> Stomach Prison > by Blobskin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- A mare screamed and a stallion ran. The earth pony sprinted down the street at high speed, surprisingly nimble despite his muscular build. He jumped over carts and danced around pedestrians. All while firmly gripping a purse in his jaws. A thief. A thief on the run. He grinned to himself, confident that he'd made yet another clean get away. He was starting to think calling himself a pro wouldn't be cocky. This was his eighth successful snatch. How much money was jingling in this purse he wondered. Oh well, he could count his profits after he got back to the hideout. For now he ducked into an alley and dove around trash bags and cans. He wanted to put as much distance between himself and his ex-target as possible. It was two hours later and he had made it back to the hideout. It was a dead mall. Abandoned and falling apart. He was sitting in what was once a store but was now just an empty box-shaped room. He had dumped the contents of the purse on the floor and was going through the loot. It wasn't a bad haul, but like usual there was a lot of junk that had no value to him. Brushes and used lipstick didn't really sell on the streets. The bits and credit cards on the other hoof... The stallion grinned to himself. A good snatch indeed. He stood from the floor, carefully cradling the coins as he made his way toward the wall. There he skillfully pulled up one of the floor tiles and revealed a hole. He quickly deposited the bits currently in his hoof into a sizable pile of near identical coins already inside. It was a small fortune. His savings. His life. His ill gotten gains. For a moment he stood there over the hole, admiring his collection. He didn't know exactly how much he had. The fear that if he counted it he'd realize he really didn't have that much kept him from doing so. It was a strange fear, but he didn't want to know for sure. So he replaced the tile and gave it a few wiggles to make sure it was firmly in place. Then he smiled and nodded at his own brilliance. Nopony would find it. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" a deep voice ordered. Every hair on his back pointed straight up and his head whipped around. There, in the archway, was a white stallion in a police uniform. An officer. The thief's mind locked up. He froze. How was this possible? He'd been followed? "This building may be abandoned but that does not mean you can just move in!" the officer berated him. "That is illegal." For a moment the thief's mind was trapped in panic mode. Then the words of the officer registered with him. He felt himself relaxing as he realized the officer was just here to kick him out of the mall. A minor crime at worst. He sighed with relief. The officer raised a brow. "Well? What are you doing here?" "Nothing," the thief tried to act annoyed rather than afraid, but the adrenaline rush was still fresh in his blood. He was sweating and his heart was pounding. The officer snorted. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises. And not to come back." "Come on Officer. I'm just a desperate guy trying to get by. Can't you overlook me just this once?" The officer rolled his eyes, but in the process noticed the purse on the ground and the contents strewn about. His eye roll quickly became a raised brow. "Do you live here alone?" The thief took in the archway. It was pretty wide. He could probably get past the officer if he took him by surprise. That was the only conclusion the thief needed. There was no time for further thought. The thief bolted for it. For the briefest of moments the police pony looked surprised and stepped back. But that didn't last more than two blinks. Before the thief knew what hit him the other stallion was tackling him from the side and drove him down to the dirty tile floor. He struggled, but the worst sound a criminal could hear soon filled his ears. The signature clicking of hoofcuffs. He had been caught. All strength left him. The thief went limp on the ground and gave up. He'd lost. He didn't even know what the officer was saying as he was dragged out of the mall. Though he did catch the officer making a call on his radio once they got outside. "This is Officer Lemon Shavings, I need backup at the Clear Drop Mall. I've got the possible Purse Snatcher in custody. Over." The radio on his shoulder buzzed. "Copy that Shavings. Be aware that the only backup available at the moment is Prodig. Over." The thief snorted with amusement. "Budget cuts. Only one pony available," he snickered. Shavings glared at him and gave the thief a bit of a shove. "Copy that Dispatch. That's fine. I'm sure the Purse Snatcher will love her accommodations. Over." The thief grumbled and refused to make eye contact with the officer for a few minutes as they waited for Prodig to arrive. If he was going down, the thief decided he was going down swinging. He was going to be as uncooperative as he could get away with. What more could they do to him? Then one of them appeared. Prancing down the street was an earth mare that was five stories tall. Each hoof was as large as a normal pony. They were huge, they were fast, and they weren't really ponies. In a manner of speaking. Even a simple stallion like the thief had seen and heard about them. Artificial ponies. Drones grown in vats. A new kind of law enforcement. Built to combat an era of rising crime. The pit of his stomach dropped. In an instant he felt sick. The name Prodig wasn't familiar to him, but it should have set off alarm bells. He knew the giant ponies all had strange names, he had just never heard any of them before. One of them was going to arrest him? Prodig had baby blue fur and a very neatly brushed mane and tail of orange hair. The pupils of her eyes were square and her irises had two layers, an inner gold ring and an outer violet ring. They were the distinct eyes of a drone. Her cutie mark was five circles, each with a number from one to five clearly labeled on them. She cheerfully pranced up to the pair of them, carelessly stepping through the deserted parking lot. Every step made the thief cringe just a little. At least the giant wasn't a scowling monster. Though he wasn't sure the carefree attitude made it any better. She came to a stop a step or two away from them. "Drone Prodig reporting for duty!" she declared and saluted. "What do you need me to do, Officer Shavings?" "Glad you could help me," the officer holding the thief's cuffs greeted in return. "I need to investigate this stallion's possible stash in there," he explained while gesturing back to the mall. "But I need somepony to keep the prisoner secure in the meantime. Can you watch him for a few minutes?" Prodig nodded with a big grin on her face. "Of course, Officer Shavings. I'll keep him company while you look for evidence." "Good," the normal sized police pony said back to the giant. Then Officer Shavings turned to the thief. "Stay here." Then he simply let go and turned to enter the mall. For the briefest of moments the thief realized he was free. Sure, his front hooves were cuffed, but he could run on his rear legs fine enough. The police pony wasn't even looking at him and was walking away. There was a huge open parking lot ready for him to bolt across. A hoof as big as the thief crashed down in front of him and made him stumble. The thief fell on his butt and stared up into the square pupils of a drone. He saw his fearful reflection in that darkness. "Don't even think of running," the huge mare said slowly, threateningly. What had he been thinking? Running from a giant? He winced. The thief did not think he was a stupid pony, but that had been a pretty dumb idea. He clenched his jaw and decided to sit there quietly. Prodig decided to do something similar. The enormous mare folded her legs underneath her large body and relaxed in front of the dead mall's entrance. Still her head hung over him. The sun crept across the sky. She made no attempt to talk to him. He made no attempt to talk to her. It was tense, but it was also boring. Officer Lemon Shavings returned with a small smirk on his face. The giant pony perked up. "Alright, I think we've got the beginnings of a case," he said generally. Then the police pony faced the thief and his gaze hardened. "Now I think it's time for you to give me some answers. First, what is your name?" "Kiss My Ass," the thief responded smugly. "That doesn't sound like a name," Prodig commented in a confused tone. The officer sighed. "I can't help you if you don't talk to me." The thief glared. "You don't want to help me. You just want to throw me in jail to fatten your service record." "Ooh, that's a low blow," Prodig mumbled. Officer Shavings growled. "Is that stash of bits stolen?" The thief felt his heart race again. He'd found the stash? "What stash? I don't know anything officer." "Do you know your rights?" "I know I have the right to shut up." "Which you should probably be exercising," the officer grumbled. "Fine, I'm not saying anything else." The thief huffed and turned away from the officer. "Very well," Shavings replied coolly. Then he turned to the giant mare. "Prodig, will you take the Purse Snatcher to lock up for me? I've got to get some photos of the scene and call for the evidence truck." "Of course," she agreed happily. The officer left as the huge pony began awkwardly scooting towards the thief, creating a disturbing grinding noise. The thief eyed her warily, unsure what she was doing. "Now, the more you struggle, the more unpleasant this is going to be," she warned him. Then she opened her mouth wide. A muzzle as large as a truck, teeth as large as tombstones, a tongue comparable to a mattress, and a gust of breath easily confused with a windy day. And the drool. The fleshy walls of the mare's mouth were dripping and slimy. A smell the thief couldn't describe engulfed him. It wasn't some horrid odor that made him want to vomit, but it also wasn't the minty freshness of toothpaste. From his place seated on the ground, her looming maw hovering towards him, he got a perfect view of her cavernous throat. The thief panicked. He cried out in terror and desperately squirmed away from her. "What are you doing?! Don't eat me!" In a second the mouth closed and her head retreated. He continued to lay there, staring at her. He wanted to say something, but no words would come to him. What was that? Prodig tilted her head and looked at him with confusion. "Are you unfamiliar with the drone transport method?" The thief just stared at her, breathing heavily. She took that as a no. "We drones come with multiple stomachs, in my case five, which we use as cells for criminals and potential criminals." With that she smiled at him, as though everything was now fine and they could be friends. He gaped at her. "What? You... eat... ponies? To take them to jail? What?" She pouted. "We drones do not make stomach acid. They're more like internal chambers. For me to take you to lockup, I need to swallow you and store you in one of my cells. Then I'll spit you back up at the station." "That... is disgusting!" he yelled. "What kind of lunatic came up with something like that?" Prodig just shrugged. "I don't think that matters right now. You're going into one of my stomachs whether you like it or not. Criminals don't get a choice. Though I'd prefer it if you didn't struggle too much. It hurts my throat you know." "You stay away from me you monster!" he barked, scooting away from her. She glared. "I tried to be nice, I tried to explain it to you. This didn't have to be a traumatic experience, but if you're going to insult me..." The thief's eyes widened as Prodig stood up slowly, exaggerating each movement. As her legs straightened and her head rose ever higher in the sky, the thief could feel the chill of her shadow spreading over him. The huge mare with her two color eyes gazed down on him from far above. Five stories seemed a lot bigger when it was standing over you. The thief yelped and spun onto his belly. Awkwardly he stumbled to his rear hooves and ran, his forehooves still cuffed behind his back. His balance was off and the cement of the old mall was cracked and uneven. The thief ran as fast as he could, yet couldn't keep from tripping on everything and nothing. Then he heard her give chase. It was like the sound of a boulder crashing into the ground. He could hear the pavement cracking beneath her huge weight. He didn't dare look back. He was crying. He was running. He was terrified. The parking lot was a big open field and she was much faster than him. He didn't have a chance. Darkness obscured his vision, a fleshy wall crashed into his back, and hard stones pinched his waste. In an instant he felt himself being lifted into the air as his rearhooves left the ground and the blood rushed away from his head making him dizzy. Prodig was eating him! For a moment her teeth separated and he felt himself enter that half-second hover before a free-fall takes over. In the next blink his entire back was on her tongue and her jaws closed fully around him. Her saliva soaked his fur and he bucked the roof of her mouth. He screamed and thrashed as the huge organ beneath him pushed him up and crushed him against the ceiling. The flood of drool threatened to drown him, but she swallowed and sucked it all away. For a moment he rested in that sudden stillness. Until she tilted her head back and the muscular tongue that held him began working him toward her throat. He screamed again and tried to fight, but with his forehooves still cuffed all he could do was squirm and kick. He begged. He threatened. He offered her money. Could Prodig even hear him? It was hot, and wet, and it smelled of something fleshy. The ring of her esophagus grabbed his head and began to pull. In a moment he slipped off the slick tongue and was squeezed from all sides by a tunnel of meat. His whole body was pressed and jostled as he was dragged deeper and deeper. Finally, it released him and he fell into a round sack. A room made of flesh. Despite the stretchy walls it was only just large enough for a grown stallion to curl up. For at least a minute he struggled about in that darkness. He demanded they release him. He threatened them with lawsuits and yelled that this must be illegal. Then he was exhausted. He slumped into the bag of meat and breathed. Would he really survive in here? Would he ever be released? He hugged himself, shivered, and waited.