The Crimson Huntress; Sunset Shimmer Vol 1

by FNAF_Hispanic_Foxy

First published

This story is slow-paced so if you aren't patient don't read this,; A Crossover alternate universe with MLP, RWBY, Naruto, and FNAF so hope you enjoy.

This fanfic is very slow paced story telling.

A RWBY x MLP (& more) fanfic with Sunset Shimmer being OP if you don't like that please leave thx u.

Sunset Shimmer is a ex Student, ex master Mage, and ex Weapon for Equestria and Celestia when Sunset got kicked out of the castle she ran through the mirror and into the world of Remnant.

Celestia didn't want Twilight to know of Sunset especially since overtime she made a real connection with Twilight and made sure Twilight never found out of Sunset Shimmer until she actually read Princess Cadance Diary.

Princess Cadance was one of the most nicest treated ponies from Sunset and had a small crush on Sunset and when Shimmer left Equestria she got Sunsets Dairy and wrote about the golden unicorn in her own Dairy.

Princess Cadance loses Sunset after Sunset leaves to the portal and Celestia doesn't tell her anything and she later on meets Chrysalis who, unbeknownst to Celestia (who was bad that the time), helps Cadance leave Equestria however while falling in love with Chrysalis, Cadance still has a crush on Sunset.

After a long time passes Equestria is under attack by Lord Tirek, Storm King, King Sombra, Pony of Shadows, Cozy Glow, Grogar, and Gore Lord (a elder dragon) a lot of warlocks and necromancers, unfortunately only one pony was powerful enough and more capable to "fix this shit".

But while this is going on Sunset Shimmer was only thinking about herself (not entirely), how to get stronger, and how to get her Payback, She was also finding herself a new family and making friends.

(There might be two story lines in this story The Equestrian side, and the Remnant side, oh and my chapters are going to be around 1,500-4,000 words)


MLP is owned by Hasbro and made by Lauren Faust.

FNAF is made & owned by Scott Cawthon.

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and made by Monty Oum


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The Beginning

Sunset Shimmer POV

Sunset Shimmer was a little filly in a orphanage around the outside of equestria border lines near the bad lands sunset shimmer had parents, but they both disappeared outside of equestria (in a another universe) and sunset shimmer was send to "the sand foal orphanage" in a midsize town.

The orphanage didn't have ponies or any creatures that cared about the orphans, because the town only had a little bit more than what they needed and only enough one class of water per creature, so if there's one less mouth to feed all the better right.

Sunset was 8 years old in "the sand foal orphanage" and was using her hoof to make soup since she couldn't use her magic, whenever she used magic it would explode, as Sunset was finishing the soup a colt walked in it was dulled head the bully.

Dulled head had a golden brown mane and tail and sandy coat with a hammer for a cutie mark... Sunset Shimmer didn't have a cutie mark.

"Hey there ashy you better not be burning my food" mocked Dulled.

"It's not just your food, and if you don't like my cooking then make your own Food!" shouted Sunset.

"ha i should at least i won't be eating ash's and with liquid too" Dulled said has he was getting closer to wear Sunset was.

"Shut up!" Shouted the filly.

; I said getting angry at this foolish colt he always bullies the other foals for being weaker than him, but if he was out in the streets he would be crying like a new born foal it really annoyed me someone how's all bark no bite.

"Or what?" Challenge Dulled.

"I'm going to cauterize your mouth shut" Shouted Sunset.

"Ha as if you could even cast a simple light spell without blowing it up" Dulled Mocked again.

"That's it" should Sunset.

; I started to buildup my mana, but I didn't have the chance since dulled went up to me... and hit my horn, and next thing I knew was a bright light.

; When i came back all i saw was a black cold crater and a local changeling all black with neon red instead of green I knew her she's Morda she was a skilled spell caster who was a killer.

(queen chrysalis aren't the only changelings in this fanfic)

"Hey kid what is the fuck happen here" asked the freelance.

Sunset felt sad and disappointed in herself, sad for taking the live of another creature, and disappointed for feeling satisfaction for killing him, but not any other creatures who was around because they weren't at fault for hitting her horn.

"I-i *sobbed* I didn't *hiccup* mean t-to" Sunset tried to say though her crying.

"Hey, hey it's okay kid come here" Morda had a soft spot for children despite.

; While I was still crying morda pulled me closer to her chest and tried to cheer me up, but i didn't hear her since how can you cheer a little child up after they murdered and destroyed there friends and home I continued to cry under morda said something I didn't think I hear in my life.

"... Hey kid did you hear me, I said do you want to live with me... i could be your mother, and teacher i know you have a lot of mana so you can be an assassin like me and and... and I'm not helping am I" Morda may have a soft spot for children, but can't deal with emotional situation all to good.

Sunset felt happy and didn't care for whatever the reason morda had to adopt her sunset shimmer was going to become Morda's daughter and was going to learn how to use magic... sure to was to be a killer, but whatever.

"Yes please" this made Sunset enjoyed because she always wanted a mother.

"Awesome kid" Modra always wanted a daughter without the being Married and Pregnant part.

[2 years later]

; Me and my changeling mother had been hunting some pirates who had been stealing from ships with the food and clean water for the town and was miles away from it and closer to the equestria border line and the west cost of the "southern lunar ocean".

(i know it's "south luna ocean" but i'm calling it "southern lunar oceans" cuz it sounds better)

; The real name is "south luna ocean", but the locals called it the "southern lunar oceans" which was wired since it was in the westside not the southside, anyways we were on a boat with an invisibility spell.

"Remember kid your shadow, it needs to be invisibility too" Morda said seeing Sunset shadow.

"Oh yeah sorry mama" the now older filly said to her mother/teacher.

*whispers* "ssh kid look it's them get ready for a fight" advised Morda.

Sunset Shimmer and morda rage got to the right side of the ship and started claiming meanwhile the captain of the ship was making a speech he was zomu a big zebra with red tattoos of fire spirits and pink reddish eyes, and a red skull with an x as a cutie mark on his flank and a long mane & tail and was gray & white.

"Okay lads we'll be swimmin' in lots of loots, now let's go and steal their waters and foods" said Zomu.

"So that's why they're stealing from the food ships... so ready to kill them lil Sunny" 😏.

"Yes mom" Said Sunset with a smile.


Morda Rage POV

; I jumped in and got the attention of all the pirates there were mostly zebras, earth ponies, and pegasus with some griffins, grifbras (a hybrid of a griffin and zebra) and 3 unicorns i give them a smirk this was going to be easy assuming the unicorns couldn't sense the magic of sunsets invisibility spell.

"So who wants to die" *savage smirk* Joked Morda making her presents known.

"Quick kill her! she's the changeling of the bloody seven seas, oh spirit of fire obey me and kill my enemies!" yelled Zomu.

A fire spirit came out of Zomu the red marks glowing, as for the fire spirit it self it was in the shape of a tiger it also reminded morda of sunsets mane, as for the pirates there's 36 in total.

There's the 3 unicorns, 5 grifbras, 6 griffins, 6 earth ponies, 6 pegasus, 9 zebras, and 1 for Zomu making it 36 in total the ponies and fire spirit were the first ones to attack morda with sunset shimmer taking the 3 unicorns and the another's went to get weapons.

The 12 ponies 11 stallions and one mare ran up to her with 2 pegasuses being in the front and the fire spirit at the back end, morda rage jumped up and spin mid-air kicking the head of the right pegasus and jumped from him to the left one and kick him in the wing joint causing them to collapse (face first for the right & lower back head and neck for the other one) in to the ships floor.

Morda saw the 10 remaining ponies and fire spirit the closest ones are 3 earth ponies so she used her favorite combo spells (a 40x thought {faster processing spell}, 50x magic used {mana casting/gathering spell}, 40x reflexes & strength {body boosting spell}, 50x protection {aura shield spell}, 60x slowing others {area slowness spell}, and 30x thought for the target).

; I love this combo it lets me see my targets realizing they're bucked and they can't do nothing about it, but watch me pull my hoof back and punch them or do whatever i want.

Morda rage punched 2 of the earth ponies in the throat and shot a ice needle spell to the 3rd earth pony causing him to jump to the right to get out of the way, but was too slow and it ended in his left inner thigh (femur) and caused him to landed painfully.

The remaining ponies (7) and fire spirit were still running to her and 1 earth pony & a pegasus, morda froze the floor under earth pony causing him to go sliding towards her, and morda took the advantage of this and jumped over the stallion and grabbed him by the lower back (croup) and did a front flip and sending the stallions head through the floor of the ship (just imagine a front flip and delivering a tombstone like in wwe).

Morda then jump to the pegasus and delivered cutter (rko; ¾ facelock bulldog maneuver) leaving her with 2 earth ponies, 3 pegasuses and the fire spirit to fight, morda shoots 4 ice needles hits the 2 earth ponies front knees causing them to faceplant to the floor and with their flanks in the air, so morda jumped off their flanks.

She grabbed 2 pegasuses and hit the last and 3rd pegasus mare with a counterclockwise dropkick while using her to spin herself clockwise mid-air to deliver a DDT to the two pegasus stallions she was holding, the fire tiger spirit jumped and tried to attack her from above, but her combo spells it didn't work.

Which is called "the phenomenal sage mode" or "phenomenal rage technique" (i was originally going to have these in spanish "el modo sabio fenomenal" o "la técnica de rabia fenomenal") or just "phenomenal rage mode" can't make up my mind.

The spell combo made it so that morda had time to get up and see that the fire tiger was only 1 feet and 3½ inches up in the air... morda ran up to the spirit and did her signature move "the phenomenal hook" (which is her jumping and using her left/right hoof/fist to one punch her opponent) as soon as her punch landon the fire spirit tiger disappeared.



Sunset Shimmer POV

Sunset was invisible and took advantage to use an ice spell to freeze over the floor and trap the 3 unicorns each of them realizing they were in trouble used heat spells to melt the ice around their hoofs sunset took down her invisibility spell and grabbed the attention of the unicorns, she also noticed the 9 zebras, 5 grifbras, and 6 griffins going below deck.

"Shit boys! look out it's the red sun" said the 1st unicorn.

; They turn around and started shooting stun bolts (a spell that stun the target with a bit of electricity) at me so i put up a kinetic barrier (a spell that uses the force that impacts the barrier/shield to become stronger (depending on the user it makes a unbreakable shield)) the barrier ate the stun bolts and i had it burst outwards launching the 3 unicorns to the ground.

"Oh fuck this, i don't get paid enough to fight the "changeling of the bloody seven seas" and "the red sun" i'm out" said the 2nd unicorn.

"She just a foal we ca-" said the 3rd unicorn.

; I shot a blunt magical blast knocking him out, while the 2nd unicorn i jumped into the ocean the first got off the floor and shot a lightning arrow (a arrow made of lightning... duh) at me, i just stepped to the side the bad thing about a lightning arrow the lightning doesn't affect what's around it just was in front of it.

"That was a weak spell pal" said Sunset with a smirk.

"Shut up, bitch!" Yelled the 1st unicorn.

"ha! that's funny since you're the one who's wearing jewelry, mister nose piercing with a chain" Joked Sunset pulling on said nose chain piercing, causing the pirate unicorn to yell in anger.

*rage screaming*.

The unicorn was running to sunset, but was grabbed by a telekinesis turquoise magical aura... and thrown overboard landing on his back and neck, as the 9 zebras, 5 grifbras, and 6 griffins came back from below deck as Zomu grabbed a crossbow (Zomu can't summon a fire spirit as soon as the first one been destroyed).

"The both of ye' best be leaving, before me and me crew kill ye' young ladies" (i hope that was a good rhyme) Said the pirate captain.

"How's about... no?" Said Morda.

Morda run to the group of pirates and went into her "phenomenal rage mode", she jumped into the middle of the crew and nocked out 4 zebras leaving 17 pirates plus Zomu meaning 6 zebras, 5 grifbras, and 6 griffins.

2 grifbras launched at morda with spears in their eagle talents only for morda to uses her telekinesis to pull the spears closer, and inhale them into the 2 grifbras shoulders then and it's on top of the spears 3 more grifbras when to attack and 3 griffins went after sunset, and the rest surrounded Zomu as he was trying to build up mana to summon a spirit.

Sunset used a 9-foot staff to stabbed the first griffin in the throat causing them to have a choking hazard and slapped the knife out of his left claw sanding it to the face of the left griffin causing him to duck down, but sunset took advantage to upper cut him with the end of the staff.

This cause the griffin to bite off his own tongue and then sunset launched herself with the staff, as the last griffin took to the air, but sunset used a "mass spell" (a spell to make things heavy 😒) and hit the griffin in the side of the head sending him cartwheeling through the air and landing through a window.

Morda froze the floor under her and shot a fireball causing a cloud of steam hiding her and the 3 grifbras from sight when the cloud dissipated they were killed via slit throat leaving 6 zebras and 3 griffins Zomu walked out summoning another spirit this one a fire manticore.

After that chaos broke loose the 5 zebras and 3 griffins attacked morda while Zomu stayed back and let his fire spirit attack sunset, one by one morda kill or nocked out the pirates and sunset was able to keep the fire spirit at bay with kinetic shields, ice balls, and cooled spells (spells to cool down the area).

Morda turned around as the fire spirit was about to kill sunset with it's manticore scorpion tail morda only had enough time to get in between sunset and the fire spirit... causing her to get impaired by the stinger.

; I saw the only mother figure i had get killed and felt a darkest with in along with the light of the life i spent with morda then with both out stretched hoofs dark magic on the left and harmony magic on the right i made an explosion leaving a crater momentarily in the water... unbeknownst to sunset a red stream of magic went inside her head.


{Canterlot Celestia Castle}

Celestia Solare POV

; My sister is almost free and i don't have a student, a new bearer or bearers of the elements of harmony, or a weapons to use against her soon equestria will fall into endless night.

Strong or talented unicorns can since when something are someone has outrageous amounts of mana, but they only get a small vibration through their horns, so it was a surprise for celestia to feel a painful headache she saw all her maids hit the floor screaming their heads off.

The unicorns weren't the only ones to feel the magic, the pegasus maids took to the air and looked around to see where it was going from, and the earth pony maids hugged one another scared for their lives, while celestia faced southwest towards the badlands she was the only pony who could locate the power without being overwhelmed by it.

Celestia followed the power to the ocean only to find a crater in the water shrinking in size celestia used a spell to look and see if anyone was still alive, she found a filly in a turquoise magical aura and was close to the core of the crater.

'This filly is what i've been looking for even if she wasn't the cause of this, she's still strong enough to have survive the explosion she can be used against my sister in one way are other' celestia grabbed sunset in her own magic yellow aura "excuse me little one, but are you okay" Asked Celestia.

Sunset head:
(Morda) 'uh-oh sweetie look out it the mother of all pigs'
'what mom is that you'
'yes sunny it's me i copied all of my memories, consciousness and sentience in to you just think of me as a voice in your head'
'oh okay who the white mare'
'that is princess celestia'

"Princess Celestia what are you doing here" asked the filly.

"That's not important my little pony, nevertheless would you like to be my personal student?" Said the Princess.

Sunset head:
'I don't think i have a choice'
'No you don't, she wants you sweetie'
'But why'
'I don't know i'm a changeling and we can only sense desires above the surface of a mind'
'Okay? uh do you think she wants to adopt me'
'Maybe you should say yes, but don't say you want to be her daughter, she did say to "be my personal student"'

"Yes Princess" said Sunset trying not to give away anything the princess didn't want to see.

[3 years later]

Sunset Shimmer pov

Sunset head:
'I can't believe it, she take their side again'
'Calm down baby'
'Calm down!? this isn't the first time she didn't take my side of things i even had witnesses, yet she didn't even summon for them so they could have their say on the matter'
'It was still a bad thing to set them on fire'
'They were touching my flanks'
'Okay good point the mother fuckers did deserve it'

[5½ years later]

Sunset Shimmer was 18½ years old and was in her room with princess Mi Amore Cadenza or Princess Cadance and was teaching her magic at first sunset hated her because cadance had everything she herself wanted, but when the voice in her head (Morda) told her that cadance didn't deserve to be hated out of jealousy especially since it wasn't her fault.

Cadance was afraid of sunset via the stories she heard of the fire mane mare, sunset was only a little rude to cadance and she knew she was better out then most ponies when it came to sunset, sunset even took cadance to a carnival until she noticed cadence was uncomfortable.

They left the carnival and went to get ice cream with illusion magic to disguise their identity and have a fun day in the city sunset knew they were being followed by royal guards which is why she wanted to disguise their identities.

Cadence was glad about that since she hasn't had a normal life since coming to the castle she felt as if she was a prisoner not having her own freedom because of politics, but today thanks to sunset, cadence was getting to be a normal filly just like how she was living in the orphanage, and surrounded by ponies she came to know as her family.

Princess cadence wanted to remember this day so she asked sunset they could take a picture together shimmer rode her eyes, but bought a camera and took one with her anyways, at the end of the day sunset got in trouble for disappearing off with cadence, sunset didn't get mad with her.

To be continued... In chapter 1... I think.

Thx 4 reading

Pilot 2

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The Cadence After the Sun Sets

Sunset Shimmer Pov

[3½ years later]
(sunset is 22 years old)

"Sunset Shimmer if we can't get pasted this you'll no longer be my personal student, and removed from the castle" 'This will surely have you back under my control' thought the princess.

Sunset head:
'i can't believe her after all i did for her!'
'go along with it dear'
'you want to be an alicorn to be she daughter right and you want to go through the mirror portal to get it, the royal guards are weak you can knock them out, and make a beeline to the mirror'
'... i- don't want to be her daughter Anymore'
'dear I know you don't want to, but I know how much you want to be loved by anothers'
'...okay fine i'll play along'
'make it look as if you're leaving against your will though so he doesn't suspend a thing'

"You'll regret this, I promise" said a angered Sunset.

As the guards were escorting sunset after a stop to her room, but as she was gathering her stuff unbeknownst to the guards morda was teleporting some of sunset stuff to cadance's room, after that she used a stun bolt & mass spell this oriented them and slowed them down suddenly becoming more heavier than they were before, sunset wasted no time and ran to the portal.

Meanwhile twilight sparkle became celestia's new student and cadence had on idea of this since she was away on a diplomatic mission, meanwhile after celestia was done with twilight, celestia went to make sure she would still have sunset if twilight was found to be a failure only to find out sunset shimmer wasn't even in this world.

Celestia immediately got rid of any existence of sunset to make sure twilight would never hear of shimmer, hopefully since twilight's cutie mark is the element of magic she'll be all that celestia needed, when cadance got back she confronted princess celestia.


Mi Amore Cadenza POV

"So sunset's gone!" 'And she's not even concerned about her? wow and here i thought sunset was lying about celestia being only on the nobility side' Yelled Cadence.

"Yes and you'll won't tell twilight a thing about her" 'Maybe i can send her on multiple diplomatic mission can't be to careful after all, at least until i can find someone to marry her away' thought Celestia not caring for Cadence feelings in this.

"... Ok fine, but i want all of sunsets stuff" 'something tells me in these coming years i'm going to see the real celestia' thought Cadence with gray in her vision.

"The only thing left is the magic book I used to communicate with her everything else was set on fire or thrown away in a vault" 'maybe the baby dragon spike can be used to send letters instead of having to use a book which Celestia couldn't make since Sunset was the one who invented the two-way journals' Thought Celestia (this is way twilight Twilight doesn't get a book like Sunset)

Cadence nosotros flared she didn't like how celestia was being so flippant about her actions towards sunset sure sunset wasn't a saint, but she was better than most ponies... that least compared to the nobility which is most of canterlot.

(The only reason why celestia hasn't burned the book is because of star swirl the bearded teachings)

"Give me the book then since you don't want anything of sunset" 'And i won't take no as an answer' Cadence thought reading up for a fight.

"Fine take it and leave, and remember to keep quiet well your foalsitting twilight, oh and her brother shining armor is going to be your private guard by him and his family request since her going to be equestrias diplomat princess" 'Mayed if i can't get her married if anyone else i can get her to marry shining armor'
the last thing Celestia wanted was a alicorn getting in her way.

[Time skip]

When she got to her room she was still angry so she jumped on her bed and started hitting her pillow in frustration and anger after a while she stopped hitting the pillow and lay down that's when she realized that there was a bump and her mattress and went to look under her bed to see a lot of sunsets stuff and a note.

^Dear, Cadenza

If you're reading this i'm going to be gone for a bit, but don't worry i'll be back until then take care of yourself because no one will and i will be leaving some of my stuff with you and some of my research so you can study magic.

P.s. don't let bitch celestia control your live and seeing as your birthday is tomorrow happy 18 birthday i made an enchanted purple gem.

The gem can boost, replenish, and hide your magic on command, it can also hide you from sight, make a shield around you, tells you of nearby danger, and let you face through things, it can also help you sense the magic around you from a close distance all of these are on command, and only you and i can use it hope you like it, you can put it on your regular regalia hope to see you soon.

Loves, soon to be princess shimmer^

*sob* "Thank you Sunset... thank you so much" said a emotional Cadance.


[Time skip]
(Cadence is 18 now)

Shining Armor is a nice colt he was your regular high school geek playing d&d's, and reading comics from what cadence remember, and she would have gone out with him if he hadn't joined the royal guard, now he has total loyalty to the crown which means to Celestia.

"So uh Cadence um i was hm wondering if you wanted to go and um have dinner" asked Shining Armor in a awkward way.

"Sure, and maybe have your sister join us we all could have a picnic it's been a while since we have one of those" 'Please take the hint and the way out i don't want to break your heart' Thought Cadance.

*😟* "Uh yeah" 'dammit Armor just ask her out directly' Thought Shining Armor trystashing himself.

Cadence would hopefully be able to keep shining armor at arm/hoof distance long enough for sunset to return eventually, after some time Cadence's boat arrived at coldharbor in northmarch the she was supposed to find the frozen council and re-establish relationships since there's been 5 out of 11 replaced members.

As soon as Cadence step hoof off the boat and on to the dock the purple gem started vibrating cadence intently jump using her wings to stay airborne, and a metal arrow of anti-magic landed on the floor cadence's was on seconds ago she knew it was anti-magic because the purple gem couldn't sense magic from it, once she landed shining armor tackled her activating a force field.

"Shining! what are you doing?" A Irated Cadance.

"I'm doing my job" said in a oblivious Shining Armor.

Cadence felt the gem vibrate again so she grabbed a 2x4 plank of wood and stopped an arrow inches away from Shining face before he could react Cadence threw him off of her and they both landed in cover... well Shining Armor had landed behind a box cadence just walked over to her covered.

Cadence was figuring out how to get this under her control while the other 4 guards walked up while staying behind cover Cadence was about to give them orders, but Shining got to it first telling the 2 pegasus guards to fly up into the clouds and see if they can spot where the attackers are.

He then turned to the unicorn and earth pony, and ordered them to look what they can use to fight back and or defend ourselves as the 2 earth bound guards were looking around one of the pegasus came back down, and told us it was some of the locals who were attacking us.

The locals are caribous & descendants of the crystal ponies from the long lost crystal empire at least the ones that weren't at the crystal empire when it was sealed away and blamed equestria for the lost of their home since King Sombra could have been defeated without sealing away the crystal empire.

"Ok this is what we'll do i'll make a shield an-" started Shining

"Shining Armor!" Said an Irritated Ailcorn

"Yes? and you can just call me shiny" 'it'll be a step closer to being in a relationship'

"... Okay? look we can't use magic to get out of this they have anti-magic arrows that will just go through the shields!"

*blushing* "oh- right uh then how's hm we going t-" an embarrassed Shining Armor try to say.

But before Shining could say anything else the locals stop firing at them cadence looked over her box and saw a mare who was one of the new members of the frozen council of northmarch as cadence was about to go, and make a first good impression and thank them for helping them since this stringer must've had been the one who had mde the locals stop.

Cadence was going to give a friendly greeting, but before she could do anything shining armor jumped over her and was going to attack the mare, but cadence was able to stop him by using her magic to hold his tail and hold a hoof up to stop the other guards.


Queen Chrysalis POV

; I was told by my changelings that the equestrian diplomatic ponies had got here, and are being under attack by one of the local gangs and some of the descendants of crystal ponies lucky for me my changelings told me their boss did not order this, and was a member of the council so I was going to use this to my advantage.

; Since my mother warned me and my siblings not to get directly involved with equestria not when celestia's little sister is coming back soon and if Celestia loses equestria wouldn't have the love we need, when I got to the docks I saw the group using anti-magic arrows.

: I rained up to them with some of my changelings who were disguised as northmarch local law in enforcement, they got the gang and ponies to leave as I went to check on the diplomatic pony who was in charge was still alive... I didn't expect what I saw.

; I was seeing a pretty mare who was a light pink alicorn... and a stallion who was trying to attack me... lucky the pretty mare who was most likely the diplomatic equestrian mare used her magic to grab him, and before the other guards could do anything the pink alicorn raised a hoof to stop them.

"Captain Shining Armor! what are you doing?" Yelled Cadence reaching her limit

"Huh what do you mean I'm doing my job?"

"By trying to kill one of the council members? not to mention she saved us, from who anyways?"

"Oh uh they were the local gang of this area sorry for the trouble we weren't expecting this to happen" said Moso (Chrysalis)

"That's no excuse you should have been doing your job" accused Shining

Which got Cadence to get angry again"Shining! what is wrong with you" 'even if he was right diplomatic relationship won't be build on negativity like what he's doing right now, does he want to start a war?'

"You could have died!" *😡* Shining Yelled at Cadence

'They must be a couple?... Or he's just doing his job' "Um if you 2 like I can get a hotel with rooms for 2, and all the other guards with you?" Asked Moso (Chrysalis).

"No! I'll be sleeping at your house to night, my guards can get there own place" 'I know Shining has a crush on me, but I don't so sharing a room is not an option, and not to mention the "Doing your Job" part like they could have known anything without being told or when nothing garnered there's a suspicions'

'Hm maybe not a couple then' "What? I would have thought you'd prefer to sleep with your lover"

Both Cadance And Shining blushed, but for different reasons, Cadance for being mad & annoyed and Shining for being embraced, and because some pony though he looked like Cadance's colt-friend his smile disappeared when Cadance said.

"No no-no he's not my lover i'm single"

"Oh... okay well follow me prince-"

"Wait a minute, Cadance's you can't separate from us" objected Shining

"Yes i can *😡* bye"

With that both Chrysalis and Cadance left Shining Armor and the guards to their own, had come to a near by sunbucks coffee shop cadance was surprised there was sunbucks here, but considering how they will make business she thought she shouldn't have been surprised.

"So miss Cadenza how was your trip here"

"Good I guess and call me Cadance please, sorry for the way Sir Armor was to you"

"Oh don't concern yourself with that Cadance"

"Okay I think I want to go to your home now"

; I knew she couldn't keep going with the act of being Moso if I want to like me I have to show her my truth changeling form.


"So let me get this straight your a chanceling who needs love to survive" asked Cadence.

"It's changeling, but yes" corrected an undisguised Queen Chrysalis

"...Do you like, trust, or believe celestia is a good pony" question Cadence.

"What!? no!" Chrysalis new Cadence didn't like Celestia so she answered honestly.

"Sooo your single"


Thank you for reading chapter 1 will hopefully be out soon bye.

Remnant vol 1 ch 1

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Welcome to Remnant

Sunset Shimmer POV

: I was traveling through a tunnel feeling like my insides we're getting scrambled it was nauseating, but what was more of a pain was the pain I felt falling on Rock (concrete but she doesn't know that yet) and it wasn't day anymore it was night... And cold.

Sunset head:
'Sunset sweetie open your eyes we're not in ManeHaddon anymore.'
'... really.'
'What it's a classic.'

Sunset opened her eyes to see that yes she isn't in Equestria... And she wasn't a pony to Sunset didn't panic she need to first worry about her surroundings sunset already knew a bit about changeling magic thanks to her adapted mother, and her mother also taught her if you worry about what happened to you more than your surroundings you'll die before you know it.

(Since Atlas makes the most sense to have Canterlot high at, and the statue is the portal it isn't the best place to have the portal since it isn't going to go unnoticed, so I'm locating a portal to somewhere else)

Sunset looked around and saw she was in a room with what seems as big furniture seeing as there wasn't any immediate danger she went back to expecting herself she was a bipedal creature Sunset thought because her upper limbs are shorter than her button ones, she also noticed that she still had her tail and her pony ears but not her horn.

(I don't want to keep writing "Sunset head" so I'm just going to write out the voices in color, Morda will be in red, and sunset in gold)

'Don't worry about your missing horn dear you can still use your magic, And Your in a new world, Dear judging by the fact that the portal changed your species and this new form must be the dominant creature of this world'
'Yeah, I guess you're right what do I do now'
'Have a look around sunny I'm sure there's a way to know what's up.'

Before she could do anything the door opened and a female, from what sunset could tell judging from the pair of mounds on the cheat, the female was black with long green hair, holes in her upper limbs, but not in the lower limbs, and had bug like wings.

'Sweetie I think we are in a parallel universe this creature reminds me of Queen Chrysalis'
'Oh no should I be worried I haven't figured out how to move yet'
'No I sense no ill will coming from her at least not towards us'

The Faunus Chrysalis walked to Sunset with a small smile she knew of the other world because one of her ancestors found it when a old man by the name Starswirl the bearded was coming to this world, and left before he could say anything, and ever since then he's been using the world of remnant as a dumping ground for magical evil creatures (most who have been captured by Salem).

"Greetings little one to the world of remnant you seem to be a bit young would you like to be one of my daughters, or would you like to stay in my orphanage for faunus" asked Chrysalis

Sunset waited for a moment thinking she didn't know if she wanted to take either of the options considering her pride but judging by what the woman said her body is now younger so she wouldn't be able to do anything without an adult.

'Sunset you should take her on upon her offer, something tells me she would be a better mother to you than Celestia'
'That isn't a high bar to clear'
'Credit where credits due'

"Ok... Mom can you answer some questions?" Asked Sunset hoping this isn't going to be another Celestia.

"Yes of course" Chrysalis said with a teeth filled smiled.


[Time Skip]

{Sunset is physically 9}

Sunset was now the older sister of 6 girls and had 1 older brother, Chrissy who's 7 year old and the biological daughter of Chrysalis, Tati Tsumi another 7 year old and one of the orphans in the orphanage do to finding herself alone like Sunset.

Oura Saiko a 8 year old who showed up to the orphanage 2 years and 9 months ago after her parents were shot by Atlas soldiers because they thought they where someone else, because they share the same animal traits as the ones they were searching.

But the Faunus they were looking for were innocent, and after they found the "Humans" who were really responsible for a factory exploding, it was like nobody cared or nobody knew of the Faunus couple who were wrongly killed.

Another girl how's here by the death of both there parents 3 year ago was May Sakura a 8 year old, when a SDC dust mine cave-in on itself killing a bunch of workers.

Jacques Schnee didn't want to waste his money giving it away to the families who lost loved ones since he already lost a lot of money because of the cave-in, because of that May Sakura extended family couldn't take her in so they gave her to Chrysalis.

The 5th girl is a gray wolf Faunus she hasn't given her name since showing up, but had a SDC branding mark (like the one Adam has on his face) above her stomach showing she worked in the dust mines other than that Sunset doesn't know much about her.

The last Orphan sister is the Sunset of Remnant Sunset Summer Shimmer a fox Faunus who is 8 year old and only had a mother before she dead in the cave-in of the SDC, her dad dead before she was born by a illness from working in the factory's, Their was another Orphan sister who was a white bunny but she was adopted.

Their was an Orphan boy who was like the older brother of the small group he was a Black with Blue highlights Fox Faunus, he was only 1 month older then Sunset and used to work in the SDC dust mines, but didn't get a branding mark (like Roxanne)

'Or maybe he did have one, but the arm that he is missing had it'

There were more Orphan, but from what Sunset could tell the children were separating themselves in groups possibly because some wish to get adopted.

While others wish to remain in the orphanage, there were also a small group of 3 humans which were the Dominant race of this world from what Chrysalis told sunset.

When Sunset asked why did the white clothed Faunus looked weirdly at the three humans Chrysalis explained racism and what the humans do to Faunus, Chrysalis then said that she didn't care about the race just that they were children, HER children.

"And has for the white clothed Faunus, they are known as the white fang they think of themselves as the "Voice of the Faunus", but they cause just as much harm to the faunus as they do good" Informed Chrysalis.

"Why haven't you joined the white fang" asked Sunset wondering why somebody who is vehement on standing up for the Faunus isn't a part of them.

Chrysalis give a smirk to sunset and said.

"Oh sweetie I only support them because they do save some Faunus, but I'd never join their stupid club, and if I do join the white fang it would be because I'd be leading them, I wouldn't settle for anything less" *😏* announced Chrysalis with Pride.

*😏* "Of course" said Sunset.

Just then a white human with a 6 or something year old white bunny Faunus, the orphan that was adopted and who was like a sister to Sunset, came in with a smile at Chrysalis ignoring the looks he was getting from the 2 white fang members Chrysalis return to smile and saw that the man brought his entire family both his sons and his daughter and wife.

"Well if it isn't the greatest tutor I could afford arriving just on time... And by that I mean 10 minutes late as always, and you brought your family too" smuged Chrysalis.

William Afton let out a laugh and the bunny girl he was carrying started giggled the mother gave a apologetic smile the elder son was playing on his scroll, and the daughter was going to play with the kids in a near by table bringing a bag full of toys from her home, she always brought a bag of toys that she would leave with the orphans, since they would have any of their own

As for the youngest son he was too young to walk around so the mother was carrying him, Chrysalis knew them from her childhood William was human, but his wife was half human half faunus and so were their kid except for Vanny the 6 year old adopted bunny girl who was the for mentioned orphan who was adopted.

"You get what you paid for chrysalis oh wait you don't pay me I work for free, and besides I may show up 10 minutes late but I always stay an hour more and I brought my family because we're actually moving down here too mantle" Grins William.

"Oh really that's great news what are you planning to do here, also what about your job as a scientist" Smiled Chrysalis.

"Actually chrysalis I'm in self-employed scientist I don't work for Atlas, and with that being said I want to do two things here find a way to clear the air for one, and another I want to open a piece of Plex with my friend Vanessa Emily" Said William.

"Henry's kid?" Asked Chrysalis who hasn't seen Vanessa in a long time.

"Yes, she wants to be close to her sister, and wants a job where she can be in control, and trust her boss" nods William.

"That's good *playful smile* so why is she picking you" Joked Chrysalis.

"Because we're the ones who adopted her sister and her older sister Charlotte Emily is her CO-boss" smiled Ballora (we don't know Mrs afton's real name Because In FNAF nothing is confirmed as Canon so...) Who was now also carrying Vanny the said sister of Vanessa and Charlotte.

"Why do I feel like a victim here" William fakes offensiveness.

"There is a box of tissues down the hall in a closet... You can go get them yourself" mocks Chrysalis.

William than noticed Sunset thinking she was the fox Sunset before noticing that she was a pony Faunus... And the fox Sunset came to stand next to pony Sunset since they see each other as family a little more than with the others.

"Oh Rage & Summer I don't know why but I keep getting you two confused" Joked William.

(The Sunset from Equestria will be Sunset and the Sunset of remnant will be Shimmer)

"Sorry to hear that but we don't have glasses shops in mantle" Joked Shimmer with a smile.

"Oh no, Dear look there mini Chrysalis's" Joked William.

"3 if you count Chrissy" Ballora added.

"You 2 say that as if it's a bad thing" Chrysalis faked offense.

"Your a good mother Chris, but are a terrible role model" joked William.

"I do mean to ridley interrupt, but what would you be teaching today" Sunset Jokingly asked.

"Will Sunny, I'm teaching you, Shimmy, Hollow, and Michael how to use computers, since you four seem to be prodigies, while my wife will teach you the rest math and reading you all a story" said William.

Every kid yayed in response, A turtle faunus boy went up to Mr. Afton and ask him if his family will be coming more frequently now that he's moving to mental.

"But of course we will I'm going to come here every day I can little ones with my family" said William with a smile 😁 on.


[Time Skip]
{5 years 11 months later, Sunset is 14yr now}

Miss Ballora Afton was crying, William Afton was dead by a car crash on his way to the Pizza plex which is now closed until Charlotte and Vanessa reopen it, however they will only do it if Ballora is okay with Vanessa having a shrine for William on display or at least in the back rooms or something of the like, she agreed and it will help all of them feel better as she will be running the place alone now with Charlotte.

Chrysalis on the other hand wasn't grieving she was angry she knew that the White Fang had a hand in his death considering how the driver was a white Fang member, and Chrysalis knew it was rare for a faunus to have a car in Atlas let alone mantle, not to mention the White Fang would never let just any faunus drive one of their cars.

Both Chrysalis and Vanessa gangs went out to look for every single White Fang to either kick them out of mantle or push them all in a single corner of it called the white fang district, this cost both local leader and THE Leader of the White Fang to come, and talk to Chrysalis since most of the power for Atlas White Fang branch comes from Chrysalis gang called "The Swarm".

(Chrysalis gang is called "The Swarm" because I couldn't call them the Changelings since Chrysalis semblance supposed to be unique to her family bloodline like the Schnee semblance.

And Vanessa Emily gang is called "The Night Watchers" and have members of the gang in the government including 6 chairs on the council two members with 3 chairs each like general Ironwood has 2 chairs, there's 17 chairs in the council of Atlas)

Councilor Cadenza has one chair, Councilor Morgan has one chair, Councilor Mayday has one chair, Councilor Ben has one chair,
Councilor Sombra has two chairs,
General Ironwood has two chairs, Councilor Frederick has Three chairs (and is one of "The Night Watchers"), Councilor Dr. Obito has three chairs (and is in "The Swarm" and helps "The Night Watchers"), Councilor Mrs. Ballora Afton has Three chairs (and is a gang member for both gangs).

Sienna Khan and Iron Will who was a blue haired Bull Faunus with two horns on either side of his head and a metal ring piercing on his nose Sienna Khan was to be a tiger faunus, right now the 3 of them were in the main area of the Orphanage with Sunset, and the others watching them Sienna wanted to talk in private but chrysalis denied her request saying that whatever she had to say could be said in front of her kids.

"So why have you betrayed the white fang Chrysalis" asked/demanded Sienna.

"I didn't because I was never a part of the white fang, and funny you asked since I was going to ask why the white fang killed a member of my Family!" Yelled Chrysalis.

(I'm going to be using iron Wills full name to not get him confused with ironwood)

"Iron Will and his branch of the White Fang has done no such thing" denied Iron Will.

Chrysalis snarled at Iron Will using her semblance to turn her eyes red making the bull faunus coward then she spoke with Venom in her voice.

"Oh so a White Fang member driving a car in MANTLE which I might remind you cost a lot for a human let alone a Faunus! Who rarely have accidents since those few who do get cars make sure to take care of them" with every word that came out of Chrysalis the white fang members grew more tense along with the atmosphere.

"But this White fang member Just so happened to not know how to drive, yet still get a white fang car and drive it out of one of the white fang headquarters; and drove it on the wrong side of the road for 10 miles, Three! of them belonging to White fang, and the said car had its brakes working by the way I checked myself"

"Accidents happen chrysalis" said Sienna starting to believe foul play was involved

"Accidents yes, but not coincidences there's to many for it to just be an accident like for example the white fang driver died from a heart" Chrysalis took out some medical papers with photos and handed them to Sienna.

"A heart attack from drugs, drugs that aren't circulating through Atlas, and that aren't local here, these drugs were foreign and were specially ordered and it isn't like the fucker didn't know they wouldn't kill him because the dose that he took would have killed him in 2 minutes" said Chrysalis while taking out a map.

"2 minutes Sienna! On a road with a lot of turns and that takes 17 minutes to get to where the "Accident!" happened" snarled Chrysalis

"So he died from an overdose, So what Iron Will Believe that just means that it was the driver's fault not the white fang's" set Iron Will not believing his own words.

Chrysalis continue talking as if Iron Will didn't interrupt her.

"Since we found out the cause of death I send some of my men too follow the money trail, and the money trail lead them to him, Iron Wills second in command Tom Frank the buffalo Faunus" Chrysalis pointed at said Buffalo Faunus who was backing away sweating.

Sienna Khan give said faunus a look who was standing behind on the left of Iron Will, the bull faunus turned around to look at him as well the Buffalo Faunus then confessed and tried to justify his actions.

Tom: "He was a human, Miss Sienna Khan, Chrysalis had no right to be rubbing shoulders with the enemy"

Chrysalis: "First of all he was no enemy not to me, nor to the faunus not even the white fang, he wasn't a snitch, yes he comes from Atlas, yes he was a human, but he came down to mental to help both faunus and humans living in poverty and taught the children for free regardless of race now that he's gone none of those children will get higher education than of a middle schooler because of you" shouted Chrysalis.

"Just ask any faunus in mantle he's been helping us all by making the pollution AC's cleansers for our homes keeping the pollution out of our houses, and made a pizzeria to give all families a reason to SMILE" *😡* said Chrysalis taking her weapon out.

A dust blade with some metal string inside the handle that can let her shoot it out and wheel her sword as a whip with a metal ball at the end.

Tom was about to attack Chrysalis, but out of nowhere a dozen wooden snakes came out from the floor trapping him, Sienna Khan looked surprised and so did the children she brought with her (Blake Belladonna, Adam Torres, Illia Amitola, and Lil strong heart {aka, strong heartstrings who is related to Lyra heartstrings}).

*inhale* "You dare speak Ill of Mr. William" *exhale* said Hollow.

(The reason for why hollow inhales and exhales it's because the same arm that is made of wood is covering up a damaged lung he doesn't always need to though thanks to Sunset and his aura, his damaged lung has been healing)

The whole room turned to look at hollow who's normally has a monotone face expression and is quiet, now as a look of murderous intent teeth beard and a snarled and speaking loud enough for everybody to hear him.

*inhale* "I would Not feel sorry for killing someone else who kills, but it's not my call to make" *inhale* "Lucky you"

Chrysalis shrugged "regardless of whether he lives or dies it makes no difference the white fang will still not be wanted in mental by the human and by The Faunus alike" Chrysalis said this glaring at Sienna Khan.

"Don't speak t-"

Before the 12 year old Adam could continue a wolf Faunus like shadow appeared from beside him grabbing him by the throat, and scratching the right side of his mask, Adam tried to take his sword out but out of nowhere another Shadow clone came and Made the sword disappeared in the shadows, he turned to see a wolf Faunus girl holding his sword.

"...Hi I'm Roxanne Wolf, and I think your the ones who need to watch what they say" *😡*

This caused Chrysalis to give Roxanne a prideful smile.

"Thank you sweetie it's nice to finally hear your voice" said Chrysalis who only heard Roxanne speak extremely rare occasions.

"Thank you... Mother" said Roxy with a shy smile.

"Sienna Khan we're done talking take your White Fang members, and leave I better not see one of you leaving the formed white fang district" threaded Chrysalis.

(The White Fang district is a 3 mile long neighborhood with houses on either side of the street that's where only white fangs members live, since there aren't welcome anywhere else not even by other Faunus)

"Mis-" Sienna Khan tried to start but was interrupted.

"Did I Stutter!" Yelled Chrysalis making herself bigger.

That was the cue for sunset in the others to step in sunset began glowing in her magic covering herself in a cyan Aura around her whole body ready to turn "Phenomenal Rage Mode", the other sunset sprouted out two more fire foxtails and said her own foxtail on fire to match she also said her hair and ears on fire.

Hollow used his semblance to call out 3 wooden Lernaean Hydra heads his green Aura oozing out of their eyes and mouth giving them a scary appearance, and Roxanne summoned five more Shadow clones of herself.

(Roxanne Shadow clones aren't like Naruto's that have colors, and they're pitch Black and are see through and look like actual Shadows people)

Chrissy & Tati copied Vanny and all three of them got kitchen knife 🔪 and used the Sharingan to make illusions of themselves in one side of the room and moved behind the White Fang leader and kids, while Oura used her semblance to grow out 3 long claws (like Wolverine).

Finally May activated her semblance her neon green highlights getting brighter and her body growing her veins started growing neon green too and her teeth got shopper and her bunny ears seem to get... fluffier (Idk).

Sienna Khan knew she wouldn't want a fight against Chrysalis she alright tried to fight her once, and she lost that's when they first meet and Chrysalis has only gotten stronger along with the Crystal family, her gang, and her orphanage had strong kids Sienna Khan sighed softly.

Sienna: 'It's time to leave maybe, with time I could get in the good graces of Chrysalis, and these orphans could join the white fang'
"My apologies Chrysalis, please let us leave to the white fang district, and have Tom executed to show what happens to those who go against you"

To be continued...

Remnant vol 1 ch 2

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Time to Enroll into School: Canterlot Combat HS.

Blake Belladonna POV

(But before school let's pick up where we left off)

; I couldn't believe it Sienna had bowed down to someone she never did that, when we got to the house we were staring that Sienna collapsed in a nearby chair and the white fang members who are carrying Tom took him to the basement where they had holding cells.

Sienna sighs "Adam why did you get out of line you knew we needed her backing both here and everywhere else"

"She was disrespecting you, Us, We shouldn't and can't let her do that" stated Adam.

Sienna looked up at him "And That's Why! Your not a leader yet Adam, Chrysalis family is stronger than the white fang, We've only started to become violent recently and because of that change the majority of White fang members left" she groaned at the end.

"Why did they be friend a human Sienna- I mean high leader" Asked Blake.

Sienna looked over at Blake "Because Mr. William Afton was a human who helped the Faunus, and had married a half faunus, and who had adapted a faunus... Not all humans are evil... Just mostly all of them are, but there is a rare chance to come across one that is good" Sienna admitted begrudgingly.

"What's going to happen now, we needed transportation for the white fang, what are we going to say to the others" Asked Illia with a worried look.

"I'll ask Chrysalis, if we're lucky all I have to do is execute Tom, have the white fang be quieter than usual in Atlas and Mantle, and have new recruiting" said Sienna.

"I Can't Believe This!" announced Adam with anger.

"Believe it Adam, we can't fight Chrysalis mostly because of 2 reasons" said Sienna.

"The first reason, Chrysalis is stronger than us in every way you saw her, she was completely black had holes in her arms and bug wings with unnatural green eyes with selected pupils her Faunus genetics and prowess makes her greater than all the best White Fang Faunus we have" Informed Sienna.

"And second Chrysalis's family is a faunus family with a lot of power if we go against them, BOTH Faunus and Humans will be hunting down White Fang members... Or what's left of us after we change to a violent group" Stated Sienna Khan giving adam a glare causing him to take a step back with how intense it was.

"If you had done that as an adult the white fang cause would have finished right then and there, because faunus would want the white fang gone" Said a angered Sienna.

"I'm sorry, high leader" said Adam.

"I'm not the only one who you should be apologizing to, after the execution you'll apologize to Chrysalis" Said Sienna with another glare.

Adam didn't look none too happy of the thought of having to apologize to Chrysalis, but he Now knew he had to do it for the white fang and he didn't want to let down his adapted family in the white fang.

"Yes high leader" said Adam with gritted teeth.

; Me & Illia Walked out of the living room and went to the room that we're sharing, when I closed the door I turned to see Illia looking at the floor thinking about something.

"Are you okay Illia your looking pretty hard at that part of floor" asked Blake.

"U-uh I just was thinking of the Wolf Faunus the one with the shadows clones" Illia blushes.

"What about her?" asked Blake.

"...she had a SDC branding mark on her on her forehead behind her green highlighted hair" said Illia with a low voice.

'like the one on Adam's face' thought Blake "Are you sure she was one of the Orphans who hated the white fang for killing the human" asked Blake.

(I don't actually remember which side I said The SDC branding was)

"Yes" Illia said with confidence.

"If that's true then she's a traitor" said Adam.

Blake turned around to see the door open and Adam Torres standing in the middle of the doorway a hand on the hilt of his sword he walked in, and Illia looked mad at him for not asking to come in or maybe that he called the Wolf Faunus girl a traitor.

"What do you mean Adam" asked Blake.

"If she's from the SDC and has been branded than she should have been glad for the death of a human" stated Adam.

"But she wasn't she was angry for the death of the human, and what she should have done was join the white fang" stated Adam.

"Please don't be like that when you apologize, The white fang can't handle a war against the Crystal family" Illia asked.

; Adam just shot her a look that was hidden behind the mask at least only is eyes, and left with out saying anything I couldn't help myself but admire the way he's so devoted to the cause, Illia must have seen the expression on my face because she then asked.

"Blake do you "like" adam" Illia asked in an unhappy like way.

"I-I uh maybe" said Blake.


[Time Skip]
{1008 Crystal St. Chrysalis's district}

Chrysalis Crystal POV

(Okay now we're in the School part)

; I couldn't help but have a hint of a smile on my face the kid Adam Torres was getting hating glares from the rest of the white fang of Mantle, and from those who came from Atlas slums when they heard what happened to William Afton, and were unhappy about Adam when they heard what he did under my roof and in front of my kids.

; Why were they mad at Adam you may asked for one most of the White Fang members had family who had help or helped my family in present & past, no doubt some of them might quit the white fang to remain in the good graces of the crystal family, I wouldn't be surprised if they join or try to join my family servant or minions, they just better not try to join "The Swarm".

; As for the White Fang members from Atlas slums there reason for coming here is because there knew the Afton family for one reason or another, when they came here and found out how William Afton die they were outrage of how it was one of there own who was responsible for it.

Just like how the Crystal family helps faunus in mantle, the Afton family helps faunus in Atlas, but the faunus in mantle has been getting worse polluted air, request from prosthetics denied, higher wages denied, and better working conditions denied, and William Afton showed up to fix what he could and die trying by the very people he was helping.

After both Mantle and Atlas White Fang members found out why Faunus and Humans hated them now they were happy for the execution of Tom it was bad enough for them that humans mistreating them now they need to worry about their own racist hating them because of him.

; After the execution I went to my office and saw that Vanny's birthday is in a month or less she'll soon be a 11-years-old girl, I wanted all of my kids to attend the same school since William is gone do they don't need a new teacher or going to school, I didn't like it since her kids didn't play well with kids who are not from the orphanage.

; I already have a school in mind "Canterlot Combat School" it was both a middle and high school it had a huntsmen curricular course even if your not going to be a huntsman or huntress which is useful since some jobs will hire you for having huntsman training, and the school time there was 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. for lowerclassmen and 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. for upperclassmen.

; The Vice-Principal it's also known to accept any student despite the background so long is this they behave the Principal is more picky, however they had fights in their school and the students involved in the fight didn't get suspended, they even have duels to solve conflicts between students if need be.

Chrysalis wanted to make sure her kids were ready for school so she press a button that activated the intercom that was in the orphanage in case she needs to talk to all the kids in the orphanage 2 minutes later the main room was filled, Chrysalis told the kids about the school and some volunteered to go, but others wanted to go to jobs since the faunus children mental labor isn't against the law.

Thanks to unsurprisingly Jacques Schnee, Faunus(es) 13+ can work in some jobs if they can't or won't go to school, both Sunset Shimmers, Chrissy, Roxanne, Vanny, May, Oura, Tati, Hollow, and a few younger kids like Scootaloo, Thomas, Ralph, and Pigpatch.

; Pigpatch a pig 🐖 Faunus (not FNAF animatronic in this crossover, But does have cybernetic enhancements), Thomas a camel 🐪 Faunus, Ralph a gorilla 🦍 Faunus, and little Scootaloo a pony 🐎 Faunus (I won't have any Unicorn or Pegasus Faunus) who's in a wheelchair, but will hopefully be adopted regardless.

Other's went to Jobs like "Afton's Mega Pizza Plex: Mall & Shop" and Mom & pop's shops when Chrysalis had the kids that wanted to go to school she made a call to the CCS Principal or rather the Principal Secretary Raven inkwell.

(PC: Principal Celestia VPL: Vice Principal Luna C: Chrysalis RI: Raven inkwell)

"Hello you have reached the "Canterlot Combat High School" reception desk this is Raven inkwell how may I be of assistance" – RI

"Good evening I am the Mistress of an orphanage with kids who want to go to CCS school and was wondering what is the procedure for some of my orphans to attend a school" – C

"A well normally it would be like any other procedure like of a parent and their child, but the principal of CCS likes to go to the orphanages to meet you and the kids personally, in case something happens that makes it hard for you to come to us" – RI

"I will tell the principal and she will call you back when she has time, and we'll set up a visiting meeting for her to go to the Orphanage, I just need you to give me a phone number, an address, and the name of the Orphanage" – RI

Chrysalis waited for a callback and got it around 6:00 P.M. when she answered there was two voices instead of one which had Chrysalis wandered who it was since as far as she knew the principal was single.

"Hm is this the head lady of the orphanage" – PC

"Yes, I'm... I'm Chrysalis Crystal, and the reason why I'm having the kids inter school is because the person I had teaching them die in a car accident" – C

Celestia didn't sound like she cared or more likely she didn't know of the Crystal family, and was more focused on the kids who would be unrolled to her school, and sad for the now dead teacher (William Afton).

"Oh tha-" – PC

"Wait sister did she say her name is Crystal... As an The Crystal family" – VPL

"...Yes" – C

"I... I use to work for the Crystal family... When... If we let your kids in... Will they be on there best behavior... And will they agree to be with me being there teacher, guidance counselor, and more" – VPL

"... Yes but why" – C

"I don't want to convince them into leaving you... It's just- it was hard for me to get along with other people, when I came out of Mantle and got back to Atlas" – VPL

"Ok I'm sure there won't have a problem with that thank you... And will it be okay for them to have body cameras?" – C

"Body cameras?" – VPL

"It so if something does happen there's video footage for what happened" – C

"...I'll have them be live footage" – VPL

"Even better" – C

"The summer break is almost here, You can enroll them after the break, I will visit you during the break" – VPL

"Ok sounds good, Thank you, Bye" – C

"Bye" – VPL & PC


(After The End of Phone Call)

Vice Principal Luna POV

After Luna hung up the phone she turned to her sister who had a worried look, Celestia wanted to take them in like she does with every student regardless of their sexuality or background, but Luna knew her sister wouldn't help the students for the same reason she always has "I must be neutral to the situation sister"

Celestia would still accept any student but won't be lenient towards them since she wants her students to solve their problems like racism to the Faunus student body and stopping the homophobic student body on their own, Luna on the other hand was always on the side of the students who needed in any way they needed like the LGBT students and Faunus students.

"Luna taking full responsibility of these students is no easy feet" stated Celestia.

"Yes I'm sure these kids I'm sure will help in the war against Selam you'll have your "good students" and I'll have mine" said Luna with a serious look to both Celestia and Ozpin.

"I still don't like your way of thinking Miss Luna" stated Ozpin.

"And I still don't Trust you" Luna growled out.

"Luna" Celestia said with a growl of her own.

"No sister he's not at all like a leader, he more like a king that keeps secrets from those he demands loyalty from" Yelled Luna.

In the past when Luna and Celestia were students Ozpin brought Celestia into his war, and showed her a little behind the veil and turn her into the summer maiden Luna however was kept in the dark, and the secrecy drove Celestia and Luna apart, that alongside the nugget of their parents drove Luna to join the crystal family.

It wasn't until Celestia in a desperate time needed help and had asked Luna for it, Celestia was trying to protect the winter maiden her teammate from Canterlot Combat School before they were in charge of it, the winter maiden with being under attack and was seriously injured by a follower of Salem, Celestia was unconscious and everybody who came with Luna died.

Luna not only killed the Salem follower but she was the only one who was with the winter maiden because of this the winter maiden the thought of her turning Luna into the next winter maiden, the day after Celestia woke up in the rundown apartment Luna was living in Celestia had no choice but to tell Luna of Salem.

"It wouldn't surprise me if the only reason why he doesn't order my death is, because he doesn't want 2 maidens to have a good reason to go against him, and having the ones who he already have their loyalty who are you question him, and proving me right" *😠* Yelled Luna.

"And I suppose a person like you is trustworthy?" Ozpin question.

"No one is trustworthy, and at least I don't lie with a straight face and manipulate people into trust me" 'seriously back when I was a single woman who was a guns for hire I had many bosses that acted the same way as this Palpatine wannabe' thought Luna.

"Luna! he does no such thing" Yelled Celestia.

"As if, Don't worry about the kids I'll visit them alone" said Luna then left making her way out of her sister's house.

Celestia called her one more time but Luna was gone she was heading towards her car to make her way to the air boarding docks, and had to mantle hopefully be surprised visit won't inconvenience chrysalis she knew the orphanage Chrysalis runs.


Roxanne Wolf POV

; I was naves and excited I used to have a lot of self-confidence before my parents died, and I had to work in the mines this was before I had my aura and semblance, and so when one of the over watchers saw that I made a mistake came up to me and branded her, the pain and hatred that course through me activated my aura, and costed me to run away since I didn't want to know what happens to workers in the mines when they activated their aura's.

After sometime she arrived at the orphanage and all of her pride and self-confidence was gone, but now Chrysalis wanted to take them to where the Grimm are in the caves and abandoned mines as training after having used her semblance in a long time she felt her pride coming back to her and wanted to prove it to herself by killing Grimm that she still was... At least one of the best.

[Time Skip by Foxy 🦊]

"Ok kids here's the thing you'll be killing one Grimm each, and study math, reading, and science and computers to prepare yourself for school" said Chrysalis.

"And I will help teach you said subjects and more" added VP Luna

Luna was expecting something like this to happen she expected this from the crystal family since she used to serve them, And went through something like this herself and knew she and Chrysalis would be following them in the shadows; Everyone said "Okay" to them.

"Um can I bring a "friend" with us and can they be enrolled in school regardless of who they are" Asked Vanny.

"Uh... Sure Vanny, but who are they" VP Luna said unsurely.

"My father William always posted about how I'm a prodigy let me prove it" she said with a push of a button on her watch. said Vanny.

Immediately a flying person came from the direction of the pizzeria and landed in front of them Vanny stood beside her and presented her as if she was selling something... Something Mr Afton taught her probably.

"This is the first ever Android with artificial auras she is a sentient being like me and anyone else" said Vanny with pride.

'... Okay I new those in the Afton family were smart but... WOW' Roxanne thought.

"That Is Incredible Miss Vanny What's Her Name!" said VP Luna

"My name is Laberna Afton vice principal Luna and like Vanny said I am a sentient creature even though I am made of 1 & 0 and have metal instead of flesh and blood I am very much alive" Laberna said with a smile

"Oh my apologies would you like to attend our school" said Luna with a cheapest smile.

'Wow she's taking the existence of a sentient robot better than most people then again none of us are normal really' thought Roxanne.

"... Thank you for seeing me as a person" Luna & Laberna give each other a smile... And they weren't the only ones smiling.

[Time Skip]

Roxanne was in what seems like a Grimm made hole Roxanne assumed it must have been from those giant centipede Grimm a "Young Ground Weller", but to her surprise a giant gorilla Grimm a "Beringel" came from in front of her and roared.

The Beringel was 9ft and the cave ceiling was 17.7ft and the walls 19.3 apart so Roxanne had tried jumping over the Beringel, but the Grimm had smacked her mid air sending her fly to the right wall Roxanne Aura protected her though.

(Aura percentage: 91% 💚)

Roxanne heard the Beringel coming at her so she darted to the left leaving a fire dust infused red shadow clone (an actual see through shadow that looks like her) to get attacked, and explode (basically just picture her semblance like that of Blake's, but Roxanne Wolf semblance allows it to manipulate shadows so she can do much more than Shadow clone).

As the clone exploded the Beringel was hurting and confused so she took out her weapon a long Japanese sword with a 7 long revolver chamber at the base of the sword wear it connected to the hilt, she named it "Long Fang" and it had Fire Dust, Water Dust, Wind Dust, Magnet(ism) Dust, Lightning Dust, Ice Dust, and Shadow Dust.

Roxanne jumped again but this time instead of jumping over the Grimm she was lunging at the Grimm's left arm, she twisted her waste mid air making her spin into a downward slash cutting off the Grimm's arm the Beringel roared in pain, and was backing away from her it then got angry and tried to hit her but Roxanne drugged.

Only to get a face filled of dirt as the Beringel flung a handful of it at her she looked away trying no to get dirt in her eyes, but remembered her Aura will protect her from that she tried to look at the direction of the Beringel... only to get punched backwards, and crashed into a rock the Beringel was thumping its chest in victory.

(Aura percentage: 79% 🧡)

Until it looked back down to see a yellow Shadow clone waving at him the Beringel not knowing it was a Shadow clones infused with Lightning Dust raised it's hand, and hit the Shadow clone only to get electrocuted once he touched it as the Grimm was getting electrocuted Roxanne took the chance to decapitate the Beringel.

'I'll take a picture as my proof' thought Roxanne.


After that Roxanne took a picture she texted Vice Principal Luna that she was done (RW: Roxanne Wolf)

^VP Luna I'm done^ – RW

^A Beringel good job miss wolf now come back to the outside^ – VPL

^Yes ma'am^ – RW


Roxanne Puts her scroll away and was a smile thinks to her self 'Yes I'm still one of the best' and with that she headed to leave the mines feeling her pride and confidence coming back to her, and she can't wait to she how her new family is doing with there Grimms.

Roxanne would go back to thinking about Laberna and how she was made.


Thx 4 reading next chapter will be the first FNAF Chapter.

FNAF vol 1 ch 1

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Two things before you start reading.

This is a slow paced story and the two main components of this fanfic is RWBY and MLP.

But it will have FNAF in it and will be a secondary main component including getting its own storyline (which you would know if you read my blogs), but because it's a slow paced story and FNAF isn't one of main plot components.

FNAF characters and elements won't be in a forefront of it, not to mention that I barely just started and am a new writer that will be releasing new chapter slow.

Which is why FNAF isn't one of the tags anymore, and no now that the FNAF storyline is getting started I won't be re-adding the tag the FNAF tag will stay deleted.

But FNAF will stay in the description and credits, since FNAF will be a part of this fanfic.

Just not in the forefront it will get its own chapters by it self, which brings me to the people who got mad because FNAF wasn't in the first pilot or chapters.

And if once you dislike my fanfic because you didn't have the patience to wait after you read in the description that it said Slow-paced please don't come back now that FNAF is getting implemented into the storyline.

Because you will only be disappointed again of how slow-paced and of the slow updates the FNAF storyline has.


With that being said those of you who disliked my fan effect because it was genuinely bad thank you for your honest opinion, and as for those of you who are patient for the rest of you who will continue to read this fanfic.

Because you like it, I hope you enjoy :)


Finishing Laberna

Vanny Afton POV

(This Chapter is also a backflash of sorts and remember that William Afton in this fanfic isn't the same as in the FNAF Canon)

Vanny was waking up to the Pizza Plex it was a 7 hours before her orphan friends and herself have to take a test to enroll into Canterlot Combat High School; However Vanny wanted to finish the project she and her adopted father started.

Vanessa, Vanny's older sister, was waiting for her outside the 6 doors of the Mega Pizza Plex who she was the soul owner, ever since the death of William and given Vanny the William A.I.

The A.I. was originally made to keep the secret of William Robotics company that was the other Main military relied robotic business for Atlas the other being the Polendina Electronics.

The two we're strange businesses mostly because Mr Afton and Mr Polendina never tried to run one another out of business sure they tried to outshone each other, but not because they wanted to be the soul Main robotic and Technology advancer for Atlas, but rather because they were rivals since middle school.

William Robotics is it company that is now owned by Michael Afton but will later be owned by Vanny since when Michael was the head of the company and didn't have to work on machines his father did, and that boosted morale amongst the workers it wasn't just him though some days he would bring Vanny and she would also help with the robots in Electronics the Company made.

Vanny would mostly help out with the animatronics that were made for the pizzerias like today, she came to the Mega Pizza Plex to help Vanessa with the checkup and maintenance of the animatronics.

"Hey there sis ready for work" asked Vanessa to her little sister.

"Yes, and have you heard me and my friends are enrolling Canterlot Combat High School I'll be on a team with Roxanne, Chrissy, and Sunset the pony one" Said Vanny skipping her way up the stairs.

"That's great Vanny, That means I don't have to worry for you" Vanessa said petting Vanny on top of her head.

"Hey I can take care of my self" said Vanny with a pout.

; This cause Vanessa to burst out laughing, Causing the near by Animatronic, Glamrock Freddy, who ran up to them and give me a big bear huge one that I gladly returned.

"Hi Freddy how's life" asked Vanny.

"Things have been great~ here at the Mega Pizza Plex, Glamrock Bonnie, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Foxy, and me have been doing great work entertaining the kids and celebrating Birthdays!" Yelled Freddy with such happiness it was radiating off of him.

"Nice, sorry for not having enough time to hang with you guys, but I have to finish up Laberna, My friends and I will be enrolling into Canterlot Combat High School soon" Stated Vanny.

"That's great Vanny hope you get though it with ease" Freddy told me with a thumbs up.



[Time Skip]

; I went down to the "Parts and Service" where I had Laberna in one of the side rooms, she was on a table with her artificial skin covering her head, chest, stomach, waist, ass, thighs, and back as one whole piece as for everything else it was bare endoskeleton.

The other pieces of artificial skin are hanging on a nearby wall Vanny would have to do some inner stitching, It will leave behind lines on the shoulders and on knees, all of which can easily be hidden with clothes giving Laberna the appearance of a real girl.

; All that's left is for me to put her together and finish up her code as well as installing her aura batteries, as well as installing the semblance translator, A computer that can turn raw aura into a semblance as long as the computer has been given a code for a specific semblance ahead of time.

"Heeyyy~ Vanny how's my Faunus sister" came a voice behind me.

; I turn to see my best Animatronic friend, Glamrock Bonnie, Since we are both Bunnies we got along the best and was the animatronic who would spend the most time to make me smile.

"Hey metal brother, I'm good just finishing Laberna" I told Bonnie.

"Oh need help?" asked Bonnie.

"I'd love some help" Said Vanny.

So after some help and 3 hours, Which was a lot of Glamrock Bonnie just handing Vanny tools and Vanny typing away on a computer, and sewing the artificial skin on the endo along with dressing up the Android.

The Android named Laberna Afton would open her eyes for the first time and smiled at one of her creators Vanny, But her other creator wasn't there and this made her confused until Vanny pressed enter on the computer Laberna was connected to and everything that happened in recent history was uploaded into her head including Williams death.

"Oh" was all that Laberna before she started to cry, I hugged her until she stopped crying which was 2 minutes since the tear mechanism we made for her had to be big enough to last a long time but small enough to fit in her head.

"Hi it's going to be okay" I tried to comfort her.

"Why aren't you crying" asked Laberna after she stopped crying.

"Laberna it's been years for me, William died before we could finish your parts" I informed her.

"Oh... W-what now what's my purpose" asked Laberna.

"You don't have one, you need to make your own that's why William and I built you to have free will" Stated Vanny.

"Hmm... What are you going to do now that I'm done" asked Laberna.

"Go to combat high school" I said.

"...Can I come with you" asked Laberna.

"Fuck yeah" I said with entusiasta.

"Please Miss you are a prodigy please ask more responsible" said Laberna with a disappointed look.

'Party Pooper' I thought "Let's just go meet the others" I told her as I made my way towards the Parts and Service exit, Glamrock Bonnie and Laberna following her.


[Time Skip]


The rest of the Glamrocks were just chilling in the main area, where there are holograms of them on a stage, and they were on the center table of the room.

Vanny, Laberna, and Glamrock Bonnie come up to them with Glamrock Foxy being the first to notice the 3 them coming over to them and decided to be the first to greet them.

"Ahoy ladies who be the new poppet" greeted Glamrock Foxy.

"I beg your pardon" said Laberna.

"He means, Hi friends who's the new girl" Helped Glamrock Chica.

"She's Laberna an android who's going to Combat High School with me and my friends" Informed Vanny.

"Well Laberna hope you enjoy school" said Glamrock Freddy.

"Enjoy school? like anyone could enjoy that there" stated Glamrock Foxy.

"Hey Guys It's Almost Time" Yelled Vanessa who just finished sound checking the stage.

"Come on guys let's rock, good luck at y'all's new School!" Yelled Glamrock Bonnie, as the Glamrocks went to the stage to get ready for a show.

A little later Vanny and Laberna were about to exit the Mega Pizza Plex, but We're stopped by Vanessa who yelled after them.

"Hi Vanny wait here take this"

Vanessa handed Vanny a baton with a extending blade at the long end of it.

"Us this for your time at Canterlot Combat HS." Said Vanessa.

"Thanks sis, but why this weapon?" Asked Vanny.

"Using a fancy transforming weapon is good and all, but using a plane weapon now will make you a better Huntress later in live" stated Vanessa.

"Okey? I'll try" said Vanny in a unsure voice.


Thx for reading the next chapters will be Remnant ch 1.3 and ch 1.4 and after that will be the first Equestrian chapter.

After that will be either FNAF ch 1.2 or Remnant ch 1.5

Remnant vol 1 ch 3

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The Power Of Crystals

Chrissy Crystal POV
{In the minds Center hub}

The young Crystal girl was in the main hub (idk what it's called) and was wondering how many faunus were working here... And how many had die in here she wasn't a White Fang supporter, but she didn't like the fact that the Faunus had to suffer for the good of "Humanity" and got nothing in return she still remembers VP Luna story of how her parents neglected her for being a Faunus.

[Moments ago]

"Excuse me Miss Luna, but why do you have a vest with a metal back?" Chrissy asked VP Luna.

The others had already went inside the cave to get there experience for Grimm killing, and go back home and finish any school work Luna will give them, so they could play a Uno game once there were done with there work.

Luna looks at her with a sad smile "Ah will that's because I'm a Bird Faunus which is the same reason why I was neglected by my parents which cost me to run away and for them to abandon me along with convincing my sister to do the same though they didn't try very hard, and it was also the reason for me joining the crystal family gang the "Nightmares" specifically"

"You have wings?... And you we're a part of the Nightmares?" Question Chrissy.

"Yes I'll show you my wings later okay, and yes I was part of the Nightmares and I even was their leader at one point" Answered Luna.


Chrissy was happy knowing that they would have Luna on there side when they will go to school, but was sad that Luna had felt what her friends had felt cause of her Faunus threats, but instead of having been a orphan by dead parents her parents were alive when they had abandoned her.

"Maybe we can be her real family" stated Chrissy.

Suddenly a "Young Ground Weller" exploded from the ground and had pushed her away it then begin to rushing her so she didn't have time to Dodge so she used her semblance to turn into Fog 🌫️ the Grimm stopped looking a round for her, meanwhile she was transforming into back from being Fog on top of a conveyor belt high above to avoid the gaze of the Young Ground Weller.

(Chrissy Aura percentage: 93% 💚)

The mining grounds was now coded in a average dense fog as if somebody ignited a bunch of smoke bombs, Chrissy took advantage of this to take out her Kunai's made by her, but enchanted with teleporting magic by sunset they also been enchanted to teleport back to her pockets by command.

(I couldn't find a picture of them)

They come in 3 Dust releases Fire Dust, Ice Dust, and Lightning Dust they have a closed mode and a opened mode and she can mixed the dust if she needed to, the closed mode was for her to throw it like a regular kunai and the opened mode is for her to use it as a boomerang.

Chrissy grabbed 12 Ice Dust Kunai's (closed) and threw them around the Grimm the moisture in the air combined with the ice dust embedded into the ground made a thick & strong layer of ice keeping the Young Ground Weller above ground, as the ice was forming Chrissy was running down the conveyor belt and taking out 4 fire Kunai's to throw them at the Ice to turned it into water.

She then summoned all of her thrown Kunai's back to her bag and proceeded to take out a lightning kunai and threw it at the water, the Weller Grimm did not die though and once the lightning stopped it charged at her furiated at her.

She then started throwing Fire Dust Kunai's allover the floor around her the fire dust ignited and she shapeshifted herself into fire and started spinning which caused a flame nado burning the Weller as soon as it came close the wind in the center of the flame nado picked up two volcanic dust crystals.

Grabbing them Chrissy shadeshifted back into herself as she was coming out of the fire tornado 🌪️ landing on the Grimm's face she stabbed it with both crystals, and use her Aura to activate them she didn't jump off as lava exploded Grimm's face killing it, but before the Grimm was gone she took a picture and told Miss Luna she was done.

(Ch: Chrissy C: Chrysalis VPL: Luna)

Ch: ^Miss Luna I'm done, my kill was a Young Ground Weller^

Luna: ^Good work Chrissy now come back out no need to stay, and chance another running with a grimm^

C: ^hey mini mi :)^

Ch: ^Ugh Moom~^

C: ^oh hush I know you like it, just wanted to tell you how proud I am <3^

Chrissy was super happy to hear that she wasn't the fighting type, but if need be she okay with beating the shit out of someone and she knew her mother wants her to be more of the "tuff girl" type, but to just have her mom approve of her even if it is for fighting she still happy nevertheless.

She wonders how Vanny's doing?


2nd part

White Bunny 🐰 Playtime

Vanny Afton POV

'~I'm gonna be a huntress I'm gonna be a Huntress I'm gonna be the bunny who going to be a Huntress with her family~' I thought in sing song voice out of boredom "~oh Grimmy's oh big uglies come out to play with me~"

"Young mistress don't play around we need to take this seriously" said Laberna with a hand on her hand.

; I turned and looked at my friend with a serious look I had told her not to call me anything like "Mistress" not only does it feel weird to be called that, but we were going to attend a school and she shouldn't be calling me like that anyways I made her to be free not a servant.

"Okay look let's compromise I'll start acting serious FOR THIS TASK if you promise to start using my name like a friend or sister should" *😏* I said in return.

"...Okay Vanny I'll be more..." Laberna paused so I continued for her.

"More free, more like a real girl, more like your own self" I told her.

"I th-" before Laberna could finished a second interrupted her.

In that moment 4 Spider Grimm came out of a cave (I couldn't find a pic I liked so I'm going to describe it uh actually I'll draw it too) their legs were 6ft in length and their bodies were 7.6ft in length and 4 ft in width they looked liked a tarantula but instead of fear they had spikes of bones and a big bone plated armor on their body, but some parts of their legs where exposed.

"A it seems we have found some Grimm-rantula's" stated Laberna.

"Is that what their really called" I asked Laberna.

"I'm a afraid so" *😔* Laberna said in a disappeared tone.

(I couldn't come up with a better name and I don't know if there's an official spider grimm in the anime, Oh and in my fanfic semblances don't use up aura... Too much work to count)

The Grimm-rantula's ran tourers them and shot their poison tours them Vanny was too distracted with the fact that they were shooting poison in the first place, Laberna grabbed Vanny and jumped out of danger.

"Why isn't it shooting venom" I asked.

"Their Grimm not real tarantulas Vanny" informed Laberna.

"Oh, I'll have 2 of them and you'll take the other 2" I told her.

"That will be for the best yes" agreed Laberna.

The Grimm-rantula's had gathered at the bottom of where they're standing on the ledge, A Grimm-rantula was already climbing towards them, so Vanny jumped towards it, and took out a long chain with a small gun scythe on the end of both sides (I'm might not draw it).

Vanny pointed both gun scythes behind her and fired to launch herself towards the Grimm, and twisting her hips to spin around with her chain (like a Beyblade), the Grimm-rantula saw this and puts four of its legs in front of it blocking the attack Vanny jumped backwards letting Laberna come from underneath her to body slam the Grimm-rantula.

Laberna and The Grimm-rantula slammed down to the ground creating a crater the Grimm-rantula didn't die though, and pushed her to the side sending Laberna flying in to a giant boulder, but after the dust (actual dust) settled Laberna just got up like nothing happened.

(by the way since Laberna has a higher percentage her Aura is going to be scaled differently for example.

Human & Faunus Aura Percentage.

Laberna Aura Percentage.
💙500-401 💚400-301 🧡300-201
💛200-101 ❤️100-0)

(Laberna Aura Percentage 💙489%)

"Ow" *😒* was all a unimpressed Laberna

A pear of grimm-rantula were already making their way towards her, but she had just used her blue Aura semblance to summon a suit of armor with a long spear, one of the Grimm tarantula's was in mid jump ready to attack Laberna, but she just smacked it aside with her spear.

The another was shooting it's poison at her and she Dodge to the right, but she was still hit with poison on her side, which was more effective.

(Laberna Aura Percentage 💙469%)

"...Okay now that did do something... It made me Mad" an Irated Laberna.

Meanwhile Vanny was at the other side of the cave using her Sharingan (like) semblance to turn her self into her chibi form making it harder to kill her, and having the Grimm-rantula's shoot each other with there poison.

"Oh my! You guys are lousy shooter ~giggity~" *w* I said with a cartoon cat face expression.

This angered both Grimm-rantula's so they begin shooting at her only for them to shot at an illusion of Vanny and the real Vanny use ice dust to impaled them both from underneath (basically just imagine two miniature size Washington monuments and light blue ice implying both Grimms).

"All right I'm all done" I said taking out my scroll and taking a picture.

Vanny turned around to see that her friend was already done by dropping multiple Aura Spears (I don't know if I spelled that right) implying then in every part of their body that's exposed and isn't covered by the white armor.

"I've also finished come young mistress w-" started Laberna before I interrupted her.

"Hey! What happened to using my real name?" I said Puffing out my cheeks.

"What happened to being serious" *🤨* asked Laberna.


Laberna Sighed "Nevermind Vanny let's just go"

"...Oh come on Laberna I'm still just a kid going to Highschool" I told her.

"Just promise me you'll be more serious when it counts" asked Laberna.

"Fine" I said following her.

Vanny followed Laberna out the caves feel a bit nervous keeping her promise since being serious wasn't her cup of tea but when they left the cave, and Vice Principal Luna called for them she stood at attention the best way she could like how she plays Atlas soldiers with the other kids around her age sometimes.

Laberna give her a side eye but didn't say anything nor was she disappointed because this is how vice principal Luna wanted them to report like Atlas soldiers.

VP Luna: "Report!"

Vanny: "We went up against four Grimm-rantula's ma'am"

Chrysalis surprised, Luna and herself knew Vanny and Laberna had a talk about being more responsible, but she was worried Vanny wouldn't take it serious because of how Laberna was adamant about Vanny being serious, and by the look of it VP Luna was surprised by Vanny too, but then she give them a smile.

Luna: "Good Job girls, Fallout!"

(I don't know if Fallout is the right term to use, but I'm going to be using it, along with Attention!)

Laberna took Vanny off to the ride away from VP Luna, Chrysalis, Roxanne, and Chrissy, as for the others Both Sunsets, May, Oura, Tati, Hollow, and more are all still inside.

"So?" Started Laberna.

"What? It's not fair if you call me Vanny for nothing, plus we're going to school So~ kinda need to be more serious... But only when it counts" I said smiling.

Laberna Smiles "Thank you Vanny, but please don't do anything stupid while we're at school"


Oura Saiko POV

Oura was in a tunnel full of Dust Crystals and along the way she found some normal, but Valuable Crystals each Worth $300, Oura Saiko may want to become a huntress, but she was a girl who wants the best in life because of how much she had lost, failed to gain since the world hated the Faunus.

Her Orange and pink hair was bad enough since it was natural it made human girls jealous and she had to protect it from being cut by them, and it didn't help she was a Faunus, So she became a money order anything or anyway she could get money, Oura would have it or learned it.

She had a total of $7,567 saved up and she felt proud of her self only in High school, and was already better of then most Orphans and some Faunus.

(I don't know about all of you but Canterlot "High" felt more like a Middle & High School put together because the CMC human counterparts were still there)

But she wasn't greedy she was planning on setting up her own little Faunus company a way to combine fashion, like boots, shoes, gloves, belts, and other clothes with weapons or gear enhancers and other things.

; Maybe I can make an all Faunus employment and give them higher wages, safe working environment, and benefits, and who knows maybe she'll rent out a table at the flea market so children who are orphans and under the age can work there, not like the authorities of Atlas would care.

'maybe I can have it so that-' before I could finish my thought 2 Razor Tooth Grimm appeared in to the tunnel.

'Oh great' I thought.

Oura didn't want to take long with this so she ran up to the closest one and as it launched at her she ducked underneath it punched it underneath is strong, and use her semblance to extend a claw so far into the Razor Tooth head it came out of the other end and killed him, but the other won't be so easy since it's bigger.

(Hey look I figured out how to install images hopefully I will be doing this for the Equestria Storyline and the FNAF storyline in later chapters)

The Razor Tooth circuit around Oura with a caution after seeing that the little Faunus girl wasn't as defenseless as he thought, And Oura did the same knowing that this older Grimm was smarter than the younger one she killed.

Oura launch forward hoping to catch the Razor Tooth by surprise and stabbing him with her claws (that were like Laura Kinney aka X-23), but he launch himself forward passing her on the right side.

Oura tried to pivot on her left leg only for her to get hit by the Razor Tooth Grimm with its rear legs.

(Oura Saiko Aura percentage 💚87%)

"You brute you will pay for that you filthy heathen" I didn't know if it could understand me or not, but it acted like it understood.

Oura than used her semblance to grow herself a tail without the Grimm knowing, so the second time it launched at her she was able to shove her newly grown tail down it's trout en Explorer it killing it.

"There now where was I... Fuck forgot to take a picture or video of it disagrating" I chastise myself.

Remnant vol 1 ch 4

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No Pov Narrator
'Thoughts or voices'
; POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}

The Cat & the Tree

Hollow Blight POV

*inhale* "I know I agreed to this, but there's 12 of us, not including the little ones who will be middle schoolers and so don't need to do this, but why did we are separate" I asked Tati

"Hmm Pride I guess?" Answered Tati.

"Yeah your right but I can't help but think this is a bit of a drag, this would be much easier with all of us together, no point into putting so much effort into going to a school where they will try to bully us out" *exhale*

"I know what you mean a lot of us don't want to go to a school of humans with what we been through, especially if they're trying to actively Target us but don't worry I read upon VP Luna School and it's a all-inclusive school so the chances of us running into a racist human there is someone low"

; I really didn't care if a human wanted to fight with me, I was used to having humans and there true nature on me but I also know of the ones who are exceptions, but I don't want my orphan sisters and brothers to go through that.

Even if their weren't his real sister they might as well be, since families aren't just blood related there are families who you've chosen.

As they were walking down the tunnel they arrived into an open area that was being used as a nest of Grimm Lancers at have taken notice of their arrival.

*inhale* "I count 200" I could feel they're dark energy.

"If you don't mind I'll copy your semblance now, and take 100 and I'll destroy the nest, you'll destroy the queen bee and the other one hundred" said Tati.

"Fine by me" *exhale*

Hollow then started to remove his jacket he didn't need to activated his Aura cause it was already on, which was all that Tati need to copy his semblance.

All Tati needs is to see the light of your aura to copy your semblance, as for Hollow he rarely turned off his Aura since he needs it to have two arms since one of them is made out of wood, and unlike others who if keep their Aura on long enough will start to lose it 1% at a time, Hollow has an abundance of Aura.

Vice Principal Luna POV

; Chrysalis and I were looking down at Hollow Blight and Tati Tsumi, as I saw Hollow taking is jacket off I could see something weird about his left arm, I turn to Chrysalis how already knew what I was going to ask.

"When Hollow was a little boy he was in a accident that cut his arm off, that made him an easy victim for humans" said Chrysalis.

; I felt anger from what Chrysalis was saying my sister likes to see the good in every one, so when students get in to fights for racism she let's them fight and if the human won both students would get Detention.

; But if the Faunus wins both get suspended she says it's because of the other human students who would go after the Faunus student, which she isn't wrong but still I don't like to show favoritism.

"He hates most humans because of that, but not all, anyways he always has his Aura on and uses it to replace his missing limb" stated Chrysalis.

"How?" I Asked an impressed, having one's Aura on too long will start to deplete it.

Chrysalis: "He has a lot of Aura and uses his semblance to grow a wooden arm"

VP Luna: "... Impressive and Creative"


Hollow Blight POV

Hollow jumped and extended his arm towards one of the Grimm Lancer impaling it on impact, while Tati clapped her hands and dropped to the ground with her finger tips digging into the dirt, a few seconds later big mushrooms.

Tati then started to place fire dust crystals in the blue mushrooms, the mushrooms started turning purple and Tati used a vine to connect them together.

Meanwhile in the air Hollow was blitzing from Grimm Lancer to Grimm Lancer chopping off their wings, causing them to fall to the ground nearby or on top of the giant purple mushrooms, Tati counted 100 Grimm Lancer as Hollow landed next to her.

*inhale* "Sorry the others caught on quick, and flew up to where I couldn't reach them"

"That's fine" Tati assured me.

As Tati said that she pulled out the vine she was holding setting off a chain reaction that caused the giant purple mushrooms to exploded, and because the mushrooms were poisonous the Grimm Lancer who survived the explosion got poisoned instead and because of the Fire Dust they were set on fire.

"Okay so 56 Grimm Lancer down, which leaves us with the Queen and 44 leftover... *Inhale* great" Tati said with a sarcastic tone.

"Don't worry we can handle it" *exhale*

Hollow closed his eyes, clapped his hands together, tied his fingers together, then he bend both knees getting closer to the grounded, and lately his blue highlights started to glow a "Parakeet Green" color, and then he inhaled.


"What is he doing" asked a confused Vice Principal Luna

"His semblance is plant manipulation and Creation, So he can create basically living plants and/or manipulate them" informed Chrysalis.

"This makes his semblance one of the best defensive and offensive semblances, since he can either manipulate plants, or create plans with a mind of their own to protect him against things that he can't, couldn't, or wouldn't have notice" informed Chrysalis.

'That's even better than a Maiden' Thought V.P. Luna.

"Since he can create plants, he could oh so create fictional plants into real-life and has practice a lot, the only thing he needs is how the plant looks and acts and he'll make up the rest from the grounds up" Stated Chrysalis.

"Ok and..." Asked V.P. Luna.

"He's been trying to perfect a move he calls-"



Lernaean Hydra Plant: Hollow uses his semblance to bring 3 dragon wooden Hydras to live, they can't shoot fire but because they are "live" in a way they have their own Aura.

Their Auras makes them look like as if they are on fire form their eyes and mouth, but that's only for looks their Auras can only protect them, they don't have any semblances and because of that their Aura shields them better a any person or electric shield.

And since their Hydras when their heads get chopped off 2 more grow back in it's place, these plant base creatures also come with bio acid.

They are also like Naruto shadow clones whenever he summons one Hydra Plant and desmond's it, he will resummon the same one and every single time he summons it, it will gain more and more sentient.

Suddenly 3 Dragon like trees grow from around him one immediately shot acid at 11 nearby Grimm Lancers while the other 2 grow upwards to the rest of the Grimm Lancers.


Current Aura levels

Hollow Blight: 💚99%

Tati Tsumi: 💚95%

Hydra head 1: 💚100%

Hydra head 2: 💚100%

Hydra head 3: 💚100%


The 3 Hydras were able to kill one Grimm Lancer each with their mouths making it so that there's 41 Grimm Lancers left, some of the Grimm Lancers surrounding them went for the attack but barely did any damage.

The 3rd wooden Hydras glowed more brighter and shot acid at the Grimm Lancers killing off 5 of them leaving 36 Grimm Lancers.

'I wonder if I can kill some Grimms with out dieing' wounded Tati

Tati ran up one of the chunks of the Hydras with a vine on each hand, when she reached the top of the Hydra without taking damage she wiped her vines around the Hydra horns, and then ran back down so she could slingshot herself to the Grimm Lancers.

Tati shot one of her vines to one of the Grimm Lancers to make herself get closer and used her other vine like a whip to cut the Grimm in half, she then did the same thing to 9 other Grimm Lancers in quick secession.

Leaving 26 Grimm Lancers left that number got smaller when all 3 Hydras decided to shot their acid all over the air, Tati saw what was a about to happen so she used two Grimm Lancers to slingshot herself to the bottom and getting them closer to the hydras, Said hydras exploded another cloud of acid killing off 10 of the Grimm bees.

The wooden Hydras shot out a cloud of acid killing 16 Grimm Lancers, as Tati used a vine to swing herself like if she was a Spider faunus next to Hollow who had an annoyed look.

"You didn't need to go fight you know, you could have gotten hurt" *exhale*

"I did, but did you know that it isn't a good thing to be a HUGE protective brother?" Taunted Tati.

*inhale* " with the ones who are here with us yes your right, but the with the younger ones no"

"Plus I need to push my own weight" continued Tati.

"Did you remember to record or take a picture of at least one Grimm you killed?" I asked her.


"Don't worry I have a video recording what We did" I stated.

"Yey" said a relieved Tati.


"We don't need to see the rest of the fight they seem to have this under control" complimented V.P. Luna

"I agree let's go there's only 6 Grimm Bees, they only needed to kill one Grimm anyways" said Chrysalis.


Tati Tsumi POV

; I was looking up at the Hydra Plants as they were going to finish the last 6 Grimm Lancers left, But from the corner of my eye I saw a the Grimm Queen Lancer finely come out of her cave, the GQ Bee cut off all 3 Hydras heads and looked down at us with anger.

"Aw is Queenie Weenie Pissy we kicked her kids asses" I >:3 Joked

"Don't do something you'll regret" *exhale*

"What do you mean?" I asked hollow

Out of nowhere a red spike hit Tati square in the case.

*inhale* "Queens can shoot their stingers"


Current Aura levels

Hollow Blight: 💚98%

Tati Tsumi: 🧡61%

(The Hydras start at 0 but as they grow their health goes up to 100)

Hydra head 1: ❤️0<37% first head cut

Hydra head 2: ❤️0<35% second head cut

Hydra head 3: ❤️0<31% third head cut

The new added heads

Hydra head 4: 💛38<50%

Hydra head 5: 💛38<50%

Hydra head 6: 💛38<50%


Tati Tsumi inhale and exhale after and got up which she looked at Hollow with a mixture of anger and annoyed.

"You could have saved me" I annoyed that he didn't.

"Sorry, I was trying not to be over protective" *exhale*

"Oh-ho fuck you brother hahaha"

*inhale* "Ugh quit playing and get ready to fight"

The Grimm Lancers were getting closer the their Queen, who was already regrowing her stinger, Tati grow a wooden shield and sword just as her copy semblance ran out of time.


A/N: I Forgot somethings so let me fix that.

Tati Tsumi 17yr
(black cat Faunus)
T: copycat (allows her to copy just about anything, BUT not everything.
New: she also can't hold on to the copied semblance for long, and these a cooled down till she could copy a semblance again.)

Hollow Blight 19yr
(Black with blue highlights fox faunus)
HB: Plant manipulation and Creation
(Can do just about anything he wants with plants again think of Naruto or more specifically hashirama of his cells and chakra sage mode and everything like that.
New: Any plant he brings to life has their own Aura but they don't have semblance.
Hydra Plant: Has the same Aura as the average human, but everything with time it dies it will comes back not only with more heads but with stronger wood making it harder to kill every single time it comes back.)


"Hey~ Brother my coping is gone and I'm on cool down" I told hollow.

"Don't worry sis, you and me will fight the others so forget about the Queen" *exhale*

"What do you mean?" I asked noticing the hydras.

; While Hollow and me were talking the Queen Lancer decide to go on the attack she was half way towards us, but before she could have attacked the both of us 6 new wooden hydras with 100% Auras and they were made with stronger wood.

*inhale* "They will handle her for us"

Hollow and Tati ran up the walls towards the Grimm Lancers, Tati throw out her shield killing three Grimm Lancers and killed one with her sword, Hollow made the Wood of his arm harder and thicker after which he jumped and one punched one of the Grimm killing it.

Hollow then stretched his arm to catch Tati at the same time he summoned a giant vine to slide down Tati still in his wooden hand.

Tati: "Hey! What are you doing? We still have one left to kill"

"We only needed to kill one each that's it, time to go" *exhale*

As they ran the Hydra Plants torn the Grimm Queen Lancer in to 6 parts after which Hollow cutoff his semblance from the Hydra Plants which made them quickly rot away.

"Oh shit Wait! we needed to take a PIC!" I said

*inhale* "Don't worry I told you I took a video of the both of us"

Before Tati could question him a mini Hydra Plant popped out from the ground and a scroll in it's mouth, Hollow grabbed the scroll and put it in his pocket as the mini hydra rotted away.

"Time. To. Go." *exhale*


May Sakura POV

May was in the caves closest to the surface she was currently running at 50 MPH (MPH is miles per hour right?) She was having a stuff nose because of the dust in the caves her immune system was low so if she doesn't leave the cave soon she'll have her snot all up on her.

She found a weak little Grimm a young Razor Tooth, she punched his back out and took a picture of him is disintegrating and was about to head out, but she realized that the cave she ran in from was now caved in.

"Well Fuck"🤧

She then proceeded to sneeze a cloud of mucus.

To Be Continued...


Thank you for reading my fanfic and staying this long and waiting for long periods of times good bye and have a good live.

Equestria vol 1 ch 1

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The Unexpected Wedding

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza POV

Princess Cadence was now 25 years old and was in her room of canterlot castle with her changeling bodyguard Widow K. (Killer) who was a Spy Drone aka S.D. 23 and the cousin of Drone Worker D.W. 23 and the daughter of Changeling Drone aka C.D. 23, she was given a name for being the best Spy Drone.

A Changeling Drone or C.D. is the standard Changeling they are Doctors, Soldiers and Guards, a Changeling Doctor can be a Doctor, Nurse, and Field Medic, as for Changeling Soldiers their a part of the military "Duh" and train for war, While Changeling Guards train in one-to-one fights mostly.

As for a Drone Worker they are changelings that are a part of the construction, scientists, and engineers, a construction drones work on the hive, scientists drones work on potions and medicine, and engineers work on building things like transportation.

(Non Canon neither in the show or comics)
Sunset actually used to play around with inventing things before going through the portal, and Cadence gave the changelings her blueprints.

As for Spy Drone they are not just Spy's they're also Love Gatherers, Assassins, Infiltrators and info Brokers, all of that is self explanatory I think, and said S.D. Widow killer was looking at Cadence with a smirk And the changeling facial expression of a raised eyebrow.

(Before anybody out there said or insults me yes this is my drawing and yes I know I'm not good at it)

"What are you doing Widow!?" I asked her.

"What's it looks like? I'm tired so I'm changed myself out of my disguised" stated Widow.

I faced hoof "Please just shapeshift yourself back before some pony sees you"

"Fine, as the princess wishes" joked Widow with a mocking bowed.

In a few seconds Widow Killer was gone and in her place was Spider Bite, A Batpony with turquoise eyes and hair, Just in time since a knocking with her from the room's door.

"Come in"

After Cadence said it was okay to come in a maid entered and took a bowing in front of Cadence.

"Excuse me, Princess Cadenza, but Princess Celestia wants an audience with you" said the maid getting up from her bow.

"Oh... Great I'll be with her soon, please go and tell her I'm on my way" I said trying to be friendly.

However the "Batpony" behind the maid was trying not to laugh out loud at the strain smile the princess was wearing.

"Right away your highness" said the maid before leaving.

After the maid left Spider Bite walked over to the now fuming princess who knew this audience couldn't be a good thing since Celestia only called for Cadence for diplomatic travels to other countries.

[Short Time Skip]

Cadence opened the doors of the throne room and made her way down the red carpet where Celestia was above a set of stairs on her throne waiting for her without Princess Lune who was nocturnal and did go out much during the day.

"Princess Cadence" called out Celestia.

~ While Princess Celestia called me out in a friendly tone it was all for an act for the common pony, They had to see both of their princess getting along or else they will be afraid of two alicorns fighting each other, They would thing a second Nightmare Moon scenario would occur and would must likely cause a panic.

"Hi auntie Celestia you wanted to see me" I asked to appear friendly to the guards in the room.

"Yes I've found a stallion worthy for your hoof" stated Celestia.

"No thanks Celestia" I said.

This was the 107th time Princess Celestia had tried to marry her off, But Princess Cadence had always found ways to avoid getting married.

"I'm afraid you have no choices in the matter, The Crystal Empire is almost here and you will need help to deal with Sombra, Which is way you be marrying Shining Armor the captain of the royal guard" stated Celestia.

'YOU BITCH' I thought.

"And don't worry for the wedding planning I've already took care of it" 'With this hopefully the ponies of Equestria will be more welcome towards a fourth princess' stated Celestia.


Queen Chrysalis POV

"QUEEN! QUEEN!" C.D. 74 came yelling into the throne room.

~ I turned around to see my Changeling Drone 74 aka Sweat Drop, and before you ask changelings don't get names until they are (or do something) of note as for why this Changeling Drone is named Sweat Drop.

~ Is because while here is a strong changeling even when not feed love, he is as one would say "a try hard" or "a sweaty boi" not to mention while I personally like it when my subjects to try to please me with hard work.

; Others would say that Sweat Drop was a "kiss up" but if they would to say that to he's face well there's a reason why anti-magic arrows can't go through his chitin.

"What is it Sweat Drop?" I question.

"Princess Cadance's is getting married by force" said C.D. 74 Sweat Drop with a letter in his magic that was sent by S.D. 09.

{Meanwhile outside}

"Do you think we'll get any action" asked C.D. 96

A Changeling Drone asked his fellow Changeling Drone who was his brother and who's been helping him guard the gate for 6 years they've been guarding the gate to the hive, they haven't seen anyone trying to get in for an invasion.

"Not with how hor-"

Before Changeling (Guard) Drone 69 could finish his insult, Changeling (Guard) Drone 96 cut him off.

"Fighting! Action! Not that kind that you were thinking of"

"Oh... No we're the the ones that guard the door and no body comes to the Badlands" stated C.D. 69.

Suddenly they heard a scream coming from the tip of the hive.

"BITCH-LESTIA!!!" Yelled out a double tone voice sounding like Chrysalis.

(I prefer the original Chrysalis voice with its affects like in the wedding episode.

But the funnest Chrysalis has the more recent Chrysalis voice without it being two tones)

"Nevermind" said C.D. 69


[Short Time Skip]

~ I couldn't believe this, No wait I can believe Celestia would go behind my back and plan a whole wedding just to have me out of her way, and have Twilight closer to royalty for her grandiose plan, I was back in my room where I was shutting up and down in front of my bed.

"Damn it Celestia! Widow what am I going to DO!" I asked the undised Changeling who was in her usual spot on top of the drawers next to the door.

"Don't worry Cadance's I'm sure the Queen is on her way to save you after all she thinks you're hot to trot a baby in that pink goddess plot of yours" complimented Widow.

*😒* "Thanks Killer" I said in a deadpan tone.

"G! I'm honored that the princess of love and the fiance of the demon of lust thinks I'm a killer" Joked Widow.

"...Really? Don't say that in front of Chrysalis ...And which is which?"

Before Widow could make a snarky comeback the door open, and a royal guard walked in when he closed the door he shapeshifted back in to a Changeling Drone with a letter from Queen Chrysalis.

"You see this Changeling within the throne room with you sent a letter to the Queen through changing fire clearly Queen Chrysalis wasted no time" informed Widow.

As Widow talked Cadence took the letter and started reading to see if Queen Chrysalis will be coming to save her.

^Hi Cadance I heard Celestia was going to make you marry some colt so here's the plan Widow will take your place and S.D. 09 will help you with getting away.

With how Celestia refuse to help us Changeling to live peacefully with ponies, I now have no problems with stabbing her in the back.

(A.N. a future backlash chapter Bonus Ch 1.1)

Don't worry Cadence's I'll make sure you'll get to live happily in a pony village since you'll be uncomfortable with living in a changeling hive see you soon.

Love, Q. Chrysalis^

Cadence smiled and hoof it over to Widow who shapeshifted herself into a copy of Cadence, Cadence than fraud in worry.

"Please Widow be careful your a good friend one of my real friends" I said worried for annoying changeling.

"Don't worry princess I'll be fine" said Widow.


[Time Skip]

Widow Killer POV

'Is this really what the Queens Marefriend did in her Foal-sitting job? Hahaha' I thought laughing in my mind.

~ The Young 20 year old purple unicorn who was wiggling her ass in front of me, with her brother doing nothing to stop her showing it was normal for Cadence and this mare to do this.

"Uh? Cady are you okay?" Asked the mare.

"Oh sorry you just caught me off guard" I answered giving her a quick hug.

The stallion who was supposed to be the one getting married to Princess Cadence his name was Shining Armor, He looked like he was about to till a joke but the purple pony turned to them and started talking before Shining could say anything.

"While your not alone, Shiny didn't till me he was getting married to you" stated the mare.

"Hey come on Twilight, I just wanted to surprise the both of you" said Shining.

"While you succeeded" 'So Twilight is her name' I took a mental note of her name "So I'm assuming you're here to be my best mare" I asked.

"Actually I'm my brother's mare of honor and my best friends I here to help plan the wedding" stated Twilight.

Suddenly Shining Armor let out a grunt as his right hoof went up to his head causing his sister to go to him.

"Shiny!" Exclaimed Twilight.

"Ugh I'm fine Twilight just a couple of headaches" stated Shining.

"Shiny you shouldn't take this lightly go to your room and take your medicine" I said with worry a tone.

"Yeah your right, Hey you and Twilight can go around and help plan the wedding together" suggested Shining.

"That's a great idea Shining, I can introduce Cady to all my friends" said Twilight with a smile.

"That would be a wonderful idea" I told her.


The first friend I meant was Applejack who was in charge of the cake in ice sculpture which immediately were great with the cake looking like it can barely fit into the room let alone moved out through the door, and the ice sculpture may have had some scratches but was pretty sharp looking.

Spike was there too playing with the cake decorations which Twilight quickly took off his hands before he could break them.

"Whel howdy princess y'all come ta chek what's in here menu faw y'all's awful big day" asked Applejack.

"But of course" I told her.

"Whel raheet this here way" said Applejack.

As I followed her I could feel twilight's eyes following me, well Applejack handed me a tray of baked goods and as I tried one they were actually very good so not better than love and not something I would eat on the regular.

"They're great Applejack" I complemented her.

"Aw shucks Thanck ya princess, why don't ya take ayy few ta go, Ay know how busy ya brides ken be fawgetting ta feed yourselves" said Applejack.

'I don't think the queen would want this so I'll just throw it away on my way out, oh wait I have a better idea' I thought "Come on Twilight go introduce me to your other friends maybe they would enjoy some of these"

"Great idea Cadence let's go"


The next friend Twilight introduced to the disguised Widow was Rarity a seamstress working on dresses for the wedding.

"Hi your highness can I just say what an honor it is to be a part of this momentous occasion" stated a bowing Rarity.

"Uh-huh is my dress ready miss Rarity?" I asked a bit off put by the bowing not used to it.

"Oh Yes come here I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the results" stated Rarity.

It was a white dress, with a paled turquoise vest, with light blue furrows, and yellow highlights at the back of the dress, with light pink and light blue crown of flowers.

~ Personally I didn't like it and neither would have the queen on her Marefriend, and since the Queen was planning on using the dress that this pony would make on Cadence for their wedding, since none of the drones knew how to make clothes just blakens and pillows and the intentional drone that knew how to make stuffed animals, or plushies as the infants would call them.

"It's a nice dress but just not my color, Can you make one out of Black, Pink, and Neon Green?" I asked bracing myself for the expected reaction.

"GREEN! Black! For a wedding!?" Explained Rarity in horror.

"I know it's a bit... Out there but they're my favorite colors and I would like them to be on my dress"

(I will be drawing this too since I don't think a drawing with black pink and green dress with cadence in it is out there)

"I... I see what I can do your highness" said Rarity in a skeptical voice, as I could feel Twilight staring at me again.


~ The next friend she introduced me to was a pink earth pony named Pinkie pie, and I must say she went all out with the decorations with the only place not being decorated would be the ceiling, but judging at how much tape she had on one of the tables that was soon be a rectified.

"OKAY! Let's check the on everything and go over it first up are the games" yelled out Pinkie.

She went over to you a corner with a pinata shaped like a flower, a picture of a stallion to play pin the tail on the pony, and a board game with four pieces colored the same as the board game red, green, yellow, and purple on the floor.

After throwing the dice she went to the other corner where there were a record player and a mannequin wearing a top hat.

"The Dancing!" Yelled Pinkie.

Pinkie pie then proceeded to get on her two rear hooves and started flapping her two frontal hooves in an imitation of a chicken, as some upbeat accordion music started playing from the record/vinyl player, after the music stop she went to get in front of "Princess Cadence" face.

"I think that this reception is going to be perfect don't you?" asked Pinkie.

"Yeah perfect for all the 6-year-olds and other foals who'd be attending" I said getting uncomfortable with the lack of care for personal space I was getting from this pony.

"I know Right! Thank you" said Pinkie pie behind me.


[Time Skip]

~ After the day ended I wrote a letter to the Queen explaining how things went, and when she wrote back she said she was please with how things were moving smoothly and that the not invasion but raid on Canterlot will proceed as planned.

Sure Princess Cadence was out of control and with Queen Chrysalis, but there were still plenty of changelings inside of Canterlot in Chrysalis's orders were to "Take want you all want and leave a prizing gift for Celestia" sure destroying Canterlot and scarring the citizens wasn't necessary, but Chrysalis wanted to make Celestia pay after the way she treated her Marefriend, and refusing to help the changelings when they went to ask for it peacefully.

"Oh boi, and the big boss herself will be coming down here to throw down with Princess flanks, and while she's doing that I'm going to be fun with this Twilight Sparkle" I said moving to one of these side table drawers.

~ Pulling out the drawer I took out one of the two Original books of Sunset Shimmer's and bookmarked a way to get into the restricted archives more specifically where Celestia keeps her scrapbooks and diaries.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading.

Remnant vol 1 ch 5

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No Pov Narrator
'Thoughts or voices'
~ POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}


The Missing Two Members

May Sakura POV


'Fuck Fuck O'FUCK A Clock! I CAN FEEL SOME GETTING IN MY MOUTH!' I thought not being able to stop sneezing with all the dust in the air.

May has been running for the last 3 minutes but her allergies have been acting up and with all the dust (actual dust) in the abandon mine in the air her nose has been running like a running fountain.

Which is why the bottom half of her shirt with covered with snot stains because of the amount of times she had to wipe her mucus off her face, if she doesn't find a way out soon she'll have to punch a new tunnel out the only reason why she hasn't done that yet.

Is because she is afraid of the mountain dropping on her orphanage adopted family heads without them reacting fast enough to the collapsing Dust mines.

'Fuck I shouldn't have run blinding when I came in... And it's probably a bad idea to find an exit blindingly as well- oh hey it's Oura' I saw that Oura and stopped in front of her.

; Maybe she can help me find a way out of here, assuming she still isn't hunting for a Grimm, I slowed down the closer I got Oura turned around seen the unamused expression on her face she probably knew I was coming and what was my problem.

"Let me guess you lost yourself and can't find your way out, with your nose torturing you" 😒 said Oura

Oura Saiko said before May Sakura could say something to put herself in a better light, and making May go dumbfounded.

"How-" I tried to ask.

; Oura pointed a finger at My shirt making me look down and realizing how stained it was.


Oura Saiko POV

; At least she has the decency not to take her shirt off, Even if it is just the two of us I do not want to explain to others why one of us is half naked.

"Can you please help me get out off here!" May asked

Ours: "Sure but first I need to kill a Grimm" I said not telling her that I forgot to do it the first time I killed one.

; Oura then extended two bone cloths from her hands and one from each of her feet (like X-23) it started walking down the tunnels in search of a Grimm.

"O- *Chu* -kay" May said

; It didn't take long for them to find a Grimms sliver tooth tiger it was small yes, but it doesn't matter she only needed to kill a Grimm so that's what she's going to do not caring about how little effort she'll put in to.

"Here take this, and get ready to take a pic" I told her.

Oura hand her scroll to May to take a picture while the tiger Grimm noticed them and started running at them, Oura ran at it too with each arm stretched out, they met and Oura took advantage of the grimm mouth being open to stab her bone claw in the roof of its mouth to kill it instantly, May took a picture and they left the abandon mine... With May saffron via her nose all the while.



Vice Principal Luna and Chrysalis Crystal were looking at their scrolls at the situation in the tunnels.

"Well looks like miss May is finally coming out of the mines" said V.P. Luna.

"Yes, she can be rather impatient sometimes, those speaking of impatience I just got a phone call that one patient students and one more important student were also want to come and enroll" started Chrysalis.

"That is fine as long as they get here before night falls" said V.P. Luna.

"They've already arrived in our inside let's take a look at what they're doing" said Chrysalis.

Black Rock (Black Rock Shooter look it up) was a black Wolf Faunus, One day she was just left at the front door of the orphanage, with nothing but a note saying she was 2 years old and her name at the bottom.

Her semblance is dimensional pockets, she can do all kinds of things like see inside the dimensions with her left eye shoots blue fire, and as she gets stronger her dimensional pockets can get bigger and she can increase the number of them she can also take herself and others into those dimensions.

So when she pulls something out of nowhere it can, unlike Pinkie Pie, be explained away Like right now she just pulled out her Shooting Star ⭐ and is mowing down a pack of Grimm, Black Rock then took out her scroll out and took a pic of all the dying Grimm and leaving without a word.

"She seems like a quiet time" started V.P. Luna

"That's because she is, and next is League hound" informed Chrysalis.

Legend Hound was a yellow faunus dog who's came to the orphanage by himself after a few months of living on the streets, and His semblance was metal manipulation and he had robotic enhancements and his spine.

The reason was because oh well he was living on the street he was run over by a human drunk driving, which was the same reason why he came to the orphanage because he couldn't do much by himself when the Faunus Chrysalis Crystal found him with a broken spine crawling to her orphanage.

She took him to go see William Afton who built him a robotic spine that would enhance his speed, strength, and reaction, and with Sunset Shimmer enchantment help she was able to ingrain runic magic onto it and allow him to freeze time for 6 seconds.(1)

Those 6 seconds and enhance speed were enough for him in a closed quarters cave to impel 50 throwing knives at a Razor Tooth's neck and take a pic on his scroll and turned to leave the mineshaft.

"Eat shit, you Grimm with a 7 inch gap in their teeth" said Legend Hound

Back outside with Vice Principal Luna and Chrysalis Crystal.

"He likes to insult his enemies after he wins a lot?" asked V.P. Luna.

"Not always if he is fighting some one who talks a lot then he will reply in kind... But yes he enjoy it" said Chrysalis.

Just than Black Rock, Legend Hound, May Sakura, Oura Saiko, Hollow Blight, and Tati Tsumi left the mine cave, While May went to go make herself presentable the others came up to Vice Principal Luna.

They waited for May to get in line before they made their the report as Chrysalis went looking for new shirt for May, they all knew that the official report will have to be faint to dumb down there achievements since a lot of the students can easily get jealous, Still Luna had to know the truth behind the lie behind the document.

"Report!" yelled V.P. Luna.

"I killed a Grimm Queen Lancer" stated Hollow.

"I killed a Grimm Lancer" stated Tati.

"I killed a Razor Tooth" stated Oura.

"I killed a Razor Tooth" stated May.

"I killed a Razor Tooth" stated Legend.

"I killed a Razor Tooth" stated Black.

"Show Me!" stated Luna.

As they showed their pictures Chrysalis came back and handed May a new shirt as Vice Principal Luna told them to fall out, after which Chrysalis went back to Luna's side and both went back to their scrolls.

"And then there was two" stated Luna.

"Good thing too it's almost dark" said Chrysalis.

Looking up both could see the orange sky and the sun setting off to the horizon.

"It's find the testing will end at 7:00 P.M. and it's 5:00 P.M. the only reason why the sun is setting it's because this is Atlas" said V.P. Luna.

"Well let's see how my girls do" said Chrysalis.

To be continued...

Remnant vol 1 ch 6

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[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}

Usage of marijuana (weed)


Sunsets Testing

Sunset Summer Shimmer POV

Sunset Summer Shimmer was a red and orange fox faunus with a semblance that's a mixture of aura & magic, and she calls it "The 23 tailed hellhound", because there are two sunsets, she has been given the nickname shimmer.

Most people would consider Shimmer a cold girl because of how uncaring she is with new people, but if you stick around long enough, she will see you as a friend.

"Where the hell are all the Grimm" I asked myself.

~ As to answer my question I heard a hissing followed by dozens of legs dumping towards me, I turn around to see a Young-Ground Dweller Grimm morning towards me in high speeds, I was able to get a hellhound head shield before the Grimm headbutted me away.

"Damn you scared me you overgrown centipede" I tried to joke with my heart still rapidly beating.

The only response the Young-Ground Dweller gave was a aggressive hiss (I forget if they hiss) as it charged at Shimmer after getting up on the ceiling.

Shimmer out stretch Her hand and a feminine anthro canine hand extended outwards from her body in a mixture of Magic and Anti-Aura, The Young-Ground Dweller saw that and dropped to the floor as Shimmer's anthro paw hand missed and hit the ceiling.

"Damnit your fast for your size" I stated

The Young-Ground Dweller then dug under and proceeded to dig itself a new tunnel towards Shimmer who ran to a more wide open area, She then jumped up as the Ground Dweller came out from the ground beneath her.

Shimmer shot out her anthro paw hand again to grab the Young-Ground Dweller keeping the grimm from running away, Shimmer than made a spinning ball of Angelic Magic, She calls this move her Beast Ball. (1)

The Young-Ground Dweller saw this and tried to dough but Shimmer's grip with too strong and kept the Grimm from escaping so it was hit squarely in the middle of it's back, Shimmer landed on the ground and let go of her Magic and Aura Beast Practical to take a picture of the disintegrating grimm.

"Ugh can't believe this won't be on my official report" I said in frustration.

~ Turning to leave the mine cave texting Vice Principal Luna, after leaving the cave I could see that I was the second to last person to finish the exams/testing, finding Vice Principal Luna I gave my report and left after she told me to fall out.



After Sunset Summer Shimmer went with the others who had also finished, While Vice Principal Luna went to tape the paperwork to print out later, and Chrysalis Crystal went back to looking at her scroll.

*Sigh* "It's a shame I'm going to have to minimize the significance of Miss Summer accomplishment" said V.P. Luna.

"Why do you have to do that again" asked Chrysalis.

"To keep them save from those who would take advantage of them after seeing their potential, or jealous students who would bully them, Faunus or not, out of the school simply because your children were better then them" stated V.P. Luna.

'Although there will still be students that will bully them for being Faunus, and the one who I don't want to take notice of them is Ozpin' thought V.P. Luna.

"... I would like for you to leave Sunny's and Shimmy's achievements unedited" asked Chrysalis.

This caused Vice Principal Luna to look at her quizzitively, Chrysalis saw this and elaborated.

"Both Sunset Shimmers are... Eh bit prideful... And sometimes have big egos... So I want their record, and only the Sunsets records to remain unedited I will be asking them of course if this is what they want" stated Chrysalis.

"... Very well you can go ask Miss Shimmer if this is what she wants, while I'll look at my scroll at what Miss Sunset is up to" said V.P. Luna.

As Chrysalis Crystal went to do just that, Vice Principal Luna looked down at her scroll and saw that Sunset Rage Shimmer was lower in the dust mine cave than anyone else.

'I guess Chrysalis was right about the pride of this one' thought V.P. Luna.


Sunset Rage Shimmer was a pony turned Faunus and was able to keep her magic, her semblance being aura manipulation, so she is able to copy semblances, read emotions and souls, and transfer or take aura, and with both magic and her semblance she can copy spells and transfer and take magic without using dark magic.

Despite the fact that nobody would know about Sunset's achievement in the official report, Sunset believed that after years of not fighting anyone, she had grown weak and needed a strong Grimm. Sunset was trying to reach the bottom of the abandoned dust mine caves to find a grimm who could challenge her.

'Sweetie this may not be the greatest idea' said a worried Morda.

'All I have been doing was training, I need to fight something stronger than a punching bag' replied a frustrated Sunset.

'find Sunset just be careful' asked Morda.

'Okay' replied Sunset.

Sunset came up to the last wide opening, the bottom of the mine caves, where there was a Adult-Ground Dweller who noticed her and aggressively hissed at her, Sunset replied with take her magic custom glock out and firing at them.

Sunset named her magic custom glock, Phoenix because of the magic in the barrel that makes the bullets shoot out with boosted speeds and power, as for the bullets they were not like ordinary dust bullets that had a dust crystals on the tip and fire dust inside of the shell.

Sunset's Phoenix glock bullets were made by a mixture of alloys and magic to make metal bullets strong and sharp enough to penetrate grimm and unlike dust bullets that stop after hitting a grimm, Sunset Phoenix glock bullets can shoot through three grimm at a time till it needs to stop, the custom bullets also has the liquid form of dust fire inside the bullet that Sunset made with magic.

The liquid of the bullet leaves out of two holes on top of the bullet so when the bullet is fired the liquid will lead out and combust causing the bullet to make the form of a Phoenix flying through the grimm.

The Adult-Ground Dweller dodged the attack and the bullet hit a wall, Sunset called it back and an enchantment place on the metal itself causes to teleport into a pouch that she had on a belt of her right side.

The Adult-Ground Dweller than charged at Sunset who shot two more times at it, But the Adult-Ground Dweller dodged both shots moving to the right then the left, and was able to get close to Sunset and hating her with 15 of it's legs, throwing Sunset at the cave's wall causing her to grunt as she bounced off it.

(Sunset Aura percentage: 💚84%)

'This Grimm has lived a long life Sunset, remember it's smarter than the others'

'Got it'

Sunset looked up to see the Adult-Ground Dweller charging at her again and Sunset used a force field spell to make a ramp facing the grimm.

Sunset teleport as Adult-Ground Dweller climbed the ramp and Sunset appear behind it shooting 7 bullets leaving the clip empty, the Adult-Ground Dweller let out a painful shrink as Sunset called the bullets that were shot back and teleported in her pouch.

The Adult-Ground Dweller was damaged but it wasn't dead so it turned and attacked with it's pinchers (or it's crap hands) and grabs Sunset out of mid-air.

(Sunset Aura percentage 🧡67%)

Sunset aura holds but takes damage, she then uses a spell that gave her dragon breath fire, this spell had many variances to it but the one Sunset chose with a fireball.

So when Sunset let out a roar a fireball came out and hit the Adult-Ground Dweller in the face causing it to drop Sunset from the pain in it's face. (2)

Sunset took advantage of this to shoot a blast of turquoise magic at it's neck, the blast went to the center of its neck and exploded out words decavitating it, as Sunset landed on the ground she took out her scroll and took a picture of it's deteriorating body, after works she turned to leave the cave.

'Good job sweetie' said Morda in Sunset head.

'Thanks' replied Sunset.


Back outside Vice Principal Luna has seen everything on her scroll, Chrysalis Crystal had already told her that Sunset Summer Shimmer did want to have her document record unedited which meant that V.P. Luna had to leave the Young-Ground Dweller on Shimmer's record.

Minutes before the exam time is over, Sunset came out of the tunnels and went to V.P. Luna who was alone, the others went home to eat dinner while V.P. Luna had to stay.

"Report!" Yelled V.P. Luna.

"I killed a Adult-Ground Dweller" stated Sunset.

"...Is that what you want to be stated in your official record document" asked V.P. Luna.

"...Yes ma'am" said Sunset.

"... Fallout!" Yelled V.P. Luna.

Vice Principal Luna than turned and left to her motorcycle as she got on it she give Sunset a wave goodbye as she left to her house to print out and fill out the paperwork.

'It's a good thing my sister doesn't have to see this documents and she's given me authority to enroll students myself, hopefully she doesn't ask to see the exam records of these kids I don't want Ozpin to know about these kids' thought V.P. Luna.


Sunset is later seen walking down the street from the gates that lead to the outside, turning a corner she sees a pony Faunus girl with pink hair and a spilled animal food bag next to her, has she was getting bullied by a group of 4 17-19yr human teen boys, Sunset seeing this she got pissed at this.

"Hey Dicks!" Sunset yelled.

The oldest one a boy with black hair turned to her, the 3 other boy turned to see her too, the younger boy has gray hair, and the other two boys had brown hair and blonde hair.

"Mind your own business girl" said the brown haired boy.

"Hey wait she's a animal freak too" comment the black haired boy.

"If you don't get away from that girl I'll show you what a pissed off horse does" Sunset threatened.

"What kind of a threat is that hahaha" mocked the gray haired boy.

Sunset waked up to him and did a front flip spin and then it on both her hands and she bended her legs and shot them outwards bucking the gray haired boy away and into some trash cans nocking him out.

The other teens looked at their fallen friend for a couple of seconds giving Sunset time to sucker punch the brown haired boy, which got the attention of the other boys and I finally made them act.

The blonde haired boy took out a knife and tried to stab Sunset, but she flat his hand away and then use the same head to hand chop his throat and than punch his chest, the blonde haired boy backs away as the black haired boy punched Sunset in her shoulder but her recharge aura protected her from any damage, so he only was able to push Sunset away.

Sunset quickly got her balance back and was able to dodge the next attack from the 19 year old black haired boy, He tried to punch Sunset's face but missed and Sunset took advantage of this by headbutting, gut checking, knee stomping, and punching him on the left temple.

"Come on little boy children, fight back" taunted Sunset.

The blonde haired boy, having recovered from his lost of breath, tried to get back into the fight this time by trying to kick Sunset, but she grabbed his leg I twisted it and used her own left knee to hit the side of his, Sunset than you lose her right leg too kick the leg the blonde haired boy was using the stand, the blonde teen then fall to the floor hitting his head and Sunset finish the job by stopping him on the head knocking him out.

"Come on boys stop tripping you're making this easy" taunted Sunset.

As for the Brown haired boy he finally got up from the ground one of these is swollen but with his other eye he's on what happened to his friend... and ran away his swollen eyes stinging all the while.

Leaving the 19 year old black haired boy alone and with a bored Sunset who wanted to get this over with, So she use telekinesis to grab him and throw him to a wall knocking him out.

As the teen hit the ground Sunset heard a scared whimper, and it was at that moment he realized the pink hair pony Faunus girl didn't ran away during the fight.

'Sunset this girl is probably traumatized we don't know the full story but this girl was overly too scared to run away, and who knows what those boys want to do to her especially when one of them had a knife' said Morda.

'Yeah your right mom' agreed Sunset.

'Here let me help you ease the girl and help her listen to my instructions' said Morda.

Sunset listened and kneeled down to get eye leveled with the girl, Sunset than spoke in the gentleness voice she could and in a low volume with a soft tone.

"Hey are you okay? What's your name? mines Sunset" asked Sunset.

"...mines Fluttershy" said Fluttershy.

"Listen Fluttershy, I'm going to need to trust me okay, I'm going to take to a animal shelter nearby that I know" stated Sunset.

"An Animal Shelter do you mean the Animal Haven Shelter" asked Fluttershy.

"Uh yeah, you know it?" asked Sunset.

"Yes!" said a happy Fluttershy who grabbed both of Sunset hands with hers.

'I guess she's a animal lover' thought Sunset.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forcefully grab your hands" said a apologetic Fluttershy.

"It's okay here" said Sunset.

Who used her Magic to pickup the spilled animal food bag into her own arms leaving the food that filled out on the ground since the street sidewalks were dirty in this part of town.

'And I doubt Fluttershy will want to feed that to the animals' thought Sunset.

"Come on let me take you to the animal shelter you were on your way there weren't you" asked Sunset.

"Oh yes I was we ran out of rabbit food and there wasn't enough carrots either so I had to go get a new bag till we restocked" answered Fluttershy.

"Well then come on I'll walk with you there" said Sunset.


The Animal Haven Shelter was right next to a corner marijuana store, sure weed was legal in Atlas but in Mantle weed was the cheapest drug like medicine people could afford here for PTHD, ADHD, and more.(3)

As for Sunset she originally needed it to eat meat or get used to the idea of eating meat by smoking weed and making her hungry and looser enough to eat it to fit in more with the locals of this world, but nowadays she mostly uses it to stay calm or after doing things like training, fighting, and more.(3)

"Hi Fluttershy do you think you'll be okay if I leave you in the animal shelter with Mrs. Paws" asked Sunset.

Mrs. Paws a.k.a. Catty Bailey was a 28 year old widow, who husband die do to a illness causing her to become a single mother, and since the death of her husband she has been taking care of the Animal Haven Shelter with her only daughter Katty Felicia.

'Kind think about it doesn't her daughter attend Canterlot Combat HS?' thought said

"Sure I can and... Um thank you for your help Sunset" thanked Fluttershy.

"Your welcome Fluttershy that care and don't forget the animal food" Sunset said waving goodbye.

"Oh your right" said Fluttershy.

As Fluttershy enter the animal shelter carrying the rabbit food bag inside, as Sunset went to the Marijuana Shop moonlighting as a medicine corner shop, just because marijuana was legal in Mantle that didn't mean Atlas was trying to illegalize it, because of that many places where moonlighting as other shops with a few people know they sell weed.

Which is why Sunset waited for Fluttershy to enter the animal shelter, so Sunset go buy some weed, when Sunset entered the marijuana shop she was greeted by Smoked a.k.a. Jesse Stan.

"YO! Sunset here for a couple of palm tree logs" asked Jesse.

"Yeah sure am, after works I'm going to "Afton's Mega Pizza Plex: Fun 4 All" to meet up with my family" replied Sunset.

"Groovy" said Jesse smiling.

"Dude nobody says that anymore" deadpan Sunset.

"Well I just did didn't I" replied Jesse.

Jesse then pass Sunset a pack of cigarettes but instead of cigarettes it was filled with blunts.

"Remember to limit yourself per one when your smoking 😉 don't want to get high with family, who knows what they're do to you in your delusional stain" joke Jesse.

This caused something to shiver "Don't even joke about that the first time I got high a few months ago Chrissy made me run into a wall painted like a field of flowers" said Sunset annoyed.

As Jesse started laughing his ass off Sunset left the marijuana shop using her magic to light up a blunt.

To be continued... In FNAF vol 1 ch 2...

Thank you for reading.

FNAF vol 1 ch 2

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[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}

This FNAF chapter will mostly be filler of characters having conversations so there will be a lot of Meanwhiles
Also this will be a two-parter because I don't want to make the author's note info too long... But it will still be long.
And both of them will be filled with filler conversations matter of fact both of these FNAF chapters are filler, mostly because I need to buy time to write on other chapters well still maintaining a schedule... Anyways it's also so I can write for the FNAF characters.


Afton's Mega Pizza Plex: Fun 4 All (part 1)

Sunset Rage Shimmer POV

Sunset made it to the "Afton's Mega Pizza Plex: Fun 4 All", she went inside and was greeted by Glamrock Puppet who was one of the side animatronics like El chip, Montgomery Gator, Glamrock Baby, Glamrock Ballora, and DJ Music Man.(1)

"Hi Sunset, follow me I'll take you to your family" said G. Puppet.

"Okay thanks" I replied.

Glamrock Puppet lead her to the "Foxy Boat Rides" that were next to "Bonnie Bow's" where her family was eating pizza to celebrate passing the exam to enter Canterlot Combat High School.(2)

"High look who finally came" commented Shimmer.

"Bite me dog" I snark.

"Nah forget you horse" snark back Shimmer.

"Come on children play nice" joked Chrysalis.

"Fine" we both said.

After that most of them went for boat rides in pears, these are the pears; both Sunsets, Chrissy & Chrysalis, Vanny & Vanessa, May & Oura, Tati & Black, Legend & Hollow, Laberna & G. Foxy, G. Freddy & G. Bonnie, Monty & El Chip, and G. Baby & G. Ballora.

The only ones who didn't go for boat rides were Roxanne Wolf, Glamrock Puppet, and Glamrock Chica.



Sunset Rage Shimmer and Sunset Summer Shimmer were in the first boat Infront of everyone.

"So what took you so long did you have trouble" asked Shimmer.

"No" said Sunset not wanting to admit it "I was in the lowest level of the mine" finished Sunset.

"Nice... So what do you think school is going to be like?" asked Shimmer.

"I don't know... The few times I wasn't being teached by Celestia, I was in school classrooms with classmates Trying to bully me into dropping out" said Sunset.

'Still think it was right to tell them as soon as we did about my origin?'

'Yes dear, if your secret were to ever get out you will need some allies and friends to help you'

'Yeah okay good point... I might have never thought of that'

"I wonder if any of them got kicked out for failing grades?" said Sunset.

"So that means this will be our first real school life experience... With humans" stated Shimmer in a monotone voice.

'She seems to be worried about something'

"...I- I don't know if it will be good or bad" *inhale* "But I think we should keep an open mine, V.P. Luna did say she would help us, and be our teacher" said Sunset.

"Yeah? then why does she want's us all to wear body cams on school grounds? All of us except for the younger kids" asked Shimmer.

'She's worried for everyone not just her self so try comforting her like you would yourself'

"That... I can't answer, ...But let's try our best and stand up for ourselves, show anybody who tries to Fuck with us who's alpha" stated Sunset.

'Really Sunset?'

'What she's a younger me remember, unlike me she doesn't have a old lady inside her see'

'Okay A. I'm not in your ass, I'm a voice in your mine B. I apparently have a perverted daughter C. Rephrase your sentence now'

'... Nah I'm good'

"We'll give them hell" said Sunset.

😏 "Hella yeah" said Shimmer.

Both Sunset Shimmers grabbed each other's hands and pulled into a hug, Yeah they're not evil or mean, but that didn't meant they wouldn't be dicks to those who would try to fuck with them or their loved ones.

The Sunsets conversation (3)




Chrysalis Crystal and her daughter Chrissy Crystal were drinking Cola as the little boat they were in gently floated in the ginormous indoor pool/pond.

"Sooo how you feel my lil Emerald" asked Chrysalis.

"A little nervous and some excitement" confessed Chrissy.

"While here's to hoping all goes well for you dear" said Chrysalis trying to comfort her daughter.

"Thanks Mom... Um how were your days in sch-"

"They were a Bitch" interrupted Chrysalis.

"Ugh... Well at least you're honest to me Mom" said Chrissy.

"Sweet heart I will never lie to you unless it was to protect you, I also know treating you bad won't make you love me, and treating you with love will encourage you to do better" stated Chrysalis.

"...So I heard from the younger kids that they are going to normal classes, Why is that?" asked Chrissy.

"Because the younger kids want to be around more children their own age, plus there's less risk of them getting into a fight with that being said, they will have hidden body cams" stated Chrysalis.

"Why? If there's less risk of them getting into a fight, what would be the need?" asked Chrissy.

"You need to understand to hope for the best and expect the worst" stated Chrysalis.

"... That's not how it goes" stated Chrissy"

"While it should" stated Chrysalis.

"Also better save then sorry, children can be just as bad as adults, the difference is that the older you get the easier it gets" stated Chrysalis.

"What do you mean?" asked Chrissy.

"What you do with all your knowledge and strength is what makes it good or bad" stated Chrysalis "But you need Time, Training, and Leaning, even if you are born a prodigy that can only get you so far, you need to put in the time and effort into getting better" stated Chrysalis.

"Oh yeah that makes sense, Wait is that why Sunset keeps training even if she as to go to sleep at 9:30 P.M. just so she can get up in the morning at 5:30 A.M.?" asked Chrissy.

"Yes even though she takes it a bit too far her mindset isn't all that wrong... With that being said though while you have been keeping up with your studies" said Chrysalis patting her daughter's head.

"You've been lacking in these" stated Chrysalis playfully elbowing her daughter's left arm "Why is that hm~" asked Chrysalis.

"Ugh because I'm still just a kid so I want to be lazy while I still can Miss Amazon" snarked Chrissy.

"Be careful my lil Emerald all that exhaling is going to leave you breathless" joked Chrysalis.

"...Ugh ha ha" laughed Chrissy a little.

Not many teenage daughters can talk to their mother like this, usually if a child talks to their parents with such carelessness like they would with a friend, they would get in trouble for being so rude to them.

But not for Chrissy she could talk to her mother like a friend... But only because Chrysalis wasn't a roll model and the only reason why Chrissy had respect for others was because William Afton and Ballora Afton tested her.

"Hey dear" stated Chrysalis.

"Yeah Mom" asked Chrissy.

"Good luck at school" said Chrysalis smiling.

"Thanks Mom" said Chrissy smiling.




Vanny Afton and Vanessa Emily where arriving at a little Island that was man-made to have a giant basement that served like a cold room for drinks of all kinds in the center of the indoor pool/pond after paddling their way here, the little island had a bar that the back that served drinks for all ages.

"Is there any Vanilla Cola left" asked Vanny.

"Yeah, but get me a Black Cherry Pepsi please" said Vanessa.

"Sure" replied Vanny.

Vanny went around the bar counter and took out the drinks she and her sister wanted, and went to wear her sister who was sitting in a beach chair next to another with a small table between them.

"So what are you doing to do now that I won't be around to fix and provide maintenance for the animatronics" asked Vanny.

"Ugh don't remind me he's going to be hard to find somebody that can match my little sister... At least one that is a Faunus in Mantle or a human who isn't racist against Faunus" stated Vanessa.

"Yeah good luck with that, although I might be able to come here but only on weekends" suggested Vanny.

"If you could I know you are smart, but I don't want you to fail in school just to come here sis" stated Vanessa.

"Oh please Big V, I'm able to do homework here just fine" boasted Vanny.

"Okay fine I'll take your work for it" relented Vanessa.

"Yeh" said Vanny.

Both sisters laid down that comfortable with just being in each other's presence without disturbing the peace with idle chatter, the only times the peaceful silence was Disturbed is when one of them had to get up to use the bathroom.

Which were only 3 small cubic room with a single toilet inside on the Little island, these bathrooms were one for females, one for males, one for cripples, after a while though May and Oura came to the island.


A little while ago


May Sakura and Oura Saiko were close to the bar island that was called "Foxy's Drink Beach Corner", even though it was on the center of the indoor pool/pond and not any corner.

"Ugh~ why did you have to drag me out here?" May asked.

"Because we need to talk about you being stupid today and getting lost in the mineshafts" stated Oura.

"Hmm okay look I made a mistake it won't happen again" said May.

This caused Oura to get into May's face with an angry look.

"You Wanted To Be The Leader Right!" Yelled Oura.

"Ye-" started May.

"Than Got Your Shit Together If You Lead Us Into Battle, You Need To Not Get Us Lost, Not Get Us Killed, And Stoping Be So Careless!" Yelled Oura.

There was a silence moment after Oura outburst as May reflected on her leadership for the team they were a part of.(4)

[Back Flash]
{A few months before the death of William}

"Okay leaders pick your teammates we're going to do some sparring tag team matches" announced William.

Sunset Rage Shimmer and Sunset Summer Shimmer were picked by William because he wanted to have the teams as fair as possible and Summer had picked Oura, May, and Tari.

"Hey can I be the leader?" asked May.

"Why?" asked Shimmer.

"So we can call are team Monster" replied May.

"We're not going to change leaders cuz of a name" said Oura.

"Come on I can be a leader" stated May.

"I'm okay with it as long as she can get better later on" stated Tati.

"Okay" replied May.

They went on to lose the fight, and that wouldn't be the first time, when they had to go camping and not come back home a month unless it was an emergency, team Monster got lost in the first day and ended up going back home 3 days after the month started, but they will succeed the next go around.

[Present day]

And that's how team Monster would be throughout their training days and that's how May would be with her studies too fail the first time and pass the second.

"I'm sorry Oura, I promised, I would have turned into a real leader and I failed" said May.

"I- I want you to stop saying promises, I want you to start showing you can keep your promises" said Oura.

"I will" replied May.

"Come on let's go to the Island I want a drink" said Oura




Tati Tsumi and Black Rock were the last to get on a boat so it took them a while to get to the Island, as they got on the Island they found Vanny, Vanessa, May, and Oura already there.

"So why don't you talk a lot?" asked Tati.

From the corner of her eye Black looked at Tati with a raised eyebrow, they were laying down on some towels.

"Not that I'm trying to be rude, but you have such a nice voice and you choose to be mute" stated Tati.


"Shit was that still mean sorry" apologized Tati.

"...Like you said it's my choice" stated Black

"Oh Kay..." said Tati.

"...and the things I say are mostly mean because their truth" finished Black.

"Oh I see" said Tati.


*sigh* "Want a drink?" asked Tati.

Black just shook her head saying no, Tati got up and went to the bar to get herself a lemonade.

"Hey Tati!"

Tati turned to see Vanny walking to the bar with two empty soda cans crushed in her hands and drop them in a recycling bin next to the bar's right corner.

"Would you mind serving me two glasses a fruit punch?" asked Vanny.

"Oh yeah sure, so how are you and your sister?" said Tati.

"I'm going to come here at the weekends so no worries there" replied Vanny.

"Cool cool" said Tati.

Tati got to making the fruit punch and lemonade drinks, and once she was done she handed Vanny the fruit punch glasses and wave goodbye and she walks back to her spot with her lemonade.

'With everything going on though I wonder how our animatronic friends feel about things?' Both Tati & Vanny thought.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading part 2 should already be out if not... Sorry.

FNAF vol 1 ch 3

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'Thoughts or voices'
~ POV narration (only if d paragraph starts with it)
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}

These are the conversation of Legend & Hollow, Laberna & G. Foxy, G. Freddy & G. Bonnie, Monty & El Chip, and G. Baby & G. Ballora, and lastly Roxanne Wolf & Glamrock Puppet & Glamrock Chica.


Afton's Mega Pizza Plex: Fun 4 All (part 2)


Legend Hound and Hollow Blight choose to go to a medium sized floating water wrestling ring without the ropes, they wanted to train and talk a bit, mostly about how they should act in school and to any students they would come across.

They were the second to last ones to leave on a boat ride, after a short argument with how they should act and it went something like this.

"I think we sure stay quiet and only act if the other students act first" said Hollow

"And I think we should beat the breaks out of the strongest one there to keep them from trying something to us" stated Legend.

After a little more arguing they got into one of the two last paddle boats and went to the a medium sized floating water wrestling ring without the ropes that was in the right upper corner.

*inhale* "He are the rules, Rule 1: no aura nor semblances, Rule 2: fall in the water will be a lost or rendering. Rule 3: no using your robotic spine. Rule 4: the match will only last for 20 minutes, since I can only breathe with my damaged lungs for 25 minutes without my aura got it" stated Hollow.

"Fine, but I won't hold back and remember if I win you'll back up my plan with the others, and if you win I'll back up your plan with the others" stated Legend.

"Okey" *exhale*

They got on the water wrestling/fighting ring and faced each other, they got their scrolls out and got their timers to count down 20 minutes with 15 seconds, and other one that just had 15 seconds.

*15 seconds*

They turn off their Aura causing Hollow's right arm to turn back into a log now that his semblance was off as while.

*10 seconds*

Legend turned off his Bionicle spine as Hollow through his log into the boat.(1)

*5 seconds*

They got in fighting stands and got ready as the next few seconds seemed to stretch.


Legend throws the first punch with his right fist causing Hollow to spin kick the punch away, then Legend tried to throw a left punch so Hollow uses his life hand to hit Legend's on his forearm and then proceeded to elbow him in the chin.

*19 minutes 24 seconds*

Legend took a step back trying to ignore the pain as Hollow proceeded to kick his side, Legend use this opportunity to grab Hollow leg and throw a punch at Hollow's stomach.

*18 minutes 30 seconds*

Then Hollow backed away with his only arm in front to protect him Legend, he then attempted to sweep Legend legs, but Legend jumped over it and tried to stomp on Hollow leg, only for Hollow to get back up faster and sidekick him.

*16 minutes 18 seconds*

Legend was now at the side of the ring but Hollow didn't try to go in for the win, and instead opted to be caution since he didn't want to be arrogant and end up losing the match by jumping into the water.

*14 minutes 46 seconds*

Legend got away from the edge of the ring to avoid losing, and Hollow moved to his left and right as they started circling each other, Hollow made sure to avoid having Legend control of the momentum of the fight, since Hollow already had him in a corner... so to speak.

*12 minutes 27 seconds*

Legend then started to bounce on the tips of his toes and tried to swing for Hollow's head in a attempt to get Hollow to back off, But Hollow would use his only arm to block one punch and parry the next.

*9 minutes 13 seconds*

Hollow then used his left leg to kick Legend in the left thigh and split kick Legend in the jaw sending him doubling backwards back to the edge of the ring, Hollow saw Legend was still a bit dazed so Hollow did a front side flip and I'll stretched his right leg to kick Legend and the stomach sending him into the water.

*8 minutes 40 seconds*

"I win, Legend, I'll do things my way" stated Hollow.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'll help you talk to the others when we're all together" stated Legend.

"Okay thanks" said Hollow.




Laberna Afton and Glamrock Foxy were in a beach house, a place where birthday parties are held inside on the first and second floor, with a real size pirate ship nearby on a dock with the sails up.

"So lass how was your day" asked G. Foxy.(2)

"It was good Vanny had contact her promise, and will start to be serious when it contents" replied Laberna.

"That's nice so the two of you will start to go to school" said G. Foxy.

"Yes" replied Laberna.

"That's good to hear" said G. Foxy.

They send there time with playing chess to pass the time, till it was time for them to get together with the others.(3)




Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie, Montgomery Gator, and El Chip where on their way to the bar island with Freddy and Bonnie on one boat while Monty and Chip and another a little bit behind.(1)

"So Frebby have you been okay?" asked G. Bonnie.

"Whatever do you mean Bonnie?" asked Frebby.

"Well you've been looking pretty down lately and you've been calling the kids who have a visit you privately "Superstar" instead of "My Superstar" you've also looked on with sadness at parents with their kids" stated G. Bonnie.

"... Well I've been wanting a child of my own lately a "Superstar" of my own" said G. Frebby.

"Like a Son or a Daughter?" asked G. Bonnie.

"Yes, all of the children come and go, and I enjoy entertaining them, but I would like for one of them to stay here with us" stated G. Freddy.

"You always did seem like the father type" said G. Bonnie with a grin.

"Thank you Bonnie" thanked G. Freddy.(4)

Meanwhile on the other boat with Monty and El Chip, Montgomery was complaining about not being a side character, despite being the only side character to have his own attraction area, he wanted to be part of the main band and lead it.

"I don't understand I'm the only new original character, so why am I not even in the band" asked a frustrated Monty.

"Es porqué tú rompes cosas que cuestan más de lo que tú gana para la Compañía a cambio." said El Chip.

"It's because you break things that cost more than you earn for the Company in return"

"I know right clearly nobody is keeping track of who's the most beloved by the children, because I'm clearly the most popular" said Monty.

Monty not noticing El Chip facepalming because Monty didn't understand a single word he said.

"I know what if I got officer Vanessa to let me put on a solo show, that will show off my greatness" announce Monty.

"En primer lugar, ya no es solo la directora de seguridad, es nuestra jefa. En segundo lugar, creo que es una idea estúpida." stated El Chip.

"First of all she isn't just the head officer of security anymore she's our boss second of all I think that's a stupid idea." stated El Chip

"Glad you agreed" said Monty.

Causing El chip to facepalm once again "Ugh, ¿por qué me molesto en estar cerca de ti? Si ni siquiera puedes entenderme" wondered El chip.

"Ugh, Why do I bother being around you? if you can't even understand me" wondered El Chip.

Finally they made it to the island, Glamrock Freddy and Glamrock Bonnie both headed for the bar to see if they could find Glamrock Baby and Glamrock Ballora, While El Chip stayed on his boat strumming a few strings on his brand new guitar.

As for Montgomery Gator, he went to look for Vanessa to see if he could ask her to see if he could put on a show on the birthday stage in Monty's Golf, instead of walking around his attraction until somebody waived him for help.




Glamrock Baby and Glamrock Ballora were in the middle of the water just floating peacefully, the only disturbance was the fidgeting of Glamrock Baby who was nervous of asking Glamrock Ballora out on a date.

"Are you okay Red GB?" asked a worried G. Ballora "Do you have a glitch?".

"N- No Blue GB it just I wanted to ask you something" said G. Baby.

"What is it?" asked G. Ballora.

"Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" asked G. Baby wincing a little.

"No I am single, Why? Would you like to ask me out?" asked G. Baby.

"Y- Yeah I wanted us to go on a date, on the roof of the pizzeria next Friday" said a nervous G. Baby.

"Oh I loved to Red GB" said an excited G. Ballora.

Glamrock Ballora then jumped onto Glamrock Baby and giving her a hug.

"But why next Friday though, and not this Friday" asked G. Baby.

"I want to ask Vanessa a week ahead of time so our schedules can be cleared, and it won't be out of short notice" stated G. Baby.

"Oh okay I understand now" said G. Ballora.

They then went to the bar Island to talk to Vanessa so they could have next friday off, after arriving at the Island where almost everyone was on it, there was Vanny Afton, Vanessa Emily, May Sakura, Oura Saiko, Tati Tsumi, Black Rock, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie, Montgomery Gator, and El Chip.

"Is this a party?" said G. Baby.

"I don't know but let's talk to Vanessa first" said G. Ballora.

"Okay" replied G. Baby.

They got to Vanessa and saw she was in a heated conversation with Monty.

"Their aren't any booked party Monty and no reason for-" Vanessa stopped seeing them.

"Hey what's going on" asked G. Baby.

"Monty what's a showcase but their's no reason for him to have one" replied Vanny

She looking a bit annoyed that Monty is disturbing her and Vanessa's sister time, Glamrock Baby could understand Monty wanted to be in the light spot more than anything else, which is why he can be annoying at times.

"Will as it so happens Red GB and I, wanted to ask Vanessa if we could have next friday off" said G. Ballora.

"Why?" asked Vanessa.

"I wanted to take Blue GB out on a date" said G. Baby happily.

"Oh okay y'all can, and Monty congratulations and reason just came up for you to have a showcase" stated Vanessa.

"YES!" yelled Monty.

"Thank you Vanessa" said G. Ballora.




Roxanne Wolf, Glamrock Puppet, and Glamrock Chica were at the indoor man-made beach with 2 restaurant, 3 arcades, and some carnival life games.

"So Roxy way didn't you go on the boat rides?" asked G. Chica.

"I don't like the water never learned to swim, no more like never could, not when I was living in a SDC dust mine cave since birth" said a grim Roxy.

A moment of silence past as Roxanne rubbed her SDC branding mark under her green highlighted hair, Glamrock Chica was now regretting asking she could never learned how to deal with traumatized people since she was only program with knowing how to take care of children ages 10 and under.

"... So why didn't you two go boating?" asked Roxy.

Glamrock Puppet thankful for the change of subject a answered "We haven't been updated to be waterproof"

"Hey here's an idea why don't we teach you how to swim once we're waterproof" announce and excited G. Chica.

"You girls aren't even waterproof yet, how do you know how to swim?" asked Roxy.

"Programming" replied G. Puppet.

"Oh right" said Roxy.

They then went to spend the rest of their time playing games with Roxanne Wolf being the best at it.


Thx for reading bye.

Equestria vol 1 ch 2

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~ POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}


The Wedding


"Good job widow killer" said Queen Chrysalis "The ponies don't know anything and the wedding is in a few a hours"

"Speaking of which I would like to keep playing the Cadenza act I would love to mess with Twilight Sparkle some more" asked Widow.

"hm sorry but I need to be Cadence to get close to Celestia, but you may do as you like, but only if you till me why?" replied Queen Chrysalis.

"This is why" replied Widow taking out a book with a dual colored Sun on the cover.

"Of the book of Sunset Shimmer, What are you planning to do with it?" asked Queen Chrysalis.

"Why I'm giving it to Twilight Sparkle of course don't worry it doesn't have any research this is just her diary" said Widow.

"Alright fine" relented Queen Chrysalis "just make sure to flea Canterlot once we've turned it into samples"

"Will do your highness" replied Widow.


[Time Skip]
Widow Killer POV


The wedding was almost at it's peak with Captain Shining Armor waiting for the "Bride" to come walking down the aisle, and as soon as I thought this my queen and her disguised walk through the doors with three little fillies throwing rose petals on her path.

But before the queen walked up to the Princess and the Captain of the guards, she stopped and spoke to the attendees without turning away for the Princess of Equestria.

"I'm sorry for all you ponies"

The Queen then shot a green goo at Celestia's horn keeping her from using magic, and it was also the signal for me and the other changelings to reveal ourselves, half of the wedding attendees and all of the Royal guards for feel it themselves to be changelings.

I kept my disguised on because I still wanted to fuck around with Twilight and her friends, and as I looked out the window and all my fellow changelings invading the rest of canterlon I overheard the element bearers talking.

"Girls we need to get the elements"

"But Twilight what about Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence"

"I got an idea we can get the goo off of the Princess!"

Rainbow Dash then went up to Princess Celestia and tear off the goo by hoof, the Queen saw this and got ready she had been feeding a lot plus a lot of Spy (love gatherers and harvesters) Drones have given their love to her, this fine had a clear Victor, as both royals shot their magic beans at each other I kept hearing the element bearers talking.

"Ay don't mean ta be negative, but maybe we should get the elements while-"

The Queen only needed a few seconds to over power the Princess causing the pony that we're watching to gasp as more changeling jumped them, Twilight yelled at the girls to run to the elements and as they left I followed them.

Until they got surrounded by Changelings, I gave the order to have them separated the others follow my order as I went a floor under Twilight, as I finished getting a hole on the floor the ceiling of the room I was in collapse as I looked up to see Twilight falling with green goo on her horn, I was able to grab her hoof as she fall.

"Don't worry I got you"

I pulled her up and we both ran away from the changelings who followed Twilight through the hole, as we went by a door I signaled them to stop pursuing us and then close the door behind us.

"Follow me"

Lead Twilight farther away from her friends, as we came to a stop she was out of breath and crying meaning that if she was emotionally breaking down right now she would again after everything was over, so I made my move.

"Hi are you okay"

"No!" Yelled Twilight "Today was supposed to be a happy day for my family, but now out of nowhere the wedding turns into an invasion with no warning"(1).

'I felt bad for her but after the "invasion" she'll soon learn why all this happened, and will probably be more angry at Celestia than how sad she is right now' I thought turning back to my natural form.

"Don't worry you'll soon understand everything"

"What?!" Exclaimed Twilight "where's Cadence did you all kill her!" Asked Twilight as I held her with my magic.

"I'm a Spy Drone, and no we didn't kill Cadence's but Twilight didn't believe her" I said hit her in the side of her head knocking her out cold.

After that I carried Twilight to a secluded area of the Royal garden, I then went to my Queen's Marefriend room and took the copy of Sunset Shimmer's journal out of my saddlebags and placed it underneath a pillow next to Princess Cadance's diary.

After that I flew up to the wooden planks that support for the ceiling and lay down hiding on one of them.


[Time Skip]


It was after the wedding slash invasion and the guards, workers, and other ponies were fix and cleaning the damage city, no pony had seen Cadance so she was pronounce dead till further noticed.

Twilight closed the door to Cadance room she needed answers to how the changeling Widow Killer was able to perfectly resemble Cadance's in appearance and attitude.

While Twilight was looking through Cadance's room the rest of the main 6 were helping around the castle, and ask for her family her parents were comforting Shining Armor who had broken down at the news that his fiance was missing or dead.

Sure the Spy Drone told Twilight that they didn't kill Cadance but Twilight didn't believe her, even if she knows hers and Cadance's special greeting that doesn't mean anything since Celestia told her Changelings where deceptive creatures.

Twilight believed Celestia after all Widow said that Twilight will come to understand, but what she would come to understand Widow didn't tell her.

"Maybe she had stocked Cadance for years" 'Or maybe she had interrogated her and Cadence was still alive, or she had disposed of Cadence's and had read Cadance's diary' thought Twilight.

As soon as Twilight thought of it she slammed the makeup table drawers closed and turn to Cadance's bed and started looking for the diary.

"Ah ha found you" exclaimed Twilight.

Underneath a pillow with a book in brazen with Cadance's cutie mark on the cover.

"Why would she hide her diary in an obvious-"

Before Twilight could finish your sentence she saw another book is this one with a red and yellow sun with a stylized "S" in the middle.

"And who do you belong to?"

Twilight decided to pack both books in her saddle bag and left the room deciding to read them both back at home.

Unbeknownst to her however hidden behind a support for the ceiling lying down on her back was none other than Widow Killer what the one who planted both books underneath the pillow.

"I told you soon you'll understand" said Widow.(2)


Thank you for reading just a heads up after the next chapter I'm going on hiatus.

Remnant vol 1 ch 7

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'Thoughts or voices'


~ POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}


First Day of School


Sunset Rage Shimmer, Sunset Summer Shimmer, Hollow Blight, Legend Hound, Black Rock, Roxanne Wolf, Chrissy Crystal, Vanny Afton, Laberna Afton, May Sakura, Oura Saiko, and Tati Tsumi were all Infront of Canterlot Combat High School, the younger orphan kids were at the orphanage since they were going to come at the normal time for other students.

While the older orphans showed up at 6:50 AM because the school's faculty was just arriving, which include Vice Principal Luna, who walked up to the group and lead them inside the school and up the stairs to a room that read.

Private Teaching Room
Students and Faculty can not enter without permission from the teacher.
Teacher: Vice Principal Luna
#Students: #12

"This will be your homeroom where we'll be doing Combat research, and this will also be your algebra, economic, reading, Spanish, Labs, and history classes any other extracurricular classes you want won't be with me with the exception of hobbies" stated VP Luna.

"hobbies?" asked May.

"Yes the extracurricular classes here involve hobbies, arts, employment, and sports" said VP Luna.

At some of their questioning looks Vice Principal Luna explained as she opened the door to the room.

"The Hobby classes here can be Cooking, Carpenter, Sculpting, and with supervision from a faculty member can also be Welding" stated VP Luna.

"Cool~" said Legend.

"Other Hoppy classes here can be used for Clubs like Robotics, "Fashion & Sewing" and even "Anime & Manga", and my favorite Gaming" said VP Luna with a smile.

'Vice Principal Luna Is A Gamer?!' thought everyone in the group of orphans.

"The Arts classes can be Art, Animations, Theater Arts, Music & Music theory, and Filming" said VP Luna causing the group to look at her with question looks.

It was Tati to ask the question on everyone's minds "What do you mean Music, Animations and Filming?"

"Well Filming and Music was supposed to be a hobby or entertainment class along with animation but since we only had those two for entertainment courses, we decided to move them into Arts courses so the school could provide for those classes without needing fundraisers from the students" said Luna.

"Okay? But shouldn't animation just be in the art class why does it need it's own separate class?" asked Laberna.

"The art room has a lot of art supplies like canvas and paint which uses water, and since we wanted our students to create animations on computers, we needed a separate room for them to use without the equipment getting damaged" said Luna.

"Uh if you don't mind me asking how is the school affording all of this?" asked Oura.

"Me and my sister would sometimes donate money out of our own pockets to fun the classes is that me like by donating it to the school, we would also be hosting fundraisers for the glasses weekend fund ourselves" said Luna.

"Hm is that legal?" asked Chrissy.

"This is a private funded School by my family that sometimes received funding from the Huntsman Academy whenever one of our students goes to attends it, and well there are restrictions by the education organization we are listed in, we are still capable of providing a fun environment for the student body... As long as the student body doesn't do anything to ruin it" VP Luna murdered the last part "Not to mention we're not just a High School we're a Combat training school"

"Now as for Employment, basically any student that has a job will have this as their last period and be allowed to go home early to get to work" stated VP Luna.

"Yess!" said Vanny before adding "Wait what if the student doesn't want to leave early like if they have a day off or something?"

"Then as long as the teacher is okay with the student can be in any classroom until it's time to go, in your case you have to tell the teacher that lets you stay in their room to email me where you are" stated VP Luna.

"Okay" said Vanny.

"As for Sports well obviously those are for Gym, PE, and any actual sports you may play" finished VP Luna open the door to her class room.

"I have to ask how many class periods do we have?" asked Shimmer.

"You'll have 10 periods not including homeroom and combat period, but you'll only be going to 5 periods per day" said Luna.

"Wait?! 5 periods" stated Sunset "... Doesn't that mean a lot of the extracurricular classes are either empty or have a few students?"

"Some yes and... my gaming class is one of the empty extracurricular classes... Because I'm the one teaching it" said VP Luna with a hint of sadness on her face, that turn into annoyance with her next part "Which is amazing considering how many students were either caught by me or sent to my office for gaming"

"Can I be in that class?" asked May with her arm up and receiving a look from Oura.

"Wait! wait-" *inhale* "What was that about Combat period?"

"Ah yes you see unlike normal schools that have a 8:30 am to 4:10 pm release schedule, Canterlot Combat High School and a Middle School has a release schedule of 7:00 am to 5:00 pm" stated VP Luna.

"Each period is 1 hour and 30 minutes and there are five periods each day, with some days being A days and some days being B days, in total you'll have 7 hours and 30 minutes of 10 hours spent learning" informed VP Luna.

"What about the 2 hours and 30 minutes left?" asked Roxanne.

"1 hour and 30 minutes will be spent during the Combat period in the middle of all your periods, while after that you'll be given one hour of lunch" said VP Luna.

"Cool" said Roxanne.

"Yes it is if you can convince a faculty member to take you off school grounds so you could go to one of the nearby stores to buy yourself something to eat and then come back" said VP Luna with a smile "Now come on inside kids"

Inside Vice Principal Luna's room were 16 desks in rows of four, and in the right of the room were 4 bookshelves, with 2 being used for books while the other 2 were being used for game consoles and video games, and in the back was a long table with 3 small fridges under it, and on the table was a microwave, and next to that were plastic drawers with what presumably were snacks inside.

On the right side of the room were two more long tables with computers on them, but none of those were the coolest thing in the room; no, the coolest thing was that instead of a whiteboard, there was a TV covering up the front wall of the classroom.

"... What. da. Fuck?" said Black summarizing everybody in the group thoughts with the exception of Vanny and May who had stars in their eyes... And Legend too.

"Language" chastised VP Luna with a smirk "But yeah me and my sister in addition of being Principal and Vice Principal also wanted our own classrooms to teach... But nobody volunteered to transfer into my room because they were scared of me"

"So~ I made my classroom in to my hangout spot, my own little haven and before you ask the wall TV is the only thing that goes against protocol, So don't tell my sister" said VP Luna handing out some paper to everyone.(1)

"What are these for?" asked Chrissy.

"There papers that will let you pick your extracurricular classes, and since there are only 6 main courses in this school 4 of you periods can by extracurricular" stated VP Luna.

"Wait could we make Gym as all 4 of our periods?" asked Legend.

"Or the "Gaming" room" added Vanny.

"Yes, but remember you'll have 3 main courses and 2 extracurricular periods per day" said VP Luna.

(These are their paper schedules skip these if you want)

Student: Sunset Rage Shimmer
Students ID: 15-93-62
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Art
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Gym PE
B5 Gaming

Student: Sunset Summer Shimmer
Students ID: 14-93-62
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Art
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Music
B5 Gaming

Student: Hollow Blight
Students ID: 15-73-25
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Cooking
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Animal Shelter Volunteer
B5 Gaming

Student: Legend Hound
Students ID: 21-21-00
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Gym PE
A5 Gym PE

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Gym PE
B5 Gaming

Student: Black Rock
Students ID: 40-14-66
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Animation
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Gym
B5 Gaming

Student: Roxanne Wolf
Students ID: 18-19-87
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Welding
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Gym
B5 Robotics

Student: Chrissy Crystal
Students ID: 31-41-51
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Art
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Fashion & Sewing
B5 Gaming

Student: May Sakura
Students ID: 36-54-07
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Gaming
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Gaming
B5 Gaming

Student: Oura Saiko
Students ID: 70-07-22
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Fashion & Sewing
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Fashion & Sewing
B5 Gaming

Student: Tati Tsumi
Students ID: 36-55-94
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Gym PE
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Music
B5 Gaming

Student: Vanny Afton
Students ID: 44-22-04
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Gaming
A5 Employment

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Robotics
B5 Employment

Student: Laberna Afton
Students ID: 44-22-51
A Day Periods:
A1 Algebra
A2 History
A3 Science
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
A4 Robotics
A5 Gaming

B Day Periods:
B1 Reading
B2 Spanish
B3 Economics
School wide period: Combat Period
Lunch period
B4 Robotics
B5 Gaming

Vice Principal Luna looked at their choices and saw they all picked Gaming at some period or two she looked up too see them smiling.

"You all picked my class?!" stated VP Luna surprised.

"I think we all just wanted to stay together, but your class is a class of gaming, Is a class we can be alone with one of another, and is a class that we can have alone with you of course" said Tati.

Luna smiled.



Out side of the school near a house statue there was another group, that was of 4 human and 2 Faunus girls, and a dog that was purple because of some experiments to make his live span longer it worked, but the dog would get to live one year after his owner leaves high school unless something changes.(2)

Out of nowhere the human girl with Almond skin and Pink hair wearing winter clothes in different shades of pink, suddenly started glowing in her Azure Blue aura and bounce around as the others looked on, and waited for her to stop and when she did she gasped and turned to the others.

"Girls! We have new classmates" exclaimed the pink hair one.

"What ya mean Pinkie Pie?"

Asked a human Honey skin and Blond hair girl with a dark green winter jacket, brown pants, and cowgirl boots, and a cowboy hat on her head from her dad.

"One day Pinkie I'll learn how your aura works"

Said a human girl Ivory with dark purple hair and a pink line in her hair that stretched from her back to the front, she wear little blue winter jacket, dark blue pants, and a beanie her name was Twilight Sparkle.

"Dear you'll go crazy I wouldn't advised to do it" said Rarity Bell.

She was a Porcelain skin human girl with a mixture of Blue and Russian Violet hair, and was wearing a custom winter jacket with blue diamonds, and gray pants with purple boots.

"Um that wasn't nice" whispered Fluttershy Breeze and going unheard.

She was a Warm Ivory pony Faunus girl with light pink hair and pony tail, but with light yellow pony ears she was wearing a winter brown jacket with darker brown pants.

"They better not be like Gilda and her goons" said Rainbow Dash.

She was a Beige skin pony Faunus girl with Rainbow hair, she had a sport's winter coat for the winter with the sport team logo on the back and sweatpants, because she can't stand the cooled weather because being a anthony meant she had low levels of fat.

"I agree with Dash" said Rarity.

"Um did any of y'all even heard me talk? I said what ya mean Pinkie Pie? We've been here since 7:00 PM and I haven't seen no new classmates" said Applejack.

"Trust me AJ I can FEEL IT"

"... That's creepy Pink's"

"No it's not, now let's go fine them"

*Bark* agreed Spike.

As the girls were getting into the school with Spike getting into Twilight's backpack, as the bell started ringing, signaling to the students that school was starting.

"Sorry Pinkie, but we need to get to class" said Twilight.

"That's okay maybe one of us can come across them in our classes" said a hopeful Pinkie.

"Either in those or during the Combat period" said Rainbow with a challenging smirk.

"Now hold on sugar cube, no need to start beef when it ain't needed" said Applejack giving Rainbow a glare.

"It's a Combat period AJ whether you like it or not we're going to find" said Rainbow with a dead pan look.

"... Oh yeah" said an embarrassed Applejack.


[Time Skip]


It was after the A3 period and Principal Celestia made the announcement for the entire student body to report to the combat arena for the school wide Combat Period, Principal Luna stop the tournament film that was going on the TV and told her students to put up their belongings in the lockers outside of the classroom that were next to the door.

They put their belongings in the lockers with the exception of their weapons which day will be using in their fights, inside the combat arena they was a giant fighting platform with rows of seats leading down to it like bleachers.

The arena was attached to a stage that looks like an an announcers stage that ended at the back wall that had a screen on it the size of a billboard, Sunset noticed that there was four camera drones that were most likely connected to the screen so everyone in the audience could have a good view.

'Huh it's like a tournament arena' thought Sunset.

Vice Principal Luna told them to sit in the 12 chairs that were on the right hand side since she would be calling them for the the fights, the rule of the fights were as followed.

Rule 1: No outside Help unless it's just vocal.
Rule 2: the winner will be decided after their opponent Aura break, they fall off the ring, or the opponent surrenders.
Rule 3: every match must be 7 minutes and 30 seconds, after the match timer runs out whoever has the lowest Aura level loses.
Rule 4: The most important, by Principal Celestia, all feelings stay inside the ring if a student attacks another outside of it, it will result in immediate suspension or expulsion.

Vice Principal Luna had to wore them of the last rule ahead of time and while the fourth rule usually results in suspensions, because of Principal Celestia, she had warned them not to test their luck since principles Celestia would probably try to expulsion them.

Which was one of the reasons why they had to wear body cameras so nobody will make up lies about them, and as the combat arena room started to be filled with students, Principal Celestia voice came over the speakers.

"Greetings my Wondercolts" announce Celestia with cheer from the students.

"Wondercolts? But the majority of students here are females" said Oura.

"I know right isn't Great!" Cheered Tati.

Everyone else just stared at her calling a perfect with their eyes, Tati just shelter shoulders and let them know with her body language that he didn't care.

"Horn dog" said Oura.

"Why don't we call ourselves Wonder Equines?" asked Chrissy.

"It's because when one talks about horsepower or strong horses they usually talk about stallions there go colts" set a voice sitting behind them.

They turn around to see them there were more seats than students so there were a lot of empty seats so there was a row of empty seats behind them and beyond that role was a girl with green hair and neutral warm undertone skin, she was also wearing a thick turtleneck sweater and looked surprised that they noticed her.

"Thanks" said Shimmer as Vice Principal Luna voice came through the speakers.

"First up we have Roxanne Wolf Vs. Rainbow Dash!" Announce Vice Principal Luna.

Roxanne got up and was wearing her combat gear which was a leather razor jacket with saggy sweatpants, why was this her fighting clothes you might ask it's because she would use for shadow semblance underneath her clothes and the more room her clothes had inside the more room her Shadow semblance had to work with.

She walked down to the arena, while on the other side Rainbow Dash wearing sports shorts and a gym sport jacket with long sleeves, high coller, and it ended at her midriff, she had a jetpack, gun knife on each side, and goggles on her forehead.

"Oh yeah I'm getting one of the new students" said Rainbow.

She then flew to the arena at high speeds with her jetpack as her friends cheered on, using additional equipment wasn't against the rules so neither Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna said anything.

Both competitors stood facing each others as on the stage, which was actually just a rised platform on the arena, Principal Celestia spoke in the mic to start the match.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

To be continued...(3)

Thank you for read have a better today and tomorrow.

And one more thing before I go I'm going on hiatus sorry, it'll be temporarily and short hopefully

Remnant vol 1 ch 8

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'Thoughts or voices'


~ POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}


The Humane Six VS. The Faunus 12: Part 1 of 12
Roxanne Wolf VS. Rainbow Dash


Both competitors stood facing each other on the stage, which was actually just a raised platform in the arena, Principal Celestia spoke into the microphone to start the match.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

(7 minutes, 30 seconds)

Rainbow Dash used her semblance of Sonic Rainboom to blitz herself at Roxanne Wolf for a flying kick, and Roxanne used her semblance of Wolf Shadow Manipulation to cast a shadow armor under her clothes to quickly sidestep Rainbow's attack.

Rainbow tried to stop and turn her body to face Roxanne, but in doing so, she didn't realize that there was a shadow forming in front of her; she did notice it when she was pulling back her leg, only for her leg to be caught in the shadow clone's midriff when it turned solid.

(7 minutes, 18 seconds)

Roxanne got behind her and reinforced her shadow armor, as did her shadow clone, and both started to punch Rainbow at her front and back.

(Rainbow Aura percentage: 💚82)

(6 minutes, 57 seconds)

Rainbow then used her jetpack to fly up and shoot the clone off her with her knife guns; there were 6 rivers, so she had 11 bullets left, Roxanne moved away to avoid getting shot and threw 7 kunifes, which caused Rainbow to dodge to the right, but shadowy tangles shot out of the kunafes and tied themselves to her.

(6 minutes)

Roxanne then used them to pull Rainbow to the ground as she summoned a shadow shield to protect herself, Rainbow knew she wasn't going to be able to stay in the air, so she let herself get dragged down to the arena's surface.

(5 minutes, 43 seconds)

Once Rainbow was on the ground, she tried to cut off the shadow ropes, only to have the knife part of her gun touch the shadow ropes, the part where the blade meant the shadow ropes, and that fragment of the shadow ropes would go transparent and have the knife go through it.

(5 minutes, 25 seconds)

"Argh! Hey, stop being a coward and fight me for real!" said a frustrated Rainbow.

Roxanne, offended by this, creates a ninja star and throws it in a wide arc, cutting off the fuel tank of Rainbow's jetpack and making her grounded and unable to fly; Then Roxanne makes the shadow ropes holding Rainbow down disappear.

(5 minutes)

"Okay, I'll show you who's better, the coward who fights or the coward who flies, I hope you're ready to demonstrate what you preach" said Roxanne, walking to Rainbow.

Offended, Rainbow rainboomed herself onto Roxanne while shooting her guns, and Roxanne took the bullets on her shadow armor knowing she could take them.

(Roxanne Aura percentage: 💚87)

(4 minutes, 48 seconds)

Rainbow then ran out of bullets and started using the knife part of her guns to start fighting Roxanne in hand-to-hand combat, and Roxanne would parry or counter Rainbow's attacks with a shadow katana that she summoned.

(4 minutes, 11 seconds)

(Rainbow Aura percentage: 🧡59)

(Roxanne Aura percentage: 🧡77)

Roxanne, then let Rainbow hit her in the arm only to do a 360° spin to face through Rainbow in her left kidney, but once the katana was inside Rainbow, the katana turned partially solid, and if it wasn't for Rainbow's aura, her insides would have been scrambled.

(Rainbow Aura percentage: 💛34)

(Roxanne Aura percentage: 🧡65)

(3 minutes, 55 seconds)

This caused Rainbow to drop her weapons and took several steps back to get herself away from Roxanne as she checked herself for an injury, and Principal Celestia spoke into the microphone to check on Rainbow.

(3 minutes, 20 seconds)

"Miss Rainbow Dash! Are you hurt?" asked a worried Principal Celestia.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Then Rainbow started to let out an anger-filled growl "What Was That?!" yelled Rainbow in anger.

"My Shadow Katana is a shadow that, in its transparent phase, can't kill or injure, but it can send vibrations violent enough to feel like electricity shocking you" explains Roxanne.

"DASHIE! Your Weapons!" Yelled Pinkie.

Rainbow tried to look for her weapons and found two wolf-like shadows carrying them off the arena.

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"It isn't against the rules to throw your opponent's weapons off the arena, and in a real fight, your opponent won't be polite" stated Roxanne.

Rainbow got back up and started throwing punches, not thinking what she was doing and only fighting in blind range, just wanting to beat this smartass who made a fool out of her, Roxanne just dodged Rainbow's attacks, making sure not to get cornered or hit.

Roxanne, seeing the time and their aura percentages, thought of an idea and decided to tell Rainbow what she saw on the monitors to make Rainbow more desperate and more likely to mess up.

"Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but you need to try harder" said Roxanne.

Roxanne didn't even try to hide her smile, which just got Rainbow more angry.

"What did you Say!"

"I said to look at who's winning"

Roxanne pointed up at the monitor where the aura percentages were displayed and the timer was counting down, Rainbow looked at the monitors and saw she was at 34% and Roxanne was at 65%... And the timer was at 1 minute, 58 seconds.


Rainbow didn't get to finish because Roxanne punched her in the face to bring Rainbow back to reality.

(1 minute, 30 seconds)

(Rainbow Aura percentage: ❤️30)

(Roxanne Aura percentage: 🧡65)

Rainbow got her senses back to her and started throwing punches more desperately and moving faster, while Roxanne dodged all Rainbow's attacks.

(59 seconds)

Rainbow uses her Sonic Rainboom to throw her full weight Roxanne, who just used her shadow manipulation to lift herself via her shadow armor, to get out of Rainbow's way; A loud alarm went off as Rainbow failed off the arena with 27 seconds remaining on the timer.

"The winner is Roxanne Wolf" announce Vice Principal Luna.

Some in the audience cheered and others booed at Roxanne, mostly cheers because Rainbow Dash was one of Canterlot Combat High School (and middle school) most talented Faunus students since she was in the 7th grade.(1)

"You're the Best!, Roxy!" yelled Vanny.

Roxanne turned to see some of her adopted family cheering her name, others clapping their hands, or in the case of the two Sunset Shimmers, they were giving her confidence marks and telling her with their eyes that they're happy for her.

Roxanne felt the weight on her shoulders lift she wouldn't admit it to the others, but she was worried she was going to lose, the wolf Faunus was making her way to her family, but she then heard Rainbow shout and turned around to make sure she was going to get attacked from behind.

"I want a Rematch!" yelled Rainbow, trying to get back in the arena.

"Sorry, Miss Dash, but you lost fair and square, now can both competitors face each other and bow and agree to leave their feelings in the ring" said Vice Principal Luna.

"Yes" said Roxanne, bowing.

"Miss Rainbow Dash?"

"F-fine!" said Rainbow, bowing.

After words, they went back to their own groups, with the Humane 6 trying to cheer up Rainbow, who was still frustrated that she lost, while the Faunus 12 were high fiving Roxanne for her victory.

"Next Flash Sentry vs. Hollow Blight" announces Principal Celestia, and both boys got on the arena.

Flash Sentry is a human with ivory skin and blue hair; He was wearing a leather jacket with chainmail armor underneath, and regular pants armor, and his weapon was a shield that can transform into two gun swords.

"No hard feelings, dude" said Flash.

"Sounds good to me" replied Hollow.

Both Flash Sentry and Hollow Blight were facing each other, Flash shield was sparking with electricity, while Hollow was making his wooden arm thicker.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

To be continued...


Hi I'm back thanks for reading my fanfic, I won't be posting as regularly as before because of RL and other reasons, but I hope you enjoy the story and see you all in the next chapter bye.

Remnant vol 1 ch 9

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~ POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}


The Humane Six VS. The Faunus 12: Part 2 of 12
Hollow Blight VS. Flash Sentry


Both Flash Sentry and Hollow Blight were facing each other. Flash had his shield sparking with electricity, while Hollow was making his wooden arm thicker under his one long sleeve jacking that was covering up with his arm. while his other arm, which was still flesh and blood, was exposed.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

Flash used his semblance to ran at Hollow, Flash's semblance was Lightning Muscle, it gave him the ability to move fast (like The Flash from DC) or electrocute any one who touches him or his weapons, and Hollow used his semblance, Plant Manipulation 'n Creatio, to grow two 4ft sticks.

As Flash got closer to Hollow, he turned his shield into two gun swords with electricity running through them, and Hollow threw one of his sticks, causing Flash to block while trying not to slow down.

Hollow then waited as Flash got closer, he waited till Flash was a few feet away as the stick from before came back spinning under Flash's foot causing him to nearly slip, meanwhile Hollow made the stick he was holding grow.

Flash had no choice, the stick was aiming at his chest so he had to dive underneath the attack, losing his chance to attack Hollow. Hollow, on the other hand, jumped up and stomped on Flash's chest with the thick boots he had and performed a front flip off of it.

(Flash Aura percentage: 💚 90%)

(6 minutes, 24 seconds)

Flash got up as fast as he could, hoping he didn't look like an idiot getting up, while Hollow was making himself a baseball bat.

*Inhale* "Okay your better than I thought" Flash commented.

"Thanks, hope this can"

Flash didn't run in for the attack again, and Hollow made a shield of hard wood as both young men circled each other. Flash looked up, seeing that the time said 5 minutes and 37 seconds, so if he was going to win, he needed to make a plan fast. Flash decided to use his semblance to run fast around Hollow.

As Flash ran around Hollow, he used his gun swords to try and cut away at his aura, but Hollow was able to block half of the attacks and even was able to attack back, causing Flash to back away from Hollow, look up at the monitor, and have an open mouth at what he saw. The timer said it was 4 minutes and 2 seconds, but it was the auras that got to Flash.

Timer: 04:02

Hollow Blight Aura: 💚 96%

Flash Sentry Aura: 🧡 78%

"What!" said a shocked Flash.

"My aura is stronger than others." *Inhale* "And I have a lot of it."

'Oh, fuck me' thought Flash.

Starting to lose his cool, Flash started to empty out his sword gun clips onto Hollow using fire bullets, with Hollow blocking the worst of the attacks. (1)

After Flash's sword guns had their clips emptied of their bullets, Flash started to run to Hollow, using his semblance to rapidly attack Hollow, but all the Faunus boy could do was parry the attacks since he couldn't attack back or fully block the attack.

(3 minutes, 34 seconds)

Hollow was able to grow his right plant arm big and thick enough to grab Flash's gun swords and throw them away, so Flash started to run circles around Hollow and punched Hollow from every direction he could while using his semblance to run and punch at Hollow.

(Hollow Aura percentage: 💚 91%)

Hollow waited as he timed Flash running around him and stretched out his plant arm to closeline Flash, sending him flying nearly off the arena and blowing a chunk of his aura off.

(Flash Aura percentage: 💛 54%)

'Shit, I've been getting the shit kicked out of me; I got to think of something fast' thought Flash, in a panic.

"I would like to finish this, dude," said Hollow.

Flash got made at this point. Sure, Hollow wasn't speaking in an insulting tone, but Flash took it as an insult, so he got up and turned... Only to reserve an uppercut to his jaw, sending him flying into the force field that gives protection to the students watching in the stands.

A loud alarm went off as Flash hit the force field sliding down from it, with 2 minutes and 39 seconds remaining on the timer.

"The winner is Hollow Blight," announced Vice Principal Luna.

Some in the audience cheered and others booed at Hollow, mostly boos because Flash Sentry was a human and was liked by most of the students, both humans and Faunus alike, but Hollow didn't care for them. Instead, he walked to the edge of the arena and saw Flash getting up.

"Hey, need help?" asked Hollow, stretching his right leg arm to pull Flash up into the arena.

"I'm Fine" said an angry Flash, climbing up to the arena by himself.

"Both competitors must now face each other, bow, and agree to leave their feelings in the arena." said Vice Principal Luna.

"Yes, Vice Principal Luna." both boys said in unison and bowed to each other.

"I better not see any fighting in the halls." muttered VP Luna.

Both Flash and Hollow went off the arena as Principal Celestia announced the next two fighters.

"Next Applejack Pear vs. May Sakura" announces Principal Celestia.

Applejack Pear got on the arena wearing her combat clothes—a cowboy hat from her dad, a cowgirl button-up shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and cowgirl boots—and for her weapons, a shotgun and rope.

On the other side, May Sakura was getting onto the arena wearing her combat clothes: a brown leather jacket, black jeans, and brown boots. As for her weapons, they were gauntlets made out of the Magic Iron Blood, which appeared to be made of or looked metallic black. Sunset and Chrysalis were the ones to actually help make them.

"howdy let's have's a daisy of a fightin" said Applejack.

"Show me your moves" replied May.

Applejack activated her aura; her semblance was Farmer's Strength, which was a strength booster. May activated her aura; her semblance was Monster Energy, a strength boost and speed boost that's monstrous.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

To be continued...

Thanks for reading

Remnant vol 1 ch 10

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~ POV narration
"Speaking & something titles or quotes and ate"
*Sounds, certain actions, body language, and etc*
[Time Skip or Flashback or meanwhile]
{Change of scenery or description of scene}


(Author: let me know if you don't want me to do the accent for Applejack or a softer accent because this is what I got for a cowboy accent translator)

The Humane Six VS. The Faunus 12: Part 3 of 12
May Sakura VS. Applejack Pear


"howdy let's have's a daisy of a fightin" said Applejack.

"Show me your moves" replied May.

Applejack activated her aura; her semblance was Farmer's Strength, which was a strength booster. May activated her aura; her semblance was Monster Energy, a strength boost and speed boost that's monstrous.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

Timer: 07:29
May Sakura Aura: 💚 100%
Applejack Pear Aura: 💚 100%

Unlike the other two rounds, May was the first to attack. Using her speed to cross the distance between her and Applejack, May ran behind her and cocked a fist back for a punch. only for her punch to be deflected by Applejack's forearm.

(Applejack Aura Percentage: 💚 95%)
(6 minutes, 53 seconds)

"Surprised?" asked AJ, after seeing May's face "Don't be ah 'ave a partner who's a speedy one too."

"She ain't as fast as me, though," shouted RD.

Applejack rolled her eyes and cocked her shotgun to fire as May ran in an unreadable pattern to throw off the farm girl shot. AJ fired and May jumped over the shot.

"Who'ye y'ahwl kan jump high gal" commented AJ.

"Thanks!" replied May.

Applejack shot again, this time a bit higher, causing May to slide underneath the shot. Applejack put her gun away, having only three bullets left, and took out her rope, which turned out to be a lasso... but she started using it more like a whip by trying to whip May with it. May tried to dodge every attack but was unable to dodge them all.

(6 minutes, 3 seconds)
(May Aura Percentage: 💚 83%)

May had enough and tried to get closer, but she got hit a few more times before she used her semblance to boost her speed to get closer to Applejack. Applejack tried to block the attack, only to find out that May's left punch was a fake, after May pulled back and threw a real punch with her right.

Timer: 05:46
May Sakura Aura: 🧡 78%
Applejack Pear Aura: 💚 84%

May, not wanting to waste this opportunity, capitalizes on her attack and grabs Applejack's left arm. She then starts pulling Applejack and punching her with her own left fist. Applejack tried to block or hit back, but May, with her boosted speed, was able to push or kick all of Applejack's attempts to free herself.

(Applejack Aura Percentage: 🧡 73%)

'There we are now it's fair game' thought May.

'Aw shot ah need t' git out awf her hold or ah'm a lohs' thought AJ.

"Come on cuz you can DO IT" yelled Pinkie.

'I don't think AJ can with her arm twisted like that' thought Twilight.

"Come on, AJ, break free!" Yelled RD

"Keep it going, May" yelled Oura.

After a few seconds, Applejack found an opening, and May was starting to throw wide open punches after every other punch, leaving herself open. Applejack, seeing this, waited for May to hit her with a short punch so she could grab her shotgun and fired a shot while the gun was still around her back.

May backed away as the recoil of the shotgun made it swing around Applejack’s torso and into her hands, after which Applejack didn’t waste this opportunity and started emptying her shotgun magazine cap and finally getting some berthing room Applejack took out her cowgirl lasso, as May got herself back together and backed away from Applejack’s attack, a downward slash.

Timer: 04:41
May Sakura Aura: 💛 58%
Applejack Pear Aura: 🧡 60%

“All-Yeah! AJ get her” yelled Rainbow.

Applejack then retracted her lasso and got into close quarters in combat with May, this time Applejack didn’t leave herself open she kept her arms close to chest and started fighting like a boxer, this caused May to fight like a kickboxer, while Applejack fought with punches, blocks, and would stomp every now and then, while May fought with punches, kicks, blocks, and would step forward and backwards to avoid getting hit, both using their semblance to try and get the upper hand.

May's spin kick was meant with a right arm block from Applejack, who then threw a punch of her own causing May to step back to dodge and step forward to throw her own punches, with Applejack blocking them and trying to stomp May’s thigh, May jumped and pirouetted in the air into another spin kick, this one hitting Applejack in the side of her head knocking her hat off.

(Applejack Aura Percentage: 💛 51%)

"Uh nahce hit sugar cube, but now ya gawt t' pay for maah pa's Stetson" said Applejack, half complemented, half threatening.

“Gaarr, bring it” repelled May.

Applejack tied her lasso around her arm and started to use it as her main arm to attack, May not wanting to get more damage to her aura, started to keep her desist, while Applejack went on the attack. Now Applejack was currently on the attack while May is backing away to avoid giving Applejack the upper hand, Applejack threw a punch with her lasso covered arm as May dodged to the left then right as Applejack threw another punch this one hitting May.

(May Aura Percentage: 💛 42%)

(3 minutes, 33 seconds)

May was sent rolling on the arena floor when she stopped, she looked up to see that Applejack was about to stomp her, using her semblance to get herself off the ground fast enough to give Applejack a back hand to the cowgirl’s abdomen, and a spin kick to Applejack’s lower back. Applejack tried to give her own back hand and missed it, but however the downward swing Applejack delivered did hit May on her right thigh.

(May Aura Percentage: ❤️ 35%)

Applejack then proceeded to get on top of May and started hitting her a total of 10 times with her lasso arm, and after the 11th hit the match ended with a loud alarm after May Aura went to 0%.

"The winner is Applejack Pear" announced Principal Celestia.

"Both competitors must now face each other, bow, and agree to leave their feelings in the arena." said Vice Principal Luna, Both Applejack Pear and May Sakura did so before walking to their respective friends' group.

‘Oh joy she better not hold anger towards AJ after this’ thought Oura, as Vice Principal Luna announced the next two fighters.

"Next Pinkamena Diane Pie vs. Vanny Afton" announces Vice Principal Luna

Pinkie Pie skipped her way on to the arena wearing blue boots, a blue skirt, a latex pink jacket, and her weapon was a baby blue grenade launcher, however Pinkie’s grenade launcher had random ammo, 1st, 4th, and 6th were party confetti, while 2nd, 3rd, and 5th were filled with sugar to be used by her semblance, Sugar Bomb.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena, Vanny was also skipping on to the arena wearing combat shorts, high thigh boots with metal in the rubber parts, and a female leather long-sleeve jacket that showed off her midriff, but her white T-shirt prevented that. Vanny’s weapon was a ninja weapon called Vigoorian Flail with fire dust in the blade parts, with the handles being guns, and instead of a chain or rope couniting them it was some wires made from Vibranium. (1)

"Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie!" said Pinkie with a smile.

"Nice ta' meet Cha, I'm Vanny Afton" Said Vanny while giggling, before licking her lips and smiling a bit bigger than Pinkie, nobody noticed the shiver Pinkie gave. They then both activated their semblances, Pinkie's being Sugar Boom and Vanny's being Sharingan (illusions to reality), as Vice Principal Luna announces the fight to begin.

"Ready! FIGHT!"

To be continued...

Thanks for reading.