> Celestia's Mirror > by thathornypony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somepony somewhere on the staff probably raised an eyebrow at Celestia's schedule having a two hour appointment blocked out in an obscure storage room in the castle, but they were all professionals, and not a peep was heard. It was a struggle for Celestia to focus in her last meeting. The anticipation built, sending her heart on sprints. But she was no stranger to delayed gratification, and held firm until the business was done. She excused herself, and made her way down the corridors, past the busy ones with guards saluting her every few feet, and into the empty, quiet ones that would get you hopelessly lost if you didn't know just where you were going. She whistled a little tune to herself, enjoying the rare solitude. That was just a little treat though, and she didn't delay in going to her destination, a dusty, out of the way room. Nopony but her had been in there in years. Old furniture was stacked along the walls. She closed the door behind her and locked it. Then added some sealing and soundproofing spells for good measure. She stepped out of her horseshoes and left them next to the door. Likewise, she took off her peytral and set it aside. She fetched, from a creaky drawer in an old mahogany desk, a small silver bell. Amidst a cluttered corner, there stood an old mirror under a tarp. Celestia pulled the tarp off and gazed at her reflection: an eager smile look back. She took a deep breath and widened her stance. She rang the bell three times and set it down. There was silence. Only Starswirl knew exactly how many mirror portals there were, though Celestia knew most. She had also had much more time to investigate them than him. They led the way to many strange new worlds to explore, but there were some that ponies were not welcome to step through, and this was one. That was not to say that the beings on the other side were unfriendly, as such, but they had learned that it was better to keep a little bit of distance. A tentacle shot out of the mirror and wrapped itself around Celestia's neck. She did always worry about this. She was an alicorn and didn't need to breathe, but what if somepony wandered in by accident? Despite repeated explanations, the tentacles just didn't seem to have a concept of breathing. The mirror wasn't hidden away just for the sake of her privacy. More tentacles grabbed her hooves and wings. She let her instincts rear her up and beat her wings in an attempt to escape. She knew perfectly well it was useless though. It added to the thrill. Her worries disappeared; she had come here to give herself up, and that was just what she did. She choked out a wild neigh as she was lifted into the air. More and more appendages darted out of the mirror, wrapping her, binding her, holding her. They had her, but they were blind. The tentacles poked and groped her body. She made some very undignified sounds to encourage them. At last (she was sure they were purposely delaying it), they found her marehood, and dove in. Celestia liked herself a bit of cock every now and then. But sometimes a mare gets an itch down there that only inequine writhing can scratch. She was always grateful to her eldritch friend for satisfying that need. They throbbed inside of her and it was wonderfully satisfying. In short order, they had found her asshole as well and were probing that. Anal wasn't really Celestia's cup of tea, but she could tolerate it. It was the wholesale surrender of her body that was her satisfaction. She loved not having to make all the decisions for once; that was the pleasure of submission. Pleasuring the tentacle thing was not a matter of negotiation and diplomacy, and all the intricacies of statecraft. All she had to do was present herself in front of the portal and let it use her body. She would have submitted to ponies too, but that brought all manner of political complications. Her limbs and tail and mane were pulled every which way, just short of painfully. She twisted and contorted, riding the currents of the writhing tentacles. The tip of one tickled her lips, in what she supposed was this thing's rendition of a kiss. She opened her mouth to accept it. She didn't let out the slightest gag as it surged down her throat. They left her nostrils alone. Tentacles in your sinuses was not a pleasant sensation, and she had taught them that lesson. The tentacles tickled her teats. It was a bit of a mystery to her why they took interest in those. She couldn't imagine that the thing had any use for them. Maybe it was just some sort of pervert in it's world. Well, she herself didn't have any foals, so had never used them for anything but indulging partners. It was a pleasant sort of tickling. The Princess of the Sun got fucked. A thick rope of tentacles all tangled and twined together was in her royal cunt. Every time it thrust into her, her whole body rocked. She didn't make any more sounds, as there was no air left in her lungs for it, and none could get in past the thick mass of eldritch flesh in her throat. The tentacle thing was so versatile. It was hard to think straight while she was getting worked over, so it taken quite a few sessions for Celestia to appreciate all that was happening to her. It was a research program she had gladly undertaken. The tentacles were muscular, prehensile. They were thick as a rule, but seemed to able to change that. They could make themselves slender enough to probe in anywhere, or they could pulse and swell. That was wonderful. There were different kinds too. Some smooth and strong and dry, some wet and a little rough like tongues. It was a little like getting dicked down and eaten out at the same time. It was all unlike anything any stallion could possibly give her. She'd taken three stallions at once before, but even having all three of her holes filled that way couldn't compare to the way she was getting them filled now. She was stuffed. She didn't know if she was upside down or right side up. She didn't know how much time had passed. She realized suddenly that she was cumming, and barely had the presence of mind for that. It was just more blissful trembling between her legs and in her belly. She may have squirted, it was hard to know. There were several more orgasms, though they were not distinct things. It was all one smoothly undulating sensation—tentacled through and through. Even eldritch tentacle things from another dimension do have a limit to their stamina. And this was the sign she had that the thing did indeed get pleasure out of this whole arrangement. The motions in and around her became erratic, hurried. There was a liquid rush, like trying to drink from a waterfall. Cum flooded her from every direction. In the blink of an eye, her stomach was full and heavy with the thick warm goo. Likewise all of her nethers. Gently she was set down and the things extricated themselves from her. She hardly felt less full, or looked less bloated. She could have passed for lightly pregnant with all the stuff in her womb. A gurgling wheeze emanated from her as her airways were finally unblocked. She lay on the floor, looking fondly at the tentacles which continued to wave around the mirror. They danced in intricate swirling motions, which she guess were it's form of communication. She smiled at it. "Thank you. That was lovely," she said. There was a final flourish, and everything withdrew. The mirror stood, inert and ordinary once more. It was a pity she didn't know more about that thing. But then again, maybe it wasn't. Maybe they could only do what they did because they didn't know more about each other, because they had to stay at leg's length from each other with the mirror interposed. There was no possibility of anything more. Whether that fact was sad was one of many mysteries of that dimension. Celestia always got philosophical after really good sex. She had to do something while she gathered her strength. Perhaps it was time to pursue a stallion again, despite all the trouble of that. The tentacles fucked her in a way no stallion could, it was true. But a stallion could give her things those tentacles never could. Then again, it had been a while since she'd had a stallion. She'd have to arrange a date night to get a fair comparison. She threw the tarp back over the mirror and put the bell back in the drawer. With a flash of her horn, all the mess they had made vanished, from the floor, from the ceiling and walls, from her belly. Celestia took a deep breath and shook her head to clear it. "Until next time," she whispered to the empty room, and left. By the end of the next meeting, her snatch was feeling hungry again. Trade deals were oh so dreadfully boring.