> A Familiar Pear Of Glasses > by Great Humanity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Questions Arise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres, often regarded as one of the most well-known farms in Equestria, is home to some members of the Apple Family. These members consist of Applejack, the owner of Sweet Apple Acres, along with her husband Bucky, her children, Apple Slice and Timber Wedge, her little sister, Apple Bloom, and of course, her big brother, Big Mac. It was a bit of a slow day on the farm. Harvesting was still the same, and AJ was always proud whenever she saw Slice or Timber making trees barren on their own. As for herself, Applejack was currently going through the attic. It had been some time that she had been up there, and wondered what kind of memories were stored there. Despite the house burning down a while back, a good amount of things in the attic had survived, much to their relief. All the memorabilia of the Apple Family was at least passed down once or twice, so every antique or old… anything held some importance to her or a member of her family. There were times where Applejack would go through a photo album of Granny Smith with Timber, though she always got too comfy and would fall asleep. Sometimes AJ wondered if she spoiled her too much. As AJ was going through boxes, she found something that made her nearly cough up a lung: A photo of her mom and dad. It wasn’t just any photo, as there was a human in it. This raised plenty of questions, such as this human’s relationship with her parents, or where he fit in, but before she could really scream about it, she opened the photo and found a piece of paper, which looked to be a note, and she recognized the handwriting… it was Granny’s. AJ carefully opened up the paper to read it. My dearest Applejack, You’re probably wonderin’ who that human feller is in tah weddin’ photo of ya ma and pa. That there’s ya other pa, now ya step-pa, Chase. He was an odd feller, and went unnoticed for quite some time, until of course, Ponyville adjusted to him. He was also a good man to your ma and pa, especially your ma. If ya want tah find him, knowin’ you, he lives out on tah countryside of Manehattan, owns his own farm with his son, Pineapple Pear. You’ll get the answers you seek there. Love ya much from tah beyond, Granny Smith “Granny… why didn’t you tell me bout this?” she asked quietly as she sighed, placing both back in the box she got them from, and carrying it down stairs, and into the living room, and telling the family would have to wait, as it was lunch time. She rang the bell, “Lunch time y’all, come an get yer fillin’!” she shouted, and Slice and Timber were the first to run in. “Hi ma!” Timber said, wagging her tail as she smelled the air, howling a little, “That there smells good!” “It sure does! Ah can’t wait!” Slice exclaimed before they both rushed to the table, only to be grabbed by their tails. “Ah Ah Ah, wash yer hands, you rascals!” she said, gettin’ then scurrying off to the nearest sink. As Applejack served plates of Hash Browns, Biscuits, and gravy, that picture lingered in her mind. The idea that there was not only a human long before Twilight met Beau, but that the human was also married to her mom and formed a herd. Regardless, she put that thought aside. Eventually, Apple Bloom and Big Mac came in, taking their seats, and then someone came in that made her smile a little: Bucky. He always brought a smile to AJ’s face, and she loved that about him. “Hey sis, I heard ya in tah attic earlier. What was you murmuring’ bout?” Apple Bloom asked as AJ chuckled softly “Don’t worry bout that right now. It’s lunch time, and let’s not keep our tummies waitin’.” she said, getting a nod from everypony “Eeyup” Big Mac agreed As Bucky helped served plates to everypony, he glanced over at his wife. She looked around nervously, and he could tell she was bothered, but would leave it until they all finished. “So, Slice an Timber, have ya both done ya chores?” AJ asked them, and they chuckled nervously “We… May have gotten carried away, ma…” Timber admitted as AJ sighed “Timber, what’ve ah told ya about procrastinatin’?” Applejack asked her “It only adds more work to the pile?” Timber answered “Correct, and how many times have I told ya?” AJ asked, raising a brow “Ah’ve lost count…” Timber confessed “Ah see. Mac, make sure they get they chores done, ‘Kay?” she asked him as he nodded “Eeyup” Max responded, having already finished his food as he waited for Slice and Timber to finish their food, and when they did, he walked out of the house with them AJ began washing the dishes from lunch, and felt Bucky’s arms wrap around her, hearing him say, “You okay hon? I saw you lookin’ pretty nervous” AJ sighed as she reached up and caressed his cheek softly, “Ah guess you could say ah’ve got a lot on my mind, sugarcube” “Why not tell me about it?” he asked her “It’s something about my ma and pa, and the whole family needs tah know” she responded, getting a subtle nod from him “Yeah, you told me very little about them. Did something bring up a memory about them?” he asked, scratching behind her ear softly as her tail wagged “S-Sorta, now cut that out, dagnabbit!” she said, getting a chuckle out of him as he backed off, “I’ll call everyone together for a family meeting latah this evening, alright?” “Okay AJ. I love you” Bucky said, pecking her lips with a kiss as she accepted it, cupping his cheek “Ah love ya too, Buck. Now go on an get some more work done, I have a feeling Mac’s gettin’ overwhelmed by those little scamps” she said, looking out the window as Mac chased around Slice and Timber, and Slice was piggyback-riding on Timber. “Right, I got ya. Don’t work yourself too hard, AJ” he said, heading out the door, trying to catch up to them all. AJ just giggled, but couldn’t help but question something. Ma, if you can hear me… why didn’t you tell me about him? She thought to herself, but knew she wouldn’t get an answer. It was now getting dark outside, and Applejack was ready to call the meeting in. She sat on the couch, photo in hand, and sighed as everypony joined her. Apple Bloom was the first to speak up. “What have you called us here for, sis? Bucky said you seemed nervous earlier” she asked, before sitting next to her sister, gasping at what she saw, “Is that… ma an’ pa… with a human?” “It is, sugarcube. Ah couldn’t believe it either when ah first saw it” she said, shaking a little, but Apple Bloom hugged her “Well, the proof is in the pudding, it seems. Any idea who he is?” Apple Bloom asked her “‘Parently his name is Chase, and he lives on a farm in the countryside of Manehattan. He seems vaguely familiar, but at tah same time, I don’t remember a thing ‘bout him” AJ confessed, getting a nod out of Apple Bloom, “So ah was thinkin’, we take a train to Manehattan, and we find this farm and get some answers” “You seem really headstrong on this, AJ. Any particular reason? I miss pa and ma as much as you do, but will this really give you closure to something that already happened?” Big Mac asked her as she huffed, and Big Mac instinctively patted her back softly “Mac… ah don’t need ah remindah of what happened to ma and pa… I want to find out how he fits into all this” she clarified, getting a nod from the stallion as she sighed. As Applejack paused, she understood what Big Mac had said. The sheer fact that he brought up what happened to… them. It hurt her, and she felt tears stream down her face softly, and Bucky hugged her, getting her to at least calm down a little. “AJ… clearly this topic hurts you, and I can understand why. We’ll all get answers tomorrow, I have a strong feeling about it, no doubt” Bucky said, doing his best to comfort his wife, and she sighed, kissing him, and she pulled away with a smile “Thank ya again, Bucky… ah have a feeling you’re right” she said, her voice breaking a little. “Look, clearly today’s been a full day, so let’s cuddle up, eh AJ?” Bucky asked her, and she sighed dreamily, jumping into his arms “You know ah can’t deny you. Let’s get all cozy in bed~” she said, and Bucky nodded, carrying her upstairs as Apple Bloom and Big Mac looked at each other, shrugging “Is it just me, or does Applejack an Bucky remind ya of ma and pa?” Apple Bloom asked as Big Mac laughed, patting his little sister’s head softly “Not 100%, but the resemblance is there, eeyup” he said, yawning a little, “You an I should get to bed as well, as we’ll probably need tah wake up early to catch the train” he concluded, making his way upstairs as Apple Bloom followed behind. The next day started fast, and clearly, AJ wasn’t willing to wait, as she got the whole family ready to head for Manehattan, and had luggage packed as well, as AJ wanted to stay a while rather than just get answers. Slice and Timber seemed the most excited, as they’d get to see a grandparent, who was still alive. The train ride pretty much felt like minutes, as Applejack fell asleep on Bucky, Mac took a nap, and Apple Bloom kept an eye on Slice and Timber. When the train whistle sounded, everypony was off. Navigating Manehattan was a bit of a mess in itself, but soon, with help of a few kind citizens, a dirt path was found, leading up to a house and farm, close proximity to each other. AJ was honestly surprised at this, seeing how well kept it looked. As the family got close to the farm, a stallion-human hybrid, who looked to be AJ’s age, saw them and waved, calling out, “Howdy y’all, welcome to Pineapple Palms! How can I help y’all on this fine day?” “Yeah, we were hoping to speak with the owner, by chance. You happen to know him or her?” Bucky asked as the man nodded “Know him? Course ah know him, he’s my dad. Ah can take y’all to him, if you’d like” he offered, and Bucky nodded, “Alright, follow me y’all” he said, opening a gate for them as they walked with him. “So ah take it you’re Pineapple Pear? You seem like a fine young man” Applejack complimented. Truth be told, Pine looked to have an orange coat and a red mane, and on the jeans he was wearing, his cutie mark was a pineapple. “Huh? Now who told ya that?” he responded, and Apple Bloom giggled a little “Granny Smith sure has a way with words” Applejack said, getting a gasp out of him “Wait, so all of you’s are members of the Apple Family? This is wonderful!” he exclaimed, “So, what’s y’alls names?” “Ahm Applejack, and this is mah family. Mah husband, Bucky, my big brother, Big Mac, my little sister, Apple Bloom, and then mah beautiful children, Apple Slice and Timber Wedge” Applejack said, seeing Pine smile wide “Quite tah family ya got, Applejack. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you all” he said as they got closer to the house on the farm, “Now, ah don’t mean to alarm y’all, but my dad may be a bit… excited to see y’all” he said, opening the door as they all walked in. The living room was well kept, and the kitchen was too, which did make a bit of sense, as the household didn’t seem so busy. Pine then led them over to a couch. “Just wait here a sec, and I’ll go get him” Pine said, and AJ and her family took a seat on the couch, waiting patiently as he went off down a hall, “Pa, we got visitors!” “Do we now? Are they here to do business?” a voice called back as footsteps followed. “No pa, they’re family! Come an see for yaself!” Pine called out, walking back and joining them in the living room. AJ watched, waiting for someone to come along, and then she saw it. She saw what looked to be a middle aged man, likely in his 50s, came into the living room, gasping a little at what he saw. He caught himself, approaching slowly, “Applejack? Big Mac? Apple Bloom?” Apple Bloom was the first to recognize him, getting up as she ran up and hugged the man tightly, wagging her tail softly, “Ah remembah now! Chase! It done took me a sec to recognize ya” “I suppose it has been a couple years. Think the last time I saw you was when you were still a foal, not even three years old” he said, chuckling a little as he petted her, and then looked at the others, “And look at you, Big Mac, you look like you’ve barely changed at all, I still recognize that hard-working stare” “Heh, eeyup” Big Mac responded. “And Applejack, the most energetic filly I ever laid my eyes on. I never got to say it in person, but congratulations on becoming a mother” Chase said to Applejack as she got up, teary-eyed, and walked over. “Why didn’t ah remember you? Why didn’t Granny Smith tell me about you?” she asked as she stood in front of her second father, clearly upset Chase sighed, opening his arms to the mare, and she sadly accepted it, crying a little. He pet her mane as he took off her Stetson, tossing it to Bucky, and then he spoke, “Well, after the loss of your mom and dad, Granny insisted that I shouldn’t stick around for two reasons, first one being that I would’ve been a bit of a reminder of what’d happened. That, and the rest of Equestria wouldn’t’ve been ready for humans, or rather, a human, and that was how I decided to move out here and live alone. Pineapple looked pony enough to go into Manehattan for supplies without getting suspected. I’m honestly sorry that I disappeared from y’alls’ lives” he said, and everypony stared at him for a while. After a few minutes, AJ pulled away, and sighed, and then watched as Slice and Timber ran up to him. She watched them carefully. “Um… Mr. Chase?” Slice asked shyly Chase kneeled down and smiled a little, “Yes, little guy?” “Ahm not little! More importantly, can you tell me what my Grandma and Grandpa were like? Great Granny Smith did mention them, but didn’t quite explain them in depth, so… can ya do it?” he asked Chase as he chuckled softly “As long as it’s okay with your mommy, kiddo” he said, seeing Applejack smile “It’s okay with me, Sugarcube. Your step-granddad here has quite the story of all of us, right?” she asked Chase, getting a nod as he gasped “But of course! Except… y’all must be pretty hungry from your ride here, right? I prepared some dinner before y’all got here” he said, and he wasn’t lying, as he had prepared food like mashed potatoes, salad, and fish fillet. “Oh my! Chase, you’re tah best!” Apple Bloom cheered, going and washing her hands, and so did Slice and Timber, while Applejack, Bucky, and Mac all went into the kitchen “Apple Bloom’s barely changed. Still smilin’ and happy as can be” Chase said, chuckling “Yep, she always managed to stay positive, even in the darkest hours” AJ responded, “You must be really good at cookin’, Chase” “Like you won’t believe” he said, and started serving. Everypony soon sat down and ate a filling lunch. After lunch was finished, everyone gathered back in the living room. Apple Slice and Timber Wedge could barely contain their excitement, and Chase adored it, while Applejack tried to contain it. “Grandpa, tell us about Grandma already!” Slice whined, and Chase chuckled about it “Apple Slice! It’s rude tah rush folks, especially family!” Applejack scolded, making him look down softly “Sorry ma…” he replied “Ahm sure it’s fine, now let’s hear of your grandpa’s story” AJ ended off with as Chase cleared his throat “Y’all are in for a treat, for sure!” Pine added, and then stayed quiet, allowing Chase to speak “Alright, here we go, and listen closely…” he said, leaning forward, “…thirty-two years ago” It was in a city I lived, and I had lived there for quite some time, having enjoyed my life there. I was 18, out on my own, and living the good life. Sadly, that life was taken away by a house explosion. Next thing you know, I ended up in a world not my own. Perplexed and surprised were both understatements, seeing as winding up in a world where ponies looked like the average human, except fluffier, with wings or horns, tattoos on their butts, and literal ponies, it was beyond stressing. Luckily for me, I didn’t wind up in the middle of nowhere or some god-forsaken town, but rather, I ended up just outside of none other than Sweet Apple Acres, though at that time, it seemed much more young and filled with life. Curiosity got the best of me, and I was soon found by Applejack’s father, Bright Mac. He didn’t know what the hell I was, and impulsively, he freaked out. Before he could get word out to everyone on the farm and in Ponyville, I caught up to him and tackled him to the ground. “Chill out, damnit!” I shouted, which only scared him more, but then I relaxed my voice, speaking softer, saying, “Listen, I mean you no harm” To which he responded, “And how am I supposed to trust ya? You, a hairless ape, just show up outta nowhere on my family’s farm” If it wasn’t clear, things weren’t exactly stable between me and him, and he felt uneasy, so I got off him as we stood across from one another. “Feller, I haven’t a clue where ya came from, but the princess needs tah-“ he tried to say as I cut him off “Now hold on, does this princess have power?” I asked him as he nodded “Yeah, according to her, your kind has wound up in Equestria before, but she usually just sends them back with no hesitation” he told me. This was news, and being completely honest, I didn’t have an enjoyable experience back on Earth, so I sighed and said “Don’t tell her” “W-What?” he looked at me as if I’d had said something stupid “Don’t tell the princess I’m here. I don’t want to go back” I said with confidence and he squinted at me “What’ll keep me from saying anything?” he asked. Clearly he had been sweatin’, and it wasn’t cause I scared the ever living daylights out of him, but because he was workin’ hard. I had seen all the baskets by trees, and put two and two together: He was harvestin’ apples for his family “You look like you could use some help, partner” I said, making him scratch his head, then pointed over to the baskets and filled trees “No offense, but, how you expect to get all the apples down?” he asked me. Truth be told, I was only a human and didn’t have super strength like most Earth Ponies, so I hit a tree shoulder first, and to my luck, it caused all the apples to fall. Bright Mac was shocked, seeing a human like myself harvest apples with little difficulty, “You must be really experienced to have knocked all those apples off that tree” “To be fair, I just work out a lot. I’m glad you think so though, that makes me happy” I said, seeing him smile “You know, if you plan on staying, we should get you settled here on the farm” he said, which nearly gave me a heart attack, but it worked out, as he basically held out his hand, and I took it, shaking it firmly “And how exactly would I get settled? Not sure I’d-“ “Oh don’t worry about that. Ah can take you to my ma. My relationship with her is steady enough, so follow me” he said, leading me by hand and to a house, and inside it, “Ma, ah got a bit of a favor tah ask” “Hm? And what’s that favor you ne- oh my Celestia, what the buck is that?!” a green mare shouted, and it was none other than Granny Smith, though at this time, she was just Smith. “He says he’s a human, ma-“ “Mac, that there is a hairless ape! A foreigner of sorts!” she really seemed nervous around me, and that made sense, as I’m sure anypony would during that time, “Why are you even near him? Didn’t ah teach ya not to interact with strangers, no matter how old ya are?” “Ma, I undahstood that, but he surprisingly knocked all the apples off a tree with brute force alone. For a non-pony, he’s got some strength” Mac said, making her eyes widen, and she sighed “Until Ah see it for mahself, ah ain’t trustin’ him! As a mattah of fact, Mac, go do somethin’ else! I’m gonna put this ‘hu-man’ to the test before Ah even consider lettin’ him stick around” Granny Smith said, clearly instilling some fear in him “But ma, he-“ “Ah, I don’t wanna bucking hear it! Get your flank elsewhere before Ah snap ya arm like a twig!” she said, getting the message across as he scurried off, and then she turned back to me, “Now, first things first, what’s ya name?” she asked, and I told her my name, and no, it’s not actually Chase, but when I was given that nickname, I used it more often than my real one. Then she continued, “Well, alright then sonny, now listen ‘ere. Mah son Bright Mac says that you got strength? Let’s put that to da test! Follow me!” she said, leading me outside to what looked to be a boulder, and I looked at it puzzled. “Is it possible to even lift this boulder?” I asked. As much as I wanted to stay In this land, breaking my back day one wasn’t the ideal thing to do “Ah did it, and so did Mac. If ya can’t do it, the princess’ll have to deal wit ya” she said, and I took a stance, with my back against the rock, and gripped it with my arms Back on Earth, I lifted plenty of heavy things. 70 pound weights and barbells, an anvil, and multiple steel beams, though this boulder looked to be heavier than all the items, even combined. Regardless, I had to prove that I was useful. As I gripped the boulder, I lifted with my legs, and after struggling a few seconds, the boulder got off the ground, and to show off further, I slowly extended my arms and was able to hold it over my head… for ten whole seconds, before throwing it onto some hay bales. Granny Smith was shocked, as in her eyes, it was like I beat a record or something. As I wiped my brow, she spoke softly, “Wowzers, ya actually did it… an longer than mah son, surprisingly…” “Wait really?” I asked her. To think I did it longer than Mac was an eye opener “Eeyup, he only held it up above his head for five seconds, and you held it up for ten seconds. Sugarcube, I doubted ya, but ah’d say you earned ya place at Sweet Apple Acres. Just remembah, you’ll be sleeping in tah guest room. Breakfast, lunch, and dinnah is provided, but if ya miss any of them, there’s no second prances! Got it?” she explained. It made me feel good, knowing I was accepted, “Now, let’s get you settled in. Come with me” she said, leading me inside. The house looked well kept, like it probably still does, but regardless, it was beautiful. She led me upstairs to a guest room, and it looked well kept, “This is where you’ll be sleepin’, sugarcube, enjoy ya stay now!” she said to me, leaving the room From that day on, I was practically a member of the Apple Family, harvesting for them, caring for them, and doing heavy lifting, so it was no doubt that I was an asset to the family. “Uh, grandpa?” Apple Slice asked, getting Chase’s attention, “When is it that you actually met grandma?” “I’m getting there, just figured I’d explain how I ended up here, to your mother. Ahem, let’s continue…” Chase said, smiling a little The day I met your grandma, Pear Butter, was definitely one of the best days of my life. Before I actually met her, Bright Mac would tell me all about her. I questioned why he loved a member of the Pear family, especially with how the two families would be at each other’s throats, it made zero sense as to why my pseudo-brother dated a Pear. Then came the day where he actually decided to introduce me to her, and I could see why he had the hots for her. She was the most beautiful mare I’d laid my eyes on ever since I got here, and I could see why Mac loved her so. Pear was a bit shocked, knowing her coltfriend was best friends and pseudo-brothers with a “hairless ape”, which still felt insulting, and it took her a while to get used to me. There were times where Mac wasn’t able to see Pear, whether he was busy or had been caught seeing her, so he’d send me to tell her how much he missed her and loved her. I considered Pear one of my best friends, sharing almost everything with her, and she, in turn, did the same. Course, there was one day that really made her trust me wholeheartedly, and that was when she went to me… for advice. I was just chilling at Mac and Pear’s usual meet up spot, except it was different. Pear Butter only was expecting me, and not Mac. When I told Mac this, he suspected I was trying to steal his southern belle from him, but I assured him that he had her first, and he trusted me. After that, I met up with Pear at the spot, and she seemed stressed and fidgety, so I reached out and placed a hand on hers “Pear? What’s wrong?” I asked her as she sighed “Ah don’t know… ah just… ah’m startin’ to think that this whole thing me an Bright Mac have… is just not meant to be…” she said. Something told me that due to her father, Grand Pear, she was beginning to have her doubts about her love for Mac, so it was my responsibility to convince her otherwise. “Pear Butter, how old are you?” I asked her, and she looked up at me and sighed “18, like you…” she said. Yes, I was 18, and so was she, and Mac was too. If anything, our three-way-friendship triangle was basically just composed of a couple of friends who just goofed off too much, but it didn’t bother us too much. Pear and Mac’s relationship reminded of Romeo and Juliet, a story back on Earth about a man and a woman being inseparable from one another, despite their feuding families. “And does it matter what your grouchy father thinks?” I asked her, and while she did frown at me a little, she shook her head “It does a bit… he’s my pa… and ah aim tah make him happy… but… ah don’t wanna leave Bright just ‘cause ah him…” she said, confiding in me as she made herself comfy on my lap. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of the fact that she’d normally talk about this with Bright, or because she had a crush on me, but I didn’t question it, and simply left it alone. As I pet her mane, I sighed, “Pear, from what I’ve seen, you’ve made Mac really happy, and your commitment shows that. You shouldn’t just break things off with the stallion you love because your parent or parents disapprove of it. You shouldn’t kill your happiness because of someone else, you understand?” I could swear, she went silent in that exact moment, and just smiled, hugging me tightly, “Thank ya… your advice has given me more reason to stay with Mac. Ah knew him since ah I was just a foal, and ah wouldn’t want to leave him for my pa’s sake…” “You’re welcome, Pear, you’re a good mare, and you and Mac were made for each other” I said, getting a small smile out of her, before she noticed how long she was in my lap for, and blushed, getting up as we both stood up. “Ah appreciate that… thank ya again… I should get going, as it wouldn’t be smart for us to be out fer too long, right?” she asked, and I nodded, doing something that did seem pretty left-field, but regardless, I pulled her into a hug, which did make her blush, but she did return it. As she pulled away, she was smiling as she brushed her mane to the side, “You’re sweet” “You too. Bright Mac should be seeing you tomorrow” I said, smiling as we split from that day. “So ma went to you for advice when she had doubts? Ah always thought she was an independent mare” Applejack said, sounding a little down “No no, she was an independent mare, that much was for sure, but she at least needed someone to give her some sense of reassurance that her loyalty and commitment to Bright Mac would pay off and that she shouldn’t bail out cause of her strict father” Chase said, laughing a little, and then he looked out the window, seeing that the moon was in the sky now, “I take it y’all are staying for a few days” “Of course we are, Grandpa Chase! That’s why we done brought luggage!” Apple Bloom cheered, getting a giggle out of AJ, Bucky, and Big Mac. “Alright then. Couch can pullout into a bed, there’s an empty guest bedroom down the hall, and the rest can borrow sleeping bags in the barn. Any other questions before lights out” he asked as Timber raised her hand, “Yes Timber, sweetie?” “Did Grandpa Bright Mac ever get overly jealous when you and grandma spent time together?” she asked, and god she was precious, so he had to give her an answer “Eh, on occasion, but he was very forgiving, your grandpa. Now, y’all ought to get some rest so that you have enough energy to help around the farm a bit, right Applejack?” Chase said to AJ, gettin’ a nod from her “That’s right. We ain’t just here to get a story, we’re here to help our family as well. Now get comfy and get to sleep, kids” Applejack said to Slice and Timber, hearing them go ‘awwwwwwwww’ in response, and Bucky chuckled “Never gets old, does it?” Big Mac asked her, getting a sigh “Neither does Bucky, and I like it that way” Applejack responded, getting a hug from Bucky “Well, if there isn’t any more questions, then goodnight everyone” Chase said, heading down the hall with Pine “Sleep well everypony! Sweet dreams!” Pine called out as the two disappeared down the hall “Me an Bucky will take the guest bedroom. Big Mac and Apple Bloom can take the pullout sofa wit Slice an Timber” Applejack said, being scooped up by Bucky “Goodnight y’all” Bucky said, carrying his wife to bed down the hall Apple Bloom and Big Mac pulled out the sofa, and the rest of them got comfy, with Apple Bloom looking at Big Mac, “Those two really love each othah, huh?” “Eeyup, let’s just hope they don’t…” Big Mac said, purposely leaving out the last part “You an me both, big brotha. G’nite” she said, yawning as she, Slice, and Timber all snuggled up to Mac, cuddling him like a teddy bear, and he just laid there, soon passing out like the rest. > A Happy, Fulfilling Ending? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day came around, and Big Mac was the first to wake up, alongside Chase. They were currently working on breakfast, and Max was preparing the table. “Uh… pa?” Mac said carefully, catching Chase’s attention as he faced Big Mac “What’s on your mind, Mac?” he asked, cheery as could be. He had slept well last night, so it did make sense. “Before ya tell the family more about yours and ma’s relationship, could ya tell me bout a time ya bonded with Granny?” he asked Chase, and Chase nodded in response “Of course! Where to start…” Chase said, stroking his chin softly A good time was when Granny was baking pie. Your pa, Bright Mac, had just finished brewing apple cider for cider season, and the crates had been stocked already. Over the three-ish months I’d had been there, Granny’s views on me had changed greatly, and she wanted to speak to me after dinner was over. Now mind you, we had spoken on several occasions, but this time, she had asked in a serious tone, which told me that she clearly wasn’t just gonna give a ‘congrats’ and move on. After dinner was over, she called me out to the barn. When I entered, Granny was sitting on a hay bale as she looked up, saying, “Howdy there feller. Ah imagine you got some questions as tah why ah called you in here tonight, right?” “A little bit, what’d you need me for?” I asked her as she patted the spot next to her, and I sat down “You’re aware of the Pear family, right?” she asked me as I sighed and nodded, “Good, that means ah shouldn’t have tah explain much. They’re a rival family who’s been against us for quite some time, especially that rotten pony, Grand Pear” “Why is the Apple Family rivals with the Pear Family again?” I asked her, and she sighed “Well, sonny, them Pears have been rotten towards us since we moved here. While the Apple Family is known for foundin’ Ponyville, them suckers was jealous o’our success. They’ve been tryin’ to steal our business for years now, but have failed time an time again” Granny explained to me closely as I nodded “Has there ever been an attempt to put a stop to this ‘family feud’, like, at all?” I asked her as she facepalmed “Yes, but not really, sugarcube. That rotten bastard Grand Pear never gives it a haunch of a chance… regardless, it doesn’t keep us apples down, y’know?” she said, looking at me as I nodded in agreement “Right. Sometimes you just gotta learn to ignore your enemies and focus on the positive” I said, seeing her smile “Though, that reminds me… what do you know about Mac’s relationship with Grand Pear’s daughter?” she asked me, and I froze. It had been roughly a week without either families knowing about their relationship, and if I spilled anything, it was gonna be trouble for me and Mac, as I’d essentially be punished just like him. I debated whether or not I should answer her honestly, or try to bullshit her to save Mac’s hide. After an internal debate, I looked her in the eyes. “I don’t know a thing, miss. All I do know is that… Mac told me he hates her” I said to her as she squinted her eyes a little “And he hasn’t told her… why?” she asked, clearly reading me like a book, but then it hit me “Cause if it did, it’d only create more tension between the Apple and Pear families, and the pot is getting hotter as is, it’d be unwise to make it worse” I said, hoping she’d believe me, and she nodded slowly “Ah appreciate your honesty, sonny. Ah can see why Mac puts so much trust in ya. Now, go get some rest, ya got a busy day tomorrow makin’ profit on them cases o’ cider in the barn, ya hear?” she said, and I nodded, getting up as I walked out of the barn and towards the house “Sure thing, and thank you” I said, heading upstairs and to my guest room, plopping onto the mattress with a sigh. “So you stuck ya neck out for ma and pa’s relationship? That takes balls, and Granny’s harsh when it comes ta those who lie to her” Big Mac said to Chase, getting a chuckle out of him “There were a few times I got caught, and boy, they were nasty” Chase said, “So, if y’all plan on helping, out here we got pineapples growin’, so it’d be nice if y’all can help with that” “Of course we’d help. Applejack made that clear last night, remember?” Big Mac said, getting nervous laughter out of Chase “Right, heh, I forget easily” he said with a bit of honesty, “Anyways, best go wake ‘em up and tell em breakfast’s ready. I got some leftover fish for Bucky if he’s extra hungry” “Eeyup” Big Mac said, going to wake his family Breakfast was enjoyable, and everypony enjoyed Chase’s cooking. When asked, Chase confessed that he had learned from the best, being Pear Butter. Bucky did question a few things this morning, but he knew that there was a time and a place for everything “So, pa, ah don’t mean tah rush nuthin’, but what can we do after we’re done harvestin’ the pineapple trees?” AJ asked Chase, tapping her hoof impatiently “I could use somepony to care for the sheep and cattle. Pine is capable, but I’m sure he’d be happier having someone help him with the other livestock” Chase said, seeing Pine’s tail wag “You betcha, pa! It’d sure be great to have an extra set o’ hands!” Pineapple said, getting a chuckle out of Apple Bloom as she offered him a fist bump, and he accepted it “Ah’ll say, Pineapple, I enjoy ya enthusiasm” Apple Bloom said, patting his back as he laughed a little “Thank ya, Apple Bloom, you’re too kind” Pineapple responded, rubbing his hair softly “Alright now, everypony, let’s not waste too much time on compliments. Time to get to work!” Chase said as they all nodded, scurrying outside as they all got to work To Chase’s surprise, his family was really good, harvestin’ tree after tree. He watched baskets fill with pineapple after pineapple, nodding in approval. As he walked through the farm’s open field, he saw Apple Slice and Timber Wedge run up to him, giggling excitedly “Grandpa Chase!” they both shouted as he turned, and they stopped in their tracks “Shouldn’t you two be helping the others?” he asked them as they both shook their heads “We finished our portion! Tell us a time when you an’ Granny Pear went on a date!” Timber said, wagging her tail just like a puppy Chase sighed, shaking his head to himself, “Didn’t anypony tell y’all it’s rude to ask personal questions like that?” “Pretty please, grandpa! We promise we won’t say nothin’ to ma an’ pa about it” Apple Slice pleaded, using his best attempt at ‘puppy eyes’ Chase sighed, knowing that these kids wouldn’t buzz off if he simply told them no, so he took a deep breath, “Alright, there was one time…” It was one day in summer that I was doing my ‘daily routine’ of harvestin’ apples, feeding pigs and livestock, and stacking hay bales to the roof (not really). This was all going well, and then your other Grandpa, Bright Mac, approached me with a letter. “Hey feller, Pear’s got a letter for ya. She swore me to secrecy, meaning ah can’t read it” he said, making me chuckle. From what he had told me, they rarely kept anything secret from each other, so if she could get him not to say anything to someone else, even a significant other. He did smile a little, then handed me the envelope, and walked away. Puzzled was an understatement, as I was just perplexed. Regardless, I carefully opened it, and read the letter: ‘To mah best friend’ ‘You’re probably wonderin’ why ah didn’t have Mac read the letter to yah. It’s actually cause ah wanted ya, and you alone, to read this letter. I… have a few things to confess to ya… if ya have the time, meet me at Mac and I’s ordinary spot before sundown (If you meet right before sundown, it’d mean a lot, Ah’m not too worried about gettin’ in trouble anyway). Please make it, it’d make me really happy’ ‘Sincerely yours,’ ‘Pear Butter’ To be completely honest, it was honestly strange, but having nothing to really lose, I decided I’d go and see her regardless. I made sure I had no other chores, and waited till before sundown It was right before sundown that I got to the spot, and Pear Butter was nowhere to be seen. Maybe something prevented her from getting here? Grand Pear stopped her? I wasn’t sure, but then I felt something grab my arms and hoist me up, “What the fuck?!” As I was pulled up, I closed my eyes, thinking it was a cockatrice, but I felt I was in someone’s, or rather, somepony’s lap. As I opened them, I saw Pear Butter, and she looked as startled as me “Did ah scare ya? I’m terribly sorry for that…” she apologized as her ears folded, and I felt bad, caressing her cheek as she blushed in a flustered manner “No, you’re fine. Just wish ya coulda given me a heads up next time. Now, if you don’t mind me askin’, what have you called me here tonight for?” I asked her as she blushed, looking nervous, “Pear Butter, what’s wrong?” “Well, my pa’s been crackin‘ down on me lately, and has told me to stay away from ya too. I’m afraid it’s become too risky for me to keep seein’ ya, so I figured ah’d tell ya how I feel about ya if we don’t see each othah again…” she said, and I was a bit confused by what she meant “What do you mean, Pear? I don’t want us to stop seeing each other…” I said, clearly a little saddened by this whole thing already “Ah’m deeply sorry, but… this is how it has to be… but before ah go, take this…” she said, and she softly planted her lips on mine, causing my eyes to widen. Was she cheating on Bright Mac? I wasn’t sure, but my feelings got to me before rational thinking could, and before I could return the kiss, she pulled away and sighed, “That’s how ah feel about ya… I don’t expect ya to return mah feelin’s, but we can’t see each othah… goodbye…” she said, tearing up as she dropped out of the tree and ran at fast speeds I sat there, processing what had just happened. It’d seem that more family drama was gettin’ worse, and was affecting her badly. I didn’t want her to endure that, so I jumped down, chasing her “Wait, Pear, come back!” I shouted, but she kept running “Quit followin’ me, ya hairless ape!” she shouted, her cries getting louder. I put all my stamina into my legs, kicking it up into high gear as I caught up to her and tackled her softly onto the grass, pinning her down as she kicked her hooves, still crying, “Let me go! Ah can’t be seen wit ya, dumb buck!” I did something that most would not agree with, and slapped her across the face, getting her to stop crying, and she looked me right in the eyes, breathing erratically as I said, “Pear Butter, calm down! Get a hold of yourself! Why are you doing this?” As I stared down at her, I got off of her and sat her up in my lap as we sat down in the grass. After that, she spoke quietly, “Why?” “Why what?” I asked her as she looked up at me “Why do ya care so much about me? You know ah’m loyal to Bright Mac and that Ah’m his marefriend, right?” she asked. While that was true, what she told me earlier really caught me off guard. “I am aware of that, but what you did and told me earlier tells me that you want more than just Mac… you want me, too…” I said, and she blushed, nodding softly “But my pa… he’s serious… if he sees me with you or Bright, he’ll…” she paused, tearing up some more “He’ll what?” I asked “He’ll send me away to Manehattan! And I won’t get to see either of yah ever again!” she said, going into a full-on crying fit “That won’t happen…” I said, a little bit of confidence in my voice. “How do you know?” she asked, her voice shaky “Cause me and Bright will stick with you, through thick and thin, and besides, I’m sure he’s got a plan” I said, getting a small smile out of her, which quickly vanished. “But what about you, Chase? It’s not just Bright I love… but you too…” she confessed, making my heart skip a beat. To think I had charmed her from all those times we met “You’ll find the time and place to tell him about your feelings for me, and he’ll come through for his ‘buttercup’, I know he will” I said, booping her snout as she blushed “How do you know he calls me buttercup?” she asked me, and I chuckled softly “He talks in his sleep sometimes. From what I can tell, he dreams about ya a lot” I said, seeing her blush bright red “T-That’s sweet tah know… thank ya, Chase. Ah love yah…” she said, tilting her head up as we shared a kiss. It lasted for a minute before we pulled away and got up, “Now for real, we gotta separate. Ah love ya, and ah hope you’re right about Mac’s plan” she said, kissing my cheek one final time, and walking off with her tail waggin’. Now perplexed was really an understatement. At this time, I had no idea herds were even possible, so I just assumed she was polyamorous. Regardless, I sighed and held my cheek, walking back to Sweet Apple Acres, the one place I could call ‘home’ “Whoa, ah gotta ask, grandpa, did ya really have’tah slap grandma to get her to calm down?” Apple Slice asked in a whisper Chase sighed as he bent down on one knee, “Well, it was either that or let her attract a cockatrice or worse. I didn’t mean to slap her hard either, but she ended up telling me the next day that I slapped her too hard and that Bright Mac was wonderin’ what good-for-nothing stallion slapped her, and she covered for me, saying she didn’t know who they were” “That was quite the story, grandpa, though did’ya have tah use vulgar language?” Timber whispered, causing Chase to sweat. “Christ, I’m sorry about that, little ones. Got a bit too accurate with the storytellin’. Pretend like ya didn’t hear it and you’ll be fine” Chase said, nervously laughing it off “But we-” Slice tried to say before Chase shot a death glare at him “You. Heard. Nothin’.” Chase said, making them both nod vigorously “Y-Yes sir!” They both exclaimed, scurrying away with their tails in between their legs. As Chase sighed, laying on a hammock between two trees, he saw Applejack’s husband, Bucky, approach him, and lay in the hammock next to him, saying, “Hey there, Chase” “Howdy Buck. You made sure the others got their chores done?” Chase asked jokingly, and Bucky laughed in response. “As much as I could, but AJ does better at given’ orders than me. There’s somethin’ I’ve been meaning to ask…” Bucky said as Chase glanced over at him, raising a brow “Ask away” Chase said “When Grand Pear came to Ponyville to see AJ and the rest of his family and ‘reconnect’, it was said that Pear Butter and Bright Mac got married to stop the feud between the Apple and Pear family…” Bucky explained carefully “Yeah…” Chase said, a little confused “Where were you, or were you just left out of the story?” Bucky asked, and Chase groaned “I guess I was left out of the story, but that’s fine. I can tell ya how it went though” Chase offered “Sure, that’d be great” Bucky said, getting ready to hear the story “Alright, here’s how it actually went…” Chase said, getting deep in thought The story will sound similar to the one they’ve probably told ya, but this is from my perspective, keep that in mind. Anyways, tension between the Apple and Pear families hadn’t exactly eased up, no surprise there, but Bright Mac seemed a shit ton more tensed up than normal, as if he was dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. News about what was going on with Pear at the time had reached Mac, and he was desperate to ensure that his buttercup wouldn’t be leaving him anytime soon. Against Granny’s orders and best wishes, Mac made a plan and included me in it. Reason why was cause he found out, and was told, that I had feelings for Pear Butter, which I didn’t deny. Instead of reacting badly, he was kinda happy, as Pear wasn’t sure if I really did, and I basically confirmed it with Mac. With that in mind, this is how he laid out the plan: “Okay, so to put an end to this stupid feud, you and I are gonna marry Pear Butter” he said, making me gasp a little “Wait wait, hold it, I thought relationships involving more than one married man or woman was impossible” I said, and he chuckled “Maybe where you’re from, but here in Equestria, we call it ‘formin’ a herd’. Y’see, when a mare and a stallion come to an agreement, they can choose to add another mare or stallion to their marriage, with consent, of course” he explained, but I was still confused “How do you even know this, Mac?” I asked him “Well, it’s a bit of an ancient law that’s still active, but ah just asked Mayor Mare if it was still possible, and she said yes” he answered, “Now, more importantly, we gotta go an meet up with Pear and then head to the town hall to plan this weddin’. You in, pardner?” he asked me, and I smiled, shaking his hand proudly “You bet your flank I am, let’s do this” I said, and we set off together A while later, It was the three of us. Me, Pear, and Mac, all heading to town hall in secret. Bright Mac knocked on the door to the Mayor’s office, and it opened to a much younger Mayor Mare She took off her glasses for a second and cleaned them, then put them back on, “An Apple, a Pear, and a… hairless ape called a human, all in my office at one time. I haven’t had enough coffee today.” “Mayor, we have a weddin’ we’d like to plan” Mac said, getting a small sigh out of her “For who? You and her or him and her?” she said, looking at Mac and Pear, then at Pear and me, both separately “Um, actually, Mayor Mare, we were hoping to form a herd” Pear responded. Luckily, after living in Equestria for roughly 7 months, I managed to attain citizenship in that time, so I was a citizen of Ponyville. “A herd with a… human? Are you absolutely sure? One’s never been formed with his kind before…” she said, clearly unsure as to how this’d work, or even if my kind could fornicate with ponies. “Ah’m absolutely sure, Mayor Mare, or mah name isn’t Pear Butter!” she said proudly, getting a smile out of me and Mac Mayor Mare decided to go along with it, as she couldn’t exactly deny it, “Alright, just set up a date, location, and such and get a caterer for the wedding with me” she said, and we all stepped inside and filled paperwork. “So are you gonna continue, or…?” Bucky said, before Pineapple brought along ciders for both of them. “Here you are, brother and pa, enjoy!” Pine said, smiling as they took their drinks, and took sips, and Pineapple disappeared. As Chase finished taking a sip, he ‘ahhhhhh’d’, “Alright, now we can…” he continued, focusing again After weeks of preparation, and one day to set it all up, courtesy of Mayor Mare and Mrs. Cake, the wedding was complete. As me and Mac stood at the altar, waiting for our mare to approach in her beautiful wedding dress, we exchanged conversation. “So you’re sure this’ll end the feud, Mac?” I asked him, and he nodded in response “Eeyup, and if it doesn’t, then it won’t mattah. All that does mattah is our love for our mare, right?” he asked, and I nodded in response “Damn right, amigo” I said, and before we knew it, we glanced down the aisle and there she was, Pear Butter. She looked downright gorgeous, rightfully so. Her dress was hand-picked by Mac, so as to not raise suspicion, and it was a beautiful snow white, shining a little. Once she got to us, Mayor Mare cleared her throat. “We are gathered here today, on this beautiful night, for the marriage and herd forming of the ponies, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, as well as Pear’s human lover, Chase. Before we have the bride and grooms say their wedding vows, does anyone object to this herd forming?” she asked, and no answer, so she smiled and continued, “Mac, you may say your vow first, if you’d like” “Ah will. Pear, mah sweet buttercup, ever since ah knew ya as a filly, ah had a wee crush on ya, and it only got biggah as we got oldah. Ah dreamed every day about ya, even after we were in a relationship. While our families may not get along, that shouldn’t interfere with our love for each othah. Ah love ya, Pear Butter, and always will till mah days are spent” he concluded, smiling “Chase, if you will” Mayor Mare said to me as I nodded and locked eyes with her “Pear, sweetheart, ever since I met you, I supported your relationship with Bright Mac, encouraging you not to give up because of peer pressure and to push on. You’re a strong mare with an even stronger family. While it may seem odd to others that a ‘hairless ape’ and a pony can be together, that shouldn’t matter, as long as our feelings for one another are pure. I was happy to know that you had feelings for me, as I had never expected to even be in a relationship… till I met you. I love you dearly, Pear Butter, and will protect you both with my life” I said, getting a smile from Mac and a cheek kiss from Pear “Pear Butter, please finish with your vows” Mayor Mare said as Pear nodded, tearing up a little, taking a deep breath “Bright Mac, mah foalhood friend and first love, and Chase, mah human friend from another world and mah second love… you two have made me the happiest mare in tah world… always showin’ me love an’ compassion. I always was afraid of never seein’ either of ya’s again, and dreaded the day when it’d happen, but when ya both came up with this plan for us to tie this three-way knot… ah knew it was too good tah be true, and that I’d have you boys for tah rest o’ mah life… and ah know y’all will keep me goin’, even when times get rough as can be… ah love ya both, and that’s a Pear’s promise…” she concluded, hugging and kissing our cheeks. I wasn’t sure at what I was seeing, but Mayor Mare looked to be crying, before she wiped away her tears and cleared her throat, “Beautiful… now, if there are no further objections…” she paused, and then smiled, “Pear Butter, you may put their rings on, and they shall put yours on…” she said as Pear put our rings on our fingers, and then me and Mac both held her ring as she stuck her ring finger through it, “Perfect. Pear, you may kiss the grooms” Pear then kissed Mac first, and kissed me next. After that, Mayor Mare smiled again, and said, “Congrats, you three, you’re now officially married and a herd” “Married?!” a voice called out, and Granny Smith stepped in between all three of us, “Mac, you and Pear can’t be married!” “Finally, something we agree upon” a voice said as a brown stallion appeared from nowhere. It was Pear’s father, Grand Pear, and he looked disgusted, “Pear Butter! Have you no shame?! Marrying an Apple… and a human?! Have you no dignity either?! Whatever, come on Pear, we’re going home” he said, walking off, expecting her to follow “Pa… Ah’m stayin’...” she said as her pa turned around, scowled. Meanwhile, Mac stood close to Granny. “Excuse me? You’d rather give up your status as a Pear to be with an Apple and a Human?!” he shouted, clearly flabbergasted “They’re my family now, pa… Ah’m an Apple now…” she said, hugging me close “Then you’re no Pear or daughter of mine!” he shouted, about to walk off before I spoke “Hey, you stubborn, nasty asshole! She still is a Pear, she’s still your daughter! You can’t change DNA, you dumbass!” I said, getting his attention as he stomped over, raising his hand “Why you-!” he said, bringing his hand down, but it was stopped by Pear Butter, and she panted, “What the-?! Pear Butter, let go!” “No! You don’t dare lay a hand or hoof on either one of my husbands! Ah’m not gonna say what Chase said, but ah will say this… he’s right. You’re my Pa and always will be, and if ya can’t accept me for me, then get the hell outta my weddin’ and quit ruinin’ it!” she said, clearly startling him as he backed up and scowled still “Fine!” was all he said, as he walked off, back turned to us. After a few minutes of silence passed by, Pear cried into my chest, sobbing loudly at how she reacted, and I looked at Mac and Granny, calling them over with my hand as they came over, and we all came together and hugged Pear, hearing her sniffle. After a while, she looked at all three of us, “Thank y’all kindly… ah’m sorry ah snapped…” “Sweetie…” Granny spoke softly, “Ah’m sorry ah treated ya so harshly… can ya find it in ya heart tah forgive me…?” Granny asked Pear as she softly nodded “Yes, I can forgive you… mom” Pear said, then looking at me and Mac, “It’s a shame my pa won’t accept us, but at least Ah have you two to make me happy, right…?” she asked as we both nodded “You know it, Buttercup, we’ll always be here, right Chase?” Bright Mac asked me as I nodded softly “That’s correct, Bright. We’ll always be here for you, all three of us, Pear, and that’s a Pear Promise” I said, getting a straight up kiss from her “Thank ya Chase. It’s cause o’ you that ah pushed through. Ah love ya all, mah new family” she said, and after a while, we all enjoyed some cake. “Wow, can’t believe she stood up for both of you like that. In the story we were told, she didn’t really stand up, except for saying that she was staying” Bucky said, “Is that all, or is there more?” “Oh there is, just not for a while. My lungs are tired from telling all them stories. Instead, let’s head inside for dinner. Betcha everypony’s hungry” Chase said, getting up and heading for the house Bucky’s tummy rumbled, and he followed suit, “You said it, let’s eat” > A Dark Conclusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright, gather round everypony” Chase said aloud as everyone gathered around the fire. Everypony was pretty much dressed in some form of sleepwear. Surprisingly, AJ seemed the most excited out of everypony, mostly for storytelling, but also due to the materials brought along for s’mores Apple Bloom squealed excitedly, “Ah can’t wait! Tah anticipation is killin’ me!” she bounced happily on a hay bale, and Pine sat next to her, puttin’ an arm around her softly “Now now, little sis, pa knows exactly tah right moment tah tell a story, now do ya pa?” Pineapple asked his pa, and he chuckled in response “Yeah, I do. Now, to start off, what should I talk about first?” Chase asked as Apple Bloom raised her hand, and Chase nodded, “Yes Apple Bloom?” “What was it like when ma was… y’know…” Apple Bloom asked as AJ gasped “Apple Bloom! Is that really necessary?!” Applejack exclaimed, looking at Apple Bloom with a shocked expression “Relax AJ, I know what she was trying to ask. She’s wondering what it was like when Pear was pregnant with each of ya. Well…… it wasn’t enjoyable, I’ll say that…” he said, taking a deep breath Big Mac was first born from Pear, and even before Big Mac was born, she didn’t enjoy it one bit. Me and Bright Mac knew it was because her hormones had been dialed up, but she didn’t have any fun, period. More often then not, it just came down to the fact that she felt “under the weather” and didn’t have the strength to work, where other days, she would have all the strength and determination to do things while pregnant, and when we tried to get her to stop, she’d often come off as super aggressive. There were also rare occasions where she was both temperamental and under the weather. On those days where she wasn’t feeling well and was all the more temperamental, me, Bright Mac, and Granny would take shifts. Granny had morning shifts, Bright had afternoon shifts, and I had evening shifts. If any of us had trouble, we’d call somepony else to take over and swap out. There was one day that stood out from all the others. One morning, it was different though. Pear Butter pushed away Granny, refusin’ to eat at all. Bright tried cheering her up and rubbin’ her stomach, but she slapped his hand away, and when they both tried to get through to her, she literally got out of bed and shoved them out of the door. This’d never happened before, so it was very odd to me that she was pushing away her mother-in-law and one of her husbands. Before it was even lunchtime, I made my way to Pear’s bedroom, and it was dead quiet. Bright stopped me as he passed by, “Be careful, pardner, ah don’t know what’s up wit her this mornin’...” “From what y’all told me earlier, I can see why, but… I’ll get to the bottom of it” I said, sighing a little as Bright walked downstairs, and I knocked softly on Pear’s bedroom door, “Pear, sweetheart, may I come in?” Silence was what I was met with, and I knocked again, hearing a gentle, yet frightened, voice respond from the other side of the door, “Come in… Chase…” As I carefully turned the knob, I walked in on a teary-eyed Pear, and her eyes were a bit bloodhshot too, probably from stomach pains. She did her best to smile, only to softly yelp and whine at her stomach in pain. Funny thing was that, out of Big Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom, and Pineapple, Big Mac was only the second toughest pregnancy for Pear Butter. Eventually, I came over to her bedside and gently hugged her, and she hugged back as I wiped her tears away, “Pear, why’re you pushing Bright and Granny away? They just want to help you” “Ah didn’t want them… ah was missin’ ya more, and the kickin’ often stops when ya rub my tum tum…” she said, feeling a kick as she shed more tears, and I instinctively rubbed her tummy, getting a couple of sighs out of her “Have you eaten today, dear?” I asked her as she nodded softly, though she was quiet as could be, and I petted her mane softly, getting a soft nod from her. “Yes… though ah didn’t feel like it… ah didn’t know bein’ a mother would be so… pain-inducin’... ah feel terrible for how ah treat ma and Bright, but… but…” she said, hugging me and crying into my chest “Shhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I know, you can’t control your hormones. It’s okay, PB, we don’t hold it against you… we’ll always be here” I said, gettin’ her to calm down as she sniffled, taking a deep sigh. She looked me right in the eyes and licked my cheek like a hurt puppy, and sighed, leaning into me softly, “Ah don’t know what I’d do without ya, or Bright, or ma… y’all do so much for me, and most of ya ah treat like crap, yet y’all stick around still…” “If we didn’t, you’d be lost without us” I said, and she patted the spot next to her, but I sighed, “Pear, I can’t” “Why not? Why do ya have’tah deny me?” she whined as her ears folded “I have chores to do like the others” I said, trying to get her to agree with me She pouted, crossing her arms under her decently sized (D-cup) chest, and she glared at me, “No, ah don’t wanna hear it. You get in this bed with me now, or your ass will miss out on your first son’s birth…” she said coldly, and she stayed true to her threats. Not hesitating, I sighed as I took off my boots and my socks, getting in her bed with her, and she pulled me right next to her as she laid into me, “There, much better~” she sighed contently, huggin’ me like I was her teddy bear “Please don’t tell me this-” I tried to say as she placed a finger on mah lips “Oh, ya won’t always be in bed with me, but you will be caterin’ to mah ev’ry need. Not just while ah’m pregnant now, but any time ah’m not feelin’ well, undahstood?” she said, staring into my eyes sweetly, though I knew very well that she was hellbent on what she said. I sighed in defeat, and just kissed her, making her blush, “Okay, I understand. Can I g-” “Unless you gotta go to tah bathroom, you ain’t leavin’ mah bed” she said, huggin’ me tightly, “Ah love ya, Chase” she said, resting her head on me, and soon enough, she was out like a light. As I tried to scoot away, her grip tightened. As I sighed, Mac came in, chucklin’ a little. “Need help, Chase?” he whispered “No thanks. She’s a tad clingy at the moment. Best to just… take over chores for me, Mac” I said, getting a smile and nod out of him as he slowly closed the door “Ah got ya. Don’t let her in ya pants while she’s there” he whispered and teased “Ah’m surprised Ma confined in ya more than in Pa, Chase” Applejack said, sighing a little, “Ya musta treated her well for her to want ya so much” “Heh, you could say that, but boy, it was so much more than just that, Jackie” Chase explained, “Even when I tended to her every need, her appetite didn’t always agree with her, as it was either she’d want food when she wasn’t hungry, and then not want food when she was hungry. I could swear it was like I was raising a foal before one had even been born” Chase joked, getting a laugh out of everypony there “So pa, what was it like when ah was born?” Mac asked Chase, and he sweated a bit “Well, I’ll tell ya this much, it wasn’t all that pleasant” Chase said, “Though it was a bit of a beauty…” When Pear’s water broke, it was as if all Hell had broken lose. She was screamin’ louder than a rooster and wailing louder than a foal. She felt kick after kick, whining constantly as if her whole body was ready to explode. When we checked her into the hospital, the doc wasted no time in getting her onto a bed, and her legs were sprawled as she was in position. While the doc did acknowledge we were in a herd, he didn’t want the room to be crowded, so after a small decision made by Pear, it was decided that me and Mac would be able to see it, per her request. I sat on Pear’s left, and Bright on her right. “Buttercup, ya got this, push for us, darlin’. We know you can do this” Bright cheered softly as Pear grunted, squeezing his hand tightly as he winced “You’re strong, PB” I said as she did the same to my hand, pushing hard “T-This hurts so bad! A-Ah hate this!” she cried as her voice broke “Mrs. Butter, I see the head, just push a little more for me, please” the doctor said, and she grunted and pushed as hard as she could “Ah’m tryin’, dagnabbit!” she said, screamin’ louder as she pushed as hard as she can, and as she panted in relief, seeing her firstborn foal. “Mrs. Butter…” the doctor said softly, “It’s a boy…” he said, carefully swaddling the newborn foal and handing it to Pear softly. “Oh, he’s precious…” she said, and well, Big Mac was big when born, so that’s where she came up with the name, “Ah think ah’ll name him… Big Mac, cause he’s big just like his pony daddy…” “Buttercup, now that’s super sweet o’ ya. Ah have the strongest feelin’ that he’ll be quite tah child prodigy” Bright said “Mac may’ve been a pain to push out, but was a blessing at the age of 5, cleanin’ out trees like they was nothing” Chase explained “Heh, glad ya thought so, Pa” Big Mac responded, laughing a little “Pa, now that ah think bout it, you said Big Mac was the second hardest, so that begs the question: Who was tah first?” Apple Bloom asked Chase sweated a little and chuckled nervously, “Well… it’s funny you ask that… AJ was actually the hardest…” “You kiddin’ me? How?” Applejack asked as Chase chuckled “If you’d allow me to explain…” Chase began, breathed deep It was like Hell when Pear was pregnant with Applejack, unfortunately. Pear needed constant care, as she was either having a headache, really moody, or throwing up everything she had eaten prior. That, of course, meant I was on double time. It made me feel like absolute shit, knowing Pear was in pain day after day, and most of the time, I rarely got any chores done, and I soon just became Pear’s maid, anytime I was needed. It was beyond me why Applejack was the toughest for Pear, but lord, she was just… yikes. There were even some days where she’d be in my lap, wanting to be pampered and loved. She’d even insist on me bathing with her, which often got out of hand for reasons I won’t disclose. When she’d throw up, it’d smell like rotten apples. Sometimes she’d even throw up while eating and that was twice as nasty. There was one day where Pear felt like she was gonna die, and to be honest, that was like, one of the darkest days I remember, and it went a bit like this. “Chaaaaaase~ my stomach huuuuuurrrrrrrts….” is what I first heard waking up. It had been like this for a few weeks now: Wake up, hear Pear call out to me, and sigh. She rarely ever called out to Bright Mac, since she pretty much knew that I’d be stuck with her. Occasionally, the two would share a hug or a kiss but most of the time, Bright was busy taking care of Big Mac, teaching him how to work on the farm. As I peaked into Pear’s bedroom, the bucket by her bed had already been filled halfway, and that told me she had threw up at some time in the night, must’ve woken up in the middle of the night. She’d also tell me how she’d be able to sleep, but it was like her little ‘bundle of joy’ couldn’t sleep, and there were more times that she’d felt kicks, and she’d sometimes want to get rid of the pain, but something told her deep down, not just me or Bright, that the pain would pay off. I carefully walked over and petted her mane as she did her best to sigh, and I asked, “I assume last night was rough?” “What do you think?! Of course it was rough, ya dumb buck!” she snapped, and covered her mouth as you flinched, speaking softly, “Ah’m sorry sweetie… ah didn’t mean it…” “You never do, Pear, it’s your hormones actin’ up. I forgive you” I said, making her tear up a little as she smiled softly. “Your forgiveness for me is amazin’…” she responded gently, taking my hand, “Ah’m glad ah chose ya, as ah don’t know how Bright would put up with me like this…” “He seems like a tough fellow, so I wouldn’t put it past him if he was just as tolerant as me” I complimented, petting her mane some more, “You hungry, or…?” “No… Ah’m not hungry, sugarcube…” she responded, clenching her stomach as I rubbed her back softly “Well, you’ll have to eat at some point, and not just for you, but for your little filly” I said. When the doctor did a scan, it was confirmed that the foal was gonna be a girl, which was nice to know. “Ah know, Ah know, Ah’m just not hungry from all the throwin’-up ah’ve been doin’… ah’ll eat at some point, sugarcube, Ah promise…” she said, squeezin’ my hand softly as she felt some kicks, yelping softly, “Dagnabbit… she’s a fighter, that’s for sure…” I rubbed her stomach, feeling a tough kick come from there, “Ooooo yep, you’re right about that, she probably has a lot of potential if she’s kickin’ that much” “Maybe you’re right, though Ah won’t believe it till Ah see it…” she said, laying back down in her bed “Gonna get some more rest, love?” I asked her as she blew me a kiss “Yeah… maybe a nap will help…” she said, yawning as she fell asleep I then took my leave, closin’ the door softly, and saw Big Mac run up to me, “Pa, is ma okay?” “Things are… rough for ya ma, sonny… go get some more chores done, as it’d lessen the work load” I said, and he nodded and ran off. “Gee, ma really went through a lotta pain… ah feel bad for her…” Apple Bloom commented, tearing up a little as Applejack put an arm around her, comforting her “Well, in the end, she brought us all into this beautiful world, Apple Bloom. You, me, and Mac” Applejack said, trying to make light of the situation. “She was a brave mare, enduring all that pain” Chase explained, shedding a tear there, “Though, Apple Bloom was actually one of the easiest pregnancies she ever had” “Wait, really? How so?” Apple Bloom asked “Well, let me explain…” Chase said, focusing again When Pear Butter was pregnant for the fourth time, she felt as though another rough pregnancy would kill her, but to her surprise, she actually didn’t feel in pain In fact, she actually felt well enough to be workin’ on the farm, but more or less needed to take it slow and easy. She took some of the lighter jobs on the farm, not exactly tackling the heavier jobs. The rest of us weren’t sure whether or not she was trying to prove herself, or that she wanted to make up for all the times I took care of her.. It gave her joy, seeing Big Mac and Applejack play all round the farm, cause it made her happy knowing she had a family. Me and Bright did show our concern, telling her that she should really take better care of herself and not overwork herself, but she did so regardless. There was one day, when the sun went down, me and Bright approached Pear, who was sitting on a hill. Her breathing was gentle, so she seemed okay. Me and Bright took seats next to her, and Bright spoke up, “You okay Buttercup?” She seemed caught off guard, and looked around quickly, then sighed a breath of relief, “Oh, it’s just mah hubbies. Ah’m okay, ah’m just… rememberin’...” “Remembering what, sweetums?” I asked her as she smiled and petted me “How much we’ve all accomplished. Two boys, a girl, and another on the way. I’d say the Apple and Pear family gets bigger, wouldn’t y’all agree?” she asked, and we nodded in response “It is quite tah family. Ah have a feelin’ they’ll be great members” Bright said, making Pear chuckle as she kissed both our cheeks “And we’ll raise ‘em to be proud members of tah farm, ah know that much” she said with confidence It was clear, from that day on, that we’d be a great, big family who loved each other greatly, or at least… “...That’s what it would’ve been…” Chase concluded, sheddin’ a few tears as Timber scooted close to Chase, looking up at him “‘Scuse me, grandpa, but what exactly happened to grandma Pear and grandpa Bright?” Timber asked as Chase sighed again, looking up softly “AJ, may I? I know it’s hard for you, but…” Chase asked carefully, knowing that loss was a painful thing As AJ teared up, she nodded softly, “Ah’d say now’s a bettah time than nevah, pa…” As Chase sighed again, he focused and looked down at Timber, “Well… I imagine y’all are probably wonderin’ how this happened, right?” he asked, pointing to his own eyepatch “While it looks cool, ah do wondah why you have that, grandpa” Apple Slice spoke up Chase nodded, removing the eyepatch to reveal a fake left eye, one made of glass. Everypony gasped, and Timber looked closely, “How’d that happen, grandpa?” “Well, it has to do with loss…” Chase said, closing his only good eye as he focused It was an ordinary day on the farm, and everything was going well. Applejack was playing with Apple Bloom, keeping her entertained. Big Mac was harvestin’ apples with Pineapple, and Granny was cooking as usual. It had been a bit of a busy day on the farm, due to the high demand, and well, things seemed to be going well, no doubt about that, and as I was helping with harvesting apples, Pear came over to me, and hugged me from behind, “Well done, sugarcube, ya done plenty ta take a break” “Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today, love” I said, and she giggled and kissed my cheek “You’re right about that, sweetheart” she said, and for a while, things were calm, until screaming was heard. We both turned to see the house up in flames. “Oh hell! What happened?!” I exclaimed as she noticed and her eyes widened “A-Ah don’t know! W-We gotta go help!” she exclaimed, and ran off, but was stopped by Granny, “Ma, what’s happened?!” Pear asked Granny, who was followed by Big Mac, Applejack, Pineapple and Apple Bloom, but Bright Mac was nowhere to be seen, “Where’s Bright?!” “Ah last saw him inside! He said he’d catch up’tah us!” Granny said, “What’re y’all plannin’ tah do?!” Pear looked at me, and I shook my head, but she teared up and looked Granny in the eyes, “Ah’m gonna find my stallion. Chase, you’re comin’ with” “Are y’all insane?!” Granny asked us, and Pear looked serious “Ah’d so much as die for that stallion as much as ah would for Chase. Y’all get to a safe distance!” she said, only for a little Applejack to run up to her crying, “Applejack, go with Granny” “But what if ah nevah see you again?!” Applejack said hysterically, and Pear hugged her “Then know… that ah’ll always be here…” Pear said, and Granny took Applejack’s hand, running with them all to a safe distance, then Pear turned to me, “Now let’s find Bright” she said, running towards the burning house I followed behind her as we made our way in, and we followed the sound of screaming as we saw a sight that looked utterly… painful… Bright was trapped under a wooden beam, and it’d looked like he’d suffered mass head trauma, bleeding from that area. Pear gasped as she got down and tried lifting the beam up, “Don’t worry, Bright, we’ll get’cha out!” Bright looked up as we tried lifting it, but due to the intense heat, it hurt to do so. After a while, he sighed and said, “Get… out…” “Get out? Brotha, we ain’t leavin’ ya” I said, and he shook his head “Mah time’s up, Chase. Get my Buttercup outta here” he said I nodded and tried to pull Pear away, but she slapped me away, “No! A-Ah know we can save him! W-We have to try!” I grabbed her shoulders and made her look me in the eyes, “Pear, we’ve tried! The beam’s too heavy! We have to-” “Chase, watch out!” Pear said, tackling me outta the way as another beam dropped on her, causing her to scream, “AGGGHHHHHHH! BUCKIN- BUCK!” “PB! NO!” I screamed, trying to get the beam off of her, but the flames ate at my flesh like mosquitos, “No… no…” “Chase… listen to me…” she said, trying to get me to leave “No, please… let me try…” I said, trying harder as my skin started to burn away more, and before I knew it, I heard something falling, and looked up at the wrong time, as a sharp chunk of wood pierced my left eye, “ACK! FUCK!” “Chase, now!” Bright screamed, and I looked at them both, removing the stick as blood flowed from my punctured socket “Please Chase… get out while you can…” Pear called out, losing her voice as I knelt down next to her “But… what about the others?” I asked her, and she smiled “They’ll be alright… they’re in good hands with you around…” she said, “Before ah go, Chase, let me give you this… come closer…” I leaned in closer to her face, “Give me w-” and she kissed me. I closed my only eye as she kissed me, and then she pulled away, taking off her ring and giving it to me, “PB, sweetheart…” “Just so ya won’t forget us… ah’ll always be in ya heart, now go…” she said, as I pocketed the ring and ran out, looking back as they both laid there. “I love you, Pear Butter!” I shouted, running away as fast I can “Ah love ya, Chase! Protect them!” she shouted back, then looked at Bright, “At least they’ll have one parent tah look up tah, right dear…?” “Yeah… I trust he’s got it figured out… ah love ya, buttercup…” he said, reaching out to her “Ah love ya too, Bright Mac… Ah’ll see ya in the afterlife…” Pear said, shedding tears as the house burnt down around them Fast forward a few days later, and I’m in the hospital. My hands endured third-degree burns, and needed to be bandaged up for the meantime. My eye was impossible to save, as the center was where it was punctured, making it all the more impossible to save, so they had no choice but to surgically remove it. When the house had burnt down completely, Bright and Pear’s bodies were found, having suffered broken spinal cords, and fatal third-degree burns around face and all other parts of the body. Everypony attended the funeral, and even some other members of the Apple and Pear families came to mourn, except Grand Pear, who didn’t want anything to do with it. It was mainly me and Granny who spoke about their deaths. My speech went like this: ‘Pear Butter was a mare like no other, and Bright was like a brother to me. They both brought smiles to my face, and accepted me like I was an ordinary pony, despite being what most call a “hairless monkey/ape”. They made me feel accepted, and that’s what I loved about them. I only pray that they’ve passed on peacefully and are at peace in the afterlife. I love you both, and hope to see you both again one day…’ After I was finished and the funeral was too, Granny approached me afterwards, and pulled me aside. She was silent, but looked upset. “What’s wrong Granny?” I asked her, and she looked at me saddened “Listen Chase… ah know ya done a lot for us… but… ah think it’s time ya go…” she said, and that made my eyes widen “Wait, why?” I asked in confusion “Well… Equestria’s just not… ready for humans yet… that, and Ah’m afraid the youngins’ aren’t either. Hopefully you understand” she said, sighing “Where am I supposed to live? Surely you planned this” I said, still a little upset “There’s some empty farm land I used to own just outside of Manehattan. It’s nice and secluded too” she said, and I sighed, causing her to put a hand on my shoulder, “Hey, ah know how ya feel, but jus’ understand that it’s also for ya own good” “How so?” I asked her, still confused “Well, ah don’t want ya to be roamin’ round the farm an’ havin’ that remindah of their deaths, sugarcube… make sense now?” she asked, and I did understand, nodding “I appreciate your concern, but… what about the kids? Shouldn’t they at least?-“ I tried to say as she shook her head “Last thing ah need is them askin’ ya what happened” she said sternly I nodded, “Alright, can I at least take Pineapple with me?” “Sure, he will need a parent, so go ahead” she said, “Don’t take too long in movin’ out now” she said, walking off. To think that I’d be leaving my family was a sad thought, but Granny was right. With that in mind, I sighed and walked off. After Chase was finished, everypony was sobbing. Something had told Chase that this story really hurt his family. AJ looked the most hurt out of all of them, looking up at me sadly, “Ya did so much for them… they treated ya like family… and you did all ya could to save ‘em in the end…” “Truly I did…I’m sorry about that, AJ…” Chase said, feeling a tight hug from AJ, and then feeling his shoulder get wet “N-No… y-you did what ya could, Pa…” she said, and Chase felt two other pairs of arms wrap around him softly “She’s right… ya did what ya could…” Apple Bloom said, attempting to cheer him up “E-Eeyup…” Mac said softly “I appreciate that… thank you all…” Chase said, hugging them all, “I think… I need some time alone, y’all…” Chase said as they all let go, giving him space as he got up and headed for his room, and AJ grabbed his arm “Pa… ya gonna be okay, ah know it…” she said, and he nodded softly, hugging her before walking off completely “It’s getting late, y’all, get some rest…” Chase said, heading down the hallway Chase plopped onto his bed, falling asleep pretty quickly. He soon found himself on a farm, and that farm was Sweet Apple Acres. He walked up the dirt path, and saw two familiar faces there, and he ran towards them, “PB! Bright!” Bright looked too busy to notice Chase, and instead, kept harvestin’ apples. Pear did notice Chase, and smiled as he got closer, “Chase, good to see ya!” she said, opening her arms as he ran into them, hugging and kissing her, making her giggle, “Hehe, ah missed ya too? Somepony’s happy to see me…” “Like you won’t believe. Is this Heaven? Am I dead?” Chase asked, and she shook her head softly, making him sigh “No, you’re just dreamin’, sweetums, though it doesn’t mean ah don’t miss ya. Still waitin’ for ya to come home” Pear said, running a hand through his hair softly. “I still remember… our night of passion…” Chase said, tearing up a little, and she wiped away his tears softly “And what a night that was~ Pineapple was a beautiful baby boy” she said, cooing softly, “Ah’m proud o’ ya, Chase” “Proud of me how? I didn’t protect-” Chase tried to explain as she placed a finger on his lips softly. “No, you did. Sure, ah could see the sadness when ya had to leave, but it was for tah good, as yah didn’t have’tah tell ‘em what’d happened to us, and that meant they could grow up with joy ‘an not remorse” Pear said to Chase, kissin’ his cheek softly “You know, it’s clear they miss ya… even AJ’s children cried when I explained what happened to ya both… it’s a shame y’all missed out on their births…” Chase explained, and Pear teared up a little. “While that may be true… ah know ah’ll see ‘em again one day… an most of all, you…” she said, cupping his cheek softly “I look forward to that day, PB…” Chase said as he kissed her one last time, and she began to vanish, “One day, PB…” “I’ll be waitin’, sugarcube…~” she said as she vanished into thin air, and then Chase woke up Chase sat up in bed, sighing as he panted softly, feeling anxious. Then he smiled, knowing that it’d only be a few more years, “One day, PB…” And with that, he laid his head down and sighed, covering up and goin’ to sleep. Chase was a bit emotional after tonight, but he knew things were gonna be alright, not only for him, but for his family too.