> Nature and Nurture > by dirty little secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nature and Nurture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Um ... Dad?” Night Light looked up from his book. Everypony else had already slipped off to bed. This was usually his quiet alone time in the night, when he could decompress and relax enough from the stresses of the day, so that he’d be able to get a proper night’s sleep. And it normally worked. It had been ages since the last time it was interrupted, since the last time his son or daughter had needed any attention to get through the night. Not since that nasty stomach bug a few years back tore through the whole family. But there Shining Armor was, appearing in the hallway like an anxious ghost. Shining stood uncomfortably, his front hooves crossed, his eyes diverted to the side. Setting the book aside, right beneath his reading lamp, Night Light waved his son over. “Couldn’t sleep?” Couldn’t sleep... Yeah. That was kind of the problem, though Shining really didn’t want to think about what the real root of the problem was. Too embarrassing. “Uh-huh,” he said meekly. It wasn’t easy to shuffle across the living room without showing ... showing himself, but he gave it his best try. What was going on? What was wrong with him? He knew it had to be something terrible. None of the stallions he looked up to ever had problems like this. Not his teachers in school, not the royal guards, not even ... Dad. But still, he was kind of glad that it was Night Light out here, not Mom or his sister. This was ... well, it was pretty obviously a male kind of problem, so maybe Dad would understand. Maybe Dad would know how to help. Night Light looked down at his son, beginning to truly grow concerned. This wasn’t like Shining. Usually he was so full of energy and self-confidence that he was a challenge to contain. Where had this shy, shuffling colt come from? Had Shining ... had he wet the bed or something? That hadn’t happened in years. Or could it be something even worse? He leaned in closer. “What’s wrong, Shining?” “It’s my...” Shining bit his lip, looking away again. “I can’t... I don’t know.” “You can tell me about it.” Night Light patted the seat of the couch next to him. “Whatever it is, I promise I won’t be mad. Come on, buddy. Just hop right up here.” Shining shook his head no. With a strange vehemence. Growing truly concerned now, Night Light hefted himself off of the couch and came to Shining Armor’s side. He was about to lay a hoof on his son’s back and ask again what was wrong. He’d even raised his hoof to do so. But that’s when he saw exactly what the problem was. From the side, Shining’s forelegs covered nothing at all, and there was no disguising what urgently waited under the colt’s belly. “Oh,” Night Light said. “I think I see.” Shining gasped. He turned so that he faced his dad again. No! He couldn’t let himself be seen like this! He’d just wanted to ask about it. He’d had this whole plan about ‘asking for a friend from school’ and everything! Okay, maybe it had been more of a thought than a plan, but... Squeezing his eyes shut and ducking his head, he waited for his father’s inevitable laughter ... or worse, just a judgmental, disappointed stare. A hoof lifted his chin, turning his head upward. He opened his eyes ... to see his dad’s eyes looking right back at him. Just a gentle half-smile. No hint of judgment or derision... “It’s okay,” Night Light told him. “But my—” “It’s okay. Don’t worry ... this is completely normal for colts your age.” Shining took a sudden step back. “Huh?” “That’s right. I still remember the first time it happened to me.” Night Light shook his head. “Too bad my father was out on a business trip at the time. I ended up going to my mother to ask about it.” That night played back in his memory, almost involuntarily. His mother was unprepared to deal with anything like that and she had not taken it well. She’d ended up giving him some pretty terrible advice, as well as far too much scathing judgment and shame. He was determined to give Shining a better self-discovery experience. The honest, caring, nurturing help a confused young colt needed. Forcing himself to smile despite the sour memories, he returned to the couch and sat down, beckoning Shining over once more. “I’m glad you came to ask me. Come on, and I promise we’ll get it sorted out.” Relief flooded through Shining Armor. He’d been tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, all while this attention-demanding little problem of his kept throbbing harder and harder. Why couldn’t it just go away? It had taken a lot of willpower to come out and see if anypony else could help him. He’d been sure he’d be ridiculed for it, or maybe kicked completely out of the family ... but Dad seemed to understand what was wrong. Dad was a stallion, right? So he must have known what the deal was with stallion parts. Shining counted himself lucky that Dad didn’t seem to think it was a big deal. There was nopony else in the world he’d feel comfortable talking about this with ... well, as comfortable as he could feel talking about it. There was still a pit deep in his belly full of twisted guilt and shame. Shining hopped up onto the couch and sat next to his dad readily enough, trying not to think about the obvious ... though he kept his front hooves tightly crossed in front of himself, trying to hide it. What father in the world could look at his blushing colt like that and not smile a little? Night Light just hoped he didn’t smile too much. The last thing he wanted was for Shining to feel like he was being laughed at. He nudged his son’s shoulder with his muzzle. “Come on now. It’s polite to keep certain things hidden in public, but it’s just you and me now. Nothing to be ashamed of just between the two of us.” Slowly, Shining uncrossed his forelegs, revealing his cock jutting upward. Pretty big for his age, actually ... but Night Light was sure his son would grow into it soon enough. “There you go,” he said, patting his son’s back. “Nothing to be ashamed of.” Nothing to be ashamed of? That didn’t make sense to Shining Armor at all. Then why did everypony always hide it? He had every reason to trust his dad ... Dad almost always kept his word, almost never lied. There was that one time he’d said he would come to see the school play – Shining had been so excited about getting his role as one of the Princess’s royal guards in the play – and it was true that Night Light had missed that night. But Shining had found out why later. The train back to Canterlot had been delayed, and he just couldn’t have made it there in time. And other than that, had Dad ever lied to him? Shining didn’t think so. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to trust that one simple statement. Of course there was something to be ashamed of! Nopony was supposed to see him like this! He was sure of it! “Easy there.” Night Light rubbed his son’s back in what he hoped was a comforting manner. The antsy, jittering nervousness in his young colt body was clear to see ... and even clearer to feel through the soothing touch. “I promise you it’s okay. Perfectly natural. Why don’t we start by just taking a look?” “Just make it go away! I ... I know what it looks like!” “Do you, though?” Night Light rubbed a little more firmly, hoping to keep Shining from tensing up. “Humor me a little. I bet you don’t know it as well as you think you do.” Slowly, even though he was pretty sure it was something he wasn’t supposed to look at, Shining looked downward, between his hind legs. It just looked so weird, this pink-mottled thing jutting out of him. Maybe that meant Dad was right. He’d been worrying so much about wanting it to go back to normal that he hadn’t actually looked at it much. Especially not when it was all stiff and sticking out like this. “See,” Dad said, “it’s not so bad once you take the time to get used to it a little, is it?” Looking up at him, Shining shook his head. But ... but it was still bad, right? That’s why all the other stallions always hid theirs. Night Light’s heart broke, seeing the pain and worry still evident in his son’s face ... and over something so natural. It shouldn’t be anything to be ashamed of. Just a normal part of any stallion’s body. Just a normal part of growing up. He shook his head a little, sliding one hoof over Shining’s shoulders. “It’s yours, and it’s beautiful. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it at all.” Night Light’s own sheath twitched and bulged a little. He wasn’t lying about his son being beautiful. Shining’s cock was of course small, but appropriate for his age, and not bad looking at all. A little on the long and thin side, with a delicate curve to it, a prominent flat tip just like his father’s. While the base of it was nearly solid black, the upper half was all covered in pink splotches ... thanks to the coloring he’d inherited from his mother. He’d make some lucky mare very happy someday ... or maybe even some stallion? The bulge in Night Light’s sheath grew a little more, beginning to peek out. The sight of his son’s alluring little cock was making a certain something happy right now. He knew he’d have to keep that under control, though, even though it had been a long time since he’d had any stallion. Anypony other than Twilight Velvet. It wouldn’t be right, using his own son like that. Unless... “It still looks really weird,” Shining said, staring down at his own lap. “It’s not weird,” Night Light assured him. “You should be proud of it. You have a great cock.” “I ... do?” It had never occurred to Shining that he might be proud of this thing. This ... cock. He just wanted to hide it! And it still didn’t look all that special to him. “But how do I make it go back to normal?” Night Light shook his head. “It is normal. It’s a part of you, and you’re a beautiful colt.” “But... But yours isn’t...” Shining’s voice trailed off as he looked down. Night Light followed his son’s eyes. Oops. He’d let his own control slip. The tip of his cock was emerging from his sheath now. Not by much, but it was noticeable. And maybe a little bit unforgivable. Yes, he hadn’t had any male company in quite a while, but that didn’t mean he should be looking at his own son in a way that... Well, in a way that drew this kind of a reaction. He did his best to shrug it off, though. What kind of example would he be setting for Shining Armor if he got all worked up about his own erection now? “See?” he said, hoping Shining wouldn’t catch the little waver in his voice. “Completely normal. Nothing wrong about it.” And maybe it was completely normal. Night Light wasn’t attracted to his son. No, of course not. It was just because ... just because the subject had come up and he was thinking about cocks and such. That was surely enough to explain a bit of physical reaction. It would happen to anypony. No need to go thinking about any sort of absurdly inappropriate relationship. Shining was still staring down there. And that was definitely not helping the situation, nor was it helping Night Light’s pretenses about what was causing his own cock to react. Being watched by that curious, hungry gaze only accelerated things, causing him to slip further and further out of his sheath. It would be so easy to imagine Shining Armor bending his head down for a closer look, sticking out his tongue and beginning to— No. Not at all. Night Light wouldn’t even allow himself to think about it. Not a healthy family dynamic! He’d be outraged if anypony else took advantage of his son like that, so how dare he even come close to thinking about doing it himself? He knew he had to distract himself from those treacherous, lecherous thoughts. So he hugged Shining even closer against himself, pulling his son into a side-by-side hug with his hoof. “You’re right, though. There’s lots of times when it’s not really appropriate for it to be like this in public.” “How do I stop it?” “Well, partly it’s just a matter of waiting. It’ll get a lot easier once you’re grown up and your hormones start to settle down.” Shining stiffened at the thought of all that waiting. Not his cock – that was still stiff of course – but in the rest of his body. He’d heard it so many times about so many things. ‘The Royal Guard Academy won’t accept you until you’re older.’ ‘You can’t go alone to the comic book convention until you’re older.’ ‘You’ll understand that joke your grandma told when you’re older.’ His whole body tensed up anytime the grown-up ponies told him something like that. And now Dad was saying that he’d have to walk around with his cock all stiff like this all the time until he was older? He couldn’t do it! He just couldn’t do it! Why couldn’t anything ever just happen now? Dad must have seen that look in his eyes. “No, don’t worry. You don’t have to stay like that the whole time. If you just try to relax and think about stuff that isn’t sexy, it will just go away on its own.” Glancing down at his dad’s lap, Shining wondered if Dad was really the best pony to ask about this anyway. Dad’s own cock sure wasn’t going anywhere. It was only getting bigger. “But there is a shortcut or two I could tell you about...” Shining’s head snapped up. “Really?” he breathed eagerly. That was perfect! Finally, just what he needed. Just something to make the problem go away right now. “I’m gonna ... um... What is it?” “Well, the quickest thing you can do to make it go away is to masturbate.” “Master ... what?” Was it just his imagination, or did his dad’s cock twitch upward a little when he asked that? He tried to look away. It was already as long as his own, even though it was still soft and barely halfway out, and it was so much thicker. Shining couldn’t look at it – it was too ... distracting. And it definitely wasn’t making his own problem any better. “Mas-tur-bate,” Night Light carefully enunciated. “It means to rub yourself until you cum.” He paused at Shining’s quizzical glance. “Until some white stuff shoots out from the end of it. Don’t worry, it feels really good. I promise. And, even better, if you do it often enough, it will help keep your urges under control, and this little problem of yours will be less likely to pop up when you don’t want it to.” “Really?” That sounded great to Shining. Almost too good to be true. He trusted Dad, trusted him more than almost anypony else. But it was just hard to believe that the solution to all his problems would be that easy and convenient ... or that it would feel good. He’d been thinking that he’d have to go see a doctor about it or something like that. And there would probably be shots involved. Or at least pills. Shining had never been very good at swallowing pills. They would always get stuck halfway down his throat. Night Light nodded. “It’s pretty easy.” He glanced at the hallway that led to the bedrooms. “Don’t tell your mom, but even I still do it sometimes. Especially if she’s too busy to help.” “Mom ... can help?” Shining tilted his head to the side. Oh, could she ever. Night Light couldn’t help but let a sly grin cross his face as he thought of all the ways Twilight Velvet helped him over the years. Oh yes. She was very good at it. And those sorts of thoughts only teased Night Light’s cock into growing harder. But it wouldn’t do to be giving Shining Armor those sorts of ideas. He was too young to risk fooling around with fillies and possibly getting them pregnant. Or worse, he might end up trying to do something inappropriate with the mares closest to him – his mother and his sister. Both unthinkable. “No, no.” He shook his head. “Okay, well, she can help me, but not you.” “Huh?” Shining paused for a moment. “Is it ... is it because mine’s too small?” “There’s nothing wrong with your size. It’s just right for your age. But let’s just focus on you right now.” Night Light laughed it off. He hoped it sounded genuine, without any hint of the worry worming its way around his heart. “You don’t need anypony’s help if you can manage it yourself, and I’ll teach you how. Trust me, it’s easy.” “Like ... this?” Shining reached down, starting to rub the head of his cock with his hoof in side-to-side motions. Hm... Well, probably still better than Night Light’s own first experiments. He’d ended up just humping his pillow the first few times ... until he was finally successful at it. The resulting mess on his only pillow for sleeping had instantly convinced him to try something else instead. But he hadn’t had the benefit of a father’s advice. He could do better for Shining now. A hard hoof on the tip had to be uncomfortable, right? “If that’s what feels the best for you, you can do it that way,” Night Light told him. “But why don’t you try this? Instead of using the hard part of your hoof, use the inner part, just behind the curve of it, where it’s soft and fuzzy. And instead of just rubbing the tip, try stroking all the way up and down.” As Shining tried it, his efforts to stifle his cute little gasp were obvious enough. But Night Light still had his hoof around Shining's back, and he could feel the way his son’s whole body tensed up. Yeah ... that was the feeling, wasn’t it? Night Light’s cock rose a little more. Almost fully hard now. He tried not to think about why. “There you go,” he said. “How’s that feel?” Shining shuddered, still breathing harder, still running his hoof up and down his length. “It’s ... it’s good.” ‘Good’ was a huge understatement. Why hadn’t anypony ever told Shining about this? He’d been missing out! If he’d known it would feel this good, he would have been doing it every time his cock got stiff! And if doing this a little bit felt this good ... how good would it feel to do a lot of it? Almost as if it was moving all on its own, Shining's hoof started going faster and faster. Yes! Oh wow... “Easy there,” Dad said. “No need to rush things. Enjoy it. Here, try going nice and slow like this...” Shining had been so engrossed with touching his own cock that he hadn’t even noticed his dad’s growing and pointing upward. Oh ... wow. It was so huge! Almost the size of Shining’s whole leg! For some reason, looking at it made him kind of tense and uncomfortable. His hoof slowed down. But Night Light’s hoof came up. “That’s right. Nice and slow,” Night Light said as he began to stroke his own cock the same way Shining was stroking his. “If you take your time and enjoy things, it can feel really good. Don’t worry – you’ll get to the big important part at the end soon enough.” Shining had matched his rhythm perfectly to Night Light’s now. And for Night Light, it sparked a certain strange fatherly glow inside him. Almost like first teaching Shining how to use his magic, or how to fly a kite. Just a good wholesome father and son activity ... right? Well, no. He couldn’t escape the shadow cast by that one glaring point of light: the inevitable wrongness of doing this. What was he thinking, sitting here on the sofa and masturbating side by side with his son? What if somepony walked in and saw everything? And yet ... he didn’t stop. He’d been telling the truth – this did feel good. They just needed a little something to make it less about each other... A memory surfaced from his boarding school days. When one of the other teenage colts had gotten their hooves on an illicit magazine and shown it off in the locker room. There had been at least half a dozen colts crowded around that magazine, all peering over each other’s shoulders for a peek ... with most of them stroking themselves at the same time and pretending the others wouldn’t notice. And Night Light had been right there among them. That hadn’t seemed so wrong, at least not at the time. And it gave him an idea about what to do now. “You know what?” he said to Shining. “How about I give you something to help...” With his magic, he reached underneath the side table by the sofa, pulling out the hidden magazine. It was his newest issue of Tushes and Tails. Shining’s eyes opened wide when he saw the cover. And Night Light didn’t blame him in the slightest. The mare on the cover looked stunning, and in colors almost the same as Shining’s, with a pristine white coat and a flowing powder-blue tail that just barely covered her most luscious details from this angle. Of course, as Night Light already knew perfectly well, she showed quite a lot more in the magazine’s centerfold. They always had to keep the cover a bit more tame. Never know when a colt too young to know better might get a view of something too lewd for his own good. Speaking of... He looked at the way Shining was staring at that magazine, just the cover. Was Shining just such a colt? Was this really the right thing to be doing? Sure, he obviously needed a little help and guidance. Sure, Night Light was determined that his son wouldn’t have to stumble around in the dark and figure out things on his own the way Night Light himself had. But was this the right way to go about helping? Shining held the magazine in his hooves, all thought of touching himself forgotten. “I ... I can have this?” Wait, what? No! Night Light wasn’t done with it yet! He’d been saving the last few pages as a late night treat tonight before going to bed. Aw, but the way Shining was trembling, the sharp little breaths he was taking. What would Night Light have given for his very own magazine like this back at that age? “Sure, buddy. It’s all yours. Just make sure your mom and your sister don’t find it. And if they do, you didn’t get it from me.” Who cared? Night Light could always buy another copy if he really wanted to see what waited for him on those last few pages. Or he could wait for next month’s issue. It wouldn’t be long to wait now. And it just warmed his heart so much to watch Shining gushing over it ... over merely the cover of it. Heh – hopefully soon, he’d be gushing in other ways, right? Night Light laughed just a little. Quietly, so he wouldn’t wake anypony up. “Go ahead. Open it up. It’s even better inside.” Shining didn’t dare try to open it. His hooves were trembling too uncontrollably. He was sure he’d crumple up the pages! And his control over his magic was still kind of shaky to be trying it something so delicate and very very precious. Other colts at school boasted of just having seen a magazine like this once or twice. The thought of having one of his very own ... it was just ... wow! “You alright there?” He nodded fast. Probably too fast. “Yeah. Yeah! I’m, um...” His heart pounded so fast he thought his chest was going to explode. Shining was definitely not alright. “Uh, Dad ... can you hold it for me?” That earned him another little laugh from Dad. But not a derisive one. Not the way other kids at school might laugh at him. There was a warmth to it. Somehow, it sounded like Dad was just really happy about it. “Sure, bud,” he said. “Guess you need your hooves free, don’t you?” Now Shining felt his cheeks going hot. He wanted to sink down into the couch cushions and disappear. “I didn’t mean...” “Don’t worry, it’s fine.” Dad held the magazine up in his magic again. “That’s what we’re here for, right?” Shining nodded slightly. It still felt as if he was doing something wrong, but he touched himself with his hoof again ... just in time to see the pages open. The golden glow of his dad’s magic around it was like sunlight beaming through the clouds. He waited in breathless excitement, his cock twitching, as the first few pages flipped by. It was quick, but he could see it was mostly just an index and a few ads. But then it stopped, opening on a whole two-page spread full of pictures. He’d seen mares naked before. Of course he had. Even here in Canterlot, where formal attire was an unspoken rule, ponies often went without clothes, or wore clothes that didn’t hide the most interesting spots. But the mare in these pictures ... she wasn’t just nude – she was lewd. He’d never seen anything like this! She was a sporty-looking pegasus, emphasized by the tight pink running shorts and sweatband she wore, though she only had those on for the first couple of pictures. Her charcoal gray body contrasted sharply with her pink mane, making her even more striking to the eyes. But what really made Shining feel like his eyes were going to pop out of his head was that same charcoal-and-pink contrast under her tail, where she was winking open wide for the camera in one close-up picture full of glorious detail. He could see every little crease and contour of her heart-shaped nub, her inner walls parting open as if beckoning him, a little trail of something syrupy and clear dripping out of her, even the slight hint of veins tracing their way just under her velvety fur... He had precious little idea what it all meant, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, drinking in every possible detail. Night Light smiled as he looked at the magazine page alongside his son. He’d seen other photo sets featuring Summer Eve before, but the one in this month’s issue was one of the young mare’s best. The outline of her pussy through those tight shorts was incredible, and dying her mane and tail pink had definitely been a great choice. She looked like a whole new pony, and the new color did wonders for her. It inexorably drew his eyes to the matching pink under her tail. Could that have been why she chose that color? He glanced over to check how Shining was reacting to it ... only to see that the awestruck colt just sitting there with his mouth open. Nearly with his tongue hanging out. His hoof still rested on his cock, but he wasn’t moving it anymore. Seemed like he’d totally forgotten what he was doing. Was the magazine too much for such a young colt? Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea... Too late to take it back now, though. Leaning in closer, he said, “Pretty nice, huh? How’s that?” The only response from Shining was a quavering little whimper that sounded vaguely like, “Uh-huh...” Shining’s hoof still wasn’t moving. Poor little guy probably just needed a bit of help to get him going again. Without thinking about it – he probably would have talked himself out of it if he had – Night Light let go of his own cock and reached down between Shining’s hind legs instead. Not to touch it himself, of course. That would be crossing a line, wouldn’t it? He just placed his own hoof on top of Shining’s, guiding his son’s hoof back into motion. Startled, Shining looked down ... then up at Night Light. “You have to keep going if you want to get your orgasm and make it go away for a while,” Night Light told him. With one hoof around Shining’s back and the other helping stroke him, he had to scooch very close to his son indeed. So close now... He could feel Shining’s breath against his face, smell the slight whiff of mint that meant Shining had been a good boy and brushed his teeth before bed. Shining blinked up at his dad. Well, if Dad wasn’t freaking out about this, it must not be so bad, right? It was probably something that all dads helped their sons with at some point or other. And besides, his eyes kept getting torn back to the magazine. He couldn’t look up at his dad for long. Once he was staring at the charcoal mare’s perky rump again, there was no helping it. He was hooked. “She’s ... she’s so pretty,” he mumbled, more to himself than anything. “Mmm-hm. Only the best for my boy.” Dad pushed a little harder on Shining’s hoof. “Try using some more pressure. Does that feel good?” A shudder ran through Shining’s whole body. It felt ... it almost felt as if he was pushing his cock into that cute mare. He couldn’t understand where that thought came from or why it appealed to him so much ... or if it was even possible. But some deep-seated instinct inside him was craving that. Mmhm! It was so good! He had to have more! He jerked his hoof up and down like crazy. Something inside him howled for more, more, more! That extra motion must have thrown Dad off, though. Because Shining’s hoof slipped out from under his dad’s. Already pushing toward him, Dad’s hoof fell. Right against Shining’s cock. Both of them gasped. They froze. “Sorry!” Dad said, lifting his hoof back up. Shining pushed his hips outward, pressing back against his dad’s hoof. This time, Dad held it there. “You’re ... you’re sure?” Shining nodded. Night Light was trembling now. He couldn’t even take a full breath. What was he doing? And why couldn’t he stop himself? Again, their hooves stroked together, but now side-by-side instead of one atop the other. Night Light could feel every contour and vein of his son’s little cock as they slid over the hock of his hoof. The tightness gripping his chest was as bad as his very first time with Twilight Velvet. Of course he cared for his son and only wanted the best for him. But this was more. More than even love. Certainly more than the love a father was supposed to have for his son. This was raw sexual excitement. He didn’t need the magazine anymore. The supple warmth of his son’s cock in his hoof was more than enough to make him strain and instinctively make slight humping motions against the air. If only he had an extra hoof... Was it because it had been so long since he was with another male? Could that be all? He’d certainly never thought about Shining in this way before. Or, at least, he’d never allowed himself to think about Shining like this. But as the two of them built into a perfectly pleasurable rhythm together, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d been in denial about it all this time. When had it started? Where would it end? Surely he wouldn’t end up looking at his daughter the same way ... right? What he was doing was already unthinkable, but he still couldn’t stop. Despite his fixation on the magazine, Shining still seemed to notice the desperate little humping motions Night Light was making. Shining switched hooves on himself, then reached toward his dad. He didn’t touch yet, though. Not quite. For a brief moment, he looked up into Night Light’s loving gaze, the question in his young eyes obvious. Night Light knew he shouldn’t. But he nodded anyway. He softly moaned the moment Shining’s small hoof touched his cock. “Oh Shining... Yeah – just like that.” Deep breath. “Mmmh... I needed that.” Shining’s attention was torn between the pretty mare in the magazine and his dad’s cock. He’d only touched his dad because Dad had looked so desperate for it, it had just seemed like the right thing to do. So why was he so distracted by it? By the silky-soft feel of the delicate warm skin above the hefty mass within, by the graceful curve of it sticking up so high above his dad’s lap, by the sheer size of it, almost thicker than his whole hoof! What was wrong with him? Shining liked fillies. He knew he did. It was idle bedtime thoughts about his foalsitter that had gotten him in this state to begin with! Some stallions liked other stallions, of course. His teachers had taught him that, and of course he’d seen a few such couples in Canterlot. But ... why couldn’t he figure this out? Was he one of the ones who liked stallions – then why did the pictures in the magazine catch his eye so much? Was he one of the ones who liked mares – then why did touching his dad’s cock feel so good? And why did all of this have to be so confusing? Maybe it was just because of all the sensations flooding through him. Dad’s hoof somehow felt so much better than his own ... something about the way it moved slightly differently. On its own. Never quite where Shining expected. And the more the two of them stroked each other, the harder it was getting to think, or even to breathe. There was a huge pressure building up inside of him, and it needed to come out ... but he had no idea how to make it come out. Instinctively, he could kind of squeeze himself from the inside, and that felt good, but it also sort of felt like that was stopping the pressure from coming out... Night Light noticed how close Shining was getting, of course. So adorably earnest in the way he was chasing his very first orgasm! But he also noticed how Shining kept glancing at his father’s cock. Uh-oh... Was this too much for the colt? Could he be giving his son a predilection toward stallions when it wasn’t otherwise in Shining’s nature? Probably best to distract him, nudge him back toward his original inclinations. It wouldn’t do to warp the poor young colt into something he wasn’t meant to become. “You think that page is good?” Night Light said. “Just wait until you see the next one!” The flip of the page snapped Shining’s attention back to the magazine. The motions of his hoof against his dad’s cock slowed. Next to some text that Shining had nowhere near enough spare concentration to read, there was a huge picture of the same mare, this time sprawled out on her back. She held her forehooves cutely up to her face, leaving her completely exposed below. Her long, smooth belly. Her dainty and firm-looking teats even darker than her fur. Her privates, no longer winking open, and yet just as inviting. But that only held his gaze for a moment. On the opposite page was a picture of her from the shoulders up, which wouldn’t normally be interesting ... except that it also showed her with some out-of-frame stallion’s cock in her mouth. In her mouth? Gross! And yet ... he couldn’t stop staring at it. At first because of the sheer shock and novelty of something he’d never before imagined. But then something else... That cock was completely dark colored like his dad’s, not like his own mottled pink, but he still somehow pictured it as his own cock, with this perky, sporty mare slobbering all over it. “H-how would that feel?” he asked, not really even noticing that he said it out loud. “It looks so...” So what? Wet? Slurpy? Soft? “Believe me,” Dad said, “it feels amazing.” Shining suddenly looked over at him. Then realized he hadn’t been stroking Dad’s cock at all. He started back up again. Dad whickered a little. “Do you ... want to try it?” “But there’s no...” Shining had been about to say that there’s no mares here, but in the middle of saying it, he realized what his dad meant. There was no reason a stallion couldn’t do that, was there? So many brand new ideas had been flooding into Shining’s head today, it was making him dizzy. Or was that just an effect of all this excitement, of his dad’s hoof still stroking his cock? Both of Shining’s hooves had fallen still as he struggled to mentally keep up with all the crazy things happening to him tonight, but that hadn’t stopped Dad. “I can help you out, if you want,” Dad said gently, with a patient smile. His hoof kept on moving. Hesitantly, but knowing he’d regret missing out if he didn’t, Shining nodded. Wow... This was really happening! Night Light’s heart fluttered in his chest. He struggled to remain calm, at least outwardly. He didn’t want Shining to pick up on his nervousness and get distressed by it. After all, this was about a father helping his son discover himself. Strictly about giving Shining Armor the best possible introduction, the best possible first step into a more sexual world. Certainly it had nothing to do with how long it had been since Night Light had a cock in his mouth. Of course not. Taking advantage of his own son like that would be horrible. He was only trying to help. And yet ... he couldn’t deny the way his mouth was watering as he slipped down on the couch and came up between his son’s hind legs. He licked his lips, staring at Shining’s pink-mottled shaft sticking straight up in front of him ... oh, and those tight little balls of his, so smooth and snugly nestled between his son’s thighs! Night Light couldn’t manage to convince himself that he wasn’t enjoying this. That would be a lie. But that didn’t mean it was wrong, did it? As long as he was only doing it to help his son, it didn’t matter if he enjoyed it or not. Taking his sweet time and savoring the moment, Night Light took hold of his son’s cock between his forehooves, stroking him lightly as he bent his head down toward Shining’s pale pink tip. There was already a tiny bead of pre-cum welling up on it, glistening where it clung. Waiting for him. He looked up into his son’s eyes. Shining was frozen in place, aside from a slight trembling in his legs. He couldn’t breathe. His dad’s magic still held the magazine up in front of him, but he couldn’t even glance at that anymore. The only thing he could focus on was Dad’s eyes looking back up at him. There was a strange look in them, a look he’d never seen from anypony’s else. Shining knew something important was about to happen. He couldn’t have said quite what, or why it was so important, but he could feel it. He could feel it from his hooves to his horn. It took forever to happen, and Shining was torn between wanting it right away and wanting to wait as long as possible. It seemed glacially slow as his dad’s tongue came out, licking right across the sensitive tip of Shining’s cock. “But Dad,” he mumbled, still overwhelmed with the sensation, “that’s where—” “Don’t worry. It’s fine.” Dad licked his lips. “You taste incredible, Shining.” “I ... do?” It had never entered into Shining’s mind how he might taste. And certainly not that part of him. Did he really taste good? And was that even a good thing? Was it good to be tasty? Night Light rolled the flavor of his son’s pre-cum in his mouth, fully appreciating the taste and the slimy texture. Even such a small taste of only one modest drop of pre ... it sent him hurtling straight back to the days before he married Twilight Velvet, when he used to have his fun with stallions almost more often than with mares. The salty, musky flavor was an acquired taste, to be sure. But he definitely had acquired it ... and he’d been going without this for so long that he had almost forgotten how much he missed it. And there was sure to be plenty more where that came from. Time to find out if he still remembered any of his old skills... That first lick had felt surprisingly good, but Shining’s whole world imploded when his dad’s mouth opened and took his cock entirely inside. He’d never known anything could feel this good. The welcoming wet warmth of his dad’s mouth slid down Shining’s cock in a way that made him feel like every part of himself was being engulfed, his whole body swept away into a sensual sea. Dad didn’t have any problem taking him even deeper than the mare in the picture, deeper than Shining would have thought possible. Was that new, pulsing tightness around his tip ... was that Dad’s throat? It couldn’t be ... could it? Dad didn’t stop until he’d planted his lips against Shining’s sheath, twisting his head to the side to avoid poking Shining’s belly with his horn. Instinctively, Shining pressed his hips upward, trying to push deeper and deeper for reasons he didn’t understand, except for the vague notion that it might feel even better. It didn’t seem to bother Dad at all. He rode out the upward bumps, moving right along with Shining’s cock. How could he look so peaceful and loving down there with something so shameful and dirty filling his mouth? Night Light closed his eyes in bliss, just going along with it as his son humped his face. A bit rude of him, perhaps, but of course he hadn’t learned his manners about such things yet, and it wasn’t really bothering Night Light. Shining’s coltish eagerness only made the fires burn hotter inside him. Night Light’s cock slapped up against his own belly, throbbing sympathetically, remembering his own very first blowjob in the colt’s locker room way back when. That hadn’t been nearly as skilled, but just as eager. And the feeling of a cock filling his mouth, twitching in his throat! Wow – it had been far too long! He was glad that his son’s cock wasn’t too big. This out of practice, he’d be choking on it if Shining was the size of a full-grown stallion. This was perfect, though. Just enough to be slightly uncomfortable, a slight stretch. It added the perfect edge to the sensation, a slight tinge of being overwhelmed by the other stallion’s masculine power. The fact that it was his son’s power only made it all the sweeter. The urgent warmth pressing into his throat overwhelmed any thought of how wrong it might be to abuse his position as Shining’s father, or how inappropriate it might be to do such a thing with a colt so young. Shining had barely even gotten his cutie mark, and here Night Light knelt on the floor in front of him, drooling on the colt’s cock. And none of it mattered in the slightest. There was only love here, love and nurturing warmth. As Shining’s efforts to push himself deeper ebbed, Night Light truly went to work. He bobbed his head in long, smooth strokes up and down his son’s cock; he reached with his hooves to gently massage Shining’s scrumptiously small and tight sack. Yes ... the poor little colt was so pent-up from new-found urges. Not to worry. His father was there for him, ready to empty those overfilled balls, ready to coax him into his very first orgasm. Shining’s head reeled at the welcoming wet warmth of his dad’s mouth sliding on his cock. It was just like the luxuriant moment when Dad had first taken it inside, repeated over and over again. He didn’t even notice when Dad set the magazine down on the coffee table. His eyes could barely focus on anything at all. His breath came in deep gasps, to the same rhythm of Dad’s movement. His forehooves strained, digging into the fabric of the couch. He held onto it for dear life, like he might drift away to some higher plane of existence at any moment if he didn’t hold on firmly. The pressure inside him was growing unbearable. And yet wonderful. He couldn’t decide. All he knew for sure was that it was more. It was like an ache deep within him, spreading from the root of his cock outward through his body. And yet ... it was a good ache somehow. Something must be wrong with him – he wanted it to ache! Night Light knew it wouldn’t be long now. The tip of Shining’s cock was flaring wider, blocking off his entire throat. He’d never be able to take a grown stallion’s flare like this, not even in his glory days. Even Shining’s smaller flare made him cough and sputter. His spittle dripped freely over Shining’s lap, and his eyes blurred with tears. But he kept going, undeterred. His son would have the best, the very best he could give. Somehow, Dad’s throat had gotten much tighter around Shining’s tip. Only the tip. He could feel it distinctly. Was it something about the coughing and gagging sounds Dad was making? Was Dad okay? Was it hurting him? Shining knew he should stop and check, just to make sure. But he couldn’t. Dad just kept going, and especially with that extra tight grip deep in the throat, Shining was too overwhelmed to do anything but hang on and strain himself, pushing himself toward ... toward something. Something that he desperately needed and could only hope that he’d recognize when it happened. It was happening! Night Light could feel it! His son’s cock was already beginning to pulse! Heedless of his own discomfort, he pressed himself tightly down, squeezing his muzzle against his son’s underbelly and working his tongue over his son’s sheath, giving him every possible morsel of pleasure in this crucial moment. Shining’s delicate musk – though it smelled only faintly after his recent bath – filled Night Light’s nose, making him shudder. Shining gasped loudly, no longer thinking about his sleeping mom and sister. That pressure ... it became a burning! There was only one thing that had ever given him that almost-burning sensation right at the tip of his cock before. “Dad, I’m...” He gasped again, struggling to hold himself back. “Dad, stop! I’m gonna pee!” Night Light knew better. He kept himself pressed right against Shining’s sheath and moaned, “Mmm-hm” around his son’s ardently throbbing cock. Unable to hold it back any longer, Shining finally gave in. It was terrible, awful to think that he might be doing such a thing right in his dad’s mouth, but he just couldn’t stop it. And it felt so good! Why did it feel this good? His head was swimming, dizzy with the sensation of it. Huge pulses that he’d never felt before sprang from deep in his belly, shooting up through his cock. It was like ... like something pumping its way out of him! But it didn’t feel at all like peeing ... it was something else! What was happening? With well-practiced dedication, Night Light swallowed around Shining’s cock, drinking down the thick, gooey spurts of cum as fast as they could spew into his throat. Yes ... let it all out, he thought toward his son, imagining that Shining could actually hear him. The shudders of pleasure and relief flooding through the young colt were unmistakable. He gently stroked his son’s clenching, pulsing balls, hoping to tease out as much sweet release and reprieve from the colt’s youthful urges as possible. It was over. Somehow, Shining felt that in his bones. As the last few throbs ran through his cock, all the excitement and intensity off this strange new experience was done. Done with a kind of finality that made it seem like all of Equestria had come to a stop. Gasping for breath, he flopped limp against the couch. He felt like he could lie there for days. As his son’s cock softened inside his mouth, Night Light finally pulled his head back, letting Shining’s shaft slip out of his throat. He did stop for a moment with Shining’s tip against his tongue, though, hoping for one last little present... And there it came. One feeble last squirt, Shining’s cock oozing out a last few drops of his very first load. Night Light kept that precious payload on the cusp of his tongue as he let his son’s now-limp cock fall free against Shining’s white-furred thigh. He savored the taste ... the slick, gooey feel of it. It had been far too long since he tasted anything like this. Shining’s cum tasted quite salty, but only slightly bitter ... and there was even a distinct note of sweetness to it. Hm... Sweetness from a sweet young colt. How wonderful! Reverently, and already feeling like he was going to miss its presence, he swallowed it down. The way it coated his throat on the way down actually helped with the slight soreness that still lingered... Woozily, Shining raised his head, enough to stare at his dad getting up off the floor and sitting back down next to him on the couch. “How was that?” Night Light whispered. Shining looked down at his own cock. It had shriveled almost all the way back into his sheath already, though his whole lap felt soggy from his dad’s drool. It seemed strange now, to have been so concerned about his cock sticking out like that. Such an insignificant thing, so unimportant. Just as unimportant as the wetness coating his sheath and balls now. All of it was nothing compared to the life-changing peak of pleasure he’d just experienced. “It was ... it was...” Shining could only shudder as a slight aftershock of that ecstatic release ran through him, making his legs twitch. “Dad, I... I love you, Dad!” “Love you too, Shining.” Dad’s comforting hoof rubbed Shining’s shoulders. His eyelids drooping, Shining struggled to keep himself upright. He almost slumped down into lying sideways on the couch. Why was he so sleepy all of the sudden? Yes, it was late, after his bedtime ... but he’d been so awake just a moment ago, and before that, he’d been trying to fall asleep and couldn’t! Dad noticed that. “Why don’t you go ahead and go to bed?” He helped lift Shining off of the couch and get him standing, giving him a tender hug and a quick kiss on the forehead as he did. “I’ll clean up a little bit, then I’m going to bed myself.” Blinking to keep his eyes open, Shining stared up at his dad ... and then down at Dad’s lap. “But yours is still...” “Don’t worry about me.” Night Light chuckled a little and rubbed Shining’s mane. “I’m a grown-up stallion and I can take care of it myself. As long as you’re feeling better, I’m happy.” Nodding drowsily, Shining turned to head for his bedroom. “Don’t forget your magazine.” Shining stopped in his tracks, suddenly turning. The magazine! How could he have forgotten something so precious? He snatched it out of the air, from where his dad’s magic held it out toward him. He wasn’t even sure if he was supposed to want it anymore. Could he truly enjoy pictures of mares after what he’d just done with another stallion? It was too important to give up, though ... and the only way to find out would be to open the magazine some other time. Night Light grinned as he watched his son go down the hallway and disappear into his room. Yep, that colt was living the good life now. Unlike Night Light himself, Shining would never grow up to regret his introduction to adulthood ... right? Right? His smile soured into a frown. Maybe he hadn’t done the right thing? Lots of ponies would disagree with this, be outraged by this, if they knew. But he’d resisted the temptation to let Shining return the favor. And he hadn’t even entertained the possibility of violating the colt’s virginity. If Night Light were truly a lecherous, incestuous old stallion, surely he’d be mounting his son right now, desperate to relieve his own pent-up urges inside the supple body of his young colt... No, no ... he’d simply been nurturing his son’s development into a true stallion. Maybe he’d gotten a little carried away with that blowjob, but it was harmless. Just helping him out, helping take care of that little problem of his. And now... Now Night Light had a ‘little problem’ of his own to take care of. Thankfully, though, he had a loving wife, and he knew she wouldn’t object to a spontaneous late-night lovemaking when nudged halfway awake... Shining sighed as he stared up at his bedroom ceiling. He’d felt so sleepy just moments ago. How could he be struggling to sleep now? He’d heard the expression, ‘too tired to sleep’ and thought it sounded silly, but maybe that’s what was happening to him right now? Or maybe it was the thoughts of what had just happened that kept racing through his head. Nothing coherent, nothing that made sense. Just images, mostly. The magazine, floating in his dad’s yellow magical field. The way Dad wiped his lips after slurping his way off of Shining’s cock. The magazine where it was now, carefully hidden between his mattress and his bed frame, directly beneath him right this very moment. The glint in his dad’s eyes as Dad looked up at him, lips tightly wrapped around Shining’s sheath. The pink opening of that dark-furred pegasus mare’ privates, hinting at untold depths within and pleasures beyond his imagination... “Mmm, you’re so hard, honey... What’s gotten you so worked up?” Shining could barely hear it from all the way across the hall, but his mom’s voice was unmistakable. And the creaking of a bed. Without even thinking about it, he slipped out of bed and crept across the hallway toward his parents’ door. The door was mostly closed, but it hadn’t latched. Shining was able to nudge it partway open without making the slightest sound. And then he saw. Mom was lying on the bed, stretched out on her belly. And Dad hunched on top of her back, gripping her tightly between his forehooves. His hips pushed powerfully into her. His muscles flexed underneath his fur. Mom’s flanks jiggled and rippled as he made contact again and again. From right behind them, Shining got a perfect view. Dad’s swinging balls and – each time he pulled back – his now-familiar and glistening wet cock. Mom’s slit, so much like the mare in that magazine, but stretched wide by the thickness of the cock sliding into it, not by being caught in a permanent wink by the camera’s lens. It was all clear to see through the moonlight from the window. “Inside,” Mom breathed. “Let’s have another one.” Dad whickered excitedly, putting even more force and urgency into his powerful thrusts. Shining’s eyes darted from one to the other. He’d always assumed he only liked fillies, but now he had no idea which he wanted to see more. No idea which one he was supposed to want. Or if he was supposed to want his own family like this at all. The view of his mom was so quickly answering those deep mysteries spurred by the pictures he’d seen in the magazine, giving him a tantalizing fantasy of what a mare’s privates were really for. But his dad... He could still feel the supple warmth and thickness of Dad’s cock, as if he still held it in his hoof. What would it be like, giving Dad the same kind of pleasure that Shining had just gotten moments ago? He had to choose, didn’t he? His teacher had said that it would just be natural and it wasn’t a choice ... but it had to be! A terrifying choice! He couldn’t imagine ignoring one in favor of the other, he couldn’t live his life without both – this was impossible! “Velvet!” Dad cried out quietly, fully hilting himself inside Mom. “I love you so much...” His balls clenched and the base of his cock pulsed – Shining could see it rhythmically swell as it pumped something into her. Mom cooed happily in reply. “Love you too... Mmm, I can feel it inside. Hope it’s a filly this time...” “I’m hoping for another colt,” Dad said, nuzzling her neck. In a long, slow motion, Dad pulled out of her. His cock fell free, swinging limply, with the tip of it strangely flared out. A slow gush of something white and sticky-looking leaked out of Mom. She turned her head to kiss Dad and— And Shining ducked away from the doorway, hoping Mom hadn’t seen him watching. His problem had come back as he watched, twitching under his belly as hard as ever. Thankfully, though, he knew what to do and he had a magazine waiting for him under his bed – his dad had given him everything he’d need to take care of it this time...