure would have been nice to be told ahead of time" Mark mentions glaring at Twilight who sheepishly chuckle and smile with a little blush. "That being said, I know my mares and I know for a fact that Twilight does not have the intention of colonizing anything, and she truly wishes to search for a middle ground. Even if she is advancing quite fast in the negotiation" "So we agree on reject the idea, and ask for them to leave then?" A member asks raising his hand and the mayor starts to think "Let not be too rash members of the court" He spoke waving his finger "Mark, what are you suggesting?" Cobraline wonders in surprise at him considering the idea. "Just think of this, on a pragmatic big picture, our kingdom rests above ground safe from our enemies and hidden from the rest of the world, yet the empty land has become a source of myths and rumors that have brought the attention of more than one enemy" He points at the cobra next to him "Some are even more ruthless and mischievous than others that have even succeeded in kidnap some of us in the past" "We all recall our old scars prince, could you get to your point?" A member asks getting impatient as Mark sighs. "My point is, our enemies may leave us be or have even a harder time in harming us, if instead of a blazing hot empty field of sand, they encounter a wall of stone, spears, and mazes to slow their advances" That grabs their attention as Mark points at Twilight "THAT is the proposition you are suggesting, right Twilight? A much safer way of construction that would ensure the safety of Subquestria?" "Ah well...sort of? What do you mean by a wall of spears exactly?" Twilight asks with some worry yet Vipral moves the conversation along when she notices her court is discussing the idea. "Fair enough, I will no deny the potential behind the ideas my son speaks" Her gaze finally softened with Twilight "Therefore I will open the floor for it to be discussed, considered, and if accepted review the conditions and procedures to follow" The members silently agree intrigued by the idea. "If there isn't anything else to discuss I will give it to conclude the session" "There is one thing I would like to add" Mark raises his hand, gaining the attention of everyone "I brought my mares here per tradition but as it stands we have captives with friends worried for their well-being, I ask permission to release them back their home under the condition they remain quiet of everything they saw until both nations come to an agreement" Twilight smiled and nodded at that "I would like that too, I give you my word and you can keep me hostage if broken, if you like only I can remain so as to not risk too much exposure to Subquestria" "And leave my mates alone? No way!" Rarity insists surprising Twilight "I agree that our friends were dragged here but Applejack and Rainbow Dash must be worried sick, please let them go, so they call and tell them that everything is fine and hold any advances" "You were planning on continuing construction?" Vipral questioned with a stern gaze. "Just away from Death Field your Highness, I also have citizens and mouths to feed while the constructions finish" Twilight quickly added to avoid her anger. "Seriously I don't mind much girls, this place is awesome, and look at all the parties I can make" Pinkie replies before gasping and getting excited "I can throw a "never before seeing kingdom welcome party! Or a happy new alliance party! or a Nice to meet you, new race party!" Pinkie kept listing until the mares and Mark stopped her with a stern gaze and reminded her of something she was forgetting. "Pinkie you are seven months pregnant!" They all yell at her. That makes her pause and look down at her bloated belly before looking at them "So?" "So! Darling I understand your excitement, but A, this is not the time to be thinking of celebrating just yet, and B, I'm pretty sure a mare so advanced on your pregnancy shouldn't be moving so much, your kid needs to relax and develop darling" Rarity explains softly to Pinkie "Seriously darling, aren't you feeling tired?" Pinkie chuckled nervously before looking at her belly and then at Rarity and raising her thumb and index finger, bringing them closer "Maybe a little bit" The room remains quiet as the queen looks at them with a critical eye before looking at Mark who gathers his hands and tries his best puppy eyes "May I also add that if she has a premature birth, the baby by law would become a Subquestria citizen as well as their mother?" The mayor adds gaining the attention of everyone right away and making the decision all the more easy. "And can we trust you would not reveal anything that you have seen here, and wait for your friends for a reply and what can and can't be discussed?" "Cross my heart, and hope to die, stick a cupcake on my eye" Pinkie makes the motion surprising the court. "Where did she find that muffin?" Cobraline question blinked a couple of times. Sighing Vipral stood up, and cleared her throat "Fair enough then unleash anyone has a reason why we shouldn't I will allow the mares that don't belong to my son's herd, a safe passage back to their home under the condition that you remain quiet" "Ah girls, did I hear wrong or she said mare in singular?" Fluttershy asks in worry "Thanks, Mom," Mark says and sighs in relief "In the meantime, the rest of you are welcome to stay with me and my court and discuss your proposal and our next move" She leans her head closer and sticks her tone with an indifferent expression aim at the mares "As well as give you a chance as to explain why are you withholding information from me" "What do you mean?" Twilight asks perplexed at her statement as Vipral continues. "I mean why do you claim to be part of my son's herd when you haven't been marked as his?" Vipral questions looking at Rarity. The mayor turns pale as he figures out what she is implying and gulps. "Ah Mom, maybe you shouldn't..." Yet Vipral wasn't done as she turned her attention to Fluttershy "And why do you refuse to acknowledge that despite being marked?" Fluttershy whole body goes stiff as the mares look at her in utter shock before looking at Mark with the same shock. "Girls I swear there is an explanation here, I...the thing is" He shakes his head and clenches his fist in shame "I'm sorry Fluttershy I know you wanted to tell them on your terms, girls what happened is that..." "I'd ask him not to tell!" Fluttershy blurts out with a red face which only seems to increase the tension, the members of the court paying attention to their discussion. "Oh this is getting juicy" one of them rubbed her hands together "This is why I love watching the crowns" "I...I'm also Mark mate! There I say it!" Fluttershy doubles down and takes a step forward "But I was too afraid to tell others and that is why I ask him to please keep it a secret and keep extending our herd, I don't mind, in fact, I love the idea, I just want to be friends with the mares that he brings first, please don't be mad at him, this was all my idea" Fluttershy says looking at Mark in pity "I wasn't ready to tell the whole truth just yet" She says talking directly at him, making him sigh "And...and of course, he will not mark a mare right away, he is no animal!" Fluttershy continues "That is why Rarity hasn't been marking yet, a lady like her needs to be woe first, dates, candles, dances, my stallion loves to treat his mares like princesses! That is all" Oh Fluttershy...I'm so sorry you were forced to say that, I swear once this mess is clear I will help you out. "I see" Vipral returned to her throne "Fair enough, then now that everything has been clear, I will leave you be with my son, and send an escort to assist your friend to return to New Harmonious. You are free to roam the streets. Just one last warning, break my little boy's heart and they will never find your bodies" Vipral warns the 3 mares as they gulp while she hits the floor with her tail "Meeting adjourn" > Sharing Secrets (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once things managed to calm down somewhat the group was allowed a moment of privacy in a waiting room inside the castle. The mayor was able to speak frankly with Twilight and her friends, much to the displeasure of Cobraline who wanted to spend more time with her brother. Apologizing and promising that he will have time with her once the air is clear the lamia reluctantly agrees and leaves them alone. The moment the human closed the door behind him he sighed and kept his hand on the handle for a moment before turning around to address the group who were all sitting on two fancy-looking sofas. "Ok now that we have a moment for ourselves, I think some explanations are in order" "I say that is a huge understatement, 'Your Highness'" Twilight replied putting emphasis on the title and crossing her arms "What do you say if we start there?" The title makes Mark flinch and gather his hands in a clap as he closes his eyes "Yeah, that seems fair" The Mayor sighs and closes his eyes as he rubs his forehead "I suppose you won't believe me if I tell you that, just yesterday was I aware of my..." He pretends to cough and look away opening his eyes "... title as royal" Looking at the girls they were all staring with unamused stares and a raised eyebrow, minus Pinkie who instead was looking at him with interest "Yeah, can't blame you. And I really wish I could give you the explanation you wanted to hear or are suspecting, but anything else I say would just be a lie" The mayor tells him in sorrow "You have to believe me, I didn't realize how close I became with the queen until recently" "Darling, with all due respect, how exactly does anyone miss the concept of becoming a prince? This is not exactly like finding out that you have an extra penny in your pocket" Rarity says crossing her arms as the rest nods. With a sigh, Mark approached the couch "Yeah I know it's huge, and even if this doesn't excuse it, I suppose I just assumed that what they did was just out of the kindness of their heart" He sat on the far left side of a couch next to Twilight "I mean I thought this was no much different than when you gave me some old clothes when I first arrive on Equestria. That doesn't mean that I own half of Carrousel Boutique, right?" "Nah that would just be silly!" Pinkie's answer for Rarity "Exactly, and I thought something similar happened that day" "Maybe if you explain us a little better we could understand, more easily" Fluttershy suggests and Mark nods in agreement. "My thoughts exactly, and to bore you and have plenty more to discuss, including questions of my own here is the quick summary. A long time ago, I and Cobraline escaped from a very bad guy, during the escape, I was bathed in acid, the type that peels off your skin" At the mention of that, all the mares wince in pain "Cobraline blessed her heart, brought me here, and saved my life, but because of the damage, I needed a skin transfusion right away. Honestly, nobody knew what would happen with me being the sole Human in Equestria, yet regardless the queen was more than willing to share her skin, lucky for me she had shed her previous one not too far away and since you saw how big Queen Vipral is, you can image there was more than enough." He smiled as he looked at his arm "Miraculously it not only worked it also allowed me to tap into the rune's magic, and return my naturally tan skin color" He lowered his arm and looked at them "I was more than happy for what they did to me, and ever since then, I became close to the queen" "No wonder she views you as her son, Marky! You LITERALLY have her flesh and blood!" Pinkie exclaimed in surprise as Mark was startled "OK A, there was some blood needed too yeah but it wasn't hers, and B even if that were the case, the idea of adopting me is kind of extreme, just put yourself in her place, if you were to give me some of your blood to save my life would that make me, your brother?" "Yes" "No" Everyone minus Pinkie denies the statement, which promptly makes the rest of the group look at the party mare in surprise "What? It would make us closer" She defended her point by shrugging "Well that as that may be, at the moment I thought they were just been friendly, we got closer, I won their trust and when it came time to depart, they just sent me on my way, the subject of becoming part of the family was simply never brought up, honestly I'm kind of surprise the queen was so eager to adopt me if you ask me" The mares looked at one another before sighing and nodding a couple of times "Ok Mark, we believe you, that more or less seems reasonable" Twilight answered for the rest as they agreed making Mark let go of a breath he didn't know was holding. "But you do realize how this complicates things right? I don't know how Subquestria works, but in Equestria figures of power can't take more roles of power in other nations, that is something established by Global decree, if you are a prince, you can no longer be a mayor in Canterlot" She explain starting to get worry. "Except that Subquestria is not part of the list of alliances, heck until now, no nation even knew it existed. They have an established group but they are not recognized as an established kingdom, so for now it is a gray area, we are good here" The mayor mentions trying to decrease the tension yet Twilight still seems unsure. With a sigh, Mark approached her and held her hand "Twilight I know this is one huge subject that we need to unpack step by step, believe me. I'm still wrapping my head around the idea of being a prince alone but for now. You know as much as I do. Now it's my turn to ask" He mentioned with a soft voice as he kept looking at Twilight in worry, rubbing his thumb over her hand. The princess in turn squeezes his hand for comfort as she tries to relax "Not to be rude or anything darling but before you ask us anything, can I ask Fluttershy why she said that you two were an item?" Rarity raises her voice and hand before turning to the caretaker in question "Yeah Fluttershy, why didn't you tell us?" Pinkie added mostly confused by the subject and tilting her head "And what did the queen mean when she said 'you were marked', oh! Did you and Marky do it!? When? how? Did you have 3 secret dates before?" Pinkie starts to question in interest making Fluttershy get self-aware and blush as she steps back, until Mark gets in between her and Pinkie. "Ok Pinkie that is enough, let the poor mare breathe first" He requested lightly pushing the mare back before the mayor turned to Fluttershy "Fluttershy, I know you asked me not to say anything but, my mom exposed a lot, I say our friends deserve to at least now part of the story" He plead with her as the pegasus keep blushing. She raised her head cautiously to look at Mark who was looking back at him with caution before nodding once. Getting the message the mayor nods and looks to the others "For the sake of being courteous, I will answer for Fluttershy. It's a long story but yes Rarity, Shy, and I had an intimate encounter before, you see she..." Getting startled Fluttershy rushed forward and grabbed hold of his arm hugging him tightly as she closed her eyes and spoke up loudly "...we are friends with benefits!" "What?!" All the mares ask at the same time, startled by the revelation, even Mark was surprised by her sudden choice of words. "Darling when did you two...? What? How? Why didn't you tell us?" Rarity asks in quick succession. "It just sort of happens" Fluttershy continued now more relaxed and tightening her hug on Mark's arm, as if she was silently asking him not to say anything "One day, Mark needed my help with something, we talked, I wanted to help, then one thing leads to another and then we...we kind of...we sort of...d-d-that thing!" She blurts the last part in an almost whisper and her body completely red. The rest of the mares can only blink before they slowly turn to Mark, Pinkie intrigued and excited, Rarity startled and confused by the revelation, and Twilight the less amused by that statement as she seems to be angry and demanding an explanation by her body language as she crosses her arms and look directly at Mark with an expressionless glare. "Darling... Mark, how exactly did this even happen?" Rarity broke the silence exclaiming her question in a mix of wonder and shock. "Yes Mark, how, when and how long has this been happening, and when were you planning on telling me?" Twilight demands maintaining a stoic tune and expression as she starts to tap her arm in expectation. Feeling corner as he looks at all the mares the major closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, thinking his next word carefully and entering into his more professional state of mind trying to do some control damage. "It not my place to discuss much of the story behind" Mark replies in a calm and neutral tone as he opens his eyes and looks at them matching Twilight's stoic face. Slowly he taps Fluttershy's shoulder and gently separates his arm from hers, before smiling and nodding putting a hand over her shoulder while addressing the rest. "Yes everyone, Fluttershy and I share a...intimate encounter ONCE! And not too far ago" He replied with finality as he took a step forward getting assertive before any of them could make any follow-up questions. "And yes, just as Fluttershy said, she offered to help me when I was at a low point in my life and was wrapped full of questions and insecurities on what to do moving forward with a subject, how to address my feelings, what to do, what feelings were I having and such" He stated as he advance until he was face to face with Twilight who remain stoic as he softens his gaze while he look up to stare at her eyes. "I will forever be thankful for what she did that day" Smiling he extended his hand and cupped Twilight's cheek which startled her as her eyes wide and she looked at both Rarity and Pinkie who were gasping in surprise, while Fluttershy was smiling at her. "I might have never had the bravery to face my fears and give romance and love a chance otherwise, so yeah. She was a friend that day, a very special friend even but the story is way more complex than that" His gaze hardened as he looked back at the others. "So I ask you, please don't pressure Fluttershy anymore, what happens between us only happens once..." "...Thirteen times in a row" Fluttershy corrected him in a whisper maintaining her small smile and blushing face. "A one-night event, and nothing more, if it happens again, or not I don't know but that is her story to tell and not mine to betray her trust when she asks me not to say anything, so if you gonna a be mad at someone, be mad at me, and leave Fluttershy out of it" "Ok," Pinkie immediately answered with a big grin before pointing at Twilight and Rarity "Now I'm more interested in knowing what is going on with you, are you and Twilight also special friends? Oh, Rarity wants to be one too? Do you want to ask me Marky? Sorry I can't I'm flatter but Cheesy is my sandwich and I wasn't much for those types of friends" She apologized ending by putting her palms together, winking, and taking out her tongue in apology. Everyone remained quiet and now it was the turn of Rarity and Twilight to turn red as Mark only had a small blush and looked away "Well thanks for the heads up, but don't worry, I wasn't planning to ask you. I would never break a family, no matter what. And no! I'm not implying anything!" Mark quickly adds when the two mares look at him in surprise forcing him to close his eyes and raise a hand. Once calmed down he opened his eyes again and lowered his hand while sighing and looking back at Twilight "We might as well tell them Twily, they are our friends and we are sharing secrets here, haven't I already proved that I can take a secret? I'm willing to trust them in return but this is our secret to share" He offers to grab Twilight's hand "As such it is not a decision I can make for both of us" "Twilight? What is happening?" Rarity asked more than a little shocked at their interactions as Fluttershy just smiled calmly while Pinkie was growing a giant grin on her face clapping her hands a couple of times. Looking at them unsure and then at Mark smiling at her in approval Twilight sighed and ultimately relented before addressing the rest of the group "Listen girls what we are about to tell you is a complicated subject so I must ask you to please keep this between us" "Ah, I kind of already knew?" Fluttershy confesses with a little smile and a blush "It was part of what Mark needed help with" "Oh really?" Pinkie looks at her with a grin before looking at Mark, similar to Twilight whose eyes twitch in anger as she looks at him as well "Really?" "As I say, she asked me not to say anything, and it kind of was more complex than that, but she didn't exactly know about us, we weren't us at the moment!" He defends himself "Curious how you seem to always have a reason behind everything" "Twily" Mark pleaded looking at her in the eyes "Let's not do this now, I just wanted to be a friend you can trust with your secret and be honest with" "Can we please go back to the subject!" Rarity exclaims in exasperation "Please?!" With a sigh and closed eyes Twilight glares at Mark "We will discuss this later" She promises before holding his hand and looking at the rest "Girls the thing is, that Mark and I are sort of a secret item. We just started dating in a way and we agreed to keep our relationship a secret from the public" Rarity and Pinkie gasp in surprise for different reasons while Fluttershy just smiles in pride and nods "I'm so happy for you two. You make one cute couple" "Twily dear, don't you think it a bit fast, I mean you and Flash Sentry broke up not too far ago?" Rarity asks Twilight in concern. "Who cares? You go Twilight! Good for you, so glad to see you go back on the saddle" Pinkie cheers as she brings the two into a group hug before gasping and breaking the hug before she looks at them in concern as well "But why do you keep it a secret? You two make a cute couple! Oh, do you want to wait to see if Rarity accepts joining before making it official?!" She asks in excitement and starts jumping up and down in place until Mark stops her. "Pinkie please, your poor hooves and the baby, take it easy" The mayor pleads to her with concerned eyes and guides her to sit on the couch again "Aw thank you, Marky, my hooves were getting a tinsy bit tired, So! Was I right?" She exclaims with a big grin making Mark chuckle "Sorry Pinkie is not that dramatic" He replies and shakes his head before standing up and going to Twilight as he holds her hand "Twily and I are figures of power, the biggest juiciest of stories for the tabloid would love to get their hands on, if the general public knew about us, it will tarnish our reputation and in Twilight case could potentially harm all her hard work permanently" "What?" Both mares exclaim not believing what they were hearing. "I know it sounds like an excuse but, our relationship is not exactly conventional, we even skip the courting part" Twilight confesses with a blush "It was something spontaneous, and passionate, a moment of weakness for both of us, that we just agree to explore more. No more agenda, no more steps or lists, just us going with the flow of passion at our own pace, seeing where things would take us and if we work as an item or not. If the press finds out, they will label me as a slut" She ends with a sigh as she looks down. "And me as a leech or a power-hungry monkey or something that at best just wants to climb the social latter, and at worse just a pervert with no respect for authority figures or paragons of Equestria and other nations and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. That is why we want to keep things a secret girls, a lot is at stake here" The 3 mares only blink in confusion before looking at one another "Darling, with all due respect, you two are talking nonsense, of course, the people will love you. Just as they accept you as Mayor and Princess, not to mention the example of Cadence and Shining Armor, why wouldn't they accept you as a couple?" "Well, for starters, we are technically a non-conventional herd and there is a little bit extra that may give that impression" Twilight confesses with some blush. "Oh my," Fluttershy gasped in realization as she covered her mouth "Mark, the others too...?" She asks and Mark nods with a blush confirming her suspicions. "What? What is it?" Rarity and Pinkie turn to Fluttershy in surprise "The sisters" Mark admitted flinching when he heard a gasp in front of him and closed his eyes "No! You mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and Twilight all of you...?" Rarity asked pointing at them as both mayor and princess could only nod. "Wow, and Princess Cadence...?" Pinkie started but Mark was quick to shut her down. "NO! She is not part of this and will never be. I'm NOT a house breaker" Mark says with finality pointing at Pinkie who only nods and remains quiet until he relaxes and sighs "Sorry is just that, it is a sensitive subject for me" Blinking a couple of times the mares weren't sure of what to do and Rarity seemed troubled and hurt, yet she wasn't sure of the reason for the last emotion. "So I suppose all of that of asking us for a date, was just an act, so you and Twilight could have a moment of privacy, right?" She asked dejected until her eyes wide same as Twilight by the mayor's reply. "No" All mares immediately look at him as he raises his head "I might have said that for Cadence, and to cover our tracks, but I knew better. The only way I could convince Applejack, and ensure neither she nor Cadence would suspect anything was to be honest with my words. I arrive there fully convinced that my sudden proposal will scare you all. Who would go on a date with a distant friend who after years apart suddenly drop that bomb out of the blue?" He chuckles nervously before getting more serious "Plus when dealing with other nations, and traditions I don't like to lie. It makes me feel like I disrespecting them. The rule was only my mates were allowed to come with me and I intended to follow that instruction to the letter, thinking all of you minus Twilight would say no" He let go of Twilight who was still startled as Mark approached Rarity and smiled "I know you only did that because you are a team and were more than clear how you wouldn't want to leave Twilight alone, despite that you also took in consideration my emotions and decided to accept regardless. You are the most generous mare in the world Rarity, I'm practically a stranger and you still gave me a chance. Do not think for a second that I ever intended on using you, this might have been a plan for me and Twilight to be open but yet you still say yes to a date and I intend to keep that. Even if only as friends" He says lifting her chip with her thumb and index finger so she could see him in the eyes, still in shock. He sighs and turns to Twilight "I'm sorry Twily, I know I'm officially in the dog house, but I will not play with my friend's emotions, I ask all of you out on a date and she says yes. As a gentleman, as a man, and as a mayor with principles. I'll give this mare the date she deserves" He proclaims with authority as the mares still look at him in surprise refusing to say anything. With a dejected sigh, the mayor lowered his head "I understand, you are beyond furious right now, I...I will give you a moment to sort things up. I will be at the entrance when you are ready to leave Pinkie" He mentions approaching the door and grabbing the handle before looking at Twilight "I'm sorry Twily, I didn't want to hurt you. I just can't stand the idea of hurting Rarity either, even less after hearing that something happened with Spike" Rarity gasped and she had a bit of a blush as she kept looking forward "Getting that as his signal the mayor left leaving the mares alone, Fluttershy looked at the door in concern before looking at Twilight. "Twilight, please don't be mad at him, he...he is at least been open about his intentions with you. And is not like he is planning or did something. It just..." "I know Fluttershy" Twilight finally spoke, "I-I'm not even sure if angry is the word I'm looking for, doing so would make me a hypocrite. What he is doing right here? And why he is doing it...it why and how I feel for him" She confesses looking down Pinkie grins and tilts her head in excitement "Weeeeeell, if I may give you a little bit of a suggestion" She raises her fingers to get everyone's attention "You DID mention been a non-conventional herd, plus he is a prince..." She grins in anticipation as she explains her idea. > Policy Of Honesty (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After informing his plans and getting the proper authorization, Mark steps out of the rock serpent and into the desert to make multiple phone calls, one to Cadence to inform their progress so far and how Pinkie will be arriving soon, one to Drusilla to check how things have been handling in the office which he was relief that more or less things have been pretty dull and quiet. And finally, the one call he was dreading the most. Calling Celestia to fill her and Luna as much as he was allowed to discuss. And try to word correctly the reasoning as to why he has a date with Rarity. God this is gonna be tough The mayor whines internally as he hears the ring tone on his scroll until eventually Celestia picks up "Mr. Mayor, I was wondering when and even IF I would hear from you" the princess answers immediately not bothering with greetings and leaving clear her mood" The way she addresses him using honorific and the cold tone she uses to give the mayor all the information he needs as he cringes "We are using the title then, yeah I kind of deserve it. Celly before anything else..." "It's Princess Celestia, thank you very much" Celestia interrupted him using the title and making him cringe once more. "Yeah I deserve that too, is princess Luna still asleep too your Highness? I rather talk with both of you" He asked, trying to move the conversation along. "You are on the speaker, Mr. Mayor" Luna answered with the same tone as Celestia. Even if he could not see her, Mark could have the feeling that she and Celestia had their arms crossed as they glared at the scroll in front of them imagining it was him. "Having a hard time sleeping after hearing who Canterlot beloved mayor puff out of existence without rhyme or reason" Her comments only served to fill Mark with even more guilt as he gulped "Oh god, Girls I'm sorry I didn't intend for you to..." "SAVED IT!" They reproach at the same time making him pause "Speak your mind, Mayor, then we can determine if we accept or not your apology" Luna tells him in a cold tone "In that case greeting your highnesses, glad you could answer, there is plenty I need to talk with you two" "You think?!" They both yell at him making him pause before sighing "Yeah I deserve that, well before anything else, I want to apologize for my sudden departure, but time was kind of the essence with Fluttershy and Pinkie taken hostage" "What?!" Again they exclaim at the same time. "It ok, everything is cool, no need to declare war or anything," He says trying to break the tension with a small joke. When he received nothing but silence he cleared his throat and decided to continue. "Look I seriously want to tell you everything I do. This is hurting me as well. Do you think I enjoy leaving you high and dry like this?! We have just started something beautiful and we haven't had the chance to truly explore it" The mayor has to pause and take a deep breath. "What I going with this is, that if it wasn't this serious I would have told you right away, but sadly it was. It involves my past, and I promise to keep the secret of some friends of mine. Friends that Twilight by accident rubbed the wrong way, and I was fearing that if I didn't intervene, things would just keep escalating, and fast that acted the way I did. I'm not asking you to forgive me but haven't you ever done something similar? Haven't you ever just acted right away if you knew a loved one was in danger?" After what felt like an eternity Luna finally spoke up "We have but as you said, that is not an excuse, Mark what you did was beyond stupid, if words get out, of you going over our heads. The council themselves could demand for you to step down as mayor, maybe be accused of high treason and put in a dungeon or worse!" Mark could not reply and just felt his mood through the ground by the implication of what he had done. Yet he saw a glimmer of hope when Luna continued talking. "That being said, I applaud your commitment to be a loyal friend and stick not only to your principles but to rush to the rescue of our mare. But emergency or not, you should have disclosed this with us first. You should at the very least disclose what you are telling us right now. I understand you perceive that your friends were in danger and need to act fast but next time this happens we are the first to know. Are we clear? We are supposed to be a team now and don't you ever forget it" Wait. Next time? Mark thought before sighing and nodding in shame "I won't, I realized that now, and for what is worth I'm sorry for giving you a scare and taking this rushed decision, but I will not apologize for coming to the aid of my friends and even less my mares. I might know how a herd works, but right or wrong I will never abandon any of you" The sound of Celestia chuckling is like sweet nectar for the mayor's ears as he mellows and relaxes as a result. "And with that, you just prove to us how natural are you as our beloved stallion, but please remember Luna's words, we are a team. Now and forever, no more secrets, ok?" "No more, promise. I...I may still have one or two I need to talk about, but it is full transparency moving forward. Thank you, Your Highness, and know I will make it up to you starting now, by disclosing everything I can and letting you know how I and Twilight are discussing an arrangement, so I can tell you the rest of the story, who needs to be face to face. Girls the thing is...is my mom. She is the one that asks me to keep quiet over all of this" The mayor starts to get worried when he receives only silence as a reply "Your Highnesses? Are you still there?" He ask fearing the connection just broke. "I'm sorry Mark, could you repeat that? Did you just say, your mom asked you not to tell anyone about her?" Luna breaks the silence still processing the information. "I have to skip a lot of details but the short version of everything is yes. That was her request, yet she allowed me to bring my mates as long as I told them everything face to face first and made sure only they arrived and nobody knew where she lived. Mom is...a bit shy like that" "So Twilight made your mom angry and that is why you had to intervene, that is what you are saying?" Celestia asked just to be clear on what she was hearing. "Again, I want to tell you the rest but I can't do so, over the scroll so you just have to trust me and accept that reasoning until I can disclose the rest once I'm back in Canterlot" The sister signed and after a pause, Luna spoke up "Ok Mark, we trust you, and will give you a chance since you decided to inform us what you are doing at the moment, but you better tell us the rest once you are back here mister" "I will, and since you are already mad, I should disclose this as well. Because I can only bring my mates, and I was fully expecting that the mane six would reject me, I asked them out in exchange for coming to this mission. Most of them said no, but Rarity surprised me by saying yes, and now as a gentleman have to grant her a date with me. I have done nothing more, nor intend to invite her to join in the herd. Twilight already knows this and needed to fill you in as well" Mark closed his eyes and flinched fully expecting an earful from the royal sisters in anger and waiting for his punishment as he visualized himself sleeping in the dog house tonight. Yet their reply startled him. "That was the right call, Mark, always inform your alpha first, good job. To be honest, I'm not surprised that Rarity agrees, that mare has good taste, and between us, you pick a nice candidate" Celestia replies calmly shocking the Mayor as his brain reboots. "Ah, what?" That is all Mark was able to utter "We can rest easy now, thank you so much for your honesty sweetie, but this little adventure of yours better be the first and last time, thought" Luna warned him, not seeming phased whatsoever by the bomb news that was Rarity and rather been concern with his mission in the badlands. "Oh and one piece of advice before we go, use honey, you will know when, trust me it will help you both" Celestia replied more casually as the Mayor was still at a loss of words. "Wait, what?!" Mark exclaims still trying to understand what she is saying. "Stay safe Mark, and keep us informed of any development, if we don't hear about you in a week we march to the badlands, kisses" Luna replies casually before they end the call. The mayor left blinking at his scroll trying to reboot his brain. What just happened? Did Celly and Lulu just give me their blessing?! And what did they mean by honey?! I... He shakes his head and sighs as he puts his scroll away. ...forget it, I will cross that bridge when I get there. I might have to talk with Cadence about those lessons, clearly, I still have a lot to learn about being in a herd The mayor considers as the rock snake moves and from it, Pinkie emerges followed by two guards covering themselves in fabrics and fake muzzles and ears, so they look like regular ponies. "Oh, there you are! Marky!" Pinkie rushed to him and gave him a hug "I was looking for you, what were you doing here?" She asks as she breaks the hug. "Well I told you I will send you off, did you? Plus I still need to tell the rest of the herd" Mark explained lifting his scroll before sighing "I'm still in trouble but at the very least, I can rest easy knowing I was honest with my mares" "Oh, good idea! Honestly is the best policy, and don't worry I can smooth things with them too, while you go on your date" "What? Oh no, Pinkie I couldn't ask..." "I insist, and don't worry, I would not tell anyone else" Pinkie winks at him before giggling, who result contagious as Mark soon chuckles again "Thanks, Pinkie, and sorry for being dragged into all of this. I swear once Twilight does her magic and we find a middle ground you can throw the...whatever happens party" "Awww thank you! And you better be there, Mr. Prince" She tease making him chuckle and look away "It will all depend on how long would I be in trouble with the princesses" He then sighed and gave her one last goodbye hug to Pinkie. "Thanks for understanding Pinkie, and don't worry with any luck this will not take long" He breaks the hug and looks at the entrance before sighing "Time to face the second fire" "Oh, I don't think you would be in that many problems. Oh! And here" Pinkie remembers something as she passed him a bottle of honey, confusing the mayor, yet before he replies she slips said container into his shirt pocket "You never know when you get a sweet emergency" She whispers cryptically before giggling and marching forward with her escorts. "Bye Marky! see you soon. And don't worry I will make sure the princesses don't stay mad at you, just like I did with Twilight" Pinkie waved goodbye as she departed before the mayor could ask her anything. What did she just say?! Wait, honey? Like what Celestia just suggested to me? Does Pinkie know something I don't... Ah who cares, Pinkie is just Pinkie, better not question it Mark dismisses his concern and decides to head back to Subquestria to face the music. After a short walk, he returned to the waiting room where Twilight and the others were at the moment only to find Queen Vipral at the entrance, waiting for him. "Ah Mark, there you are. I was beginning to wonder where did you go" The queen mentions as she approaches him, much to the confusion of Mark. "Greetings your high....!" A hiss from the queen stops him and clears his throat "Ah I mean...mom?" Her mood immediately improves as she nods "We will work on that" She says with a small chuckle "Now come, we have plenty of catching up" "But what about Princess Twilight and the rest of my friends" Mark reminds her as he points at the door. "Already taken care, me and Cobraline visited them not too long ago, to discuss where they would be spending the night. Cobraline offers them a girl's night out to get to know them. And left you a note" She passed him a note in Twilight handwriting. "The Queen and Princess came to visit us, Princess Cobraline offered us a girl's night out tour so we could know the town better, before taking us to our room. We will talk later, kisses Twilight. P.S: I'm not mad at you" "Hope nothing bad happens between you. I was sensing a bit of tension among yourself when you were leaving the court room" Vipral mentions resting her hand on Mark's back as he put the letter away. "You could say that" He sighed and looked at her "Mom, I didn't want to tell you in front of the rest of the court but I wanted to discuss a lot of things with you" "That is why I came to pick you up sweetie, not let us go. I too have plenty to discuss with you. Don't think for a second I didn't find out. Your runes have finally matured to their peak" She exclaims rattling her tail in excitement and making the mayor chuckle as they advance through the hallway. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot how that also happened in my life. I suppose we both have plenty to talk" The mayor nods before getting the conversation back on track "But before I forget again, I need to come clean with something else. Twilight is not the only mate I obtained, Fluttershy is a complicated subject and Rarity is at the moment a friend I'm kind of courting, you should know. I'm courting two other mares. And they are kind of powerful" "What do you mean?" Vipral question with a raised eyebrow "They...kind of also are like you? In the way that they are also rulers of their nations" "Oh!" Vipral eyes wide before she smirks and giggles "Well I must say, Mark, I'm kind of surprised. If I didn't know any better, I might be starting to think you are either attracted toward women with power or plain mommy issues" "What? NO! I just...no is not because of that, MOM!" Mark blushes and starts to defend himself until he sees her smirk and then just whines as Vipral keeps laughing at the mayor's expression and red face until she pats his back. "Just messing with you honey, but thanks for informing me of this. I'm so glad to know you are not keeping secrets from me" "Not unless someone asks me to, Mom. Honestly is always the best policy" He repeats with pride as Vipral nods. "Hope this doesn't bother you" "As long as they don't hurt you, and you all love each other, I have no issue. But for now, let's change the subject there is plenty I need to discuss with you, now that you have awakened your magic, and as such are ready to take on the responsibilities that come with it" She explains as they exit the castle and points at a tree in the far distance of the royal garden glowing with all sort of runes who were both on the truck the leaves and even floating around it. "Although ironically, what you said links a bit with that subject at hand" That comment plus the fact that his and Vipral's skin started to shine with all different kinds of runes that hum and move around their body lazily caught his attention and awoke his curiosity "Ok now I understand what you meant Mom, you got my full attention." "Good, then I will start with why is important for you to know the meaning, how, and the implication that is you bring those that you have marked as mates" Vipral began explaining with a solemn tone, letting the mayor know how serious the subject is. > The Wonders of Subequestria (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the group passes by a series of vendors, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy keep getting mesmerized by the beauty around them. Despite being underground, the natural lights coming from the crystals shining everywhere and the distance they have from the cavern gave the place to be in the middle of a well-light grassy plane, with the fresh breeze and temperature to complete the illusion. "And over here we got the fashion district" Cobraline guided them throw another busy alley. Rarity almost gasped and yelled from excitement as they look what was now her favorite part of the kingdom. The outburst doesn't go unnoticed by Cobraline as she giggles "I assume you like the idea of exploring this section" She asks sarcastically as she extends her arm to show them entrance so the mares could see a splendor of gold, gems, and jewelry in full display in prestige and polish windows, lay to witness by a passer-by or try out with the assistance of the owners. If it wasn't jewelry, it was multiple displays of the most refined of clothes, going from the most reserved with one-piece dresses with additions and golden corsets to match to the more risky assembles, like belly dancer outfits with long gold necklaces that cover their chest and expose their bellies as the bra section had bells to be use and elaborate. There were even some snake-like people in a gazebo practicing their belly dance in unison, dancing to the song of flutes. "It's like if I'm at Canterlot district! Twilight is almost a perfect recreation of Canterlot!" Rarity yells bouncing so much, that her friends are starting to fear Rarity is slowly turning into Pinkie Pie as they advance, making Cobraline giggle. "Ah yes, Canterlot the crowning jewel of Equestria when it comes to high society, part of the inspiration for our fashion district, rest assured, while there are similarities, Canterlot is but part of what conforms this assembly" Cobraline explains in pride gaining the attention of Twilight. "What do you mean?" The princess asked tilting her head in wonder, as Cobraline was more than happy to elaborate. "Equestria, Aquastria, Abyssian, QuarryLand, Crystal Empire, all of them, and much more you can find here" She extended her arms for emphasis, "Subquestria may be a secret kingdom but if there is something we excel at is explore and observe, we have eyes and ears everywhere always keeping close attention to other kingdoms and learn from them. Including the high society fashion sense. The Zebrica culture is one of my favorites if you ask me. Very refreshing and colorful" Cobraline admits as she continues the tour. "I would not mind showing you around the best clothing stores if you like" The next thing Cobraline knew Rarity was clinging to her arm with a giant grin "Cobraline darling I think you and me are gonna become the best of friends" "Ah Cobraline, when you say eyes and ears everywhere you don't mean...?" Twilight starts to ask getting worried and alerting Cobraline "Oh no! No! We don't exactly look into your government or how you work or track your secrets, no! We are more interested in how your society works than all, we like to learn about your culture and copy it" She quickly elaborated with both hands raised in surrender "We may camouflage and change our bodies a little but we are not changelings I swear" She adds in alarm. Now more relaxed Fluttershy nods and approaches her as she puts her hand on Cobraline's shoulder "Don't worry Cobraline we believe you. And I kind of understand, as someone a tiny bit shy myself I know what is like to be interested in something pretty and wanting to try it out when nobody is looking" She confessed with some heat on her cheeks. Twilight and Rarity looked at each other with a knowing smile. "Yeah, that is exactly our society in a nutshell, and frankly I'm kind of tired of that" Cobraline confesses with a sigh. "I mean it terrifying? Of course! It is, and it comfortable to just parade your dresses everywhere without feeling everyone looking at you but, after a while, you kind of feel..." "...Lonely" She and Fluttershy mention at the same time surprising Cobraline before she smiles and nods while looking at Twilight. "That is why I kind of like your idea Princess Twilight, a way for us to explore a bit more, and change things up. Sure! It may sound scary but in a good way. So I thought that I could give you this tour so you can understand us better and build up your case more carefully" "Thank you Cobraline, I appreciate the help, honestly ever since I found out about you and Mark clear the air between us, I have been more than eager to have you as our neighbor just looking at this district alone I'm fascinated, I believe you could even have pieces of history that were lost through time. Just imagine how much we could learn from one another" "It's a nice thought I would like to hear it later, but right now, I'm more interested in knowing how well we will look in a clothing montage!" Cobraline exclaims in excitement as she points behind her at a clothing store that uses gems as part of their pieces. Screeching in excitement Rarity jumps and shoves everyone inside more than a little eager to take on Cobraline's offer. Everyone now laughing at her little antics. As their tour continued and the mares had fun, Mark and Queen Vipral continued their small chat as they reached the imposing oak tree, now that he looked at it more closely the mayor discovered that not only the trunk but even the leaves had vibrant and luminescent runes of all colors inside of them. "I don't remember this tree been here before Mom" Mark mentions as he presses his hand on it feeling the humming light from the runes acting almost like heartbeats "Is this some sort of royal treasure?" "In a sense" She nods with a small laugh as she too places her palm on it "This my boy is a Druid Whisper" She expresses letting go of the tree as she gets behind Mark while continuing "One of the most price possession of the royal family that can only be admired and interact by any member that forms of joins our lineage no matter if say connection was a result of genetics, love, skin or all tree combine" she mentions playfully as she use her tongue to tickles Mark ear as he laugh and try to escape yet Vipral keep him in place as she has brought him into a hug. "Ok, mom stop!...No fair! I give up!" Mark complains waving his free hand and trying to trash around yet the queen doesn't relent and keeps playing with him for a good while before letting him go the two still laugh as Mark cleans his ear. "Oh how much I miss doing that" The queen mentions as she clears her eyes and looks at him with sorrow "You could have come back anytime you wanted, you know?" She mentions with a sigh getting his attention as she continues "Who knows maybe if you had done it sooner, this could have been avoided, or at least haven't scaled so much that you were forced to talk to me" She looked down in sadness. "Mom I..." Mark tried to think of something and reached out before retracting his hand "I have no excuse I just...I completely misunderstood your actions, I thought you only wanted to be a good friend and didn't want to risk be discover and revealing Subquestria. That is why I rarely made contact. I...I'm sorry, for hurting all of you" Vipral takes a deep breath and clears her eyes "It doesn't matter now, I suppose both of us are at fault here and there is no point in playing the blaming game, I brought you here to explain what Druid Whisper is, and how it works" She approaches it again and places her palm on the trunk before looking at Mark. "As I was telling you, a Druid Whisper is a special type of tree, reserved by only the members of the crown that collect and immortalize all members of our lineage as we place a bit out of our magic into it, to be used by the new generation as support from the great beyond to be honest, when I share my skin with you. Nobody was sure what would happen or even if our actions would have any effect, yet at long last destine was in our favor, not only saving you but also adding you into our lineage as we share the same skin" Piercing the wood on the tree as her hand shone Mark was surprised when the runes cleared up and in the middle of the tree was a strange symbol glowing red as well as the runes all over his body. He didn't know how he could read it or how he could understand it but the rune was saying his name and describing Mark's figure for everyone to see. Once Vipral removed her hand the illusion ended and Mark had to shake his head and clean his eyes to process what he just witnessed. "I was shocked when I discovered your name appearing on the oak, but when I saw the glimpses of the runes confirmed it here. I knew what it meant" She smiled and placed herself next to Mark bringing him into a hug "You were now connected to our family, by my flesh meaning that even if not conventional, you became my one and only son" "So that is why you adopt me, I...the tree itself told you. I joined your family that day then" Mark replied in slight surprise as he admired his hands. "Wrong" Vipral replied immediately as she put him down keeping her hands on his shoulders "Since before I already decided to make you part of our family" She poked his nose as he looked at her in surprise making her giggle as she serpent away from him. "What? You were already considering the idea? Since when?" "We are getting off topic again so we can resume it later, just know I did start after I learned your story, and realized what you were, a dying lonely puppy without a family to call his own" She responded with sorrow before shaking her head and resume. "Now where was I? Oh yeah, the Druid and its meaning! As I was saying, I was excited with the idea of obtaining a boy, don't get me wrong, I love all my six daughters as much as I love you, but ever since my first egg, I always wanted a boy. And not only that, but for the first time in 3 generations, our tree could have a new rune to branch and grow" She says looking at the tree again. "What do you mean grown? What about you, Cobraline, and the other 5 princesses? Don't they count?" They do in part but what our tree needs is the descendants of a prince, she sighed while looking at the confused expression of Mark "I know, it sounds complicated, so allow me to explain, you see Mark there is a reason why I don't have a partner by my side. When a queen takes the throne she is not appointed a king, but rather something called a mate tribute. The best of the males in our species to..." "PLEASE!" Mark stops her raising his hand with a blush "...I got the idea mom, please don't say more I don't want the image of you in some weird orgy thing" "Oh come Mark! We are both adults here" She complains putting her hands on her hips. "Please" He begs her while looking away making her sigh "Fine let's call it, cuddling. And as I was saying ever so often I'm offered, men to "cuddle" and provide with heirs. I manage to do six, yet those days are behind me" She points up at the leaves "When a princess is born the leaves of the tree grow, but when a prince is born it is the roots that branch out and become stronger" She demonstrates pointing downwards, and now Mark could notices how despite the top been healthy and big, the roots holding the whole oak seem to be thin and small, which make him question how they could hold such imposing tree "The roots" Mark kneeled and touched one of them, only the soft touch of his palm was enough for it to start to peel off, making him retract his hand in surprise. "That is right Mark, they are dying, 3 generations of only princesses have put tremendous pressure on the Druid, it needs a prince to bring nutrients to its roots if we want it to survive" Vipral mentions in melancholy as Mark turns to her. "Will something happen to the rest of us if that were to happen?" Vipral shook her head "We will be relatedly fine, by planting one of its branches on the corpse of the old tree, it could grow again starting with me, but 80 past generations of our ancestors will weep knowing they would no longer be able to provide aid to their family. And THAT right here is why I permitted you to bring your mates, Mark, Subquestria royal family needs you. It needs your assistance in strengthening the roots of our family tree" Mark nodded and closed his eyes as he stood up, before opening and smiling at her "How do I do it?" The question brings a smile to the queen's face as she explains "To be honest we're both stepping on unknown territory, there has never been a non-reptilian prince, and even less one that took multiple mares as his herd, and powerful ones too nonetheless. So we should step carefully" She extends her hand at him "The first step is a small offer to the Druid, a drop of your blood will suffice" Nodding Mark places his hand on top of hers as she uses the thumbnail with a sharp edge to make one small cut on the mayor's thumb. Stepping closer he pressed his finger against the tree and immediately both him and the tree runes glowed white. The queen noticed the cutie marks of Twilight, Luna, and Celestia appearing on the back of Mark before they got absorbed by the tree, and then a new gold light enveloped the tree and moved downwards and into the human before enveloping his body before it fades away, leaving everything back to normal. "It is done" Vipral replies holding the mayor's hand and using a healing rune, repairing his cut as it was never there in the first place. "With this, the roots of the Druid have obtained the nutrients that they so desperately needed and in return, you can now tap into our ancestor's magic. Tell me, Mark. How are you feeling?" "I...I feel fine, like I just got a boost of energy" The mayor replies holding his arm and making the gold glow appear and disappear getting startled when he notices an astral projection of a more reptilian hand enveloping his hand. "Do not fret, this is only the runes of your ancestors, adapting to your body, after a short while it will settle and once that happens you will be able to do more things" She opened her mouth and pointed at one of her fangs, "Laike dese" She closed her mouth to speak more clearly "Retractable fangs equip with the proper venoms" "I will grow fangs?!" Mark asks in alarm. "I hope so, biting your partner is an essential part of marking your mate, so they too have access to yours and our ancestor's rune magic" She elaborates which only serves to open mas questions for the mayor. Seeing his confusion the queen giggles "I suppose this is a good time to explain the second step. The marking of your mates is something that you should keep in mind from now on since you already marked four mares means your venom has awakened" "Wait, wait, wait, WHAT?!" Mark gets in front of her in fear "I have venom in my teeth?" "Don't worry is not lethal if that is what you are fearing, even if ironically called "The King Cobra Bite" which is what you have at your disposal" She dismisses his concern before getting serious "But they can be kind of potent if you have used your fangs before the Druid Whisper regulate your venom as to avoid a concentrate doses" "That's the other reason why you should always bring your mates here. So we can provide you with an antidote in case of accidents. A King cobra bite is no joke after all" Mark cringes and looks away in realization when a thought crosses his mind. "Ah Mom, just out of curiosity, what does a king cobra bite do to its victim?" "Well it links to your emotions mostly, if you are indifferent, it would no do anything, if you are anger, it would act as a neurotoxin that would paralyze your opponent, and if you are extremely aroused, it will mostly act as an aphrodisiac and a hallucinogenic, making your partner in question a bit susceptible and particularly horny whenever they see you, or your image, why ?" Vipral questions before starting to get afraid and then angry. "Ahm...well the thing is..." Mark chuckled nervously before looking back at her A couple of days before Pinning Celestia against the wall, the mayor proceed to leave a series of kisses on her mouth and headed south, playing with her neck while his hands were busy caressing her voluptuous ass, playing with them and making her moan. The water of the shower made their love all the more intense as he couldn't look away from her damp figure, lifting one of her legs and inserting his took in her petals without delicacy, earning a scream of passion as Celestia hugged him and used her nails against his back showering in kisses. "Yes! Yes! Harder, mark me as yours, turn me into your slut! Destroy my pussy!" Celestia demanded in full ectasias as Mark pull his dick until only the tip was inside of her before slamming back inside again, over and over again making the two moans. The mayor licked his lips and started kissing her erect nipples lingering his tongue at the tip where milk was dripping. "God I love your boobs, I can't get enough, I just want to drink from them, forever" Mark admits starting to suck at them with gusto, his trust gaining speed as his hands manage to find Celestia's anus and start playing with it too. The emotions made her cross her eyes and raise her head into the air from the sensations. "Oh the stars, oh heaves, bite me! Bite me hard! I want to feel more, I want you to mark me as only yours!" She demanded getting lost in their combined passion as the mayor was also losing the batter or rationality and complied, biting hard on her nipples and playing with them with small nibbles as she kept screaming her approval over and over again until she began to squirt fountains of her mare, bringing him to the edge with her walls claiming him down and milking his staff for all that was worth. Yet despite having come from one orgasm after another, neither wanted things to end, as the mayor turned her around and pressed her frame against the glass of the now steamed glass door and prepared to claim her other hole the princess continued to scream her approval as her wings keep spasming from the sensation, of his fangs biting on her neck Back to the present "...I kind of did? I-In my defense! It was her idea" He quickly adds. > Terms Of Negotiation (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After going on a shopping spree, Twilight and her friends were carrying shopping bags with big grins on their faces as Cobraline showed them more and more of the city, from the shopping district to the food district, to the hermit district and even the local and exotic fauna section. Subquestria simply has something ready for everyone and the more they learn the happier they become, especially Twilight who was having a field trip of learning and discovering that was risking putting a permanent smile on her face, as she was making one small mental note on thanking Mark properly for this once in a lifetime opportunity. "Thank you so much for this Cobraline, I don't recall the last time I had this much fun discovering a brand new kingdom! I still can't believe they accept every type of coin here!" Twilight exclaims hugging her bag containing maps, history, and culture of Subquestria. "Nor I! I feel like I'm dreaming!" Rarity exclaims with the same grin as she hugs the dresses she bought. "I'm sure my little friends would love all this new food I found. And your micro-mamuts were just the cutest! I almost made me wish I could take one with me" Fluttershy says in excitement even if she wasn't as excited as the other two mares. Cobraline laughs at their expression and nods "Don't mention it, just wanted to give you a wide view of our humble little town" She sighs before looking back at them in sorrow "I hope you understand why you can't take all you bought outside right?" "Yeah I get the idea" Twilight nods understanding her point "It will raise way too many questions if we suddenly appear out of nowhere with these kinds of treasures, which is why I want to present my case properly to your mom Cobraline!" Twilight looks at him in determination. "Treasures like this need to be preserved and protected, and if there is any way we can work together, you have my word I will be willing to compromise any type of deal!" Her words put Cobraline at ease as she sighed and nodded "Lucky for you, I'm not the only one eager to explore outside, almost all my sisters are with me with that idea, and there is only one of them who could give you trouble" She explain while advancing through an empty street. "Oh, so Mark has more sisters than just you?" Fluttershy questions in wonder and curiosity "Why weren't there to receive him when he arrived?" "They were very busy, mostly don't worry you would meet all of us at dinner with my mom" Cobraline explained as she pointed at Twilight "A perfect moment for you to present your case more calmly Twilight, before you kind of took mom off guard but now that everything has calm down, and Mark is most likely mellowing her up a bit. She will be more willing to listen, don't worry I will also help you make her more receptive to hear you out" "Thanks, Cobraline, I appreciate a lot, everything you are doing for us" Twilight smiled and nodded. As she dismisses her with a wave of her hand. "Don't mention it, but I should warn you about Orus, she is our oldest sister and she kind be a bit of..." Cobraline fights to find the correct words to describe her. "Stubborn?" Fluttershy suggests. "More than that" Cobraline corrected herself "Snobbish?" Rarity suggest. "Close but not completely that" "A blind believer of the old ways and not particularly fond of change?" Twilight suggests. "Basically a creepy brat that really likes to anger everyone. She is a good lamia inside but when things don't go her way, she tends to complain a whine a lot" Cobraline finally explained, with a sigh before trying to give things a positive spin "On the plus side, she is your biggest obstacle Twilight, if you convince her, the rest would be a cake walk. And once we come to an understanding our kingdoms can be neighbors and help each other. Including finding a way for you to bring this to the surface" "Got it, I will keep that in mind, thank you for your advice Cobraline" Twilight nods in determination. "Don't worry, I have my fair share of dealing with all sorts of nobles, press, and even a spirit of chaos, I think I can handle a weird princess" Twilight boosted in confidence yet, Cobraline was still unsure. "Glad the attitude, I suggest don't get too confident there, Mom loves us all but Orus can be a handful. Just do your best and try not to let her get under your skin" She advised before stopping in front of a curious jewelry store. Unlike the others they had seen before this one seemed different, seemly constructed from a sculpture of a golden 8-headed hydra with its jaws open revealing all sorts of necklaces dangling from its fangs and mouths full of gold inside. "Ah here we are the last place I wanted to show you to end the tour" "Oh darling, I appreciate the gesture but I'm not sure I could have it in me to spend on more jewelry" Rarity confessed with some shame, making the lamia laugh "Relax, this one is different. The Golden Hydra is an original store from Subquestria with specially made items crafted with runes. I want to give you a small present to congratulate your herd" "Really?" Twilight and Rarity ask in excitement and are touched by the surprise as Cobraline smiles "Sure! You all make my bro happy so I wanted to give you a little something as a sign of my appreciation, plus I'm kind of curious to know if it would work with other species. Come, I will explain what I mean inside" Cobraline issues them to follow as the mares enter the final destination of their little tour. At the same time in the castle of New Harmonious Rainbow kept pacing back and forward in the throne room as AJ and Cadence tried to go over some construction forms until AJ had enough and with a sigh looked at her friend. "Would you stop that already?!" She complained more than a little annoyed. "How can you be so relaxed?!" Rainbow was quick to shoot back and stop pointing at a window "Our friends are facing Celestia knows what, and we just agreed to let just two more of our friends solve this problem instead of going as a team as we should have" "Don't you remember what the mayor said? These are very quick to anger ponies, they can be reasoned with and the only way to avoid making things worse is by acting as Mark's marefriend and locking your arm around his. Do you really want to pretend to be Mark's mare and act all lovey-dovey with him? " AJ asks with a raised eyebrow. Dash could only grunt in frustration as she crossed her arms "Beats just sitting around, doing nothing" "We are building a kingdom!" AJ complains back raising the papers "I don't think this is doing nothing, and by Celestia! You are actually considering it now!?" "Hey! I may not like all those girly things but I know a thing or two about being on a herd." She replied feeling offended catching Cadence's attention. "How do you know that?" Cadence asks tilting her head in surprise and curiosity. Caught off guard Dash looks away with a blush as she stutters "I-I mean...you know...with the stallion and the mares...a-and THAT is not the point! The point is that right now Fluttershy and Pinkie could be anywhere for all we know" "No, I'm not" Jumping back from the scare Dash launched herself into the air and turned around in time to see Pinkie smiling and waving at her "I'm right here, see? And Fluttershy is over there" Pinkie casually answers pointing at the window looking outside the kingdom. "Pinkie!" AJ and Cadence rush to her side alongside Dash who doesn't waste time bombarding her with questions. "When did you come back?" "How did you escape?" "Is everyone ok?" "Why are you wearing different clothes?" "Are the rest with you?" Everyone keeps bombarding her with questions as she patiently waits until they breathe before answering. "In that order: Just now, they brought me here. Everyone is ok. Rarity made them for me after they ripped my clothes and Marky threatened the guards to do the same to their heads if they didn't give us theirs. And no, Twilight wanted to stay to negotiate an agreement" Pinkie answered all their questions in quick succession leaving everyone startled. "Am sorry what? rip your clothes? negotiation? what?" AJ repeats trying to comprehend what she just says making Pinkie giggle. "It turns out some old friends of Mark lived close by and we were hurting their land by accident. Twilight and him are talking and trying to come up with a solution, they are very shy too so I pinkie promise not to tell much about them" "Pinkie, Mark told us about Subquestria, you can tell us that much" Cadence tells her in confidence. "Oh, that is great! Then that makes things easier, and yeah they were pretty angry at us at first but Marky calmed them down. It was kind of like when those fruit bats attacked your farm AJ, they didn't know they were hurting you" "Ah ok, then at least that put some tension off, leave it to Twilight to make friends even in this situation. So they will let all of them leave soon?" "I bet they do, the queen seems happy when Mark appears and they seem to like the idea of Twilight working together and being like our neighbors but Twilight can explain that part better, for now, it's better if we just wait for them" "And why did they let you leave and not the rest?" Dash asks with a raised eyebrow. "Because of my little bum in the oven silly" She points at her belly "Mark told them that if I gave birth there, then it would be quite the chaos because that would make me and my little Cheesey part of their kingdom, so they agreed to let me go as long as I don't say anything. And the rest stay as Mark mates" "Ah, but Fluttershy is not Mark's marefriend" AJ reminds her. "Is it?" Pinkie asks back with a raised eyebrow surprising the farmer. "Pardon?" Cadence repeated in surprise before a small smile warmed its way on her face. "Nothing, nothing, Fluttershy ask me not to say anything as well. But boy do I hope they tell you already, so many secrets are exhausting" Pinkie sighed and wiped her forehead "Speaking of, my hooves hurt a bit and I'm a bit sweaty from prancing in the desert, do you mind if I take a little shower see my sweet Cheese Sandwich and rest a tiny bit before we continue?" "Oh, my Celestia! I forgot, yeah, yeah sure Pinkie go ahead, take as much time as you need. I more than understand how you need time to rest" Cadence nods rapidly as Pinkie exits the room. "Thanks, Candy, oh hey Spike!" "Hi Pinkie, PINKIE!?" They hear Spike talk from the hallway as the rest sigh in relief. "Well, that is a weight lift off my shoulders," AJ tells no one as she chuckles "I just thank Celestia this mess is over" "Agree, I'm all for helping in any wacky adventures you may have, but I don't think I could take any more surprises for now," Cadence says with a chuckle as she sits on Twilight's throne. "Oh! And before I forget, Mark may get lucky tonight too, I thought you may want to hear that Candy, ok now you all caught up, bye!" Pinkie replies popping her head from the door frame before leaving Even if she was already sitting the statement almost made Cadence trip and fall before she recovered "He is gonna what now?" Rainbow exclaims blinking a couple of times before smirking and nods, crossing her arms "Well, who knew? The mayor has a game after all" "Well, I will be, seems like we now know why Rarity was eager to go. Good for her, the poor thing has been suffering a bit of a dry spell lately, one hook could raise her spirit" AJ chuckled and shook her head "you go, Mark! Take care of those spider webs" AJ says to no one with a big grin "With whom? Is not Twilight right Pinkie? Right?!" Cadence called ignoring the comments of the other two searching for the party mare, but Pinkie was long gone by then. Later that night, inside the castle "While getting ready for dinner, Mark took the opportunity to greet four of his five remaining sisters who managed to arrive before Twilight. 2 of them looked like Cobraline, being cobra-type lamias with colors of red, brown, and light gold that could easily make one wonder if Cobraline was part of a triplet birth. 1 was a Red ringed snake with black circles on it, and finally, one last one was a cascabel snake wearing by far the most colorful dress, with shades of reds and a blue cape over her left arm, giving her assembly an exotic and radiant appearance that matches her love for music. All of them were more than a little happy to meet Mark at the moment "Casket, how is the music trope? Fangs, keep your training I hope. Viper, come here and give me a hug!" Mark tells as he talks and hugs each of his new siblings as they exchange stories, Viper is wearing a simple white piece dress giving them a Greek-style appearance. Being a cascabel snake Casket didn't waste time in demonstrating her musical abilities, while Fangs retracted and extracted her fangs while laughing as she confirmed his statement by flexing her muscles. She was dressed as she was preparing or arrive from the gym with a black sports bra on top of an open red vest and blue training shorts. "Brother" The red-ringed snake approach calmly him and nodded with her head, she was holding a thick book and adjusting her big circular glasses, while wearing a simple green rope with some belts on it and a compartment to carry more books on her waist "So glad to see you again" "Likewise Ringler" Mark comments breaking the hug and approaching her "I see you have kept with your studies" "It has been an entertaining lecture, with all the data you have collected for us" Ringler mentions with a smile before approaching slowly and bringing him into a soft hug "I'm so glad you came back" "Me too, Ringler I...I'm sorry I didn't write as much as I should" "Water under the bridge the important thing is that you are here now" Ringler dismisses his concern "And more importantly, I'm happy you brought your mates with you, I have been eager to study pony mating rituals for years now" "AKA she wants to meet your mares bro, and yeah, I have been dying to meet them too" Viper mentions with excitement "I heard one of them has a keen eye for fashion! Do you think she would be interested in sharing her ideas?" "Ja I saw them in the shopping bazaar earlier" Fangs mentions with a smirk "The only meat I saw on them was on their chests and asses, you really have some weird taste bro, if you are not careful, you are gonna a break them like twigs" She jokes as she punch his shoulder "If you are still looking for more meat on the market, hear me up, search for mares with muscle, trust me, they last longer and you don't have to hold back" Mark chuckled nervously at the statement "They are tougher than they look Fangs, you will see once you meet them" "Shame the pink one wasn't one of them. For a moment I was eager to know I was gonna be an auntie!" Caskets exclaims making her tail shake from her excitement as they all laugh. "Casket I already have a hatchling" Ringler mentions with a roll of her eyes "You already are" "Yes, but not a pony aunt yet" She clarifies which just improves everyone's mood as they laugh again. A small bell alerts the group and a butler approaches before bowing to the royal family "Dinner is served, your highnesses" "Ah finally, I'm starving" Fang mentions as the whole group enters the room and is a bit surprised to find Cobraline and Twilight talking with Queen Vipral at the table while Rarity and Fluttershy are patiently waiting for their arrival. In the mayor's case, he was a bit startled when he saw how they seemed to have changed clothes into something more elegant, keeping their base colors regular but now wearing an assembly of fabrics and short shirts that expose her bellies dangling some gold chains on them and more and long skirts with two tones of colors on it. Rarity even goes the extra mile by accessorizing her assembly even more with a silver belt, bracelets, and some jewelry and makeup. "What the...? When did they come here?" Fang asked startled by their presence pointing at them and blinking a couple of times as the rest went ahead and greeted them, Mark at the front not wasting time and bringing Twilight into a hug soon followed by Rarity and Fluttershy. "Hi sweeties" Mark comments lovely at Twilight and then at the rest to keep the act and land a quick peek on their lips that they didn't seem to mind in the slightest. On the opposite, they seem particularly happy to see him, with the way they were leaning against his frame. The mayor was more than a little confused about how happy they seemed but held his tongue to avoid breaking their act. "I heard Cobraline gave you a small tour around Subquestria. Did you have fun?" "You could say that again darling" Rarity giggles and leans her head on Mark's shoulder "No wonder you love this place so much, being here has been a dream come true over and over again" The other mares giggle at her antics as Twilight answers "We enjoy exploring yeah" Someone clearing her throat alerts the group as they look back and they see Fang smirking at Mark with her arms crossed "Well bro? We are waiting" "Oh right, right, sorry" Mark breaks the hug and stands back to present her siblings. "Girls meet my other sisters, Fang..." "Head of security and 3 times chomp champion thank you very much" She beams in pride making the mares roll their eyes. "She is gonna get along with Dash, no problem" They whisper with a small chuckle. "Then there is Casket one of the best cascabels players you would ever know" He turned their attention to the snake in question who blushed and held her head. "Oh Marky, please keep going" "Then there is Viper who like you Rarity is a fashionista" "And I must say, earlier I saw what you did with the guard's uniforms. Impressive, if I say so myself" Viper nods approaching Rarity "Were those triple stitches on the edges what I discovered when I inspected one of them?" "Well if you are gonna a make a dress darling, even if in a hurry that is no excuse for mediocrity" Viper smiles and nods before turning to Mark "Don't listen to a word Fang told you, bro, you must keep this gem close in your herd" "HEY!" Fang yells in annoyance as everyone laughs minus Rarity who is startled by the statement "Oh! Oh my...thank you" Rarity blushed a little at the compliment looking away. Chuckling a bit nervously Mark goes behind the last snake and introduces herself putting his hands over her shoulders "And finally Ringler our own little book worm" "I prefer the term, academic incline" She corrected adjusting her glasses "I keep track and register every new information Subquestria receives and have complete access to the royal library so if you ever wish to know a bit more of our history... AWHG!" Ringler backed away when Twilight was right in front of her with a big grin on her face. "How extend of a history are we talking about here?" "Ammm!" Ringler starts to back away in fear and hide behind Mark as the human tries to calm Twilight down putting himself in between Ringler and Twilight. "Ok, ok sweetie, I know you are excited, we will talk about books later. But you are kind of drooling a little" Mark comments as Mark slowly tries to bring her back to reality tapping her cheek and slowly making her look into his eyes. "Is she ok?" Viper asks in worry pointing at Twilight. "Oh don't worry, that is just Twilight getting excited when she discovers something new to study, she will be fine" Fluttershy dismisses her concerns. Once calmed down the mares introduce themselves as well making the room more relaxed and familiar as they prepare to eat, until Mark notices one snake missing. "Oh hey Mom, is Orus not..." Before the mayor could answer the double doors opened with force starling everyone as an enormous albino piton in a bleach-out dress that almost matched her skin, as tall as Queen Vipral and having pink eyes slider inside the room with her tail slowly turning into legs covering by her skirt, scanning the place until she notices Mark. "Well, well, well, the precious son returns at long last. Brother, it has been too long" She tells on a condescending tune as she approaches him while Mark does the same. "Orus?" Twilight asks leaning toward Cobraline. "Orus" The four sisters reply at the same time with a tired sign. "Hello sister" Mark greeted her with neutrality as she imitated the sound of a snake and leaned her head forward to look him in the eyes "So is sister now, it finally entered that thick head of yours what kind of blessing did mom give you?" She marks her point by poking the top of his head making him sign. "It did, and for not realizing it sooner, I apologize Orus. I understand why you were so hostile with me at first and yet didn't like the idea of me leaving. I just hope I can repair some of the damage I cause" "We will see about that later brother for now, come and hug your sister" She demanded extending her arms for him as Mark replied and they shared a hug, her words not matching her body language. The tension seems to be evaporating when they share a hug until her head rises up and stares directly into Twilight's eyes. Breaking the hug she approaches the princess in question and her two friends with a hard glare "So which one of you is the hot-blooded whore that tries to take away my brother and destroy our home?" She demands bringing the tension in the room even stronger as all eyes turn to Orus in horror. > Dinner Talk (Grammarly check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tension at the table quickly rose up after Orus made her colorful comment to Twilight, Which earned her a particularly long earful from her mom and subsequently apology from Orus, which Mark had to settle a deal with her in order for her to say it, which cause him to sit between her and the queen as the mares sat on the other side of the table. Dinner soon arrived, and even though the chef knew about the mare's herbivores' habits, Orus decided to order a well-made T-bone steak while the rest settled for some pasta to be more sensitive with their guest. Her taunt didn't seem to work as Twilight took her actions calmly as she and the rest ate their salad calmly and relaxed, Rarity was unable to contain herself, even smiling smugly at Orus as she took a bite of a piece of tomato. "I must say, Your Highness, this is by far one of finest salads I have ever tasted, I simply must ask for the recipe later" Rarity mentions trying to make some small talk and kill the tension in the room. "Sure, why not? You've already wanted to take our family and our land why not also our food while you are at it?" Orus comments sarcastically glaring daggers at Rarity. "What? Oh no, no, no miss you miss understood I don't intent..." "I know what you intend to do, you lying, stealing..." "Orus!" Mark exclaims with his own glare at the lamia "You promised, we kept our part of the deal, now you must do the same" He reminds her with a stern tone. From her part, she only looks at him with a stern look before smiling and nods "But of course, no reason to not be a civil right brother? Is not like they kept you for themselves for eight long years or anything like that" She mentions with contain anger. "Orus please, if you are gonna be angry at someone be angry at me, leave them out of..." "Oh don't get me wrong, I'm still angry at you brother but that is the thing we are still a family, and this is what family does, it forgives each other. Especially when we are also to blame in this situation" She argues making Rarity smile and nod. "Indeed, I must say, I have lost count of how many times I have lost my lost my patience with my own sister and got ourselves into yet another discussion, she calls Sweetie Bell and while I do love her to date, there are times we just can't stand one another" She recalled with a small giggle "I imagine that is something you can relate, don't you Ms. Orus" Rarity offer with a hopeful smile as the lamia look at her with a neutral expression, maintaining the silence before she smiles "Indeed, and I suppose this is what happens when you ask mom for a little brother" She nods and bring Mark into a hug nuzzling the top of his head easing the tension in the room a little. His other sisters seem to be relaxing and even Vipral seems to nod and sigh in relief seeing Orus calming down. Taking the opportunity Cobraline made her move and tried to warm the queen to Twilight's idea. "You know Mom, talking with Twilight has made me realize how much we have missed over the centuries, despite our best efforts to keep track of the world on top of us" "Oh really?" Vipral looked at her with interest "Like what? "Well for starters, the Nirik kingdom seems to have resurfaced again, turns out they didn't kill themselves among the great fire of Nirikgnia, and then there are the changelings that now have a new form and seem to be intrigued to make some radical changes to their culture and some six-year-old filly manage to figure out a way to perverse the concept of friendship itself. Isn't that interesting facts?" "My, I couldn't imagine that is even possible, how do you pervert the idea of being kind to others?" Vipral mentions with interest. "That is quite the tell, let me tell you" Twilight mentions with a sigh "I will be more than happy to tell you all about it as well as grant you access to much more we know if we were to establish a link between our kingdoms" Twilight offers with a friendly smile. Orus seems to smile as well as she nods "Sounds like a lovely idea, and let me ask you, Your Highness, how much involvement did a pony have to make such extreme changes in other cultures?" She asks sarcastically and raises an eyebrow. "Ah excuse me?" Twilight asks caught off guard. "Oh I'm just saying, it's nice to see the Nirik returning to the public eye and how the changelings change things for the better, but the disturbing thing about pervert friendship makes me wonder, did they really change, or did a certain pony made them change to fit THEIR ideology? Tell me Cobraline what kind of radical new changes do the changelings wish to implement into their culture? I for one would be kind of scared if I were to hear that they are just adopting pony traditions since that would seem more like colonization" The mares seemed to tense up and Mark's eyes wide so he decided to intervene "Kind of hard to tell just yet, Orus after all, changelings are well known for well...copy, like us, so what is to say they are not just taking what they see and is still expanding, but on their own terms" Twilight nods rapidly "Yeah that is right, in part that is why I constructed the school of friendship, so we can learn from each other more and unite as one, understanding each other culture, had fun, and spread the gospel of harmony and friendship" "Is it spread the gospel...or enforce it?" Opal keeps pressing on the subject with a stern look "I'm just saying, my brother is a free spirit that would never be tame and his heart belongs to exploring, is so shocking hearing that he suddenly decided to remain in one single place for so long without any reason" "There is a reason Orus" Mark was quick to answer "Yes I like to move but I also love to help. Canterlot needs help so I step in, and things change. I wasn't even sure where to go, after circling the globe. The city gave me a choice and I took it, that is why I remain there, not because any of them convinced me" He chuckles and shakes his head "To be honest I wasn't sure if they even remember me" "Yeah we had plenty to catch on when we finally saw each other again" Fluttershy nods "He didn't abandon anyone or want to hurt anyone's feelings, Mark simply has a hard time trusting in friendship to last" "Yeah I'm guilty of that, the same was happening with you guys" He admitted with some embarrassment as he looked at the entire room "And I intend to fix that" His words seem to calm everyone a little even Orus who smile and turn to Twilight. "Glad to hear that brother, because that raises an interesting point, tell me, Your Highness, may I know the story of how you two met? Correct me if I'm wrong but I had the impression you were already in a relationship with a certain stallion called Flash Sentry" With that, the room goes back to being tense as Twilight flinches before continue eating and then sighs and looks at Orus. "You are right Ms. Orus, me and Flash Sentry were an item, keep word on where. We broke up some time ago before I started dating your brother" "And how long were you separate exactly?" Orus keeps pressuring her. "Orus that is enough!" Vipral warns her. "I'm just saying, mom! Don't you want to have the guarantee that this isn't just her using Mark as a rebound fling? Or maybe just using him to make her ex jealous?" "He is not either of those things!" Twilight exclaims feeling insulted as she punches the table and glares at Orus "Then answer the question? How did you two end up together exactly?!" Orus match her own glare with a smirk standing up. "She doesn't have to answer anything Orus, none of them has, that is our personal lives and you have no right to..." Mark tries to protect Twilight yet the lamia seems to be ready now. "...what about the fact that you seem oddly defensive brother? You seem particularly scared of the subject like you don't want me to find something important. Maybe I'm right in be wary of how fast and eager you seem to be, in starting a relationship with a pony?" She questions with a raised eyebrow "Maybe even consider that one of them place a spell on you?" Vipral eyes wide at the comment not helping on how she spot Rarity flinching at the comment. With her gaze hardening Vipral lowers her fork and stares forward "Answer the question Princess" She demands with a cold tone. "Mom! Please tell me you are not actually considering..." "I will protect my family young man, one more remark and you head straight to the infirmary and if I found out a mare was messing with your head so help me..." Her warning makes the mayor gulp as he sits down unsure of what to do now. After that the queen remained quiet and took some breath to calm down before looking at Twilight with indifference "Answer her question Princess Twilight" Twilight looks at the queen in slight panic and then at Orus who seems to be smirking having caught them in a trap. Taking a moment to breathe Twilight calmed down and rose to her chair to look at the lamias with a neutral expression "It would be easy to interpret this story so I will tell you on the condition that I will not be interrupted until I'm done talking" Vipral remains quiet before nodding "Understood" "What?! Mom, you can't be serious..." "I am, young lady and if you say one single word during her tale you will be excused from the table are we clear?" Vipral demands with finality making Orus grumble and cross her arms "Fine" "Princess Sparkle, please proceed" Vipral invited her to speak, and the princess accepted it right away as she started, everyone in the room was particularly interested in hearing this story. "The question of when exactly our relationship started is very dubious for various factors, but if I have to take a guest, I say it all began a couple of months ago when I just announced the subject of New Harmonious. There was a party afterward and some enemies of the mayor tried to place dirt on us by spiking our drinks. The story involving that is long and complex so for this argument I will just mention how the end result was the mayor sharing a night of passion with me and the other two rulers" Everyone's eyes were wide in surprise, and Orus was about to voice a complaint but a swift glare from her mother was enough to keep her quiet and let Twilight continue. "I know it was a mistake, for all involved, me personally because I even just recently broke up with my last coltfriend yet Mark was there for me, he was a shoulder to cry on and a boost of confidence in a certain way. Me and the other rulers were willing to let things there but not Mark" Twilight smirked at him in memory "He was determined to make this event into something more" In surprise the queen looks to Mark "Wait, I thought the mares are the ones that court the stallion, you court them, sweetie?" Vipral asks in surprise. "It's complicated but in my world usually is the other way around" Mark explains with some embarrassment. "And for what is worth in here we don't do that as often" Rarity clarified "It can go either way, to be frank" Ringler nods and writes what they are saying on a journey. "Anyway, after that, a lot of things kept happening, and even when we knew things were wrong and even Mark was warning us about...his hidden side. There was this thing like a gravity that just kept pulling us into each other. Eventually, with one single kiss, we got all the proof we needed. We had fallen in love and just wanted to try this new adventure. So to answer your question, officially we have only had two or three weeks tops, and yes we already have slept together, but don't you go thinking this just happened or is just pure lust, we spent months just courting each other, and we knew each other closely before anything physical happens" Orus remains quiet grumbling and still angry at Twilight before turning her attention to the others, starting with Fluttershy "And what is your excuse? When and why did my brother mark you?" She asks in a depicting matter making Fluttershy feel uncomfortable "I will stop you right there Orus" Mark pressed his hands on the table and stood up "I humor you with Twilight to ease your fears and see that while we are not traditional we truly love each other" he started to walk toward the mares "I will not let you egg Fluttershy or Rarity for that matter" He defends them with determination "They are both my friends and as a gentlemen I would not stand here and force them to expose their personal lives as if this is some sort of interrogatory" "Thank you Mark" Fluttershy nods with a small blush dissipating her worries as she looks down with some embarrassment but also appreciation for his aid. "That is right darling!" Rarity also stood next to Mark with determination "We indeed love each other and we don't have to prove anything to anyone. Do you want proof? Here is your proof" She claims before grabbing Mark with both cheeks and planting a deep kiss on his lips that caught the human off guard for a moment before he decided to hug her frame and intensify the kiss which surprised Rarity before she giggled and enjoyed the attention. Orus was frozen from anger at the display as it happened until it finished. Once he was done Mark looked at Orus's reaction and got an idea "I'm a man of herds just like you say, turns out I'm a free spirit who has more than enough love to spare" Mark admits, and then surprised Twilight as she grabs her and spins her around "And these mares have driven me crazy" Planting a deep kiss Twilight whole body stiff from the shock as her wings sprung to action before she melts, one of her hooves rising from the shock before Mark end the kiss and put her down. The princess left with a dopey smile as her feathers and fur puff and ruffle "Please don't make me choose, I love all of you but if you force me, I will cut ties to the group that gave me an ultimatum since I would never be truly happy otherwise" Mark mentions sincerely as he helps Fluttershy up and grabs her chin preparing to kiss her as she closes her eyes in anticipation. "OK! OK! Enough!" Orus yells extending her arms and making Mark stop to look at her. "I get the idea, you love each other very much, I will not ask about your love life, just please stop showing it" She begs making everyone chuckle as Mark lets go of Fluttershy, much to her slight annoyance. "Ah Orus, as usual, you are all hiss no bite" Fang jokes as she finishes eating a bone from her plate. "Oh, I'm sorry do you want them to just hump on the table!?" Orus questioned in alarm looking at her siblings and making them laugh. "Hey we are not the ones that keep proving their love lives, you asked for it, sis" Fang replied. "Can we please change the subject?" Ringlet pleads looking at everyone "Princess Twilight I think you were saying something about sharing our collective knowledge?" She asks trying to put things back on track yet Twilight just keeps chuckling with a dopey smile. "Ah, princess?" Casket asks in worry making "My, my, brother, seems like you inherited the family kiss. The poor dear is in a daze" Viper says with a giggle as the queen waves her hand around Twilight's eye who doesn't seem to react. "Oh my, and it seems to be a deep one too" Vipral confirmed in worry after snapping her fingers yet Twilight seemed unresponsive "This is what I was warning you about earlier Mark, did you bite her?" "No, I just kissed her a bit harder than I should, maybe one of my fangs rose her tongue but that is it, I swear" Mark explained She nodded and sighed "That is all you need" The queen stood up and cradled Twilight in her arms "This poor mare will be out as a light any moment now, I will take her to the infirmary so she can rest and drink the antidote, you can finish without me in the meanwhile" "You don't have to mom, I got this" Mark offered yet the queen moved him away with her tail "I insist, after all, I still want to hear about her ideas, and you still have five sisters to catch up on lost time mister" She reminds him with a wink before leaving the room with Twilight The room was left quiet until Fang cleared her throat. "Ok now that we are done with Orus bitching, it's my turn" Fang spoke up breaking the silence and smirking at the mares "I'm putting on the table ladies, these are part of the deal when dating our family" She explain pointing at her own huge fans before closing her mouth "No shame in admitting it, and we will let you walk free. But you have to be honest here. Is this a deal breaker?" The two mares were put in the spotlight yet Rarity was prepared and smiled with determination "Not in the slightest darling, when you date a carnivore this is to be expected. And we don't care, just like Mark accepted our way our life we accept his in return" Fluttershy surprised the mayor a little when she hugged his arms and started to run in circles with her finger fidgeting a little with a small smile "I wouldn't mind one tinsy nibble here and there" She admitted in a barely audible whisper and with a red face which just keeps surprising Mark who manages to catch the comment. Smirking Fang nods and leans on her chair "You pick them well bro, I honestly thought they wouldn't last more than a month but, eh, unlike a certain brat, I would not complain if they prove me wrong" "I will reserve my opinion until I hear her opinion on green" Viper mentions crossing her arms while staring at Rarity. "Oh my green, well while I admit a nice shade of jade could look fantastic, I have to admit that I'm not exactly trill with that color" Rarity admits honestly with a small nervous chuckle. "Ok, they still may won me over" Viper admit with a smile, Orus just keeps looking at her food in anger taking glances at the mares and clenching her fist with much Fluttershy was pressing her chest against Mark, yet she hold her tongue. You won this round ponies, but it will take more than that to convince me that any of you are worthy of my brother > Crown Talk And Friendship Deal (Grammarly Check) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mark!" Walking up with a startle Twilight tried to hug the first thing she had in reach only to find a palm firmly planted on her face pushing her back she recovered her senses and realized that she was currently sitting in a hospital bed and judging by the equipment and smell, in either an infirmary or a room in a hospital. In front of him was Queen Vipral who was currently holding her head and chuckling with a smirk "Well, somebody is eager to see my son again" She teased letting go of her face as Twilight's face turned bright red, and looked down fiddling with her hands, and the sheets on her bed. "Q-Queen Vipral I just...and...where are we exactly?" Twilight nervously asks trying to save face earning another round of laughter from the queen which only makes her turn even redder. "In the royal infirmary at the current moment, recovering from my boy venom" Vipral explained as she pointed at an I.V connected to Twilight's arm which she soon took notice of and got alarmed. "Venom!?" Twilight exclaims in panic turning to the queen as she nods and crosses her arms "Venom, and honestly queen Twilight, considering who his mother is, don't you think it kind of obvious? These aren't exactly for decoration" Vipral questioned with a raised eyebrow and tilting her head before opening her jaw so Twilight could see her two giant and prominent fangs which were bath in some purple liquid near the tip to mark her point. Twilight flinched and backed away out of sheer impulse until Vipral closed her mouth again "I-is not that is just well. You are a lamia and Mark well he is..." "...human?" Vipral finished for her before sighing "Yeah I'm aware of it, maybe he might not have hatched from one of my eggs, but none he is my flesh and blood, and now that he has reached maturity that fact has been becoming clearer each day" She admits with a smile and eyes close, which serves to calm Twilight as she put her hand on top of Vipral palm "You came to love him as your son right?" "Like you don't believe" Vipral chuckles and nods before looking back at Twilight once more. "Wasn't so sure of what would happen with the flesh transplant but now that I see the results I can't help but feel like I gave birth to one more child, even if not conventional" "I more than understand that feeling Your Highness, I feel the same with my brother, he is a dragon and while we don't share blood, I came to love him as part of my family in the same regard" Twilight confessed as the two sighs in content sharing that small moment between the two. "Anyway, as much as I enjoy sharing feelings, I thought you might want to know about what happened to you, and if the idea of my son being venomous would be something that would make him less appealing" Vipral questioned with a strict voice, and a raised eyebrow putting the spotlight on Twilight again yet she was prepared and shake her head "It does not your highness, having venom or not would change the fact of how I feel about him and if this is dangerous I'm sure you can help us out, maybe telling us how to control it, so this doesn't repeat" Liking that answer Vipral smiles and nods "Well first of all let me ease your concerns by telling you that your life is not at risk, our bite is only lethal if we perform it while angry, if the emotion is of affection, and lust is a potent yet temporary..." She pretend to cough and look away with a small blush "...aphrodisiac, as you might have notices once you wake up. Don't worry I will set those sheets to be clean later" Freezing in place and getting pale Twilight slowly lifts her bed sheets before lowering and slowly nodding with a thousand-mile stare "T-Thanks, s-so if it's temporary why did I need the antidote regadless?" "Because while it is indeed temporary the term is a bit loose, what I meant with that is that it will fade away with the afterglow" Vipral elaborates looking at her again. "You mean like....oh!" Twilight nods a couple of times and smiles a bit "Well...that doesn't seem so bad, and you say that there is an antidote in case we don't need to resort to that right?" "Various indeed, the royal venom can be countered with the venom of a Dralion priestess for example. In case you wish to extend your herd" She suggested with a smirk. "W-We might consider it later" Twilight replies with a nervous chuckle. "Just saying it could be easier having a lovely lady ready to give one small nibble to go away your horniness" Vipral comments with a smirk. "Is there any other solution?" Twilight asks trying to move on with the conversation. "Yeah, you can ask him to shoot his excess venom on empty bottles, so his nibbles don't have any effects for the day, buy in bulk Dralion venom which is what I'm using on your I.V, or a special tea with particular flowers that once drink it neutralize the toxins for an hour, I can write you the recipe since something tell me you might need all options ready" She list one by one as Twilight nods. "I will like that yeah, thank you, your majesty" "I should be the one thanking you queen Twilight" Viprals goes ahead and assists in gently removing the I.V from Twilight's arm once the bag is empty "And to apologize for my daughter's behavior" "It ok queen, I understand the idea of being a bit protective" Twilight mentions with a smile "My brothers would probably react the same" "It's more than that, Orus she...she might love the idea of having a little brother as much as I would love the idea of a son. She always asked me to give her one so she could care and protect him. To this day I'm not so sure where that obsession came from. When Mark finally arrived in our lives it took her some time to have a brother who didn't come from an egg. And was particularly heartbroken when he left before realizing that he obtained a family, I can assume that part of her blames herself for not telling him and now is desperately wanting to make up for the loss of time" Vipral sighed in exhaustion and shook her head before looking at Twilight "I'm so sorry for dragging all of you into our family drama, I promise I will speak with her" "It ok, while I find it a bit weird, I think she was only protecting her family and I want for all of us to get along. That is why I wanted to offer the idea of a collaboration between our nations" "And I appreciate the offer your Highness, but you need to understand something" Vipral looks at the rooftop "The floor on top of my kingdom is held by a layer of ground and rocks that is already holding the entire weight of the desert on top. Adding more risk of a collapse that could end lives and destroy our way of living. That is why we can't simply let anything be constructed on top" "But that is the thing I wanted to explain, Cobraline explained the problem to me and I have a workaround" Twilight mentions with a big grin confusing Vipral" "You do?" Nodding rapidly Twilight looked around until she found a glass of water that she picked up "I know of a spell that reverses gravity" She demonstrated by flipping the cup, the water didn't fall but when putting the right side up, the water launched itself into the celling. "And that is only one idea, I had more like the pillars you use in the throne room, we can construct a couple more to support the city, or just place a low-level spell of gravity so no extra force is pushed on your rooftop, or suspend the entire structure transforming the solar energy into kinetic one or..." Twilight kept ranting until Vipral stopped her by placing a finger in her mouth. "I see you have thought about this carefully your highness" "I didn't want to harm anyone, I just met you but I wish to learn all about you! How do you have a day and night cycle without a sky? How do the runes work? How much have you learned from other cultures!? I wish to learn anything you can and more, I wish to help preserve your culture, and..." Twilight speaks still with the finger of Vipral on her lips. Said queen releasing Twilight's mouth and laughing "I see why my boy took a shiny to you. He too had a glimmer on his eyes and thirst for knowledge when he first discovered our kingdom" "So does that mean you would consider my proposal?!" She asks in excitement as Vipral chuckles at Twilight antics which remind her of a child in a candy store. "You sure have given plenty to talk about, and I would make sure to discuss it with the council first thing tomorrow" She replied with a small nod before her expression turned sober. "Speaking of things to consider, there is something you need to know about dating our race your Twilight. The fangs would be just the start. Now that Mark has placed his mark on one of our family treasures, called the druid tree. Next time you mate with him, a rune will show" Vipral explains pointing at her belly, particularly below her belly bottom "Said mark would officially mark you as his, similar to how you mares mark your stallion with your pheromones" Twilight chuckles nervously and looks away as Vipral continues. "Said marking would grant you access to the magic of runes similar to how Mark can use them, but I am not sure what that would mean for him. Maybe you in turn would share some of yours with him or nothing at all. Frankly, you would all be stepping into the unknown there" Vipral retract her hand and place it behind her back "And want to know if you would be ready to face whatever comes next should that ever happen and will you be ready for the responsibility of such blessings?" Twilight thinks about it before nodding and looking at her with determination "I do your highness, and I'm sure so will the rest of my herd. I am just curious about what is the policy with some friends with benefits?" "Oh?" Vipral questioned with a raised eyebrow and a smirk "Do tell me Twilight, are you considering asking for a deal with a Dralion priestess?" "I'm just saying! I mean our relationship is not exactly traditional and..." Vipral stopped her before Twilight could get red again. "Relax Your Highness, we are all living creatures, I know the idea of "having harmless fun" just know that if you wish to indulge in certain activities you should..." Vipral leans forward and starts giving some advice to the princess as she nods occasionally with a big smile. Hours later after dinner When it came time to say their goodbyes, Mark had a hard time getting Orus off of him as she refused to end the hug and she kept insisting that he should be in his room far away from the other mares. Luckily the other princess didn't share her line of thought and quickly assisted in breaking the two apart. "Ok, OK! I get it" Orus complained getting everyone away from her and cleaning her dress before approaching the two mares "Or rocky introduction aside, I hope you two have a nice sleep" She wished them with a warm smile before surprising the two with a group hug "Hurt him and I will eat your heads" The small warning plus the fact that she said it while keeping her warm smile was enough to tense the two mares as Orus pat each of their heads. "Have a nice rest brother, I hope you consider the walls can be thin and others might hear. Think about it before considering engaging in something that may be humiliating to..." Fang hits her side before she can continue "Orus! Stop being creepy!" Casket complains before dragging her away "You say your piece, now let's get out before mom hears you and grounds you" "Ok ok, Casket I'm going! Hard to walk when you pushed the air out of my lungs" Orus complained as the two left turning the corner, followed by the rest leaving only Fang and Cobraline behind "Sorry for that Orus can be a bit intense at times. Please ignore anything she just whispered to you" Cobraline apologizes and bows to Rarity and Fluttershy as they shake their heads. "It...ok, I think she only needs time to warm up to the idea of us" Rarity replied trying to be polite. "I think it kind of cute how much she wishes to be the protecting big sister" Fluttershy admits with a small chuckle. "Please don't encourage her" Cobraline begged and rolled her eyes "Anyway, it's nice talking with you, Mark" "It was awesome talking with you too girls the moment I can tomorrow all of us have plenty to talk about," Mark says grabbing the hands of Cobraline and Fang "Just us siblings, and I'm not only suggesting that so Orus can calm down but because well...I too would love to have some family time with us" The lamias remain quiet and smile turning their heads "I like that idea" Cobraline nods once. "I suppose if everyone else is going, I might as well go too, but is not like I want to or anything" Fang mentions turning around and leaving with the rest "Have fun, you crazy kids. Try not to break them bro" Fang jokes while waving at them with a hand. Once they left Mark chuckled with some embarrassment and blushed as they entered their room "Well I say today has been quite the revelation for all of us" Mark confessed looking away. "That would be an understanding darling, I must say, did Orus always this clingy to you?" Rarity asks sitting on a couch. "Believe it or not, at first it was quite the opposite, she was hostile and cold toward me at first, thinking I was some sort of spy or a thief wanting to steal something or reveal their secrets of Subquestria. It took me a while for her to warm up and give me a chance, then she started acting like my other friends...well, I suppose I should start calling sisters, all things considered. And even was so kind as to show me around and introduce me to a couple of friends" Mark explained sitting on the opposite side of the couch, he was a bit startled when Fluttershy sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder but he didn't pay him to mind and let her feel comfortable on the touch. "Orus is the most traditional of the family and I suppose seeing me changing the status quo set her off as it did with you girls, again I'm so sorry for everything that happened at dinner" "It ok Mark, I consider it cute, and a bit adorable seeing her wanting to be the big sister" Fluttershy dismissed his concerns as she sighed in contentment. "And you said it yourself, she eventually warmed up to you, I'm sure once the shock passes she will do the same to us, any parent would just love to have us as their in-laws" Rarity boosted on confidence making the two chuckle "I'm not sure you have to go that far Rarity but thanks" Mark starts to tense up a bit and looks away realizing there is a conversation they need to have considering the act they had. "Listen girls, about what happened at the table about well us...just put it out here, you don't need to do anything you don't feel comfortable about it, we don't need to do anything whatsoever, if you prefer I can take the couches and you can use the bed to rest. We can come up with something in the morning" The mares were a bit surprised blinking briefly while looking at one another before chuckling "Well I must say, that is very kind of you Marky, a true gentleman I say" Rarity mentioned with a kind smile "Worrying about your mare's feelings and not wanting them to feel uncomfortable, I say it kind of deserve a reward, don't you agree Fluttershy?" The mare in question nods and grabs his head with both hands forcing him to look her in the eyes "Indeed, and Pinkie gave us an idea that we have been considering since this morning too" "You did?" Mark asks in surprise at their sudden actions. "Oh yes, you see Mark, we are all friends here, and truth be told we have been feeling a bit...lonely sort of speak so maybe we could help each other having a bit of..." Fluttershy was inches away from kissing his lips when the doors of the room opened startling the poor mare that pushed Mark away and looked forward with an intense blush, feeling as if she was caught red-handed. "Oh good, did you tell him already?" Twilight asks entering the room carrying a bag full of ingredients, empty bottles, and a kettle. "They were doing so and I'm starting to get the idea" Mark replies still recovering from the surprise Fluttershy "Twilight darling so good to see you, are you feeling better?" Rarity addresses her with a big smile "Cobraline told us the details of what happened and how you were saved but a bit...indispose sort of thing" Rarity mentions with a blush that pales in comparison to Mark's own. "Twily what happen back then...I'm so sorry" The mayor rushes to her side and assists carrying her bag as she shakes her head and closes the door. "Don't be, the queen explain everything to me, and even though it was surprising..." She wraps her arms around his neck and brings him closer her eyes turning sultry as the mayor hears the door being locked behind the alicorn with her magic "...it just adds another log of wood in the fire. Remember what happened when I was presented with a new subject to study?" She ends her statement by briefly kissing his lips and whispering in his ear. "You could put out a forest fire with my crouch ever since you showed us the entrance of the city. Ready to unleash the beast big boy?" Smiling he brought her into another kiss and hugged her hips closer together making Twilight hum and giggle as they enjoyed each other lips before separating and joining their foreheads, mindful not to touch her horn, Mark growling briefly "God I miss your lips, but not as much as I miss making you bark in happiness my beautiful royal puppy" Mark smirks getting lost in the moment as his hands wander her back stopping before getting down until a purple glow forces them there, where he grabs hold of Twilight's ample and succulent flank grabbing a good hold of her flash making her flinch and giggle again. Returning to reality Mark separates their heads and looks at her in concern "But Twily what I do if I let go, how rough I can get...are you seriously ok with...?" "Oh trust me, darling..." Rarity appears behind Mark whispering in his ear as he could feel to masses pressing firmly on his back with big dots poking him and rubbing themselves against him. His excitement and surprise rose as he realized how the mare had taken off her shirt and bra "...we were warned, and now I'm more than curious about meeting this big bad Mark, Twilight seemed so enamored with" Rarity finished by blowing air on his ear making the mayor whole body shiver. "We are all friends here, right? And we sure trust you as much as you trusted us with your secrets Marky, so just relax and let us all have some fun too..." "I can't take it anymore!" Fluttershy finally exploits and tackles everyone from the side bringing them down "Surprise Mark could only look at her as she pressed herself against his crouch and grabbed his head with both hands more forcefully "Twilight Rarity, I'm a nymphomaniac, I love sex and want to open a brothel in the city! Please, my toys are no longer enough, it has been months since I had any intimacy! I need the real thing, please don't think bad of me!" She confesses to the four winds before bringing Mark into a strong kiss invading his mouth with desperation as the mayor tries to control the pegasus. "Flutter...wait...please...be careful...my fangs!" The mayor tries to warn her and try to push her away yet that only seems to encourage her as she firmly presses her tongue on the edge of his teeth purposely poking herself and bringing shivers to all of her body. Soon after she let him go with a loud pop while her body continued to shiver and she moaned. The mayor was starting to feel something wet on his crouch as he noticed a wet spot on her pants. Did...did she just cum from just a kiss? The other two mares could only blink in surprise at the confession yet their minds were soon clouded by the display as they smirked with sultry eyes "Twilight did the bag you brought have everything we need?" Rarity asks. "And more, she was kind enough to explain the antidote, how we can have fun, and the real meaning of 'marking' I will gladly explain with a visual aid" "Good" "Girls, I'm serious here, things might get even more intense considering my state" Mark warns them fighting a losing battle against his lust. "We are not fragile porcelain pieces," Rarity says while nuzzling the side of his head "We can take one good spanky, now please your Highness, bite me too," Rarity asks as she and Twilight start to land kisses all over his face while Fluttershy seems to get lost on her lust as well. "I'm sorry Marky, please don't be mad, I'm not like this but I...I need more!" She demands before diving for yet another strong kiss. Next Chapter, just a bit of clop jeje