Engine sentai Go-ongers: Equestrian Racers

by Kamen rider accel

First published

When there are machine who want to take over the world and make it there own. The engine soul will stop them with the help of there friends and team mates.

"Rushing by at full-throttle mach speed, our slogan is 'go on!'" (マッハ全開で突っ走る俺たちの合言葉は"ゴーオン!" Mahha zenkai de tsuppashiru oretachi no aikotoba wa "Gō On!")

Let's go on!

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Machine World, 6 Months Ago

"The Biggest auto race in Machine World History!" a voice began to narrate, as three cars zoomed over, the first looked like a mix between a race car and a condor, with the main body being the car, the headlights being eyes, a beak on the front, a large engine block on the hood, and on the side was the number one with a bird theme having an eye at the top, the tip of the one being a beak, and there being wings on both sides of the number. Next one is blue, and it was mainly a bus with a lion-styled 2 on the side, but the sides of the front had a lion mane, the headlights again were eyes, and the grill of the bus clearly had the mouth and nose of a lion; even the teeth were visible. Finally is a yellow bear like one, who sorta looked like a mini-van, with blue eyes, and no visible mouth and a 3 barely visible on the side in the style of a bear's head (pardon the bare/bear pun).

"And on this day, it finally came to a climax!"

The three were shown to be following what appeared to be some type of machines that didn't look like they're from the same sekai, jumping around, and damaging others.

"You're not gettin' away!"said a voice similar to the narrator's.
The red condor themed one zoomed up, and got behind the other machines.

"Hah! Caught up to you Gariak! DORU DORU!"

The blue one then spoke next. "You're not getting away, you fools!"

Finally, the sole female of the three yelled "If I bite you, I won't let go!"

The machines ahead of the three friends looked like some type of frog like machines, and were jumping in first place.
Onore!"the first of those piloting the "frog-mechs" growled.

"Stubborn little pests!" the second of these snarled.

"I'll shake you off ojaru!" the third and last of these generals yelled to the cars. It sounded female.

She pressed a red button on some type of command module, and it fired missiles right at the cars. The red one yelled out "That won't work! This is the end!"

He then sped up and yelled "SKY HIGH ATTACK!" and then the blue one lowered a ramp, allowing the red one to go flying in the air like a condor. "I'll tear right through you! DORU, DORU, DORU!"

This destroyed the frog like machines, and sent the three drivers flying into the air.

"WE'LL REMEMBER THIS! YOU STUPID ENGINES!" the leader yelled before flying right into a portal and disappear…


ICHI, NI, SAN, SHI Go-Onger! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Go-Onger!)

3, 2, 1 LET'S GO-ONGER! GO-ON!

Engine Sentai Go-Onger!

Notteke Seikai (Riding feels so great!)

Hjaikete Mankai (Burst into full bloom!)

Kibou wo Charge da Mugen no energy! (Charge up your hope with infinite energy!)

Yabou sou na yukai(This happiness seems dangerous!)

Hechara Goukai (Cool and Exciting!)

Kinou no jibun wa overtake (Overtake your old self!)


Hitori ja nain da sono koe de (Your voice let's me know that I'm not alone)


Yuuki ga kasoku suru (Accelerate the courage!)


Seigi no highway masshigura (Go full speed down the highway of justice!)

Kino no mune ni mo hibike (Let it ring in your heart too!)


Egao no goal wo mezasun da (Aim for the smiles as the goal!)


Months later in Canterlot city

We see a school bus of Canterlot high going through the street. The people could hear the excitement of the students in the bus.

In side the bus some are chatting with others some are talking with each other some are playing games on there phones or I pads or some are sleeping.

The most popular students of the school are sitting at the end of the seat. They are known as the Rainbooms. Canterlot High rock band who are getting popular in there music career and also are popular because of saving the school from magic incident involving equestrian magic . In fact, just a few weeks ago at Camp Everfree, a certain group of students defeated the Camp’s Director who had been corrupted by said magic and turned into a force of nature named Gaea Everfree. Since then, the Rainbooms had obtained a set of geodes that enabled them to perform magical feats, such as animal communication, super strength, diamond shields, mind reading, telekinesis, super speed, even turning sugary confections into explosives.

…knowing a particular party planner, it was best not to question that last power.

These 7 girls are now sitting in the back eating and drinking there snakes they got from the party planner girl.

The first girl lightly sipped her smoothie. She had pale, yellow skin, and bluish-green colored eyes with pale pink eye shadow. She also had long, elegant-looking pink hair with a butterfly-shaped barrette worn off to the side. Her sleeveless dress was white on the top, while the skirt portion was colored a light green, with pink and white frills on the bottom of it, and a picture of three butterflies printed towards the front. Her boots were also colored green, with white soles on the bottom, and white frills at the top. She also had on a pair of pink socks with white polka-dots. Her name was Fluttershy: A kind animal caretaker and friend and the tambourine player of the Rainbooms.

The girl next to her was a cyan-skinned girl with magenta-colored eyes, and scruffy, rainbow-colored hair. She wore a white shirt with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt printed on it, with a cobalt blue shirt overtop of it. She had on a pink skirt with white stripes (with black shorts worn underneath), two rainbow-colored wristbands on her wrists, and large blue shoes that seemed to be a cross between boots and sneakers, based on their appearance. She was Rainbow Dash: A loyal friend, awesome athlete, and the Rainboom’s lead guitarist and vocalist.

Following her was a girl that had yellow skin, swirly red and yellow hair, and aqua green-colored eyes. She wore a leather jacket with a red and yellow sun on the back over a light blue blouse, a pair of jeans, and a pair of long, black boots, each with a purple flame pattern on them. Her name was Sunset Shimmer, the Rainbooms’ rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist.

On the front seat was a girl with orange-colored skin and yellow freckles under her bright green eyes. She had long blond hair, tied up into a ponytail, underneath her brown cowgirl hat. She wore a white shirt with green towards the top of it, a blue jean skirt held up with a brown belt with an apple-shaped buckle, and a pair of brown cowgirl boots that each had a picture of three apples on them, arranged together in a triangle pattern. Her name was Applejack: an honest, hardworking farmer and the Rainbooms’ bass guitarist.

Sitting next to her, slurping on two different milkshakes at once, was a pink-skinned girl with poofy hair that was colored in a darker pink color, and had bright, baby-blue eyes. She wore a dress that was white on the top and magenta on the bottom; the top of the dress had a pink heart shape printed upon it, while the skirt portion had a picture of three balloons (two blue and one yellow). The dress was held together with a purple band around the waist, and overtop of it, the girl wore a small blue shirt. The rest of the ensemble consisted of two blue bracelets and a pair of blue boots, the latter of which were tied with a pink ribbon on each. She was Pinkie Pie: Party planner, a bundle of smiles and laughter, and the Rainbooms’ drummer.

Next to her, sipping her chai latte in a more dignified manner, was a girl with pure white skin and dark blue eyes, topped with blue eye shadow and large eyelashes. She had long, swirly hair that was violet in color, with a jeweled barrette worn on top. Her dress was light blue on top, and the skirt was of a similar violet color to her hair, with a picture of three, four-sided diamonds printed upon it. The dress was held together with a purple belt with a blue buckle, she wore a pair of gold bracelets on her wrists, and she wore a pair of purple boots, each one emblazoned with a shiny, blue gem on the top. Her name was Rarity: the generous, fashionista extraordinaire and keytar player.

And the last, but certainly not least, girl of the group wore thick rimmed glasses that hid her purple eyes. Her back length hair was tied in a ponytail and was a dark, indigo-blue color with a mulberry stripe and a pink stripe running through it. She was dressed in a simple blue and white short sleeved blouse with a pink ribbon at the collar, and a purple skirt with pink, six pointed stars that seemed to sparkle. Her name was Twilight Sparkle. Like Sunset Shimmer, she was also a back up vocalist for the Rainbooms.

A common accessory that they all shared was a geode necklace that they wore around their necks.

The last girl was mostly excited to finally being able to go to this filed trip to the Canterlot Research and Development Center. It was announced yesterday that they will be going there and this is also a joint field trip with Crystal Prep Academy.
To get to know more of them well.she was waiting patiently and couldn't wait to spend the day with her babysitter who is now the principal of Crystal Prep Academy, and see the development station.

"I can't wait to get there, finally a day without trouble and no equestrian magic involved, and finally getting to see the inventions." She said excitedly.

Her friends were also excited aswell. Pinkie the most.

"Yeah and I can't wait to see what kind of machine they made for making chocolate milkshake." She said.

" Pinkie I think that not what they do there" sunset said to her energetic friend.

" Well they should" she said" I mean how much will it take to make a machine that can make me some chocolate cake when ever I want."

“Well…I’m curious to see their wildlife biology research. I would like to know their findings on how to properly preserve endangered species…” the animal lover said.

" And I want to see how fast there jet pack is against my speed" said Rainbow dash challenging again.

" Well I don't know y'all I'm just gonna see the development of field and crops. How do they make there crops good" said Applejack.

" We can know when we get there and Thai time just hope there is no equestrian magic to deal with."sunset said

" Hey so what if it is we can always blow it by our rainbow laser." Rainbow dash said.

" Yeah beside what can possibly go wrong" pinkie said. But as they all say don't tempt fate.

Elsewhere, in a island seemingly void of any life...a place with polluted clouds covering the sky...a place covered in junk and metal stood a large almost castle like structure with large golden gears and smokestacks decorating the place, black smoke coming from the smokestacks as it covered the polluted sky. This was the home of the Banki(Barbaric) Machine Clan; Gaiark.

"Canterlot…" a gruff voice spoke as three figures looked at an image on a screen, "Look at the amount of garbage they dispose of...wasted materials, toxic waste from their machinery plants…" he listed with excitement, "A perfect ground zero for our terraforming of the Human World, nari!"

The speaker was a tall golden armored robot seemingly made of scrap metal, each of his shoulders were styled after bolt fasteners with a right shoulder which pointed up like the tower of a castle, his back adorned with a black cape, his head had a blue plumage made of metal that gave him a roman centurion commander theme, in his hand was a large spear, the blade was large with two axe like guards along the sides like a trident, and a club like head on the other end as a counterweight. This was Land Pollution Minister Yogostein.

"Look at all the smog! You can smell it! Those factories and machines put out so much air pollution. It smells...wonderful, zoyo~" a second robot spoke. He was green with silver pipes all along his body and a black cape forming into coat tails. The pipes lead to a large red and white smoke strack on his back near his left, with a smaller pipe going over his right shoulder. He had gears on each shoulder and knee, with tower frames on his legs. His neck was a long mass of pipes and tubes kept together by gear collars, with a mask like face, white on one side, bronze on the other. This was Air Pollution Minister Kitaneidas.

"And the ocean..so diluted, hiding so much trash and pollution beneath the waves…" a seemingly female human spoke next. She was clad in a red jumpsuit which had a shorter leg on her right leg, while the left was longer, matching boots connected to her suit via a silver brace on the right and three fasteners on the left. A Silver belt connected to a short silver skirt/cape which opened in the front. She had anatomically fitting silver chest armor, with a multitude of pipes and metal forming a crest around her back. Her jumpsuit was sleeveless, as her red gloves were covered in silver gauntlets. Finally her head was adorned in a silver helmet with a red valve at the top. This was Water Pollution Minister Kegalesia.

"Actually, I think that's a lake…" Kitaneidas replied.

"But it's huge…" Yogostein argued.

"Exactly!" Kegalesia agreed.

"I'm telling you it's a lake…" Kitaneidas sighed.

"It's an ocean...I can tell these things!" Kegalesia argued.

"Do you see any whales or sharks in there, zoyo?!" Kitaneidas snapped.

"Enough!" Yogostein shouted, "We are not here to argue if things are or aren't oceans...but I am in the 'totally is' category," he coughed into his hand, "No. We are here to begin our first plan to begin pollution terraforming, nari!"

"So who's turn is it?" Kegalesia asked.

"Uhm…" Yogostein pulled out a tablet as he typed on it, "Ah...it's Kitaneidas's turn today! Someone from the Air Pollution team shall be sent out for a mission I have drafted up, nari!"

"Excellent, zoyo!" Kitaneidas declared.

"Look here!" Yogostein pointed to the screen as it flickered and displayed the Research center, "This is the coastal factory of the biggest developer of technology in the nation. We shall send in a Bankiju, and they shall take over the factory and use the human's own resources to help us build even more soldiers, nari! With double the production of Ugatz, taking over Canterlot shall be simple. Furthermore, who knows what technology this...Sumdac person has worth taking, it could help us empower our forces, nari!"

"In that case, I have the perfect Bankiju to send, zoyo!" Kitaneidas declared, "Oh Shoukyaku Banki~!"

At that out marched a new robot. This one was built wider and stronger and almost like some kind of bison with large legs and arms. Its 'face' was set lower into its chest and was black and orange and looked like an angry face mask. Its forehead looked like the opening to a coal furnace with two pipes extending from his head and four pointing forward with one pipe going over each shoulder and under each arm.

"You called, Kitaneidas-sama!?" the monster bowed as black smoke blew from his pipes.

"We have a mission for you," Kitaneidas stated as he pointed to the screen "You see this Research center? I want you to take some Ugatz with you and take it over. And don't be afraid to burn up some stuff to pollute the air with nice...black...lung damaging smoke, zoyo."

"As you command! Those pitiful little humans won't stand a chance! We shall make that factory make something useful then these useless servant robots!" Shoukyaku Banki cheered as he stomped off.

"...Ten bolts says he ends up messing something up," Kegalesia muttered.

"Oi!" Kitaneidas snapped at that, "...well I bet twenty he'll do the opposite!"

"Thirty on messing up…" Yogostein coughed.

Meanwhile an RV was seen parked at a part field where three teen were sitting outside on folding chairs and we're drinking some smoothies.

The first was a young man with blue spike hair, with orange yellow skin , the second was one had short grayish hair and a pale violet skin tone. The last members was a girl with white long hair and mint green skin. They also all wore the same kind of uniform. Both men had black pants while the girl had shorts, and they all wore the same kind of racing jacket but each one was different.

The first, had red detailing with the word Go-Ongers going down each sleeve and a stylized metallic G symbol at the top. His chest littered in many more words and symbols such as a Badge reading Go-On Red on the right, another reading Speedor on the left, and across the front read: MACH FULL FORCE Speed King Flash sentry. The other man had a blue detailing with his chest decals reading Go-On Blue on the right and Bus-On on the left, with the letters reading: JUST CORRECT Cyclopedia Micro chip. The girl had yellow detailing with her decals reading, Go-On Yellow on the right and Bearrv on the left, with the center reading: SMILE BLOOMING Sweet Angel Lyra.

Finally they finished eating." Hah~ that hit the spot" Flash said putting a hand on his stomach.

" Yeah man Micro you make some killer tacos" said lyra after finishing her.

Micro smiled and stood up and took the dishes." Thanks I did a lot of research and found the perfect way to make Mexican tacos." He said as he went in inside the RV.

Flash got up and did some stretches and then folded the chairs and picked them up and out them inside the RV

Lyra helped by folding the table and picking it up and put it in side the rv.

" Well lunch is done so how about now we go to the jet simulation place you were talking about." Flash said coming out side.

" I said we go check out the Canterlot Research and Development Center. They have the simulation there." Micro said clearing his friends thought.

" Well I was mostly driving when you explained about that" flash said sheepishly.

" Well we're going to check it out cause bon bon said that the Gaiark will attack there." Micro said.

" Yeah Speedor and the others said this was where they're hiding out. All the factories and cars here...this place is like a beacon to Gaiark." Flash said.

"Well guys what are we waiting for, let's go" lyra said from inside the RV.

"Right to the jet simulation place" flash said dramatically. Which in turned ruined the moment. Both his friends looked at flash and shook there heads but couldn't help but smile.

Back at the trip Soon enough, the row of buses pulled up in front of the Canterlot Research and Development Center, or CRDC for short. The students from CHS noticed that they weren’t the first ones to arrive. Ahead of them was another line of buses that were labeled belonging to Crystal Prep Academy.

Once they got off the buses and took their belongings, they grouped up by their respective schools. The Rainbooms noticed five familiar faces in the Crystal Prep crowd.

The first girl had pale yellow skin with freckled dotting her cheeks. She had purple eyes highlighted by blue eye shadow. Her long, pink hair had teal streaks and was tied up in a ponytail with a berry hair tie. She wore the Crystal Prep uniform forgoing the burgundy blazer. She was named Sour Sweet.

The second had light blue skin and long, whitish blue hair tied into pigtails with a red hairclip in the shape of a spoon. She wore a pair of orange rimmed glasses and a pair of leggings under her Crystal Prep uniform. Her name is Sugarcoat.

The third had a pale complexion with shoulder length blue hair in three different shades. She had orange eyes and a pair of orange goggles on her head. Her left ear was adorned in golden piercings, a lightning bolt on her lobe and rings on her ear. She was Indigo Zap.

The fourth had light teal skin and reddish eyes. Her purple hair was cut to chin length and had pink streaks with a sun hair clip in it. She was dressed in the complete ensemble of the Crystal Prep female uniform consisting of a white shirt, burgundy blazer, blue ribbon tie, purple plaid skirt, blue socks and shoes. Her name was Sunny Flare.

The final girl had a reddish complexion with yellow eyes. Her long hair fell down to her waist and resembled lemon-lime soda due to it green and yellow coloring. Like Sour Sweet, her eyes were highlighted by light blue eye shadow. Like Sunny Flare, she wore the complete uniform with the exception of keeping her sleeves rolled up. Her most noticeable trait was the pair of headphones covering her ears. Her name was Lemon Zest, and she was the first to notice the Rainbooms and waved.

“Hi you guys!” Her exclamation prompted her friends to glance in her direction.

“Hi Lemon Zest!” Pinkie Pie greeted with equal fervor.

“Why, it’s been ages! Why, we haven’t seen you all since the music video!” Rarity joined up with them.

“I know. It’s been a while.” Sunny Flare greeted.

“Well, I wouldn’t know since you guys didn’t let me join you!” Indigo complained.

“Right, and get the rest of us sick since you had a cold at the time? No thanks.” Sugarcoat rebutted.

" We could've called you sooner but we thought meeting you hear will be better and happy reunion." Sunny Flare said.

" Well we can go in now." Twilight said.
, a loud clap cut through the conversation.

They saw middle aged woman with a light gray complexion, light blue eyes, and purple, white streaked hair. She was dressed in a blazer and skirt.she was Twilight mother, Twilight Velvet. “I’m so glad to see everyone made it here.” Twilight Velvet smiled. Beside her were Principals Celestia and another women she was a tall woman with pink skin and long hair colored purple, magenta, and yellow. She was dressed in a blue blazer, teal blouse, and green skirt. This was Cadenza mi Amore, or Cadence to her friends and family, the principal of Crystal Prep Academy. Cadence and another women she had light blue skin and long, wavy hair that was in two different shades of blue. Her green eyes appeared strict, yet kind. She wore a pair of dark blue slacks and a light purple blouse with a white collar. On said collar was a black crescent moon. This was Vice Principal Luna.Vice Principal Luna. Behind the four were several staff members as part of the welcoming committee. “Everyone, welcome to the Canterlot Research and Development Center, or CRDC for short. We are honored to have such wonderful, aspiring minds with us today. We hope that this will truly be a memorable experience that will teach you valuable information.”

“Everyone, please gather your belongings and meet us in the main hall. We shall begin our tour throughout the facility once everyone has gotten situated.” Celestia added.

“If you have any further questions, please consult one of us or a member of the staff.” Luna added.

Due to the fact that the CRDC is the city’s number one facility for research and development, it received a plethora of government funding and property space to rival the size of the National Museum. Even then it was still due to expansions due to the constant new discoveries.

The students were now being shown the robot development place."Here we are working on the latest development in nanotechnology: Self replicating, sub microscopic, biodiagnostic robots," Velvet explained.him and the group of students looking down from behind a window, seeing a small lab with some men in hazmat suits working on something, "Designed to fight disease, repair and monitor the human body from within. Not quite the cure for cancer, but these microbots are a major first step in the fusion of the organic and technological...and quite possibly, the gateway to immortality."


"Hey miss velvet" one student said getting her attention.As he looks down "What's that pipe for down there?".

"Oh that's…" she began before noticing the pipe poking out of the floor, a bit of black smoke spilling out "...huh. I don't recall ever installing an incinerator below….or even having a room built underneath th-"

"Shou~!" a voice roared out, more black smoke spewing out from the pipe as it began to rise up...and reveal its owner as he roared it, "Shoukyaku Banki!"

"?! M...monster!" one of the men in the room exclaimed in fright.

" Monster !" Yelled the students except for the rainbooms.

The Rainbooms were surprised and shocked to see this. What the heck is that and where did it come from.

"Am guys is it some kind of cosplay show in hear or is that thing real or your they made it ." Pinkie asked seeing the machine.

"No no it's not a cosplay and I can say for sure that this is not one of there inventions." Twilight said shock to see this.

"Attention humans! This factory is now property of Gaiark!" Shoukyaku Banki declared before filling the room with smoke, "Ugatz, grab as much stuff you can and bring it to me!"

At that, the smoke dissipated, revealing a group of android-like grunts in dull-grey jumpsuits and rust-colored armor as they began to scatter about the room, grabbing as much stuff they could.

"Students run from hear now get to safety." Principal celestia said.

The students start to run but the Ugatz got Infront of them not letting them escape the workers try to flee but the Ugatz got between there way grabbed them.

"What the hey is happening" Applejack said.

" We can ask that later but for now we need to stop them" rainbow said she quickly used her speed and hit the 3 Ugatz and making way for the students but it wasn't enough to take them down. They got back up and scanned to see what hit them but soon we're hit by a fist damaging them but still they . The owner of the fist was apple jack as she charged forward.Pinkie entered the fray and threw whatever discarded desert or sweet treat that was scattered amongst the chaos at the Ugatz.

The sweets immediately blew up as if they were grenades but to her shock they were ok.Twilight helped by telekinetically removing the Ugatz from some students but they felt heavier to lift. Rarity try to cut them with her shield by using them as saw blades but that only push them back.
The other girls were helping the students to escape when they saw the there friends power not working on them they got worried.

=Code red. All units proceed to Canterlot Research and Development Center. Repeat; this is a Code Red=

"...Ugh...I just got on my lunch break, too…" a large man muttered with balding blond hair and red skin from inside his car, putting away the burger he was about to eat before putting a small police siren on top of his car, "Hey Shining Armor! We got a Code Red!"

"Hmm?" A man in his 20 with white skin and blue hair said. He sipped his milkshake and then throw the cup away and then jumped in to his car.

" Any idea where it is ?" Shining armor asked.

"They said at the development center" he told him. Shining got worried.

" That's where my wife and sis is" he immediately drove for them.

Back at the center the girls were being taken back. They amgic wasn't working on these machines only half damage them but still they kept coming.

"What do we do, they keep on coming and we can't even damage them." Rainbow dash said. The other students escaped and so did the principal and facility members. The Rainbooms were the ones left.

“There’s no other option! We need pony up and stop that thing!” Sunset declared.

“Then what are we waiting for?!” The girls’ geodes glowed in unison before they were each enveloped in their radiance. Their hair grew longer as they all gained a set of pony ears on their heads. In the cases of Rainbow, Twilight, and Fluttershy, they sprouted crystal wings from their backs.

Their attire changed as well, each one sporting what seemed to be a series of combat dresses and leggings, each one modeled to fit their respective wearer.

Applejack’s was turquoise with gold buttons and plating around her waist and hemline. She wore brown leggings and golden boots adorned with green gemstones. She also wore a pair of brown, leather gloves with similar gemstones on the back of the hand. Her hair was tied up in a braid and had a hair band of what seemed to be green, jeweled apples on it.

Fluttershy’s had a lime green outer layer with a light blue under layer and pink edging. She wore white leggings with pink, heeled boots. Her wrists were covered by purple, metallic bands and her shoulders had ornaments that resembled butterfly wings. Her hair was tied in a low pony tail and adorned with a purple, crystalline butterfly pin.

Rarity’s was a multi-layer suit of various shades of blue with glittering sequences. She wore dark indigo leggings with purple boots adorned with light blue diamonds and purple, metal wristbands. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with what appeared to be a crystal, crown-like ornament.

Sunset’s was a fiery red and yellow dress with an orange and yellow sun ornament on her midriff and gold shoulder pads adorned in diamonds. She wore black leggingsand gold and orange boots. Her hair was also tied in a pony tail with a sun ornament in her hair.

Pinkie’s was a long sleeved, magenta and light yellow dress with frills on the skirt portion and dark magenta shoulder pads adorned with diamonds. She wore magenta gloves also decorated with diamonds, purple leggings that stopped below the knee, and pink shoes with diamonds in the shape of balloons. Her hair was tied in two, poofy pig tails and a purple hair band.

Rainbow’s outfit consisted of a red, sleeveless top with a blue diagonal stripe, gold shoulder pads, a metallic orange sash with lightning bolt attachments, and blue leggings with orange stripes on the side. She wore orange and blue sneakers with wing ornaments on the side. Her hair was tied up in a spiky ponytail.

Finally, Twilight’s outfit consisted of a sparkling blue dress with a purple skirt and collar, and a white V design on the front. She wore purple gloves with blue wristbands that covered her arms from fingertip to elbow. She wore dark blue leggings with light blue boots with pink, six pointed stars on the knees. Her glasses were replaced with a pink, tinted visor. Her hair was in a ponytail as it had been previously, with a pink band at the lower part of her hair. In her hair was a tiara composed of five, star-like patterns.

The girls floated in the air, energy radiating off their forms.

The Ugatz looked at each other of what to do. The girls on the other hand.

“Let’s light ‘em up, ladies!” Pinkie Pie cheered as the girls gathered their energy and fired a massive, spectral beam of friendship and magic. The Ugatz were swallowed by the blast and the area around them exploded. Dust and debris was kicked up everywhere. Believing that the robots were defeated, the girls floated back to the ground.

" We got them" pinkie said jumping up and down the other girls signed in relief thinking they won. But soon got shocked seeing the robots getting back up and we're only less damaged but still working.

"Wasn't this where we win" Pinkie said stopping in mid air. The Rainbooms were now shocked that these machines survive there best attack. The machine got ready to attack and marched forward. The Rainbooms were now scared but took a defensive position and got ready. Fluttershy hot behind Rainbow, when the machine were about to come close...


Some Ugatz got hit by laser and we're knocked down and exploded. The Rainbooms were surprised by this and look for there saviour who shot the Ugatz. And saw three teens standing in racing gear uniforms and we're holding three guns they were Red, White and Black and resembled a Gas pump.

The other Ugatz were shocked and then ran to attacked them but the three teen blasted them and the other. Now only one was left. He looked at the three who pointed there gun at him. He got scared and ran out. The Rainbooms were surprised by these three action, there magic couldn't dent them much but these three holding gun which resemble a gas pump shot them and destroyed them. The three ran to them.

"You girls ok" the teen with blue hair asked the girls.

" Yeah... We are" sunset said but soon saw the three teen faces and recognize them.
" Wait.. flash, micro, lyra" she said the other girls also recognize them except for twilight.

"Hey guys. Good to see you" Flash said.

" Yeah we thought you were the one going to save us out of trouble but looks like it's the other way around." Lyra said to them in a joking toon.

" By my calculations it was possible that we would have met them soon,but not today." Micro said while straighting his glasses.

"Wait you guys know them." Twilight asked she doesn't know them.

"Off course silly we know them they used to be at Canterlot high" Pinkie told her.

"Wait were?" She asked.

"We can talk later once we're out side so come on." Flash said he and his team went out the Rainbooms soon fallowed
after them.

Outside the Research center the students were safe and we're being held back by the barricade the police made. Shining armor arrived with his partner and soon ran and saw his wife and mom ok.

" Mom" he called her and ran to her, she saw him so did Candace when he came to them they had worried looks." What happened? We'res twilight." He asked his mother worriedly.

" She's in side, we were having a tour at the place when suddenly some sort of machine monster came out of the ground and started to attack he also called out some robots and soon start to rampage. Twilight and her friends used there magic to stop them and let us escape there still inside" she told Shining. He was worried for her and was about to tell the officers to go in with him but suddenly Shoukyaku Banki came out of the center.

" What is this place I can't even find the right area or room there should be a map in hear just in case of someone get lost."
He said in anger he couldn't make head to toe.

"Actually there are maps on the walls so no one can't get lost." Twilight velvet told Banki.

He looked at her and saw there was even a map out side of the center to see where to go.

" Ahhh...... I knew that...I just was busy ..... Ahhh ... Trying to find the jet pack area.." he said trying to come up with a excuse not to look like an baka.

"They were where you first appeared" Candace told him the students looked at that and laughed. Then Banki got mad.

"Well who cares. The Gaiark world would soon take over this plan..."

"Finally made it. Man can't make head to toe where to go in this place"

The Banki looked and saw 8 girls and 2 boys existing the building. Twilight family saw that she was safe and so we're the girls.

"Hey don't interrupt me" Banki said. The three teens looked and saw the Gaiark member.

"E….AHH! Gaiark!" The three exclaimed

"Wait you know this thing" rainbow dash asked them.

"Yeah we do, there..." Before they could say anything the teens were soon surrounding by smoke.

" Haha ..... You humans think you can't stop the great Gaiark leader Banki then you got another thing coming." He said while producing more smoke at the police and other students. Soon they were coughing up.

The smoked stop and soon the teens saw Banki laughing at them.

"See that you can't stop me"

"Shut up," Flash replied, "We're in the middle of a cool moment, so let us keep going will ya?"

"Oh...I'm sorry…" Shoukyaku Banki replied, "WAIT! NO I'M NOT!-!-!"

The officer then opened fire at Banki but the bullet just bounced off him.

"You girls get to safety" micro told the girls" we got this"

"Wait what?! But we barely done any damage how are you gonna stop that guy."Twilight said in worried toon.

"It's a secret" lyra said.

Soon the three teens walk down the stairs and see the Gaiark member. He saw them and turned to them. The police stopped firing and got worried for the teens.

"What are you doing get out of there" shining told the three teens. The students and twilight family saw them and we're concerned and principal and vice principal saw the three teens and recognize as there students who left school 6 Months Ago.

The three teens had a determine looks" Don't worry we got this" flash said.

"Now...we do the thing." Flash smiled.

"Right." Micro smirked.

"Yay~" lyra cheered.

With that, each of them pulled out a flip cell phone before clicking it as the top opened revealing a slot to insert something. At that they pulled out a white chip with a blue image on the front.

"Flip phones" velvet and Candace said seeing the phones of old generation.how will that help the student,police the girls and the scientist thought.

"Change Soul!" they declared slotting the chip into the top, "Set!" they closed the top at that, they swung their right arms down before pivoting back and swinging their left arms to press the center button on their phones, "Let's Go-On!" with that, they thrust their right hands forward as a flash of light obscured them all.

Everyone, the Banki, the Police, the students,the research members, the Rainbooms, even the Banki stopped and saw a light envelope the three teens.as the light blinded them. Three figures walked forward...replacing the three people who stood there before. They were all clad in a single colored suit over their entire body. The center one was clad in all red, his chest had a Number 1 in the center with the top having eyes and resembling a birds head, as wings of fire surrounded the number, his helmet has a triangular visor, with what looked like a yellow beak on his forehead, with headlights on both sides. The second was clad in all blue with a Number 2 shaped into the head of a lion on his chest, his helmet had a square visor with a rectangular piece in the center, with yellow headlights. The Third was female and clad in all yellow, and had a skirt, on her chest was a Number 3 shaped as close to a bear head as possible, her helmet had an oval shaped visor which paired with the little circular nose shape on her helmet's forehead made her visor look like a heart with two headlights which blended into two ears on top of her helmet. Each had the same black belt with a silver buckle, that linked to two silver straps over their torso's like seatbelts, on each arm and leg at the base of their gloves and boots were tires that spun around revealing color matching lights inside the treads. Their belts all had a holster on their right hip with what looked like pouches on either side of their buckle. Tire-like earpieces on their helmets began spinning as they stood before Shoukyaku Banki.

"Mach Full Force!" the red one declared, pumping his fists at his sides before spinning them out to his right, pointing the fists upwards at an angle, "Go-On Red!"

"Just Correct!" the blue one called, pumping one fist and swinging the other behind him before swinging them and pointing the right hand ahead and pulling the left fist back along his waist, "Go-On Blue!"

"Smile Blooming!" the girl of the trio declared, jumping and then landing with a hand outstretched and the other placed over her heart before swinging her arms around and then bednging down just a little with her left fist pumped and the right having her index, pointer, and thumb extended and spread out, "Go-On Yellow!"

The trio then stood straight and brought their right fists out, thumbs pointing up and spun the arms at the elbow like wheels before pointing ahead, "Pressing forward on the Road of Justice!" the trio performed a synched spinning kick and people could swear they heard a trio of cars shooting by as they did before they landed, crouched down with their right legs extended, "Engine Sentai!" the wheels on their helmets spun as they posed, Blue and Yellow pointing skywards with opposite hands and Red in a crouched running pose, "GO-ONGER!"

"Go-Onger?!" Shoukyaku Banki asked, utterly confused, "What is happening?! What is with today!?"

"What the heck" shining partner said" what are they"

"That will be kids with super powers, and I seen my sister use magic" he told his partner".

" Amazing" twilight velvet said with the principal and Candace seeing the teens turn in to colour full warrior with race theme suites. So we're the Principals of Canterlot shocked to see there former students.

The Rainbooms were also surprised. But the most surprised were pinkie pie and rainbow dash as they recognize this.

"No way.." rainbow said in desblief and excited toon.

"Did they just ..." Pinkie said in equal shock and surprised toon

"Turn in to...."

"SUPER SENTAI!!!!!!!!" Both yelled in excitement.

The students were surprised and took out there phones and start to record this.

"Cool ~" a new voce said surprising the Rainbooms and they look and see a green skin teen with blond hair.

The Rainbooms looked at him and Fluttershy recognize him."zephyr what are you doing hear." She asked her little brother.

"I was on my way to a pizza place but suddenly I saw a crowd hear and when I can to check it out I saw three people just change in to super Sentai." He said.

"Let's do it, Aibou!" Go-On Red cheered as he pulled a red chip out of his belt with the same number 1 symbol as his suit.

=Doru-doru! Ikuze, Flash!= a voice spoke.

"Heh!" Go-On Red chuckled as he pulled the gun from his holster, it was Red, White and Black and resembled a Gas pump. He opened a lever at top, revealing a slot for the chip as he inserted it and closed it so the chip could be seen through a little blue dome on the side, "Mantangun! Soul Set!"

=Doru doru doru!= the voice from before cheered.

"That voice just now…" Shoukyaku Banki gasped.

"Soul Set!" Blue and Yellow followed, inserting a blue and yellow chip into their own guns respectively before all three straightened the handles and extended the barrels, turning them into rods.

"Mantangun: Rod Mode!"

"What is even today!?" Shokyaku Banki asked as they charged him, "Ugatz!" he shouted, shooting smoke as suddenly more grunts appeared.

The Go-Ongers swung their melee weapons as they struck and 'slashed' at the Ugatz, making them fall over or tear through their relatively weak armor. The larger swarm of Ugatz were able to seperate the trio making, them take on their own small battalion of Ugatz.

Go-On Red grunted as he jumped into the air before landing a kick to an Ugatz. He grunted and spun around bashing the head of another Ugatz before spinning and kicking another across the face. He began running, forcing all the Ugatz to chase him, he ran into a small passage between the factory and parking complex forcing them to single file to chase after. The tires on his arms and legs began spinning as he began...sliding across the ground at amazing speed, a beam of light coming from the tip of his Rod.

"Go-On Thrust!" he shouted as he stabbed his weapon forward, the beam piercing through multiple Ugatz, he kept going as he tore through all of them sending broken bits of metal flying.

Go-On Blue grunted as he swung his rod with enough force to send the head of an Ugatz flying. He raised his arm and blocked the swing from one before pushing his hand out and grabbing the Ugatz by the face. He lifted it up the Ugatz and swung him around like a club sending more of its brothers flying away. With a mighty grunt he swung the Ugatz he captured down on several, crushing them all into flattened scrap metal with his strength. Blue turned to another group of Ugatz rushing his way.

"Go-On Drift!" he shouted, swinging his arm around before he jumped up into the air, he spread his arms and legs out as the tires began spinning like mad. Once he landed flat on his stomach, he began 'drifting' along the ground, he lifted his right arm and began swinging with his rod as he crashed into the battalion of Ugatz, "Bang-Bang-Bang-Bang!" he shouted as parts began flying as he tore through them.

Yellow grunted as she spun and kicked an Ugatz across the face. She kept her spun going as she kicked another and swung her Rod down to strike a third from the shoulder town, tearing through its torso. She leaned forward and kicked her leg back striking an Ugatz in the chest making it stumble back. Yellow grunted as she cartwheeled forward and slammed an axe kick down on another Ugatz. She spun around and swung low as she struck the leg of several Ugatz making them all fall over onto one another.

"Go-On Spin!" she shouted, flipping her Rod around to hold it in a reverse grip, her tires began spinning before she followed suit, spinning around rapidly. She crashed into all the Ugatz, tearing them apart as her speed and momentum let her Rod tear through them like paper, "Boom-boom! Bang-Bang!" she chanted as she kept spinning.

Everyone awed as parts kept flying through the air as the robotic grunts were torn apart. The Go-Ongers regrouped before charging forward. Shoukyaku Banki grunted as he blocked a swing from Blue and Yellow with each hand, only to be struck by Red who jumped over his teammates to land an overhead swing. The trio kept on as they swung away, Shoukaku Banki swung to strike Red, only for Blue to block with his Rod, and leave an opening for Yellow to strike the Banki across his face. Red followed up as he punched Shoukyaku Banki, making him stumble backwards. The trio jumped back as they reversed what they did to make their Mantanguns into Rods, reverting them to guns as they began shooting, pelting Shoukyaku Banki with bullets of energy.

"Gah! Ow ow! Stop i-GAH!" Shoukyaku Banki screamed as he flew back.

He got up and saw the sentai coming towards him so he used his smoke and created a dust cloud and run but the Go ongers saw him and won't let him get away.

"Shou~!" Shoukyaku Banki roared as some warehouse workers ran off from him, "Flee fleshbags! Flee or embrace my wonderous air pollution!"

" Stop right there" he heard and turn to saw the sentai running towards him."You why can't you just leave me alone."

"Cause you Gaiark want to pollute the world and take it over." Red said

"So we won't let your kind take this planet" Blue told him.

"That's why we will stop you". Yellow said.

"GO-ON GEAR!" the trio declared as the emblems on their chests began to glow before a holographic copy of them seemed to emerge from their chests before transforming into a trio of weapons.

Red grabbed his swrpon which resembled a large double edged sword with the pattern of a road along the side, with a red crossguard, "Road Saber!"

Blue hefted up a large blue blaster resembling a garage with the sides showing a green and white blueprint of sorts, "Garage Launcher!"

Yellow caught a small yellow toy car-like device, "Racing Bullet!"

"Nonsense!" the Banki snapped as he fired his smog at them.

With a roar, the trio charged at the Banki, the explosions going off behind them. Shoukyaku Banki kept firing at them until a blast of foam hit his pipes, clogging them.

"GAH!" Shoukyaku yelped as he looked to see a smirking Red holding his Gun pipe, "My pipes!"

"Sorry, but this is a no-smoking zone," Red informed.

"What is the...huh?" Shokyaku Banki paused as he saw Go-On Red jump into the air.

"HA!" Red roared as he landed on the ground, orange light forming a road-like path as he began sliding along it at high speeds, "Saber Straight! Go-On!" he shouted, swinging up just as he was about to crash into Shoukyaku Banki, the speed and momentum powered his slash as it hit with enough force to send the robotic monster flying away and into a wall of boxes and barrels.

"Onore!" Shoukyaku Banki snapped as he got up when a shadow came over him, "What's huh?" he looked up to see a pile of junk above him, held in a violet aura.

He saw the girls from before and saw twilight holding the junk then letting it go.
causing the junk to land on Shoukyaku Banki.

"UGH!" the Banki yelped as he struggled to get out of it all before spitting out some pieces that got stuck in his mouth, "Ugh…I like air pollution, not land pollution!"

"Launcher Starter!" Go-On Blue shouted as he aimed at the Banki, "Go-On!" he pulled the trigger, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts which pelted the monster and caused even larger explosions from the few that missed.

"Now for my bit," Yellow giggled before putting her weapon on her extended arm, "Bullet Crash!" the wheel of the 'toy' began to rev up and spin rapidly before she released it, "Go-On!"

The Racing Bullet drove along the ground before jumping and crashing into the Banki multiple times from different angles, forcing it to turn around with each sudden strike that knocked it off balance. It went down to the ground and drifted around for a U turn...before jumping and crashing into his face, sending him flying back and out of the warehouse.

"Time for the final lap!" Red called as the Go-Ongers ran out, "Highway Buster!"

With that, Red connected his sword to the front of Blue's Garage Launcher while Yellow placed her Racing Bullet into the 'garage' part of it as they declared, "Pole Position! Highway Buster!"

"Speedor Soul Set!" Red declared as he inserted Speedor's Red soul chip into an opened compartment in the Highway Buster before closing it up and causing a red gate to rise up.

"Target Lock!" They shouted as the gate turned into a holographic targeting scope, which locked onto the dazed and injured Shoukyaku Banki, "GO-ON!"

With that, Red pulled the trigger. The Racing Bullet shot out of the Garage Launcher and through the gate, igniting in flames. It traveled down the Road Saber before shooting at Shoukyaku Banki. The flames flared up before it took the form of Speedor.

"I'm tearing straight through you!" Speedor declared.

With that, the Engine-infused Racing Bullet rammed into Shoukyaku Banki, creating a large explosion. He cried out as he sailed through the air before crashing down several kilometers away. He tried to get up before going slack and his eyes dimming before shutting.

"Oh...He lost, ojaru," Kegaleshia noted as they saw what had transpired via a viewing screen..

"Hmph...it's okay, zoyo," Kitaneidas assured as he stepped forward, seeing a faint green light coming off of Shoukyaku Banki, "This is when the Bikkurium energy is at its maximum!"

"Alright...first launch the Bandou Moths, nari!" Yogostien ordered.

"...uh…" Sunset spoke up, looking out at the sky with wide eyes, "I think we got bigger problems...several and bigger problems."

Everyone turned to see large insect-like machines, almost like moths with cricket like legs flying towards the city. The vehicles flew around before opening fire without a chosen target and began to indiscriminately destroy any building they saw.

"Gah! What are those?!" Rainbow yelped.

=Gaiark= Speedor replied as the trio of Engine Souls popped out of their holsters that the Go-Ongers caught =Now it's our turn, Doru-Doru!=

=Got it! Alright!= Bus-On added.

=Guts!= Bear RV added.

"Bomper!" Blue called out.

At that, a red case suddenly appeared before them. Blue caught it and put it down before opening it to reveal three small vehicles matching the appearances of Speedor, Bus-On, and BearRV. Each Go-Onger picked up the vehicle matching their Engine partner before walking forward a bit.

"We're counting on you," Red began as he lifted the Engine Cast up, "Speedor!"



"Ready!" they all shouted as they swung around the Engine Casts and Souls.

"Speedor Soul!" Red declared as the red car split open revealing a slot he pushed the Speedor Soul into before it covered itself and closed up, "Set!"

" Speedor!" Speedor's eyes opened as he was reunited with his body, his beak moving up and down as he spoke.

"Bus-On Soul!" Blue began as a slot on one side of the top of blue buss flipped open for him to slot the Bus-On Soul, "Set!"

"Bus-On!" Bus-On awoke as his snout/grill moved up and down with his speech.

"Bear RV Soul!" Yellow began as the back of the yellow RV opened for her to insert the BearRV Soul, "Set!"

"Bear RV!" Bear RV awoke as the entire top yellow section of her body moved up like a jaw.

"GO!" All six shouted as the Engines flew out of the Go-Onger's hands...and began rapidly growing and growing till they reached their full size.

"...Y-You guys saw that...right?" Sunset was the first to speak.

"It's...That's...them, nari!" Yogostein gasped, "Those damn Engines!"

"They are so persistent!" Kitaneidas complained.

"They really did follow us here, Ojaru!" Kegaleshia complained.

"Hurry and get in!" Speedor declared to the Go-Ongers.

"What a reliable partner!" Red noted, "Ikuze, minna!"

"Go-On!" the trio shouted as they jumped into the Engines, landing in cockpits resembling a driver's seat with the walls colored in the color of the respective rider with a steering wheel and a slot for their phones to be put into on the steering wheel, "Go-Phone Set!"

"Come on, you lazy Soul, let's go!" Red cheered as seatbelts went over him and strapped him into the seat.

"Let's fly at mach speed, aibou!" Speedor cheered.

"Yosha!" Red shifted the gear to D and released the brake lever, all as he stepped on the gas pedal, letting Speedor take off down the road.

"Doru-doru-doru/On-On-On-On-On/V-V-V-V!" the three Engines declared as they drove off towards the swarm of mechanical locus.

"Let's split up and attack, guys!" Speedor declared as he, Bus-On, and Bear-RV avoided the shots fired from the Gaiark warmachines.

"Okay!" Bus-On agreed as he took a left, making several of the Bandou Moths fly after him.

"Leave it to me!" Bear-RV cheered while taking a right as more of the Bandou Moths split off after her.

"Doru-Doru-Doru!" Speedor shouted as he charged at some of the land-based moths that fired at him only to miss each shot, "Doru-Doru-Doru!" Red quickly spun his steering wheel and made Speedor do a slide to dodge several shots, "How's that?"

"Not bad!" Red beamed before three of the mechanical insects began to fly after them.

"Annoying jerks! Aibou!"

"Alright! Don't hold back!" Red replied as he flipped two switches.

The back sides of Speedor flipped down, revealing them to be wings of sorts. Underneath Speedor, a large pair of arms emerged, sending him flying into the air. Using his speed and the jump Speedor began to glide through the air, as he tilted to the side and turned around, he made his way towards the Bandou Moths, before the hands extended out like a pair of taloned legs, as it grabbed and tore through the insect like air ships. Bits fell from the sky as Speedor touched down and reverted to his regular vehicle form.

"How's that?!" Speedor asked.

"We did it!" Red beamed.

"Ahh geez...What a what a wild day…" zephyr muttered as he walked down the street, "Still that battle earlier w-" he stopped when he saw the police escorting some injured people from some of the wrecked and damaged buildings, "Did I take a wrong turn again ?" he blinked.

"Come on, people! Get these civilians to the hospital!" Shining shouted.

"We're moving as fast as we can, Captain...but the roads are unsafe with all those airships!" An officer spoke.

"And people question why I hate machines," Shining grumbled, he then blinked as Zephyr pulled him aside just before some rubble fell where he used to be standing.

"You're welcome!" Zephyr smiled while walking away.

"I don't understand kids these days, too…" shining muttered.

"...Captain…" the officer spoke, making Shining turn to look at him as he saw something in the distance, "You might want to look at this."

"Huh?" Shining pondered as he looked at what the officer was looking at.

"Matte~!" Bus-On shouted as he drove by, chasing some Bandou Moths as they hopped away.

"...What the…?" Zephyr whispered in awe as he saw what happened, "What even is today?"

"I think...we're witnessing history in the making," the officer answered.

"Micro! More acceleration!" Bus-On called, the display above his head reading 'STOP!-!' with a hand held up beside it before changing to an image of his Soul with 'GO-ONGER' beside it.

"Hai, hai! I'm doing it!" Blue assured as Bear-RV drove up beside them.

"Three should be no problem!" Bear-RV beamed, "Leave it to me!" the trio of Banou Moths jumped around a corner...before several more came out that way and at them, "What!? Let's run, Saki!"

"Eh?! So fast…" Yellow gawked, but quickly spun her wheel around to make Bear-RV spin around and drive away from the shooting Bandou Moths.

"V! V! V! V!" Bear-RV panted as she drove by Bus-On, "Bus-On, touch!"

"You realize this is the sixth time you've done this to me!?" Bus-On complained as he didn't slow down and instead rammed through the Bandou Moths with his size and power, crushing and tearing through them, "Ah well! Rage will not wait for anyone, On-On!"

"Is that a talkin' bus?" Fanzone asked.

"Yes sir."

"I was okay with the kids in spandex super suits, I was okay with my sister using magic...but this...this is getting stupid," Shining complained, "I need a vacation…" he paused, "...Any idea what it's supposed to be? Looks like some sorta sea lion to me."

"I think it's supposed to be a lion."

"Seriously? With those tusks in its grill? It's a walrus," Shining argued.

"No...it's a Lion. See...it has a mane around its face," the officer noted before one of the moths shot a building and caused it to collapse on Bus-On.

"Well, it's crushed now," Shining deadpanned.

"Bear-RV, let's go!" Yellow cheered.

"How persistent!" Bear-RV noted as she used the debris as a ramp to jump off of and at the moths.

"Go-On!" Yellow cheered as Bear-RV opened her mouth and ate one completely, "Did you just eat that?!"

"A lady shouldn't be a picky eater," Bear-RV noted as she landed while Speedor drove over to her, "Ah! That's right! Bus-On!"

"Are you okay?" Speedor asked before the rubble exploded and Bus-On drove out.

"Great! I'm doing great!" Bus-On replied as he drove past them and at the remaining giant bugs, "Ikuze-ikuze-ikuze! Micro, let's go!"

"Gotcha!" Blue nodded as he pressed a button, causing a pair of missile launchers to pop out from the back of Bus-On.

"Bus-On Missile! Go-On!" Bus-On roared as he began to open fire, tearing the insect robots apart.

"Ah, they're losing, ojaru…" Kegaleshia groaned.

"Those damn Engines!" Yogostein growled, clenching a fist and shaking it at the monitor.

"He-heh-heh. Not to worry! The new power I've prepared will be shown now!" Kitaneidas cheered as he changed the screen to show Shoukyaku Banki.

"HYOSHOU~!" Shoukyaku Bani roared, his eyes shooting open as he shot up.

"Gah! He's back up!" Rainbow panicked.

"Sangyou kakumei da!" Shoukyaku shouted as his body began to shine with the green energy...before he began to grow...and grow...and grow even more.

"I'm full of power, shou!" Shoukyaku Banki roared as the Engines and their drivers spotted him.

"He's gone into serious mode!" Red exclaimed.

"Then we should get serious, too!" Bus-On declared.

"Let's combine our powers!" Bear-RV advised.

"Eh? Gattai?" Blue pondered.

"Ikuzou!" Speedor declared, "Engine Gattai da!"

"Ooh! I love it!" Red cheered, "Yosha!"

"ENGINE GATTAI!" the six shouted as the drivers pulled their shifts down to a copy of their emblem.

With that, the three Engines charged. The back half of Speedor hissed before splitting down the middle and moving to the sides. They rotated and the arms from before extended out, sending him above Bear-RV and caused Speedor to connect to the top of her as she jumped off some debris from a collapsed building, letting her lower half flip around and connect to the back of Speedor and herself. Bus-On skidded and flipped onto his rear end, letting a pair of blue feet emerge while his head/face rotate to face ahead. Bear-RV connected to the top of him as his body split down the middle, becoming a pair of legs.

"When the three Engines and three Hearts become one…" Speedor recited as his engine block flipped up, revealing a red humanoid face with an engine-themed helmet, "The giant king of Engines appears!"

"Engine-Oh! Tune Up! Go-On!" the Go-Ongers declared

"What?! Why do the Engines have that form, Ojaru!?" Kegaleshia exclaimed.

"It can't be! They have a second form!?" Kitaneidas gawked.

"When did they obtain that power?" Yogostein pondered.

"I'll blow you Engines away like smoke!" Shoukyaku declared.

The Banki growled as he began unleashing smoke from his now restored pipes. The smoke caused a series of explosions that seemed to swallow up Engine-Oh...only for the giant mecha to just walk through it. Even if the explosions seemed to have a minor effect of pushing against it, the combined robot's armor held out. However, it was difficult to get past the large gust of pure black smoke being blown at it by Shoukyaku Banki.

"We're not losing!" Red declared as Engine-Oh swung its arm to try and wipe away the smoke.

"Leave it to me!" Yellow spoke up, pushing a button, "V Shield!"

With that, the section of Bear-RV connecting to the back disconnected and was caught by Engine-Oh's right arm, allowing it to be used as a large riot shield to keep the smoke out of its face.

"We need to stop that smoke again," Blue spoke up.

"Why don't we just cover them up?"Yellow asked over the Go-Phones, which acted as a means of communication between the three Go-Onger pilots

"I'm taking that idea! Ikuze!" Red declared.

With that, Engine-Oh scooped up some of the debris and grabbed Shoukyaku Banki by the pipes. Within moments, the combined mech quickled shoved several large handfuls of debris into all of his pipes, causing them to swell with backed up smog.

"Ugh...I don't feel so good…" Shoukyaku groaned before Engine-Oh decked him in the face with the V Shield, "GUH!"

"Yosha! We got a shield, so do we have a sword or something?" Red asked.

"We do," Blue replied as the back of the left leg opened, revealing a blue Soul that unfolded into a sword, "Go-On Sword!"

"Oh...I could get used to this!" Red cheered as Engine-Oh held the sword with both hands, putting the V Shield back where it belonged, "You're mine!" he pointed forward.

"Last Corner!" the Go-Ongers chanted in unison as the pipes on Engine-Oh's head began expelling fire.

"Doru-Doru-DORU!" Speedor chanted as the flames grew larger, the Go-Ongers grabbing the shift lever and pulling it all the way back to the red version of their symbol.

"Go!" Red shouted as Engine-Oh suddenly began speeding down the road, it's feet gliding across the ground as if they were on wheels.

"Doru-Doru-Doru!/On-On-On!/V-V-V!" the engine's chanted as Engine-Oh's sword began glowing with bright blue energy.

"Engine-Oh! Go-On Grand Prix!" the Go-Ongers shouted.

Engine-Oh swung up with it's sword, the blade leading a blue streak in the air. Shoukyaku Banki gasped as multiple blue streaks slashed him until Engin-Oh dashed past him, cutting right through his torso. The Banki groaned, turning around as the glowing gashes began dissipating, revealing how deep the sword cut into his body.

"Even if I die…" he began as explosions sparked from within his body, "Gaiark will turn this planet into a polluted one!" with that, he fell over and exploded violently, leaving very little behind save for some bits of scrap metal.

"Go-Onger! Checker Flag!" the Go-Ongers declared.

"We're the best!" Red cheered as he took his helmet off.

"Or rather, the Engines are great!" Yellow corrected, taking off her helmet as well.

"Ah!" Blue agreed, removing his own helmet, "This is our partners' true form after all!"

"And back to tiny!" Flash, still in suit sans helmet, cheered as their Engines returned to their small size, "Now...let's head on home a-"


"Hmm?" the trio blinked before they noticed the Rainbooms, the principal's, vice principal running to them.

"Hey guys" lyra said.

"you guys were awesome~!" Pinkie beamed.

"Yeah like you guys turn in to Super Sentai and how you defeated the monster like the Sentai do." Rainbow said.

"You know it!" Flash cheered, "It's what we do! After all, we're the Go-Ongers!"

"Well I'm more interested in the phones you used to change" twilight velvet said her daughter agreeing aswell.

"Was the reason you three left school" principal celestia asked. Before they could answer

"Hey~!" they looked to see the Fluttershy brother running over, "You guys were really amazing."

"Zephyr what are you still doing hear" Fluttershy asked her little brother.

"His your brother" lyra asked Fluttershy nodded.

"So what's up?" Micro asked.

"I came to tell you how touched I was by what you guys did!" Zyphyr explained, looking at Flash.

"It was no big deal." Flash replied simply.

"You just saved the city with a giant robot…" Twilight argued, "Technically it is a big deal."

"Still not a big deal." Flash replied, before grunting as zyphyr grabbed his shoulders and began shaking him.

"Don't be so distant!" Zyphyr cheered.

"Cut it out!" Flash complained.

"What an odd boy..." Candace muttered.

"Which boy?" Micro and lyra asked.

"Hey!" Flash shouted as he pushed zyphyr away, finally getting tired of his shaking. He then blinked as they heard footsteps, he slowly turned his head along with zyphyr as Captain shining armor and his partner walked over, "He did it…" he pointed to zyphyr who pointed back.

"Relax, just here to get some statements from you three," Shining replied.

"Micro!" Flash and lyra spoke up.

"Yeah, I should have seen that coming..." Micro sighed, "Officer...trust me...it's best you ask mostly me."

"We are immature!" Flash cheered as he walked over next to lyra.

"Least they are honest about it…" Candace shrugged to celestia who just smiled at her students behavior they never get old.

"All that power...and they're just kids," Twilight velvet spoke. But her daughter cleared her throat reminding her that her friends have powers aswell.

"Kids who saved the city at least," Shining sighed, "I'm still trying to make heads and tails of the talking cars and robots we've seen today."

"Oh you are in luck, Sir," Micro smiled, "I...have made a chart and list of what robots do what, and have categorized it," he held up a tiny book.

"Uh yeah...this is in Japanese…" shining partner replied as he looked in it.

"Ah...right!" Micro chuckled, "Well, let us begin with the simple ones, the Gaiark…"

"Micro's gonna 'go on' for a while." Flash punned, earning a giggle from the others.

"You've shown me that you guys are quite something," shining noted.

"I'm referring to the Engines," Shining clarified, making Flash nearly fall over.

"Hey, they fought the monster too!" Pinkie argued frowning at shining.

"You guys are still immature." Shining went on ignoring pinkie.

"Didn't I just say that?" Flash asked lyra.

"You did, he's using it against you doofus…" lyra sighed.

"But I can help you." Shining added getting Flash's attention once more.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Flash asked, walking forward.

"I'm saying I'll become a Go-Onger." Shining explained.

"Huh?" Micro, sunset and shining partner blinked.

"Say what?" Lyra, pinkie, rainbow his wife mom and twilight asked.

"AH!" Zyphyr spoke up, "No fair! I called dibs!"

"Dibs?" Flash blinked.

"I was here first!" Zyphyr added as he began shaking shining.

"Hey...let go!" Shining complained.

"This is getting weird…" Flash muttered, "Just back away slowly…" he spoke as he, lyra began walking away backwards. No one was paying attention that time.

"Hey!" Shining shouted.

"Run!" Flash shouted as they followed that order and ran as fast as they could.

"I'll send you the rest of the details!" Micro shouted, running after them.

"Hey stop" Shining running after them

"Hey please wait!" Zyphyr called out chasing after them.

"Wait shining what are you saying"Candace asked but he left.

"No fair I wanna be a Sentai" rainbow said

"Me too" pinkie added with a pout.

"We will I think meet them soon, cause I think what you told me there be more villans for them in the future." Sunset said twilight nodding.

But for now the three teens are running now from two new future members. And the Gaiark will soon strike again.