> The Pirate Soul > by Conato > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The song is sung > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An eerie song sounds over the land as a ship sails to its next destination. A song to bid farewell and respect. For those who knew of the ship, the song was a prayer, and for others it was thanks for them leaving in peace. Regardless of the reason, none would know that this would be the last day that any would see the master of the ship. Many hours later, the ship came to a halt as the crew prepared to hear their captain's orders. "Don't do it!" A voice called from the deck of the ship. "We have arrived, captain." One of the men called as he rushed into the dark captain cabin. A moment after entering the room, his eyes shot wide in realization of what he had done as he saw a barrel of a pistol in his face. "I… sorry sir… I forgot myself…" He whimpered. "Please forgive my ignorance." Silence followed for a moment before a loud bang sounded and the body fell from the room. The first mate walked into the room for a moment and ordered for the body to be stripped and tossed overboard before settling in for the night. The rest of the night, the crew partied and celebrated their captain. Meanwhile in the captain's cabin, the first mate and captain sat at a table. "I wish you didn't have to do this." She sighed. "I don't want to risk losing another family member to those stupid waters." She sighed and smiled over at the captain. "But… rules are rules. If you don't make it bake in time. Just know… I'll never forget you… little brother." That night a lone rowboat left the ship unknowingly for the last time. Equestria  Off the shore of Las Pegasus, a few guards make their way along the beach as they talk about why the princesses wanted to come all the way out here. "Do you think Luna is planning on taking up suntanning?" "Doubt it. Ain't like she is the type to lay about when there's something she can do." His partner replied.  A few moments later princess Luna came over. "Have you finished your check? My sister is eager for our day at the beach." The stallions stop and quickly salute. "We've checked the south end of the beach. All clear there." Luna nodded and turned to face north. "Looks like the north…" Luna froze and gasped before taking off and used her magic to see farther down the beach. "Guards… get a medic. NOW!" She called before shooting down the beach to a rowboat that she had spotted.  As she arrived at the boat she had spotted earlier. Looking into the boat she quickly spotted an unconscious pony. Lighting her horn, she cast a scanning spell over the body. "He lives." She sighs in relief. Turning her head she smiled at seeing the guards and doctors rushing over ready for whatever the princess had seen. Sliding to a stop the doctors moved to the boat and upon spotting the stallion they quickly went to work. The guards saw the pony and gulped turning to Luna. "Is he?" "He lives…" Luna replied sitting in the sand. "Does my sister know?" "We ran into her on the way to the doctor. I stayed behind as Knuckles went ahead to get the medics." The guard replied. "She decided to stay behind and keep the ponies calm." Luna looked over and noticed a nervous look on his face. "But?" "Blue Blood is coming." Luna took a deep breath before groaning. "Great. That colt has no sense of decorum." On cue, said stallion trotted over with a smug smile on his face. "Auntie Luna. Why haven't you come back to the party?" "Something came up." Luna replied softly with a well practiced smile. "As princess, it is my job to see to it that it is taken care of." "Why not have the guard do it? That's all they're really good for anyway." He huffed. Luna took a deep breath. "The royal guards are more than simple tools for your convenience. As a royal, you should have the concern of your subjects as a priority. Not yourself." "Yes auntie." BlueBlood sighed. "Then… what will you do with… him?" He asked, glancing at the unconscious pony.  "After the doctor is finished, I'll be taking care of him till we find out where his family is." Luna explained. "It would also be a good learning experience for you on what common ponies go through." Gulping, BlueBlood nodded slowly. "If you say so auntie." After a few moments of thought he looked back to the party. "But… don't you think it'd be rude if we don't show up to the party?" "My sister is better suited for such things than I am. And you seem to be a similar case." Luna explained. "Though I think you would be much better after learning basic life struggles. You are still highly skilled with the nobles." "Do… do you truly think the commoners will accept me more if I…" BlueBlood gulped. "Spent time among them?" "If not learn of their struggles." She added. "Perhaps taking on the role of one of the castle staff?" "Or…?" "Help look after our guest." Luna answered. Before BlueBlood answered, one of the doctors came over. "We finished the checkup. And other than a mild dehydration and hunger, he'll be fine. It appears the combination caused him to pass out quickly from exhaustion." "Thank you." Luna replied before turning to BlueBlood. "Would you mind getting some food for our guest?" "I'll fetch a basket and bring some over right away." He replied, before calmly making his way back to the party. As he made his way up, a bat pony guard made his way over. "Knuckles, I doubt that BlueBlood will likely return. So I would like you to bring a basket or two of food. Just in case." Luna told him before turning back to the pony in the boat. As she waited, Luna was unaware that an eerie song was being sung by sailors across the land. "Never shall he die." > Look and loot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An hour passed before the boy woke and as promised BlueBlood returned with a basket of food. Much to Luna's dismay, as she predicted he only brought a few sandwiches and a cup of tea. However, Knuckles brought back a basket full of different foods and one with several drinks. When the mysterious pony woke,opening only one eye, he ate the food from both baskets and downed nearly all the drinks. By the time he was done, the pony was leaning against the side of the boat sipping from one of the cups he balanced on his hoof. "Do you feel better?" Luna asked.  Blinking for a moment the pony smiled sheepishly. "Ummm… yes… a little." He replied. "I'm terribly sorry. But I must ask. What can you tell me about yourself? Do you have any relatives?" "I… I don't have anyone." He sighed looking out over the water. The others looked at each other as the princess gave him a remorseful expression. "I… I'm sorry to hear that." She sighed, as thoughts of what to do rushed through her head. To her surprise, one option that had come front and center was to adopt him. "Auntie Luna? Why are you smiling so suddenly?" BlueBlood asked. "Because, if he doesn't have a family. Then we shall be his family." Luna replied. "What? But… How? Isn't he too old to be adopted?" BlueBlood asked as Knuckles gathered the dishes. "Perhaps." Luna replied, moving to his side. "There is another option other than adoption." "And what's that?" Both the pony and BlueBlood asked. "Well… thanks to my time on the moon. I am rather close to his age. And unlike my sister. I do have an interest in starting a family." "But… What about the scandals?" BlueBlood countered. "If you marry a commoner… you…" Luna sighed. "That… is one thing I will need to think about. If he was a noble…" The pony thought to himself. "Maybe I should keep quiet about where I'm from, for now." "Regardless. It seems my sister had gone to get ready for the night." Luna explained. "Come. You can stay in my room." The pony rubbed his closed eye as he looked away in concern. "Would you mind if I find some rags quickly?" "Rag?" BlueBlood balked at the idea. "Auntie can't be seen in public with riff raff like that." "What, are you thinking, BlueBlood?" Luna asked flatly. "If he is going to stay with us. Then I insist that I get him properly washed and dressed." Luna smiled and nodded. "Do take care of our young friend. I'll go and see about a bed for him." With a nod, Luna flew off leaving the two to go into town. As the pony followed the fancy stallion, Knuckles followed behind to keep an eye out to make sure they were safe. The three made their way down the street and stopped at a spa. Inside as BlueBlood talked to the mare at the desk, the pony looked over each of the guests and even some of the staff members. With a smile the stallion stepped over to one of the workers and whispered in her ear. Blushing, she nodded back to him. Once BlueBlood finished talking he motioned for the pony to follow the staff.  One "The Works" treatment, and a happy ending later the once dirty pony walked out with a complimentary eyepatch. His coat now shimmered a crimson red and a slightly lighter red mane. "There. Don't you feel better? A nice clean coat helps make everypony feel better." BlueBlood praised.  Smiling back at the worker he whispered to earlier, the stallion nodded. "Much better." "Lovely. Now to get you a saddlebag and some proper clothes." BlueBlood exclaimed, as they left the spa and made their way down the street. "Now… I know just where to go. A shop nearby has splendid outfits." Once they arrived at the boutique, the stallion fought back a gag at the sight of high-class outfits he saw as they entered. "Is… is there another place we can go? Or can I at least get something less…" He stopped at a rather expensive outfit. "Poofie?" BlueBlood looked back at the stallion and noticed the outfit he was looking at,  then looked at himself. With a sigh he shook his head. "No no no. I suppose such a look wouldn't suit you." Turning to look around the room he tapped a hoof to his chin. "Now let's see…" "Might I suggest a Old Ponish inspired look with a touch of naval flair?" A nasaly voice called an uptight unicorn came over. "Mr Conper! My good sir. I believe you have a good idea of what he should wear." BlueBlood praised.  "Right over here." Conper replied, motioning to a group of manacines. "I  made these outfits myself. And I can promise they will look splendid on him." "Is this real gold?" The pegasus asked looking at a gold clip. "Of course it is." Conper huffed. "I only work with the highest quality…" He explained before getting cut off by a crunching sound. "What…" All eyes turned to the pegasus as he held a piece of the clip in his hoof. "High quality?" BlueBlood blinked in shock. "What… how did you bite solid gold?" "It's gold plated." The pegasus explained. "I can tell." Conper let out a snort. "How dare you claim I would use such cheap material. You obviously planted that." The pegasus glared at him before taking a second clip in his mouth in full view of the staff and BlueBlood. With a quick yank he pulled it from the vest, bringing with it a long thread. As he bit through it a loud scream was heard from the door. All eyes turned to the source, and saw a white mare with a smooth flowing mane. Her eyes were wide and locked on the pegasus. "What in heavens are you doing?" She pleaded. Dropping the clip in his hoof, the pegasus turned to the mare. "Exposing a con artist, my lady." "C-c-c…. CON ARTIST?!" She gasped. "Explain yourself." "The proof is in my hoof and on the floor." He replied, biting the clip in two. "Would my lady like to see for herself?" The mare took a deep breath before trotting over and looked at the two clips. "I see…" She muttered softly, before stepping back and smiling at him. "Thank you darling. You saved me from making a terrible decision." Turning to the two stallions her eyes narrowed. "As for the two of you." She huffed, causing the two to gulp. "My lady." Conper said, with a gentle bow. "I can assure you that my wares are…" "Complet fakes." She spat, ripping a gem from a nearby dress. "I heard you have some of the most lovely outfits… however." Dropping the gem she watched as it shattered on the ground. "Consider yourself busted." Turning to BlueBlood her appearance turned to one of pure disgust. "I promise I didn't know." He protested.  "That I believe." She huffed. "You never really had much of a clue. Unless it worked in YOUR favor. Now if you don't mind. I'll take this poor stallion to get him a proper outfit." "But… we still have things we need to…"  "If you have an appointment. Then I'll make sure to deliver him AFTER I get him properly dressed." She snapped. Turning to the pegasus she smiled. "Now dear. If you would. Please come with me." The stallion smiled and followed her. Glancing back he saw BlueBlood going off on Conper, as the other workers went to work examining the outfits and ripping off pieces. Taking the opportunity his wing extended as he swiped a bag off the counter before tucking it under his wing. "This promises to be an entertaining place." He thought.  In a distant town a group of creatures gathered and began heading out singing. "Pillage, plunder, rifle and loot…"  > New friends and new targets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mare brought him to a shop around the corner that had several ponycines with fancy dresses in the window. The pony's eye sparked at the sight of gold and gems. If this was a high-class thing. Then he'd definitely have to make a note of locating more of these places.  Once inside the mare made her way to the back. The pony thought it was odd. She hadn't stopped complaining about those two since they had left the store. The pony likely knew even more about the business world of this place than he ever needed. And even more about that BlueBlood than he wanted.  "So… about my new outfit?" He asked as they stopped at a desk. "Don't worry about it darling. The princesses get dresses from me all the time. It'll be a pleasure to make a suit for one of their friends. Now hold still, wings out." She explained, pulling out several things from her desk. Nodding he stood tall with his wings out as if he was gliding. "How often do you make outfits for guys?" "Surprisingly, more often than you'd think." She explained. "There's more mares that care about their looks than the stallions. And you're one of the few that cares about how he looks." "Thanks." "So. What look are we going with? Something slimming I believe." She suggested. "Old Ponish sailer… what would that look like?" The mare's eyes sparked as a book levitated over opening to a page that had a picture that reminded him of a pony version of an Englishman. "What a splendid idea. It's not very often that I get the pleasure of doing a look like this." "Looks nice. But… would you be willing to make it look a bit… less proper?" He asked. "Less proper?" She asked, thinking for a minute. Levitating over a clipboard and pen drawing up a picture. "Most likely you'd like it to involve an eyepatch." She hummed as she worked. "A rebellious sailor of the old Ponish style… I think I have just the idea." She said, showing him the picture.  After looking at the picture the stallion nodded. "That looks great." "Then I shall get right to work. And as for the eyepatch. Would you like me to come up with a few designs? Or would you prefer to keep the classic look?" She asked as she worked on the outfit. "I won't be against a few options for the eyepatch." He replied, seeing her tail twitch at his words. It seemed she liked the idea of having something to work on. For about an hour he sat and watched her work before turning back to him. "Ready to see your new look?" She asked with her horn glowing. With a nod she quickly brought the clothes over and wrapped him in it. After a few moments she turned him to face the mirrors. He was rather surprised at how much he looked like his old self. "This is amazing… I also like the design on the eyepatch." "Thank you darling." She replied as he stepped away from the mirrors. "I suppose I should be heading to meet with Luna." "Allow me to show you the way." She chimed moving to the door before gasping. "How rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Rarity. I understand if you're  unable to remember your name. If what I heard the guards saw is true." She sighed. "Call me…Swift… Swift Hoof…" He said with a hesitant bow. "Very well then dear." She replied. "Shall we be off?" "Let's." He replied moving up next to her letting his wingtip  rush up against her flank. To his amusement, she didn't seem to pull away. In fact… "So… is there any reason other than the atier, is there any reason you picked that look? Such as… being a sailor?" "I'll let you know when I get my hoofs on a boat." He laughed as they started down the street. As they made their way down the street, Swift kept his ears on his surroundings. It was rather refreshing to hear about so many possible targets. Not to mention so many possible ponies to pin things on. Speaking of which, a rather self-righteous green pegasus with a yellow man bun was doing a rather poor job at hitting on a blue pegasus mare with a rainbow mane. As he walked past the stallion, he slipped the now empty stolen pouch into his saddle bag. Smirking, he couldn't wait to see the reaction on their faces when the guards came for him. Glancing back he had to stifle back a laugh at seeing the guards arrest the stallion in front of the now annoyed mare. Rounding the corner he smiled at seeing the princess waiting with two batponies and an ashamed BlueBlood at the door of a hotel. "If you're ever in Ponyville, do stop by the Carousel Boutique. I'll be sure to have some fresh tea for you." Rarity chimed. "I'd rather something… stronger. But I guess tea is fine to start our friendship." He replied before giving a friendly bow. Rarity nodded as they got to the princess. "My apologies for the delay. I when I learned about what that scoundrel was going to do. I just had to sweep this stallion up and give him some proper clothes." "Thank you Rarity." Luna replied. "BlueBlood exclaimed what happened. The shop is being investigated. Take care." Swift smiled and walked past the guards as the princess talked to Rarity about something involving a pink pony, a very large cake and a white huffy stallion. From what he heard, it was promising to be rather comical. A group of creatures calmly make their way down the street pulling carts full of materials to build a ship. "Where we wil, will roam." > Crimes and drinks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat with the princess as they enjoyed a nice meal before bed. It didn't take long for Swift to notice the lack of guards outside his room. Hopping out of bed he made his way to the window. After a quick check out the window he prepared for takeoff. "If you're going to keep an eye on me. I hope you can keep up." He teased at the corner of the room where a female batpony stood. She sheepishly stepped out and bowed her head. "Sorry sir. The princess ordered me to tend to your needs." Smirking, Swift replied. "Then I NEED you to stay quiet about me leaving the room. Savvy?" After a moment of thought she nodded. "Good. Then I'll be off." And with that he hopped out the window. Unaware of a dark alicorn watching from a nearby window. "A rebell… What shall I do with you?" She thought, watching him jump from building to building. Swift jumped from rooftop to rooftop, enjoying the sights and sounds of the nightlife. Gliding to the street he watched as a shifty stallion followed a timid mare into an alleyway. Taking a deep breath he quietly followed them and watched as the stallion set his saddle bag on a crate before cornering the mare. "So hot stuff. How about you show me that fine flank?" The stallion laughed, licking his lips. Spotting a blade poking out of the crate, Swift took it in his hoof and stepped up behind the stallion after switching his eyepatch to the opposite eye, revealing a cat-like pupil. "Or how about you let the lass go and show me your flank?" The mare let out a scared eap as the stallion froze. "Pppppplease don't hurt me." He whimpered.  "Let's see how fast you can let the lass go then." Swift replied, motioning with his head for the mare to run. With a scared nod the mare got up and fled. After a moment Swift released the stallion before spinning around and delivered a buck to the back of his head before slicing off his balls. Coming to a full stop he looked at the bag and quickly picked out some goods before flying up to the rooftops. "Oh. This knife is going to be my new friend." The mare soon arrived with the guards to find an unconscious stallion with a pair of severed testicles on the ground.  A 'loud' scream sounded from the mare before she fainted.  Several blocks away Swift readjusted his eyepatch as he slipped out of a store with several bottles before he flew to a rooftop. With a broad smile he landed and relaxed against a chimney. He let one of his legs hang over the edge, his leg swinging ideally as he popped the lid off one of his bottles. "Such an eventful place." He laughed, taking a swig before toying with his new knife. "To think they'd be so openly friendly. And so easy to con." Tapping the tip against his chin, Swift hummed to himself. "Come to think about it. If I'm going to be stuck here. I should put together a new team… but where to start?..." Taking a swig from the bottle he looked up at the stars. "Now that I think about it. Should I see about getting something other than a simple boat?" Taking a deep breath Swift sighed. "Seems I have quite a bit to think about in this place. But for now… I guess I can play nice." Lifting his eyepatch he smiled at the stars. His different colored 'normal' eyes shining in the light. "At least till I start my reputation." He laughed. As the night ticked by he looked around town, exploring the different backstreets before finding himself at a bar. Fixing his eyepatch he entered, a smirk crossed his face at the familiar smell and sound, causing his mouth to water.  "Hold it pal." A gruff stallion huffed. "This is a stallion only bar. Mare night isn't till tomorrow." At those words several stallions laughed as they watched the big guy block Swift. Rolling his eyes, Swift once again cursed his slender figure. "Haven't heard that one before." He sighed sarcastically. "Have you heard the one where the big guy begs the little guy for mercy?" "What?" Was all the stallion got out before he found himself on his back with a hoof on his balls. "Now. Are you going to give up? Or shall I end your line now?" Swift asked, pressing his hind hoof down on the stallion's balls, as his other hoof held his blade to the big guy's neck. "Sorry." The stallion whimpered. "What was that?" Swift asked, pressing down on his balls. "I'm sorry! You're welcome to the bar. Please don't hurt me." He begged.  "Say it." Swift threatened. "Nice and loud for the bar to hear. Who's the mare?" "I am!" He cried. With a smirk, Swift stepped past him and went to the counter. "How about a bottle of your best stuff. On the 'mare's' tab." He asked with a broad smile before turning to said stallion. "Or do you have a problem with that?" Pulling out his coin purse the stallion let out a whimper. "No… no problem at all sir." With a smile Swift sat back and enjoyed his drinks as he listened to the talk of the night. By the end of it, he stumbled back to his room with a bag of rum, a smile on his face and new knowledge of this strange new world. "Drink up me hearties yo ho." Luna sat in her room, thinking about what she should do or if she should let him leave her side. Oddly the thought excited her and scared her at the same time. If she did send him away. Where should she send him? Perhaps she should follow her sister's lead? What should she do? Letting out a sigh she returned to her task of looking over the dreamscape. "I'll think more about it tomorrow." > A decision that'll change everything > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift let out a sigh and stumbled back to his room. The rest of the night went on without anything more happening. The next morning, breakfast went smoothly. Surprisingly, the events of the previous night didn't come up. That is until a guard came in. "I beg your apologies, princesses. But we got reports about an attack last night." The guard reported.  Instantly, the princesses turned to the guard as BlueBlood sighed in annoyance of having his breakfast being interrupted. Swift however did his best to listen in while calmly eating.  "What happened?" Celestia asked calmly.  "According to the local guard. A mare led him to where a stallion had attempted to rape her before a dark figure saved her." He explained. The princesses were about to relax, before noticing him gulp. "They found the stallion… unconscious… and… his severed… privates." At this, all eyes were on the guard. "Any news on the figure?" Luna asked. "No princess." "And the mare?" Celestia asked. "Shaken, but she's fine." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "She… asked to be told when we found the stallion that saved her. To… thank him." Celestia took a deep breath and nodded. "Very well. And… Do you know the name of the mare?" "It was the element of kindness." He replied. Both princesses looked at him in shock. A moment later he added. "Her brother was also arrested for theft, and drunken assault." This causes the room to fall silent. To Celestia's surprise, Luna smiled and spoke up. "Perhaps it would be a good idea for us to spend some time in Ponyville." Luna suggested. Swift zoned out a bit as he thought about what this new place might be like. "Didn't that Rarity mention something about Ponyville?" He thought.  "And what of them?" The guard asked, motioning to BlueBlood and Swift.  "I will take Swift with me… as his caretaker." Luna replied. "BlueBlood may return to Canterlot if he wishes." Celestia and Swift caught the unspoken reality of her words. "Does she know?" He asked himself. "Then I shall see you in a week's time sister." Celestia teased. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." "A mare and a stallion… alone… what wouldn't a princess do?" Swift thought. "Do give me some credit sister." Luna huffed. "Unlike you. I'm not opposed to the idea of dating." "And yet you turn down invites from the nobles." Celestia teased.  The guard took this opportunity to excuse himself from the room, swiftly followed by BlueBlood. Swift on other hoof was busy eating and enjoying the show to really care. "They only were interested in my title. I saw their dreams." Luna huffed. "If it was aloud, I'd take a stallion from that dirt town… what was his name?... MudPie?" Celestia thought for a moment. "I shouldn't ask why… but the law on royalty marrying a lower class is looser now than it was a thousand moons ago. But they do need to be some kind of noble." Luna smiled. "Then why not give Swift a title? A bit of land shouldn't be too hard to find." Celestia sighed. "True. But let's let him get used to this land first. And when he finds where he wishes to live. Then we'll see about the title." Swift inwardly laughed at the idea. "I get to stay rent free with a princess, get a title and my own land? This is going from good to better." It was rather surprising how long the two went back and forth about relationships and where the best places to go on a date was. Swift had to wonder if that was normal or if these two were the exception.  Now that he thought about it. Other than his relationship with his sister. He didn't have much to go off. And that was normally spent half drunk. Swift tilted his head as he watched. His drink, now forgotten. It was an amusing sight. A part of him wondered if he'd be able to… shaking the thought from his mind Swift went back to his drink. If there was one thing he wouldn't be, it was sentimental. Being nice to the weak was one thing. But trying to get close to others that you were using? That was asking to get caught.  Then again… if he got close to one of them… he might be able to use her to get a new ship… maybe even a crew. Smiling, Swift looked between the two. Heck, having a new title wasn't a bad idea either. Especially if it came with a bride. Luna smiled and turned to Swift ready to explore with Swift. "Once I ready my transformation spell. We can go." "It's a  disguise spell." Celestia teased. "But it does take the same level of detail." Swift thought for a minute before whispering in Luna's ear. Blinking, Luna smiled and lit her horn. It was a rather interesting idea. Being the only one to know that you're with a princess. Swift and Celestia sat back as Luna was covered in a cloud of black smoke for a few moments. As the smoke faded, Celestia turned to Swift. "Please try and stay out of trouble. Or at the very least. Don't let her blow her disguise." "No promises." Swift laughed, as Luna revealed herself as a dark coated pegasus with a dark silver main. "But I can promise she won't be bored." As he led her outside only one thought came to his mind. "Drink up me hearties yo ho." > A surprisingly warm welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That day Swift spent reading about Equestria and some popular places. He had to guess, it was so he could pick their route for their trip. But if he was going to be honest? He was doing it to see what place looked like a good place to set up a base. There was that place in the desert… no… too hot. Mainhattan?.... too populated. It seemed like no place was perfect. It was either too far from the water, or too populated. He was about to give up, before noticing a picture of what looked like a ship in the air. Blinking, he looked at the page carefully.  Ponyville… it was far from the water. But it was a small town. Easy enough way to start a reputation. On top of that, he already knew somepony in the area. "Maybe I can stay in Ponyville." Swift suggested. "It looks like it might be a good starting spot." Luna nodded and moved up next to him. "This is a lovely idea. I know that town very well. It is a lovely place. And it would be easy for us to stay in touch." "So…" "I shall arrange for transportation right away." Luna declared energetically, before waving to one of the guards. "Do you think we can take public transportation?" Swift asked. "And… maybe… I can look into getting a ship?" "Why a ship?" Luna asked softly.  "Well… I kinda promised that one mare… I think her name was Rarity?... anyway.  I told her I'd take her for a ride on one." He replied with a soft smile. "Oh?" Luna questioned. "And… would she be the first female or even the only one allowed on this ship?" Swift gulped at the question. To be honest? He kinda expected that he would end up having several females visit his ship overall. But should he tell her that? "I… don't know. It just came up when we were going over the outfit. But if you want to be the first to join me on the ship." He replied. Luna turned away with a soft smile. "I… think I would like that." Taking a deep breath she started for the door. "First we shall find you a place we can modify for one." Swift smiled and followed her. "Next stop Ponyville." One long train ride later "Never again." Swift groaned as he got off the train. He mentally added the conductor to his list of ponies to hurt. To his delight, Luna was equally unhappy with him as she got off the train. "I will see to it that fool is punished for his actions." She huffed, glaring back at the train before taking a deep breath and turning back to Swift with a smile. "But that can wait. Now is for us to enjoy our visit." Within seconds of her sawing that however, royal guards rushed over and bowed to her. And much to her annoyance, forced Swift to move away from her a few feet. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked flatly.  "Apologies, princess." One of the guards said. "But protocol depict…" "You will leave my escort alone." She snapped. After a moment she facehoofed. "I meant my guest." Swift blinked. "Did she call me what I think she called me?" He thought. The guards bowed and moved so the two could be closer together. Letting out a sigh, Swift turned to Luna. "Do we really need the guards? I thought the ponies looked up to you and your sister." "We've… had a few encounters with threats in town." She sighed. "But there are a few places the guards know are safe." "And that is?" Swift asked. "Our first stop." She explained as she led the way over to a large crystal building. Swift blinked in shock at the look of the building and gulped. He had to take a moment to remind himself to behave as they got closer. "No doubt my sister had already sent her student word of our arrival." Luna sighed.  "What's wrong with that?" "Pinkie." She replied. As Luna opened the door Swift asked. "What's a Pinkie?" BOOM "Oh… that…" Swift thought with a groan of pain before blacking out. Some time later "I still can't believe you did that Pinkie." A soft educated voice complained in exhaustion as Swift started to come to. "I said I'm sorry." A high-pitched voice replied. Even in his groggy state, Swift guessed it was the Pinkie that knocked him out. "I just wanted to welcome him to Ponyville." "Yeah. If you call, knock the guy out, a welcome. Then you did a great job." A third more snarky voice huffed. Swift had to admit that she already earned some points with him. "Do… Do you think he'll wake up soon?" A soft voice asked from nearby. At that moment Swift realized he was resting against something… soft. "If he did and realized where he is. I doubt he'd let us know." The snarky voice replied. This time sounding more like she was doing a teasing jab. The words she used made him wonder and think about what he was laying on. It kinda felt as if he was resting on two decent sized… water… balloons… oh… "OH FUCK! MY HEAD IS ON HER TITS!" he thought. "WHY? HOW?... you know what? I think I already have an idea on how. But WHY?" "And why did you think that laying him like that was a good idea?" Luna asked. "Thank you Luna." He thought.  The snarky mare huffed. "Obviously because bat boy would have killed me if I suggested resting him against you." "True." Swift mentally agreed. "And he might have freaked out if he woke to see the mare he's using for a pillow is the same one that attacked him." She huffed. "Also true." "And the only mare that would work is Fluttershy." She finished.  The educated voice huffed. "Why not me, Applejack or even yourself or Rarity?" "AJ might be big but I doubt it's very soft. Rarity is too proper to let somepony do something like that unless they get a spa treatment first. And you're… well… there's only so much a stallion is willing to wake up to." She laughed.  "First. How do you know all this?" Luna asked. "And second, why not you? With how much you fly, I'd think a stallion would love to feel that when he wakes." "The guys at the base like to talk…" She sighed. "And it's unanimous… I don't make a good pillow." There was a moment of silence before Swift decided to open his eyes. "Maybe you just didn't find the right stallion." He commented. As soon as the girls saw him looking at them, the mare he was resting against rested her wing against the side of his head. "Try not to move too much. You did take a nasty hit." "Then why don't I lift him up so you and mis Dash switch places?" Luna suggested with a smile. "WHAT!?!" Dash gaucked. "You did say that Fluttershy was a better pillow than you. Perhaps he would prefer resting against you instead." Luna replied. "Or are you scared a stallion might actually like being close to you?" The others looked at the rainbow maned mare as if they were waiting for something. After a few moments she let out a soft sigh. "Fine. But don't expect that I will be doing this again." Luna levitated him up and let Dash and Fluttershy switch places. Once Dash got comfortable, she rested him down. At first she was going to lay him against her stomach, but after a moment she smirked and carefully placed him so he was resting against her flank. "There. How's that?" Luna asked. Swift blinked as he took slow calm breaths. A few seconds later he let out a soft moan and closed his eyes. "Oh my." Fluttershy gasped. "I think we got our answer." The soft voice teased. "Shut up." Dash groaned.  Luna smiled at seeing the soft blush on Dash's face. "Let him rest. We'll throw the party when he feels better." "Unless he ends up preferring a private party." Pinkie teased, before leaving the room with the others letting the two get some rest. > Early in the morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift lay quietly as Rainbow relaxed on the couch. He expected her to get tired of having him laying on her. Yet… "Are you ok?" He asked softly, doing his best to look up at her. "I'm fine." She huffed, without looking back. "Just get your rest." Swift thought for a moment. "I owe you one… mis…" "Call me Rainbow." She sighed. "And you don't owe me anything." Swift started to sit up. "I feel better…" a sudden jolt of pain hit his head, causing him to moan. "Lay back down, tough guy." Rainbow laughed. "You can count that as my favor." Swift lay back down and chuckled. After a few moments he added. "You smell amazing." Rainbow blinked and looked at him with a huff to see him smile. "Don't be a weirdo." After a moment she smirked and went back to laying down. Hours passed before the two woke. After a quick check for the others, Rainbow got the two of them a snack and drinks. "Found a note from Twilight." She called as she made her way back to the couch. "Apperantly she's setting something up with the princess." Swift shrugged. "Well. Luna and I talked about finding a place for me near town." "Near? Why not in town?" Rainbow asked, passing him a plate. "I was hoping to get a place where I can dock a ship." Rainbow blinked. "You're a pegasus. Why get a ship?" "Mostly because it's a bit hard for me to fall asleep on a stationary bed." "You fell asleep rather easily a little bit ago." Rainbow pointed out. "I did say how I like your scent. Reminds me of the ocean." Swift mentioned before sniffing the air. Rainbow looked away blushing. "Maybe Rarity has something that smells like the…" "Tried that." Swift sighed. "Surprisingly there's a big difference between the natural scent of the ocean and the smell of stuff like perfume." "Wow." Rainbow laughed. "That's kinda cool that you can tell the difference." "Spend a few years blending in with different crowds. And you'd pick up a few things too." Swift laughed. The next day Swift was able to walk around the room on his own. But suffered a few spells. "Any idea when the girls are going to be back?" "Fluttershy came by while you were taking a nap." Rainbow explained as she sat back on the couch with a book in her hooves. "She said she wanted to help you find an animal friend to help with your daily needs." She waved her hoof in the air. "And Twilight said something about having you stay with somepony till your place is finished." "Any ideas on who?" Swift asked. "Probably Fluttershy or Applejack." Swift thought for a bit. "I'd probably go with Fluttershy. Farms kinda make me feel ill." "Don't let AJ hear you say that." She laughed. Getting up she put her book to the side and grabbed some trays to help Swift with lunch. "Careful. Don't push yourself. Doctor Egghead said you have a few more days till you're clear." Swift laughed and let Rainbow take the lead. "That might be a good idea. I stink at cooking." The two laughed before starting lunch. Outside the Castle of Friendship Luna sat outside the window and smiled as she watched the two. "Seems our idea might just work." "You mean, where we put his house?" Twilight asked, as she looked at her notes. "Yes." Luna sighed. "And how is the addition coming?" "The custom ship is still in transit. It should be here by the time he's at full health." Twilight explained. "Though I still don't know where we'll put him till it's ready. Not that I don't have the space. But…" "Tomorrow, I will be making an announcement. Make sure he's able to attend." She said before turning away. "Pinkie already knows her part." "Oh… OK princess." That night Rainbow plopped down on the couch before motioning Swift over. "Come on. You're not going to get better if you toss and turn all night." Swift crawled up and lay next to her. "If we're not careful. This might turn into a routine." He laughed. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Yea… just take a deep breath and get some sleep before I kick you off the couch." The group of travelers gathered around an old discarded boat. They dug through the remains and what washed onto the sand. After a few minutes they pulled out a box and returned to camp where their friends were singing. "Put her in bed with the captain's son. Put her in bed with the captain's son. Put her in bed with the captain's son…" > We all come together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun rose, Twilight sat at her table looking over a spell. Glancing over she smiled softly at the sight of Rainbow glaring back at her. Rainbow had a wing draped over Swift as he slept with his face pressed against her fur. "Not one word." Rainbow snarled softly. "Don't worry. The others aren't around. I won't tell." Twilight replied with a smile. "But we should get him up. Luna wants to talk to him." "What about his fainting?" Rainbow asked. "I have a spell that will lessen those. At max, he should only have headaches." Twilight explained. "We'll… just have to be nearby… just in case." Rainbow sighed. "Fine. I'll keep an eye out overhead. You stay next to him. Deal?" "Deal." She replied. It was hard for him to stay asleep with all the talking. But Swift figured, the longer he pretended to sleep, the longer he could enjoy the feel of this mare. Not like he'd get another chance at shoving his face in a mare's fluff after today anyway. "Do you think he's awake?" Twilight asked as she prepared the spell. "Hard to tell." Rainbow replied softly. "Last time he was out, he didn't wake up till he had to use the restroom." Twilight giggled. "Maybe he just likes being close to you." "I was cooking." Rainbow groaned. Twilight hummed softly as she thought about it. "He might just feel safe knowing he's not alone?" "Or it's hard to sleep with all the talking." Swift finally sighed. "Can you cast the spell so we can go already?" The two blinked in shock with a light blush as Twilight casted the spell. "There. You should be good to go for a few hours." She said as Rainbow helped him up. It was a bit unnerving seeing him without his eyepatch. The fact he kept his eye closed made Twilight concerned about his health. But once he was able to put it on she let out a breath she herself hadn't realized she was holding. Then again, what was probably more unnerving was the fact that Rainbow didn't seem bothered by it. "Come on you two. Princess Luna is waiting for us." Several minutes of walking through town later. The three found themselves at the town square where a large crowd was waiting. Looking around Swift saw tables of food and drinks. There was even one labeled "welcome to Ponyville gifts" on it. Said gifts he noted were nearly overflowing to the floor. And overhead a banner was draped across a building that said. "Welcome to Ponyville and your new home and sorry for pouncing on you and congratulations"... somehow. "Pinkie?" Rainbow asked flatly. "Pinkie." Twilight confirmed with a nod before turning to Swift. "Come. Luna is waiting." With a shrug and nod, he followed her through the crowd as Rainbow hovered overhead with her head on a swivel. Likely keeping an eye out for the pink menace. To be honest, Swift wasn't in a rush to see THAT pony again. Maybe after he spent a few days in his new home? Doubt it'd be that easy though. Thankfully they made it to the table the princess was sitting at. To his surprise, Swift saw a few other ponies sitting at the table with her. To her left was a pink earth pony mare, a white unicorn mare and a yellow pegasus mare three seats to her right was a tan earth pony mare with a old cowpony hat. He looked at each of them for a moment before following the two around to sit between Rainbow and the princess, much to Twilight's dismay. "Attention everypony!" Luna announced, causing everyone to stop and look over to her. "Today we welcome a new pony to Equestria. Not too long ago my sister and I offered him a place to stay in any town he wished. And in my opinion, has wisely chosen to make his home here in Ponyville." She paused to allow the crowd a chance to cheer before smiling and lifting a hoof. "Yes. It is cause for celebration. And to welcome him to his new home. My sister and I have arranged for his home to be built near the edge of town." Leaning over to Rainbow, Swift asked. "Any idea what she's getting at?" He asked, only receiving a grin in response. "Though he may be new to our lands. A quick search of where I found him revealed to us that he is in fact nobility." Luna proclaimed. "So please join me in welcoming Lord Swift!" Swift blushed slightly and he turned his head so his good eye was away from the crowd, even if he knew it wouldn't block the cheers. It at least hid his look of unease. However, the girls had little trouble seeing it and gave him a reassuring smile. "It's ok to be nervous Swift." Twilight sighed softly. "I know it's a lot to take in. But this is kinda a norm around here." Swift started to regret his choice of location before a voice called. "Are you sure he's a noble? He hardly looks or acts like one." Turning to face the crowd Swift saw a filly with a tiara on her head. For a moment he expected one of the ponies at the table to say something. However, a brown stallion spoke up. "Hush Diamond. It's rude to make fun of another country's nobility." He then turned to Swift and bowed. "Please forgive my daughter. She picked up a few of her mothers bad habits I'm afraid." "But daddy." Diamond whined. "No buts Diamond. Now apologize." Her dad snapped. Huffing Diamond stepped up and bowed her head. "Sorry for making fun of how you look." "You should be." Swift huffed. "These fabrics were made by Rarity." He didn't have to say more as all eyes turned to see a very upset mare glaring dangers at them. "The only input I had was the style. And yes. It is what I wore back home." The father glared at Diamond and said in a ferm toan. "Home… now…" Once they left, Luna cleared her throat. "As I was saying… today we welcome Lord Swift to Ponyville. I ask that you all help him feel welcome and treat him as you would each other." With that the party was underway. Swift spent most of it at the table taking turns next to each of Rainbow's friends. And quickly learned from Rarity the stallion that stood up for him was a mister Ritch. Who unfortunately had divorced his wife after he caught her with the gardener. The tan mare named Applejack, pointed out the barrel was cider from her family's apple farm. Pinkie he didn't really talk to… mostly because he didn't get much of a chance to. But thankfully Rarity saved him from that and talked to him about a possible line of clothes that was inspired by his new look. By the time he got to Fluttershy, Swift just wanted to relax. And thankfully she wasn't pushy about talking about anything. He had to admit that was a rather attractive trait. Shaking the thought from his head he glanced over at her in time to see her hair fall over her eyes. Quickly looking away he cursed his luck. "Great. Not only do I pick a town that has a syco on the loose. But there were a few that he had to admit were cute that lived in town." He muttered. "Who do you think is cute?" Twilight asked. Swift didn't know when or how. But Twilight had taken Fluttershy's place at the table. "If you want. I might be able to help set something up so you two can have some privacy." Swift looked away with a huff. "Just forget what I said." "But why? You just said you think a few ponies are cute." After a moment she leaned in and whispered. "Does that mean you think I'm cute?" Swift rolled his eyes. "No matter how I answer that. It's a trap." Sighing he adds. "But if you want the truth… you're cute for a bookworm." Twilight pulled back as she blinked in shock with a blush. "Oh… ummm… thanks…" She looked away shyly. "Any… anypony else you think is cute?" "Well… I think most would agree that Fluttershy is cute. So I won't count her." He replied, getting a nod in confirmation. "Rarity as well. Though for slightly different reasons." Another nod. "So it's between Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash… wait… do you?...." "Applejack has a southern beauty about her. And…" Swift passed to think how to put it as Twilight started to light up. "Oh my gosh. You like Rainbow Dash?" She nearly squeaked. Groaning Swift rested his head on a hoof. "Keep your voice down. Ok? I don't think she'd be the type to get excited that a stallion likes her like that anyway." He sighed. Even if that was true, he almost wondered if the girls would really be interested in going out with him. Even if it meant dividing them between days. Twilight sighed and slumped in her chair. "You have a point. I don't think any of my friends had expected an invite to a date… ever." "What about you?" "Most are too scared of my brother to even try." She laughed. "Even though he's been trying to convince stallions to ask me out." The two shared a laugh about that. As the party went on, Swift found it easier to relax. Mostly when Pinkie wasn't shoving snacks in his face. If she was going to make it a routine, he was going to get a guard or two. Just to keep her at hoof length. "A pirate's life for me." He sighed to himself as he watched the party. > A new dilemma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat in the Castle of Friendship alone after the ponies went outside to say their goodnights, banging his face into a nearby pillow. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why did I say that stuff?" He groaned. Looking himself over he groaned again. "Stupid body." He took a deep breath and sighed. "I really hope this doesn't mean I have to deal with being in a rut." "Are you entering your hut?" A voice asked, causing Swift to turn to the source in shock to see Spike. "If you want I can look into getting you something to help if you're embarrassed." "Are you even old enough to get those kinds of things?" Swift asked, glancing at the door a few times. "Also… this stays between us. Ok?" Spike shrugged. "The pony at the shop understands these kinds of things. And I Pinkie Promised. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He said doing the motions. "A what?... whatever." Swift muttered. "Let's find out where they're going to put me first. But thanks. I'll remember this." Spike nodded and got on the couch next to him. "Is your hut the only thing that's bothering you?" "The fact that as far as I know it's my first? And I have the feeling it's why I was staring at a few of the girls?" Swift asked sarcastically. "So far. Yes." Spike put a sympathetic claw on his shoulder before turning to move to the door. Just as he opened it they heard. "You want what?" Rainbow gasped loudly. "I don't have the room for him. And neither does Fluttershy. And don't think about putting him at Applejack's." "And what the hay is wrong with the farm?" Applejack snapped. "Nothing… if you want to make him sick." Rainbow huffed. Swift had to admit he was starting to like Rainbow Dash more with how she was thinking of his comfort more than just sticking him… Swift had to shove his face in a pillow to muffle a scream as he listened. "And what the hay does that mean?" "It may be because he's from the cea." Luna replied. "It would make sense." "Not that I wouldn't mind having him at the shop." Rarity chimed in. "It would put quite a bit of unneeded strain on everypony involved." "And no Pinkie. I understand how willing you'd be to ask the Cakes for a favor. But he needs rest. And you're the last pony that would be able to help with that." Twilight explained. "That just leaves… me." She sighed. "It would be easier for you to help with his memory problem." Rainbow pointed out. "Plus we all would know he's safe." "One problem with that." Twilight groaned. "The castle can be… confusing." She admitted. "And a pony in his condition would end up with a headache each time he went down the hallway." "What if Spike was to help?" Rarity suggested. "After all. They are guys. And he needs a male to hang out with." Spike and Swift shared a glance as the idea actually made a lot of sense. "I don't know Rarity. Spike has a lot of chores to do. And-" "And he'd be able to help Spike with them and learn that much faster." Rainbow pointed out. Luna, who was quite up to now, laughed. "Perhaps, the reason none of you are interested in having him stay is simpler than having room or HIS health." Swift gulped as he had a bad feeling he knew where this was going. As he was about to move to have Spike shut the door, Luna said the magic words. "Perhaps you girls are entering your heat sickle." There was a moment of silence as Spike thankfully shut the door quietly as the two shared a blush. "Maybe… we should look into getting those toys sooner rather than later." Spike mentioned as he moved to a side door. "I'll check with Twilight where they end up putting you." "Thanks Spike." Swift sighed, before stuffing his head into a pillow. "Great. Not only am I entering a rut. But now I have to deal with six mares that are likely entering their heat. Just kill me now." He groaned. After what felt like ages passed, the front door opened before the girls walked in with mixed looks of embarrassment and curiosity. Luna for her credit was the primary one that looked calm as she spoke. "I spoke with the girls about where you should stay. And we have come to a decision…" She waited till Swift looked up to continue. "We'll leave the final choice with you. Each girl is willing to make room and exceptions considering your condition." Swift gulped, fearing the choices. "And what are the choices?" "Girls?" Luna prompted. Rainbow, Fluttershy and Rarity stepped forward. "Rainbow's cloud house has a sound dampening enchantment on it. So you'd have your privacy. Rarity has several remedies that can help with your head. And Fluttershy's animals would be able to help take care of you. Not to mention it'd be easier for her to find you a pet of your own." Swift gulped and looked between the three. "Buck…" > A lady in need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift bit his lips before looking between them. "Do any of you not want me to stay with you?" He asked. In response the girls looked at him in shock as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'd hate to be an inconvenience to any of you." "Darlene!" Rarity gasped. "What would make you think such a thing?" "Well… I wouldn't be able to help very much. And it'd be an extra month to feed." He replied. Causing Rarity and Fluttershy to smile at Rainbow. "Not to mention my spills." Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy at his words. "And not to mention it'd mean I'd need somepony nearby for safety measures." The girls looked at each other a few times. "Might I make a suggestion?" Twilight asked as she stepped forward. "Why not spend a day with each of them?" "That sounds like a good compromise." Luna agreed. "And seeing he already got to know Rainbow Dash. Then why don't we put him with Rarity. That should also give Fluttershy a chance to make room." The girls nodded in agreement before heading out to prepare for the coming days. Swift took a deep breath and hung his head. "I have a bad feeling about this." He moaned.  Everypony except Rainbow left the room. Leaning over, she spoke softly. "Look, I know you can smell us. But if you try anything with my friends. You won't have to worry about rut any more."  Swift gulped as he saw her nostrils rlair after a moment of inhaling. "Don't worry. I don't plan on risking getting a bad rep this fast." He replied trying to not let her notice how bad his body rather, want that she wanted him to do other stuff. (Wording sucks) As soon as Rainbow flew off Swift faceplate into the couch pillow and let out a long scream. Several hours later, Swift sat at Rarity's kitchen table as the house cat purred at his side much to the shock of the others in the room. "What can I say? Animals love me." He laughed before looking away while sipping the tea. Rarity had talked about several things from the very moment he walked into the shop. Even if it was a good thing to help distract from the growing problems. It got to the point that he zoned out a few times. Rarity thought for a moment before nodding and sitting next to him. "Well… I know this might be a bit sudden. But… would you mind… coming over more often? Sweetie Belle could use a stallion around to help keep her out of trouble when I'm working on a big project.  Swift smiled softly. "I'll think about it." He replied as Sweetie Belle sat on his other side. Instantly Swift caught the scent of a mare in heat. "I… I don't mean to be rude but… How old are you?" He asked Sweetie. Surprisingly he saw her blush and looked away. "Well…" Rarity said, clearing her throat. "Equestrians… mostly in Ponyville… normally stay in public school till they're… of age." She explained delicately. "Sweetie and her friends graduated last fall." Swift blinked and looked between them then turned to Rarity. "So… there's nothing wrong with what she's doing?" Rarity looked over and saw Sweetie licking her lips as she looked at his crotch. "Sweetie!" She gasped. "A lady doesn't act so uncouth." Hearing her sister call her out, Sweetie pulled away with a blush. "I  apologize for her actions darling." She sighed. "A lady's heat can get… hard to deal with." "Maybe it's best if I was not here then." He replied. Rarity let out a rather unexpected 'pft'. "Please. If anything, you're being a proper stallion we can trust is a big help." She countered. "She needs to learn to control herself around stallions. And Twilight already put a chastity spell on her." 'Proper my flank' Swift thought to himself. He thought for a moment before rubbing his chin. "And where am I staying?" "Sadly the guest room is packed." Rarity sighed. "Mom and dad were kicked out of their place because of the landlord. And the only room with space is… Sweetie's." She looked between the two. As she had expected, Swift was shocked and Sweetie was excited about the idea. Without having any other choice, Swift accepted the arrangement. After washing up Swift sat on his bed as ideas danced through his head. "Let's see. Maybe I can kill three birds with one stone. Question is… how will she react?" He muttered and looked down at his erection. "Then again. Even if it was an option… how would it…?" He held out his hoof to mimic her size and held it to his dick. First width of her body followed by length. Gulping, he looked to the door. "Maybe I should see if Spike got those toys yet." As he was about to get up to leave, Sweetie walked in with a hungry look on her face. "We're alone." She purred as her horn lit, activating a nearby gem. "And we have all night to take care of each other's needs." Swift gulped as she backed him up onto the bed so she could get at his cock easier. "REALLY bad eggs." He groaned.  > Raise your mug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle placed her hooves on the end of the bed before licking the length of his dick. "What do you say I take care of this poor baby?" She purred softly before kissing the tip. Swift let out a soft moan as he considered his opponents. "Your sister did say you were of age." He confirmed. After a moment he smiled and moved so he could sit back on the bed. "Ok then. Come and have your fill." Smiling Sweetie hopped onto the bed and latched onto his dick, wrapping her forelegs around his dick as she took the tip into her mouth. As a second thought she repositioned herself so her hind legs were on either side of his head. Taking the invitation, Swit wrapped one foreleg around her and held her close and started licking her pussy as the other leg pressed her head gently onto his dick to encourage her to get to sucking. To Sweetie's credit it didn't take long for her to start a rhythm. Sadly Swift noticed she wasn't able to go very deep. He quickly felt himself approaching his climax thanks to her small mouth. And he could taste that she was quickly approaching her own climax and decided to start sucking as he pushed his tongue into her. As she started to cum into his mouth, Swift held her head in place and shot his load into her. For a few moments she was able to swallow a few decent shots, however it quickly started to ooze from her mouth and nose as her belly inflated. When he finally let her go, she pulled off and collapsed on him. Sweetie did her best to keep her mouth shut as she tried to swallow what was left in her mouth and catch her breath. When she was finally able to breathe she let out a soft moan as she licked her lips. "Thank you Swift. That was amazing." "Glad you liked it." He replied softly. No longer feeling as eager to get out and just a little tempted on just going to bed. Just then he blinked and looked down to see Sweetie had turned to face him with a soft smile. "I wonder how I'd compare to my friends." She giggled. "If they're around the same age as you are… or older. I don't see why we can't set up a little get together." He replied, licking some cum from her face. "But we should do something about the smell of sex." Sweetie smiled and lit her horn for a moment before giggling. "Done." With an amused sigh he watched as she fell asleep on him and decided to follow her lead. The next morning, Swift made his way down the street proud of how he managed the morning surprise. Rarity walked in and saw her sister cuddled up to his chest like he was a big teddy. "She had a nightmare and didn't want to disturb you." Was the claim he made. And surprisingly, not only she believed him. But she also praised him. Even welcoming him back to foulsit. Taking a deep breath he looked around and thought about what to do today. "So many options." He muttered, eyeing the crowd. After a few moments he froze as his eyes widened at a familiar sight. A timid mare walking down the street with a soft wave in her mane and a small curl at the end of her tail. "You gotta be kidding me. It's her." Gulping he realized that he had agreed to stay at her place next. Turning he quickly started making his way down another street in hopes she didn't see him. Thankfully she was preoccupied with something. After a few minutes of walking, he stopped at a table that was outside and sat down before slamming his head into it a few times. With a sigh he rested his head on the table with a groan. "I really have to get my act together." Just then his earth twitched at the sound of somepony clearing her throat. Looking up he saw an uptight mare which her nostril turned up. "This is a high class respectful company. I'd like you to leave." She practically grunted. Swift sat up and glared at her then used a wing to call over a waiter. "Can I help you?" "I'd like a-." "Don't serve this riffraff anything." She huffed. "Get the-" She froze at seeing the waiter bow his head to Swift. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I WANT YOU TO-" "Is there a problem?" Knuckles asked, walking over. As soon as he saw the mare, he rolled his eyes with a huff. "Hello mis Ritch." "I want you to arrest this rufion." She huffed. Seeing Swift smirk with a small nod, Knuckles turned and bowed. "Sorry lord Swift. But I must ask you to come with me." Smiling Swift got up and looked over at the mare as she scoffed at him. Turning he smiled at the waiter. "Do let the guard know where I can find you if she has you fired." He said before following Knuckles. "Please bring me to a pub or somewhere I can get stone drunk." Knuckles nodded and rounded the corner to a saltlick. "Some of the guys told me about this place. I thought you'd like it." As they got closer Swift lit up at the familiar scent of sweet, booze, and smoke. Licking his lips Swift was doing a little dance and squee that he knew ponies would have a few things to say. But he was still tempted to do it anyway with how excited he was. That dam burst as soon as he saw one word on the sign. "Wait here for a sec." He instructed before vanishing into a nearby alley and let out his pent up excitement. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A few moments later he came back out dusting off his vest. "Not one word about this." He ordered. After Knuckles nodded they went inside and Swift made his way to the counter. "A bottle of your strongest stuff!" "We don't serve foals." The stallion behind the counter huffed. "Then I'd like to see the owner." Swift replied. The stallion laughed "I am the owner little-" he froze as the air around him seemed to freeze. Looking at Swift he suddenly felt as if he was at cea in the middle of a storm eyeing down a demon. "I'd like to take this place off your hooves." Swift informed. "You don't mind. Do you?" He waited as the stallion looked at him in fear. "No complaints?" He looked over to Knuckles with a smile. "Witness?" Knuckles nodded and approached the counter. "Please verify that you are passing ownership to Lord Swift." Without looking the stallion pulled out a scroll of ownership and passed it to Knuckles before fleeing the pub screaming about the reaper. Swift went behind the counter. "Where's the rum gone?" He thought before locating and pulling out a bottle of rum. "That just happened." He remarked in mauk surprise as he mentally did a little dance thinking "still got it". Sitting at the bar he took a swig from the bottle. "Now to get new staff." He sighed. > He with the gold makes the rules > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat at the counter looking over a list of ponies that Shadow was able to find that were qualified for the position. Somehow he even found some nonpony candidates. He took a deep breath and sighed as his eye skimmed over them for the tenth time. "Why do I feel that half of these guys will be more trouble than they're worth?" He laughed, receiving a laugh from one of the patrons. Looking over, Swift saw Mr Ritch. "If you'd like my lord. I'd be honored to assist you with that." The stallion smirked, tapping his empty mug. "What will it be, friend?" Swift asked as he took the mug. "Hard Cider please." He replied, looking over the list and quickly shifted through the list setting some to the side. "This information is sadly out of date." He sighed as Swift returned the refilled mug. "I'll see about finding a few other choices for you as well." "Thank you. And while we're on the topic of business. What do you say we start a partnership?" Swift suggested as he leaned over the counter. Ritch oddly blushed at the closeness and quickly cleared his throat. "That… sounds splendid. I can even see if some of my contacts would be interested as well." Swift smirked as he subtly licked his lips. "Sounds like an interesting idea. I heard you have a good TASTE in clients." Ritch fidgeted in his seat. "Well… I have been known to handle heavy loads." Swift grinds at seeing he had the stallion hooked on the idea. "Then why don't we see about setting up a private meeting so we can go over the details of how much you're willing to handle." Ritch quickly nodded and set his schedule on the table. "I'm available tomorrow at noon." With a nod from Swift he marked the day before downing his drink and rushing out the door. After scanning the room, Swift couldn't help to get himself a mug of rum. "So Shadow. How much of this is getting reported to Luna?" "None." "Oh? I thought you worked for her." Swift inquired. "She made me your guard." He explained. Swift hopped over the counter and made his way over to the guard. "Then we'll have to do something about your outfit." As he was about to say more, the door opened as Applejack came in with a crate. "I don't want ta hear none of y'all's… Swift? What y'all doing here?" "I own this place. Dropping off a shipment?" Applejack blinked and nodded. "How'd ya???" "I just asked for it." He replied with a smile. Not wanting to get into details, Applejack smiled and brought the crate over. "We'll. I recon y'all can't do any worse than that stallion did." She laughed. "Don't worry about paying me back for…" just then Applejack's jaw dropped as Swift dropped a larg pouch of bits on the counter. "He made a generous donation before he left. Would this be enough?" Swift asked with a knowing smile. "I… I… I recon it's a bit much… if y'all want. I'll get my brother to help restock for ya." She stammered in disbelief at what she saw. However his next words almost floored her. "That'll be great. I'll be sure to have two more bags ready when you get back." "NO!" She shouted, before quickly clearing her throat. "Y'all don't have ta do that. Y'all running a business now. Ya should hold on to y'all's bits. The one pouch is more than enough." She paused as she took the pouch. Blinking, she set it down and looked inside. "Way more than enough." She whistled before walking out as she slipped the pouch into her bag. Swift sat back and sipped his cider. Once it was just him and Knuckles he smiled. "So… my next stop is Fluttershy?" Knuckles nodded. "Well. I best hope that Spike has those toys ready. Because I don't think I'll last with a doll like that around." He laughed. Knuckles sighed and looked away grumbling something under his breath. "Anyway, we need a way to get the crowds to start coming in." He thought for a moment before grinning. "And I think I have an idea." He chuckled looking over at Knuckles. > Getting ready for the struggle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift started to clean the bar as Knuckles stood at the door to keep an eye out for any possible threats. It took him a while to get the place up to his standards but Swift was satisfied with the results. It wasn't soon after that ponies started to arrive. Some were looking for drinks and others about the job opening. Knuckles stood watching the crowd as Swift went from potential employee to employee. It quickly became apparent to him who had what it took and who was just in it for personal profit. In the end, out of the twenty or so candidates. Only five made the cut. Swift sighed as he sat at a table watching them work. "Not the turn out I was hoping for. I was hoping for at least one that would fit the role of management for when I'm not here." Considering his options Swift sipped from his mug. "Well. Not much I can do about that now… unless." He stopped and rubbed his chin. "I might be able to do that. But first. I need to prepare." Laughing he waved over one of the mades. "Don't stay open after sunset and put the tickets in a box. Got it?" She smiled and nodded before returning to work. Smiling, Swift went out to start his plans. At the edge of Ponyville Luna sat and watched the construction workers working on Swift's house. "It's coming along well." She sighed happily.  "So…He'll be able to move in soon?" Fluttershy asked nervously.  "Tomorrow they should be done. But we also need time to put furniture in it." Luna confirmed. "That may take two or three days." "So… where will Swift stay?" Fluttershy asked. Luna thought for a moment. "I doubt he'd want to seem like an inconvenience. He may not like it but he may have to stay with one of your other three friends." Fluttershy thought for a moment as she looked around. "Ummm… Twilight is probably safest." She explained as Luna nodded. "I just hope if Pinkie volunteers, he'll be able to handle her." Ponyville Square Pinkie sat at a table watching Swift with a skeptical glare. She didn't know why, but she was getting several counteracting twitches. All pointing to him. She didn't like it. She had to know why. Why did her Pinkie Sense say he was a nice pony, while at the same time say he was a very bad pony? What was probably more puzzling was a twitch that she rather not talk about. "Who are you?" She muttered. "And how can I make you mine?" She thought before trying and failing to shake the thought away. "No. Bad Pinkie. We don't fall for the bad ponies. We leave that to Rarity." She scolded herself. Then scolded herself for thinking that way about her friend. "Even if it's true." She sighed. Groaning, she looked back to where she knew he went. After a moment her mind was made up and she smiled. "Idea!" Giggling, she bounced down the street. Pinkie had a wonderful idea. Pinkie had an awful wonderful idea. In the shop Swift looked around at the different items as he mentally went over each piece of his plan. He didn't want to waste time. If he was lucky, the princess would be leaving soon after he moved into his new place. Or she'll make it look like she left and put on her little spell and come back. Oh the possibilities that were going through his mind. There was a good reason he was being called a noble. And even if it was for different reasons, he'd show why he matched the role. With his chosen items in his cart Swift moved to check out. "Hi I'd like to… mister Ritch?" "Hello my friend." Ritch replied. "I hope you found a good team from the ponies I sent over." He laughed as he looked over Swift's things. "Twenty bits." Swift put the bits on the counter. "Out of the twenty or so that made it? Only about five were ponies." He sighed. "But thank you. I just hope everything goes smoothly. I have… big hopes for this place." Ritch laughed. "Well, if you ever need a hoof. You can count on me." Swift smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." With that he left and made his way back to the bar. He had some things to set up before it was time to head to his next sleepover. And he'd rather not draw too much attention. At least. Not yet. Unknown location  A group of travelers work on a large ship as royal guards approach. "What are you doing?" A guard asked. "We are making a gift." One of the men replied.  "A gift for who?" The guard asked as he comrades looked over the construction.  "Someone who will bring forth a new age to this land." The man replied. "Sadly we are short hoofed and low on materials." "Sorry to hear that." The guard sighed. "Would you help us? Perhaps your princess can gift it to him for us. We won't be offended if she takes the credit. As long as he gets it. We'll be happy." The man inquires. The guard thinks for a moment and smiles. "Well… we are looking for a ship… why not." Turning to his men the guard calls out. "Let's help get this ship up to code men! The princess is expecting a ship! So let's make her one!" A cheer comes from the crowd as they start to work. "Born of sea and salty air and ocean rains combining." > The deal is struck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes earlier across the street Rainbow Dash sighed as she sat at a table looking at her cup of coffee. She had one day to figure out how she was going to sleep in the same house with a stallion… while she was in heat. And only one thing can make her day worse…. "Hello Rainbows." A familiar voice called out. Speaking of worse. "Hi Zephyr." Rainbow groaned. "Before you start. I'm not your girl." "Come on Rainbows. We both know that you need help. And being a good friend. I want to be there for you." He assured, taking a seat next to her. "I can help make your heat pass much smoother if you give me a chance." "Zephyr. I would literally fuck any stallion before I give your limp baby dick even a lick." She spat. "You don't mean that." He replied with a mock frown. "You want to bet?" She quickly looked around and pointed a hoof at mister Ritch's shop. "I saw about five stallions enter that place. And I'll be willing to date and fuck any of them." "I didn't see any." He countered. Rainbow rolled her eyes figuring he'd say that. "Fine. Then the next guy that comes out is the guy I'll have fuck me." She snapped. Zephyr had tried to get under her tail for the last time and even if this was a stupid idea. She didn't really care. She made the claim and wasn't about to back down now. "Next time you see me. I'm not going to be… well… as heated." The two watched as the doors to the shop opened and Swift stepped out. Rainbow's jaw dropped as she realized what just happened. She had bet she could bed Swift. The stallion that was going to stay at her place tomorrow. She watched as he stopped at the corner and talked to Fluttershy. "Well Rainbow? You going to go for it? Or are you going to take me up on my offer?" Zephyr asked eagerly. With a huff, Rainbow got up and flew over as Fluttershy went into one of the stores. "Hay Swift… got a minute?" "I need to get this stuff to my bar." He replied with a smile. "But if you don't mind a walk, we can talk." A light bulb clicked to life in her head as she landed next to him. "Really? I take it you sell alcohol?" He nodded. "Would you mind if we hung out there after closing? There's something private I need to ask you." Swift thought for a moment. "Well… Fluttershy asked if I didn't mind finding a different place to stay so she could help her brother. So I don't see why not." Rainbow clenched her hind muscles at the thought of how smoothly things were going. She knew that if she didn't do something soon, she wouldn't be thinking clearly about her actions soon. "Thanks. And look. If you need a place to crash. I have a couch." Realizing what she said Rainbow gave herself a mental facehoof. "Thanks. But I don't want to be a bother. I know we're supposed to do it tomorrow but-" "You don't have anywhere else to stay." She quickly countered. "And you can always stay with Fluttershy tomorrow. Right?" "Sadly her brother is staying in the room I was going to." He sighed as they got to the bar. "I'll understand if you-" "Then you'll just have to stay both nights." She interjected. Again mentally facehoofing. Just then an idea came to her. If she was being honest. This worked out perfectly. "In fact. It'd give us that much more time to go over what I wanted to talk to you about." They went inside and started for the back. Rainbow glanced over at the guard, who was trying to stay professional as drunken mares and stallions tried to hit on him. Rainbow briefly considered asking about him. If for no other reason but to delay what was to come. Until… "Right in here. We can talk in private." Swift announced before stopping one of the passing employees. "It's getting late. Start closing shop. We don't want our first night ruined because a drunk got hurt walking home." The mare nodded and went out to pass the message to the other staff. Stepping into the room Rainbow looked in wonder at how lavished it was. A couch that would fit two or three ponies, definitely Rarity's style. A table fit for a small banquet, looks like an Apple made it. And plenty of decorative lighting, somehow seemed more for setting a mood. Rainbow gulped at the thoughts and ideas that slammed into her mind. The last owner definitely didn't use this room for work. At least it wasn't the only use. And if her body had anything to say on the matter, it wasn't going to be for work tonight either. "You wanted to talk about something?" Swift asked as he sat on the couch. "Yeah… you see… there's this stallion that's been pestering me for a very long time to go out with him." She explained as she moved over to the table and giving it an experimental shake. "Definitely made by an Apple. Damn that's sturdy." She thought. "I take it he won't take the hint?" Rainbow huffed. "If it was that simple. Every time I go into heat he gets worse. So I had enough and told him that…" "You'd bang some random guy and I was it?" Swift guessed. "Then I guess us sharing a roof would help with your claim. Simple as that." "Until he smells my heat or pushes that we're not a couple and he can do better. " She groaned. "Look. I get that you probably don't want to get mixed up in this. But I'm running out of options." She sighed, leaning on the table. "And if it helps. I had a protection spell put on me. So I should be good for a few more days." "Should?" "Unless you have the dick and seed of an alicorn. I'm not worried." She laughed. Swift thought it over for a minute. "If what you send is true. Then a one night stand won't be enough to make him stop. Letting out a sigh, Swift smiled at her. "Good thing we'll be sleeping in the same house." "Exactly!" She announced jabbing a hoof at him. "All we'd have to do is take care of my pesky heat and we can go our separate ways." "Until he realized that you're still single." Rainbow slumped. "Right…" She took a deep breath and sighed. "Hopefully by then I'll have a better idea. Or he'll be far far away." Swift smiled and gout off the couch and quickly looked out of the room. "Looks like they already left…" He muttered. Turning back to Rainbow he asked. "Do you want to at least get started on taking care of your first problem?" Rainbow's ears perked as her wings shot open. Looking over she gulped at seeing what he was offering. "Buck… me…" She muttered. This was going to be a long night. > Lust, love and crossing sides > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift moved over to the couch and took a seat. "If this stallion is pestering you to be his marefriend. The answer is simple. Tell him you're into mares." "Yeah. Not like my mane isn't giving enough ponies that impression." She grumbled. "I'd rather not give them any more fuel than I have to." "Like having to move in with a friend because of bills?" He asked. "Exactly. Anyway… Either way you look at it. I'm going to have to…" She shivered at the thought. "Let HIM…" She quickly covered her mouth trying not to vomit. "Well. There's always letting me take care of it for you." "Yea. Like a twig like you has…." She blinked as her eyes were locked on his semi hard dick. "You were saying something about being single?" She asked with a gulp before licking her lips. Smiling, Swift leaned back and pulled her closer with his wing. "That would depend on the mare I have my eyes on. She's still on the fence about me helping her with her heat." Realizing who he was talking about, Rainbow pulled her eyes away from his dick and looked him in the eyes. "Wait. Are you?..." "Helping with your heat? Offering to be your stallion? Getting help with my rut? Yes." He replied. If she was able to think clearly, Rainbow would have likely caught the last part. However by the time he offered to be her stallion, Rainbow's mind was made up as she turned her attention back to his now hard dick. "I… I want to be your marefriend. I… I want you to put an end to my heat." She announced before bending over to start sucking his dick. Leaning back, Swift let out a soft moan as he gently put a hoof on her head. "You're amazing at this." He groaned as he bit his lip. Rainbow gave a grateful moan at his compliment. She suddenly let out a gasp as she felt his wingtip brush against her pussy. There wasn't any doubt in either of their minds. She wanted it and he did too. Pulling back she quickly got on all fours and looked back at him. "I can't wait any longer. Make me your mare. I want to feel how awesome you are at this." Swift smiled and got behind her and gave her pussy a lick. "You wouldn't deny your lover a taste first. Would you?" Rainbow moaned softly. "It's only fair seeing I got a taste of your pre." She replied, licking her lips. "But you better not make me wait. Or I'll be taking the leeeeeeeee-" her last word melted into a moan as she felt him mount and press the first few inches into her. "Let's talk about that later. We have your heat to take care of." Swift replied as he slowly started to pump himself into her slowly. At first it simply felt nice to feel him thrust into her. But as he pushed deeper, Rainbow felt her heart race with excitement and pleasure. A part of her knew that if he went deeper, the chances of her becoming pregnant went up. However it also meant that her heat would come to an end that much faster. Not to mention how amazing it felt to have him soooooo deep. Swift felt her tighten on his dick with each thrust as if her body wanted him as deep as he was able to get and stay there. It was easy to tell that she was a virgin or at the least had used toys half his size to scratch her itches. The deeper he went, the harder he thrusted. And quickly ended up thrusting against the entire to her womb. They both knew there was still a few inches left outside of her. And as she felt him slam against the final wall, Rainbow's eyes shot open in realization. "I don't want to hurt you or your future. But if I push any more. Then there won't be any going back." He whispered in her ear. Rainbow knew there was still a chance for him to pull out now. But that would mean that her heat would return. With her next words, her heat would be quenched and her fate sealed. "Do it." With a smile Swift slammed into her and ejaculated into her womb. With each thrust, he shot a load into her. It didn't take long for her belly to inflate as cum soon started to ooze out. By the time Swift had finished, Rainbow collapsed under him with a soft, happy, and satisfied moan. Swift stumbled a little before flopping next to her. "I think this makes us more than just lovers." She laughed. "We just need to get the papers to prove it." Hearing this, Swift smiled and nuzzled her. "I'll trust you to plan it. Just tell me the price." He sighed softly before the two fell asleep in each other's arms. Outside the room Knuckles bit his lip and looked down at his erection. "And who are you jealous of, traitor?" > A lesson learned? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two fell asleep in each other's arms after another few rounds. Though FrostBite had a rather happy dream about sailing with Rainbow at his side. His marefriend had a rather surprising dream.  "What the heck?!" She shouted to her team. "What do you mean I'm kicked out?" "You really think we'd let a pregnant mare stay on the team?" Spitfire huffed. "And don't try saying that it won't affect your performance with that baby fat." "What fat?" She asked looking back and seeing that not only has her stomach grown but so has her flank. "This isn't possible." Turning she saw Swift with a pegasus foal on his back. "Swift?" "I thought you'd take better care of yourself." He huffed before turning as her friends went up to him, each with pregnant bellies. "Don't worry. There's always Zeffer." "NOOOOOOOOOO!" She cried as Luna landed. "Forgive me for being late, child. I had to rid a few…" Luna shook her head. "What seems to be the matter?" "Promise you won't tell?" "I haven't told about when you spied on-" Luna began to comfort.  "Ok OK ok… I… let a stallion in rut… mate me when I was in heat." She sighed.  "And you fear he will abandon you?" "Among other things." Rainbow groaned. "Would this stallion happen to be Swift?" She asked. After seeing the look of shock on Rainbow's face, Luna continued. "Then fear not. I won't say more than from what I saw. He has many hopes for the two of you. And as for your other fears." "I know it's foolish. But up till now. Flying has been my life. What if I can't continue being a Wonderbolt? What if… I'm no longer… fast." She sighed. Luna pulled her close. "If you want. I will send for Spitfire. And together we can work out a plan to keep you on the team. And keep you and any child you have safe." "Thank you Luna." With a glow from the princess's horn the land changed to show Swift on a cloud next to two foals. Smiling Rainbow joined him and watched the kids play. The next morning Rainbow woke hoping to find her stallion at her side. Sadly, when she opened her eyes she was alone. Blinking in shock she sat up quickly and instantly regretted it. As soon as her flank touched the ground, she was reminded of the plowing she received the night before. Letting out a sigh she stood and wobbled to the door. If he wasn't going to be there for her, she wasn't going to wait up for him. As soon as she opened the door, she received the reason for Swift's absence. "If you can't read the sign. Then let me explain it to you again." Swift snapped. "Touch the staff and get kicked out. Attempt to molest the staff and get your balls kicked first." A moment later there was a high pitched cry of pain before the sound of the front door slamming open echoed through the building. Stepping back, Rainbow couldn't think of what she should do other than laying on the couch. After a few moments, Swift came back into the room. Groaning, he sat next to her and plopped his head onto the couch. Rainbow gently brushed his mane back. "Hard morning?" "Yeah." He sighed. "Mostly drunks not wanting to pay or follow the rules." He slowly closed his eyes and sighed. "I think I need to hire a few more ponies to run this place so I can spend time on other things." "Other things like what?" Rainbow asked. Swift smirked up at her causing her to blush. "Then again. We can always bring a few blankets in and-" "We're using a real bed next time. At my place if needed." Rainbow snapped before laughing.  After a few moments Knuckles came to the door. "Sir? There's a stallion with a bad mane style asking about his Rainbows." The two got up and walked past him."Do you want to say it or should I?" Rainbow asked. "He can always suck my dick for proof." Swift teased.  Rainbow laughed and kissed his cheek. "Let's start with talking and go from there." Walking out they see Zephyr talking to a stallion about how hot his mare is and how no stallion can measure upto his skills. The two share a glance before walking up behind him. "Really? Doesn't look like any mare around here fits that description." Swift mocked, much to the crowd's enjoyment. "Well you haven't met my-" Zephyr froze seeing Rainbow standing next to Swift with a large smile on her face. "What's the matter? Didn't know I was there? Or do you think I couldn't find a stallion as cool as I am?" She laughed. "Oh and I saw what you call a dick. His' is much bigger. No contact." The stallion at the table fell over laughing at this point. "Why don't you try looking for a mare that likes small dicks." Swift laughed. "Or maybe a stallion can show you what a real stallion is like." Zephyr quickly turned and walked out with his tail between his legs. Rainbow smiled and nudged Swift. "I got to head out. See yah later." "You too Dash." Swift said happily as she flew out. After a few moments he turned to the stallion who was pulling himself off the ground. "How would you like to earn a few weeks of half off drinks?" "For myself?" "Depends on how well you do. I might make your drinks free for a few weeks." Swift replied with a grin. "Name it." "Teach Zephyr what a real stallion is like." Swift instructed. With a smile the stallion downed his drink and pranced out to complete his quest. Walking to the door took a deep breath and turned to Knuckles. "I think it's time we got some more muscle around here." With a nod Knuckles flew off to complete his mission.  With that taken care of, Swift decided to take a look into the other parts of Ponyville. Starting with Applejack. He shivered at the thought. He really didn't like farms. But this was for the best. > The party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift made his way up the path that led to the Apple family residents. The first thing he noticed, other than the trees, was the lack of smells he had expected from a farm. Even when he got close to the gate and was downwind of the farm. Blinking he sniffed the air. "Do I smell… pies?" He shivered at the thought. Farms he can deal with if needed. But he'd die before he ate a-. "Well look what the cat dragged in." Applejack whistled. "Thought Y'all couldn't stand farms." "Bad history with them." Swift sighed. "Last one I was at had a silo burst." Applejack gagged at the thought. "Say no more. I understand. So what ya say I give you a tower and ease your worries?" Swift nodded and followed her through the farm. For the most part, it looked like your run of the mill farm. Just with more focus on apples. After a bit of walking they got to the barn. "Y'all just in time for my little sister's birthday." Applejack announced. "Y'all welcome to join if ya got the time." "I'd love to. But I didn't bring a present." Swift replied. "I don't think it'd be right if I-" "Nonsense. Rarity already told us how Y'all was with her sister. And if ya able to get her to say such nice things about you and her kin. Then I say you're welcome any time." Applejack countered. "If she only knew." Swift thought as he followed her in. Sure enough, the inside was packed with party decorations. Almost as if… "Don't tell me…" He gulped. "Yeap!" Pinkie cheered as she sprang up in front of him. "Pinkie Pie, party planner extraordinaire. At your crevice." Swift smiled and stepped past her. "Thanks for having me. The place looks nice." "Pinkie doesn't hold back on her parties." Applejack laughed. "Heck. She even has a room set up for ya to stay the night." Swift blinked and looked at Applejack. "Her twitches are never wrong. Best not question it and go with it." Shrugging, Swift sat at a beach as the different ponies walked around laughing and talking. "Hi." A tough sounding voice called. Looking over, Swift smiled at a filly. "Name's Babs Seed. Apple Bloom's cousin. It's nice to meet ya." Swift was about to say something before she looked around and hopped up next to him and spoke softly. "I heard from Sweetie about the other night." Swift looked around and waved to a group of ponies. "Are you planning on blackmailing me? Or is there something else you want?" He asked quickly. "I got an idea for a birthday present for Bloom. But ya got ta keep the door unlocked tonight." Babs replied. "If ya want. I'll owe ya one." "You'll owe me more than one. If her family finds out then it's my head they'll be after." Swift huffed. "Don't worry. The Apple family won't go after you. If Bloom wants it, her sister and brother won't blame you." Babs countered. "You game?" Swift sighed and looked over at Babs. "Let's see how the party goes." After a few minutes of the party, Swift noticed Bloom glancing at him and smiled at her. "Make your wish Bloom." Applejack said softly. After a few moments, Bloom closed her eyes and blew out the candles. Swift noticed her blush as Applejack asked, "what did you wish for?" "Silly Applejack. You can't ask what she wished for. Or it wouldn't come true." Pinkie giggled. "It's ok Pinkie." Bloom sighed. "It's not like it'd make a difference." All eyes turned to Bloom as she bit her lips. "I… I want to be with a stallion… with my friends." Swift's jaw dropped as did several others at the wish. "Bloom? Do ya know what Y'all asking? Ya don't mean a full grown stallion… right?" Applejack asked nervously. "Oooooo what if Swift was the stallion?" Pinkie chimed. "Don't be silly Pinkie. I doubt Rarity would let a stallion be with her sister. Even if it was Swift…" She turned to Swift. "No offense." "None taken." He shrugged. "I get it. She's your little sister. And I doubt that Rarity would let a stallion she didn't trust around her sister like that." Applejack thought for a few moments. "I'll talk to Scootaloo's… ummm…" "What's wrong?" Swift asked. "Don't worry about it. I'll check on Scootaloo." Applejack giggled before quickly heading out the door. "Y'all go talk with Rarity." "No worries." Pinkie chimed. "I already asked. And Sweetie should be on her way." Swift quietly went behind a pole and slammed his head against it. "Babs?" He groaned. "You owe me big." Babs licked her lips with a smile. "And I plan on delivering on that." "You can start by getting me info on what's going on with Scootaloo." He sighed. "Something's wrong. And not in a fun way." He snarled. > The drama is doubled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the party continued, Swift sat with Bloom and Babs as their friends and family walked past and wished Bloom a happy birthday. Babs slipped off for a bit to see what information she can find before the real fun starts later that night. As she slipped through the back streets, she stopped at the sight of a night guard banging his head against a wall as a stallion just kept talking. She quickly covered her mouth to try and keep herself from laughing before slipping past. As she found Applejack leaving a building, she slipped past and looked into the window and gasped at what she saw. Ducking back down she thought of what she should do. Biting her lip, she slipped back through the streets. She had to get back to the party before it was too late. Meanwhile Rainbow sat with Luna at her home as Spitfire walked over. "Ok, princess. I'm here. What's going on with Crash that the two of us couldn't talk about in my office?" She asked, looking between them. "I believe that it is best for her to tell you herself." Luna replied.  "I… I'm pregnant." Rainbow sighed. "I checked. She will be a mother." Luna confirmed.  Spitfire paced for a moment. "Early pregnancy… sounds like she has time before her condition would force her to stop." Sitting, Spitfire glanced at her. "You can stay on the team as long as you have somepony shadowing you every second. And that includes the bathroom." "But…" "NO. You're going to be a mother. Now repeat our job." Spitfire snapped.  "To keep the citizens of Equestria safe." Rainbow sighed. "Including each other." Spitfire nodded. "Then will you agree or take leave till you're cleared?" She stayed silent for a moment as Rainbow thought it over. Turning to Luna she asked. "Is there a mare that you can appoint to look after her till she gives birth?" Luna smiled and rubbed her chin. "I was considering appointing a mare to the father's service… yes… that would be a good idea." "You mean I can stay on the team… until… I'm unable to perform?" Rainbow asked.  "Until your shadow says you need to stop." Spitfire corrected. "Deal?" "Deal." Rainbow sighed. With a smile Spitfire gave her a quick hug. "Don't tell anypony I did that. But… congratulations Dash." After a shared hug, Spitfire flew off to prepare for any complications that might come from the news she received. Knuckles groaned as he calmly sat at a table where a mare was complaining about… to be honest, he lost track. All he was able to do was sit and wait till she left. That way he can get back to work. Closing his eyes he turned to face her. "Mam-" "That's mis Ritch to you." She huffed. "Mis? What about Mr Ritch?" "We're having a divorce." She explained. "After my soon to be ex made so many financial decisions without asking me about it. I've had enough." "And I take it you want half of everything." Knuckles groaned.  "Half? I expect proper compensation for what he put me through." She huffed. "And I intend on getting everything from him I can. And that includes our daughter who deserves only the best." Knuckles took a deep breath. "Well then all I can say is good luck." He sighed as he got up and walked away muttering to himself. "Stupid bitch caused me half a day of doing my job." Swift sat back on the bench as he ate and drank at the party as it started to die down. It won't be long before they're alone together and once Babs and possibly Scootaloo arrives, then they'll really start the action. Babs nudged him with a soft smile. "I'll tell you what I found after it's just the three of us. But for now, let's enjoy the party." She said softly. As the last pony left them alone in the barn the three ponies moved to the makeshift room and climbed into the bed. Swift rolled onto his back as Babs went right for his balls and started to lick as Bloom started licking and sucking his sheath. "Tonight we're all going to have an amazing night." Babs announced softly. "Let's hope you have plenty for both of us." Swift closed his eyes. "Just keep telling yourself it's to keep your cover." He thought to himself. "This is just a phase and they won't want more after tonight." Glancing down, he saw them both licking his hardening dick. "Or… maybe I can get them to join my crew later… nope. Bad brain. Don't think of them like sluts… don't think of them like sluts… dam dick isn't helping." > Life and death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack sat in the living room of her house as she thought about whether she should tell anypony about what she heard. It was true that it wasn't really her place to tell anypony about what wasn't her business. But time was running out fast. And she knew her friends wouldn't be happy if they found out what she knew the hard way. Taking a deep breath, she considered taking things into her own hoofs. But for now, she needed to rest and get her thoughts together. Knuckles sighed as he made his way back to the bar. He had a feeling that Swift wasn't going to be there. But there wasn't anypony else to check on how things were doing. And he didn't want his boss to come back to find his bar in pieces. However, to his delight, there were several ponies in line outside. "What's going on?" He asked the first pony in line. "Pinkie passed out these flyers at Sugarcube Corner." The stallion explained. "We came to apply." Knuckles smiled and motioned for them to follow him inside. Thankfully, the bar was closed and the staff was cleaning up as he told them to take a seat and he'd interview them one at a time. By the end of the line, Knuckles found several guards for the bar so he could return his focus on Swift's safety, and two managers were more than willing to take turns running the shop. And agreed to talk to Swift if they wanted to change or check on anything. With that taken care of, Knuckles went out to check on how the house he was going to guard was coming along. Swift moaned softly as a well stuffed Bloom and Sweetie slept next to them as Babs rocked back and forth on Swift's dick as she smiled at him. "I found out what Scootaloo was hiding." She said softly. "But there's some bad news." Swift held her hips softly. "And what's that?" He moaned, feeling himself getting close to climax.  Slamming her hip down on him quickly as she wanted him to finish in her before she killed the mood. Thankfully she felt him start filling her as she clamped down on him. With the combination of their climax, she couldn't help but to blurt out the news. "She's being sold on the black market!" Swift's eyes shot open in shock as his mind went into overdrive. Pulling her off his dick, Swift set Babs with her friends. "Tell the girls, work called me in." He said as he calmly made his way to the door as he got dressed. As he stepped out of the barn he took a deep breath moments before a toothy grin crossed his face. Taking flight he heard a soft song on the breeze and sang along. "Never shall we die." Luna sat at what would soon be Swift's new home as she went over the final checklist. Unaware of the blood that would be spilt that night. "Everything is progressing as planned." She sighed before diving into the dreamscape.  Rainbow tossed and turned in her bed. It wasn't because of nightmares. To her surprise, "Damn it. I can't seem to relax." Groaning, she went over to her workout room. "Maybe a workout will help burn out this energy." "Ok my ritch hungry bastards. We have a special treat for you tonight!" An announcer called to the crowd. "She's been trained to behave when in public. But once she's behind closed doors, she's a complete slut." The announcer laughed. "Bidding starts at five hundred bits!" Bid after bid went up as Scootaloo sat on stage with a dazed look on her face as she showed off her willing body. "How about your lives?" A voice called from the only door. "Don't bother trying to run. I locked the other doors and blocked them." He said licking a blade strapped to his hoof as his glowing eye scanned the now terrified crowd. "The guards will be here come morning. So any of you that want to live gets to face your crimes." "How can we convince you to let us go?" One stallion asked. Thinking for a moment he replied. "Well… you can swear yourself to me. Give everything you own to Ponyville to divide as the ponies see fit. And send any other slaves you have to the local bar here in town." After a moment he added. "Best to do that last one at night." Almost instantly the bidders were bowing at his feet, swearing they'd do as he said and then some. However, as they got past him the announcer grabbed Scootaloo and held her neck. "Is this what you want? This pathetic pound of flightless flesh? You ruined my business for this-" the announcer blinked as he slowly looked down at his severed leg. "You want to know what I hate more than crusty pies?" The stallion asked from behind the now terrified announcer. "Slave traiders." A pained cry echoed out through the night, long and loud. By the time the guards arrived, a trail of bodies led them to the remains of the announcer.  A stallion that once held respect among high class ponies. Now hung as a bloody warning to all slave trainers. His legs severed and placed to hold up signs that spelled out his guilt. His own dick severed and shoved down his throat. His balls used like earrings on heavy hooks. A spiked dildo up his ass. And to top it off. His eyes were placed to watch the entire thing. On the sign held by the hoofs I sold ponies as sex toys. That was my talent. Swift calmly made his way down the alleyways with the sleeping Scootaloo on his back. "I needed that." He sighed glancing back at the mare before noticing they were both bloody. "And it looks like we both need a bath." With a sigh he turned to take her into the forest where no one would see the blood. > The best laid plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift set Scootaloo next to the river dipping a hoof in the water. After a moment he sighed and whispered a soft apology to Scootaloo before tossing her in. Within seconds Scootaloo shot out of the water shivering. "Sorry master. I'm awake, master. Please don't punish me for falling asleep, master." She begged. After a few moments, she looked around and noticed that they were in the forest. Gulping, she lowered her head. "Please don't tell me you're giving me to the Timberwolves, master." "I'm not." Swift sighed. "And you can stop with the master crap. It's getting annoying. Call me Swift." He walked past her and got in the water. "Wash up. We can't have you walking around town drenched in blood." Scootaloo blinked for a moment before his words clicked. Bleary imagines of violence flashed in her mind. "You… took me…" "From the slavers. Yes. Now wash up." Scootaloo got in the water and calmly started to clean herself. "What if they come back for me?" "Then they'll join their friends. We can go over the specifics in the morning at the town office." Swift explained before resting on the riverside. Scootaloo thought for a bit as she washed the blood off and glanced over at him. "I'm… not a little filly." She sighed. "But… I can't live on my own… bot now." Swift nodded. "Well get you help. Maybe some therapy can-" "NO!" Scootaloo gasped and bowed to him in reflex. "I'm sorry for my outburst. Please forgive me. I meant to say. Please no. I know what they'll do to me. The shelter told me everything." Swift's eye twitched. "They did?" "Yes. It was after my special lessons. To make me a proper mare… and… gave me a list of things to give my master when they came for me." Scootaloo explained. Swift took a deep breath and sighed. And got up. A knowing smirk came over his face. "Then we best get your things. And it might help your recovery." After a moment Scootaloo got out of the water and followed him closely. "By the way. Anything you feel like telling me? Like why your tail twitched when you mentioned the wolves? Or why does it seem to rise when you walk near me?" Scootaloo looked away blushing. "I'd… rather not… right now… please." "Very well. We're getting close to town. Play along." He told her as they exited the forest. As they started for the shelter, Twilight and some guards rushed over. "PRINCESS WE FOUND THEM!" Twilight shouted. Moment later, Luna arrived. "Are you two ok? What happened? Why were you in the EverfreeForest?" Swift put a hoof over Twilight's muzzle. "We're fine. A lot happened last night and I'd be happy to go over them in PRIVATE later. But right now we have some things to take care of. And little time to do it." With a nod Twilight and Luna stepped back as a guard stepped forward. "Allow me to accompany you sir." "Tell Knuckles to meet me at the orphanage." He said before starting off to the shelter before calling back. "Or tell him to stop hiding behind the stand." He laughed. With a sigh Knuckles came out and walked over to them. "What's the plan?" "We get Scootaloo's stuff. And if they refuse or act innocent. Then we'll have to convince them. Or just take it anyway." Swift replied with a smile. Rainbow flew to the locker room where she sat and bit her lip before opening her locker and pulled out a daisy sandwich and quickly gulped it down. Letting out a satisfied moan, she sat back on her bench before her ear twitched at the sound of ponies coming. After quickly shutting her locker, she got up and calmly turned to see Soren and Thunderlane walking towards her. She smiled for a moment before noticing something was wrong. "Hi Dash." Soren said with a smile. "You got some extra time on you?" "That depends. What do you want?" She replied, eyeing the two. "Spitfire wanted us to have you go to the meshall. Don't worry, No straight guys aloud." Thunderlane replied. "So why didn't she come to tell me?" "She went to… take care of something. Well… see yea." Soren replied as the two guys turned and left the room. Rainbow sat and blinked for a moment before making her way to the meshall. Spitfire made her way to Ponyville as she thought about what she was going to do and looked back to see two stallions flying to her. With a smile, she had a feeling her plan would work. "Hey boys. Did it work?" She asked. "She was a little suspicious at first. But she took the bait." Soren replied. "Great. That should buy us a day to deal with her stallion." Spitfire laughed. "Let's go find him and see about getting him ready for the big day." As they flew, she looked at Thunderlane. "You get Twilight caught up. We'll find her mate." With a nod the three ponies took off to complete their goals. > End of another eventful day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the three walked into the orphanage, the mare behind the counter looked at them in shock for a second before smiling softly. "What can I do for you?" She asked slowly moving for the door. Seeing this Swift flings a quill he got from the slaver into the wall next to her head, causing her to return to her seat. "How we start with you not trying to run." He replied, moving over to the counter. "And hand over everything you have involving Scootaloo." "I'm sorry, sir." She replied nervously. "We don't have any such records of her staying here." "Oh? Then I guess you wouldn't mind a search of the place." He countered with a grin. "I can't allow that without-" Knuckles stepped forward. "What was that?" She gulped and smiled. "I was about to suggest leaving her here so you can-" "Or I will stay and look over your files with you while they look around." Swift countered. Without letting her get another word in, Knuckles and Scootaloo walk into the back leaving the mare to sigh. "Now… about those papers." Swift said with a blood thirsty smile, as he held his blade up. "What do you think you're doing? You think threatening me will go without consequences?" She spat. "No. I expect to get a medal for uncovering a slave traid." He replied, setting a card on the counter with the proof he just mentioned. "So. What will it be? Jail or death? Either way. You don't have much of a choice." Gulping she pulled out a folder and set it on the counter. "H… here's the information you wanted. Is… is there anything else you need, sir?" "How about all your information from your other business?" He replied. She nodded and pulled out another folder. "Here's our information on our… accomplices." She chuckled nervously. "Good girl. Now… be a good girl and stay put." He sighed, looking through Scootaloo's papers, slipping any papers involving her treatment or the slave traid into his saddlebag. After a few minutes, Scootaloo came out with a saddlebag. "Knuckles said we should get the guards." Swift smiled and put the rest of Scootaloo's folder into her saddlebag. "Great idea. Why don't you go and get them while I keep an eye on this helpful mare." With a nod, Scootaloo ran out the door. Swift smiled and turned to the mare. "Any other ponies you'd like to show me files for?" "Sorry sir." She sighed. "My boss has those. I only have the ones we show the mayor." She sighed. "Who is your boss?" He asked. With a gulp she slid him a card. "If I tell the guards. He'll kill me." "Then you better not lie to the guard about him. And don't worry. He won't get off the hook." Swift said with a knowing smile as he pocketed the card. After a few minutes, Scootaloo returned with some guards and hugged his foreleg. "We have it from here sir." One of the guards announced. "Scootaloo explained it to us." "She did?" "Yes, sir. We're glad she has someone willing to take care of her. Don't worry. We'll get these kids to safety." He explained with a nod as his companions went into the building. Swift walked out with Scootaloo and started for the bar. "We have a day or two before our home is ready." He told her. "Can I have a sleepover with my friends?" She asked with a smile. "If their sister says it's ok. I don't have a problem. But remember to be on your best behavior." He replied. Scootaloo smiled and gave him a hug outside the bar before rushing off. Taking a deep breath he stepped inside with their bags and locked the door. "About time you got here." A stallion laughed. "Can I help you?" Swift asked as he went behind the counter to check the day's reports.  "We just came to see the stallion who knocked up our teammate." Spitfire replied as she looked him over. "And I have to say… you other than looks. I don't see what she sees in you." "No offense. But I agree." Soren sighed. Swift smirked and poured himself a mug of apple rum. "Why don't I show you two, one of the 'big' reasons she's my marefriend?" Spitfire rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Like you're any bigger than BigMac." She huffed. "Ummm… Spitfire?" Soren coughed as his eyes were locked on Swift who was now sitting back with his legs spread. Once the two were locked onto his crotch, Swift smirked and gulped down a mouthful of his rum, letting some drip onto the tip of his dick. "How about we move this to the other room?" As they nod he led the way into his makeshift bedroom.  > Prize and punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours passed before Swift woke up and looked around. He recognized the two laying in bed with him. And just as soon as a smile crossed his face, it vanished at the right of an angry Rainbow Dash standing at the door. Calmly he nudged the other ponies in the bed till they groaned and woke up and looked over at what he was looking at. "Oh. Hay Crash." Spitfire greated with a smile. Rainbow took a deep breath as she made her way over to the side of the bed. "Tell me one thing Swift. Do you really want to be with me? Or just to fuck every mare in Equestria?" Swift thought for a moment before replying. "From what I recall in my studies. There are no laws against-" "Swift!" Rainbow shouted. "Please just tell me. Do you really love me?" Swift smiled and repositioned himself so she could sit and face him. Once she was face to face with him he replied with a kiss. "You're my precious jewel. There is no mare that would ever come before-" Knuckles walked in with a defeated look on his face. "Sorry to disturb you sir. Applejack asked me to accompany the girls into the forest and… I lost Scootaloo." All three of the ponies in the bed looked at Swift as his smile vanished. It was as if a window had shattered with how quickly his expression turned to anger. "Hun? Please give him the most toucherus punishment you can think of so I don't ring his neck." "What are you going to do?" She asked nervously.  "I'm going to go find my girl." He replied, storming out the door.  Rainbow was about to react, but instead decided to do as he asked. "Spend the next two days with Pinkie and help her with whatever she wants." She ordered. "Oh and no interrupting her." It didn't take long for Swift to get to the edge of the forest where the sisters sat and comforted their little sisters. Walking past them he stopped at the tree line. "Don't let anypony in after I go in." He instructed before making his way into the woods. A few feet into the woods he lifted his eyepatch and looked around as the sights, sounds and smells seemed to take shape before him. As soon as he located Scootaloo's trail, he noticed that there was something else mixed in with it. Fear… and heat. Without hesitation he made a mad dash after the trail. He had to find her now before… His heart froze at the sound of howling. To most it wouldn't sound different from other howls. But he had heard THAT howl on several occasions. He doubled his efforts and as soon as he saw where Scootaloo was. He jumped over landing between Scootaloo and whatever it was that had chased her. "Back off." He ordered. The wooden wolves growled at him and stepped closer. Instead of backing down, Swift stepped forward and looked into its eyes. "Back off… now." A few moments passed and he moved back to Scootaloo and looked from her to them before looking back to her. "Your call." He sighed, keeping his glowing eye from her view. "I can take them on and give you time to run. Or I can claim you in front of them." Scootaloo quickly grabbed his foreleg. "I'm sorry Swift. It was my idea to come into the forest. I didn't listen to Knuckles when he said not to go off the trail." She cried. "I'll take any punishment you want to give me. But please don't make me go without you." Swift readjusted his eyepatch and smiled down at her. "I was going to have you just run ahead of me so I can keep these mutts at bay. But if you really want to stay so close to me." He then spun her around and used a hoof to shove her face into the dirt. "You don't leave me much choice." Scootaloo bit her lip and lifted her flank and tail for him. She hated that her body had been trained to do this. But she owed him. As far as she really cared, her body belonged to him. Swift pressed his tip against her ass and after a moment, started pushing into her with several thrusts, going an inch in at a time. It didn't take long before he was bottoming out with each thrust. "Looks like they really wanted to get you ready for any stallion. Don't worry. I'm not going to let just any pony have you." Scootaloo moaned and whimpered with each thrust. As he thrusted into her, her body jolted forward slightly with the pressure of his hip. It wasn't long before she felt him slamming into her flank as he lifted his hoof off her head. "Go on Scootaloo. Tell them who you belong to." Scootaloo looked up at the wolf in front of her. "I belong to Swift. Body and soul. I'm his bitch." She shouted between thrusts and moans. As a reward to her admission, Swift slammed into her one last time and climaxed into her and quickly inflating her stomach. After he saw that she had her mouth clamped shut he pulled out and covered her with a thick layer of cum. Seeing they had been beaten to the mare by an obvious alpha, the pack left. Smiling, Swift picked up Scootaloo and carried her to the river and set her in the water helping her wash up. Once they were both clean and her stomach deflated, the two happily made their way back to town. As they exited the forest, Swift told Scootaloo that they're going straight home and she was grounded. As the two made their way to the bar, the two saw Knuckles walking with Pinkie carrying a mountain of boxes as he listened to her going on about something about… changas? Swift smiled and continued back to the bar, satisfied that his guard would learn his lesson.  Once back in the back part of the bar, Swift opened the door and blinked in shock as Rainbow stood between two tied up ponies. "Hay hun." Rainbow giggled with a notty grin. "What do you say to sending Scootaloo's to Twilight's and helping me punish these two?" Swift smirked and looked at Scootaloo, hanging her head and hopped onto the bed before nudging some rope. "Make that three." She sighed. Rainbow blinked and looked over at Swift who nodded. With a shrug she tied up Scootaloo. "Hall?" She asked. Swift smiled and the two entered the hall to fill each other in on what was going on. > Moving in day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some time passed before they returned to the room. As Swift was about to say something, Rainbow quickly tackles him and ties him onto a chair. "Sorry hun. But I have to punish you too for sleeping with other ponies without talking to me first." She teased before moving to a dresser. After grabbing a few dildos she shoved one into Spitfire and Soren before strapping a vibrater to Scootaloo in perfect view of Swift. "And to make it worse. You didn't even think I might want to join." She flicked two switches to turn on the dildos in the two Wonderbolts. Within seconds they started to moan and try to move their hips. Smiling, she flipped Scootaloo onto her back and smiled down at the mare. "You mind helping me out squirt?" Feeling Scootaloo lick her pussy, Rainbow lowered herself onto the mare's face with a smile as she looked over to Swift. "I can tell you're enjoying the show." She laughed. Before she was able to continue the punishment, somepony knocked on the door  "Sir. The princess wants to see you." "Which one?" Rainbow called. "Celestia." Rainbow sighed and after gagging Scootaloo she untied Swift and went with him into the hallway locking the door behind them. "Do you know what she wants?" Rainbow asked. The stallion smiled knowingly and turned to lead them down the hall. "Sorry. I'm under orders not to say more." With a sigh, the two followed him to the main room where Celestia sat calmly sipping some tea. At another table, a frazzled Knuckles sat with Pinkie Pie who was talking about something about pies. As soon as he saw Swift and Rainbow, he flashed them a pleading smile. "I hear you've come a long way at making friends." Celestia said softly as the two joined her. "Why didn't Luna come get me?" Swift asked. "She said something about having a special surprise for you." She replied, barely hiding her amused smile. "But I must ask. Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" "No." Swift replied softly. "Though considering Scootaloo's age. I wanted to make sure it was OK for her to stay with me." Celestia nodded. "I understand your concern. But don't worry. As you said. Her age is the primary concern. With what the guards have told me of her former living conditions. I see no reason to remove her from your care. If anything, considering how you came to be her guardian. And the report I got about what happened in the EverfreeForest." She paused to take a sip of her tea. "I believe there is no safer place for her than at your side." Swift smiled and nodded his gratitude as the princess got up and started for the door. After a moment the others got up and followed her outside and down the street. Swift and Rainbow had a smile on their faces as Knuckles walked closer to them and asked in a hushed tone to make it stop. The two nodded to each other as Rainbow looked to her friend. "Thanks Pinkie. We got it from here." As if a switch was flipped Pinkie stopped rambling and giggled. "Okey dokey." She chimed before bouncing alongside them with an eager smile.  As they arrived at the edge of town opposite of the Castle of Friendship they saw a rather large house. It was two stories tall that looked like it would be at home in Canterlot. As they went inside, the inside was clearly inspired by Canterlot nobility with high class everything.  "Wow." Rainbow whistled. "They must have gone all out for this. "How much did this caust?" Celestia shrugged. "Not much really. Most of this was donated. Though my sister and I agreed to go to a few dinners to get everything put together." One of the guards walked them through the house as the princess sat and talked with Knuckles about his position being repositioned to Swift's protection. Upstairs the guard showed them the rooms that were as lavished as the downstairs. Scootaloo happily looked around her new room as Rainbow and Swift was brought to the master room where he asked Rainbow if she'd give him time to get settled in. "She's going in the room with me." Swift instructed. The guard gulped and smiled nervously. "As you wish." He sighed, opening the door for them. As they stepped into the room their jaws dropped as they saw Luna sprawled out on the bed in thigh high socks. Rose petals were fanned out around her. As she looked over at the door, her sultry expression quickly changed to shock. "Oh… ummm… I was… just…" "The truth?" Swift asked. She sighed and climbed out of bed before making her way over. "I was hoping on having a relationship with you. But I see I am too late." She sighed, as she used her magic to calmly remove the socks one leg at a time. Rainbow and Swift looked at each other before smiling. It quickly became clear they had the same idea. Swift quickly gave Luna a kiss as Rainbow licked her lips. "I don't think Dash would mind if we have fun from time to time." Luna looked between the two. "Then… does that mean you would take me as a mate?" "I can do that?" Rainbow shrugged. "It's not a common practice. But the last time I heard of this. The second mate lived in a different country. And ended up with a second mate of her own." Luna nodded. "Last I heard they are rather happy together and have kids that are rather good friends." Swift thought for a moment and smiled. "Then what do you girls say we make this official?" With a smile the three get into bed and start making out. Knuckles blinked as his sister walked out and set out some tea for the princess. "Oh. And your sister volunteered to work for Swift as well." Celestia explained with a smile. > Shivery is night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time passed and Swift smiled at seeing the two mares fast asleep on either side of him. Stretching carefully not to wake them, he got out of the bed and calmly made her way over to the window. "Looking for some fresh air?" Luna asked softly as she smiled at him from the bed. Swift looked back to her with a soft smile. "Just need to stretch my wings. Go on back to bed." Luna sighed and got up smoothly moving over to him. "Your eyepatch is glowing." She pointed out. "I doubt Rarity added that as a perk." Swift quickly turned away. "It's… complicated." Luna took a deep breath and looked out the window. "Isn't it always?" She opened the window and joined him on the balcony before shutting the window again. "It pains me to admit. But had I not given into dark magic. My sister would never have had to burden herself with its knowledge." "How much do you know of dark magic?" He asked. "Enough to know that some form of it is in your eye. Rather it is a curse or an infection is unknown." She paused to kiss his cheek. "But if you will let me. I will do what I can to find out. And help you." After a moment he smiled and nodded before flying off. After a few moments she sighed and entered the dreamscape to begin her work. Swift flew from rooftop to rooftop as he scanned the town for goodies he could snag. Stopping on a whim at Rarity's for a moment to look in on how she was doing. He instantly blinked at the sight of her admiring herself in the mirror with a similar outfit he had. To his surprise she even had the window cracked open letting him hear her. "Oh yes. This would be a perfect outfit for our first cruise. Don't you think Opal? I can just picture the look on his face when he sees this." She sighed. Swift gulped as he hid long enough to hopefully get his thoughts under control. "But… maybe it's a bit too… how should I put it… tattered?" She looked off to the side where Swift guessed her cat was. "What do you think?" Another paus, followed by a sigh. "You're right. I should make a compromise. Besides, with my skills and experience. This might just become the next fashion trend." She laughed. "Now for the finishing touch." Swift couldn't take much more. He had to get out of there before he ruined the surprise, and his chances of keeping her as a potential ally. His next stop was Fluttershy. He knew it probably was a crazy idea, but he wanted to make sure she was safe… seas knows why. But he still went to her. As he approached the bridge leading to her cottage, several nocturnal animals jumped out to block his path. "You guys realize how easy a sleep spell can be to an educated unicorn? Right?" He asked softly. "I just want to check on how she is and I'll be on my way." The animals glared at him for a few moments before making a path to the cottage. Once he was at the windows, he looked in and smiled at seeing her resting calmly. However with the knowledge of her brother being in town… he went to the next window and saw said brother trying to rut a pillow. Swift covered his mouth to hide his snicker at the sight. After a few moments the brother went out of the room. Swift quickly whispered to the animals to keep an eye on the door and let him know if the brother leaves, before he moved back to look through Fluttershy's window. Sure enough, the brother quietly slipped in and set a small cloud in the ears of the animals before moving to the bed. Not liking where this was going, Swift quietly opened the window and climbed in, keeping to the shadows as he made his way across the room. As the brother climbed onto the bed and pinned her down, Fluttershy slowly woke up and looked in shock at her brother. No. She wasn't looking at him. She was looking into the glowing eye of the shadow behind him. And just as the brother was about to force himself into her, the figure slapped him away. She watched in shock as he stood protectively over her. In that same dark voice he hissed. "Get out. And never return to this town again." Her brother got up and huffed. Fluttershy knew the look a stallion got when he's blinded by rut. And it broke her heart to see her brother let himself fall so low. "Please be gentle." She whimpered to the figure. "I'll make it quick." He replied as the two stallions dove at each other. With a flash of his eye and a quick strike both ponies were out. Swift sighed and rubbed his eye before tucking Fluttershy back into bed. "Hopefully I don't have to do that again… now. What to do with you?" He thought as he carefully pushed the brother out the window. "You animals mind keeping this a secret from her? I don't want to explain how he tried to rape her or how I know." After receiving a nod he added. "Oh. And I'll need some help getting him to my club for safe keeping." The group of travelers smiled as most of the guards went about their business,leaving one behind to talk with the group. "So… why are all of you so fixated on getting the ship finished?" He asked as he helped stack boxes. "Haven't you heard his call?" One of the kids asked. "He needs a ship." Another added. An old stallion slowly lifted his head to the guard. "If he doesn't reclaim what is his. Then we are doomed." "I don't get any of this." The guard sighed. "But I'm happy to help. What else do you need?" Some of the pegasi smiled at each other and dove at him as unicorns levitated over rope. In unison the group called out. "An offering!" > New role and new leads > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat in the back room of his bar and looked at the unconscious form of the stallion as he thought about what he should do with him. His years at sea had given him countless ideas. Yet… for such a crime as attempted rape of one's own sister in her sleep. Most of them seemed… mild. Rubbing his eye he groaned. "Why is it that every time I want to think of a good banishment, you decide to act up?" Sighing he looked around the room. An idea comes to his mind as he spots a table cloth with a single hole in it. "Well… as the saying goes. An eye for an eye. Or in his case. A rape for a rape." He laughed before grabbing some extra rope. "Hope you enjoy your new position. Because I'm going to be getting a lot of stallions looking for some drunken relief." By the time morning arrived, Swift had his new "rut stand" set up ready for any stallion looking for some risk free plowing. And to his relief, not a moment too soon as his customers started to arrive. Including a large red earth pony stallion. "Welcome sir. How may I help you today?" Swift asked calmly. "Ya wouldn't happen to know a place, a stallion can let off some steam. Would ya?" The stallion asked. Swift's smile grew as he recognized the stallion and his friends from the Apple family party. "As a matter of fact. I just happen to have a new rutting station set up. It arrived last night, and needs breaking in. Top of the line." He replied. "It's supposed to feel like a real flank. Whimpers and moans included." "Brand new?" Big Mac asked. "Shucks. Sounds like it'd only be right y'all get first dibs. What ya boys say?" The others nod before following Swift to the back. "I could show you how it's done." Swift teased. "But I don't want to stretch it out too much. One of you should rut it first." "I guess I'll go first." Braeburn laughed. His dick already standing at attention at the idea of getting some action. As they entered the back room, the three guys looked in shock at the pony sized stand. It had a clear opening for a stallion to insert his dick. Swift had even set up some rope the stallion can tug on to get a "reaction" from the "toy". Swift smiled as the guys happily talked as they looked it over and talked about who should go first. As a quick idea Swift set out a box and made a sign to show how much a turn on it was. Once Big Mac saw it he motioned to the guys and quickly dropped their bits in the box before going to have their way with the disguised stallion. After seeing that the stallions enjoyed the new addition to the bar, Swift went out to the main room and set up a sine announcing the new addition. Back in the bedroom Rainbow and Luna relaxed on the bed with large smiles as they basked in the afterglow of a night of amazing sex. "Did you three have fun?" Celestia asked from the foot of the bed with a knowing smile. "You already know the answer to that sister." Luna sighed as she crawled out of bed. "I take it lord Swift went to his bar." "According to one of my guards. He has." Celestia confirmed. "Though there is something that concerns me." "What's that?" Rainbow asked. "There are reports of a traveling group that have been spreading news about a king. And are preparing something for when he arrives." Celestia explains. "On top of that. Reports of ponies singing a strange song each night has caused concern." Luna and Rainbow shared a confused look before turning back to Celestia. "With all this happening at once." Luna voiced. "It is troubling. Yet… I wonder. Is this king really a bad pony?" "He is causing distress among our subjects. And already has turned several of our subjects to his side." Celestia replied. "It is clear that he is no friend to harmony." Luna looked away sadly as Rainbow looked between the two. "Luna?" "I'll be fine Rainbow." Luna sighed. After a moment she glared at her sister. "It's not like my sister wouldn't consider the chance that I looked into the dreams of our subjects. Or that I wouldn't be able to tell if any of them are being manipulated." It took Celestia a few moments to realize what her sister said and slumped with a sigh. "I'm sorry sister. It's just…" "I understand." Luna laughed. "I am worried too. Ever since that day. You had to carry…" her eyes widened. "Sister? Do not ask why. But I must ask if you still have my old books of dark magic." Celestia blinked in shock and bit her lip. Thinking if it was a good idea to tell her or not, she took a deep breath before nodding. Luna got up and made her way to the door. "Then let us not waste any time. There is much that must be done." > Irony, thy name is Swift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift stepped outside and smiled as Scootaloo sped by with her friends. Moments later his smile vanished seeing Knuckles talking with Mr Ritch. Sighing, he went over to see what was going on. "Is everything alright?" The two stallions looked over at him as Ritch smiled. "Lord Swift. What excellent timing. I was just told that my… ex wife was involved with the… unfortunate situation involving the shelter." "Wait. Ex wife?" "Indeed. For some time now I have been looking for a way to leave her without risk to my daughter or myself. And with this news… well. Given the implications, she was happy to sign the papers." Ritch replied. "Which brings us to our current situation." "And that is?" "I need to go to Canterlot to take care of some… loose ends. And I need somepony I can trust to look after my Diamond." Ritch replied with a calm smile.  "Just so you know. If she stays with me. It's likely that she won't act the same when you get back." Swift sighed.  "Oh. I'm counting on it. Her mother taught her some rather disrespectful behaviors." Ritch laughed. "I told her to come here…" Swift's eyes narrowed. "How long ago?" Ritch sighed and turned to face down the street. "DIAMOND TIARA!" A few moments later a filly came rushing down the street. It was obvious from the look on her face that she knew she was in trouble. And yet as she came to a stop she gave a confident smile. "Sorry daddy. I was… talking to Miss Cake about-" "Your father told you to be here at a specific time." Swift snapped, causing her to turn to him. "What do you want? Can't you tell I'm trying to talk to my daddy?" She snapped back. "Diamond." Ritch sighed. "This stallion will be taking care of you while I'm in Canterlot." Diamond's eyes widened in shock as she looked at the stallion as he smirked. "And I expect you to be on your best behavior and listen to him." "Yes… daddy. " She gulped. "We have a lot to do, Diamond." Swift informed as he turned to make his way home. "And we can start your lessons with some housekeeping." Rainbow and Luna sat at Sugarcube Corner as her guard helped the Cakes serve the food. "So… about last night." Rainbow started before giving the room a quick scan. "You have nothing to fear, Rainbow." Luna cut in. "Even though I do wish to be with him. I shall not pursue him if you two do not wish me to." Rainbow thought for a moment. "I guess I won't mind. But… only if he wants it. And you promise that he can stay in Ponyville and that I come first." Luna smirked. "I shall agree to those terms. But it shall be HIS choice on who he stays with." Smiling back, Rainbow leaned over the table. "Are you challenging me princess?" "Maybe I am." Luna replied leaning in. Rainbow licked her muzzle before leaning back with a smirk. "Sorry. But I don't bet on love… still… it would be fun to see who he decides to stay with." "And see who can win his favor?" Rainbow shrugged. "Only if you don't use your royal connections." "Then you can't use the Wonderbolts." Rainbow thought for a moment. "Fine. Some of your connections. And I get to use any connections I have." Luna thought for a moment. "I suppose I do have a slight unfair advantage. Deal." Rainbow spit on her hoof and held it out to Luna. After a moment she smiled and mirrored Rainbow's actions pressing their hooves together. "May the fun begin." Moments later a guard came in and cleared his throat as he went over to their table. "Princess. We have the local leader of the…" He paused at seeing Rainbow. "Who is it?" Luna asked knowingly.  Clearing his throat, the guard nodded. "Mis Ritch." Luna thought for a moment. "I see… has my sister sent news of her punishment?" The guard gulped. "Her only order was to keep her away from Canterlot." "I see. And what has our hero suggested?" "We haven't asked him yet." "What's going on?" Rainbow asked. Luna sighed. "It will likely end up in the paper eventually. So I see no problem telling you. Mis Ritch has been arrested for heading the local branch of a foal slaver. It is thanks to Swift that she was brought to a stop and many of the young were saved." She paused and looked right at Rainbow. "Including young Scootaloo." Hearing her number one fan's name, Rainbow felt a new level of hate form in her. "What…" "Swift saved Scootaloo and many foals from being sold into slavery." Luna explained. "Prison is too good for that heifer." Rainbow snapped causing everypony in the room to look over in shock. However, Rainbow paid them no attention. "She should suffer from everything she put them through. And that's for starters." Luna thought for a moment and nodded. "Sadly, I don't know of such places in Ponyville." The guard cleared his throat. "I… may know of somepony that can help." "Oh?" They asked, turning to him. "But they'll only appear at night." "How do you know that?" Rainbow asked. "I… saw it once. And the rumors about it are true." He replied with a shiver. "Then I leave her fate in your hooves." Luna sighed. "Let us hope that we do not need to rely on them much more." > Crime and punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat and watched as Tiara complained as she wiped down the kitchen table. He considered how best to proceed with re-educate her in how to act. It was clear that simple tasks weren't going to be enough for her. Rubbing his chin, Swift went over in time to hear her. "What does daddy think he's doing letting this stupid peasant do whatever he wants to me." She spat. "And here I thought I was being nice. But I see simple tasks may have been a… misstep on my part." Swift remarked.l, causing her to jump away quickly and look at him in shock. "I suppose there are other ways to get you on a proper path." Rubbing his chin in thought, Swift watched as Diamond Tiara cowered under his gaze. "I…. I didn't mean-" "No no no. You're quite right." Swift interrupted. "A lady like yourself deserves a high class education. And for a situation like this. There's very few options that are appropriate." "What…. What do you have in mind?" "If Knuckles was here. I'd leave punishment up to him. Sadly for you. He's on a date." Swift sighed with a smirk. "I'll give you one chance to stay out of trouble. I need to take care of a few things. So I want you to clean this room by the time I get back. And don't go in the upper or lower rooms." Diamond nodded with a gulp as he left the house. As soon as she was alone, Diamond huffed and looked at the room. She had done a lot of dusting. And from the looks of the room, there was quite a bit of organizing for her to do. And some trash that needed to be cleaned up. Huffing to herself, she considered her options. On the one hoof, she can do what Swift told her. On the other, and more tempting… explore the house and find dirt she can use against him. Grinning to herself, she started looking for something she can use to blackmail him as she did as he instructed. In her eyes, if it meant a benefit for her. A simple task of organizing would be worth it. Sadly however, she only found a single note that read. "Keep hidden in basement chest". Grinning at the possibility of finding dirt, she dropped what she was doing and rushed downstairs. It didn't take her long to find the chest in the back of the room. Licking her lips, Diamond carefully opened the chest. Looking into the chest, her eyes widened at the sight of a note. "Bad girls get spankings." Swift calmly made his way down the night street with a sigh. The past several hours were spent going over papers with the mayor. It was an aggravating task. And right now he just wanted to let off some steam before getting some sleep. With a sigh, he rubbed his eye before switching his eyepatch over before looking over at a group of guards that were making their way over to him. "You must be the stallion we heard about the prowls the night." One of the guards announced. "We have a favor to ask you." "Go on." Swift replied, throwing his voice. "The princess has entrusted the punishment of the head of the Ponyville foul smuggler to you. Will you expect?" "Any limits on how I'm allowed to punish them?" "Just as long as you don't kill her." The guard replied. "The princess leaves it in your hooves. She is even willing to supply you with inhibitor rings and a generous payment." Swift considered the offer. "Do you have the prisoner and payment with you?" "Yes sir. We're willing and available to aid you in any way needed. By order of the princesses." The guard replied. "Able and willing to help?..." Swift muttered to himself as he fought the urge to rub his eye. Taking a deep breath he nodded. "Then I'll have to apologize. But I can't pramit you to know the location of where she'll be kept during her punishment. However… I will accept your offer to help." His eye lit up causing the guards to watch blankly as they were drawn deeper into his eye. Now, if you don't mind. Please bring her and the other items to my hideout." The guard's view calmly gathered the boxes and prisoner, as they turned to follow the dark figure. Even though they were traveling through town, to the guards, they were already moving through the forest. Twist after turn, they made their way into a "cave" and followed him down into a whinging passage. "There should be a… spot through here you can set her up at." Swift's voice called to them. "And feel free to relieve yourselves before you go. Guard work must be a hard job." They calmly walked her into the room and tied her to the "rock" with "vines" before taking turns on her. Swift took the money and one of the inhibitors to another room where a tied and gagged Diamond was being spanked by a rope powered device that spanked her twice as fast each time she tried to pull away. "Looks like your mother did more damage than expected." Swift sighed. "Swift?" A soft voice asked. Looking over, he saw Scootaloo make her way over. "Can i… play with one of these toys?" She asked, pointing over at a box of sex toys. Swift thought for a moment before smiling. Undoing the device from Diamond, Swift repositioned her before taking off the gag. "Have you learned your lesson?" "Yes." She sniffed. "And what do you think about what your mother did?" "They're lying. She was just helping them." She replied. "Then maybe Scootaloo can help you a bit." He huffed. "Scootaloo. Might I suggest the pink one with the straps." Nodding, Scootaloo dug out the toy and after a moment, smiled in understanding of what Swift was suggesting. Carefully putting it on, Scootaloo moved behind Diamond as Swift returned the gag. "Hope you enjoy her help, Diamond. Oh and Don't stay up too late Scootaloo." With that he left the room with a knowing smile.  > Pleasure and punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow sat with her friends at the Castle of Friendship as they talked about plans for a wedding. She sighed and looked at the door, she considered what was the best way to get out of this. It wasn't because she didn't appreciate her friends' help. It was more along the lines of not being ready. "So Rainbow." Twilight called, getting her friend's attention. "What do you think of the ideas?" Rainbow blinked and shrugged. "Yeah. Let's go with that." She replied before getting up. "Now that we got that taken care of-" "You didn't hear a word of what we were saying. Did you?" Applejack sighed.  Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Fine. You got me. But this whole planning of a big wedding isn't me." The girls looked at each other then at her with sympathetic smiles. "You guys know I'm not the…" She shivered at the thought. "That kind of mare." "And your stallion doesn't seem like he's into that kind of mare either." Rarity added. "Though I have to admit. He is as proper as an upper-class gentlecolt." Twilight thought for a moment. "Then perhaps we should consider a more… daring style." "Do… do you think it'll work?" Fluttershy asked nervously.  "With each of us doing our part?" Rarity asked. "You bet." "Same roles as my brother's wedding?" Twilight asked. With a nod from her friend's Twilight and Rarity smiled at Rainbow. "Just remember. Nothing to fancy." Swift calmly made his way down the street before spotting his guard and his sister at the local flower shop. As soon as she spotted him she smiled and looked away with a blush. It was clear that she was embarrassed about something. Likely something she saw. Or was thinking. With a smile Swift stepped up between them and draped his wings over them. "So… what are you two up to?" "My brother has a date. And wanted my help picking out flowers." She replied softly. Swift picked up a Jasmine flower and held it out to her. She blushed and took it as he turned to Knuckles. "You just have to know her and what you want to tell her." Knuckles considered his words before asking the worker for a dozen Roses. As the stallion stood and waited, Swift motioned for her to follow him. As if drawn by either her sense of duty, or by the promise he suggested with the flower. The two went into a back street where he waited as she presented herself to him. Swift licked his lips and mounted her, ready to give her what they both knew they wanted. Scootaloo slumped against a pile of fabrics as she looked over at the equally exhausted Diamond. A part of her felt bad for what she did. But at the same time. She felt she needed to show Diamond what her mother put her and many other ponies through. Taking a deep breath, she got up and carefully moved over to the panting pony. "Be glad it was just the two of us here." Scootaloo huffed. "Because I wasn't as lucky when I was punished in the shelter." "What does that have to do with me or my mom?" Diamond spat. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and went back to the box and dug out a few toys that she tossed in front of her. After getting several sizes lined up she positioned them so Diamond was able to see the stamp on each. "Do you know who made these?" Diamond blinked in shock. "Where… how did you get these?" "I was forced to use these. Each night a different toy." She explained picking up a rather large one and held it against herself as she licked the tip. "And can you guess who made that rule? Or why they made it?" "M… my mom?" Diamond whimpered in fear of where this was going. "To…" "Prepare me for my further master and mate." Scootaloo finished. "But don't worry. I won't start you off with the big ones. I saw what happens when you go too fast." Diamond's eyes shot wide in fear as Scootaloo shoved a dildo into the unicorn's mouth. "But I do wonder. After all your talk about how pitiful I am. How much can you take?" She wondered out loud as she looked over the lineup. She knew Diamond was shaking in fear. And the pegasus would be worried if she wasn't. But she finally had a chance to get over the frustration of years of being bullied, and having a chance of showing off a broken Diamond to her monster of a mother. After sizing up each toy, and double checking the strap holding the first dildo in place. She went behind Diamond with two semi small dildos that gave off a pulsating sensation and strapped each into either hole. "I think a night of stimulation is a good starting point. After all… at least you only have to take toys. And not the mamba." She calmly made her way to the stairs and gave one last glance back at Diamond. "Don't worry. No pony broke from the first setting overnight…" She stopped and thought for a moment. "At least… not that I know of." With a shrug, she went upstairs to call it a night. As she was passing through the living room, there was a knock on the door. Sighing, she went over and opened it to find a mare with glasses. "Oh… Silverspoon. What's up?" "Have you seen Diamond?" She asked. "We were going to… ummm… plan a surprise." Scootaloo thought for a moment as she looked away. "Oh and I heard about the shelter. Can you believe the rumors? Diamond's mom wouldn't really do that… would she?" "She would and did." Scootaloo huffed. Silverspoon blinked in shock as she realized what she said. "Oh… i… I don't know…" hanging her head she rubbed her foreleg. "Now I feel bad about what we did to you… if there's anything I can do to make it up to you…" Scootaloo bit her lip. "Look. You never were as bad as Diamond when it came to how you treated me." She sighed. "Plus you at least accept how horrible I was treated. So…" Silverspoon blinked in realization. "Wait… Diamond is here?" "Yeah. Being punished for several things. Including supporting her mom." Scootaloo huffed. Silverspoon thought for a moment. "Then… punish me too." Scootaloo shook her head. "I think letting you think about how you acted is punishment enough." "Please. I'll do anything." Scootaloo looked back into the house at the mess. After a bit of thought she shrugged. "Fine… then… How about you working as our maid? At least till Diamond goes home." "Deal." Silverspoon replied. "But I still feel like I deserve a bigger punishment." Sighing, Scootaloo shrugged. "Fine. But I won't go as far with you as I did with Diamond." Silverspoon nodded and followed her downstairs where she saw Diamond tied up and whimpering as she fought the growing erg to moan. "Oh my… is she ok?" "Sure she is." Scootaloo replied as she dug through the box of toys. "If she wasn't snooping around,  she wouldn't be in as much trouble." She explained pulling out a colt sized vibrating plug. "I guess her mom rubbed off on her." Silverspoon gulped and nodded as Scootaloo went over to her. "What are you going to do with that?" "Consider this as a part of your work outfit." Scootaloo replied. "I'll put it on a low setting each day. And each time you act up. It goes up a level. Deal?" Silverspoon gulped and nodded as she blushed feeling it press against her pussy. She bit her lip and tried her best to stay still as Scootaloo toyed with her pussy. It wasn't long before the tip was pressed into her. After a few moments, she started feeling more pressing into her till a strap was put in place to hold it in place. Scootaloo sighed softly before leading the way back up stairs. "You can start tomorrow. It's best to leave it in till then so you get used to it. Or would you rather start cleaning now and stay over?" Silverspoon thought for a moment before looking around the living room. "I… I'll start working. I just need to let my parents know." Scootaloo passed her a maid outfit that she quickly put on before rushing out the door. Scootaloo smiled. "Looks like this is going to be fun." > Wedding planning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow sighed as she landed on the balcony of hers and Swift's house as she stretched before making her way to the bedroom. On the way she stopped for a moment to feed her pet. Once she got to her room she flopped onto the bed and took in a deep breath enjoying his scent. Even if she had to return to her cloud home for a few days to finish packing, she was going to get the most of her time here. It wasn't long before she fell asleep,  Several hours later, Swift arrived at his bar and made his way to the back where his prisoner was still tied up. Smiling he undid a few of the straps allowing him to lift his head. "Hello Zephyr. Have you learned your lesson about trying to rape mares?" Zephyr groaned through his gag, and glared at Swift.  "No?" Swift sat and thought for a moment. "Well… I guess it's understandable that just having stallions rut you wouldn't be enough." Lifting his eyepatch he looked right into Zephyr's eyes. "But there's more than one way to break a stallion. Especially if that pony wasn't a full stallion." Zephyr shook in fear as he found it impossible to look away. "Sadly for you. I learned a few spells from your world. And soon, you'll learn what you put those mares through." Swift laughed. The next morning, Scootaloo made her way to the living room to find Silverspoon laying in the middle of the floor spread out as she whimpered and moaned desperately. Blinking, Scootaloo sighed and trotted over. "I bet you're desperate for Swift to stuff you." "Yes." Silverspoon replied weakly. "Sadly he probably won't be back till later. Soooo." She pulled out the remote and turned it off before setting a timer, giving the mare a break. "There. You got a few minutes to-" just as she said that Silverspoon rushed to the bathroom. "No playing with yourself!" Scootaloo called out after her. Twilight and her friends sat in the map room going over possible plans that Swift and Rainbow would like for their wedding.  "Ok. We ruled out Canterlot and Mainhattan for possible locations. Appleloosa is out too…" Twilight sighed as the girls looked over the map. "They both seem like action ponies." Rarity pointed out. "At least we know Rainbow Dash is. So perhaps someplace with a bit of an adventurous flare to it?" "But not too scary." Fluttershy added. "We don't want to scare off the guests. And I'm sure she'd like to have Tank there." Twilight sighed and flopped her head onto the table. "Which means we have a problem." "If y'all ask me. I reckon they'd like something that's more like…" Smiling, Applejack pointed at the Castle of the Two Sisters. "Here. It's in a dangerous place. Which shows the action and bravery they live for. And there's plenty of space for a nice sized ceremony. Not to mention we can make a safe path for our guests." The girls looked at each other for a moment before smiling and nodding. "Then let's move on to the next part." Twilight announced.  "I already have a few ideas inspired by that location for dresses." Rarity announced. "It won't be hard to edit one for Rainbow." "My animal friends have relatives in the area. I'm sure they'll be willing to do a song for them." Fluttershy added. Pinkie shrugged. "I guess I can toss together something." Applejack rubbed her chin. "I reckon I can cook something up." Twilight nodded. "And… I'll…" Twilight thought for a moment and nodded. "I'll see about getting Swift a suit." Luna paced the throne room as Celestia sat and watched in amusement. "Sister. I'm sure he'll come over for a visit. Just give it time." Celestia teased. "I know, sister." Luna sighed before stopping and turning to glare at her. "And you can stop mocking me any time now." Celestia laughed. "I'm sorry sister. But you make it too easy sometimes." Letting out a soft sigh, she smiled warmly. "I'm just glad you found a stallion you like." Luna sat and took a deep breath. "You're right. I just hope to be a part of his life as much as I can. And not just in his dreams." Celestia moved over to her sister's side and wrapped a wing around her. "Give him time sister. He may just need time to make things official with Rainbow Dash first." Luna smiled and hugged her sister back as new thoughts and hopes filled her mind about all the possible things her and Swift may be able to do together. > Friends of Fiends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight groaned as she looked at the fifth rejection letter for her request on Swift's suite. Sitting back, she rubbed her temple and racked her brain for anypony that would be willing to do the work. It was aggravating to her that no pony was willing to do an outfit for Swift that matched  his tastes and the theme of the wedding. Taking a deep breath she had Spike send a letter to her brother about the request. If he wasn't going to be able to help, there wasn't much she would be able to do without… Just then an idea came to her. As a backup plan, she might be able to do the research into how it's done and try her hoof at making the outfit herself.  At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack sat and looked through some of her family's recipe books for what she would be able to cook that fit the agreed setting. As she planned what she'd prepare, Apple Bloom came in with a hopeful smile. "Hay sis. I was wondering if it's alright if I stayed over at Scootaloo's. She invited me and Sweetie over to her dad's place." Applejack smiled softly. "Sure you can surgercue. Just as long as Swift says it's ok. But I don't know if dad is the right word." "What do ya mean?" Applejack sighed and looked out the window. "Sorry hun. It's not my place to say. But Swift is more of her…" as a thought came to her, Applejack smiled at Apple Bloom. "He's more like her protector. Like her big brother." "Oh… but why would he need to protect her?" Applejack shook her head and nudged Bloom. "Y'all should ask her that." After receiving a goodbye hug, Applejack watched her sister rush out the door before sighing. It wasn't long before Big Mac entered the room. "I couldn't tell her." She told him as he sat next to her. "I know it's not a secret… but it's for the best right? Not telling them what happened to their friend in that place?" As he hung his head silently she broke down and hugged him. "Oh Big Mac. I can't imagine Bloom… I don't want her to ever go through…" unable to get the words out the two simply held each other until she fell asleep from exhaustion. Rarity sat in the middle of her work room as fabrics and jewels floated around as she worked in what most would consider was a storm of creation. But to her it was simply one of her methods of creation. Normally she was more organized and direct with her design. But this was a dress that was far from her normal style. She had to make it perfect. It was for a friend after all. Not to mention, it had to keep to her rules of Rarity. The one thing that was making it so hard was the theme. "I can't just go with bright colors like I usually do." She sighed, scanning the fabrics as they passed. "And I need to make her stand out. She is the bride after all." As one of the fabrics passed, she caught a glimpse of her little sister. "Sweetie, terribly sorry dear. But I can't really talk right now. I need to figure out the right outfit for…" Blinking she lowered the fabrics as she raised an eyebrow. "You're usually with your friends about now. Is something wrong?" "Scootaloo invited me and Bloom to a sleepover. I was going to ask if I could go." She paused for a moment as she looked around. "But it looks like you're having a harder time figuring the outfit out more than usual." Rarity sighed and looked around at the mess. "Yes. Well… it's taking longer than usual to come up with the right look for my customer." She sighed. "And if it's ok with Swift. Then I think it would be splendid if you spent the night with your friend." Sweet rushed over and gave Rarity a hug before heading out. Once she was alone, Rarity sighed as she looked at her sketches. "You don't know how lucky you are dear. To find a stallion like him… he'll be a wonderful father." Scootaloo sat eagerly waiting for Swift to return home as Silverspoon arrived and joined her. "I can't wait for him to get back." Blinking, she jumped to her feet. "Oh yeah. My friends are coming over. I almost forgot." "It's ok Scootaloo. I can stay with Swift if you want." Silverspoon suggested. Scootaloo thought for a moment before smiling. "No. It's fine. They'll find out sooner or later anyway right?" Silverspoon smiled and nodded as they sat and waited to see who'd arrive first. In the dream scape, Rainbow Dash drifted on a cloud over a lake. Looking over the side of the cloud,  she smiled down at her reflection of herself in the still water below. She was happy that even in her dreams, she was able to smell him. Lifting her gaze, she watched as the field of flowers sang and danced. Normally this was her worst nightmare. But with his sent flooding her senses, she couldn't really care less about them and their playing. Oddly their happy song just seemed to add to her mood. Luna glanced at her from behind a tree and watched in confusion for a bit before quietly slipped back out of her dream. > The seas be ours > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash got home fully rested and started packing her things as she happily hummed to herself some song about having a stallion to love. Unaware of a cross-eyed mare flying by with a letter that she would have liked to see. The gray mare landed in front of Swift's house and pulled out the letter. As soon as she saw Swift she smiled and waved him over. Resting the letter on her hoof she happily spoke. "Hi. I heard the news. Congratulations." "That you… Ms Hooves?" He replied. Seeing her blush and nod he sighed. "I guess Pinkie told you." He sighed. The two shared a laugh as she held up the letter. "I have a letter for you and your fiance." Swift took it with a wing and smiled. "Thanks." He glanced at the envelope and sighed. "Why did it take so long to arrive?" Derpy blushed and rubbed her foreleg. "I'm sorry. We got a new mail pony. And I guess they got lost somewhere between Cloudsdale and Ponyville." "Well… Cloudsdale does move around a lot. So I guess that's understandable… a little." He replied before opening the letter. "Dear sweet heart…" He read. After a moment of looking the letter over he smiled. "Probably best to head this matter off before it gets too intense." As Derpy went to leave, he stepped in front of her and after making a quick note, he handed her the letter. "Please bring this to Twilight. She'll probably know what to do." Nodding, Derpy took off and made her way to Twilight's. Swift took a deep breath and sighed as he arrived at home and took a moment to readjust his mane before entering to find the CMC and Silverspoon waiting eagerly for him. Blinking, he looked them over and saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom in skimpy outfits while Silverspoon had a ring gag and strap holding her tail up. He turned to Scootaloo and raised an eyebrow. As she smiled sheepishly back at him. "I… can explain." She giggled sheepishly. Fluttershy sat outside her hut and looked around. For some reason, her animal friends wouldn't tell her what happened the other night. The only information she was able to get was that a strange pony saved her from a stallion that tried to do something bad to her. It didn't take much for her to guess who the strange pony was. And changed the subject with her animal friends to find out what she can about him. "I know it sounds silly. But I feel like I know who it is." She sighed as she brushed Angel's fur. "I wish I knew a way I could thank him." She paused and looked down at her rabbit. "You wouldn't happen to have an idea… Do you?" She asked hopefully. Angel thought for a moment and smiled, giving her a thumbs up. Smiling, she hugged him. "Oh thank you Angel." She paused and set him down. "Maybe I should… take care of my-" She froze in mid step when Angel hopped in front of her, waving for her to stop. "But shouldn't I clean up first if I'm going to thank him?" Angel made a few motions and sounds, causing her to blush. "Oh my… you sure about this?" He nodded. Thinking for a moment before sighing. "If you say so." She replied before going to the bathroom with knowledge of her part of the plan in mind. A few miles away, two happy parents talked to each other and anypony that would listen about how amazing their daughter was and how great it was going to be to see where she was staying in her new town after so long. Along with them were two quieter ponies who mostly listened, but were equally excited to see their children and how they were doing. "Our daughter is so amazing. I bet she has every stallion trying to win her hoof!" The mare cheared. "Are you kidding? She probably has a stallion for every day of the week!" Her husband countered. "I just hope our kids are getting along with the other ponies." The soft spoken stallion sighed. His wife nodded in agreement. "Our little baby had troubles in flight school. And her little brother… well. He's a special one." Pinkie sat at the edge of town glaring at the distant sky with a determined look on her face. After a few minutes of silence, her ear twitched as her head slowly waved back and forth. "Where we will…" She began to sing. > Relatives have arrived > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several hours before Swift arrived home. Scootaloo sat with Silverspoon as they went over plans of what to do when Swift gets home. "There's also putting on some skimpy silk clothes. I bet he'll love that. Oh we can't forget the plugs." "Looks like there's too much for just the two of us." Silverspoon sighed. Just then a knock came from the front door. Silverspoon moved out of sight as Scootaloo opened the door. "Sorry. Swift isn't home right now…" She started before realizing who was at the door. "Hey girls. Wait, was our sleepover tonight?" "Did ya forget?" Apple Bloom asked with a soft smile. "Kinda." Scootaloo admitted. "Sorry girls. A lot has been happening. Come on in. There's somepony who'd like to say hi." Nodding, the two friends entered with smiles that turned to shock when they saw Silverspoon adjusting a tail harness. "What's she doing here?" Bloom asked, looking between Silverspoon and Scootaloo. "She's making up for being mean to us." Scootaloo explained as Sweetie noticed the list. "What's this for?" Sweetie asked. "We were thinking of a way to thank Swift for all that he's done for us." Scootaloo replied. "Would you mind if we joined?" Sweetie asked. Silverspoon and Scootaloo looked at each other before smiling at the girls. "You sure? Preparing for him might get intense." Sweetie and Bloom smiled and nodded before going to a nearby box Scootaloo pulled out for the surprise, and pulling out something kinky they thought he'd like. After a rather unexpected visit from the mail pony, Twilight paced in her room wondering what she was going to do to help them. After all, she had to get the outfit ready. Without being able to find any other option. She quickly made her way to the train station. Luckily as soon as she arrived, so did the train. Twilight sat and smiled as the two groups of parents came off the train. "Welcome. You must be Rainbow Dash's and Fluttershy's parents. Fluttershy's cottage is at the edge of town near the EverfreeForest. Just follow the path to the left. You can't miss it." As the two started to make their way down the street, Twilight quickly added. "And don't worry. The animals won't hurt you. Just tell them who you are and you'll be fine." Once that was taken care of. Twilight turned to the eagerly smiling parents. "Rainbow is in the middle of packing. So if it's alright with you. We can head to the castle." "Is she moving?" "Has something happened to her house?" "Is she ok?" Twilight quickly held up a hoof. "Don't worry. She's doing fine. In fact. I was hoping one of you can help me with something for her." Blinking, the two parents looked at each other before giving her an eager smile. Sighing softly, Twilight led them to the castle just as Pinkie arrived. "Hey Twilight. I just got done with some of the dishes for Dash's wedding. I just need to borrow one of your cookbooks for a super rare recipe." Pinkie cheered. Twilight facehoofed and sighed as the two parties' eyes widened in shock and excitement. "You know where to find it." She sighed and turned to the other two. "Would you mind if we continue this talk inside?" "Are you looking for help with her dresses?" "Or for his vest?" "Vest." Twilight admitted. "I was hoping to surprise them with it." Rainbow's dad stepped forward. "I can help." Rainbow's mom looked around as if to scan for possible husband material. "And I'll pay my future son inlay a visit." Twilight thought for a moment. As Pinkie came out she was about to say something when Rainbow's mom quickly spoke up. "Would you mind showing me where the lucky stallion lives?" "You bet." Pinkie cheered as she started bouncing off with Rainbow's mom as the dad pushed Twilight inside talking about not wanting to waste a moment. Swift sat as Sweetie and Bloom licked and sucked his balls while Silverspoon worked his shaft. "I knew they'd love it." Scootaloo giggled as she sat next to him rubbing her pussy with a hoof. "I can see somepony else who likes this idea." Swift moaned. "From what I heard, you girls have been good." Thinking for a moment he turned to Scootaloo. "And I think somepony deserves a special gift." Scootaloo smiled excitedly and climbed onto his chest. Smiling, she kissed his lips before lowering herself onto his tip as Silverspoon helped aim for the right hole. Moaning softly, Scootaloo looked up into his eye. Knowing the other three will be too distracted with their tasks, he lifted his eyepatch and looked into her eyes with his own. "You won't remember seeing my eye." He whispered. "But I promise this is going to be something your body will remember." Scootaloo's eyes locked with his as a gold glow seemed to travel from his eye into hers. As the magic entered her eye, she felt as if her body was heating up. Even though she was eager to take him before. She quickly wanted him more with each second that passed. Even though it wasn't immediate, several things were changing in her. "Please." She said breathlessly. "Take me. Make me yours and only yours." Swift smiled and kissed her lips. "I don't know about only mine. But I will take you." With that he pushed her down onto him as Silverspoon worked to pleasure both of them. > Family and fears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie and Rainbow's mom arrived at Swift's house and knocked before Pinkie turned to her and smiled. "Have fun." She giggled before bouncing off with a knowing smile and leaving a confused mare to wait for somepony to answer the door. After a few moments Scootaloo opened the door and smiled at her. "Hi. Sorry. But Swift is a bit preoccupied." She said quickly as she opened the door. Upon seeing who it was she blinked and smiled. "Oh hi Miss Whistles. Come on in. I'll let him know you're here." "Thank you dear. You're such an amazing welcomer." She praised as she entered the house. As the mare took a seat, Scootaloo went into the hallway and facehoofed. "Ok… I'm starting to see what Rainbow ment." She sighed before going into the bedroom where her friends were passed out on the bed. Swift smiled over at her and trotted over. "Who was it?" He asked. "Windy Whistles. She's Rainbow's mom. I guess she wanted to say hi. And get to know you." Scootaloo replied with a shrug. Thinking for a moment, Swift smiled. "Then I best go say hi." He laughed before moving past her as he patted her head. "Why don't you go check on our guests. Don't want to have her think we forgot them." As Scootaloo skipped off, Swift went into the livingroom where his welcomed guest was waiting. "Hello. Scootaloo told me you're Dash's mother." He said, extending his wing. "Nice to meet you." "It's my pleasure." She replied cheerfully. "You probably already know my daughter is the best flier of Equestria. But I must say. She certainly got lucky with an amazing stallion like you." "You flatter me." Swift replied, kissing her wingtip. "And I must say. I can see where Rainbow gets her looks." "Oh… such a charmer." She giggled softly. "You're definitely the best in Equestria for my precious Dashy." "I'm glad to hear you say that." Swift laughed as he sat next to her after starting a pot of tea. "I'm glad to have the chance to meet you. What would you say about me marrying your daughter?" "That would be wonderful!" She replied happily. "I can't wait till you join the family." Swift smiled and acted like nothing was going on as she slowly moved closer as he poured a cup of tea for her. "Neither can I. So… what can you tell me about your husband?" Twilight sat with Rainbow's dad as they went over the outfit for Swift. As Twilight was looking at one of the sketches, a thought popped into her mind. "You know… I've been thinking…" "About what?" He asked looking over from an arrangement of fabrics. "Swift. I mean. I understand that Luna has taken him under her wing. Mush like Celestia did with me." Twilight sighed. "But?" "Why let him stay here? Why is he so interested in my friends? Why is he so excited about getting a ship?" She sighed. "Somehow I have a feeling he's up to something. Do you think I'm crazy?" "Not at all." He replied, returning to the fabrics. "You have an amazing place, and an amazing mind." Picking out some fabrics, he went over to her and set them out in front of her. "I want to support my daughter's choices. And I do look forward to meeting my future grandchildren." He sighed.  "But?" "If what you said is true. Then I want to make sure he's the best choice for my amazing daughter." He replied. "But there's no harm in being prepared now, is there?" Smiling, Twilight worked with the fabrics and mannequin to make a suit for the wedding. "You're right. We should look to the future. Hopefully nothing bad happens." She sighed. "And hopefully he's not plotting anything." Swift smiled as he sat sipping tea and looking at Windy Whistles as she sat with a far off look in her eyes. "Thank you for all the helpful information." He chuckled, taking a sip. "And don't worry. The effects will wear off soon. But before that happens. Remember who you serve." Applejack and Big Mac sat back and took a deep breath before sighing as they looked at the dishes they came up with. Rubbing her chin, Applejack thought about the food before getting up and stretching. "Y'all mind taking these to the barn? I'll go get Swift and bring him over to try some of these dishes and see what he thinks." "Eeyup." He replied, before rubbing his forelegs. "No rush. Y'all take your time. I still need to go get him and get him to come to the barn." She laughed before getting up and making her way to get Swift.  Rarity sighed as she looked over a lineup of dresses she came up with for Rainbow. As she thought about what might work best, she found it hard to decide what would look best without having Rainbow there to model it for her. "Well… maybe I can turn on some of these bride's maids outfits… somehow." She sighed before moving the dresses into the back room. Taking a deep breath she put up a "Do not touch" sign before making her way out to find Rainbow Dash. > Fun and preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack sighed as she made her way down the street. She didn't really know exactly what Rainbow saw in Swift. Sure he has connections with the princesses. And he has that devinair smile. Not to mention his… she had to stop for a moment to shake her head clear. There was definitely something about him that… She stopped outside his house as several new thoughts warred for attention. "Did he have some kind of magic that manipulated others?" "Was he a changeling?" "Was she jealous that Rainbow was marrying him?" "Did she really have the hots for him or was it just hormones?" Whatever the truth was, Applejack knew one thing was true. She was going to support her friend's decision. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. It wasn't long before the door opened and Swift smiled at her. "Hi Applejack. Is there something you need?" "Several things." She thought as she smiled and shook her head before speaking. "Just thought I'd come and see if y'all would like to come see what we fixed up for your big day." "From the reputation your family has. I trust your family came up with amazing dishes. Just as long as they're not all apples." He replied with a joking smile and wink. Applejack returned the laugh before smiling back at him. "I fixed up some non-apple dishes myself." She replied. "I'll admit that some weren't really something I'm used to. That's why I was hoping you'd give them a try." Swift thought for a moment before seeing Knuckles. "One moment Applejack." He apologized before going over to him. "How did it go with your date?" Knuckles sighed. "She ended up going with another stallion." Ray thought for a moment before smiling. "Well… it just so happens that I may know a way to help you get over it." He said looking over at Applejack. "You don't mind if Knuckles comes along. Do you?" "Not at all. The more the merrier I always say." Applejack laughed. Even though a part of her was screaming in frustration and another sighed in relief. With a shrug Knuckles followed Swift and Applejack back to the barn. Rarity smiled seeing Rainbow flying just outside. "Oh… Rainbow dear!" She called. "I have something big to show you!" Rainbow sighed and flew down with a smile. "What's up Rars?" "Oh not much." She replied with a smile. "Just a few outfits I'd like you to take a look at." Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes. "You know I'm not into that kind of stuff." "Not even for your big day?" "I trust you, Rars. I trust that no matter what you make it'll look amazing." Rainbow sighed. "That's the thing…" Rarity sighed. "I ended up making a few designs. And I don't know what would look better as your dress and what would look better as a bride's maid's outfit." Rolling her eyes, Rainbow smiled at her. "Fine. Lead the way." The two went into the boutique where Rarity led the way to the dresses. Smiling, Rarity watched as Rainbow's eyes widened at the sight. "Well?" Rarity asked. Twilight and Rainbow's dad sighed as they looked over the outfit they came up with. "It still needs work." She sighed. "Don't worry. I have faith that we'll be able to make the best vest for my girl's big day." He added with a large smile. Taking a deep breath Twilight sighed with a smile. "I know we will." "I just wonder if he truly is worthy of my daughter." He sighed before sitting back. "She means everything to me." "I know Mister Hothoof." Twilight sighed softly with a smile. "She is amazing. And I know she won't just be with any old stallion. Knowing her, he'd have to be at least half as cool as she is." Hothoof thought for a moment before smiling. "You're right. He would have to be awesome for her to want to be interested in being with her." Twilight gave him a soft smile before turning away to start studying the sketch of the vest they were working on. "I really hope he calms down a bit." She thought. "You're super great at this mis Sparkle." "Please. Call me Twilight." She requested as a looming fear crept up her spine. > Plunder and booty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo sat back and watched as Silverspoon changed Diamond's "toys". A part of her felt sorry for them. Having been put in this situation. But a bigger part of her was still enjoying this chance to see Diamond at her mercy. And on top of that was that her so-called friend was the one treating her so harshly. As Silverspoon spanked Diamond, Scootaloo's hind legs twitched. It wasn't out of sympathy, much to her own surprise. But out of enjoyment. After all these years of putting up with being treated like she wasn't even a pony. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* "Hold on for a sec." Scootaloo called before removing the gag from Diamond's mouth. "Have you learned-" "Let me go you stupid flightless-" Diamond demanded before Scootaloo replaced the gag. "Maybe we should use something bigger… or up the settings." Scootaloo sighed, causing Diamond's eyes to widen in shock and fear. Seeing this, Scootaloo smirked and removed the gag. "Did you want to say something?" She asked moving the gag. "When my mom hears about this-" Diamond spat before falling silent for a moment as Scootaloo laughed. "What's so funny?" Scootaloo replaced the gag before grabbing a nearby remote. Seeing what Scootaloo had in mind, Silverspoon placed a doul vibrater in Diamond's backside. "How about this, Diamond. I can take you to see your mom. Or you can stay and continue your punishment. But if you try anything without my permission…" She flicked on the vibrater, causing Diamond to instantly tense up, till she turned it off. "Deal?" Diamond panted and shivered as she slowly recovered before nodding. Silverspoon undid her bonds and put a leash on her before the two led her down the hallway. It wasn't long before they got to the room with Diamond's mom. Once inside, Diamond's eyes widened at seeing her mom being penetrated by several dildos that pumped into every hole. Much to Diamond's shock, her mom looked like she was trying not to enjoy it. Knowing that if news of this would get out, her family's reputation would be destroyed, and spurred by her mother's teachings, she jumped to try and free her mom. In that instant, Scootaloo flicked the switch causing Diamond to fall to the ground twitching as her body was assaulted with waves of pleasure. Sighing, Scootaloo shook her head and pressed a button on the device. "I told you to be good." She sighed. "If I'm reading this right… each time either of you cum… the vibrations on the other one's device will escalate for a few moments before returning to a lower level. Good luck." With that Scootaloo and Silverspoon left them to their punishment. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle calmly went out to talk to Windy Whistles about what she thought about Swift. They didn't really know what she would say. But hoped she would hope she would be happy to hear her daughter found a good stallion. However, she said something they didn't expect. Not that they weren't happy. But they became a bit confused. "Swift is a great cap… I mean stallion." She praised. "I wouldn't be surprised if they have kids soon." She clapped her hooves at the thought. "I can just picture them now. Such handsome and skilled fouls." The two friends looked at each other before smiling at her. "We're happy for them too." Sweetie agreed. "I'm surprised more mares aren't interested in him." Bloom added. "I wouldn't say that." Windy giggled with a wink. The two giggled as they realized what she meant. They winked back before joining her as they left. One thing the three agreed on was a single thought. "What if?" Rarity sat back and smiled as Rainbow looked over each of the outfits. "Well? Pick your favorite dear. And if you want. I can make the others for your bride's maids if you want." Rainbow thought for a moment before turning to Rarity. "I was actually considering on having Scootaloo as my bride's maid… or at least my right hoof mare." Rarity thought for a moment before nodding. "I understand… and come to think about it. I can see her in a matching dress. Maybe a combination of yours and the other dress that you pick?" "That would be perfect!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly. Looking the other outfits over she quickly started moving the mannequins around for a few moments before stopping with a smile. "Perfect!" The two announced in unison. "Now to get you fitted and for me to start on Scootaloo's outfit." Rarity proclaimed before levitating the dress Rainbow picked before the two got to work. > Mine me that gold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat back eating a few of the fritters that Applejack had made as Knuckles and Applejack spent some time in the barn. Honestly, Swift didn't remember what had brought on their little… "trip" to the barn. But from how much time had passed. He was sure he knew what they were doing. Sitting back he thought about how best to make their relationship official. Or if he should allow it… then again… Looking to the door of the barn, Swift saw Big Mac spying on them. A thought came to his mind. "What if… he was a she?" At that thought, his eye tingled. It was as if the idea had some possibilities. Perhaps there was some way to change the gender of some of the ponies in town. Getting up he called over to Big Mac, causing him to quickly turn around and quickly come to see what he needed. "I was about to head back to town. And was hoping you'd let them know." "Eeyup." Swift nodded and started to head to town before stopping as if something occurred to him. "Before I go. I just remembered some old magic that'll make one desirable to the one they want." Looking back with a knowing smile he added. "Just something to think about. Not like a big guy like you would need such a thing." With that he left the stallion to his thoughts. Fluttershy sat with her parents as they talked about how she was doing and where she might think her brother might be. "Oh my… I don't know. I haven't seen Zephyr for a while now. Which is odd." Fluttershy admitted. "Last time I saw him… he." Just then an image of the dark shadow flashed through her mind. Gulping she quickly looked away, hiding her blush behind her mane. "Oh my…" "What is it dear?" Her dad asked. "Well… not too long ago I was saved by a stranger with a glowing eye." She explained. "That's sweet of them." Her dad cut in. "I thought so too… but he… hurt that pony… I don't know why… but I wonder…" She added before trailing off. "I'm sure your brother wouldn't hurt anypony." Her mother comforted. "Zeph isn't that kind of pony." Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. It was true that he had never openly tried something like that before. However, she couldn't shake the feeling the stranger had saved her again. "We heard there was a new pony in town." Her mom mentioned trying to change the subject. "Oh. Swift?" Fluttershy replied, instantly perking up. "He's a very nice pony. He's helped several ponies in town. And even saved some from slavery." Hearing that, her parents gasped in shock. "Is something wrong?" "Not at all." Her dad replied. "It's just nice to hear about how it started." "How what started?" "The princesses have been shutting places down and arresting ponies for slave trafficking." Her mom replied. "Swift truly is a wonderful pony." "I hear he took over the shelter. And even adopted one or two of the kids." Her dad added. Fluttershy looked at her tea cup and sighed. "Yeah… he's amazing…" Her mom looked at her and smiled. "Maybe we should take a look around town. Give you some time alone to take care of your animals." Before Fluttershy was able to reply, her mom pushed her dad out the door. A solar guard sat in the bar and downed a glass before waving down a waitress. "Not to be rude, but… Know any place a guy can get his dick sucked?" She smiled and led him into the back. "The male is cheaper." She explained. "But if you want a female. I'm sure we can work something out." "A stallion? Why the heck would…" "Punishment mostly." She cut in. "We also have some of the former orphanage workers. If you want to let off some extra steam." "Sold. Show me where the bitch is." She nodded and brought him down some stairs. "This area is charged by the hour. Toys are extra." He dropped a bag of bits on the table marked "payments" before entering and removing his armor. "Let my team know where I am if any ask." He instructed before grabbing one of the "toys" and going to work. The group of ponies arrived at the edge of town where a group of royal guards were standing there keeping watch. Two bat ponies made their way over to stop the group. "Hold! What do you want?" The guard demanded. "We came to see the king." One of the travelers replied. "We have brought gifts." "King?" The guard repeated in surprise. "What are you talking about? There aren't any kings in Equestria." The group snickered as an elderly stallion came over. "He has yet to announce himself, child." He sighed. "But I'm sure you'd also like to check on the gifts we brought." The guards nodded before noticing the ship that was being towed. After glancing at each other, they flew onto the ship where they found a glowing jem. As soon as their eyes locked onto it their jaws dropped for a few moments before they removed their armor. The group prepared a celebration for the long awaited day that their king would soon return. > Secret of the Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift arrived home and smiled at seeing Scootaloo and Silverspoon waiting with smiles on their faces. "Welcome home sir," Silverspoon said with a bow as Scootaloo rushed over hugging his leg. "Do you think we can play?" Scootaloo asked playfully. Swift sighed and patted her head. "Maybe later sweetheart. Daddy has to get ready for his big day." Scootaloo giggled at his choice of words as a knock came from the door. Turning, they saw Twilight with a bag. "I hope I'm not interrupting." "Not at all. I take it Rainbow's parents are taking a look around town?" Swift asked. "That and the girls are getting the last of the preparations together.' Twilight replied. "I brought over your vest… i… I hope you like it." Swift smiled and motioned for her to come in. "Why not come in? You can do the fitting. Meanwhile, Scootaloo and Silverspoon can go do some shopping." Fluttershy sat alone in her home thinking over what her parents had revealed about her feelings for Swift. "Oh… my…" She whimpered moments before there was a flash of light as Discord appeared in his normal flamboyant arrival. "Guess who's ready for tea!!!" He announced before noticing her distant look. "Something tells me we need to talk. And I'm not going to like it." Fluttershy took a deep breath before smiling at him. "It's ok Discord…" She reassured. "I… just have a bit. I have a few things I need to think about." Sighing, she pulled out her tea set she used when Discord came over. "I can use a distraction." "Normally I'd be flattered to be the first one someone thinks of for a distraction. But…" He replied as he stopped her from pouring the tea. "If there's one thing you girls taught me. Is, in times like this. A distraction is the last thing you need. Now tell me." Fluttershy set down the pot and sighed. "I… I think I'm in love…" Discord blinked as his head worked on piecing together what she said. After a moment, he blinked and sat and took his teacup. "I see… and who is this lucky stallion? I'd love to know and get to know him better myself." "Oh… well…" Fluttershy sighed before starting to tell him about the mysterious pony and Swift. Rarity sat back at the spa with Rainbow while the pegasus was relaxing while getting a massage. "I do hope that nice colt is able to deliver the message. He did seem to blush when I told him who I needed." "I'm sure it'll be fine." Rainbow moaned softly before looking back at the worker. "Don't forget between my wings" She instructed as the worker nodded and went to work. Turning back to Rarity, she smiled. "I bet, if he has a crush on her. He's going to flip when he sees how awesome she'll look in the dress." Rarity nodded and smiled at her. "True. And I have to admit. I never thought you'd be interested in having the works." "It's a one time deal. Besides, it's my big day. I want to look my best." She laughed before glancing back with a smirk. "Which is a high bar." "Knowing your standards. I would say so." Rarity agreed. "But I wonder… Why are you so against looking cute?" Rainbow looked away for a moment as the worker read the room and excused herself before leaving the room with a random excuse. After a moment Rainbow sighed. "I had a bad experience in flight school." Rubbing her foreleg, she shivered. "I… I just…" "Did somepony…?" Rainbow shook her head. "It was the first time I dressed up. A pony I liked… mocked me." She glanced at her wings then her tail and sighed. "He said I wasn't… enough. The only ones that were interested in me while I was dressed up…" Rarity gasped and covered her mouth with her hoof in shock. "Oh… honey." Rainbow shook her head. "I never let it get that far." She continued. "But it still hurt." "Did your parents?..." Rainbow shook her head. "As always. They celebrated it like they do everything else. I decided to leave home and set such a high bar that I thought no one would reach it." Rarity thought for a moment before getting up and going over to pamper Rainbow in place of the worker. "Hopefully now that somepony has met your standards. You can loosen up and maybe enjoy being girly a bit more?" Rainbow thought for a moment. "No promises." She paused for a moment before smiling. "But I'll consider giving it a try." > Wedding day jitters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat back in his chair as a well stuffed Twilight exited the bathroom. He looked her over and smiled at the nearly invisible bulge in her stomach. "Hope you saved room for the food at the wedding." He laughed. Twilight blinked and smiled with a soft blush. "Oh… right… I just hope Applejack didn't go overboard." "From what I saw at her barn. She did." He replied. "And now seeing that my vest is ready for the wedding. You have time to work off the food before eating more." Twilight thought for a moment before nodding and making her way to the door. "Just don't be late. This is for you two." She called before leaving. Swift sat back and licked his lips as he wondered how many of the girls he'll bed before… his eye tingled for a moment before the door swung open revealing Big Mac. "So… have you made up your mind on what you want?" "I… I…" the large stallion stammered before shutting the door. "Y'all sure ya can… help me get what my sister got?" Swift rubbed his chin. Smiling, he got up and calmly made his way over to the stallion. "You want to be with Knuckles?" "Eeyup." "Then close your eyes and leave everything to me." Swift instructed with a knowing smile. Discord appeared in his house and paced back and forth as he muttered to himself about what Fluttershy told him. Normally he'd be willing to move all Equestria to protect her and keep her happy. But the one thing he hoped would never happen has. "She's in love with another pony." He grumbled to himself. "One who's already engaged too boot." Discord added as he stirred his tea. "And this mystery stallion she keeps seeing." Discord huffed. "I know. Can't he save somepony else? Why does he have to focus on Fluttershy?" Discord sighed. "I don't know. But the readers are probably going to get confused or tired of me constantly talking to myself." Discord sighed. Discord shrugged and sipped his tea. "Well. We should figure something out soon so this can end." "What if we found out who this mystery pony is?" Discord mused. "Then go from there." "Brilliant!" Discord announced. "Let's get ready for tonight." Rainbow sat on a cloud with her flight team as she went over her vows. Letting out a groan, she flopped onto the cloud. "You know… I think that one was actually nice." Thunderlane said with an attempted encouraging smile. Rainbow glared up at him as Spitfire rolled her eyes. "Look crash. If you really love him. Then you shouldn't need to practice this." "I do. I need to make sure it's perfect." Rainbow countered. "This is going to be the last thing I say as a single mare. I want to make sure I get the words right." "Even if it makes you late for the wedding?" Fleetfoot teased. Rainbow rolled her eyes with a smile. "I have time for a few more rewrites. Besides, I can easily get there with time to spare. Even with Rarity fussing over my makeup and dress." With a sigh, her team gave each other a knowing smirk before one flew off and the others turned to try and help Rainbow come up with the perfect lines. As preparations were underway, news traveled quickly about the upcoming wedding of the element of loyalty and a prince. It wasn't long before friends across Equestria heard about it and began their trip to Ponyville. At a dock near the ocean, a pirate crew was loading some food as a buff pidgin walked over to his captain. "Looks like our friend found a patch eyed prince." He laughed. The captain smiled and waved for her crew to get together. She took the note from her crew mate. "Looks like we're going to a pirate wedding crew!" Just then they froze as the sound of a hammer being pulled back clicked. "A pirate wedding you say? How interesting." A sultry voice said with venomous intent. "While we ride there… Why don't you tell me about this Ponyville?" The captain and her crew gulped at seeing the creatures being led by a mare as they held guns and swords over the mare's shoulder at them. Luna paced back and forth in her room as she muttered about several things. Mostly involving the upcoming wedding. The guards on duty glanced at each other and rolled their eyes. It wasn't the first time they say one of the princesses freak out like this. But something about seeing Luna act like a teenager going to her first dance was kinda… cute. As one of the workers passed by, Luna caught him in her magic and turned him to face her. "Is my dress ready? What about the gift? What's the news from Ponyville? Is Swift ok?" "Relax princess." The worker sighed. "Your dress will be ready for the wedding. The gift you requested is being wrapped as we speak. The shadow guards informed us the town is excited about the wedding. And your… son is fine. In fact, he's getting along very well with the townsfolk." Luna sighed with a smile as she flopped on the ground as her body gave out as she relaxed. "Good… I'm just… going to rest here for a while…" > Ladies' big day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift calmly made his way through the forest, making his way to where the wedding was going to take place. One interesting thing he noticed was how the creatures seemed to recognize their superior. Smirking, he looked around before noticing a striped flank that was sticking out of a bush. Licking his lip Swift looked back down the path as he quickly thought about how best to handle the situation. Taking a deep breath, he looked back to her and asked if she needed help. There was a moment of silence, she let out a muffled “no.” That sounded like she was either too embarrassed or nervous to expect his help. But after a few moments where she realized the voice coming from behind her was a male voice… she nervously asked if he would help. Thinking this wasn't a safe place to take advantage of the situation, he moved up next to her and wrapped a vine around her waist. “Relax your body.” He instructed before he prepared to pull. And with a hard yank, he got the mare free. As he looked her over, he noticed she was a zebra. And from the way she was talking, was either cursed or the riming was a family thing. Either way, he smiled as the word “favor” graced his ear. “If you want to thank me. Then how about some tea?” He asked as a plan formed in his head. He might not have long to spend with her. But he intended on planting the seeds that will grow and make her hooked on him like the others. Discord dug frantically through the closet of his home mumbling about how for a lord of chaos, how annoying it was that he couldn't find something as simple as a gift. “Do you mind?” He asks the… author? “Some of us have a wedding to prepare for.” With a snap of his fingers the… Thunderlane, and Spitfire landed outside Thunderlane's home where a young colt was sitting on the porch. “Hay little bro.” Thunderlane called as he approached him. “Thought I'd drop by and let you know. Your second favorite Wonderbolt is getting married.” “Spitfire?” He teased, causing said mare to cover her mouth with a wing to hide her snicker. “Fine. Your third favorite.” “Fleetfoot?” The colt asked with a smirk. “Fourth?” “Misty Fly?” The colt asked, causing Spitfire to fall over, unable to hold back her laughter. As Thunderlane let out a groan of defeat, the colt got up and put a hoof on his brother's shoulder. “Don't worry bro. I bet your wedding is going to be great.” “It's not my wedding.” Thunderlane whimpered as Spitfire held herself as she continued to laugh. After a moment of realization, his eyes widened. “Wait… that means…” Spitfire finally managed to stop laughing and got up before smiling. “Dash is the bride.” Rumble blinked in shock before rushing into the house and within minutes, came back out in a tuxedo and a few wrapped gifts on his back. Minits later, Thunderlane caught up with Rainbow who flew through town with her friends after deciding on her “speech” as they did some last minute preparation. One of the biggest things they needed to do was get Scootaloo and the other members of the CMC. Luckily when they stopped off at Swift's house, Scootaloo answered the door with her friends. "Hay squirt. Ready to see your hero get married?" Rainbow asked with a big smile. "To Swift? You bet." Scootaloo replied happily. "Are we going now?" "Not yet short stuff." Spitfire laughed. "We have to get you girls dressed up at Rarity's first." "I got the gifts covered." Thunderlane grunted. "And I think my little brother said he'd be there too." Scootaloo thought for a moment before looking off into the house. "Yeah… maybe… he can come over later?" "Sure thing." Thunderlane laughed. "But the three of you should hurry. Don't want to be late. Right?" A unified, "RIGHT!" Came from the girls before they rushed down the street.  Twilight sighed as she sat with her brother and sister in law watching a group of creatures sing as they worked on what looked like a bedroom set made of different materials. “Do either of you know what they're talking about?” Shining shrugged. “Something about breaking ice?” Cadence bit her lip and turned away with a sigh. “Something like that.” The three looked at each other curiously before looking back to the workers as Twilight wondered where they even came from and why they seemed so dedicated to their work. Several miles from Ponyville, Celaeno's ship flew toward the forest as the pirate mare stood on the bowsprit. Taking a deep breath she smiled down at the town as one of her crewmates came up to her. “Captain. I believe we've arrived at the location he may be staying.” Her smile faded and sighed before turning back to him. “Don't you think it's sad they don't have a proper place to park our ship?” He nodded in agreement as she hopped over him and calmly made her way to a barrel and using a mug, scooped out some rum to drink. “What do you think their punishment should be?” He looked down at the town for a moment before replying. “They seem to get most of their visitors by train. I doubt they expect many ships to come to such a place.” She stopped and thought about what he said as she whipped her lips before turning to him. “Then while they're out. Why don't you boys find the richest ponies house and gather some goods.” She thought for a moment. “Oh. And see if they have those snacks I like.” She instructed as a plan formed in her mind. After all, there was a wedding she had to get to. And possibly a sexy pirate to scoop off his hooves. > Let's all go to the wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift sat in one of the rooms connected to the main hall where the wedding will be held and hummed a song he remembered hearing when he was young. It was one that few knew by heart. And considered dedicating it to his new family. “I am the prince of thousands. Yet none I rule this land…” He sang softly, rehearsing for the moment he made the vow. Time passed and Rainbow smiled at seeing how quickly Pinkie had spread the news. Or at least that was her opinion with the number of guests that were going to her wedding. Normally she didn't like the idea of being girlish in public, but she was so excited that she could hardly contain herself and let out a restrained squeal as she pranced in place before quickly composing herself. “That's a rare sight.” Rarity teased, as they arrived at the bridge leading to the castle. “Normally you're more reserved.” “Do you blame me? I'm getting married. And I'm pretty sure I saw a couple Wonderbolts going to the castle.” Rainbow laughed. “Can this day get any cooler?” “Would a royal guest count?” A familiar voice asked from behind them. Turning around, the group saw two familiar faces approaching them. “Shining Armor? Princess Cadence?” Rarity gasped. “What are you doing here? What about the Crystal Empire?” Shining Armor laughed. “Don't worry. There's plenty of guards to look after it for a week visit to see family.” “Not to mention we couldn't pass up seeing one of our friends getting married.” Cadence giggled, looking over the girls she smiled at Rainbow Dash. “You look amazing.” Lighting her horn she casted a spell on Rainbow's jewel. “Consider this my gift for your wedding. You'll see when you conclude your vows.” She teased before leading the way to the wedding. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom giggled as they whispered about how exciting this was and how several mares would be whispering their own vows promising themselves to him. Sweetie nodded in agreement as they glanced at Cadence. Sighing, Applebloom muttered how unlucky the princess was that she ended up with a stallion like Twilight's brother. “I heard from one of the guards that Shining failed as a stallion. Something about too many smacks for improper atyer… or something like that.” Scootaloo shrugged. Hearing this, Rainbow choked back a snicker as she stelfly moved up to Shining's side. “I heard your joules got crushed.” She teased in his ear. Seeing his ear twitching, she smiled and continued. “What are you going to do when your mom and dad start asking about grandchildren?” Shining gulped as he visibly started to think of possible answers. “I… maybe…” “See if your wife would be interested in one of your guards? Or even beg one of your sister's friends about a good stallion?” Rainbow guessed. Unbeknownst to the party goers who were preparing for the wedding, two pegasi were watching from the bushes. “Looks like the rumors were true.” The mare sighed. “Do you see her?” “Yes.” The stallion replied softly. “And judging from what she's wearing, she's getting married.” The mare huffed. “We have to do something about this.” Princess Luna giggled as she held a box in her magic. She thought her son and future daughter-in-law would love her gift. She figured that if Rainbow was to become a mother, she would be able to spoil her grandchild. Pausing, she thought for a moment about the possibility of Rainbow having several children. She huffed at the thought about what she should do. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she decided to put that matter to the side for now. After all, there was a matter of the royal gift. A cunning grin crossed her face. Perhaps the royal laws would come in handy on guaranteeing things would work as she hoped.