> Luna, Luna, > by Discombobulated Soul > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Full Of Shine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hail, dear traveler, and come sit awhile Hear this tale, though t'won't make you smile Heed mine warnings and my clear advice Have heart and brace, for it's not very nice. Should you ever fall in love, Shall they be lovely as a dove, Shake thine ears, and remember well: Do not be as the moon, who only wept as she fell. Glorious was she, with her velvet wings Dark she was, watching over all things That crept and slept during her wondrous night They feared the dark, and loved the light. "Oh, how unjust it is," pined the Moon, Her soul a storm, her mind a monsoon, "That for my sister, their hearts should swoon, But for me, who too loves them, they have no room." Her namesake, still and up in the sky, Gave no answer to her cry, All it did was say goodbye, As its stony face, too, left her. "I want not for much," the moon continued, As up above, the heavens changed hue. "Recognition only, and only by one, Some other, of course, than my sister, the sun." "Surely," said she, as she lay in her bed, "'tis not much to ask," as thoughts swirled in her head, "That just one being, no being of note Delight in my presence, keep my joys afloat Share in my sorrows, my laughter, my strife Be with me as sadness cuts like a knife" The moon, stewing in a disconsolate potion Startled, beholding a strange locomotion A lone paper piece, unknown its origin Fell down to the floor of her balcony. The moon's horn lit, the paper flew off the ground The faint fluttering of feathers the only sound To grace her furred, twitching ears As the moon read, wiping her tears. Luna, Luna, full of shine. You alone are most divine. Wherever you travel in your flight, Remember not to touch the light. I wish to see you many more times. I hope you have enjoyed my rhymes. "It cannot be!" The moon bemoaned As she read the note over on her silver throne "No signature, no post-script, no, nothing of the kind!" Forth she sent her soldiers, the author they would find North, South, East, West they went, but all for naught, for they were blind To the stallion's wishes, hidden deep within his mind. The moon was saddened by the news, For though she had her admirer, had she no clues As to where to find him. But then, that morn, when the sky lightened with day, A paper fell once more, lit by a ray, The moon, wide awake, brought it to the tray, She knew her melancholy the words would slay, She hoped his intentions they would betray, She prayed she hadn't been led astray, Her emotions all in disarray, The moon read the letter. Luna, Luna, my fair maiden My heart is so heavy laden It falters and falls to the deepest abyss I've known for a while that things are amiss Help me, Luna, have I one request Free me from this weight in my chest Take my heart, and let me have yours My love for you, it rains and pours I hope you have enjoyed my rhymes I wish to see you many more times. "Oh, of course!" Cried the moon, her feelings aflutter "But of course, my lover, you need only come! "At last, a being to love and be loved, I shall cherish! "Come be my prince, we'll be as bread and butter! "Come be with me, as one our hearts shall strum! "Come be in my life, let mine sadness perish!" But no being answered the moon's summons Only the flapping of feathers was heard It was as if her lover feared repercussions But how could that worry be reassured? "I know!" Beamed the moon, as the sky her countenance lit "'tis simple, truly, what I must do: I must write a writ!" And so she did, and wrote away, all through that stormy night. By morning, just as she was headed off to bed, She laid her note on the balcony, her chest feeling rather tight. Anxious was she, as she rested her weary head. "I can only hope my letter does alleviate his mind, That he accepts my invitation, and is freed from his bind." The moon slept, for exhausted was she, and dreamt of a great and gorgeous door She knew that beyond it lay her lover, scratching at it all the more But the barrier blocked their love, as it had from days of yore Romance of a princess and a commoner, forbidden as it has always been before. The moon awoke, and yipped with joy, for she saw there, on her balcony floor Yet another missive from her mister, and reading it was no chore. Luna, Luna, I am elated For our love is most certainly fated Of course I'll meet you in the gardens I'll be on time, no need for pardons At midnight exactly, and then you'll see Precisely how we're meant to be Each other better, we can get to know And through our talks, our love shall grow I hope to see you at that time, I pray you will enjoy my rhymes. The moon giggled with delight as though a filly Clapping her hooves with delight so pure And though she did feel rather silly, Her ecstacy made an effective cure. All throughout the night she waited Nerves abuzz and wings violently twitching Until twelve AM her clock had stated And her namesake sat high, its surface bewitching. Suddenly, the sound of an alarmed shout Drew the moon to her balcony A worried crinkle formed on her snout As she took off toward the abnormality More shouting greeted her flickering ears More voices added to her fears At last, she arrived at the scene A fresh corpse, her lover, held between Two guards, triumphant in their mission To guard royal grounds from all intrusion An 'unfortunate accident', they so simply called it, showing no desire to pay their dues The 'result of a lack of communication', but if only they knew The evil that settled in the moon that night As she was eclipsed by that dark, black light The sorrow consumed her, mind, body, and soul She stewed in her rage, resembling a ghoul "My sole admirer, dead by their day-loving hooves I'll show them all, the night's worth I shall prove." And that, dear traveler, is my tale, dark and deary I do hope it has not made you teary The truth is, it was not jealousy alone that caused the Night Eternal No, it was something much more internal Which turned us all nocturnal.