> Size Isn't Everything > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Just a second,” Gallus grumbled, hopping from his couch after hearing a knock at his door. He’d planned on having an evening alone, away from his friends while in the privacy of his room, yet fate had conspired against him. Moving through to the exit, he rested his claws on the doorknob, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Of all the days for someone to come and visit, today could easily have been one of the worst, but things were so much worse than that. As he swung the door open, knowing full well who was waiting just outside, he spied the lavender coat and two-tone cyan mane of his begrudgingly expected guest. It wasn’t like he had anything against Silverstream - heck, he actually considered her one of his closest friends, yet he was none too pleased that she’d intruded on what was supposed to be a rather personal endeavor. Unable to smile, staring deadpan up at her face, he stepped aside. “Please,” he sarcastically murmured, waving a foreleg for her to enter, “come in…” Grinning like a school filly on her birthday, the tall, slender hippogriff practically pranced inside. “Are you excited? I’m excited! Do you think that stuff will work? Oh! Where were you going to -” Having closed and locked the door behind her, he lifted a clawed hand to silence her. “Silver, would it be too much to ask that you chill out?” “Why?” she chirped, her jubilant expression steadfastly remaining plastered on her beaked face. “I thought you’d be happy to have someone who shares your particular interest,” she hastily added, her tone taking a decidedly impish tone. As he pinched the bridge of his beak, closing his eyes and shaking his head, he was reminded of his unlucky run-in with her for the umpteenth time that week. It wasn’t uncommon for older colts and fillies from the School of Friendship to make the pilgrimage to the only adult novelty shop in Ponyville, testing their mettle and risking their reputation for a chance to get their claws, hooves, or paws on something naughty, but he wasn’t like most creatures his age. Aside from being a griffon, one of the few attending the academy, his interests didn’t lie with simple pornography or the soft silicone of a sculpted marehood - no, his lecherous curiosity revolved around something a bit more specialized. ~ Fetishes came in all different licentious flavors, and his largest one was admittedly a bit unorthodox. Unlike most males who dreamed of having a massive, vascular endowment, his imagination stood contrary to the norm; instead of longing for an obscenely oversized package, he wished for nothing more than to be the proud owner of a small, even miniscule member. Despite having stewed on the matter for years, hoping to discover why he had such an odd kink, he’d never been able to discern a root cause for his tastes - as such, he’d done the only reasonable thing he could think of; he decided to bite the bullet and make his fantasy a reality. While he’d heard that the adult shop in town was surprisingly well equipped, he’d had no way of knowing if the establishment carried what he wanted - sure, he knew a few students who’d been brave enough to visit the place, but he couldn’t bring himself to ask them about something so taboo! It took him the better part of a month to psych himself up, repeatedly telling himself that nopony was going to help him with the ordeal, but he finally managed to work up enough courage for the perverse pilgrimage. On a warm spring afternoon, once his classes were finished for the day, he confidently trotted through town, to an innocuous building behind the Hayburger, and saw himself into the sinful store. The interior of the small structure was a charnel house of carnal delights, with pornography and sex-toys lining the walls and neatly arranged on racks, but he wasn’t interested in any of it. Swiftly scanning the interior, ignoring the painfully apathetic employee idling by the register, his eyes settled on what he was looking for. Situated at the very back of the shop was an area with a large sign situated above it - Potions. Doing his best to act casual, he trotted over and began browsing the arrayed bottles. There were elixirs of every conceivable sort, from those that exponentially increased one’s elasticity to others which would quadruple one’s fertility, so it took him a moment to find what he was after. Sure enough, after a tense few moments of searching, he reached out with a trembling claw and plucked a tube of ointment from the shelf. The salve was named Good Things and it was guaranteed to reduce the size of a creature’s dick by a third in length and/or girth. With his heart pounding in his chest, feeling his tool slipping from its sheath, he scampered back to the counter to make his purchase and depart. Much to his mercy, the employee simply rang him up, took his bits, and bagged his purchase without a single question or judgemental look - unfortunately, just as he galloped out the door, his luck took a dramatic turn for the worst.  The moment he rushed outside, he barrelled into and was subsequently set off balance by somepony trying to enter. As embarrassing as it would have been to take a fall in front of anypony, the situation was made all the more mortifying when he realized whom he’d bumped into. Pushing himself up and apologizing, he went rigid as he peered up at the smiling, carefree face of an all too familiar hippogriff. “Hey, Gallus!” Silverstream chirped, stooping over to retrieve something from beside him. “I think you dropped…Oh…” His blood ran cold, his heart all but burst from his chest, and his mouth went dry, when she lifted and gazed upon his purchase. By all the stars in the night sky, he’d longed for a swift death at that moment - sadly, that hadn’t been meant to be. As her heavily lidded eyes drifted over to his blushing face, he struggled to think of something - anything to say, but the most he could manage was a pitiful, boilerplate excuse. “It’s for a friend,” he blurted, snatching the tube and stashing it in his satchel. Smirking down upon him, she offered her claw and helped him up. “Uh-huh…” “It is!” he insisted, glowering over at her. “Like I’d ever buy something like this for myself!” “Then who’d you get it for?” she pressed, a knowing smugness dripping from her words. Beads of cold sweat rolled down his brow, while a cold knot formed in his stomach. “I…I don’t have to tell you!” “Hmmmm,” she thoughtfully hummed, rubbing her chin. “I would have sworn you’d gotten it for yourself - after all, I did see you browsing that dirty magazine about colt-hung stallions in your room the other day.” As he took a reflexive step back, his jaw nearly hit the ground. He wasn’t sure what was more jarring - the fact that she’d peeped at him in his dorm, likely looking in through the window, or that she was brazen enough to tell him about her voyeuristic tendencies. Before he could formulate a reply, trying and failing to concoct an alibi, she stepped forward and bright her beak to his ear. “If you let me watch, I won’t mention this to anypony,” she whispered, smoothly withdrawing and shooting him a wink. With the situation having taken another, albeit markedly more depraved turn, his willpower crumbled to ash. As far as he was concerned, she had him between a rock and a hard place; either he let her bear witness to his deepest, darkest secret, something he’d only thought about doing before, or he risked her running her big beak to their friends or classmates. Hanging his head, feeling utterly defeated, he threw in the towel. “Fine,” he muttered, unable to look her in the eye. “Friday night, my room, seven PM.” ~ That felt like an eternity ago, yet only three days had passed since then - three long days of anxiety tinged with the excitement of actually living out his dream. If he hadn’t had an exam to study for and a project to finish, both issues which could have been avoided had he not procrastinated about his schoolwork, he could have tested the salve in private before she’d arrived, but he wasn’t about to let her presence stop him. Fueled by his unquenchable desires, he lifted his head and peered over at her. Turning and trotting toward his room, he motioned for her to follow. “Come on, we’ll do it on my bed.” Past the kitchenette and into his chamber, he hopped onto his mattress and ensured everything was where it should be. He’d showered before the occasion, sat a towel on his bed to avoid any messes, and drawn the curtains to ensure nopony could see what he was about to do - well aside from his unwanted guest. Easing himself down and making himself comfortable, keenly aware of his traitorously excited dick peeking from its furred confines, he watched Silverstream skip into his room after him. Leaping up and onto his bed, she seated herself an arm’s reach from her host and eagerly peered down at his crotch. “Wow ~ it’s not like I ever looked before, but if it’s that small are you really sure you need that cream?” Scrunching his beak, he reached down to caress his steadily growing shaft. “I’m average and it’s not even hard yet!” Doing his best to ignore his company, he steadily coaxed his endowment to its full length. It was true what he’d said, his equipment was average for a griffon his age, being just a shade under six inches long and roughly five in circumference, which made what he was about to do all the more thrilling. With his pink, fleshy shaft bobbing in the open air, he leaned over and plucked the tube of ointment from beside himself. He’d read and reread the salve’s instructions at least a dozen times, so he saw no need to look over them again. As he popped the top and squeezed a generous dollop into his right palm, warming and coating his fingers with the thick substance, his pulse started to race. If the stuff worked as well and as fast as advertised, supposedly taking effect almost instantaneously, he was about to be in for a wild experience. Having tapped an egg timer next to his thigh, ensuring he only used the liniment for a maximum of three minutes, his shaking, cream-coated claws reached down and grasped the base of his cock. The anticipation of actually using the mystical balm was almost enough to make him forget about the hippogriff seated just a feet away, a fact aided by her complete, merciful silence, as he gradually drew his digits up the sensitive underside of his shaft. Taking his time, gradually massaging the cream into his skin, he was surprised that it felt no different than a regular lotion - that was before a subtle tingle caused his member to twitch. The sensation on his length was odd, somehow cool and warm at the same time, and he swallowed hard because of it. Stroking himself off, with the tingling feeling growing stronger with each beat of his heart, he subconsciously moved faster and faster. Whether or not he had some latent exhibitionistic tendencies was anypony’s guess, yet Silver’s attendance wasn’t nearly enough to detract from the moment. Using his three taloned digits and his thumb, he squeezed and gently milked his cock like he’d done countless times before, yet that didn’t last for long. The feeling of his index claw bumping against his thumb, closing over the tip of his shaft, gave him a moment for pause. Ordinarily speaking, he could grasp the entirety of his length in one hand, but that was the case no longer. Licking his beak, watching his diamond-hard endowment shriveling in his grasp, he increased his pace. While it didn’t feel that different to a typical bout of masturbation, the sight of his shrinking dick made the situation far more arousing than it had any right to be. With the sound of his panting breaths in his ears, he feverishly jacked off. As he transitioned from using all three fingers to two, having lost a substantial amount of his size, his motions grew frenzied. It was one thing to read about such an event, pouring over documented cases in journals or magazines, but experiencing it first hand - sweet Celestia, he would never have guessed it would be so incredible. As his middle digit slipped over the top of his shaft, leaving just his pinky curled around the root of his then profoundly small prick, he hissed. It had only been seconds, yet his endowment was no bigger than a colt’s. It was true what he’d heard - masturbation was almost entirely mental. It wasn’t unusual for him to last quite a while when getting himself off, and that was with some sort of inspirational material handy, yet he found himself approaching his limit at record time with nothing more than his thoughts and the spectacle of his diminishing dong. Shifting his hand, only able to use his pointer and his thumb, he pushed himself to the edge with reckless abandon. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Darned if he knew how several minutes could have flown by so quickly, but the noise of the blaring alarm scared the living daylights out of him. Teetering on the brink of release, he fought against his natural instinct to finish, resentfully relinquished his tiny tool, and pulled his hand away. He’d been so close to finishing that he swore another minute or two would have been sufficient to get the job done, yet time hadn’t been on his side. With an exasperated sigh, his eyes having been locked on his crotch for the duration of his experiment, he lifted his gaze and froze. At some point or another, likely when he’d been fixated on the metamorphic miracle that was the cream’s effects, Silverstream had wanted a closer look at the action. Situated on her knees, with her chest pressed to the mattress, her face was mere inches from his package. Utterly baffled as to when and how she’d moved without him noticing, he stared blankly down at her. He’d momentarily assumed she’d want an up-close view of the transformation, potentially sating some lustful interest she harbored, but he’d underestimated her penchant for debaucherous desires. Inching closer to him, looking up and locking eyes with him, she blew hotly on his twitching dick. He’d been on a hair trigger when the timer had reminded him to stop, so the small stimulation she afforded was his undoing. Propped on one arm, reclined slightly while peering down his heaving chest, he stifled a groan and came. His barely muffled mewl cut through the air, while rope after rope of jizz shot from his throbbing length to plaster the hippogriff’s smiling face. Horrifyingly enough, the shame he felt from such an awkward eruption only served to elevate the bliss which wracked his mind, body, and soul. “Oh my gosh,” she giggled, withdrawing and wiping a strand of jizz from over her eye, “it’s like a little geyser!” Her borderline insult did nothing to quell his ecstasy, yet that was only the beginning. Sitting straight and shuffling forward, she leaned forward and boldly pinched his spasming cock between two talons and began furiously milking his length. He’d never so much as let anypony touch him below the belt, so her soft touch sundered his composure in the blink of an eye. Throwing his head back, openly whimpering and bucking his hips, she stroked every drop of cream from his meager endowment. Though he’d just climaxed, her mercilessly amorous assault left him quivering. Only barely managing to swat her foreleg away, bringing her motions to a swift, decisive end, he scowled over at her. It wasn’t like he’d wanted her there in the first place, but he was not comfortable with her spontaneously jumping in and touching him. She backed away and withdrew her foreleg, yet her amusement didn’t waver. “I’m kinda surprised you stopped when you did - I mean, you could’ve gone way smaller than that!” “You’re not supposed to use this stuff for too long,” he groused, snatching up the tube of ointment and presenting it to her. “Read the directions.” Taking the container and lifting it to her face, Silver read over the packaging. “Yeah, but using it for just a little bit longer couldn’t hurt anything. What’s the worst that could happen? Don’t you want to see how small you can get?” Gallus knit his brow, as he shifted his focus from his guest to his groin. In spite of his endowment having lost more than half of its length and girth, he’d be lying if he said he hoped it hadn’t been reduced to a small fraction of its former glory. As he stewed on the notion of using just a touch more of the salve, assuring himself that any additional usage would only result in a marginally prolonged effect, a clawed hand shot to his crotch. He was so startled that Silver had grabbed his prick that it took him a moment to realize the enormity of what she’d done. Cool and slick, gliding over his sensitive flesh, her digits and palm were absolutely coated in the ointment he’d just handed her. As he glanced over at the abandoned tube resting beside her, seeing she’d squeezed nearly half of its contents into her hand - the very hand that was slathering his package in the arcane cream, his eyes widened in shock. “Just relax,” she snickered, delicately squeezed his insignificant shaft between two digits, “let me do it this time.” Gnawing his lower mandible, Gallus willed himself to remain still. Though he was loath to admit it, having her apply the salve felt far, far better than doing it himself. As he watched her play with his ever-shrinking tool, seeing that her digits were swiftly becoming too large to hold what little length he had left, she moved her hand and began grinding her palm over his nub. Truth be told, though he was a bit bothered that he couldn’t see how small he was getting, the incredible feeling of being played with eclipsed his concerns. Clamping his eyes shut, he gave a fitful thrust into her palm. “F…fuck…” “There we go,” she whispered, shifting her hand to rub his prick with her thumb, “just like that…” As unbelievable as it was, he knew he wouldn’t be able to endure her ministrations for long. The combination of living out a fantasy, the sensation of having somepony getting him off, and the downright voyeuristic thrill of having someone present for something which should have been a private affair took a heavy toll on him - still, in the face of all the afternoon’s depravity, he was in for one more surprise. Cracking one eye open to peek over at her, genuinely curious to see her expression, he found something much, much more compelling. With her free hand between her thighs, Silver was wantonly masturbating while toying with him. She wasn’t just taking some sadistic joy from the event - far from it, she was apparently so turned on that she didn’t care if he got to see her rubbing one out. The unexpected and wholly exciting turn nearly did him in, as his eyes stayed glued to her nethers. “You gonna cum for me?” she pressed, breathing nearly as hard as he was. “Because - Mmmmph - I don’t know if I’ll be able to last for much -” “Nnnnagh!” he bleated, interrupting her and coating her hand in his second load of the day. She may not have intended to seal his fate, but the admission that she, one of the cutest mares he knew, was about to climax because of him was one of the hottest things he’d ever experienced. Her seductive, knowing smirk was contrasted by her relentless ministrations to test him, raising his voice and octave and nearly setting him off balance. Not only was the orgasm significantly more powerful than the first, but it felt like it lasted twice as long as the one he’d had minutes prior. Going still, coated in sweat, he licked his lips and rolled his head back to stare at the ceiling. It had been an afternoon of several firsts, and he felt certain he would remember it for a long, long time, although the hour was still early and he dearly hoped that Silverstream wasn’t going to stop her masturbatory efforts on his account. With a contented, shuddering sigh, he lowered his gaze to his friend and cocked his head. Silverstream sat completely motionless, fixated on his groin. “That’s more like it…” she breathed, her voice so quiet faint he may have imagined it. He peered lower, brought his attention to his crotch, and gasped. Where once six inches of cock had sat, a mere inch, not more than a thimble of dick was left. The ointment hadn’t specified the ramifications of using it beyond the recommended period of time, though he quickly understood why it had the warnings. Still fully erect and jerking, drooling spunk over itself and his balls, his endowment was nearly microscopic, no bigger than… “It’s like a little clit!” she guffawed. “Actually…” She trailed off and awkwardly reclined, extending her hind legs to either side of his hips. He hadn’t anticipated any sort of a peep show, but he wasn’t about to pass up a look at her goods. As he looked away from his puny equipment and between her parted thighs, his mouth set to watering. While it wasn’t uncommon for him to see his classmates trotting or flying about in the buff, having an unabashed view of her sex was yet another first. Plump and sopping-wet, with her lavender fur thinning to dark, hairless flesh, her marehood was a sight to behold. Being a hybrid creature, much like himself, her nethers perfectly complimented her equine lower half. Gazing longingly at her snatch, wondering what it would feel like, he blinked when her lower lips parted and her bulbous clit appeared. He’d heard about winking before, having learned about it in class, yet the sight of her arousal instantly rekindled his passion. Sliding closer to him, resting her thighs over his, she raised her hips to give him a better look. “Do you think mine’s bigger?” Her question caught him off guard, wrenching him back to the present. She’d mentioned something about a clit moments ago, but he honestly hadn’t been paying much attention. While he opened his mouth to speak, fully intent on correcting her, she began clumsily moving and attempting to reposition herself. “What are you doing?” he asked, as curious as he was annoyed by her belittling assertion. Pinching her tongue between her mandibles, she attempted to wriggle her rear hoof under this thigh. “Lift your leg for a second.” Having no way of knowing what she was trying to do, yet trusting her enough to oblige her, he did as she asked. As he leaned to the side and lifted his leg, allowing her to slip her lower limb under him, she shuffled closer and brought their crotches together. It wasn’t until that moment, seeing her groin so close to his, that he comprehended what she’d said; his prick wasn’t much later than her clit - in fact, her little love button may have been a touch bigger than his baby mushroom of a dick. “See what I mean,” she softly tittered, bumping her groin to his. The barest hint of her marehood wafted to his nose, as the sublime heat of her nethers bore against him, flooding his hormonally charged mind with desire. He would never have guessed he’d end up in such a lewd situation that day, yet there he was - his freshly withered cock pressed to one of his closest friend’s pussy. Fraught with indecision, unsure of what she intended to do with him, she braced her rear claws and ground her loins against him. The heavenly sensation of her hand on his package was overshadowed in a flash, as his tool glided over her sex. The feeling was indescribable, almost unbearably hot and slick with her juices, and his meager length throbbed with excitement because of it. Remaining still, awestruck and entranced by the spectacle, he only looked up when she stopped moving and loudly cleared her throat. “Don’t just sit there!” she petulantly tutted. “Since you’re smaller than I am, I may as well teach you how to get off like a mare!” As demeaning as her blithe statement was, he couldn’t suppress an elated shiver from shooting up his spine. He’d actually managed to achieve something he’d only dreamt about, making his endowment laughably small, and he was about to get his v-card punched - sort of. Being far too tiny to penetrate much of anything, Silver’s marehood looking absolutely massive in comparison to his equipment, he did the next best thing - he flexed his legs and bucked his hips. Mirroring his motion, Silver beamed from ear to fluffy ear. “There we go, nice and smooth…” While he had no way to know if she’d fooled around with anypony before, her actions spoke for themselves. Gyrating in place, smearing her marehood over him, she rubbed herself on his turgid, hyper-sensitive nub. More often than not, it would take him quite a while to recuperate after an orgasm, his refractory period lasting a minimum of ten minutes or so - now, scissoring with arguably the most attractive mare in the school, he bounced back in no time at all. “It’s so cute watching you getting into this,” she gleefully remarked. “Little Gallus with his clit trying to get off. Here, let me show you how it’s done.” No sooner had she finished speaking than she reached down and began stroking his inner thighs. The added stimulation was phenomenal, elevating the experience to an unbelievable level, evoking a whorish, almost feminine groan from him. Heaven help him, minuscule endowment or not, he could definitely see himself getting used to treatment like this. Aside from getting a bit handsy, she continued gliding her winking, slavering marehood against him ruthlessly. On and on she went, touching him in ways no other had, until he noticed it - the slightest tremor in her legs. Forcing himself to glance at her face, hearing her hitched breaths and seeing a strand of drool dangling from her beak, he came to a startling realization - he was about to make her cum. Casting his inhibitions aside, he pulled out all the stops and started thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. It didn’t matter if he was about to cum a third time, he didn’t care if he was going to make a spectacular mess of things - the only thing on his lust-addled brain was that he was about to usher an alluring mare through the gates of Nirvana. Hellbent on making her climax, he issued a silent prayer that he’d somehow outlast her. It was a race to the finish between them, as the air grew thick with their moans and the scent of sex. Her rhythm breaking, sporadically humping and fondling one of her budding breasts, she drew a faltering breath, threw her head back, and wailed. Climactic nectar gushed from her spasming marehood, bathing his lower half in her sweltering juices and giving him his hard-fought reward - a reward he was only able to savor for a heartbeat. A split-second after she came, he followed suit. Though his load was meager, having all but emptied his balls twice in rapid succession, the rapture that overtook him was no less intense - if anything, it may have been the strongest orgasm he’d ever had. As he added a few drops of his jizz to the deluge of her maregasm, slowing to an uneasy halt, they both heaved air into their lungs. “T…that was amazing,” she wheezed, grinning broadly over at him. “If you keep practicing, you’ll give any of the mares a run for their money!” His blush deepened and he looked away, given a modicum of post-coitus clarity. He really wasn’t sure what to think about her comments about him being a mare, but he knew they were infuriatingly arousing. Fidgeting ever so slightly, unable to meet her eye, he felt her unsteadily withdraw her leg from beneath him. “You like that, don’t you?” she hummed, turning around and resting her head on his thigh. “You can tell me, don’t worry; I won’t let anypony know that you got off to being a cute little mare with a big, strong clit.” “I’m n…not a - Aaahn!” he croaked, as something warm and wet entombed his softening prick. Turning his head and looking down at her, his heart skipped a beat. Apparently discontent to bask in the afterglow, she quite literally sucked what little spunk was left out of his softening lack of length. Weakly fucking into her face, his body acting of its own volition, all he could do was feebly whimper and thrash about. Pulling away with a soft pop, having thoroughly cleaned his teeny cock, she peered up at him. “If you admit wanting to be my cute little mare, we could make this a regular thing - that is, if you stay this small.” “W…what do you mean?” he stammered, peeking down at her with one eye. “I mean if I give you periodic inspections, making sure you keep this little tic-tac, I’ll come by every few nights to help you blow off some steam,” she clarified. “And I might know somepony who’d love to get involved. From what I’ve heard, she’s got a huge interest in adorable little girls like you.” Everything she said immeasurably piqued his interest, but it was the final part of her claim that tipped him over the edge. If there was somepony else, particularly if it was a mare, he’d be willing to bend a knee to her wishes. Beating back his modesty, he closed his eyes. “I’m a cute mare…” he murmured. Slapping his belly, she drew a startled yelp from him. “Louder,” she insisted. “And look me in the eyes when you say it.” Steeling himself, with great trepidation, he met her eyes. “I’m a cute little mare.” “Good girl,” she mused, relaxing against him. “Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll give you a little more practice on how to get a mare off. Just remember, I’m gonna be checking up on that adorable clit of yours from now on.” Gallus slowly nodded and reclined, reaching back to pull a pillow under his head. He may second-guess himself later, once the excitement had died down, but he found it difficult to find fault with his decision. His only big concern, would he have to name one, was that he’d have to go out and buy a few more tubes of the marvelous, mystical salve… > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lounging on his sofa, his hind legs splayed while he idly rubbed his crotch, Gallus disinterestedly read a comic with his free claw. He would have likely been doing the same thing, had his evening been free, whiling away his time without a care in the world, but his evening wasn’t free. Like nearly every night for the last two weeks, he was fully expecting Silverstream to come knocking on his door. True to her word, the stunningly open-minded and amorous hippogriff had been paying him regular visits - then again, she wasn’t the only one to hold their promise. After a second and impulsive third trip back to the adult shop, he’d stocked up on plenty of the transformative ointment to ensure his endowment didn’t return to its normal size. Every morning and afternoon, after waking up and before going to bed, he’d religiously smear the thick cream over his package - not just because he adored the look and feel of having equipment so small, but because Silverstream loved it as much or more than he did. To say his time in her company of late was a pleasant experience would be an understatement. She’d shown him how to masturbate as a girl, given lessons on tribbing, voyeuristically watched him get off, and had even started teaching him how to eat pussy - all in all, had he not technically been male, she’d been educating him on how to be quite the little lesbian! Recalling one particularly passionate moment from several days before, when she’d locked him in something called an amazoness press, he subconsciously rubbed his clit with renewed vigor. Though he still didn’t understand why Silverstream’s emasculation was as provocative as it was, he’d long since given up on figuring out why she turned him on so much; his best guess was that her endearingly domineering personality had awakened some undiscovered and extremely submissive portion of himself, but that was just an educated assumption. As he rolled his head back and closed his eyes, his fingers growing slick with pre-cum, he bucked into his hand. For him, the only thing that mattered was that they enjoyed themselves and one another’s company - both of which he knew were true.  Knock Knock Knock-Knock Knock The sudden noise rocked him from his reverie, nearly sending him crashing from the sofa as he scrambled to get up. It really wasn’t his fault that he was excited to have her over, especially now that their friendship had taken a decidedly licentious turn, so he could forgive his giddiness for wishing to spend more time with her. Cantering to the front door, he reached up and fumbled with the deadbolt. “Just a second,” he called, turning the lock and removing the security chain. “I wasn’t sure if you’d…” The words died in his throat, his heart seized and threatened to stop, and a weakness crept into his legs, as he swung the door open and noticed not one but two mares lurking just outside his suite. Silver looked as cheerful as ever, smiling broadly and issuing a small wave, yet the unexpected second visitor was who held the entirety of his attention. Smaller than himself or the happy-go-lucky hippogriff, bearing the smallest grin, the turquoise changeling timidly peeked out at him from behind her large, feathered friend. “H…hey,” he uneasily began, thrown off guard by the appearance of the shapeshifter. “What brings you two over?’ Twisting her head and peering back at the drone, Silver motioned in his direction. “Well, tell him why we’re here!” “Silverstream said that - um -” Ocellus bashfully muttered, creeping closer to the uneasy griffon, “that you were interested in having me come over for one of your little dates.” Gallus lifted a finger to ask for clarification, yet the memory of something Silver had said silenced him. Back when he’d first fooled around with his friend, she’d mentioned something about knowing somepony who might be interested in joining them, turning their duet into a ménage à trois. He hadn’t even thought about the inclusion of a third since then, being more than content with what the hippogriff had to offer, though he wasn’t about to turn down a spontaneous threesome of sorts. Stepping back and holding the door open, having glanced down either end of the corridor to ensure they weren’t seen, he waved for them to enter. Silverstream practically pranced inside, with Ocellus somewhat anxiously following suit, allowing him to close and lock the door behind them. While he wasn’t sure exactly what his companion-made-mistress had said about him, he felt reasonably certain his friend hadn’t said anything too… “See,” Silver squawked, grabbing his ankle and lifting his hind leg from the floor, “look at how small it is!” He’d only barely finished locking the door, before he found himself balancing on three legs with his miniscule package shamelessly displayed. Taken aback, nearly losing balance, he struggled to free his limb from her steely grasp. Though he was less than pleased with being shown off like a very small cut of steak, his frustration faded when he saw Ocellus’ reaction. Her eyes wide as dinner plates, unabashedly staring at his crotch, the changeling shuffled closer and brought her snout to within a foot of his loins. It would have been awkward enough to be shown off in such an unseemly fashion, yet having her openly gawking at his goods caused his anxiety to skyrocket. Renewing his efforts to pull his leg from Silver’s grasp, his mind racing, his eyes settled on something that was no less than jaw-dropping. Drooping from Ocellus’ nethers, swelling and steadily growing rigid, was what he could only describe as a cock. It wasn’t like he’d ever tried to peek at the shapeshifter’s naughty bits, but he felt certain he would have noticed something as remarkable as a stallionhood flopping about beneath her! At a loss for words, his desperation replaced by awe and abject confusion, his speculation was put to an abrupt end when she recoiled and cocked a leg to cover herself. “Don’t stare at it!” she bleated, her cheeks darkening. Rearing back, feeling himself starting to blush, his surprise quickly transitioned into annoyance. “You were just staring at mine!” Clearing her throat, drawing the pair’s attention over to herself, Silverstream broke the tension. “Ocellus, you did say you were going to explain yourself before he saw it…” What he could only describe as a mixture of embarrassment, coyness, and frustration flitted over the Ocellus’, before she sighed and hung her head. “There’s a certain phase in changeling development where we can’t really control what our - uh - bits do. For most of us, when we get turned on, we just - ya know - sort of grow one of these…” “And she’s totally excited!” Silver interjected. “Did you see how fast she got hard!” Unprepared for the amorous revelation, yet flattered the little love bug had been so aroused by the sight of his puny package, Gallus shook his leg. “Can I have this back now.” “Oh, right, sorry about that,” the hippogriff blithely chirped, relinquishing his limb. “Now that you know, how about you go put on that nice pair of panties I let you borr - I mean, I got for you!” “Seriously?!” he croaked, going an even darker shade of red. “Like right now?” “I…I wouldn’t mind that at all,” Ocellus chimed in, lowering her leg to reveal her turgid, lightly throbbing length. There were a thousand things Gallus wanted to say, questions to ask and more than a few remarks about Silver’s actions, but he saw no point in making a fuss. For starters, pitching a fit would ruin any chances of lewd shenanigans, regardless of whether or not Ocellus wanted to participate - secondly and more alarmingly, the all too familiar excitement of being treated like a plaything was affecting his judgment. Scrunching his beak and doing his best to look somewhat upset, if only to save face, he marched through the living room and toward his chamber. “Don’t take too long!” Silver called, flapping a wing as he departed. Trotting into his room, kicking the door shut behind himself, he made a beeline to his dresser. He had to assume that his guests had talked extensively in private, with Silver divulging his secrets and waxing poetic about their sexual escapades, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. If the pair knew what they were getting into, and if Ocellus was half as eager as she seemed to be, the chances of him getting it on with a duo of damsels was extraordinarily high - the problem was, he hadn’t anticipated the changeling would be packing heat. Retrieving a pair of satiny pink panties, replete with lace trim, he carefully reached back and stepped into the undergarment. One not-so-little saving grace about the unforeseen inclusion of Ocellus’ tool was that, much to his shame, he’d lost his backdoor virginity over a week ago. As he’d been quick to discover, Silver had a small treasure trove of sex toys stashed in her room - sex toys she’d delighted using with or against him. If he was being honest, he never imagined he’d end up getting pegged by a mare - then again, he never imagined having a best friend with benefits either. Shivering at the thought of her weight on him, the memory of her breathing heavily in his ear while rutting him, he hastened his pace. Be darned if he knew exactly how the evening was going to play out, but the thrill of having two attractive females interested in him set his blood running hot. After giving himself a cursory glance, ensuring the snug garment was properly plastered on his supple behind, he rushed out of his room and back to meet his guests. “Alright, so what did you two -” “Took you long enough!” Silver interrupted, having seated herself on the far right side of his couch. “Come over here and make yourself comfy.” Seated opposite of her companion, in the far corner of the sofa, Ocellus demurely covered her equipment with her thigh - well she tried to at least. The very tip of her length, being a rosy color, was harshly contrasted against her light blue hide. As she noticed his reappearance, turning her head to face him, her eyes wandered from his face, down his side, and to the brightly colored panties clinging to his rump. Though she didn’t say a word, the animated twitch and bead of pre-cum forming at the head of her cock told him everything he needed to know - after all, there was no faking a boner. As odd as it was, still reeling from the revelation that she’d sprouted a dong, the knowledge that he was turning her on bolstered his confidence several times over. Smugly grinning to himself, putting a bit of extra sway in his hips, he sauntered over and hopped onto the couch between them. Leaning over and casually caressing his hip, Silver slid closer to him. “Before we get ahead of ourselves, Ocellus did have a small request ~ isn’t that right?” Ocellus started but quickly recovered, her blush coming back at full force. “W…well, I heard how small you were, but I wanted to compare sizes - I…I mean, it’s not like I’m that big…” Gallus hadn’t known what to expect, but the relatively tame request would be easy enough to pull off. Still emboldened by their nonchalance and borderline praise of him, he wiggled over and pressed himself against her. Considering she’d already had a good, long look at what little he had to offer, and that Silver had well and thoroughly spilled the beans about him, there was no harm in indulging her - that and he was a bit curious to see what she was packing. Lifting and resting a knee over her thigh, he gingerly pulled her legs apart. Her startled expression and tiniest bit of resistance were fleeting, lasting only a moment, as she allowed him to spread her lower limbs. Having only seen her endowment from a distance and from a darn-poor angle, he hadn’t been sure what to expect - that said, he was amazed when her member enthusiastically sprang fully into view. Being comparable in length to a stallion of her age, her length bore a striking similarity to a pony’s. Having a blunt tip, with a thick medial ring marking its lower segment, her dick was pretty impressive - sure, she may have actually been a bit smaller than average, but it was the largest cock he’d seen on a mare before. Wondering what it would feel like, never having touched a tool other than his own, his rapt fascination left him totally distracted. The moment a pair of taloned hands crept to his shoulders, he was done for. In the blink of an eye, he was hauled backward, set off balance, and flopped onto his back on the cushions. He hadn’t felt or heard Silverstream creeping up behind him, yet she’d managed to pull him down with the greatest of ease. As he stared up at her, nonplussed and a bit annoyed by her chicanery, his other guest struck. With a speed and self-assurance that flew contrary to her normally shy self, Ocellus straddled his thighs and pinned him to the sofa. As shocking as the turn of events were, unable to move, the real surprise came when he felt something hot and weighty bear against his crotch. He lifted his head and peered down his chest, wondering what in the heck was going on, but then he saw it - her bare cock resting squarely atop the minuscule bulge in his panties. Far from finished with him, she ignited her horn, pulled his underwear aside, unveiled his prick, and shifted her length over his diminutive nub. “Oh wow!” “Right?!?” Silver animatedly blurted, leaning over him to appreciate how woefully outclassed he was. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say my little hen was a real hen!” Between the feeling of a comparably massive dick pressed to his meager package, all of the attention, and being called by his dubiously endearing pet name, the flames of Gallus’ lust roared into an inferno. Planting his paws into the end of the sofa, he thrust up and ground his clit against Ocellus’ package. As indescribably hot as it was to feel her dick on him, he began to wonder how incredible it would feel inside him. As the changeling bucked her hips, gliding her length forward and back, Silver tenderly hooked his beak and turned his head to face her. “Considering how wet you are, does my little hen want the real experience?” Her question was rhetorical - he knew it, she knew it - heck, even Ocellus probably knew it, yet she’d asked it all the same. On the hoofful of occasions when she’d donned a strap-on or they’d gone at it with a double-dildo, it wasn’t uncommon for her to act like a molded length of silicone was an actual dick. Proclaiming she was going to breed him, while insisting he be vocal about how big she was just the start; it wasn’t long before she was having him suck her off or beg for her cock. Realizing what was expected of him, his reservations strained to the breaking point, he reluctantly nodded. “Then ask for it,” Silver cooed, running a clawed digit up his beak. Shifting his attention over to the changeling’s face, Gallus licked his lips. “C…can I suck it?” Ocellus slowed and locked eyes with him, before she slowly retreated off of him and back to the far corner of the sofa. Unlike minutes ago, when she’d coyly covered herself, she obscenely splayed her legs and left her crotch wide open for him. If he’d had any doubt that the two mares hadn’t done a bit of conspiring before they’d showed up, it was gone in that instant - nevertheless, he was too exhilarated to care. The moment the hippogriff’s claws withdrew from him, he pushed himself up and got his knees under himself. To Tartarus with his apprehension - after everything he and Silver had done, surely having been relayed to Ocellus, he had no qualms about debasing himself further. Bringing his snout to the changeling’s groin, giving himself a second to bask in the exotic, unfamiliar musk radiating from the shapeshifter’s equipment, he closed his eyes and drew his tongue up her length. “O…oh goodness,” Ocellus sputtered, her hoof drifting to the back of his head. The difference between a sex-toy and a real dick was night and day; not only was the changeling’s endowment exquisitely warm and sheathed in soft skin, but the flavor and scent clouded his thoughts with desire. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, as he reached the tip of her shaft, he drove his head forward and worked her into his beak. He could hardly believe he was sucking somepony off, and a mare no less, but he wasn’t about to complain. Several weeks prior, before his fortuitously unlucky run-in with Silver at the adult shop, he would have never guessed he’d ever wind up giving anypony a blowjob, yet there he was, hungrily slurping on a length of changeling meat like a wanton whore. Basking in the wildly scandalous moment, all his senses fixated on the wonder that was his metamorphic friend, he was blissfully unaware of what his domineering mistress was up to until it was too late. Effectively positioned on all fours, with his head firmly between Ocellus’ thighs, his rear end was left wide open for attack - something Silver was all too happy to take advantage of. Taking full advantage of the all too perfect presentation of his backside, she grabbed his hips and jammed her beak into his ass. Aside from taking great joy from affectionately bullying him, she’d developed quite the penchant for his, as she put it, broody booty. The sensation of her tongue dancing up his coin purse and up to his winking entrance only heightened his arousal. Even though he didn’t fully comprehend why she loved his tush, he couldn’t deny that having her feast on his rump felt fantastic. Rocking back and burying her face in his ass, he relaxed his throat and plunged Ocellus’ tool into his gullet. Trapped between the two, choking on a thick slab of changeling tool while having his behind ravished, his lecherous thoughts ran rampant. He hadn’t so much as touched himself, yet his prick was leaking pre-cum like a broken faucet - so much so that, had his panties remained in place, he could have been mistaken for a very aroused mare. In no time at all, caving to his fantasies, he fully committed himself to his vixenous visitors. In another time and another place, with but the smallest twist of place, he could imagine himself as some wanton harlot shamelessly servicing a pair of stallions in a seedy hotel room or a back alley. Celestia forgive him - it wasn’t like he’d ever anticipated becoming such a degenerate, having hoped for nothing more than a conventional relationship, yet the carnal bliss of being used and demeaned was a crushing burden to bear. Rearing back ever so slightly, helping himself to a sip of air, he nursed Ocellus’ glans and bathed his palate in her thick, cloying pre-cum. Giving herself a small pause, Silver pulled away and playfully smacked his backside. “He’s pretty good at it, isn’t he?” “Yeah,” Ocellus sighed, forcing his head down and driving her cock down his throat. “I can’t believe you didn’t invite me over sooner!” “After all the things you told me about him, I couldn’t - uh…” Silver fell silent, cutting herself off from whatever she was going to say. As much as he would have liked to continue gagging on the changeling’s stallionhood, the flippant comment demanded Gallus’ attention. Pushing himself up and clearing his airway, propping himself on an elbow to stroke the shapeshifter off, he twisted his head and peered back at the hippogriff. She’d been about to say something about him, possibly some juicy detail about her discussions with Ocellus, and he’d be darned if he was going to let her get away with it. After a quiet moment, with Silver refusing to meet his eye, he petulantly snorted. “You couldn’t…?” Put on the spot, Silver relented. “Ocellus might have a little bit of a crush on you…” His head whipped around toward the stiffening changeling, seeing her jaw flap noiselessly. He’d figured that if anypony had a crush on him, it would have been Silverstream herself - remarkably, that didn’t seem to be the case. Judging from the shapeshifter’s reaction, the claim that she fancied him was all but validated. Nearly as surprised as she was, but for a completely different reason, he watched her level a hoof at the hippogriff. “Silverstream likes you more than I do!” Ocellus proclaimed. “You should have heard how giddy she was when she told me she’d finally got you in the sack!” Of all the things he’d expected her to say, the startling admission was not one of them. As he peeked back at the flustered hippogriff, he pursed his beak and pressed his luck. “Is that true?” “I - um - Hey, how about we talk about this after,” Silver hastily answered, kneading one cheek of his tush in her taloned hand. Still determined to get a straight answer, yet unwilling to put an end to their licentious good time, he squinted. “After what?” “After you get the lube,” Silver smoothly replied, a smirk gracing her beak. Her remark instantaneously drowned out his curiosity. There was only one reason they’d need lube, and it wasn’t for getting his throat swabbed. Getting to his claws and paws, he hopped from the couch and abandoned the mares. Though he did feel a bit guilty for leaving Ocellus blue-balled, he wasn’t going to let either of his guests leave until they’d gotten off at least once. “Just give me a minute,” he huffed, galloping into his restroom. While he wasn’t entirely sure what Silver was scheming, he saw no harm in doing a bit of prep work - as such, a brief intermission to prepare himself was due. It had taken more than a little time and effort to get used to preparing himself for anal, but he was immeasurably thankful that he’d become pretty proficient with the process. Acting as swiftly as possible, getting ready in record time, he strutted back to the living room with his bottle of lube in hand. As he rounded a corner and spotted the pair, he nearly stumbled over himself. Both Ocellus and Silver hadn’t stayed on the couch to wait for him, making arrangements of their own. Having moved to the floor and pulled a number of cushions down with them, the duo had made a place for him. With a small mound of pillows between them, standing several feet apart from one another, it didn’t take a genius to figure out where he was supposed to go. “Come on over and get comfy,” Silver purred, easing herself down and spreading her hind legs to either side of the mound of cushions. “I’ve got something for my little hen to snack on while she’s being bred.” Staring longingly at her snatch, his mouth watering at the thought of her succulent loins, he trotted by and handed the bottle of lube to Ocellus. One definite benefit of bottoming, other than the heavenly feeling it afforded, was that he could focus his efforts on other endeavors. As he stepped over the pile of pillows, he lowered his chest to the floor. “Awwww - I was hoping you’d keep the panties on,” Ocellus pouted. “He won’t be needing them,” Silver noted, guiding his face between her thighs. “I wouldn’t want my little hen to make a mess in her undies ~ would I?” Only barely understanding what she’d said, drawn by the intoxicating aroma of her slavering marehood, Gallus simply leaned in and pressed his chest to the cushions. If there was a time in his life he’d been more thrilled, he couldn’t think of it. Bracing his hind legs and raising his waist, flipping his tail aside for Ocellus, he dove into Silver’s muff like a starved animal. He’d hoped his presentation for his bedicked companion would inspire her to act, and he wasn’t disappointed. No sooner had his tongue glided between her lower lips, his taste buds going alight with her juices, than the changeling mounted him. With all the skill and grace of a horny teenager, she stepped forward and started recklessly and quite fruitlessly humping away at his tush. As badly as he wanted to stay between the best ear warmers on the planet, the changeling’s energetic and exceedingly amateurish technique demanded he act. Withdrawing from Gallus’ nethers, he reached back with his wings, spread his buns, and glanced over his shoulder. So help him, he was not about to let her fruitlessly smear his ass with pre-cum when his needy, pre-lubed hole was right there. Taking the hint, Ocellus reined herself in just enough to roll her hips back, take aim, then plunge straight into his ass. As she hilted within him, both she and Gallus froze. He couldn’t speak for her, but he nearly came from being penetrated. Hot and slick, leagues better than any toy, the sensation of her cock was a revelation. He’d begun to suspect his submissive side wasn’t a passing interest, but feeling her throb inside him cemented the fact - near-microscopic prick or not, he was definitely a bottom bitch. “Hey,” Silver quietly intoned, breaking his trance, “you’ve got a job to do, Hen…” Subconsciously constricting around Ocellus’ length as she withdrew, fighting her retreat, he lowered himself and started lapping at her cunt. Regardless of whether he had something stuffed in his tailpipe or not, he wasn’t about to let Silver down - not after opening his eyes to such wonders. As he lapped at her lower lips and gently suckled on her clit, forsaking any notion of touching himself, the changeling on his back began to rut him in earnest. He’d thought that eating out one mare while being plowed by another would be an easy endeavor, but he’d thought wrong. Beset by bliss, dribbling pre-cum onto his carpet, it took everything he had to pleasure his mistress. Lightly bucking back to meet Ocellus’ thrusts, slamming his ass against her hips, he falteringly groaned and struggled to maintain his composure. Stroking the back of his head with one hand, while lifting and locking her hind legs around the back of his neck, Silver gingerly twisted one of her nipples. “Eyes up here,” she breathed, prompting him to look up at her. “I want to see that cute little face as she rails you.” Stars above, the dirty talk alone was enough to push him closer to the edge. Attempting to juggle two tasks at once, synchronizing his movements to the changelings while continuing to munch Silver’s carpet, his skills were pushed to their limit. He felt certain that the threesome would have all but broken him, even if he’d had months of practice with his mistress, and he was absolutely right. Without breaking eye contact, her smirking down at him, Silver waved a wing. “Now…” “N…now? Nnnph - but I just started!” Ocellus croaked, pounding him harder and faster with each passing second. “Yes, now,” Silver repeated, giving the smallest of nods. Having just acclimated to being legitimately fucked, the sensation of the changeling’s pistoning length ballooning in size destroyed what little endurance he had left. His climactic scream, muffled by the hippogriff’s snatch, was punctuated by his shuddering frame and gushing nub of a prick. Though he was nearly driven mad by the unending rapture of the strongest orgasm of his life, he realized what she was doing - she’d enlarging the size of her member. Though the evening had held a number of firsts, the latest took the cake by a large margin. Growing in both length and girth, straining his pucker and burrowing deeper into his colon, her length got bigger with every beat of her thundering heart. Every millimeter she expanded felt like a mile, while she rearranged his insides and tested just how much he could endure. While having something gradually stretching him open was intense as all get-out, it wasn’t painful in the slightest - no, it felt heavenly.  Heedless or uncaring of his rapture, Ocellus desperately fucking him like a lucky colt on prom night - not that there was anything he could do to stop her. Only barely able to remain standing, his hind legs locked and keeping his lower half upright, he feebly licked Silver’s marehood. Despite barely being able to think, let alone move, some part of him demanded he earn his lovers’ essence. Silver was none too bothered by his spontaneous climax - in fact, she seemed rather pleased by the development. Taking matters into her own claws, using his beak like a marital aid, she bucked into his face while playing with her tits. Locked against her, his body lurching forward with each of the changeling’s thrusts, he mewled into her crotch. “She’s gonna cum soon,” Silver mused, caressing his cheek. “Maybe you should beg her to knock you up…” “Pphleash,” he slurred, twisting his head so Ocellus could hear him. “Breed me! Pump a foal into - Mmmph!?!” Lifting her hips and shoving his face back to her snatch, grinding her winking marehood into his open beak, her feverish pace matched the lust-crazed shapeshifter’s. Though he couldn’t see it, he sure as heck felt Ocellus’ stallionhood starting to flare and wildly throb. In that moment, knowing he was about to be filled with her seed, something clicked - mare or not, he was about to be claimed. Somehow lasting a small eternity and no time at all, Ocellus finally crossed the threshold. With one final, unstoppable plunge, hilting her entirety within his abused ass, she whimpered and gasped as she fitfully pumped her load into him. The heat of her spunk coursing through his depths would have been beyond wondrous in and of itself, but the sheer quantity of her spunk was what rent his soul asunder. As his gut swelled and hung beneath him, burdened by what had to be pints of cream, he was wracked by a bliss like he’d never known. He’d experienced orgasms of various potency, but this was something different - something more akin to an epoch. Only barely aware of Silverstream howling and baptizing his face in her climactic juices, his consciousness faded and he blacked out. His lugs buckled, he collapsed to the floor, and Ocellus’ pulsing length was unceremoniously unsheathed from his gaped, battered tush. As he fell to the floor, a deluge of cum flooded from his ass and onto the carpet, while his back was painted with the dwindling, final shots of her jizz. Panting and remaining where they were, having peaked one right after the other, the duo of mares smiled at one another. “H…holy - Cough - cow, that was amazing!” Ocellus rasped. “Right?!” Silver countered. “I said the same thing the first time we did it!” Peeking down at the comatose griffon, seeing his chest steadily rising and falling, Ocellus scrunched her snout. “Is - um - he gonna be ok?” “Pfffft - yeah, he’ll be fine,” Silver giggled, reaching down to tussle his mane. “You two have gotten really close ~ huh?” the changeling murmured, smirking at the affectionate gesture.  “Yeah…Yeah we have,” Silver whispered. “Don’t tell him, but I love my little hen.” Embraced by the preternatural comfort of his well-earned nap, Gallus was Blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place above him. He’d wake up eventually and have a spectacular mess to take care of, but that was of little consequence. Now with two fine young mares that shared his particular variety of interests, he felt certain he had a bright, depraved future ahead.