> Dragon Envy > by dirty little secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dragon Envy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Ember. It's great to hear from you again! How are things going in the Dragon Lands? Do they like you as their new Dragon Lord? I'm sorry, but I won't be able to go see the eruption of Mt. Claw with you. It's Gabby's birthday, and she'll be really sad about it if I'm not there with her. I'm sure you understand, right? She's really nice and I hope you get to meet her someday. I think you two might really get along. She gets along with everypony! Your loyal dragon friend, Spike The only thing stopping Ember from incinerating Spike’s letter on the spot was her equally burning desire to shove it – floral print envelope and all – down his traitorous little throat, with this Gabby pony watching it happen. And as for Gabby herself, the little hussy of a pony who thought she could steal the Dragon Lord’s favorite drake? Well, Ember could apologize to Celestia later for multiple violations of the Dragon and Pony Non-Aggression Treaty they’d signed just a few months ago. Some things are more important than diplomacy. ‘Your loyal dragon friend’? Ember gnashed her teeth as she doggedly flew toward Ponyville. Stupid drake! Was that what he thought she was to him, a friend? And how dare he call himself loyal while dallying around with one of those prissy air-brained ponies? How could he even call himself a dragon? Oh he was going to pay for this! If even half of her rage turned into dragon fire, Ponyville would soon be the site of a brand new volcano, one named ‘Mount Ember’. And that pony! Ember usually got along with ponies far better than most dragons did, but for this Gabby, she was prepared to make an exception. ‘She gets along with everypony’? Well, Ember would just see about that. Find out if she can get along with the dragoness who drags her disloyal drake back to the dragon lands where he belongs. And what if she needed to drag him along kicking and screaming? So be it. Even now that he was eighteen, he was still a pudgy, scrawny excuse for a dragon. She could overpower him no problem. Even if he somehow got away from her, she’d just use the Bloodstone Scepter to call him back. This dallying with ponies stuff was OVER. After all, they’d kissed – kissed! Like a couple love-addled ponies. He could say it was just about teaching her pony customs all he wanted. She knew what it really meant. It meant that he belonged to her. And nobody else! She was not about to let some pony-brained drake put her through some lovey-dovey pony courtship ritual and then abandon her to stew alone in the dragon lands where all the dragon guys were total jerks while Spike went off to hug and snuggle and tickle and ... and whatever the heck else those weird pony mating rituals involved. And definitely not with some mare who probably did all that silly pony stuff better! No. She’d put a stop to it. Spike was coming back to the dragon lands with her, and he wasn’t leaving until he’d learned the dragon mating rituals. (Incidentally – and conveniently – dragging one’s intended mate back to one’s cave, whether they want it or not, just happens to be the first step of those dragon mating rituals. There are very few other steps.) There! That was it! The tiny, pathetic pony town between the Canterlot Mountains and the Everfree Forest. She angled her wings, swooping down toward it in a steep dive. * * * Most of the ponies scattered when Ember smashed down onto the ground in the middle of their town square, shattering the earth with her knee. Her plain black skirt settled slowly back down over her hips. All these ponies would have gotten a flash of her panties as she landed. If they were brave enough to even look. Not that she cared. These pony notions of modesty were ridiculous most of the time. A lot of dragons didn’t bother wearing anything in the Dragon Lands. The lava would burn off most clothes anyway. She glared around, but didn’t see any immediate sign of Spike. Nor of Gabby. Though ... come to think of it, she had no idea what Gabby looked like. Snatching her arm out, she grabbed one of the running, panicking ponies by the collar of her blouse. The pathetic thing – a pink mare with a green mane – sniveled and trembled. “Are you Gabby?” The mare shook her head vehemently no. This pony could be lying... Then again, the chances of catching Gabby so quickly and easily were low. This probably wasn’t Gabby. Ember really wasn’t looking forward to the task of trying to find Spike’s new girlfriend among all of these similar-looking candy-colored ponies. Maybe she could force Spike to identify Gabby for her, though... She gripped the pony tighter, pulling her in even closer. “Where’s Spike?” “Su-su-su-spike?” Ember held out her free hand. “About this tall, spineless and unfaithful purple lizard. Thinks he’s a pony. He’s got to be around here somewhere.” Slowly, the mare lifted up her trembling hand ... pointing toward the huge, gaudily sparkling spire of a castle near the edge of town. Already done with her, Ember dropped the mare to the ground ... where she collapsed with her frilly skirt in a heap. Ponies were so weak. How could one seduce Spike away from her? This wouldn’t stand. Not for much longer. Not now that she knew where to find him... * * * Ember burst through the front door of the castle without knocking. Or even trying the doorknob. Terrible defensive door anyway – she was pretty sure she’d heard the crystal latch shatter. And of course the first thing she found inside was another pony. A purple one this time, one of the ones with a horn and wings. Something special about that, right? Whatever. She was pretty sure she’d seen this pony before, but it was hard to tell. They all looked so similar. “Ember!” the pony cried out in surprise. “Or should I say Dragon Lord Ember? What brings you here?” “Where is he?” The pony took a step backward. “You mean Spike? He’s, uh... You know, this probably isn’t the best time to come talk to him. Why don’t I just let him know you stopped by, and I’ll give him your message, okay?” “WHERE IS HE?” Ember shouted in a huge gout of flame. When the flames cleared, the pony stood within a spherical magical shield, completely unscathed. Hm... powerful magic, this one. She did look pretty shaken up by it, though. Eyes wide, mouth tight, a panicked little tremble to her limbs and wings ... classic pony fear response. Feebly, she pointed to a stairwell to her left. “Up the stairs, down the hall, third door on the right.” “Thanks,” she said, her breath still smoking. Ember just barely caught the pony saying, “Best to just let somebody fireproof deal with this ... right?” Completely right. The pony’s magic was powerful, but she was wise not to stand in the way of a Dragon Lord’s wrath. Now up the stairs and time to find out if Spike could handle a jilted Dragon Lord’s wrath... Ember was betting on no. * * * She did not knock on his door. Why would she? She flung it open, stepping forward into the doorway to block any possible attempt at escape. And then she saw him. She saw a lot, actually. More than she was prepared for. The bed was sideways toward the door. Ember could see everything. Spike lying naked on the bed. A nude griffon straddled on top of him, gripping his throat with her claw-like hand. She’d never seen a naked griffon before. She’d never seen Spike naked either, for that matter. He was really starting to fill out... The griffon didn’t notice her barging in, but Spike did. He held his hands against the griffon’s hips, stopping her motion. He gasped, despite her grip. “Um, Gabby...” This was Gabby? Ember’s jaw dropped. Why ... why was Gabby a griffon? And why was she so hot? Ember didn’t normally have a thing for griffons. Or girls, for that matter. But it was undeniable. Just look at her! Long, powerful legs with muscles that rippled under her short gray fur. An ass so perfectly tight and toned it was heartbreaking. The sinuous curve of her body and back, punctuated by strong flight muscles and elegant wings. Perky, medium-sized breasts that jutted proudly and prominently from her chest, with a heavenly-soft looking puff of feathery floof just above and between them. An adorable little beak and a little tuft of feathers behind her head. And even as she looked quizzically down at Spike, she had an energetic sparkle to her eyes that suggested she’d be the life of any party she went to. So that’s who Spike was cheating on her with? This absolute snack of a griffon? Well, at least things made more sense now. Could she even fault him for that? Even she thought this griffon was amazing. And Gabby was obviously more than willing to put out. And she wasn’t some flowery little girly girl like a pony mare would be. Not if her grip on Spike’s throat meant anything. This griffon knew how to rumble... Finally, Gabby looked over to see what Spike was staring at. And she spotted Ember in the doorway. “Yipes!” Gabby shouted, leaping up off of Spike’s crotch – and leaving a momentary trail of wetness connecting her to his now-exposed cock. She dove behind the other side of the bed, holding her claw hands over her chest. “It’s, um... It’s not what it looks like! We’re just really good friends!” Why did Gabby have to be so adorable? It wasn’t fair! Belatedly, Spike covered his crotch with a pillow. “Oh! Uh...” He coughed and rubbed his throat. “Hey, Ember. W-what are you doing here?” Was that how he saw fit to greet his Dragon Lord? “What am I doing here?” she snarled. “What the heck do you think you’re doing?” “I was just doing, um... Uh...” Gabby raised one hand and waved, while keeping the other over her breasts. “He was doing me.” That sheepish, blushing smile of hers! Why did it have to be so contagious? Ember wanted to grit her teeth, but she ended up baring them ... in a stupid, nonsensical grin! What was wrong with her? Why was she acting so un-dragon-like all the sudden? Oh crap... It probably had something to do with that heat and wetness she suddenly felt under her skirt, didn’t it... She couldn’t let that get to her, though. Had to stay focused. Stop staring at the cute griffon! Instead, she looked down at Spike. It was easier to be angry with him. “What makes you think you can do ... this with ... her?” Smoke shot from Ember’s nostrils. “We kissed! I kissed you the gross pony way. And that means you’re mine!” “But it was just a—” Ember stared Spike down. “Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it.” “But It was just one kiss?” She lunged at him, snarling through her sharp teeth as she grabbed for his scrawny, impudent neck! But ... she’d been too blinded by rage to realize the position she was putting herself in. She did succeed in throttling him, but in the process, she’d straddled across him, knocking the pillow out of the way. Her skirt flared out over his hips. She could feel the heat of his pointed dragon cock against her panties, could even feel the ridges of it ... and a little bit of Gabby’s residual juices soaking through. If not for her panties in the way, she might have already been accidentally penetrated. She was practically in exactly the same position she’d caught that griffon in. And that all became very clear when Gabby suddenly said, “Ooh! You want to take turns? Can I sit on his face while you take your turn?” “Turns?” Spike wheezed – Ember was crushing his throat a lot more tightly than Gabby had. Ember turned to stare at the griffon. “You... You want to share him?” Generosity like that made no sense to her. Especially not with what little she knew of griffon culture. Surely this Gabby was intent on stealing Spike away from his rightful place with her – admittedly stunning – good looks. What was this sharing all about? Was it another pony thing? “What do you mean, share?” “I just want everybody to be happy – I love making everybody happy and helping ponies ... and dragons. It’s my special talent! Cutie mark and everything!” Ember squinted. Though she did lessen her grip on Spike’s throat a bit. “But ... griffons don’t get cutie marks ... do they?” “I did!” Gabby smiled wide. Ember looked down at Spike. The poor young dragon was going through a lot right now. Obviously struggling to recover from Ember’s grip around his neck, for one. She hadn’t been playing around at it like Gabby. Also shock, of course. No way he could have been expecting this. A healthy dose of very reasonable and well-founded fear, along with a huge helping of confusion. And then, on top of that ... yep, there it was. Raw, stupid lust. She sneered down at him. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He couldn’t deny it. Which may or may not have had something to do with her grip on his throat. “Come on, try it!” Gabby said. “Those ridges on his dick feel amazing!” Ember glared over at her. “I’ve had dragon cock before. Obviously.” A small croaking sound came from Spike. He couldn’t breathe enough to get any words, but it was pretty obvious what he was trying to ask. “It’s none of your business who it was!” She sat more upright ... even though that did press her quickly moistening dragon pussy more tightly against the hot bulge pushing on her panties. “Since apparently, we’re not together or anything, what do you care?” Gabby came closer, no longer covering her chest. She rested her hands on the bed, just barely not touching Spike. “It’s okay. We can share him. I don’t mind.” “Nobody asked if you wanted to share him, griffon hussy.” “Come on,” Gabby said, reaching up and caressing Ember’s shoulder in a very inappropriate way. “It’s the pony way. And we’re in Ponyville after all. We should share!” Pony way this, pony way that... This pony stuff was what had gotten her involved with Spike in the first place. Kissing. Such a strange pony custom. Though she had to admit that Spike’s tongue had felt ... interesting when it was tangled up with her own. She stared down at him, her hands still gripping tight enough that her clawed fingers put divots in his scales. “Is this true? Is it the pony way to share ... to share even this?” Spike glanced back and forth between her and Gabby for a moment ... before finally looking back up at her and nodding as much as her grip on his neck would allow. She rolled her eyes. “You’re a terrible liar.” “No, it’s true!” Gabby insisted. “Did you know the Cutie Mark Crusaders all share each other’s boyfriends?” Spike’s eyes went wide. “They even shared with me once! It was so much fun!” Ember grimaced ... but she couldn’t lie to herself. The idea was starting to sound appealing somehow. Largely because it would give her a chance to get her hands on that perky griffoness. She’d been so sure of her purpose when she came to Ponyville, though. Was she really going to give up on the rampage she’d planned that easily? Just because it was ‘the pony way’? Spike’s cock throbbed against her panties. He looked up at her with quavering eyes ... even managed to smile a little, despite her hands around his throat. Screw it. Fine. She’d try the pony way. Reaching up under her skirt, she pulled her panties to the side. It only took a slight nudge of her hips to get Spike’s pointed tip against her pussy lips. And thanks to the griffon’s wetness mixing with her own, his cock easily slipped halfway into her in one smooth motion. Spike gasped ... and not just because of how she’d finally let go of his neck. He moaned hoarsely through his sore throat, “Oh my gosh – Ember!” Gabby jumped up and down a little, making her perky boobs bounce distractingly. “Ooh! You’re doing it? Does that mean...?” “Get over here!” Without waiting for her to do so, Ember grabbed the griffon, pulling her close. Instantly, her hands were squeezing Gabby’s tits. So soft and luxuriant! What would a dragon know of mammalian things like tits? And yet they were fascinating to Ember in their yielding plump roundness. The way her puffy pink nipples folded inward when pressed... Gabby giggled. “You like ‘em? Everybody does! That’s why I try to share them as often as I can!” “You don’t care about keeping Spike all for yourself?” Ember shuddered a little as she allowed the rest of his cock to slip into her. He wasn’t the biggest dragon she’d ever had, but that didn’t matter. It had been quite a while for her, and being filled with a hot draconic cock instead of some lifeless dildo was doing wonders for her. Why had she ever let it go this long? Shrugging, Gabby swung one leg over Spike’s face. “There’s plenty to go around!” She plopped herself down right on top of his muzzle. And to Ember’s surprise – she was too shocked to even start bouncing on his cock – she saw Spike’s tongue snake out ... and then into Gabby’s pink slit. What the heck? What kind of gross pony stuff was this? Regretfully taking one hand off of Gabby’s chest, she pointed down there. “What’s he doing?” she said, sticking her own tongue out. In disgust ... absolutely not in subconscious desire to emulate what she saw... Gabby leaned close. Too close. “He’s eating me out, of course. Don’t dragons do that all the time? His dragony tongue is—” she gasped as he pushed it especially deep “—so amazing at it!” She wiggled her hips against his face. “Best birthday ever!” Amazing? It was gross. Disgusting. Ember’s hips started moving – for entirely unrelated reasons – working Spike’s cock inside her. She knew perfectly well what a dragon’s long, muscular tongue was capable of. But was she really willing to experiment with something so revoltingly ... perverse? No. Ember shook her head. Though she did still keep moving on Spike’s cock, and she kept squeezing and playing with Gabby’s lovely tits. They just felt so perfect and fit in her hands so nicely! It even seemed to make Gabby feel good when she squeezed them. This was one thing she definitely envied from the mammalian races. She’d never know how that felt. The other thing, though... Ember looked down there again. “But ... doesn’t it taste awful? That’s where, you know...” “Hey, Spike,” Gabby said, lifting herself up a little. “How’s it taste?” Despite the space now open between Gabby’s pussy and Spike’s muzzle, his tongue still crossed the gap, writhing inside her. Quite a lot of gooey wetness bridged the gap as well. But it didn’t stop Spike from looking up at her from between Gabby’s legs. “It’h delithous!” Gabby pressed herself back against his face. “Wanna try it?” “Me, with another dragon’s tongue all up inside my...?” Leaning even closer still, Gabby whispered right up next to Ember’s ear, “You won’t regret it...” Her pussy squeezed tightly around Spike’s cock. Was the idea really turning her on that much? She’d always been a different kind of dragon, willing to try doing things new ways, but this was too far, even for her. It was just unnatural. That wasn’t supposed to go there! Gabby’s hands slid down the sides of Ember’s body, reaching down to grab her ass through her skirt. “I never came so hard before Spike used his tongue on me. He’s really good at it.” The shortness in Gabby’s breath and her little moans made it clear just how good it felt. Ember could feel Gabby’s body trembling against her own. “Alright, fine!” Ember lifted herself up off of Spike’s cock. “I’ll try it. Just this once.” “Yay!” Gabby leapt up so fast that she yanked Spike’s tongue along with her. For an awkward moment, both of them shuffled across the bed and over Spike, wavering left and right as they tried to figure out which one of them was going to go around the other. In the middle of that, though, Gabby seemed to have an idea... Instead of making way for Ember to get through like she should have, Gabby reached for Ember’s simple white tank top, pulling it upward. “Hey!” Ember cried out. “What do you think you’re—?” “You’ve seen me naked, so it’s only fair!” “Uh-huh,” Spike added from below. Ember scowled down at him. “Nobody asked you!” “He just wants to see you naked,” Gabby said with a wink. Duh. Of course Ember knew that. Pervy little dragon. It made her wonder why she’d been so possessive of him in the first place. Still ... she didn’t resist as Gabby pulled the tank top upward. She even helped by unbuttoning the back. That was just so it wouldn’t get uncomfortably caught on her wings, though. Not because she wanted to get naked with Gabby. That would just be idiotic. The moment her top was over her head, Gabby let go of it and started grabbing at Ember’s chest. She had to carefully pull the thing over her horns herself. Gabby, though, quickly slowed her grabbing motions, staring quizzically. She slid her hands over the bulge of Ember’s chest as if in disbelief. Ember rolled her eyes. “What?” “But where’s your...?” “I’m a dragon. You know, reptilian. What the heck did you expect? Mammaries are, you know, a mammal thing.” Gabby was still touching Ember’s featureless chest bulge, making it weird. “I ... I just thought because the shape looked nice under your tank top...” Rolling her eyes, Ember took off her own skirt and panties, shimmying them down over her legs and tail. She pulled away from Gabby and swung herself over above Spike’s face. Why was she even doing this? It wasn’t as if she wanted anything to do with... “Woah,” Spike said from beneath her. “Ember, you’re... You’re so beautiful!” Ember poked his chest with one sharp finger. “You’re still on thin ice, buddy. So put that tongue of yours to better use. This had better be as good as Gabby said it would be...” Without waiting for a reply – because she wasn’t at all interested in what that unfaithful little lizard might say, not because she was eager or anything – she planted her dripping wet pussy against his mouth. Thankfully, Spike knew what was best for him. She felt the forked tip of his tongue prodding at her pussy lips almost immediately. Ugh! That was so weird! The slight tickling sensation did feel kind of good, but it was still just so unnatural. Maybe she should have stayed in the Dragon Lands... All the available guys were total jerks, but things were simpler there and made more sense. At least Gabby was there to take her mind off of how weird this was. She also swung her leg back over Spike, centering herself over his desperately twitching cock ... but she faced the other direction, away from Ember. And that suited Ember just fine. Because Gabby’s griffon body was even more fun to look at from behind. As Gabby fiddled with Spike’s cock and used her hands to get it lined up, Ember reached out with her own hands ... and grabbed two glorious gropes’ worth of griffon glutes. So round and firm! Just barely enough softness to squeeze her fingers into. Gabby’s long, thin tail twitched back and forth just above where she was grabbing, but judging from the little moans she made, she didn’t mind too much. Meanwhile, Spike was really going to work between her legs. His tongue threaded its way into her and into her, reaching as deep inside as any dragon’s cock ever had ... and then some. Not only that, but it writhed around inside her, touching and rubbing every possible place within her pussy. He was even rubbing her clit with his bottom lip! It didn’t take long. In a shockingly short time – faster than she ever came before – Spike had the telltale twitches and spasms firing off inside her. In a way, it was almost frustrating. Why was it that every time she tried the pony way of doing something, it always turned out to be completely amazing in the end? Couldn’t – for once – the pony way of doing things be just as cringey, lame, and outright disgusting as she’d expected it to be? Why did it always have to feel so good to give in? It was inevitable. Even her immense pride couldn’t hold her back from the orgasm Spike’s tongue sent trashing up through her body. Fireworks burst from deep down in her belly, sparkling out through her whole body in the kind of orgasm she was ashamed to admit she really never had before. She barely managed to turn her head to the side and avoid roasting Gabby’s back with the involuntary flames that shot from her mouth. Then she collapsed forward in an unceremonious heap between Spike’s belly and Gabby’s back. She couldn’t do anything else, couldn’t get any use out of her trembling limbs. Things went pretty hazy there for a minute... * * * She winced when she came to. The first things she saw were Spike and Gabby’s faces staring down at her from above. “Are you okay, Ember?” Spike said, his voice quivering. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Ember sneered at him. “It’ll take more than a half-baked lizard like you to hurt me.” Though ... come to think of it, no other dragon had ever laid her out so helplessly before... If he had used this as a strategy to steal the Bloodstone Scepter from her and become the new Dragon Lord, there would have been nothing she could do to stop him. Gabby smiled wide. “Well I’m glad you’re feeling okay! I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to return the favor.” “Return the favor?” Ember raised an eyebrow. “Well, yeah! He gave you a really great orgasm from licking you, so now you’ve got to do him. It’s only fair!” Ember shook her head. Still a bit dizzy... “He doesn’t even have a pussy to lick, featherbrained griffon.” Gabby laughed uproariously. “Of course not! That’s why you give him a blowjob!” “A what?” Ember did not like the way the two of them looked down at her after she said that. She didn’t like it at all. But how was she supposed to know all this weird pony stuff? And what did blowing have to do with licking pussies? And now she had to get a job? She already had a job – she was the Dragon Lord! If this ponyish nonsense went on any longer... But Gabby just pulled her upright and dragged her to the edge of the bed. “A blowjob. You know, sucking his cock?” Ember just peered at her sidelong. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like this. And a worse feeling that she’d actually end up liking it too much in the end. Why did all this pony stuff have to be so strange? “You ... really don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?” Of course Ember didn’t. She stayed right where she was, staring at the overly cheerful – and overly perky – griffoness. “That’s okay!” Gabby pulled her into an unsolicited hug. “It’s a lot of fun, I’ll show you how to do it. Come on, Spike!” Spike sure didn’t waste any time. He was standing there in front of the two of them in a flash, almost too fast to see him actually moving. Whatever this ‘blowjob’ thing was, it must be good, because it was sure making him eager... And there he was, standing right in front of where they both sat on the bed. Shameless. Not even the slightest attempt to hide his still-throbbing dragon cock. Ember had seen bigger, of course. Dragons could get huge, after all. But Spike was a very comfortable size, and nicely shaped. Nice, proportional taper to it, and with very well-defined ridges. Nice bright red color, too. Ember had never cared for the dark purple veins a lot of dragon cocks had. The rest of him wasn’t too bad, either. He was still skinny, kind of scrawny, but he’d finally started to fill out, in a lithe kind of way, instead of being all bulky like a lot of dragons. The way his flat belly curved inward was especially nice, she thought. Way too many dragon guys didn’t take care of themselves and tended to develop a bit of a nasty gut hanging out. Spike was still far too much of a small fry to get any real attention in the Dragon Lands, but she thought he looked nice enough. Not nice enough to do what Gabby was doing with him, though! Gabby leaned forward on the bed, lowering herself all the way down to Spike’s crotch. And then, as if it was no big deal at all, she took his cock into her mouth! Ember almost gagged just looking at her. “Ew! What are you doing? That’s his... Do you have any idea where that thing has been?” With a long slurp, Gabby pulled back off of his cock, letting it slide out of her mouth. She was obviously being careful not to scratch him with her beak. “Yeah I know where it’s been.” She giggled. “It’s been inside me, and then inside you! You taste great, by the way.” She winked. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. This was what ponies thought was a good time? Maybe the jerks in the Dragon Lands weren’t so bad after all... “Come on,” Gabby said. “Give it a taste.” Ember shook her head. “No. Hell no.” “If Spike can do it for you, you can do it for him.” Without waiting to give Ember an opportunity, Gabby bent her head back down to him, once again taking his cock deep into her mouth. It must have even been dipping into her throat! Yes! There it was – she could see the slight bulge in Gabby’s neck when it slid through! But why was Gabby moaning like she enjoyed it so much? And why did Spike look so cute like that when he closed his eyes, reaching down to caress the tuft of feathers on the back of Gabby’s head? “Screw it. Alright. I’ll try, but only a little. And if it feels weird at all, I’m out.” Gabby pulled off of him again. “That’s the spirit! ... I guess.” Gradually, Ember drew herself closer to him, leaning down from the edge of the bed just like Gabby had. Already, she could smell him. Dragon musk ... not even other dragons liked it. And she was supposed to put that thing in her mouth? Well ... here goes nothing... Steeling herself to avoid a shudder of disgust, she opened her mouth and lowered herself around his tip. Only the tip. Immediately, the taste of it hit her. Not only the sharp tang of Spike’s dripping pre-cum, not only the combination of different feminine juices, but that slick, slurpy feeling ... that was Gabby’s spit, still on him! Ugh! She should have made him wash it first... “That’s good,” Gabby said, “now try and see if you can go a little deeper.” Was that the part that was supposed to get good? Because so far this was nowhere near as fun as getting licked had been. The almost scalding warmth of Spike’s cock was kind of nice to feel, but the rest of it was just ... awful. She’d already gone this far. Maybe it would be good if she went deeper like Gabby said? Trying not to think about what it was that was in her mouth, Ember squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself to push forward, allowing the gradually increasing thickness of Spike’s cock slip between her lips. The tip reached all the way to the back of her throat, making her gag a little. Gabby stroked her back encouragingly. “That’s it... Just a little more...” If she focused on trying to swallow it down, that seemed to work, letting it slip into her throat without too much gagging. Her nose pressed against his crotch. She had to continuously gulp around his tip, though. “Ember,” Spike gasped, reaching down to stroke the spines on top of her head. “That feels amazing!” She opened her eyes and looked up at him. “Eyyh dnn phhhl ee-eehng.” Spike stared down at her. “Huh?” Quickly Ember pulled off of him. She spat her excess slobber on his bedroom floor, not caring about the mess. “I don’t feel anything.” Gabby laughed. “You’re not supposed to. The whole point is to make Spike feel good.” “Why would I want that?” “Gee, Ember.” Spike sighed. “Glad to know I mean that much to you...” Gabby squeezed Ember close to her in a side-by-side hug. “Come on, it’s a lot of fun helping him feel good, isn’t it? Watch this!” Without letting go of Ember – which forced both of them to bend back down – Gabby took Spike’s cock inside her mouth, all the way in. But only for a moment. After that, she backed off and started licking up and down his length, slurping everything her tongue could reach. His cock rubbed all over her beak and her face, but she didn’t seem to mind. If anything, she was even pretending to like it! Or was she even pretending...? Spike moaned deeply. “So good, Gabby... I’m ... I’m gonna...” “Come on!” Gabby pulled Ember in even closer. “Let’s finish him off together!” Without waiting for Ember’s response – or her permission – she shoved Ember’s head back down onto his cock. Ember squealed in muffled protest as the pointed tip of Spike’s cock pressed its way into her mouth, but she gave in as the rest of it followed afterward, filling her almost to her throat. Thankfully, Gabby didn’t push her down to the point where it was uncomfortable. Some of Spike’s cock remained exposed ... which Gabby herself started nuzzling and licking profusely. Spike was trembling with pleasure. “Oh my gosh, girls ... you’re so...” The rest faded off into an incoherent moan as Gabby started going back and forth across his exposed length, which forced Ember to bob her head back and forth a little too. And ... she went along with it. Okay, maybe it was kind of fun to see it affecting Spike so much... She could feel how much he was enjoying it through the throbbing of his cock. Or was that...? With a tremendous moan and a burst of fire, Spike came. Ember’s mouth was instantly flooded with searing-hot dragon cum. So salty! And bitter! Ember yanked her head back, sticking out her tongue. Cum poured over her teeth and out of her mouth, but it was still all over her mouth – she could still taste it! And the slimy texture of it, ugh! Of course, just because she pulled back didn’t mean Spike stopped cumming. His cock kept pumping, splattering hot and sticky lines over her chest and thighs, a lot of it getting on Gabby, too. So gross! Okay, well, she’d had other dragons cum inside her before, which was maybe worse? But at least that was where it was supposed to go, and it felt good getting there. This was just so unnatural, getting her face and body covered in hot, gooey dragon spunk. It was degrading and disgusting, and she wouldn’t stand for it! By the time she stood up and got out of the way, though, Spike was almost finished anyway. Gabby stepped in and took his last few spurts into her mouth, greedily gulping it down. What was wrong with her? When she’d finished with the last of Spike’s load, Gabby turned to Ember. “Wow, you’re a natural! I’ve never seen anybody take a cumshot like that before. You took it like a pro!” Grinning wide, she hugged Spike against her side, casually stroking his half-softened cock. “Ready for the next part?” “Next part?” Ember spat out the last remnants of Spike’s cum on the floor. “All I’m ready for is a shower. Get this gross stuff off me!” She slid her fingers over the front of her body to squeegee up a lot of the dragon goo, then flicked her hand to send the ugly glob flying across the room. It splattered against a poster on Spike’s wall. She didn’t care, as long as it wasn’t on her body anymore. “Ooh! I can help with that!” Before Ember could question what Gabby meant, the griffon was right there in front of her, holding her close and licking Spike’s cum off of her, starting with the smooth bulge of her chest. Ember looked down at her, horrified. “You’re disgusting, you know that?” With a sly wink, Gabby swallowed another big gulp of dragon cum. “That’s half the fun!” She giggled and went back to licking, then spoke with her mouth full, “Joo know, thish shtuff is a losh eashier to shwallow onsh it’sh coolej dowm a lishle.” Ember just shuddered and stuck her tongue out. So gross! She did reach down to grope one of Gabby’s tits, though. Because why not? Ember hardly ever got a chance to touch actual titties. But then she made the mistake of looking up at Spike. Spike was just standing there, blatantly jerking his own cock as he watched Gabby lick his cum off of Ember’s body. Of all the ponyish perversions... Ugh! The way he was leering at them as he did it. Did he have no shame at all? And he was getting hard again – how the heck was he already getting hard again? “What are you doing?” she asked through clenched teeth, even though she already knew exactly what the answer was. “And how are you already hard? You just came all over me!” Spike shrugged, still stroking himself. “You girls are really hot...” Ember shook her head. “You’re lucky I’m nice. If you tried to pull this crap with any other dragoness, they’d be— Aaah!” The moment Gabby had gotten her kind of clean, she pounced on Ember and shoved her – screaming the whole way – onto the bed, lying on her back with the griffon right on top of her. “Hey Spike,” she said, “give your hand a break and put that thing where it can do some good!” Ember squirmed, but Gabby was stronger than she looked. And also Gabby kept trying to kiss her. She turned her snout away – kissing was gross, especially after the griffon had just eaten so much cum – but avoiding her questing beak was pretty distracting. And then Ember felt Spike’s cock between her legs. “Hey!” she cried out, but that was all she managed before Gabby’s mouth found hers and she was too preoccupied with warding away the griffon’s cum-smelling tongue. Spike penetrated her quickly and easily, thanks to all the spit and moisture present. Great – another gross thing she was subjected to today: her own spit being pushed up inside her pussy by Spike’s cock... She couldn’t deny that it felt good, though. Somehow, strangely, having it in her mouth for a while had made her want it where it was supposed to go all the more desperately. On pure instinct – not because she was enjoying it or anything – Ember humped her hips upward against Gabby’s body, helping Spike move even more inside her. What really shocked her, though, was when Gabby adjusted herself, sliding one leg over Ember’s and the other between ... and then Ember felt the soft wetness of the griffon’s pussy directly against her own, leaking juices down onto Spike’s cock that immediately got pressed right into Ember’s own body. Ember moaned, half in complaint and half in pleasure, but it mostly got muffled by Gabby’s kiss. Apparently, though, Ember wasn’t the only one eager to take pleasure from a bit of griffon puss. Because only a moment later, Spike pulled out of her, nudged his cock a little higher, and slid it into Gabby instead. Now it was Gabby’s turn to moan into their shared kiss, which Ember quickly broke away from. She twisted her head over to the side to look past Gabby and up at Spike instead. “Hey, what gives? That was feeling good!” “You’re both so hot, and Gabby feels so good...” He shrugged even as he humped away. “And it’s her birthday – I can’t just ignore her!” “She can’t be better than me! You picked me first!” Ember had a suddenly overwhelming and very uncharacteristic pang of doubt, though. What if Gabby’s pussy was better? Why else would Spike choose Gabby over her? And did she even want Spike to choose her? It only took her a moment to make a decision – one very biased by the aching need of her body. “Come back to me!” she cried, already hating herself a little for how desperate that sounded. “I’m the one you want!” Despite that, though, Spike kept pounding into Gabby instead. Could her pussy actually be better than Ember’s? No. Impossible. And yet, Ember had to make do with what little stimulation she got from Gabby’s pussy rubbing up against her own. She could feel every jolt Spike’s cock sent through it. Disgustingly, her griffony feminine juices leaked down onto Ember’s own pussy lips ... and even that was somehow enjoyable in the desperate state Ember found herself in. Thankfully, Spike wasn’t completely a traitor to dragon kind. Just before she got desperate enough to beg for it, he pulled out of Gabby and roughly thrust back into Ember. She didn’t even care about the slickness she felt being largely griffon in origin, didn’t care what other kinds of gross messy stuff might be on that cock of his. All that mattered now was getting that dragon-hot shaft back inside her. And, thankfully, Spike did that in a hurry. He thrusted rapidly in and out of her, continuing right where they’d left off. There was no consideration for how she might need to warm up again to accommodate him – just straight to pounding her needy dragon pussy. Suited Ember just fine. She’d probably have yelled his frilly little ears off if he tried to take it slow or gentle with her. She needed this. Already, she was getting so close... Just needed a little something more... Okay, so normally she liked how Spike wasn’t some selfish, brutish jerk like other dragon guys. That’s what made him kind of tolerable to be around. But sometimes, in the heat of passion, she kind of needed somebody to wring her out and use her. She was still a dragoness, after all. She had instincts. She had needs. Spike would never do something like that, she was sure. Too much of his pony upbringing in him. The griffon, though? Hmm... “Choke me,” Ember whispered into Gabby’s ear, even as she bounced a little from Spike’s hips impacting her thighs. Gabby rose up, pulling away from Ember, though their lower halves didn’t separate in the slightest. “What?” she said incredulously. Ember grabbed the griffon’s tits with both hands, squeezing them so hard it had to hurt. “CHOKE ME!” That did the trick. A fire lit in Gabby’s eyes, and a moment later, Ember had both of the griffon’s talon-like hands around her neck. Wow, she had quite a grip! And her nails were even sharper than a dragon’s! Gabby clenched her beak as hard as she clenched her hands, staring down at Ember with predatory rage ... a much-suppressed hallmark of her griffon heritage, now finally set free. It was just what Ember needed. That touch of pain. The fuzziness approaching at the edges of her vision. The heady feeling of being dominated, owned, bred... Her hips squirmed against Gabby’s, but the griffon pinned her down and didn’t let her move an inch. The fire deep inside Ember’s belly exploded upward from the battering heat of Spike’s cock. If it weren’t for her throat being squeezed shut, every feather would have been burned off of Gabby’s head as the orgasmic flame tried to force its way out. Pure heaven. It had been so long since Ember had been held down and taken like this. Her pussy pulsed around Spike’s cock, begging him to fill her and leave her brimming with eggs to lay. But Spike kept thrusting inside her, prolonging and redoubling her orgasm. Her vision blurred more and more, leaving only room for the roiling pleasure in her head, until that was all she was aware of ... and then not even that... * * * Slowly, Ember came back to awareness of herself. Gabby was still on top of her, now rhythmically rocking back and forth and letting out little moans. Ember’s pussy still twitched, hyper-sensitive from her orgasm. And her throat was still sore and half-crushed. She couldn’t have been out for very long. Was it the intensity of the orgasm that knocked her out so completely, or was it simply that the griffon was surprisingly good at cutting off her airway? Hard to tell... From the sound of Gabby’s gasped breaths, she wasn’t too far off, either. Ember reached up and squeezed the griffon’s soft, feathery and furry body against her own. If Gabby noticed, she didn’t show any sign of it. Probably too far gone for that. Maybe she too needed just a little bit more in order to get off? Ember knew just the thing. Tilting her head to the side, she looked past Gabby and up at Spike and licked her lips. “Do it inside!” The effect it had on Spike was instant. He slammed his hips one last time against Gabby, straining against her to push himself as deeply as he could possibly go ... and out came a truly draconic roar, complete with a huge burst of green flame. Wow! Ember hadn’t known he had it in him! The first jet of searing-hot cum deep inside her was enough to set off Gabby’s long-overdue orgasm. She trembled and thrashed against Ember so much that she might have bounced right off the bed if Ember hadn’t been holding her so tightly. But Spike wasn’t satisfied with just griffon pussy. After giving her a few big pulses, he pulled out. One scalding splash of cum shot out right between Gabby and Ember, coating both of their pelvises ... and then Ember felt Spike’s cock quite unexpectedly re-entering her, spewing fertile dragon cum as it went. No! She’d meant for him to cum inside Gabby! It would be safe there – dragons and griffons couldn’t interbreed. And those thoughts about being filled with ripening eggs to lay had just been her horny mind at work. She didn’t actually want that! Too late now, though. The very first spurt had coated her inside – she could clearly feel that from the spreading heat – and each subsequent burst of cum only made things more certain. She couldn’t even bring herself to yell at him ... it just felt so good to be filled... The heat of his dragon cum slowly spreading, pooling and swirling inside her as he pumped in more and more... Well, she couldn’t bring herself to yell at him yet. As soon as his cock stopped throbbing and Gabby’s body stopped shaking, she tilted her head to the side again and glared at him. “WHAT THE HECK, SPIKE? I’m going to be LAYING EGGS now!” He stared down at her, looking kind of confused and hurt in his annoyingly adorable way. “But ... you said to do it inside...” “Inside the griffon, not inside me!” Ember groaned ... though also with a bit of a shudder as Spike pulled out of her. “You’re in for it now, buster. You belong to me. You’re helping me raise these eggs, and you’re making me orgasm every day until they’re fledged. End of story.” His face was a comical mix of adoration, fear, and anxiety. “But ... but what about Twilight? She’s a princess, and I’m her Number One Assis—” “You’re a dragon, and I’m the Dragon Lord. Should have thought about that before you jizzed inside me, lizard boy.” “But ... but what about Gabby?” Ember turned her attention to the still-trembling griffon lying on top of her. Dang it, why did that half bird have to be so hot? It wasn’t a very difficult decision. “The griffon? She comes with us.”