EQG: Transformers Shattered Glass: Story #1: Rise of the Seekers

by Grand-Galvatron

First published

Many know of the war between Autobots and Decepticons, but what if the roles were reversed.

The Heroic Autobots fought the Tyrannical and evil Decepticons in the canon timeline. However, what would happen if these roles were reversed, in another timeline, there is a Cybertron where The heroic Decepticons, led by former Mathematician turned Freedom Fighter Megatronus Prime fought a mighty war against the Tyrannical Autobot Imperium led by the unhinged Optimus Cron. Optimus Cron and Megatronus Prime were once friends, even brothers, as the Archivist and Mathematician tried to figure out ways to keep peace on Cybertron. However, one day, Optimus found a Data vault in one of the archives, and what he saw on it, destroyed his very sanity.

He then declared all Decepticons as War Criminals, holding them for crimes they were destined to commit, but they never did. The Autobots were the definition of Insanity. In this war, a new group of Decepticon recruits is made as they now set forth to try and end the conflict. Each of them is a clone of the heroic Decepticon soldier, Starscream.

A Cybertronian named Red-Wing (Sunset Shimmer), rejected Optimus's Tyrannical beliefs as she believed them as immoral and barbaric. And as a result, Red-Wing joins the Decepticons and is banished from Central Cybertron City.

She meets others like her, including one named Hot-Link, whom Red-Wing may have a crush on. They would also meet some new human friends on a planet called Earth.

This is the story of the Shattered Glass Seekers

(P.S., I have added the Gore Tag due to there being a lot of Energon that will be spilled).

The Beginning of the War Part 1 of 2: Creation of the Seekers/Echos of War

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(Vector Prime is the narrator)
Hello viewers, if you are hearing this message, then I welcome you to the time stream. I am Vector Prime, keeper of the timelines and one of the last of the 13 Primes. In all my years of time travel, I have seen and encountered countless universes, and each one was similar yet different in many ways.

And in my travels, there's the one-time era that has interested me the most. We call this universe...The Shattered Glass Universe.

In this universe, there are still Autobots and Decepticons, however, the roles between the two sides are reversed, here let me explain.

One ago, there was a prolonged battle between two brothers, one was the life-bringer, Omicron, and the scourge of life, his brother, Nemesis.

However, in the end, Nemesis was defeated and after being mortally wounded, Omicron transformed himself into the planet known only as cybertron.

However, Omicron didn't just create a new world, Omicron also created lifeforms that to this day were known as...Cybertronians.

In this universe, Megatron was not a gladiator in the arenas of Kaon but was a Mathematician who was working in one of Cybertron's many labs. And this universe's Starscream, instead of being the cowardly and treacherous Air Commander we know, is one of Cybertron's greatest scientists, and one of Megatron's closest friends.

As Cybertron's leading scientist, Starscream was working on a top-secret project known as The Seeker Project, which was going to be Cybertron's top Aerial Military and Science division. To make this project a success, Starscream used a piece of his spark to make clones of himself.

At first, each was identical to Starscream, but after giving some modifications to their bodies, they all had different looks and personalities, and each had a part of Starscream's personality as well.

The first was Red-Wing (Sunset Shimmer), who had Starscream's courage and compassion.

The next was Hotlink (Sci-Twi), who carried Starscream's intelligence and kindness.

Then came Ion Storm (Indigo Zap), who had Starscream's Bravery and loyalty.

Nova Storm (Sugarcoat) came next, who had Starscream's intuition and optimism.

Then came Acid Storm (Lemon Zest), who had Starscream's playful and comedic demeanor.

Sunstorm (Sour Sweet) was next, who had some of Starscream's temper.

And finally, Bitstream (Sunny Flare) was last, who had Starscream's generosity.

With Starscream as their commander, and Skywarp and Thundercracker as his lieutenants, Starscream had formed the Seekers.

However, Megatron had a friend that he almost considered a brother, this cybertronian was an archivist known as Orion Pax.

Together, The Archivist and Mathematician have tried to find ways how they could end the corruption that was poisoning Cybertron's surface.

However, this friendship between Megatron and Orion Pax would not last forever.

"Orion, where are you going," Megatron asked.

"Just double-checking the archives, won't take long," Orion said.

However, as Orion was securing the remaining archives, he found a data vault that he had never seen before, as it was in a restricted area. When Orion saw this data vault, he secretly took it and hid it away in his private quarters. Orion had isolated himself from the rest of the world as he continuously observed what appeared in this data vault, and what he saw...destroyed his very sanity.

After years of hiding, he had upgraded his body and rechristened himself as Optimus Cron, he then cheated his way to the top of the political power in Cybertron, and after that, he made his faction of Cybertronian that he called...The Autobot Imperium.

Red-Wing, before she was a soldier, was assigned as a military commando. And it was after she was taking her afternoon flight that she saw an autobot police force, led by Prowl, were stealing the records of the military base she was in charge of.

"Hey, what are you doing," Red-Wing asked. "Those are classified records!"

"These records are now Autobot property, and no longer in possession of gutter trash like you," Prowl said.

"WHAT, THIS IS AUTOMATION, YOU CAN'T DO THIS," Red-Wing screamed as she tried to stop Prowl, but to no avail, she was defeated by the Autobot.

"Listen here, you pathetic screw-up," Prowl said, looking right at Red-Wing's eyes. "I'm an Autobot, and I can do whatever the fuck I want!"

Prowl then threw Red-Wing into a wall. "Hah, that's where gutter-trash like you belong, on the ground groveling at your feet."

"You won't get away with this, You Auto-Bots have abused their authority and everyone in it for too long," Red-Wing cursed under her breath. "One of these days, someone will rise from the ashes of Cybertron and take the Autobot Imperium down forever."

Suddenly, "Oh really," A booming voice from the shadows said revealing it to be Optimus Cron. "Well then, Librarian, where's your savior, huh?"

"GET THE SLAG AWAY FROM ME," Red-Wing snarled.

"There's no need for the attitude, you failed science project, if it were up to me, I would blast a hole through your spark chamber where you stand," Optimus boomed.

"It's a shame that a Commando like you could have a face of pure beauty," Optimus said as he caressed his hand on Red-Wing's cheek. "Almost like my Ariel."

"GET YOUR VILE HAND OFF OF ME," Red-Wing roared as she swatted Optimus's hand away. "And Ariel isn't yours, you lost that chance when you turned into a psychotic dictator, charging me and the rest of our kind for crimes we never committed. Ariel and Alpha Trion would be disgusted if they ever saw the monster that you've become."

"SHUT...UP," Optimus roared as he fired a hole through Red-Wing's body, causing her to scream in absolute agony. "You see, this is what happens to any low-life that crosses me, I hope you've learned your lesson in challenging me, retired soldier, hahaha hahaha!"

Optimus and the rest of the Autobots left the scene.

Just then Starscream and Hotlink appeared.

"Oh no, Red-Wing what happened," Hotlink said with a worried look on her face.

"Prowl and his police squad attacked me for no reason, and they took all the classified records from the Equinox Base," Red-Wing cursed under her breath.

"Those Autobots, fighting an unarmed opponent, have they no honor," Starscream sneered. "Red-Wing, don't try to talk anymore, save your energy, you have an open wound, and you are losing energon fast. I'll take you to Shockwave's medical bay to repair you."

"Th-Thank you," Red-Wing said as she fell unconscious.

As Starscream and Hotlink were flying away, Hotlink wanted to ask a question.

"Umm, Starscream, I know that you are my creator, but I just wanted to ask one thing," Hotlink asked.

"And that is," Starscream asked.

"When?" Hotlink said in frustration. "Just when are the attacks on innocent Cybertronians like Red-Wing going to end? When will the Autocracy end? Are we just going to allow the Autobot Imperium to ruin Cybertron?"

"For all those questions...I honestly do not know the answer to that," Starscream said. "For now, let's just get back to base so Shockwave can repair our injured comrade."

(And thus the declaration of War is about to begin).

The Beginning of the War Part 2 of 2: Memories from the Past

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(Meanwhile at the Decepticon Base)

Megatronus Prime was accompanied by Starscream, Skywarp, Hotlink, and Thundercracker to the medical bay.

"Red-Wing," Megatronus Prime said as he entered.

"She is in stasis lock," Shockwave said. "She won't wake up for a deca-cycle."

"Hot-Link, you must tell me who did this to her," Megatronus asked.

"Optimus Cron," Hot-Link said. "Optimus and his Autobot Police Force continue to subjugate us and force us to do their bidding and will."

Megatronus Prime let out a pain-filled sigh as he sat down next to Red-Wing's recovery chamber.

"Decepticons, I wish to be alone; please leave me be," Megatronus Prime quietly said as everyone left their commander alone with Red-Wing's recovery chamber.

"Oh, Orion, we had so much promise," Megatronus Prime said to himself. "We both shared a common goal: to rebuild Cybertron and make the universe a better place for all. Where did it all go wrong?"

(Meanwhile, Many Years earlier)

Megatronus (before then his name was Megatron) was working in his lab along with his mentors Shockwave and Starscream when Orion entered the room.

"Hello, brother," Orion Pax said in a gentle voice.

"Ah, Orion, what a pleasant surprise," Megatron said with a happy expression on his face.

"Do you mind if I could talk to you for a minute, in private?" Orion asked.

"Could you wait for a few more minutes?" Starscream asked in a stern tone. "Megatron and I are conducting important research on the red Energon sample we have here."

"Sigh, Starscream, must it always be you who has to be an obstacle between Megatron and me?" Orion said in an annoyed tone.

"Starscream, it's fine; it'll only be a few minutes," Megatron said as he stepped out with Orion.

"Forgive Starscream," Megatron said. "He may be a little pessimistic, but his spark is in the right place."

"Very well, all is forgiven," Orion bluntly said.

"So, what is it you wanted to privately talk about?" Megatron asked.

"I wanted to talk about a top-secret plan I've been working on," Orion said.

"Top secret," Megatron said in a confused manner.

"Yes," Orion Pax said. "It's a map that leads to a relic that many have called "The Requiem Blaster." If we find this powerful weapon, we could finally bring peace to Cybertron."

"In what regard, brother" Megatron said in a questionable tone.

"We could use its raw power to punish anyone who would dare to oppose us," Orion ranted.

"Orion," Megatron scowled, sounding like a parent giving their child a hard lecture. "I thought we had this discussion before."

"I already told you that I am through using any kind of weapon for war," Megatron stated. "I have a feeling that this isn't only about Cybertron's welfare...it's also about Ariel, is it?"

"I want to keep my Ariel safe," Orion protested.

"She is not your property Orion," Megatron said in a calm yet strict tone. "You have started to become obsessed with her, so much so that you continuously watch her every move. You never give her a bit of privacy."

"You don't understand brother," Orion spoke up as he continued to protest. "She and all of Cybertron need to learn that cooperation with other beings may not be as easy as you think. I saw those archives and it told me..."

"ENOUGH ORION," Megatron shouted, making Orion Pax flinch. "You are not allowing her any freedom to choose for herself. Freedom is the right for all sentient beings, that is the way of a real peace-keeper."

"Now brother, leave me, I am a busy bot, and there is a lot of work that must be done back at the lab," Megatronus said as he went back into his lab.

Orion then grumbled in an annoyed tone. "Why, why doesn't Megatron understand, there is only one path to peace..."Peace through Tyranny!"

(Meanwhile, on the same day, at the Cybertronian Council).

Both Megatron and Orion Pax were summoned before the council, as each of the council members was gearing up to see who would be the next to hold the power of the Matrix of Leader-Ship, and the next to earn the title of a Prime.

The Council ordered Orion up first, and as he walked towards the council members, he then told them of many future events that Orion thought would transpire, as he had witnessed through those archives.

Orion then proclaimed that cooperation with other beings is utterly impossible. There is only one path for all of Cybertron to find peace, and that would be to dominate other worlds, and show them that no one or nothing could stand up to the might of Cybertron, Peace through Tyranny.

As Megatron was watching in the audience, he saw Ariel nearby with a shocked and fear-filled expression on her face as she heard Orion Pax's dark words.

Megatron always knew that Orion was going down a dark path, but Megatron never imagined that the bot that he considered a brother would be going down this far deep.

And with that, he stood up from his chair and darted down to where Orion was.

"Members of the Council of Cybertron," Megatron blurted. "Please hear me out; I have some things that I want to say."

"What is the meaning of this megatron?" the head council member asked.

"I have heard of the things that my dear brother, Orion Pax, has said in this very room," Megatron said. "And I believe that these theories will only bring about a war that would ravage and destroy our home of Cybertron."

"Brother, what are you doing?" Orion asked frantically.

"Quiet Orion," the head councilor said abruptly. "Let Megatron finish; he has piqued our interest."

"My belief in the pathway to peace for all of Cybertron is not to conquer worlds, but to prosper with them and to make sure that all worlds and galaxies can be free from any form of tyranny." Megatron stated.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings," Megatron proclaimed. "And I say these words today to this council: freedom is the best way for Cybertron to properly prosper."

The council was moved by Megatron's words, and as this was going on, they noticed the matrix of the leader ship was starting to glow.

"The matrix of leadership," the head councilor said. "It has chosen the one who will become the next Prime."

The Matrix then hovered off its pedestal, and like on command, it flew into the arms of Megatron.

"By the All-Spark," Megatron said in disbelief.

"There we have it, members of the council," the head councilor proclaimed. "The Matrix of Leadership, the very soul of Cybertron proclaims it, Megatron is to become the next Prime."

The audience began to cheer Megatron's name as they stared in awe at the future Prime.

"Meet your new Prime, Megatronus Prime," the Council said in awe.

Megatronus turned to his brother but was only met with a look of pure hatred. Then Orion looked above and saw Ariel laughing and cheering at Megatronus, making Orion even angry.

After the meeting was over Megatronus was walking out and about to go into his Cybertronian Jet-Mode when he heard a commotion come out from afar.

"There you are Ariel," Orion snarled.

"Orion what's wrong, what's gotten into you," Ariel asked in worry.


"What are you talking about, Orion," Ariel protested. "It was nothing personal, it's just that Megatronus's words touched me a little."

"Ugh, again with Megatronus, do you think someone like him could ever protect you, Ariel" Orion roared. "I hope you never forget that you belong to me, and me alone!"

"I'm not your property Orion," Ariel sneered. "I'm a living breathing being just like you, not some pet that you carry around."

"Yes you are," Orion said in a sinister voice. "I'm all you have."

"No you're not...not anymore," Ariel said.

"What...oh, I see now," Orion said with a cold tone of voice.

"See what," Ariel said confused.

"I finally realize it, it all makes sense now," Orion said still speaking in an emotionless voice.

"What do you mean Orion, you're not talking or seeing sense," Ariel stated.

"Oh am I, heh heh," Orion said. "I should have seen the signs, between you and Megatronus."

"At the Council room while he was making that stupid speech, I saw you laughing and cheering for him and just having the best time ever," Orion sneered. "You're in love with Megatronus, AREN'T YOU?!"

"Orion, stop it you're not talking sense," Ariel said in utter fright.

"Shut up you lying witch," Orion boomed. "Did you think I wouldn't notice the writings on the wall? How stupid do you and Megatronus think I am?!"

"What does Megatronus have that I don't eh Ariel, ANSWER ME," Orion snapped.

"Sigh...Megatronus keeps the truths you could never keep," Ariel confessed. "Megatronus...cares for me."

"THAT'S BULLSHIT," Orion roared as he slapped Ariel in the face.

"You were so obsessed with those archives, so much so that you hid away," Ariel proclaimed.

"YOU ARE A ROTTING CANCER," Orion roared in disdain.

"What was I supposed to do, just wait in a corner for you to come back to my arms? I HAVE A LIFE ORION, YOU DO NOT CONTROL MY LIFE!" Ariel shouted.

"SHUT...UP," Orion snarled.

"Megatronus could protect me and treat me with privacy and respect far more than you ever could," Ariel said as she continued to protest.

"I SAID SHUT UP," Orion screamed.


"YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT," Orion snarled as he prepared to slap her again.

"ORION," Megatronus boomed as both Orion Pax and Ariel turned around to face him. "That's enough Orion."

"Aw, if it isn't Arial's new lover," Orion said with sarcasm in his voice. "Come to join the party, I was just teaching Ariel a proper lesson in her behavior."

"Does that give you any right to put your hands on her, let alone strike her in the face," Megatronus lectured.


"You need to cool it, Orion, you're out of control," Megatronus said as he tried to persuade his old friend.


"Please, I'm sorry that I embarrassed you today," Megatronus said in sorrow. "I just couldn't bring myself to agree with what you said."

"The entire planet watched as you humiliated me," Orion hissed.

"What you were proclaiming about would go against everything the Primes stood for," Megatronus persuaded. "Like hoarding loads of Dark Energon, forging new armies, for Cybertron's sake, what war do you think we will have to fight?!"

"I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT ALL OF CYBERTRON, we are vulnerable Megatronus don't you see that," Orion said.

"No Orion, we are at peace, and you are the only bot that is trying to ruin all of this great peace for Cybertron," Megatronus stated. "Why didn't you tell me you were walking through this dark path? You can tell me anything, we're brothers."

"DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME BROTHER AGAIN," Orion roared. "From this point onward...we are not brothers...not anymore."

It was like a part of Megatronus's spark died when Orion said that. "Oh really, is that how you feel, "Optimus Cron,"...then you can get out of my sight, go just go...GET OUT!"

Before Optimus left, he looked back at Megatronus and Ariel and spat in a sinister voice. "The both of you...you are both dead to me."

Optimus's eyes changed from Blue to a bright red, like the flames of hatred and betrayal, and they never changed since.

Ariel could only burst into tears in Megatronus's arms as a new darkness would soon fall upon the surface of Cybertron.

(Back to the present day)

"Oh Orion my dear brother," Megatronus Prime said sadfully as he looked through the glass of Red-Wings stasis chamber. "If only our roles in this conflict were reversed, if only if only."

And Thus the Cybertronian War between the Freedom-Fighting Decepticons and the tyrannical Auto-Bot Autocrats would soon begin. And it would be a war that would ravage cybertron to its very core, up to its last dying breath.

But what happens next, only time will tell.

(Will continue in: Skirmish on Kaon, Seeker's in Pursuit).

Skirmish on Kaon, Seeker's in Pursuit

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Previously on Transformers, The Young Seeker named Red-Wing was severely wounded by a blast from Optimus Cron's blaster. After a while, she was put in a stasis chamber in a stasis lock. As her wounds were healed, the other seekers headed to the city of Kaon after finding a report from Soundwave's escort, Laserbeak, that a space-bridge portal was being built.


(Meanwhile, in the Cybertronian City of Kaon)

The City of Kaon was once a peaceful place to be, that was until the Autobots came and took over the whole city.

Now, An Autobot Command base has been built near the heart of Kaon.

And out of Autobot detection, Hot-Link lands near the entrance of the city as she transforms out of her Cybertronian Jet-Mode and into her robot mode.

"Hot-Link to Thundercracker, come in Thundercracker," Hot-Link said through her communicator.

"This is Thundercracker, standing by," Thundercracker replied.

"I have made it to the rendezvous point," Hot-Link said. "Laserbeak's report was correct, the Autobots have successfully built a space bridge portal."

"Very well, I'll inform Commander Starscream of your finding," Thundercracker said. "Keep well hidden, do not let any Auto-Bots see you."

"You got it, Hot-Link over and out," Hot-Link said as she shut off her com-link. "Ok, let's hope that my training and all of Onslaughts drills in Combaticon Boot-Camp paid off."

Hot-Link continued to stealthily investigate the city when she noticed the two Autobots Bumblebee and Cliff-Jumper dragging a severely wounded cybertronian to a hidden chamber.

As Hot-Link was watching, she then noticed the coloring of the cybertronian.

"Those tannish colors, it couldn't be...Sandstorm," Hot-Link whispered to herself in sorrow. "The bots got to you didn't they?"

As Hot-Link continued to watch, another figure entered the scene.

"Thanks for bringing this Decepticon scum to our clutches, Jetfire," Bumblebee retorted as Jetfire walked out from the shadows.

"Jetfire," Hot-Link said in shock.

"I have to ask though, why would you turn against your Decepticon buddies, I mean not like I care," Bumblebee asked.

"Sigh, Megatronus Prime and the Decepticons don't care about the safety of our home, they rather try to defend the lives of beings that are lesser than us," Jet-fire said.

"Nevertheless, you did me a great favor by giving me the Requiem Blaster," Bumblebee said with a smirk. "With this great weapon in my possession, I will finally bring Optimus Cron out of commission, and I WILL BE THE NEW AND RIGHTFUL LEADER OF THE AUTOBOTS!"

"I can't let Bumblebee escape with the Requiem Blaster," Hot-Link said as she went to engage the conniving Autobot.

"What, a Decepticon," Bumblebee said with worry. "Jetfire, you said you weren't followed."

"I wasn't followed," Jetfire said.

"I was on reconnaissance, finding out about the space bridge you built on Kaon," Hot-Link said. "What I didn't expect is for you of all bots to betray your comrades, Jetfire."

"I'm doing this for the sake of Cybertron," Jetfire pleaded. "Surely you must realize I'm doing this for the survival of our race, that's why I have to betray you."

"You didn't betray me Jetfire, you betrayed yourself," Hotlink said with a look of bitterness.

"Raggh, enough of this pathetic banter, Jetfire, finish her, extinguish her spark," Bumblebee shrieked.

"Not wanting to get your own hands dirty, eh you coward," Starscream said as he, Skywarp, and Thundercracker landed near Hotlink.

"I. WILL. NOT. BE. DENIED!," Bumblebee snarled as he opened fire on the seekers. "You will not deny me of my rise to glory in being the leader of the Autobots.

"Open fire," Starscream ordered as he and the rest of the seekers in the area fired upon Bumblebee and Jetfire.

"Hey what's going on here," A voice said from behind Bumblebee.

Bumblebee turned around to see fellow Autobot, Kup.

"Kup," Hotlink said. "What are you doing here?"

"Just trying to clean up this mess before anything escalates," Kup said. "And you Bumblebee, what did I hear about you wanting to use the Requiem Blaster to kill Cron?"

"K-Kup, it was nothing really, I was just overreacting," Bumblebee said in a worried tone.

"Oh, maybe I should tell Cron about your little betrayal scheme, then we'll see whose overreacting," Kup said in a menacing tone of voice.

"N-No, Kup, please be reasonable," Bumblebee pleaded. "You know what Optimus will do when he finds out about this."

"Sorry, Bee, but it's a done deal, we can't tolerate treason in this war," Kup said, as he turned towards the seekers. "You Cons, get out of here and bury the requiem blaster someplace barren where no one will find it."

"Sure thing, Kup," Hotlink said. "You know for an Autobot, you have a lot of mannerisms Megatronus Prime could need in this war, why don't you join the Decepticons?"

"As much as I would like to join you and the rest of your honor-bound group, I'll have to refuse that offer," Kup said begrudgingly. "The Autobots have been my family ever since I began functioning, and I just can't abandon and betray my family."

"That is understandable," Starscream said with a satisfied look on his face. "However, the Seekers will always be happy to help if you need any assistance in this war."

"Thank you," Kup said. "Oh one more thing, keep this as our little secret.

Kup then handed Starscream a map.

"A map, what does it lead to," Skywarp asked.

"The Enigma of Combination and The All-Spark," Kup confessed.

"What, why would give us something so vital for your side to win the war," Starscream asked.

"I figured, if the Enigma is going to be anywhere, I think that it would be safer in the hands of the Decepticons and not used as a tool for evil," Kup said with a smirk.

"Thank you, Kup," Hotlink said as Starscream, and the rest of the seekers took Jetfire and headed back to the Decepticon base.

"As for you Jetfire, we'll deal with you later once we put you in a holding cell, traitor," Hotlink said in a cold tone of voice.

"Now Bee, let's give Optimus a call about your activities," Kup said.


(Back at the Autobot Base)

"I don't know what to do with you Bee," Optimus said. "I lecture you, I banish you, and still, you plot against me!"

"Optimus please, I was just being careless," Bumblebee pleaded only for Optimus to stomp on Bee's hand.


"I'M STUPID, I'M STUPID," Bee wailed as he continued to plead.

"Cron," Ratchet said. "Perhaps there is another way that we can teach this treacherous scrap-monkey a lesson in manners, let's say, a surgical lesson."

"Yes, you are correct," Optimus said. "It's time that I taught you this lesson in betraying me PERSONALLY, on Ratchet's Dissection Table."

"N-No, you can't do this to me, you'll regret this," Bumblebee said.

"Ratchet, extract his Voice-Modulator, with no anesthetics," Optimus said with a sinister look.

"Yes Cron," Ratchet said as he approached Bumblebee with an energon blade.

"Please Ratchet don't do this," Bumblebee pleaded. "N-No, no, NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

(Will continue in, The Search in Omicron, Redwing Reawakens).

The Fall of Cybertron, The Race for the All-Spark begins.

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Meanwhile, on the barren Island of Axelon, a reconnaissance team of Decepticons known as the Coptercons were busy on a mission to find any kind of Cybertronian artifacts they could find. The Coptercon's were looked for a way to try to crack open the door to an Autobot base.

"TopStalker, see if you can access the security defenses," Blackout said to his team's strategist.

"On it Commander Blackout," Topstalker(Wallflower Blush) replied. "Oh Frag, it's password protected, Well, lucky for all of us, that's where my Minicon Shrapnel comes into play."

Suddenly, an Ant-like Decepticon came out from TopStalker's back and goes up to the lock.

"Shrapnel, see if you can hack the door," Topstalker says as Shrapnel used its Cyber-Mandibles to hack into the main door.

Once the door was opened, the Coptercons then went inside the Autobot Outpost but made sure that they weren't spotted by any Autobot soldiers.

"Oh, I hope that we won't get caught in here," PhaserShot (Juniper Montage) muttered. "I wouldn't want to dirty my paint job."

Once inside, TopStalker noticed something from a nearby window.


"Everyone look," TopStalker said as the rest of the Coptercons saw Optimus Cron lining Sand-Storm, Acid-Storm, Ion-Storm, and Nova-Storm like an execution ceremony, and Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Sideswipe were making the Decepticon Lawmakers watch.

"Welcome, my loyal Autobots," Optimus Cron said. "Today, we shall judge the crimes of these Decepticon criminals, four of the Decepticon Seekers."

"Oh, if it weren't for these Stasis Cuffs, I'd knock the frag out of you," Ion Storm protested.

"SILENCE IN MY EXECUTION CHAMBER," Optimus Cron roared. "Now where were we?"

Optimus Cron then pointed his Energon Blade at Sand-Storm.

"Now Seekers, I guess all four of you have realized this by now," Optimus Cron bragged. "Our Planet of Cybertron...is dying."

"This long and unrelenting war has depleted our planet of its abundant supply of Energon," Optimus Cron stated. "That means the only thing that can cure Cybertron is..."

"The All-Spark," Nova-Storm said.

"That is correct," Optimus Cron said. "Now, I will let all four of you and the Lawmakers walk out with your sparks intact, as long as you tell me where the map to the All-Spark is?"

"I'll never tell you," Sandstorm bellowed as Optimus then kicked him to a wall.

"You will tell me the location of the map, OR SO HELP ME, I WILL EXTINGUISH ALL OF YOUR SPARKS HERE AND NOW," Optimus Cron roared.

"Then just do it already, end our suffering," Sandstorm wailed. "You did the same thing to Thrust, Ramjet, and Dirge. And I'd rather die honorably than betray the location of the All-Spark to a vile and wretched monster like you! You may extinguish my Spark, but you will never extinguish my spirit and my loyalty to the Decepticon Cause."

Suddenly, Optimus Cron impaled his energon Blade through Sandstorm's spark chamber.

"NOOOO," Ion-Storm cried.

SandStorm then collapsed to the ground as the light in his Optics was slowly but surely fading away.

"Long...live...Megatronus...Prime, Long...Live...The Decepticons," Sandstorm murmured before finally dying.

"Hahahahahahahahaaa, you see that you Decepticon Scum," Optimus Cron laughed. "This is what happens when you defied my will, you all knew this was coming."

Nova-Storm then looked at SunStorm's sparkless body and whispered with tear-filled eyes, "Farewell, old friend."

"I'LL KILL YOU," Ion-Storm roared with vengeful rage as she thrashed around in her restraints.

"Heh heh, I love it when Decepticon criminals like you are brought offline," Optimus Cron said as he then pointed his blade at Acid-Storm's throat. "Now, let's try this again, shall we."

"Ion-Storm, Nova-Storm," Acid-Storm cried as she burst into tears. "Please whatever you do, don't tell him about the map."

"What do you think Lawmakers," Optimus Cron said to the Decepticon Lawmakers.


"We'll never give away the All-Spark to villains like you," Barricade said.

Optimus Cron then buried his blade into Hatchet's neck, severing his head.

"RAAAAGGGGHHH," Hatchet screamed in agony as his spark was extinguished.

"You're a monster, Optimus," Crowbar swore in his lungs. "Sentinel Prime would be disgusted with you."

"Then send my regards to the Inferno," Optimus Cron sneered as he pointed his ion cannon at the Law-Breakers.

"COPTERCON'S TRANSFORM AND ATTACK," Blackout roared as the Coptercons leaped from their hiding places.

"Ack, It's a Decepticon ambush," Bumblebee squealed as he ran away.

"Come back here and fight you, coward," Optimus Cron bellowed.

TopStalker and PhaserShot took this distraction to free the Seekers and the Lawmakers.

TopStalker then saw Mudflap blasting at her.

"I'm gonna cap yo Bitch-ass to kingdom come," Mudflap decreed.

However, TopStalker then jumped avoiding all the laser blasts, until she was right on top of Mudflap, and as a result of using her Helicopter blade like a buzzsaw and sliced Mudflaps head off.

"First you were Mudflap, now you're just mud," TopStalker quipped.

Mudflap's brother Skids didn't fare so well, as his head was blown to pieces by Crazy-Beasts' (Garble's) energon cannon.

Suddenly Megatron, Starscream, a fully healed Red-Wing, and the rest of the Decepticons stormed the base.

"Hey Optimus crud," Red-Wing boomed. "You blasted a hole in me, allow me to return the favor.

Red-Wing fired one of her energy missiles at Optimus Cron, causing his right window to crack.

Optimus had no time to react as he not only suffered a massive wound from Megatronus Prime's fusion cannon but his left Optic was ripped out by TopStalker's Energon hooks.

"RAAAAAAGGGH," Optimus Cron roared in agony as he collapsed to the ground. "RATCHET!"

"Decepticon's fall back, head back to base," Megatronus Prime ordered. And thus, his loyal soldiers retreated with the map to the All-Spark in their hands.

"Ratchet, initiate Project PowerMaster," Optimus Cron ordered.

"But Cron, the PowerMaster Armor isn't ready, we don't know what ill effects it'll have on you," Ratchet said. "Besides, who'll protect Cybertron.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT CYBERTRON, I WANT THE DECEPTICON RESISTANCE ERADICATED," Optimus Cron roared. "Now put me in the PowerMaster Armor, NOW!!!!"

(Meanwhile, back at the Decepticon Base)
"Blackout, you and your Coptercons did honorably out there," Megatronus Prime said as he congratulated them on their success.

"Thank you Prime," Blackout said. "I'm just glad that we got the rest of the Seekers and Lawmakers out of there in time...well, except for Sandstorm and Hatchet.

"Nevertheless, we must make sure that our comrade's sacrifices were not in vain, Blackout," Megatronus Prime said. "Decepticons, it saddens my spark to tell you all this, but from this moment...Cybertron, our home, has fallen."

"There are other Decepticons that are off-world, we must reach them if we have any chance of survival for our race," Megatronus Prime said.

"Seekers, Lawmakers, Coptercons," Megatronus Prime said. "There is a planet not too far off from us, it is a planet known as Earth. According to the map, the All-Spark is buried in this planet."

"You are to establish a base on this planet, Soundwave, AstroTrain and the Constructicons will be there to meet you," Megatronus Prime commanded. "If the Autobots find anything about what we are doing, then our race will be truly finished."

"Until we meet again, my Decepticon comrades," Megatronus Prime said. "Till all are one!"

"TILL ALL ARE ONE," The rest of the Decepticons said as they all went into their ships as they flew off toward Earth.

The Seeker's Arrival on Earth/The All-Spark's Discovery

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Previously in Transformers: Shattered Glass, Cybertron has fallen. The ongoing war between the heroic Decepticon Freedom fighters and the Tyrannical Autobot Imperium rages on. After retrieving some of their captured comrades. Megatronus Prime, Leader of the Decepticons, assigns The Decepticon Seekers, led by Air Commander Starscream, on a mission to a far-away planet known as Earth. A planet where an ancient map revealed the location of the All-Spark. Now, the Seekers set off in their starcruiser, the Equinox, as they headed towards this unknown planet. In the meantime, each seeker would remain at Stasis for many centuries.


(5 Million years Later, in Present-Day Earth)

The Equinox had been spending the last many centuries floating through the vacuum of space. However, as it was floating towards the planet called Earth, the Equinox was then hit by an asteroid, which was then pulled into Earth's atmosphere.

However, before then, the Equinox launched the stasis pods that the Seekers were housed in so that they would land safely and away from where the Equinox would crash, but also in places that were far away from civilization.

Phoenix, Arizona, is in the Sonoran Desert.

Both Red-Wing and Hotlink's Pods landed close to one another in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, Arizona.

"Yawn, good morning, everycon," Red-Wing said in a groggy voice as she stretched her arms and legs.

"Hello, Red-Wing," Hotlink murmured in a tired voice. "How long were we snoozing?"

"Centuries, I think," Red-Wing replied. "So, this is the planet that Commander Starscream was talking about, the planet called Earth."

"So, the All-Spark is lying around this planet somewhere," Hotlink said. "The question is, where do we start looking for it?

"Let's not worry about the All-Spark right now," Red-Wing stated. "First, we'll need to scan new alternate modes based off this planet's vehicles."

"Aw man, I'm going to miss my Cybertronian Jet-Mode," Hotlink said. "Well, the first question is, where will we find new vehicle modes?"

Suddenly, Red Wing and Hotlink heard a sound coming from their right as they saw five grey Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter jets fly past them.

"Ooo, I really like those wings. I hope the inhabitants of this planet don't mind if we borrow the look and make a few adjustments," Red-Wing said as she and Hotlink proceeded to scan two of the fighter jets.

Once this was done, both RedWing and Hotlink transformed into Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter jets, but with RedWing's signature red with gold stripes and Hotlink's signature purple with pink stripes.

"Hey, Redwing, why didn't you just use the grey color that the other jets had?" Hotlink asked.

"Because I do not like Grey. Grey is dull, it's tacky, it's boring, and it is not my favorite color, and I want to be red," RedWing said as the two seekers flew off.

"I heard from Thundercracker that the Lawmaker's and Coptercon's are on this planet too," Hotlink stated.

"Aw,, good. We'll need all the help we can get," RedWing said.

Suddenly, Redwing and Hotlink got a blip on their com-links, which was a message sent by Soundwave in his satellite alt-mode.

"All Decepticons, this is your next order; meet up near the city designated as Canterlot City and find the whereabouts of the All-Spark," Soundwave commanded.

"You heard Soundwave; let's randevu with the other Decepticon's at Canterlot City," Red-Wing said as they both soared towards the designated area.

After Soundwave sent his message, he would then eject Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, and Ratbat to meet with the other Decepticons on earth. And as a result, Rumble and Frenzy would meet up with Barricade and the Lawmaker's, Ravage would meet up with the Combaticons, and RatBat would soon meet up with Redwing and Hotlink as they were flying above the Amazon Jungle, now joined by Ion Storm, who scanned a Grumman F-14 TomCat, Acid Storm, who scanned a McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Super Hornet, and Nova Storm, who had scanned a General Dynamics F-15EX Eagle.

Eventually, Redwing and Hotlink would meet up with the rest of the seeker's, with Sunstorm who had scanned a F-5N Tiger II, Bitstream who had scanned a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon, Lugnut who had scanned a B-25J Mitchell, Blitzwing who had scanned both a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom Jet and a Mitsubishi Type 74 Assault Tank, as he was part of the Triple-Changer Program, and Commander Starscream, ThunderCracker, and SkyWarp, who had all scanned Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor's.

The Seeker's would then meet up with the Coptercon's with Blackout, who scanned a USAF MH-53 Pave Low; TopStalker (Wallflower Blush), who had scanned a CH-53E Super Stallion Combat Helicopter; Phasershot (Juniper Montage), who would have scanned a UH-60 Black Hawk; FlashBang (Flash Sentry) would have scanned a SH-60 Sea Hawk; and TimberWhack (Timber Spruce), who would have scanned a HH-60 Pave Hawk.

The Decepticons on Earth decided to keep a low profile and watch from afar, as the Seekers would join up with the Primary Construction team, consisting of Mixmaster, Long-Haul, Payload, Scrapper, Rampage, Scavenger, Overload, Hightower, Buckethead, and Scrap Metal, who could combine to become Devastators. And the Secondary Constructicon team—Demolisher, Skipjack, Hook, Gravedigger, Scoop, Trample, Tread, Quickmix, Hauler, and Miner—could combine to make a secondary combiner named Constructor.

As per orders, Starscream, the rest of the seekers, and the other decepticon's on Earth would keep a watchful eye on the humans while being sure not to notify them of their presence.

(5 years later, during the events of the 1st Equestria Girls movie).

Sunset Shimmer was walking home to her apartment, sneering at herself at how the crown of Equestrian Princess Twilight Sparkle and her rise to glory in Equestria were in her grasp, only for Principal Celestia to take it away as a prize for the Fall Formal.

"Dammit, if that wasn't bad enough, now Princess Celestia's new favorite student, Twilight, is here," Sunset snarled as she spat her old mentor and Twilight's names with venom.

"Gee I wonder how long it took for Celestia to replace me," Sunset roared. "A month, a week even—if she really loved me, then she would've done everything in her power to bring me back!"

"I could see it all in her eyes; I knew how much she feared me and how jealous she was of me because she thought of me as a replacement for her precious sister, Luna," Sunset snarled as her rage only intensified.

"DAMN IT ALL!!!" Sunset roared as she kicked a nearby bush in a fit of rage. However, when she kicked, her foot touched something solid, which made Sunset stub her toe.

"OW FUCK!" Sunset screamed in utter fury as she looked back at the shrub.

As she stared, she saw a blue light emanating before a blue wave of energy sent Sunset flying.

The wave of energy only lasted for 10 seconds before it faded away.

"What in Equestria was that?" Sunset muttered.

Then, as Sunset looked behind the bush, she saw a strange cube-looking object with several strange markings and scriptures on it.

"Wow, it looks really valuable," Sunset snickered. "I bet no one would mind if I stole it. This weird cube is now mine, like Princess Twilight's crown will eventually be."

However, Sunset was not only aware that her cell phone, which was affected by the cube's energy, had transformed into a new House Fly-like decepticon named Wi-Fi and scurried away to hide, but as she was entering her apartment room, she was also being watched by an upside-down RatBat, who had sent out a signal to all nearby decepticons about the All-Spark's location.


(In Space)
Meanwhile, Soundwave, while circling Earth's orbit, relayed Rat-Bat's signal.

"All-Spark Located," Rat-Bat responded.

"Sound-Wave acknowledges RatBat. Decepticons, we have located the cube," Soundwave stated. "Starscream, mobilize your Seekers, and protect the humans who have the All-Spark. If my suspicions are correct, then there are autobots on this planet looking for the All-Spark as well."
(Everton City Military Base)
"Acknowledged, Soundwave," Starscream replied.

Starscream then sent out a communication to the rest of the seekers. "This is Air Commander Starscream, all Seekers. Mobilize."

(Canterlot City)
"Skywarp, reporting in," Skywarp said.

"Thundercracker, in pursuit," Thundercracker stated.

"Red-Wing, standing by," Red-Wing (Cybertronian Sunset) stated.

"Hotlink, calculating the threat level," Hotlink (Cybertronian Sci-Twi) stated.

"IonStorm, ready to rumble," IonStorm (Cybertronian Indigo Zap) replied.

"AcidStorm, ready for action," AcidStorm (Cybertronian Lemon Zest) replied.

"NovaStorm is prepared to fight," NovaStorm (Cybertronian Sugarcoat) said.

Sunstorm, ready to kick Autobutt and take names," Sunstorm (Cybertronian Sour Sweet) remarked.

"Bitstream, Soaring," Bitstream (Cybertronian Sunny Flare) stated.

"Blitzwing, ready for combat," Blitzwing stated.

"Lugnut, incoming," Lugnut stated. "Glory to Megatronus Prime and to the Decepticon Freedom Fighters."

"Good work, Seekers," Starscream stated.

Suddenly, Starscream got a transmission from Redwing.

"Commander Starscream, my scanners are picking up an AutoBot parade," Redwing stated. "It's Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, SideSwipe, Jolt, and CliffJumper."

"Hey, leave Ironhide for me," Lugnut said. "I've been waiting for my rematch since our last one-on-one."

"Hold it, Lugnut; we are not here to fight," Redwing stated. "Our mission is to bring All-Spark back safely. We're trying to have human casualties be as low as possible."

"Brawl, keep Ironhidebusy," Redwing commanded.

"I got it," Brawl said as he headed towards Ironhide.

"Sideways, stall Bumblebee," Redwing said.

"I'm on it," Sideways replied as he raced towards Bumblebee.

"Mixmaster, Scrapper, keep Jazz and Sideswipe distracted," Redwing stated.

"Rodger," Mixmaster and Scrapper replied.

"Bonecrusher, Barricade, Lawmakers, Get the humans known as Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle to safety," Redwing ordered.

"Right away," Bonecrusher said as he, Barricade, and the Lawmakers raced towards Sunset, who had the All-Spark in her hands.

Just as Sunset was about to cross through one of the highways, she was cut off by Bonecrusher, Barricade, and the Lawmakers.

Just as Princess Twilight had gotten to Sunset, as she wanted to know where the crown was, Splicer (Cybertronian Spike) opened his left door.

"Twilight Sparkle, come with me if you want to live," Splicer said as Twilight got in. "Oh, I've always wanted to say that."

However, Sunset wasn't as obedient, but before she could run away, Bonecrusher grabbed her with his vehicle-mode claw arm and threw her into the passenger seat before closing the door and driving away.

"HEY, THIS IS KIDNAPPING. Don't you know who I am? You'll regret this," Sunset roared.

"HEY FLESHY, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP, OR I'LL PUT MY LASER CANNON RIGHT UP WHERE YOUR PLANETS SUN DOESN'T SHINE," Bonecrusher bellowed, which made Sunset keep quiet for the remainder of the drive.

The lawmakers had the humans, RainbowDash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie-Pie with them.

Bonecrusher, Barricade, and the Lawmakers then drove back to their secret base in a military bunker, along with Starscream, the rest of the Seekers, and the Coptercons.

Then, as they all parked and landed, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow-Dash, and the rest of the Rainbooms got out of their respective rescuers. While Sunset was forcefully let out by Bonecrusher, who snickered a little,.

After this had happened, all the Decepticons transformed out of their vehicle modes and into their robot modes.

The humans and the two equestrians were all astonished by what they were witnessing.

Starscream then leaned towards Sunset and said,. "Are you Sunset Shimmer, a descendant of Sunrise Shimmer?"

"Yeah, what's it to you?" Sunset asked defiantly.

"My name is Starscream. We are mechanical and intellectual beings from the planet Cybertron, made for deception and reconnaissance," Starscream said.

"But you can call us Decepticons for short," Red-Wing said.

"We decepticons are sometimes by ourselves, but for some, they are fashioned into specialist teams," Starscream said. "First are our builders, The Constructicons, led by MixMaster; our military regiment, The Combaticons, led by Onslaught; and our espionage and speed team, the Stunticons, led by MotorMaster."

"Then there are the Lawmaker's, led by Barricade," Starscream stated. "Then come the Coptercon's, led by Blackout, and finally there are the Seeker's, led by myself."

"Wait, why are you telling us all this, and why did you come to this world?" Princess Twilight asked.

"I'm here to tell you that this world is now in grave danger, and your lives are about to change forever," Starscream stated.

Meanwhile, near the crashsite of the Equinox in the Gulf of Mexico,.

A team of archeologists was investigating the strange ship when they saw a strange meteor crash near their position.

"What was that?" the head archeologist said. "Let's go and investigate that crash."

However, before they could do anything, a giant mechanical figure arose from the watery depths.