Cadance's Experimental Therapy

by Vik

First published

A gay couple turns to Princess Cadance for some couples therapy. Will this fix their relationship or mess it up even more?

4 Track and Tape Deck are a gay couple living in Ponyville. Everything was great between them until 4 Track discovers one of Tape Deck's "adult toys." They turn to Cadance for some couples therapy, but will this help their relationship or will it finally break it?

UPDATE: There is now a revised version of the story with a different ending and a couple of additions and tweaks to the dialogue and narration. Original version will be kept up for those who enjoyed that version.

Original Edition contains: M/M, M/F, gay relationship, oral, anal, vaginal
Revised Edition contains: M/M, M/F, gay relationship, oral, vaginal

Original Edition

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It all started when the two ponies met up for one of their dates. One was a blue earth pony stallion named 4 Track, who had a brown mane, the shade of which was the same as those found on reel-to-reel tapes, which were also the pony’s cutie mark. The other pony was a red Pegasus stallion named Tape Deck who had a green mane and a cassette tape for a cutie mark. The two had bonded over their love of music and even had jobs related to music. 4 Track worked at a local recording studio while Tape Deck worked at a cassette duplication facility.

Their dates usually consisted of snuggling and watching a movie together, most often followed by love making, and this date was to be no different. The snuggling and watching a movie part had gone off without a hitch, but when it was time to move over to the bedroom to commence with the love making, that’s when things would start to go wrong. The Pegasus excused himself to go use the toilet, so the earth pony waited in the bedroom. 4 Track decided to have a look around at his coltfriend’s bed chamber. He admired the various rock music posters that hung on the wall and the Fantasy novels and rock musician biographies that lined the bookshelves, but then he caught sight of an object that was in a corner of the room.

The stallion’s eyes widened in shock as he begun to process what he was seeing. It was a stroker…a genuine, full size stroker…with a vaginal orifice.

“Why…” he muttered. Shock, horror, betrayal…these were the feelings that coursed through his mind. How could his coltfriend be in possession of such an item? Not only that, but it was still wet judging by the water droplets around the lips, so that meant it had been washed recently and if it had been washed recently that meant…

He slumped to the floor, his breathing heavy. So consumed by his thoughts he was, that he did not notice his coltfriend trot into the room. After being prodded by his lover’s forehoof, he snapped out of his thoughts, picked up the stroker and turned to face with his coltfriend with a stern look on his face.

“What the fuck is this?” he said, seething with rage.

“It’s just a sex toy, honey,” his coltfriend said, nervously.

“Okay, but why does it have a fucking vagina? I thought you were gay like me?” he said, his anger threatening to bubble over.

“I am! I just get, um, a craving for pussy sometimes,” the nervous Pegasus said.

“Gay stallions don’t like pussy! At all! Are you turning straight on me?!” he said, shaking with anger and betrayal.

“No, I’m not! I just have fantasies sometimes, alright! I would never do it with an actual mare!” the Pegasus was now getting defensive, shedding his nervousness as his own anger started to rise within him. Why should his coltfriend be so mad over what toys he owned and what stuff he jerked off to?

“I feel like I don’t even know you anymore!” the earth pony said, anger giving way to hurt, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks.

“It’s just a fantasy nothing more,” the Pegasus said, changing to a more calm demeanor, attempting to reassure his hurt coltfriend.

“I’m going home now. I need time to process this. I’ll call you when I’m ready and we’ll arrange a time to meet up,” the earth pony said.

“Don’t leave me,” the Pegasus begged, but his coltfriend had made up his mind.

The earth pony had kept his word and the Pegasus heard nothing from his coltfriend for days upon days. He pined for his lover. Crying his eyes out, listening to the saddest music in his tape collection, wishing with all his might for his lover to speak to him again. And one day he did…

“I still want to be with you, but I think maybe we should go to couples therapy,” the earth pony said.

“Why?” the Pegasus asked.

“Because I feel like it’s our best option if we are going to get past this. You having a thing for pussy just really threw me for a loop. Maybe you don’t feel like we need help, but I do. I know somepony, who knows somepony, who knows somepony who can get us a meeting with the princess of love herself,” the earth pony said.

“Why not find someone more local?” the Pegasus asked.

“Because this is very complicated and I don’t know if anypony here will know what to do,” the earth pony said, “besides why not go to the best?”

"If therapy is what it takes to save our relationship, then I’m willing to do it,” the Pegasus said.

So the earth pony called in a favor and the next week they found themselves on a train heading to the Crystal Empire. They were amazed at how beautiful the city looked, but there was no time for tourism. They quickly made their way to the crystal palace and after checking in with the guards they waited in a beautiful crystal waiting room for their audience/therapy session with the legendary Princess Cadance. After waiting for about a half hour, the guards let them into the audience chamber where Cadance sat at her throne. The two stallions bowed and the session began.

“So, I hear you two have been having some relationship troubles?” Cadance asked.

“Yeah, my coltfriend discovered one of my sex toys and freaked out,” the Pegasus said.

“I was justifiably horrified at what I saw! A gay stallion should not be owning a toy like that!” the earth pony said.

“And what kind of toy was this?” Cadance asked.

“It was a stroker, but shaped like a mare’s vagina instead of a stallion’s ass…” the Pegasus said.

“Oh…oh…” Cadance said, realizing how a gay stallion owning such a toy could be seen as unusual, “well…plenty of stallions have those kinds of toys. Even Shining has some.”

“Yes, but it makes sense for a straight dude like your husband to own such a toy. It makes no sense for my coltfriend,” the earth pony said.

Cadance then turned to the Pegasus and said, “Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe you are bisexual? Lots of stallions are.”

“I mean I do sometimes wonder if I’m bi after I have a session with that toy, but I have no romantic feelings for mares. I just have some sexual fantasies here and there. Like sometimes I just get cravings for pussy sometimes, like I just want to eat a mare out and fuck her,” the Pegasus said.

“Disgusting,” the earth pony said.

“We will have no shaming here,” Cadance said firmly.

“It feels like a kink. And I feel so disgusted with myself afterwards. I’ve identified as gay ever since I was old enough to be even thinking about things like sexuality. Is it possible for a gay stallion to have a fetish for pussy?” the Pegasus asked.

“Well, there are straight stallions with a cock fetish, so it is not out of the realm of possibility for there to be gay stallions with a pussy fetish. I have heard of gay stallions developing a curiosity over vaginal sex. Some have said to me that they wanted to know what they were 'missing out' on,” Cadance said.

“I mean yeah, I guess that could apply to me too,” the Pegasus said.

“I guess you're getting bored of stallions, then?” the earth pony said, heartbroken.

“No, that’s not it. I just get these cravings sometimes. Don’t you ever get curious about what it would be like to have sex with another stallion?” the Pegasus said.

“I mean, sure I check out other stallions, but it just weirds me out so much that you want to have sex with mares. The very idea of sticking my cock in a mare grosses me out to no end, so I just don’t get it. I just wish you were totally, 100% gay like I am,” 4 Track said.

Cadance let out an exasperated sigh and said, “I get this is a shock to you. I know what’s it like to get a surprise about your partner’s sexuality. I, like everyone else, thought Shining was straight as an arrow, but it turns out he’s not. He’s bisexual and admittedly hearing him say that to me took me by surprise big time, but I accepted it and our love is still as strong as ever. Now I’m not saying your partner is bisexual, at the moment he just seems bi-curious. But if he does turn out to be bi, either accept it or leave him be and go find that ‘gold star gay’ you seem to wish your coltfriend was,” Cadance said.

The Pegasus turned to Cadance and asked, “So, how do I find out whether or not I am actually bi or if I'm still gay?”

“Well, there really is only one way. There’s no spell or potion for this sort of thing, none that actually works anyway. You’re never truly going to know if you are actually bi or not unless you open your relationship with your partner and experiment with a mare. Sure, you can keep calling yourself gay and ignore your cravings or call yourself bi, but refuse to act on your desires, but I think you would have a more a definite answer to the question of your sexuality if you found a mare to experiment with,” Cadance said.

The Pegasus turned to his coltfriend and said, “How would you feel if we did open the relationship?”

The earth pony sighed and said, “the idea of you dicking down a mare grosses me out, but if you are really troubled by your sexuality then I would allow you to long as I get to go to the bar and fuck one of the stallions there when we get home.”

“Fine with me,” the Pegasus said.

“Excellent,” the earth pony said.

Turning his attention back to Cadance, the Pegasus asked, “So, how would I go about finding a mare to experiment with? I can’t imagine mares are into having sex with a gay stallion.”

“It will be tough for a stallion such as yourself, but not impossible. You just need to find an open minded mare like I don’t perhaps?” Cadance said.

“Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?” the Pegasus asked.

“Shining and I have an open relationship, so he would be totally okay with this. It’s been awhile since I have had sex with a stallion who wasn’t my husband. I don’t mind being your experiment, I’ve been the experiment for other gay guys. I won’t get insulted if you end up not liking pussy,” Cadance said.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I’m down to fuck if you are,” the Pegasus said.

“I’m glad you found somepony to do this with, but I would rather not stick around for it. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going back to the hotel. Meet me there after you’re done,” the earth pony said.

“Understood,” the Pegasus said.

The earth pony then left the room and returned to the hotel, leaving his coltfriend and Cadance to their fun.

“So, tell me more about these fantasies” Cadance said.

“I basically just imagine myself going down on a mare, licking her pussy, some tongue fucking, and then I slide my dick in and just you know....fuck her until I cum. But I don’t want any romance, just two ponies helping each other get off,” the Pegasus said.

“Not an uncommon fantasy for a stallion to have,” Cadance said.

“Yeah, but I’m a gay stallion. I’m not supposed to have these kinds of fantasies,” the Pegasus said.

“You sound like a lot of the bi-curious stallions I’ve met. They mainly come from the opposite direction, being straight all their lives then one day they find themselves fapping to pictures of other stallion’s cocks. And they always say, ‘oh, but I’m straight, I’m not supposed to be into this!’ But sometimes sexuality throws you a curve ball and you find yourself into things you weren’t previously into. It happens all the time,” Cadance said.

“Could it really be so random like that? Maybe porn twisted my mind or maybe my aversion to bottoming was a sign that maybe I am not 100% into guys…”the Pegasus said, becoming nervous as his mind raced.

“Yes, it really can be that random. All of that other stuff sounds like grasping at straws, trying to explain it away with conspiracy theories. I think what maybe best, what may truly put your mind at ease, is to actually try to fulfill this fantasy. What you want sounds pretty vanilla and easily doable. So, what do you say? Want to make these fantasies of yours a reality?” Cadance said, turning around, flicking her tail and giving the stallion a teasing glimpse of her pussy.

“I…I…um…,” the Pegasus said.

Cadance then turned around and lifted her tail up to give him a better look at her pussy. The stallion’s dick emerged from his sheath and he said, “Oh…oh my…I…yes, I want to fuck if you do.”

“Great! Follow me, I have a bedroom set aside for this sort of thing,” Cadance said.

The Pegasus stallion followed her to a small bedroom just down the hall from the audience chamber with a big sign on the door that said, “Do Not Disturb!” Closing the door behind them, Cadance presented herself to him once again and said, “I’m all yours, big boy.”

“Do you have any condoms?” the Pegasus said.

“In the dresser on the right, but you won’t need them when I can do this,” Cadance said. She then lit up her horn and covered her body in a magic aura. When the aura faded away she said, “standard contraception spell. All the rage amongst unicorns and alicorns.”

“That was really cool,” Tape Deck said.

“All the stallions seem to think so too. So shall we begin?” Cadance asked.

“Yes, m’am,” Tape Deck said.

The Pegasus stallion stared at Cadence’s folds with amazement. It felt so exotic to be this close to a real Mare’s pussy. He could not believe that Cadence was willing to let him, a gay, commoner stallion, play with her pussy. He could see her becoming wet with arousal, he felt proud that his presence could elicit such a response from her. He touched the lips of her pussy, his hoof now covered with her arousal. His hoof made its way to her clit. He was amazed to hear her moan in pleasure as he rubbed her clit and even more arousal got on his hoof. He placed his hoof to his lips and licked her arousal off of it. He liked the taste and his urge to eat her out, to bury his muzzle in her snatch, grew stronger.

Knowing he had her permission, he gave into his desires and pressed his muzzle to her snatch and began licking her folds and her clit, making her moan as he went down on her. The arousal tasted so good to him, encouraging him to keep at it. Soon he was tongue fucking her and as he did so, his desire to fuck her with his penis built up rapidly and her desire for him to do so grew too.

“I love your tongue, but I could really use your cock right now,” Cadance said.

“Believe me, you don’t know how bad I want to stick it in you right now,” Tape Deck said.

“So, come on, enter me. Stick every inch of your cock in me and cum inside!” Cadance said.

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” Tape Deck said, his arousal heightened even more.

He pressed his tip against her folds and gently inserted his member inside. He loved seeing her pussy lips part as he slid his cock into her and he loved the wonderful sensation of her pussy wrapping around his dick. Yet in the back of his mind, there was a voice screaming at him, telling him how wrong this was and that gay stallions don’t do this shit. Well, in this moment, the Pegasus ignored that voice. In this moment he was going to give Cadance pleasure and he was going to receive pleasure from Cadance in return. He was a stallion enjoying the nice, warm, inviting pussy of a mare. Nothing out of the ordinary for the majority of the stallion population, yet for him it was like breaking the rules, going completely against who he was as a pony. He felt as if he was partaking in some kind of taboo kink. This didn’t feel normal to him. He knew sticking his cock inside a mare’s pussy was natural, physically, but psychologically this seemed so wrong. Yet, he also felt a certain high as he thrust in and out of her. It felt thrilling, exciting, novel and amazing all at the same time. Cadance’s walls milked him as he pounded away. Her pussy felt so different from a stallion’s anus, but in a good way. When she begged him to go harder on her, he found it so much easier to do so than with his coltfriend. Every thrust was bliss, and every bit of positive feedback from Cadance, the loud cries of “yes”, “that’s it”, and “keep it up”, was the encouragement he needed to keep going and to tell that nagging voice in his head to shut up. How could this be a bad thing if they were both enjoying it, both deriving pleasure from it? But all good things don’t last forever and he was going to cum. Knowing he had the go ahead to cum inside, he kept on thrusting in and out until he came. This caused her to cum too and to feel her walls clenching as he ejaculated inside her was a high the likes of which he had never experienced before. The two ponies took a moment to catch their breaths before he pulled out of her and they both lied down on the bed.

He enjoyed it…He really, really enjoyed it. Cadance's pussy had felt amazing, way better than anything he could have imagined. He still could not believe that him, a gay stallion, just stuck his dick inside a mare’s pussy, came inside it and loved every minute of it. The words “awesome” and “amazing” rushed through his mind as he rode the high of the afterglow, but once that faded, new words took over…”awesome” was replaced by “wrong” and “amazing” was replaced by “disgusting.” He felt an overwhelming sense of disgust with himself now, much stronger than any of his sessions with his pussy shaped stroker. Gay stallions weren’t supposed to enjoy this! What the fuck was he going to do now?

Cadance could tell by his expression that something was up, so she asked him to tell her what he was feeling.

“I enjoyed myself…I really, really enjoyed myself. Oh, sweet Celestia, what have I done?!…I fucked a mare and I liked it. Oh, fuck. I can never call myself a gay stallion again! My coltfriend was probably hoping I would hate this, but I don’t and now he’s gonna be upset again and he’s gonna breakup with me and I’m gonna die alone!” the Pegasus exclaimed, spiraling into a panic.

“If he’s really gonna freak out like you said, then you’re better off without him,” Cadance said.

“But…he’s the only stallion I’ve ever loved. No one else will ever want to date me,” Tape Deck said.

“Look, I always believe couples should try everything they can to stick together, but sometimes there are differences that a couple just can’t reconcile. The impression I get from your coltfriend is that he is indeed bothered by you liking pussy and if he really is indeed that intolerant then you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. As for not being a gay stallion anymore, well…being bi is not that bad…Shining loves it!” Cadance said.

“But I’ve been a gay stallion my whole life. How can I call myself bi when I don’t have any romantic feelings for mares. I want to marry a stallion and grow old with him and now I never will because I like to stick my dick in pussy. You straight people have an Equestria Games-sized dating pool and us gay colts just have a little pond. But now I can’t go into the pond without lying about my sexuality. I’m undateable!” the stallion said.

Cadance sighed and said, “There are stallions out there who are completely fine with their coltfriends liking pussy. Sunburst and Flash Sentry are married and Flash pounds me every so often, and Sunburst is completely okay with that. Yes, it’s going to be difficult finding a stallion like Sunburst who is okay with you fucking mares, but it’s not impossible. Isn’t it worth at least trying to find somepony as opposed to just giving up and saying you will die alone?”

“You’re right. Sorry for freaking out, all of this is just really messing with my head now. I’m glad I was able to give you pleasure though”, the stallion said.

“And I’m glad I was able to pleasure you too and let you experience your fantasy for real,” Cadance said.

“Thank you for that. It has confirmed for me that I really do enjoy sex with mares too. Well, I guess that’s me admitting I’m not gay anymore,” the Pegasus said, sighing, “guess I will have to start calling myself bi now. Feels so weird to say that.”

“You’ll get used to it in time,” Cadance reassured him.

The two ponies parted ways and the Pegasus made his way back to the hotel. As relieved as he was to know the truth about himself, he felt a sense of dread as he thought about what to say to his coltfriend, how he would break the news that he was bi and not gay. Just thinking the words “not gay” when thinking about himself made him feel weird. Steadying himself, he unlocked the door of the hotel room and announced his return to his coltfriend.

“So, how did things go between you and Cadance?” the earth pony asked.

“Great! Fantastic even! Though I kind of feel weird too. I’ll spare you the details, but having sex with her made me realize I’m bi”, the Pegasus said.

The earth pony sighed and said, “well, I’m glad you got your sexuality figured out now.”

“I still love you, honey. I’m still into stallions. I don’t want to date a mare, I just enjoy having sex with one, apparently. We don’t even have to have an open relationship anymore, if you don’t want that. I’m willing to give up sex with mares and only have sex with you. I don’t need to have vaginal sex to be happy,” the Pegasus said.

The earth pony looked at him and said, “Look, I really thought when we came here...I...I guess I was hoping...I don’t know. I guess I was hoping that you wouldn’t actually enjoy sex with a mare and that sex toy would be enough. But now that you’ve had it for real, I just can’t imagine you actually being happy with just toys. I don’t know. I think I just need time to process this.”

The Pegasus nodded.

“I understand,” the Pegasus said; dread filling his heart as he remembered the last time his coltfriend needed time to process.

A few days later, after returning to their respective homes, the two ponies met up at the Pegasus’s house once again to discuss their future.

“I’ve done a lot of thinking and....I want us to stay together. You being bi really did throw me for a loop and for a while I wasn’t sure I could handle it, but I think I can. I really love you, honey,” the earth pony said.

The Pegasus hugged him tight and said, with tears of joy in his eyes, “I love you too. Thank you for not dumping me.”

The earth pony hugged him back and the two snuggled up together on the couch.

“I’m so happy that you’re still with me. We don’t even need to keep the relationship open if you don’t want to,” the Pegasus said.

“I’m happy too, but we don’t need to close the relationship up. I think it is a good idea for us to have the option in case one of us needs to fulfill the desires the other won’t. For you it’s mares and for me, well...I love bottoming for you and all that, but I miss topping sometimes, so it would be nice if I could go out and top a stallion every once in awhile,” the blue earth pony said.

“That’s fine with me,” the Pegasus said, "So, we're good?"

“Yes, we are,” 4 Track said.

The two ponies kissed each other with renewed passion, desire raging inside them.

“So, how about we move into the bedroom? My ass is all yours, honey,” 4 Track said.

“Yes. I like the sound of that,” Tape Deck said.

So the two ponies went into the bedroom. The blue pony laid down on his stomach and lifted his tail, presenting his ponut and balls to his lover. The red pony got to work, licking his lovers balls all the way up to his glorious ponut. He buried his face in his lover’s ass, tongue fucking his stallion with a passion, enjoying his lover's moaning. It wasn’t long before 4 Track begged for Tape Deck's cock, which the red pony happily lubed up and slid inside. The feeling of his coltfriend’s tight, but not too tight, and warm butthole felt so right. There was no internal voice nagging him and telling him that what he was doing was wrong. It was all pleasure, all bliss. It may not be as exotic as sticking his cock in a vagina, but if that experience was like going to a bizarre new restaurant he had never tried before, then sticking his cock in his coltfriend’s ass was like homemade comfort food. To the Pegasus, this is what felt natural and “normal.” Was he even bisexual at all? He certainly didn’t feel like that in this moment, if anything he felt gayer than ever, but he set those thoughts aside as he basked in the feeling of giving his coltfriend pleasure and receiving pleasure in return. The feeling of his coltfriend's ass milking his cock felt so right and so good to the Pegasus. As he pounded away, he took in the sight before him, his lover’s tail raised, ponut stretching to accommodate the red pony’s cock, and the stallionly moans the blue pony made along with words of encouragement, it was all such a beautiful sight to his eyes and sound to his ears. If things went right, perhaps he would get to marry the cute stallion he was fucking.

Tape Deck could feel a pressure building inside him. He wasn’t going to last much longer, he needed to cum. A few more deep thrusts and the red pony shot his load, his lover always allowed him to cum inside. He moaned loudly as he filled up his coltfriend and his coltfriend moaned loudly in return. When he finally finished he pulled out and his coltfriend flipped himself over, revealing his own hard cock, dripping with pre.

“Now, it’s my turn to cum,” the blue pony said.

The red pony touched his coltfriend’s cock. He could feel it throb in his hoof. The blue pony moaned as the red pony jerked him off. The red pony smiled as he played with his coltfriend’s penis. While he did have an aversion to having a penis inside his ass, he certainly didn’t mind jerking off one. He would’ve licked it and put it in his muzzle too if he hadn’t just rimmed his coltfriend moments earlier. The red pony knew judging by the precum oozing out of his coltfriend’s tip, that it wouldn’t be long now and sure enough a few strokes later and he could feel his coltfriend’s dick pulsing as long thick ropes of earth pony semen shot out of his dick and landed on the earth pony’s face. Tape Deck grinned with satisfaction at his work. His coltfriend covered in his own jizz and Tape's own semen oozing out of the blue pony's ass. He laid down next to 4 Track and held his cum covered coltfriend close.

“That was great, honey!” Tape Deck said.

“You can say that again,” 4 Track said.

After cleaning themselves up in the shower, the two ponies returned to the bed once more, but this time they laid down for some much needed rest. They kissed each other once again and then fell asleep in each other’s hooves, their love restored and stronger than ever.



Revised Edition

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It all started when the two ponies met up for one of their dates. One was a blue earth pony stallion named 4 Track. He had a brown mane, the shade of which was the same as those found on reel-to-reel tapes, which was also the pony’s cutie mark. The other pony was a red Pegasus stallion named Tape Deck who had a green mane and a cassette tape for a cutie mark. The two had bonded over their love of music and even had jobs related to music. 4 Track worked at a local recording studio while Tape Deck worked at a cassette duplication facility.

Their dates usually consisted of snuggling and watching a movie together, most often followed by love making, and this date was to be no different. 4 Track had arrived at the usual time and his coltfriend greeted him with a warm hug and a deep, passionate kiss on his muzzle. 4 Track responded the way he always did by hugging his coltfriend back and deepening the kiss. The two stallions grabbed a couple of drinks from the kitchen and then made their way to Tape Deck’s couch and sat down. It was Tape Deck’s turn to pick a movie and after clicking through the channels on the TV, he ended up picking a fantasy movie. They had watched it before, but Tape Deck absolutely loved the awesome heavy metal soundtrack and so did 4 Track. As the movie played, the two moved closer and closer together, snuggling each other by the end of the second act. They caressed each other’s soft fur and Tape Deck, being the big spoon, occasionally petted 4 Track as they watched the movie. During the commercial breaks they would talk about how their days went. Talking about their dreams, their frustrations, pretty much anything really. Things took a more naughty turn during the last couple commercial breaks. Tape Deck had been slowly moving his hoof down 4 Track’s body and had now reached his nice, round ass. 4 Track’s member began to emerge from his sheath as he felt his coltfriend touch his ass, knowing full well what Tape Deck wanted. The sight of 4 Track’s member caused Tape Deck’s own member to emerge. 4 Track grinned as he felt his coltfriend’s hard penis against his back.

“You want my ass bad, don’t you?” 4 Track teased.

“You know I do and I want to jerk off that needy cock of yours too,” Tape Deck said.

“Oh, I would love that,” 4 Track said.

Lust had filled the minds of the two stallions and now they couldn’t wait for the movie to end so they could go sate their urges. When the movie finally concluded, 4 Track said, “Alright, honey, shall we move things over to the bedroom?”

“Sure, handsome, I just need to piss first and then I’ll be ready,” Tape Deck said.

“Okay, I’ll be in the bedroom waiting,” 4 Track said.

Tape Deck let go of 4 Track, who then got off the couch and headed toward the bedroom while Tape Deck made his way to the bathroom.

Once inside his coltfriend’s bed chamber 4 Track decided to have a look around. He admired the various rock music posters that hung on the wall, the boxes of cassette tapes stacked neatly against the stereo, and the Fantasy novels and rock musician biographies that lined the bookshelves, but then he caught sight of an object that was in a corner of the room.

The stallion’s eyes widened in shock when he picked up the item and realized what it was. It was a stroker…a genuine, full size stroker designed to look like the backside of a pony…with a vaginal orifice.

“Why…” he muttered. Feelings of shock, horror, and betrayal coursed through his mind as he processed what he was seeing. How could his coltfriend be in possession of such an item?

He slumped to the floor, his breathing heavy. So consumed by his thoughts he was, that he did not notice his coltfriend trot into the room. After being prodded by his lover’s forehoof, he snapped out of his thoughts, picked up the stroker and turned around to face with his coltfriend.

“What the fuck is this?” he said, seething with rage.

“It’s just a sex toy, honey,” his coltfriend said, nervously.

“Okay, but why does it have a fucking vagina? I thought you were gay too?” he said, his anger threatening to bubble over.

“I am! I just get, um, a craving for pussy sometimes,” the nervous Pegasus said.

“Gay stallions don’t like pussy! At all! Are you turning straight on me?” he said, shaking with anger and betrayal.

“No, I’m not! I just have fantasies sometimes, alright! I would never do it with an actual mare!” the Pegasus said, now getting defensive, shedding his nervousness as his own anger started to rise within him. Why should his coltfriend be so mad over what toys he owned and what stuff he jerked off to?

“I feel like I don’t even know you anymore!” the earth pony said, anger giving way to hurt, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks.

“It’s just a fantasy nothing more,” the Pegasus said, changing to a more calm demeanor, attempting to reassure his hurt coltfriend.

“I’m going home now. I need time to process this. I don’t know if I want to be with you anymore,” the earth pony said.

“Please don’t leave me,” the Pegasus begged, but his coltfriend had made up his mind.

The earth pony had kept his word and the Pegasus heard nothing from his coltfriend for days. He pined for his lover. Crying his eyes out, listening to the saddest music in his tape collection, wishing with all his might for his lover to speak to him again. But there was also a current of resentment.

“Why the fuck should he care what I masturbate with? I don’t police his fantasies, why should he police mine?” Tape Deck would think to himself.

His feelings towards 4 Track shifted between longing and resentment, his heart felt as tempestuous as the sea in a hurricane. The thought of a more permanent break up had even crossed Tape Deck’s mind, as he waited for his lover to communicate with him again.

And one day 4 Track did…

After a week of no contact, 4 Track showed up at Tape Deck’s door unannounced. Tape was unsure whether he should be happy, sad, or angry to see the stallion standing there, but he was willing to hear what 4 Track wanted to say.

“I decided that I still want to be with you, but I think maybe we should go to couples therapy,” the earth pony said.

“Why?” the Pegasus asked.

“Because I feel like it’s our best option if we are going to get past this. You having a thing for pussy just really threw me for a loop. Maybe you don’t feel like we need help, but I do. I know somepony who can get us a meeting with the princess of love herself,” the earth pony said.

“Why not find someone more local?” the Pegasus asked.

“Because this is very complicated and I don’t know if anypony here will know what to do,” the earth pony said, “besides why not go to the best?”

Tape Deck mulled over his coltfriend’s words. Half his mind had been readying himself to breakup with the stallion for good, but the other half didn’t want to let 4 Track go. If 4 Track was willing to attempt to salvage this relationship, then perhaps he should too. Tape still felt hurt, but after a minute of silently processing and pondering 4 Track’s proposal, he said, “okay, let’s give therapy a try.”

So, 4 Track called in a favor and the next week he and Tape Deck found themselves on a train heading to the Crystal Empire. They were amazed at how beautiful the city looked, but there was no time for tourism. They quickly made their way to the crystal palace and after checking in with the guards they waited in a beautiful crystal waiting room for their audience/therapy session with the legendary Princess Cadance. After waiting for about a half hour, the guards let them into the audience chamber where Cadance sat at her throne. The two stallions bowed and the session began.

“So, I hear you two have been having some relationship troubles?” Cadance asked.

“Yeah, my coltfriend discovered one of my sex toys and freaked out,” the Pegasus said.

“I was justifiably horrified at what I saw! A gay stallion should not be owning a toy like that!” the earth pony said.

“And what kind of toy was this?” Cadance asked.

“It was a stroker, but shaped like a mare’s vagina instead of a stallion’s ass…” the Pegasus said.

“Oh…oh…” Cadance said, realizing how a gay stallion owning such a toy could be seen as unusual, “well…plenty of stallions have those kinds of toys. Even Shining has some.”

“Yes, but it makes sense for a straight dude like your husband to own such a toy. It makes no sense for my coltfriend,” the earth pony said.

Cadance then turned to the Pegasus and said, “Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe you are bisexual? Lots of stallions are.”

“I mean I do sometimes wonder if I’m bi after I have a session with that toy, but I have no romantic feelings for mares. I just have some sexual fantasies here and there. Like sometimes I just get cravings for pussy sometimes, like I just want to eat a mare out and fuck her,” the Pegasus said.

“Disgusting,” the earth pony said.

“We will have no shaming here,” Cadance said firmly.

“It feels like a kink. And I feel so disgusted with myself afterwards. I’ve identified as gay ever since I was old enough to be even thinking about things like sexuality. Is it possible for a gay stallion to have a fetish for pussy?” the Pegasus asked.

“Well, there are straight stallions with a cock fetish, so it is not out of the realm of possibility for there to be gay stallions with a pussy fetish. I have heard of gay stallions developing a curiosity over vaginal sex. Some have said to me that they wanted to know what they were missing out on,” Cadance said.

“I mean yeah, I guess that could apply to me too,” the Pegasus said.

“I guess I’m not enough for you, then?” the earth pony said, heartbroken.

“No, that’s not it. I just get these cravings sometimes. Don’t you ever get curious about what it would be like to have sex with another stallion?” the Pegasus said.

“I mean, sure I check out other stallions, but it just weirds me out so much that you want to try sex with mares. The very idea of sticking my cock in a mare grosses me out to no end, so I just don’t get it. I just wish you were totally, 100% gay like I am,” 4 Track said.

Cadance let out an exasperated sigh and said, “I get this is a shock to you. I know what’s it like to get a surprise about your partner’s sexuality. I, like everyone else, thought Shining was straight as an arrow, but it turns out he’s not. He’s bisexual and admittedly hearing him say that to me took me by surprise big time, but I accepted it and our love is still as strong as ever. Now I’m not saying your partner is bisexual, at the moment he just seems bi-curious. But if he does turn out to be bi, either accept it or leave him be and go find that ‘gold star gay’ guys like you tend to worship,” Cadance said.

The Pegasus turned to Cadance and asked, “So, how do I find out whether or not I am truly bi?”

“Well, there really is only one way. There’s no spell or potion for this sort of thing, none that actually works anyway. You’re never truly going to know if you are actually bi or not unless you open up your relationship with your partner and experiment with a mare. Sure, you can keep calling yourself gay and ignore your cravings or call yourself bi, but refuse to act on your desires, but I think it would be more fun if you found a mare to experiment with,” Cadance said.

The Pegasus turned to his coltfriend and said, “How would you feel if we did open the relationship?”

The earth pony sighed and said, “the idea of you dicking down a mare grosses me out, but if you are really troubled by your sexuality then I will allow you to long as I get to go to the bar and fuck one of the stallions there when we get home.”

“Fine with me,” the Pegasus said.

“Excellent. You’re free to experiment now, just spare me the details,” the earth pony said.

“Okay,” Tape Deck said.

Turning his attention back to Cadance, the Pegasus asked, “So, how would I go about finding a mare to experiment with? I can’t imagine mares are into having sex with a gay stallion.”

“It will be tough for a stallion such as yourself, but not impossible. You just need to find an open minded mare like I don’t perhaps?” Cadance said.

“Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?” the Pegasus asked.

“Shining and I have an open relationship, so he would be totally okay with this. It’s been awhile since I have had sex with a stallion who wasn’t my husband. I don’t mind being your experiment, I’ve been the experiment for other gay guys. I won’t get insulted if you end up not liking pussy,” Cadance said.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I’m down to fuck if you are,” Tape Deck said.

“I’m glad you found somepony to do this with, but I would rather not stick around for it. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going back to the hotel. Meet me there after you’re done,” 4 Track said.

“Understood,” Tape Deck said.

4 Track then left the room and returned to the hotel, leaving his coltfriend and Cadance to their fun.

“So, tell me more about these fantasies” Cadance said.

“I basically just imagine myself going down on a mare, licking her pussy, some tongue fucking, and then I slide my dick in and fuck her until I cum. But I don’t want any romance, just two ponies helping each other get off,” the Pegasus said.

“Not an uncommon fantasy for a stallion to have,” Cadance said.

“Yeah, but I’m a gay stallion. I’m not supposed to have these kinds of fantasies,” the Pegasus said.

“You sound like a lot of the bi-curious stallions I’ve met. They mainly come from the opposite direction, being straight all their lives then one day they find themselves fapping to pictures of other stallion’s cocks. And they always say, ‘oh, but I’m straight, I’m not supposed to be into this!’ But sometimes sexuality throws you a curve ball and you find yourself into things you weren’t previously into. It happens all the time,” Cadance said.

“Could it really be so random like that? Maybe I saw some porn that twisted my mind or maybe my aversion to bottoming was a sign that maybe I am not 100% into guys…” Tape Deck said.

“Yes, it really can be that random. All of that other stuff sounds like grasping at straws, trying to explain it away with conspiracy theories. I think what maybe best, what may truly put your mind at ease, is to actually try to fulfill this fantasy. What you want sounds pretty vanilla and easily doable. So, what do you say? Want to make these fantasies of yours a reality?” Cadance said, turning around, flicking her tail and giving the stallion a teasing glimpse of her pussy.

“I…I…um…,” the Pegasus said.

Cadance then turned around and lifted her tail up to give him a better look at her pussy. The stallion’s dick emerged from his sheath and he said, “Oh…oh my…I…yes, I want to fuck if you do.”

“Great! Follow me, I have a bedroom set aside for this sort of thing,” Cadance said.

The Pegasus stallion followed her into a small bedroom just down the hall from the audience chamber with a big sign on the door that said, “Do Not Disturb!” Closing the door behind them, Cadance presented herself to him once again and said, “I’m all yours, big boy.”

“Do you have any condoms?” the Pegasus said.

“In the dresser on the right, but you won’t need them when I can do this,” Cadance said. She then lit up her horn and covered her body in a magic aura. When the aura faded away she said, “standard contraception spell. All the rage amongst unicorns and alicorns.”

“That was really cool,” Tape Deck said.

“All the stallions seem to think so too. So shall we begin?” Cadance asked.

“Yes, m’am,” Tape Deck said.

The Pegasus stallion stared at Cadence’s folds with amazement. It felt so exotic to be this close to a real Mare’s pussy. He could not believe that Cadence was willing to let him, a gay, commoner stallion, play with her pussy. He could see her becoming wet with arousal, he felt proud that his presence could elicit such a response from her. He touched the lips of her pussy, his hoof now covered with her arousal. He then moved his hoof down to her clit. He was amazed to hear her moan in pleasure as he rubbed her clit and even more arousal got on his hoof. He placed his hoof to his lips and licked her arousal off of it. He liked the taste and his urge to eat her out, to bury his muzzle in her snatch, grew stronger.

Knowing he had her permission, he gave into his desires and pressed his muzzle to her snatch and began licking her folds and her clit, making her moan as he went down on her. The arousal tasted so good to him, encouraging him to keep at it. Soon he was tongue fucking her and his desire to fuck her with his penis built up rapidly and her desire for him to do so grew too.

“I love your tongue, but I could really use your cock right now,” Cadance said.

“Believe me, you don’t know how bad I want to stick it in you right now,” the Pegasus said.

“So, come on, enter me. Stick every inch of your cock inside me and cum inside!” Cadance said.

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” Tape Deck said, his arousal heightened even more.

He stood up on his hindlegs and admired the view before him. Princess Cadance face down, ass up, her tail moved aside for a stallion that wasn’t her husband, ready and willing to be fucked by a pony she had just met. Tape Deck felt honored to be allowed to do this. His cock was fully erect and throbbing, he gripped it and lined it up with the princess’s pussy. Holding on to her, he pressed his tip against her folds and gently inserted his member inside. He loved seeing her pussy lips part as his member slid inside her, making her moan, and he loved the wonderful sensation of her pussy wrapping around his cock. Yet in the back of his mind, there was a voice screaming at him, telling him how wrong this was and that gay stallions don’t do this shit. Well, in this moment, the Pegasus ignored that voice. In this moment he was going to give Cadence pleasure and he was going to receive pleasure from Cadence in return. He was a stallion enjoying the nice, warm, inviting pussy of a mare. Nothing out of the ordinary for the majority of the stallion population, yet for him it was like breaking the rules, going completely against who he was as a pony. He felt as if he was partaking in some kind of forbidden kink. This didn’t feel normal to him. He knew sticking his cock inside a mare’s pussy was natural, physically, but psychologically this seemed so wrong. Yet, he also felt a certain high as he thrusted in and out of her. It felt thrilling, exciting, novel and amazing all at the same time.

Cadence’s walls milked him as he pounded away. Her pussy felt so different from a stallion’s anus, but in a good way. When she begged him to go harder on her, he found it so much easier to do so than with his coltfriend. Every thrust was bliss, and every bit of positive feedback from Cadence, the loud cries of “yes”, “that’s it”, and “keep it up”, was the encouragement he needed to keep going and to tell that nagging voice in his head to shut up and that she was enjoying it too. How could this be a bad thing if they were both enjoying it, both deriving pleasure from it? Cadance certainly enjoyed herself. She had her needs and it was fun to have somepony other than her husband satisfying those needs. Plus, it made her feel good to help this stallion figure his sexuality out. Tape Deck continued to pound Cadance from behind until he finally reached the point of no return. Knowing he had permission to cum inside, he kept his throbbing dick inside her as thick ropes of cum shot out of his cock. This caused Cadance to cum too. The feeling of her walls clenching as he ejaculated inside her was a high the likes of which Tape Deck had never experienced before. The two ponies took a moment to catch their breaths before he pulled out of her and they both lied down on the bed.

He enjoyed it…He really, really enjoyed it. Him, a gay stallion, just stuck his dick inside a mare’s pussy and came inside it. The words “awesome” and “amazing” rushed through his mind as he rode the high of the afterglow, but once that faded, new words took over…”awesome” was replaced by “wrong” and “amazing” was replaced by “disgusting.” He felt an overwhelming sense of disgust with himself now, much stronger than any of his sessions with his pussy shaped strokers. Gay stallions weren’t supposed to enjoy this! What the fuck was he going to do now?

Cadence could tell by his expression that something was up, so she asked him to tell her what he was feeling.

“I enjoyed myself…I really, really enjoyed myself. Oh, sweet Celestia, what have I done?!…I fucked a mare and I liked it. Oh, fuck. I can never call myself a gay stallion again! My coltfriend was probably hoping I would hate this, but I don’t and now he’s gonna be upset again and he’s gonna breakup with me and I’m gonna die alone!” the stallion exclaimed, spiraling into a panic.

“If he’s really gonna freak out like you said, then you’re better off without him,” Cadence said.

“But…he’s the only stallion I’ve ever loved. No one else will ever want to date me,” the stallion said.

“Look, I always believe couples should try everything they can to stick together, but sometimes there are differences that a couple just can’t reconcile. The impression I get from your coltfriend is that he is indeed bothered by you liking pussy and if he really is indeed that intolerant then you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. As for not being a gay stallion anymore, well…being bi is not that bad…Shining loves it!” Cadence said.

“But I’ve been a gay stallion my whole life. How can I call myself bi when I don’t have any romantic feelings for mares. I want to marry a stallion and grow old with him and now I never will because I like to stick my dick in pussy. You straight people have an Equestria Games-sized dating pool and us gay guys just have a little pond. But now I can’t go into the pond without lying about my sexuality. I’m undateable!” the stallion said.

Cadence sighed and said, “There are stallions out there who are completely fine with their coltfriends liking pussy. Sunburst and Flash Sentry are married and Flash pounds me every so often, and Sunburst is completely okay with that. Yes, it’s going to be difficult finding a stallion like Sunburst who is okay with you fucking mares, but it’s not impossible. Isn’t it worth at least trying to find someone as opposed to just giving up and saying you will die alone?”

“You’re right. Sorry for freaking out, all of this is just really messing with my head now. I’m glad I was able to give you pleasure though”, the stallion said.

“And I’m glad I was able to pleasure you too and let you experience your fantasy for real,” Cadence said.

“Thank you for that. It has confirmed for me that I really do enjoy sex with mares too. Well, I guess that’s me admitting I’m not gay anymore,” the Pegasus said, sighing, “guess I will have to start calling myself bi now. Still feel so weird to say that.”

“You’ll get used to it in time,” Cadance reassured him.

The two ponies parted ways and the Pegasus made his way back to the hotel. As relieved as he was to know the truth about himself, he felt a sense of dread as he thought about what to say to his coltfriend, how he would break the news that he was bi and not gay. Just thinking the words “not gay” when thinking about himself made him feel weird. Steeling himself, he unlocked the door of the hotel room and announced his return to his coltfriend.

“So, how did things go between you and Cadance?” the earth pony asked.

“Great! Fantastic even! Though I kind of feel weird too. I’ll spare you the details, but being with her made me realize I’m bi”, the Pegasus said, bracing himself for his coltfriend’s reaction.

The earth pony simply sighed and said, “Well, I’m glad you got your sexuality figured out now.”

“I still love you, honey. I’m still into stallions. I don’t want to date a mare, I just enjoy having sex with one, apparently. I still only want to date a stallion, and I would still love for that stallion to be you. We could even go back to having a closed relationship. I don’t need vaginal sex to be happy,” the Pegasus said.

The earth pony looked at him and said, “Look, I really thought when we came here...I...I guess I was hoping...I don’t know. I’m not sure what I was hoping for, but it wasn’t this. I thought Cadance could help us fix our relationship, but I think she just made me realize that it’s beyond fixing. I know this is going to sound harsh, but now that I know you’re not gay anymore, I don’t want to sleep with you. Guys who stick their dick in pussy turn me off. I’ll always love you Tape Deck, but I don’t want to keep dating a guy who likes vaginal sex. So, I’m sorry, but this is where our relationship ends.”

Tape Deck sighed.

“I appreciate your honesty, 4 Track, and if that’s how you truly feel than it’s good we’re breaking up. I was hoping you would be more accepting, but I guess not,” the Pegasus said.

“It’s not that I don’t accept it, it’s just that I’m not into bi guys, okay?” 4 Track.

“Okay, I understand now. I just wish it wasn’t such a deal breaker to you” the hurt Pegasus said, tears forming in his eyes.

“I’m just being honest. Would you prefer I lie to you and we live unhappily ever after instead?” 4 Track said.

“No, I’m just upset because the stallion I was hoping to marry someday doesn’t want me anymore because he found out I like pussy. You’re feelings are valid, but what’s not valid is your attitude. You’re acting like I shouldn’t be upset, like I shouldn’t be bothered that you just broke up with me. What the fuck! I loved you, you son of a bitch and you just broke my heart! Don’t tell me how I should feel about this!” Tape Deck said, tears streaming down his face.

“You broke my heart too, Tape,” 4 Track said.

“Well, I’m leaving now. I’m going to take my suitcase and get on the first train out of here and one day I’m going to find a new coltfriend! Somepony who isn’t like you! And even if I end up alone the rest of my life, I would rather that than spend another day with you! Goodbye, 4 Track,” Tape Deck said.

“Goodbye, Tape Deck,” 4 Track said with bitterness in his voice and in his heart.

Tape Deck then grabbed his suitcase and left the room with his own bitterness and pain in his heart, but also with a promise to himself. A promise to never date a stallion like 4 Track ever again.

