> The CMC Visit the Mirror World > by Scootaboom1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer As classes began I could only hope that nothing when wrong. I had received a message from Princess Twilight that she had to replace a part from the machine that let her use the mirror whenever. Since it would take a few days for the new part to arrive we would not have a way to Equestria or back. Fortunately we have not needed that in a while, I mean really what are the chances that we will need it anytime soon. As I finished that thought the school intercom came on and I heard the voice of Principal Celestia, "Sunset Shimmer, can you please come to my office? We have... ...visitors from... ...your home town?" Of course this had to happened now of all times. Before going directly to Principal Celestia's office I went to get my notebook for communicating with Princess Twilight, she would probably like to know what was going on. After I got the notebook and made my way to Principal Celestia's office I took a deep breath to calm myself. I knocked on the door and heard Principal Celestia's voice from inside telling me to enter. When I entered I saw Principal Celestia in seat petting something in her lap with Vice-principal Luna standing to the side. Though Vice-principal Luna's eyes switched between me and what was in Principle Celestia's lap. After what felt like an hour of silence I asked if the visitor was in her lap. Then a head raised up from behind her desk. Specifically that of a unicorn filly who resembled Rarity's younger sister. Sweetie Belle Princess Twilight had told me and the other crusaders about the mirror world and Sunset Shimmer, so I knew that I could ask her for help. I started to explain how I had ended up here. The crusaders were at Sugar Cube Corner with our sisters when Discord entered. We had all chatted for a while before something caused a bag of flower to burst and a bunch of us started to sneeze. We noticed that Discord had not been affected and asked why he didn't sneeze. He rolled his eyes and said, "Do you really think that I would be affected by something like that?" And then he sneezed. I and the other crusaders sent falling through some strange vortex. We tried to grab each other but none of us could reach each other. Eventually I hit the ground in what was some kind of class room. The familiar voice of Miss Cheerilee asked if I was okay, but when I looked back I saw some creature that veagely resembled her but wasn't. So I screamed when I heard another familiar voice, "She sounds just like Sweetie Belle when she screams." I heard some laughs and a voice identical to mine among them. Looking towards the students I noticed that a lot of the faces resembled my classmates from back in Ponyville. So I asked if this was the mirror world, and if Sunset Shimmer was around. Miss Cheerilee asked me if I had any preference for who to take me to Principal Celestia's office I, asked if it would be okay for this worlds crusaders to guide me so that I could talk to them while walking. Miss Cheerilee was not having any of it originally but after giving her my puppy eyes she caved. It seemed that the crusaders of this world had not yet found their purpose in life, but I knew that they would find it. I could feel it. They even invited me to join their crusader's sleepover. But since I had no idea where in this world the other Apple Bloom and Scootaloo ended up, so I decided to ask Sunset Shimmer for help. Sunset Shimmer was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and asked, "Why was Principal Celestia petting you like you were a cat?" I smiled and with pride said, "Because I'm cute." Sunset Shimmer I wrote down what Sweetie Belle told me in my notebook and soon got a reply from Princess Twilight. After Discord had sneezed every pony freaked out about how the crusaders disappeared. So they were just glad to know that at least Sweetie Belle was okay, but since they couldn't activate the portal yet so Princess Twilight wanted us to keep an eye on her. She also wanted us to look for the other crusaders in the meantime. Hopefully they were okay. Apple Bloom As I opened my eyes I found that I was stuck in some kind of locker. Scootaloo Looking around I saw that I was under some kind of alleyway. > Ch 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer Classes had just ended and Rarity was gushing about how cute Sweetie Belle is. Sweetie Belle was just eating up the attention originally, but her concern for the other crusaders started to catch up with her. Since we couldn't just go onto social media and ask for everyone to start looking for someone from another dimension. Though that does not mean we have no one to ask for help. For one every student or teacher at Canterlot High has had to deal with magic related incidents, so they could be asked to keep an eye out for us. We could also ask this of the Students of Crystal Prep. Not to mention all the others who have had to deal with magic before. Hopefully Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turn out okay. Scootaloo Looking around at the alley way I noticed that it was covered in graffiti. Could this be the mirror world that Princess Twilight mentioned before. If I remember correctly her friends from this world attended Canterlot High. Unfortunately I have no idea how to get there. Looking out of the alley way I saw some kind of convenience store with a group of four scary looking punks. I gulped. I could not see anyone else around so I would probably have to ask them, or maybe check inside the the convenience store. Walking across the empty street I noticed that there was no one else around. As I reached the front of the four who were hanging out in front of it turned to me. I tried to push it open but found it locked and said, "Come on. Open up." One of the punks with a soft voice said, "The store is closed until Monday. Do you need anything now?" The way she spoke reminded me of when Fluttershy was speaking to scared animals. Since I had no idea how to get to Canterlot High this may be my only way to get home. Taking a deep breath I told them about how this world is connected to a parallel world which I was from. I told them that even if it was a few days from the portal opening, if I could get to Canterlot High school I would be able to get home when it did. The group looked between each other with worried expressions. Before I knew it they showed me to a bus that could take me to Canterlot High. The driver was a friend of theirs who would make sure that I got to my destination. The driver asked me to sit in a seat with some kind of sign markings it. When I asked what the symbol meant he said that the seat was normally only for disabled passengers, but he was willing to make an exception. I gave an embarrassed chuckled and said that since I was not able to fly I was considered disabled. As the bus started to drive off I looked out the window and waved goodbye at the four who helped me. Though as the scenery passed my thoughts shifted to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. I sure hope that those two are okay. > Ch 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom It had to be Flim and Flam to find me, didn't it. If I was not sedated I would buck my way out of this cage in an instant. Well after I broke out of the rope. I heard Flim and Flam talk about selling me as an exotic creature specimen. Hopefully whoever they are trying to sell me would be willing to help me: right? When I heard them mention that the client had arrived I asked myself what I could offer to convince them to help me. When I saw who entered I thought that they looked familiar but didn't know why until I heard Flim and Flam call him Filthy Rich. I was so thankful that it was a family friend. Even if Filthy Rich didn't recognize me as Apple Bloom I could still ask him for help. I tried to speak but in my sedated state and rope around my muzzle, the only words I could form sounded like gibberish. Filthy Rich hummed in thought before saying, "I know that you both mentioned that this thing could speak, but I have taken more time to consider it. Frankly, I don't think I will be able to make it the main attraction of my exotic animals zoo. It will cause the public to call for her release, and then I will lose my investment." I guess that I should not have expected him to recognize me but still I need some creature to get me out of here. And knowing Flim and Flam they were going to try and salvage the sale. Then as if on que they suggested that I could be a secret star attraction for the super wealthy. Filthy Rich just shook his head and said that it would not be worth it. He then started to leave but before he could Flim and Flam suggested giving me as a pet to his daughter. Hopefully Diamond Tiara is not like the one that I had known when she was still a jerk. Filthy Rich hummed before saying to wait a moment before he left the room. Shortly after Filthy Rich returned guiding Diamond Tiara into the room. Diamond Tiara gasped and said, "Apple Bloom!?" As it turns out Sweetie Belle had ended up appearing in the middle of Miss Cheerilee's class. When Flim and Flam heard all this they tried to raise their price, but Diamond Tiara was having none of it. She straight up told them to quit it and hand me over or she would report them to cause the interdimensional version of an international incident. Diamond Tiara really knows how to stick it to someone. I was recovering from what they used to sedate me in Diamond Tiara's lap as I was driven to Rarity's house. After Diamond Tiara sent a message to give them a heads up she began to gently stroke me. Now we just need to find Scootaloo, wherever she is. As my eye lids grow heavy I eventually fell asleep. > Ch 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer Though I spent most of the evening searching I could not find either Apple Bloom or Scootaloo. Fortunately that night Diamond Tiara found Apple Bloom. Now we only need to find Scootaloo. We also chose to all stay at Rarity's house for the night. It was weird to have multiple Sweetie Belles and Apple Blooms but fortunately the Apple Bloom from Equestria was asleep. When the Sweetie Belle from Equestria lot it slip that Daring Doo was real in Equestria. Now the crusaders, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash of this world were convinced that A. K. Yearling was really going on the adventures she wrote about. Hopefully they will forget about it in a week. The next morning Apple Bloom recovered from whatever it was that Flim and Flam had used on her. When everyone woke up we found that Pinkie Pie had begun to cook scrambled eggs to go with breakfast. The initial reaction of most was concern but when Apple Bloom's first reaction was to say how much she enjoyed eggs in the morning. I joking mentioned that in Equestria we don't have the word for vegan. This caused everyone to laugh when Sweetie Belle asked what vegan means. Since we didn't have anyone who could stay at Rarity's house to watch over the crusaders from Equestria we had to bring them to school today. But since there was no school tomorrow it should not be an issue after today. The crusaders were planning to spend the school day with their respective counterparts. Principal Celestia agreed to allow them to do so as long as they did not become a distraction for everyone else. If they did than they would have to spend the rest of the day in her office. I had originally planned to skip school today and continue searching for Scootaloo, but I had received a message from Principal Celestia saying that Scootaloo had arrived at Canterlot High this morning. Scootaloo When the driver arrived at Canterlot High he commented that they were opening up the bus lane. The sight of an unknown bus entering drew their attention, but when they saw me waving through the window their expressions changed to ones of understanding. Principal Celestia told me about how Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were already found safe and sound. When I asked if she had anything I could eat for breakfast she smiled and offered me the pancakes she made for Luna that she never eats. Sunset Shimmer The crusaders absolutely loved having little pony versions of themselves for the weekend. When it came time to send them back the crusaders of this world seemed to be a little bit more mature. They even became the first interdimensional members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. While they still didn't know what they were going to do with their lives, they seemed to have idea on the direction.