A Changeling Feast

by Storm butt

First published

Spike is invited by Thorax to the changeling hive to partake in a feast. Eager to see his friend again, the dragon happily agrees. Little does he know his love is the feast in question!

Spike is invited by Thorax to the changeling hive to partake in a feast. Eager to see his friend again, the dragon happily agrees. Little does he know he's vastly misunderstood Thorax's intention when inviting him, and by the time he realizes the feast isn't what he expected it's far too late. Turns out that when changelings invite non-changelings to a feast, the guest of honor is typically the feast themselves!

Contains voyeurism, humiliation, group sex, and a train of changelings going in on an embarrassed lil' dragon.

Made for this contest here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216529/dezmos-nsfw-contest

Wait, What Kind Of Feast?

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“Almost there,” Spike said aloud, though he could hardly hear himself with the winds whipping past the sides of his head as he soared through the air. He had been flying for some time now, and at long last, the scenery was beginning to look somewhat familiar. The young dragon couldn’t help but smile at the sight of plant life and color filling what had once been such a barren and cold wasteland for the changeling hive.

In his hand, Spike gripped a scroll. He had received the Royal delivery exactly one week prior by a changeling sent straight to the castle just for him.

Dear Spike,

It's been a while! It must be a significant change living in Canterlot instead of Ponyville, huh? I know this is short notice but I hope you’ll consider my proposal. I and the rest of the hive are throwing a feast, and we’d like to invite you to participate. I’d love to see you again, and I’m sure much of the hive would as well considering all you’ve done for us. I couldn’t think of any creature in the world I’d rather have for our feast this year. Please do consider coming.

Sincerely, Thorax

The moment Spike read the letter he felt a sting in his chest. It had been some time since he had been able to just casually see his friend. With Twilight taking over the position as head princess of Equestria and Thorax being king of the changeling hive, they really hadn’t had much time to meet up. He told the changeling who brought him the letter that he wouldn’t miss this chance for the world, and he meant every word of it. He had been so excited to see his friend that he began his journey before the sun had even properly risen.


A voice caught Spike off guard. It was so sudden to hear ANY other creature in the sky aside from his thoughts after hours of flying that he let out a gasp and halted in his tracks. He very nearly forgot to keep flapping his wings before turning around to see the sight of a changeling.

“Pharynx!” Spike said with a smile. He had met the brother of Thorax a few times before during a few diplomatic visits to the hive with Twilight. He was always serious, but Spike could tell it was out of a desire to protect his fellow changelings.

“You’re early,” The gruff-sounding changeling said. It took him a moment before his normally cool gaze turned into a gentle warmth of a small grin. “I wasn’t expecting to run into you until my noon patrols of our territory.”

“Hehe, sorry,” Spike said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. “I could hardly sleep I was so excited.”

“Come here,” Pharynx nodded. “Follow me. I’ll lead you to the hive. All the changelings are excited to see you.”

Spike couldn’t help but briefly ponder Pharnyx’s words. ALL of the changelings were excited for him? He only knew a handful of them personally. He supposed Thorax must have informed them of his visit.

The sight of the hive cut off Spike’s train of thought. Several of the nearby changelings were buzzing around seeming to be doing some last-minute setups for the day's plans. One of them caught sight of both Pharnyx and Spike and lifted his hoof to point at them.

“Everybody! Spike’s here!”

This caused a chain reaction Spike wasn’t ready for. Just about every changeling stopped what they were doing to turn their heads, and all at once a look of excitement crossed their face. They all burst into smiles and came running and fluttering forward right to where Spike stood.

“Oh, wow,” Spike said as he landed. Suddenly a sea of changelings were all surrounding him pushing and shoving to get a view of him. They were all chattering about how good it was to see him, although Spike didn’t recognize even half of their faces. Several of them reached out to try and shake his hand with their hooves, but before Spike could even consider reaching out Pharynx swatted them with one of his wings and let out his loud gruff voice.

“Calm down, calm down!” Pharynx barked. “They’ll be plenty of him to go around when the feast starts! Control yourselves, Changelings! Step aside so the guest can see King Thorax!”

The crowd seemed to simmer down just a bit at Pharnyx’s command, and they all made a path clearing the way for Spike and Pharynx to go through them. Though Spike could still hear them all clamoring for his attention and even felt a few stray hooves reach out and brush his wings and tail trying to do so. He couldn’t help but blush a little at all the attention he was getting. By the time they were out of the crowd, he realized his heart was pounding.

“Jeez,” Spike said. “Warm welcome.”

“Well, of course,” Pharynx said. “You’re here as the feast, after all. They’re all excited.”

As? Spike was confused for a brief moment. He had to have misheard that, right? He thought about questioning it but before he could they had already wandered up a hill to a nearby throne where Thorax was sitting and consulting with a nearby changeling. Upon the sight of his brother Thorax turned his head only for his eyes to light up and a smile to beam upon seeing Spike.

“Spike!” Thorax called out. He dropped what he was doing and hurried over to the dragon only to give him a solid hug tight enough to squeeze the air right out of Spike. “I missed you!”

“Oh, wow, Thorax, you’re strong,” Spike said with a laugh. He raised his arms to hug Thorax back. “It’s good to see you, too!”

“Oh, sorry,” Thorax said before pulling away and holding Spike at arm's length. “Wow! Did you get bigger?” Thorax excitedly fired off question after question. “How’s Canterlot? Do you know if Ocellus is still doing okay? Oh, shoot, sorry, more importantly, how have you been?”

“Ahem,” Pharynx coughed. “Thorax, the sight of Spike got the rest of the changelings a bit riled up. I know you wish to catch up with your friend, but perhaps we do so after the feast?”

“Oh, right,” Thorax said with a giggle and then a little blush. “Sorry, you’re right. What kind of King would I be if I kept my subjects hampering for food? Go ahead and gather them, just let me talk to Spike for a moment.”

Pharynx gave a bow before turning and flying off to do as he was told, which left just Spike and Thorax alone together.

“I know you just got here,” Thorax said. “But I hope you aren’t too tired to get started right away. The changelings have been so excited ever since I told them about you.”

“Uh, excited is a word,” Spike said with a chuckle. “They were all acting kinda weird. I felt sort of like a celebrity or something.”

“Well of course!” Thorax said. “They’re all clamoring to get a taste!”

“A… Taste?” Spike asked. “You mean the feast?”

“Of course, silly,” Thorax said with a giggle of his own. “I’ll be doing most of the work myself since I thought you’d be more comfortable that way, but Pharynx might assist me a little bit. Are you fine with that?”

“Um, I guess?” Spike said. He wasn’t sure what Thorax was talking about.

“Okay, okay, good,” Thorax said. He was going back and forth between his two front hooves acting excited and giddy as if he was just as excited as the changelings out front had been. “Then are we good to go?”

“Yeah, sure,” Spike said, though he couldn’t help but think he was a little in the dark on what was going on here.

Spike realized right about then as he turned around and Thorax gave him an encouraging push on his back to get him going that he hadn’t seen any food being made. When they went down from the throne and back to the front of the hive where all the changelings were gathered he had expected to see tables lined up, but instead there were only rows of changelings gathered side by side. A small stage was at the front of them propped up several feet so all of them could see even from the back. At the sight of Spike, they all erupted into excited whispers and pointed at him.

“Hey, uh, where’s the food?” Spike asked. He could feel his heart beat a little faster now.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Thorax said when he leaned down to whisper in Spike’s ear. “I made sure to prepare plenty of gems and water and a nice place to rest for some much-needed aftercare after we’re done with this. You’ll be pampered more than you would at the castle I daresay.”

“Aftercare?” Spike squeaked out.

It was at that moment that Spike realized Thorax was leading him not into the crowd of people, but right onto the stage. Spike felt the need to move forward due to Thorax still pushing him from behind, but his heart began to beat faster and faster as confusion swelled up in his mind.

The second Spike got on stage the changelings erupted into applause that had to be settled down by Pharynx snapping at all of them so Thorax could speak. Spike stood there right in the center feeling the eyes of all the changelings on him at once.

“Thank you for coming everybody!” Thorax said. “The feast is ready to begin! Spike here was VERY eager to offer himself up, and we have to make him feel even more love than he’s sure to give us today to make up for it!”

The crowd cheered again. A sudden realization caused Spike’s heart to drop in his chest and his belly to twist into knots.

Spike wasn’t attending a feast. HE was the feast.

“Oh my gosh,” Spike said. He felt like he should run but both his legs and wings suddenly felt stiff and locked into place. Suddenly everything made perfect sense for why things seemed strange. His heart pounded in his chest as the crowd’s cheers died down and Thorax walked right up behind Spike.

“Th-Thorax,” Spike said, stammering a little.

“Don’t worry,” Thorax whispered. “You’ll do great. Just let me lead.”

“That’s not…”

“As you can see!” Thorax said, speaking not to Spike but loud enough for the entire crowd to hear. His hooves suddenly slapped themselves down on either of Spike’s hips and gave them a firm squeeze. “Dragons' bodies are far different from our own. There’s something rather alluring about it, don’t you think? I always thought Spike was quite adorable myself.”

Spike could feel Thorax’s hooves run up and down his hips before suddenly squeezing. He could feel himself be tugged and prompted to turn around, and for some strange reason, Spike could feel his body comply. He faced his back against the crowd and felt a blush hit his face as he realized Thorax was groping his butt to an entire audience.

“Their tails are so massive that their hips need to be so wide just to compensate. Of course, that brings with it many other benefits.”

Thorax made Spike bend over slightly as he lifted his tail. His blush worsened. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He felt the wind hit up against his now utterly exposed bottom as he stood there paralyzed. He could feel Thorax’s hoof rub against his cheek before coming back and giving it a firm smack. Spike let out a little whine and was positive it was enough to make his ass jiggle slightly.

Then it happened. Spike could feel something warm inside of him. It was a sensation he hadn’t felt before but somehow he knew in that instant what it was. The love was being sucked right out of him. The entire crowd was tasting it.

Did that mean he… enjoyed this?

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh,” Spike whispered to himself.

There was no way he liked this. It was too crude and embarrassing to admit he liked this. Yet as he stood there thinking about his ass being smacked to the delight of dozens of changelings he felt that sensation yet again of the love being sucked from him like a drink to a straw.

Thorax got down so he could grab Spike’s ass with both hands. He gave it a firm squeeze before pulling it apart and suddenly Spike’s hole was fully visible to the entire crowd. The dragon whined slightly as he felt his legs tremble.

“You’re doing great,” Thorax whispered encouragingly.

“Thorax, I…”

Spike wanted to tell Thorax this was a mistake and that he didn’t sign up for this, yet for some reason, the words wouldn’t come out. He couldn’t stop thinking of the sensation of love being tasted by all of these changelings. The idea of all of them seeing him so exposed and groped on this stage only caused that sensation to grow. His cheeks were bright pink now. Suddenly his legs gave out and the little dragon fell to his hands and knees, yet still, his ass was on full display.

“Ohoho, eager?” Thorax asked. Spike’s heart skipped a beat when he realized he had practically given Thorax an invitation. The changeling went behind him and pulled apart his cheeks yet again. “Such a tasty-looking hole. Mmmph, we’re gonna have to loosen that up now aren’t we?”

Those words made the sensation of love feel even stronger, but nothing prepared Spike for what Thorax did next. The changeling lowered his head right between Spike’s cheeks and stuck out his tongue to place it against Spike’s hole.

“Ahh!” Spike let out a shrill, piercing cry.

Thorax was rimming him. The snout of a changeling was far smaller than a pony’s, and longer too. He was able to bury himself deep between Spike’s considerably plump ass cheeks and really dig in there. Every little movement or noise he made vibrated against Spike’s hole and caused the dragon to shudder.

All of these creatures were watching Spike get rimmed. The thought of that alone made Spike want to crawl in a hole, yet at the same time, it caused the feeling of love being sucked out of him to skyrocket. He tried in vain to keep from making noises that would embarrass him further, but humiliatingly enough Thorax seemed to be trying his absolute best to do the opposite. The more his tongue grazed against Spike’s sensitive hole, the harder it was to muffle the cries of pleasure building up within him.

“Mmmph!” Spike whined through gritted teeth. He could feel his toes and fingers both curl before he let out a loud gasp followed by a moan. His face was so hot now that he felt like he might pass out, yet by some miracle, he managed to stay conscious. “Oh gosh, Th-Thorax! Mmmph!”

The crowd seemed to be eating this up, literally. They all moaned in satisfaction as they sucked the love right out of Spike.

“Such a big, juicy ass,” Thorax said lovingly as he finally pulled his muzzle out of Spike’s cheeks. “I just wanna eat it all up.”

With that taunt, Thorax leaned forward and give Spike a quick nibble on one of his cheeks. It was light and didn’t hurt at all, but the surprise that it happened was enough to make Spike let out a squeak of surprise. After that not just Thorax, but the entire crowd chuckled in amusement at how he had reacted.

“Now that you’re nice and prepared,” Thorax said. “Pharynx? Could you bring it out?”

Spike was still recovering from the pleasure of the rimming when he heard a loud grunt. He looked over to see that Pharynx seemed to be hauling something up onto the stage. It was a pedestal that sat a few feet off of the ground.

“Up you go,” Pharynx said.

Without warning, both Pharynx and Thorax worked to pick Spike up and plop him right down on top of the object. Now that Spike was up here he was realizing just how many bindings were littered about. To bars stuck up on either end with straps at the top. Pharynx grabbed one of Spike’s wrists and lifted it before cuffing it in place.

“What are you doing?” Spike asked nervously.

“Strapping you down,” Pharynx replied. “You might be squirming a lot for this next part.”

Oh gosh. Spike still wasn’t sure why he wasn’t trying to get away, or at the very least SAY something to one of the two that this was some huge misunderstanding and he never knew being involved with the feast would entail such embarrassment. The words just seemed to never come out, even as both his arms were restrained as well as his feet which hung off the back of the pedestal. He was on his knees with his legs spread pretty far apart. He was facing the crowd now. He writhed from left to right and realized just how firm the bindings were, and that he likely couldn’t get out without some kind of assistance. He was at the perfect height for either changeling to reach up and toy with however they pleased.

“Got that other thing?” Thorax asked.

“Right here,” Pharynx said. “Lubed it up right before I got on stage.”

“L-Lubed?” Spike squeaked. He looked over his shoulder and felt his eyes widen as he saw a black buttplug in Thorax’s hoof.

“Tell me if it hurts,” Thorax said softly to Spike. “This is supposed to be fun, okay?”

“I… Um… O-Okay,” Spike said, though his voice was tiny. He hardly believed that he heard himself agree instead of arguing to have that thing taken away. The next thing he felt was the plug being pressed into his hole. He whined softly and felt his toes curl yet again. For a brief moment, he felt pain as it went up into him, and he hissed in response and bit his cheek. He whined softly and trembled a bit.

“Too big?” Thorax asked. He sounded worried, which made Spike feel so many conflicted feelings.

“I’m fine,” Spike said. He wasn’t sure if that was the truth. “Ahh… It feels weird, though.”

The sensation of the plug in him had a certain fullness. As the pain subsided he realized that it didn’t feel… bad to have it inside of him. Having himself be stretched out like this, especially after rimming felt somewhat good. He looked out to the crowd and felt his blush return full force. They all knew he had a plug in him now. More love was sucked from him and still, Spike didn’t want to admit why.

Deep down he thought he must enjoy the humiliation of it all. To be displayed and toyed with a crowd was a thrill he had never known before.

What Spike didn’t expect to feel was buzzing. Spike let out an audible cry that seemed to vibrate just as much as the sensation inside of him.

“Ahhhmmmphh! Nnngh!”

Spike’s fingers curled into fists as he threw back his head. No matter how hard he tried now the noises seemed impossible to stop. Even gritting his teeth just caused muffled cries to bellow out of him. He looked over to realize that Thorax had a little remote in his hoof and was toying with the settings. Right now it was on the lowest, and even he seemed surprised by just how much it affected Spike.

“Oh, wow,” Thorax said softly.

“Heh, sensitive boy,” Pharynx commented. “Looks like the little guy’s coming out too.”

Spike shut his eyes. He knew what Pharynx was talking about. His cock was beginning to show itself, slipping out from between the slits that normally hid it. He whined softly as he stiffened up and knew that all the changelings could see it.

“Ahhh… Oh my gosh oh my gosh,” Spike whined. He squirmed and writhed in his bindings as the buzzing kept up. “Why does it… mmmph… Why does it feel so good?”

Pharynx surprised Spike by stepping in front of him and grasping him by the hips. He moved his head forward and instantly took Spike’s cock into his mouth. The noise Spike let out was so loud the crowd reacted with a gasp.


The volume of his cry was both from surprise and the fact that Pharynx had decided to wrap his entire long insect-like tongue around Spike’s member. The tongue squeezed and twisted as it moved up and down and his lips firmly sucked on the cock. It grew harder and harder, yet Pharynx’s muzzle remained firmly against the base of the lips where the cock protruded without issue. Spike was fully hard within seconds as soon as Pharynx began to blow him, but to make matters worse out of the corner of his eye he could see Thorax fiddling with the remote for the plug inside of him. He jacked it up to halfway intensity, and the buzzing inside of him became so intense that for a moment Spike’s eyes rolled back and he let out an even louder cry than before.

“Ahhh! So good!”

“Gosh he sounds so adorable,” A voice from the crowd found Spike’s ears.

“I never thought he’d be so LOUD!” Another voice commented.

“He’s squirming so much! Gosh, that’s cute!”

Spike’s cheeks grew crimson with embarrassment as he heard the commentary for his every little noise and twitch. The love being pulled from him by the crowd was more intense than ever now, and it made his whole body feel like it was tingling. The buzzing inside of him made his lower body tremble. He felt like if it weren’t for the straps on his wrists, he would surely collapse into a mess right on the podium from the sensations inside of him.

That wasn’t to say Pharynx was any sort of slouch in his job. The changeling still blowing him managed to run both his tongue and his lips up and down Spike’s shaft with ease. Every time he got to the head, he would pause to suckle out any bits of pre-cum that had dribbled out as if they were the sweetest nectar in the world. His cock throbbed inside of the changeling’s mouth, and every time his lips hit the base Spike would have to fight to keep the moans inside of him. He normally lost.

“Ahhh! Mmmph! Augh…. Please don’t stop!”

Spike’s fingers splayed as well as his toes at just how overwhelmed he felt by so many forms of pleasure. His mind was starting to feel hazy from just how good it felt.

Then Thorax turned the buzzing plug up to the maximum setting, and Spike thought he was going to die.


Another squealing cry of pleasure escaped from him. Spike didn’t have enough mental capacity to even care about the crowd staring at him or their comments on how cute he sounded. All he could think of was his cock being sucked and that buzzing pressing right up to his prostate. He cried out in absolute pleasure again and again. Air would come back to his lungs with every gasp just to exit immediately again in moans and whines of lust. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to climax, yet just when he thought he was about to hit the point of no return…

Pharynx removed his mouth from Spike’s cock. It was a devastating feeling. He was so, so horrendously close to cumming. Spike let out a whine of protest.

“P-Please!” Spike cried out. “I was so close! Ahhh!”

“Sorry, Spikey,” Thorax said with a teasing tone. “Can’t let you cum yet. All that love of yours’ll dwindle and it’ll take FOREVER to get the feast going again if that happens!”

“Mmmph!” Spike whined. He squirmed, and in the back of his mind, he considered snapping that he didn’t care about the feast he just wanted to cum, but he managed to bite his tongue. He looked down at his cock which continued to throb.

“Now that he’s nice and on edge,” Pharynx said. He reached behind the podium and pulled out what looked to be a tiny ring. Spike’s eyes widened as it lowered and was slipped right over his cock and slid down to the base. The metal was cool.

“Wh-What is that?” Spike whined in protest.

“Don’t worry,” Thorax said. “It’s just a little magic cockring. It’ll keep you right at this level of pleasure, but you won’t be able to cum!”

“WHAT?” Spike cried out.

His cock continued to throb and leak. Spike whined as he squirmed. If what Thorax was saying was true, how could he possibly remain at this level of throbbing? It felt like he was nearing the edge of climax, and even without touching his member, the sensation wasn’t going down. Spike had a feeling it wasn’t just the buzzing plug in his ass that kept the desire to cum from lowering, but the magic that Thorax had said was in the ring itself.

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh,” Spike whined. “I-I’m gonna go insane!”

“Don’t worry,” Thorax said. “We’re about to enter the last phase of the feast!”

Pharynx nodded his head. Both he and Thorax lifted their hooves to begin work on the horny restless dragon. Spike was too consumed by how good the pleasure felt to even fight, and just whined and whimpered at every little movement as the buzzing in his ass consumed his every waking thought.

Spike was undone from the straps. His body was then flipped over until he was on his back, and suddenly his legs were placed up into the straps where his hands just were. His legs spread out into the shape of a V as they hung in the air. His wrists were then placed into the straps where his ankles had been, trapping his hands right at his hips. His hands were less than a foot from his cock, yet he couldn’t move them enough to have any hope of removing the cock ring.

A new strap was introduced now that Spike was in his new position. He could feel his tail be grabbed and pulled down before being trapped somewhere down the podium, which made it impossible to hide his ass.

“Ahhh! Mmmph!”

Spike could hardly focus on anything except his cock right now. The buzzing in his ass kept him sane, as it provided a unique pleasure just strong enough to almost distract him from how badly he still wanted to climax. He squirmed and writhed with heated gasps as he looked upside down at the crowd behind him over the edge of the podium where his head now rested.

Spike felt a hoof grab the plug from his ass and began to pull it out. Spike let out a whine of protest.

“Please, don’t take it out!” Spike whined. “It feels so good!”

In the back of his mind Spike was vaguely aware he just begged to have a sex toy in him in the middle of a crowd, but he was so overwhelmed by horniness now that he simply didn’t care. The ring preventing his sex drive from lowering or finishing kept him in a permanent state of mindless horniness. He squirmed helplessly as his cock throbbed and all he could think of was removing the ring to finally feel that explosive pleasure of cumming.

“Don’t worry,” Pharynx said as he stepped up behind Spike. “I got your plug right here.”

Thorax snorted a bit.

“That’s cheesy,” Thorax said.

“S-Shut up,” Pharynx muttered.

Spike looked down to see that Pharynx was on his hind legs. The next thing he felt was something hard pressed against his hole, which had to be practically gaping from the plug that had just been in it. Spike let out a needy whine at the sensation of the cockhead and tried to push his body forward into it, but the straps wouldn’t allow him. Pharynx grabbed him by the ankles for leverage and pushed forward.

“Ahhh! Yes!” Spike whined loudly.

Pharynx’s cock was able to enter Spike with ease. It was much bigger than the plug had been, which only made Spike all the happier that it was now inside of him. Pharynx pushed and Spike felt a relief he didn’t know possible.

“Mmmmph! Ahh! Fuck me!” Spike whined.

“He’s sooo hot when he’s that horny,'' a changeling in the crowd muttered.

“I could listen to him beg for that all day,” Another said.

“I can’t wait till my turn!”

Spike’s logical mind for a brief moment broke through the horniness when he heard that last comment. Their turn?

However, thinking about that for more than a second became an impossible task as Pharynx’s length pushed fully into him. Spike’s mind was suddenly wiped clean of everything but two throbbing cocks. His own, and the one currently fucking him. It slid in and out with a determined yet fierce movement that made both Spike and the entire podium shake with each thrust. Pharynx wasn’t gentle, but not to the point of carelessness. He simply just had raw power behind his fucking, which right now was what Spike felt like he needed most in the world.

Each thrust was heavenly. Spike moaned and cried and squirmed with each slap of the changeling’s hips on Spike’s meaty thighs.

“Mmmmph… So tight,” Pharynx said. “How is he so tight after that plug?”

“I told you, silly,” Thorax said with a grin. “Dragons are such wonderful creatures.”

It took less than a few minutes for Pharynx to finish. When he did, he gripped Spike’s legs forcefully and shoved himself in all the way. Spike’s eyes widened as he felt warmth flood his insides. His toes curled up tightly, and the electrifying waves of pleasure coursing through his nerves caused him to tense up with a lumbering cry of absolute rapture. Pharynx let out a rough-sounding groan of pleasure as he trembled, only to pull himself out as he let his cum dribble out of Spike’s ass.

Yet still, Spike wasn’t satisfied. He bit his lip as he whined and squirmed. Without a cock inside of him, it was too overwhelming to be left alone with his member cursed to remain so close to climax.

“M-More,” Spike whined softly. “Please, give me more!”

“Don’t worry, Spikey,” Thorax said as he placed a hoof on Spike’s head and gave him a tender pet. “They’ll be so, so much more.”

With that Thorax lifted his head to address the crowd.

“Changelings!” Thorax shouted. “Go ahead and line up! It’s feasting time!”

“Huh?” Spike asked, barely aware of Thorax’s words. Yet as he looked back at the crowd he watched as they all rose from their seats and moved around the stage. He looked back down between his legs and felt his heart skip a beat as he realized they were indeed lining up. Spike lost count of just how many there were.

“Oh gosh,” Spike said softly. Even his cock couldn’t distract him from how nervous he felt at that sight. “Oh gosh oh gosh. Th-Thorax, I dunno if I can handle that many!”

“Don’t worry,” Thorax said with a whisper as he leaned down to Spike’s ear. “That ring has another effect. It won’t hurt no matter how many rounds you go.

“Not at all?” Spike asked.

“I would never lie to my friend,” Thorax said. “Now, weren’t you just begging for a cock to fill that cute lil’ butt of yours?”

Spike had no idea how Thorax could sound so sweet while saying such filthy things, yet somehow it reassured him. Spike felt himself blush harder as he nodded his head. Thorax giggled.

“All right!” Thorax said. “Let’s get started!”

What followed next was the sort of thing that Spike was convinced only happened in fantasy. One by one the changelings lined up and positioned themselves with their cocks in Spike’s hole. Even the female ones transformed into males or other various creatures who could do their best to stimulate Spike.

As such every experience was different, and Spike sat there tied up enduring all of them. One of the changings had turned into a dragon whose cock was even bigger than Pharynx’s own. For a moment Spike thought it was going to split him in too as it laid on his chest barely able to be held between his thighs, yet still, he felt a hunger for it. As it pushed in Spike let out groans and panting whines. His toes splayed as they hit the base of the changeling’s body, and he looked down to see the slightest hint of a bulge protruding from his chest.

“Oh gosh,” Spike whined. Each time the cock moved in and out the bulge grew and sank. It felt alien and strange, but not in a bad way. Spike was more concerned with the fact he wasn’t concerned. “So big! Ahhh! Mmmph!”

Each changeling had their own approach to how they used the dragon’s hole. Some were quick and desperate from being so pent up with horny energy, that they railed Spike hard enough to shake the whole stage. Other changelings were slow and sensual to an almost maddening degree, given how long Spike had been waiting.

One of them spent a tediously long amount of time licking the insides of his thighs and feeling up and down his ass, still damp with the cum of so many changelings before. They got down and began to lick at Spike’s hole despite the mass amounts of cum from various creatures filling it up. Spike thought that after so many cocks a tongue wouldn’t do much to please him, but he certainly was wrong. The changeling was HUNGRY to eat him out and took their swell time. When they were finally finished Spike felt like his head was spinning, and that was before they positioned themselves.

“There we go,” The changeling said as they wiped their mouth with the back of their hoof. “Had to clean it out nice and good before my turn.”

Other changings weren’t just interested in Spike’s hole, but other parts of his body. One of them transformed into a dragon tall enough to look down at his bound-up feet. He was grabbed on his toes and forced to feel a scaly muzzle press down to his sole. Moments later a tongue caused Spike to let out a wavering whine.

“Ahhh mhmhmhmmph!”

“Heh, he’s ticklish,” The changeling commented.

The next thing Spike felt was two dragon hands attacking his soles at once. They tickled him without mercy on one sole while they licked furiously at the other. Spike let out a shrill series of giggles.

“Ahahahaaa! No no nohohohoo eheheee! Ahahaha that tickles ahahaaa!”

Even that felt good in its own strange way. Spike could feel the changeling tickling him sucking the love right from him as he tormented his feet. It didn’t help that once his cock was inside of Spike that he refused to relent, which only further confused the signals inside of his head. He squirmed and pleaded and moaned all at once, and by the time that particular changeling was done he was sitting there in a daze of panting confusion over why he had enjoyed that so much.

It wasn’t long before Spike lost count of just how many loads had been shot into him. His belly was starting to feel stuffed from excess amounts of cum. There was hardly any time between each changeling, which meant that his hole was almost always plugged and there was hardly time for it to leak out of him.

With nearly every changeling Spike found himself pleading for them to fuck him. Those who he didn’t he was so overwhelmed with their tactics that speaking became impossible. One of them had placed their cock on top of his own and teasingly frotted him for what felt like hours, while likely only being a few minutes. Every rub of their member against his was utter torture because it pushed him to the furthest possible edge of climax while the ring prevented any release.

“Wanna cum… Wanna cum… Wanna cum,” Spike whined helplessly as they continued to rub against him. It was the only thing he could say, as his brain was practically mush from what felt like hours of being on edge without mercy.

Some of the changelings were rough with him, but never maliciously. One of them spanked him a few times and demanded he plead to be fucked. Each swat made Spike whine and yelp yet he continued to beg regardless.

“Ahh! Fuck me! Ahh!” Spike cried between swats.

They were even crueler when they finally shoved their cock into his hole because then they transformed into a gryphon in the middle, causing the size of the cock to change inside of Spike into something girthier and longer. They reached down with their newly formed talons and rubbed up and down Spike’s member, clearly having seen the effect the frotting had on Spike before. A few seconds of that and Spike’s mind was practically putty. They seemed to take forever to cum, and the entire time forced Spike to be on the absolute edge of orgasm.

So many cocks. So many fuckings. Not once did Spike feel uncomfortable or raw like Thorax had promised. Whatever magic was in this ring made it so that even as the sky changed from daytime to twilight Spike never once felt like he was at his limit. Even as he lay there panting and drenched in his sweat from hours of pounding did he not think he was ready to quit just yet.

“Hey buddy,” Thorax said. It had been a while since Spike had seen his friend. “Doing good?”

“Mmmph… It’s amazing,” Spike whined.

“Almost done,” Thorax said with a smile. “Just one more changeling to go.”

Spike looked down. It had been some time since he glanced at the line since it seemed so endless, but finally, he realized that there wasn’t a single changeling left waiting for him. They were all off relaxing from the copious amounts of love they had just consumed from the tiny dragon.

“W-Who?” Spike asked.

Thorax grinned.

“Me,” Thorax said.

Thorax got behind Spike and positioned himself. Spike’s eyes widened at the sight of his friend in such a position.

“A king always waits for his subjects to have their fill before his,” Thorax said. “But I won’t lie… I’ve been looking forward to this ALL day!”

Spike felt Thorax’s cockhead press to his hole. He gasped softly as it pushed in. Thorax let out the most adorable-sounding whine of his own. He was always so gentle, and right now was no different. He leaned forward and grabbed Spike’s legs for leverage as he pushed himself in fully.

“Oh my gosh, still so tight,” Thorax said. “You’re amazing, Spike.”

“Ahhh, don’t slow down!” Spike whined. He had said the same thing so many countless times today.

“Roger,” Thorax replied.

When Thorax got going he was like a machine. He moved in and out with such firm and powerful thrusts that the whole podium shifted. He was never rough though, just firm. He was one of the noisiest of all the changelings that Spike had taken today. With each movement he made he accompanied it with a whine or pant of his own. His hips moved with such focused precision that each time his thighs slapped against Spike’s cheeks it sounded almost like a rhythm.

“Ahhh! Mmmph!” Thorax continued to whimper with pleasure. Eventually, he leaned down so he could wrap his arms around Spike’s body in a firm hug and continued to thrust into him like a mutt in heat. What surprised Spike the most was when he lifted his head and pressed his lips against Spike’s own.

Of all the changelings today, Thorax was the only one who had bothered to kiss him. Spike’s eyes widened with surprise yet quickly he accepted the kiss and put effort into giving it in return. They parted briefly for air only to return to the kiss. Even after the long day of fucking Spike found himself still trying to push his hips down with each thrust Thorax gave to force that cock just a little bit deeper into him.

“Ahhh… close…” Thorax whined. “One… last thing! Mmmph!”

Thorax sat up and grabbed Spike’s cock. At long last, he pulled off the ring that had caused so much maddening horniness today. As soon as it was off Spike felt like an explosion had gone off in his head. A barrier he had been running full force into for hours now was finally shattered, and with the final few thrusts from Thorax’s cock hitting his prostate both he and Thorax seemed to hit that moment of no return at once.

“Thorax!” Spike cried out the name of his friend. Both Thorax and Spike gave one final moan in sync, and with that, they both came. Thorax had likely planned it with his precise removal of the ring to time it perfectly.

The pleasure of finally climaxing at long last was impossible to describe. All of the pleasure he had felt throughout the day felt like it went through him at once and showed itself by a near impossible amount of cum bursting out of his cock. Loads upon loads exited him as he continued to feel pleasure electrify his entire body from his head to his toes. For a brief moment as the pleasure reached its peak he lost nearly all of his senses except pleasure. He couldn’t focus on the sounds of the world nor the sight of the sky above him.

It wasn’t until those senses returned did he hear Thorax panting on top of him. The changeling lay on his chest breathing in and out heavily. Even their gasps seemed to be in sync. Thorax raised his head and smiled at Spike with a genuine expression of gratitude.

“Thank you,” Thorax said. “You were such a wonderful feast, Spike. That love was the best I’ve ever tasted.”

“I… Oh… Oh wow,” Spike said softly. Suddenly thinking was far more difficult than before. The weight of the day seemed to finally be taking its toll and suddenly it felt nearly impossible to keep his eyes open.

“Oh, shoot,” Thorax said. “Right, the ring was keeping your energy high. Don’t worry, I prepared for this. Lemme just…”

Thorax was quick to undo all of Spike’s bindings. He then transformed into a creature large enough to pick Spike up into his arms and cradle him. Spike couldn’t keep his eyes open long enough to see what it was as he was carried away. He leaned against Thorax as they wandered through all the satisfied changelings who called out their gratitude toward Spike one by one.

Eventually, the voices faded, and Spike felt himself be set down. He managed to open his eyes just as Thorax transformed back into his usual self. He realized he was in a part of the hive secluded from the rest. There was a pool of water that Spike didn’t realize was so close until Thorax lowered him into it. Near instantly Spike began to feel his strength return to him. It felt good to finally feel a little clean after hours of cum drenching his body.

“This pool should rejuvenate you,” Thorax said. “I managed to track down a unicorn for a potion to mix into the water as soon as you said yes. Do you need anything? Water? Food?”

Spike sunk deeper into the bath until it was up to his shoulders.

“That’d be nice,” Spike said. He didn’t realize how hungry he was until Thorax mentioned food. “After that, I think I just want to sleep.”

“Of course,” Thorax said. “Don’t worry, I’m going to pamper you so well that Canterlot's luxury will be put to shame!”

Spike couldn’t help but smile at Thorax’s enthusiasm.

Spike sat there blushing to himself as Thorax got up to get him things. He fidgeted back and forth as he thought of the long day of endless pleasure. His mind kept lingering on what he had been made to endure. Though it had all been one massive misunderstanding on his end he couldn’t help but think just how into it he was within no time. Even now he couldn’t stop thinking about how good it felt to be so full of so many different creatures one after another. Their voices as they complimented him and called him things ranging from adorable to sexy. The way he had felt as they all watched him be used and teased.

“Thorax?” Spike asked right before Thorax got to the door.

“Yes?” Thorax replied, stopping in place. “Do you need something else?”

“I-Is this feast something you guys do often?” Spike asked.

“Mhm!” Thorax said with a smile. “Twice a year! The next one is in six months!”

“Can… Can I maybe come back for the next one?” Spike asked sheepishly. He could hardly bring himself to look up at his friend. “If that’s okay, I mean?”

“Oh, good,” Thorax said, surprising Spike with his answer. “I was so worried when would be a good time to ask that! I was hoping you’d do just that!”

Spike’s heart skipped a beat. Before he could say anything else Thorax rushed off to gather the food and water Spike needed. The dragon sat there and placed a hand up against his pounding chest as he realized what he just agreed to. He sat there in the water squirming and thinking of experiencing all of today’s events again in six months.

Spike sunk into the pool until it was covering his mouth and left only his nose above the surface. He whined silently as embarrassment consumed him. He was beginning to think it wasn’t the ring that had caused him to be so needy and desperate to be fucked, but something deep inside of him that had awoken as a result of the feast. A thought crossed his mind that all but confirmed those desires were truly his own.

He wanted to ask if the next feast could happen sooner.