> My little minecraft player > by Blue Spy s Head > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A nice Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minecraft is a nice, relaxing game. Perfect for calming someone's nerves with it's nice views and mostly comfy soundtrack. Of course not always, like.. for example, when a enderman steals your blocks, a creeper destroys a house, or zombies murdering your villagers, but those things just add to the charme of the game. But that isn't the reason why he's here today. Max was here just to relax, and forget the shame he felt as that ass pulled his pants down, he's gonna get back at him for sure. Why did his crush have to be there, and all because of him, fucking asshole. Things like that weren't uncommon for the both of them, so they always took it in good spirit, and got back at each other ten times worse. Trying to calm his nerves, Max concentrated on building the interior of his hidden mountain base, imagining hiw cool it would be to be on an adventure like Steve from Minecraft is. The server he played on was his friends circles server where everyone can log in and play when they so choose or so please. Chest after Chest, stone wall after stone wall, tag after tag and detail after detail he build in his mountain base his storage room up till it was finished. Taking a look at his work, he felt proudness in the work he did. For a year he somehow managed to keep this little project of his hidden, so that at the end of it no one can fuck up his stuff again like last time, where James, the bastard, thought it was funny to blow up his hill castle he worked on so hard to build, so many hours of grinding wasted, James would get it coming to him, that promised Max to himself, pinkie-promise. Bringing his thoughts back to his current base Max searched for ideas to add to his base. Bedroom? Check Storage? Check Villager trade center? Check Workplace? Check Farms and labour? Check A Mine? Check Big ass Library with enchantment table?Check Brewing shop? Check Big, unnecessary halls and Throne room, with iron golems patrolling? Check Zoo's and Aquarium? Check Unneeded training area and armory? Check Definitely needed Statue of his own greatness? Check Having come up with nothing that he could add to his base, and being to tired out to go out mining or Farming, he instead chose to stroll around his giant base. Visiting the Villagers, reading a few pages of a book he one to one coppied from another book from real life because he has no hobbies, browsing through his brew recipes for potions because he just can't remember those cursed recipes and stepping into the rather bland and lonely halls that conect everything. Yeah...that didn't really fit well with him. Not at all. So he sprinted to his storage and afterwards to his workplace to create decorations like pictures and other things to liven up all those sad, empty halls. And so he did. He spent about three hours decorating the halls, and later on the other rooms so that everything seems more alive and friendly. And he thinks he did a pretty good job doing it. Inspecting his work, he noticed just how tired he was now. He should have went to bed ages ago. Well, that's just Minecraft, find one imperfection, and already three hours have been spend correcting it. But as a last action, like he always did, he went back to his bed and went asleep. Altough not just in-game but also in real life, as he was so tired, that his head came down to the headrest of his chair, and his fantasizing mind going to dreamland, dreaming of one of his most dearest dreams and wishes, going on an mythical adventure in a land, far far away. And just as a coincidence this night, his sweet dream would come ture. ********** In dreamland Max was running through a flower field on top of a gigantic mountain, having an amazing view of the lush forests that stretch further than the eye can see, gorgeous waterfalls and the kilometer long rivers, mountain ranges that reach high into the clouds, beautiful flower fields and in the middle of it all a calm, peaceful village. Moving his gaze a little down, our hero saw a stunning big castle with a giant city beside it and tiny people who all seem like different colored pixels. Max had lucid dreams like this before, but he was surprised how beautiful this one was, he wished it was real, but new it wasn't, so he would make the best while here. Wanting to take a step forward, a strange, cold and dark and distorted voice called out to him. ......But, what if IT wassss realllllll...... ? Max was surprised at this, bit not shocked, as he had all kinds of strange dreams before, like that one time wher he was able to glide though the air while leading a revolution while trying to solve a conflict between caveman. Or that one time where a tall dark monster with purple eyes chased him in a forest, and almost "killed" him, at the end of the dream he chased the monster with a shotgun and a chainsaw on a cliff, long story short the monster pushed him of the cliff, and he awakened in his bed, needing to change the bedding. So, anyway... he learned to embrase the weirdness. "Then i would probably travel there", Max said to the dark voice. .....Eeeeven, if IT was a slight bit Painfull????....... the mysterious voice asked. Without a second thought Max replied," Yes, why not, a little pain doesn't scare me all that much ." ....gooood, then why not take my hand, I will bring you there, with a tiny bonus, because i feel generous today....... the voice said. A dark, rotten, stinking hand reached out, waiting for him to take it. Seeing the disgusting, kinda... realistic looking hand, Max backed away, and shortly inspected it. The ugly hand kind of reminded him of his uncles hand, considering that his uncle always does some kind of strange "experiments" he rarely ever talks about or explains when he talks about it, besides his hands getting disgusting and smelly, Max would picture them, for example in a dream, just like those he saw now. Not that they actually look like the ugly bone hand in his dream, but he would picture them that way. Now that he thinks about his uncle, his uncles kind of a real creep, but not important. Thinking the deal "through" Max grabbed the rotten hand, and accepted it's proposal. "Fine, you've got my interest hooked up there, I'll do it", Max stated loud and proud. ... hehehe.....goooood....... the ominous voice said in a satisfied tone. Right after hearing the voice saying good, our hero Max blacked out, altough still being able to fell the monstrous pain that awaited him in the rest of the dream. But unaware of the insane scientist like cackling of the dark voice, is that in the moment of the handshake, just a second before he started to black out, a tiny blue dot in the castle's window just so started to notice him. > A new world, a new beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fuuuuuuck...... Aghh... Fuck..Fuck.Fuck...AGHHHH!", Max screamed in agony. "Shiiit aghh, FUCKKKK!!!", Max screeched from this unthinkable pain, while violently throwing himself from one side of the bed to the other. He was punching and kicking and screaming in every direction available to him, he tried to stop this awful pian, or make the pain smaller, but nothing helped. It was still a burning hell for him. This pain was a horrible pain, as if someone was changing his very being, adding something that was never there, something that should have never been there to begin with. This has gone on for several hours already, with currently no end for our poor hero in sight. "Damnnn... IT!!!!!", Max cried out, with no effect,"Make it stop..... MAkE it SToop ...MAKE... IT...STOOOOP!!!!" He was reaching out to anything and anyone, to help him escape from this torture. His hand landed on something, a glass bottle, without thinking too much about it he pulled the cork and spewed the content of the glass bottle all over his face as to alleviate some the pain with the fluids inside of the bottle, as he persumed the contents of the bottle being water. And it actually helped. The pain got smaller and smaller, giving him room to breath and calm down, till the awful pain eventually went away. For, about an hour, he lay there motionless, trying to move as little as possible so that he does not experience a comeback of the pain, due to physically straining himself, and to comprehend it, and to relax. After having completely recovered, or at very least as much as possible while resting in his bed, he slowly rolled to the side of the bed, and stood up, and had a tiny nervous breakdown. Max wasn't home. "Where am i, WHeRe the fu......", as our worn out protagonist looked around he noticed, that he was not at home, but... in his Minecraft base,"WHAT THE FuCK Is GoinG On!!!" Max screamed, his throat still being in hell from all the shouting he did before. At the same time he noticed that he wasn't even wearing his clothes anymore, he was wearing some strange armor. But after a moment he identified the armor as his own, the one he always wore, and last wore as he, in game, went asleep. He tried removing the armor, quickly noticing that without cutting, or cracking it open, it would be impossible to remove it. "What the... huuugh, damn it", Max said to himself, planting his hands on his face to calm himself, not knowing how to react or what to say in this situation, besides saying WTF over and over. Slowly and groggily he stood up, as not to fall over, but surprisingly, the armor made no real issues for him, it behaved itself as if part of his body. Of course it clanked loudly, so for anything sneaky it wouldn't be that great, probably. Exiting his room, he carefully looked to the left and right, making sure nobody was around, and thankfully, nobody was around, so he quietly closed the door behind himself, and explored his Base, presumably his Base. Walking down the hall needed some getting used to, as it felt as if it was the first time ge walked in his life, and everything being Blocky didn't help all that much. Going further down, being mostly occupied by the glorious task of not falling flat on his face while hearing his armors loudly clanking, he failed to notice the iron golem who was walking straight towards him. CLANNKKK... echoed through the halls of Max's base, as he walked into the Iron golem, losing his balance and landing on his armored Butt. Glancing upwards Max eyes shrunk to the size of peas as he realized that he just collided with an Iron golem. Not knowing what to do or how to react he just dumbly stared at the Golem, as the Golem stared back at him. Making a move, the Golem put, surprisingly softly for it's size and strenght, it's massive hands on Max's shoulders and helped him get back on his feet. After having helped him back to his feet, the Golem gave Max a pretty cheerful and friendly smile before stomping around him and continuing on it's way. The Golem didn't think much of this encounter, but for our Hero it was quite frightening, as a giant metal automaton who could quite easily crush his head in one of his hands was standing before him, but instead being angry or annoyed was of good mood and pretty cheerful, not really caring to much about Max ramming into it. Coming out of his little mid-life-crissis he remembered that the Golems only attacked if you attack them or Villagers, and considering he didn't do that, he was all fine. Although due to him having build this Golem, the Golem wouldn't have attacked him either way. Starting to walk down the halls again, our protagonist thought about the implication of this Minecraft world, as he entered the Villager district. Is he truly in the Minecraft world, is the world just like his friend's circles Minecraft server, if his base is here, and he is here, and mobs like the Iron Golem, are his friends here? But a thing didn't add up quite nicely. Everything, at least in his base, was blocky but "realistically blocky", not only that but some things that should be blocky aren't, like the Villagers, the houses he build for thrm underground and many other things, including himself and his armor, as while it appears that he should be blocky, considering everything in Minecraft is blocky, he wasn't blocky. Nor in his own body, he realized, as he inspected himself further. While his pocketless armor ( entchanted Netherite armor) heavily obscured his clothing, he saw that he was not in his own clothes, but the clothes his character used to wear. Or at least he thought so, as the armor he wore obscured most of his body. Normally he would be out of his mind and panic at the prospect of being not in his own body, but due to the strangeness and surrealness of the situation he's in right now, he just can't help but stay calm, while having just an interal breakdown of not being in his body. Strolling to the nearest bench, he slumped down on the bench and took a big breath. Letting his gaze wander over the village, he noticed just how... alive it was. The Villagers where running about doing tasks, kids playing with each other, and speaking with each other, speaking actual understandable words he could kinda understand and generally behaving like actual living, breathing and thinking people. Standing up and walking away, he left the Villager district, passing by Villagers and golems, although noticing how weirdly the Villagers looked at him, as he was in a position of power, like someone looking at a king, but anyway. Strolling through the halls, having been sucked into his own thoughts, his hands slowly wandered down to his pockets, sliding into them, he subconsciously took a block of stone and started toying with it. As he came out of his thoughts, having reached the entrance of his respectable base, he contemplated shortly if he should open the door, as if it really was not just a dream, and night outside, he could get mauled to death by a zombie or shot by a skeleton. But he decided to go outside, as he could easily outrun them, and if they get inside, there are plenty of golems to deal with whomever might try to hurt him, not ti mention his armor, which he entchanted with the best things he could find and fit on it. Taking out his right hand out of his pocket to activate the lever on the right wall which activates the door mechanism, that he placed there so that no Villagers or golems can activate the door mechanism and wander outside, our protagonist noticed that he was holding a stone block. "Where the hell did that come from?", he asked himself as he was sure that it wasn't there as he put it into his pocket. Wait....pocket? His armor doesn't have pockets, he knew that, he checked before. Looking down he saw nothing, no pockets, no nothing. It was just his armor, nothing more, nothing less. "Weird...", whispered Max to no one in particular. A brilliant idea coming to his mind, he put his right hand to his hip, where the pockets would be, for example the pockets on Jean's, and touched the armor ........ nothing happened. Looking dumbly at his hip, he tried doing the same thing again, but just used his power of imagination to imagine a pocket on his hip, and it surprisingly worked. His hand slipped into a black space where the stone block, and many other things, that he had in his inventory before falling asleep and falling into this mess where. Taking his hand out of the black pocket hole, he hesitantly tried to do it again and it worked again, having taken a snowball out of this black pocket hole. And it wasn't just an illusion or his head playing tricks on him, as he can clearly feel the snowball in his hand. He tried the same on his left hip, and it worked there to, truly amazing and very strange. And very strange feeling as well. It felt as if he put his hand in cold cream and cold air, but not a big cold, just a slight chill. And the weirdest part is, that he knew everything that's inside his pocket..... or inventory? It's strange and difficult to explain, but he just knew what he had and how much space he still had. Tinkering a little bit with the pocket, he took other things like a potion, a torch, his sword (which he swiftly put away as he had Fire Aspect on it, which made it light on fire) and his helmet which he was currently wearing. He was just thinking about his helmet, and it came of, showing his Minecraft characters cowboy hat. Putting it back away in his ........ inventory .... Max focused on placing it "back on his head" , after a few seconds it plopped back on his head. "Interesting, I should experiment with this this pocket inventory a bit more later on.", our main character said to himself," but first, let's see what's out there waiting for me." Turning his attention back to the lever, he pulled the lever down, activating a not all to complex mechanism that opened a small enough passageway to get outside his base. Walking through the passage, his eyes adjusting fast to the new light, the hidden passage closed swiftly as he pressed a well hidden button in the ground. After pushing the button and stepping away a good distance from the secret passage, Max dedicated his focus entirely to the astonishingly beautiful view that was in front of him. Pretty Meadows and flower fields, large forests as far as the eye can see, charming hills, gigantic mountains with elegant waterfalls and in the middle of it all a quiet and peaceful little Village. And just below where he stood was a large and graceful castle city teeming with life, as from his point of view, tiny little people of literally every color where swaggering about in in every direction, making for an all in all breath taking view. Being so surprised by the beautiful sight he saw, he failed to notice the two beings, one light pink and the other white, that where approaching him from behind. "Hello, who are you?,", a feminine voice asked our hero from behind him, the startled Max turning around to see, two horse people starring at him, one pink with a horn and wings, the other white with a horn. As the white one studied Max, clearly noticing his combat armor, the white horse person took a, what our protagonist would describe to be, a defensive position along with the pink one and said. "In the name of princess Celestia, as the captain of the royal guard, state your business.", the white horse-person-man said in a more aggressive tone in a, for our hero, unknown language. Being already startled, Max reflexively took a step back at seeing they're posture and tone, but failed to notice that he was on the edge of the mountain cliff, and fell of the cliff. "AARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" , Max yelled out in total panic, while he plummeted down the cliff. "FUCKKKK, NO NO NOO NOO, ARRGHHHH!!!", Max cried as he descended further down to his untimely demise, until he realized that he was barely going down at all. Peeping upwards he perceived that he was not falling down, but slowly floating down the cliff headfirst. Astounding our hero, the two horse person's where following him, both of them flying down, although the white one was floating in a strange blue glow. At first everything was perfectly fine, as he wasn't in any real danger, as he slowly and safely descended down the cliff. But he hadn't realized nor heard (nor would he have understood) that the pony-human-things wanted to help him by taking him, and flying him down to the ground, as the two pony-human-things where to far away to be heard by Max as they announced what they wanted to do. But he hasn't caught what they where saying, so he panicked when they tried to grab him, and so he was waving his legs and arms around, in an attempt to not get grabbed by the two of them. Of course having perceived that the "warrior" in front of them was heavily troubled by they're advances, they tried to say to him (Max) that they're not gonna do anything bad, while trying to snatch him out of the air, which of course made a not all to good impression for Max, as he understood the equivalent of jackshit when the two horse person's talked. Luckily for him that didn't last long as a he accidentally kicked the white horse person in the face, knocking him clean out and making the pink pony person prioritize him over Max. Max luck had seemingly no end, as his air acrobatics came soon to an end as he landed in a big indoor pool, with an retractable roof. "Eeep!" "Aghh, damn it!" Regaining his thoughts from landing in the indoor pool, he noticed that under him was something squishy and quite soft, and wet due to being in a water filled pool. Glancing down, he took a glimpse and immediately was red in the face, as he was ontop of a large blue and black horse person, his hand parked on it's big, juicy and soft boob. It, returning the glance, was just as red as Max, but with a mix of anger and annoyance. Max, deliberating with himself quickly as to what to say, gave a brilliant question from himself, "Uhhhhh, hy?" And got right after surrounded by a blue glow, that manifested from the blue horse person's horn, which picked him up, and promptly launched him through a wall. "FUUuuuck !!!!", our protagonist howled as he was tossed through the wall of the pool house and the next two walls too, and landed back on his face.