> Alicorn Accidents (And How Not To Avoid Them, An Instructional Guide) > by Incandesca > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Step 1 - Diagnose The Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently, Twilight had been dealing with a particular little problem. She supposed however that said problem could hardly be called 'little' in any sense of the word. It was a common and recurring one, interrupting whatever activity she happened to be engaged in no matter the time nor place and required immediate attending to. What had once been the relatively simple task of going about her day, even as a new Princess of Equestria, had become more like a job where emergencies could burst through her door at any time. Tonight was no different but for when specifically it had come around to rear its flared, drooling head. "Unnngh, seriously...?" The alicorn groaned as she blinked herself into consciousness. Sleep still tugged at the corners of her vision and she didn't even need to look froward to know what the issue was. She could feel her not so little problem brushing against and lifting up her bedsheets the first second she'd woken up. "5:30? Ngh, I hope that means you're not gonna interrupt me later today..." Her cock responded with a throb, which was followed shortly after by the faintly audible churning of her nuts and the bubbling forth of pre that always accompanied it. Twilight's face contorted into a grimace, and she used her magic to rip the sheets off her bed before they could get any more stained. She really needed to put some enchantments on those things from now on, but then again her special dilemma usually preferred to make her miserable by showing up in the middle of a busy day. She shuddered. Stars above, she would never forget about that time last month when she'd gone shopping with Fluttershy. She could still remember the pegasus' blushing cheeks clear as day right before the girl fainted outright. "Guess I'll just have to deal with you now then..." Twilight sighed. Her tone was short and clipped, and it was at times like these she wished it could understand her irritation. She carried out her next preparations like a mare who'd learned them by muscle memory, and by this point she practically had. Arcane magenta surrounded her horn and slid open a bottom drawer, and from inside she yanked free a condom wrapper. It appeared mostly normal from the outset, but it and its siblings had all been modified with a spell to increase their elasticity tenfold. She'd decided to buy them after she'd completely soaked her comforter through for the third time in a week. "Okay..." She breathed. "Ooooookaaay..." Her words came away with a shaky quality. No matter how good it felt when she actually did fall into a rhythm, getting into it was always the hardest part. She knew it should have been easy for her given the simplicity of something as basic to being an adult as masturbation, but the stress that everything surrounding the action caused her now made it a bit more challenging. Shaking slightly, her hands reached forward and grasped the base. The sheer sensitivity of it made her gasp, and she drew back on instinct. She hated that. It meant that the problem was only getting worse and not better with time. It took her a few calming breaths before she steadied herself and went for it again. The second go around she managed to keep her hands in place, having to bite on her lip to suppress a whimper. She never remembered it being so receptive, even when puberty hit her for the first time. Touching herself almost felt like lightning now. She gave her rod a single pump, and that was enough to send an arc of pleasure rolling from root to end. The lightning sensation had nearly doubled, and it felt absolutely wonderful. It felt so nice, in fact, that Twilight was momentarily distracted just long enough for something to go wrong. With a buck of her hips and an open cry her balls roared to life and discharged a molten slug upwards through the length of her shaft's cumpipe. Too late Twilight realized what had happened, and before she could set up a counter a healthy shower of sludgey pre-nut splattered across her face and pillow. The coating was thorough and thick, and driven by her arousal her tongue darted out from between her lips to sample the gooey residue. It was salty, packed with enough sperm cells that it would have registered as one of her normal loads prior to ascension. This, she knew, because she had performed a multitude of tests on herself throughout her life. A normal pony may have found gathering such statistics strange, but she wasn't exactly a normal pony and frankly considering the circumstances those statistics had proved invaluable to her understanding of this whole predicament. ...even if she basically knew nothing about it beyond the fact it had something to do with her alicornhood. After re-organizing her thoughts, she floated the condom up to the peak of her staff and slipped it from the wrapper. Craning her head up to get a proper look at the monstrous thing, she found herself very thankful she had the magic to perform tasks like this. If she had to work it around her girth with her hands alone she knew she could do it, but she also knew it would have taken her a while. Its measurements actually would have made the job easier given it met level with her muzzle at full mast, but that was when it was co-operative enough that she could bend it against her chest. Tonight was not a very co-operative night, and she knew instantly from how hard it had been when she touched it that it wouldn't bow out under anything but its own weight. The rubber sleeve stretched wide, then tugged downwards until it had reached a few inches shy of Twilight's crotch. The magical grip holding it under its sway released, and it snapped as snug as a second skin to the cock's surface. Now that she'd laid the first pre-caution, she had to do the second. Up until then she'd never considered the possibility of having to do anything more, but after experiencing just how stiff and productive she seemed to be right now, she wasn't counting on her normal half-measures. A spell was cast with all the ease of a levitation aura that made Twilight Sparkle the Element of Magic, and instantaneously the entire room along with all its contents, including Twilight herself, were rendered waterproof. Now the fun could truly commence and, in spite of the sexual frustrations being an alicorn had wrought her over the past couple months, she was trembling with excitement. Here, in her bedroom, she could actually enjoy herself. She didn't have to be paranoid out in public fretting over when her skirt-lifting pants-shredder of a dick would start unsheathing its behemoth self. She didn't have to worry about whether or not any ponies saw it rising before she teleported away. And she didn't need to think about the time it took to tend to her business if she'd been in the middle of something important. Here, she was alone. No one would bother her and she made Celestia-damned sure of that by soundproofing her walls and locking the door. She could take all the time in the world and she could love every minute of it. If she was lucky, emptying herself tonight might even mean she wouldn't have to in the morning. She did rather doubt that, though. She generally won the jackpot if she only had to jerk off three times a day. "Heehee." Twilight giggled and drew her tongue across her cum-stained muzzle. She was already delirious with lust, knowing she could throw herself fully into the salacious deed. Most thought she was a bookish prude given her conservative dress and shyness from all things lewd, but that was far from the truth. In reality she was close to as kinky as a mare could be, and the only reason she avoided those topics outside her private home was because of how easy a trigger she was to pull. And when Twilight seriously got going? She could say from plenty of personal experience that it took a lot to get her to stop, and that was before ascension had essentially tripled her libido. "Mmnghmhmhmnn~" Shesounded, forming a series of noises that was caught halfway between a laugh and a humming moan. The hung bookworm was already stroking her shaft in a horny fugue state before she'd even realized it. Once she'd put her defenses up for what would no doubt be a very messy dark morning session, her body had received the signal to do as it willed. So she let it. Everything was taken care of to prevent a hassling clean-up and nothing was going to walk in on her. She wanted this. She needed this, and by Luna's moon was she going to get it. "I bet you're gonna make a big mess for me, huh?" Twilight crooned. The pressure she had on her prick's base strengthened, and she received her answer in the form of a wet splurt into the condom, which subsequently bulged at the tip. Her lips spread into a toothy grin, and her lids drooped seductively. Normally it took more than a few seconds of self-pleasure to get her so love-drunk, but she'd already accepted that tonight was not a normal night. She just didn't realize how far from normal it was going to get. "Yeah that's right, a big fat fucking mess. Mmmph...!" The next few minutes of Twilight's multi-daily ritual was lost to her in a flurry of dancing fingertips, pulsating flesh, and copious amounts of fluid. In the weeks since her rise to power, her dramatically heightened sex drive had made it necessary to relieve herself on so many occasions that unless one stood out in particular as especially embarrassing or annoying they all blurred together. This was different. Twilight probably would have rolled her eyes at the notion and pointed to everything that had led up to this being a change from the usual, but she was a little too wrapped up in the act to be a smartass. She had never once felt this good touching herself, even on the rare occurrence she used toys. There was a wide selection of fantasies that floated across her mind's eye as it always did, but beyond any new ones her methods were the exact same tried and true wway that she'd pushed herself to climax numerous instances prior. So then why was now such a deviation? "Ah!" Twilight's hips jerked, and a moment later she felt the flood coming. It was taking its sweet time to build up though, and she craved release in the moment more than she'd ever wanted anything else in her life. Every steely inch of dark purple fuckmeat resonated with energy as her digits dug with enough force into it to form divets. It was almost painful and dimly she knew she should have treated her goods a little kinder but she couldn't find it within herself to care. Finally, it arrived. The orgasm that had been gaining in her loins had grown to the extent they couldn't hold onto the pressure any longer. A shout rang from her throat, and her entire body froze into a bucking arch. Her hands too were utterly unresponsive, but it was just as well when the first gout of jizz burst from her crown, carrying enough force behind it that it stretched the rubber out by a foot. From there, the brain-blanking climax only continued. Rather than the rapid-fire succession of ropes each capable of filling a wine glass on their own as she'd come to expect, what met her was one long and continuous stream. Several times throughout the ordeal Twilight tried to keep track of how long it lasted, and each time her willpower or mental faculties gave out in face of overwhelming tides. After the fourth attempt she relented and let it happpen, falling back like a limp ragdoll with all limbs spread across the bed, eyes closed and mouth open in a drawn-out moan. It went on for quite some time, markedly longer than any she'd had before. Her spunktanks were not infinite however, and eventually the reserves ran dry. A series of shorter loads followed the initial geyser, and by the time Twilight regained enough control to sit up they'd petered out to errant dribbles. "Nnahh... hah... h-holy shit... ha..." Twilight caught her breath and planted her palms firmly on the mattress below, clutching at the bedspread to stop herself from tilting backwards again. She needed to recover after that, but she was rudely prevented from doing so as the shock of the best nut she'd ever blown gave way to a fresh one at seeing how full her condom was. Tonight was just full of surprises it seemed, and she got the distinct feeling this wouldn't be the last. Cautiously, as if she were afraid it might bite her, leaned forward and tugged the condom free of her pole - a pole which, she noted with no small dismay, was no less erect than it had been earlier. The sudden weight sagged the bloated container low, and she fumbled and nearly dropped it before getting a solid grip. With practiced motions her magic tied it shut, and she was left to hold it aloft like a bizarre curiosity before an enraptured audience. The condom was stretched nearly to its limits. She could tell by just how uniform the surface was when she prodded at it with her pointer. To her further amazement she noted her ejaculate was so viscous it gave way to her with some resistance. If she had to guess it seemed nearly as thick as a honey or syrup, leaving her only to imagine how virile it was next to her other loads. Its size was also great, more than a beach ball's in total, and she wondered if she might be able to calculate the exact percentage and ratio at which her output was expanding. Before she was able to ponder the possibilities of research, however, her attention was brought between her legs by a sudden and intense surge. It ran through her system like an electric current, and this time she wasn't able to keep her grip on the condom from slipping. Mercifully it landed on her bed with a hearty plap, but that was miles away from Twilight's present concern. Not only was she still rock solid, but her previously voided ballsack had completely refilled itself to the brim with seed. Her jaw went a little slack as her pupils shrank, and she muttered mixed 'no's and curses under her breath. It shouldn't have been possible. It was like she hadn't cum at all. Even the most productive and potent specimens outlined in the books she'd read on the subject had some kind of refractory period. "No, no, no. This can't... You can't... I just came!' Twilight flailed, throwing her arms up into the air in a fit. Her heart rate and breathing quickened, and she had to put both hands on her chest to calm herself down. "Okay, Twilight, okay... You're an alicorn. It makes sense you break the rules. You just have to take care of this for now so that you're not logging around a two-foot plus construction pipe and then you can ask Celestia in the most boring, medical, and totally not freaked out and ridiculously oversexualized way possible how to fix this. I mean, forget that she's basically the second closest thing you have to a mother besides your actual mom, haha!" Her right eye Twitched, and Twilight felt herself starting to hyperventilate again. Before she devolved into hysterics, she remembered what Cadance taught her years ago and forced herself to repeat it. She shut her eyes, and the first breath came in bringing with it all the tension and anxieties she had. She held them for a moment, then let it out into the world free of her body. She repeated it once, twice, three times and a few more until she was completely collected. Naturally, the first thing that greeted her upon opening her eyes was her streetlamp pillar of a marecock. She chewed on her lower lip, knowing what she had to do but reluctant to do it. She was frankly a bit scared that it might get worse if she kept going, and she had no idea how much time it would take before she was decent, but what other options did she have? She couldn't go out like this, and illusion spells could only do so much. Even if she shunted it off to a pocket dimension, she would still feel it and all of its demands. There had been one and only one time she'd tested that theory, and the sheer embarrassment from her red face and sputtering was almost worse than popping a stiffie for everypony to see. In the end, there was only ever really one choice. The second session of the night felt, somehow, even better than the first. As did the third. And the fourth. And the eighth. By her thirteenth climax in a row a quiet voice told her she should probably be very worried right about now, but the rest of Twilight was far too stranded amidst a raging sea of nigh-endless orgasms to hear it. It simply felt too fucking good for her to stop. The pace for her masturbatory frenzy was set by that point. She would open an unused condom, wrap it around her dick, jerk off, cum, then rinse and repeat. Each time she released another brand new batch of fresh and fertile fuckbatter into the world it was even more incredible than the last, and with each subsequent summit she hit her nerves became that much more hypersensitive. It was a vicious feedback loop, made all the more awe-inspiring by the fact that along with her raw pleasure, her loads were increasing as well. The sole reason the noise the condoms produced weren't heard as they strained louder and more desperately to hold onto Twilight's spooge was because her voice drowned them out. Were it not for what happened on her twenty-fourth, she may have carried on like that for hours. There's a limit to everything though, and the poor condom learned that the hard way in its last act of service. Creaking, the rubber thinned out with every passing second as unfathomable liters of warm cream pushed it to its margins. After fighting back valiantly the magically-enhanced contraceptive gave up the ghost and popped at a volume high enough that Twilight could hear. Alas she could do nothing to brace herself for the successive deluge, which exploded outwards in all directions and coated everything around in a film of white goo. At least it was, if nothing else, enough to snap her out of her madness. However dully in her blunted state of mind, Twilight patted herself on the back for having the foresight to waterproof the room. Freed from her own spell she thought that maybe, finally, she could rest. And that was when she realized her balls actually felt heavier. > Step 2 - Trouble-(Milk)-Shooting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stared in utter shock. Her gaze first went to her lap where a pair of overly spunk-fattened cauldrons rested, then drifted upwards to observe the still erect and twitching tower of horsemeat. The gears in her brain struggled to turn, then hitched to a stop altogether. Was she hallucinating? She blinked several times in the attempt to dispel the vision, then several more. Surely that was the answer. She must still be experiencing the aftereffects of a prolonged marathon like she'd just had. She had probably short-circuited her brain to no small degree during all of that. And yet, nothing changed. The darkened silhouette of her shaft continued to bob in front of her, leaking the clearish pre that slithered up from her orbs' musky depths. It stood out in more contrast to the rest of the room thanks to the condom incident, making it glisten from the moonlight streaming in with a fine sheen of white. The thing that struck her most in that moment was that, for some Celestia-forsaken reason she could not possibly comprehend, she was even hornier than she had been when she'd woken up. Her head felt foggier as well, and the detail was not lost on her that those two facts were directly related. Her nuts were even fuller, her cock even harder to the extent that it looked about an inch bigger, and the tingling centered between her legs had strikingly intensified. Twilight was frightened. Ever since becoming an alicorn she had been more prey to her baser urges than ever, but all that had ever done was get on her nerves or profoundly mortify her. Now, she was actually getting a little scared of her own anatomy. Just how far could this go? Clearly masturbation wasn't working. It was actually making things worse. Twilight took in a deep, long breath, flaring out her wings on the intake and slowly bringing them back to a folded position on the exhale. This situation was tricky, but she reminded herself that it was just a problem and that every problem she'd tackled had a solution. It was simply a matter of finding said solution and applying it. Scientifically, of course, disregarding the explciit details of said conundrum. What Twilight needed to do... was research. The kind of research she had in mind was admittedly the more hands-on approach, but it wouldn't be for the goal of achieving orgasm. In fact, she wanted to explicitly avoid that. She glanced over at the time, and yet again she was taken aback for two equally surprising reasons. One was that she'd been getting herself off for about half an hour, and two was that she'd only been doing it for that long. In the midst of her convulsing body possessed by the throes of an inequine number of stupidly huge loads it had feltlike much longer. Unfortunately that meant it was still too early for her to get up and enact some proper self-subject study. Her basic senses would have to do the lion's share of the work for the time being until she could get her hands on some non-biological equipment. Twilight's hands trembled unassuredly as she reached for her crotch. She was only meant to inspect, document, and nothing else. She kept telling herself that, and it certainly was her intention to do so, but a part of her was nervous that any contact at all might trigger further deterioration of her... condition. Whether that's what it was or not she didn't much care, because it sure as Tartarus acted like one. The second she did make contact she almost moaned. The barest and briefest of touches now sent waves throug her entire body, but she pressed on for the sake of getting to the bottom of this. She had to know more, and most pivotally she needed to fix it. She was Twilight Sparkle after all, the Princess of Friendship and Element of Magic who had beaten a whole menagerie of bad guys. Surely she could handle her own body. Carrying at the forefront of her mind a great sense of potential danger outweighed solely by one of urgency, Twilight moved her shaft out of the way with tentative care. Her right hand followed shortly behind and slipped beneath her massive sack, hefting it up and cupping her testicle. It was positively enormous. Just on its own it was, if Twilight were to wager, no smaller than a cantaloupe. With its twin in the picture, the whole set of them might rival the size of her own head. Twilight had always been a well-endowed mare, both prior to and after her ascension, but this was obscene. Its size was definitely not for show either. The subtle ache at the core of her two tankards was enough of a tip-off to their contents, but she could also feel it. She could sense how bloated they both were by placing her palm against it, and that case was communicated inarguably by their weight. Lifting just one of them up made that clear. It wasn't strenuous, but it was by no means easy. Were she ignorant of the surrounding information she might think of it like hefting a gallon of milk, but she knew better that they held well over that. As she was about to let it drop and move her investigation along, the sack suddenly tensed. The royal skin grew taut around each swollen sphere and made them look that much larger. That wasn't what blinded Twilight's attentions though, but it was the sensation that came with it. Remaining in her grip, they loudly churned and she could make out plain as a cloudless Ponyville day the palpable roiling of viscous liquid within. It didn't feel all that dissimilar from putting her hand against a washing machine when she thought about it. It wasn't a thought to last. The climax hit with as much power as it did without warning. Still holding her mast in one hand, Twilight's tent pole lurched forwards and brought her hips with it. Her balls seized madly, bouncing and throbbing in as perverse a manner as her spunkhose. And spunkhose was precisely the correct name for it. Between her howls, the reason for her keg's churning became evident. Her wide pricktip made a single half-pulse, and rocketing up from the bottomless pools of her nutsack came a fat streamer of steaming spooge. It arched high into the air, high enough that it splattered across her ceiling, and then rained down upon her in sheets. The thorough whitewash of her room carried on for what was incalculable seconds to Twilight's abruptly shattered psyche, and once the spout tapered off it was immediately succeeded by ANOTHER. Twilight's expression was that of a fuck-hungry madmare. Her eyes were lidded, crossing to focus on the jizz-spurting point that encompassed all she cared about. Her mouth was split into a maniac's grin, drooling at the sides and only breaking to give bliss-fueled vocalizations. All the while she jerked her hands up and down the monolithic length of her cumpump, never once slowing down motions so fast they became a blur. This was pure nirvana. She wanted it, and she couldn't for the life of her explain why it was she'd denied it to herself for so long. All she needed to be happy in life was to keep cumming, thrusting, and moaning, so that's exactly what she did. Her orgasm lasted for minutes on end. Each sloppy ejaculation was never less than a yard in length and five seconds in duration. One after they other they unleashed, some adding to the mess on the ceiling while others fell to gravity and moistly slapped wherever they fell. Through the sensations that came from relieving such incredible pressure, Twilight was gone. Her brain matter was rendered like slurry, making her face and movements that of a wild animal's in heat. For how long she remained in that state she could speculate with even less accuracy than her previous attempt to run through her whole stock of condoms. Time and thought was meaningless here beyond that which it abstractly took to make her gush again and again. During her fever, something tiny but frantic caught her attention. She was still Twilight Sparkle, the scientist and the leader. It took all the effort and willpower her colder, logical side could muster to make itself known, but it succeeded. Briefly, Twilight regained her lucidity. And ironically, that would be her downfall. Her first mistake was casting a spell. Magic was an inherent trait for all Equestrians, but it was without question stronger in some than others. Twilight fell into the former category. No longer just a unicorn, she possessed what was debatably the most power a pony could have, already so potent in the unicorn classification and now with the addition of the other tribes. That she was aware of. What she was not privy to was that, in addition to each of the three magics being tethered to their respective tribes, those magics had just as much of an influence over sexual prowess as anything else. The stereotype of the durable earth pony who could give or take for hours, the fast and fluid motions of a pegasus, and the methodical but blindingly intense sex a unicorn could provide were all generally true and existed with explanations that went past sociology. Of course, Twilight had all three, and she had just activated the last one without realizing. Her second and far more grave error was twofold. The foremost was invoking the arcane in her current state of mind, and the last was directing it at her already addled self. The spell wasn't a complex weave, basic enough that most unicorns could pull it off, but that was presuming normal mental faculties. She may have grasped at sobriety in passing, but it was as fleeting as it was colored by her emotions The purpose of the spell was simple. At its lowest form it would merely diminish, but at Twilight's it should have wholly eliminated sense of touch to wherever aimed. In this instance, she had intended for it to hit only her sexual organs. Instead, it blossomed from there to every nerve in her body. She had drawn too much mana and overdone it. Worse still was that, in her frantic scrambling to put it together, she had done it wrong. Rather than nullify sensation, it did the exact opposite. Twilight screamed, for that was all she could manage. Tears rolled down her cheeks like rivers, born from a mix of pure joy and unadulterated terror. She had made a grievous misstep, and she threw everything she had to reverse it. She tried a spell, then another, and another. Some hit and others did not, and they were all paltry in comparison now that she'd taken so much of her magic reserve. Even if she had the energy for another spell of that magnitude, her mind would likely fail in the attempt to wield it. The thought hit her that she had to do something, and she was more than a bit surprised she could still think at all. Finally, she recognized she required help. She couldn't solve this on her own and recent events made that so obvious it hurt. She needed someone else to fix her, but who? A word popped into Twilight's head. Drained. She needed to be drained. No, more specifically than that, with how many buckets of slag she was turning out she needed to be milked Milked, yes. She liked that word. Milked. It floated around in her consciousness momentarily before taking form, coalescing into an obsession. It rolled about in the confines of her skull and about her tongue, fat and lazy, but it felt right. Milked, milked, milked. She needed to be milked. The question was apparent then. Who would milk her? Aha! The light bulb went off in Twilight's head. That was who. Of course it would be her. Who else could it possibly be? It made so much sense, at least to a mind so savagely mulched as Twilight's. Applejack. She could milk her, right? AJ was a friend after all, and didn't friends help each other out no matter what? She was also strong, and with all that farm work she most assuredly had some strong hands too. She also raised cattle, so she must have experience with milking as well. Twilight drooled a little. Her orgasm had waned, but that hadn't improved her cognizance to any notable measure. In the afterglow, the nature of her perception had been merely altered from wild and frenzied to sluggish and dull. Present throughout was an ache for more, similar to but stronger than the one in her junk from before except everywhere now. It had the effect of further blunting her mental acuity, and that certainly wasn't being done any favors by fantasizing about her friend. And what a friend to fantasize about. Applejack was an attractive mare, or at least Twilight thought so. Of all her companions Rarity was easily the most traditionally beautiful, but when it came to the freckled farmer there was a kind of rugged simplicity and country charm she was compelled by. As the kind of Equestrian who worked out in the fields, Applejack had steadily but surely built up an impressive musculature which despite its firmness melded flawlessly into the plentiful, fertile curves that Apple Family gals were known for. AJ knew it too. She was proud of her well-earned figure and she made that understood by wearing the sorts of clothes that were simultaneously practical for hard labor and designed to show off. It wasn't exactly rare to find her out in the summer heat, wearing a white tank top and denim shorts that put delicious helpings of toned orange flesh on display, whether that was her biceps and midriff or her melon-crushing thighs. All that, and she had usually worked up a sweat that made the whole homegrown package shimmer in the daylight. Oh yes, Applejack would be the one to milk her. There wasn't anypony in the world who could do as good a job at milking her as AJ could. But that brought to mind another question. Applejack knew how to milk cows, and if Twilight was the one being milked... Was she a cow too? Suddenly, the resonant arcana in Twilight's physical form changed shape. Sensing her desires and crackling with unspent energies, it needed a place to go and a greater purpose to serve. Alicorn magic was not well understood by academia, and in the inexperienced hands of a young mare who had no idea just how different it was from the unicorn magic she was used to, it was unpredictable. If Twilight wanted to be a cow? Well, then Twilight's magic would make her one. "Ungh!" The first consequence of misused magics struck her like a bolt. Twilight's back arched as she grit her teeth, and without hesitation her hands shot from where she'd begun idly massaging her length to grasping at her breasts. They would be the first to change among others. The feeling of clutching digits at her chest was indescribable. It was as if the same sensations she felt in her cock and balls had moved upwards into her tits, taking with them pain and pleasure alike. Her immediate instinct was to start squeezing and fondling them, but the currents running to her brain and wreaking havoc therein locked her limbs into place. She was unable to will her body's movement, but somehow she was acutely aware of what happened next. It started with a faint pressure. It was profoundly subtle, but as seconds passed like minutes it began to grow in spread, budding from the depths of her bust and rising up to fill it. As the pressure swelled into being, so too did her breasts swell larger. It was slow for a short time, but before long it made itself undeniable. Soon, the pressure in her chest became an ache, and the primal idea that she needed to relieve them in some fashion passed her mind. For much of her life, Twilight had been jealous of the ample cleavage around her, whether it was her mother or mentor, friends or strangers. That had all changed when she ascended, and it was a welcome blessing no matter the difficulties posed by her increased libido. She had gone literally overnight from a petite-chested, twiggy beanpole of a mare to a buxom bookworm babe. Along with sporting a rack that rivalled Fluttershy's, the other lacking parts of her build morphed dramatically. Her narrow hips had widened, her skinny thighs touched one another for the first time in her life, and that was to say nothing of her brand spankable new bubble butt she could bounce a bit off of. There had been a minor hassle getting her wardrobe replaced, but Rarity's assistance had made the problem a trifle. Very quickly, Twilight was beginning to worry if she could find any normal bra that could hold her breasts back now. They grew in spurts, burgeoning forth and outwards with bountiful wobbling flesh after each pause. As soon as they would settle back into place, they would surge again and ripple like water balloons. No, not water balloons she realized. Milk jugs. The slosh from the most recent climb in cup size was what alerted her. As if on an intrinsic level, she just knew they had milk inside them. She wasn't allowed to process her realization as another hypothetical bra snapped before her eyes. They scaled the mountain of normal classifications in less than a minute. She'd begun with breasts each the size of dodgeballs, then basketballs, bigger than her head, and by the time they stopped expanding and jiggling and frothing with cream they had graduated to eclipse watermelons. Her nipples alone were huge, as wide as bottlecaps that jut out an inch from areolas thicker than soda cans. At the plump peaks settled atop mountains of titmeat, twin beads of white began to form. The sight of them made Twilight quake, that same feeling of fullness and too much pressure inside her heaving udders more than she could bear. And that's exactly what they were too. They were udders, no longer an average pair of ungodly masssive lovepillows. Yet another jolt brought her under the transformation's mercy. The energy sought another subconscious wish it could grant, and it executed it gladly. They were udders indeed, but the magic twisting Twilight into something else knew they could reach so much closer to that ideal. To her confusion, she felt the same tingling that had signaled her impending explosion in bra size, except now focused right below her knockers. That confusion was cleared up soon enough, making way for both horror and considerable arousal. The tingling coalesced into two distinct masses, and from there they took on tangibility. She couldn't see them past her shirt-ripping shelf until they rose to level out with the original, but she instantly grasped what they were. She now had a set of four boobs. Each were equally as mammoth in scale as the other, and each bloated with not a drop less of warm, fresh breastmilk. Her mind reeled at her new reality. What could she possibly say to that? What was she even supposed to think, let alone do? She made attempts to pry some sort of processing from her brain, but they al fell flat on their face. So instead, she went on autopilot and did what her subconscious told her to. She was finding it easier to let go of the effort that thinking demanded as time went on, and why not? It felt better when she just let things stay their course. She remembered the word. Two words, actually. First was milked, and then cow. She was a cow, and she needed to be milked, as much below as above. Twilight's limbs unlocked, and the first thing she did was bring them to the new top of her plush expanse. The most fleeting graze elicited a shuddering groan, and it carried louder and extended when fingertips met teat. Each point of contact was like electricity, and when her digits pinched and tugged the ripe nozzles it felt just as good or better than touching her cock. Her reward for doing so came in the form of milk and relief, spraying out into the air with more quantity at every subsequent pull. A dopey smile spread her lips, and she parted them with tongue outstretch to taste her treat. It was the perfect temperature and texture, smooth and creamy for common consumption. Now that she'd sampled herself, she couldn't resist pulling one tit into her mouth to greedily suckle on the purple rosebud and in a heartbeat it flooded her cheeks. She moaned and sealed her lips tighter, gulping the fluid down in thirsty swallows. Twilight didn't know what or why this was happening, but she couldn't care less by this point. All she wanted was more. More milk, more pleasure, more sensation. She dimly recognized it was alarming and still a problem, but the rational Twilight's voice was given less and less priority amid the mounting lust. Her engorged nipple popped free from her maw with a gasp. An errant squirt hit her cheek in the process, so she darted to scoop it into her belly. She would have continued feeding on her own life-giving juices, but something else had drawn her desires. Her cock. It stood tall and proud as ever, just as needy as her new fuckudders. Through typical means she could only focus on one at a time, but she had a solution in mind to fix that. Still panting, she refrained from touching herself for long enough to let her dick soften. It was a tough act to follow, but she knew the result would be worth it. Once flexible, she didn't wait a second more to bend the log toward herself. Gravity took over when she let go, and there was a resounding meaty whap as a column of horseprick snuggled itself between a squishy row of quad-teats. The great tower's fall sent off a shockwave through her tits, making the prodigious breastflesh ripple like water and buzz with borderline orgiastic intensity. Her mouth opened in a gratified cry, and was then stuffed by a flare that Twilight began to nurse with enthusiasm. In short order she was guzzling a steady drizzle of musky pre-nut and furiously working her tits by way of milking and squeezing alike, titfucking herself into a blissful emptiness. While she grossly indulged herself, the changes didn't stop. If anything they appeared to accelerate. Her cowtits had only been one among so many other vital modifications, and the magic was driven to see each carried out to the bovine end. In her current frame of mind, Twilight could only sense these further warpings of herself in abstraction, but the significance of them compounded in her mind. For every step she went through, the by now well-established idea that she was a cow was reinforced as it inched nearer to fact over fiction. Following but a stone's throw behind the staggering growth of her breasts was that of her flesh in all the right places a sultry mare should desire. All at once they slammed outwards, gaining speed and mass of curvaceous fat and muscle beneath to make her appear as the creature of wanton sexuality she was fast becoming. Her substantial thighs filled in more, leaving it so that no gap between them existed even at the knees, luscious and juicy. Her hips broadened with them, looking to be stretched outwards as well as pushed from the inside to gain a new width that could make doorframes creak. Last but not least was her ass, maintaining pace with her other assets to ensure an excess of cushion for the pushin'. The way they swelled and wobbled was identical to the way her bosom had, and once it jiggled into a stable position the cheeks hung over in a vast shelf of ghetto booty that would put Pinkie's to shame. All said and done, Twilight was now the proud owner of miles of supple lavender, coming together to form a figure that made her look like a pornstar's wet dream. Next impacting was a set of decidedly non-pony features. If Twilight was to meet her true potential as a cowmare, she needed to do more than imitate the part. Careless as to the signs of equinity they overwrote, a prickling tickled at various points across her that signaled incoming additions and changes alike. Her horns were the first to appear but the last to finish forming, starting as bumpy protrusions that gradually took root to make a cute pair of nubs. Beside them were her ears. Usually perky and upright, they first lengthened and then folded under themselves as they grew to large to be supported. Then there was her tail, colored shades of pink and purples cut in a straight line at the end. The dock extended outwards, and with every inch it took against her tail the more of her hairs were incorporated into it as short fur matching the rest of her coat. Once it traveled to nearly consuming the whole thing like a lit fuse it stopped, allowing a tuft of hair with the same attributes as before to swish about. Her face, fluted spire, and feathered wings made sure she was still recognizably a pony, but she had taken on an undoubtedly more bovine look. The final aspects of Twilight's cowification were purely aesthetic and additive in nature rather than transformative and functional, but they served the ultimate goal of making the once-pony as much of a hung heifer as possible all the same. The sweeping renovations to her biology was one important piece of the puzzle, but so was crafting the fantasy into fruition. When she had gone to bed that evening, as per usual since she'd started shredding her panties or pajamas in the middle of the night, Twilight had tucked beneath the covers without a centimeter of cloth above her save the covers themselves. As a cowgirl, the spell decided this simply would not do. From nowhere it conjured fabric as tangible as anything else, glowing with the magenta aura telltale of its casters magic. They appeared into thin air like a mummy's unwound dressings, one by one from top to bottom until they had wrapped themselves around, wedged between, or strained to hold. It was all black and white, blotches and spots on a background reminiscent of actual dairy livestock. Fingerless evening gloves adorned her arms. Thigh highs clung so close to her legs that ample thighmeat poured over the edge. Knickers that were for all intents string but for the minute patch of cowprint visible towards the front flossed her cumbuckets and flanks, and two matching micro-bikini tops bravely held off pounds of imposing breastfat, doing nary a thing to conceal her nipples alone. To cap off the slutty ensemble and complete the pornographic trope were not clothes, but accessories that materialized into existence one after the other. Starting at the high point of the cow was a nametag clipped into her floppy right ear. The magic worked its way lower following short behind with a nose ring, then a cowbell clasped firmly on her neck, and as an ultimate touch to the masterpiece it ended with nipple piercings shaped like large square doorknockers, each and every gained part a shiny silver. However, despite the extent of remodeling, the spell was not content to leave it there. Twilight had been changed inside and out on an anatomical level, but there was one more thing the wild mana had to do before it was quelled. There was one level deeper beyond the fur and skin and muscle and bone. There was a single, isolated, vulnerable thing that Twilight's magic had yet to mold and violate: her mind. Twilight herself was still too busy fucking her own milktanks and throat to take heed, but even once she did it would be too late. It was likely by that point she wouldn't even protest the idea of being so fundamentally altered., whether it made her a little dumber or as stupid as genuine cattle. Indeed, Twilight would keep her language skills. But higher thinking? The mere notion of it was off the table so far as the spell was concerned. Twilight wanted to be a cow, and that meant she needed to be a slow, dumb herd animal. A fog settled over her brain, cradling it in its wispy embrace as the haze crept into every nook and cranny her mind had to offer leaving nothing untainted. Her thoughts would become lazy, and in so doing her actions would match. The only thing that could ever stick with sharp detail in her head would be sex and milking and perhaps most importantly mooing. She would be dull, docile, and obedient. She would be sweet, affectionate, and almost innocent as much as her perverted form could manage. And above all, she would feel a simple joy and happiness in fulfilling her role and providing as much milk and cream as her body could give. It was with that blissful picture in mind that Twilight came. Her entire body was brought with the experience, and it was no longer her pump alone that would show its love. Her four udders joined in on the action, shooting jets of dairy out along with her gulping hammerhead. She produced so much, more than she ever had before, and that made her basic bovine brain smile knowing she was doing a good job at being a cow. After puffing up her cheeks in excess with plenty of spooge left to pour out the sides of her mouth, Twilight popped it free and let it spray into the air. Her now soaked bikini tops were adjusted next, moved to assure that her swollen hoses could do the same. From the point of her maw being freed she grinned, let her tongue flop out over her lower lip, and let out a low, loud "MmmmmMMMOOOOOOOooooo!" that didn't end until her climax had. Just like all her previous however, it would end. Her volcanic eruption of jizz and fire hydrant rivers of milk waned until they had tapered off to idle dribbling. For her part, Twilight was an absolute mess. Her hair was frayed, once intelligent amethysts glassy and dim, and there was less purple on her body than white. Giggling like a moron, Twilight brought her hands to her lips. Her tongue lashed out to clean the digits, gathering all the milk and marespunk that she could to feed her appetite. When she splayed them out she saw the gooey strands that connected them, and she thought they looked awful pretty. One by one her fingers were slid inside, lapped at, and released until there was nothing more to offer. She repeated the action by shovelings more from the other residue coating her for some time, and when she had sated herself with that her shaft was next to tongue bathe. She had to bend over to get most of it, but when it graced the cool outside anew it was glittering with spit. She laid there for a while longer, allowing herself to bask in the warmth of her recent orgasm. Whenever she so much as twitched or breathed she would set off another wave of rippling that swept up all her curves, making her moan and moo without fail. It took a great deal of effort for her to think about what she had wanted to do in that state, but she was a smart cow. She just had to try. At last her expression scrunched, then lit up with excitement. Applejack! That was what she wanted to do. She needed to be milked. Gosh she really was a smart cow. Umming to herself jauntily, the busty bovine swung herself over the side of the bed and prepared to depart. Scanning the room now shining with the early morning rays she also remembered how big a mess she'd made. She knew there was a spell that could help tidy it all up, but she couldn't remember anymore what it was called or how to use it. Surely she could clean it up manually on her own later. But for now? She needed a shower. She wanted to be fresh and spotless for her date with a certain apple farmer. > Step 3 - Diagnostic Error (Moo) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A light breeze gently rocked the fruit-bearing leaves of the Sweet Apple Acres Orchard as the dawn shifted to early morning, bringing to whomever entered the subtle scent of fresh apples. For the resident family it was a undercurrent they'd become used to, but the banality of it never stopped them taking pride in their uncanny abilities to grow the biggest, reddest, juiciest kind a pony would ever lay their eyes on. Magic was the only way to make an apple look as ruby gorgeous as an Apple Family apple, but it could never hope to replicate the taste and heart behind it. Today was the first of June, and for Ponyville's farmers that meant the start to a new harvest. Autumns were passable, winters challenging, and springs good, but summers were always the most productive for the Apples in particular. Their produce was at their best and their most plentiful, red dotting green to the point they looked like off-season Hearth's Warming ornaments. But with such a grand bounty came the demands of hard labor to reap it, and unfortunately for Applejack she was short of aid for the day. Granny Smith and Big Mac were both indisposed at a minor family gathering in Appleloosa, and although she could have asked her sister for a hand she wasn't that cruel. She could get her help at a later date. The first day of summer vacation was important for a growing filly to see her friends and have some fun. Besides, AJ knew well enough from experiences in the past that she almost always caved to Apple Bloom's puppy-dog face. As the country mare's right hoof connected with the trunk's base and pelted the ground below in juicy fruits, Applejack smiled in reminiscence.. She wasn't sure why, but her memories brought her back to when Twilight had shown up to their little slice of rural Equestria for the very first time. She could remember it like it was yesterday. As with so many others that came before her, Twilight too had fallen prey to the merciless filly's glimmering eyes and disappointed pout. Clung, clung, clung. Applejack's ears perked at the sound, stopping her midway through filling her buckets. Had one of her cows gotten out, she wondered? It had sounded exactly like the ring of a heavy cowbell. She stood still for a moment, swiveling her ears to listen for it again. She heard nothing, and so she returned to her work with a curious shrug. Clung, clung, clung. There it was again. Where in tarnation was it coming from? Scrunching up her snout, she pivoted her head to scan the horizon for anything amiss. To her confusion, she found none. Clearly she was hearing things. It was either that or one of her cattle was out and about again. She hoped it was the former, because she really did not want to deal with wrangling up one of them varmints today. Sighing, AJ reached down for one of the overripe looking apples into the waste bucket and- Clung, clung, clung. Furrowing her brow, a flash of irritation crossed Applejack's face. Now she was just getting ticked off. She didn't know which one of her livestock was stumbling around or what. Then she realized. It must have been Apple Bloom and her friends playing some kind of prank on her. That was the only explanation for the strange intermittence of the bell's ringing. Only a pony was capable of being 'sneaky' like that, quote-unquote. She flared her nostrils in mild frustration, but the unmistakable hint of amusement colored her voice as she turned on her heel. "Alright, ah dunno which one'a you's bein' a smart aleck but ah'ms tryin'a do work here, so you'd best-" Applejack stopped dead in her tracks, hooves glued to the ground like a statue's. Her eyes were wide and she was vaguely aware that her jaw hung slack. It couldn't... this didn't... She wasn't... "Twilight?" She asked in a shaky, feeble voice. "Is... is that you?" Twilight looked at her friend through heavily lidded eyes, an empty yet desperate expression painted on her face. She was panting like a dog, flat equine tongue flopped over her chin in a futile attempt at cooling herself down. Ever since she'd taken her shower she'd continued on being horny, and if she tried thinking about it really hard she was pretty sure she came a couple times in there as well. Once she'd started making her way to the orchard, things hadn't gotten any easier for her. The sun was early in the sky, but it was nonetheless a hot day to begin the summer months. With her sheer arousal playing Tartarus with her body's systems and raising her temperature, by the time she reached Applejack her lavender fur was covered in a faint sheen of perspiration. The alicow was also stiff as a board, her hung spire of weighty maremeat sticking out from her loins like a javelin, it too along with the pendulous hangers below glittering as the light bounced off its dewy coating. Her ramrod had stayed mostly soft up to that point even with every hoofstep making her ample meat jiggle and tingle, but that had changed when she spotted Applejack and her toned body working up its own sweat. "Mooooooo..." Twilight said, tipping her neck towards the ground as if the act of it drained something from her. Her head snapped up, and she shook her head slowly enough her cowbell only clunked a few times. "Y-yyes, I'm... Twilight. That's mmoo... m-me." Applejack seemed horrified, although Twilight's thoughts were too foggy to tell. Her rudimentary brain was suited far more for admiring her soon-to-be milker's frame than it was pondering over the complexities of social interaction. "Mmooo." Twilight replied, hands driven towards her crotch and tits as she devoured every scrumptious detail on display. Today the farmpony wore her trademark stetson as per usual, along with a red plaid shirt rolled up to the elbows and tied beneath her chest. It was a tight fit, carrying out both the purpose of pushing her sunburnt orange cleavage together and exposing her midriff's faint abdominal musculature flawlessly. It was perfect for her, practical and sexy just like the mare herself. What caught Twilight's attention the most however lied below her waist. A pair of cutoff denims hugged her bucking hips snuggly, and the belt and buckle looped around it hardly seemed necessary for keeping it in place. The accessory completed the overall rough cowgirl look AJ had going though, but while Rarity would have complimented it Twilight cared solely with regards to the protruding bulge that strained the canvas. It was immense, probably as large as Twilight's own. Considering that Twilight had only gotten to be so endowed from her ascension, seeing a package of such selection on a normal pony was truly noteworthy. "Twilight? Twilight!" Applejacked shouted, snapping her fingers in front of Twilight to get her attention. She stopped her self-fondling for a moment and remembered that tugging at her own teats and stroking her own shaft was still considered rude. "Get a hold of yerself! Ah dunno what happened to you or what's gotten into you but we gotta figure out how to fix whatever..." She gestured vainly at the cow's ridiculous, obscene form. "... whatever this is! Got it?" She asked. Twilight just stared blankly and blinked a few times. "Ah said do you got it?" Applejack said more firmly. Finally, she managed to get a response. Twilight nodded her head slowly, and felt bad her mind didn't work so good anymore. It made her feel nice, but it was annoying her good friend and that wasn't good at all. "S-sorry Applejack... My head is... real fuzzy." AJ sighed, a pang of sympathy flashing in her earnest emeralds. She went to put her hand on Twilight's shoulder to reassure her, then pulled back as if she were afraid of touching her. As far as she knew, whatever had turned Twilight into a perverted bovine mockery of herself could be contagious. "It's alright sugarcube. Ah'm just a little... uh, taken back's all. Do you remember what happened to you? Was it Discord? Ah bet it was him, wasn't it..." Twilight answered in the negative, smiling dopily as the memory of an hour or so prior came back to her. "Nnnuh-uh. Iunno what happened. I think it was me? I think... Something with magic? It felt really magic-y. I was super horny because ever since I got wings I've been really horny and I woke up and needed to cum so I did but I was still horny, so I tried to cast a spell and then I kept cumming and turned into this!" Twilight grinned broadly, bouncing on her hooves and pushing out her wildly rippling double-chest as if she were proud of it. Which, frankly, she was. When it came to being an excellent dairy cow, she was simply the best there was. There wasn't a single bovine in all of Equestria nor beyond that could compare, and that Twilight was certain was an irrefutable fact. "Oh! That reminds me!" She chirped, wrapping her knuckles against her skull like a door. "I'm still, uh... R-really horny and my milk jugs-" She took a hold of her purple, cowprint-clad shelf from the bottom row and hefted the whole thing up. The sloshing they produced was audible even from a distance. "My udders are full, and you're really good at milking because you have cows! I, uhm..." Twilight blushed, squeezing her thighs together and fidgeting uncomfortably. Her shaft bobbed and swayed with the motions, glue-thick pure white spunk drizzling from her flareslit. "C-can you milk me, AJ? P-please? They're so full and every time I try I can't drain them..." Applejack stared unblinking at Twilight, completely dumbfounded. Struggling with a loss for words, she opened her mouth many times but nothing came out, giving her the appearance of a gaping fish. She was floundering, so it wasn't an unearned comparison. "Ah-" She started, but Twilight cut her off with a pleading look in her eyes. "Ah... o-okay. Yer... yer sure there ain't anythin' else ah can do to help you? Nothin' at all? Shouldn't... shouldn't we write to Celestia or somethin' first?" Twilight shook her head violently, eliciting numerous rings of her bell in the process. "No no no, she can't... she can't see me like this. You have cows, you know how to milk things!" She explained, pointing a finger at her as if leveling an accusation. "Y-you're the only one. Please, I need this. I'm s-so... mmmmooooo... s-so full." Applejack still seemed hesitant, so Twilight pushed further. She'd been waiting to get milked by Applejack for what felt like days now, and she wasn't going to let the opportunity pass her by now that she nearly had it. "Mmaybe... maybe if...I was thinking if you... mmmoo... M-milk me, that the magic will rev... reg-... change back? As if Applejack's shock had prevented her from being embarrassed, finally accepting what she needed to do brought a scarlet tinge to her freckled cheeks. She tipped her hat down to hide her eyes, and sucked in a breath to steady her frayed nerves. "Alright, Twi. If... if you think this'll help ya then ah guess ah gotta try. But if yer still like this I'm roundin' up Spike to message the Princess, y'hear?" Reluctantly, Twilight nodded. She knew to some extent that she wasn't supposed to be like this, but a not so insignificant part of her liked it this way. Not being smart enough for deception a look of guilt crossed her features, but Applejack didn't seem to notice. In truth, she was secretly hoping the hypothesis was wrong and she could stay like this forever. "Hooookie dokie then, guess we oughtta get this wrapped up quick as a cobra. Barn's over here. Just follow me and you'll be fine. This'll all get sorted out, ah just know it." Twilight tailed closely behind as Applejack led the way, antsy with the anticipation of finally having her simple-minded farm animal desires answered. Each hooffall was enough to send her bountiful meat wobbling and her purple pillar swinging this way and that, bombarding her brain with pleasurable nerve signals all over again. Every once in a while she would catch Applejack looking back to check on her, and when their eyes met she would immediately snap her head forwards with a violently red face and sheepish expression. Twilight didn't mind one bit. She would just beam at her and wave, oblivious to her friend's embarrassment. For her own part, Twilight was getting quite the show herself. Only having to worry about looking forward and keeping pace, her eyes were glued to the generous backside the southern mare had on display. It was fat and expansive like her own, with the shorts clinging tighter against the haunches than her hips in the struggle to keep it at bay. Her flanks were almost fully uncovered and left her cutie marks bared to view at her discretion, and Twilight currently had none. Unlike her own ample rear though Applejack's was more firm, flexing slightly with each stride taken. Oh Celestia, if only she was still smart. If she was she could probably write a whole thesis on that choice Apple Family ass. Despite her inability to articulate herself to that degree however, she was satisfied just to watch it. It made the perfection distraction to pass the time, and although not a long walk it went by that much easier with that apple-presser bouncing in front of her. "And we're here," AJ announced, bringing the alicorn to a sudden stop that nearly made her bump into the farmer's back. Following her gaze, Twilight took in the structure before her. It was similar in most ways to the other on the property, but it was notably larger and behind it stretched a wide perimeter of white fence. "We keep our cattle out there." Said Applejack, nodding her head in the direction of the grassy fields, then motioned back to the barn's entrance. "But here's where we bring 'em in fer everythin' else. Winter, night time, and, uh... milkin'." Twilight mooed excitedly at hearing her say the word, and AJ could only manage an awkward smile as she pulled the doors open for Twilight to enter. She did so, and Applejack walked in beside her. Lining the walls to the left and right were pens, the floors all strewn about with dry straw. She breathed in a rich, earthy scent that made her feel at home, and the golden light streaming in through the windows high above compounded the cozy warmth blooming inside her. It just felt... right. "Over here, Twi!" Applejack called. Brought from her temporary trance, Twilight muttered out some inaudible apology and made her way to Applejack. She stood to the side, tugging on a pair of brown gloves that went partly up her forearms. Once secured, she patted the iron bar next to her to beckon Twilight over, who did so gladly and without question. "This here bar's usually fer..." AJ coughed. "Pairin' up our bulls 'n cows, but it should be high enough fer you to hold onto. Just put yer hands... right there, there we go... and we can get started. I got a couple buckets outside so lemme get those real quick. Now you just holler on over if'n ya need anythin', hear?" Twilight confirmed with a nod as she settled in, her tufted tail flicking behind her. The itch that had been steadily growing within her was almost unbearable now, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she got what she needed. Bent over with her legs spread, she watched as Applejack left, then returned shortly after with four metal pails in tow. Just looking at them and the strong mare who held them was kicking all her various factories into gear. She was so excited her grin could barely contain it. Rounding the bend, AJ set all four buckets down, one beneath each of Twilight's breasts. With the position she was in and the pendulous way they hung down from her torso, they really did look like udders. As much as Applejack was hesitant to, she was going to have to touch them in order to make Twilight normal again... hopefully. Next, Applejack paced around her charge and stood behind her, bending over to get a decent leverage. She would much rather have squatted down to do the job as she usually did, but there were numerous differences between an actual four-legged cow and a cowified alicorn that made it easier to do it this way. "Just tell me when yer ready, Twi. Ah'll be sure to go easy on ya, but if anything ah do hurts ya'll just let me know and we'll stop, okay?" Twilight answered in the affirmative and said "I'm r-ready.", voice quivering on the edge of joy. She could feel Applejack's hands close to her tits now, so very close to her aching nipples. Finally, finally, finally she was going to be milked. She'd thought about it nonstop ever since she'd been turned into her current self, but none of her fantasies could ever compare to the real thing. She was going to be harvested for her delicious dairy like every proper cow should, and whether or not she went back to normal at least her bosoms would be relieved until they filled up again. Cautiously, as if she were handling a fragile package, Applejack's gloved hands moved to peel away the fabric covering the bovine pony's royal teats. They were thoroughly stained with her milk, neither her mammaries nor testes ever once letting up on anything less than a trickle no matter the amount of stimulation. AJ's aim was simple here. First she would empty out Twilight's top shelf, and once that was done she could move on to her second. "MOOOOOOO!" Twilight shouted as soon as Applejack's fingers met her stiff peaks. The feeling was like an electric shock to her body, and she subsequently convulsed for a few seconds afterward. AJ pulled away out of reflex, but Twilight wasn't in pain to any degree. Once her curves settled into place again and it was clear Applejack hadn't caused her distress, she put herself atop the mare once more. Twilight mooed again, letting out a long groan of pleasured relaxation as experienced digits began to work their magic upon her sore teats. First they would clutch at the base of her nipples, then with a twist they would yank down in a harshness that Twilight did not expect. What surprised her most was that, despite the roughness, it didn't hurt at all. Instead, the only feeling that flooded her brain was a deep and overwhelming sense of relief, bringing with it twin jets of milk that shot into the buckets below. Although her gaze and soon her thoughts became unfocused, she made her best effort to look down at the shiny containers she was working hard to fill. With each tug more white would splash into the rising pools, and even between when Applejack wasn't actively pulling on her nozzles there was a generous dribbling into them like a drip-drop, drip-drop, drip-drop. Twilight's head lulled to the side, her grip tight on the metal bar but the rest of her muscles loose and lazy. She didn't even want to expend the energy on holding her face up, letting it fall along with her jaw and tongue. Tsssshhhhhh.... drip-drop, drip-drop, drip-drop, drip-drop. Those sounds, and the unforgiving but rhythmic motions of AJ's hands were fast lulling her into a state of dull bliss. It reminded her somewhat of how she'd felt after waking up from anesthesia, leaving the world around her in a hazy dream-like space that her mind was merely along the ride for. Although similar, this was also markedly different. There was no numbness or dull pain, nor was she sensitive to the light. She was fully cognizant of her entire body, most especially her top two jugs, and the itch that had been in the back of her brain for ages had finally been scratched. She felt like everything was right in the universe, like she knew exactly where her place was and that that place was right here, having her mammoth tits bottomed out to store in bottles for her... owner? Yes , that seemed right. Her owner. She was a cow, and Applejack owned and milked cows, so what other answer could there feasibly be for why Applejack was milking her? The explanation was simple because, obviously, she owned her. Somewhere in Twilight's psyche, buried deep below layers of subconscious desire, the previously dormant magic stirred. Sensing the new thought process, it cradled it in its arms and pulled it into itself. Twilight had already been completely reshaped by its will, but now she wasn't the only one who it could target. With discerning and unseeable eyes, it peered into the one behind its host and creator. Now that Twilight believed Applejack should be her owner? She would be. "Almost there, sugarcube... Just got yer last pair and we're done." Applejack sighed. Twilight was too busy beaming with pride at the buckets filled to the top with rich creamy milk, but she could hear the relief in her voice. She wasn't sure why it was Applejack that would be relieved, but- Oh. Maybe that was why. Giggling, Twilight flicked her tail upwards and pushed her rump back against AJ's crotch. It was subtle enough she wouldn't know it was intentional, but forcable enough she would definitely feel it. Applejack blushed even harder, suppressing the grunt that threatened to escape her as the cow's pillowy purple cheeks pressed to her bulge. To her dismay she had started unsheathing and growing hard during the whole ordeal of milking the alicorn. It was hardly like anypony could blame her, but it didn't save her any peace of mind. So far as she was concerned she wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible. Little did she or Twilight know that it wouldn't be long before she would want the polar opposite. Twilight's mind dipped right back into the lake of placid domestication when AJ moved down to milk her second row. Now that she knew Applejack was horny for her however, she would play a bit more of an active role by bumping her hips back every now and then to brush the farmpony's denim-straining tent. That was when a recent memory entered Twilight's head. Applejack had said something about the bar she was using to hold herself up usually being used to pair up bulls and cows. So then... what if Applejack was her bull? She was already her owner, and in nature it was common for the owner to be the one associated with more... masculine features. That made it make even more sense. Applejack was tall and strong, maybe not as tall as her but that was only because Twilight was an alicorn. Up until her ascension Applejack was also the one with the bigger cock, and even now she was clearly the most physically fit of the two. The only other in her group that could come close to measuring up to her standard was Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow was more suited for athletics and speed than raw strength and backbreaking labor. "Phew... is it gettin’ a mite hot in here or is it just me?" Applejack asked, wiping an arm against her forehead. Beads of sweat were starting to form on her body, trickling down slowly from head to hoof as if she'd just come out of the shower. Unbeknownst to her, it was the first sign of Twilight's magic molding her into a new and superior form. She would take longer to transform than Twilight due to their differing arcane components, but she would be transformed all the same. Twilight's magic had made her a prodigy as a unicorn, and as an alicorn she had an even deeper, more potent mana pool to draw from. Whether she could actually control it or not hardly mattered. As Applejack returned to tugging on Twilight's teats, the magic saw its first opportunity - the first aspect of her body it could focus on. If this mare was going to be slotted into the role of Twilight's bull, she would need to look the part just as much Twilight did a soft and docile cow. Working on her arms like clay, it was to Twilight's utter delight as each repeated motion she'd gotten used to for having her owner drain her swollen udders became rougher and more unrelenting. Too concerned as both she and AJ were with other things, neither took notice as the rough and tumble country mare's musculature began to bulge and sculpt itself into something truly magnificent. Triceps and biceps and everything inbetween pushed out like rippling stones, padding her body with hardness to show off not just how fit she was, but to communicate her superior bull status. Once it reached her chest, the toughening physique dispersed across her entire body in near visible waves. Her shoulders grew wider to accommodate for the coming changes while also having the benefit of letting her carry more and heavier objects. The quaint trimness of her tummy became like steel, each row of abs popping up from top to bottom until they looked prominent enough to shred diamonds with. Her thighs were not lost in the changes either, swept up to become bulkier and wider so that on top of bearing her larger upper half she could applebuck with far more ease than ever before. That done, the magic settled down in satisfaction, Applejack looked like a genuine adonis of a mare. Even Big Mac, the famed strongpony of the town and her family, would have been outshone by her level of fitness. Speed was even less her strong suit now, but the ability to rip a tree from the earth without much effort made that sacrifice easier to bear. The simple act of breathing was now enough to make her abdominals bulge, and bringing up her arms to adjust her hat would make all its freshly acquired muscles flex. Well--slicked with salty wetness, her herculean body was brought into an even starker, glistening contrast next to Twilight. However, now that Applejack's physique had been brought to the pinnacle, the difference between herself and Twilight in terms of height became far more difficult to ignore. For the binary roles Twilight had unconsciously set in her mind, this simply would not do. Her magic obeyed the command, and so in seconds it would ensure Applejack stood head and shoulders above her alicorn heifer. Inch by inch she would creep upwards, quickly gaining on Twilight's stature until she well surpassed her at a boggling seven foot eight - a full foot taller than Twilight. Keeping up with AJ's increasing stature all the while was also the set of plowing tools between her legs. Although never changing in proportion against her body, it changed with it, making certain it would overshadow Twilight's heft along with everything else regardless. This would also prove to be the final straw for her shorts' pitiful efforts at caging her homegrown beast. All her clothes had become uncomfortably tight and straining from her muscles alone, and once her stature began to rise they began to rip and tear from the stress. Her denims easily received the worst end of the bargain though, and when it at last gave way to its immense prisoner it tore Applejack's thoughts as violently as her exploding cock tore apart the fabric. "W-what... what in the hay?" Applejack sputtered, pupils shrinking as she looked down at Twilight no longer, but at herself. She took in the changes to her body - the way it tensed and resonated with unbeatable power, the way the ground looked further away now than before, and most distressingly how her burgeoning horseprick plapped into the deep fissure of Twilight's ass and left the lavender meat jiggling like gelatin. That little intrusion had also been what it took to yank Twilight from her own mental fog, turning her head to look back at the chiseled southern goddess hotdogging her cheeks. Twilight deigned to say something. She knew she was supposed to. What it actually was she wasn't sure. Was she supposed to comfort her? Ease her worries? Flirt with her, maybe? A compliment always did well to make friends and cheer ponies up, especially big beefy bulls like AJ who clearly deserved the praise. Instead, all that came out when she parted her lips was a dumb, yearning "Mmmrroooooo...!" of much pleased enthusiasm, her cow brain instincts flicking off any and all scraps of sapience she would otherwise possess. Her bull's presence was enough to shut her down. "No, no... this ain't right, Twi, ah-" Applejack was cut short as Twilight began to roll her hips against her, squeezing her impossibly plush mounds around her hefty shaft. Applejack reflexively gripped the bovine's broad hips to pull herself away, but she didn't. "W-what the buck's goin' on?" Applejack breathed, knowing she needed to escape some time ago but for whatever reason finding herself unable to. Her digits dug firmly into the vastness of Twilight's flesh, but they would not respond to her will beyond groping it. Sweating profusely not from the heat but pure adrenaline, she redoubled her last ditch attempt to free herself from her bootiful prison. "Come on, come on... Gotta... g-get... out...!" To Applejack's incredible relief, she felt the magnetism tethering her in place beginning to give. One by one her fingers pried off Twilight's hips, but just when she thought she was about to sever the strange connection something buzzed inside of her mind. Twilight hadn't been able to escape her changes, and neither would she. Before Applejack could panic again, the magic tried to soothe her worries. Like knots under the care of a masseuse's skillful hands they melted away, easing her back into place where she could more comfortably hold onto her cow. Twilight was fine, and so was she. They were both better off as what they had become and, in her case, what she had yet to become. She would be made just as horny as Twilight with the same insatiable lust, but unlike Twilight she would not be so docile and complacent about her lusts. She was a bull, and as a bull she would take exactly what she wanted when she wanted it. With Twilight around, satisfying - if only briefly - her arousal would be much simpler a task. She owned Twilight - her mind, her body, and her holes. She would take care of her and milk her since she could no longer do so herself. Where Twilight was stupid and servile, she was dominant and aggressive. "Hnngh... fuck you got a fat ass..." Applejack growled, leering down at the handfuls she had spilling between her fingers. She squeezed them roughly and with little care beyond preventing permanent damage. She didn't have to fret about going too hard on her livestock, especially when said livestock liked it that way. "Bet yer just lovin' this, ain’tcha?~" Twilight gave her reply in the form of another delighted moo and a sharp clapping of her weighty asscheeks. Applejack grinned, clutching more fiercely at the heifer's meat before rearing one hand back high into the air. It came down a second later with a lightning-loud whipcrack which left waves of purple booty rippling outwards like a large stone tossed into a lake. Twilight's eyes went wide and her jaw opened up, eliciting a gasp of surprise. "Mmmmh, yeah... That's what ah like to hear! Such a good 'lil Bessie you are..." Purred Applejack, looking down at her prize with a hungering gaze as her rapidly stiffening cock ground itself against that canyon of flesh. Her shaft had long since drawn itself from her sheath, but with each roll of AJ's hips it grew by another undulating, vein-riddled inch. Twilight was still big down there, but her bull was even bigger, as she should be. The sheer weight and heat rolling off the thing against her back's sensitive skin made that crystal clear. "Mmmh... wonder if ah should call you that... Would mah dumb 'lil mooslut like that? You wanna be called Bessie, girl?" Applejack punctuated the question with a particularly hard thrust, drawing a groan from both mares as Applejack's laden orbs smacked Twilight's equally heavy own - only as large as her superior's so she could provide her with gallons of cockmilk. The question wasn't that hard for her to answer. In fact, it slid in and clicked into place as if she had never known anything else. Twilight felt unnatural, somehow wrong. Twilight was a pony's name, and she wasn't a pony. She was a cow, and Bessie was undeniably a cow name. "Moooooo!" Bessie called, so happy about her new, infinitely more fitting moniker that her entire slab of maredick jumped up and slapped the underside of her chest. Applejack leaned down to her ear and whispered: "That's a good 'lil Bessie... Ah knew you'd want that. Yer gonna make the best dang cow this barn'll ever see, but ah'm gonna be its best bull~" Straightening back up, Applejack returned to her rhythm, gliding her orange fuckpole back and forth against Bessie's asscrack like a seesaw. Every handful of thrusts brought an increase to her pace, and each powerful throb of her massive tool led to another schplurt of hot sludgey pre-slop to glaze Bessie's back. And as she continued her motions, she began to change further. The first of it came to her body. While her sculpt and stature had been brought up to the level expected for a hung shebull, she yet sported the proper look of one. Exactly like that which had happened to Bessie, she would gain fresh, better bovine features from her ears to her tail. In contrast to Bessie's rounded cow nubs however, Applejack would receive those of an actual bull's jutting out from her skull. She wasn't even conscious of the additions transpiring as they grew into place beyond the faint buzzing, but she wouldn't have minded either way. With her bull horns, in fact, she would be quite pleased. A proud bullstud like herself needed such boastful handlebars to cement her place as the unquestionable alpha. The second set of changes came to Applejack's ensemble, although her hat remained untouched by the magic save for sizing it up to fit her grander height. The fabric already available provided for easier manipulation, her shirt and shorts shrinking and morphing into a microbikini top and thong. While new cloth was woven into being by the magic for her legs, her gloves were stretched and extended to form a pair of evening globes and thigh highs. It was all cowprint matching Bessie's, but to make her stand out in place of Bessie and any other cows she might be able to recruit hers were white splotches on black rather than black on white. Third and last but not least came the apparel and accessories. They were all the same as Bessie's in gold rather than silver, with the exception of two. Her cowbell was both larger and heavier on her neck than Bessie's, serving both to signify her status as the larger and superior bovine and to create a louder, bassier clung to more readily denote her presence. As for the eartag, she lacked it entirely. As the bull and owner she had no reason to wear one, but for her cattle? It would make it much easier for her to keep stock. "Ungh!" Applejack grunted. Now that she had fully embraced her role, appearance encapsulating it to perfection, any inhibitions she still had were less tossed to the wayside and more forgotten altogether. The speed of her bucking picked up dramatically, the beat of her heart leading to throbs so hard her cocklength jumped into the air and slapped down onto Bessie's back with a heavy thud. Applejack could see and Bessie could feel as the deep ochre horsecrown flared broad, ready to plug and impregnate some fertile breedhole. With the bull's orgasm soon approaching, she became increasingly feral and animalistic, grunting and snorting and huffing like a wild beast. Her fingers sank as if roughly kneading dough into the cow's hips, and forced her back as she moved forward with more impact than the cow had been giving her. They nonetheless moved in unison, one drained and satisfied and the other who still needed her own milking. Thrust by ass-jiggling, pre-inducing thrust, both Bessie and her owner could feel the edge drawing nearer. The only thing more erratic than the pulse of that tumescent log were Applejack's movements. Even Bessie felt like she might cum, those sagging spunktankards plapping against her taint and intermittently her nuts proving to be more than enough stimulation. Alas, Applejack hit her limit before Bessie could. She didn't mind too much, though, knowing she would inevitably receive her own proper dickmilking eventually. Suddenly, snarling, Applejack grabbed at Bessie's sides and yanked her backwards with relentless power. In less than the blink of an eye, Bessie's back was thoroughly slathered with white. The ropes came hard and fast, some shooting straight out and others veering off to the side and arcing up and landing anywhere else but Bessie. Flaring her nostrils and puffing steam out like an actual bull, AJ held her there and refused to let go. Bessie's tail just swayed and flicked happily at the sensation of her fur being coated with hypervirile semen, even wrapping the length around Applejack's base to give her a few strokes in the hopes she might squeeze out more. It was so warm, so thick, so sticky. By the Sun and Moon above, she wished she could bathe in it or at least drink it. Or even better, feel it creaming her tight asshole until her gut swelled and rounded out like a pregnant breeding sow. Just the mere notion of being heavy with burgeoning life and healthy calves was almost enough to make her cream on the spot. It wasn't until several moments of the two bovine mares huffing heavily before Applejack began to slide out the spunk-slathered canyon. The coating was so absolute that in its wake were made the sloppy sounds of slime squelching from being displaced. "Ahhh... ya'll did a real nice job there Bess girl..." Applejack praised with an elongated sigh, patting the cow's bubbly butt like a cherished pet. "If only ah could breed you nice 'an proper. Real bull's responsible fer increasin' the herd numbers now ain't she?" Applejack chuckled and shook her head at the thought. "Jus' ain't the case unfortunate to say, but ah'll make sure ta reward you proper-like with milkin' somethin' else'a years. I'm sure yer awful dyin' ta get yer big ol' balls drained. In fact ah-" She paused, halfway to lowering into a squat so she could milk her cow's pump by hand. To her shock, and then utterly perverse glee, what lay before her was not the sight of a spongy taint below Bessie's ass, but an actively forming marehood. She could see by the second as that magic continued to work on making whatever it touched better fitting for what Bessie desired. Winking and already seeping with fertile juices the slit peeled open like a blooming flower, exposing the constricting walls of pink beyond the plumped up folds of royal purple. All around it was the signature magenta of Bessie's arcane aura, shimmering and warping faintly while it performed its salacious duty. Applejack licked her lips greedily, the thoughts of turning her heifer into a proper broodsow rushing into her mind once more. Now that Bessie had the proper equipment for it, there wasn't a question as to if she could ever be bred, but how soon. "Well now, would you look at that!" Applejack exclaimed, rising from her half-squat to stand up again, just as her flaccid member began to rise into fullness anew. "Seems like you'll be helpin' me bump up the numbers after all. Now if that ain't a gosh darned miracle ah don't know what is." Bessie, of course, knew about her new pussy before Applejack had announced it. She knew on a primal, base level what was happening before the nerve endings had even formed, before she could actually feel it. Because the change went so much deeper beyond the surface level of a sopping marecunny and its accompanying tunnel. She had felt the way her insides rearranged, how her womb and tubes formed and how her eggs ovulated to prepare for a thorough insemination. Bessie was going to be bred, and she couldn't have been any happier at the prospect. "Moo!" She called. "Moo! Moo! MOO! MMMROOOOOOOOOO!" Although what she had meant to say was: "Please! Fuck me! BREED ME! ABUSE MY CUNT AND GIVE ME YOUR BABIES!" Her bellows became longer, louder, and less intelligent with each call until she barely even sounded equine anymore. She needed this so much more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. The lust, the wanton craving to have Applejack's prime bullcock stuffing her virgin cowcunt and flooding her womb with offspring was more important to her than water, more important than breathing. Heat struck her as violently as rut did for the first time as a teenage mare, creating an unbearable, horrible burning in her loins that needed dousing with an amount of water only an ocean could provide. Driven on by pure animal need, and much to Applejack's amusement, she began wriggling her hips to entice the bull forwards. Her tail was flagged, and she spread her legs out to present herself to her stud. Applejack refused to touch her however, wanting to see how desperate she would become for her handler's superior dick. The bull-horned adonis got what she wanted in little time, as within seconds Bessie began to whine and whimper alongside more feral moos. Her snatch was profusely dripping in addition to the way it visibly glistened with moisture, a steady 'drip drip drip' repeating as each drop of fresh dew splashed onto the ground. Within a few seconds more a puddle was steadily spreading outwards on the floor, and Besssie had been reduced to thrusting her hips back as if to meet an invisible lover's crotch, too stupid to remember that she wasn't pinned in place. Relief came to Bessie when finally, mercifully she felt Applejack press her flare to her entrance. As hot as both their nethers were, the sensation was like the physical equivalent of a white-hot metal being dipped into water, leaving a plume of steam sizzling above. The relief was only temporary however, and soon enough came the stronger desire not just to be stimulated, but to be well fucked and impregnated with a whole field's worth of livestock. "Nnngh! Dang, Bess! Sure as Tartarus're tight in there, huh? Applejack mused, simultaneously having to push inwards and pull Bessie backwards to make her way inside, keeping a firm grasp at the base of her tail to do the job. She grit her teeth, and while Bessie's mind nearly shattered at the feeling of her unclaimed honeypot being split wide, Applejack grit her teeth from how snuggly its smooth walls cinched around her invading cattleprod. Within enough time though, she made her way in, burrowing deeper and deeper into Bessie's core until at last the flat head rammed against the back wall of her sacred chamber. The feeling was bliss, and the dumbstruck cow's eyes rolled high into the back of her skull with a whorish moan. Now doubling the efforts to make Applejack feel at home inside her new personal cocksleeve, Bessie's quaking quim gushed its love-nectar in weeping waves, leaving nary a pinprick of bitchbreaking breedmeat uncovered. It otherwise remained just as tight though, never ceasing or relenting on the vice-like grip which it pulsed with in time to Bessie's heartbeat. The only thing that could milk AJ better would be a machine, and even then it could never mold itself as flawless to her girth like Bessie's foalhole could. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Applejack began to withdraw from Bessie's fuckslot. Believing that her bull was not only pulling out of her but the task of knocking her up, she felt tears brim at the edge of her vision. Her lament was cut short however and was replaced with a thunderstorm of pleasure when Applejack slammed herself back inside, punching her womb without mercy and bulging out her belly in the gross, obscene way a only a monstercock as bestial as Applejack's could. Within moments, the mating duo found their rhythm. It was not soft, and it was not kind. Rather, Applejack without heed and without giving her cow even a second to breathe, it was brutal and borderline violent. Applejack's hips met Bessie's again and again, throwing herself against it with such force that it made those bootycheeks splay out like pancakes against rock-hard muscle. Her hair was pulled, yanking it back so that her pitch would become even higher and her gaze brought to the ceiling while the other swapped between pulling her tail and spanking her ass. And Bessie loved every minute of it. The pain and pleasure stood not in contrast to each other, but together as one orgasmic thing which flooded every fiber and synapse of her being. Her mind was, for the first time in her life, blank. No thoughts crossed the pathways of her brain, not even those of how eager she was to become a broodmare nor how good it felt to be ramfucked by her god-like bull. There was just bliss and brutality, and it left room for nothing else. "Fuck! Gettin' close now... Better open up those floodgates for me, bitch! Gonna make you a right proper fuckin' sow!" Applejack practically barked, bucking her hips harder and faster as she came ever nearer to an explosive finish. Even she could feel her mental acuity beginning to wane now, diminishing in favor of the undiluted feeling of rightness that took precidence over all else over letting herself become the animal she was meant to be. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. "Almost..." SMACK. SMACK. SMACK SMACK. Bessie screamed. Applejack grunted. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. "...THERE!" Applejack came, and seconds later so did Bessie. Applejack's climax came forth from her flared bulkhead like a whitewashing bomb had gone off in Bessie's foal factory, and Bessie's slung out onto the ground like a pressurized hose. In that moment both their minds were reduced to mush, left to moo and bellow like unthinking creatures rather than sentient ponies. The bull's was deep and throaty, while the cow's was high and feminine. The breeding pair continued on in that state for minutes on end, Applejack's rich, ripe fuckslop pouring into that pre-heated oven while Bessie's formed a rapidly growing pool beneath them. As Bessie's tummy bloated and engorged with gallons of perfect alpha slag as thick as honey and molten hot to the touch, Bessie's splashed back onto both of them so that neither of them would close the day clean. Right. That was the only word that could describe how they felt, how all of it felt. Right. It felt right to Applejack plunging herself root-deep into a mooing cowslut's squirming sperm receptacle capable of bearing her children. It felt right to Bessie having her body be used so roughly and the most precious part of her new biology, that which could create life, being used as an incubator by an overhung shestallion bull. It felt right to be connected to one another in this way. It felt right to fuck. It felt right to breed. It felt right to moo. Buckets more worth of jizz was pushed out both their spunkvats, seemingly neverending. Anything that couldn't fit into Bessie's profanely distended belly simply gushed and splurted out in thick rivulets, cream folding over itself as if it were batter or lava. Their eyes were heavy and focus drowsy, no sign nor flicker of brief awareness visible. They could only grunt and snort and huff and moo as the farm animals they had truly become should. It was only once Bessie looked pregnant several times over and their balls were emptied to the molecule that they gained any semblance of intelligence. Bathing in the glorious afterglow as the best orgasm in either of their respective lives and dripping with layers of sweat, caked-on nutslurry, and splattered cunny honey , Applejack was the first to move. Bessie was dimly aware that her mate had slid out of her, and remained so even once the flare had struggled to leave her clinging entrance and left a cascade of bubbling cream to pour out and add to the puddle's mass. "Moooo..." Bessie breathed. She attempted to thank her master for giving her the honor and privilege of bestowing calves to add to their herd, but she couldn't spend the energy it took to form actual words. Applejack just smiled, and they both knew on an intrinsic level their herd needed to spread, not just from Bessie's calves but giving this bovine gift to their friends and beyond. As Bessie closed her eyes and went to sleep, the last thing that graced her muzzle was a dopey, impossibly contented smile. She was dominated. She was domesticated. She was docile and dumb. She may never be Twilight ever again, whoever that was, but she wasn't sure she even wanted to. And she was more than okay with that.