Fallout Equestria: Atomic Countdown

by gamedestroyer112

First published

A ponybot alicorn awakens in a dystopian Equestria with no memory of her past.

Written By: Gamedestroyer112

Cover Image By: Gamedestroyer112

This book is dedicated to all my friends, as well as my best friend- rougerex13, con-man (my brother), and my lover~!

Note: This Book Takes Place 50+ Years After Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons AND Fallout Equestria (KKat).

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, the virtues of friendship were cast aside in favor of greed, suspicion and war. All sides cried out for an end to the seemingly endless wars. And Finally, it did… the world itself was ravaged by the fires of countless megaspells; civilizations ceased to exist. Corpses littered the streets. And thus the peaceful lands of equestria were silenced. But even with the world shattered, hope remained standing. Once the center of Equestria’s political efforts, the ruined city of canterlot now slumbers, a place of poisoned secrets and perilous dangers. And One alicorn mare, already burdened by amnesia and self-doubt, is about to find herself thrust into the center of canterlots darkest secrets. With a band of companions at her side, she must unravel a truth over fifty years forgotten- if the trials of the Equestrian Wasteland don’t unravel her first.


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Introduction: Of Harmony and Greed

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, the virtues of friendship were cast aside in favor of greed, suspicion and war. All sides cried out for an end to the seemingly endless wars. And Finally, it did… the world itself was ravaged by the fires of countless megaspells; civilizations ceased to exist. Corpses littered the streets. And thus the peaceful lands of equestria were silenced. But even with the world shattered, hope remained standing. Once the center of Equestria’s political efforts, the ruined city of canterlot now slumbers, a place of poisoned secrets and perilous dangers. And One alicorn mare, already burdened by amnesia and self-doubt, is about to find herself thrust into the center of canterlots darkest secrets. With a band of companions at her side, she must unravel a truth over fifty years forgotten- if the trials of the Equestrian Wasteland don’t unravel her first.

Chapter 1: Wake-up call

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The mare opened her eyes to darkness, her eyes Slowly adjusting as she found herself in an emergency medical room, lying on a cold metal table. Computers and medical supplies surrounding me.

Where am I? She thought. Slowly, she rose to her Hooves, her wings unfurling. Jumping down she looked around her, her ears picking up a slight beeping noise behind her. Startled, she whirled around to face the threat, a mini-gun popping out from under her left wing. The weapon makingbher look down at it in surprise as Slowly it slid back inside her chest with a silent hiss.

What happened to me?!? She thought, slightly terrified by the weapon that came out of her. The last thing she could recall was a bright green light… and her name, Nitebeat. And then nothing. Shaking off the uneasiness and Returning her attention to the beeping noise, she looked upon a terminal. Curiously, she trotted towards it and Reached out her hoof to touched the screen. Suddenly the terminal beeped loudly and, slowly, a ponies face began to take shape as the background of some type of record library came into focus. Nitebeat stared, mesmerized, at the beautiful light gray unicorn mare. Her electric blue mane appeared disheveled and her face was full of a heavy sadness. Slowly she began to speak.

“This is the videolog of the element of honesty, homage. Dated June 5th, 5055. If Anypony gets this, I want you to know… we are sorry, so, so sorry. I don’t know why it failed… the research the twilight society did, found that it showed that it would work! But… as you see… sigh. So now all we can do is hope and pray that Somepony can one day fix what we caused… so, if Anypony gets this, please fix this. This has been homage, the element.. of honesty. Bringing you the truth no matter how much it… it hurts… End... End Log.”

With a sob, the video of homage ended. Nitebeat stood there, even more confused than before as the terminal powered down. Turning, she crossed over to a table containing sheets of paper and some sort of device with a screen. Grabbing the device, she found it quite easily fit to her left foreleg.

“Huh.” She said.

Suddenly, the thing powered on and began to boot up. She stared at the screen in wonder as an assortment of tabs opened up. One of which was the videolog of homage with an attached file named GOE_Layout #5345. With a shake of her head, she Turned her attention to the papers still on the desk. Shuffling through them, she noticed that they all seemed to be very old news articles, all talking about some sort of war. Grumbling, she set them aside.Then, realizing that there was nothing here to help her figure out where she was or who she was, she turned to the only door in the entire room. Slowly, she pushed it open with her snout and stepped into a sick and filthy hallway littered with long dead corpses and bones. Horrified, she carefully walked down the hallway, trying to avoid the corpses and stenches. Suddenly a voice rose from around the corner.

“Do you really think she headed this way?” A stallion spoke.

“Where else can she hide? Did ya not see them homes out there? Horrid..,” Replies a female mare.

Both ponies turned the corner, as the female ended her phrase. Nitebeat stood there, staring at the brown unicorn stallion and his bright pink Pegasus partner. Both were holding pistols and wearing some sort of black barding. Slowly they approached her as crazy grins spread across their faces.

“Well, well, Well. Look it, lancer. An alicorn. A very pretty alicorn… wanna bet she’s one of em’?” The pink Pegasus asked the stallion.

“Depends, Blossom Stream. What’s your name, cunt?” He asked her, pointing the barrel of his pistol to Nitebeat's throat.

Nitebeat grinned back. Answering him, she said “who? Me? I’m… Your worst nightmare!”

Whatever these ponies wanted and whatever they were doing, they definitely didn’t seem friendly. Grinning wider, Nitebeat tackled the unicorn and began beating him with her Hooves. The other pony raised her gun to the alicorn, loading bullets into the pistol, she took aim and began to fire. Nitebeat winched as one of the bullets clipped her right wing. Grumbling, she lifted her partner into her friends field of fire, causing him to squirm and struggle as the Pegasus’s bullets pierced his armor and started penetrating his skin.

“aughhh! Stop! Stop! It’s me!” The stallion screamed.

The Pegasus blinked and dropped her gun in shock, “oh my Luna! By Luna’s grace… no! No! N- Not again!” The Pegasus fluttered down and cowered on the ground in shock.

Nitebeat turned her attention to the still bleeding stallion. “please… w- Whatever, or whoever you are… have mercy…”

She grinned as her eyes flicker to black with red dots. “Sorry… all out of mercy…” nitebeat said as she grabbed his neck and snapped it.

Looking down at the Pegasus, Nitebeat grabbed the now dead stallion's gun and point it at her. “You,.. tell me where the buck I am and why your here…”

“Or what?” She replied.

Nitebeat gesture to the dead stallion next to her with her wing. The pony paled. “Per- perhaps we can compromise…”

Five minutes later Nitebeat was trotting down the hall the ponies had come from, their armor and weapons attached to her. A grin on her face.

“Ahhh… Safety.” Frowning, she looked back at the now two dead corpses. “To bad I had to kill them both… sigh. But better to be safe than sorry…”


Light had begun to shine through shattered windows as Nitebeat trotted alone in that twisted facility, killing ponies too stupid to run from her and the shotgun at her side.

“This place is like a maze… oh! Hellooooo…!”
She turned to a door, a neon sign reading exit.
“Well it’s about time!”

“Too bad. you're all out of time little filly…”

Nitebeat turned towards the voice and saw yet another of the bad ponies. Yet this one struck her as different. Her mane was cut short… her tail was braided with what she could only assume and hope were the bones of animals… and her coat wasn’t dingy… in fact, she looked almost like she came out of some of the old posters hanging on the wall rather than somepony who killed ponies for fun.

“Do you ever learn? I basically kicked most of your pals' butts!”

The strange mare laughed. “Oh that’s a good one! Oh wait… you actually believe I am one of them?!? Look who the dumb one is now!” she responded.
“Hey I ain’t dumb!” Nitebeat said, offended.

“Whatever… look… I ain’t one to kill ponies, but you're in my way… so why don’t ya step aside and allow me to get in that door behind you… hm?” She gave Nitebeat a look that sent her nethers’ twitching. She shook her head.

“Why? It’s just the exit door…” Nitebeat asked.

“Just the exit, huh? Then why is it that there’s synthetic voices coming from the other side? And that the exit sign is actually a TV with the word EXIT on it?”

Nitebeat turned back to the door and saw that this strange mare was apparently right!

“Damn it with all of Celestia's Hooves!!! Who would do that?!? I don’t even know where I am at!”

The strange mare just looked at me like I was crazy.

“You musta been hit on the head or something… your speaking like a marauder!”

“A marauder?”

“Basically a raider… but less crazy and more of an intellectually cold killer type…”

This time Nitebeat gave her “the are you crazy” look. The strange mare just rolled her eyes and stepped around her.

Lowering herself to the floor she began to pick the lock with her bare Hooves.

“Well… since yer not attacking me… mind if I ask who you are?” Nitebeat asked curiously.

“Snort. None of your concern…” she replied before glancing back at me and sighing. “I can tell you're not gonna let up… are you?”

“Nope! Kinda hard when ya got no memory of yer past or even where or what you are!”

“What are you talking about?”

“I- I don’t really know… I just… look… it’s not me talk… it’s you talk first.”

The mare grabbed a bobby pin and flicked it at Nitebeat's snout, the pin bouncing off harmlessly. Snorting she shook her head and sighed again.
“Whatever… the name is Starpetals. that’s all you need to know.”

“Well Star Petals! It’s an honor to meet you! My name is Nitebeat!”

“Weird name for an alicorn… tell me again how you ended up here?”

“I don’t necessarily know… I just kinda woke up here…”

“Woke up here… riiigght…” Star rolled her eyes at Nitebeat, clearly not believing a single word of her story. Nite shook her head, giving up on the explanation. "So… uh… where am I anyway?"
"Twilight Research and Development Complex. AKA, TRDC."

As soon as she unlocked the door, a blast of plasmatic energy shot out. Rolling to the side, star petals pulled out a sawed off shotgun from her saddle pack and took aim.

“Looks like we're not gonna get in without a fight.” She said.

“Hm… on second thought… you might have just gave me an idea. Since I'm the only one here… and what with this place being full of raiders and who knows what else… perhaps we should team up? You help me get what I'm looking for… I'll help you escape. Deal?”
Nitebeat grins, popping out a plasma rifle from her hoof. “Deal.” She said, as they both charged in to fight whatever had tried to blast them.

Double Blast

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Starpetals watched Nitebeat with a mix of curiosity and skepticism as she charged in. The revelation of Nitebeat's memory loss and her sudden awakening in the Twilight Research and Development Complex intrigued her. She knew that TRDC was no ordinary place, and the presence of a lost alicorn raised even more questions. So who exactly was she? Starpetals thought as she followed Nitebeat into the room.

"Well, Nitebeat, seems we've found ourselves in quite the predicament," Starpetals said as she noticed the hoard of cyborg ponies standing before them, rifles raised to kill.

Nitebeat just stood there, her senses on high alert. The room was filled with computer screens, scientific equipment, and shelves lined with strange contraptions. In the center stood a massive machine emitting a soft hum. It seemed to be the heart of this complex. Not to mention the ten cyborg ponies guarding it. Grinning, Nitebeat quickly charged at them, blasting each of their heads off faster then starpetals could register. And in ten or so seconds she stood on top of the pile of now dead cyborg ponies.

“Pathetic.” Nitebeat sighed. “I was hoping they would have put up a fight…”

Starpetals just bit her lip and gestured to the machine behind them. “Perhaps that could be why?”

Nitebeat's horn glowed with a soft purple light, instinctively drawn to the intricate machinery. She felt a surge of familiarity, a connection to something beyond her current understanding. Without thinking, she reached out with her magic, activating the machine. A series of holographic displays illuminated the room, projecting images and data all around them. Nitebeat and Starpetals watched in awe as the history of the complex and its experiments unfolded before their eyes.

“Whoa. What is all this?” Nite asked, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data before them.

“well… judging from the documents in this terminal, The Twilight Research and Development Complex, it turns out, was a facility dedicated to experimental radiation manipulation. The scientists of the Twilight Society had delved into forbidden research, hoping to unravel the mysteries of restoring Equestria to full health. But their experiments had gone horribly wrong, resulting in a catastrophic event that tore apart the wasteland even more.” Starpetals said. “So to put it simply… radaway statistics.”

Nitebeat gasped as memories flooded her mind. Fragments of her past started to piece together. She remembered being a part of the Twilight Society, an elite group of researchers and magicians. She had volunteered for a dangerous experiment, hoping to help with the radiation solution. But something must have gone awry, erasing her memories.

Starpetals watched Nitebeat's face with a mix of concern. She had seen the effects of the Twilight Society's failed experiment firsthand, as it had unleashed chaos upon the land, worsening the radiation rather than removing it. But to her, that didn't matter. All that mattered was what the data meant to the pony who hired her.

As they prepared to leave the room, Nitebeat's mind buzzed with questions. Who was she before the experiment? What were the consequences of her actions? And most importantly, could she redeem herself and find a way to restore harmony to Equestria?

As Nitebeat stood there, contemplating what this all meant, starpetals walked up to the computer and downloaded the files into her pipbuck.

“Ok, i got what i came for. How about we get out of this hell hole.”

Nitebeat nodded. “Agreed.”

Riot City

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Nitebeat and Starpetals stepped out of the Twilight Research and Development Complex, greeted by a desolate wasteland. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the distant howls of mutated creatures and the occasional gust of wind carrying the remnants of a forgotten world.

As they surveyed their surroundings, Nitebeat couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. The ruins of buildings stood as grim reminders of a once-thriving city, now reduced to rubble and decay. Signs of a violent past were etched into the walls, with faded graffiti and bullet holes marking the remnants of a society torn apart.

"This place... it feels hauntingly familiar," Nitebeat whispered, her voice barely audible against the desolation. "But I can't quite place why."

Starpetals looked at her with a mixture of confusion. "It's probably due to you having been created before the bombs fell, Nitebeat. Now… I am sure you can survive from here without me, correct?”

Nitebeat nodded, pushing aside her inner turmoil and embracing the present.

"Whatever happened here, i can't let it consume me. Nitebeat mumbled. “Wait. What? Your leaving?” she asked as she snapped back to reality.

“Noooo… I'm gonna stay in this exact spot. If course I'm leaving! I got what I needed. Your help was appreciated, but I prefer to work alone. Plus I helped you get out. So consider yourself lucky that I did leave you to die.” Starpetals responded.

“But I barely know where to go! Or anything about here!”

“Not my concern.”

Nitebeat looks at her and gives her the puppy dog face. “Please let me come with you.” She said.

Starpetals sighed. “Fine. But don't get in my way.”

Nitebeat nodded.

“So where are we headed?”

“Riot City.”

Nitebeat nodded. Not bothered by the name. She decided she should just go with the flow. Clearly starpetals knew what to do… right?

Together, they walked through the broken streets, carefully avoiding pockets of radiation and the dangers lurking in the shadows. The city, once known as Riot City, had earned its name in the aftermath of a violent uprising against the oppressive regime that had ruled with an iron hoof. But even if it was in ruin, that didn't mean there wasn't anything worth salvaging… or business to do.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the city, signs of recent activity became apparent. Scattered ammunition, makeshift barricades, and faint echoes of distant voices hinted at the presence of survivors. Nitebeat and Starpetals cautiously approached a group of ponies gathered in what seemed to be a makeshift camp.

The ponies, a diverse group of individuals from different walks of life, eyed Nitebeat and Starpetals with a mix of curiosity and wariness. A rugged stallion with a scarred face stepped forward, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and skepticism.

"Who are you?" he asked Nitebeat, his voice gruff yet tinged with a glimmer of distain. "And what brings you to Riot City?"

Starpetals took a deep breath, swallowing her annoyance. "This is Nitebeat, she's with me. Is that fine with you?”

The stallion's gaze softened, recognizing that messing with starpetals was never a good idea. "Very well. But If she makes one wrong move… it's the pitt for her. We've endured too many hardships and betrayal, and we won't let just anyone waltz in. So consider this your only warning petals."

Starpetals nodded, unfazed by the stallions aggressiveness. "We understand. Now if you'll excuse us, we have business to attend to."

As they walked, starpetals told Nitebeat about the daily struggles of Riot City. She talked about the remnants of the oppressive regime that had ruled with an iron hoof, the corrupt officials who had exploited the city's resources, and the brave ponies who had fought for freedom and paid the ultimate price. As well as about how They organized supply runs, offered medical aid, and fostered a sense of unity among the ponies who had lost so much.

“...At least that's what we used to do…” Starpetals said. Clearly pissed of what happened to riot city. “Then came the brotherhood… they charged in, killed the council of this town and raided all our tech. Now we just fight to survive and help with supply runs just to make meats end. Damn Steel rangers and their ideals. I hate em…” Stopping in front of a abandoned warehouse, it's windows boarded up, starpetals gestured to the door. “Here we are! This is where my affiliate is to meet with me. And he's not really fond of… your kind. So… why don't you just stay here and… uh… guard.”

“Out here?!? Alone?!?!”

“Mhm. Got a problem with that?”

“YES! I-”

“Good. Then you Stay here and guard while I meet with my affiliate. It will only take a moment.” Starpetals said, cutting off Nitebeat. Nitebeat lowered her ears in irritation but obeyed, not wanting to be on the business end of starpetals' anger. As starpetals entered, nitebeat turned and sat, activating her Ponybot claws and fiddled with them, waiting patiently. Suddenly Nitebeat heard a can get knocked towards her from an alleyway. Alerted by the noise Nitebeat jumped startled and turned towards the noise. Standing in the alleyway was a stallion wearing a black cloak with red trimmings. The only thing noticeable was his fiery orange eyes and black snout.

“Can I help you alicorn?” The stallion asked, his accent sounding thick and forhen. The tone he used causing shivers to run down Nitebeats spine. Nitebeat just stood there, saying nothing.

“Answer me beast!” The strange stallion demanded, getting closer to Nitebeat. Nitebeat slowly grinned, as her wings rose, weapons popping out from under them, ready to fight. The sight of her popping out weapons intrigued the stallion however, his eyes widening in delight.

“Certainly, Names Nitebeat. And you are?” Nitebeat replied, trying to annoy the stallion so he'd go away.

“My name is not your concern. However… what you are is.” The stallion said as he whipped out a crossbow from under his cloak. “Now we can either do this the easy way… or the way I prefer, the hard way… choice is yours.”

Nitebeat laughed. “Funny. Though either option will end badly for you either way.”

“I think not. After all… you are our property.” Said a voice from behind Nitebeat. Turning, Nitebeat stood face to face with a metal cladded mare, her entire body seemingly encased in a thick silver suit with blacked out visors. “You've been emitting a high-frequency signal to the steel rangers scanners alicorn. And that means that your a steel ranger property. Tell me, how did youend up out here?”

Nitebeat just stood there, puzzled. “I ain't anyone's property.”

“That's not what the scanners stated, beast.” Said the hooded stallion.

“Ya know what? Enough of this… I am not coming with you and I am most definitely not your property…” Nitebeat retorted, now irritated. Nitebeat whipped out her ponybot claws and crouched, ready to battle. But before she could do anything, a jolt shot through her, knocking her to the ground, paralyzed as starpetals stepped from beyond Nitebeat's view.

“Good work with this one, starpetals. Here is your pay.” Said the steel ranger, handing petals a bag of coins. The last thing Nitebeat seeing before blacking out was starpetals greedy grin.

Tricked she thought as everything went black.


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Wasteland 101

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Broken Heart

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To Kill or Not To Kill

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When Love Prevails

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When Fear Prevails

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Forked Path

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Knifes Edge

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Project Extinction

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Deaths Door

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Final Face-Off

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Epilogue: Of Rebirth And Hopes

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