
by kleec13

First published

Rarity is working with new client for her shop and brings up old feelings that she never thought she'd confront.

Rarity is working with new client for her shop and brings up old feelings that she never thought she'd confront. She also seeks advice from a very unlikely source.


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“Almost done. The next time you see this dress, it will be yours!” Rarity declared.

“Your talent is absolutely unmatched,” Rarity's client said as she came out from behind the changing screen. “I must say, I think this is your best work yet!”

Rarity was surprised as to how much her client enjoyed the process of getting this gown as she didn’t know much about fashion. But she was touched nonetheless.

“Aw, it was an honor my dear. It helps to have such an encouraging and beautiful model. See you in a week?”

“Sounds like a plan!”

Rarity could only sigh and look at her hooves as she closed the door behind her client. The unicorn was rarely caught unprepared. When she was, there was nothing she liked less. This was no exception. At that final fitting, she just couldn’t deny it anymore. She was attracted to mares.

Well, more specifically, this mare. She had known this client for a while. She had worked with her on a couple projects, but she was always part of a group commission with others. This was the first time they worked together one on one. And in retrospect, the feelings for this friend had always been there. It was only getting to spend so much time with her as a client and getting to see her in such a beautiful gown had Rarity realized that perhaps she felt something more. And that perhaps she had feelings for mares that she dismissed in the past.

Was she bisexual? It seemed so. From what she could tell, she was capable of being attracted to stallions, mares, and possibly ponies outside and inbetween. That’s what bisexual meant, right? But what if she wasn’t? What if the lusts she felt for mares meant nothing? What if this was just a singular stupid crush and she’d never really fall for a mare again? And on the flip side, if she were to never date stallions again, what would her previous suitors think? Rarity was usually pretty sure of herself. She wasn’t this time. Another thing she was unprepared for.

And then there was the matter of her fashion business. It wasn’t the other fashion ponies she worked with that she was worried about–some were part of the community also. But in a way, that made Rarity worry more. She knew Canterlot at large was less accepting than Ponyville. She had seen businesses suffer after designers had come out. Some were able to get back on their hooves, but some weren't. There was no telling how her other clients would react. She couldn’t risk it. No pony could know. No pony.

But then she thought of her friend and how just the mere thought of her made her knees weak. Her friend had been so professional throughout the process despite being friends also. She knew business meant business. She had a certain smell about her. Rarity had gotten to know that smell so well that she almost craved it. Rarity remembered how the client’s face lit up as she tried on the dress for the first time. Rarity loved seeing her clients happy, but seeing this particular friend feeling like the stunning mare she was gave Rarity a joy she had never experienced before. How in Equestria could Rarity keep this a secret without falling apart? There was only one pony that Rarity could think of to talk to.

“Rainbow!” Rarity shouted as Rainbow Dash was doing her weather patrol.

“Oh, hi Rarity. What’s up?”

“You… I… oh how do I say this?” Rarity stammered.

Rainbow landed beside her white unicorn friend.

“I might not be the most sentimental pony around, but I know that look. You’re in love.”

“Well I… yes. It’s a client. She had her final fitting today.”

Rainbow looked at Rarity in confusion for a second. She never thought Rarity would be asking for relationship advice when it was usually the other way around. But then Rainbow noticed something.

“Did… did you say she?”

Rarity nodded bashfully.

“You’re gay?”

“Bisexual… I think.”

“Ah. And you’re wondering how to handle your first huge crush on a mare, right?” Rainbow asked. Rarity nodded again.

“You are such a confident pony, it seems. Including… in who you’re attracted to. I guess I just wanted to see how you got to that place.”

“Well, yes,” Rainbow agreed. “Sometimes ponies ask me for my coming out story and I tell them I don’t really have one. I’ve always been “different” and my parents never really made it a big deal. I’m grateful for that.”

Rarity averted Rainbow’s gaze. Perhaps Rainbow wasn’t the best pony to talk to after all. Though neither were straight, their experiences seemed to be completely different.

“But that’s not the case for everypony,” Rainbow added, seeming to remember Rarity’s hesitation earlier. “It takes a bit for some ponies to figure out this stuff. And that’s okay! And sometimes ponies change and find out they were wrong about who they thought they were. That’s okay, too. If anypony else has a problem with that, they aren’t worth your time.”

“It sounds like you’ve had this talk before, hm?” Rarity said, smiling at her pegasus friend. Rainbow nodded.

“Pinkie Pie learned the term ‘pansexual’ from me. But for once, I don’t want to talk about me. I’m dying to know more about this mare you like! Do I know her?”

“Yes. She’s also from Ponyville. I’ve known her for years, but this was the first time we’ve worked together one on one. It’s funny, really. Though on the surface we’re quite different, this experience made me see how similar we are also. We both value hard work. We’re both too stubborn for our own good. And of course, we both love our family and friends dearly.”

Rainbow was a bit sad that Rarity wasn’t giving a name, but understood.

“Tell her,” Rainbow said.


“Tell her you like her. You don’t have to tell her tomorrow or anything, but do tell her. Broken hearts are hard, but at least you’ll know the truth.”

“It’s not that simple,” Rarity protested. “She’s not only a crush, she’s a friend. Would I make her feel weird? And if she returns my feelings, what then? How can I jeopardize my career?”

“No career is worth hiding your true self. Trust me.”

Rainbow acted all tough and cool, but she could be a softie when she wanted to be. Rarity hoped the best for the fastest flier in Equestria and a loyal and true friend.

“You’re gonna find somepony great, you know?” Rarity said.

“I hope so,” Rainbow said with a grin. “But if I don’t, there are worse things in life.”

The two exchanged goodbyes and Rarity went straight back to her boutique and got to work finishing her friend’s dress, planning to tell the client how she felt when she gave it to her. No matter how scared Rarity was, she realized now that she was Rarity no matter what label her sexuality had. It took about three days to finish the dress when she told the client a week. She walked up to her friend’s place and saw her and her brother in the distance.

“Howdy there, Sugarcube," she said with that sweet, silky voice that Rarity had always loved. "Dress finished early? Well, it sure takes a hardworking pony to know one, huh?”