> Transition to Twilight > by DarkShadowSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Serious case of Twilightification > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transition to Twilight Written, translated and edited by me: DarkShadowSpark I double-checked the settings of the camera and the microphone one last time. Auto focus? Check! Automatic zoom? Also check! Centering and general alignment across the room? All in view! Hm, microphone plugged in and set to record? "Test, test! Ah perfect, functional as it should be, no complaints," I grinned delightedly across both cheeks as I moved on with my check. Still correct data for tracing the recording? Let me see. With a critical eye, I skimmed the data that was permanently displayed at the edge of the video, as well as in the bottom of the description, just to be on the safe side. Mokerna & BioNGeck GmbH Labor 42, Location: TopSecret Saturday, 2. August 2042 Day 168 since begin of examination Day 325 since „the Event“ Proj. Codename: EQuuS-ALiCorNIuS Probe Nr. 17 Videorecording: 257-69420/1337 A big smile crossed my face. Everything as it should be. Now all that's missing is the time and I can start another attempt. Time of start? With a cursory glance at the clock hanging behind the camera on the white lab wall, I leaned a little to the side and pulled the keyboard close with my two hands. Start: 4:32 p.m. Once I had made sure for the very last time that all the data was correct, even though I had already worked through this exact situation more than a dozen times. I quickly straightened my clothes before I began to look into the camera lens, wide grinning. My right hand slowly wandered along the edge of my field of perception to the key on the keyboard with which the recording program would start its recording. To a new one, was the last thing that went through my mind before my index finger pressed the button. By now I wasn't so nervous anymore, every time I gave my standard greeting. Eventually, even I, a rather reclusive and easily intimidated person, got used to addressing my words to others. "Hello and a good day to all of you who may see this in the future. As usual, I will begin with my introduction. Should this not be the first time you have heard this greeting, or if you simply don't care, feel free to fast-forward to the point marked with this note in the video. However, I recommend that you listen to my explanation if you have not already done so. It definitely makes it easier to be understood." I point my fingers down to the bottom of the video clip where, as usual, the relevant text had been inserted by me: "Greeting ends at *1*". "Should you still be there and interested, I shall now have my say." I put on a wider smile, which I then withdrew a little. Too much of a good thing made one come across as a bit crazy. I might have been a scientist, but I wasn´t crazy in the slightest. "My name is Ethan Whitewood, I'm a 21-year-old researcher at Mokerna & BioNGeck GmbH in Lab 42, but due to strict regulations, I'm not allowed to say anything more specific. To be honest, to this day I am not even sure myself if record keeping and what I have been doing here after my regular working hours for many weeks is even completely legal. But that fact is not that important so let's simply put it aside." "Today is the 168th day since I started my research and the 325th day as of ' the event'", I performed quotation marks in the air with my fingers, but would nevertheless not forget to mention in my introduction what it was all about. Even though everybody who hadn't been living under a rock for almost a year should in fact already know what I meant. "I will be performing the 17th test with a new extracted serum from the alien energy source today - more on the energy source in a moment. Today's test substance has, for the protocol, the rather complicated and incomprehensible name of 'T20W23I9-SpARk' and for the first time it has also a new color. Up until now, they have all been white in color, but this one is different. Which leads me to the conclusion that I may be on to a success today." Reaching out of the camera frame to a vial holder with several glass tubes stuck in it, I pulled out the one that had the aforementioned inscription and proudly held it up in the camera lens for all to see. The test tube was about half filled with a purple-lavender liquid that slowly swayed as I moved the glass tube back and forth. After a few seconds, I lowered the vessel and put it back in its place. First my greeting had to be finished before I could devote myself entirely to the experiment. My body was already trembling slightly with tension, not because I was standing in front of the camera, but because, as I mentioned, I had the feeling that I could finally achieve a breakthrough today. The color of the brew was indeed quite promising. "Hhhmmmm. Where was I? Ah yes, sorry. For several decades, a number of mega-corporations had ruled the global market economy and even though most of them claimed to be committed to the well-being of the planet, global warming with all its consequences was getting worse and worse. By the spring of 2039, it seemed that the Earth, our home planet, had finally had enough. A massive tempest that lasted almost three whole days and was accompanied by almost every environmental catastrophe we know to this day, opened our eyes. For the next three and a half years, the most powerful organizations and company’s on the planet spent much of their time and money trying to come up with solutions. But, horribly, it already seemed too late. No matter what approaches humanity tried, it seemed futile. Nothing we designed was even remotely powerful enough to affect the atmosphere and climate of an entire planet. Although there was no other catastrophe as devastating as the one that triggered the desperate attempt to save us, we were still not completely spared. It seemed to be hopeless and at some point, even the most astute of us had almost given up hope." "But then, one early morning, in the rising of the sun, a number of astronomers spotted a glowing dot in the firmament that appeared to be on a direct collision course with the Earth. Where this first suspected asteroid, a theory that was quickly disproved, came from so suddenly, no one was able to explain, but there was one thing for sure. After intensive calculations depending on the presumed size and speed, we came to the conclusion that it would only take a few more hours for the object to impact and that it would do so at almost twice the speed of light. By that time, no one of us had questioned the impossibility of an object moving that fast, the panic of humanity was much too great for that." I cleared my throat once more briefly before continuing. "Despite all the panic, we gathered all our military available in such a short time around the point where the object would hit our planet. If it really wasn't a meteorite, we would be able to intervene immediately with all our power if necessary. And if it was, it would have made no difference where on Earth you were anyway, given the incredible speed." "As it soon turned out, we were right with our first theory, the object continued to slow down its approach the closer it came to Earth. Nevertheless, it passed so close and so fast to our moon that it briefly dragged it several degrees out of its trajectory. Regardless of what the object was, it was clearly intelligent and possessed a tremendous level of powers. No sooner did we get word from our sensors, that the moon had begun to leave its orbit, it had been repositioned in its old place and arc by an incredible bright light.” "Breathlessly, we witnessed how the unknown being landed a short time later in the middle of ´The Ellipse´, where the majority of our military was already waiting for it, with still several times the speed of sound and a deafening impact that made the entire environment shake and tremble. By any rights we should have expected it from the start, after the being had dealt so easily with the problem of our moon. After it had landed, not a single one of our defense electronics was willing to function any longer. It was completely and utterly jammed, rendering Humanity devoid of battle within a fraction of a second. A terrifying thought as you all can guess." "But we were fortunate as it seemed, it turned out that the creature was not hostile to us. Rather the exact contrary. As the golden glow around the creature diminished, we could make out what appeared to be a horse-like creature inside, slowly rising to its feats - or hooves for that matter. However, it was almost twice the size of an average horse found on our planet and also had unusual big and long appendages on its back and head. I'll abbreviate the whole thing, as most of you have almost certainly already seen the records. The creature was none other than a lavender-colored alicorn, with a multicolored constantly flowing mane made from something like the cosmos itself and an aura around it that could not be described as anything other than purely godlike." At that I spun away from the camera and pointed with my left hand to the whiteboard on the wall behind me, which contained a serious number of complicated diagrams, formulas and the white, sketchy outline of a unicorn. In my hectic pace and immersion in my studies, I still hadn't managed to complete the drawing of the unicorn and add the two clearly missing wings in weeks. After all, our alien visitor was not a unicorn, but an alicorn. "As you can see here right behind me, I too, like many others, attempted to find out down to the smallest detail what or more precisely who it was, where the creature came from and what was given to us by it. After all, the creature never told us its true name or origin, but only called itself 'the alicorn from outer space' for reasons probably known only to herself. Now I had to smirk again. "Yes, you heard me correctly, I said 'she', because unlike many, I am well aware of who we were dealing with. To be honest, I am surprised that until today the true name never came to light, for the alicorn mare actually isn't that unknown on earth. Her name is none other than Twilight Sparkle, or more precisely Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria from the planet Equus. One of the four alicorns and rulers of this pony inhabited planet and until the event of her arrival on our earth, only known from a popular cartoon series, especially among adults and men. The series is called 'My little Pony: Friendship is magic', if you didn´t already know. A series that I, too, have been infatuated with since its first appearance more than three decades ago, up to the present day. All thanks to the fact that this very alicorn mare, who visited us almost a year ago, is also by far my favorite character of this TV series. But anyway, I'm getting off topic once more, funny how that's still happening to me even on my 17th go." "But anyway, sorry for the distraction. The alicorn mare visiting us, after her unequivocal request, conversed with the leaders, presidents and other representatives of our countries present and after quite a few hours it was finally clear what she sought. She did not ask for tribute, belongings, wealth or any such thing, which looking at it also made sense, for the alicorn was wearing a gorgeous crown, peytral and other ornaments made of a material that we were unable to identify, yet which was clearly immensely valuable. Moreover, the jewelry contained several gems of impressive size, purity and worth – easily estimated at several hundred carats by later investigation of the footage. She sought only the chance to help us.” “As it all seemed, she descended from a distant planet and like her fellow alicorns, she protected and preserved many galaxies without their knowledge and personal interacting. Including ours, apparently. But as humanity had done a pretty decent job in the last decades to undo this goal, she had probably settled on helping us. Her help came in the form of several fist-sized glowing gemstones, seemingly pulled from some sort of pocket dimension or whatever. At least, that's the best theory we have to date, as we have no idea where else she would have gotten them from." "It was elaborated to us that these crystals held a fraction of her magic and they would provide us with all the energy we needed to replace any harmful energy source in eternity. Of course, no one wanted to believe this theory - an infinite energy source? Such a level and concept of power simply could not exist, but Twilight was very persuasive. Especially as within less than an hour, with the aid of her horn and the aforementioned magic, she had made the entire planet Earth a friendly, clean and safe world once more. At the same time, she apparently eliminated all harmful energy sources from the surface, because buildings such as nuclear power plants or coal or gas turbines were no longer to be found after her magic show was over.” I glanced at the wall clock behind the camera and noticed with slight frustration that my explanation had become two minutes longer yet I still wasn't quite finished. "Um, anyway, I don't want to keep you in suspense much longer. That's why I'll give you the last bit in a rush. Most of you will know anyway and should that not be the case, I kindly ask you to spend five minutes of your valuable time and seek the matter online." I nodded briefly in thanks to my unseen audience before continuing. "Having received the crystals from Twilight, the alicorn, she departed almost immediately. By her own account, we were not the only ones who would need her help today and she was already pressed for time. Even if time was utterly meaningless to her, whatever that might entail. With an equally violent tremor and a single flap of her wings, our benevolent alicorn mare catapulted herself back through our atmosphere and into the cold vastness of the universe. Presumably on her way to the next destination of her quest to save souls that technically speaking were to blame for their own misery and extinction.” “Many of our scientists tried to trace her path, but after the alicorn suddenly vanished through a space-time curvature, better known to you as a wormhole, the latter disappearing just as quickly without any evidence of its existence as it had appeared. Even the smallest trace was lost. For better or worse, we had to admit our defeat with what was handed to us." "But believe me when I say. There is much more to it than meets the eye. After all, we are dealing with a godlike alien source of magic, though I prefer to call it alicorn magic. So if you've listened carefully to what I've told you before, or if you've already seen it in a video, then you understand the undiscovered potential of this strange magic." Now I was starting to blush, as I unfortunately do every time coming to this part so close to the start of the experiment. "Write me off as crazy, I don´t care, but I have been trying for more than half a year to extract the part from the magic code and turn it into a serum with which it is possible for a human to transform itself. In my case Twilight Sparkle herself, as after all, it is the easiest and most logical way from my point of view. It is her magic signature inscribed into each of the Magic Gems, the being closest to the source and well…she remains my overall favorite, so that´s a bonus", I added quietly at the end. *1* I reached for the glass tube with my left hand, while fishing for the syringe that was already laid out on the table with my right hand. Very carefully and slowly I inserted the small needle into the tube and began to draw it up to the 15ml mark with the colored liquid. Today I preferred a little more than the last times, perhaps it had just been too little. The syringe was soon filled to the third large marking and as carefully as before, I pulled it out a second time. It used to take several hours to make even a single milliliter of serum each time and I would hate to lose my current progress. With slightly shaky fingers, I put the vial back into its holder, definitely by no means almost throwing it to the floor as my hands were sweating so much. NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! I proceeded to slowly bring the colorful filled syringe to my forearm and looked over at the camera before injecting myself with the test substance. "Ladies and gentlemen, witness me Ethan Whitewood bring forth, what is arguably, the greatest breakthrough in the history of humanity. The proof that transformational magic exists and that humans can extract and harness it from nothing more than the magic signature of a being with magical abilities. Even if that being happens to be a literal alicorn goddess. This sample in my hand should have the required elements substituted out to be able to alter my DNA and turn me into an exact replica of Princess Twilight Sparkle's body. Of course, it won't be a perfect copy or body takeover before any of you think that, nor is it cloning as it sounds at first glance. Think of it as changing a person's biology to the deepest possible level, with the retention of many physical aspects from another person. Biologically and by appearance I will look like Twilight, but I am not the original her. Thank you for your attention, but I needed to get that out of the way for safety's and my own sake before we begin." With those last words, I lowered the needle and pricked my forearm. Ouch. Slowly I began to move the plunger down and watched tensely, as I had done the last sixteen times, as this time the purple-lavender fluid was injected through the nozzle of the syringe into my vein. No turning back now, I just hoped that at some point I wouldn't push my luck and cause myself massive harm. No matter how well and neatly the preliminary simulation of possible successful combinations of the individual components required was carried out. Until I could finally sit down to do the extraction in hours of painstaking work. It was still a serum that had never been produced and tested before, so something could always go wrong. The thought was dismissed as quickly as possible, as I didn't want to think about such a thing in the first place. I was one hundred percent sure that I hadn't made a mistake this time either and that, in the worst case, I had only synthesized another placebo for the seventeenth time - all right, ninety-five percent sure. But that had to be enough. "Start timer!", I shouted into the empty room and out of the corner of my eye I saw the voice control initiate the countdown I had programmed underneath the camera. After enough simulations and three days of waiting after each of the first two injections, it was clear to me that if no changes were felt after a quarter of an hour, there would be none. Anxious and with a big grin on both ears, I waited for something to happen and for me to notice the first signs of change in my body. Every minute or so I glanced either at the camera or at the timer installed underneath. Twelve long and almost breathless minutes later, my grin was not quite as wide as before and I could feel sweat slowly forming on my forehead. I had been so convinced that the experiment would work this time. But it seemed that it had been a dud this time too, even though the color of the fluid had been so very promising. Dejected, I waited for the countdown to pass the fifteen minute mark. My hope was gone, but I still wanted to wait until I could be sure that it would be another unmistakably flop. Suddenly, however, I felt warmth spreading over my skin as I looked down my body with renewed enthusiasm. Apparently I had given up hope too soon. Mentally absent, I could hear the beeping of the timer at the edge of my perception, the fifteen minute mark had thus been passed. Yet the warm feeling in my body did not diminish in the slightest, instead it grew steadily. The skin at the ends of my arms and legs began to tingle as if I was being pricked by hundreds of tiny needles at the same time, the sensation was not the most pleasant in the world, but it was far from painful - just unfamiliar. As I continued to look at my feet and hands, I saw that my flesh was slowly starting to turn paler at the ends. My fingers felt somehow tangled and no longer possessed the mobility they had had until a minute ago; my feet were even less mobile than my hands. I watched in amazement as the skin slowly began to melt together. My toes were soon no longer clearly recognizable and almost all feeling had drained from them. Clever as I was, I had wisely avoided wearing shoes, socks or tight clothing during my experiments. I knew how sturdy some clothes could be and preferred to prevent choking on them should my experiment be a success. Interested, I tried to move my fingers and toes, but the joints seemed stuck. Before I knew it, the ends of my extremities began to ache as the bones curled inward and formed a hard fist. I could feel my fingertips digging through the skin and the bones slowly being absorbed by my hand. The burning intensified as my toes and then fingers fused into tiny splinters of bone that I could no longer move. I saw my middle finger thicken and begin to absorb the bones and flesh around it. At the same time, the transformation of my fingers still progressed much more slowly than those of my feet. Moreover, it looked likewise as if my hands were not deforming at an equal pace. My right fingernail had almost completely transformed into a large knot, a thick chunk of dark lavender keratin that was slowly but steadily replacing my hand, while on the top of my arm it was beginning to be overgrown with soft lavender fur. My left hand, on the other side, still had something like three thick fingers, which, although by now also ending in equally colored keratin, were still quite clearly recognizable. There was also colorful fur on this side of my body, but this was presently only on the back of my hand, though it was beginning to spread slowly and steadily. I soon began to grasp that my feet and hand snapped into a rigid position and expanded until they were half as long as my entire arm and leg. Already I was beginning to have slight balance problems, though I knew my transformation was nowhere near progressive enough to direct me into being quadrupedal. Nevertheless, I preferred to lean against the wall with my arms, so that I wouldn't unintentionally smash my face into the floor later on. Especially not when everything was being recorded on video. I briefly allowed myself to avert my gaze from my changing body and look in the direction of the camera. Assuring myself that I was still the focus of the recording and that all my progress was being captured. There would probably never be a situation like this again, at least not for me - it would be a shame if it wasn't filmed when the opportunity was there. Luckily for me, I had invested a little more money in my camera and lens than I probably should have. Both the automatic focus and the zoom function had me and my transformation perfectly in view. Pleased I directed my gaze back to my body, where the fur had already grown up on both sides about half of my underarms. Surprisingly, however, only on the top of these. A discomforting tug further below made me look straight down along my body where I noticed that the replacement growths at the ends of my feet were by now ending in lavender keratin and looked quite distinctly hoof-shaped. I raised my left foot and turned it as best I could toward the camera to see the underside and record the progress. As a result, I could now see the distinctive horseshoe shape of the bottom of my foot displayed on the screen, which showed me what was currently in focus on the camera. I didn't have to lift my other foot to know that it was exactly the same. Still, it didn't escape my notice that a few small tufts of lavender fur had already grown over my forming hind hooves as well and were disappearing under the cuff of my trousers, so I could only guess roughly how far the fur had already grown. I grinned to myself with delight, my serum seemed to have worked at last and even though I was inwardly rejoicing and practically jumping in a triangle, I was concentrating on my advancing transformation. The mild burning in my feet diminished, which were now rock solid hooves. I could feel the skin and soft flesh forming around them as the transformation began to climb further up my legs. Shortly afterwards, however, the unfamiliar sensation in my legs stopped, and had it not been for the subtle burning in my proto-forehooves, I would have been afraid the transformation had stopped just like that. The strange feeling, however, quickly shifted up to my shoulders and my two hands apparently remained as they were for the time being. An odd but rather interesting turn of events. As the tingling and burning in my shoulders intensified, I opted to take off my shirt to see what was in store underneath. Unfortunately, this proved to be a little more difficult than I expected as my half-formed hooves took a few attempts to get hold of the t-shirt so that I could pull it over my head. I got my left arm out of my sleeve with relative ease, but my right one was quite stiff and moving it proved to be extremely strenuous. Apparently some of my bones and muscles had already started to deform, depriving me of the mobility I needed in my extremity for the time being. Therefore, I simply discarded the idea, as it suited me anyway. I had enough time later on to take care of this little problem. Without the shirt I could glance at my shoulders, from which my hair was beginning to stand on end, by now lavender in color. I watched as my hair grew a few more inches straight before my eyes, slowly creeping down my upper arms and sides. Within less than half a minute, the lavender fur had crawled down to my elbows and almost completely covered my upper limbs. Yet my arms still appear quite human, apart from the brightly colored hair that covered about half of them. The itchy sensation that my growing fur caused on my skin as it was transformed wandered down the center of both my sides and soon came to my hips, where it quickly spread to cover them all the way to the edge of my buttocks. As the coat grew, I spotted the first unmistakable sign that I was really turning into Twilight Sparkle and not another pony with similar fur. While the hair continued to grow, the characteristic pink six-pointed star formed on the lavender fur at my hips, surrounded by five smaller white ones evenly spaced. A quick glance to my right confirmed the assumption that my transformation was progressing equally on both sides. The pain on my sides increased a good deal before I could take my eyes completely away from them and, through clenched teeth and a strained face, I watched as small beige lumps began to form on both my left and right side, steadily pushing their way out of my sides. Of course it was immediately evident to me what this meant, after all Twilight was an alicorn and I had to grow wings as well to be able to look like her. Amused, I examined the two small beige wings that began to push painfully out of my sides and had to refrain myself from grabbing them with my hands and running a hand along their contour. As they did so, they grew with the seconds and as more and more lavender feathers developed along the wings, they also slowly discolored the already grown beige feathers into the same color as the fresh ones, starting from the tips of the appendages. I marveled at my growing wings and was unable to avert my gaze from them, until finally they even extended a good five inches beyond the outermost contour of my cutie mark and up my flanks. I now was in possession of two beautiful and impressively feathered alicorn wings that clung tightly to my sides. As the required nerves formed and fused with my sides, my wings twitched and fanned out slightly as a reaction. Pondering further on their beauty was not something that crossed my mind as suddenly my forehead burst open in intense pain as a long horn shot out of my skull in seconds. Incredible power flooding my mind and made my head ache even more. However, thanks to some faithful deity, the overall changes had been painful, but not unbearable terrible so. Well if your whole biology was rewritten, pain was something to be expected, my mind decided. I only wished I had taken some painkiller beforehand, but I could take it. I was sure of that. Almost at the same time, my eyes too began to burn like hell, it felt like I was staring straight into an extremely bright source of light. They were pressed and flattened into my skull and slowly stretched out. I could no longer see through the pain. At last the pressure eased and I could once again see. The room now seemed just a little more colorful and my vision had highly improved. In the monitor next to the camera I now spotted the face of a small horse with cute brilliant sparkling and sharp violet eyes looking at me from my direction. Understandable, since it was me who was becoming Twilight. My head was still mostly human, except for the eyes and the peaked horn on my forehead. My ears rang as I felt them being dragged across my scalp and the bone beneath them reshaped like plasticine. They fastened themselves to the top of my head while I sensed them widening and lengthening, becoming more pointed at the ends. Everything suddenly sounded so much more precise and also louder. The feeling of my head hair being tugged at did not escape me either. It grew quickly and in seconds became almost two feet long as it fell down the side of my head from behind my neck. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the brown from my new mane begin to fade and be replaced by a deep shade of blue. Spliced in the middle by two strands of moderate purple and brilliant raspberry. I frantically suppressed a scream. I felt my jaw begin to form further and my teeth were stretched painfully, sending pain into my head. Moments later, my teeth began to deform, towards large, flat molars that were better suited to chewing grass. The fur on my face spread until it covered my entire head and I now had the elongated skull of a pony instead of my human head. It was actually a really amusing sight to look at. A sharp stab of pain in my ass brought me back to reality. Something sent a sharp pain up my spine as it pulled down and separated the vertebrae. A bulge in my butt tore through the skin and pressed my pants down, almost painfully into my crotch, while my tailbone shot outwards and grew into a moving tail. It quickly sprouted thick hair, the same color as my mane and stretched to the ground behind me. My tail began to wiggle as the nerves formed and connected the muscles to my spine. I suddenly became aware of how fast I was breathing, all this process was quite exhausting, but far from over. Nevertheless, I was confident that I could get through the rest as well. First though, I had to take care of the problem with my pants, as they were still pressed tightly against my lower body. Fortunately for me, however, my waistband was only held in place by a loose belt with a snap buckle. It was therefore easy, despite my proto-hooves, by the time even less than ideal for grasping, to press it and thus undo the belt. After that, it was almost too simple to slip the trousers off my rear and down my legs, where they caught on my calves. I was now standing there almost completely naked and with my half-fur-and-skin-covered backside slightly turned towards the camera, but that didn't bother me at all. My transformation had made such progress and by now my body was beginning to be covered with more lavender fur than skin. Besides, ponies didn't normally wear clothes anyway. As I looked at myself on the screen, I was struck by the fact that my back and underside were still almost completely covered in human skin. Only along the middle of my sides where my wings joined my body; my neck; shoulders and most of my hips had grown fur. My gaze drifted much lower between my partially developed equine hind legs, down to my stone-hard cock, still proudly emblazoned on my underside. Somehow, with all the changes my body had gone through so far and how much fur I had grown on my body, it seemed quite out of place. I had to smile at the absurd image. A tingling sensation spread through my groin as if my foot had fallen asleep. Glancing down, I saw and at the same time felt two mounds of flesh begin to bulge at the bottom of my stomach and large pads of fat and mammary glands of a darker shade of purple began to develop. Within a few seconds, these swelled to a stately size that was quite something to behold. The tingling so far down my body was generally quite uncomfortable, and then it got a bit worse, as I felt the skin of my scrotum tighten. The skin contracted more and more against my balls, squeezing them painfully until they began to be pressed into my abdomen. Oh man, I chided myself, frustrated that I was only now becoming aware of it in my mind, I had almost forgotten in all the excitement, Twilight was a mare...and that could only mean one thing...Already my cock felt a bit lighter. Oh God! What the hell is that?! This is fucking amazing. I roughly knew what was about to happen to me next and desired to be in a position to follow it in all its splendor. Of course, as well as documenting it for posterity, how often did a simple man like me turn into such a graceful alicorn mare as Twilight? Which was why I fully rotated my bare rear into the tracking camera and flagged my tail up as high as possible over my back. First I felt my anus change as the same began to shrink and contract as it slowly turned into a thick dark purple equine donut right below my dock. Soon the edges curled up and began puffing outward into a cute ring of flesh, finishing the transformation there so far. I bit my tongue as I felt my cock slowly shrink and go limp as it melted into my skin. The flesh was pulled so tight that he could only sink further into my abdomen. However, before he could do so, I suddenly felt a vast, intimate space between my legs being torn open around my dwindling incipient cock. "Aahhhhh," I cried out involuntarily without being able to control it, in a mixture of pain and carnal pleasure. Despite my somewhat blurred vision over my back, I saw two leathery, lavender-colored flaps forming on the sides of the gash, covering the thin slit from the outside world and trapping my cock between them. The thrill and sight of my own cock dangling limply out of Twilight's - nay my forming marehood was mind-blowing. Fascinated, I watched as my cock was slowly sucked into my developing pussy and fused to the bottom of it. Unneeded matter of my old sex freely leaking as precum from it's tip as it was shortening. I could clearly see and feel the lavender hair beginning to grow over my buttocks, around my little pucker, to the edge of my forming pussy and framing it in a field of short lavender fur. A pleasant and incredibly arousing tingle ran through my body as my pussy sucked in my human cock and fully assimilated it as my heart shaped clit formed from what had once been the tip of my cock. My new vaginal muscles contracted, testing themselves and making my pussy wink. The puckered labia were pushed outwards as my inner walls and clitoris protruded. As the muscles relaxed and the flaps fell back with a wet squish, I could do nothing but snort heavily through my muzzle in arouse. My entire lower half was on fire, stoking an intense intimate fire in my pussy as it formed deeper into my body, most certainly creating the cervix with its adjoining uterus and ovaries. I didn't understand what it was at first until the pleasure spread throughout my entire body. It was then that I knew what to expect and even though I was not averse to the idea of having my first feminine - mare? orgasm live on camera, the thought was still a little disconcerting. Whereas, on second thought, my gender had just been magically reversed and formed a slick marehood that had absorbed my old genitalia in the process. The thought of now having a full developed animal genital right between my thighs was also a thing to consider. Therefore it all was not so far-fetched and in any case, the sensations within my transforming body were simply too powerful to ignore. By the time I came, my eyes went black, with my whole body convulsing in ecstasy. The newly formed nerves were overloaded by the sensations in my throbbing slit. My swollen clit drove me to buck so violently that I felt my hooves initially leave the floor and then land again with a dull thud that echoed throughout the lab room. Thanks to my new sharp pony ears, I did not miss the splashes of my own marecum, squirting in wide arcs onto the floor behind me. The spunk had been produced out of the parts of my body and internal organs that I no longer required as a mare and that my body thus disposed of. As the orgasm gradually subsided, I was still fueled by the heat of the event that had just occurred. So, enjoying myself, I swung my long tail back and forth, attached just above the damp, leathery marehood that was now stretched right between my thighs. I let it slide over the outer contours of my new privates and drenched it with my mare juices, my whole body trembling with incredible pleasure. I marveled at all of my activities captured on the footage and could only imagine what others would think if they ever saw this video. Another tingling sensation on my front awoke me from my ecstasy. I became aware that my entire chest and back were slowly being covered by fur, while the hair was sprouting from my sides in hundreds of separate spots. Within my chest, I felt my heart begin to beat stronger. Ribs loosened and repositioned themselves, causing my chest to elongate and slowly push my hind hooves away from the wall. I could barely breathe as my lungs adjusted and my internal organs morphed into those of a horse. The bones in my arms and legs cracked painfully, the femur and humerus being the worst. The big bones in my upper arms had to break and reshape to adjust to my new form. Thick muscles strained against them, pushing the bone painfully against my shoulder. My shoulder blades shifted and twisted until it was most natural to stretch my arms straight under my chest and not to the side. I grunted in pain as my pelvis snapped and melted and deformed dramatically, yet I held myself propped against the wall. I knew from facts that it was possible for the pony I was becoming to maintain herself upright in such a position. Twilight may have looked exactly like the standard horse on earth apart from the color, size and appendages on her head and back, but the overall anatomy was clearly not the same. I had often seen the ponies from the series perform tasks that should not be possible because of their anatomy. Although it had been a cartooned series and officially made for younger audience - a fact that clearly backfired, for the past year this theory had been debunked spectacularly. With my haunches in plain sight, I noticed the bulge moving up my thigh towards my knee. The muscles shifted as my tibia and fibula shrank, widening my foot even more as the bones snapped into place. Two hocks formed on my legs, the sharp curve highlighting my knee and revealing where my leg ended and the long foot and hoof began. Fascinated, I observed the taut lavender skin extending from my four legs over the lower part of them. Apart from the hooves and fur on top, they still appeared humanlike. A lavender color crept up my legs causing the sensation to itch badly. Little hairs sprouted in hundreds of patches climbing up my legs until the lavender color covered them completely. My legs had taken on the shape of a pony and were now completely covered in fur. The aches and tingles disappeared and the transformation seemed to be largely complete at this point. I let go of the wall and dropped onto my four hooves, which now appeared ordinary. In addition to my transformation, I also seemed to have gained the skills I needed to be in control of the new body I now had. Also, my thoughts felt a lot more compressed and ordered than before, meaning I had also gained quite a few more IQ points from my transformation into Twilight. Genuinely nice in general. I extended each of my four legs all the way through and also unfolded my two wings for the first time, from both my sides. Each one of them was at least as long as I was tall myself, which surprisingly was quite a lot even for a pony. I had shrunk maybe 1 foot in total, which still left me a little over 5 feet in height. Grinning broadly, I turned my new pony face to the camera on the lab table and also brought it a little closer so that I could be seen even better, despite the autofocus. "I told you today would be a successful day and I certainly didn´t joke. For anyone who will ever see this, I highly recommend it to everyone of you. My transformation into a pony, or rather horse given the size, was an experience I could relive every day. Have a wonderful day, your former Ethan Whitewood turned Twilight Sparkle 2.0." Saying these last words, I hit the record button a second time a stopping the recording. "Hmm, what next?" I murmured in my new voice, several octaves higher and clearly feminine, which I was only now noticing. Just like Twilight's later voice as an adult alicorn from the TV series or the one the real Princess Twilight used when she visited us, my voice was now mellow, protective and serene. My gaze wandered around the room, searching for my phone, I desired to call one of my best friends to tell him what had happened today. Unfortunately, I had a bad habit of always keeping my smartphone on silent on the one hand and then in random places on the other. As my gaze wandered over one of my colleagues' lab tables, still in search, it suddenly lingered on a dull, shiny object. It was one of the metal rods that my colleague Nilson Ferral had used for one of his models over the last few days and probably forgot to clean up. No, I couldn't do that. Could I? My mind whirred as I tried to figure out what I was really after and whether I should dare it or not. I mean, why not? The first time, the feeling had already been gigantic and that was uncontrolled and unintentional, what was it like to actually try it myself? The camera was off and due to strict guidelines, no surveillance elements were allowed in the lab rooms. No one would ever know. My magic took over the decision for me as my horn lit up and lifted up the rod from the laboratory table to bring it up close to me. As I held it near to my muzzle for a closer look, my eyes studied every tiny detail of the metallic object as I spun it in my magic. The rod was about two inches thick and just under ten times as long. Perfect to try out, actually. "Hmmm!", I muttered. For half a minute I stood motionless with only the glow of my magic and the emergency lights still illuminating the room. I didn't even notice the scant light, however, as my transformation had apparently given me a night vision upgrade as well. Then, finally, I lowered the bar in my magic and spun myself around. Slowly I trotted to the other side of the room and moved towards the wall mirror on the wall in question, my hooves clicking softly on the concrete floor. Soon I was in front of the mirror with my backside facing it and looking over my back, still a little torn. I could see both of Princess Twilight's - no, now also mine - juicy alicorn flanks with the grand pink star in the middle, surrounded by five smaller, white star bursts in the reflection of the mirror looking back at me. So far my long tail covered any of the naughty equine bits but I had the power to change that as soon as I liked...If I wanted... So, after a few seconds I still moved my tail to the side and revealed myself fully to the mirror. I only briefly admired the sight that presented itself to me. I admitted having seen this view of horse cunt hundreds of times in pictures and yet it was something completely different to see it on my own body flashing at me. Twilight's large, dark-lavender equine marehood in all its beauty and glory, nestled right between my plump buttocks, glistening with visible moisture. Her broad but cute teats hanging down just inches in front from my lower abdomen as they poked out from my lavender fur. I concentrated and flexed my vaginal muscles as I watched my labia split and my clitoris become slightly visible on each occasion at my alicorn frame. I kept repeating the process, smirking each time and basking in the pleasurable feeling of feeling my alicorn sex spread, but that wasn't why I had stood in front of the mirror. I shook off the thoughts and proceeded to put a free hoof back to my mare folds spreading them carefully a bit. An hour ago I might have been averse to what I was doing and I probably would have never touched the sex of a horse. Let alone move my hands - well rather hooves now - near an animals pussy, but now I was free to touch Twilight's marehood as much as I wished. My hoof spread my lower lips wider, moving them slowly this way and that. Touched over here on my equine femininity, there, everywhere. I certainly knew I shouldn't be doing this, looking and feeling at my equine labia like this. But my mind was simply to mesmerized by my moist, throbbing marehood between my thighs and the smooth leathery feeling as my hooves brushed up and down over what was essentially the godly pussy of Princess Twilight. I moved my rear legs slowly up and down, shifting my shapely mare hips left and right, feeling my damp marehood move and change shape a bit with it as I watch further over my back into the mirror at my equine crotch. My hoof continued to move and pulled the lips a little more to the side. My lavender marehood opened and revealed the bright pink, wet interior behind. I was free to touch my animalistic lower lips as long and as much as I wanted without reprisal. Explore every little nook and cranny to my heart's content of it for as much as I wanted, after all, it was still my own equine snatch. Yet there was something else I had to try before I could continue. I activated my horn, formed a small scanning-sphere of magic right between my haunches and slowly pressed it against the lips of my winking marehood, carefully sliding it inside. I felt the labia pop open as my lower muscles tightened up. Recognizing how easy it was I took the invitation, sliding the rest of the small sphere in my drenched mare slit, feeling along the vaginal sides of my marehood with the magic. I slowly pushed the sphere further in, examining the interior of my birth canal on the way inside. I pushed in a little further after coming so far and in what can only be described as the most surreal but good feeling I’ve ever felt, in about no time I reached and examined my cervix – but was very carefully in doing so as I knew it was rather sensitive. I dared not to venture deeper, beyond this barrier inside my womb and slowly let my horn dim as the magic inside my body dissipated. I panted slightly as the information the spell had brought back to me settled in my mind. The interior of my new equine femininity was strange and I knew the one of a mare was at least slightly different than the one of a human female. I probably would later inspect it more and compare the two, but for now I had other plans. I felt myself blush as I pulled my lower folds apart a little more. My neck strained, as I looked further back and tried to get a closer look in the mirror at my folds. My nostrils twitched lightly at the same time as with my folds spread so wide open some of my sweet mare musk now traveled up to my nose. It was light but noticable. My eyes could clearly see the entrance to my mare vagina. My mind still struggled with the absurdity of its mental pronouns. It was my vagina, clearly and undeniably equine-like in shape - like a damp, fleshy upside down exclamation mark - and solely mine. I nudged my mare slit a little further with the frog of my hoof, causing it to wetly wink against it and smearing some of my juices to its base. The opening looked so small in the mirror; I didn't know how a stallion's cock was supposed to fit inside. I was well aware of the dimensions from working on the farm with my mother and the very same idea that had been swirling around in my head for several minutes made my lust rise even further. My ears twitched as I could hear a soft squelch from my lips as they parted by itself and squeezed out a little of my juices. They began to form a lenghtening string hanging out and down from my pussy and I had to smirked as I watched it slightly sway left and right from my small rear movements between my thighs. That gave me an idea... I decided to test out something extra before continuing with my first idea. I wanted to know how much control I really had over my new mare body and its every function. I squinted my eyes into slits and began to fully focus on my ass as I stared intensely at the middle of my wet mare slit. Somehow I did manage to do that before...Ahhh! I sensed it before I saw it. Slowly my pussy folds separated a little and my wet glistening clit in the neon glow of the lab lights poked out slightly at the bottom of my marehood. Then it dropped back into its hiding place. Great for a first try! One more right away. I tightened my inner core muscles in my vagina a little more and this time I managed to make my animal sex wink for me of my own accord. I held the naughty posture and swayed my hips from side to side with my widely spread snatch in front of the mirror, grinning in delight. Watched as my mare honey oozed out of my pussy and hung down behind me. As I eased the tension in my nether regions and allowed my marehood folds to collapse back into their natural shape, squelching together, a searing fire erupted from my genital region, causing me to moan with intense pleasure. My marehood spasmed again of its own accord and intensified the string of secretions hanging out of my pussy. However, that was too much for it and gravity won. With a soggy *splash* the string splashed onto the floor and formed a small puddle between my rear legs. Stunned, I stared at what I had just done but immediately had to smile again. Unexpected but not dismissive. I then finally brought the metal rod that I had been carrying in front of me in brilliant raspberry magic until now behind my rear and vertically positioned it near my nether lips. Now or never. I moved the rod forward and felt the cold metal poking at my mare femininity making me jerk from it. Boy that´s cold. A sudden fit of inspiration made me grin and I more brightly activated my horn to cast a slight heating spell, warming the metal rod until it was suitably tempered. I once again tried moving it at first over my wet fur around my slit to prepare myself and then carefully in. The smooth, relatively narrow object slid in without too much difficulty. I slowly inched it in and out with the steady rhythm of a metronome, just as I imagined a real horse cock would. It looked fairly hot in the mirror seeing me as a panting pony fuck myself with a metal rod and witnessing how the smooth object slid in and departed from my sticky marehood, but the real feeling was absent. Only this time I felt a pleasant warm spreading through me, making me lowly moan as my clit winked against the rod, my walls clamping down on the metal object and lapping at it's smooth surface. It wasn't that it felt bad. It sure was pleasant enough. Feeling the sensation of the slight pressure against my inner walls, almost without restrictions from the dampness inside my equine pussy, as it moved inside of me. However I had expected more uncontrollably writhing and moaning in ecstasy, judging by the last time. Something was missing and different, I was aware. I knew it was wrong, but then there was the scent, a light kind of familiar musk oddoring from my crotch I had smelled sometimes, while helping my mum on our old farm we had until some years ago. Was I getting already soaking wet and ready for more just from that? That was faster than I had expected, but it was after all only my first real try to stimulate my brand-new mare slit, so I believed it was reasonable. I started slowly pulling the rod out, the smooth ripples of my marehood massaging along the rod as it moved, pulling against my own retracting movement. With only the tip remaining inside, I had to moan with longing. I slid it back in rather quickly with a grunt, my feminine Twilight voice gasping and moaning at the arousing feeling. Without waiting too long I pulled out and thrust forward again, quickly falling into a smooth rhythm of masturbation. But the real feeling was still missing. Shortly after I had watched almost the entire rod disappear into me and I was still not at my end. A horse´s cunt clearly was far longer than the one of a human I realized and the rod was only barely outside my labia until I felt a strange sensation in my abdomen as the front end bounced against my cervix. It was a peculiar feeling, a mixture of delight and ache, as if I had been playing with my former balls a little too roughly. I pulled the metal rod fully out, leaving a wanton void in my pussy. My magic had managed to make a bit of a mess of myself, but I still felt the familiar burning urge in my rear to get off. Disappointed I sighed and slowly brought the metal rod up front to my snout, getting a good deep whiff of my own mare scent with my nose. I stuck out my tongue, licking the tip of the object. My eyes went wide, I had a generally very distinct taste and was able to recognize many dishes just by their smell. My family had never really been in poverty and I was grateful that my parents were able to expose me to many different cultures in this way: Clothes, traditions, customs and styles. But above all, the food, had stayed in my mind. There were dishes from all parts of the country here, no matter what you wanted, you could find it. But I had never experienced anything like this in all my tasting experiences. I had often read meagre descriptions on the internet, but they in no way corresponded to the reality on my taste buds. It was incomparable, there was simply nothing like it. It was a sharp taste, tart and a wee bit sour, but in a good way, like citrus, with a hint of lavender. The potent innermost scent of my own mare juices was very fresh and fertile and made my head spin as I further pondered about it. I had obviously never tasted the pussy of a mare before - how could I? Until recently, the thought of tasting the sex of a horse - a basic animal on earth - had never even crossed my mind in any way and even now I wasn´t a hundred percent sure, why I got even turned on by a mare´s distinct odor. Maybe because I knew in the back of my mind, that it was not originally my own. It was the eternal, ever fresh scent of a marehood that technically did belong to an immortal alicorn goddess, that was also my all-time favorite pony. A divine body that was blessed with eternal youth and health, a body always in perfect physical condition, kept at the very verge of sexuality and fertility that a mare may ever possess. A kind of body own was now also shaped after. As soon as I tasted it, I was mesmerized and knew I wanted to do it again. So why wait, I decided, and licked the rest of the pole with my tongue. My free hoof moved back down between my rear legs to my still winking, drenched marehood and rubbed it idly at it's entire length while my tongue continued to work in front of me. My female wetness was soon dripping down my thighs as my tongue dried the metal bar of any leftover scent and drop of equine fluids. A minute later I took my hoof off my backside as I realized what a mess I was making on the fur of my hindquarters. But I couldn't help licking my hoof clean, cursing the fact that I couldn't get the sweet nectar of fertile alicorn mare directly from my source. The room by now reeked strongly of my own intoxicating mare scent and my nostrils flared in quick succession to deliver more of the sweet scent of me into my lungs as I lowered my tail back over my damp horse pussy. I never thought my own equine smell could turn me on so hard but it did and the fact that it permeated the whole room now didn't bother me in the slightest. I dropped onto my shapely hindquarters as I continued to breathe in the sweet aroma of my own arousal. But as my backside touched the floor, brushing against my labia and splitting it gently in the middle, I gave a startled yelp. This had felt different - WHOLE different and not because the floor was so cold against my marehood, but for other, more profound, more pleasurable reasons. I slid back and forth on the chilly floor a couple of times with my rear, dragging my pussy across the floor, trying to figure out how I had provoked the strange but good feeling, but unable to find an exact location from which it emanated. I had worked with my mother on our farm, but my knowledge of the exact anatomy of a horse - my new anatomy to be precise - was almost entirely foreign to me. Even after using the scanning spell in my marehood like I did a few minutes before. I would need the mirror to find out exactly where the special spot in my mare slit was, which was why I soon rose and looked back at the mirror as I raised my tail. But not before I took a quick look at the place where I had just been sitting. I must have been quite aroused because my own vaginal juices were glistening clearly on the floor in plain sight of my eyes, almost forming a small puddle. I picked up the rod again from the floor, which I had set aside in the meantime, and aimed it towards my sticky marehood. Without a clear plan I circled it around the contours of my wet equine slit and then decided on simply guiding it into me at the first best spot without thinking about where. I immediately saw millions of stars in my eyes. My magic fizzling away. Dropping the metal bar on the concrete floor, my legs gave way under me, sending me hurtling forward and hitting my head on the floor with a loud bonk. After a second of dizziness I raised my head and struggled to get up while I gasped for air. Eyes still spinning and a throbbing and burning feeling in my backside. That had been the most intense feeling I had ever experienced! It was as if I had jerked off, come and then tried to jerk off again immediately, so overwrought was the feeling that it almost hurt. "Holy shit, what was that?", I yelled into the empty room to no one. I recovered relatively quickly, however. But for a moment, my entire body was as incapacitated as if I had received hundreds of thousands of volts directly into my balls - well if I still had them. My somewhat wobbly magic reached for the metal bar that had rolled under the nearest table, lifting it towards me. For this occasion I would tense my body. Last time it might have caught me off guard, but this try I was ready - at least I hoped so. My magic guided the pole back to the base of my tail - known territory. I guided it further down, along the ridge under my anus. Still the same and I didn't learn anything new about my rear either, though I had to admit having tried it in the shower before...several times in fact and would have been surprised if my new equine physique would have changed anything about it. I took a deep breath and lowered the metal rod further, bracing myself for what would happen next. The metal slid over the top of my hot marehood spreading my lips to the side with a silent, moist squelch and penetrating my vagina a little. The sensation made me giggle, strange but pleasant. However, not at all like the paralyzing shock I had received earlier. I guess I had to go deeper, so my magic lowered the rod and guided it to the other end of my long mare slit until- "OHHH! AAAAHHH!!!" My back arched and I dropped the pole all over again as my wings spread uncontrollably and twitched around. This time, however, I still managed to catch myself with my front legs instead of falling over. My vision blurred to some extent, but soon my mind began to race, piecing the puzzle together. I grabbed the bar and turned my gaze back to the center of the mirror, aligning myself once more. I spread my rear legs a little more until I noticed that my vagina began to strain slightly and had reached it's maximum spread. This time, however, I didn't concentrate on the section where the stallion cock went in, but looked more closely at the other end of my moist slit. There was something there that had escaped me before, a small knob of flesh. It seemed familiar but I just couldn't place my hoof onto where I had seen it or what it actually was. I had to admit I lacked pretty much all knowledge about the human female body being a former male myself. Yet now being a pony and having a drenched animalistic sex where once my cock had proudly stood made that even worse. I knew absolutely nothing about me as a mare and not even my increased intellect and new knowledge benefited me considering how horny I currently was. I reached back with my magic and pulled my vaginal lips apart a little further to expose the little button of flesh better. I brought the frog of my hoof close to it and.... "GHAAAAHAHAA!" My legs sagged out from under me, sending me to the ground, through my momentum to my back, where I proceeded to stay. However, as my rear legs gave way under me and I fell backwards, the metal rod was shoved with its entire length into my marehood, right along the right spot I had just touched. It was not the defocused feeling as before, though, but the familiar sensation of pleasure building until release. Still lying on my back and panting, I got myself into a comfier position to not crush my wings with my entire body weight and used my magic and a slow movement to pull back and then advance the rod into my needy, wet depths. My legs trembled, certainly no longer able to keep me upright right now. I felt a knot forming in my abdomen, tightening more and more as it built up. I looked along my shapely lavender flanks towards the mirror into the spread depths of my animalistic pussy as I came closer and closer. My legs trembled in time with the rhythmic thrusts of the metal rod moving up and down inside me, while my vaginal walls desperately grasped onto the object inside my cunt trying to pull it in deeper with quick contractions and winks. I never thought it could be so exhilarating and feel so damn good to witness myself pulling a metal rod in and out of my alicorn sex with magic - but it did. My vast, painfully erect and red swollen equine marehood, meanwhile, was secreting thick rivers of clear, sticky and viscous fluids that oozed along the rod from below my nethers and seeped down my coat and anus into my dock and tail, soaking them in my own moisture. I repeatedly paused and moved the smooth object up and down against my inner walls before returning to thrusting, letting the sensation swell more and more until.... "NGGH! OHHH! AAAAAH!!!" Sweet release. My head fell backwards onto the floor, tongue lolling out of my snout in bliss while my eyes showed nothing but untold pleasure. My hindquarters instinctively tryed to point up in the air, rocking and bucking backwards against an absent stallion as the second orgasm of the day fully overtook me. Thick rivers of my own mare cum where spurted out from my clenching marehood and into the fur of my rear and to the ground. It wasn't like cumming as a man, a building pressure that discharged like a gigantic exploding firework rocket and ended as quickly as it had begun. For the first time now I could really feel my inner mare muscles tense and cling to an absent cock. Each time it was a wave of pleasure. Not a single explosion, but a gigantic wave. A series of waves, massive at first, then getting smaller and smaller, that washed over me and tingled like electricity through my whole body down to my crotch and from my marehood into the open air, making my fur stand on end - or at least it would if my fur hadn't been already so wet from my previous arousal. Slowly I felt the rush cool and I caught my breath. Oh holy, benevolent goddesses of Equestria, that had been incredible. I continued to lie on my back for at least five more minutes or so until I had fully regained my breath and was able to roll over onto my stomach with a swift movement of silent groan from still feeling a mild burning in my loins from post-coitus. Slowly I gathered my four pony hooves under my body and pressed my torso straight up until I was back on all fours. My vision was still a little fuzzy from the feelings I had experienced, but it was enough to let my gaze wander around the lab room anew. This time it didn't take long to find what I had been looking for earlier. I finally managed to locate my smartphone and used my magic to fish it out from among the piles of documents stacked on the table to my right. I had to tell Jester - or Jest like he wanted to be called by his friends - about my breakthrough right away. My buddy was nowhere near as obsessed with the series or cute, talking, pastel Pony's in general as I was, but even he would have little to object to when I shared with him what I had accomplished today and how good it would feel to experience the same things I had. I hoisted my smartphone upwards and pointed it to me too to activate it´s face recognition, a big grin on my muzzle at what I was about to tell him. *Face not detected. Try again.* My features dropped. „A DAMN IT!!!“