> One Day We’ll be Lucky > by LilSlipsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Thump > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thump. Thump. Thump. I remembered the sound of the bed hitting on the back of the wall like it was yesterday. It always did that when we went too fast. He readjusted and slowly continued again, thrusting inside of me and nuzzling into my neck. We both couldn’t help but let out a quiet giggle. The bunk beds weren’t the most stable, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t level in the slightest either, but it was what the orphanage was able to provide and much better than sleeping on the floor. “H-hehe… shh, you’ll wake everyone up… mmm~... or get us in trouble,” I whispered into his ear, but was barely able to hold back a moan that certainly would have done what I was trying to avoid. “You’re not the one who’ll be sleeping in the basement, if we... hhng~... get caught…” he said in that tone that I could practically hear him smirking… right before he nibbled on the tips of my ear. “Mmmph~!” I squeaked out, but buried my muzzle into his shoulder to keep quiet. I glanced over at the dozen or so other bunk beds in the room, and most of them were asleep, though there were some who always stared. My eyes shut tight as another wave of pleasure rolled through me, “L-Lucky, I’m… I’m close…” “Me too,” he whispered back. His breath was getting heavier, but I could feel his rhythm start to waver and accidentally gave one push that was a little too hard.  Thump. Thump. Thump. I chuckled as the peak was near, but just so agonizingly off target. “Heh, almos-” Three steps on the creaking floor was all we heard before the dormitory door burst open, and a candlelight brightened the room. He slipped out of me and wiggled down under the blankets in an instant, right between my legs. We both froze as still as statues. I did my best impression of a filly who was totally asleep and not ready to burst down there, but my heart was racing. I peeked out, opening my eyes just enough so I could see, but she was looking directly in our direction. I held my breath, hoping for those eyes to leave, but feeling my heart beating even more and the burning in my lungs begging me to gasp out. The light from the mare shone from one side of the room to the other, then back again. I cheered in my mind that we were safe, but then I noticed a few breaths slowly getting closer to my nethers. My eyes widened as he kissed right on my filly lips and his tongue slowly lapped. This was not the time and he knew it! My hoof would have given him a lump or two if we both weren’t going to get in trouble! I kick him a little, only to hear the bed swing and thump against the wall again. The light moved over here and I squeezed my eyes tight. I desperately tried to hold back any of the noises that were trying to escape from me as he just continued. I tried letting out a cough instead, hoping that it didn’t sound too much like a pleasured moan. I gave another kick and brought a hoof to my face at the same time, trying to continue the coughing charade. I was so close. His tongue danced around my folds and slipped inside more than a few times. He knew exactly where to lick and he wasn’t avoiding those places in the slightest. Did he want us to get caught?! Thankfully the light moved around the room once more. “Settle down, kids,” the housemare said in a sharp whisper; it was practiced enough to not wake any of those who were actually asleep, but still loud enough that the rest of us could certainly hear. I felt the relief wash over me as she closed the door. The moment was brief however as the build up was nearing its end and another feeling came crashing over my body as I came. His tongue pressed in, firmly rubbing around as my tunnel tightened around it. My legs automatically squeezed around his head, pulling him in tighter as I rode his muzzle. As the wave was just past its peak I squeezed my legs even harder on purpose, crushing his head in there as much as I could until I felt him chuckle inside me. I bapped him in the head with a hoof as I let go. “Ow, hehe.” He wiggled back up with a smirk on his face and kissed me. I could taste my own juices on his lips, as well as his own distinctly masculine flavours that had been mixed in throughout the night. His colt piece lined itself up again and pushed inside, sliding around in the same rhythm we were wrapped up in for so long previously. Thump. Thump.  Thump. Fortunately, we were able to skirt that fine line between pleasure and noise, and he came soon after. We embraced for a while longer, until he shrunk and naturally pulled out from me, leaving his gooey warmth to drip out. I nuzzled into him more for the time I could. “Won't you stay the night?” I whispered into his ear. “We’ll both get caught,” he said with a depressed sigh. “The pillow I stuffed in my bed will only keep the housemares fooled for so long.” It wasn’t great to hear that again, like with every other time we did this, but once more we shared a kiss as he slipped from my bed. I could hear a few of the other fillies in the dormitory give a few giggles as he left, trying to step as quietly out as he could without squeaking the floorboards or the door. Morning soon came. The housemares rang the wake-up bells through the halls, summoning us all for showers, then to the dining hall for breakfast. “Heh, almost got caught this time,” one of the other fillies said with a smirk as she sipped on her cup of juice. She slept across from me. “Almost, but we didn’t,” I said back with a wink. Lucky just got in the dining hall with his own tray of food and I waved him down.  We gave a small morning kiss to each other as he sat on the other side, yawning and stretching a little after he did so. “You look tireder than I am,” I said with a smirk. He shrugged a little. “Just had to jump out of a window last night and spend an hour on the roof. Pretty sure those housemares heard me and were looking pretty hard.” A few of the other girls giggled as soon as they heard that and made small whispers between each other.  “How long have you both been doing that?” one of the newer and younger foals asked; she got here only a few weeks ago. “Longer than you were alive!” Lucky teased. It wasn’t entirely incorrect, we were kind of just always here as far as I could remember until after being so close with each other, we just got that much closer… which had been many, many moons ago. His comment only got the girls to blush and gossip even harder. It didn’t bother me. I’m pretty sure they hadn’t even seen a colt in their bed before. “I’m nice and rested. Got lots of sleep!” I said, eating my blueberry muffin triumphantly. “Need to be too, since I have an interview today. Then we’ll be out of this place!” I stuck my tongue out at the giggling foals beside us. “Well good luck,” he said. “You almost had the last few, but I’m sure this will be the one.” “Yea, we’d have gotten the last few if it wasn’t your dumb butt I needed to bring along,” I said and stuck out my tongue. “But if the next one has a chocolate fountain, you better believe your flanks I’ll be outta here.” He rubbed his chin in thought. “Well I guess my forever family better have a yacht then if we’re dreaming here.” “Whatever,” I said with a roll of my eyes. “Do you have any coming soon, or are they still looking?” “I have a couple in the next few weeks. We’ll see how that goes, but you never know.” He shrugged a little and took a sip of his fruit juice. “One day.” I smiled and was about to continue, only for my ears to perk up as I heard my name being called from across the dining hall. “Ooo! That’s me!” I finished the last of the muffin and gave a kiss to Lucky. “Good luck,” he said again. “You’re all the luck I need,” I said with a wink and headed out to meet my maybe new forever family. “Hey there!” the two ponies both said in an almost delighted gasp as I entered. The mare had red fur and short blonde mane, while the stallion beside her was brown with a spikier gray mane. “Hi!” I smiled as I took a seat on the other side of the table in the small interview room we were in. The housemare that led me in here closed the door to give us some space. “We’re so happy to finally meet you again,” she said with a smile on her face.  I nodded. “Yes, you both seemed great.” I vaguely remembered talking with them during an earlier meet and greet, when a whole bunch of ponies came by to talk to all of us to see who’d be a good fit. Although, exactly what we talked about was kind of blurred together with all of the other conversations. The two started shuffling through some papers on the desk, filled with notes and my name bold at the top of the page. “We looked over your placement file a bit more, and, well, my husband and I were interested in this interview with you. Says here you like sweets and to bake? Also, you help out in the kitchen during dinner?” “Yea, I sometimes bake cookies for everyone when we’re able to get them!” “Oh, that’s good to hear!” the stallion chimed in as he looked to his wife and they both nodded in approval. “It really is!” the mare said. “We’re both owners of our own little restaurant here in town. It’s a Mareiterranean-Manehattan fusion, and the dishes we make are just the best. Right, honey?” He approved immediately as she continued. “You’ll be able to learn lots of dishes there too!” I kept up my smile and listened along as they continued. Cooking did sound kind of cool, and they seemed to be a happy family. My mind wandered as we chatted more. I pictured us all in one of those family photos on the side of my bed; two parents and two foals. Would this be our forever family? “We just recently redid our menu too, even got one of those fondue fountains.” The mare waved her hooves around as if the machine was right on the table. “You know, the ones you can put bread in and cover it in cheese!” “Oh, and… could you put chocolate in it too?” I asked hesitantly, almost feeling an urge to stick a hoof into the imaginary fountain on the table and try to taste its deliciousness. They were always smiling, so happy, and had a whole restaurant to cook in. Now they had this too?! “Hmm, yea! I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to,” she said thinking it over, then looking back at me with a warm smile. “Tell you what. When we go to the restaurant, you can be the first to try it.” “Really?!” I said, almost jumping up on the table with raw excitement. Where were the adoption papers? A signature or two and we’d be out of here forever! I could help but smile brightly as we continued talking. Minutes seemed to tick by fast, and before we knew it, the small clock on the wall showed that we’d been here for over an hour.  They’d ask questions, and I’d answer and ask some more. We stayed on food a lot, but still we went over the usual questions that some parents got from the introductory pamphlet: thoughts on school, favorite foods, if you’re an early bird or night owl. I could see myself waking up in my new home and smiling at them as we cooked breakfast together; another family photo to hang up on the wall. “Oh, and another thing is, that you’ll have a big brother too!” the mare said enthusiastically. “He’s a few grades older than you, but I think you’ll both get along well.” My heart couldn’t help but drop after hearing that. The pictures in my mind started to change as the familiar foal in our family photo was replaced with a stranger. I tried to squeeze in a third foal, but it didn't fit in the frame. “And I can take Lucky, right?” I said in the middle of her talking. The two just looked at each other with a bit of a confused face. “My, uh… friend, Lucky. They’re coming too?” I could see the stallion grimace, while the mare’s face softened even more as she spoke, “Oh… I’m sorry. We’re just looking to adopt one filly to our family today. Our home will be full enough with our son and yourself running around in it.” “Oh…” I said, trying to hold back a tear knowing what had to happen next. “I know you might have lots of friends here, but just think, you’ll be able to make a lot of new friends at your new school too.” The mare looked at her husband before grabbing and squeezing his hoof. “Honestly, I’m thinking we could go and get the documents signed right now and get everything finalized.” The stallion nodded along. “I think you’ll really love it at our place. It’s be-” “I, um…” I said cutting them off again. “I don’t really think this will be the right fit.” I wiggled off the chair and stood behind it to hide my face. They looked confused and asked me why, going on for longer about what it would look like for me to be in their family. I apologized for taking their time and just kept saying no until the door opened and a housemare came in asking how everything went. “We didn’t think it was the right fit,” they said in disbelief as I walked out of the room and down through the halls. “How’d it go?” I heard from my side. Lucky was sitting against the wall, between two cabinets. I shrugged and smirked a little. “They didn’t have a chocolate fountain.” He held out his hooves and hugged me as I laid down and cuddled up against his chest. My breaths were heavy, replaying everything in my head. The family photo in my mind was just another one that I crumpled and tossed to the side, beside all of the others. I rolled down, laying my head along his lap, looking up at him from down below. “One day we’ll get out of here.” “One day.” He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I could still smell the fruit juice on his lips from breakfast, making everything that much sweeter. Our wet pecks were as quiet as they could be, and the sounds of other foals playing around the house or running through the halls let us indulge a little more than at night. His warmth surrounding me was a comfort unrivaled by even a thousand blankets and hot cocoas. I giggled a little bit more, pressing into him a little harder and grabbing the back of his head. Then I felt something poke into my mane. We both paused and looked at each other with a knowing glance. His lips went back to mine, and I could feel the poking grow until it pressed against the back of my head and slid along like a throbbing caterpillar. I squeezed my legs closed for a few moments, moving them side to side as tight as I could to build up the feelings that were spontaneously growing. It was like my lower half knew what to do, and was trained for this scenario from the several times a simple kiss had led to the same result.  The warmth growing between my legs led to a small bit of wetness, eventually growing more until my thighs were starting to dampen from the rubbing. I could stay here forever, but one of us was going to move eventually. With a big huff, it took all my willpower just to lift myself up and away from our kisses.  His colthood stood at attention, pulsing as it pointed directly at the ceiling, desperately looking for something to hug it. I kissed him again and lowered my hips, feeling the tip poke against my filly lips as we zeroed in on the prize. Close… closer… there! “Mmm…” I softly let out as I sunk down onto him, feeling it slide deeper and deeper until I was just sitting on his lap. Nothing out of the ordinary to see here in the slightest! We kissed for a few moments, before I lifted up and sunk back down again. “Hmph… hmph… hmph…” I breathed hotly every time I did so. “You know… hmph… this is much easier when you do it,” I couldn’t help but say as my rump muscles were already feeling a little sore. He couldn’t help but chuckle and try to buck a few times; not nearly being as effective with me on top of him. “Maybe later.” “Tonight?” He kissed me again. “Yea, tonight.” My heart fluttered after hearing that promise. Well if he was going to do it twice in one day, I’d give it all I could right now. I leaned in more, pressing my teats against his belly, grinding against him enough that he still slid inside me. It was easier than lifting my whole body up and with a lot less butt cramps too. It was enough that I could hear him starting to breathe harder, and feeling his legs twitching the closer he was getting. I kept riding him, pushing in as deep as he would go, pressing my clit against him to get that satisfying wave every time. “Are you? “ I half asked. “C-close? Yea…” I could feel myself reaching that point too, the euphoric tingles building in my body and demanding release. But I had to work fast and beat him or I’d miss my chance. A delicate balance had to be played between his pleasure and my own. I ground harder and longer when he was the deepest inside of me, only to pull out and tightly stroke him, letting my fillyhood grip and squeeze every chance it could. His breaths were hard, but it wasn’t until he held it that things were changing. His tip grew and flared, spreading my tunnel open. I was still coasting to my orgasm, but as soon as the spurts of warmth shot out from him, it was like a rogue wave of ecstasy came crashing through me. “Ohhhh~” I let out, forgetting to even cover my mouth with how sudden that came on. But it didn’t matter. This moment was ours to have. “Ahh... ahhh… ahhh,” I softly moaned, catching my breath as everything simmered to a delightful glow. “How was-” “Oi! What are you two doing?!” That shout came from down the hallway, and with it, a housemare who was stomping her way over to us. “Run!” we both shouted, scrambling to get up off the wet floor. He slipped out from me as I stood up first. With a tug I launched him up as well, but sent myself crashing into the wall behind. The housemare was still shouting but Lucky grabbed me, tugging until we both started to gallop away. “What is this?!” I heard shriek out from behind us. Not daring to look back as we ran up the stairs like our lives depended on it. I flipped another page on the magazine I was reading: Travel the World Monthly, July edition; it was printed about 20 years ago. “We should go to an island!” I said on one page before flipping to another. “Maybe Prance? Or what if we got a family in Roam. I’d like to see the colosseum.” “I’d like to go to an island,” Lucky commented. “But maybe my family would have a forest by the house with a big river by it. I could learn to fish!” “Fishes are icky. What would you even do with them?” “Put them back I guess. But it would still be cool to catch a really big one.” I rolled my eyes and pointed at the page. “We should go here instead… Marechu… Peach? You? I heard there were a few families this year who were out of town. Maybe they lived here?” “That’s what I’m hoping for.” He idly was picking something from his hoof as he laid in a stack of dusty boxes and bags. The attic was a good hiding spot to lay low for a while, even if they didn’t clean up here all that much. “You think they’ll say something?” “Hehe, yea!” He chuckled. “They probably have my basement cot set up already, but whatever. Although… I might not be able to come tonight.” “Well if you break out of orphan jail, you know where to find me.” I stuck out my tongue, but he just kissed the air back at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to the book. “Ooo! What about here?” The blood in my head was starting to hurt as I lay upside down off the edge of my bed, watching the inverse world pass by. Three weeks Lucky had spent his nights in the basement and we had to make do by playing in the hallways instead of our nightly visits. Today it had been almost an hour since he’d gone to an interview this week. It left me with nothing to do but count the foals running by the dormitory door. This long period between lunch and dinner where all of us got to play was almost agonizing when you didn’t want to do anything. A squeak on the floorboards perked my ears. “Lucky!” I yelled and raised my hooves in a cheer, but it ended up sending me off the top bunk and crashing to the floor. I recovered quickly and galloped to see him, but he was staring at the ground with a dour expression on his face. “How’d it go?” He smiled at me for a moment and shrugged. “They had a yacht.” I tilted my head for a moment. “Wait…” I gasped as my eyes lit up. “Are you serious?! This is awesome!” I couldn’t help but pranced around him cheering out loud for anyone to hear. “Lucky’s getting adopted! Congratulations! Who are they? Where are they from?” “Well.. it’s not really a yacht,” he said with a shrug before his eyes lit up. “But they have a boat, and their house is right next to a lake!” “That’s awesome! Captain Lucky, sailing the seas!” I hugged him tight and kissed him all over before stopping and staring into his eyes. He really did it! He’d be out of this place forever and we… he… would be gone. I felt a drop in my stomach. “When are you going?” “Well they signed the paperwork and…tomorrow.” “T-tomorrow?” My eyes couldn’t help but well up, but I still smiled, needing to be happy for him. “You’ll still visit me right?” He shook his head. “They live on the other side of the country. But, I’ll try to write.” “You better, you big dummy,” I said with a sniff and a small giggle, before I tried grappling his head. “Heh, how dare you get adopted before I do.” He just pushed my hooves aside and hugged me. “One day, it’ll happen to you too.” I laid in bed while I heard the other fillies sleeping and snoring. My eyes were wet as I stared into the dark above, playing over every moment of us together in my head. A squeak from the door set my heart beating as familiar hoofsteps came sneaking over to my bed. With a hop he came crashing down and quickly snuck under the covers with me. “I thought you were still stuck in orphan jail.” “I was, but what better time to break out than this? Besides, the housemare fell asleep so it wasn’t too hard.” I nuzzled his cheek as he rolled on top of me and slowly started to grind his sheath against my mound. “Well you are Lucky.” I could almost feel him roll his eyes at that. “Do you want me to go back to orphan prison?” With my wetness and his hardness growing down below, we both knew that wasn’t happening. I didn’t even need to respond to that. His tip eventually was sturdy enough that it poked into the right place and the nightly fun began. Slowly and steady we went, practiced over many times before to be careful and quiet. But as best as we tried, the thump-thump-thump of the bed on the wall eventually rang out more than once. Like a miracle, everything came to a climax without a housemare breaking down the door. With a hot spurt inside and a small squirt on the bed sheets, we laid there panting in each other's arms. It was a while before either of us spoke, but I could feel him let out a deep sigh. “Won't you stay the night?” I whispered into his ear. “But the housemares will-” "I don't care.” I hugged him tight, hoping that I’d never have to let go. "I just want you here with me.” With another sigh he hugged me back. “I can stay.” That night we held each other until morning. Everyone else awoke to the loud wake-up bells and eventually we had to as well. He got up and it was like a piece of me was being taken with him. I watched him pack his things and I gave my last goodbyes, promising that one day we’d see each other again. Downstairs the family was waiting, ready to pick him up. The mare wore a silken scarf that was probably worth half a fortune, and the stallion was in a suit that looked to be where the other half of that fortune went. I sighed as I watched him trot over to them, talking about the lake and waving as he left. Lucky would have a good life with his forever family. The doors closed and it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and going along with him; it hurt. It was the last time I’d ever see him again.