> I Smile > by Babycord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Famous. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mommy, I'm famous. The day that I came out of the asylum you, dad, Mrs. Phase, and another were there outside waiting for me. The smile on your face was something I thought I would never see again. We hugged, laughed, and cried. You told me how sorry you were. How you shouldn't have looked away and let the monsters take me. I was so happy. When we came home you cooked, cuddled, and read to me as if I was a little foal again. I loved how we couldn't stop smiling. When it was all over you, Dad and I slept there in my old room. Just like we did when I had silly nightmares and you guys had to soothe me back to sleep. I never wanted it to end. Daddy, I'm famous. It's been a month now since my release and you took time out of your day to spend as much time with me as you could. Mommy couldn't do that because her job was too demanding, but you made sure to call your boss just to let him know where you stood in terms of me and mommy. We did many things. We played games both old and new ones. You taught me how to ride my bike again since I had forgotten in the Funny place. I fell off, of course, but you were there to pick me back up and cuddled me until I stopped crying. Afterward, we sat on the roof of our house and you told me stories of when you were little and how amazing and cool your dad was. We laughed at the funny things before we went back down and you made me some cake. Best friend im famous. Me and the pony who I now know as Green Tea used to be best friends when I was smaller. I guess I had forgotten about her and how important our friendship was. She was a little sad when I told her this, but assured me that we will be able to make a whole new batch of memories together. One's that I couldn't possibly forget. We spent the first few days ridding around and playing together before school started. Green Tea is a very kind pony with eyes so gentle it made my heart patter in my chest. Mrs. Phase I'm famous. Of course, I didn't know until you told me. Well, that's a lie I knew on the second day of my coming home when a bunch of ponies with cameras and microphones surrounded my house. I of course waved at them, and when they saw me I swear their eyeballs almost popped out in shock. Now that alone would have been funny to look at. You tend to ask how I am feeling and things like that, but I noticed that every time I asked you about the others you never give me a straight answer. Instead, you just laugh, smile, and proceed to ask another question. I don't like that, But that's okay because every time I close my eyes I can see them, And they don't look happy. Especially HIM. I'm famous. It's been four months since I came home. The nightmares never stopped. I wake up screaming every night. Tears would pour down my face as I screamed like there was a knife inching its way through every body part you could think of. My hooves shake with fear and adrenaline while my mind flashes back to the nightmares, dreams of ponies getting hanged through walls their eyes open and staring humming in unison as their mouths begin to fill with blood, demanding always demanding. By the time my parents come in the room im no longer crying. I'm laughing. I'm famous, but is that enough? It's been a year. Mrs. Phase tells me that she's beyond impressed. She at least expected me to have a relapse of some sort. Such a thing is beyond common for beginners after all. I just smile, nod, and ask something that's been aching inside of me for weeks. I need to, no I have to know. So I asked. I've never seen Mrs. Phase angry. Mommy, I'm famous. Everything is different now. At first, it was amazing. I had my parents, Green Tea, and other new friends that I was just getting to know, At least until it happened. I don't know how to explain it, but one-day things just changed. Mommy no longer smiled like she used to. Instead, she would come home late for work swearing all types of pretty things with notes and letters about how sorry everypony was about her having to go through something. Afterward, she would give me a passing glance before taking everything upstairs. The look on her face was so joyful, yet guilty at the same time. Daddy, I'm famous. He started drinking weird stuff. I don't know why but after one bad argument and he came home with a lot of brown bottles. Sometimes he would talk to me, sometimes he wouldn't. Either way, he started to sleep a lot. Muttering about ponies, guilty conscience, and how they just wouldn't leave him alone. One time I tried to play a game of hiding and seek with the brown bottles, and of course, daddy began to look, but when he did he slowly got angrier and angrier. 15 minutes later he's on the couch bawling his eyes out. Green Tea I'm famous. She still talks to me and tells me that im her only best friend, but we're almost always around other ponies. These ponies would look at us and whisper to one another. They would ask me questions. Questions that made my heart race and my mind scream. Yet they wouldn't stop. They never stopped. It's not just them, but every other pony that I bump into. They ask the same questions over, and over, and over again, Filling my mind with thoughts I wasn't supposed to think, feelings I wasn't supposed to feel. They say that im famous, and because im famous I needed to play a game. A fun game, a good game, a very, very, special game. A game called Lock. """""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" There was blood, screaming, the sound of tearing flesh, and the smell of burnt skin. In the end, however, the lone mare stood just outside her home. Humming to herself as she looked up above the trees. The faces of seven disfigured ponies stared back down at her. The mare giggled, rocking back and forth with red marks on her hooves as the sound of an ambulance as well as police sirens could be heard in the distance. It wasn't long before they arrived. It took even less time for her to be tased and tackled to the ground. They chuffed, restrained, and muzzled her as if she was some wild animal. Even to go as far as beating her while she could no longer move. They hated her. Hated that they were terrified of her and others like her. Through it all, however, she never moved, never yelled, never screamed. Instead, she only uttered one single word before her mouth was tapped shut. "Hungry". """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The sound of hooves upon her door brought Mrs. Phase out of bed. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes the married mare of three opened the door. Only to blink in confusion upon seeing two police ponies standing on the other side of the door. "Can I help you?" They looked at one another for a moment. One buff-looking unicorn decided to speak. His voice is surprisingly quiet despite his size. "Do you know a Mrs. Red String? The reason we asked this is that there has been an incident long ago that resulted in the death of at least seven ponies". Mrs. Phase's expression turned into one of shock and worry. "Oh my gosh!" Is she at least contained?" They looked at one another for a second time. "That's the thing, somehow someway she managed to escape. Killing at least four more ponies before despairing completely". There was silence as Mrs. Phase took in the information. At least until the second pony spoke. This one was a scranny-looking Pegasus with a chipped tooth that was noticeable every time he spoke. His voice was deep and grim, unlike his partner. "The thing is from one lucky survivor we have reasons to believe that the pony didn't escape on her own. In other words, some pony helped her escape". Silence filled the room. A type of silence that follow one thing and one thing only. Fear.