I’ll Be Here For You

by Starlight Fan

First published

Due to a surprising return from Sombra, Twilight is sent off to the Crystal Empire to face him. Spike is worried for his big sister, but Starlight shows she’ll always be there for him.

Due to Sombra’s surprising return, Twilight had to go to the Crystal Empire to fight him off. Which leaves Starlight and Spike alone in her castle. Spike begins to fear for Twilight’s safety, but Starlight’s there for him, and explains how he can always count on her.

When The Rain Starts To Pour

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Spike looked longingly at the window in his room as a rainstorm poured down the outside. It wasn’t really a scheduled thing, but sometimes that just happens.

Spike had been seriously worried, King Sombra had made a sudden return and caused some damage to the Crystal Heart with his magic.

Shining Armor and Cadence felt they could not face him alone, so they called on Twilight and Luna for help. Celestia was to keep Sombra from invading Canterlot, and Discord was keeping charge of keeping all the other towns safe. Twilight and Luna were supposed to help make sure the Crystal Empire was protected until the Crystal Heart could fully restore it’s magic.

But it had been a full day and Twilight had still not returned. She was gone for a long time and he was really worried.

He had kept these worries to a minimum at first due to needing to help Starlight cover as Headmare for the school but since Twilight wasn’t back yet, he began to look even more worried but it should be fine, Twilight has fought villains and succeeded, and even reformed Starlight who was evenly matched with her.

Though… Sombra had dark magic and wasn’t really the redeemable type.

Nah, nah, she’ll be fine.

Soon he heard the door open and saw Starlight at the doorway of her room looking concerned.

“Spike, are you okay?” Starlight asked softly, “I noticed you’ve been acting weird lately, and I’m just concerned for you.”

Spike didn’t want to concern Starlight with some paranoia, he didn’t need to waste her time.

“I’m fine Starlight. I… just miss Twilight.” Spike half lied, he did miss Twilight but he couldn’t tell her that he was having this paranoia.

Starlight didn’t seem entirely convinced and gave a raised eyebrow, “Okay… but if you need me. I don’t mind being woken up TOO much.”

“I appreciate the sentiment Starlight but I’m not some scaredy cat. I did help save the Crystal Empire. I’m confident Sombra will lose this invasion.” Spike smirked with false confidence.

“Okay… if you insist. But remember, I’m not too far from your room so if you feel upset just tell me.” Starlight told him before leaving the room.

Spike scoffed before climbing flying onto his bed and putting himself under the covers.

“Ha, this is nothing. Just some silly paranoia.” Spike smiled nervously before he began trying to sleep, and eventually he did.

Spike suddenly found himself in some sort of prison cell and in some dark cave, much to his confusion and terror.

“Huh, wh-where am I?” Spike asked fearfully.

“Your new prison you insolent little dragon.” A haunting voice was heard.

Suddenly a dark mist began forming into a dark unicorn, King Sombra.

“K-King Sombra?! What are you doing to me?!” Spike asked incredulously.

“Relax you foolish dragon. You are hardly a threat to me, though I figured I should entertain you a little for being able to defeat me in the past.” King Sombra smirked before he clapped his hooves and a light shined on a weakened Twilight with a magic blocking ring on her horn and her front hooves were chained to the wall.

“Twilight!” Spike cried out in pure fear.

“Ah, so you recognize her I see. Well that’s good, it will be extra special when you watch as I blast her to death. Won’t that be exciting?” Sombra asked maniacally.

“No, please. Don’t do this to her. I’m the one who defeated you last time, take me, please!” Spike begged as he held onto the bars of his cage.

“Hmm, that does seem tempting.” Sombra put a hoof to his chin.

Spike sweated as Sombra was making his decision.

“No thank you.” Sombra smirked nonchalantly before aiming his horn at Twilight.

“Twilight! No!” Spike cried out with tears in his eyes.

A familiar scream had woken Starlight up, she immediately grew concerned as she realized who the voice belonged to. So she lit up her horn and with a flash she was in Spike’s room, where the dragon was thrashing as he was sleep talking.

“Please leave her alone! Don’t kill her!” Spike cried out in his sleep.

Starlight didn’t even need to think twice before she began shaking Spike in an attempt to wake him up.

“Spike! You’re having a nightmare! Wake up!” Starlight yelled, trying to wake her friend up from his horrible dream.

“No! Stop! She can’t take so much! Please stop!” Spike continued begging.

“Spike! Please wake up! You’re just having a bad dream! I’m here for you, just open your eyes!” Starlight begged the dragon.

Spike soon began stirring and opening his eyes before gasping and panting heavily and quickly, before looking surprised to see Starlight standing above him, looking really concerned.

“Starlight? What happened?” Spike asked, worried he had done something wrong.

“You were having a nightmare. It seemed really bad too. I knew I had to wake you up as soon as possible before it got any worse for you.” Starlight explained sadly.

“Oh… well thanks for the help.” Spike said, upset that he had to put Starlight through that.

“Spike, you and I need to talk about this. It’s clear you’re suffering and I want to help you.” Starlight told the dragon.

“Starlight, I told you…” Spike began speaking before Starlight interrupted sternly, “No Spike! You are not fine if whatever’s bothering you is causing you to have these horrible nightmares! I experienced the type of nightmare you’re having when I had that dream about Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker. It felt terrible and I probably would have had my psyche damaged if Celestia didn’t end it like I did for you.”

“But… it’s just a nightmare.” Spike weakly defended himself.

Starlight sighed with a roll of her eyes, “Look, I know you don’t wanna be seen as a chicken or whatever, but if you ARE scared about something, just tell me, if not for you, then for me. I was really worried Spike.” She said sadly.

Spike sighed before confessing, “Okay. The truth is I am scared about Twilight. The girls have been telling me not to worry as they say that Twilight will be fine, as she’s survived other villains before, but it didn’t really help. I didn’t say anything because I thought you would think I’m some coward for not believing Twilight will make it out okay.” His eyes began to water and tear up which Starlight was quick to wipe off his face.

“Spike, it’s okay to feel scared about Twilight’s situation. Heck, I’m scared too, I thought she’d be back by now and I guarantee our friends are too. They probably just wanted to make you feel better about this whole thing.” Starlight told the dragon, “Look, I can’t guarantee Twilight will make it out of this battle okay, I won’t lie to you, but y’know what, I do have faith she can pull through. She’s a strong mare and she has Princess Luna and Princess Cadence there to help her as well. I can’t guarantee anything, but I have faith in Twilight that she’ll make it out of this battle. Besides, she has you and all our friends to come back to, and if I know Twilight, that will be her prime motivation.”

Spike sighed before smiling, “Thanks Starlight. I didn’t know how much I really needed to hear that.”

“Anytime Spike.” Starlight smiled before she petted his head before she began to leave the room.

“Wait! Starlight!” Spike called out much to the unicorn’s shock.

“Can you… stay here tonight?” Spike asked sheepishly much to Starlight’s shock.

“I mean, you don’t have to but I think I’d feel safer if you were around.” Spike smiled nervously.

Starlight just smiled warmly at Spike.

Twilight found herself exhausted as a flash sent her inside the castle along with Discord. It was clear he teleported the both of them inside.

“Oh man. That was probably my toughest battle yet.” Twilight said as she looked to see her mane was a bit burnt.

“Yeah. I’m glad I showed up when I did. That probably really helped your cause.” Discord admitted, for once being genuine with how he spoke.

“Yeah. Thanks for that Discord.” Twilight sighed with a smile, “I’m glad you’re starting to improve more.

“You’re welcome Twilight.” Discord smiled before reading his fingers for a snap, “Do you need me to teleport you to your room?”

“Nah, I think I can walk far enough. Thanks though.” Twilight said, appreciating the offer.

“Suit yourself.” Discord shrugged before he left with a flash.

Twilight sighed with a smile as she began heading to her room, after all that ruckus, she was glad to be back in the peace and quiet of her home.

Twilight soon found herself next to Spike’s room, and the door was open so she seemed to catch a glimpse of some purple hair with a teal streak.

“Eh…” Twilight asked herself, confused before she looked inside the room, and what she saw made her smile.

Starlight had her hoof around Spike as the two slept in the same bed and both seemed to be smiling as they quietly slept.

“Aww. I’m glad Spike was able to manage while I was gone, I was scared that he’d be fear ridden without me.” Twilight said to herself, clearly happy by the fact two of her best friends were spending time together, “I’m glad he had a good friend by his side.”