> Too Many Traps > by Archy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Too Many Traps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonnet yawned, staring at the empty mug in front of her which hadn’t been cleared away yet. It was a reminder of last night and honestly, it was far too early in the morning to be awake after she had only staggered to bed maybe…four hours ago? Her sleep had been short and fraught with tossing and turning in bed. She had barely gotten any ‘real’ sleep so to speak of. If she had any choice in the matter she still would have been snoozing, but the Inn she was staying in charged extra for late leavers and despite earning some coin last night, she didn’t want to pay the cost. It had been a night of celebration and sorrow for her. Serene and Cherry who she had spent most of her life with up until this point had gone off to attend to personal matters, they had been on the road for some time and all three had come to the conclusion that it would be good to check in with family, run errands that they had been putting off forever due to the non-stop adventuring, that sort of thing. Sonnet had agreed, secreting to herself that well, while there was her mother and cat back in her tiny village, it would take her the entire two weeks break likely just to get back home (ignoring any distractions, which she would get distracted by of course), her life was one of adventuring and being on the road so mum and cat would have to wait a little longer. The other two though, they had been excited. Sonnet didn’t want to put a damper on their mood so she had just smiled and nodded along. That was what last night had been, a last hurrah before the pair of them left. She had played songs on her lute until her hooves were sore and then trotted herself to bed and immediately flopped in (her playing had suffered as revellers practically poured mead down her gullet too, which she had not refused) but the alcohol had kept her awake. It seemed neither Serene nor Cherry wanted to pay the late fees either, Sonnet had checked their rooms and both had left already. They had agreed to meet back at the inn in a couple of weeks time, so right now, staring at that empty mug, Sonnet was trying to decide what she could do. She heard some shuffling, it seemed the Innkeeper was awake too just about. The rather thin mare was pulling some empty mugs from the bar top and then putting them in a wicker basket to take to the kitchen to clean them up. She left the bar and started making her way around the tables before eventually reaching Sonnet. ‘Morning.’ she said. ‘Morning.’ Sonnet replied, pushing the mug towards her and resting her head on the table. ‘Your friends left a few hours ago.’ the mare said to her, taking the mug and placing it in the wicker basket. ‘I know you’re not staying here either, planning to head home?’ ‘Home?’ Sonnet half said to herself, half answered the Innkeeper. ‘No, no. I was actually thinking about sticking around the area. Adventuring is my life so I don’t really have any reason to leave, unless I want to adventure elsewhere.’ Sonnet replied. ‘I see.’ The Innkeeper said, still moving around tables. ‘You might want to speak to Lord Blackmore.’ ‘I assume he’s the tyrant ruler of these lands.’ Sonnet half joked. ‘Actually he’s a very fair ruler, low taxes, aqueducts, medicine…’ the Innkeeper trailed off. ‘But in any case, there has been the call for Adventurer’s such as yourself lately. I don’t really know the details but I know where you’ll find him. Head out the inn, turn left and at a trot you’ll get to his castle in about ten minutes. You’ll see it immediately after you leave here. Can’t be missed.’ the mare said, she had finally finished collecting up all the mugs and was disappearing back into the kitchen. ‘Oh and here.’ she said, reappearing and dumping a tiny bag onto the inn bar top. ‘Your payment for last night, I deducted a few coins, you were getting sloppy towards the end.’ ‘Fair I suppose.’ Sonnet replied. She pulled herself up, taking the coins and putting them in her own small saddlebag. ‘I think I might go see this Lord Blackmore then.’ ‘Good luck.’ was all the Innkeeper mare said before vanishing totally, leaving Sonnet alone in the bar. There was little reason for the heavyset mare to linger any longer, she opened the door to the outside world and left the dingy inn behind. Glancing left, Lord Blackmore’s castle stood out like a blot on an otherwise lovely landscape. She wondered how she hadn’t noticed it when she had arrived. - ‘Halt.’ Two guard ponies stood outside the entrance to the castle, just beyond the portcullis and over a small drawbridge. They were heavily armoured. Sonnet wondered if this Lord Blackmore was such a wonderful ruler why he needed such heavy protection. Sonnet stood still as the two stallion guards approached her, they gave her a good look over and then decided a mare on the plumper side wasn’t much of a threat and her lute wasn’t a weapon. ‘What business have you with Lord Blackmore?’ they asked. ‘I heard from the Innkeeper down the way he was looking for Adventurer’s. I’m an Adventurer.’ Sonnet replied. The two guards looked at each other, then back at her. ‘Very well, follow me.’ one replied, turning around quickly enough to make his armour rattle and clink as it somewhat crashed into itself. Sonnet tried not to giggle but her stifled laughs were noticed as she trotted past the remaining guard who just rolled his eyes. The castle looked even larger in life than it had done in the distance. It was surrounded by an exceptionally wide moat, the drawbridge was small but that’s because it wasn’t very wide, just long. The whole thing towered roughly eight stories high with more ponies visible on the battlements above. She was led under the portcullis and into a courtyard, then up some stairs and into the castle proper. More guards lingered around, performing various duties. Sonnet didn’t really take much notice of them. The guard finally stopped after climbing several flights of stairs outside a room with a large, but closed, doorway. Sonnet herself was panting, she wasn’t exactly the fittest mare and climbing stairs trying to keep up with the guard had worn her out somewhat. ‘Wait here.’ the guard said, opening the door and vanishing inside. A moment later the door opened again and the same guard simply said ‘Come in, Lord Blackmore will see you now.’ There were more guards inside, five flanked Sonnet as she walked up a red carpet towards a rather impressive looking throne that was apparently made out of melanite. It must have taken some crafting and quite a lot of mining to gather it all. Upon the throne, Lord Blackmore, his name suitably reflecting his appearance, sat. He was a large stallion but large in the sense he obviously did exercise and worked out, he was covered in muscles. His coat was black, his royal (Sonnet assumed it was royal) regalia was black with flecks of grey. He obviously had a motif going for his look. All black to live up to his namesake. He leaned forward as Sonnet approached the throne, studying Sonnet. ‘Hmm.’ he said at first before speaking proper. ‘What is your name?’ ‘Sonnet.’ ‘Sonnet, how pretty.’ Lord Blackmore said, leaning back on his throne. ‘The guard tells me you are an adventurer.’ ‘I am yes.’ ‘Good, then I have something you can do.’ Lord Blackmore replied. He pulled a small piece of parchment out of his royal regalia and held it out, Sonnet took it. She studied it for a moment, it was a small map to guide her. ‘We have somewhat of a dungeon problem.’ Lord Blackmore began. ‘In that this particular dungeon keeps on making Adventurer’s like yourself vanish and we never hear from them again. I want to know why.’ ‘I see.’ Sonnet simply said. ‘So far it’s all been parties, probably five or six of them up until this point. I’m beginning to lose count.’ Lord Blackmore said with a small sigh. ‘But you’re alone, you might fare better going solo.’ ‘Well normally I am a party, it’s just that my party isn’t quite together right now.’ Sonnet responded. ‘Well, all the more spoils for you if you’re successful then.’ Lord Blackmore said, beckoning a guard over. The guard pulled from within their armour a large sack of coins, holding it at a distance just to show Sonnet the reward. ‘All yours if you succeed in bringing back any useful information or turning off whatever blasted trap system is causing all these ponies to vanish.’ he said with a snort, leaning forward and whacking his hoof on the arm of it, there was obviously some slight annoyance about all this. ‘Well…I can’t really refuse a coin bag that large. I’ll go take a look.’ Sonnet said, seeing the Lord relax back into his throne once more. ‘Can I ask one thing?’ ‘You may, question dependant.’ Lord Blackmore said. ‘Why all the guards? From what I gather, the Innkeeper said you’re a good Lord. Despite all the well…black giving the impression of evil.’ Sonnet asked. Lord Blackmore smiled, which turned into a low rumbling laugh. ‘Aha, my dear. I may be good to my people but I still have enemies. You think the other rich ponies of my realm enjoy the fact I actually try to make life better for the downtrodden? They must send an assassin at least once a week, so far obviously none have been successful.’ Lord Blackmore said with a grin. ‘That is why all the guards.’ ‘Ah.’ Sonnet replied. ‘I’m not from around here.’ ‘Evidently.’ Lord Blackmore said. ‘Anything else?’ ‘No…I’ll return when I can.’ ‘If you return.’ Lord Blackmore replied. ‘My hopes aren’t high, do forgive me, I hope that doesn’t put a damper on your spirits.’ ‘Not yet, I’ll let the dungeon do that.’ There was another thump, this time Lord Blackmore hit his throne with his hoof while laughing. ‘Hah! I like this one, I hope she does not succumb to the dungeon.’ he said to his guards, who also laughed. It was the sort of the boss laughed so I better laugh too type of laugh however. It quickly abated. ‘Now then, off you go, trust me I don’t think the reward will be claimed before you return. The last party set off two weeks ago and we’ve not heard anything. See if you can find them perhaps.’ With that, the original guard that had brought Sonnet in walked forward and flanked her indicating it was time to leave. That was the last Sonnet would see of Lord Blackmore for some time but he seemed quite the nice pony, if a little evil looking. A real life example of not to judge a book by its cover it seemed. She was led out the castle and then left to her own devices. The map she had been given seemed quite clear, it would take about a day (with an overnight stop over camping) to reach the dungeon and from there she would be free to enter and explore. Sonnet could feel her heart pounding a little, it was just the thing she had been looking for to keep her occupied while Serene and Cherry were away. It had been quite a while since she had gone solo too, completely left to her own devices. This was going to be fun! - It was less of a dungeon and more a ruin really, at least from Sonnet’s perspective. After a day of journeying she was stood outside and studying the map intensely. This was definitely the right location and before her was the crumbling remains of what looked like a very old temple. There really wasn’t a lot to look at though, certainly not above the surface. Sonnet surmised that the vast majority of the structure must be hidden underground. There was also no completely obvious way to get inside, the whole thing was made of very large and now greened stones that had weathered with age. These huge stones were appropriately covered in ivy and four large ones stuck out above the ground, which then in the middle had a rising miniature pyramid structure which she walked towards. ‘Ah.’ Sonnet thought to herself. As she got closer she noticed a very faint outline in the pyramid, it was obviously the main entrance but was firmly shut with no obvious, at least to her, way of opening the thing from the outside. ‘Rookie mistake, looks like one of the previous parties hit a trap that got them stuck inside.’ She thought to herself again. Usually however even the builders of these things weren’t that malicious and there would be another way in (if not just to rescue their own comrades) which Sonnet began to look for. She trotted up and down the structure itself, nothing obvious there until she came to the back of it. Sometimes these things were hidden…or opened with something else nearby…hmm. She took a few more steps to her left and heard a crack beneath her hooves. This was followed by a much louder CRUNCH which sent Sonnet tumbling about six feet towards a hard stone floor below, luckily her cushion well, cushioned her fall. As she hit the floor, at least she thought it was a floor, she felt something depress under her briefly then rise. A little worse for wear the mare got up and dusted herself off. At least she had found herself a way in. ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! How long has it been?’ the spirit thought to itself. Blearily it opened its eyes and looked around. ‘Where are my followers? Why is everything so dark? Have I got to tell them to keep an eye on the torches AGAIN? This is absolutely unacceptable. I cannot believe…’ the thoughts of the spirit trailed off. Its bleary eyes had cleared and noticed in the somewhat darkness with the only light coming down from a broken sky shaft a single pony. She was currently standing, looking in a small saddlebag presumably for something to light her way as the rest of the temple was dark. ‘Well, she’s not a follower. Can’t be an adventurer either, you wouldn’t get away with it at that size. She’s a hefty one. A few too many pies at the inn.’ the spirit mentally chuckled to itself. ‘I wonder…’ ‘Eep!’ Sonnet yelled out for a moment, she could swear she felt a rushing of wind but it quickly abated. The temple was a little on the creepy side, long burned out torches and dark passages. From her saddlebags she brought out a small, cannonball shaped ball that was light to carry with a string on and put it around her neck. She then cast Light, which made it glow so she could see at least a little in front of her and around her. Currently she was in a large room from the looks of it. The forty or so feet she could see with the spell now cast didn’t even reach the edge of the room it was so large. She appeared to have fallen onto a copy of what was above the ground, a pyramid structure but this had a flat top with a large table and several spots for what she assumed was for followers of this place to stand around. She was actually currently standing on the table, which she hopped off. There was another gust of wind which Sonnet shivered at, setting her eyes on a set of steps which she began to walk down to get off the small pyramid. ‘Ahaha, that explains your size my dear!’ the spirit that had now left her body thought to itself. It had very briefly entered her mind, it had a suspicion about what Sonnet might have liked due to her heft, but it wanted to make sure. Too many pies at the inn might have been an understatement, the spirit had plumbed her very thoughts and found some very naughty ones involving great heaps of food. Mischief was fun to do, but even more fun when the subject was having a good time. They were sure that Sonnet would very much enjoy what was starting to run through its thoughts. ‘You’ve fallen into the perfect temple girl! I have some very, VERY wonderful traps for you to trip. Especially if you fall into the sequence I’m about to go set up right away! Oh this is going to be so much fun…’ the spirit thought, whisking its way off to set things going. It would have to act fast and set Sonnet on just the right path when she came to the bottom of the pyramid. Likely she would walk straight forward, it needed to guide her a little to the left to take an alternative path. ‘Hello!?’ Sonnet called out, she thought she may as well try at least, not that her entrance hadn’t caused a lot of commotion. There was no sign of any of the other parties, Sonnet decided the best thing would be to explore and see if she could find anypony else. Whilst the room she was in was rather grand, there was little here apart from the temple in the middle and she had no idea how to activate it, completely unaware that she had already set things in motion just by falling onto it. In any case she reached the bottom of the stairs and figured she’d look for an exit as well, just in case she needed to get out. She felt another draught of wind again that this time brushed against her legs which whisked off towards the left. Wind usually indicated an outside opening so she decided to follow it, moving herself down the leftward passage in front of her. ‘Hmmm, she’s easily swayed, probably explains why she’s given in to all that food.’ the spirit thought. ‘Well, now she’s on the right track I can start setting up the small labyrinth I’ve got in mind. I’m sure a few hundred years won’t have put a damper on the traps, I made sure my followers built them to be very sturdy.’ the spirit mentally said, darting ahead to ensure that the correct paths were set and that the first trap would be ready for Sonnet when she arrived in a few moments. As Sonnet walked, she looked at the walls which were as most temples seemed to be, laden with pictograms and visual imagery that explained to any idiot with eyes just what went on here. They appeared to show some sort of God figure that Sonnet didn’t recognize at the top of the small pyramid she had just left. This was then followed by what looked like an almost endless procession of followers who were bringing mountains and mountains of food offerings to the God itself. Sonnet was so intently looking at these pictograms she hardly noticed walls ahead of her sliding into place, pathways moving and her gentle trotting being somewhat guided to a particular location. The breeze was still there so mentally her brain registered that she was going the right way without much of a second thought about it. The pictorial procession continued and the God seemed to grow in the images, then something happened. It vanished totally and the followers were left alone. Perhaps that was why the temple had become abandoned? The followers had nothing to follow anymore so they decided to leave. Sonnet wasn’t really one for idle speculation but after that, the images ended and the walls became blank. A shame really, it was giving some interesting insight. This was right as Sonnet put a hoof forward into a larger room that looked innocent enough, rather empty and just full of spider webs. However as soon as she put her first hoof down there was a gentle thunk. She felt something start to shift. The floor beneath her was descending but in front of her, she could see the centre of the room was steady. As much as her body allowed her, Sonnet darted forward to what was now a small island of stone floor encircled by a rapidly descending outer ring. She was practically on an island with a small moat to surround her. There was then a gushing noise, the area the now descended floor had occupied started to fill from small holes as a liquid substance that Sonnet couldn’t make out yet began to fill it. She could only really watch on at this point and hope that the centre island she was stood on didn’t go down as well. ‘Too easy! Oh my dear, you call yourself an Adventurer? Surely not!’ the spirit chuckled to itself. ‘This is such a basic trap! Anyone seasoned would have taken a step back and just watched the show unfold. Not you though! I hope you like bubble gum…’ Sonnet watched as the gushing mixture filled the moat and came up to the island, stopping before overflowing onto it. She took a closer look, it was a strange pink colour, one that looked a little on the unnatural side. She sniffed it too, definitely some sort of candy mixture. Bubble gum? A small bubble popped to the right of her head as if to confirm it for her. As she was looking, she felt another gust of wind and something at her back hooves. Suddenly she was locked in place, before she could make use of any of her Bard magic her front hooves were as well. Sonnet started to panic, she couldn’t move. From the water something started to rise. It moved back and forth lazily, like a snake being charmed, bobbling left and right and gently making its way closer and closer to her. It looked like a very rudimentary hose. One that then darted forward as Sonnet gasped and firmly planted itself within her mouth. Sonnet tried to shake it out but with no magic and no free hooves, she was unable to really do anything to get rid of it. Then in her mouth, she felt her cheeks fill. Pump…pump…pump. The hose was sucking up the bubble gum mixture in the moat and pushing it up itself and inside Sonnet. All the mare could do was swallow, with her cheeks feeling as if they were about to burst. The mixture went down easily, in fact it tasted quite pleasant. The mare started to gulp it down with every pump. ‘Drink my dear, DRINK! Soon you’ll have emptied that moat and be onto my next trap, if you can move after this one that is. There’s quite a lot of bubble gum there for you to drink up! I’ll leave you to it while I prepare you for the next filling.’ the spirit thought, vanishing down the labyrinth and leaving Sonnet to drink. ‘Mfff….mfff…mffff…’ Sonnet could feel her body swelling as she took in the mixture, it must have been highly fattening stuff, something that the God would have approved of and was now leftover to be used in a dungeon trap that she had fallen right into. She was about halfway through sucking all the mixture down from the moat when she felt her bloated belly gently touch the floor as her flanks dug deeper and deeper into her dress and underwear which was getting stretched beyond limits it had been designed for, Sonnet was already on the plus side of sizes and now she was easily into the plus plus, verging into the plus plus plus barely able to walk sizes. Every gulp of the mixture she took on seemed to add a few more pounds to her exceptionally ample figure. Her belly bulged, her flanks ballooned. Her entire body was doing everything it could to put those calories somewhere that was flattering at least. The thing was, Sonnet had stopped trying to fight it the moment that first pump had started and quickly sunk into a gulping rhythm that suited her. Trapped with no means of escape and a trap that seemed intent on making her into a blorpy, blubbery mare? In the back of her mind, despite her initial protests, she wanted this. There was a sucking noise as the hose searched below for any traces of bubble gum mixture it could fill Sonnet with but it had successfully sucked it all up. At that moment, the magic in the hose died and it went limp, Sonnet spat it out. Her restraints did the same. Not that Sonnet had much chance of moving very far, her stomach was now gigantic, it pressed into the floor and sloshed and glorped in front of her rising just to below the level of her fattened neck. She put a hoof to a cheek which was bulging out too, her whole body it seemed had succumbed to the trap. At least in one way or another. She just about had enough energy to give a tug at her dress and undergarments which came off easily with a number of shrips! As she did this, the floor around her rose back up, revealing a continued way on as the gust of wind told her that there was still a way out. ‘Give…huff…me…a…minute.’ Sonnet said to whatever might be out there. She was exhausted, leaning back on her seat-like flanks to rest for a moment after the trap had had its way with her. Her rear legs she had to spread wide somewhat to make room for her belly that was still sloshing without any provocation, full of bubble gum mix. Sonnet wasn’t an athletic mare by any means, now she was far less than that, just about able to manoeuvre herself around and still just about retained her mobility. With a huge ‘Huff!’ she pulled herself forward, using her stomach almost like a large ball to roll over and plant herself back on her four hooves. Her front ones touched the ground with ease and her back ones struggled a little, she had to stretched to get them to make contact with the floor, her rear rising so high that her whole body felt like a pendulum, her bulbous butt somewhat balanced out by her hefty belly at the front. She somewhat regretted ripping her clothes off in such haste, now laying in tatters on the floor next to her, she had liked those. Oh well, she could make more if she had to. The saddlebag had quite a lengthy belt attachment, but it wasn’t enough to get it around her stomach, Sonnet instead placed it around her now present second chin. With a bit of futility she flapped her wings, they weren’t going to help her at this stage. With her minute over, Sonnet started to very slowly push herself on. She was reasonably sure she was close to a way out, the whole underground structure didn’t seem that big if the above ground was anything to go on, which it wasn’t. The thought of meeting up with any other parties had long since gone from her mind. She was about four ponies worth of party just by herself now with her enormous size. Dragging her heavy stomach along the floor, Sonnet slowly waddled her way down the corridor, following the wind that was whistling towards what she hoped was an exit. - ‘If she enjoyed that one, she’s going to LOVE the next one!’ the spirit said to itself, watching from a distance as Sonnet huffed and puffed her way along the labyrinth trying to find that fabled exit. ‘It’ll really push her! Luckily I have something to send her off with.’ Sonnet was trying to be extremely careful as she did something between a waddle and a shuffle along the corridor she was moving down at a snail's pace due to her newfound, near immobile size. There was a gentle panting from her lips as she took each laboured step forward and moved her massive, wobbling body onwards. The mare had gained the weight rapidly and was still getting used to it, but she couldn’t help but enjoy every wobble, every jiggle and every brush of fatty flesh that she felt against something as she moved herself. Her belly didn’t so much scrape along the floor uncomfortable so much as it pushed along it like a giant soft bean bag that absorbed any unpleasantness. This whole feeling of the size being pleasurable was then compounded by a wobbling rear that rose slightly above her head behind her, each cheek coming down and bouncing with every step she took as she stretched for her rear hooves to reach the floor. She could feel her tail as well was somewhat being wedged beneath those gargantuan orbs of asscheeks, it added to just how good she was feeling. Still, as she huffed and puffed her way along she didn’t really want to look like she was enjoying this or give anything away that she might be. There was some suspicion in the back of her mind that the temple had come alive since she had crashed her way in. Either that or she was just a dummy and had activated them when she stepped on a plate on the floor. In any case, she tried her best to keep her wits about her. As Sonnet rounded a corner she saw down the end the faintest pinprick of light. Beneath her hooves the feeling of that wind rushing along picked up and confirmed that it must be an exit. All carefulness and worry seemed to exit her mind with a snap as Sonnet pushed herself forward at a quicker pace, entering another large room. In her haste she reached the middle and felt her belly depress another flagstone on the floor, not that she could see it anyway due to her size, but she felt her body somewhat fall forward. The stone went down a good few inches and before she could pull herself free, another low rumble was heard. ‘Too easy! Well at your size now my dear I really doubt you could have avoided that one. I do hope you like cake, because there’s plenty of it!’ the spirit laughed to itself, it watched on from the shadows as Sonnet struggled trying to get out, but already the trap had triggered and she was very shortly going to be stuck completely where she was. This time, at both ends of the room a door slammed down to the floor, Sonnet taking one last fleeting look at the shaft of light as she still tried to free herself. The thing was, the struggle was pointless so she relaxed. The last trap had been food themed, she surmised this one would be as well. The mare simply stopped struggling and waited to see what sort of restraints would spring forward. To her surprise, there was none. What happened was an area of the ceiling opened up and what looked to be a very ancient, very dusty and very old conveyor belt descended from the ceiling, coming to rest just before her face. The surface started to turn and the dust was shaken off as it did so. As that happened, Sonnet did feel something pull at her hooves. But it wasn’t so much a restraint as more an encouragement to shift her position so she was closer to the end of the conveyor. She was starting to wonder if this one was indeed a trap or a test of willpower, the mare felt like she could escape if she wanted to, but she was somewhat curious to see what came down the conveyor belt towards her. She watched as she shifted her body into what she assumed was the correct position, the gentle sort of tickling she felt around her hooves faded as she sat on her glorping belly and waited. Then something appeared. A cake. It looked like a simple sponge cake, nothing fancy but two tiers with jam and cream. Sonnet didn’t want to question how a temple this old had fresh cream, jam or how in fact none of this was all mouldy and well rotten by now, but the cake looked as if it had just been freshly baked and as good as any cake could be. The cake gently descended down the conveyor belt and tipped off the end, straight into Sonnet’s mouth which was waiting, open and ready to consume. ‘Hah, more a test of willpower this one, she could simply close her maw but she doesn’t want to. She didn’t even resist the trap itself so none of the hefty stuff to push her to where she’s meant to be sprung. She’s going to have to be rolled out of here at this rate…’ the spirit thought, it was mightily enjoying the show - best in years. If it was corporeal and had hands it would be getting popcorn right now. Sonnet had devoured the first cake, it was delicious, packing on the pounds and filling her mouth nicely for a moment before she swallowed it down and felt the calories hit her body like a blubber attack. Looking quickly around at the conveyer it seemed it was now packed to the rafters with more of these cakes which Sonnet simply opened her mouth to and devoured as they came down to her. There had to be a limited supply somewhat of these things, she’d see it out if she could. Every cake that she ate made her bigger than she already was. Within a few minutes she felt her rear hooves completely lift themselves from the ground even with stretching them, embedding themselves in her belly bed that was spreading out seamlessly below her to cover much of the floor. Her bouncy flanks were rising too, taking on much of the cake calories that were making them grow beyond all reasonable size to two small mountains of flesh that wiggled and jiggled behind her, her ass quickly tucking her tail between the growing cheeks that were growing upwards and outwards with the rest of her body. She felt as she shifted her weight somewhat a third thick chin starting to form around the base of her head, the other two already the size of cartwheels and nicely letting her fattened head nestle between them as a soft spot to take in all the cake coming towards her. Beyond that a fattened chest pressed forward, eventually forming into her belly below which grumbled, glorped and made all sorts of noises as Sonnet continued to eat. She could hardly believe her size, the mare getting lost in thought as she chomped and chewed on as much cake as she could greedily eat. ‘Now Sonnet, this is…wonderful. Why don’t I want to stop? There’s a small part of my brain telling me this is crazy, but I’ve never felt this wonderful before. My body is growing beyond anything I thought was possible. I can’t even move myself anymore, my wings are useless, my hooves are even more impossible to get any traction out of. Yet all I want is to keep getting bigger…bigger…bigger…’ Sonnet thought, at that point her brain seemed to get lost in the lust of size, her thoughts sticking on one thing as she continued to eat, that she wanted to be bigger and bigger. Every bite was getting her there, each cake swallowed was making her grow. She was now firmly into immobility and loving every second that she felt her body was just expanding more and more. The action of her eating was enough to send ripples throughout her entire frame so she could feel exactly how big she was. Closing her eyes, Sonnet excitedly and eagerly chewed through the last of the cakes until there was a clunk and the conveyor shut itself off, rising back into the ceiling as it appeared to have run out of food to dispense. ‘Huff…huff…O-Oooohhhhhhh…’ Sonnet now completely unable to move, a total parody of a pony she wobbled slightly as her jaw came to a rest. The mare had to take more than a moment this time to compose herself. Deep, laboured breaths with a small amount of wheezing could be heard as her body tried to adjust itself to its new size. ‘Gosh, she out did even the most loyal of my followers. They must have been not even half her size at their biggest.’ the spirit thought, taking a closer look at Sonnet who was still panting in the middle of the room. ‘It seems ponies' capacity to gain has come on quite a bit in the past few hundred years or however long it has been. Now that I am awake again I should try to get a few more here, this one proved to be a very good test, either that or she’s a total outlier and is just built for this. Decisions, decisions…’ the spirit said to itself. ‘In any case, I think she’s probably at her limit, the least I can do is get her outside to safety where some other ponies can come across her. She’s eaten enough to sustain herself, likely, for several months at this point. I hope you don’t mind a bit of gusty wind dear.’ As Sonnet sat within herself, still panting, she felt the wind kick up. The doors had silently slid back up to reveal the exit she had been making her way towards before this trap fattened her up beyond the ability of being even able to move. Her mane and tail somewhat ruffled in the wind. Sonnet shouted out, wondering if whatever was controlling this was close by. ‘H-Hey! Wh-...UUUUuuuRRRRPPPppPPPP!...at gives!?’ she shouted, her words interrupted by a belch that just added to the already heavy flow of wind that was getting stronger as each second passed. Before long it was a full on gale force typhoon that Sonnet had to close her eyes and endure before she felt her massive, wobbling gut start to slide forward on the flagstones. The smoothness of her stomach combined with the smoothness of the floor provided very little resistance and with enough power behind the storm, Sonnet slowly started to slide forward and down the tunnel in the labyrinth towards the exit, the sunlight getting brighter and brighter as she slid, wobbling, down the tunnel. Sonnet was almost hurled out the other end, her body zipping slightly upwards and out into a glade surrounded by trees a short distance away from the main entrance she had been exploring before all this happened, with a Slooooooosssshhhhhh! her body came to rest on the grass, taking a good few minutes before she settled as her ass, belly and fattened features sloshed and wobbled around after being ejected from the temple. The size of a very, very large cart, Sonnet finally opened her eyes now that the wind had abated and looked around, she was alone for the time being. ‘What a….BwwwWWwwwWWwwaaaaaAAARRRPPP!!! strange temple…how did it…’ Sonnet started to say to herself. Her thoughts were racing somewhat, not just that it seemed to know how to almost give her traps to cater to her desires but that the entire time there had seemed to be something behind the entire operation. What had happened to the other adventuring parties? There was no sign of them in or outside, but then Sonnet wondered just how much of the temple she had actually managed to explore. The thing was she wasn’t exactly in a position right now to re-enter and go looking for anypony else. Her massive, quivering body was a reminder that if she was going to get anywhere, it would have to be with help. It was day time at least, a rather pleasant one at that. Sonnet felt a light breeze (much lighter than what she had experienced inside the ruin) brush over her as she simply took a small amount of time to just experience herself. Alone and without any interruptions, she could really take in her now huge and expanded form. Every divot, every hugely overblown blubbery fold. She tried wiggling her rear hooves, only to discover that they were somewhat trapped between belly and ass fat, barely sticking out from their blubbery prisons that left little wiggle room, quite literally. Her forehooves didn’t fare much better, there was a bit more of a range of movement but it was hampered by balloon-like forelegs that somewhat restricted much motion. She could barely move anything to be honest, apart from shift her body a little from left to right to rock herself and make her belly below her grumble. At least if nobody came by and found her today, it would serve as a warm and soft bed to sleep on should she have to camp here for the night. Sonnet assumed that more Adventurer’s would arrive in the next day or two and she’d be a pretty big target to miss. It would only be a matter of time before she was found. In the worst case, Serene and Cherry would return to the inn, follow the trail and likely come across her in a couple of weeks. Sonnet felt like she had eaten enough to last a lifetime and wouldn’t go hungry, was it strange then perhaps that she wanted more? She could already hear her gut growling beneath her, perhaps it was a side effect of being so large. The bigger you were, the more you wanted to eat. For now, she felt perfectly content and was happy to just be here, as herself, feeling all that lovely squishy fat around her added to that feeling of pure pleasure that she was getting quite accustomed to. She did wonder though, would she feel even better if she was bigger? Maybe when she was rescued, she could convince the rescue party to take her back home, just to catch up with her mum and see her cat, although it might struggle to recognize her now that she was so massive. Her mum might not believe it either. Even the inn, just to get back to Sonnet and Cherry to see them. There was no way she would fit inside and she was sure she could double for it if they dropped her off in the road which she’d just likely block. It was quite a distance and getting back in time to either place which would prove a chore, a very large, very wobbly, very blorpy chore.