Flying with Magic

by Hyperactive

First published

Gilda returns to Ponyville and meets Sweetie Belle. The two become amazing friends with great luck.

A few people know Gilda the Griffon. Rude, can't take a joke. But when Gilda returns to Ponyville after being chased out of her previous home, she learns that she has nowhere to go. Nervous and alone, she runs off to Everfree forest. Will Sweetie Belle, doing a hunt for materials, take Gilda with her, to her secret home, or leave her there?

Please try to be gentle with your reviews, as this is my first fan-fic I've ever posted.

Flying With Magic

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"I've gotta get away from here. They're going to kill me eventually. They've destroyed my home, my family, even my closest friends.Those evil humans." Gilda said to herself as she was flying away from New Griffon. New Griffon was a small town that Gilda was raised in.

Transparent tears began sliding down her feathered cheeks.

"The closest place I can go is Ponyville. I don't think many ponies will like me, or even accept me. But it's necessary for my survival. I'll probably resort to eating bugs, or something." She thought.

Soon enough, Gilda landed in Ponyville. As soon as she got there, it began raining on her. All that ran through her mind was "Freaking RAINBOW DASH."

"I'll get that little witch someday. But not today. Maybe I'll go ask Pinkie Pie if I can room with he-" Gilda began.
"Oh wait, that wont work. What was I thinking, I'm such an idiot."

Gilda flew over to Fluttershy's house. She knocked loudly on the door. "Fluttershy! Fluttershy!" Gilda shouted.
Fluttershy opened the door enough that she could look out.

"Oh, it's you." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, you wanna make something of it?! Oh, I mean, 'Yeah, I was wondering if I could stay with you for a little?'" Gilda said.

"Hmm, let me think about that... NO!" Fluttershy said, then slamming the door.

"Oh... I guess I'll see if there is an abandoned house in Everfree forest or something..." She said, feeling guilty of what she did to Pinkie Pie, and how she lost Rainbow Dash as a friend.

Gilda spread her incredible brown wings and took flight. It felt amazing to be able to fly so free, to spread her wings. It felt amazing to fly so far, instead of hiding back in New Griffon.

When she took foot, Gilda ran into Everfree forest. She spotted a big, thick, tree with roots that impaled the ground. Gilda planted her backside into the dirt. "I guess this will be my living place, for now." Gilda thought. She felt like she was a tone duller.

Sweetie Belle was out collecting herbs for Zecora. "Zecora said that she could make me an apple that I could eat 100 times." She thought. Sweetie Belle picked up a bit of pansy, a bit of basil, and some roseworth. She then began looking for some mushrooms.

She ducked under a big, thick, tree with roots that impaled the ground. When Sweetie Belle went around to one side, she saw large brown wings. Then an eagle head. Then a lion torso. "The frig is this?!" Sweetie Belle had a look of utter confusion on her face.

"Oh, another pony that's come to bash me." Gilda frowned. "Bash you? I don't even know you!" Sweetie Belle said."Well, I'm Gilda. I'm a griffon." Gilda sighed.

"I'm Sweetie Belle. I'm pleased to meet you!" Sweetie Belle smiled. "Are you homeless?" She asked.

"Yeah..." Gilda said with little faith. "You can stay with me if you want to." Sweetie Belle said.

"Really?!" Gilda's face sprang back to color. "Totally! Let's go!" Sweetie Belle pointed her hoof south.

"Hey, if you tell me where to go, you can ride on my back." Gilda grinned. "Ok!" Sweetie Belle hopped on Gilda's back, and they took off into the clear sky.

"Ok, turn left there, and then turn a right there, and then go straight for 1 000 meters." Sweetie Belle said.

"All right." Gilda replied.

Within a few minutes of Sweetie Belle's directions, and Gilda's super speedy flying, they were at Sweetie Belle's small, but humble home.

"It's not much, but, it's home." Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Not much!? It's the best home I've ever seen!" Gilda was amazed.

"You think so?" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"I'm never going to tell a lie, ever again." Gilda had a look of utter happiness on her face.

They walked into Sweetie Belle's home. It had two bedrooms, a small living room, one kitchen, and one spare room.

"Ya see, one time Rarity got so bugged by me, she sent me off with 1 000 bits and told me to never talk to her again. Now, I'm a smart little filly, so I bought this little place for 400 bits. I bought 500 bits worth of furniture and food, and I keep 100 bits pocket money." Sweetie Belle explained.

"Really?! I don't have any family, so I can't relate to that." Gilda looked off to one side.

"Aww, really?! That's so sad! How did they die?" Sweetie Belle asked Gilda.

"Humans. They captured my whole family, including me. I was the only one able to escape from them. The rest died under the pressure of the humans." Gilda was fighting tears.

"Gilda, I'm... so sorry. You must've been so lonely." Sweetie Belle was swallowing sadness.

"Don't be sorry for me. Can you show me where my room is?" Gilda asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, yeah. Follow me." Sweetie Belle began trotting up the stairs, Gilda close behind her.

When Gilda stepped in her room, she burst into tears.

"Gilda! Are you ok?" Sweetie Belle ran over to comfort her.

"Yeah. Sweetie Belle, you are an amazing filly. Practically everyone in Ponyville hates me." Gilda sniffled.

"Oh no! That's terrible!" Sweetie Belle gasped.

Sweetie Belle was cut off by Gilda's stomach grumbling.

"Hey, why don't we go get some lunch! Why not get some apple pie?" Sweetie Belle asked Gilda.

"Alright. Why don't you go down to Applejack's barn and I stay here. I'm still kind of nervous about being out in Ponyville." Gilda had a gloomy look on her face.

"Alrighty! I'll be back soon!" Sweetie Belle smiled, and slipped through the door.

Gilda grabbed an issue of Flyer's Unlimited and flopped on her bed to read. It been at least an hour since she left that Sweetie Belle was back.

"Sorry I took so long! Applejack was making the pie, while I was playing with Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle explained.

"That's ok! Now, let's eat some food!" Gilda ran over to the table.

Sweetie Belle nabbed two plates, three knives, two forks, and two cups. "What kind of drink would you like, Gilda?" Sweetie Belle asked Gilda.

"Do you have fruit punch?" Gilda asked.

"I sure do!" Sweetie Belle smiled. She grabbed some fruit punch out of her fridge, and poured it in the two cups.

"Thanks, Sweetie Belle!" Gilda quickly took two large gulps. "Yum!" Gilda licked her beak.

Sweetie Belle began cutting the pie. "You can have six, I'm only hungry for four slices right now." Sweetie Belle grinned.

"Alright. Thanks again!" Gilda smiled.

They ate pie for the rest of the afternoon.

"Hey Gilda," Sweetie Belle said to Gilda later that night. "Would you want to become the Cutie Mark Crusader's advisor? To help us with our missions?" Sweetie Belle asked Gilda.

"You know what, I'd love to." Gilda smiled.

"Thanks Gilda!" Sweetie Belle laughed.

"No, thank you, Sweetie Belle." Gilda smiled.


"Ungh...GILDA! Make me breakfast, please!" Sweetie Belle asked Gilda.

"Do it yourself, I'm not a maid!" Gilda yelled back.

"Fine..." Sweetie Belle said, not wanting to get out of bed.

Gilda had been living at Sweetie Belle's 'house' for about a month. They were the best of friends. For example, they both hated Tuesdays. It just happened to be a Tuesday, that day.So both girls were very grumpy and lazily slumped downstairs.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, how long have you been living here for?" Gilda suddenly asked Sweetie Belle as they were eating their breakfast.

"I moved in the day you came, why?" Sweetie Belle replied.

"Oh, no reason." Gilda shrugged.

Gilda picked at her cold cereal. She didn't really like it.

'Hmm... Sweetie Belle's brought me down since I came to her. I'm the boss, I should still be tough.' Gilda thought.

"Yo little girl, go make me some cake." Gilda demanded.

"I DON'T HAVE ANY CAKE MIX!" Sweetie Belle snapped.

"Well, then go get some. I ain't got all day!" Gilda pointed to the door.

"I don't have any freaking money." Sweetie Belle looked at her hooves.

"Unngh! Here, take this, and go buy me some friggin cake mix!" Gilda threw ten bits at Sweetie Belle, pushed her out the door, closed the door and locked it.

"Uum.. that was weird." Sweetie Belle trotted over to Ponyville. Her thoughts were clouded up in her head.
She walked for another ten minutes, until someone was blocking her path.

"Excuse me, miss. Where are your parents?" A tall police pony asked.

"I don't know. Now, can you move? I'm trying to buy some cake mix!" Sweetie Belle pushed at his feet.

"Do you have a caregiver?" He asked her.

"No. NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Sweetie Belle screamed.

"Siblings?" He asked.

"Yes. My older sister, Rarity. She's a lot older than me. A mare." Sweetie Belle sighed, just wanting to get the stupid cake mix.

"Where do you live?" The police pony asked her.

"A bit past Everfree Forest. Now, MOVE!"

"Come with me." He demanded.

"Fine..." Sweetie Belle just wanted the freaking cake mix.

A few minutes later, they were at Rarity's house.

"Come in!" Rarity yelled.

"Miss Rarity, why is your little sister living past Everfree forest." The police pony had a mean glare in his eyes.

'Oh no! He set me up!' Sweetie Belle thought.

"Because she got me mad, so I gave her 1 000 bits and told her to g-" Rarity began.

"Miss, I need to arrest you." The police pony snapped.

"Why?" Rarity asked.

"For neglecting your younger sister." He replied, his words smooth.

"NO! I DIDNT DO NOTHING WRONG! ITS ALL HER FAULT!!" Rarity screamed, but the police pony hoof-cuffed her somehow.

"I'm so sorry, Rarity." Sweetie Belle cried to her older sister.

"No, Sweetie Belle, I'm sorry.

Sweetie Belle tore out of Rarity's house and ran back home as fast as she could.

"GILDA! RARITY GOT ARRESTED!" Sweetie Belle pounded on the door harder than she had ever. Her face was a dark shade of red, tears quickly raining down.

"What!? Oh no! That's terrible! We need to save her!" Gilda realized that she was broken down once again.

"We'll need supplies, like this and this." They were packing stuff into a briefcase, stuff that would help them save Rarity.