> The King's Day > by DHeroRedMagma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In an Alternate Universe... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a universe similar to the one we know of Equestria that is ruled by loving Princesses and what not, there exists a similar parallel universe however it is instead governed and ruled by a king. One who was thought to be a tyrannical monster but instead rules with a fair hand. King Sombra, now ruler of this version of Equestria but ruling fairly but absolute, sits atop the throne in the promise of making Equestria the greatest and strongest it has ever been. The land has been adjusting to his rule with the sun and moon no longer requiring somepony’s magic but having scheduled times to rise and fall instead a task that was quite difficult at first but has worked out quite well. In the capital city of Canterlot at the castle, the very seat of power in the royal bed chambers snoring happily is the king in the finest of sheets made by master crafts ponies who weaved it for the maximum silky softness, along with pillows filled with feathers from only the finest ducks who allowed themselves to be plucked. Yes the king was happily slumbering in a luxury only royalty would know, as the servants entered his bedchambers with one approaching to deliver his morning wake up. “Your majesty, it is time for you to wake up,” a servant pony urges him, which rouses him slightly. “Five more minutes…” he grumbles before turning over to fall back into his dreams. “Your majesty…” the servant groans. “You said that five times already and might I remind you that you set this time to wake up at?” they add which is responded by a loud snore in response. The servant snaps their fingers to which the rest join them and as a group each grabbing an end of the bed sheets toss them off their king revealing his naked form. The king's form was quite muscular as if cut from diamonds and his royal scepter was about a foot and a half long with his royal pouch being the size of apples. “Alright I’m up,” Sombra proclaims, admitting defeat. He sits up and stretches, letting out a big yawn and smacks his lips a few times as he gets up and walks over to the bathroom with the servants quickly re making the bed and then following behind him. He walks up to the sink as the servants get to work one quickly washing his face with a moist cloth before moving on to wash the rest of his body. Another servant appears presenting a toothbrush in front of his face to which he opens his mouth as the servant gets to work brushing his chompers. A few go to work brushing his mane and tail while another polishes his horn, he soon spits out the leftoverness from his mouth after having them clean his teeth and begins to swish around mouthwash and spit it out to get that minty fresh breath. After exiting the bathroom he enters the closet as one of the attendants holds up an open book filled with potential outfits, that Sombra flips through. “Which outfit would you like today, Your Majesty?” he asks. “Let's go with number one four seven,” Sombra replies, pointing to one outfit. “One four seven!” the attendant yells and soon a bunch of them scatter and return with the articles of clothing. As they return they assist King Sombra in getting dressed in his selected royal garb making sure he is well dressed to the nines, with a nice dressy shirt with a vest, a royal cape and some black pants. Soon after being clothed he soon makes his way to the throne room, climbing the steps and sitting down on it and looking out through the halls of the room. “Your Majesty, is there anything special you’d like prepared for your breakfast today?” an attendant asked him. “Not particularly,” he responds bored before looking down and allowing the servant to wander off as his day begins. “Sir urgent news,” a messenger barges in and kneels before the throne. “Speak,” Sombra responds. “We lost another scouting party in the Everfree forest,” the messenger explains. “Only the males were abducted again and what little females we had tag along were knocked out while this happened,” he finishes. “Have the female scouts fan out and advise more caution for the male scouts when scouting the Everfree. I can't afford to lose more soldiers,” Sombra booms. “At once,” the messenger responds before taking off. Soon his breakfast is made and he heads to the dining hall to eat and hear about what he needs to do for the day as a king, most of it is the same old hearing various requests and pleas from the ponies, passing judgment upon criminals and approving things. It was mostly dull and boring work but he does so to be a good ruler and push his plans forward of increasing military strength in Equestria. The day goes by slowly for Sombra who is bored out of his gourd but soon evening falls upon the land and Sombra is brought to his room with his attendant at his side and he falls into his bed face first. “Uuuuuugh! I thought this day would never end!” he groans into his pillow. “Your Majesty does this mean you do not want your willing concubines to serve you this evening then?” the attendant asks which causes Sombra to perk his ears up in interest. “W-well I uhhhh suppose I do have the energy to be entertained,” Sombra claims doing pretty much a one eighty in his tone. “Very good Your Majesty,” the attendant begins clapping his hands in a rhythmic fashion summoning two more servants. “Fetch the concubines,” the attendant requests as the servants run off. By the order of King Sombra most mares are encouraged to be concubines and sire more foals to hopefully help boost the population and further expand Equestria’s borders and military power. So some mares purposely volunteer with economic compensation as a result for stepping up and taking part in his plans. “Presenting tonight’s willing concubine’s, hailing from Ponyville Fluttershy and Pinkie Diane Pie,” the attendant announces as the two of them. As the two enter both are stark naked with their bountiful bosoms showing full display. Both were fairly voluptuous sporting large breasts at about EE cup by estimate, each one had curvy figures and a perfectly rounded ass too. But there is a hint of a muscular tone to each of them, granted it is a bit subtle and hardly noticeable but if they were to flex they’d definitely pop out more. Fluttershy however avoided making eye contact, staring at Pinkie Pie’s butt the whole time and rubbing her arm. “Greetings King Sombra!” Pinkie excitedly says bouncing in place. Which in turn causes her boobs to bounce hypnotically. “I’m Pinkie and this is my friend Fluttershy!” she adds in still bouncing with the energy of a toddler. “Uhm greetings My lord,” Fluttershy responds before giving a little curtsy. “Right, thank you attendant you are excused,” Sombra mentions. “Of course Your Majesty,” the attendant bows and walks out, closing the doors behind him. “W-we are eager to please you King Sombra,” Fluttershy declares, granted her heart isn’t in it which Sombra quickly picks up on. And oddly enough her eyes seem to be wandering over to Pinkie Pie rather than Sombra. “You come here,” He orders, pointing to Fluttershy and gesturing for her to approach, which she squeaks in surprise before timidly walking over like a frightened deer. “Would you like to make out my lord?” Fluttershy meekly inquires sounding absolutely disinterested however. “Are you just not into this?” He asks, as he is able to detect that she really is trying to be into it but failing miserably at it. “May I be honest?” she asks in the softest tone possible which Sombra nods at. “No I’m not,” she confirms to him. “Then why volunteer to be a concubine and travel out here then?” he asks confused. “W-well I was a bit upset when I heard Pinkie volunteered because…” Fluttershy trails off, twiddling her thumbs a bit. “You're into her aren’t ya?” he suggests which causes her to blush heavily. “M-maybe…” she answers, embarrassed.  “In fairness you are terrible at hiding it,” he points out. “But then again look at that body she’s a knockout,” he also chimes in which has Fluttershy biting her lip as she glances over to Pinkie turning red a bit almost. “You do know technically you just have to follow my orders for tonight right?” he reminds her to which she nods slowly, her eyes sparkling slightly as if following where his train of thought is leading. “Are you saying what I think you're saying, My Lord,” she asks him, hoping for confirmation and asking for permission to go wild with Pinkie. “You may just make sure I can see everything,” he replies with a wink. At almost near lightspeed Fluttershy races over and hugs Pinkie and before the pink pone can get a word in edgewise Fluttershy locks lips and begins to aggressively make out with her. Pinkie eventually too turned on by this pays Fluttershy back by groping Fluttershy’s dumpy of an ass. Sombra lays back putting his arms behind his head and gets comfortable as a painfully noticeable tent stretches his pants. Seemingly content not being involved at all but rather just watching these two get freaky with each other. As the duo of mares make out each of their respective hands begin exploring their respective bodies. Grabbing and pulling on each other's nipples, groping their soft jiggly buttocks and eventually rubbing against the slicken velvet curtains. Fluttershy focuses her attention on pleasuring Pinkie’s joy buzzer, while Pinkie dips a few digits into Fluttershy snatch digging into her depths. The two moan and frequently make out showing a very open and public display of affection towards one another forgetting that Sombra is even there watching with a front row viewing of it, with a king size boner that unfortunately is ignored, twitching as if trying to get someponies attention and leaking some pre and soaking into the fabric. “Pinkie I think I might cum soon,” Fluttershy declares panting after breaking away from their intensive tongue wrestling. “M-me too Fluttershy let’s keep going and cum together!” She excitedly pants out loud before diving back in for more make out session time as the two’s legs quiver like jelly their fingers coated in juices as they are close to their peaks. The two break their kiss as they both scream to the heavens crossing their eyes in ecstasy as they both are joined in orgasm squirting and coating their inner legs and fingers while creating a small puddle of their juices on the floor. Both hold each other up still reeling from such a powerful orgasm as they feel their legs practically nearly give out beneath them almost. “What a wonderful display,” Sombra proclaims, clapping his hands. “O-oh we forgot about King Sombra…” Pinkie points out panting heavily. “W-would you like to haaa have a go at us?” Fluttershy asks, realizing she and Pinkie left probably the most powerful pony in Equestria with a painful erection. “No need, you two are dismissed,” He declares, grabbing a small bell from his nightstand and ringing it. The doors fling open and his attendant enters, staring in bewilderment at Sombra still being fully erect and the two concubines being practically out of breath. “Your Majesty how can I help you?” he asks. “Have these two escorted back and send a chambermaid to… entertain me,” Sombra declares. “Very good Your Majesty,” the attendant replies, taking the two mares and leading them out as they weakly wave goodbye. “It is good to be the king,” Sombra mutters to himself as he gets comfy again and undoes his pants to let his mighty meat sword spring free and float around freely.