> A Few Good Dogs > by Nagiman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Two for One and One for Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun beamed down over the early morning sky, coating the ground with its brilliant light and warming the land for the late spring. Sweet-smelling flowers bloomed on the green fields and in yards of the citizens, with a light breeze trickling along and teasing the plants with the subtle touch it brought with it. Over in the park, it was quiet as the children were in school leaving the adults to have peace in the open space. On one bench sat two friends who were currently in a heated argument that they were keeping quite quiet to those around them, making sure to tone down their volume when others passed by. The first of the pair was Smolder, an orange dragoness with magenta fins and ivory horns jutting from the side of her head. Dressed in a ripped red tank top that barely held anything with her smaller breasts and hand-torn jean shorts that conveyed the thick bottom she had. Her eyes were just as sharp as ever with the light blue prisms digging into her friend as she poked at the white-furred forehead of Femdy. Femdy was a snow-white rabbit, with deep-red eyes that scowled back at the dragoness as she returned pokes and small pushes with her hands. Her pristine pink tank top showed off her fair bosom compared to Smolder's and a light purple skirt to match it with yellow trim along the hems. Her pink nose furled up in frustration as she took her turn to retort to Smolder. "I'm telling you, that it's my turn with Orthros this weekend, you had him last weekend. I'm sure you can find something else to play with." "No, it's my weekend with him, I only had him for a little bit the night before the weekend before Endy took him off for a dog show. I want my fair share," responded the dragoness as she crossed her arms and dug her heels deeper into her argument. "So what, I missed a few turns before that, not my fault that it finally happened to you." Femdy stuck her tongue out in a taunting nature. "What? You get to have him a bit more when you dogsit for him, that's extra time for you, I'm at least not counting that. I want our fair scheduled time that we picked on." Smolder turned her head away with that scowl still plastered on it. While the two kept their argument going, a third party came running up, his lungs heavy as he seemed to have been running for a while. "There you are Femdy, I've been looking everywhere for you. I tried to call but you didn't answer your phone." A male rabbit with the same snow-white fur bent over, planting his hands on his knees while taking short breaths. "Endy, what are you so flustered about?" Femdy got up from the bench letting the male rabbit take her seat to catch his breath. "E... emerg... emergency work... call. Need you... watch Orthros... for night," he panted out as he held his head between his legs heaving for air. Smolder turned and glared at the female rabbit, her face spouting disapproval that Femdy was going to get even more time with the two-headed pooch. Her arms crossed in anger, with her head boiling in building rage. Her fangs stuck out just a bit as she started to grind her teeth together, hoping that she could intimidate her friend. Femdy tried to avert her eyes away from the dragoness's wrathful gaze, knowing that she was getting her own point handed to her face that she got more time with Orthros than Smolder did. Scratching the back of her head, she didn't want to bring the ire of the dragoness further, so thinking quickly on her feet she made a proposal. "Endy, I'm not fully sure I can help you out tonight for it, I know it's an emergency and all, but I don't have the time fully. Would you be fine if Smolder and I both took turns through the night keeping an eye on him, I won't take pay for the time I didn't work?" Endy sat up, still out of breath but at least more settled to be able to talk well. "I... um... well now, that's a bit unusual but I don't have a problem with it if Smolder doesn't." He turned to look at the dragoness sitting next to him who was now turned away and pretending to look at other things around to hide her foul mood. "Ah... ya, no, I... ya no problem, none whatsoever. I can spare some time helping out while I study." Smolder cracked a smile as best as she could, still scratching her head in innocence. "Sounds like a plan then," Endy said as he put his hands on his knees, pushing himself to his feet. "I have to leave in a couple of hours, so whoever is taking care of him from that point just make sure to be there on time." He took a few steps forward before turning back to face the girls. "If you plan on making a mess as well, do clean it up like always." He waved to the girls before taking off at a slower pace. Femdy crossed her arms and tapped her foot, a smug look on her face as she looked down on Smolder who was still a bit baffled by the change of things. "There, I think we can put our little argument aside for the day. You just got some time with Orthros as well as me for a weekday. Plus you'll make some money as well, so I think it's fair of a trade." Smolder went to give a shout at the rabbit but stopped with her finger pointed out and a gape in her mouth before retracting her hand back. "Fine, but we need to figure out a better schedule when these weekend mishaps happen to make it more evened out. I'll show up a few minutes after Endy leaves so I can get as much time as possible. Money isn't much of my issue, being a dragon and all." "Fine by me, I'll be staying as long as I can as well since it was a lie to at least see if you could be bargained with to stop arguing." Femdy shrugged her shoulders and started to walk away from her friend. "I'll see you soon." The dragoness gave a huff, sending a billow of smoke out of her nostrils as she watched her rabbit friend take off toward the town. "I can't let her hog him all night, maybe there's something I can do so we can guarantee he'll be shared fairly," she thought to herself as she slowly dragged her feet across the grass and headed back into town herself. As the clock ticked by, the appointed time arrived as Femdy knocked on the door to Endy's home. Hands behind her back she swayed forward and back while waiting for him to answer the door. After a few seconds of waiting, from a second knock on the door, it swung open to a frazzled-looking Endy trying to get his bag over his shoulder. "Hi Endy, I'm here." She smiled with a quick wave of her hand. "Good, good. So I'm going to be in Canterlot helping with a client, so I'll be home early in the morning. If anything is going wrong or you need something just call or text. Free access to food and drinks like usual, and Orthros is currently in the backyard sleeping in his house." Endy pulled the bag up over his shoulder as it slid down, his mind going a million miles a second. "Oh and let Smolder know the same rules as she's never actually done sitting before. Thanks again Femdy, I'll see one of you in the morning." Endy took off in a sprint down the road toward the train station at full speed, leaving his friend to take over. Femdy waved one last time to Endy as he disappeared in a hurry before taking to the home. The place was a cozy-sized house, not too big but definitely not small, near the edge of the town so fewer neighbors would be nosy. The living room held a brown felt couch with a matching chair nearby, a fireplace of stone cobbled into the wall, a tv sitting in the corner with a large window peering to the outside, and the floor made of wood-colored tiles. The smell of last night's wood burning filled the room from the charcoal sitting in the pit of the fireplace, giving a nice homey feeling. Femdy went into the kitchen and looked out through the glass door into the backyard, watching Orthros laying on his back bathing in the warm sunlight without a care in the world. Taking a seat at the table, she continued to watch the dog lazing about, her mind with the full intent of another makeout and rutting session with her favorite dog. Each time felt special spending time with him, the licks he gave her, the feeling of his knot expanding inside her and filling her with his sticky seed as if she was a bitch in heat. Even the times when Endy got involved in threesomes made it just as good to be treated just like a dog slut that he went as far as getting a collar for her and kept it at his place when she'd come over. Even Smolder was given a collar at one point too, and they sat together, for any time they'd come over. Her mind had spent wandering in a blissful haze as her eyes drifted into the clouds of sexual fantasy, losing track of time as she daydreamed when a knock at the front door shook her awake. Smolder stared at the door with a slight scowl on her face, it was her fourth time knocking on the door and she was starting to think that Femdy was already getting her ass plowed by Orthros and it was starting to upset her. She was about to knock a fifth time when the door opened and her hand came close to tapping on the rabbit's face. "Ugh, finally you answer. What took so long, already hogging him to yourself?" "No, I haven't done anything, just was lost in thought is all." Femdy gave a passive-aggressive tone to her speech as she stepped to the side, letting Smolder into the house with her backpack. "What's with the bag, do you really have schoolwork?" The door was shut behind her as Smolder got into the living room. She let out a 'plttt' sound with her tongue, "As if. I was thinking about sharing and how there is only one of Orthros and two of us and how he could give up after a few rounds leaving the other without full satisfaction, so I went digging through the library and asked for a few favors." She set the bag down and pulled out a red leather-bound book with a purple marker sticking out of it. "A book? How will that help solve the problem? Not like he can read and learn to take one then the other." Femdy crossed her arms, curiosity now building on her face as she looked on with inquisitive eyes. "Simple, not just any book but a spell book. There's a spell in here for temporary duplication of anything at all. Just needs to be cast and it will last for a few hours. That way we can each have an Orthros for a bit and when it wears off, we can cast it again as needed." Smolder put on a smug grin as she flipped open the pages and showed the spell. Nodding in approval of the idea, Femdy slapped Smolder on the shoulder. "Nice thinking, though, still brings up the question of who casts the spell. I don't know how to do magic at all, don't think I can." Smolder put on her proud face once again as she pointed to herself. "I can, I've been practicing as a hobby. I'm not perfect but I at least did a few rounds with this spell on stuff at home just to be safe with it." "Well now, that's a surprise that a dragon can learn magic. I didn't think it was possible." Femdy pointed at Smolder, an impressed grin on her face. "Seems like we're all set then, so let's hurry up and get it cast." "Hold on now, just because I have the spell doesn't mean we can rush things. This thing takes a bit of time to prepare and be done right or who knows what can happen. Plus, normally there is only one of us here so what's our plan for when we do have our Orthros for ourselves? Who's going where to have their fun or are we going to be sharing a room?" Smolder closed the book and folded her arms, one brow raised in questioning the rabbit. Femdy raised a finger as if she was going to be correct in what she said but stumbled for words as she thought about the situation. "Hmm, that's a good point Smolder. Would having the two of them together cause trouble or would they be fine with each other in the same area? We might have to cast the spell first and see how they react with each other, then decide to split them. As for space, I was probably just taking the yard like I normally do." "Wait a minute, that's normally my place," Smolder protested. "Fair's fair. You found a spell to solve a problem to give us both a good experience so I'll take the master bedroom if things go south with them not getting along, otherwise, the yard is big enough for both of us. How's that sound?" Femdy started to walk toward the hallway, opening a closet door. Smolder gave it a few seconds to think about it, "Fine, that's fair enough for me." She started to follow where Femdy had gone before getting her collar thrown in her face. Fixing her red collar with a golden tag that read "Dog Slut" engraved on it, Femdy smirked at the dragoness. "Then I think it's time we put that spell to work then." Putting on her own collar, black leather with silver ring studs that looped around the entire length, Smolder followed behind the rabbit to the backyard where Orthros still lay in the sun. Opening the door to the outside, the pair stepped out onto the small wooden deck that dropped right onto the grassy floor below. A tall oak tree sat in the yard providing some shade over the dog house at the right angle. A red water dish sat next to the house that had Orthros' name written on it, with a few tennis balls covered in dirt and slobber from the hound's playtime adventures. When the girls had gotten on the porch the pooch open a set of eyes and spotted the two. Still a bit hazy for a few seconds, it took the dog a little bit to realize his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. His large body flipped onto his paws, both heads now fully waking up. The mutt's head gave a yap while the bernard's tongue drooped out with drool as it rushed the two down. Both heads wanting to at least get a girl with a kiss, his body stalled in the middle of them as the two tried to pick one to jump before starting with Femdy. His large frame took the rabbit down in a single leap before coating her face in a cascade of slobber. Smolder rolled her eyes at Orthros as he drowned Femdy in his spit before getting knocked down herself and receiving the same treatment. "Okay okay, you win, you win boy. Just calm down." She tried to push him off her but the sheer size made it nearly impossible. Femdy took hold of him by one of his blue collars, the same design as Smolder's, and heaved him off as best as she could. "Calm down boy, calm down. We're here to watch over you while Endy's gone, so settle down for just a bit." The dog sat down, his tail wagging so fast it kicked up some of the dirt that it was sitting on. Each head looking at one of the girls. He knew what was coming and was already getting hard. His red rocket-colored dick poked out of his sheath and into the light between his legs as he waited as best as he could. "Alright Smolder, I think that should give you enough time. He's certainly in the mood like usual." Femdy kept hold of the mutt's collar and stroked his head gently to keep him there. The dragoness pulled herself up, wiping slobber from her face with one claw and wiping it on her shorts. "Okay, just keep him still, I don't need him tackling me again while performing this." Opening the book to the page, Smolder held one hand out towards Orthros while looking down at the page. "Ingenus, malcio, cantorum, twinus," she spoke out, a flash of light jumping from her hand and surrounding the pooch in its glow. Femdy let go of the dog while his body turned into a bright white light, covering part of her face to stop herself from being blinded by the spell. Smolder did the same as well, her face smiling with joy at the successful cast of the spell. After a minute the glow faded, and where one dog stood, now stood two, but not two Orthros, but two single-headed dogs; one a Mutt the other a Saint Bernard. "Um... Smolder, I don't think it worked correctly." Femdy looked with some fear in her voice seeing the Orthros split in two. Smolder grimaced that her spell had failed and now there was the problem of two dogs but not Orthros. "Hold on, hold on, I'm looking, I'm looking." She read down the page again, nothing standing out until she noticed the last word on the page didn't end with a period. Flipping the page over it continued on with more information about the spell. "Shit, there was more that I missed, I thought the one page was everything," she said in a panicked tone. Reading through the page it contained some important information on it that she should have read ahead of time. "More? What kinda more? Good, bad, what is it Smolder?" Femdy started to prance in place, her nerves starting to shoot up with what Endy would say about two dogs. "Calm down, it's not as bad as it seems. According to the page, any magical beast is just split into two personalities instead of cloning, however, the spell takes longer to wear off, about twenty hours to wear off." Smolder wiped her forehead free of the sweat that had built up on her brow in desperation. "So we'll be good, they'll turn back into Orthros in time." Femdy cringed just a bit, at Smolder's words. "Twenty hours is going to cut it close to Endy returning home. Hopefully, he'll be delayed just enough that it won't be a problem. Now for the other one sitting before us. He's no longer Orthros, so what do we call him now since they both can't be Orthros." The two dogs looked at each other, now separate from the other and seeing a different body before them. Standing up they started to circle trying to smell the other one to figure out what was going on. After a few seconds, the two stopped moving before a few more sniffs then breaking into a sprint and jumping around with each other. Both seemed to be very happy with their situation at hand, having their own body to move around with. It was a strange sight to behold seeing themselves instead of stuck next to each other and with full control instead of half control. For both sides of Orthros, it was a whole new world to experience being free from the other. Smolder approached the two canines who happily drooled away, their tongues drooping out of their mouths in happiness. Placing her claws on the bernard's head, she gave a few scratches over the top of his fur, taking in the soft feeling as she pondered. "How bout we name each one? I've always been more fond of Butch here. He seems to know just how to give a good kiss." She smiled down at the pooch as his tail slapped her feet. Approaching the other dog, Femdy rubbed the pointed ears with the tips of her fingers, getting a little whine from the dog as his face melted into bliss at her touch. "Then I think Brutus here will do me fine as well. Since they don't seem to be causing problems, I don't think we'll have a problem sharing the yard either." She stuck her tongue out in a teasing manner at Smolder before turning her face down at Brutus and smiling at the hound who was tapping his foot against the ground as she kept stroking his ears. With both happy with their choices, they moved their dogs to the grassy part of the yard while they finished preparing themselves for the personal time they wanted so much. Smolder tossed her clothes onto the small deck without care, her top and bottoms forming the base of a pile as she stood in her shimmering ruby red boy-cut shorts with tiny A-cup bra before noticing her friend. Femdy had neatly stacked her clothes folded, each placed with care before she started to undo her C-cup leopard print half-cup bra that showed her little light-grey nipples over the top. Her rear was barely covered with the matching tanga panties that she was wearing as the cloth sank between her cute butt and smoothly folded into her bikini line creating a creaseless look. Femdy stopped as well when she caught smolder looking at her, their faces turning a bit red. "What? Why are you staring at me that way?" Femdy started to feel a bit conscious about Smolder looking at her. "I'm not, I mean...you just look...your underwear is kinda cute...in a mature way I mean." Smolder turned away and started to undo her own bra. Never had she stripped down fully in front of another female, it was always with Orthros that she had gone nude and the odd time with Endy himself involved but with other girls, it was just to change into her gym clothes. "Umm...thanks. Their pretty comfy and were on sale. You've got some nice ones as well. Never seen underwear that were that shiny." Femdy turned her back as well, facing away from Smolder as she set her bra down on her neatly folded clothes. Smolder dropped her underwear onto the messy pile of hers, the fresh air tingling at her body, her labia already leaking secretions out as her body wanted nothing more than to have some sex with Butch right now. "I got them from home in the Dragonlands. We are dragons after all and we like expensive and bold things." Turning around she faced the now nude rabbit as well, both fully naked before each other. "Feels really strange seeing another girl naked but if this finally gives us both something we want then I can forgo most of the surroundings." Smolder scratched the back of her head, still a bit nervous. Femdy blushed a bit seeing her friend's nude body as well. Never had she seen what Smolder had looked like other than the tomboyish looks she wore. She never thought she would wear something so feminine in style when it came to underwear and just assumed it would be a pair of boxers. Swallowing the nervous bulge in her throat she nodded to the dragoness. "I agree, we'll just ignore each other as best as we can." Taking the first step onto the grass, she approached her partner and got down on her knees, rubbing his head as she did. Butch was given the same treatment by Smolder, as the two dogs looked between each other and their partners. Both having a chubby on display from watching the girls strip for them. Butch wasn't going to wait too long though as Smolder got down on level his tongue splashed her face with the wet rough surface as it explored the dragoness for the first time without having to share with his counterpart. "Whoa boy, you're pretty feisty than usual," Smolder managed to spit out as the tongue lashed out at her face. She didn't wait long before opening her mouth and started to swap saliva with the bernard. Their tongues battled in a struggle to lap at one another as she held his face in her claws. The taste of dog in her mouth as her thin tongue wrapped around his large thick monster of a licker. She twisted her head so she could fit more of him into her mouth as they made out, her heart pounding at the sensations of their actions in front of another that wasn't Endy. Her pussy tickled in anticipation of the eventual action it would be receiving but Smolder was going to enjoy the warm-up first. Femdy wasn't long to follow in the steps of the dragoness and had Brutus over top of her, his tongue lapping away at her face as if it was a washcloth cleaning the surface of a counter. Making sure to not miss a spot on the rabbit's face as he licked everything he could, layering Femdy in a slobber coating. "Yes yes, that's it Brutus, good boy." She rubbed the side of the dog's head as he moved to her neck and started to lick away there next. The red cock hanging between his legs pointed right at her as she wiped away some of the slobber from her eyes to be able to see the dog. Next, he had started to lap away at her neck, causing her to giggle a bit from the ticklish spot he found as he moved down to her breasts and licked away at the perky nipples sitting on nice round mounds. Brutus didn't waste any more time and flipped himself around, his face now burying itself into Femdy's pink pussy while his cock hovered just inches from her face as he went to town on her. His tongue's rough surface gave enough friction to flick hard on her clitoris and the sides of the folds of her labia. His tongue didn't stop at all as he went crazier than when he had when stuck with his other half. As he gave the rabbit a tongue bath sensation, she returned the favor by guiding his thick red shaft into her own mouth and began to please the canine. Sucking away as much as she could while the rest of her hand stroked at the base of the shaft over the knot that slowly expanded. For Smolder, she didn't give much choice to Butch as she lay down and spread her pussy for him with her fingers. The hound took no time to waste as he fumbled around with his new body to try and penetrate the dragoness. The first few thrusts missed their mark and hit her hand, clitoris, and the inside of her leg. With the next one, he managed to break right into her flower and give her a rush of adrenaline as it dug deep into her. "Fuck..." she moaned out as the canine started humping her like a rag doll. Her body went limp from the pleasurable release from the pent-up urge to fuck the pooch had finally come to fruition. The large dog's motions pushed her back and forth on the grass, rocking her like a chair in the wind as he pumped his big pecker deep into the furthest reaches to touch her womb. Drool from Butch's mouth dropped down onto her face and chest as he panted away in the same gratification. "Oh Celestia Butch, keep going, don't stop. Fill me like a good bitch." Smolder was going through the throes of ecstasy as she was bred as she dreamed of, without having to worry about two dogs needing attention at once. Her voice was loud enough for Femdy to overhear her but not loud enough for neighbors to hear. With a wet pop, Femdy pulled herself off Brutus' dick as she took a few breaths, her body still tingling with excitement as Brutus had now shoved his snout into the hole to get his tongue deeper. It certainly was much easier dealing with one head than two but not as satisfying on the licking side. Still, she was content with having a focused head instead of two wild heads on her. "Sounds like you're having too much fun over there Smolder," she said with a teasing tone before swallowing down the big red rocket again. The salty taste with the veiny texture returned to her palette once again as she downed the dick to the inflating knot, putting a bit more effort in, as Brutus started to hump ever-so-slightly. "Says the rabbit with a big dog dick down her throat," Smolder retorted as she clenched around Butch's pecker with her wet walls. Her body started to spasm into an orgasm as she felt the knot pop into her folds and lock into place. Her talons reached down and rubbed swiftly at her clit until she erupted into a torrential orgasm, spraying Butch with her clear spray. Screams of joy came from the dragoness while howls came from Butch, still dropping drool on her as he did. Each twitch sent more cum deep into her womb and in return, she squirted more fluids out into the fur of the hound. The two of them enjoyed the moment in unison. For Femdy, her mouth was blasted with a large rush of doggy semen, sending a salty-sweet taste down her throat and slipping out past the corners of her lips to drip down her chin. The rush was a bit too much though and as she released her mouth from the dick, her face became the new target, coating it with Brutus' jizz as she coated his muzzle with her own feminine juices as her legs twitched from her own orgasm. Still swallowing what was in her mouth and catching more here and there as she was given a new white coat from the dog. No matter how many times in the past they had done it with Orthros, it was still the same pleasure for all of them. It was an endless cycle of want, pleasure, and bliss that was never satisfied by any party. This time was no different as the four bodies lived out the next few minutes in succulent ecstasy, drowning in a sea of bliss and semen, and lost to the throes of the inner carnal desires. For Smolder the next few minutes her body was glued to Butch's dick, while Femdy was free from a knot holding her down. Brutus took the time after he finished to clean his own dick with licks, giving Femdy time to recover from his licking frenzy. Butch whined a bit being stuck on Smolder but still took the time to give her face some more licking as he waited for his knot to fully deflate and release the dragoness. Femdy having regained herself, picked up onto her hands and knees, taking the time to crawl over to Smolder, her face dripping dog cum along the way. Stopping herself over Smolder when Butch finally freed himself, she looked down at the panting dragoness, still nearly out from her full orgasm. "I guess you've enjoyed your time, but we're only getting started." She planted her lips against Smolders, swapping the small amount of cum still in her cheeks and lapping tongues as if they were dogs. The action from the rabbit sprung life back into Smolder as she returned the favor of the tongue lashings, the two of them making out together while the dogs took a little bit to get their stamina back. Smolder picked herself up off the ground, not breaking the kiss as she did, and came to the same stance, on her claws and knees, her tail hiked up in the air as they made out. She broke the kiss only for a little bit to lick some of the cum from Femdy's face and leave a patch of saliva behind, only to return to the kiss and share that semen with her friend as they continued. For Butch and Brutus, they got to watch the display of passion for a bit before they started getting hard once again. Brutus made his way over to Femdy and put his weight down on her back, his red rocket starting to poke around her backside as he worked on getting his erection to full. Butch on the other hand stuck his face in Smolder's rear and started to lap away at her anus, coating it in massive amounts of spit as he licked away at the hole. Both actions cause the girls to embrace their tongue work even more as they knew what was coming to them and more than wanted it to happen. Brutus wasn't much longer in his attempts on Femdy before he had reached full erection and penetrated her sopping wet folds into the warm tight tunnel that was her vagina. His rod sunk down to the base with powerful thrusts to push it all the way to poke against her womb and rocked her body back and forth. The pooch could feel his partner clench down on his shaft with her pussy, trying to milk it as he continued his thrusts. On the other side, Butch had finished with his wetting of Smolder's ass and now put his heavier weight onto the dragoness, taking only one attempt to penetrate into the tighter hole and letting out a howl of joy as he made it in. The inside was much warmer than her pussy, and the ridged insides teased against the thick veiny dick as he pushed as much as he could before pulling out and pushing further with each go. His weight was a burden on the dragoness but was held up through sheer force of will on Smolder's end. The girls happy with their partner's actions, moaned into each other's mouths as they were pleased by the respective dogs. Each thrust pushed them closer together as they were used as fuck toys by the big hounds. They took a few seconds to break their kiss and take in fresh air for a few seconds. That moment only lasted a few short seconds before Brutus shoved his face into Smolder's and Butch into Femdy's, each giving a four-way cross kiss. Smolder gave the same french kiss she gave to Butch earlier while Femdy licked away at Butch's tongue as if it were his dick. Together the four of them melted into a pile of rough thrusts, sloppy kissing and drooling, and a pile of moaning and barks as they enjoyed the dog pile. As their time went on, Femdy could feel the knot of Brutus pushing and pulling against her folds as he humped harder and faster. Her body getting warmer and tired at the same time from bearing his weight on him in the doggy-style position. Her heart picked up pace as she yearned for the release of his red rocket right in her pussy to fill her with his semen. Taking a chance, she removed one hand from the ground and reached around to rub her clit with a couple of fingers to push her orgasm faster to line up with the dog's coming orgasm. Getting free from the kiss orgy, she panted out, "I'm...so...close...fill me...boy." Smolder smirked at her friend as Brutus had lodged his dick fully in her ass, his knot preventing him from leaving, and now was doing short thrusts into the tight anus. "Such a naughty bitch, begging like a real dog," she said jokingly as she wanted Brutus to give her that soothing sensation that she loved getting after a nice rough butt fuck. "Just a bit more boy, just a bit more." She dug her claws into the ground, digging up dirt as she clenched down for support to keep her from falling over from orgasm. After another minute of thrusting, the two hounds had finally had enough and howled in unison as they both released another round of jizz into their respective bitch. Brutus filled Femdy's pussy with his sticky seed while Butch loaded Smolder's asshole with his soothing fluid on the well-used hole. Both dogs were panting and drooling down onto their partner, coating them with a waterfall of slobber as they gave a few more thrusts as they drained their balls into the girls. The dragoness melted at the feeling of the gooey relief on her well-used hole, her legs trembling from Butch's weight and her second orgasm taking place as she sprayed the fur on his legs and watered the ground with her spray. "Fuck..." is all she could say as her head lowered to the ground, getting drips of saliva tapping at the top and rolling down along the sides of it. She was near out of it as she went through the second drift into the land of euphoric bliss. Femdy on the other hand had her orgasm and dripped all over her own legs along with Brutus' excess cum, matting her fur with the sticky mixture from them. She reached up and stroked the side of the hound's head as she softly said, "Good boy, that's it, let it all out." The feeling of fullness slowly took over as she could feel him trying to remove his knot from her folds but was unable to from its size holding it in. The group lay there from their little orgy of bestial lust, each panting heavily as time moved by slowly for them. The sun only started to set on the horizon leaving them plenty of time before Endy would return home the next morning. Cool air tickled at the warm bodies, giving them enough power to keep themselves awake for now as the dogs finally deflated and were freed from the girls. Smolder nearly asleep from the pure overload of two quick orgasms, reached over and took hold of Femdy's hand, a smile on her face as she looked the rabbit in the eye. "Give me a wake up in a bit so I can go again, so tired to continue at this moment." The rabbit giggled a bit at the dragoness, "Already tired? We're just getting started, though I guess I can handle them for a little bit on my own." She watched as Smolder tried to giggle back but closed her eyes instead as she drifted off to sleep. Being left alone with the two hounds at the time while her friend snoozed off her sex-induced slumber, she picked herself up off the ground and moved to another location in the yard so she wouldn't wake her friend. She took a seat on the ground, her fingers wiping away at the cum dripping from her hole and licking clean the mess little by little, making sure none of it went to waste. For Butch and Brutus though, the spell seemed to have not only split them apart but gave them the stamina of the usual combined Orthros. So while Smolder rested in the remaining sunlight, they both approached Femdy while she cleaned herself up. Butch lay down beside her, his groin near her upper half, spreading his legs to show off that he had another erection ready to go while Brutus stood in front of her, his dick also already at full mast, ready to go again. Taking the hints given to her by the hounds, Femdy cracked a smile as she spread her legs and held them high for Brutus to have access to her once again. Her hand slipped over to Butch and started by fondling his large fuzzy nut sack while her mouth attended to the cum glazed cock that was being presented to her to suck on. Brutus slipped himself into the rabbit's pussy in a crouched position as Femdy wrapped her legs over top his, letting him have full access once again for another round of cum and knot stuffing into her folds. Her mouth bobbed up and down along Butch's shaft, taking in the full taste of not just the pooch but the taste of Smolder as well. Her body was drizzled by Brutus' drool even more as the dog was busy humping away and slobbering like the beast he was. Both the dogs gave yips and small howls of delight as they had their red rockets attended to by the rabbit, this time having the freedom from each other giving new pleasure to her and themselves as doing so. Butch was loving the feeling of his balls being played with as his dick was sucked, while Brutus was all too happy to keep humping away at her pussy once again. His tongue reached down to lick her face now and again as he pleased, his mouth just making her wetter with the drool coming out. Brutus even took the time to lick and suck on her nipples from the bouncing breasts as he rocked her body back and forth. At no point did either hound let up on their assault on Femdy's senses. Butch wouldn't even allow her to let go of his cock to catch her breath, he forcefully pushed it forward whenever she tried to back off, causing her to adjust and have to use her nose a bit more. The constant pulsing, motion, and feeling of the two dog cocks was driving Femdy onto the verge of a third orgasm as her senses became overwhelmed with the taste, feeling, and smell. Her body started to ache as she worked her hand, the elbow getting stiff from the constant motion, her tongue becoming numb from the sucking, and her legs stiff from holding wide for Brutus to perform his actions. She yearned for the two of them to finish so she could catch a break like Smolder but was stuck between the want to fuck them as much as she could in their current state and the want to rest for a bit. Femdy wouldn't have to wait much longer as both let out loud howls before blowing their third loads for the day. Filling her pussy once more with the gooey semen and her mouth being flooded with it as well. The sweet-salty taste flowed down her throat as fast as she could swallow, it being much stronger than what Brutus has shot down, and now it was flooding out of her nose with bubbles forming as it escaped. This time Brutus had not managed to knot inside so when he tried to hump a few more times while cumming, he slipped out and sprayed Femdy's lower half with the rest of his cum, giving her another layer of wet fluids on her. In the end, Femdy was coated head to toe in drool and cum, with her insides just as coated when it came to the white fluid. Letting go of Butch's dick, she lay fully back, her stomach bulging just a bit from the amount of cum she had managed to drink. Brutus' semen leaked out onto the ground as she lay huffing away as if she had been beaten in a race, with no more energy left in her to move even a finger as she lay staring at the sky. Her eyelids got heavy as she turned her head to Smolder who was still snoozing. She finally succumb to the call of the land of rest and closed her eyes. Smolder however was awoken by the two hounds sniffing around and giving her genitals a licking in unison, waking her enough to come to a conscious state to learn what was going on. She yawned and stretched her arms as she pulled herself up from the two dogs. "Whoa, boys, easy there. Just hold on for a moment." She saw her friend drenched in the fluids and put the pieces together of what may have happened. "Well now, someone got a bit carried away." She shook her head before being tackled to the ground by Butch, forcing her back onto her hands and knees. The big bernard started to lick away at the back of her head before humping away again to get back into her anus, his dick poking around and hitting the cheeks and perineum as he struggled to get back in. After a few more misses he managed to pop right back into the tight hole, his previous cum acting as a lube to ease his entrance back into her tail hole. Butch let out another howl as he went much harder this time into the dragoness' hole, making sure his balls slapped against her pussy as he pumped his pecker deep into the depths of her bowels. Brutus didn't want to be left out either and mounted Smolder from the other end, his dick swaying in her face as he thrust forward trying to get into her mouth. He growled just a bit to get Smolder to cooperate fast enough so his dick would not be unattended. Once in, he continued to thrust his shaft into Smolder's mouth, hitting the back of her throat as he rapidly pumped his dick in and out. Both dogs had become increasingly horny compared to the libido of one which had thrown Smolder off. She was getting a bit more nervous and didn't want to upset either of them as they used her as if she was just a toy. Still, the attention wasn't bad just different from what she wasn't expecting. It seemed her spell had some other side effects that weren't listed and she was learning firsthand about them. Her body still weak from her previous orgasm was failing in keeping her up as both dogs weighed on top of her but the rush of adrenaline was just enough to have her stay up and follow through with letting the hounds get their rocks off again. Her body rocked back and forth as each one pushed her down on the shaft of the other with their push-and-pull rhythm. With the rough action she was receiving, her pussy started to leak faster than a faucet that was left on. Here she was being used like a proper bitch as she wanted for the past week. Brutus was the first to come, filling the dragoness' mouth with his cum. The flow rushed through her and into her throat but rushed upward when she couldn't swallow fast enough causing the excess to start to come out of her nose and through the small cracks at the sides of her lips. It flooded worse than a beaver dam. His body wasn't able to keep the stream of gooey liquid flowing for long before his dick went limp and retracted out from Smolder's mouth. When he finished he seemed worn down and crawled off toward the dog house, leaving Butch to finish his fun. It wasn't much longer after Brutus finished that Butch reached the same point. His knot bounced against the cheeks of Smolder while he thrust in his cum until he slipped out and sprayed her back with the rest of his jizz. He let out a sore and tired howl as he dropped down from the dragoness, laying on his side as he panted, his eyes growing tired as his tongue flopped out. Smolder now in nearly the same state as Femdy, crawled over to Butch, planting a kiss on the dog's forehead before curling up beside him. Her body was now even more drained as she felt the weight of everything falling on her. She wrapped an arm around his leg and pulled into his chest with her back. She could feel the warmth of his coat against her scales as she cuddled. For now, she wanted to rest and this was a good way to show her appreciation to the bernard. As the sun crept down below the skyline, the four creatures lay outside, enjoying the cool air and rest that they needed before the moon would come up and give them a bit more time before Endy would return. It was going to be a long night and both Butch and Brutus would have a limited amount of time left before they'd be stuck with each other once again. > When Spells Don't Finish (Gay M/M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder stared up at the clock as the minutes ticked away, her brow starting to drip with sweat as she looked back out the glass doors to the dog house sporting both Butch and Brutus, still separate from each other instead of having turned back into Orthros. Her body tensed with the sound of the hands moving, the ticking of the pendulum as it swayed, and the silence that filled the home. That damn spell she cast should have worn off by now but it didn't seem to have made any changes. Still worried that maybe it wouldn't wear off, she started to pace in the home trying to think of a plan. Femdy had already left a few hours earlier after they cleaned up the bedroom and kitchen after moving into the house during the night excursions with the dogs. Now it was just her alone waiting for Endy to return and relieve her of the duty of watching the hound. Each second that passed was agony as she didn't know how she'd explain how he was no longer Orthros but instead two different dogs. With little time left for the rabbit to return home, the dragoness simply had to make up her mind on a tale to spin to either keep him busy enough for the spell to wear off or to keep him away from the yard for a bit while she was gone to keep him from seeing them split until the spell would wear off or get reversed. The clock, let out a dong as it struck the appointed time, the sound of the door knob turning along with the lock clicking as the front door opened to Endy returning home and giving Smolder a surprise shock. She took off in a quick sprint to the door to greet her friend with a smile on her face and lies in her mind. "Welcome home, must be tired from the travel. Why not drop on the couch for a rest." She held her arms out to the large piece of furniture, her mind racing and body sweating bullets in fear. Endy dropped his bag by the door, as he stepped into his home. The welcoming feel was always a sight after a trip for work. "Thanks," he said as he walked past her and took a seat on the arm of the couch. "So busy with that emergency call but glad to be home so soon too. How were things? Any problems at all?" Smolder rubbed her ass a bit, still stinging a bit from the rough anal pounding she took that she enjoyed very much. "No, no problems at all. Just the usual fun as always," she let out a nervous few chuckles before stopping. "We did go for quite a bit into the night so, Orthros is just very worn down. Probably best to give him a day to rest up before anything." "Sounds like the two of you didn't let up on things. Well here, let me grab your pay," Endy said as he started toward the kitchen. "No," Smolder shouted, her face turning to fear before clearing her throat. "I mean, no need to. It was rewarding in and of itself to have some time with Orthros. I don't need the money that much." Stopping from the shouting, Endy looked at the dragoness a bit confused by her outburst. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem on edge? Did things not go right between you and Femdy?" He approached, his arms open wide as he tried to prod deeper into what was going on. Shaking her head and hands, she passed off her outburst as something else. "No nothing went wrong between us. I'm just a bit tired is all, my mind isn't thinking right. I'll just be on my way. See you in a couple of weeks." She turned and ran out the door, leaving her worries behind as much as possible with her fear keeping up with her, hoping that the little bit of time she bought would keep Endy from discovering something wrong. Endy walked to the door and looked out at the dragoness running at full speed toward her place, confusion on his face as he watched her disappear into the crowds forming in the streets. "Strange, she seems to have something on her mind. Oh well, maybe she is just tired from being up all night," he said to himself as he returned indoors and closed the door. Stretching his arms out, he felt his bones and muscles do little pops and snaps as he felt a bit tired himself. Thinking that maybe he should just relax for a bit after having a hectic time yesterday, he could use some time alone. Wanting the best time to rest, he stripped down to his briefs, the white cotton fabric decorated in red hearts and dog heads of various breeds sprinkled in a pattern across the underwear. Throwing his clothes into the laundry chute just on the inside of the bathroom. Feeling the freedom of his body, being in nothing but his underwear, Endy walked around his home, feeling the carpet between his toes as he strode toward the couch. His body morphed the cushions to hold his entirety as he lay across the length of it, putting his feet up on the arm and resting his head against the other, his ears flopping backward over the rest. The silence of his home was great but odd without Orthros making a ruckus, though that was something a bit special to be able to rest without hearing the large dog barking at even the slightest squirrel that would run by the fence. Outside in the backyard, the two dogs lay in the rising sun, enjoying the warm light as they bathed in the bliss of a long night's mating session with the girls and with their freedom still intact, unaware that the spell should have worn off and fused them back together. Both were also unaware that Endy had returned home and was currently resting in the living room. Brutus lay on his back with his tongue flopping to the side of his face as he got his stomach warmed while Butch curled into a ball next to him and dozed off into dreamland as he melted in the sun. From a distance, they looked almost as if they were together again but still had the distinction of being separate. The weather was some of the best that had occurred that week, with the pleasant rays and gentle breeze, with few clouds in the sky. For the hounds they were in a perfect world now, having total control of actions instead of sharing one body. Just through a hole in the fence, Smolder had snuck back to Endy's house and was peeking in on the dogs, not wanting to make a sound to wake them, hoping to see if the spell had worn off. From her current angle, things looked like they had turned back, giving her relief from fear. She wiped the sweat from her brow, feeling as if the weight of the world was lifted as she turned around to leave. Her foot snapped a stick off, setting off the ears of the dogs which started to bark. Not wanting to be caught snooping around, she took off once again, leaving behind both dogs now creating noise. The peaceful silence inside was broken by the alarming barks of Orthros, sending Endy to sit up from his little relaxation session. Having only gotten twenty minutes of peaceful quiet, he pulled himself up off the couch and proceeded to the kitchen to check in on his pet to see what was going on. Looking out through the door to the yard, he saw Orthros barking at the fence with no signs of anything going on inside the fenced yard, he ignored the barking for a bit to grab a glass of water. His eyes feeling a bit weary from his travel still, he looked out on the yard as he downed his drink, thinking he was seeing more legs than normal. Shaking his head he went back to the sink to set the glass beside it, chopping up the vision to blurry eyes and quick standing. "Maybe I do need some actual rest," he said to himself as he looked around the kitchen to see if anything else felt out of normal standards. Taking a few more steps toward the hallway again, he turned back and looked out the glass as the barking stopped. His eyes popped wide as his tired theory was thrown out the window and he saw two dogs running around with Orthros heads. Each one was separate from the other as they decided to start playing around now that they had been awoken. Endy stepped to the glass, his eyes glued in shock at the sight, yesterday they were one, and now there were two. He ran to his phone and dialed Smolder's number, it rang until it hit the messaging machine, he then dialed Femdy's number and got the same thing. Both left him unanswered as he wanted answers to what was going on, but he had Femdy call him back in a matter of seconds. "Hi Endy, sorry, was just getting in the door. What's up?" The sweet voice of the female rabbit rang through the phone. "Do you know anything about Orthros being two dogs? Smolder didn't pick up and she was acting strange before she left," Endy said in a panicked tone. He kept watching the dogs outside playing around as he chatted. There was a pause of silence on the other end, not even a peep out of Femdy, as he waited. "Femdy, are you there?" Femdy pranced in place, the jig was up and they were being found out. She thought that things would be fine after Smolder had left, but she knew better than try to lie to a good friend let alone one who let her fulfill her fantasies with one of the best dogs ever. "I'm sorry Endy, it was Smolder's doing. She cast a spell trying to duplicate him temporarily but instead it split him. It should have worn off by now from what she said. Please don't be mad," she pleaded at the end with nervousness filling her voice and fear choking her. Endy let out a sigh, he couldn't stay mad for long, it wasn't in him to do so. "As long as this is temporary then I have no problems with it. I just wish the two of you would have told me beforehand so I'd be ready for this. Just get hold of Smolder for me and if I call again with him not turning back, both of you are going to be on the hook for getting it fixed alright?" "Yes, yes, I'll do that. I'm sorry again Endy, next time I'll make sure to tell you. I'll go see about getting hold of her now." Femdy clicked the phone, her fear no longer choking her but now pushing her legs to start moving to find the dragoness to be on standby. Setting his phone on the table, Endy looked out once more on the two dogs, his mind no longer in panic mode but now on how to take advantage of the situation. He'd only had one dog before, now he had two and this was a moment not to let go. He felt his penis start to erect against his underwear, pushing against it to create a bulge as he knew what he had to do for himself. Going to the closet he reached for his collar, "Orthros' Bitch" written on the golden tag that hung from the same red leather collar that matched Femdy's. Strapping on his collar, he prepared himself a bit more mentally for all of this in hopes that the spell wouldn't wear off too soon. Once finished he approached the door and opened it wide, giving his signature whistle with his fingers to get the dogs' attention as he stood with his hand on his hip. "Here boys, come on in, time for some fun." The two dogs perked up and looked to the sound of the familiar sound to see their owner standing at the door dressed in his playtime collar. Both knowing what was going to happen rushed to the door in a hectic sprint to rush under his legs to get inside the house. Jumping up and down and getting a lick here and there as Endy closed the door once they had gotten in. When the door was shut they followed him down the hallway to the master bedroom where many good times had occurred had happened and now it was different with the two of them. "Alright, calm down boys, I know you're excited," Endy said as he patted both dogs on the head, feeling the fuzzy fur against his hands. Once the dogs had taken a seat on the ground and calmed down from his return, he pulled down his briefs, tossing them to the side and letting his cock free. It was a white shaft with a reddish-brown head for the tip, it twitched with the newfound freedom of the underwear and in anticipation of the sexual encounter with the canines. He got down on his knees to be level with the dogs and an equal to them. "I don't know what to call you at this point but that doesn't matter, you're still my Orthros. Now let's enjoy this time for now." Reaching out, he pulled Butch's head forward to start everything, sticking his tongue in the muzzle of the bernard and being matched with the larger tongue in licking against each other. As Butch and Endy started french kissing, Brutus worked his tongue over the rabbit's face, covering his fur in the thick dog slobber as he lapped him like a piece of candy left out. He worked his way from cheeks to neck and back again before he was engaged by his owner in a kiss of their own where Butch took over covering the other side of his face with even more doggy drool. Endy always loved those moments with Orthros when it came to getting a slobber bath, but now, them being separate made it all the better since they could move as they pleased and reach places while the other did work. After Butch had finished with his face he moved to the chest and started to get himself lower before he was brought back for more kissing. With Butch occupied once again with Endy's mouth, Brutus was free to do what he knew his master liked best and went to licking him all over. Making sure to get his face in all the places that were hard to get to that a shared body wouldn't let him without fighting with Butch. His wet nose started to find where to go with Endy's arm and working across his chest to the other, taking a few seconds to jump his other half to get to the belly of the rabbit. Each bit he touched went from dry to heavily matted with drool from the canine as his tongue bathed him with a flurry of lashings of the soft muscle with the rough texture on it. For Endy, it was his ideal situation and a dream come true. Never before was he able to feel Brutus go to town on him while Butch was occupied with them being stuck together but now this spell from Smolder made it all the better to be able to have both in a position that worked for all three of them. Knowing that Brutus was always good to fulfill his licking fetish where he could be doused in the dog's spit as Butch was more of a rough growling type when it came to sexual pleasures. Having that feeling of Brutus being able to lick the back of him at the same time as keeping Butch more calmly. His erection had reached full size, throbbing from all the excitement and the licking he was getting. He could feel Brutus moving around a bit more until he reached behind him fully and started to lick away at his butt cheeks, sending a few chuckles through him. Butch broke away from the rabbit as he started laughing from the tongue lapping at his rear, letting the bernard have a chance to sniff around as well. The big wet nose made its way down to Endy's groin and pressed against his dick, sending shivers through him from the cold feel of it. Now getting the smell of his owner fully he dropped out his tongue and gave the top of the dick a long lick from tip to base before trailing upward to his face again to give him more doggy kisses. On the other side, Brutus stuffed his snout between the cheeks and began to lick at the pink pucker laying between the white mounds. The slick wet tongue peppered the back side and prepared him ahead of time for things to come while also giving his owner a moaning fit as he did so as well. The action resulted in not just moans but Endy falling flat onto his face with his ass in the air and giving Brutus an erection of his own, with his red rocket standing large. The feeling of the soft carpeted floor was gentle on Endy's wet face as Butch kept lapping away at it, as the rabbit moaned away from Brutus moving down to his sack from behind, the tongue pulling and letting go of his nuts with the wet teasing as he slowly melted like butter to bliss. Wiping the slobber from his eyes, he caught sight of Butch with his erection throbbing with a small start to his knot as he kept licking. Knowing that if Butch was ready then Brutus must be in the same spot. "Okay hold up boys, hold up," he said as he flailed his hand about to get them off him for a few seconds to readjust himself to a sitting position. As he sat up he started to say, "Now roll..." but he was stopped by the two dogs digging right into his groin with their tongues, lapping away at the smaller dick compared to their own. Big wet and sloppy tongues pressed against the little cock, giving the whole thing large laps covering from base to tip in the strokes that were given. The rough texture acted like a mini-grip on the shaft as they pulled upward before letting go and doing it again. Each side was taken by one of the canines as they pleasured their owner with a simple lick-job. Slobber dripped from each of their mouths, coating the entire length and balls with the sticky clear fluid as they took in the familiar taste of Endy along with the odd sweet treat of pre-cum that leaked from the tip. For Endy, his little plan was postponed from the assault on his senses, as his body seized up from the wet torture from Orthros. The feeling of the wet tongues combined brought his body to a shake as he leaned his back against the bed frame for support. As they continued, Brutus brought his head up to give his face some more licking in between every few licks of his dick while Butch just focused heavily on his twitching member. The amount of drool that coated him from head to toe could have filled a small pool, and his fur was heavily matted and disheveled from the licking that was being given. His head was fully lost in a daze of bliss as he always enjoyed having a good licking. Time seemed to become frozen with the sound of wet licks, moaning, and wagging tails thumping against the floor. The happy canines never let up for a second of their oral attack on Endy, giving him little room to breathe between facial and cock tongue baths. It wasn't long though for the rabbit to feel the tingling in his body course through him like a flood bursting from a damn, causing his dick to erupt with a small explosion of cum onto the face and tongues of Orthros, leaving but Brutus and Butch with an eager rush to consume the salty liquid. The stream of jizz didn't last long under the two hounds' tongues as they ate everything that came from Endy, that landed on them, the floor, or Endy himself. Now out of breath from his orgasm, Endy lay limp against the bed as the two hounds licked clean the mess that he had made. Their tongues kept his mind fogged with euphoria while his body felt heavy at the moment from the expenditure of energy. His penis slowly went flaccid as he recovered his thoughts over the small amount of time. Finally able to communicate once again, he looked down at the dogs finishing with the mess clean up on his nuts. "Okay, good boys. I think you deserve a reward for such a good job. Roll over both of you." With wagging tails, both Brutus and Butch pulled their head away from Endy's groin and found a spot to lay next to him before flipping onto their backs. Spreading their legs open, they knew what was in store when it came to a reward with them rolling over, so their big red rockets were put out, with thick veins and small knots on the ready for a good time. Endy licked his lips at the sight of the two big cocks waiting for him with his canine pals, both of them equal in desire for him. Getting down on his knees, he took a cock in each hand, giving both a stroke over the length to start with as he didn't know which hound to start sucking on. With two dogs waiting for him to put his mouth on their dick, he flipped a coin in his head and started to suck on Butch's meat first, giving a wet sloppy blowjob as he bobbed his head up and down the length, his jaw going wide around the thick member. After a few bobs, he switched to Brutus to give him the same treatment, while his hand worked the spit into Butch's flesh. Butch started to whine when Endy's lips left his cock and serviced his other half. The hand wasn't enough for him, even though it was only seconds for the mouth to return. Brutus wasn't one to whine as he was getting sex either way with their little bitch. Each dog was getting their big red dicks sucked from the small white rabbit, his head bouncing back and forth between the two with loud slurps as he sucked up all the spit and pre-cum he could as he made sure both hounds got an equal amount of treatment. Their tails wagged slapping against his legs as they were pleasured. The tangy preview taste of the dog sperm gave Endy all he needed to keep up his work as the knots started to grow in his hands. His arms started to get a bit sore from stroking both canines at the same time. His lips drowning in the mix of his spit and pre-cum from each of them as he wore himself down for their pleasure. His ears were assaulted with the whines of Butch while Brutus let out mini howls of delight as he got to him. Wanting to hear both happy at once, he pulled both cocks toward himself and stuck both in his mouth at once. He wasn't able to get much in of each, but he was able to get a fair portion so both tips were touching and pointed to his throat. From there he lathered his tongue across the bottom of the red rockets, getting the taste of both dogs at once, with their sound both being delighted as he stroked again with vigor as he could feel the building of their knots getting to a peak. It was only a minute after the knots had reached maximum size before things went wild, as both dogs erupted in a tsunami of semen that drowned Endy's throat in the white gooey fluid. Both Butch and Brutus let go of everything, all at once, sending a veritable flood of doggy cum down the rabbit's throat into his gullet, some going up into his nasal cavity and letting bubbles and drizzle come out of his nose, and more drenched down his chin. For Endy, it was just a bit too much than he was used to and he had to pull off both of the cocks, however, that ended with him being sprayed with the rest of the jizz, matting his already white coat with more sticky fluids. Both dogs let out howls as they came, their tails coming to a still as their bodies seized up for a bit until their orgasm subsided. Endy plopped down onto his butt as he let the cum spray over his body, using his hand to catch some, and holding his mouth open to see if anymore would collect inside from the loads, managing a few more drops to land in it while the rest was on the main bulk of his body. Swallowing what was in his mouth, he then licked his hand clean of what it had caught before resting a bit with the pooches. "Mmm...such a sweet treat for your bitch, boys," he said as he crawled between them, giving their panting chests some rubs. He kept an eye on their dicks, watching for signs of tiredness but it didn't come, only the reduction in the size of their knots. Normally Orthros would require at least a few minutes between loads to regain himself, but now it looked to Endy that they had enhanced stamina to keep going fast enough for him. Leaving the two dogs on the ground, Endy climbed up onto the bed, making sure that there would be space enough for all three of them to be up there. With a bit of positioning, he managed to find a nice place for himself that would allow the three of them to be on there without much issue. So getting himself ready, he propped his ass up high and looked back at the dogs still laying on the ground. "Oh boys, I think it's breeding time," he cooed to them. Both Brutus and Butch sat up in an instant hearing their favorite word, breeding. The pair jumped up on the bed and started to sniff around Endy's pink pucker, licking away at it with their still-soaking wet tongues, covering both his cheeks and the hold itself with their slobber. They were wild in trying to get him prepared, even his white balls were coated with some of the drool drenching from both heads trying to get in on the action at the same time. As he sat getting his anus tickled with the tongues, he knew it wouldn't be long for his mounting, but as he waited the sound of growling caught his attention. Both dogs were baring teeth at each other over who would get to mount their master. Not having thought that this would be a problem due to being used to a single canine with two heads, the rabbit turned around and stopped them quickly, placing hands and both of their heads. "Stop it, both of you. Now, this isn't something I thought would happen." He scratched his chin a bit while thinking of an idea while both dogs still stared down at each other. "Okay," he said as he pointed at Butch, "you can breed me right now, and you can come around front and use my mouth for breeding." The dogs gave one last look at each other before turning to Endy who shuffled his way back in place. Propping his butt up once again, Butch mounted his weight and started to thrust, trying to penetrate the tiny hole with his huge dick. His thrusts were wild and were missing their mark, hitting the soft siding of the internal of the butt cheeks, and around the hole. He had to be assisted by Endy to line it up before he spread the small hole wide, sending the familiar anal penetration feeling to the rabbit who moaned out as the dog dug his way in. Slobber dripped from Butch's mouth onto Endy's back as he started to pant happily as he humped away. On the other end, Brutus pranced in place, whining as he watched Butch already fucking away at Endy with no way for him to join in. A snap of fingers caught his attention as Endy stroked his hand in front of his mouth, a silent sign that he trained them together to know to use his mouth. Normally he'd only have one dog to deal with but entertaining two was certainly fun in its own way. Getting somewhat of an idea, the dog rolled over onto his back again, presenting his dick to the rabbit once again. Endy chuckled at the sight, knowing that Brutus was most likely confused about what was going on. He shook his head at the pooch while he laughed. "No boy, breed," he said as he pointed to his mouth again. This time Brutus blinked a few times before getting it, his tail wagging fast as he rolled back onto his paws and got in front of the rabbit. He mounted the front as if it was his back, Endy using his hand to guide the big red dick to his lips so he wouldn't get struck in the eye with the big penis. Once the dog felt the slippery wet tongue press against his dick, he started to thrust into Endy's mouth, the tip reaching all the way back into his throat as the knot kissed his lips. Slurping and gurgling sounds came from under Brutus as he pumped his pecker deep into the mouth hole he was given, not pulling his dick fully out when he pulled back on his thrusts, limiting the amount of time and air Endy could take in, causing him to choke a small amount on the build-up of spit, pre-cum, and his cock. For the rabbit spit-roasted between the two dogs, he was in heaven. Endy was getting a small fantasy come true, getting both holes filled at the same time, giving him an experience he would never forget. The feeling of his asshole being stretched wide while his throat was jammed with an equally big dog dick, gave that feeling of no power at this point and at the whims of the hounds to be a proper breeding bitch for them. His dick twitched in delight as he was unable to stroke it to get off himself with him bearing the weight of the two dogs at once. The bed gave some relief compared to the floor as it sunk under the weight of the three of them into the cushioning. The motions sent Endy rocking back and forth, getting his throat jammed on Brutus when Butch pushed hard, or his ass being stretched more from the growing knot of Butch when Brutus got deep throat from the rabbit. All he could do was moan, gag, and cough a bit as he was taken for a ride for the next few minutes from the canines, each moment feeling like a lifetime going by. His ass was eventually plugged and the big bernard started to hump rapidly with little movement as the knot became lodged inside and his dick squirted doggy sperm deep inside of his bowels. Butch let out a happy howl as he came in Endy's rear, his tongue hanging out as he panted happily away, draining his balls once again. Brutus was not far behind but was not able to jam his knot inside Endy's mouth, which allowed the flood of cum to rush the rabbit's throat but have the overflow slip out onto the sheets below. A torrent of splooge filled Endy from both ends, stuffing him like a turkey on thanksgiving with all the sweet semen he could desire. His eyes watered as he swallowed away at Brutus' load and the light tugging of Butch trying to remove his knot from his asshole. He didn't mind it one bit as he had become used to it after the first few times with Orthros. When the tide stemmed from Brutus' end, the hound removed his dick from Endy's mouth, giving much-needed air to his master. The dog took a moment to clean his dick with a few licks before giving Endy a sloppy dog kiss over his face while he sat with Butch now turned around wanting to pull his knot out. After a few minutes of being licked to death by Brutus, Butch was able to break free from his butt which squirted out some cum as the gaping hole tried to squeeze close once again but it would be at least a day before it would reset once again. Endy lay with his face in the pool of jizz from Brutus, his face still being kissed before being joined by the other dog. Now fully assaulted by the loving hounds as he felt his knees getting weak. "Good...boys..." he managed to pant out as he took in as much air he could between the licks. A blue glow started to surround both of the dogs, sending Endy reeling back a bit on the bed in surprise. His eyes looked on at the two dogs wondering what was going on. With a big snap and flash, he managed to clear his eyes of the light to see that the two had become one dog once again. Orthros had finally returned to normal as one big happy two-headed dog. His heart sank just a bit as he now only had one canine again but was happy to have them back to normal as well. Reaching out he took a head in each hand and scratched at their ears, getting the big tail wagging with joy as they got some more attention. Orthros didn't seem to mind much with his two bodies back as one, he was more than happy to just have his master giving him head scratches and kisses as Brutus' head made out tongue to tongue while Butch's head licked the side of the rabbit's face. His make-out session didn't last too long though as Endy lay down on the bed, spreading his legs wide and upward, giving his gaping pucker a show to the hound. The two heads sniffed away once again at the hole, getting a taste of their cum in the process before climbing over the top of their owner. "Go on boys, give me another pup in my oven," he said jokingly knowing that it wasn't going to affect him at all but still leaning into his role of being a breeding bitch. Endy could feel the dog's weight hovering over him as they squatted and moved their dick around to the hole but it went in with a single go. Getting that full feeling as cum squished inside of his butt and acting as lube for the recombined dogs. As the humping started once again, he wrapped his legs around the dog's waist to make it easier for them to penetrate deeper in the strange position. Pushing his hips forward as best as he could with the awkward angle, Orthros managed to get half of his red rocket inside the rabbit. The feeling wasn't bad but it wasn't what he wanted to experience as his legs struggled under the weight of his body trying to make those thrusts. He started to whine as he did smaller humps to try and get as much of his dick in attracted the attention of Endy. Seeing that Orthros was struggling with his current position, he patted the heads. "Hold up boy, just give me a second then." Letting the big dog pull away, Endy repositioned himself, putting the weight of his body toward his neck as he lifted his ass into the air, still holding his legs open for the dog to get access to his rear. Now looking as if he was going to fall over, he gave the word and Orthros got back to work. Bringing his upper body up over Endy and his lower half lining up with the gaping hole, Orthros had a much easier time thrusting his hips downward and fucking his bitch that way. He now could reach full penetration, getting his dick deep down to the depths of Endy's bowels as he plowed the rabbit hole as fast as he could. His balls swung into the back of his fuck toy while he pumped. The two heads panted as they felt their dick get some love with the squeezing of his hole while they were inside. Brutus leaned down and licked as best as he could at whatever he could reach on Endy, giving some love back to him as Butch just drooled incessantly over again. The new position was certainly much better as Endy felt every inch of the big dick digging into his ass. Feeling the rough veins scrapping his insides as the knot tugged at the ring of his anus when it pulled up. His dick wiggled back and forth, twitching hard as it begged to cum. Reaching up he took hold of it and teased the brown tip with his fingers, stroking the underside and glans with gentle touches, giving himself just enough edge to not blow his load right at that moment. He wanted to do it just right and cum with Orthros at the same time. Moans slipped past his lips as he enjoyed the rutting, the soft feeling of the bed making sure he wouldn't get injured, and his face sitting in the remaining pool of cum on the bed. Orthros let out a howl of joy as he felt his knot growing in size making it harder to push in and out of the hole, even in its gaped form. The ridges of the inner walls tickled his dick as he thrust down repeatedly. His tail smacked against the headboard of the bed as it swung happily away. Endy was still enjoying his end, and Orthros could tell by the muffled sounds his owner was making as he plunged harder and harder with shorter thrusts, and the clenching of the deep tunnel his dick was in. Half a minute later, the knot was fully grown once again, plugging the back end of Endy before it released a steady stream of jizz deep down, and with the angle, it flowed as fast as it could through the whole system. Flooding his body with the sticky warm goo, giving his ass much relief from the rough rutting he had just received. His fingers had worked their magic just enough for him to cum as well, spraying his face with his semen with the smaller squirts compared to the large dog. "Yes, that's it, give me that sperm, fill my ass boy," he shouted as he orgasmed. Pushing forward, the dog nearly toppled the two of them over the bed as Brutus tried to get at Endy's face to give him another sloppy kiss but ended up just flipping the rabbit to the other side of them, leaving them ass to ass as they waited for the knot to start to die down. Orthros didn't want to wait too long and tried to tug as hard as he could to escape the trap to get to their owner's face. With some rough tugs, he managed to break free with the cum lube, his dick soaked in the white fluid as he left Endy with an even larger gape from yanking out and causing cum to leak right out of the hole. Jumping up to Endy's blissful and pain-ridden face from the de-knotting, both heads lapped away, tickling the rabbit into laughter from their sloppy kiss. Falling flat on his chest, he took deep breaths as he released some of the pain through minor teeth clenching. He never could get used to them pulling out that early but he still loved that popping feeling when it happened. His heart started to calm down, and his body started to feel weaker but still, he was horny for at least one more go. Rolling onto his back, he got his face filled with slobber once again as Orthros took his place laying next to the rabbit. "Alright boys, I think I've got energy for one more go. I think something simple will be nice." Slipping off the side of the bed, he went to his dresser and opened the top drawer, pulling out a large grey object from it. It was a sex toy sleeve, shaped just like a canine's pussy, but way bigger than would be expected. It had pink lips that closed together in a triangular shape and had a closed end that was see-through. Walking back to the bed, he climbed up next to Orthros, scooping cum off the dick, himself, and the bed to lube up the toy. "Roll over boys, let's do a little sharing for the last go." He tapped the dog's side with the back of his hand, getting them to roll over once more. Flipping over once again, Orthros watched as Endy climbed over them, straddling his legs around the dog's waist, placing his smaller dick against the large canine cock. Once the rabbit had lined up both of their dicks, his short one only going up one-third of what Orthros was packing, he slowly pushed down the sex toy over the tip of the red rocket which slid inside just fine, and pulled the sleeve down to the point of covering his dick and then to the base where he met the knot. The inside was very warm with the two dicks inside the sleeve and the cum lube working wonders to make the stroking motions smooth and pleasurable. "Ya, that's a good feeling. Do you like that boy? Sharing a nice coochie?" Endy rubbed the dog's belly with his free hand as the other slowly brought the toy up and down on their frotting session. Butch let out a howl while Brutus gave Endy's face a lick and let out a howl himself as the two shared such an intimate moment. Normally it would just be Endy using the toy on Orthros when he had no energy left to do anything, but when it came to sharing it was the best time as the little dick twitched against the big dick. The sleeve expanded and contracted as it rose and fell along the different sizes of the lengths that it moved. The latex material was able to take quite the abuse as a substitute pussy for the two of them. Even the inside was designed to feel like a real canine vagina, giving them the best feeling. Rubbing their dicks together was always a nice little treat for Endy, it always felt better that way instead of alone, and sharing the large masturbator he bought for Orthros made it all the better. He could always see the tip of Orthros' dick at the end of it with that see-through ending of it. After a bit of the slow strokes, he started to pick up the pace a bit more, using what little energy he had left to make it a fun time too. As Endy picked up the speed, so did Orthros' tail as it hit the rabbit's feet like a metronome. Each pull and push was timed by the tail swiping as the strokes happened, hitting just in a perfect rhythm to keep in time. Butch hung his tongue out the side of his mouth and drooled away while Brutus watched on at the rabbit's actions. The large hound was more than happy with everything going on. Even with his knot growing in size, it had no problem going fully inside the sex toy with his owner's smaller dick. Now and then he loved the feeling of a bitch's pussy but still preferred having his personal bitch's asshole. As the stroking reached peak speed and movement, Endy found himself ready to cum for the last time. His small dick was unable to handle any more abuse for the day. He let out a moan as he sprayed a tiny load against the large dog's dick which in turn sent the hound over the edge. Endy pulled the sleeve fully down so he could watch as the tip let out another load of cum into the sleeve, filling the device with the juicy salty semen. The sight was great until it became white as snow with the cream filling it produced. He could feel some of it making its way down the sleeve and against his dick as well with the warm sticky feeling it gave. With both Orthros and Endy finally tired out, from a good amount of fun time, the rabbit pulled the filled sleeve off from their dicks, letting the last bit of cum dribble out onto Orthros' coat. He pulled the toy above his head and squeezed, letting the cum slip down into his maw, making sure to drink up all the dog sperm he could to show he was more than happy to serve Orthros. Drinking the thick salty liquid, he set the empty sleeve down on the floor and rolled off the dog onto the bed. Tired and heavy-eyed as he lay there, feeling the two heads licking away at his face and the mess of his dick. He reached up and pat the head of Brutus who was licking his face before falling asleep. Later that day, Endy finally got through to Smolder through text messages. "Hey, next time you cast a spell on Orthros, just let me know you're doing it ahead of time. I have no problems with it with the results it gave." "Ya, sorry about that. I didn't want to upset you and thought it would wear off as the book said much sooner." Smolder replied. "Don't worry about it. The only thing that had me going was how did you keep them from getting confused with the name," Endy asked. "We gave them separate names to make sure they wouldn't. Brutus was the shepherd and Butch was the bernard. They seemed to enjoy the names we gave them." Smolder finished clicking the message into her phone and hit send. Endy sat there looking at the message, nodding to himself at the names. Brutus and Butch seemed to fit them just well. He got up from his seat, his legs still shaky from the day's events he went to the door and looked out at Orthros laying in the yard near his dog house as the sun started to set for the day. He sent one last message to the dragoness, "I hope I can have you cast that spell another time. I think it would be a nice day for me again."