> Life With Benefits: Reupload > by Jack Soulheart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A Changing Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Changing Life Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock isn’t the best way to start a day off, but it’s obviously how things were going to be today. I smacked it with my hoof and leaned up, boasting a jaw gaping yawn and an epic stretch of my back and wings. I slowly crawled out of the bed, careful to not wake my son.  Making my way to the bathroom to the right, I promptly ignored the messy state of our room and the funky smell of the morning,as I usually do. Closing the door, I avoided looking at myself in the mirror and sat on the toilet. The relief was almost unnoticeable as my eyelids continued to droop and my body started to sway back and forth as I struggled to keep from falling asleep again.  A knock at the door tore me from my sleep-deprived trance. “Who is it?” I asked drowsily. Although my body wasn't on board yet, my ears remained diligent for the voice on the other side. The voice was young and groggy. “Mom, it's me,” my colt, Lightning Blitz, called through the door. I saw my attempt at not waking him failed. Great going, Mom, I mentally scolded myself.  Groaning as I sat up, I asked him in a soft voice, “What do you want, baby?” I tried to keep the noise level down, as we lived with my mother, who could still be sleeping.  Even though I didn’t know what time it was I was already treading on thin ice and I didn’t want anything to jeopardize our stay. It didn't help that talking inside a bathroom amplified my voice like a megaphone. He sounded worried. “Sandy wants to see you.” My heart sank a little at his words. His tone hinted that whatever Sandy wanted to see me for probably wasn’t a good thing. I needed to ask him more, but I wanted to be a little more discreet than calling through a door to each other. “You can come in, but you know the drill,” I told him. The door opened and he walked in with one hoof over his eyes. I told him to close the door and after doing so I asked, “Did she say what she wanted?” He shook his head slowly. “Did she seem mad?” “No, she just seemed a little...upset,” he told me quietly. Maybe whatever she wanted me for wouldn’t be so bad. I knew things have been getting rough here, lately, but maybe she wanted to see me for something a little less important. I sighed and tried to keep my mind from exploring the vast amount of things she could want with me. “Go and tell her I’ll be there in a moment.” “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a whisper, turning and running out the door. I got up to wash my hooves and it was then that I decided to look in the mirror.  My mane was a mess, looking like I just woke up or something...oh wait. I sighed as I ran a comb through it and made myself at least somewhat presentable to Sandy. My purple eyes looked as if I hadn’t slept for days, even though I had. I guess that’s what being stressed about not being able to find a job looks like.  Right as I opened the bathroom door, I heard light hoof steps running and then the sound of the old mattress creaking as Lightning took to the air and fell on the bed. I barely saw him run by, but that’s why I named him Lightning Blitz; I knew he was going to be fast. Another pressing matter occurred to me, however. An embarrassing one at that. “Hey, Lightning,” I began, grabbing a mouthful of sheets from the corner of the bed. With a tilt of my head he understood what I meant. “Yes, Mom,” he said with reluctance, probably because I didn’t acknowledge his split second of flight across the room. Not that I wasn’t proud of him. His wings and flying capabilities were very developed for his age. Of course, every other mother would probably say that about their foal, but it’s true with him! He hops down and grabs another corner to help me take them off. Careful not to touch the middle, I grabbed his end and rolled it up into a ball. As he walked past me, I caught a whiff of the putrid stench of urine. “Please take a bath. You don’t want to run around smelling like that, do you?” He nodded at me, and made his way to the bathroom. I sighed in disappointment, but not with him. With myself. That foul odor wasn’t one he created. It’s one I did. Ever since I was a filly I had bladder problems. My mom had me put into surgery to try to stretch my bladder, but it didn't work. I didn’t like the fact that he always had to wake up covered in it; it made me feel even less like a mare, let alone a mother. I walked down to the basement and put my bedding in the wash, turning it on. Over the low hum of the washer starting up, I heard Lightning shout from upstairs. “Mom! Can you help me run the water?!” I chuckled lightly, his adorable helplessness when it came to stuff like running bath water causing me to crack a smile. Walking back up the stairs and to the bathroom I opened the door and immediately flinched, closing it back. “Oh, sorry!” I nervously shouted through the door, my voice cracking slightly. I didn’t apologize out of my embarrassment. I was catering to his. I’ve seen everything since he was born; I changed those diapers and bathed that foal. It’s just that he was already showing signs of inverted thinking. Kids his age shouldn’t be thinking like that, and it didn’t help that he was getting it from me.  I sat down In the hallway and waited for him to give me the signal to come in. As I waited I heard Ms. Sandy call out to me. “Scootaloo!” “Yeah?” I replied, knowing that this was going to take place sooner or later. “Can you come in here? I need to talk to you.” Her voice was rather odd to me today. It was her, but the overall tone she took made me question what she wanted. “My gosh, what is it with these ponies and wanting me?” I jokingly whispered to myself. “Lightning, I’ll be right back to help you run your bath,” I called to him through the door. Walking into the kitchen, I saw that Ms. Sandy was seated. “Good morning, Scootaloo.” She greeted me in the same fashion she always had before sipping her morning tea. Calm and understanding, but at the same time, a bit of worry in her voice. Not for me, that much I knew, but for Lightning more than anything. As to why, I never truly knew. As her cup gently came down to the table she smiled as she looked towards me, “How are you?” I was nervous in my response, “F-fine I guess. Why did you need me?” Sandy’s expression was one I didn’t like. She cleared her throat. “I am sorry to tell you this , but…” she began to say, pausing as she knew that her decision affected Lightning as well. “What is it?” I asked, not really wanting to know. I hoped that it was just a bit of bad news, something like a broken item. Or something that needed to be fixed like the old boiler in the basement. Anything that we could deal with together. Sandy frowned as she sighed, looking toward me. “Scootaloo you need a job or I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”  I was worried that was the fact of it. Yet even still, I was in disbelief. “You're going to what?” “I’m sorry, Scoots, but the price of food is going up and it’s just so hard to keep you and Lightning well-fed. Plus, I know your marefriend, Silver Spoon, will take you in.” Even in her voice I could hear uncertainty, as though she second guessed Silver Spoon would even allow Lightning in her home. And sure, in the past, Silver Spoon used to be an old enemy to me and the girls, but after Diamond Tiara stopped bullying us, we became friends. And a few years later, friends with benefits. “O-okay…” My voice balled up in my throat as I tried to speak. “I guess I’ll go pack my bags.” I walked up stairs trying to think of what to do next. I know Silver Spoon had always enjoyed seeing Lightning from time to time, but seeing him all the time I was unsure of. She knew he was born through rape, and when he was born, she had her doubts. Pausing for a moment in front of the bathroom door, I sighed. “Lightning, can I come in?” “Yes, Mom.” His soft voice was muffled by the door as he called back. I turned the knob and opened the door, greeted with its creaky, unoiled hinges. He was sitting in the bathtub with his hind legs crossed so I couldn’t see his private parts. And they were covered with thick, soapy bubbles.  I ushered a silent thanks unto Celestia, “See,” I lovingly rubbed his head, “you can run the water on your own. Now please take your bath. Mommy has to go do something, but I’ll be back. Promise.” I trotted away to my bedroom, set on packing for the days ahead. I went through my dresser, looking for my diary, but I quickly froze when something caught my eye. It was a plushy of one of the Wonderbolts. It was a gift from Rainbow Dash after she first became a full fledged member. I had kept it since I was a filly, often hoping I would be like her. I put it in my saddlebag and kept searching for my diary. “...I know I put it in here somewhere.” A moment later, I found it under a dress. “Ah ha! Found you! Now where is your friend, huh?” I had always kept two diaries. I’ve been writing in my first one ever since I learned to write. Yes some of the hoof writing sucks, but it was more about the memories they held than anything else. I trotted over to my bed and pulled out some old boxes, shoving them in my saddle bag. Then I found my new and old scooters, then a wagon to put all my necessities in. Pulling my wagon behind me, I walked out of the room I had called home for some time. “Lightning are you done?” I asked as I gently knocked on the door. “Yes, I’m coming out.” I could hear him splashing around in the water as he tried to get out of the tub. “Okay, because we’re leaving soon.” I tried to hide the sorrow in my voice, knowing for a time we would be in public. “Where we goin’?” he asked, walking out of the bathroom full of excitement. Looking at his still dripping wet fur, I grabbed his towel. “To Silver's house.” I could hear him gasp in excitement as I dried him off a little more. “Now, let's go, Lightning.” He hopped in and sat in my wagon as we started to take off. We said bye to Sandy as we walked out of the house. We had to start off as soon as possible, so I took my new scooter out of the wagon and hooked it to the slot at its flank. I flapped my wings and we were off, zipping around town. I raced by all the shops, ponies, and houses, the wind in my mane and all my worries blurring behind me. Yet, all of a sudden, the front wheels of my scooter came clean off. I panicked and broke into a screeching halt. I groaned, looking at the old wheel that had fallen off, “Good thing I brought spare wheels for this crap.” I changed the wheels without much effort, but my pride was hurt more than my precious scooter. Just as I finished, I heard whining to my right. I knew right away who it was. “Mom... I'm hungry,” he whimpered, glancing up and pursing his lips. Ugh. I stood my ground and crossed my forelegs over my chest. No. We couldn’t afford any snacks or freelance spending. We needed to conserve what we had to buy necessities. “You can eat when we get there, Lightning,” I replied, keeping my stance firm. Lightning kept his eyes in constant, teary, wobbling. And right then, I realized I couldn’t say no to him. How could I? He knew how to tug on my heartstrings, and those puppy eyes were the worst part about it; he even left the wagon for a moment to hug my hind legs and stare up in fake agony. “Please…?” his eyes started to water up. I wanted to say no. But looking at that adorable face, I just couldn’t. “Ah, fine. But only this once!” I groaned, taking him up and carrying him into the wagon. We went to Sugar Cube Corner. It was the closest and most convenient store we could find for snacks. Everywhere else had strange and specific purposes… Like Quills and Sofas. Why was that even a thing? We met the baker with a smile. Mine, uneasy because of how pricey the goods usually were, while Lightning’s was full of joy, because he wasn’t the one paying for it. We perused the large selection of confections with the usual awe anypony would. Even the discount items that were older or not decorated right were made with painstaking care and artistry. I stayed away from the ice cream treats, though… Those weren’t good for a mare like me, what with all the impending stress and the way it’d amplify my sweet tooth. “I’ll buy you a cupcake, but that's all until we get to Silver's house, okay?” While I browsed the counter for all the cupcakes put on display, I picked and Chose different styles and flavors, taking note of how much I didn’t want french cream. It was too watery and too loose in warm weather. Not much of a punch like whip cream or even… ice cream toppings. But, but I was getting ahead of myself. Thankfully, somepony else interrupted my cake and confection-related fantasies. As always, her voice hit me from behind. “Hi, Scootaloo! What can I get ya?” Same, shrill pitch bursting with excitement. Same, cheery sound of hooves bouncing against the floor tiles. I knew exactly who it was. Who wouldn’t? “Hi, Pinkie Pie…! Can you get me a cupcake to go? We’re in a rush,” I explained, rubbing the back of my mane. She hopped back to the kitchen and spent some time rummaging through the stock. I could’ve sworn I heard another voice asking about Yakyakistan and where the traditional Yakyakistan beet cupcakes were. Lightning almost pointed that out before random pie impacts kept us quiet. Soon, she came back with two of them. Not the beet cupcakes, but two with whipped cream frosting and rainbow sprinkles. They were topped deviously with chocolate shavings and pitless cherries, too. Though she was quick, Pinkie was also careful as she stuffed the sweets into a paper bag. “Two cupcakes at the price of one! Here you go.” I took her gift just as eagerly as anypony would have. Come on. It’s cupcakes made by an expert baker with a killer smile. I gave a nervous laugh as I took the sweets. “Thanks Pinkie.” I knew I could barely afford the sweets, but there wasn’t much I could do. Without thinking, I settled onto my scooter and hit the road. I pulled up In SIlver’s driveway and dismounted, making sure Lightning was uninjured and occupied with his snack. I found the front entrance and knocked. To my surprise, Silver was already behind the door with mail betwixt her teeth. Guess I should’ve glanced through the window on the door. “Hm, Schmtmlhm!” she exclaimed, blushing softly and taking the mail out of her mouth, “Hi, Scootaloo! What are you doing here…?” I glanced away, unsure of what to say. How else would somepony react to news like mine? Would it be fine? Or would she give me a glance and keep me outside? “Sandy kicked me out s-so… I’d like to move in,” I answered, keeping my gaze down. Though I couldn’t see it, I felt her features twisting in sympathy. You know, that painful expression you put on when you want somepony to know you understand. That was what she looked like, I gathered. Silver Spoon was more than understanding as she took steps toward me. “Oh, I am so sorry Scootsy…” She wrapped her hooves around me. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” Her generosity was a more than welcomed expression as she guided me in. “Thanks, Silver. Can you help me unpack? My legs are killing me.” “Sure thing, Scootsy.” She turned back toward the wagon to gather what little I had. She grabbed a box and carried it in. She might have been an earth pony, but she was weaker than me, and I’m explicitly weak for my age. Sometimes I wonder if being bigger would help me lift heavier objects or even fly. But maybe that’s just me wanting to be a few inches taller. Not one minute in, she found cupcake wrappers in the wagon. I froze and felt her eyes on my back. With piercing dread, I turned back to see her smirking up a storm. She held both of them with her left hoof, dangling them over her wastebasket. “Couldn’t afford to buy me any snacks, huh…?” She teased, chortling softly as I grew ten shades darker as I blushed. I rubbed the back of my head as I chuckled, “W-well I was hungry a-” At that moment, I realized something. “Oh, crap! I forgot to pay Pinkie Pie!” ---- I carried two boxes on my own and LIghtning grabbed his toy box. I made my way over to the closet and put my portion down, glad my son didn’t need any help with his own. Then, I returned outside and grabbed some more. When I was finished, I trotted over to Lightning’s new living space. He was playing with his new toys. They were Silver’s gifts, though I still felt just as crummy for letting her get them in the first place. I sat down next to him and took two soldiers for my own. “Mom?” Lightning mumbled, keeping his muzzle toward the toys. Turning around I knelt down to his level and gently held his cheek. “Yes, Lightning?” “I… wanna play by myself,” he requested as he hid behind his stuffed animal. I could only smile at how cute that was while wishing I had a camera. “Ok, baby. I’ll let you play.” I got up and left, but not before I kept some soldiers for myself. Only to see if he paid any attention to them missing. Walking around the mansion I passed by a few of the butlers she had recently hired. Like me, they were a little lost in finding their way around. According to them, they could find their way around the kitchen, and how lucky they were when I showed up. From the faint scent I kept picking up, somepony was cooking something. As we walked, the scent grew stronger that almost lifted the three of us off our hooves. Rounding the corner, we soon found the kitchen and parted ways. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Silver was making lunch, so I decided to help her. I cut up some tomatoes while Silver made the rest. I never did enjoy cooking for most reasons, to be honest the only times I would cook was if Lightning was hungry and Mrs. Sandy wasn’t around.  I’m more of a see-food chef, myself; I see food and I eat it. And that’s why I stayed away from commercials about culinary school. And most restaurants that were hiring for kitchen staff. Setting the table with sandwiches on my mind, I called Lightning in to eat, only to realize he might not be able to hear me from where he was. Stepping out of the kitchen, one of the butlers from before was passing by and had heard me. He gave a nod and took off looking for Lightning, without knowing where to find him, causing me to groan. Silver Spoon assured me that he would find Lightning before too long. As she had assured me, the butler returned dripping in sweat with Lightning on his back. We all sat down to eat as the butler returned to his duties, or went to take a shower. Not sure which. Lightning took the chair to my right and Silver to my left.  We were all familiar with pre-dinner ceremonies, but we had to make sure to say our grace.  It was just common courtesy for all the good we’d experienced that day, “Dear Celestia… We gather here before dinner to eat the food you’ve given us. And one more time, we’d just like to say: thank you for this bounty and everything we’ve ever been blessed with. Amen.” We dug in faster than anypony else might’ve. Why? Because I’m a seafood chef and Silver was on a seafood diet. Lightning hid his muzzle behind his hoof as he burped, “Thanks mom. This is really good.” He gave a nervous smile as Silver and I looked at him. “Thank Silver Spoon, honey. She’s the one who made the sandwiches. All I did was cut the tomatoes and pretend to watch her do the rest.” He blushed trying not to make eye contact, “Thanks Silver.” I knew he found her pretty, but I found it adorable to see him starting to grow up. As I took another bite and savored the cucumber salted to perfection he scurried off as Silver Spoon smiled and nodded her head, munching down on thin carrot slices julienned just right. What else could I say, she knew how to make a meal. The addition of garlic and sauteed onions was probably my favorite part.  When I finished, I glanced over and set my eyes on her. Silver Spoon, not bad at all really. In fact she was rather easy on the eyes. Hoping not to keep up the awkward silence I took a sip from my glass of water, “So Silver. What have you been up to?” She shared a glance, smiling absently with bulging cheeks.  Of course, she swallowed before talking, “Just hanging around town looking for somepony to talk to. You know, the usual.” She giggled a little as she hid behind her hoof. “It gets pretty lonely around here.” Just then, I batted my eyelashes something strong. And, thankfully, she did the same. We spent the last few minutes just going back and forth until Lightning gave us uncomfortable looks. “Well I bet you're glad that I’m moving in~” I teased as I got up and put my plate away, passing her one more glance as I began skipping away. > Chapter 2: The Shower > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   It wasn’t long before Lightning and I was unpacked and ready to call it a day, “Silvie? I’m gonna take a shower alright? I smell horrible and I feel horrible. I think I ate too many sandwiches.” “Hmm... Ok, Scootaloo. I’ll be there in a minute” Silver Spoon teased, feeling her lips curl tightly. Yes. That was the way we talked to each other. I was the sarcastic wisecrack and she was the playful lead. But the dense bulge in my stomach was no laughing matter. Yes. I actually did feel horrible from eating too much. And yes, it carried on the morning after. If only there was a pill for that. That would have been amazing. I walked to the guest bathroom. I started the water and watched it trickle down my hoof at first, it was cool and welcoming amidst the summer heat. I didn’t know how to feel there, barren, more naked than ever, and bending over to actually turn on the damn water. Oh boy. I could feel the perspiration and slime forming between my legs, against my thighs, and behind me where my exposed ass was. Why didn’t any pony tell me summer was so horrible everywhere but Cloudsdale? “Hey- I’m getting in the shower so don’t get any ideas! I don’t want you to come in and grab me from behind, Silvie…!” I laughed to myself recalling all the good times she and I used to have. The actual first thing I did, besides stepping in, was a check for soap. If we didn’t have soap, anything any pony did in the shower would be the worst experience of their life. Having all that water and nothing to lubricate you was like being in prison and not paying attention to blind corners. Soap, grime, and water started through my coat. I rubbed it on my foreleg at first, hoping it wouldn’t damage my conditioning too much. The day before, I’d forgotten to pack any and didn’t want my coat to feel like cheap carpet. Not that Silver Spoon had any hang-ups on… carpet. As I showered I soon heard the bathroom door open then shut and lock, “Knock knock, Scootie. Guess who’s here?” “Oh, Princess Luna? Is that you?” I teased her knowing full well who had come in. I heard her going through a few drawers as she gave a faint sarcastic tone, “Very funny. But if you’re going to be like that, I can just take this thick flank somewhere else, you know?” I giggled quietly and covered my lips. But as soon as I did, I dropped the soap and quickly snickered at the humor of it all. Yes. I was going to shower with my lovely mare friend and she was going to play the role of some hungry carnivore out to get me. “Oh ho… look who dropped their bar. Guess you won’t be needing this, right?” She murmured, low and heavy as she took the shampoo away. Before I could protest, I saw her substitute. No, it wasn’t shampoo in her hooves, but some sort of special lubricant. I glanced away with another chuckle, soaping what little I could at my parts down under. “Wait, why do you have lube-” I began to ask only for her tongue entering my mouth to stop me. As she pulled back from the kiss I felt her hoof slowly caressing my flank, “Shhh... Now’s not the time for questions, Scootsy. You’re in my shower and you just made mistake number one. Now hurry up and make some room. I need to capitalize on your ignorance, you know?” Scootsy. Ugh. I shivered at the prospect of her catching me bent over. At how amazing it might feel to close my eyes as she probed into me where I couldn’t see her. So I obliged, watching her quietly over my shoulder. All she did was a smirk. It was a haughty smirk. One that said ‘You know what I want and I’m going to get it.’ I bit my lower lip enjoying how her hoof felt, “Well of course you are; you know I’m a pussy and I don't fight back.” “Of course, dear. That’s why I am doing this.” I could feel her breath upon the nape of my neck as she whispered to me. She slid her tongue all over my back and I froze, shivering in place. She gripped my flank with her forehooves and drove me crazy.  All I could manage were a few, low groans, “My gosh- Silvie since when were you so good at this…” She slapped my flank as a means to tell me no talking.   She said not a word as her tongue reached the puckered hole of my anus. My pants grew heavy as her tongue moved around the hole, her teasing caused my knees to go weak.     Her hoof surprised me as it came up between my legs, “My, my, how wet you are.” She giggled, rubbing my soft tender folds.     I slowly slid down the wall of the shower stall till my face rested on the floor. The bottle of lube stared me in the face as a subtle hint of what was to come.     Soon I felt the sting of her free hoof spank my ass, “You naughty little filly, you haven’t been keeping yourself very clean.” Her tongue flicked my anus nearly causing me to beg for more, “But I suppose it is rather hard to clean this spot.” I could feel her devilish lust-filled gaze as her breath beat down on my anus, “Here, let me help you clean it properly.”     Her tongue drew out a gasping moan as it entered my rectum. The deeper her tongue burrowed the more I tried to dig my hooves into the stone floor. The warm feeling of her tongue slowly began to drive me crazy.     I tried to keep my moans and gasps as low as I could, the last thing my foal needed to see was this at his age. But damn did it feel good, it had been too long since I felt Silvi’s touch.     “Silvi…” I moaned as her tongue came out.     Flipping me onto my back she purred at how I looked. Her hoof pressed into my mare hood as she came closer to me.     “I’ve cleaned you as best I can.” She said in a seductive tone, the scent of my ass still on her breath.     Shoving her tongue into my mouth I could taste everything. I wanted to pull away but she kept me where she wanted. Her tongue danced around mine ensuring I tasted myself before I could taste her.     Though I was sickened by it, oh how I loved her kiss. As she slowly pulled away a string of saliva was all that connected our mouths. She smiled at my weakened yet aroused state.     I began to moan and pant all the more as her hoof worked my mare hood. Before long I found it hard to keep my voice down, and even tried to pull Silver Spoon back up to kiss her. Hoping it would muffle out my cries of pleasure.     But I was too slow in acting as she had begun to kiss her way down my body. Slow gentle kisses that made my body tingle as she continued to move down.     Reaching my crotch she held up her wet hoof she had been teasing me with, “Scoots, I thought you were too old to be wetting yourself like this.” I was embarrassed to have her talk to me like that.     But watching as she licked her hoof clean turned me on all the more, “I suppose I’m going to have to help you with this mess.” She smiled as her head went between my legs.     She was careful in what she did, drawing more arousal out of me as she continued. Starting with my upper thighs she began to lick, moving ever so slowly and closer to where I wanted her. Only to stop and move to my other thigh.     As she finally stared at my mare hood she blew on it causing me to moan and twitch, “You want me here don’t you?” She watched as I nodded my head, “You know what you have to do, Scoots.”     Sitting back against the wall she spread her legs. How I hated her antics, I was so close to cuming and she knew it.     Coming close to her mare hood I tried to reach down and pleasure myself, “Ah, ah…” She began as she grabbed my hoof, “I’ll let you cum soon enough, but not just yet.” I whimpered a little as I wiggled my flank trying to get some feeling from nothing.     She hummed as my tongue slowly moved through her slit. Each little pass made her move and arch her back. It was clear she had been wanting this for some time, but didn’t have the chance till now.     Pushing my tongue into her she gasped, “Oh Scoots…” Her legs wrapped around the back of my head, pulling me in tighter as her hips began to move.     I don’t know how long I was between her legs, eating her out as I did. But I didn’t care, she tasted as sweet as she acted most of the time. As her inner walls tightened around my tongue she quickly pulled me back.     Turning off the shower as she picked up the lube, she turned back and smiled at me, “I think my bed would be better for the rest of this don’t you?”     I gave an exhausted nod as my legs rubbed together. Leaving the bathroom wet I followed her down the hall, the cold air of her home touching my body made me shiver. Each little twitch of my body caused my legs to rub, and each time I almost fell to the floor wanting to touch myself.     Silver Spoon’s room wasn’t too far, a few feet at the most. Yet to me it felt like miles.     Entering her room I was stunned by how wonderful it looked, “Silver, your room is-”     My words cut short as her hoof pressed into my pussy again, rubbing it harder than before.     “Well don’t just stand there,” She teased pulling her hoof away, “come in and make yourself comfortable.” Her hoof returned as she spanked my pussy rather hard.     I could swear I was going to cum from that moment as I dropped to my knees. Wobbling my way into her room, I struggled to get onto her bed. Laying there I was soon surprised by the feeling of the cold lube being poured onto my anus.     Looking back I saw Silver Spoon had already coated my half of the double-sided dildo. Her half was already deep inside of her. Looking at it I saw it was twice the size of any we had used before, and nearly three times the length.     As she leaned over me I could feel the head of her toy pressing into my anus, “Scoots, do you remember prom night?”     Wanting to answer I soon shoved my face into her bed, “OH FUCK!” I shouted as the large toy entered my rectum.     My breathing became heavier and went into quick short bursts, “You looked so beautiful in that dress.” She cooed as her hoof came around my body, “Though if you want my opinion, I think it looked better on the locker room floor.” How could I forget, she took me that night?     I think it was our first time together. As her hips pulled back I could feel the dildo leaving. At first, it felt great for it to leave, but soon I felt her slap her hips back into me.     My moans were muffled by her bed as I began to beg for more. Her hoof worked my pussy harder than before as she thrust her toy in and out of my ass. Before long our moans echoed in the room as she bounced me off her hips.     As my back began to arch, I could feel my inner walls begin to convulse as I neared my limit.     “Silvi…” I moaned, “I’m…” She slammed her hips into me harder, ending any verbal words useless.     My eyes began to roll back into my head. My tongue dangled out of the side of my mouth. I shouted as I came, soaking her bed as I fell back onto her.     As she slipped out from under me I felt the dildo come out. The thud it made as it fell to the floor told me she was done with it for the time being. Lying there in a post-orgasmic haze I soon felt our mare hoods touch.     Looking down I saw her smile, “We are not done just yet my sweet little pet.” I both loved and hated that smile she gave.     It often came when she was horny enough to go for days at a time. When those moments came I often wondered, who in this relationship was the athlete? Her hips moved once causing me to fall back into her bed, twitching like a virgin on her first night.     She giggled at my reaction, “My I forget how sensitive you become after an orgasm.” She rubbed her pussy against mine a little harder.     The thick sounds of our juices mixing between us were all we could hear, “I thought Rainbow Dash would have taught you better.” How she liked to taunt me when I’m like this, “Maybe if we ask her nicely enough, she may join us for a night of fun.”     Slowly she picked up the pace and with it, our voices grew. We panted and moaned as she rubbed her pussy against mine. I could feel a second orgasm building as she pressed herself even harder against me.     I don’t know how long we were like that. Her trying hard to cum as I twitched and begged for more. As we both came we soaked her bed as well as ourselves.     Lying there as she cuddled against me I heard her whisper, “Stay as long as you like Scoots.” We lay there holding one another as we drifted off to sleep. > Chapter 3: Life With Benefits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: Life With Benefits I woke up to wet covers all over the two of us. I could only assume as to why in my groggy state. Silver Spoon knew how to help me sleep.  But as to if the bed was soaked with our cum or piss I didn’t know. It was thick and sticky but had a bad scent that made me worry. Silver Spoon had already gotten out of bed, where she had gone to I didn’t know. Hoping to clean the sheets before she noticed the smell I gathered them up. Poking my head out of her room door I saw no pony around, sighing at the satisfaction no pony would see or smell this I stepped out. Taking a few steps down the hall I was soon startled, “HEY!” Freezing there for a moment I struggled to look back only to feel a set of warm wet hooves come around me, “I have a staff who can take care of that for us you know.” Giving a nervous laugh as she turned my head to look at her, “W-well, I’m so used to doing this myself. I-I-I just thought I…” I hoped she didn’t smell anything as she held me like she did. “Really? Do you know where you’re going?” I stood there with a dumbfounded look on my face only to become baffled at what came next, “I think it’s because…” She stuck her nose into the sheets and took a deep breath, “you don’t want anypony here to know what we did.” She nibbled my ear as she wrapped her hooves around me. “Well, what we do is private.” I whimpered. I could feel her hoof moving along my side, slowly going towards my flank. Feeling her spank me once she whispered, “What we do will be private, they know better than to talk about what they don’t know or understand.” Her hoof came down again, “Besides, many of them are still confused. And seeing another mare around might help them to understand themselves a little better.” I was about to beg her for more. Oh how I wanted to feel that hoof again and again. But as my mouth began to open Silver Spoon let me go, “Mommy…” We turned around to see Lightning standing behind us. He looked worried, and I could only guess as to why. “Why hello there Lightning.” Silver Spoon greeted him with a loving smile but his expression remained the same, “Why the glum expression?” His eyes watered up as he began to sob. All we could do was stand there confused as we tried to figure out why. Walking over I picked him up, “It’s all right, now why don’t you tell us what’s wrong.” I cradled him hoping he would calm down. As he cried he managed to speak a few words between sniffles, “I… my…” He cried all the more as he buried his face into my chest. Trying to calm him down we soon discovered why he was crying. A maid soon turned the corner in a huff walking with a bit of attitude in each step. As she neared us we could see she was trying to keep her voice down, “Ms. Silver Spoon, I do believe that foal needs a stern talking too as well as some discipline.” “And just why would that be?” Silver didn’t like how her made was talking to her, even if she was trying to show some level of respect. “That colt is far too old to be doing what he did.” We were confused as she stomped her hoof constantly looking at one another and Lightning, “Sure the stains will come out, and it will be cleaned easily enough. But still, I must protest.” “What did he do that was so bad?” Both Silver and I were tired of the vague hints she was giving us, and I could tell she didn’t like me too well for some reason. “Your… your…” I knew she was going to call Lightning a bastard, but each time she was about to she looked over at Silver Spoon. Her glares at the maid were enough to keep her from saying the word, “fatherless colt wet the bed. At his age, he should know better than that.”  “Lightning can you go to your room?” I was beside myself knowing what she had said, and how she meant to word it. “Yes, mom.” I was thankful all Lightning cried about was her being mad about him wetting the bed. He was far too young to hear that insult, but at least his age made him oblivious to it in some manner. Once he was out of sight, and earshot, I turned my attention toward the maid. “Why you bitch! You do not treat my son like that!” To say I was livid would be an understatement, “You were going to call him a bastard. So what if he is fatherless? I don’t know any of my parents and no pony calls me that. And so what if he wets the bed I do that as well.” I quickly covered my mouth learning what I had just blurted out. I saw her eyeing the sheets I was carrying, and how she began to stare at me only made my anger quickly turn into embarrassment. “I see where he gets it.” She gave a sinister smile as she scoffed, “He must think it’s fine because his whore of a moth-” Before she could finish Silver Spoon slapped her. I had never seen her this angry since the time she stood up to Diamond, back during the run for school election. The maid was stunned, “Ms. Silver Spoon…” I knew she had never struck any of her staff, but she also never let any pony talk about her friends as the maid had just now. Taking the sheets from me, Silver Spoon shoved them into the maid. “He is just a colt, he’s going to make mistakes! Scoots has a medical condition so it can’t be helped, either get used to it now or you can find another job shoveling shit at Sweet Apple Acres. Do I make myself clear!?” Silver’s expression was vacant, but it only made her seem all the more terrifying. All the maid could do was nod before running off with the sheets. As Silver Spoon sat down I was too worried she didn’t want me near her so I tried to leave. As I attempted to walk off she sighed, “You think as experienced as she is, she would know better than to act like that. Even more so in front of me and to my lover.” I wanted to question what she meant only for her to chuckle, “The ones who’ve been here the longest already know about us, I may have let it slip a few times before. It’s the newer hire-ons that have no idea as of yet, but they will figure it out soon enough.” Sitting next to her, I soon felt her hoof on my shoulder, “I still need to shower.” She leaned in taking a whiff of my fur, “Why, you smell so wonderful as you are.” We shared a chuckle as I slipped out of her loving embrace. “That may be, but I still need one.” I soon felt her hoof between my legs again, oh how I loved that gentle touch. She let out a loving hum as she nibbled my ear again, “Would you like me to wash your back?” “You’ll do more than that.” I groaned trying to slip away from her, “But yes, please wash my back. In only the way you can.” She kept up her arousing touches as we walked into her bathroom. We had spent a few hours in the shower together, and I was barely able to stand. She was the only mare who knew how to make me this week. But despite the fact I was exhausted from everything she did to me, I still had to get out there and look for a job. Silver Spoon said it wasn’t necessary and that she could take care of me and Lightning. But that wasn’t the point for me looking for work. I had become a shut-in after I was raped, Rainbow Dash was the only pony who could still get through to me at the time. Well other than Silver Spoon that is. Rainbow often told me the best way to get better was to have something to take my mind off the issue. More times than not she often tried to help me leave my room and look for a job. She stopped around the time I was giving birth to Lightning, she still came around to check up on us when she could. And more times than I could count she often helped us out when she wasn’t with the Wonderbolts. Having a lengthy talk with Silver Spoon about it, I convinced her that I needed some work. If for any reason to help give me a boost of confidence. The first place I went to was Sweet Apple Acres, “I’m sorry Scoots, but we won’t need any help till apple-bucking season. And that’s not for a few months.” Applebloom was like her sister when it came to being honest about some things, “If anything comes up or changes I’ll let ya’ll know.” I had attempted to ask Rarity but I didn’t know a thing about dresses, and Sweetie Belle hadn’t been in Ponyville since the day a record label discovered her. We still get letters from her every now and again with her promising to return home soon. I went by the old school house to see Ms. Cheerilee in the hopes she had something I could do. But like at Sweet Apple Acres I was turned down, “I’m sorry Scootaloo, but the only help I need around the school is being taken care of by Big Mac. He comes by every few days and inspects the school, if he can't fix it he does it, if not he gets someone he trusts can do the job.” There were a few other places I had tried to get a job at. But walking in the ponies there stared daggers at me, they didn’t have to say it. I knew why they looked at me like that, as I left one I heard somepony call me a whore another called me a slut. As if they knew the truth behind any of it. Walking down the street I was soon stopped or rather tackled to the ground, “Hello Scootaloo.” I had always worried about what it meant to cross Pinkie, and now I feared I would know the answer to it. She looked crazier than normal as she stared at me. “Uh~h… hi… Pinkie.” I know she didn’t forget about me walking out and not paying for the snacks yesterday, “I meant to come back by yesterday and pay for the food. But I got sidetracked and… well…” “Oh I don’t care about that silly, I covered your tab.” As she let me up I felt a little relief, but her expression never changed. Looking at the clock hanging from her neck her jaw dropped, “Oh No! I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!” As she took off I watched as her back hooves seemed to act like wheels as she sped off. Leaving me in the dust I barely caught a glimpse of something on her back, what it was I didn’t get a good look at it. Rising to my hooves I patted myself down and continued my search. My next stop was Princess Twilight, with any luck she would give me a bit of work.  > Chapter 4: The Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four: The Fire When I Got back to Silvers all I could see was smoke. My mouth dropped as I looked on in horror. This couldn't be happening I thought to myself.  I took a shirt out of a saddle bag and wrapped it around my face to filter the air. I didn’t know what to do, so I did something that a smart pony wouldn't and ran in. I screamed and yelled out Silver’s and Lightning’s names.  But there was no luck in them hearing me as I called out to them, I feared the worst knowing I had to find them. I ran up the stairs hoping I would find them in Silver’s room, but all I could see was the burned corpse of the maid. I shook my head at the sight of her charred body feeling sorry for what had happened to her.  Sure she was a bitch to me and Lightning this morning, but no pony deserved to be burned alive. The sight of her drove my fears wild as I worried for Lightning and Silver Spoon, screaming out their names once more as I ran out the door. All I could hope was that Silver and Lightning did not have a similar fate.  “Hello anypony there?” I called out as one of Silver's maids ran past me.  “Ms. Scootaloo you got ta get out!” She tried to pull me towards the closest exit as I dug my hooves into the floor.  My eyes watered as my fears grew all the more, “But I got to find Silver and Lightning, I’m not leaving them in here!” I cried pulling my hoof free from her grasp.  She stared at me in shame but knew there wasn’t much she could do,”They’re in the kitchen last I saw.” She ran off unable to face me, knowing I would demand she helped me save them. I wanted to call her a coward for taking off, but knew it would do no good. Taking off I ran back down the stairs and through what was left of the door frame to the kitchen. And there they were safe from what harm her butler could protect them from. He was shielding Lighting and Silver Spoon from the fire but even still his magical stamina was beginning to wane.  As their eyes locked with mine I ran as fast as I could, “Scoo…” Silver Spoon called out to me only for her voice to soon be drowned out by a ringing noise. I don’t know what caused it, but for some reason I found myself on the ground. Unable to move regardless of what I did, and even my body felt too heavy to move. Looking at them I could see both Silver and Lightning began to cry as they called out to me. And Lightning… my poor baby… how he banged on the wall of the barrier, trying with all his might to get through and come to me. Though it was faint I saw it in the eyes of both Silver Spoon and her butler, I was trapped under a pile of burning rubble. She could save me, but to do so her butler would have to drop the barrier. Exposing the three of them to the smoke and hot air. How long would they last, three… four minutes? And even if Silver or her butler saved me, could he even muster the stamina to put up another barrier? I didn’t blame either of them in the least, they were making the right choice. Even if Lightning would resent them for the rest of their lives, they were doing what was best and I accepted that. Looking around myself I saw the flames were slowly making their way towards the part of the wood that had yet to burn. It was too heavy for me to move off myself, and so I closed my eyes slowly passing out as my hearing slowly returned. Lightning’s crying as he begged them to let him come save me was the last thing I heard before slipping out of consciousness. The world around me was dark, cold, and I was afraid to believe it. Yet even still part of me knew. I had died in that fire and this was it for me. I wouldn’t get to see my only foal grow up, I wouldn’t get to see him earn his cutie mark, or meet the pony of his dreams, or even… see the family he would start. I could feel myself letting out a shrieking cry. I didn’t want this, I didn’t want to die, not yet, not like this. I had just started to try and get my life back on track, to be a better role model for Lightning. To show him that he could do better in this world so long as he tried, but I wouldn’t have that chance now. I continued to cry as I heard the faint tapping of something upon the ground, I could only assume what it was as it drew closer and closer to me. I shouted about how I wasn’t ready to go, how I wanted to stay and raise my foal, to be a better parent in his eyes. But in this world my voice had no sound, I made no noise regardless of how hard I tried. I bargained and pleaded with whatever it was to let me stay, to let me live so I could at least try to do better in life. But that damn tapping grew louder and all the more closer to me. I couldn’t see much of the figure as it stopped and stood before me. All that I could see was its skeletal muzzle as it stuck out from under its hood. My tears ran down my face as I stared at it, I know who it was who stood before me. And still I wished this wasn’t true, that this wasn’t happening. I even hopped and begged that this was a nightmare I would wake up in bed next to Silver Spoon cuddling me as she used to.  The cloaked figure raised its hoof and pointed at me, “Scootaloo…” I could see his cold icy breath as he called out to me, “come.” Without hesitation I followed though I wished not to. I tried to stop, I tried to dig my hooves into the ground. But all I could do was follow him as he walked. I didn’t know where he was going or even why I was following him. “Don’t worry…” He groaned as though he knew what I was thinking, “it will all be over soon enough.” His words only made me worry far more as we walked. Before long we entered a tunnel with a blinding white light all around us. > Chapter 5: I’m Alive? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: I’m Alive? Several hours later I woke up to be in an unknown room, the sound of a beeping just to my left with bright lights above me. There was a tube going down throat, every so often I could feel my chest expand a little then return to normal. I tried to speak but nothing came out but saliva running down my muzzle.  I heard talking In the next room over, as to what was being said I couldn’t tell. All I could guess from the voices I heard was it had to be Nurse Red Heart, and one of the other hospital staff going over a chart or some duties. The other voice sounded familiar to me, maybe one of the ponies there when I was giving birth to Lightning.  Either way, allI knew is that I had to get their attention somehow, looking around the room I spotted a glass of water on the bedside tray. I tried to reach for the glass of water hoping it would make enough of a noise they would come look into it.  My leg was too heavy to move and took a great amount of effort to even get it up on the tray, but I was determined to get one or both of them in here. Pushing the glass all I did was move it, frustrated I tried again, and again till I knocked it off the table. The sound of glass breaking caused them to come rushing into my room. “Scootaloo are you awake?” A tan unicorn asked in a hurried breath, as he rushed in to see what caused the glass cup to fall.  I knew this stallion from anywhere, he was the cousin of Oakheart. One of my closest friends to date, I had met him shortly after I gave birth to Lightning. I heard he was working somewhere close by but never thought he was a registered nurse. “Pixel Scratch, is it alright to come in? Is she awake?” I could hear Oakheart from outside of the room. Walking around my bed to avoid the broken glass, he walked up to me with what I assumed to be a damp cloth. “Ya she’s awake, but don’t come in just yet.” He called back with a faint smile on his face as he patted my head and face with the cloth, “Could you go get one of the janitorial ponies real quick?” Looking at the machine he checked my vitals. A few moments later he patted my shoulder as another unicorn stepped into the room. Pointing over my bed he motioned to the other pony, “I’ll be back in a few minutes with a couple of doctors. They will determine if it’s safe to pull the oxygen tube out of you.” In my weakened state I tried to gesture for him to do it. He brushed my mane before walking off, “Hospital policy Scoots, I’m too close to you to do anything. I could get emotional and make a mistake, besides I’m not a doctor yet. Still have a few years of medical training to go through first.” As the janitor left the room several doctors and a few nurses came walking in. Going over my chart and checking several things one of the nurses passed a syringe over. “Ms. Scootaloo, this is a simple relaxer.” One of the masked doctors said as his magic positioned the needle at my neck, “Once it's taken effect we will start to remove the tube.” I nodded showing I understood what he was saying. I felt the needle enter my neck, and the cool fluid enter my vein. They stood there for a few minutes talking about how lucky I was to be alive. Holding my mouth open they began to slowly removed the tube, I gagged a little followed by some coughing as the tube finally came out. Rubbing my shoulder as the others left the doctor smiled at me, “The drug will leave your body soon.” Pulling up my chart he looked a few things over, “When you are feeling a little better I’ll go over a few things with you.” Walking out of the room I could see a faint movement of his neck. I assume it was him nodding on his way out. “Keep your visit short though, in her state she needs as much rest as she can get.” He instructed the small group of ponies as he passed them. Slowly a group came walking in just to see me. Silver Spoon, my little colt Lightning, even Pixel came walking back in. Right behind him was his cousin Oakheart. I gave a weak smile, “It’s good to see you again Oakheart, but how did yo-” He smiled as he looked at Pixel, “right, the two of you are always keeping up with each other.” Looking over towards Silver and Lightning I saw another stallion behind them, his coat was a light grey. His mane was black with a few streaks of dark grey waves, they seemed to be like the waves in the ocean or waves of grass when the wind blows. He tried not to make eye contact with me and more times than not he often looked at the floor in shame, but even still I could see the horn on his head. “Mommy!” Lightning nearly jumped up into my bed only for Silver to grab hold of him. He struggled in her hold as she tried to calm him down, “Lightning, I know you want to hug her, but if you’re not careful you could hurt Scoots.” He pouted as he slowly stopped his flailing. Scooting myself over a little I patted my bed, “It’s alright…” My voice ached as I tried to talk, “let him up here.” Silver Spoon was hesitant for a moment, but helped Lightning into my bed so he could lay next to me. He tried not to cry, but as he held onto my gown and blanket I knew he would soon enough. “It’s great that you survived Scoots, I was so worried when they took you.” Silver Spoon nearly started crying as she gently held my hoof, “According to the reports you had stopped breathing and… and…” She didn’t have to say it, up till now I thought it was a dream. But I had… I was… I thought back about that pony I was following. If that truly was who I thought it was, then why was I still here? Was it just not yet my time to leave, or was I given a second chance? Either way I planned on making the best of this, I am still here and I still have a chance to be a better parent. And the mare of my life was standing next to me. Weakly I gripped her hoof, “Who’s?” I tried to ask as I looked at the stallion in the corner. Silver Spoon cleared her eyes of tears, “Oh, that’s Storm Winds.” She sniffled as she gestured for him to come over. His ears hung low and his eyes barely stayed open, “I’m sorry ma’am, I should have done something more. I-I-” He was ashamed that he didn’t try to save me, or at least try anything more than he already did. Nodding as I closed my eyes I faintly shook my head, “You did what you could…” I groaned feeling the relaxer start to leave my body, “the important thing is, you kept Lightning and Silver Spoon safe. That’s all I could ask for the most.” Looking over I hoped to get a drink, but was quickly reminded that I had broken the glass. I groaned tapping the tray. Pixel gave a chuckle as he quickly walked out the door, “Sorry about that, I should have gotten you a new glass while we were waiting.” We all sat there talking about what had happened, from what the fire inspector ponies managed to discover it was mostly an accident. They had found the remains of a cigarette butt where the fire had started, somepony passing by just flicked it off to the side when they finished. Whomever it was didn’t care to put it out, or even where it would land. All they cared about was that they were done with their cigarette. Sadly they had yet to find out who it was, but the investigation was still open. Whomever they are I know this will be on their conscience for the rest of their lives, and maybe they will think twice next time. > Chapter 6: Painkillers Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter six: Painkillers Help It had been a few days before I had the stamina to stay awake longer than a few minutes at a time. And during those days everypony I knew had come to visit me… well… everypony except for Rainbow Dash. It was understandable why she had yet to come visit me, I could throw darts at the possibilities as to why. But the ones that stuck out the most were either she had yet to hear about it, or she had heard and had yet to make her way here to see me. She had been rising through the ranks of the Wonderbolts over the years, and with that rise came more responsibilities alongside their already demanding training regiment. I had assumed she would wait till she had free time to come and see me as she always did. That is till I heard some whispering outside of my room. I couldn’t tell what they were talking about, or even if they were talking about anypony. But between the two voices I heard that same raspy voice that had cheered me on in the past, “Rainbow Dash?” I groaned to speak as my voice was rather dry, “Is that you?” I struggled to reach the glass of water in my excitement, hoping I would see my foalhood hero sooner than expected.  I could see the outline of her shadow as she slowly walked in. Her mane still as she had always kept it. She was wearing her wonderbolts jacket and had her sunglasses resting on her head. “Hey kiddo... I heard about what happened.” She sounded hesitant as she walked up to me, and still with that old kiddo introduction. I could be in my 80’s and she would still call me kiddo. She gently hugged me for a moment, doing her best not to hurt me in my weakened state. “Always trying to be like me aren’t ya?” Even trying to use her ego to make light of the mood I could tell she was sad to see me like this, “What you did was stupid, brash, but very brave. There aren’t too many ponies who would run into a burning building for those they cared about.” She tousled my mane like she used to when I was a filly. It felt good to have that touch once again, reminded me of old times when we used to go camping and just hang out. I was full of confidence back then, and so eager to prove myself to anypony. Especially to Rainbow in the hopes I could be just like her. She had always been there for me when she could, as often as she was able. She was there to help comfort me after I was raped, and was even there for me after I found out I was pregnant with Lightning. Looking at her I could see she wanted to say something, yet she was having trouble saying it. I was more than aware of many of my bandages, but the doctors and nurses had yet to say anything more to me. I could only assume they wanted to wait till I was ready to hear it, or at least was able to stay awake long enough to hear it. Rainbow rubbed my leg a little as her eyes darted around the room, “S~o…” We could both tell she was trying to find an easier way to say what it was, “th-there’s…” She groaned as she rubbed the back of her neck, “I’m just gonna come out with it.” I snickered as she looked at me funny, “I always knew you had a thing for mares. So who did you get with, was it Spitfire?” Sharing in a laugh with me, Rainbow gently pressed her head against mine. As she came out of her laugh with a sigh she sat down next to me, “Sure, lets go with that.” She rubbed a tear from her laughter away as she leaned a little closer, “Look, I was talking to your doctor on my way here.” I sighed as she said that. I knew this conversation was coming, but I didn’t know when it would happen. I had even thought my doctor would have been the one to say it, or at least one of the nurses who would be the ones to say it. “So here’s how it's going to go, I’ll give you the bad news then give ya the good news.” I braced myself for what could come, “They said that among your burns, some of them are rather close to your marehood. And the only reason you haven’t been feeling any pain when you relieve yourself, is because of the painkiller they are dripping in your IV bag.” I wanted to ask some questions, but I didn’t know where to begin. Tousling my mane like she used to, I leaned in towards her, “Also I know you weren’t always a very good flyer, but the debris that fell on you in that fire. It dislocated your wings and broke a bone or two in your left one, so you won’t have much use of them for a while.” I started to sniffle as tears began to fill my eyes. I didn’t know what I was going to do, I had planned on getting my life back on track. But now… I didn’t know what I was going to do. “There is some good news to this, all of your burns are minor first degree. So with some proper ointment and bed rest you’ll be good as new. They are also going to give you something for your…” She cleared her throat as she pointed towards my crotch, “so no sex for a while alright kiddo.” I groaned when I heard that, “How long are we talking? Cause I just moved in with Silver Spoon and she..” I nearly jumped out of my bed as I sat straight up, “OH FUCK SILVER! Where is she living, are her and Lightning someplace safe?” The doctor came rushing in with an orderly, and neither of them looked too happy at my excitement. “Ms. Dash I gave strict commands not to get her too worked up. Last thing we need is her stitches…” “I HAVE STITCHES!?” I shouted at him almost fluttering my wings as i did they stung causing me to wince, “How many do I have, and where?” Sighing as he rubbed his head he walked up to me, “You have about 30 stitches and three staples on your left wing. Of the bones that were broken, one of them popped out of your wing. That was one of the more important issues we had to take care of, it was causing you to lose far too much blood.” Motioning an orderly, she walked over with a syringe full of some kind of clear liquid, “This is just to help you relax a little.” She claimed as she began to inject it into my leg. Rainbow couldn’t help but make a joke about it, “So she says, we all know they are performing mind control experiments in places like this.” As she and I giggled a little, the doctor and orderlies rolled their eyes at the crude joke, “Yes and Princess Twilight Sparkle is taking on students under the guise of teaching them about friendship. When in truth she’s creating an army to rise up against the other Princesses and conquer the world as we know it.” “That’s not funny doc.” Rainbow snapped at him, taking offense to his words about one of her closest friends. “Neither was yours Ms. Dash, so I do believe we’re on common ground now.” He gave a pride filled glare as he walked out of the room, knowing neither of them had much more to say on the subject. “So as far as things go…” Rainbow picked up as she turned back towards the leaving group, “I WISH I KNEW HOW LONG YOU CAN’T DO THE THINGS YOU ENJOY FOR!” She shouted towards them causing the doctor to take a few steps back. Giving Rainbow an annoyed glare he sighed, “Your right wing will remain in a bandaged for a few weeks, your left will remain in the cast much longer than that. In about three weeks from your release from here we will give your wing another look through the X-ray. If it's looking better then we will remove the cast and put it into a splint for a few more weeks.” With a sigh I leaned back into my bed as I felt an itch near my crotch. Seeing my hoof move towards it the doctor rushed me blocking my hoof, “You have a burn there, I would advise against that. I’ll send a nurse in soon to apply some ointment and new bandages for your burns. And as Ms. Dash has informed you, no strenuous activities till you’re fully healed.” She had said something different but I got the idea regardless. > Chapter 7: State of Recovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Seaven: State of Recovery It had been nearly a week since Rainbow visited me. My burns have nearly healed completely and I had my stitches taken out of my wings. But there was still the gauze wrapped around my crotch.  I saw how bad the burns there looked, and even still I didn’t want to think about it. The first time I saw it I nearly screamed from how it looked. The only reason I didn’t was because of the meds I was on, otherwise I would have screamed from the pain. As the hour slowly started to arrive Pixel and Nurse Red Heart came into the room, “Good morning Scootaloo how are you today?”  “Uh... fine.” I groaned still feeling a bit groggy from the painkillers.  Walking over Nurse Red Heart went through the standard routine as she checked my bandages, “Scootaloo today we are going to take your stitches out.”  She tried to sound cheerful to keep my spirits up as she replaced the last of my bandages. At first I was understanding only to recall what they had done earlier that week, “But I thought you already did?”  Pixel chuckled as he passed a bit of gauss towards her, “No that was in your wing Scoots.” Pausing for a moment he groaned as he looked at me, “Let me guess…” He sighed trying not to make the situation any more awkward than it was, “nopony told you you had more stitches there?” He pointed at my crotch with a nervous look as he tried to inform me of the others.  I believe I blushed at that point, groaning as I thought about how it was going to feel once the meds wore off. It was several hours after the inspection before the doctor came walking in with a few orderlies. He explained that to be on the safe side they would numb my sensitive parts so they could remove the stitches. After the first few injections Nurse Red Heart poked my crotch only for me to wince as it stung. The doctor shook his head as he gave the order for them to inject me full of painkillers. I don’t quite remember much of the event as I slept through most of the day, one moment I do recall was laughing with Lightning on the way home. Something about how big my hoof was, I don’t quite want to know. It was several hours before the drugs wore off, leaving me sore in places I didn’t think I could be. Stumbling around in the dark I waddled over to the closest source of light I saw. As the door creaked open Silver Spoon turned to look at me, “Scoots…” She whispered as she set her book down. She struggled to get up at first, and as I came around I saw why. Lightning had fallen asleep on her lap. Slipping out from under him she quietly walked up to me, “How are feeling?” She kept her voice low so as to not disturb Lightning. I smiled knowing that he was being taken care of, “I’m not sure…” I groaned trying to whisper, “mostly feels like I’ve been partying like we used to. Though the itch is a new one.” I reach to scratch myself only for Silver to stop me, “The doctor said that you can’t do that, come with me.” She walked down the hall leading me who knows where. Before long she and I were in the bathroom, I feared what she had planned for me. I knew her sexual appetite was near endless, and I wanted to trust that she wouldn’t do anything too rough. Opening the medicine cabinet she walked behind me with some kind of tube in her hoof, “The doctor gave us this to use, it will help to numb most feeling down here such as itching. And till you’ve recovered we can’t have sex. And you cannot scratch this area, nor rub it too hard. Light pats after relieving yourself, and bathing are recommended.” I blushed feeling her hoof gently tapping the ointment over my tender folds. It had been a while since I had felt her loving touch, and I fantasized about what she would have done to me.  My little dream was brought to an end when Silver Spoon slapped my flank harder than I knew she could, “Could you not get turned on by this?”  I chuckled as I looked back, “I’m not.” I hoped she didn’t see through my lie. Bringing her hoof to me I saw something mixed with the ointment, “Scoots when you get turned on, you get wetter than any mare I know.” I gave a nervous smile as she kissed me, “But you’re lucky I finished. And the doctor told me everything, so till your better I can’t be too rough with you.” Washing her hoof she walked out of the room, “So where are we?” I inquired hoping it was somewhere familiar. Looking back at me with a smile she waved me over to the window. Opening the blinds I saw a wonderful view before me. The grounds were wonderful, and still just as I remembered from my time here as a filly. Oakhearts Filly Scout Camp only a few miles outside of Ponyville. The summers the girls and I spent here, the bond between me and Silver Spoon built up in the third cabin to the east of the mess hall. It was then I started questioning my sexuality. Neither  Silver Spoon or myself had anything going on that day, and were stuck just sitting in the old building. I remember us talking about how the past couple of months had gone, and what we had been doing up till then. She had learned a few new things that year, and I was just going back through everything they had. After awhile she and I were talking about the future and what we wanted to do. Even talked about some of the stallions we had dated over the years, none of them were good but they were the best looking. I groan looking back on those old colt friends, how they treated me like I owned me. She and I laughed then looking back on them and how we were glad to be done with them. We blushed as we looked at each other, I broke the ice joking about us becoming Fillyfoolers. We laughed harder than we ever had before or since. Who would have guessed that a few years later at prom we would fall for each other. > Chapter 8: Serendipity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serendipity Chapter 8  Sitting on the porch of the main lodge I rested my head against Silver Spoon, drifting in and out of sleep as we reminisced about the past in the ember glow of the setting sun. That day in the cabin when we joked about only liking mares from then on out, who would have known that we would be back here as we are. Two mares in love with one another resting next to each other. Had somepony said that this was going to happen to either of us, I’m sure they’d be missing some teeth. But looking back on how we got to this point makes me smile as I snuggle next to Silver.  I may not had much of a past because I spent much of it trying to get my cutie mark. But there are still some fun times I often like to reminisce from time to time. Like prom night and the first time I stayed at silvers, both were great times I enjoyed. One more so than the other than I would like to admit. The night i stayed over at Silver’s house was a lot of fun. Though the girls couldn’t make it and Dimond was sick, she and I had so much fun that night. It was then she and I first began to develop feelings for each other. We had our first kiss then laughed about it, even then we weren’t sure if we were attracted in that way. Both of us were dating new stallions around that time, but even still we felt closer to each other than we did to them. As a joke around the boys we would often find ways to trick them into doing things for us. It was funny when they helped Big Mac out, I guess it's true what they say about colts. Always wanting to prove themselves. The best part about it was listening to Big Mac order them around. His calm tone mixed with his strength was enough to make them scared. Though we all know he wouldn’t hurt a fly, they sure didn’t. The funniest thing we heard him say that day was, “Granny Smith could do a better job while she naps.” Only for us to see her come sleep walking out of nowhere dragging several crates of apples. Big Mac almost lost his mind trying to figure out how to get her back to her rocking chair. But nothing compared with how we teased them, and often drove them crazy just for laughs. The best moment we had doing that was during a sleepover at Silver’s house. She had a new camera and we were lucky enough to catch Spike out for a late night stroll. At the time he had taken up stargazing to clear his mind. He often looked back on what if he had remained as the Dragon Lord, or even how Princess Ember was doing. He still had a crush on Rarity but he wasn’t as awe struck as he used to be in her presence. He was a little calmer than before, according to Zecora the longer he resisted his draconic instincts the wiser he would become. Even Twilight had noticed this when he began calculating theoretical physics. Not having seen him in so long we were surprised to see how much taller he had become over the years. As he came over he waved to us, “Scoots, Silver, what are you two doing out here so late?” “We could ask you the same thing.” I giggled covering my muzzled. “Ya, heading over to Rarity’s to peep on her as she showers?” He blushed rubbing the back of his head as Silver nudged him with her knee. He soon smiled as he wrapped his arms around us as he dropped to kneel on one knee, “Why, you mares want to come watch as well?” We blushed in awkward silence looking at him, “Most of the time she sings, but if we are lucky she could be…” He slowly lowered his voice, “laying on her back…” Pulling us in he whispered, “hoof down between her legs…” Silver slipped out covering her ears as Spike laughed at her. Blushing I stuttered as I looked at him, “A-and t-then w-what does she do?” Both Silver and Spike stared at me as their jaws dropped, “You can’t seriously want to know if he is peeping on her. I mean you know what she’s doing right?” “Well I can guess, but what else does she do? Does she fantasize about anypony, or even reach behind herself and-” “SCOOTS!” Silver shouted stopping me as she pointed at Spike. “I have no idea what she really does. Her shower is on the second floor and has one window that looks down for ventilation.” He seemed catatonic for a moment as he said that, “I only know this because of the few times I’ve showered there, after helping her gather gems for her dresses.” Looking at his crotch we noticed a bulge starting to form as it pushed on his scales, “Um… Spike…” Silver waved her hoof in front of his eyes. “I have seen her walking out of her bathroom…” His cock slowly started to show itself as he went on, “dripping wet in only a bathrobe. She’s still just as beautiful as the day I first met her.” Poking his slowly rising cock he soon shook his head, “So how big does it get?” Silver asked as she eyed it before he covered himself. Clearing his throat as he blushed he turned his back, “S-s-so…” He was nervous and trying to calm down, “what did you want me for again?” Holding out some sexy photos of ourselves we giggled, “We want you to send these to our coltfriends. Just so we can see how long it takes for them to come running.” He groaned rolling his eyes as he looked back at us, “Really? You want to tease the hell out of…” Shaking his head he blew on the pictures. As they ignited and turned into smoke he sighed as he turned to walk somewhere, “let me know when you kids are done being cock teases.” He waved his hand walking towards Sugarcube Corner, “When you do, we’ll hang out some time. Maybe talk over some coffee.” At this hour we knew that Sugarcube Corner was closed, and some rumors were floating around that Spike had been going over to Rarity’s home late at night. There wasn’t any proof, and when some ponies asked Sweetie Belle. All she could tell anypony was, “I haven’t seen him come by unless Twilight drags him along, or sends him with a dress and a note. Most of the time he’s either running errands for Twilight, gathering gems with my sister, or simply staying in the castle tending to his own work.” Without any real proof nopony could say if anything was going on. Though the rumors lined up around the times Sweetie Belle was out for the night. So there had to be some truth to it, but at the moment we wanted to have our fun. Hiding out nearby we waited for only fifteen minutes before the boys showed up. We tried to keep from laughing out loud as they banged on the door. Before long we noticed a flash of light just before the door opened. As it opened we saw ourselves standing there in sexy lingerie, “That’s not right.” Silver whispered trying not to burst into laughter. “We couldn’t have come up with anything better.” I snickered watching the boys walk in following our sexy doubles. As the door shut we rushed to sneak back inside. We could hear them putting on their best moves on them. “Wow that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” I snickered trying not to pound on the door. Silver hung from my shoulder trying to keep from falling over, “You fall for it every time.” As they moved in on our counterparts we did what we could to keep calm. Walking into the room we caught them kissing the necks of the mares whom they thought to be us. Quietly counting down we took a deep breath and shouted in unison as angry as we could, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” They quickly turned to look at us, freaking out as they constantly looked back and forth between the two sets of us. “Just what in Equestria are you doing?” Silver asked trying to keep from laughing. As the boys stuttered and tripped over their own words as I walked up to them, “How could you do this to us?” I had tears forming in my eyes from how hard I was about to laugh. We almost felt sorry for them as their dicks dangled between their legs. Coming up close Silver grabbed her coltfriend’s balls giving them a good hard squeeze making him wince, “This is Mine Discord!” As they looked back at our counter parts, they watched as they became deformed and began melding into each other. With a popping sound and a flash of light he returned to normal. Still in the lingerie he took a pose as he laughed, “It’s not my fault that they find me sexier.” The boys ran to stick their heads out the window, vomiting into the bushes Discord snapped his fingers. Turning back into us he laughed, “What you don’t find me attractive anymore? Are you boys that shallow to find out I have a bigger dick than you?” We couldn’t stop laughing as they continued to vomit into the bushes. Sliding down the wall one of them groaned, “Not… funny.” Turning back to normal Discord shrugged his shoulders, “Not my fault you don’t understand satire.” Just the memory of Silver’s old coltfriend that night and how he reacted still makes me laugh sometimes, “That was not satire…” His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he pointed at Discord while wrapping his hoof around the other stallion, “we don’t know what you could have, and we don’t want to catch it.” “Tough crowd, am I right mares?” Seeing Discord in a tie still makes me laugh every now and again. It didn’t take very long before our coltfriends dumped us after that little prank. Some ponies often said they needed a thicker coat, and others quoted how they shouldn’t dish out what they couldn’t take. We weren’t sure about what they meant with the last part till, Silver Spoon and several of our classmates found them peeking in on nearly every mare in the showers. A joke they claimed it to be, even with several pictures of the mares bathing and having a little harmless fun in the showers. Whipping each other with towels, checking out their own flanks in the mirror, gossiping about random things that didn’t matter, things like that. Cheerilee had them taken before Twilight and her friends to be dealt with for their actions. Something they came to regret later once their parents were involved. Twilight had them send off for a psychological evaluation, she had hopped that it was just them being colts and the issue could be resolved. Hopefully before it got worse than it already was, their parents were lucky that Twilight and her friends at least kept them out of a legal debate with the parents of the mares they spied on. No telling what some of them would do, but I knew Silver Spoon’s dad wasn’t going to go easy on them. > Chapter 9: Prom Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Prom Night” Chapter 9 It was a few years before we heard anything about our ex’s, Silver’s had gone through therapy to sort out his urges. Shortly after he began doing what he could to become a neurologist, hoping that what happened to him was just as the doctors said and had a cure. From what they told him it was a possible issue with his brain, in their words he was wired a little off. But with diligence and dedication he could change. All that told him was he was broken, like a chemical imbalance in his head. And that became the sole focus of his work, finding what it was that caused it. And if it could be cured not just in himself, but in others as well. As for my ex Rane Catcher, a wanted poster of him went up in the newspaper only a couple of weeks after he was admitted. He had sexually assaulted a couple of nurses and one doctor, according to the reports he often shouted that everyone wanted his ‘D’. He was considered to be volatile and extremely dangerous, and anypony who spots him should be cautious. During the first few months of his escape he hadn’t been seen, but Twilight had requested the royal guards to keep watch over me and my friends. In his room at the institute they found a few drawings of me in sexual positions. As well as a few stories about what he wanted to do to me. After a while the guards began to relax and simply roamed the streets, talking with everypony in town. Taking the time to get to know them. It was a couple of years before they found anything of Rane. His shirt from the institute was found in the Everfree by Zecora, torn to shreds by timber wolves. While some guards wanted to believe he was dead, Zecora strongly advised Twilight to believe other wise. Her reason and only bit of proof was in the hoof of one guard, “Tattered and torn it may be, but no blood of the pony we seek. I do believe he could still be alive, having the guards leave would be unwise.” It was more than enough for Twilight to accept her words. And even still had me worried of when he could show up. The guards remained for several more months, though their relaxed demeanor had quickly vanished with the thought that Rane could show up at any moment. For safety reasons I was instructed to stay with Rainbow Dash, or at the least in her home. With it being so high off the ground it would be easier for the guards to protect me. That is till one night I realized I left one of my books at my home, and I needed it to study for a test that week. I had often checked with the guards and they had a routine of checking my home at random hours. A pattern that was suggested to them by Discord, at first they didn’t like the idea of it. But when he explained it kept the odds of Rane figuring out a pattern, they took it in hopes of catching him as soon as possible. Knowing their last check of my home was only a couple of minutes ago, I chose to slip back in there to get my book. It wouldn’t take too long as I had left it sitting out just as you enter the front door. Walking in I soon discovered the book was missing from its spot. Dust surrounding where I had once left it, combined with the new collection in the vacant spot, shown it was recently dragged off with in the last couple of days. Turning around thinking one of the guards had taken it, I soon spotted the book being held by Rane. I thought about jumping out the window and shouting, but I was too captivated by fear as he started to slowly walk towards me. His eyes had a vacant stare, as though nopony was left in his mind. He gave a bloodthirsty smile as he grew closer and closer to me. He stopped for a moment only to shut the front door, in hindsight that was the best moment I had to run. I tried to talk to him, tried to reason with him. And in the last moments he struck me with my book as Discords words rang in my mind, “From what I managed to skim off the doctor’s report, your old rump buddy is long gone. There’s nothing to reason with or talk to. All that remains of him is a sex crazed monstrous fiend. You’re best bet, if you do see him, is to run and call for help.” Attempting to do just that I found it was too late. Rane had me pinned to the floor, shoving my face into the wooden boards as he forced my hind legs apart. He was the first as well as the last stallion to ever enter me. And that moment had marked the end of my care free life. It was several hours before he finally finished, and as he left me lying on the floor filled and covered. I watched as he reached for my book. I wondered what he had planned to do with it, only to watch as he pulled a knife out of it. I began to sob fearing for my life. He drew closer and closer to me, the intent to kill filled his eyes causing his cock to become throbbing hard again. I could only imagine why. He pressed the cold steel of the blade against me. I winced at the pain of him cutting into me slowly. Closing my eyes I began to embrace the inevitable only to hear a loud bang, “GET AWAY FROM HER!” I knew that rough voice was Rainbow Dash, and at first I thought I had become delusional in my final moments. Feeling a warm blanket followed by Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle hugging me. I opened my eyes to see Rainbow Dash beating him within inches of death. Rainbow didn’t stop till she saw him stroking his cock to the pain she gave him. In response she gave a disgusted groan as she dragged him out of my home. The guards slowly came in, or so it seemed like it to me at the time, to arrest Rane for what he did to me. Twilight and her friends showed up with Discord to ensure he couldn’t escape any bindings they placed on his new jacket. Rainbow even asked Discord if he could clean me up, and remove his seed from within me.  He snapped his fingers but gave a worried groan as he did, “The damage has been done and can’t be undone, but very well.” We wouldn’t know how true his words would actually be till a few weeks later. It was then I found out I was pregnant with Lightning. For the longest time ponies would tell me to abort him, to get rid of him as soon as I could. Many even claimed that regardless of how innocent he would be, it was only a matter of time that he would end up like his father. And it would be best to just end it, and live my life. In the end I chose to give birth to him, to give him his fair chance at life. It was around this time that many of my classmates, and even some adults claimed I knew he was there waiting. That I wanted him to fuck me like he did, and some even claimed they were close enough to hear me begging for more. The only ponies to know the truth were the guards, Twilight and her friends, Discord, Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. School for the next couple of years would be difficult, and life didn’t get any easier after graduation either. But nothing made me prouder of my Senior year than Prom Night. It was the night Silver Spoon and I finally gave in to our urges for each other. For a while up till then it was kind of an on off thing with us, we’d flirt, tease, and even joke with each other. She did it to me because after some of the remarks I kept getting she refused to date any stallion ever again. And I to her for the obvious reason that no stallion, let alone any pony, wanted to have anything to do with me after Lightning was born. Mares thought I was a slut, and stallions just didn’t want that kind of baggage as they say. For a while she and I would go back and forth as I did what I could to raise Lighting, it helped to bring me out of my depression at the time. For the first few months after Lightning was born Sandy had often tried to get me to put him up for adoption. But regardless of her efforts, and despite who his father was, he was my little foal. And I loved him so much that I wouldn’t give him up for the world. Rainbow Dash supported me in my choice to raise him, even Twilight did what she could to make my life a little easier. All of the element bearers did what they could to help out, but that’s all they could do was give a little here and there. They couldn’t help me forever, and I knew that. But I was glad to have their help when they could give it. And even did what I could at the time to repay them for their kindness. As the years progressed I watched over him as best I could while going to class. At first he was so quiet I almost had a hard time telling if he was there most of the time. But as he got older he became more active and a little fussy at times, often drawing attention towards us with a coo here or a cry there. Most of the time my mare friends would come over to us just to give him attention, I swear they would spoil him if they could. But the stallions of our graduating class didn’t want anything to do with me. I had a foal and that’s all they saw, a responsibility that they didn’t want. Some even saw him as competition despite the fact he was only a few months at the time. One stallion said he would date me, but I would have to ditch Lightning. I could never do such a thing to him, I grew up not knowing my parents and I wouldn’t have that for him. At the least he would know me, and that would be far more than I could ever wish for. As our final years came to an end, Silver Spoon’s flirtatious antics towards me began to grow a little more each day. She even stopped dating stallions all together, her reasons were rather simple. Some wanted to just fuck her and be done with it, others knew she was rich and wanted her money. Hanging out at Sweet Apple Acres she let her words fly about how she was done with all that crap saying, “If they can’t be mature or even provide for themselves, then why should I even bother having them around. I should just date mares if this is how most stallions are.” “Ye~eup.” We were all startled to hear Big Mac as he came out of the barn, but quickly turned to laughter as he started walking back inside, “Not all of us are like that though, but those of us who aren’t like the rest are too far and few inbetween.” As he walked back in we heard some grunting from him only to see several crates on his back, “Speaking of ponies, how’s Cheerilee’s father doing?” Most ponies thought there was something between him and Ms. Cheerilee, but no pony could prove that. AJ often said that his relationship with her was on a professional level, as he often did business with her father who owned the only tool supply shop in town. But even she felt sorry for Ms. Cheerilee, as she often seemed in the best of moods when she was near him. When we told him he simply sighed, “Well I hope he gets well soon. That colt he has working up there doesn’t know the difference between a ball ping hammer and a saw.” We laughed to hear this as he grabbed his tool box and loaded it onto a cart before taking off. We didn’t quite get what he was saying, but we understood what he meant. Snips had started working there to pay for the window he broke. And he didn’t know a single tool in that shop by name, let alone what they were used for. As time for the prom drew near I did what I could to find a foal sitter for Lightning, I would have gone to Sandy but feared she would give him up to an adoption center. And that would be the last I would see of my little colt. Luckily for me Rainbow Dash was in town on leave from the Wonderbolts. And she was more than happy to watch after him while I went to the prom. I went alone that night at first before meeting up with my friends, we all had dresses that matched in some small way. None of us had dates that night, and for good reason. Diamond Tiara had learned her coltfriend was cheating on her, Apple Bloom broke up with hers simply because they had started to grow apart. We had all thought those two would make it to the end. Sweetie Belle couldn’t find a coltfriend that liked her for who she was, most liked her because she was cute, had a great singing voice, or simply wanted bragging rights for dating her. As the night went on we danced, had fun, and even sang along with some of the songs. But as the night drew to an end Silver Spoon pulled me away from the crowd. Guiding me to the mare’s shower room she pinned me to the wall. “Silver Spoon, what are you doing? What’s going on? I thought we were friends.” I was panicking unsure of what was going on, and in a way visions of that night I was raped slowly began to flash before me. Wrapping her hooves around me she whispered, “I was hoping we could be much more than that.” I was a little taken back by what she said. Slowly she pulled herself back from me, looking into my eyes to see the fear and worry. As she apologized she began to leave only for me to pull her back. As she came near me we locked lips, our hooves caressing each other’s back slowly as we embraced one another. As we moved from the open floor and into one of the stalls we began removing each other’s dresses. Our hearts raced as we grew more passionate with each passing second. Turning the water on to try and mask my moans, I can still recall her matted fur as her tongue explored my marehood. Her touch was slow, soft, and loving in so many ways I couldn’t help but slide to the floor wrapping my legs behind her head. As she stopped I wanted to beg her to continue but I soon felt the warmth of her slit pressing against mine. We blushed at the feeling of our gentle folds kissing. Slowly she pressed her hips into me as she began to grind her labia against mine. We gave heavy pants attempting to keep from making too much noise, knowing it would echo off the tile walls and floor. Looking over I saw Apple Bloom blushing as she watched us. I wanted to say something, but I soon noticed she began to maturbate to us. And in a way I found myself being turned on even more. I don’t know how many times the three of us came that night, but I know Apple Bloom was aware that I knew she was there. This fact made the walk home a little awkward between us as Sweetie Belle asked, “So Scootaloo, you and Silver Spoon disappeared on us a while back. What happened?” “Oh… we were just… talking...” I said nervously hoping I didn’t give away our relationship. Diamond Tiara couldn’t help but tease us, “Oh right talking. None of us could find you two. Where were you talking, the showers? Have a little prom night romp?” We all laughed at her joke, though Silver Spoon and I had to fake our laughter. We hoped that it would remain a joke till Apple Bloom spoke up, “And what if they did, Ah think it would be nice if they did. They do look cute together.” We all stopped and stared at  her as she blushed and tried to cover her tracks, “Not that Ah would know anythin about that, or even know if ya’ll did or didn’t. A-a-and… Oh look Sugarcube Corner is open.” She walked into the shop ordering us all milkshakes trying to hid the fact from Silver Spoon. The rest of the night went smoothly, and Silver Spoon had invited us all back to her place. Diamond declined because of working with her father, Sweetie Belle had the same reason with her sister. And Apple Bloom blushed as she stuttered that she was needed on the farm in the morning. The evening left just me and Silver Spoon, as Rainbow Dash said she would watch Lightning till I came to get him. Silver and I spent the night together, holding one another at times before she got me going again. I still thank her for that night, and taking me as her lover. > Chapter 10: Days of Recovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Days of Recovery” I woke up with my head in Silvers lap, “Good evening Scootaloo.” She greeted me softly as her hoof slowly ran through my mane.  “Uh hi Silver. Why are we at Oak Heart’s cabins.” I asked unsure of why we had come here, or even how long we would be able to stay. Silver smiled as she brushed my mane out of my face with her hoof, “Oak Heart Invited us to stay.” She caressed my shoulder and back as I continued to rest on her lap.  Sadly though I couldn’t return to sleep at the moment, I had this suspicious feeling that something was watching me. I looked over my shoulder to see a young filly poking her head out from around the door frame.  “Hi Scoots.” She nervously said, almost as if she hoped I would let her come closer.  I was baffled as to what was going on, “Uh where did you come from?” I asked wondering if the filly I saw truly stood before me.  Prancing into the room, as many young fillies do, she raised herself till she could barely look over the edge of the bed.  “Oak heart teleported me here.” She said looking down past her muzzle, struggling to keep her head above the edge of the bed.  “Telep ta what?” I ask as my head begins to spin. “Teleported. It means Oak Heart can make me appear wherever he wants me to be. Sometimes it gets annoying, like when he teleported me to the Pig stie to shovel shit.” She groaned while trying to hide her face for a moment. Oak Heart appeared behind her with a smile on his face, “Oreo you don’t say those words.” His voice was closer to a whisper than anything I had heard. But even still his words held more weight, and commanding authority than most would understand or even know.  My mind was whirling like crazy causing me to heave, “Simple words if you please.” I ask unsure of how much more I could take.  It wasn’t that I did not understand hardly any of that, it was also some of the medicine the doctors had put me on. One of the side effects was dizziness.  “Scootaloo…” He started to explain, “what I sent Oreo to do was ask you if you could help Lightning get along with the fillies.” His request seemed simple enough, though I still required help getting up and walking around. Oak Heart walked us to the cabin that the Fillies are staying in, “When I walked in I heard arguing from the back room.” He explained only to be interrupted by shouting from one of the rooms down the hall.  “Yes you do!” Said one trying to be louder, believing it would help the situation. “Do not!” Replied the other as the two foals bickered like some old married couple.  I instantly knew it was going to be one of those ya ha na ha kind of moments. I recognized the voices to be Lightning and Little Hoof, “Can you two stop!?” Oak Heart shouted, his voice booming and echoing throughout the building.  The two of them stopped for a moment only for them to start up again as children do, “Little Hoof Started it.” The only bit of fuel to the flame that was needed. Little  Hoof reacted as most foals would, “Did not.” She claimed as she tackled Lightning believing it would help her cause.  Watching them argue and tussle with one another looked cute from where I stood. But even still Oak Heart was right that this needed to come to an end, before somepony got hurt. Nudging Silver Spoon we began to walk towards them. As we came into sight they both shouted, “Scootaloo!”  “Mommy!” The two foals came running to me, ecstatic to see that I was here.  “See guys I told you she was staying here.” Oreo claimed with a smug look on her face. Looking at my casts and bandages Little Hoof gently touched them, “Why is she all scared and wearing a wing brace?” Though she was as soft as she could be, I could still feel the sting of her touch. “She got…” Oak Heart began to explain hoping to keep them from wearing me out too much, “in a little accident.” Though he downplayed the truth quite a bit, I was happy that he willingly kept it simple.  “Scoots are you ok?” Little Hoof asked trying to hug me as softly as she could. Feeling the sting of her hooves wrapping around me I took a deep breath, “Yes but it still hurts.” I with held groaning, letting out what air filled my lungs as I talked, “To tell you the truth I really am not fine. In addition to this I have a brace in my back that won't allow me to even bend over to wipe myself.”  Groaning as I felt a little warmth between my legs I thought, ‘Or let alone pleasure myself.’  Sighing I pointed to where my shoulder meets my wing, “On top of that one of my wing joints were replaced so it is very hard to move, so they may as well have cut them off because I will never learn to fly. And lastly both of my back leg joints were replaced and one has a brace on it, so it is very hard just limping around with help. So I know walking will be a challenge. But I knew I was still alive to raise my colt and that's all that matters to me at this point in time..  Looking up at my singed mane Oreo blatantly pointed up at me, “Scoots It looks like you need a Haircut.” I looked up to see my hair in my face knowing she was right.  As I stood there slowly and softly running my hoof through my mane I began to notice a pungent odor, “Uh what's that smell?” I ask hoping it wasn’t me. With a giggle Oreo pointed, “Little Hoof Wets the bed.” “Do not.” Little Hoof blushed trying to keep her embarrassment down. “Oh yes you do.” Oreo Held up her seat causing Little Hoof to blush.  Walking over Silver Spoon kneeled down and tousled Little Hoof’s mane, “Don’t be embarrassed Little Hoof. Scootaloo also wets the bed.”   “You do?” She asked looking over at me,  Now I was the one who was blushing. Hoping no pony asked about it any further. As Little Hoof continued hugging my leg something dawned on me, “Oh Deer.” I barely whispered as I began to limp.  “What is it Scoots?” Silver Spoon asked trying to get me to holds still for a moment.  “I’ve got to go.” I claimed as I ran out of the room.  “Scootaloo.” Little Hoof called up to me as she held onto my leg.  “I got to get to Sivers old house!” I was frantic in my speech as I tried to move faster, wincing at the pain as it slowly began to build.   “Why!?” Oreo asked trying to catch up to me. “No Time…” I called back panting as I tried to ignore the pain, “Gotta Run!”  “Scootaloo,” Pixel Scratch called out as he tried to block my path, “You can't be running like that.” At the last second he moved out of my way, mostly from the fear that he could hurt me far more than help me. ‘Shut Up Pixel Scatch!’ I thought to myself feeling the burning aching sensation under the bandages.  Of course my legs and crotch were killing me as the pain grew to unbearable heights, but I knew what I had to do this. Every so often on my trip I would fall over only to feel Silver Spoon catch me. She tried her hardest to carry me, or at the least limp while using her as a brace. But I was too damn stubborn and focused to get back to her old home. As I rounded the corner I saw the charred remains of her once beautiful home, some of the caution tape was still up as it was still a crime scene. Slipping under the tape I soon made my way over to the door, I bashed the door several times causing it only creak and crack. Before long I soon broke through the door of the burnt building falling over as I did.  Struggling to get back up I soon I felt Something grab my tail, “Scoots stop!” I saw the tears in Silver’s eyes with Lightning by her side, confused as to what was going on.  “No!” I cried out falling back down, “I’ve got to get my diary.” I tried to crawl back up to my hooves only to feel the pain of my injuries force me back down.  It wasn’t long before Oak Heart appeared before me and lifted me over his back, “Scoots What do you think you're doing. You could have got yourself killed.” He scolded me like a filly as he began to walk back towards the tape line.  Looking at the stairs just down the hall I groaned, “I had to get my stuff…” I whimpered, “my diary is in Silver’s old room, along with my photo album things I can’t replace.”  I could hear him sigh as he walked me away from my goal, “I’m dreadfully sorry about having to stop you then, but in all honesty there’s no telling if any of those things survived the fire.” I began to cry as Little Hoof, Oreo, Pixie Dust, and Compass came running up the hill.  “Scootaloo why did you run off like that?” Oreo asked looking at me with a worried state of shock.  “She had to get her precious items that can’t be replaced, things that hold memories and sentimental value.” Silver said walking over to me to check if I was alright while ensuring she kept Lightning Blitz calm and safe. I soon passed out to the pain of my injuries as tears fell from my mizzle. I was so close, but Oak Heart was right. The odds they survived the fire were slim, all those precious years raising Lightning. His first steps, his recorded first words, the first time Rainbow Dash held him. All of it gone before I even knew it. It was several hours before I woke back up with Valentine sitting next to me, “Oak Heart was only half right. The odds that they were burned up and lost forever was a possibility.” I knew who she was from several meetings with Oak Heart, she was his lover, his mare friend. “But enough of these books managed to survive, that a complex variant of the restoration spell managed to restore them to pristine condition.” Sliding the books over to me she opened up the photo album, “How many times did Lightning kick Rainbow Dash before he stopped?” She and I had a small laugh looking at his tiny hooves just trying to push Rainbow’s face away as he smiled. > Chapter 11:The Wonder Years > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Wonder Years” Valentine and I sat there going over so many of the old photos. Laughing, talking, enjoying ourselves as the sun began to set. The smell of food being cooked filling the room, I could see Silver Spoon just off in the distance with Lightning at her side. Even as a baby he was so curious and eager to learn. He was also a bit of a troublemaker then too. Flipping a page I pointed at a picture of him just covered in food, “This was the first time I asked Rainbow to baby sit him, she lost track of him for five minutes before I came to pick him up.” I laughed as I recalled the nervous look on Rainbow’s face that day, “She was scared that we wouldn’t find him, or that I wouldn’t let her watch him ever again.” After a moment of laughing Valentine was the first of use to calm down, “So how did he end up like this?” Wiping a tear from my eye I sighed, “It was only a minute after she let me in that we found him. We heard a loud banging noise followed by several things falling over. When we got to the source of the sound, we found him gnawing on a pickle with bits of spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, and I think that’s jelly behind his ear. I thought it was so cute I had to take a picture.” Turning over to the next page Valentine noticed a picture of Lightning struggling to stay standing. Behind him was Silver Spoon holding out her hooves towards him. Behind her was several young couples out enjoying the day. “Aww, his first steps.” I almost cried knowing how close I was to losing this photo. “She’s been there for you a lot hasn’t she?” Valentine asked looking down the hall, only to catch faint bits of Silver’s hoof. With a sigh and a tear falling from my nose I began to sob a little, “Silver has been there for me through the toughest of times. She was there with my friends when I first found out I was going to have Lightning, when I chose to give birth, and when I chose to raise him.” As she sniffled a little she heard Lightning from the edge of the bed, “Mommy, are you crying because of the pain?” He asked hoping it was the only reason, and not something else. Walking in behind him Silver sighed a little, “That explains why my ears were burning.” She giggled picking up Lightning to set him on the bed, “This is why she’s crying, she’s looking at old photos of us.” Pointing at one of him in the bath with I began to smile, “See how tiny you were?” With a light hearted smile I wiped the tears from my face, “That’s one we are going to share with any mare you date.” She sobbingly laughed only to wince as Lightning wrapped his hooves around her leg. “Mommy and Silver are the only mares I need.” He pouted unwilling to let me go. Hearing me whimper a little Lightning looked up, “I think you may want to let her go this one time.” Silver Spoon politely hinted as she held out her hoof. Looking up at me he saw how I had only one eye barely open, as the other was tightly shut while I held back the urge to shout.  Slowly he let go of me nuzzling into Silver’s chest as she held him, “Sorry mommy. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I could hear the sorrow in his voice as he tried to keep from crying. Tussling his mane I gave a faint smile, “It’s alright, you just over reacted a little. It happens sometimes, and as you grow older you learn to keep a cool head when it happens. It’s all part of growing up.” With a sniffle and a nod I could see that he understood he wasn’t in trouble. Turning another page in the album he almost popped out of Silver’s hug, “What’s this?” He pointed towards an old photo of me and the girls. I gave a faint groan as Silver burst out laughing, “I remember that night, the talent show when we were fillies.” “That costume was a pain to put on. And the makeup that I had to put on, and don’t get me started on the props.” I groaned as Silver continued to laugh, “It wasn’t that funny.” I gripped. “From where I was sitting yes it was.” She slowly began to calm down only for both of us to see that Valentine was clueless. “Several years ago we had a talent show that Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and myself tried to be rock stars. This was also around the time we were still trying to get our cutie marks.” I began to explain to the best of my memory, “Long story short we crashed the whole stage down on ourselves, but we got the comedy award that night.” “I can see why, it’s a wonder that none of you were hurt that night.” Valentine giggled behind her hoof as she slowly turned the page, “Why is Sweetie Belle glistening gold?” Silver Spoon groaned as she tried to turn the page, “What’s so bad about that one?” Lightning asked trying to keep her from turning the page. Too keep her feeling calm and welcomed I nuzzled Silver Spoon, “That was back when the girls and I had some issues with Babs Seed, Apple Bloom’s cousin.” “Please lets not speak of that time, it wasn’t the best for all of us back then.” I giggled a little as I began to turn the page. “Lets just say, that Silver and I didn’t quite get along all the time.” Lightning pouted a little till he perked up and asked, “You mean like when she spanks you, and calls you a bad filly?” Silver and I blushed as we stared at each other, unsure of what to say. Valentine however couldn’t help but burst out laughing, rolling out of the bed as she did hitting the floor with a thud. “That’s something else. And we will tell you when you’re older.” Silver nervously explained hoping he didn’t presser the issue any further. “Is that how I was made, through spankings?” We could only hear Valentine's laughter grow louder as she pounded the floor begging Lighting to stop. I groaned as I began to explain, “No sweetie, you see when a stallion and a mare love each other very much-” “But Silver isn’t a stallion.” As Valentine crawled up off the floor she saw him pointing at Silver’s crotch, “She’s a mare see.” Valentine couldn’t help but fall back down laughing, to hear this had to have been the funniest thing she had bore witness to in years. Turning the page I saw an old photo of his father, “I’ll explain it to you when you’re older. For now it smells like something is ready.” My eyes remained locked on the picture, hoping Lightning didn’t ask about it. As he leaned in Silver Spoon jumped out of the bed, “NOT THE CORNBREAD!” She shouted running down the hall. Lightning quickly gave chase after her while Valentine tapped the picture, “The only reason you kept this one?” I knew she was asking from her tone, but even still I wasn’t sure how to answer. How could I answer, it's his father. And I knew that one day he would ask, but what could I tell him? That his father is a lunatic who raped me, that he is nothing more than a creature found in the Everfree Forest, or do I tell him about all the good times we had before then? With a groaning sigh I closed the book, “I’m still looking for the reason, as well as the answers that Lightning will have when he asks about him.” She could see the painfully deadpanned expression on my face, how the mere memory of it all drew me to tears. And how even after all these years ponies still talk about it, saying that I asked for it, that I wanted it to happen. That’s why I was there that night, not what the guards had in their report. Even the guards had begun to believe those lies over the recent years. But I have Twilight and Discord to thank for keeping the record straight, if Discord hadn’t gone into his mind as well as mine. And shared what he learned, I don’t know what Twilight would have believed today. In the end I’m thankful that she and her friends never stopped believing in me. And for their continued support over the recent years. With a sigh Valentine walked past me and out the room, “Tell him the truth.” I looked at her in shock. Of anything I could say about his father, of anything I could tell Lightning about him. Why the truth? Looking back at me she smiled, “When he finally asks, he should be old enough to hear the truth. And if you need us, we will all be there to help him come to terms with it.” “But…” I groaned trying not to cry, “what will he think of me? What will he believe happened, can he believe it happened? What if-” Valentine cut me off by placing her hoof on my lips. With a loving expression only a mother could give, she pulled me in. Hugging me as I started to sob on her shoulder. “When the time comes we will deal with it then. Not a moment sooner. Till then just spend as much time with him as you can.” I cried into her as my hooves wrapped around her, “Believe me when I say that he will know the truth before he realizes it. He will know you love him no matter what.” I don’t recall how long we sat there, me crying like a newborn tossed into a scary unforgiving world. But I was glad that Silver let us take our time for me to calm down. It wasn’t very long before we sat down at the table to enjoy a nice meal. But the atmosphere of the room felt a little off to me as Silver cleared her throat, “So Lightning is coming to that age where he will have to start school soon. Is there any school in particular you would like him to go?” I hadn’t given that much thought. Over the years Ponyville had managed to grow a few sizes bigger. By about three miles in all directions from the last I heard about any of it. And Cheerilee wasn’t the only teacher anymore, and her school house wasn’t the only one either. Twilight had begun to take on students as well, though like Celestia only a rare few were selected to come and learn. Rumors around town was she would toss old bones she found in a fire to see where she picked her students. But that was from the newer parts of Ponyville, causing us closer to her to laugh at such things. It was more than common knowledge that most of her students were selected by the cutie map, others managed to show their determination for learning and earned their right to be there. The other school was at the other end of town, only a few miles from Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was more than happy to let them open the school up on a small unused part of her land. Something she came to regret a few years later, when the teacher tried to sue her for more land space. Twilight quickly put an end to that, saying that the land they were given was leased and nothing more. Before I could answer I felt Lightning tugging at my leg, “I want to go where mommy and Silver went when they were my age.” It brought smiles to Silver and myself to hear that. And though I would have wanted him to try and learn from Twilight, I knew that Silver Spoon would agree with me. And let Lightning go and learn from Ms, Cheerilee before attempting to learn from Twilight. > Chapter 12: School and Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “School and Work” The next week  was rough as I kept waking up with a sore back and a headache. A few times while Silver was putting ointment on me, Oak Heart walked in on us only to blush and walk back out. Worst part about that I was moaning even though I could hardly feel anything thanks to the painkillers.  The only reason I was because I miss Silver's soft loving touch working me over as she loves to. But him walking in on us did remind me of one simple thing, It was time to put Lightning in School which didn’t go as planned because I didn't know Cheerily retired. The new teacher was a bitch towards us, even when Twilight was there before her.  The look on her face when Twilight fired her was priceless. Now Fire Heart, another of Oak Heart’s cousins, had become the new teacher. I thanked Celestia for the change in educators, but Oak Heart tried to reassure us of one thing. While this was his cousin Fire Heart was a great teacher who wouldn’t have any favorites, as he felt it would take away from the overall experience the students would have. Watching him put up equations that only Twilight would understand made me worry, as well as made my head spin ever so slightly as I tried to make sense of a few of them. “As you can see Princess with this small equation…”  He continued on with a smile bragging as though he stumped Twilight. “This is backwards.” Twilight pointed at two separate parts of the equation, “These need to be switched around, and this one is wrong. It should have been ‘X equals 24 squared, divided by the sum of the last equation.’ Not the way you have placed it though overall I’d have to say you know your stuff.” Twilight smiled towards the blushing stallion as she fixed the equations without ever looking at the board. Though I had my worries he reassured me that he would never use these harder questions in class. As he and Twilight continued to try and show their intelligence to one another, as though it were a chess game to them. He passed me a few forms I had to fill out for Lightning to start class, the questions were so tedious that it felt as though it took forever to finish.  After me and Silver finished filling out the last form sheet, Fire Heart showed me some of the things he would be teaching in class. I questioned him on the pony anatomy believing Lighting was too young for that, but he assured me that they would not go over it until third or fourth grade. When he believed they would be old enough to understand what he was explaining, and hopefully mature enough to keep from making jokes at the lesson. The next day went a little better than I could have hoped for. It started out with me going to the doctors to get X Rays and a check up. He put me on a lower pain killer to wean me off the drugs without going through any harmful withdrawals, it felt good to be able to feel more than I had been for once. Though I wish the painkiller was a little stronger so I didn’t feel the itch between my hind legs, the burn had mostly healed down there. But the irritation was stronger than ever even with the cream. Every so often Silver had to spank me like a foal when she caught me reaching for it, I’m not sure which was more embarrassing at the time. Being spanked in public, or being turned on and almost asking her to do it again. But getting up in the morning was becoming a pain with each passing day. Silver always had to help me get up, and get me ready for the day like a young foal.  She was aware that I could pretty much do things myself now, but her care was because of how stiff my hind legs often became from time to time. Which made playing games with lightning and the fillies a little harder to do with such low stamina for the time being. I could see the worried look on Lightning's face every time he looked back to see if I was there, each time I saw how he just wanted to come back to me and even sit with me. Even then I had to thank Silver for helping me, “It’s alright, how about you go and play with the other ponies. See if you can make some friends.” She would often tell him as she helped me walk back to the bench. It was nearly three months before I was off the drugs completely, and fighting the urge to scratch myself. Though the doctor had given me an anti-itch cream to help with it, he warned that it could cause the spot to inflame and feel like it’s burning again. I used it sparingly hoping I could get through a day, only to find myself trying to cool off by sitting on a frozen box in the freezer at Sugarcube Corner. “Hey Scootaloo.” Pinkie shouted as she popped up scaring me half to death, “Still got that itch you’re not supposed to scratch huh?” I wanted to ask how she knew, but quickly remembered this was Pinkie was dealing with. “Pinkie…” I groaned rubbing my shoulder. “Oh don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Though you may want to move soon, the twins like to sit there and think. But you may also want to clean that spot first, better safe than sorry am I right?” She was as energetic as ever. Sighing I tugged on her tail, “It’s not that, I was wondering if that job offer was still open.” She groaned as she hugged me, “Of course it is, but we can’t hire you right now.” I wanted to ask why till I felt her pull something off of me, “Maybe after you’re done flaking in some places we will bring you in. Have to follow the health code after all.” I walked out of there with a small vote of confidence, and a Pinkie Promise that I would have a job when I fully recovered. But Pinkie wasn’t my only stop for the day, I stood like a pillar in a hallway as I looked upon her door. It had been years since I had come by Rarity’s place for any reason, and in a small sense of things the timing couldn’t be worse. Knocking on the door I waited till she would respond. Yet there was no answer, so I knocked again. Another moment gone by and still no answer, I knocked again only to hear Spike from the other side of the door. As he opened it up I almost laughed to see him dressed as a maide, “Laugh it up, but at least I make this look good.” “Sorry Spike, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” I fell to the ground laughing, “Let alone dressed like that.” “Rarity said that if I wanted to have a sweet tender night, I had to clean every nook and cranny in here. While wearing this.” He blushed as he rolled his eyes, “She also didn’t give me much of a choice. Last night she hid the only set of clothes I came here in.” I could only laugh harder hearing that, “Laugh it up kiddo, go ahead and laugh it up. At least I’m getting some action.” “Preaching to the choir on that one aren’t you?” I panted as I fought to get back up. “Aren’t you a single parent?” The smart ass dragon boasted as I almost gave chase to knock him over, “Don’t forget you ruin it you buy it, also don’t want other ponies to know you’re chasing the purple dragon.” I stood there for a moment pondering what chasing him had to do with anything, “But I-oh… O~H…” Drugs, as if I wasn’t on enough of those already, “smart ass marshmallow loving dragon.” I laughed as I walked up the stairs, knowing that over the years Rarity had filled in in just the right places. It was enough to make any mare jealous of her, even more so when her sister Sweetie Belle walked next to her. Oddly enough the appearance of both of them got me rather wet, though not as wet as Silver could make me with one word. Well… not a word… more or less a sound she faintly makes into my ear, when she’s teasing me to no end. “Extra crispy chicken.” I threw a pillow at him as he laughed at me. Over the years Spike and Rarity slowly opened up the relationship to everypony around them, at first it was almost taboo and I guess that’s what made it more enjoyable to them. At the same time we had to ask why, till a doctor stepped in voicing his concern for Rarity. It was all on the medical and logical aspect of worrying, but over time many seemed to stop caring. As I reached the top of the stairs I could hear Rarity talking to Sweetie Belle, “Oh but darling surely you know what it’s like to starve your partner of sex for weeks on end, only to finally let them have one hot erogenous night at the end of it all.” “For the last time I’m single and still a virgin, the best I know is what I get done with my hooves.” I could almost feel her blush as Rarity snickered, “You didn’t hear that.” “Oh I most certainly did, my little sister. The famous singer still a virgin, maybe I’ll let Spike live out his fantasy this evening.” “Please tell me he doesn’t get off to those fake tabloid images of me at a nude beach.” Sweetie Belle groaned as she leaned against the door, almost opening it on me as the lock latch caught it at the last second. “But of course he doesn’t, he has me for those nights I let him. He’s just been wanting a threesome with me and somepony else.” I could almost see Rarity rolling her eyes, “But here in Ponyville? We may as well be living in the Everfree, and I don’t think the girls are into… scales.” Her voice almost sounded weak, as though she were cumming at the thought of Spike. “That’s disgusting, you’d let him have sex with me and you at the same time? Doesn’t that cross… I don’t know… some kind of line as a social fopa, if not then a moral one?” “He’s crossed my line quite a few times.” Rarity joked in response. “I didn’t need to know what the two of you do when you’re alone.” “Oh you’re no fun, and to answer your question… I’d prefer you rather than some pony who’s going to go talking about it later.” As I nodded my head in agreement to the idea I didn’t notice when Rarity opened the door, “Just like how I know you and your friends never really grow up.” Having heard that it dawned on me that both of them were looking at me, “Hello Scootaloo, how are you doing today?” I gave a nervous chuckle as my eyes darted back and forth between Rarity and a now blushing Sweetie Belle, “Fine… I guess…” “I should say so if you’re out and about listening in on conversations.” Before she could give me a lecture on being a proper mare I quickly complemented the outfit she had Spike in, as well as the one she had on herself. In that moment she quickly began to talk about how she loved her new outfit, yet at the same time she needed to give Spike something more accommodating. As she turned around and began walking over to her sketching table, Sweetie Belle shuffled over and gave me a small nudge. Leaning over she whispered, “I see you know how predictable she can be.” “I’ve known her almost as long as I’ve known you, how could I not know?” I whispered back as we both giggled, only to stand on end as our coats and manes stuck out like scared cats as a pair of scissors flew between us and into the wall. “Darlings it’s quite rude to whisper like that, especially when…” Taking a deep breath she shouted towards Spike, “a certain dragon has neglected to clean the light fixtures. And if he doesn’t get to them soon, he will be sleeping on my bedroom floor again.” We heard the sounds of commotion telling us Spike began to move with purpose, “Don’t worry girls I wouldn’t do that two nights in a row, my bed was dreadfully cold last night. But it does light a fire under his scaly hide.” “Your bed was cold?” I asked almost shocked to have heard she made Spike sleep where she did, “How about the floor, how cold was it for him?” “Oh I know darling, that’s why I let him share a nice hot bath with me this morning. And I must say I missed feeling his…” She paused for a moment blushing as she tried to find the right words, “toned draconic bodily flesh against my damp fur, I almost took him right then and there.” “But spike has scales not fle-” Sweetie Belle analyzed as I nudged her with my knee, “oh…” She said before blushing as her eyes widened, “O~h.” As we looked back at Rarity we saw her blushing with a smile as she stared at a measuring tape, dangling in mid air by her levitation. The length of it made our jaws drop just from how far it reached. “That is not possible.” I said in disbelief, “Sure he’s a dragon, but that can’t be how long he really is.” “Oh trust me darling he is, he gives Big Mac a run for his money. Though Big Mac still has him in terms of thickness.” Rarity looked over towards the wooden post of her bed as she whispered, “Just a little over half as thick as that bed post.”  “If you like girth that much then why aren’t you making him work for it?” Spike shouted from down below. “Heard that did you my dear Spikey Wikey?” Rarity called back down towards him, “He hates it when I talk about how much thicker Big Mac is, but at the same time Spike really makes it worth having him mad.” “You have got to quit doing that to him.” Sweetie Belle sighed as she poked her head out the door. “I would if the sex wasn’t so good, besides Spike isn’t a full grown dragon yet. So he still has room to grow…” Rarity purred as she bit her lower lip, “and then some.” Looking around the room I noticed a few foal clothes decorated the room, “Somepony here in town expecting a foal, or are you getting a head of the fashion curve again?” “A little of column ‘A’, a little of column ‘B’ darling.” “Any pony we know?” I asked hoping to get a head start on congratulating them. Only to have Sweetie Belle pretend to clear her throat, “Scoots don’t you think you’re a little old to be gossiping like that?” “Oh sweet Celestia, no way!” I shouted as I eyed Sweetie Belle, “Congrats, but how did you do it? You’re a virgin right, so what is it a spell or artificial insemination?” She blushed as I started feeling her up to find how big she had gotten. “I wasn’t talking about me bricks for brains I was talking about Rarity being pregnant!” She shouted only to cover her mouth, only for all of us to hear heavy footsteps rushing up to the second floor. Nearly falling as he turned into the doorway Spike stared in an odd mix of emotions, “Did I just hear that right?” He panted slowly walking towards Rarity. “Oh shoot…” She groaned as Spike placed his hands on her shoulders, “well yes darling I was feeling a bit odd a few days ago before we left to gather gems. I saw the doctor that afternoon and that’s when I found out I was.” Spike wrapped his arms around Rarity as he sighed. I wanted to stay and watch how this moment continued only to find myself being lifted off the ground. “Come on Scoots…” Sweetie Belle grumbled as she removed me from the room, “You already got flame grilled from what I heard, last thing you want is to be an extra crispy chicken.” “Oh… hardy har har.” I sarcastically groaned, “it’s funny because I can’t fly.” Sweetie Belle bust out laughing as she walked down the stairs, “No, but now it’s funnier because you forgot you were in a fire.” I had to give her that one, she was right. For a moment I forgot I did survive a burning building. As she carried me down the stairs we talked about all that we had done recently, “So now I’m out looking for a job, something I can do till I’m fully recovered to help Pinkie Pie. She pointed me over here saying there might be a chance I could find work.” “Tough break, all though your boy will do fine in school. I can see where you’re having such trouble right now, best I can suggest is that you talk to Twilight. I know Sis might hire you but you know how she can get about the tiniest of things, and with a foal… dragon… thing…” It was clear she didn’t know what to call it but then again neither did I, “It would mean more work than you could handle. Last time I was here I heard Spike talking about how Twilight was in need of some extra help, maybe you can look there to get something simple.” She wasn’t wrong, in the past Twilight did what she could to help the other girls and myself when we were younger.  “Well…” I groaned rubbing the back of my head as Sweetie Belle set me down, “are you sure she’d give me some work? After all you know what ponies say about me, and I don’t think Twilight wou-” She pressed her hoof against my lips as she sighed. “I know, and even on the road I’ve heard some of the talk. And even then I defend you, so does Apple Bloom. Twilight knows the truth as well as we do, and she’s the Princess of Friendship she’s not going to turn a blind eye to you.” I knew she was telling me the truth, yet even still I questioned if I could believe that. Before she could say anything more we heard her sister call down to her in a sing song tone, “Could you please bring me the tub of ice cream I keep in the freezer? I’d get it myself but you know I’m baring a foal.” She stared at me with an annoyed glare as she groaned, “You may want to leave before you become an accessory to murder.” As she walked towards the kitchen Sweetie Belle called back to her sister, “You’ve only had that in you for a day, and you’re already a pain in the ass.” “But darling I’m in a very delicate state, and Spike is far too busy keeping me company.” “I bet he is.” She called back before lowering her voice, “Busy keeping your ass company with his cock.” I laughed under my breath as I began to slip out the front door, but not before thanking Sweetie Belle and saying good bye.  Heading over to the castle i realized the door was open about a foot or two at the most. I panicked hopping nothing bad happened.  “Twilight are you there.” I was answered by a knife tossed at my head.  I looked up to see Rain Catcher staring down at me with a wicked smile across his face. He must have broken out of the institute, finding his way back wouldn’t be a problem but it’s the fact he’s here. I had long since heard that the institute was impossible to escape from, that it had been designed by Discord himself to be a winding maze of chaos and madness. Only those with special passes could navigate the place… it then struck me rather clearly how he got out causing me to panic once again as I became frozen by fear. Shaking my head to break myself out of the trance, I ran to the nearest room and locked the door.  I had to find something to defend myself. “Come out come out we're ever you are my little slut.” Looking around I found myself in Twilight’s visual record hall, a place she often kept a recorder and film to document important moments in our town. Though it was rather new it could help me in this situation, so I pulled out the video recorder so this time I would have proof.  I was tired of everypony saying I invited him in last time, that I was nothing more than a horny slut who wanted his cock. He was a monster, there was nothing left of the pony he once was when we first dated. And I was ready to prove it to all those naysayers. Peeking through the keyhole I looked around to try and find him, cracking open the door I poked my head out only to hear the faint echoes of his voice. Taking a deep breath I steeled myself for what I had to do next, carefully I carried the recorder out of the room and down the hall to a large open area. Taking a quick moment I began to set up the recorder ensuring it had the best view, once it was ready I put the empty film into the reel and set it to record.  Once it was set I quietly thanked Twilight for showing me how to work this damned thing. After all that was done I began to hear his voice calling out to me, slowly it began to grow louder and louder causing me to scramble to find something to defend myself with. Sadly I found nothing to help me against that lunatic, looking back towards the recorder I noticed two swords hung up on the wall.  As I ran over to grab one I mentally kicked myself for overlooking them in the first place. Pulling the sword down I gave it a few quick swings to ensure I was somewhat prepared.  Swinging the sword a couple of more times to get used to its weight I was soon startled to hear his demented laugh, “I feel jealous, all that time away and you’ve been swinging another pony’s sword around like it was a toy. And I’ve been keeping my dick nice and dry for the day I see you again, and plow that…” He bit his lower lip as he sucked in a bit of air, “naughty wet little hole of yours.” I was scared to see him standing there as he slid the blade against his leg, in a mad dash towards him I swung the sword hoping to end his life only to catch his ear.  He laughed at my attempts to take him on as the sword hit the ground next to him.  “You think you can take me midg-get?” He laughed trying to cut me with his knife.  Angry from both his comment on my size and his obvious miss pronunciation of the word I felt his knife barely graze me, “Yes yes I do.” I shouted as I swung the sword back towards him, as I tried to run in hopes of finding Twilight. All I heard behind me was the sound of him crashing into something as he growled in pain, “You bitch come back here.” He shouted as I heard the flapping of his wings.  I turned around only to fall over with the sword clattering to the floor, at first I was unsure of what had happened. Only to find the carpet under me had be pulled out, giving him the best chance to come at me while I slowly stood up in my daze. He gave a buck to my chest and I flew threw the window, the broken shards cutting me open across my body while reopening old wounds.  Fighting against the pain I felt as I spread my wings and spun around, landing right on top of the crystal floor as safely as I could. As I began to calm myself down I soon spotted Rain coming at me from through the window. I was without a weapon and ill-prepared to face him, yet in the back of my mind, I remembered one of the things Rainbow Dash always said. ‘It’s all about flight or fight in most of these moments, you either do what you gotta or you tense up and do nothing.’ As he came closer everything seemed to slow down as my heart raced. In one last-ditch effort to dodge him I dove straight towards him, tackling him to the ground we began to fight. I could feel his hooves flailing around as he tried to get up and on top of me. Before long I soon found myself on top of him, somehow in the fight, I pinned him to the ground. My celebration was short lived as I soon learned he was too strong for me to hold him down. I heard a crashing noise as I was smashed into the China cabinet, I screamed as I tried to get him off of me.  “Nothing better than the sound of my favorite songbird.” He gave a buck to my slit as he dragged his tongue across my neck and shoulder, “Sing for me, cry out again I want to be rock hard when I take you again and again.” He dragged me across the floor as he laughed at me.  Feeling my burns rubbing against the floor put me in such pain I thought I was going to die. But I still had some fight in me, as he dragged me I noticed the sword passing by slowly as he tormented me. I knew it would hurt like no other but I had to get off my back and use the sword as soon as possible.  My plan was a simple one but effective if I timed it right, I would kick him in the balls to stun him then dive for the sword. Once I had it in my hooves I would try to swing it into his side. Pushing up on him I tried to press my back harder into the floor, as he opened his mouth I took the chance to attack.  As he gripped his crotch as he rolled off of me to the side, allowing me the chance to get up and make a break for the sword. Grabbing the sword I stumbled around a little feeling the painful sting upon my back as I backed out of a door, the moonlight illuminated the area just enough for me to see him slowly getting back up. Raising the sword I prepared for him to charge me as I slowly stepped back, but I backed up a little too far and fell off the balcony.  As I fell I felt tears begin to fill my eyes knowing this was the end, before I knew what was going on I felt some pony catch me. Looking up I saw that it was Oak Heart barely able to keep me in his grip. He was dressed in royal guard armor suited for his position, I cried knowing one of my best friends saved my life.  “Scoots what happened?” Oak Heart inquired as I struggled to grip his armor and pull myself in closer. “Rain Catcher,” I sobbed into his chest knowing my fight was far from over even with the help that had arrived, “is back. He is up there.” I could feel the pain of my wounds slowly begin to dull as Oak Heart healed me with a minor healing spell.  “How did you do that.” “No time now he is coming.” I picked up my sword and prepared myself.  As a sudden violent crashing sound captivated our attention, Rain jumped from the stairs landing before us with that deranged smile painted on his face. A knife dangled from his muzzle barely held in place by his teeth, faintly moving his head side to side the knife began to swing. Calling forth what magic he could, Oak Heart shot a lightning bolt towards Rain expecting to make him drop to the floor.  To our dismay we watched as Rain threw the knife towards us before circling around, Oak Heart’s lightning bolt collided with the knife causing it to fly off out of sight. Without hesitation, Oak Heart charged after Rain, though it was quite clear Rain had no plans on running away from this. As Rain collided with Oak Heart I took the one chance I had in the confusion of their brawl and charged in, once the two of them separated for a hoof to hoof brawl I slammed my body into Rain knocking him off balance.  With him in a small bit of confusion, I did the only thing I could think of at the moment and cut off the rest of his ear. His eyes widen as I broke the sword over his back with a loud crack. He went down and Oak Heart secured him with his magical.  There no way this ass hole is going any were. We called up the royal guards and had them find Twilight. But when they were looking for her they found a young mare. The mare was a store clerk at quills and sofas.  Apparently, her name was Sand Storm She was the worst off of all of Rain Catcher’s victims her cutie mark was branded over, there were shards of glass in her vagina, her tongue was cut out, and her wing was broken. I am just glad I didn't get it as bad as her and though I actually plan on going to see her today, one thing I would never wish on any pony is for them to be a target in Rain Catcher’s eyes.  And there does stand a chance that maybe I can make a new friend in Sand Storm. Mostly because even if she does ever recover from her injuries, she will need somepony who’s been a victim to help her through the next couple of days. For the time being I am laying in bed with Silver wasting time away, we stayed there in bed for hours taking in each other's warmth.  “Mommy!” Lightning called out as he jumped on the bed  “Hey baby.” I faintly groaned as I smiled at him while clearing my throat, hoping to be rid of it feeling faintly sore and dry. “Mom can you play with us?” He begged me as his forehead nudged and rubbed against my lower abdomen. “Not now baby me and Silver need some time together.” “Lighting what your mother is trying to say is, ‘we haven’t been able to spend time together in this way since her accident’. So she needs her rest right now,” Silver Spoon gently explained as she kissed our colt on his head, “which reminds me. You should be getting ready for bed yourself, as I recall some pony is going to be starting school rather soon. So he needs to go brush his teeth then go to bed.” “Good night Lightning Blitz.” I call out towards him as he left the room, only to shout his reply back down the hall.  Silver Spoon and I laid there in bed for several hours wrapped in each other’s embrace, the warmth of our bodies was comforting and helped ease me to sleep. I woke up sore the next morning with one small surprize that made me smile. “Silver,” I whispered with a faint nudge on her shoulder causing her to faintly groan as she sat up, “I’m going to take a shower. Can you make sure Lightning gets ready for his first day of school.” I pointed down to guide Silver Spoon’s gaze. With a groan and roll of her eyes Silver Spoon snuggled back up with Lightning, “Five more minutes.” I rolled my eyes and let out a faint groan as I strained to bring out a dominating tone, “Ms. Silver Spoon if my son is not ready for school by the time I get out of the shower, you will face a wrath the likes of which you have never seen from me before!” All I got as a reply was Silver Spoon faintly chuckling as she threw a pillow at me, “You can’t even spank me with your hoof without worrying if you’re going to hurt me.” She groaned before rolling out of bed, “That and you’re still healing so one big move could put you back in a hospital bed,” Silver Spoon sighed as she sluggishly shambled towards me, “and that would bring your son and I to tears to see that happen.” “Then can you help get him ready for school?” I asked as Silver Spoon kissed the nape of my neck. “He’s old enough to get ready on his own,” Silver replied as she looked down my back, “if anypony needs help doing anything its you.” I groaned to hear that but sadly agreed with her, “Go get the water running and I’ll wake him up, once he’s up and about I’ll come help you in the shower.” “Help me or molest me?” I teased as Silver Spoon guided me out of the room. “Don’t give me any ideas.” She giggled back. It was strange how well she knew me even through everything I have gone through, even after Lightning Blitz’s father attacked me. Silver Spoon knew that joking around would help to ease me back into a more confident and stable state of mind, I guess in a way she always knew what I needed. Or rather what anypony needed now that I think about it and look back at our shared foalhood, she gave Diamond Tiara the harshest statement and abandonment to help push her in the right direction. And oddly it was right towards the girls and I, it's not what her cutie mark shows she was capable of. But it’s clearly something she grew up figuring out by watching and listening to so many others, I’m far too lucky to have such a wonderful mare in my life. “Reminiscing about the good ol’ days?” Silver Spoon asked as she startled me, “If you miss it that much I could always give Diamond Tiara a call, I’m sure she still remembers how to get under your skin.” “I think you mean under my skirt.” I blushed as I recalled a camping trip we once took together with Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. It also didn’t help that Sweetie Belle brought some of Rarity’s personal health tools, or at least that’s what she called them. Every mare there knew what they were, though we couldn’t figure out why they were shaped like they belonged to dragons. Or well most of us didn’t at the time, I’m sure Applejack and Rainbow knew why all too well. ***************** With Lightning Blitz and Oak Heart’s fillies at school, Silverspoon and I finally had some time alone to snuggle and talk about the past few weeks. It was just me and her like the old times nothing getting in the way. Well, except my broken aching body.  Sure Oakheart healed me with magic after we Caught Rain, but it didn’t do much for the stuff that I already had; such as the braces in my back, and wings that kept reminding me they were there. And the still tingling burns that have still yet to heal, though the doctors say that it will still be a week or two before the burns are completely healed even with magic. I question that since he’s ordered the other practitioners to stop using healing magic on my burns, something about a risk of dependency is all I recall him talking about but still don’t quite understand it. I had asked Twilight and she pulled out a medical book with all the listed and regularly used healing spells, “They may be using this spell,” She groaned reading off the effects and needed energy to use it, “it boosts your body’s natural healing cells. But the cost is that prolonged use causes your body to become reliant on it, meaning that your white blood count can drop, your coat may begin to fall off. And even worse, your skin won’t protect you against the most basic of diseases.” I soon lost Twilight as she began looking at the ins and outs of the spell, and muttering about how it could be improved. Most of what she said made my head hurt and made me feel dizzy till she snapped me out of it with a question, “I’m sorry what?” I asked shaking my head trying to find my composure. “I said I’m getting my own division of the Royal Guard out here in Ponyville.” She faintly sighed with some level of disapproval, “After what happened to you the other night Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence demanded that I get a division of the guards out here. I was against it because it was one incident, but even my brother pressured me into it saying that one incident is one too many. And that if it can happen to you then it can happen to anypony here, including me.” “As powerful and crafty as you are with magic?” I was dumbfounded to hear that, “Who would be that stupid to try attacking you without being of equal or greater power?” “I was going to ask the same thing till my parents, who overheard everything, chimed in and my mother began to cry. I couldn’t handle all that crying and worrying.” Twilight claimed with a nervous tone as she looked towards her communication mirror in the corner, “My only real issue with not wanting a guard division out here, is that I don’t have the freedom to handle all the paperwork despite how much I would actually enjoy it. But I remembered that you are looking for a job that can give you as much time to rest for medical reasons, time off to be with your loved ones, and still make enough to get by comfortably.” Twilight took a deep breath and smiled at me, “Do you know anypony who would like to work for me?” “What?” I stared at her blank faced and confused till she started laughing a little bit. “I’m sorry,” Twilight shouted as she burst into laughter, “I couldn’t resist the chance to have a little fun.” As she calmed down Twilight took another deep breath, “How would you like to be my secretary and work for the Royal Guard here in my castle?” I said nothing but my actions spoke for me as I began to cry and tackled Twilight with a hug, “I guess that is a yes.” Twilight claimed as she gently hugged me back, being all to careful not to touch any of my injuries. Twilight gave me enough bits to get everything I needed to start my job, a moderately fitting outfit to make my job as comfortable as possible. A medically prescribed seat cushion for the burns on my mare parts, to let me sit for prolonged periods of time comfortably. While I was ready for work within two days, Twilight had asked me to come back to her castle after a week. When my first day of work rolled around Silver came with me to help keep my nerves steady, that morning we had taken Lightning to school and I was nearly dripping with sweat from how nervous I had been. “Ready babe?” Silver asked as we neared the crystal castle. “No,” I replied as we walked up the stairs to the open door, “but I need this job regardless of how I feel or how ready I am.” As we opened the door we were soon greeted by a large crowd of ponies, all dressed in attire from the Canterlot Royal Guard standing in silence facing the open hall. As we tried to sneak in one guard took notice of me and cleared his throat, quickly standing still we soon watched as they all parted a path for us to walk through. “Good morning ma’am.” The guard who noticed me spoke up, “Captain Sugar Burn at your service, would you like me to escort you to your office?” “I’m sorry?” Silver Spoon replied as she looked at the stone cold looking stallion. “Princess Twilight Sparkle has already informed us that Ms. Scootaloo will be attending and assisting to the paperwork, as well as attending day to day logistics, troop patrols, reports, and a few other things that cannot be discussed in the presence of a civilian.” “Oh,” I nervously replied as I looked at Silver Spoon I slowly turned my attention back to the captain, “yes please. And I’d like my life partner to come with us so she can visit when she has free time.” “Of course ma’am, however during more sensitive matters she will have to wait outside until the meeting is finished.” He proclaimed adamantly. I wanted to protest this only to soon feel Silver Spoon touch my leg, “That’s understandable, somethings are best left unknown till the public is ready to hear about it.”  I didn’t quite agree with what Silver Spoon said but it did get us moving towards the office, it was only a good ten minutes from the main doors till we arrived and I was stunned to see it. The office was newly furnished with a redwood desk and chair, the captain pointed out that I had my own personal washroom only a mere fifteen feet from the desk. Inside was a fully stocked medical cabinet and utilities, but the office itself was large enough to host at least fifty ponies. “This office will not only serve for you and I to work out of ma’am, but it will also be a debriefing room for the few soldiers you saw outside. Day to day tasks will be handed out to each of them, as well as any other tasks that require a more subtle hoof to handle.” The captain stated before saluting us and walking out, “I’ll be going back to the main lobby to send the guards out on their tasks, when I return I’ll catch you up to speed. Princess Twilight has already informed me of your situation, but assures me that you are the best pick for this position as you are a fast learner. I assume you must have been a student of her’s at some point for her to make such a claim.” As he left, I giggled a little knowing that he wasn’t being condescending, but almost seemed like he was trying to brown nose me a little. Haven’t had that happen in a long time. Before long Silver Spoon gave me a kiss and wished me luck on my first day at my first job, and with a sigh of relief I thanked Celestia for this new start in what was to become the rest of my life.