
by lewd

First published

Your marefriend has a proposal for you. It's not what you'd expect.

Your marefriend has a proposal for you. It's not what you'd expect.


Contains Human x Pony clop. Adorable, wholesome clop. :heart:

Featuring a shy pegasus, an awkward MC, and some gentle, loving hooves.

Things Couples Do

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"Wait. You...you want to do what, now?"

"Oh! N-nevermind! I-I shouldn't have said anything..."

There's an awkward pause as you watch the yellow pegasus before you shake her head, her blue-green eyes immediately darting toward the cottage floor. From your chair, you can see her wings fall to her sides as she points her forehooves inward, a familiar, worried look on her face as she averts her gaze.

You open you mouth to speak again, but stop, taking a moment to clear your throat.

This was one of the things that you and Fluttershy were still working on: the fact she still had a tendency put herself down when she thought she'd did something wrong. Though she'd gotten better about it lately, there were still times where she occasionally fell back into the habit.

You shake your head, taking a deep breath as you respond again in a more even tone.

"Sorry, I...I didn't mean it like that. I...I just didn't think I'd heard you right. Did you say you wanted to, um..."

You clear your throat again, finding it difficult not to avert your own eyes.


You can see the yellow mare's wings tighten against her back, her eyes continuing to stare down at her hooves. You can see her cheeks turn bright red beneath a fallen lock of her pink mane, a faint "eep!" issuing from her muzzle.

Despite yourself, you can feel a faint warmth rise in your own cheeks as well.

You and Fluttershy had been seeing each other for about two months now. The word "dating" still felt weird to say—it was the first "relationship" both you and her had ever been in. Her friends had been supportive of the both of you, which was more than you'd expected given that you were the only human here in Equestria.

You scratch the back of your neck.

Given that lack of experience on both your parts, along with the more obvious physical differences, your relationship had been relatively modest until now. A quick kiss on the lips was about as far as the two of you could make it without turning red in the face.

You swallow.

That in mind...this was...unexpected.

"What...um...what brought this on?"

You can hear another faint squeak from Fluttershy, her mane shifting as she jumps. Her voice barely a whisper, you can just make out her words, her eyes still fixed on her hooves.

"Um...Rarity said...stallions like...that sort of thing."


You can see Fluttershy reply with a small nod.

You click your teeth.

Of all Fluttershy's friends, it made sense that she would be the one to say that sort of thing.

You scratch your neck again.

Not that she was, well, wrong, by any means.

"What...uh...what brought you two to that...uh...topic?"

Eyes still obscured by her long, pink mane, you can see Fluttershy scuff her hoof against the floor, fidgeting. You can feel the awkward silence settling into the room.

You take another breath, keeping your voice gentle as you turn all the way around in your seat to face the mare.

"Fluttershy? You...you can tell me...you know?"

Slowly, you can see a blue-green eye peek up from behind a wisp of the pegasus's pink mane, her cheeks still faintly red.

"Well...um...we've...we've been...d-dating...for a couple of months, and, um..."

You watch her shift, lifting a foreleg as she nervously brushes a hoof through her mane.

"It's b-been really, um, nice, and I've really, um, liked it..."

She swallows.

"B-but all we've done is, um, k-kissed and, um, held hooves and, um...Rarity always says stallions like to do more than that, and, um...I was worried you might, um...might...might want to, too..."

You can see her lower her hoof again, shifting nervously as she averts her gaze. You can see her eye flash upwards before flashing away again, another small "eep!" escaping her lips as her blush returns.

You can feel the warmth in your own cheeks rise as well.

If you were being honest...it wasn't as if the thought had never crossed your mind. It wasn't that you were holding yourself back or anything—you were as new to this as she was, after all. Your more physical desires aside, you'd enjoyed your time with Fluttershy up until now, too. In all your time here in Equestria, she was the kindest and cutest mare you'd ever met. The fact she'd responded to the feelings of someone like you was hard to believe, even now.

You shake your head.

"Fluttershy...you...you don't have to worry about that. I...I like spending time like this together with you, too."

You can see her unobscured eye once again slide back up to yours.

"So...you...you don't want to do, um, more than, um..."

You can see her blush deepen, her voice petering off into an embarrassed squeak as she's unable to finish her thought.

You cough into your fist, averting your own gaze as well.

"Um...well...I wouldn't say I don't want to, but, um, there's no need to rush that sort of thing....right?"

You can see Fluttershy's eye widen, her gaze shooting back down toward her hooves. Instead of an embarrassed squeak this time, you instead hear her chiding herself, her (adorably) frustrated words barely audible.

"See, Fluttershy? Rarity was right. Anon is a stallion, too. And you're his marefriend!"

You watch her shake her head, as if psyching herself up.

"You can do this, Fluttershy. You can do this!"

Your own eyes widening you raise a hand, waving it back and forth.

"No, Fluttershy, really, that's okay. You don't have to—"

Your own voice fades as you see Fluttershy take a step forward, a determined look on her face. You can still make out her embarrassment from the faint blush in her cheeks and her tightened wings, but there's a dedication in her eyes—the look she always had when she'd decided to see something through.

"H-hey. Anon."

Your eyes widen a fraction at the sound of Fluttershy's voice—still shaky, but firmer than her usual tone. There's something else there as well, a clumsy hint of sultriness, the mare letting the two words linger just a bit longer than she usually would.

You swallow.

The fact she hadn't waited for you to finish your sentence...she was serious.

You reply with a slow nod.

"Um...yes, Fluttershy?"

You watch her meet your gaze, her eyes closing for a moment as she shakes her head before staring back.

"Why...why don't you take your d-dick out?"

There's a brief pause.


You stare blankly at the yellow pegasus before you, an empty dialtone echoing through your mind.

Was—was this the dirty talk she'd had in mind?

Things had just gone from 0 to 60 before you could blink. No, more like 0 to 100.

You shake your head, poking your ear with a finger as you glance back up at the mare.

You...you must have heard her wrong, or something.

"Um...what was that, Fluttershy?"

You watch your marefriend take a deep breath, still holding your gaze, if barely.

"Y-you h-heard me. Take off your p-pants."

You can feel your eyes widen, a confused feeling rising in your chest.

This was...what was...Fluttershy...where had this...

You shake your head.

"Fluttershy, really, we, um, we don't need to rush things...it's...it's alright, you know..."

You watch as Fluttershy clops forward with awkward determination, her eyes not leaving yours.

"W-what's the matter A-Anon? Afraid to s-show me your big human c-cock?"

You can immediately feel your cheeks grow warm, your next protest dying on your lips.

Where...where had she even heard these lines? Were they from Rarity, too? You couldn't imagine your marefriend thinking these up on her own. Even talking about holding hooves had been enough to make her blush at first.


You're not even sure what to say anymore.

You watch Fluttershy clop slowly in your direction, an awkward sway to her steps as she seems to make an effort to swish her tail as she walks. As she reaches your seated form, you watch her raise an equally awkward hoof, resting it on your knee as she holds your gaze.

"C-come on, b-big boy."

You feel the warmth in your cheeks rise another degree.

Even for someone as inexperienced as you, her words sounded clumsy, her stress on all the wrong syllables.

You swallow.

So why were you getting hard?

You shake your head, blinking away the haze forming over your vision. Meeting your marefriend's awkward, determined stare you feel yourself tense. You weren't used to being the shy one between the two of you.


Shifting awkwardly yourself, you slowly reach down for your belt, hesitance in your movements. You can feel the confusion in your mind and rising tightness in your pants fighting with one another, the entire situation almost surreal.

Glancing up, you can see Fluttershy draw her hoof back, her eyes slowly following your hands. You can see her swallow thickly, her eyes briefly going wide before narrowing in determination again as she shakes her head, focusing herself. Her gaze slowly lifts up back toward yours, an awkward attempt at a seductive grin forming on her lips.

"T-that's right. Who—who's a good boy?"

You swallow in turn, tilting your head to the side.

"I—I am?"

You can feel your blush grow deeper as you feel your dick jump in your pants.

Was this—was this what you were into?

Another few moments pass as you undo your belt, an awkward silence hanging in the air as you slowly slide your thumbs behind the hem. Despite the fact that Fluttershy is your marefriend, somehow this feels like some sort of taboo. Like you're getting away with something you shouldn't.

You swallow again.

To be honest, it was kind of hot.

With a deep breath, you slide your pants down past your knees, the frame of your belt buckle thumping against the floor as it slides down to your ankles. You can feel the warmth in your cheeks grow warmer still as you glance down at your boxers, both yours and Fluttershy's eyes fixed on the rising tent beneath them.

You can see your marefriend's pupils shrink down to pinpricks, another faint squeak threatening to escape her lips. She seems to swallow it back though, clearing her throat before taking another deep breath, lifting her gaze.

"Oh, um—h-hmmm? Looks like, um, somehuman has a little problem. Should, um, N-nurse Fluttershy take a look at it?"

You raise an eyebrow, half in confusion, half in surprise.

She...she was supposed to be a nurse now? Had—had the scenario changed? Or was this just Fluttershy's idea of dirty talk?

You clear your own throat.

"I, um—yes, please. That would be, um, great."

It's hard not to wince. Your replies were hardly any better.

Blinking away the thought, you glance back down at Fluttershy, her eyes fixed firmly on the imprint of your erection beneath the fabric, your embarrassment only growing as she continues to stare. Holding your gaze with great effort, you watch her take another hoofstep into the space between your legs, her head about level with your stomach.

You feel your eyes glancing back and forth.

Was it just you, or was she standing pretty close for dirty talk? Wasn't dirty talk something you usually did over the phone, anyways? Or while you were already having—

You can feel your back straighten as you feel Fluttershy awkwardly rest her hoof on your knee a second time, the unexpected sensation at once soft and firm against your skin.

"Oh-ohhhh? Looks like somehuman is a l-little excited."

You can see her take another deep breath, flashing another embarrassed attempt at a sultry smile in your direction.

"S-should I rub it to make it, um, b-better?"

You can feel your heart leap into your throat, your dick jumping beneath your boxers at the same time. You can see Fluttershy's eyes widen, another "eep!" escaping her muzzle as she brings her hoof to her lips, her cheeks going red.

You blink, mimicking her motion as you cover your own mouth with a hand. You could feel your heartrate continuing to pick up, at the same time wincing at the sight of your own member as it twitches beneath your boxers.

Wait. Had she just—did she really want to—

You shake your head. No, no, this was Fluttershy you were talking about. You'd seen her reaction just now.

You take a breath through your teeth.

As much as...as much as you'd like to continue, the two of you obviously weren't ready for something like this.

Exhaling slowly, you lower your hand from your mouth, reaching out with the other to take your marefriend's hoof.

"Really...Fluttershy...you don't have to force yourself to—

You stop as you feel Fluttershy raise her other hoof to your hand. You can see her shake her head, her determined look returning.

"No, um, Anon, it's okay...I, um, want to d-do this."

Her cheeks flushed, you can see her blue-green eyes rise back up beneath a wisp of her pink mane, staring up at you from between your legs.

"I...um...want to make you feel good. Is that, um, okay?"


You can feel your cheeks brighten to match hers, your voice cracking as it peters off.

The yellow pegasus in front of you was too cute to be real. How could her words be so hot and innocent at the same time?

You shake your head again, steeling yourself.

"Okay. If you're, uh, sure."

You can see your marefriend nod.

"Mm. I...am..."

You watch Fluttershy shift her stance, lowering her hoof back to your knee. Again, you feel yourself tense at the contact, suddenly very aware of the sensation of her touch against your bare leg.

Taking another moment to compose herself, you watch the pegasus close her eyes, her nostrils flaring slightly as she slowly breathes in and out through her nose. She's beautiful, as always, her mane parting slightly as her gentle breaths shifts it back and forth.

Finally, she opens her eyes again, clearing her throat.

"Okay now. I'm, um, going to take a l-look at it."

You nod.

You watch Fluttershy push forward with her hoof, awkwardly sliding it up your leg. You can see her hesitate as she reaches the hem of your boxers, breathing slowly as she tries to calm herself.

"Um...excuse me...then..."

Sliding her hoof forward, you can feel her grip the edge of the fabric, gently tugging it in her direction. Not surprisingly there's a fair amount of resistance, your member bobbing as it presses against the taught fabric.

"Oh my...um..."

You can feel Fluttershy's hoof falter, her small surge of bravery quickly fading away as she suddenly seems at a loss for what to do.

You can feel your heart flutter in your chest.

She was trying so hard. For you.

You shake your head.

"It's alright, uh, nurse. I can, uh, get it..."

Reaching down, you gingerly take her hoof and lift it out of the way, feeling her flinch in surprise as she looks up to meet your gaze. Her lips parting for a moment, you watch her shake her head again, her confidence returning a bit as she seems to gather her bearings.

"Um, v-very good, Anon—I mean p-patient."

Reaching back, you slide your thumbs beneath the waistline of your boxers, pausing for a moment as you steel yourself. You can see your marefriend's gaze on the outline of your member beneath the fabric, her eyes fixed firmly forward as she swallows.

You can't help but stumble a bit, your own blush deepening.

The way she was staring so intently...it was hard not to feel self-conscious.

With a deep breath of your own, you tug, sliding your boxers down your waist. You wince as you feel the elastic catch on your member, tugging it partway downward. Adjusting to pull the elastic out further, you slide the garment all the way off, your unsteady erection wobbling into sight.


You can see Fluttershy's cheeks turn bright red, her eyes going wide as her pupils shrink down to pinpricks. You watch as she immediately brings her hooves up to cover her mouth at the realization of the sound she's made.

Her eyes don't leave your cock, however, her tiny pupils following it back and forth as it bobs obscenely in front of her.

Her reaction draws a similar one from you, the sight of your marefriend staring so hard at your naked dick at once intense and embarrassing.

Fluttershy—always so sweet, so innocent—and here you were exposing yourself to her like this in the middle of her own cottage.

You can feel your eyes slide away, uncertainty once again prickling at your thoughts.

"Maybe...maybe we should hold off after all, Fluttershy. Nothing says we have to move at a certain—"

"—um...oh...oh my. What a, um, big problem we have, um, here..."

You glance back up at the sound of Fluttershy's words interrupting yours, her shaky voice regaining a small sliver of its unsteady sultriness. Her eyes hesitantly rising up to meet yours, you watch her flash you an awkward smile, taking a step closer in between your legs.

"L-looks like I'll need to use, um, both hooves for this treatment."

Your own eyes widen. You can feel your voice catch in your throat, your heart rate immediately picking up. Your member responds in kind, twitching faintly as your marefriend draws closer. You can see Fluttershy's eyes widen faintly as they follow it, but this time she presses through, closing her eyes for a moment before looking back up at you.

"Um...just lean back and relax. N-nurse Fluttershy will take care of this."

You part your lips, still at a loss for words. Still having a hard time believing the situation, you nod absently, slowly reclining into your chair.

"Uh, yes, nurse."

Slowly, you lean back in your chair, your awkward posture slowly relaxing as you sink back into the cushion. You watch as Fluttershy shifts on her hindlegs, gently reaching up to rest her hooves on the chair. Her blush deepens as your cock wobbles back and forth in front of her from only a few inches away, partially obscuring her face from your sight.


You watch your marefriend lean to the side, peeking up at you around your shaft.

"I'm...um...going to touch it now...then..."

You swallow. Nod.


Slowly, you feel Fluttershy's hooves slide back up to rest on your inner thighs. Her touch is soft and gentle—noticeably warm now that your boxers have been removed.

You swallow again.

This...this was really happening.

You can hear a smaller "ulp" rise from your marefriend between your legs, mirroring your own.

"Um...h-here I go..."

You can feel the warmth of Fluttershy's hooves leave your thighs—a brief sense of longing immediately taking hold at the sudden loss of her touch. It only lasts for a moment, though, your entire body going rigid a moment later.


Your eyes widen as you feel the pegasus's hooves gently press against either side of your shaft—so softly you almost mistake it for the touch of her wings. Letting out a sharp exhale, you can feel her grip tense a fraction, inadvertently pressing more firmly against you. You watch her eyes dart back up, suddenly wide with worry.

"Oh no! Anon? Are you—"

You shake your head, holding a hand up in reassurance.

"No, no, it's...it was just, um..." You clear your throat. "...unexpected."

"Oh...okay, um, then."

You watch Fluttershy nod, the worry in her eyes fading. Her attention shifting back down to her hooves, you hear her swallow again, lifting her eyebrows as she awkwardly settles back into character.

"Oh-ohhh? W-what have we here?"

You can feel your heart catch in your throat as you feel the pegasus's hooves press more firmly around your shaft—still gentle, but providing enough support to hold your twitching member in place.

"L-looks like s-somehuman is eager for their, um, t-treatment."

You can feel your cock throb in your marefriend's grip, answering in your stead. You're too focused on the soft, smooth touch of her hooves molding faintly around your shaft for the words to come out.

Throb. Throb.

You can see the blush in your marefriend's cheeks rise again, her wide eyes entirely fixated on your member. Beneath the embarrassment, you can almost make out an innocent wonder in her expression—the mare's curiosity overcoming her hesitance.

You can feel her slowly begin to slide one of her hooves up the side of your shaft, her eyes widening even further as you throb again at the touch.


You can feel her slide her hoof up further, the sensation driving an inadvertent hiss of air through your teeth. You can feel her hoof brush up against the underside of your head, your cock twitching at the stimulation.

You grit your teeth.

Her movements were clumsy...but Celestia did her hooves feel good.

You can see Fluttershy's eyes rise up in your direction—your own eyes widening as your gazes meet. There's something different about the look in your marefriend's expression. A faint, but noticeable excitement. Her posture seems straighter than it had been a moment ago, her hindhooves fidgeting beneath her as she holds your eyes, her wings shifting almost impatiently at her sides.

"Do...do you like how my hooves feel on your c-cock?"

You blink, scratching awkwardly at your neck.

"Um...yeah. It feels...really good."

You can see a faint glint in your marefriend's eye at your response—an unexpected reaction, despite how unenthused your words sounded to yourself.

You watch a faint smile break over her muzzle, her eyes widening further.

"Do...do you want me to do it harder?"

You let out another awkward nod.


You fight the urge to facepalm. You really weren't cut out for acting.

You don't have much time to dwell on the thought however, your eyes widening as another faint hiss of air passes through your teeth. You can feel your shoulder's tense as Fluttershy's other hoof rises up, the two of them coming together against the underside of your head. You can feel her press them more firmly against your shaft—still careful—before slowly sliding them down your length.


You let out an awkward grunt at the sensation, the pegasus's hooves molding around you as they move. You can feel yourself throb in her grasp, the muscles in your neck twitching as her firm, pliant hooves gently press down against your base.

You inadvertently lean forward, only the differences in your heights keeping you from hitting Fluttershy's forehead with your own. To your surprise, she doesn't even flinch, the faint smile on her lips only growing brighter.

"Did that...feel good?"

You shake your head, taking a moment to come to your senses, the firm grip at your base making it difficult to think.

"Yeah, it...yeah..."

Another faint glint passes across your marefriend's eyes. Your shoulders twitch again as you watch her slowly bring her hooves back up your shaft, more quickly this time, stopping just shy of your cockhead.

"Do...do you like it when I move my tiny hooves up and down your b-big, human cock?"

Your eyes widen again, a faint warmth rising in your ears.

Where...where was this coming from? Had Rarity gone into that much detail? Or...or was this Fluttershy herself when her usual shyness wasn't a factor?

You swallow.

That...that had been hot.

Seeming to pick up your your reddening ears, you can see a wide smile break over your marefriend's muzzle, her hindlegs shifting beneath her once more. You can see her wings fan partway open for a moment before folding back again, a faint, excited warmth in her cheeks. Her earlier hesitance has all but disappeared, her pink mane falling away from her partially obscured eye as she straightens her posture.

"How...how about when I do this?"

You can feel your jaw clench again as one of Fluttershy's hooves slides up, its smooth surface pressing against the head of your cock. You watch her slide her other hoof up, tracing up and down the underside of your head and frenulum with shorter, more frequent strokes.


You can feel yourself throb again in your marefriend's grip, the gentle pressure of Fluttershy's hooves gliding against either side of your cockhead enough to send shivers down your spine. You grit your teeth again as you fight the urge to thrust forward.

You watch Fluttershy's eyes glint more brightly, the corners of her lips turning up into a look that's almost coy, as if she'd just discovered something interesting.

Her eyes lifting once more, she meets your gaze again as she slowly continues to rub at the base of your cockhead with her hooves.

"O-ohh? Does Anon's d-dick like it when I rub him here?"

You tense as you feel her punctuate her words with a particularly firm stroke of her hoof, you cockhead flaring at the touch.

You can see the excitement in her eyes grow again, her irises practically sparkling.

"Do...do you like it when your marefriend talks dirty to you, Anon? Do...do you like it when I say naughty things?"

You let out a breath as you feel her trace her hoof down the underside of your length, giving you a moment to breathe. Letting out another breath, you shake your head blearily, your tongue almost numb from the intensity of the sensations below. The sight of the cute, yellow pegasus handling your throbbing cock in her hooves is mesmerizing. You couldn't tear your eyes away if you wanted to.

"I...yeah...I do..."

You watch Fluttershy's grin widen, the look in her eyes almost sultry, now.

"H-hmmm? Should I keep going, then?"

You nod dimly, your cock twitching as she continues to faintly trace your underside. The sudden lack of intensity is almost frustrating.

"Yes...yes please."

There's another glint in your marefriend's eyes as you watch her shift on her hindlegs once more. You watch as her wings spread out at her sides for balance, shifting slightly with her movements.

You swallow.

She's an angel. A small, pink and yellow angel. An angel currently handling your throbbing, twitching human cock in her hooves.

You clench your jaw again.

You were starting to get hard. Not just "normal" hard, but hard

Fluttershy seems to notice the difference as her hooves return to either side of your shaft, your member twitching obscenely between them. You can see her passing glances from it to your eyes, her hindlegs shifting beneath her almost constantly now.

"T-that looks like it hurts, Anon."

You breathe in through your nose, your eyes going blurry for a moment as you struggle to nod.


You can see your marefriend's wide, excited eyes staring directly into your own, the blush still lingering in her cheeks.

"Do...do you want me to make it better?"

You nod again, faintly.


You clench your teeth again as you feel Fluttershy slowly start to stroke up and down your shaft, her returning grip even firmer this time. You can feel her smooth hooves gripping your cock, rising up just shy of your cockhead before working their way back down to your base. As she hilts, you can feel yourself throb, the pressure against your sack leaving you twitching painfully in the air.

You can hear the faintest gasp escape your marefriend's lips, her grin growing at the sight. You can see her wings start to fan open a bit wider at her sides, her wingtips shifting as she takes another half-step forward into your lap.

"I, um...I can feel your heartbeat in my hooves..."

You feel your neck twitch again as she traces one of her hooves downward, faintly trailing the underside of your tightened sack.

"...and your b-balls are so tight."

You can see her blush deepen.

"You...you must really want to cum."

You can't even bring yourself to nod this time, eyes flickering open and shut at the soft, tender touch tracing your shaft and sack. Struggling to keep them open, you can see Fluttershy glance back up in your direction, her face still flushed.

You realize that she's breathing heavily now, too, her small chest rising and falling, another lump making its way down her throat as she swallows. Her hindlegs are turned faintly inward as well, the insides of her legs almost pressing up against one another as she shifts anxiously with your cock in her grip.

"Do...do you want to cum, Anon?"

You click your teeth, the sudden softness to Fluttershy's voice throwing your for a loop. You struggle to nod.


You can feel Fluttershy shift again, her listing wings slowly spreading further open at her sides.

"All...alright, then."

You watch as Fluttershy slowly trails her hoof back up your sack, both hooves once again returning to your shaft. You fight the urge to thrust forward at the sensation. The feel of her grip on your base is incredible.

A shudder runs down your spine as your marefriend slowly slides her hooves upward, her snug grip molding firmly around your length. An eternity passes as she makes her way up your shaft, once again stopping just shy of your flaring cockhead.


Your marefriend's name escapes your lips with considerable effort—the bulk of your attention focused on the sensation of the pegasus's small hooves on your cock. You can see Fluttershy's eyes widen at the sound of her name, her blush growing deeper in her cheeks.

"Does...does it feel that good?"

You nod again.

For the first time in a while, you hear a faint squeak escape your marefriend's parted lips—something between another "eep" and a hum of excitement. You find yourself grunting as her hooves slide back down your length, pressing down firmly against your base as she starts to stroke you up and down.


You find yourself leaning forward in your chair, your hands gripping the armrests at your side for balance. Growing closer like this, you can catch a faint trace of her scent wafting up from her mane—the faint, sweet smell of fresh flowers mingling with your own growing musk and sweat.

You can feel your cock throb again in your marefriend's grasp.

"T-that's it. Just f-feel my hooves."

You nod again, hands gripping the armrests tighter.

Schlip. Schlip. Schlip.

A faintly slick quality has joined the sound of her hooves against your skin—your own precum dribbling down your shaft as your marefriend continues to stroke you. It's presence doesn't seem to deter her at all, the faint lubrication it provides only prompting her to quicken her pace.



You can barely speak now, the sensation of the mare's grip squeezing against your dick all encompassing. Biting your tongue, you can see your marefriend continuing to pump at your dick with both hooves, her blue-green eyes staring up directly into your own.

You can see her nod as you struggle to say your name, her eyes sparkling as she parts her lips in another, breathless smile. Her wings extending fully out to her sides, you can see her struggle to rise up on her hooftips, still working your cock as she leans in far enough to whisper in your ear.

"You...you can c-cum whenever you want, Anon."

You feel yourself throb, a rising sensation growing in your base. Fluttershy's sweet scent fills the air around you, her pink mane tickling your nose. The already fast pace of her hooves quickens, her touch grazing the underside of your cockhead as she starts to play further and further up your shaft.

"Go....go ahead, Anon."

You can feel your eyes widen as your marefriend's soft, breathless words escape her lips. You clench your jaw again as you feel her hooves start to focus at the base of your head—abandoning her long, firm strokes for shorter, quicker ones on your flaring cock.

Struggling to maintain your composure, you can feel her lean in even further, her warm, hitching breath playing across your ear.

"D-do it. Empty all the f-foal batter from your b-balls. Make my hooves p-pregnant."

Your eyes widen.

You oblige.


Hands flying up on their own accord, you grip your marefriend's shoulders, her hooves still working you as you erupt. You can feel her grip slide up to sandwich your spurting cockhead, the tight sensation of her warm, pliant hooves enveloping you only intensifying the sensation. You can feel your hips thrusting as you pump into the soft, tight, crevice as she strokes you through orgasm, unloading the entirety of your pent up essence into your marefriend's waiting hooves.

Squelch. Squelch. Squelch.


Closing your eyes, you can feel your head list forward, coming to rest against Fluttershy's own. You grit your teeth as you feel the last few waves of orgasm pass through you, the muscles deep between your legs tightening and clenching as every last bit of you is drained. You can feel Fluttershy's hooves slow against the now sensitive head of your cock, tracing you gently as the last, weak spurts leave you.


Realizing you were still gripping her shoulders, you immediately relax your hands, leaning back partway in your chair. Despite the exhausted satisfaction clouding your senses, you can feel a small twinge of worry over the intensity of your grip.

"Fluttershy? Are you—"

Glancing down at your marefriend, you stop short, noticing the yellow pegasus's attention fixed on something else. Following her eyes, you can feel your own widen, your already warm face growing hotter in the process.

Her cheeks bright red, you can see Fluttershy looking down at her hooves, her lips faintly parted as she stares in silent amazement. Her blue-green eyes are wider than you've ever seen them, glistening with faint flashes of wonder as her chest continues to rise and fall.

"T-there's...so much..."

A faint flash of embarrassment lights your chest.

That was an understatement. You can see a veritable puddle of your sperm in your marefriend's hooves—warm, thick, and steaming as the unmistakable scent of spent cum fills the air. Strands of it hang between her outstretched hooves, slowly sagging and breaking beneath their own weight.

It takes a second for your words to come out, your voice cracking as they do.

"S-shoot...Fluttershy...let me get a—"

The words dying on your tongue, you can see your marefriend lean forward slightly, not seeming to pick up on your words. Lowering her snout just shy of her hooves, you can hear her inhale deeply, her cheeks growing redder in the process.

"The smell is so...s-strong..."

Eyes trailing down the gentle curve of your marefriend's back, you can see her back legs rubbing together beneath her, fidgeting, as her slowly folding wingtips shift to maintain her balance. You can feel her slow, heavy breaths roll across your lap—her expression almost trance-like.

You can feel a residual twitch in your deflating member, a twinge of desire lancing through your chest through your postcoital calm.

The look in her eyes...the innocent desire...how could she be so wholesome and lewd at the same time?

A sudden intensity taking hold, you lean forward, gently bringing your hand to her cheek. You watch her blink in surprise, her trance-like state dissipating as she looks up to meet your gaze. Before she can speak, you lean in, cutting her off, kissing her gently on the lips.


You can feel her tense in surprise at your touch, a faint pomf! registering from her back as her wings flare up at her sides. Her lips part uncertainly against yours for a moment before closing, her blue-green eyes slowly sliding shut as she leans into the kiss as well.

The two of you stay like that for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth of each others' lips. Cracking an eye open, you can see the pegasus's long eyelashes fluttering faintly, her brow smooth and relaxed.

Gently breaking the kiss, you lean further in, cradling the mare's head in your arms. You can feel her shift hesitantly for a moment, unsure of where to put her hooves, before gently lowering them into your lap and resting her head against your chest. Burying your face into her mane, you can feel her calm scent wash over you, the warmth and softness of her small body fitting perfectly in your embrace. You can hear her let out a calm sigh in return, her gentle breath washing over you.

You shake your head dimly.

Stallion. Human. Whatever they called you here in Equestria, you were a lucky guy. That a mare like her would be willing to do so much for someone like you...you couldn't imagine anything making you happier.

Pulling her closer, you can feel your marefriend snuggle into your chest, her hooves wrapping around your waist as far as they can reach.

A warm smile breaks over your lips.

There were things the two of you still had to do today, but they could wait. The two of you could stay like this a little longer.
