Andrew Wants A Baby

by zargein

First published

Andrew does what it takes to get Lyra Pregnant

Andrew has been in Equestria a long while now. He's learned the ropes, gotten a job, and even become a husband to the mare of his dreams. But one thing still eats at his very soul, and he'll do whatever it takes to rectify it.

Cover art by laserbiskit:
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Contains: Male/Female, Transformation, Impregnation.

Whatever It Takes

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Andrew had been dating Lyra Heartstrings for years before he got his balls up and popped the question. She said yes of course, and the two spent their honeymoon the old fashioned way, by getting liquored up on mead and fucking for a solid month. But at the end of it something felt… wrong.

They loved each other deeply, just as much as any pony-pony couple. But as close as they were, Andrew wanted something else to bond them.

“I want a baby!”, he blurted as Lyra moved his clothes into the washing machine.

She closed the lid and walked over to him, placing a hoof on his chest. Her face went sour. She and he both knew it couldn’t be. “We could adopt a filly”, she suggested, knowing what her husband actually wanted.

He sighed, and pulled her hoof from his chest.

“Or a foal, I don’t mind.”

“It’s not that Lyra”, Andrew released her hoof, and made his way to the window. Looking out, he watched as pony after pony passed by. Why now in this beautiful world, where everything he had ever dreamed of had come true, would god curse him; leave him wanting with this one unattainable desire.

“…I want to have a child with you”

Lyra knew. She shared his desire just as deeply, but it was not to be. Even in Equestria, basic biology still held firm. “Me to”, she sniffled with a tear in her eye.

Andrew walked over to her and held her close. “God I love you so much. Please don’t cry. We’ll figure something out, I promise.”

“Okay”, Lyra smiled up at him as he stroked her peppermint mane.

Releasing her and heading for the door, Lyra called to Andrew, and he stopped in the doorway.

“Where are you going?”

“To figure something out.”

{At Twilight’s Castle}

“I can’t do that!”, Twilight yelled in response to the human’s insane request.

“Yes you can, I’ve seen it!”

“Yes but never in reverse!”

“Look Twilight, You’re my last hope here. Don’t let me go back to her empty handed”, Andrew got to his knees. “Twilight I’m begging you, for the love of god just try!”

Twilight bit her lip and looked around the room, trying to think of something that might make Andrew reconsider.

“DO IT!”

“Alright I’ll try!”

Twilight ignited her horn. It gathered power for a solid ten seconds before a beam of magic struck Andrew in his chest.

He screamed in agony, pounding the floor with his fists as the spell took hold of him. His face elongated and his eyes widened as he fell to his side. While the spell continued Andrew’s ears disappeared and re-appeared on his head. His arms and legs extended out stiffly, rounding out, each end turning into a hoof.

“It’s working!” Twilight yelled, increasing the power behind the spell. She held out for another sixty seconds before her magic depleted, and her horn fell dark. Twilight caught her breath and gathered herself before looking to see what had become of Andrew… and was shocked by the sight.

It worked!

Andrew was now a pony, tail and all, laying unconscious on the map-room floor. Twilight poked his chest before leaning down. Oh thank Celestia he’s breathing. Grabbing Andrew in her magic she carried him to the infirmary. Along the way she was stopped by Spike.

“What happened to him?”

“I did.”

Spike looked at Twilight confused. “What did you do?”

“Against my better judgment, I tested unproven magic on this human”, She replied laying Andrew down on the bed.

“That’s not a human Twilight.” Spike asserted, tugging on Andrew’s new tail to punctuate his point.

“I know. Send a scroll to Lyra Heartstrings, she needs to be here.”



“That’s Andrew?!” Lyra gasped covering her mouth with a hoof.

Her and Twilight stood in the bedroom doorway, looking in at the pony still lying unconscious on her bed.


“What happened?”

“He came to me and asked if I could make him into a pony” Twilight sighed at what she had done. “I warned him. I told him! Even though I’ve become human, I’ve never understood the magic behind it, much less attempted to replicate it in reverse… but, he insisted.”

Lyra understood now. Going inside, Lyra made her way around the bed and looked over her husband. After staring at him for a moment the mare leaned down, and gave him a kiss.

She couldn’t be sure but, Lyra thought she seen a smile as she pulled away. “How long is he going to be like this?”

Twilight hung her head. “I don’t know. It could be a week or…”

At that moment Andrew began to stir.

Grabbing his face in her hooves, Lyra squeezed his cheeks. “Come on baby, wake up!”

He did.

The first thing Andrew seen through his new pony eyes was his loving wife smiling down at him. “H-Hey Lyra”, Andrew moaned as his wife held back tears.

“Hey.. d-dummy.” Lyra sniffled. “How are you feeling?”

Raising his arms... no, his hoofs Andrew inspected his new body. “Wow… i-it worked!” he cheered, kicking the covers off and climbing out of the bed.

His legs were unsteady, but he managed to keep himself upright long enough for Twilight to come over and help. She grabbed his side helped him move forward. “Just take it easy, I don’t know what kind of side effects there may be.”

But Andrew didn’t take it easy. After he had the pattern down, he was trotting right along with the mares as they made their way to the exit.

While they walked down the halls, the two mares had many questions.

“Can you see properly?”, Twilight asked.

“Yah I see fine, better actually.”

“Does it hurt anywhere?”

“Hell no, I feel great!” He responded rearing back.

Lyra giggled at her husband. “I take it you’re enjoying being a pony?”

“It’s a little awkward but… yah, I like this.”

“Well then”, Lyra rubbed along Andrew’s under-carriage. “Lets go home so I can inspect this new body of yours.”

Twilight cringed at Lyra’s lewd display of affection, and vocalization of her intentions. “You two come get me if anything happens ok.” Twilight shut the castle door behind them.

{Back Home}

“This is so cool!”, Andrew cheered as he galloped about the house. “I’m a pony! I’m a pony! I’m a pony!”

Lyra smiled while her husband stamped his hoofs and wagged his tail. He was enjoying this so much she almost felt guilty for not enjoying herself more. “We gonna try the fun part?”


Lyra stood up and turned her flank to face Andrew. She stuck her tongue out and hiked up her tail, presenting her perfect puffy pony pussy to the new stallion in the house. “The ‘fun’ part”, she said shaking her tush a bit.

Andrew watched Lyra’s eyes go sparkly as they were drawn to his new stallionhood emerging from its sheath. Dribbles of pre falling from it’s tip onto the ground beneath him.

She bit her lip as it suddenly stiffened, and thwap up against his belly. “wow!” was all she could think to say. "You sure you didn't ask Twilight to change anything else?" Lyra joked at her husband's new girth.

While Andrew loved the way Lyra fawned over him in his new pony form, he didn’t really know how to have sex as a pony yet, and it wasn’t exactly self explanatory how he should proceed. “How do I do this?”

“Ugg”, Lyra groaned. “Just put your front hooves over my back and, you know...”

Andrew stepped closer. He reared back and mounted Lyra, but didn’t know how to manuver his new pony-cock. Leaning his head forward beside Lyra’s he simply asked. “How do I get it in?”

“I don’t know just start thrusting. You’ll hit it sooner or later.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Bucking his hips Andrew felt his turgid length slide between her legs. Trying again he felt it bounce off of her anus and climb over her back.

“Careful!” Lyra warned, not wanting that massive thing to go up her ass by accident.

He gave it another try and this time hit his mark. The flared head popped between he lower lips, and Andrew immediately made a few steps forward to secure it’s position.

Lyra panted in pleasure as his cock was driven deeper than she had ever felt him go as a human.

When Andrew bottomed out he could feel her pussy winking against the base of his shaft, and decided to tease his wife a bit. “Someone likes me.”

Lyra craned her neck back with a big smile on her face, and looked at Andrew with hearted eyes. She reached back and rubbed the side of his flank. “I love you.”

Lovingly nuzzling against back of her neck, Andrew began their true consumation.

Gently at first, but some of the more animalistic tendencies ponies possessed were transferred through the spell as well. It wasn’t long before Andrew was rutting Lyra like a true stallion.

The two made love in a way that neither had ever experienced before. Her as a mare getting truly breed for the first time, and him as a freaking pony!

Andrew recognized quickly that doing it in this new form created so much more pleasure than as a human. Maybe it was his new equipment or maybe it was him almost dieing, but he and her both felt like they were in heaven.

With their eyes closed tight, they bucked like couple of school fillies for awhile until Lyra asked the important question.

“Will I really get pregnant?” She asked as Andrew continued on his path to climax.

“I don’t know, but lord knows I’m gonna try”

Andrew thrusted faster. He never wanted this to end. It was as though they were back on their honeymoon, but the feeling welling up in his loins told him that this was, regrettably... almost over.

“I’m gonna cum”, He warned.

“Yesyesyes!” Lyra begged. She and he wanted this more than ever.

Andrew gave his final thrusts, and went still.

His legs flexed and his face contorted as he pumped his virile pony-cum directly into her womb.

“S-So much”, Lyra moaned as she felt the warm fluid flow into her womb. She was in bliss at the feeling, and her own orgasm finally came. Her pony-pussy clamped down around his shaft, milking it for all it was worth. She didn't want any of it leaking out.

His massive orgasm finally died down, and Andrew removed his cock from inside her. It flopped out with a wet shlurk, and slowly retracted back into it’s sheath. Taking a moment to breath the goofy human turned pony being himself said something stupid.

“If you’re not pregnant now I’ll eat my hat.”

Lyra chuckled and spun around, locking lips with her loving husband. They silently kissed for a moment before breaking away.

Lyra stared at him with lidded eyes. “If not… we can always try again.” Lyra cooed, waggling her eyebrows.

“God I love you so much.”