
by Horse-With-No-Name

First published

Coco Pommel unleashes Anal Armageddon upon Equestria, and only the Wonderbolts stand in its path. Will they save Equestria?

When Coco Pommel hears of a vine in the Everfree Forest that can supercharge her anal obsession, she can't help but go out and find it. Naturally, it goes poorly. Now the Wonderbolts have been tasked with picking up the pieces. Can they contain the start of this pandemic? Well what have we learned in the past two years?

Kinks include: anal, tentacles, anatomically correct ponies, scent, mild ass expansion, mild cock and ball expansion, cognitive dissonance, dom/sub, cum inflation, addiction/mind break, Accurate plant anatomy and latin naming conventions, warm fuzzy cuteness, and attempted hoof holding :twilightoops:

Picture cropped from one by Imadeus, used with permission. Edited by one very awesome person who wishes to remain anonymous.

This story is my submission to Dezmo's NSFW Contest.

Featured 25 Aug 2022! Thanks guys!
Featured again briefly on 27 Aug 2022? That's nuts; I didn't even update it that day. I guess I dunno how the algorithm works. Edit: it seems to rotate through a list longer than the one on the top of the page, for all fics exceeding some performance metric. Interesting. So maybe it was the same featuring all along but a couple of page refreshes didn't put it on the top of the page for a while just by chance... Don't mind me, just nerding out over code.

Edit: It won the contest's anal category; nice!


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"Hey guys, I found her!" Spitfire gestured for the rest of the Wonderbolts to follow. They'd been called in to help with an emergency search party after Coco Pommel had gotten lost in the Everfree two days ago. Flying search patterns while trying to see through the dense canopy had been difficult, and they'd been on the verge of giving up, but it seemed luck was on their side today.

Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Soarin and a few other Wonderbolts touched down in a small clearing.

Rainbow Dash put her hoof over her mouth with a look of great consternation. "Holy buck... Coco's been Pommeled."

Coco Pommel was held down by what appeared to be a mass of writhing vines. Her pupils were rolled back in her head, tongue sticking out with a look of incomparable pleasure, and the reason why was quickly apparent: she was getting an absolute anal plundering! The Wonderbolts couldn't help but stare in shock, and perhaps a little arousal, as they looked on at the sight before them. Coco's puffy, perfect ponut was stretched open wide by some smaller vines, while a larger vine was replaced with another, this one revealing her hungry, pulsing reddened insides for a moment. Her cunt winked and squirted as her ass was refilled, and her teats seeming to harden even further as a full body shudder went through her as she arched her back with a gasp.

Spitfire looked around at the mortified faces of her teammates, trying to push down her own blush. "Yeah, yeah... Quit your gawking and help me get her out of there! And don't make me demote you for bad puns Rainbow Crash..."

A look of fear crossed Coco's face. "N-No! DunStahp! Feelsh SHOOO GOOD!"

The Wonderbolts hesitated for a moment, Causing Spitfire to groan. "Come on guys, s-she's not in her right mind, we've got to get her out of there! ...a-and be careful with those vines." Spitfire pressed her tail tightly to her rear and splayed her ears back, hoping no one noticed the new damp spot on the ground.

The Wonderbolts jumped into action, each pulling on and disentangling one of the vines. It was tricky work: the vines were slippery, the slime making their skin feel warm but tingly and numb, like pins and needles

"Agh!" Rainbow cried out. "A little help here?" One of the vines had snuck its way behind her while she was busy wrangling a larger vine off Coco's ass, prodding tentatively at her own backdoor. Thunderlane, struggled, just managing to tie his vine around a small tree in time to grab the vine away from Rainbow.

More vines surrounded them at the edge of the clearing, but Coco was freed. Rainbow and Spitfire quickly grabbed her. "Retreat everyone, we've got her!" Spitfire shouted. They all took to the air, vines snapping at them and just barely missing their tails as they escaped.


Spitfire and Rainbow Dash arrived at Ponyville hospital and dropped off Coco Pommel; the rest of the Wonderbolts left for Cloudsdale, but they stayed to wait with Coco Pommel until Rarity could come pick her up.

The flight there hadn't been easy, Rainbow recalled: at first Coco had been whining and complaining, begging them to let her ass be stuffed, even just one more time. Then she'd devolved into sensual moans, as the very idea of having her ass stuffed again made her cum. This pattern had repeated a few times, and each time Coco's sensual moans made Rainbow's ass twitch in sympathy. The tingle from having her ass prodded by that vine had developed into a persistent itch and ache, like the early signs of poison ivy, even though it had faded from the rest of her body. Spitfire didn't seem to be faring any better, her blush deepening with each cycle, too embarrassed to look Rainbow in the eye...

Rarity and Nurse Redheart walked into the room, snapping Rainbow out of her daydream. Twilight Sparkle followed them, to Rainbow's surprise.

"Coco dear, I brought you a gift! Feel better soon; we're doing our best at the store but no one can replace you."

And with that and a hug, Rarity levitated a dildo out of her saddlebag, at which point Rainbow started to think she'd missed a memo. It was so large it made Rainbow Dash wonder how she'd fit it in there in the first place.

Coco's thighs clenched as her eyes looked off into the middle distance, silky insides roiling around with anxious longing. "Rngh... Thank you Rarity!" She took the dildo and after a moment of internal struggle, she plunged it in her ass in front of everyone, hidden only by the thin covers of the hospital bed, moaning, eyes rolling back as her tongue lolled out of her mouth. As embarrassed as she was, she couldn't possibly help but fuck herself vigorously on the thing: two days in those vines had left her hideously sensitive and completely addicted. Any residual shame was a pittance to pay for such all-encompassing pleasure.

Spitfire fixated on the scene from the corner of the hospital room, flushed and panting lightly, legs twitching antsily.

Rainbow shot the three mares a quizzical look. "Wait, shouldn't we be trying to cure Coco, not enable her?"

Nurse Redheart gave her a tired, apologetic look. "There's not much we can do I'm afraid; I'll ask Zecora if she has any potions for something like this, but even after removing the sensitizing compounds and seeds from her colon, it seems her neurons and endocrine system have been rewired. This is going to take years of therapy and magic treatments, if it gets better at all... And frankly, doctor patient confidentiality aside, I'm certain we all know she was into this stuff well before this little escapade, so it's doubtful she'd even want that. The best we can do for now is keep her... comfortable... and prevent her from spreading this around."

Now Rainbow was even more confused. "But I thought you already removed the stuff that did it?"

Twilight gestured to Coco and excitedly explained. "Based on Spitfire's description when you brought her in, it sounds like Coco was caught by a Passiflora Coprofilia vine. I found it in a book and read all about it before coming! Fascinating evolutionary history by the way: although it produces a flower capable of being pollinated, the stamens produce spores capable of germination independently, mixed into a gleba - which is convergent evolution with fungi by the way! Anyways plants love feces as a fertilizer - apparently this one evolved to get directly at the source. Its gleba is filled with chemicals which heighten sensitivity and elasticity to extreme levels, while also suppressing impulse control. The spores themselves have cnydocites which inject addictive chemicals, stimulants and neural modifiers into the colon wall, anchoring them so they're quite difficult to remove, and injecting more chemicals as they grow from feeding off nutrients from the digested - "

Rainbow facehoofed. "Twilight, what does any of that have to do with my question?"

Twilight's ears flicked back nervously and she put a hoof to her head. "Heh, Oops, you're right, I'll skip ahead. Anyways, unfortunately the spores also quite hardy: There's no known treatment that can harm the spores without also damaging the rectal tissue. But luckily, the spores mature into larger seeds, getting all the nutrients they need from their environment, and then they detach on their own when they're larger, which is why the best course of action is to just wait and let things run their course. And knowing Coco here, I think she'll quite enjoy the feeling of nigh endless, aphrodisiac lubed anal beads." Twilight shot Coco a knowing look.

Coco just blushed and looked away. "I-I'm not even going to try to deny thatHaaaHn!" She thrust herself down on the dildo faster at the thought; her plump, shapely rear all but cratering the poor hospital bed, somehow shorting out the heartbeat monitor.

Spitfire groaned. "Uh... S-Sorry everypony but I f-forgot I have some paperwork I have to complete back at the academy, ByegoodluckwithCoco!" And with that she zoomed out of the room.

"Hey wait!" Twilight shouted. Then she spun towards Dash. "Urgh... Send someone to check up on Spitfire to make sure she's ok."

Rainbow nodded and saluted with a hoof. "Consider it done."

"Anyways this is really serious Rainbow: I came all the way from diplomatic talks with the Yaks for this when I heard. It's been centuries since the last outbreak of these plants, and back then it ground Equestria's economy to a halt: we just barely avoided mass starvation because everypony was too busy having sex! And then a generation later there was a massive population bust because so many mares were addicted to anal and hardly bothered having normal sex anymore! I mean, minus Granny Smith... by the way, never ask her about that time" Twilight shuddered to recall those stories. While Granny had technically found a solution, it wasn't worth it. Never again.

"Anyways Coco is still contagious, but we'll keep her entertained for now and dispose of the seeds as they come out. We need to make absolutely sure that no one else is infected - we can't afford any leaks - and then we need to torch those plants. Can I trust you and the Wonderbolts to make sure of that?

"Y-Yes Mam!" Rainbow gave a salute and flew off.

Dash shivered: would a simple brush have been enough to infect her as well? She still felt a bit of an itch, but it seemed manageable. She supposed she'd bring it up if it got any worse.

Spitfire flew erratically towards her Cloudsdale home, ass clenching with a deep, obscene urge which pervaded all her thoughts. Before she had called the rest of the Wonderbolts over to help, the only reason she'd found Coco was because she'd been pulled under the treeline by one of those vines, and it had plunged itself all the way into the depths of here ass. For a few minutes, the world around her faded away and was replaced with all-encompassing bliss, vine wriggling around in her ass, coating her walls in silky, ultra concentrated aphrodisiac gel - unbeknownst to her, enough to last a normal pony a lifetime. Only her adrenaline and a herculean mental effort had allowed her to pull off the vine, and a not so small part of her whined and begged for her to give up and let it back in.

Thinking about the vines on the flight back to Ponyville made her shiver; the ravenous appetite for anal hadn't gotten any better since that time. She'd already snuck off once while they were waiting at the hospital to prod at her ass with her hoof, but much to her frustration, it had been too big to fit inside - not that it had mattered in the end. She was sensitive enough that a gentle prodding combined with imagining being captured by the vines again was enough to get her off, but it hadn't been much relief. She doubted she would have been able to keep quiet in the stalls if she'd been able to shove something up there anyway. And then watching Coco - She'd had to back into the corner to hide her winking and dripping... More. She needed more.

Spitfire opened her front door and flew up the stairs, briefly scrounging around under her bed to pull out her vibrator, and wasting no time, she plunged it in her ass - "Hnagh! Buck..." she briefly came again, shuddering on her bed and wetting the covers - but again, no relief. She started plunging it in and out, rubbing its exquisite texture on her newly sensitized colon - it felt better than using the thing in her pussy during estrus! With an unfocused, obsessed look, Spitfire kept going, vigorously rubbing her clit for more stimulation, ass denting the cloud floor. Was it just her, or did her ass seem a tad bigger and less muscled than this morning? She reasoned it must just be her imagination, warped by her new needs. She needed to nip this in the bud: surely she, a world-class Wonderbolt, could satisfy this hunger and get back to her daily routine. That vine hadn't really gotten her, right?

What Twilight had said still scared her though: she'd assumed this would all wear off in a while - but permanent?! Surely that was wrong. And even if it wasn't, Wonderbolt exercises were designed to train mind as well as body; with her mental toughness, she'd surely power through... She had to. Not like they had a cure at the hospital apparently. Hopefully Zecora pulled through though. Oh but she should have told them... Why didn't she? Spitfire squealed out loud, eyes rolling back in her head, plunging the vigorous vibrator as deep as it would go, and came again. A dark thought occurred to her: perhaps she didn't want this to end.

But Spitfire pushed that thought away as soon as it came. 'I'll deal with this... I can get used to this...' she thought. Spitfire huffed in frustration; this wasn't working. She needed more stimulation.

*Knock knock* "Spitfire, are you there?" Thunderlane's voice came from downstairs. "We've been looking all over for you - Rainbow thought you said you'd be at the Academy doing paperwork?"

Spitfire perked up: if her vibrator wasn't enough, surely a dick would do. Too bad she'd missed Twilight's warning. She sniffed herself; she reeked of a mare in the deepest throes of estrus. She blushed - no time to fix that - and straightened out her hair and trudged down the stairs. "Got it done already Thunderlane. I came back here to chill out a bit after flying all those search patterns."

She kept her distance, hoping he wouldn't notice the scent of her lust. She knew that wouldn't work forever though. "I gotta admit though; watching Coco Pommel got me all riled up: care for some fiery ass?" Spitfire thanked her lucky stars that this was an all too common sort of thing among the Wonderbolts. Common enough that Thunderlane probably wouldn't question it. Not like it was easy to find somepony sane to fuck or date when you're considered a superstar in most places, after all.

Thunderlane gave her a nervous look. "A-are you sure about that? Maybe we should get you checked out because Twilight mentio-"

Spitfire pounced and put a hoof over Thunderlane's muzzle before he could finish. "Don't worry about that; I'm right as rain. just interested in a little roleplay..." She said in the most seductive voice she could muster. In the back of her head a small voice cried out that she probably should get checked out, but she needed this.

Thunderlane's dick slapped to full attention after a few more seconds staring Spitfire in the eyes. "Uh, ok: if you say so ma'am!"

Spitfire flipped him over and plunged his dick in her ass, pinning him to the ground as she rode him like a toy, her ass still athletic but not without a shapely layer of fat to absorb the impact and ensure Thunderlane's pelvis wasn't crushed. An idea popped into her head and a sly grin formed on her face. "Thanks mister for saving me from those awful vines! Too bad they already B-bucked me up: I'm gonna need your help to keep distracted while these seeds come out. I'll probably still end up going back to the vines though... I guess you'll just have to convince me your dick is better!"

Thunderlane's dick twitched at the challenge, flaring and scraping her sensitive walls oh so nicely as she clenched around him. A tingling sensation passed through his cock as the spores infected him; it quickly went away but was replaced with increased sensitivity and libido, causing him to struggle not to cum right then and there. He grabbed her ass cheeks, toned but supple with just a delicious amount of give, thrusting up to meet her hips, the enticing scent of her arousal growing stronger... Nope, he wasn't going to last like this. Thinking quickly, Thunderlane ran over to a cupboard and opened a drawer, shuffling about.

"Hey what gives?!" Spitfire felt like a vital organ had been removed from her, quickly shoving a hoof back there in a vain attempt to replace it, stoking her clit to try and match the level of stimulation, but it just wasn't the same. Caught somewhere between sharp denial and withdrawal, she shivered and sweated.

"Do you still keep it here? Ah ha!" Thunderlane shouted as he pulled out a large string of anal beads, turning to face Spitfire again with a devious grin. "Sorry, it looks like I didn't make it in time: It doesn't matter what I do, does it? You, my cute little slut, will run right back to those vines the first chance you get, won't you?"

Spitfire Shivered at his words; 'D-does he know?' she thought, doing her best to mask her surprise with her lust as he loaded up the anal beads. It wasn't difficult: it was as if the vine's secretions had sculpted her ass perfectly for laying seeds - the smoothness and roundness, like gentle ribbing as she clenched around the beads already in her tunnel, trying to feel the delicious friction against their smooth surfaces while also trying to keep her eyes from rolling back in unnatural ecstasy.

He continued, squeezing in the last few. "Probably doesn't even sound like a bad thing to you anymore - I bet it's Soooo enticing... Oh look, here comes the first seed now!" He pulled on the anal beads, the largest one stretching her elastic ass deliciously as it fought the exit.

Spitfire didn't want to admit it to herself, but the smoothness and perfect shape of the anal beads felt even better to her than when she'd spitted herself on Thunderlane's cock earlier; almost as good as the vines. It was driving her mad.

As the first bead popped out, Thunderlane flipped her into missionary position and spread her pussy with his almost painfully hard cock, still pulling the anal beads out slowly with his tail. The increased stimulation was the last straw for Spitfire: she came harder than ever before in her life, clenching so hard Thunderlane had to stop moving. He came a moment later as well, dousing her womb with his seed. They both panted and groaned as their sweat and juices darkened the cloud floor around them with their moisture, then slumped to the floor, exhausted by the magnitude of their shared orgasm.

Thunderlane noticed something odd: usually he'd soften for a while before being able to go again - but he was still perfectly hard! He gave an experimental thrust - it felt perhaps even better than before!

Spitfire's eyes crossed and some hairs popped out of place on her mane. "Hnaaah!" Apparently Spitfire was still feeling it as well. And they still had more anal beads to pull out, so he kept going.


A few hours later, they'd finally tired each other out and collapsed on the floor.

“Aaaahh… That was great. I had no idea you were so into anal.” Thunderlane moved to hold Spitfire’s hooves in his own, but she swatted them away. “Hoof holding? Jeez… Keep it professional, Thunderlane.” She admonished. The irony was lost on her, still trying to piece herself back together after that last, earthshattering orgasm.

Thankfully, she found that the need had subsided a little. She still craved another round, but figured Thunderlane, as dense as he could be, would start to suspect something if she asked for that. Plus, she'd at least physically tired herself out.

“Anyways, Spitfire, we'd better head back for the planning meeting soon" Thunderlane scratched his head.

"What planning meeting?" Spitfire cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Oh Twilight tasked us with burning down those vines in the Everfree, so that other ponies don't get big ideas and go there."

Spitfire screamed internally: her chances of anal vine sex were in jeapordy! A plan began forming in her head. "S-sounds like an important meeting: let's get over there now. Er - maybe after a shower..."

The following morning, Thunderlane awoke groggy, slowly blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He stepped out of bed as normal, and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. That's when he noticed it in the mirror... Morning wood wasn't unusual for him, but...

"AAAH! My dick is green!"

Rainbow Dash

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Thunderlane stared at his dick: it was definitely a bit larger than when he'd went to bed last night, with accentuated veins and balls to match, twitching insistently. "Oh no... this is bad..." He realized Spitfire really must have been infected. For some reason that didn't bother him as much as he felt it should have - it just made the whole thing more kinky. He reached a hoof down to inspect it, brushing against the side lightly. "Hnrk!" It slapped up hard, flared, and coated the mirror with cum, slightly green in its consistency. Had he just become a spore dispensary for those damn tentacles?

As the adrenaline wore off, Thunderlane realized just how absurdly horny he felt. He turned to his bed in trepidation and noticed that a good half of the sheets were plastered with the same green goo. Thunderlane remembered having a couple wet dreams last night, but he didn't think it had been that bad. He must have been cumming practically all night! Thunderlane felt woozy, and propped his forelegs up on the table outside the bathroom, his hips thrusting involuntarily, his plantlike penis tingling intensely. He realized he was thinking about Spitfire's ass. He tried to think of her pussy instead, but it just didn't seem as sumptuously appealing.

He looked to the clock. "not much time..." The Wonderbolts were moving out in about half an hour to torch the vines.

Thunderlane frotted the underside of the table anxiously, then grabbed his cock in his hooves. He was so devastatingly horny he couldn't help but masturbate, so he rationalized it. He had to get this out of his system: surely draining more of the infectious spores would be a good thing before he left. He'd have to deal with it for now and get it checked out after they were done. The safety of the equestrian citizenry hung in the balance after all! Every minute counted.

"Gaaahh!" Thunderlanes enhanced nuts lurched up violently as he painted the underside of the table with his cum. He wandered unsteadily towards the kitchen to grab something to eat, but as he reached the fridge, he couldn't help but lean against it and masturbate again. By then there were only 20 minutes left to meet up with the team. After a few more orgasms, and only 10 minutes remaining, Thunderlane realized this wasn't working: if anything, his dick felt needier than before, and his balls felt even more packed with cum. He shook away the invasive mental pictures of Spitfire's ass and jumped in the shower, turning the water on cold - if it helped with his newfound libido, he didn't feel it.

With a groan, he stepped out to dry himself and suit up - 6 minutes left: just enough to speed over, but not much margin for error. He'd just have to find a way to ignore his maddening needs until after they'd dealt with this - he had to.


"Aaaagh... Come on!" Rainbow Dash whined as she plunged against the dildo she'd stuck to the wall. Rainbow's anal hunger has only gotten worse since yesterday, From an itch, to an emptiness, to an involuntary clenching, twitching starvation.

"Haah... Ok, one more and I'll start my workout..." She sunk back against the dildo, shivering in delight, mane unkempt slicked with sweat. If she were in a different mental state she might have joked that this was her workout, but all she could think of right now was the cathartic cylinder rubbing deep inside her ass.

She'd definitely have to get this checked out, after they torched those plants. The safety of the ponies of Equestria needed to be the top priority here! As long as she wrapped up quickly here, she'd be able to tough it out for a few hours and get the job done, surely. Her mind shorted out to white static as she savagely came again, shivering beads of sweat off herself and spraying marecum all over the place as her ass desperately clenched attempted to milk the vine - no dildo - for everything it was worth, the whole experience rocking her to her core.

Vine? Where had that thought come from?

Rainbow clenched her eyes shut as thoughts of vines rimming her ass before plunging in assaulted her mind, she subconsciously backed onto the dildo, igniting her fire all over again. "Ooohh... Why is it so hard to stop... Hah..."

She shook her head to clear her mind, martialling her willpower to pull herself off the dildo. She went painfully slowly, savoring the slick, velvety texture, trying her very best to ignore the yawning chasm of emptiness that invaded her mind. Rainbow shivered, her feathers fluffing up as she dove back down on the dildo. "Ok... Ok..." She panted in her momentary indecision. "T-Three more... Just three more and I'll start my workout.

She began to worry she'd just need to complete the workout with the dildo inside her. Maybe she'd keep it in her all day, just so she could clench on it to control herself when she saw those delicious, sexy, incredible vines again.


Spitfire sat in her office, trying to focus on the paperwork in front of her as she bounced up and down on her largest anal plug. The wood of the seat complained at the strain of being repeatedly impacted by her glorious ass, which apparently had grown larger and more plump overnight. If she clenched any harder on it she was worried she'd make diamonds. Spitfire had woken up with a leviathan libido, slowly tearing her mind at the seams. She'd tried ignoring it at first, knowing at this point that any further stimulation would waste precious time - time they didn't have. But trying to avoid it made her jittery and temperamental, twitching and mind aching with withdrawal, ass maddeningly empty: She couldn't have herself making any bad decisions or zoning out at a key moment. At least that's what she told herself when she caved. Hard. She'd spend most of the rest of the morning plunging her anal beads in and out of her ass, imagining what those perfect, beautiful seeds themselves must feel like.

But she couldn't allow herself to fall to the marvelous, salacious temptation of those vines... so toys would have to suffice - it would be enough. Or so she told herself. She no longer cared about going to Twilight and Zecora to seek a cure: better they didn't even know. She'd keep up this facade, using her generous salary as a Wonderbolt to cover the cost of a wild and ever-growing collection of toys, lubes and porn, which in the end, was what she really wanted out of life now, not that she’d admit it...

There was a knock on the door and Spitfire quickly straightened up and tried to make herself look presentable, shoving the butt plug as far up her ass as it would go and desperately hoping she hadn't moaned out loud in the process. She blushed deeply as she realized she felt the butt plug push up against another stiff ovoid shape somewhere far inside her. But she had no time to contemplate the implications.

"Woah Spitfire, you ok there? You look a bit flushed" Rainbow dash pointed a hoof at her, eyebrow lifted.

Spitfire blinked twice. "I-I'm fine Rainbow dash... Time to head out already?"

Soarin, Nightglider and Thunderlane entered the room and Soarin took to the air excitedly. "It sure is! Come on team; I know something like this is outside our usual weather control purview, but we've got to nip those plants in the bud!" Nightglider punctuated his quick pep talk with a burst of flame from a flamethrower she'd borrowed from Pinkie Pie. No one wanted to ask Pinkie how she'd ended up with it, but they were sure glad she had it now.

Soarin's excitement contrasted drastically with Thunderlane's glassy-eyed, thousand-yard stare.

Rainbow took note of this as well. "Woah Thunderlane; did you get any sleep last night? Are you ok to fly?"

Thunderlane shook his head to refocus. "Nah I'm good; it's not that... just... something on my mind?" Technically, it wasn't wrong. He couldn't help but run through a mental photo album of all the asses he'd seen in his life, making his cock twitch so hard. "A-anyways let's get moving; everyone's here who volunteered now, right?

Rainbow hovered as well now. "Ok team, move out! we've got to go burn down those vines before anyone else g-get's hurt!" Rainbow Dash said with a lot less conviction than she'd wanted to show. As Thunderlane turned around though, what Rainbow saw made her clench on the vibrators in her ass and pussy: the most massive bulge she'd ever beheld under a Wonderbolts costume. Her gaze unfocused as she moved to sniff his package, but then -

"WAP" Spitfire slammed down one last time on her ridiculously large anal plug, making her insides jiggle and squirm with delight. Shrewdly, she zipped up the back of her flight suit so no one would see the base of the thing, But the lewd noise had caught everyone's attention. Spitfire shrugged nervously. "Aheheh... My bad, stubbed my hoof."

Everyone resumed walking out the door; some excitedly, some with a grim determination to face this problem down, head-on.


This was a bad idea. Rainbow knew it the minute they touched down. She'd thought she could surely handle a few minutes in the presence of the vines again, but as soon as she saw their slimy, deliciously smooth, writhing surfaces, she clenched so hard she crumpled both her vibrators, only accentuating the gaping emptiness inside her. Standing in front of them was like asking a pony stranded in the desert for a week not to drink the delicious cup of cold mountain spring water before them.

Nightglider leapt into action, blasting flames around the clearing while Soarin protecting her flank, batting away vines as they intruded on their flight path. "Leedle leedle leedle lee!"

Nightglider was taken aback for a second, looking back at him incredulously. "Dafuq kinda war cry was that, Soarin?" And that was enough time for a large vine to wrap around the both of them and pull them into the dark woods, "Aaah! Spitfire, Rainbow, Thunderlane - somepony help!!"

But Spitfire and Rainbow were transfixed on the vines, and Thunderlane couldn't stop looking at Rainbow's now quite sizeable rear - now almost with enough fat to completely hide her muscle tone, her breedable hips made him absolutely ache with want. He hoped no one saw the copious trail of pre, now snaking down both his forelegs from his pulsing cocktip. He instinctively sniffed the air, groaning as his nose was caressed by Rainbow's raunchy, depraved scent - even stronger than estrus - that hinted at just how much she really wanted it. Thunderlane's cock throbbed painfully; he couldn't take one iota more. He crouched down to rub his member - if only so he didn't lose it and go mad right then and there. His eyes rolled back to the otherworldly feeling of his touch.

Rainbow's mind felt like a rope pulled taut, slowly being cut by a machete like in so many of the Daring Do books she'd read. She tried to close her eyes, but she couldn't: they were practically hypnotizing. Looking at the writhing vines was tantamount to finding an air pocket after almost drowning in a sinking ship - so enticing she felt like she needed a tentacle up her ass like she needed to breathe. Maybe even more. Maybe she'd let herself drown for one fantastic fling with an octopus...

Paralyzed by pleasure, Rainbow Dash practically drooled at the tentacles as her ass finally expanded enough to cause her flight suit to tear, ass clenching, pussy winking, sweat and marecum drenching the doomed suit. She clenched again and with a wink and a squirt, the broken vibes shot out from her ass and pussy, through the hole in her suit. Thunderlane was now masturbating furiously to the view behind her, practically frothing at the mouth, his newfound needs far exceeding the limitations of sanity, with her soon to follow. She was lost; her every thought gripped and aggressively spitroasted by tentacles, massaging her very brain with lust. She could imagine them, massaging her insides beyond nirvana. She had no idea what to do. What could she do?

Then she saw it - Spitfire had already given in, clenching her ass on a tentacle and pulling forward as if she wanted to uproot the thing, only to slam back hard to meet its thrusts. The dullness of her eyes made it clear nobody was home. At least... nobody sane anymore.

Seeing her role model over most of her childhood giving in so deeply to the depraved degeneracy - That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Rainbow's eyes stared blankly into the middle distance. She NEEDED the nearest tentacle in her ass right away, or she'd actually go insane. She'd shove it as deep in her ass as she could get it, and just keep cumming on it till she passed out, in front of the whole team if necessary.

But suddenly, just as she was about to throw herself off the precipice into depravity, deep, somewhere deep down inside herself, Rainbow Dash found one last beautiful orange ember of will. And so she hesitated, leaning dangerously over her breaking point. Would she really doom Equestria just to enslave herself to this lust for a tentacle fuck?

Her hypersensitive, aphrodisiac-laced ass clenched at the thought. Yessss - She was going to fall, but in that moment she had an idea: perhaps she could glide. Perhaps she could control the direction of her descent into madness. Buy just a little more time.

"T-Thunderlane! I want you to B-Buck my Ass!" Rainbow looked back at him with as sinful and seductive a look as she could manage, Spreading her ass cheeks and tearing her suit further, Revealing her sweating, lust-gaped ass and frenetically winking, soaked pussy. To his exponentially amped libido, there was absolutely no saying no to that offer.

Too bad Rainbow Dash hadn't realized he was also infected, but so it was: out of the frying pan and into the inferno.


He mounted her and slipped right in: her new dimensions fitting his perfectly like a silky smooth glove. The tightness - her hungry twitching - the velvety smoothness - her massive squeezable asscheeks - the deep lovecraftian scent of her lust- it all blended together into a potent, insidious cocktail, blanking out his mind, making him thrust madly - just how Rainbow wanted it.

"Aaanngh... Aaanngh... BUCK YESHH..." She shouted.

Rainbow for her part was drowning in a sea of pleasure, trying desperately, but failing to keep her wits about her. She'd prepared herself for Thunderlane's dick to not be anywhere near as good as the tentacles, but she'd never in a million years thought it would be BETTER. Each stroke evoked such magnificent sensations, thrusting her deeper into the all-encompasing depravity, sending waves of synesthesia reminiscent of a rainboom through her rolled back eyes, her overloaded nervous system doing its best to comprehend just what the hell it was being put through. The rope that was her mind frayed and finally snapped, completely and utterly, as she embraced the unabashed hedonism, her cares floating away like feathers in a hurricane. These were uncharted heights of pleasure already beyond any orgasm she'd ever had - but she hadn't even come yet, though she had no idea how.

"Oh Celeshtia... This is BUCKING me UP!"

After holding back for hours flying, edging himself earlier, and now plunging himself deep in the most fantastic ass he could imagine, Thunderlane could take no more. He'd never felt more horny and backed up, like a party balloon teased sensuously by a needle. His fat nuts clenched up against his taint, his cock fully flared as he thrust it as deep as it could go, then just some slight motions to and fro, luxuriating on the absolute edge. Suddenly, one of the vines decided to plunge into his ass, caressing and thumping his prostate through the flesh, Sending him careening over the edge.

"Rainbow, I'mGUNNACUM!"

Then Rainbow clenched on him and moaned needily, signalling the start of her own orgasm. Thunderlane looked like he was having a seizure. Mindnumbing, addictive aphrodisiac cum lanced up Rainbow's ass and doused her insides, spurt after pulsating spurt turning corners in her guts like perfectly aimed pinballs, rapidly bloating her guts to what looked like the second, then the third trimester of pregnancy, then with twins, before finally traveling up her throat, dripping and splashing out of her mouth and coating her nostrils with its raunchy scent. With this stimulation, Rainbow was launched into a stratospheric orgasm the likes of which she'd never imagined, even after her experiences so far with these tentacles, full body shivers made her fattened ass jiggle deliciously as her world - her whole universe - was rocked to its core. Then, like a waning eclipse, it petered out, leaving nothing behind, the world transmuted back to normal.

Rainbow Dash collapsed on the floor, with absolutely nothing left to give: all her intense physical training couldn't keep the sleep out of her eyes. She could feel Thunderlane's erratic hart palpitations through his dick as his cosmic orgasm waned. They both ached to continue but it was all just too much. Thunderlane's heartbeat regularized again, and he pulled out and collapsed beside her, the tentacles around them almost seeming to cheer in their writhing as Spitfire still looked on with empty eyes, even further gone than them.


Rainbow woke up in the Ponyville hospital. The first thing she noticed was that her mind was back in one piece. Mostly. Her mind was no longer smothered in an insurmountable blanket of pure need, but a manageable lust more comparable to the start of estrus. Vexing, awkward, but ultimately manageable. The next thing she noticed was Soarin, sleeping next to a half eaten apple pie, and Applejack, asleep, forehooves and face plastered over the bed, wet spots near her eyes. Had she been crying?

"Aww " It brought a tear to Rainbow Dash's eye as she brought Applejack into a warm, fuzzy hug, waking her in the process.

"Rainbow! Yer back! I thought I was going to lose you!" She pulled tighter into Dash's hug.

"No dumb vines are gonna do in the awesome Rainbow Dash, silly. We'll be ok as long as we've got each other. But anyways, what happened? What'd I miss?"

Applejack took a moment to steady her breathing. "Ahem. Right. So Twilight went to find Zecora, and she didn't have a cure, but they reckoned they could team up with Meadowbrook and figure something out. Took em forever cuz they needed to get a bunch of rare ingredients from this or that mountaintop, tundra, ocean, what have you, but thank my lucky stars, it worked! Good that ya got all them vines taken care of: I doubt they'd be able to mass produce the stuff. They kept you, Spitfire an' Thunderlane sedated for upwards of a month I reckon. Oh and after all that, Coco said she didn't want it. Figures." Applejack gave the deadpan shrug Rainbow wished she could give right now, but her left wing was rather cramped after so long in bed.

"But that doesn't explain how we got out of that mess?" Rainbow cocked an eyebrow

By now, they'd woken up Soarin as well. "I can help with that Rainbow. Turns out, it was easier than we thought to scare the vines off with short bursts of fire from the flamethrower than by hoof with my sick Griffonese oil wrestling skills. I figured they'd be perfect for wrangling slimy tentacles, but I guess I was overthinking it. It was pandemonium, Night glider and I flying tandem back to back to protect our asses - literally and figuratively - through the trees with all these vines trying to grab us - I wish you could have seen it! We probably set some records for canopy flying... But anyways, eventually we finished off all the vines, and by the time we got back, you and Thunderlane were knocked out cold. We figured the vines had overpowered you, so we took you straight here. Spitfire seemed ok at first, but she ended up checking herself in also..."

Rainbow had tuned out when she got the message. They'd done it. They'd actually done it! They'd saved Equestria from that awful menace. She should be proud! ... But for some reason, deep within her, a hungry emptiness lingered.

Next door, Spitfire sighed in contentment. Her withdrawal from the vines had her a little antsy, sure, but she'd be fine. Yes she'd be fine - because before she'd checked in at the hospital to have herself cleaned out, she'd layed the first few seeds in her apartment. The anal beads hadn't held a candle to it - It was SO perfect: she'd cum her brains out with each and every seed, passed out in her own juices, and when she awoke she'd been tempted mightily to just keep repeating the process until someone showed up to check on her, but she miraculously still had the presence of mind to know that if that happened, she'd never get more of that feeling again. And so she hatched her plan, along with her new vine plants. No one would suspect a thing. She had enough self control not to spread the terrors further afield... maybe. She couldn't bring herself to care about that too much anymore though. Soon - very soon - she'd be discharged with a clean bill of health. And to celebrate - as soon as she got home - she'd sink herself straight back into utter depravity.


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Derpy didn't know where she was or what went wrong - all she knew was that her ass felt fantastic! Ever since she found that playful plant when delivering Spitfire's mail, she couldn't help but get plowed in the ass after every couple delivery stops along her route.

She saw the clock on Town Hall. "Oh no I'm late! Sorry mister..." She pulled herself off in her panic, only to find the stallion had already been fucked unconscious, although still somehow hard, a look of bliss on his face. She shrugged and took to the sky, landing at Dr Hooves' house and knocking on the door. It opened almost immediately and the Doctor stepped out.

"Hey there Derpy! Ready for lunch?"

"Yes-sirree Doc! Where were you thinking of going for lunch? The Everfree Forest sounds pretty good to me right now."

"Um... Derpy there aren't any restaraunts in the Everfree - plus it's rather dangerous..." the Doctor said with a concerned look.

Derpy's eyes straightened for a second in realization and she put a hoof to her head "Oh yeah, silly me! You lead the way then."

Dr. Hooves led Derpy towards the center of town, looking around suspiciously. "Hey Derpy... doesn't it seem like town is awfully quiet today?"

Derpy was distracted, watching the wobble of Dr. Hooves' delicious, sexy balls. "Huh, Wah? Maybe. I hadn't noticed" She sauntered up behind him and pressed her snout to his balls and took a deep sniff, causing his balls and ass to clench in surprise, and lust if he had to admit. "Hey Doctor, do you mind if we skip lunch? I've got another hunger here that needs filling..." She turned to him, revealing her winking pussy and gaping, dripping ass.

Doctor Hooves took a step back. "Woah there! This escalated quickly... Is it heat season again or something? Derpy are you really ok with this? Someone could see us out here!"

Derpy wiggled her shapely rear and clenching ass at the Doctor and played with her clit to distract herself; it was really hard not to pounce on him right then and there, but she liked Doctor Whooves and didn't want to scare him off with her newfound unquenchable lust, her warm darkness, deeper than the sea. "You said it yourself Doctor: town's dead today. I doubt anyone will come out... and if they do, they'd probably just want to join in."

"What was that last part?" he put a hoof to his ear. with a look of concern.

"Nothing important, now come fuck my ass!" Derpy's eyes developed a desperate, unhinged look.

Something clicked in the Doctor's head. "Oh... Oh no... This is very bad indeed! Derpy dear, if you'll humor me, I think you'll find this quite a bit more enjoyable. " He took his sonic screwdriver out of the pocket in his scarf and clicked a button as it whirred to life.

Suddenly Derpy felt her bowels shift, then some lumps started flowing to her exit. She couldn't possibly contain her moans at the feeling. "Hnaagh!" Derpy jumped a little in surprise as sizeable oval shaped seed popped out of her rear and onto the grass.

That felt WAY too good. The nipples on her unusually large crotchtits were as hard as diamonds and her head was full of warm fuzz. She'd be needing more of that later, no question, but she was embarrassed by her odd new anal addiction, so she put on a strong face. "Heh... Hey Doc look, I'm a chicken! - Angh..." Her mirth was covered up by a look of utter ecstasy as a larger seed parted her ass with its birth. This time she couldn't help but cum, anal sphincter clenching almost painfully on the seed as she watered the grass with her winking and squirting. her front feet lost their balance as she arched her back. "Ohbuck... more! MORE!"

The Doctor watched as the seeds piled up like luggage at a broken baggage claim. "I knew it! We’re up against a Passiflora Coprafilia outbreak! Come Derpy!”


Doctor dodged a violent squirt. “No, not that way... – quickly: to the lab! Time is of the essence!” He helped her up and began to walk, but was immediately tackled by Roseluck and Aloe.

Roseluck gave him an unfocused, downright sinfully sexy stare, and Aloe spread her gaped, swollen, hypersensitized ass, leaving nothing to the imagination. “ Y-Youre gonna fuck us in the ass with your delicious cock until you can’t anymore…

Derpy wanted to jump in and help him - or maybe help herself to him - but she couldn’t help but push the latest seed in and out of her ass like a toy, masturbating and watching with a deep blush, indecision in her eyes.